- 2 years ago
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A game of musical chairs, wondering whether I will be seated in the final, lone seat when the music stops. Or will it be the man chasing my wife?
I stood in the darkness, my stomach feeling like a clenched fist, and listened and waited.
Yes, I know that this sounds like that cliché of the husband coming home early and found himself listening to his wife fuck some strange in their bedroom, but you’d be wrong.
So, I stood in the darkness, my stomach feeling like a clenched fist, and listened and waited. For the right moment. Then I pressed the button.
No, nothing blew up! Leave it!
With a smooth whir of machinery, aided by compressed gas boosters, she descended down in front of me, her legs spread wide.
When she saw me loom out of the darkness, she opened her mouth to scream. I clapped my hand over it and whispered in her ear.
“Shh, the audience will hear you.”
“What the hell are you doing? You can’t do this! This is ... this is...”
“A forced conversation with my wife!” I finished grimly. “You were determined you weren’t going to talk about what needed to be discussed. So I’ve forced the issue.”
“Get me back up there, you lunatic!” she shouted in a whisper.
“Relax, you have twenty eight bars before you play again. I can get you back up in one second. And down again. I would advise you not to move off your seat, because if you do I’ll simply drop open the trap, and when you fall through I’ll just have to try and catch you. Or maybe not. But either way, I won’t be able to put you back up on stage again, so you’ll have to sit out the rest of the concert down here with me. I don’t think your boyfriend would like that.”
“Oh for god’s sake, are you still going on about that? He’s not trying to fuck me!”
“Yep, I’m still on about that, and with all the reason in the world. He is indeed trying to fuck you. You and him sleeping together; that’s what this is about.”
In my head I had been counting the bars, and pressed the button. The trap promptly put her back up on stage in her place within the orchestra. It had taken some doing, calculating sizes and positions, and then shifting the podium and all the chairs on stage exactly four inches to the left, so that my wife’s chair, as first cello, would be square on the little stage lift. Normally it was used for magic acts and scene changes where heavy things had to be lifted in and out of place really quickly. Now, it was so my wife, Rosa Vicarrio-Evans, and I, James Evans, could have a conversation in peace.
Above me, I could hear her slide the cello into the music with a long, stretched note on one string, becoming an almost unheard presence in the music, before coming to the fore, and bringing the drama to the piece that highlighted this movement. Man, I loved that cello. I loved her too. And I wasn’t going to let that fucking cunt-hound get a piece of her. Unless he already had, and then... hasta la vista baby. I wasn’t in the mood to forgive again.
At last the crescendo came to a close, ready for the long interlude featuring the flutes and cor anglais. I pressed the button. Down she came.
She was ready for me this time. “I never slept with Umberto!”
Umberto Fostellini, the maestro. The honoured guest-conductor of this farce, and the dog who was sniffing around my wife’s back-end.
“This is an intervention,” I said calmly. “You were about to fall off the wagon ... again.”
She went strangely still, the cello between her knees, her arms resting on it. I could see she wanted to ignore that remark, but she was ever the curious little kitty, was Rosa.
“What do you mean, again?”
“I mean I know all about Richard Arsehole-of-the-month Tate. And what you did with him a week before our wedding. That was the previous time you fell off the wagon.”
She went pale, and then blushed bright red. In the incomplete darkness of the under stage I could actually see the glow.
For four bars we sat in silence.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” she said at last, her voice tearful with shame.
“Oh, I thought about what I should say, what I should shout, what I should scream!” I replied, still holding onto the calm. “Dump you at the altar, and tell our parents and all the wedding guests what a cheating slut you’d been. I thought long and hard about that. I really wanted to.”
She put her hand to her mouth as the lock I’d put on my feelings broke slightly to show the depths of my emotions in my voice.
“But I already knew you were a slut, the word was out far and wide throughout the university that you were the musical bicycle. One ring on your little bell and you were off to the races, with every cock you could find. When I met you, I was quite prepared to simply fuck you, get my end away and move on; like all the other guys. At that time you were nowhere near the wagon and instead were fucking all the passengers on it by all accounts.
“But, at the same time, I was curious why one of the best musicians in the university, possibly in the whole history of the university, needed ... yes, needed ... to fuck herself into complete humiliation in order to get by.
“I was doing psych as a minor and you were interesting. And then you fucked up all my plans by making me fall in love with you. Oops, hang on!”
This part of the concerto was just background fill for her, and in a few minutes I brought her back down again.
“I stopped sleeping around for you! I went on the wagon, as you put it” she said, leaning forward to try and take my hand. I moved it away and she looked so sad. “That was a nasty thing to say. I didn’t realise someone had said that about me.”
“Someone? Oh my God! You’re kidding! I was informed about your proclivities by three different people – all strangers to me – within 60 seconds of setting eyes on you for the first time. I was told that nobody, absolutely nobody, loved cock more than you. And I know you stopped doing that, for me. But I knew what you were like, so I watched you for a year. Didn’t you wonder why it took so long for me to ask you to marry me?”
“I just thought you didn’t want to settle down.”
“Well, I didn’t want to settle down with a slut. At least not one who slutted around with other guys while married to me.”
“I wouldn’t have done that!” she protested.
“Aaand, that brings us all the back to Dick Tate. Tate comes from the French Tete, meaning head. Dick Head. Hah! He got you all hot and bothered, didn’t he? I saw all the signs I’d seen while watching you before we officially met. The mood swings, the high-pitched laugh, a couple of little zits popping up on your jaw-line, the loss of appetite – those were the symptoms that showed up every time you were going slut-hunting before we started going out. So everything about you grassed you up, and said you were going to fuck somebody new or some people new, and cheat on me. And those signs were right – you did. I couldn’t step in because my idiot brother-in-law thought it so funny to handcuff me naked to a lamppost in the middle of town on my bachelor’s night out, while you spent the night with Dickhead.
“I always wondered if you asked your brother to do that, or suggested it somehow, so you could sneak off.”
She shook her head vehemently. I pressed the button and listened to her short solo.
I had no idea how this was going down with the orchestra or the audience, but it was actually working quite well for me. It was giving me a chance to calm down again when I got too worked up.
Yes, I imagine that some of you will be quite disgusted and already writing letters of complaint to the press. She had cheated on me while we were engaged, therefore I should kick her to the dogs and hope they tear her apart. I didn’t. But I had my reasons. I simply did what was best for me. Not her. Not you. For me.
After the solo she descended with tears in her eyes.
“I never realised you knew,” she whispered. “I didn’t ask Philip to handcuff you – and he is an idiot. I would have felt a lot safer if you were with me, and would have stayed by your side. And it wasn’t the whole night, it was just five minutes, I think. Five minutes which changed my world view. We’d been together for a year, and I would be married to the man I loved and lusted non-stop for in just a week’s time. And I risked all that for him? Just so he could jump on me and squirt his nasty stuff all over me – so what was the point? I was a fucking idiot. And I never cheated again. I’m sorry I did that. I really am. I’m not sorry you found out. I deserved to be beaten and kicked out, shamed and humiliated for what I did. But I thought you never knew. Why didn’t you do any of those things to me? You should have!”
“I’ve thought about that many times over the years since we married,” I said. “When I found out, I raged and swore, even thought about topping myself, and then went on a violent bender instead, destroying stuff that I valued and which meant a lot to me – records, books, my computer. And I think it was that which helped me make up my mind. In the end I realised one thing. All that righteous indignation would just break yet another thing I loved and wanted. I loved you and wanted you, so if I kicked you out, what did I get out of it? Just a salve on my pride. Although I did kick that bastard in the balls later though. I didn’t have any problem with destroying those. Your brother got a couple of black eyes as well, just as an object lesson about schoolboy pranks – and to make me feel better.”
I made a balance with my hands. “I’ve always known you were a slut, but there was the possibility that you loved me enough, so I had to look at the scales. Pride on one side, and a future with all the love I could ask for from the woman I loved on the other. It weighed pretty heavy on that side. So I simply watched you. Trust, but verify is a good motto. I made it mine. Except for the trust part. I didn’t do that.
“But don’t get me wrong, my ignoring and putting aside your little affair – five minutes or a whole night – did come with a price, because that balanced the scales again. Anything else from you and the scales would tip, and you would be out of my life faster than a piece of well-squeezed wet soap.”
The button was pressed for the end of the first movement.
When the last note died away, I heard her high heel shoe knocking on the trap as pages on the musicians’ scores and the pages of the audience’s programmes were turned. I pressed the button once more.
She descended, ducking sideways and down to get a look at me as soon as possible.
“I didn’t sleep with Umberto.”
“You were about to, and that’s possibly just as bad. Intent and deed are very close together in legal terms.”
I pressed the button once again to send her back up. This movement started with a fast, rollicking piece that would gradually slow to lead into the tragedy of the final movement, making the counterpoint.
At last she got to take a break for a good couple of minutes for the first violin to emote as best he could, after which the piano would take over.
“I was not about to!” Rosa said, leading with that as she came into view. “And we need to stop doing this, Umberto is giving me the stink-eye. He’s furious.”
“Good. And no matter what you say, you were about to sleep with that wrinkled old creep.” I gave an exaggerated shudder to show my thoughts of even touching him, just to rub it in a little.
“How can you even say that? While we’ve been married I have never been unfaithful to you!”
“I know,” I said. “I made it my life’s work to check up on you, remember?”
“Exactly! But!” I continued over her protest. “Let’s take a look at a few things here. Zits? Yep, I can see two right now that even that amount of make-up can’t hide. Appetite? Gone. You haven’t had breakfast in a week. Two more weeks of this and schools could use you to show what can happen to the unwary whenever very bad people get into power. And that laugh of yours is beautiful – it makes me feel warm and happy inside, it makes my heart sing in harmony. But right now that laugh could crack crystal!
“God! Don’t even get me started on the mood swings. You downright refused to talk to me at all about this – about my fears and doubts of where you were going with him. You simply ignored or pooh-poohed all my warnings that Umberto was trying to get more than just a good performance out of you. Which is why we’re here now, and the audience out there is wondering why the first cello is pretending to be some sort of sexy prairie dog, popping in and out of its hole.
“Look at what you’re wearing. That little black dress is so sexy it makes my balls ache just to look at it. But you’re a cellist and have to spread those wonderful legs really wide to play it. So you’re showing your knickers – and they aren’t granny panties by any means – to half the audience and teasing all the hetero members of the orchestra. And I can’t help thinking that the main target of that beckoning pussy is the man that stands right in front on stage – Mr Conductor Man.
“Another thing. You have played for over nine years on the best stages in the whole world, and yet Umberto, for some unknown reason, needs to spend two evenings coaching you through a piece you could play in your sleep. At the same time, he needs to hang over you from behind to actually move your hands over the strings and bow. Really? You believed he was helping you somehow? Oh I know he didn’t get anything more than an ‘accidental’ feel of your tits while he was doing it. But he was getting you all nicely warmed up for the main course, wasn’t he. Ready for tonight’s party, to which you and he received an invitation and I didn’t – where all his hard work would pay off and he would finally get his chance to fuck you.”
“Now go away!”
I pressed the button. She wasn’t needed to play for another two minutes but I’d had enough.
Soon she was thumping on the trap with her heel again. I sighed and pressed the button.
Here is the tweaked version of my story Conversation. Dove was quite correct. This will be the final version, I am reluctant to modify it further. This is my first 100% complete story. It may be archived by the following sites if they want to: Fictionmania, Sapphire's Place, Crystal's Storysite, and Beverly's Balcony. Any other site that wishes to archive this story, should ask for permission first. This is a G-rated story. Conversation A sweet story by Veronica...
Martine saw it, and how it changed the night! She saw it, so she has to believe it. It wasn't just a rumor or gossip. It was there. Or. They were there, and the she of they was doing it to the he. To the him. Martine is too rattled to handle the grammar. It had been a nice, but ordinary party, a sweet night in all things but one, when Martine left the clubhouse through a back French door. Ordinary and nice, but Martine felt she had to get out. She turned left onto the patio that overlooks...
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Hello friends, I am back to share my experience with a beautiful and sexy doctor, Reetika. I want to say thanks to all of you for liking the earlier parts and encouraging me to write my full experience. Some of you were very curious to know what happened next. So I am sharing more of my experience. Her hands were still on her eyes. I put my hand on her panty. As she felt me touch, she opened her eyes. She- What is this? Me- Let me adjust it. She- You wanted to see, you have seen. But no...
PS I would love to know who your fave girl so please comment is. ‘Knock’ ‘Knock’ ‘Knock’ John woke with a start for an instant forgetting where he was. Then he heard it again. ‘Knock’ ‘Knock’ ‘Knock’ but this time it was accompanied by a sweet and salty voice, “room service”. It was Rose. John pulled the covers off of his head in time to see her opening the in her maid outfit with a tray of pancakes and syrup. Seeing that john was up Rose gave one of her tantalizing smiles and made her way...
Hi to all sabhi bur waliyo aur lund walo ko mere lund ke taraf se salam aasha karta hu ki aapko meri story pasand aa rahi hogi par ek sikayat bhi hai kyo ki aap mujhe mail nahi karte plz aapko story pasnd aaye ya na aaye mujhe aapke mail ka intazar rahta hai jisse mujhe apni aap biti aapko batane me madad milti hai ok main aapko aur bor na karte hue story par aata hu ye baat 1 mahine pehle ki hai. Meri mameri behan jiska nam salu hai umar 18 saal ki mast figure 33 34 36 hai main jane kab se use...
Chapter 4 It was only three days later when Beth called Lexi.“I told Bob all about our sexual adventure with Charlie,” Beth announced.“What did he say? What did he do?” Lexi wanted to know.“At first I think he was getting angry I had cheated on him, but I just kept talking until I got to the part where I said Charlie wanted to make amends by sending you to have sex with us.”“Did he like the idea?” Lexi asked.“He didn’t say anything for a long time, and I was starting to get worried. He went...
NovelsA fictional story of a brother perving on his sister while she goes about some dirty business. Not a personal story, just one I thought up over dinner last night. A completely fictional story. Not an ounce of truth to it but I was feeling dirty so decided to write a dirty story…don and and and ‘t think it and and and ‘s too good though. Hopefully the next one should be better. A brother and sister home alone. The sister is in the bathroom, getting ready for a shower. the brother, a pervert,...
IncestIntroduction: im still practicing writing He sat there looking at her beautiful body in the moonlight she looked more attractive to him now than she had ever looked in the two years they had secretly been meeting. Graham took her hand and guided her watching her magnificant breasts bounce slighlty as she walked next to him she looked turned and stopped looking into his eyes he was her hero she loved him from the moment he had talked to her on a chat site on line. They never intended to have...
Hi people, I’ve been reading stories in iss and was impressed and I have decided to write my own story, since this is my first story I would appreciate feedback from you all, especially girls who are looking for friendship and fun in Chennai and Bangalore. My email () Unlike others I don’t wanna lie so everything I’m gonna tell is real, it’s a true story and no names changed. I’m Sanjay and was born an brought up in Bangalore, I’m from a middle class family, its only Dad, Mum and I at home, we...
They finally finished their meal and arrived back to Jade's house a little after nine o'clock. The teens felt mildly exhausted with all the running around they had done during the day, but both were content in their tiredness as they made their way to their respective rooms and bathrooms so they could take quick showers and change into their s!eepwear for the evening with the intention of spending the rest of it watching a movie.Earlier, while Freddie was dropping his stuff off in the guestroom...
A half hour later, after drinking hot tea and eating bread and cold meat, they mounted the horses again. There was less talk now, as Joerg and Hildburg were lost in thought. Joerg tried to envision a life with Hildburg. It would be difficult for them; of that, he was certain. She had made it clear that she had claimed him to prevent the carnage in Warnesund that Bjoern had threatened. She had no feelings for him. Yet, he had promised to care for her, to honour her. Just, how much honouring...
A day like any other, you've had a long day at work and all you can think about is the hot bath you want to crawl into when you get home. You fight your way through traffic to find yourself home alone in the silence, so refreshing compared to the day of conversations, phone calls, and the daily grind. You find yourself pouring your glass of wine to help wind down, then move to the bathroom to start drawing your bath. Your clothes fall to the floor in no particular order, you're just happy to...
Robby Echo is waiting in a massage parlor but can barely contain his excitement. When his masseuse, Jay Taylor, steps in and introduces herself, he is bursting with energy. He doesn’t NEED any introductions — his buddy already told him ALL about her and her SPECIAL massage. Although Jay is taken aback by Robby’s enthusiasm, she manages to figure out that he’s there not only for a massage but a tittyfuck! Even though she has no problems with delivering, Robby’s...
xmoviesforyouStrangely enough, though, Rose and I were approached not long ago for one last commission. It’s the last story I want to tell you about …. although we knew it would require this last separation, we felt obligated to try to help someone one last time. Rose was introduced to a young man through one of her previous clients. She met with the young man, a man I might add, young enough to be her son, to ascertain the feasibility of taking the commission. The young man relayed his story to Rose. Due...
The braziers' red glow cast barely enough light to reveal the stone bridge ahead. Gareth paused on the near side for Pteri and Pyran to catch up, then urged them ahead to the other side of the gate and safety. The Nangen guard crashed through the doorway behind them, but it was easy to see their lead was too great. They would have to report failure to the Prince, if they could find him. Somehow Gareth doubted he would be in the mood for mercy. "To the Gate," The badly burned Do...
Thank you for taking the time to read my fantasy; if it tickles your fancy, I appreciate your vote and any comments.This story contains peanuts, so if you're allergic to incest, mother-son, brother-sister, oral, anal, or sex in general, please do not go any further.Enjoy, JJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The man was huge, donkey huge! Not in physical size but where it counted, in his cock. That's how Jeff earned the nickname Donk years ago when he was just in his teens; Donk, like in a donkey cock. The...
Incestone day after school, my little sister came into my room and started asking me a lot of questions about sex. she had been talking with her friends at school and wanted to know how it worked. i didn't know much about sex but i told her that the boy's penis gets hard and stiff and goes into the girl's vagina. she said she had never seen a penis and asked me to show her mine. she watched in fascination as i took my clothes off and proudly showed her my privates. "now show me yours", I said, and...
I am a regular reader on this site and I thought of sharing my experience to fellow readers hope you all like it. My name is Ashu a resident of Bangalore (Bengaluru) presently. I am 5’11 tall; average built with an 8′ inch little brother. This incident took place in the year 2010 when I was going back to my hometown after my semester end. I reached to Chennai airport to catch my flight back home to Sikkim at around 12pm and was pretty excited to go back home after a 6 month gap. The excitement...
You: asl?Stranger: hiStranger: f 19You: 21 m. into?Stranger: my brotherYou: how old is he?Stranger: 24You: have you ever done anything with him?Stranger: no, this is kind of a thing i just started lolStranger: he doesn't know i like himYou: lol me too. When did you figure it out?Stranger: i dunno. i was just thinking about stuff one night and randomly realized how much i was turned on by himYou: My sister doesn't know I like her either. Do you think you'll ever try something?You: btw do you...
It's time to go on an outing. Nothing too complicated: just a trip to the corner store a few blocks away. This time, you get to make decisions about what you wear. Be careful though, making the easier choice will make the following choices harder. Here's your first choice; nice and simple.
Matt and I had always enjoyed ass play. Fingering, eating, fucking, you name it. We both loved playing with each other's asses and now that we had a girlfriend to share, we were very excited to have another tight little asshole to play with. Amanda was 18, and although she wasn't a virgin, she hadn't had any ass play until she entered into a polyamorous triad with Matt and I. We started her out slowly, licking and fingering her ass and letting her lick and finger mine (who would have known she...
This storie is a creation of my imagination. Hope you enjoy it!!!Yesterday we had a very hot evening with the girls! We were six sluts and had a lot of pissing-fun! We were divided in two teams: the Pissing-Sluts and the Tasting-Sluts. The Pissing-Sluts were dressed in stockings on 14-straps garter belts, 1/4 cup bra, a tiny skirt, heeled pumps and no panty`s. Each one in another color: one in red, one in white and one in pink. The Tasting-Sluts were in more official outfits: matching sting and...
Slippery Susie - Part Two (Susie & Shane) MFby wile_e_coyote_mn1Emotions bombarded Susie as she approached the men's locker room door.There was a little guilt because she had cheated on her husband for thefirst time with her two coworkers, but that emotion was easily drownedout by the raw sexual energy she was feeling. She had never felt soerotic or alive. She knew that she had crossed an invisible line, a linethat separated fantasy from reality. Once that line was crossed, shealso realized...