- 4 years ago
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No, this isn’t about James Bond haha. The title is a perfect description of the scenario, so that’s where the name comes from. This is based on a true story of when my girlfriend Liv recently had to put her dog down. All the sexual stuff is fiction, but everything else really happened. It’s not a happy story, but I hope you like it anyway.
I was sitting on my couch, playing playstation, when my phone rang. I looked at it. It was my Liv, my girlfriend of over 2 years. My name is Matt by the way, and I’m a freshman in college. Liv’s a sophomore, and we were both home on spring break. We went to the same college if you’re wondering.
Anyway, I paused the game and answered, ‘Hey Liv. What’s up?’
A male voice answered. Liv’s dad. ‘Hi Matt. Sorry to bother you. You’re not busy, are you?’
I could tell from his tone that something was wrong. And there was no background noise. Everything was deathly quiet. I replied, ‘Oh, sorry, Mr.-(I can’t say his last name), I didn’t know it was you. No, no I’m not busy at all, just chilling out. Why?’
He continued in that same abnormal tone of voice. ‘Well, I hate to inform you that we just had to put our dog to sleep.’
‘Oh. Oh god, well I’m sorry to hear that. I had no idea.’ Liv’s family had a cocker spaniel, named Brody, which she absolutely adored. He was a great dog, and I liked him too.
‘No, it’s alright. There’s no way you could’ve known. Now understandably, Liv’s a mess right now. Completely inconsolable. You know she absolutely adored that dog. I’ve offered to call her friends, other family, everyone. But she refused everyone, and keeps asking for you. She says you know what it’s like to lose a pet. I’m calling to see if you could possibly come over and comfort her.’
My family’s dog, a German shepherd named Shandy, had died in May 2012, so I did have experience with losing a pet. It’s heartbreaking. I had my wisdom teeth pulled the same week, so it was a double whammy for me. Anyway, I replied without hesitation, ‘Of course. I’m leaving now. I’ll be over soon.’
‘Great. Thanks Matt. I’ll see you soon. Bye.’ He hung up.
I jumped up and turned my ps3 off and grabbed my car keys. I arrived at their house about 10 minutes later. I knocked on the door and steeled myself for the emotional onslaught coming my way. But to my relief, Liv’s father answered the door. He smiled weakly and said, ‘Hi Matt. Thanks for coming on such short notice.’
I stepped inside. ‘No problem. How is everyone?’
‘The same. Vikki (his wife, and Liv’s mother) is crying her eyes out downstairs. And Liv, well, you know, she’s devastated. Brody’s death hit her the worst out of everyone. Mitch, Jon, and Elisha (Liv’s older brothers and sister, respectively. They had all moved out, so Liv was the only kid still living with her parents. She’s the youngest of 4) are all sad, but not nearly as bad as her. Anyway, I think she’s in her room. I’ll be downstairs with Vikki if you need anything. Ok?’
I nodded and turned away, but he stopped me, ‘Matt.’ I turned back to look at him, and he said, ‘Thank you.’ I nodded in reply and walked upstairs to Liv’s room. Her door was closed. I stood outside it for a minute, bracing myself, and knocked. No answer. I tried again. ‘Liv? You in there? It’s me.’ I knocked yet again, and finally opened the door slowly. ‘Are you ok? I heard about your dog. My condolences-what the hell?’ Her room was empty. I opened the door all the way and looked around. No sign of her. ‘Liv?’ I called. Then I heard a noise. It sounded like water running. I turned away and saw steam coming out from under the bathroom door. I walked down the hall and listened through the door. Nothing except for water running, probably the shower. I knocked gently and said, ‘Liv?’ No response. ‘Liv, it’s me. Are you ok?’ Still no response. She was really freaking me out now. ‘Liv, you’re scaring me. Don’t do this.’
Then I was hit with a terrifying thought. She hadn’t killed herself, had she?! She loved Brody, but enough to do something so desperate, I wasn’t sure. ‘Liv. Answer me!’ I finally had enough and opened the door, not sure what to expect. I was hit with a literal wall of steam. I couldn’t see anything. I stepped inside and finally saw her. She was sitting on the floor of the shower, still completely clothed but soaked through, looking miserable with a 500-yard stare, holding a picture of her dog. There were several beer bottles lying next to her, all empty. She wasn’t crying, but her grief was probably beyond tears.
I stood there, not sure what to do. Liv looked up at me but didn’t say anything, which was very unlike her. She usually had a very friendly, joking personality. It broke my heart to see her so torn up over her dog. I hated seeing her sad. I walked over to the shower and opened the door, stepping inside. I was still fully clothed. I sat down next to Liv and was soon soaked through, but I didn’t give a shit. Carefully, I hugged her, and she leaned her head on my shoulder. Neither of us said anything.
We must’ve sat there for hours like that, or so it felt like. I finally glanced at Liv and noticed she was crying silently. I whispered, ‘Shit,’ and hugged her even tighter. She started sobbing openly and pressed her face to my shoulder, shaking and heaving.
I started rubbing her back, trying to calm her down. I kissed the top of her head and whispered, ‘It’s alright Liv. Keep crying. Let it all out. I’m here for you. I love you.’ She only sobbed in response and pressed her face even harder to my shoulder, returning the hug. I was pretty sure my clothes were soaked beyond repair now, with the shower drenching us and my girlfriend crying her heart out on my shirt.
We finally got out of the shower about 10 minutes later. Liv was still an emotional train wreck, so I had to grab her dry clothes and dry her off. Her father loaned me some old clothes to wear, and threw ours in the dryer. I walked Liv to her room, and she sat down on her bed, wiping the tears from her hazel eyes. She moaned, ‘I’m so fucking miserable!’ and lay back with a moan. I went downstairs and made her a cup of extremely strong tea. She wanted whiskey or vodka, but I refused. She’d drank enough already!
She drank the tea slowly, shaking and trying to calm down. She’d finally stopped crying, but now her normally very pretty face was swollen and red from crying, and her eyes were red and bloodshot. She looked at me and asked shakily, ‘How did you do it?’
‘How did I do what?’ I replied.
‘When your dog died. How’d you make it through each day?’
I sat down on her bed. I really had no idea how I did it, come to think of it. There was a slight pause. With a sigh, I looked at her. ‘When I figure it out, I’ll let you know.’
There was a long pause. I looked away, debating if Liv needed more tea. I didn’t see her leaning in until she grabbed my chin and turned my head and gently kissed me. All her anguish and misery seemed to pour out of her with the kiss. She finally pulled away after about 5 seconds and whispered, ‘Thank you.’
I smiled weakly. ‘No problem. Hang in there, babe. The first day’s always the hardest. I’ll be here for you if you need anything. If you need something, anything at all, I want you to call me, any time of day or night. I don’t give a damn what it is, or how trivial it might seem. Ok?’
She nodded, restraining tears. ‘Oh my god, Matt! I love you so much!’ she threw her arms around me and started balling her eyes out again. I sat there, one hand rubbing her back and the other stroking her blondish-brown hair. I’d seen her sad before, but I couldn’t remember anything even close to this. I said in response, ‘I love you too,’ and kissed her forehead as she tightened the hug.
She looked at me, tears gushing from her eyes. ‘I mean it. Thank you-‘ she sobbed and sniffed, ‘-for everything!’ She hugged me again, even tighter (if that was even possible), and continued to ball her eyes out.
Damnnnnn, she looked hysterical up close. Her eyes were bloodshot. Her makeup was smeared and running down her face. Her face was even more swollen. My heart was breaking seeing her like this. I loved her too much for words, and still do, and would’ve done anything to see her smile at that point. But I had no idea what.
I wound up staying the rest of the day, attempting to console my girlfriend. She was gradually getting drunk, despite my efforts to stop her. She even went downstairs at one point, claiming she had to speak to her parents, and proceeded to almost drain an entire bottle of whiskey. She was gone for a long time, so I went downstairs to check on her, growing concerned. I found her sitting at her kitchen table, with the bottle on the table, almost completely empty. She was staring blankly at the wall. She didn’t resist when I took her hand and took her to her room. The one good thing about her intoxication was that she was cheering up. The memory of her dog’s death seemed to be wiped from her brain.
I was putting her to bed and she was lying on her bed, ranting drunkenly. She’d brought the bottle of whiskey with her and put it on her bedside table. ‘Is it your birthday, Matt?’ she giggled.
‘No, Liv,’ I sighed. I’d seen her tipsy many times but never this bombed.
‘Is it my birthday?’
‘No.’ I walked over and was tucking her into her bed when she suddenly sat up and grabbed my wrist, and her expression turned serious. ‘I’ll tell you something, Matt. I’ll tell you-‘ she hiccupped drunkenly, ‘-something. I am gonna fucking thank you, because you-‘ she hiccupped again and pulled me close, and pointed a finger at me, ‘-you helped me out today, Matt. You got me through the day. You’re a great guy, and you can feel free to marry-‘ she paused and hiccupped for the millionth time, ‘-marry my daughter. If I had one. Thank you.’ She tried to kiss me, but being completely smashed, she missed my mouth completely. Hell, she didn’t even connect with my face!
I ignored this and replied softly, ‘It’s alright, Liv. You’d have done the same.’
She groaned in disgust. ‘If I’d done the same fucking thing, I’d have blown you! Wouldn’t I? Oh, fuck!’ She lay down and pounded the mattress with her fists. She wasn’t even making sense now, that’s how drunk she was. Probably not a good sign. She sat up and snatched the bottle of vodka off her bedside table and raised it to her mouth.
I said gently, while reaching for the bottle, ‘Liv, honey, I think you’ve had enough.’
She laughed drunkenly and hiccupped yet again, lowering the bottle slightly. ‘Me? Drunk? Hell, no! I ain’t drunk!’ she raised the bottle to her mouth and added, ‘But this oughta do it.’ She drained the rest of the bottle before I could stop her. She sighed contentedly and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, missing several times, and tossed the bottle to the floor.
Her eyes locked on me, or as best they could in her drunken state. She said, ‘You know, you look a lot like my boyfriend. I wonder what he’s doing right now.’
I was getting annoyed with her now. I sighed heavily. ‘He is currently sitting right here, talking to you. And he is starting to get irritated with you. Come on, you need to sleep it off. You’ll feel better in the morning.’
She giggled and spoke, ‘Oh, Matt. Matt, Matt, Matt. You’re so cute when you’re annoyed. Hell, you’re just cute in general. But alright, just for you, as your loving girlfriend, I’ll try to sleep. Ok? But first, I want something.’
I looked up, not sure what to expect. ‘Go on.’
She grinned drunkenly and leaned in. ‘Oh, I think you know what it is. I can’t sleep without it.’ She started drawing circles on my sweatpants (loaned to me temporarily while my clothes were in the dryer), or at least I thought they were supposed to be circles, given how drunk she was. They were more like sloppy ovals.
I finally got what she was getting at. I stood up, backing away from her. ‘Oh, no. Oh, hell no. You sure as fuck are not getting that!’
She stood up shakily, wobbling as she walked over to me. ‘Why not? I’m so horny right now. I want cock. Correction, I need cock!’
I snorted. ‘No, you don’t. You need to get sober. And your parents are home. I doubt they’d appreciate catching us in the act.’
She leaned in close, so close I could count the freckles on her cute nose and see flecks of color in her pretty hazel eyes. She also reeked of alcohol. ‘My parents don’t need to know. Come on, give me a kiss.’ She leaned in very quickly and tried to crush her lips to mine. But being drunk, she fucked it up, and I easily sidestepped her.
I grabbed her wrists and spun her to look me dead in the eye. ‘Liv! Listen to me! Stop it, seriously. I can’t do this. I’m sorr-‘
She cut me off by breaking her hands from my grasp and throwing her arms around me, giving me a very long, sloppy kiss, actually on target for once.
She’s usually an excellent kisser, always knowing what type I want, usually either a quick peck on the lips or a ferocious oral attack, tongue usually included. But that’s when she’s sober. She chose the latter, being the drunk and horny minx she was, trying to shove her tongue down my throat and literally crushing her mouth to mine. It was like trying to make out with a fucking dog!
Luckily, I saw it coming and pulled away after only several seconds. I broke out of her grip and grabbed her arms again. I was pissed off now. ‘Liv, you’re drunk! Cut the bullshit. I mean it!’
She giggled drunkenly and said, ‘OMG, you’re so cute. I love when you get pissed off.’
‘Yeah, well I’m about to get really fucking attractive!’ I exclaimed. I picked her up in a fireman’s hold and deposited her on the bed. Before she could react, I had thrown the sheets over her and sat down on her legs, pinning her. She might have been drunk, but at least she’d temporarily forgotten Brody’s death.
She giggled again and sat up as best she could. Her expression turned serious and she ran her tongue across her lips, looking at me. ‘You have no idea, all the things I want to do to you right now.’ Without warning, she grabbed my shirt and pulled me down on top of her, kissing me madly. All I could taste was beer.
I resisted at first. But the harder I tried to break the kiss, the harder she hugged me, and the harder the kiss got. Then from somewhere inside me, that primal urge to mate that most men possess kicked in, and before I knew it, I was returning the kiss. Our hormones were going crazy, so the kiss was getting even sloppier and more violent, but it was actually good. I’m pretty sure she even bit once or twice.
She finally had enough of kissing and sat up. She pretty much ripped my shirt off and started kissing drunkenly all over my torso. She attempted to take her t-shirt off, but had some trouble, with all the alcohol in her. So I returned the favor, helping her out of her shirt. I was pleasantly surprised to find she wasn’t wearing a bra under it. Like she did with me, I kissed all over her torso and stomach, focusing on her rack, making her squirm and moan and push my head closer. I took her sweatpants off and began kissing a path down her body, from her neck to her pussy. She was still wearing a thong but was already dripping wet.
It wasn’t long before the thong came off, revealing her glistening wet snatch, just begging for me to stick my cock in it. I leaned in and slowly licked it, flicking my tongue over her clit. Liv moaned loudly and gritted her teeth, and grabbed my head and forced my tongue inside her. I took it as an invitation and started tongue fucking her, really making her gush down there. She was biting the pillow to muffle her screams and moans. My mouth muscles were starting to tire, so I paused and took off my pants. Before I could resume, Liv was on me, and promptly licked my cock once before jamming it in her mouth. All the alcohol in her made this blowjob her sloppiest by far. She was normally e
xcellent at it, but this time, she was slurping and gagging, and just seemed rather inexperienced. I’m not saying it didn’t feel amazing, because it sure as hell did. She was simultaneously jacking my cock and sucking on the tip and swirling her tongue around it, making me tense up and groan.
This went on for several more glorious minutes until she had apparently had enough and stood up. She’d always had an absolutely banging hot body, and this was no different. I couldn’t believe I tried to say no to tearing that up just minutes earlier!
She leaned in and kissed me hard. The taste of beer wasn’t as strong this time, so hopefully she was starting to sober up. She finally pulled away and pushed me down on the bed. She grabbed my dick and jerked it several times, before lowering herself onto it. Even drunk, this girl was still an animal in the sack. She wasted no time taking it slow and sensual. She obviously wanted it hard and fast, and I was in no position to complain. Not that I would’ve anyway. Pussy is pussy!
This was the loudest I could remember Liv ever being. She tends to be fairly loud when she’s sober, not like all the exaggerated moans and screams in porn, but pretty audial nonetheless. But when she’s tipsy, she sounds like a pornstar. And this drunk, it sounded like she was being orally and anally gang raped simultaneously. I really hoped her parents were asleep! Even though we were 2 floors above them with the door closed, I was still expecting to hear footsteps coming up the stairs. Somehow, I don’t think they’d appreciate walking in on me boning their drunk daughter.
Liv was moaning and breathing very fast by this point, probably on the verge of orgasm. I wasn’t too far off myself, despite my reluctance at first. I had wanted to bang her this whole time, but not when she was drunk off her ass. I felt like I was taking advantage of her, like when some dickhead spikes a girl’s drink and knocks her up while she’s unconscious.
She finally threw her head back and said, ‘Oh god baby, don’t stop! Ohh, I’m in heaven! Fuck! Harder, baby. Harder! Oh, just like that! Oh, your cock feels so fucking good! Yes! Ohhhh, I’m gonna cum baby! I can’t hold it anymore! OHHHH MY GODDDD! FUUUCCCKKKKK!!’ She thrashed violently and succumbed to the pleasure.
Her pussy walls were pulsing and massaging my cock as she came, and it was too much for me too. I groaned and said, ‘Oh. Here it comes! Here it comes! Oh, shit!’ and blew, unloading inside her.
She collapsed on top of me, eyes closed and sighing in ecstasy. Her breathing was still fast and her heart rate was very high, like she just ran a marathon. My dick slowly went flaccid and came out of her vagina. I lay there for a minute, stroking her hair, expecting her to open her eyes with a smile and kiss me. But to my surprise, she started snoring gently. I smiled to myself and kissed her forehead. I gently rolled her off of me and redressed her as best I could. She slept through the whole process. I finally tucked her into bed and kissed her again.
I decided to stay the night. Hopefully Liv’s parents wouldn’t mind. She would probably be a wreck again in the morning when she was sober and remembered why I was there in the first place. I grabbed a blanket out of her closet and lay down on the floor, trying to sleep. It was surprisingly comfortable, but I had a lot on my mind, mostly how my girlfriend would act tomorrow. I finally fell asleep listening to her gentle snores and steady breathing.
Sure enough, I woke up the next morning and saw her sitting up in bed with a pained expression. She looked at me and said, ‘Ugh. I have one hell of a headache. What the fuck happened last night?’
‘You got drunk babe,’ I replied simply.
She stared at me in horror, picking up on my implications. ‘Drunk? Oh shit. My parents were home. We didn’t….?’ her voice trailed off.
I nodded. ‘I tried to stop you. But you didn’t take no for an answer. You’re very persistent when you’re wasted.’
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Black Book Diary Entry Christine is the wife of my dentist, been going there since forever. She used to be a model and you can tell that she once was by how beautiful she still is now. No one would disbelieve that truth about her. They’d just have to look at her. She fell in love with ‘The Doctor’, which is how she always refers to her husband as, never calling him by his name, Robert or Bob or Rob. She never calls him anything but Doctor, whenever they are in public. I always wondered if she...
I woke up, and it took a second for me to remember where I was. It looked like my room, but the ceiling was wrong, as were the colors of the walls. When I remembered, I turned to find Dana lying next to me. She was making little noises in her sleep and wriggling around. Whatever she was seeing, she certainly seemed to be enjoying it. I was mildly surprised that I woke up first. Emma woke up before I did when we forged our bond, and with my Fonti, the duration of my unconsciousness grew...
Ray took the security firm representative round. It was not a big site and the latter reckoned they could deal with a fourteen hour shift with three men, two patrolling and one resting. He was happy with the warehouse office as a rest room. There were tea and coffee making facilities and room for a sleeping bag. Ray undertook to make sure that there was tea and coffee there provided by DRD. "I suppose there's really no way you could provide cover tonight," asked Ray, "It's just that I...
My next mail to qamar: This is how i entered the porn industry. I went to the United States, had a job as a cleaner at a pre school and was later dropped out. I was crying on a bench, when I was talked to by a man named Thomas, who was at his forties and was tall and handsome. He said he can offer me a job, where I can earn much more in much less times, but under two regulations. I had to take certain physical hardships and give up my very religious life, that he observed with my head cover and...
Hi readers this is Chaitanya from Hyderabad. Today I’m going to tell you my real life experience, which was happened with my childhood friend Swapna, she stays near to my grandmother’s home. When i go to my grandmother’s home, i used to meet her every time. Coming to the story, we both are 26 years of age. We both are doing jobs. We both are good friends from childhood, without having any wrong thoughts in your mind. She used to call me and even i used to call her regularly. One day in the...
Emma pushed Jason off of her and sat up - her eyes wide and fearful. Jason tumbled backwards - his cock falling out of her and he only just stopped himself from falling off of the bed entirely. He opened his mouth to say something, but Emma put her finger to her lips; shaking her head wildly to warn him to keep quiet. She eyes darted around the room in a panic; trying to find a way to escape but being unable to. Seeing that Emma was in no state to deal with their current crisis, Jason took...
PART TWO: CAGED "Jason? Hello? You in there?" It was Mom. "Mom! Don't come in! I'm..." I stumbled to the door and let my weight fall on it. I paused. "... not decent." "Just wanted to let you know that we're home and I checked on Jenny. She's asleep. Everything went well tonight?" she said through the door as she stopped pushing. I laid against the door and sat on the floor, hearing my diaper crumple and my ruffles crinkle. They were the loudest noises ever, I was certain Mom...
“Do you trust me?” I ask as I tie a blindfold around your eyes. “Yes, of course I do,” you respond with a smile, not knowing what I want to do, but sure that it will be enjoyable. “Come with me.” I take you by the hand and guide you to something soft. As you climb on it, it feels like the bed. “Kneel down,” I tell you, “and put your elbows against your knees.” You do so. Then you feel something going around the back of your knees,...
Last week I hooked up with a guy I met on Craigs List. He is a heavy masturbator and so always looking for someone to j/o with. He has a several regular buddies he masturbates with throughout the week when he gets tired of masturbating solo and c2c.So stroked each other's cock on and off and masturbated together while we talked. One of the things we talked about was our earliest experiences. His story grabbed me and made my erection so hard that I have to share at least the situation he...
Welcome to Life-Com, where we transform you into who you have always wanted to be. First, pick your sex.
Connor knew that Lorcan was still on the line because he could hear him breathing. “Lorcan I know you’re still there please we need to talk.” “Now you want to talk well I don’t want to talk to you, after all the shit you pulled this week you asshole.” Lorcan hissed. “I can’t believe I ever loved you, but what you did today was mean and, and you suck as a boyfriend! I wish that I never ever had sex with you, I hate you now leave me alone.” He said as he hung up the...
Sudden Terrors The days of August slipped away with warm days and cool nights, broken only once by a late summer thunderstorm. It dumped a brief but torrential cloudburst on Silver City and the surrounding mountains. A flood of water and debris surged down Jordan Creek through the center of town but did little damage, other than making it difficult to ford the creek near the small south side campground. When late August arrived the high desert nights turned chilly. Yellowing leaves appeared...
I speed downtown before the afternoon gets any later. I want to check out all of the booths while it is still daylight and I have less chance of running into any biker guys looking for fun. My college friends want to come down here later tonight and go to the beer tent, but unfortunately I am the youngest and not quite drinking age yet. Plus, crowds make me nervous, especially rowdy ones with drunken men. For some reason I feel safer during the daytime, there are always others like me walking...
Ms Cameron, my personal assistant buys presents for my wife, I simply have no time available, when work takes up most of my day. She is my gatekeeper. My wife has come to work for a lunch date to celebrate her birthday. Ms Cameron has left a large wrapped present to give to my wife, Ali. I walk in to the board room my wife is immaculately presented her jet black hair is freshly coiffed at the salon, her clothes are haute-couture, her make up is minimal. She is drinking a glass of champagne with...
RnR “Normal speak” ‘Thoughts’ Written by Dragon of the Underworld Revised by Evildart17/Darkcloud75 And on to the story. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Way I Dreamed It Part 1 Chapter 4 The nurse had left and Hinata was alone in the room. ‘Pregnant . . . . . I’m pregnant’ she was surprised but in a couple of seconds her face turned to a happy one, she brought her arms to her belly and hugged herself. “I’m ganna . . . . . . Be a...
Copyright© 2004 This is a dark tale. It is not about sex, though there is some allusion to some sexual matters. Read it at your own discretion, but keep your hand out of your pants. You won't find anything to stroke about in this one. If killing and graphic violence are not your cup of tea, skip this one. What does it take to kill a man? In the sixties, for me, all it took was an order. "Take out that sentry." Hand over mouth and sharp jerk backwards to get him off balance....
Saturday morning, I awoke at seven. I threw the covers off myself and headed to the shower immediately. The hot water and steam woke me up even more. While the hot water traveled down my naked body, a sexual rush passed through my form from the actions of the day before. It had been a while since I had had any sexual contact and my body was yearning for some passion. Hell, my body was screaming for just a good fuck. It was going to be a warm day and I knew that I always had an open invitation...
IncestThat night I slept under the bed only. Since my spying went on till 1 am that night I just fall asleep there only. Early morning I woke up with the sound of alarm coming from next room. I think Radha mom must have set the alarm. I checked the time. It was sharp 5 o’clock in the morning. I quickly started peeping through the hole. Dim light was on and Radha mom was sitting on the bed and was sneezing. Her hair was all over the place, she was checking her sari. I think Rakesh half woke up due to...
IncestNever would Shawn have believed he would be able to get sweet, shy little Carrie to accompany him up to his apartment. Especially with it being just the two of them him this late at night. He was blown away when with her eyes downcast she shook her head yes and followed him up the stairs that lead to his apartment on the fifth floor.Once inside Shawn knew if he wanted this girl he would have to take the lead. She stood in the middle of his living room floor looking at nothing else but the...
There was one last, ceremonious announcement for Blanca and Tina, just before Liam’s and Becky’s nuptials, though Gail only recalled at the last second. It was a good thing, too, because I knew that they would be hurt if it wasn’t done right. The last thing that any of us wanted was to hurt Blanca, Tina, or anyone else. “Ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you Mrs. and Mrs. Blanca Ruiz!” Gail declared the couple in precisely the way that the note Tina slipped to her told her. Watching my...
The gem pulsed once, then twice. It recognized your approach, John knew what you desired. It just wanted to be used. Slowly, you picked it up, and smiled to yourself. The gem pulsed one more time, confused. Are you a boy, or are you a girl?
David was in his bedroom, watching porn and masturbating slowly. Not an unusual situation for him, in fact during the last two years it had become his main form of relaxation. Now, with two years of intensive study, followed by exams and applications to University, he was at last able to relax slightly, the trouble being that the last two years had seen most of his friends drift away as his concentration on his studies became more and more intense.His routine had become just that, routine. Home...
Brian, when talking with Abbie on Friday night, quietly thanked her for helping Mark get to this point. And how pleased he is that Mark’s friends are so accepting and welcoming. There are more hoops Mark still has to jump through, and Brian hopes Abbie and Tim could be at Wilde Peacock tomorrow afternoon. Brian is going to take Mark there for the first time.Abbie laughs, telling Brian he will be introducing Mark to the Peacock in full force. Tomorrow is Phoebe’s annual bar birthday. The...
TransIt was night at my house and I was yet again with a book in my hands. I have always been smart loving math, physics and stuff but I never stopped to actually study anything. In my free time I usually was reading something science fiction fantasy and such. I’m 18 and in school anything that interested me was always easy to understand. In the start or at most middle of the explanation I already had the rest figured out. When everyone was doing the second exercise I had finished. But even then I...
August 16, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio Liz threw her arms around me on Sunday morning when I walked out of my room. “Thank you! Thank you!” I hugged her tightly to me. “Mom let you out of ‘house arrest’?” “Yes. And I know you’re responsible. If you weren’t my brother, I’d kiss you!” “Just remember, you have to behave, because if you don’t...” “I know,” she sighed. “I’m on parole. Did Mom tell you that Paul agreed to plead guilty to one count of statutory rape and one count of oral sodomy...
There is nothing quite like the hot excitement of fucking; and Olivia loves fucking Charles, but what she did not expect was her sister Kenzie to come home early and catch her fucking Kenzies husband Charles! What the fuck! Talk about being BUSTED… well if they are going to fuck they better show Kenzie just what makes it so special. Is it Olivia Austins big tits? Or maybe her tight wet pussy that she keeps shaved clean? Or maybe its the way she sucks his cock. Kenzie makes them fuck in...
xmoviesforyouSince her encounter with Mat and Troy Janet had been conflicted, she knew she had screwed up big time. These guys were going to take advantage of her situation to the fullest. They had given her a very hard spanking that had left her ass red and sore for three days, that and the fact it took two days for all of Mat’s cum to leak out of her. Her dilemma was if this was ever discovered her and her husband Roy’s lives would be ruined, no doubt he would divorce her she’d lose her kids and be...
Friday night I hung the phone and told my sweet Ana that some of the guys from the neighborhood would come home to play cards.My wife smiled and suddenly her eyes lit on, asking me if Aaron would be part of the team. I stared at her, knowing she had been horny for Aaron, a handsome giant muscled black guy. He was divorced and I had noticed he was enticed by my sensual wife…My sexy Ana was dressed in her tight jeans along with a flannel long sleeve shirt. She said that she should change to a...
PART II It's been three months since Kyle moved in with me. He had taken over the master bedroom as his own and gave me the smaller bedroom I used to use for just storing crap. He had cleaned out and thrown out a lot of my old stuff and painted the room and put in all new furniture. My favorite piece was a vanity with lighted mirrors. I was thinking about this the other day after my iPod broke and I had to wait a couple of days for a new one to listen to my music again. Even though I...
Debbie couldn’t help smiling to herself as she cooked breakfast for the kids. This morning when her two nieces awoke and her family had made it’s way out the door, she would reclaim her independence. She felt a deep sense of relief while also feeling ashamed of the things she had done the past few days. Just as her mind started to wander over the events of last evening Brett came rushing into the kitchen. “Hi sweetness, I have an early morning meeting so I have to run. Let’s plan on getting...
So the story starts like this…. As normal day I was lying in my room when my mom came and told me that she was going out for shopping, and told me that maid will be coming to clean the room. Now let me tell you about that lady, her name was Payal and she was in her mid-30’s, with fully grown body. As she was there in our house for past 4 years, so I didn’t had any bad intention for her. She came around 1 pm in the afternoon. I was sleeping in my bed so I was not able to hear her voice. She was...
December 17, 1984 Los Angeles, California It was Monday morning and Steve Crow was going over the music sales reports from the previous week. He was dismayed to see that La Diferencia's debut album The Difference had moved into the number two spot on album sales, selling only six hundred fewer copies than The Thrill Of Doing Business, which was holding at number one for the eighteenth consecutive week. At this rate it was entirely possible that The Difference would take over the number one...
Bobby and Katie made love again before falling asleep in each other’s arms. They awoke the next morning still embraced. It didn’t appear to either of them that they had moved an inch during the night. Katie untangled herself from Bobby and headed to the bathroom. On this trip, Bobby definitely focused on the sight of her body, largely due to the fact that she was walking away from him and her eyes weren’t visible to distract him. While she used the master bath, Bobby went down the hall to...
HARVEST OF TEARS CHAPTER 7 By slave ruthie - with Mistress Ranai's guidance (The scene was set - everything was prepared. The actors took their places. But two did not know the plot and one of these had no idea beyond a vague sense of unease that her life was changing - and it wasn't for the better...)"And who, Charles, is this?" Rosario held out her hand to the strikingly handsome young man who was talking to Alexa's master in the lobby."Rosario, may I introduce doctor G?rard ________. He i...