Prick Stomping indian porn

2 years ago
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The Stomping

The Stompingby Denuded Man-berriesI was still trying to find a way out of the building. It didn’t even seem like I was above ground because I hadn’t found and rooms with windows yet and most of the doors were locked.I was very nervous because I had already found a room where someone was stripped and shackled to a bench with their balls stretched up for whipping. It seemed like a class where one woman was teaching the other how to whip the man’s nuts. I was frozen as in a trance watching what...

3 years ago
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Pricking Out Outdoor Fun

We are in the garden. You are dressed in old baggy trousers and a shirt, your hair is tied up, you look so beautiful. We are on all fours on opposite sides of a flower bed, as we chat we are weeding and tidying the soil, I steal occasional glances of your gorgeous cleavage down the front of your shirt. We continue and then you catch me peeping. You kneel upright put the back of your hand to your forehead to indicate you are hot, you shake your shirt to generate some breeze and undo another...

3 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 11

Zack wasn't wrong. When they pulled up to Bob's house in Circleton in Zack's 1995 Blazer, there was a satellite van parked on the street with people milling around outside of it. The side of the van was emblazoned with "KZWT ACTION NEWS - FIRST ON THE SCENE" There was a huge numeral "7" between the phrases. It looked a little like a used car lot with two cars in the driveway and another on the street in front of the van. A man was standing at the closed front door shouting something...

3 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 17

During the rest of the shopping trip June didn't say anything more about Becca. She did ask a lot of questions about Denny, thinking she was prying subtly. It didn't occur to her that she was talking to a trained interrogator, and that he could see right through her. He started returning the favor, asking her personal questions. It was when he found out she had more children than Gidget and asked who their fathers were that she told him he was being nosey and settled into an uncomfortable...

4 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 28

Gidget turned to Bob. “Well, that went a lot better than I would ever have hoped it would, if I’d have thought that might happen.” “You were right that she had suspicions,” said Bob. “You seem to have very good instincts. It was nice of you to agree not to make love with me tonight.” Gidget came and embraced him, shoving her mons against the front of his pants. “Who said we weren’t going to make love?” she said, her voice low. She rubbed her breasts against his chest. “You did. I just...

2 years ago
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Prickoless On Prickoless

I am Prickoless. I wonder, can you remember my real name without looking back? No? Well, my name is Barry.I know that most of you despise me. You keep reading because you want to see how far I will be humiliated before I snap.  I know that some of you reading this transfer the ire you feel for your own husbands and heap it onto my shoulders.You guys out there (I know there are some, perhaps the enlightened ones who have read the story so far), don’t be complacent. You may find yourself either...

4 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 29

Bob stayed for another half hour as his daughters talked about how they thought things went. It was fairly easy to agree that, since no one had run screaming from the house, things might not blow up completely. It would just take time to find out if the news had changed relationships to the point that they would suffer or die. Bob wasn't sure how he would be received at Gidget's, though she had made it plain she expected him to stay there, at least that night. When he got there she was...

2 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 5

Thankfully, by the time Betty had decided that there might still be some clothes left in a box that her son had left behind, and that they might fit Bob, and June had found a blouse and a pair of jeans that fit her, and Bob had managed to drink two more cups of coffee, his penis was behaving itself again. With a stern warning directed at June not to “do something stupid” Betty marched out the door, presumably to go get the clothes she hoped would fit her father. She left Fran there saying,...

3 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 6

It was a fascinating afternoon. That might seem obvious to many, but it was also fascinating in ways it would e hard for many to understand. Bob was mildly interested in seeing what changes had come to the world while he slept, but the memories of what had happened kept rising, and becoming more clear as he talked to the six women who had been so much a part of his affliction ... if that was the right word. He felt like he knew them better than should be possible. All of them had talked to...

2 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 7

There was, after Val said Rip Van Winkle's name, one of those moments authors call a "pregnant moment", where everybody knows something of great import has just happened, or is about to happen, and that lives will be changed as a result. That pregnant moment gave birth rather more quickly than anything living that gets pregnant. But, like most births, this one was loud and full of angst, if not a little fear and pain. The three girls found themselves somehow transported to the couch,...

2 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 15

The symphony was wonderful, as was the late evening dinner they had at a little Italian restaurant Zack knew about. It was past eleven when they finally got back to Zack's car. Val leaned back in her seat and sighed. "I ate too much. I'm just stuffed. I bet I look fat." Zack glanced at her lithe form in the clinging dress. "You're fishing for a compliment." he said. Her smile was only white teeth reflected in the light from the street light. "You caught me mister detective. I...

4 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 16

The next day, when Betty dropped Bob off at Gus' office, they took Sally along. She and Betty were going to go what they called "quilting" while Gus and Bob did their thing. After the women left, Bob got in Gus' car, a ten year old Buick. It was about three different colors, but ran well. Amalgamated had a parking garage in the basement of the headquarters building and the attendant was recalcitrant initially. Gus had foreseen this possibility and handed the attendant a piece of paper...

2 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 21

By the time they curled up like puppies together, it was five in the morning. As a result they slept late, or would have except the phone rang, waking Bob and Val up. Becca rolled away from Bob as he got up, but didn't wake up. It was Sunny letting him know where everyone was and wanting to know if everything was all right, and why her daughter hadn't called her the night before. "We got in pretty late," said Bob, "and we were all so tired we pretty much just went right to...

4 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 24

Gidget sat in front of the mirror and stared at her reflection. This was crazy. She was crazy to have agreed to it. Going on a date with your own grandfather! Whoever heard of something like that? The excitement of doing something crazy and shaking up her boring life was gone. She was putting on makeup to go out with her own grandfather. It was insane. But at the same time it was intriguing. Her fingers did what they did by rote, having done it thousands of times before. A tiny part of her...

4 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleEpilogue

Denny married Becca before the house was finished, but they brought the baby home to the new family compound. There was still interior work being finished up, but that wasn't much to cope with. Denny elected to cut short his police career in favor of joining the family business. Brian and Polly Spruell also moved into the family compound with their new daughter. Brian also elected to quit police work, with the exception that he was an auxiliary deputy in El Dorado County. He was called on...

3 years ago
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Pricking Massage

I have read several great stories over the years and this inspired me of sharing an encounter that happened with me a few months ago. The incidence is completely true other than the names which I have changed to conceal the identity. My name is Rahul -30 years old I am 5’6’’ tall and have a slim body and I am based out of Mumbai. I met Neha at a common friends place at my home town about 12-14 years ago. We became very good friends and applied to various Universities after passing out of...

3 years ago
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No - it’s not a little ole high school teenager—LOL It’s me ---well it was this morning anyway. I went out early this morning and did my quite normal hiking of the conservation trails that we have here – Totally Naked – well not quite. I did have socks and a pair of hiking boots and a very light back pack that carries my water and other miscellaneous supplies. Things like a very light hiking shirt, a pair of black ladies “boy shorts”, K-Y Warming Gel and my cell phone. All the essentials one...

2 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 4

"Shit!" yelled Betty. Her father appeared to have fainted ... or gone back to sleep. "Grandma!" squealed Fran, wriggling to try to get away from her great grandfather's head, and pressing up against the end of the couch. Things just weren't meeting her expectations at all, here. She had believed that, when Great Grandfather Bob woke up, he'd remember everything, and know who he was, and what had happened. Her fantasy hadn't included, however, him remembering what she'd done to him...

4 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 8

The next morning Bob announced that Becca was going to give him a driving lesson. "Do you really think that's wise?" asked June, still happy and sated from their early morning repeat of the night before. She almost wished that she were younger and not on the pill. Her father was an ardent and enthusiastic partner in bed. "You know Martha talked to me after she drove with you." "I did just fine." said Bob waving a hand. "The car just has a lot more power than I'm used to." he said...

2 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 9

The following Tuesday, Bob enlisted the aid of Val to drive him to Sacramento, some sixty miles west of Circleton. He wanted to do something about the insurance payments before anyone could accuse him of hanky panky. He and Val talked about many things on that drive, but in the interests of brevity (hah!) we'll skip most of those. Suffice it to say that Val was excited, not only because it gave her time with what was now her favorite man, but because she'd get to go to a real boutique to...

3 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 10

The next morning, as it happened, two new police guards were on duty outside Bob's door. Brian Spruell was a rookie, and thoroughly unhappy that he had been given this duty. Denny Smith was a Corporal and had a thing for nurses, so he wasn't quite so dour about it. It was quiet, and boring, but then police work seemed to be broken into two parts: 98% quiet and boring, and 2% "excitement", where somebody was likely to be killed. A lot of guys joined the force for the 2%, thinking it would...

4 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 12

When he woke June, she was true to her word. "Where's Becca?" she asked, yawning and stretching. "She's taking a shower," said Bob pulling the sheet off of her. She was naked under the sheet. "Good, we have time for you to wake me up right." she said, reaching for him and spreading her legs. "What in the world did my wife think she was doing?" said Bob, shaking his head. "She turned you into sex machines." "You turned us into sex machines, Daddy." she corrected. We all...

2 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 14

Forty-five minutes after they left Gus and Margie, Betty dropped Bob off at the entrance to the hospital and said she'd be in after she parked. He walked up to the doors, looking for a handle, when the door suddenly moved by itself, sliding aside for him. He looked at it curiously and it started to close while he was still in the doorway. He jumped inside and stared as the door opened again. Shaking his head he went to the information desk, where he explained that the doctor who had treated...

4 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 18

The next morning June took Bob to see Doctor Adams. This time Bob knew where he was going and nobody noticed them in the building at all. Dr. Adams had already had some tests run on Bob's blood, and on this day he had a long list of various scans and other tests that they went through. Adams accompanied June and Bob to lunch, asking detailed questions about everything Bob could remember about the day he had gone to sleep. When they got back to the hospital Adams did a DNA test on Bob. Some...

3 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 19

When he got back to Betty's there was a note on the refrigerator saying she had gone over to Martha's to borrow something and would "be back soon." He thought back to a place they had driven by on the way home. It wasn't too far. He'd just walk up there and see what he could do about having his own car. He left Betty a note saying he'd gone on his own errand and might have a surprise for her when he got back. The place he'd seen was the car lot in Circleton owned by "Rascal Rick",...

2 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 22

As time went on and Bob was slowly forgotten by the world again, the need for him to stay at the cabin waned. Still, it had been such a peaceful place that he had Sally make inquiries about buying either a cabin or a lot for the family to build one on to use as a get-away place. One of the original cabins, larger than most, had fallen into disrepair over the years as the owner aged and spent less and less time there. Bob was able to purchase it and had contractors go through it, updating the...

4 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 25

Two hours later they finally got out of bed. The whole time after he "got her pregnant" as she later described it to him, they talked. She told him more about what she had thought of and remembered while they were making love. It was a cathartic kind of confession for her because they lay there naked and cuddling, but no sex was going on. She included that as something new and wonderful, a gift he had given her. She told him about how she had been sure at that instant that he was...

2 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 27

Sunny thought she was being slick and clever. She casually mentioned to Val that, since Bob was going to be staying at Gidget's for a day or two, and since they were "practicing dating" it was too bad that Becca would be in the way, or ignored by the adults. Val did exactly as Sunny thought she would, and invited her cousin to come over to spend the night. Sunny had been thinking more and more since the night before about how Gidget was acting. She remembered a day or two ago when, at...

3 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 30

Polly walked into the Wagon Wheel restaurant at six sharp and she immediately saw Brian sitting in a booth. There was a vase of flowers - red roses - sitting on the table in front of him. He had the menu open and was looking it over. She felt the rush in her belly that she always felt when she saw him now. She walked over and slid into the booth opposite him. She reached for the flowers and smelled them. People were staring at them. If you looked up "Greasy Spoon" in the dictionary, there...

3 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 31

That night Gidget got a call from her mother, who playfully accused her of hogging Bob. "I know why you want him at your house." grumped Gidget. "He hasn't even been here a whole week." In the end, she agreed to send Bob to June's house the next day. That night she was especially ardent in her lovemaking with Bob. She thought it was because she would have to do without him for a while. That wasn't the real reason she felt the way she did, though. It had been too many years for her to...

4 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 32

It was complicated crying that Polly and Becca shared. The emotions that raced through them in little bits and pieces, from different directions, were a little like being in a bumper car at the fair. You got hit from a lot of different directions at the same time. It was partly release of the stress of keeping something secret, part acceptance from each other, part fear of the future and there was a little bit of happiness thrown in too. Neither woman was actually unhappy about the fact that...

2 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 33

Bob left Martha's bed, trying not to wake her up. For whatever reason he had been able to go for a long time with her the night before, and their lovemaking had lasted long past her normal bedtime. He loved looking at all his daughters as they lay naked in bed. He wondered if that was how they had felt as they watched him lying naked in bed all those years. He hoped so. It was a good feeling, and the trouble they'd gone to, to care for him all those years needed to be repaid somehow. He...

4 years ago
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Mile High Minx

Are you ever going through such a horny spell that you find all thoughts of the day lead back to sex?When you’ve had a good hard pounding the night before, you’re walking along, feeling the dull ache right up inside from having been filled by huge cock!When you’ve had a few hard pelted smacks across the ass while being fucked from behind. You feel it as you step one high heel, followed by the second into the driving seat the next morning, lowering your tender cheeks down into its seating...

2 years ago
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Louise IIChapter 5 Subservience

Louise Leaning with my cuffed hands on the kitchen counter, angry and humiliated, I tried to stifle my tears while he went with mother, no doubt cooking up another plan that would hurt me. Swearing and cursing to myself I thought about getting my revenge on them all and whether I had made the wrong choice after all but I knew there was no going back now. For the time being at least, I suspected that for my own safety I'd better just do what he said without cooperating with him. I stood...

2 years ago
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PurgatoryX Aidra Fox Emily Willis The Last Straw Episode 3

The following evening, both Emily (Emily Willis) and Donnie (Donnie Rock) are tending bar when Aidra (Aidra Fox) shows up just before closing. Her timing is perfect since the bar closes early Sunday nights and they now have the place all to themselves. Donnie, Emily and Aidra all want the same thing… the carnal fun of the previous two nights to continue. The two eager beavers are soon taking turns gagging on Donnie’s cock. The salacious threesome spends the rest of the night sucking and fucking...

4 years ago
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My Wild Girlfriend s Roommate is Asleep

(This is just a quicky one-shot) I dated this one girl in college who was really crazy and wild. Now I mean a truly crazy bitch. Sometimes she was ultra sexy and horny, and other time a frigid bitch who wouldn't give me the time of day. On our last date she was in ultra-horny mode. She was kissing and rubbing herself all over me. I wanted to take her back to my place, but she demanded hers since was much closer. I thought we were going to die in a car wreck as she was already...

4 years ago
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Happy teen campers finale

The car journey back to the campsite was uneventful and as we crested a hill we were greeted with blue skies on the horizon. Fucking typical I remarked as it was our final day and we would be heading home tomorrow. Ah well Simon replied. Tell you what mate it would be far better to take down the tent later on, dry it out rather than risking the weather in the morning and stay in their tent for the night . I'll give you a hand to dry it and pack it away Simon said. Jo let out a giggle and...

4 years ago
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What s Spanish

A few months ago a new massage place opened up in North Brisbane, and their advertisement offered something called Spanish-style massage. I've heard of Swedish massage, Tantric, Lomi Lomi and a few others, but I was intrigued by this. The price was $100 for an hour, which is expensive. I had to know more. I called them. "What's 'Spanish' massage? I asked. The receptionist replied that it involved body to body massage with minimal use of hands. I pushed for more info, but she was reluctant...

3 years ago
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Create your Dream Boat

Create your very own Dream Boat!! Want them to be as young as yourself or older than you? No problem! Want them to be something _s t r a i g h t from your dirty fantasies? I got you!_ And maybe even start your own little family? Note* This is for the gayest of the gays, the sluttiest of the sluts! PLEASE SELECT YOUR ANSWER! DO YOU WANT YOUR CUSTOM DREAM BOAT??

4 years ago
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Shoe Salesman Chapter 2

It had been a couple of weeks since the sexy shoe sale and Jim was getting horny thinking about sex with that older woman. He was at the store when she came in and sat down. “Jim I need some shoes. I want you to pick out the sexiest pair you can.” “Oh, okay. How about some really high heels?” “Sure if you think they are sexy.” He went in back and got out a pair of 5” black stilettos with ankle straps. The sort of shoe you call “fuck me”shoes. “Here lets see how they fit.” He took...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 34

With the sun setting late, it was hard to get Tiffany and Henry to bed on something approaching the right time, but they had to be gotten up early so Kirsten could run them out to the day care at the club and still make it to work on time. The next day was a Saturday, but there was no point in letting them get too far off schedule, but it took some doing to get them put down for the night that was still some time to come. It was still light, though the sun was dipping toward the horizon, and...

4 years ago
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Snow day 2

As I was getting my snow suit pulled down by George, I got a break from sucking and giving hand jobs so I could stand up. As I looked around there were 2 guys with bill one on the couch two with me and George. George pulled my snow pants down and showed my thong. My top and corset were already out there. The guy on the couch looks at me and yells to bill, oh you were right she is a hot little slut and waves for me to come over to the couch. I step out of the pants and wiggle over to the couch...

2 years ago
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EroticaX Ana Foxxx Chanell Heart The Perfect Threesome

Ana has tried threesomes before, but has always felt left out, the third wheel. So when her boyfriend suggested they try something adventurous with their sex life, she said she would love to, but she had to be a serious part of it from the very beginning. He said he had to problem with that. And, she had the perfect third person in mind–her best friend from high school whom she’d kind of had a thing for anyway, but never expressed her desire to dig her salivating tongue into some...

4 years ago
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What Dreams May Come

He gets up and as he is now walking away from me, his ass looks HOT... he goes into a bedroom doorway and turns around to glance back at me, with a very strong, what are you waiting for look... I get up and as I enter the room, he closes the door behind me. The moonlight and street lights outside are enough light to see how bad I really wanna kiss all over his chest that I can now see up close! Without realizing anything, my mouth was already sucking on his nipple and I hear him moan. My...

4 years ago
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Mommy Shows Heaven 8211 Part II

Hi ISS readers. I’m back with the next part of my story ‘mommy shows heaven’. I hope you liked narration of this true incidence I witnessed. A lot of nasty thing happened later which I will tell you over a period of time. I will start from where I had stopped. I was watching steamy action between my mom and my best friend, Ajay from the store room vent. They had finished a session of lovemaking. From that, I came to know that my mom is very kinky & Ajay just had to do a little to make her to...

3 years ago
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Revenge Is Ooooh So Sweet

Over years Katie and I had made so very major updates to the fixer-upper house that we had bought. We had updated the inside, new roof, and new siding on the outside and lastly, we had added a deck, this was the one part that we enjoyed more than any other part of the house. In the summer we lived on the deck, whether it was cookouts or just sitting and watching the kids play in the yard. When I came home from work one evening early in the spring, Katie asked, "Would it be possible to put a...

4 years ago
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Swinger couple

Met a nice couple in a generic online forum, he said they were interested in finding a nice guy for a fantasy fulfillment, which piqued my interest. We chatted a bit more and exchanged pics and he dropped the bomb on me....his hot girlfriend wanted to try dvp, which is double vaginal penetration. It only took a moment for me to figure out that would require my cock to touch his...uggh. That seemed like a pretty advanced precedure for a newbie like me. He must have sensed my hesitancy and said...

4 years ago
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First Cuck experience

First Cuck Experience: I had just met the girl about a year previously and the sex was amazing. She lived in Oxford at the time in a shared house.Most weekends I went to see her and the sex between was quite adventurous and noisy. Her house mates thought we were on d**gs as we were at it night and day and everyone in the house could hear us and we didn’t care!We explored each other’s boundaries which seemed few, this involved sex in and outdoors including in the grounds of Blenheim palace (...

3 years ago
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Anatomy of an InvasionChapter 5 Doctor Kelly

Stefan's meeting with Eve was after lunch. He was still a little worried about Gabby. She'd started replying to her emails over the last few days, but Stefan was disconcerted by their tone. They seemed overly cheery, especially for Gabby, and Stefan didn't know what Eve could have her doing that required her to work so hard, and to stay at the hospital for so long. As far as he could tell, she hadn't been out of the hospital for a week. Eve was presenting to Stefan on his own, and, as...

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My continuing affair with my Step Mom part 1

At the end of my last story I mentioned that, for several years, we continued our escapades. The following is a recount of one of the times we shared. All of this is 100% factual, I have no reason to make this up.I was 18 years old, a recent high school graduate attending a local community college and dating my high school sweet heart (to whom I am now married to for 6 years.) I had moved out of my mom and step dads house to live with my dad and step mom. I did this for two reasons. First, I...

2 years ago
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Sex Diaries After School

Eighteen year old Sonia Kay admired herself in the mirror. She stood in front of the looking glass naked, her blonde hair still very damp and her skin slightly moist from her morning shower. Sonia placed her hands over her D-cup breasts and squeezed. She then ran her hands down her stomach, her fingers lightly touched her neatly trimmed pussy. She turned around and admired her tight teen ass.I look goooood, Sonia thought. She quickly grabbed her pink panties and slowly put them on. She watched...

2 years ago
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Enjoyed With My Ex Girlfriend

Hi all. I am a regular fan of ISS. I’m male 38 here from south tamilnadu. This is my first story and also a true story. All your comments are welcome and also ladies of any age who are not satisfied can mail me to I am venlatesh male of 38 years looks like typical tamil men of weatish colour little weight body and I don’t have 9 or 10″.. I have got normal of 7″ of full black colour. I don’t want to tell any lies.. Also I can’t stand for 20 or 30 minutes. Only normal time I can give. Now coming...

1 year ago
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Limo ride straight no more

I drive for a Limo company, Slow Ride Limo. I had this job to take a group of guys out for a night out on town in Boston. It was obvious they were gay, but I didn't care. A job is a job. Being straight, I was a little nervous. But they were nice guys, and were drinking heavily. They had me drive them to a house where I was to wait for about 6 hours before bringing them back (this after several bar hops). The guy in charge, Dave, gave me a drink. Invited me in, but I said no. After about 30...

3 years ago
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The Girl of his Dreams

It was Thursday night, and in just one more day Eric would see the custom video he'd ordered.. He'd been trying to distract himself with a movie, but realized he hadn't watched the last ten minutes. He closed his blinds and pulled up an old Remi video for the third time that night. Remi was a slender girl with long dark hair. She sat in a soft red armchair, wearing a tight black dress and colorful thigh-high socks. She ran her hands slowly up and down her legs. "Hello there. Are you getting...

4 years ago
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BetrayalChapter 7

Zoe's battered car turned up an hour later at Andy's house and Rhea climbed in. Her eyes were still red, but there was a calmness about her demeanour and steely resoluteness that frightened Zoe. They drove in silence to Zoe's house. "I'll be a minute," Rhea told her as Zoe unlocked the front door. Rhea walked into the lounge, leaving Zoe by the doorway, where her partner was sobbing on the couch. "Oh Rhea," he started and she interrupted him with an outstretched finger. "I don't...

3 years ago
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Death Penalty for a Ghost in ChinaChapter 12

十二 When I awoke to the next morning, a severed arm was floating in the air, running its long bony, frigid fingers through my hair. I sprung up and slapped wildly at its cold flesh, and it disappeared and vaporized into the damp chill of the room. I slapped myself in the face, told myself it was the dreams eating at me again, and I dressed, cleaned myself up, tried to focus on other things, like my lecture I’d deliver that afternoon. But it was tough to shake off those icy fingers in my...

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Handling Emil

(All characters presented are 18 or older, all participants have given enthusiastic consent, all sizes are completely ridiculous, all sex acts are over-the-top and fantastical.) Handling Emil By Veronica Divine The phone rang once. I groaned, stirring from dreams as deep as the blue eyes I had been dreaming about. The phone rang twice. I sat up and gave the phone two middle fingers. The phone rang again. “FUCK!” I shouted, lunging myself across the silk sheets to pick the damned...

2 years ago
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Woods of Ardor

Ruth knew of the woods, since she had lived most of her life near here, but she did not remember if she even had ever gone any deeper than to the very edge of the trees as a little girl. This was just a little forest, and not all that interesting despite the old stories. There were many other similar groves in the area, and there had been even more of them until they had started building more houses and roads here in the recent years. "Are you sure this is the place, gran?" Julie hollered...

3 years ago
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Women are as bad as men

First please pop along to my photos as I have just uploaded some from summer and some from last night. The reason I suggest you do, will give you an image as to what transpired that day. I have more photos of the man in question, and his actions. I sailed out to one of the many small islands in the Baltic and was left there to be picked-up later that evening. The small islands are a great retreat if you like to be alone as there are thousands to land on, sometimes you have one to yourself....

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Glory Hole

I've told you in the past the great times I've had a the local porn shop.Sucking and being sucked.Well yesterday I went there and started off watching the videos and playing with my cock. The guy in the booth next to me invited my cock. He was sucking me off and it was great. All of sudden he gave up, just when I was going to cum in his mouth. What a disapointment. He left and a new guy showed up. This time he must have looked at me jerking my cock and invited me to stick my cock through...

3 years ago
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More Than a Meet Ch 03

After having Dave's cum fill me for the second time that night, I cant remember but must have fallen asleep as I suddenly woke with a warm wet feeling on my cock. I looked down to see Dave sucking me, waking to this was amazing! I let out a little moan making Dave looked up to me as I told him not to stop, it feels so good.Dave continued to suck my hardening member, quickly growing inside his mouth until it was as hard as ever, Dave working it in his mouth to the base. once he had me rock hard,...

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My Teacher Came From A Different PLanet 0

One day after school Holidae wasn't going to do her homework right away she diecided to go on the internet and play on facebook. The next day was her graduation day before she went off to college. Holidae didn't know what kind of college she wanted to go to. More then ever she found a college that she liked but it was on a different planet billions of light years away. Her parents didn't go to her gradutation because they where to busy working on a project for a big labatory that they...

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Trains Aren t All That Bad

Trains Aren’t All That Bad… So yet again, it was time for me to get onto the train. I had been home for important reasons over the weekend but this time, I couldn’t get a lift back from my mum and dad. The train therefore was the next best thing. It’d take a little longer, be a little bumpier and I’d be sitting with complete strangers, facing the potential of anything happening. Bear in mind, if you will, that I had met someone that I would now consider a good friend on here earlier during the...

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Dungeons Path

Your first walk down these hall brings you to a small but not entirely cramped room, in front of you is a choice, two separating doors going both right and left, you assume that to progress through this dungeon and to find its eventual end that you would have to choose one of these starting points, of course there cannot be a guarantee that both of these even lead to the exit, no one has ever come out of the dungeon to tell of the end, so why do so many people believe it's there. deciding that...

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Chameleon Birth

Chameleon?s Birth ? by: Triss Morgan Author?s Note: This story is my second I have written to be posted in this genre. I believe I have improved since my first story, William?s Construct. Chameleon was a fun story to write although it is riddled with clich?s, many of which were purposefully done. Someone once said that life was one big clich?. There are times I believe that. This story was mostly meant for the reader?s enjoyment but I must warn the reader that there is a rape s...

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A Well Lived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 7 Setting the Course of My Life

June 1977 Friday ended up being a non-event. The more I thought about it, the more I was sure that there was no way on this earth I could say what happened between Birgit and me was a sin. Calling it a sin would debase it into a meaningless act. I could never do that. And the more I thought about Jennie McGrath, the more sure I was that I couldn’t call what she did for me a sin, either. If the church was right, I was going to hell. And frankly, there was no way that could be true. So I...

5 years ago
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Darla in Africa InsatiableChapter 14 Darla s Followup Exam

As Darla arrived, Michelle, Dr. Anderson's new student nurse and sex partner, gave a smiling signal to both Dr. Anderson and Dr. Chad, who was a visiting doctor from the Congo, as the young patient raced in the door and announced herself. Michelle, who was barely 18, pretended to barely notice Darla as she kept her head down and instructed Darla to fill out some medical forms, after which she walked toward the back to see the final preparations being made for Darla's examination. Michelle...

3 years ago
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 I don't know when it started. . . Maybe it was when we played "doctor" as kids. Maybe it was the little looks we gave each other in the early stages of puberty. Whatever it was it happened after months of conversations, so thick with subtext, we were surprised no one said anything to us, but mom and dad kept us from anything sexual so they never read to deep into anything we said. But before all that let me tell you a little about us. My sister Terra, is the nicest little thing on the planet....

2 years ago
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Weddings Are No Joke 2

It was a beautiful spring Saturday morning, the birds were out chirping in their sing-song voices and the hustle and bustle of the downtown area hadn't quite started yet. A young bride to be named Thea Lancaster was set to be married to her fiance, Kareem Franklin at the nearby church, The Catalyst later that afternoon. The two were out and about taking pre- wedding pictures with the help of Thea's twin brother, Talon, who they had "hired" to be their photographer. "Oooo what about...

2 years ago
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Charlie s Fallen Angel

It was the summer of '67 when it happened. I remember, because it was about six months after my seventeenth birthday. Momma and Daddy had died in a bad car accident, and I was left to run the small family farm by myself. My older brother Bobby, was off fighting the war at the time of the accident and with no one to help me, I was in real trouble. Fortunately our neighbor, Charlie Perkins, came to my rescue. Our small farm sat on the outskirts of the city of Nowata, Oklahoma. It wasn't much,...

First Time
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Birthday Girl Ch 06

Hey Guys, Apologies for the late submission, life has a knack of getting in the way sometimes. I’ve used some creative license for this one so kindly bear with me, all the facts may not be totally accurate. This is a work of fiction and no part of it may be copied or reproduced without the express permission of the author and a signed affidavit from the league of extraordinary gentlemen. Seriously though, don’t be a cunt. Please don’t forget to vote and comment, it’s the only way for me to...

2 years ago
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And Dresses for All

And Dresses for All... By Rosie "This one's from your mother-in-law," my mom says, handing me a neatly wrapped parcel. I kneel down to the Christmas tree and start unwrapping. Clothes, I think, as I feel the soft contents. Suddenly, I spot a flash of purple-toned floral print satin underneath the wrapped paper. As if struck by lightning, I stop. Panicking, I look at my wife. "You told her?" I whisper to her. Janice shrugs dismissingly, as if she had done nothing at all, but...

4 years ago
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Double TearsChapter 111

“I am the current curator of the black trunk and the stories it holds within.” —Hope Barrett, Discovering Oscar THE WEEKEND WENT WELL and we even improvised on my scenario a bit as we played during the festival. It was a real treat to be ‘called before the king’ to perform at the Royal Feast Saturday evening. And we got a free meal. And tips. One thing about having the whole pod surrounding us when we performed was they all had a little sign that said ‘Tips for Marvel and Hopkins’ and a...

3 years ago
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The Wardrobe

The Wardrobe Copyright 2005 by Heather Rose Brown My heart jumped into my throat when I pulled the last nail from the giant wooden crate and the front crashed to the ground, echoing through the huge, deserted warehouse. But my fear of being discovered was nudged aside a bit by the sense of wonder at seeing the wardrobe. But not any wardrobe. It was The Wardrobe. Slowly, reverantly, I opened one of the doors. But instead of winter coats, there were little girl dresses hanging in...

2 years ago
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A Night Worth RememberingChapter 2

It was a lazy Saturday, John and Kandy were sitting in the back yard relaxing. Their neighbor Jeff was doing some yard work and had just came over to the fence and said, "Howdy neighbor." John replied, "Well hello, looks like your busy today." Jeff replied, "Oh not really, I am trying to look busy to keep from going shopping with Erin. God I hate to go shopping with her." Kandy then said, "Well it seems that you two men have something in common, John hates to go shopping with me...

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Comdex Clothing and Confusion

Comdex, Clothing and Confusion Copyright 2003 Beth Williams Monday I want it clearly understood; there I was, minding my own business, bothering no one and no one bothering me. That was important to me. You see, I'm 6' tall, weigh in at 374 pounds and am a transgendered MTF individual. The evening this all started I was wearing a black floral dress with a purple sweater. An outfit I had worn to church. An outfit I absolutely knew I "passed" in. Once you reach a certain degree of...

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Red Part VI Grace takes the Train

Marcus was a tall, light-skinned black Mandingo-looking stud and when he started hammering Grace with his ten inch cock, she lost all control. Her cunt ached from the fucking, first Marcus and then Cliff. Just the thought of Marcus fucking her, while Cliff pounded her youngest daughter beside her, made her wet again. She reached down and slid her hand under her black jean skirt and realized that she’d left her thongs in the truck. “Oh fuck it,” she muttered and motored on, her full red bush...

5 years ago
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The Ride Home

Julie and Randy worked at the same restaurant, her as a hostess, and him as a waiter. It was one of those sports bar type restaurants, where they had the women wearing some sexy blackoutfit, while the men had just black pants and a black button up shirt. The ladies were told to wear a black button up blouse, and a short mini-skirt with knee high socks – this way, they could earn more tips from the horny old men that came in at the end of their long work days.While Julie couldn’t make any tips...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 833

This one is compliments of tony k. The Professor for the Sexual Education class was describing a penis. He decided to ask for a volunteer to come to the board and draw one. A beautiful senior put her hand up. She went to the board and started drawing. She was an accomplished artist. After several minutes, the masterpiece was done – a fully hard 7-inch-long penis. The Professor complimented her and asked her if she would draw one the other way. She said, confused, “What other way?” This...

4 years ago
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Remembering Mary O Brien

In my Senior year of high school, I did well enough in Forensics to earn a spot in the state competition. We piled onto a bus, kids and chaperones and luggage and all, and set off across the state. We arrived at State University, the site of the competition, and settled in. My event was Extemporaneous Speech, wherein you get a topic, and 15 minutes to develop a 5 minute oration based upon it. Now, I’m a talker (surprising, no?), and a bit of a dilettante, knowing a bit about a variety of...

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Rosetta Chapter 10

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 10 David was surprised... and impressed. While his observations of Rose's late night were pretty boring - she got to bed early, so he just saw her sleeping - her father was another matter entirely. That man could drink! And from the internals David could sense, it seemed like he was faking his seeming impairment as he played the bar games. And he wasn't using any anti drunk pill or anything. He thought people like that only existed in...

3 years ago
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An Cloch nChapter 37

The morning chime sounded in Sarah’s Clan’s suite indicating that breakfast would begin in an hour. This was their third day at J4. In two days they would depart for Celia system. As Sarah’s Clan made their way to breakfast Judy said, “Kathleen, how are you feeling?” “Very good. Thank you for asking. My milk volume was less both last night and again this morning.” “Good.” “See you in a few. How are the others doing?” “All are responding very well. It will be at least a week before the J3...

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first time with a toy

It was the summer after i had turned 18. I had moved in with my aunt to go to college in the fall. Enjoying a free open summer with nothing to do gave me much needed rest and time to just lay around and swim and tan in her pool. Once day snooping around in her room i found a dresser drawer fill of her toys. I know i was blushing as i took out a few looking at them. There was a few dildos in different sizes and and a couple vibs. I pulled out one very real looking dlido that had to be 9′ and...

1 year ago
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Loretta s Daughter s

Not again, I thought, looking out the kitchen window. I had returned a few minutes before from a busted golf game, arriving home while the thunder still rumbled in the distance and the rain continued to pour down. I was disappointed because it was my first chance to play on my home course since arriving home from my first year of college. I gazed out the window at the two wet kittens on my neighbor's rear porch, at her two young daughters, apparently caught outside under the narrow roof, which...

First Time
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How I becamed a Fuck Boy

The urban high school I attended housed classes eight thru twelve, my terror years were from the ninth grade forward! It was in the ninth grade that I fell succumbed to the sexual assault of three of the schools most vile Juvenal delinquents. It was not bad enough for them to take me sexually and when I did not report them they took me freely and often. It was to my shame and humiliation that I endued the most brutal fornication that one could take. Those three guys took me that day and used me...

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Surprise Gift

Met a friend (Adam) at his place. We've been hooking up for a few months, but this time he surprised me with Joel, a blond, blue-eyed nordic type -- in the bedroom on the first floor, which had NO curtains. Nice indirect, mood lighting. Joel was 19, with a nice 8-incher, the face of a Botticelli angel, skater boy legs, and the body of David. He was sprawled on the bed, on his back, wearing a pair of loose white shorts that displayed his cock and balls to great effect, and smiled at me when I...

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My First Time and A Little More Part 6 Swallow

My first time and A Little More, Part 6. Please read the previous chapters of this true story (check my author profile) leading up to this point to understand the background and characters that are referenced. The titles are not exactly consistent, but are one complete story. The titles are as follows: My First Time and a Little More, First Time and More, part 2, My First Time and a Little More, part 3, First Time and a Little More, part 4, and My First Time and a Little More, part 5. Relax and...

First Time
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Honey Dew pt 5 0

Paul ranted and raved about Beth’s call. He was furious and at one point blamed Dena. “Bitch! When I told you who was on the phone, why did you suck my cock?” Dena straddled him and put his face into her chest. She wasn’t wanting to fuck this time. She had to calm him down. Paul layed his cheek on her tit and asked, “What am I going to do?” Dena stroked his head and thought. “Didn’t you tell her there was a bad connection? Call her back right now. Tell her you’ve been trying to...

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My French secretary Catherine A foreign affair

Her name was Catherine. She was born and grew up in rural France, and though she'd lived and worked in the UK for the last fifteen years, since moving over here with her French husband, her English was still spoken with a sexy and unmistakeable French accent. She was a petite blonde woman, some eight years my junior in her early thirties, with a short, trendy 'Pixie' hair cut to go with her cute elfin-like features. She also happened to be my secretary.I 'inherited' Catherine when I joined the...

5 years ago
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An Affair With My Best Friend s Mum

I didn’t ever think having an affair would be something I’d find myself doing. I didn’t think I was that type of person. I already feel awkward writing about this. I think we all have that one thing that we would all prefer just swept under the carpet and just forget about it. But it appears I’m the type of person who put’s it all over the internet, I guess I just really have to talk about it. I can for sure blame it on the devil and circumstances as I honestly had no intentions of getting...

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Conversations 3

A game of musical chairs, wondering whether I will be seated in the final, lone seat when the music stops. Or will it be the man chasing my wife? I stood in the darkness, my stomach feeling like a clenched fist, and listened and waited. Yes, I know that this sounds like that cliché of the husband coming home early and found himself listening to his wife fuck some strange in their bedroom, but you’d be wrong. So, I stood in the darkness, my stomach feeling like a clenched fist, and listened...

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The LibrarianChapter 10 Leslie Makes a Decision

After Lesa, Leslie and Jake put away the leftovers and Jake took the trash into the garage, Sara Johnson followed Sara Crews into the kitchen. Both had changed into oversize T-shirts. Jake looked at the cheerleader when he returned from the kitchen and commented, "Looks like you're planning to stay the night, Sara." She just nodded and looked at Leslie. Leslie didn't appear to be holding up well. "It may appear that we're trying to pressure you into doing something you're not sure...

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I ve been waiting for this

I'm a young man and have been yearning for a sexual experience with an older woman for many years. Finally, after all the years of waiting and build up this wish came to a wondertful end. I met a beautiful older woman which loved younger men and was ready for an exciting sexual experience with a young stud ready to please her body for as long as she could take it. We decided to meet in a park where there were generally few people. As I was walking up to the bench where we chose to meet, I could...

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Submission on the Bus

The bus ride home was an odd choice of highlight for Heather's day but when you work at one end of the line and live at the other, you are both guaranteed a seat for the whole journey and have plenty of time to read a book, browse the web or just sit back and relax for an hour. On this day, she decided to spend the ride home doing the latter; one of the perks of having to bus across London at 6pm on a November evening is that the river view is spectacular in the dark, arguably one of the best...

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The Proposition 1 2

He invited me to dinner and I accepted on the condition that we split the check. He was gracious enough to allow that. We have many things in common. Married, children and a shared interest in outdoor sports like skiing and indoor activities like theater and symphony. But you don't want to hear about that. I did let him buy a bottle of some pretty expensive wine and I guess that was my mistake. Anyway, we were really hitting it off when he asked, "You know, we're having fun together....

3 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 117 Between A Rock And A Hard Place

"He really wants to get back together with me?" Jessie asked incredulously. "That's what he said," Warren confirmed. They were sitting at the table in Sophia and Warren's basement apartment. "Oh, this ought to be an interesting conversation. 'Sorry, Crash, I can't help you get back together with Jessie because Sophie and I are doing her.'" "Tell him he can have me back when he starts lactating," Jessie giggled. "Seriously, Warren, I'm upset that you're in the middle of this,...

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Part 1 2 Loving The Enemy

The Ethehini: a group of people with the ability to use earth's elements and matter to our will and for our purposes. Mortals might call us warlocks or sorcerers, and they fear and hate us as such. Wars have been fought to wipe out our existence, how ironic it is that we are the ones who help and watch other them, seeing that they do not destroy themselves in their mortal impulsiveness. Never the less we are forced to hide and use glamour and magic to hide ourselves from the human...

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