A Well-Lived Life - Book 8 - StephieChapter 45: The Don And Becky free porn video

July, 1983, Colerain Township, Ohio
Stephanie was a bit surprised to see me back at my parents’ house after just over an hour, but I told her that’s what Carie wanted and that it had indeed been good. We hung out a bit and then I headed to Don Joseph’s house for lunch. On the way, I thought about my encounter with Carie. It had been fun and pleasurable, but something seemed off. I couldn’t put my finger on it before I got off I-275 onto Colerain Avenue. I arrived at Don Joseph’s about ten minutes early, as I’d planned to.
Mrs. Grossi ushered me into the study where Don Joseph was waiting for me. He was sitting in a large, winged-back chair. I suppressed a smile at the thought that the only thing missing was a cat in his lap. He stood up when I came into the room.
“Steve, «figlio mio», to what do I owe the honor?”
“I need some advice, Don Joseph,” I said.
He motioned for me to sit in an identical chair next to his and I sat down. It almost felt like being in a confessional, though without the screen between us. I explained to Don Joseph what Becky had told me on the phone, her reaction to it, and my concern. He asked me a few questions about my activities in Chicago and I told him about the few times I’d accompanied Theo.
Don Joseph sighed, “Killing is bad for business. It serves no purpose. I cannot recall the last time such a thing happened in Cincinnati. Cleveland and Youngstown had their problems, but for the most part, we have solved our problems at the negotiating table over drinks, not with guns. Unfortunately, our friends in Chicago have a different view. As for your current situation, I had told you not to be involved in anything other than computers. Why did you disobey me?”
“I clearly made a mistake,” I said. “I ask your forgiveness. It was Theo who asked and as far as I’m aware, nobody above him is aware of my involvement.”
“Even so, Steve, you have put yourself in a dangerous place by knowing too much about things you should not have been involved in. This captain, Theo, has not had any problems with the law?”
“None that I’m aware of. I don’t know for certain, but I think he was collecting on juice loans for Frank. But nothing has come of it.”
“I do not think you are in any imminent danger, Steve. You are under my protection and I would hear about it if you were in danger. And I would do whatever is necessary to protect you. It is important that you do not ask any questions, either. Simply wait for your captain to tell you what you need to know.”
I nodded, “I truly am sorry, Don Joseph and hope you will forgive me.”
“Of course I forgive you. Young men seek excitement with cars, guns, and girls. It is the way of the world. I should have remembered this. But, do not violate my instructions again. Is this clear?”
“Yes, Don Joseph. It is clear.”
“Good. Then we will forget this matter completely. Now, come have lunch with me and tell me about the trouble with my unruly granddaughter.”
Talk about jumping from the frying pan into the fire! My problems in Chicago paled compared to trying to explain to Don Joseph what had happened between me and Joyce. I followed him to the table where Mrs. Grossi set sandwiches piled high with Italian lunch meats and cheeses before us, as well as glasses of lemonade.
“I’m not sure what there is to tell,” I said. “She did something that she shouldn’t have and caused great upset for Kara, my ex-girlfriend.”
“The sick one? I must have a word with my granddaughter! She told me there was a small fight between you because she had done something that hurt you, but she didn’t mention this poor girl!”
“Joyce and I spoke afterwards and things are better, but there is still strain,” I said.
“That is understandable. You care deeply for Kara and her mother, who, by the way, is an excellent employee. I assume you have heard that she was given a better job with more responsibility?”
“Yes, and I am grateful for the favor you have done me. As I’ve said before, all you need to do is ask me for something and it will be done.”
“You are a faithful young man, Steve. I need nothing from you now except your friendship. Perhaps the day will come when I do, perhaps not. As for Joyce, I will speak with her about this. Is this something she should apologize to Kara over?”
“No. At this point, the best thing she can do is not speak to Kara. Kara’s in a very fragile state and is being cared for by a psychologist.”
“Are there costs involved?”
“It’s paid for by the insurance where she works,” I said.
“If there are any costs, you must tell me. I will ensure that Joyce is responsible for what she has done.”
I did NOT want to be Joyce at the next talk with her grandfather. His words to me before had been soft, but clear. I didn’t think what he was going to say to Joyce would be soft.
“Of course,” I answered.
We finished eating, talking about the new house, my trip to Sweden, and my school. It was clear from everything that was said that if I needed a job after graduation, Don Joseph would offer one. What I really wondered, though, looking at his family situation, was who would be taking over the business, so to speak. Joyce had said that if she’d been a guy, it would be her, but she wasn’t, which meant there really wasn’t an heir apparent. That was a question I’d have to ask Joyce at some point, because I knew that Don Joseph was in his seventies, and at some point, would pass from the earth as all of us eventually would.
After lunch we sat in the back yard and drank another glass of lemonade, then at Don Joseph’s request, we played bocce. I won all three games, much to Don Joseph’s overacted annoyance. I could tell his grousing was all in good fun, and when we put the balls away, he clapped me on the back.
“You play better than any Italian I know! I wish I had a son or grandson like you. Larry is a good boy, but is not interested in anything but his studies. My sons have their own lives. My hope is that Joyce or Connie marry a young man like you.”
That more or less answered my unspoken question from before. I wondered about Connie’s boyfriend, because he was Italian. Joyce, to my knowledge, hadn’t dated any Italian guys, so I wondered if he was hinting something to me. He might be, but Joyce and I was so far apart that such a thing wasn’t even a remote possibility at this point, and probably never would be.
“Speaking of young men, Don Joseph, how is Ed working out?”
“He is far too impetuous and hot-headed. I have told Andreas to not give him any work besides what he does around the deli. Not even deliveries.”
That really concerned me. I’d have to ask my sister if she knew anything more.
“Well, then I am glad he and my sister are no longer seeing each other,” I said.
Don Joseph nodded and we walked back into the house. After a few minutes of small talk, he told me that he had a meeting to go to and we shook hands.
“Remember my instructions, Steve. And remember you are under my protection. Tell your friend she is safe so long as she follows your instructions.”
“I will, Don Joseph. Thank you,” I said.
We shook hands again and I went out to my car to head back to Milford. On the drive back I thought more about the situation with Carie and why I felt that way. I’d discuss it with Stephanie when I got home.
July, 1983, Milford, Ohio
I arrived at my parents’ house and went to find my little sister. I found her on the deck wearing her bikini and sunning herself.
“Mom lets you wear that?” I asked with an arched eyebrow, sitting down next to her.
“So long as nobody else is here, yeah. Didn’t you notice the tan lines?”
I chuckled, “Uh, no. I was more focused on looking in your eyes than checking out your body!”
“I had them in Chicago, you dolt!” she said.
“I’ll pay closer attention next time, I promise!” I said. “I have a question about Ed.”
“What did you want to know?”
“What did he do to get in trouble with Don Joseph?”
“Right after we broke up, he used his gun to threaten a kid in the neighborhood. Then he bragged about it and it got back to Andreas. You can imagine what happened!”
“Yeah. Let me guess, he doesn’t have the gun anymore.”
“Correct. And he’s out. All he does is work at the deli.”
“That’s what Larry’s grandfather told me. Do you know what the fight was over?”
“No. Ed would never tell me. How are things with Don Joseph?”
“Fine. He reprimanded me for getting involved in things I shouldn’t have, but also reminded me that I’m under his protection so I didn’t have anything to worry about so long as I stick to computers.”
“You damned well better, big brother! I don’t know what I’d do without you!”
“But you do know what you would do with me?” I grinned.
“Mom and Dad are out shopping and Jeff is at his stupid job. Want to check out my tan lines?” she asked invitingly.
“Absolutely!” I replied.
We got up and went to Stephanie’s room and she removed her bathing suit, posing to show me the milky white skin of her breasts and groin that contrasted with the coppery tan of the rest of her skin. I pulled her to me and latched my mouth onto one of her beautiful breasts. I sucked and licked until she pushed me back and helped me take off my clothes. We quickly got into her bed and joined together for a vigorous lovemaking session. When we finished, we quickly showered and were sitting in the living room when my parents arrived home.
“What time are you leaving tomorrow?” my dad asked.
“After breakfast at some point,” I said.
“I’d like to take you to breakfast tomorrow, if that’s OK. Stephanie can come along.”
“That’s fine with me,” I said.
Stephanie nodded her approval.
“We’ll leave after you two swim,” he said and followed my mom down the hall.
“What about the rest of today?” Stephanie asked.
“No real plans,” I said, “though I do need to call Becky and arrange a time to meet her.”
“Just be careful with that girl Steve. Use her if you must, but don’t get involved. That has always ended badly.”
“I know, Squirt. Don’t worry.”
“What else?” she asked.
“No real plans, like I said. Did you have something in mind?”
“No. You could take me to dinner!” she grinned.
“And we could have a nice dessert, right?” I smirked.
“Of course!”
“Hey Squirt, this whole thing with Carie? Something just felt kind of off with her.”
“In what way?” she asked.
“I’m not sure. Maybe it’s all the talks I’ve had with Anala about true intimacy. Basically, I’ve come to realize that true intimacy is really getting to know someone. It’s not sex like we usually think about it. Maybe it just felt a bit empty.”
“I can think of one other time like that, big brother.”
“Kellie Linden,” I sighed. “Yeah, actually, that’s exactly it. It was too business-like, so to speak. Kind of like ‘Thank you for popping my cherry, now please leave’.”
“Interesting. I knew she wasn’t interested in a relationship, but I didn’t put those two together in my mind. Sorry, big brother.”
“It’s OK. What it tells me is that I can’t just go around randomly relieving girls of their virginity at this point.”
“You? Swearing off virgins? Won’t happen,” Stephanie said in a matter-of-fact tone.
“That’s not quite what I said. It’s the business-like ones that don’t interest me. If it was more like Kim Smith or Debbie V who I knew for some time, it’d be different. So I’m not saying I won’t, but I’m not going to do this random thing again.”
“That actually makes sense. By the way, did you hear from Tracey after her party?”
“No, I didn’t. In fact, I haven’t talked to her on this trip. Why?”
“They went totally crazy according to Jessica. Every guy with every girl, two guys on one girl, two girls on one guy.”
I chuckled, “Let me guess, Tracey finally got her threesome!”
“If the story is accurate, she had three threesomes!”
“I am SO glad I didn’t go,” I said.
“Says the guy who’s had five girls in one day and a foursome.”
“Yeah, I know. But an orgy? That’s a bit much even for me.”
I told Stephanie that I needed to call Becky, so I went down the hall to use the extension in Stephanie’s room. Becky answered the phone and I asked her to meet me at 10:00am at the Milford Bowl on Route 128 by I-275. She said she would, but wondered if I’d come to her place because her dad wanted to see me. I thought about it and agreed, since I didn’t see any harm in it. I told her that I’d see her about 10:30.
After the call, Stephanie and I decided to play pool for a bit, then went for a short walk. When we got back to the house, we headed to an Italian restaurant that Stephanie wanted to try to had a really nice meal. When we finished, Stephanie suggested ice cream at Friendly’s.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I asked.
“Oh come on, you aren’t going to try to avoid seeing her forever, are you?”
“No, I guess not.”
We headed to Friendly’s and I was not surprised when we were seated in Carie’s area. Her attitude had changed completely. She wasn’t flirting and after taking our order, walked away quickly.
“Wow,” Stephanie said. “I would never have expected that. She really IS like Kellie.”
“Yep. Well, live and learn,” I said.
Carie brought our ice cream and barely even made eye contact when she set the sundaes in front of us. When she walked away, a strange thought ran thought my head.
“Squirt, she said that you took her to get the Pill. Is that true?”
“Yes, I did. She doesn’t have a car. Why?”
“Just a random bad thought that crossed my mind.”
“No way she’d try to get pregnant, that much I’m sure of.”
I nodded and finished my ice cream. I still had a really odd feeling about the whole thing, but in the end, I wasn’t going to come to Milford very often so it wasn’t a big deal. Except for one potential future problem.
“Squirt, if she comes to Chicago for school, I don’t want her living with us,” I said.
“I can see how that could be very uncomfortable. I’m still trying to figure out how we can be together with all your friends around.”
“We’ll find a way, Squirt. I promise!”
I left a modest tip on the table and then paid our check at the register. We headed out to the car and I asked my sister what her plan for the rest of the evening was.
“I put stuff in the clearing earlier,” Stephanie said. “Let’s go make love, big brother.”

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