Birthday Girl Ch. 06 free porn video

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Hey Guys,

Apologies for the late submission, life has a knack of getting in the way sometimes.

I’ve used some creative license for this one so kindly bear with me, all the facts may not be totally accurate.

This is a work of fiction and no part of it may be copied or reproduced without the express permission of the author and a signed affidavit from the league of extraordinary gentlemen.

Seriously though, don’t be a cunt.

Please don’t forget to vote and comment, it’s the only way for me to know how good (or bad) I’m doing.



I opened one eye just a crack from under my pillow and saw six fifteen in luminous green on the bedside clock. Letting my eye droop closed again, I pulled my blanket around me tighter and sighed as I wafted through the wispy clouds of slumber beckoning me back into their warm embrace.

Six fifteen. The numbers appeared before my eyes again and faded into the distance, merging with the clouds I was drifting on, getting lighter and lighter until they vanished completely. I felt an itch somewhere in the back of my brain. Something wasn’t right, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I wanted to surrender to the calling of the sleep but there was a thorn in my side that kept pricking me, nudging me back towards consciousness.

Six fifteen flashed again. My eyes shot open like someone had rammed a plunger up my ass. In the next second my blanket was flying across the room and all the springs in the bed squeaked as I jumped out of bed as if it was infested with bullet ants.

Shit. Shit shit shit! I ran my hands through my hair staring at the clock. Six eighteen. They were going to kill me. They were going to castrate me and feed my minced remains to the dogs. How could I have let this happen? I had set six alarms for God’s sake, what more was I supposed to do? Hire a marching band to play outside my house at five in the morning?

In case you were wondering, it’s Friday morning. Yes, the day of the trip, and I was supposed to have been at Nicks place by a quarter to six so that we could leave by six thirty at the latest and avoid the traffic jam. Everybody would be leaving town for a small vacation since it was a long weekend and the highways would be clogged with mini-vans packed with screaming children and distraught parents.

I nearly jumped out of my skin as my phone rang. I blanched looking at the caller ID. This wasn’t going to go well. I swiped to answer,

‘Hello,’ I tried to sound like I’d been up for a while but no such luck, my voice was thick and gravelly.

The screaming that emanated from the other end forced me to keep the phone six inches away from my ear. It was Jenna. And she was mad. I only caught snippets of what she was saying since she’d gone supersonic. It was like listening to a bat.

‘No good lazy…….. piece of rotten……… I’m gonna kick your………… instead of five forty five…….. six thirty you………. better get your ass………. swine…… get my hands on……… here now!’ I could picture her bunching and pumping her fists as she said the last part.

There was a second of silence before I heard a deeper voice, ‘Brian?’

Putting the phone back on my ear I replied, ‘I’m on my way dude, just backing out the car, be there in five minutes, I swear.’

‘You just got out of bed, didn’t you?’ Nick said, sounding exasperated.

I could hear Jenna in the background saying she was going to whoop my skinny ass as soon as she saw me.

‘Dude, ten minutes tops, I promise. I set six alarms man, I don’t know what happened.’

I was already in the bathroom, relieving myself and putting toothpaste on the toothbrush while holding the phone propped between my ear and shoulder. This wasn’t the wisest of ideas. If the phone slipped it was going straight into the toilet.

‘Everyone’s already here, we’re just waiting for you. Hurry up dumbass, or we’ll be stuck in traffic forever.’

‘Wehn whinitz,’ I mumbled through the foam of the toothpaste in my mouth.

I got ready in record time. I showered like I was bathing in boiling oil, and was out in just over a minute, almost slipping and breaking my head on the bathroom floor tiles. I put on a pair of blue jeans, my favorite, and grabbed any random T-shirt that came in my hands. While donning it I stubbed my pinky toe on the foot of the bed and spent the next half minute cursing while jumping around on one leg and my head stuck in the neck of the T-shirt.

Unable to find matching socks I put on a grey one on my left and a black one on my right, hoping no one asked me to remove my shoes. Thankfully I had packed my bag last night before I had gone to bed, so I just grabbed it as I ran out of the house, throwing the bag in the back seat before getting into the car myself.

Halfway out of the driveway I slammed the brakes and looked back up at my house, eyes squinted in concentration. Had I locked the door? I think I had. No, no, I definitely had. I think. Cursing loudly I put the car in neutral, jammed up the handbrake and ran back to the house to check the door. I twisted the knob and Lo and Behold! It held. Of course I knew it would, as it always did, but if I hadn’t confirmed it, I would have spent all three days with a nagging doubt at the back of my mind, constantly eating away at me.

I peeled out of the driveway and did a wheel-spin as I shot off in the direction of Nick’s house, leaving rubber on the tarmac. I had gotten my beloved Celica back, as good as new, and I gunned it down the road like I was escaping from a stick-up. The others could have come and picked me up but we were supposed to leave the city in the opposite direction, so it would have been a wasteful trip to come get me then go back the same way again.

The journey of around twenty minutes to Nicks place on a normal day took seven minutes flat this morning, owing to the fact there weren’t many cars on the road yet. I think I left a trail of dust all the way back to my house, my very own version of Hansel and Gretel. Skidding into the driveway, I had opened the door even before the car was at a complete stop, stepping out as the car halted just two inches behind Nick’s electric blue Subaru Outback. I looked at my phone. Six forty. Nice. I felt like Michael Schumacher on pole position.

I sauntered into the house like royalty, head high up in the air, and spread my arms as I stopped just inside the door,

‘Never fear, Brain is here,’ I said grandly.

I caught a throw pillow just before it hit my face and dodged as a box of chocolates nearly got me in the stomach. It sailed harmlessly outside the door, landing with a dull thud on the porch. This violence was just getting ridiculous, those chocolates could have caused some serious damage.

‘Glad to see y’all too,’ I said as I threw the pillow back on the couch, then turning to face the firing squad.

They were all standing in a line, in various poses of impatience, staring at me. Was there a memo about the dress code that I didn’t get? Apparently it was jeans and T-shirt day. Nick was wearing a grey T-shirt with blue skinny jeans and a light jacket on top. Jenna was wearing black jeans and a black T-shirt with an arrow pointing left printed on it ,and underneath it was written, ‘I’m with stupid.’ If you haven’t figured it out yet, Nick was standing on her left.

Melissa was in green snug fitting jeans and an orange T-shirt with the Tasmanian Devil from Looney Tunes in his usual grinning and drooling stance on it. She had a pink hair-band holding her hair up, and red headphones were lying around her neck, the cord disappearing into her pocket. Sally had on blue jeans with a pink ‘Girl Power’ T-shirt and Bill was in beige jeans and a red T-shirt with the Mustang horse on it, and a Ford Racing cap on his head.

‘What?’ I asked when no one spoke.

Melissa was trying t
o hide a smile and Sally was openly grinning. Nick was shaking his head and Jenna was glaring at me.

‘What?’ I asked again.

‘You’ve worn your T-shirt inside-out dude,’ Bill said finally, lifting his arm halfway to point at my chest.

I looked down and confirmed what he was saying was true. Crap. I was worse than a two-year old. Next I’d find my shoe laces tied up together.

‘I meant to wear it that way,’ I defended myself, looking back up.

‘Of course you did. Are you going to flip it or what?’ Nick asked.

‘I told you, I meant to wear it like this. You guys don’t know fashion.’ I wasn’t going to agree I was in the wrong.

Jenna stomped over to me and grabbed the hem of the T-shirt trying to get it over my head as I struggled to get her off me.

‘It’s bad enough that we are late, but I’m not going to go around with someone who looks like a retard!’

‘Ok! I’ll flip it,’ I said as I pulled away from her. God, she was worse than my mom.

I turned around and quickly removed the garment and wore it the right way round.

‘What are you afraid we’re going to see? Your boobs?’ Nick said as I was turned around.

‘Bite me,’ I said, turning back to face them.

Once again, they stared. Now what? I looked down to see what was wrong this time and groaned as I saw it, throwing my hands in the air. In all the rush I had picked out one of my old Eminem T-shirts where he is openly and vividly flipping everyone the bird. I hadn’t worn this for around five years, I didn’t even know I still had it. It was a relic from a phase in high school where I had gotten it into my head that I was a gangster rapper. Picture a nerd with glasses, a skull cap, pants hanging below his ass and saying things like I’ma bust a cap in yo’ ass, son! Somewhere in my box of old things I even had a chain with a clock on it. Thankfully that phase didn’t last too long. I got out of it when I realized I couldn’t rhyme red and bed in the same sentence. Word.

‘Seriously?’ Sally asked, pointing at my T-shirt.

I shrugged, ‘I was in a hurry, I didn’t see what I’d picked out.’

‘Why do you even have it?’

‘Educational purposes.’ I said, scratching my head.

‘He was into rap back in high school,’ Nick sold me out. I heard a few snickers amongst the group. Traitor.

‘You can change it later. If we delay any more it’ll take us two hours just to get out of the city. We’re already late, let’s get moving,’ Bill said sensibly, absolving me from any further explanation.

We shuffled out as Nick locked up and I got my bag from my car. Bill’s dad’s Land Cruiser was sitting next to mine, pearl white and gleaming in the early morning light, the morning dew still stuck on the rear glass, forming a rainbow where a single ray of sunlight hit it through the trees. The car looked magnificent, I couldn’t wait until it got dirty and muddy. Cars like this were meant to be used rough and rugged, like a Rottweiler, not pampered and groomed like a Poodle.

I turned back to the porch and saw three huge suitcases and two small bags sitting there that I’d missed when I’d arrived. It didn’t take a genius to figure out which piece of luggage belonged to whom.

‘How many of us are going?’ I leaned towards Nick and asked quietly.

He looked at the luggage as well, getting my point as he said, ‘Just us six.’

‘How long are we going for?’ I asked quietly again.

He held up three fingers.

‘Why does it look like we are moving town?’

I felt someone tapping my shoulder and turned around to face Jenna, ‘If you’re done gossiping can we get a move on?’

‘What did you guys pack for? The apocalypse?’ I asked, pointing at the suitcases.

All three girls started cracking their knuckles threateningly and I backed away, palms up, and picked up a suitcase, ‘Not that there’s any problem, I mean we all got stuff we can’t live without, I totally understand. For some people it’s a clean pair of boxers, for others it’s a washing machine.’

The damn thing took all my strength to lift up into the trunk of the car. What the hell did they pack in there? Rocks? It was a good thing the car had enough storage space or we would have had to sit on the suitcases all the way there. After we loaded everything up, we got in. The girls had carried the food and water we would need on the way with them in paper bags. It was funny how they thought of such things. If it were guys only, we’d remember food when we were two hundred miles from civilization and the hunger pangs hit. Then we’d end up eating shrubs from the side of the road. And then boast about it like idiots afterwards.

Bill was taking the first shift and slid into the driver’s seat with Sally as his co-driver. Nick and Jenna got into the middle seat and Melissa and I got the back seat. Awesome. Back seats were the best. The massive V8 roared to life as Bill turned the key and I felt the tingles of excitement run up my spine. I absolutely loved road trips. The excitement of hitting the road, seeing new things and stopping at random places always got me giddy as a kid with a new bicycle. And this time I had Melissa to share it all with so it was that much more special.

We all hollered and cheered like little kids on a bus as we set off. I checked the time and noted we were only half an hour behind schedule. Not bad actually. My track record showed I was always at least two hours late. Compared to that, we were practically ahead of schedule.

‘Guys…..?’ Jenna called out.

Everyone fell silent to hear what she had to say.

‘I need to pee.’

It hadn’t even been five minutes since we left. The noise went back up as everyone started talking again, the guys chastising her and the girls sympathizing with her. In the end we stopped at a gas station to let her complete her business before continuing on our way. The girl had a bladder of a frightened mouse.

We managed to avoid most of the traffic build-up, being just ahead of the mass evacuation of the city. We settled down as we reached the outskirts of the city, the hustle and bustle slowing down gradually, the interval between passing cars increasing and we passed the occasional weathered ‘Thank You, Come Again’ billboard on the side of the road with the paint peeling off and a huge phallus drawn on it.

Melissa propped herself up on the side of the seat and put her legs up on my lap, one over the other, and locked her arms behind her head, closing her eyes and listening to the calming lounge music Bill had put on the car’s audio system.

I absently massaged her legs lightly from her ankles to her knees, tracing the curve of her calves, while staring out of the window, watching the buildings becoming scarcer and scarcer, until all we could see were rolling hills dotted with the occasional barn or house. After a little while we started passing huge farms with large sections of well tended crops neatly divided by perpendicular pathways. Cows could be seen grazing in the distance and an occasional tractor trudging along carrying bales of hay and such behind it.

Looking over at Melissa I saw she was enjoying the music, nodding her head slightly in time with the tune, her eyes still shut. I indulged in my newest favorite past time of just looking at her. She would clench her eyes and furrow her brows in a cute frown when the sunlight would hit her face at an angle as the car meandered around the bends. Never one to sit idle for long, I started feeling mischievous. Starting at her ankle I started walking my first two fingers up her leg, humming the Pink Panther tune. I paused at her knee and waited for a reaction before continuing upward slowly, one step at a time. She cracked open one eye lazily when I reached mid-thigh and looked at me through her lashes. I backtracked slowly towards her knee and she closed her eye again. Immediately I started moving forward again and she smiled but let me continue my journey this time.

I passed her hip and crossed over to her belly and walked over it in random patterns, tracing the line of her jeans, across her waist, then back. She was squirming a little now, her smile growing bigger, moving her waist this way and that, trying to get away from my touch. Someone was ticklish. I pretended to trip as my index finger dipped into her navel and my finger-man stumbled and fell onto her tummy. She broke into a chuckle and I looked up to see her watching what I was doing in amusement.

‘Having fun?’ she said loud enough only for me to hear.

I shrugged and smiled. My finger-man struggled back to his feet and continued his trek up her torso, each step more grueling than the last as he got closer to the valley between the peaks. The Pink Panther tune was reaching a crescendo now. I could feel her tummy dip and rise as she laughed lightly to herself, her attention fixed on the man that was almost at her mountain range. And boy what a mountain range it was.

Just as the finger-man was about to put his first step on the gently sloping mound, his first step to untold glory, we heard a loud pop and the car momentarily swerved to one side, jolting us, before getting back on track. Everyone sat up as Bill slowed the car and maneuvered it onto the side of the road, switching on the hazards. The car was tilting slightly towards the right front and the sound of rubber dragging on the ground could be heard.

I looked at Melissa and saw a terrified look on her face, her eyes darting around and her hands gripping the head rest in front of her tightly. Reading the signs, I knew she was having a flashback of the other night, so I put my arm around her shoulders comfortingly.

‘It’s just a flat tire,’ I said calmly when she turned to me.

Her features relaxed and she nodded as she came back to the present, giving me a small smile to show she was ok. We got out when the car came to a complete stop and confirmed it was indeed a flat. I always say a road trip isn’t complete without some sort of mishap. What’s the fun if everything goes according to plan? Ok if you’re robbing a bank or something I can see where deviating from the plan may have undesirable consequences, but for other stuff, I think a little spontaneity doesn’t hurt.

We had stopped in the middle of nowhere, the land was flat and lush green for miles in either direction and there was no sign of civilization anywhere. It looked like it was grazing land, but there were no cattle in sight. A light wind was blowing and the grass was rippling in waves as the gust passed over it.

‘Bummer,’ Bill said looking at the tire and rubbing the back of his head.

‘Please tell me you got a spare,’ I said.

‘Of course man, you really have to ask?’

I was relieved. You never knew.

As we changed the tire, our female counterparts decided this would be a good time to have a snack, so they spread out a blanket over grass just a few feet away from the car and got out the goodies they’d brought along. Several cars whizzed by and the occupants stared at us but no one stopped. I guess we looked competent enough to solve our car troubles.

It took us roughly ten minutes to complete the tire swap. I loosened the nuts as Nick set up the jack and Bill got out the spare tire. Once the car was up I removed the flat tire, Bill put in the new one and fastened the nuts as Nick lowered the jack and I inspected the tire.

‘Aha!’ I exclaimed as I found the culprit. A three inch nail was lodged in the middle of the tread.

Normally it would have caused a slow puncture, but maybe because of the speed of the car and the way it had lodged itself at an angle, it led the tire to pop the way it did. Putting all the tools and the tire back in their place, we joined the girls on the field. It was quite pleasant. We had a light snack of biscuits and coffee from a thermos while we stretched our legs on the blanket.

‘How far are we?’ Nick asked Bill.

‘We’ve done a hundred miles so I’d say we’re about a third of the way.’

Nick looked at his watch, ‘It’s a quarter past nine. We’ve made good time, considering the traffic we had to wade through in the beginning.’

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Birthday Girl

Today was a hot day; nearly one hundred degrees and counting. I took a nice long cold shower to cool things a bit but eventually I'd be sweating buckets again. After I cooled down I opened my shower door and reached for the towel, which wasn't where I left it. I know I left it there and it wasn't lying on the floor. It was nowhere to be found so I stepped out of the shower to begin my search when all of a sudden it came flying right into my face, startling me. It turns out it was thrown by my...

2 years ago
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Birthday Surprise

Having a birthday during a worldwide pandemic makes celebrating a challenge. No going out to eat or getting together with friends. It is the third week of working from home with no social interaction. Going to the store for necessary items gets more stressful with each trip and the restaurants are only serving takeout. My wife told me if I wanted a present or card to pick one up on a trip to the store as she is not going out till this is over.My birthday arrives, and I am working from home in...

4 years ago
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Birthday Debt Peak Oil Story of Sharon Fox

It was a warm evening, around 7PM. Sharon Fox was watching television with the lights off. Life was depressing. She had been jobless for six months now and had to borrow money to support herself and her 15 year old son Josh. Her son was over at someone else's house. What made her more depressed was that she was now living at the time of peak oil. Deep down she knew it just wasn't going to be bad for just her and her son, but for the entire country. She knew that many people won't have...

2 years ago
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Birthday Gift By Girlfriend

Hi all, I am a regular reader of ISS. I would like to share my experience with you… First of all I introduce myself. I’m a 24yrs normal guy with 5.8 height with slim body and working as a software engineer in Hyderabad. I did my graduation also in Hyderabad only. This incident was happened as soon as got job in 2013. About the girl she my classmate in graduation, a good looking girl with good body 32-28-34. If any girl looking for sex relationship/night stand can contact me(). Also please...

3 years ago
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Amy Criminal Ponygirl

Amy – Criminal Ponygirl By Arnold Puttwyn? This story is a work of fiction, made up entirely in my own mind. Any similarity to any person or persons living or dead is coincidence.This is a story using the society from ‘Kari in Training’ The time is fifteen years after the finalization of the Slave Act.     Society had to change because an unknown genetic disorder caused men to have many more X chromosome sperm cells, so the birth of females 2 to 1 over males made the population change to 67%...

4 years ago
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Birthday Spankings

Do you have a kink? The great powers who define such things say the desire to be spanked lies underneath the sexual kink umbrella. Honestly, I don't even like to use the word 'kink'. It is defined as a sexual interest that falls outside the mainstream appetite. In other words, it is an abnormal interest. Trust me, if you are a shy person, you want to fit in so you don't draw attention to yourself. Being labeled 'abnormal' is painful. So you can imagine I didn't want anyone to know about...

2 years ago
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Birthday Boy

My birthday wasn’t looking good. Now, I’m a strong believer in the idea that having a good birthday was my responsibility, but this year chips had been falling where they may and despite my usual optimism I didn’t see much to give me hope. My best friends were deserting me; Brian needed to go down to Stanford to attend a conference, and Mark drove up to Nova Scotia with his family. And Liz, well, she was a bit shaky. As often happens, an accident led to a...

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Forced to be a Ponygirl

This is one of my fantasies. I’ve always dreamed of being made into a ponygirl, so here we go?Amy couldn’t remember much of what had happened last night. A college girl, she had been in a bar for a while. A handsome man, a fair bit older than her, had bought her a drink and chatted her up for a while. Amy was a slim brunette who normally had her fair share of successes attracting guys in bars, so this was nothing out of the ordinary. But then there had been something about going home in a taxi,...

3 years ago
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The Jokers On Batgirl

INTRODUCTION: Attention - this work of fiction contains scenes of comic book violence, super villainous rape and bad puns. It is not a “safe space” and no doubt abounds with micro and mega aggressions. If reading this will cause you to visit the fainting couch or get the vapors then by all means don’t read. Stick to something more to your tastes, I wouldn’t want to lose sleep worrying you might need therapy or counseling due to my warped mind. To those that wish to read, enjoy my take on...

2 years ago
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Birthday at the Hotel Bar

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer: All sex is between characters over 18. Enjoy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are times when I love the travel that comes with my job, and there are times I don’t. I travel every week, more or less, getting to be home every weekend. On the plus side: Seeing new cities, visiting different companies and helping them with their tech problems, getting them solved and then moving on. Meeting new people. Frequent flier miles that let you take great vacations inexpensively,...

4 years ago
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The Jokes On Batgirl Sequel to The Jokers On Batgirl

(The Sequel to The Joker’s On Batgirl) By rutger5 Copyright 2016 Barbara Gordon peppered the heavy bag with one final flurry of punches but like all previous efforts it left her feeling somehow unsatisfied. Grabbing a towel she wiped her brow then tossed it into the dirty bin before heading for the gym exit. If anything the humid, summer air felt even stickier against her alabaster skin than the steamy gym interior had but it didn’t cause Barbara to change her plans. After a quick...

2 years ago
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Birthday Present

Prologue This novel was written four years ago by Vickie Tern and Rhonda Wagram. It began when Vickie posted her story "Girls' Night Out," and Rhonda wrote Vickie suggesting how it might be continued. Rhonda is the author of "Baroness Gloria" and "Fashion's Slave," two superb TG stories. Her ideas stimulated a great deal of creative play as both of us sketched out story lines, assigned each other different chapters, and agreed to over-write each other's drafts. The tasking...

3 years ago
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Birthday Surprise

On the day prior to my birthday in early December I flew to Chicago for a meeting with a major prospective customer. I would have to spend the night, and do the meeting on my Birthday, flying home that evening if all went well. Not the best way to spend a birthday evening but it was a big deal and celebrations were planned for the weekend anyway. With much thanks from the sales VP and the rep on that account, off I went. I woke the next morning to snow. Not a huge storm, early winter, Chicago,...

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Birthday surprise1

As he walks into the house he hears the laughter and talking of not one woman but two. Kevia steps out of the kitchen saying "Hey birthday boy. We're in here. Dinner is just about done." We? thought Adam. Thought it'd be just us but us but what the hell. The more the merrier right? Adam strolled into the kitchen to find Kevia's good friend Carrie sitting at the table. Carrie was a beautiful woman in her own right. Fiery red hair and bright green eyes. She had a slighter build than Kevia....

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“Happy Birthday, baby,” Dad whispered, planting a soft kiss on the top of my head. My cake, a pink monstrosity of gargantuan proportions, had eighteen candles. I’d counted them ten times already in my head, still not quite believing that the big day had finally arrived. As with all special days, I was having to share this wonderful experience with my sister, Megan. She sat moodily at the far end of the small, wooden kitchen table with her head in her hands. I was fairly certain from her...

3 years ago
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Birthday Invitation And Unplanned Gangbang

Dear friends, This is my third story in ISS. Our threesome with Pramod and Rajesh had spiced up our sex life tremendously. Our experiences with both of them were fulfilling and it gave us a lot of confidence. Although we ventured twice in 2 months at an average but whenever we did, the aftermath of the same remained with us for weeks to come. The experiences turned out to be better than our expectation and since the safety and security was top priority, it ensured we have the best experience....

3 years ago
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Birthday suit

my smartphone phone rang on my 43rd birthday. I don't have many friends so i was wondering who could it be calling me."hello?" I answered."are you williacj?" a sweet voice asked."yes this is him" i replied " this is Kellie Pickler from pickler and ben.""hey Kellie wow um kind of surprised to hear from you."i saidwell i heard that you're a big fan of the show and i decided to call you up and wish you a very happy birthday, what'cha got planned on your big day?" she asked“well i planned to hang...

2 years ago
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Birthday Present for Wife

"So?" I asked cryptically when I opened the door. "So?" he mimicked my tone and a sly smirk formed on his lips. "Oh come on. You have to tell me what it is?" I pouted. "It's my birthday. I deserve to know." He stepped through the doorway, closed the door behind him, and then pressed me up against the wall with his lips on mine. I inhaled the woody scent of his cologne as we tasted each other. My pussy quivered in excitement; the heat of arousal brewed between my legs. He...

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Birthday Buddies

Friday, 17 January 2020 - the afternoon“Mmmm,” purred the elfin bottom boi.“Ahhhhh,” grunted the much larger man.The effeminate sissy was riding the biracial’s man’s eight-by-six rod. The guy clawed at the punk’s tender butt cheeks with both of his large, cracked hands. He squeezed and kneaded them. His short fingernails dug into the soft yet firm flesh. He slammed his powerful thighs into the younger slut’s backside.The sounds of intense lip smacking was likely audible two doors down. “Mmhmm,”...

3 years ago
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Birthday Tease

The doorbell rang. "Can you get that, honey?" my wife asked as she busily prepared appetizers. Our good friend Kim was coming over for her birthday dinner. Recently divorced and gorgeous, she'd been our close friend for years. My wife was well aware of the sexual attraction between Kim and me, but since it was just a harmless flirtation she did nothing to discourage it. In fact, she seemed to enjoy it. I opened the door and invited Kim inside. "Happy birthday!" I said as we met in a warm hug....

4 years ago
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Birthday Gift 8211 To Her Or To Me 8211 Part 2

Quick recap (I still strongly recommend to read the Part1): I (Imran) and my closest friend Shabuddin (Shabu) planned to fuck the brains out of my long term chat friend Meghna (Megi / Megs), on her 22nd birthday. She has the curves that even a man of 60’s could die for. I’m a recent pass out of a prestigious Engineering college and got a campus job in an MNC, with a great salary. Shabu is my classmate and childhood friend, who is also working in an MNC. We stay in Mysore and my would be bitch,...

3 years ago
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birthday present

Hi everyone:I think I better start from the being.I always fantasies about my wife getting played with by other guy for years which I know that was going impossible get her to do I thought, but for last couple months be honest we been talking to a guy in east midland area named paul & he 65 medium size & never push what he wanted from us.Be honest was until wife birthday she had a bath & slipped into her bath robe & sat at the computer after & was typing to Paul by herself...

1 year ago
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Black TGirls

This next premium site is going to be a real treat for anybody who likes to jack off on their lunch break while also enjoying a big, fat sausage. Black-Tgirls is exactly what it sounds like, and Black Tgirls are exactly what you’re going to find there. As much as I appreciate clever porn site titles, I like the no-bullshit approach here. Nobody is going to be surprised to see all the ding-a-lings on these Ebony whores unless they’re illiterate.The tagline at the top of their landing page calls...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Birthday Surprise

I remember that hot August day. It was my sixteenth birthday and I was so ready to have fun. I had all my day planned out. I was going to spend some time with the family first and then go out at night with my best friend Jill who was sixteen and already had her drivers license. I woke up about 8am that day. It was a Wednesday, and I was ready for my family to give me a birthday hug. I went to go take a cold shower first and got dressed. I deciced to wear my red halter top and white shorts with...

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Batman and Batgirl

Batman and Batgirl By Alana I anxiously paced back and forth, scarcely believing I was in the world famous Batcave, taking in the sights, in awe of the incredible high tech crime-fighting equipment. I was waiting for Batman to make his decision, but I already knew what it would be. I was going to be his partner! Me, Dick Grayson, partner to the coolest crime-fighter the world had ever known! Batman came into view. He was carrying a garment I didn't recognize. "You may...

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Birthday Surprise

On the day of her eighteenth birthday, Tori Vega awoke to darkness.She frowned, slowly bubbling to consciousness, raising a hand to swat at the material covering her eyes, only to realise her other hand was jerked up with it. Tori lay still for a moment, mind working. She flexed her wrists, silky material twisting over them. So she was blindfolded. And bound. She knew that much. Maybe this was some kind of birthday prank or something. Or a surprise. She didn't put it past her friends to do...

3 years ago
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Birthday gift for Jim

Birthday gift for JimOk for those who haven't read my previous stories some quick background info:I live with 2 roommates a guy "Sam" and a girl "Nicky"I have a girlfriend "Sue" who doesn't live with me but is always around. Recently me and my girlfriend started trying out new things in bed which led me to become a bottom for Sam and Nicky became my mistress, also Sam fucks my girlfriend frequently with me sometimes watching or joining.This story starts with me, my girlfriend, and Sam hanging...

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Birthday Gift From My Sexy Bhabhi

Hey everyone. I am Varun 18 yrs old from Kanpur. This a story of how my bhabhi seduced me to fuck her. Her name is Ragini (real name). She is a sex bomb. She is white in colour with body measurements 34-26-36 of 29 yrs. She married to my bhaiya 3 yrs ago. Toh app logo ko zyada bore na karte hue mai apni story pr aata hu. Ye baat september 2016 ki hai. Jab mujhe kanpur se delhi jaana tha 1 week ke liye. Toh mere dad ne bhaiya se baat kri ki mai 1 hafte ke liye unke ghr pr aauga. 1 september 2016...

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Ich hatte einen sehr stressigen Job, und so suchte ich f?r meinen Urlaub etwas sehr Ruhiges. Keine St?rungen und kein Handy-Empfang. Nur Ruhe. Angeln vielleicht, aber das war auch schon das Stressigste, was ich geplant hatte. Ich fand was ich suchte in Skandinavien. Finnland kam mir zuerst in den Sinn, aber dann erfuhr ich von den vielen M?cken. Norwegen schien das bessere Ziel zu sein. Und ich mochte Berge, deshalb war ich dort richtig. Ich hatte eine kleine H?tte an einem Fjord...

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BIRTHDAY WISH gone wrong

Both our families got stationed to the Northwoods within months of each other, and we lived on the same street. I met Tina almost as soon as we moved to the neighborhood, as we had to go by her house walking our children to elementary school. It wasn’t long that our children were playing, and Tian and I chatted almost daily over coffee, and reviewing our children’s homework. It wasn’t long before family BBQs, or evening card games and a few drinks seemed to be our routine. I was shocked...

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Birthday Present

The Birthday Gift Your birthday party had been great fun. We’d met some friends in our local. We’d had a good laugh, and maybe drunk a little too much. But hell it was your birthday. I hadn’t known what to get you for the occasion, I wanted it to be something memorable. But what? Clothes? I would choose wrong. Perfume? You had a dressing table full. Underwear? To easy! But what? Then your eyes had lighted onto something in the pub and I knew! I ...

2 years ago
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Birthday surprises

Ever since the night of my eighteen birthday when my brother popped my cherry, weve had a standing date every April 30th, and sure enough, the highlight of every birthday is when Lucas shows up. That statement might freak people out, but were not weird of anything, its just become sort of a traditional thing. Im not exactly what you would call a classic beauty. Ive got frizzy burnt orange hair and I was cursed with my mothers slim, boyish hips, and flat chest. Combine that with a body covered...

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Birthday Present

Smiling and in a post orgasmic daze, Joanna uploaded the file to her laptop. Her long blonde locks kissed her breasts and her legs were splayed open, displaying the wet trembling slit in between. Today was a special day. Her boyfriend, Alejandro, was out of the state for a business trip but that didn't stop her from remembering that it was his birthday. He had only been gone for two days and would be gone for the next two weeks or so. The location was high up where cellular reception was hard...

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Birthday Work Slave

Ann has been my very loyal and hard working secretary for quite a few years and she has become a very good friend as well. I hired her while she was still going to college and she’s been with me ever since. Over time, we’ve celebrated our successes and we’ve comforted each other when things aren’t going well. During her employment, my wife has also befriended her and I know her husband quite well too. She’s about ten years younger than I, so we’ve watched their two k**s grow up move out to...

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Birthday Wishes Like Brother Like Sister

Birthday Wishes: Like Brother Like Sister. By: Tiffany Taylor Copyright 2008 "You know I'm not who I appear to be. Things weren't always as easy for me as they are now with dealing with this but after two years things aren't as bad as they were at first. You probably won't believe my tale at all anyway, but I'm warning you now magic is real. I've learned the hard way and now believe all those stories about wizards and waterparks that I've read all about." "Before I go any...

4 years ago
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Birthday Gift Leads To Kiss

Hi guys. This is rohan(name changed) from delhi. I have been reading iss for quite some time and have finally decided to share experiences that i have had in my life. Firstly, about myself. I m 28 years old 5ft 11 inches tall. I wont boast of a very handsome and physically sound physique. I am normal in looks and have a normal body. Now coming to the story. I m a teacher by profession.I generally do not take private tuition but it once happened that i was persuaded by a lady of my neighborhood...

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