BethChapter 57 free porn video

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September 3, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

I woke slowly to full awareness that I was not in my bedroom. Memory came to call, and I smiled. Last night’s activity in the Monstrosity was a five-girl romp. Not unsurprisingly, Heather was the instigator of the romp and then the recipient of not one, but two Go5 gangbangs, separated by about an hour. I’m sure that our parents heard Heather, at least, as we heard Carol and, just barely, Dad. The two sets of lovers, Rhee, Heather, and I and Gracey and Liya, focused internally for some of that time. However, the lines between the two sets are blurring, very much so. Again, Heather is the catalyst. Liya and I shared a particularly nice expression of love, both tender and energetic.

Here I am, though, between Rhee, on the outside, and Heather, on the inside, with Liya and Gracey beyond Heather. She had a little episode when we decided to call it a night and arranged our bed positions. Just her being in the middle was not the cause of the episode, but that the other four of us curled in facing her, as if she were the center of our universe.

Among sobs, Heather got out, “Now, I know why I never had friends before. I was saving up, waiting for you four ... and Civia. The sex with you is so far past anything that I thought sex could be before you, that I am astounded nearly every time we get together. However, the love is an order of magnitude more important than the sex. I am so fucking happy!”

After a few more minutes of lying on the Monstrosity with my sister-friend-lovers, I heard Dad.

“Mind if I join you?”

My first optical image of the day was of a smiling, half-hard Dad. I joined my voice to Heather’s quietly welcoming him to our bed. Dad clambering onto the Monstrosity must have woken the others.

“Wh-what,” Liya asked as she raised her torso from the bed.

Dad worming between her and Heather clarified her mind quickly.

“Ohh, Dad-d-d,” Liya moaned.

Heather said, “You don’t need to ask, Dad. If we’re in the Monstrosity, which is, by definition, public, you’re welcome to join us anytime.”

“Yeah, Dad,” Rhee said, “anytime.”

“Oh, god, yes,” Gracey chimed.

Dad lay on his back, wormed his arms under Heather and Liya, and rolled them into him.

“I’ve had a lot of great nights in bed with my wives, but last night was incredible, and you girls deserve much of the credit. Sandy and Carol were both incredibly turned on by our kiss and, particularly, by your orgasm, Gracey. Heather showing the video of Sex Slave pleasuring herself on me in the Sprinter ratcheted their arousal upward, enough so that Sandy felt compelled to masturbate to orgasm while standing among us. They were nearly insatiable last night.

“Gracey, I would’ve liked to have cum with you during our kiss, but it’s probably a good thing that I didn’t. I also greatly appreciate what you said last night about the understanding that you girls have about sharing. If it were up to me, I would be able to cum a dozen times a day so that I could fairly share my love with all of you, but I can’t.”

Gracey responded, “Dad, it’s okay. You gave me a wonderful orgasm. Well, you and the fact that I was making love with you with the rest of this spectacular family watching gave me a wonderful orgasm. Besides, I’ll have you to myself tonight, so I’m more than happy.”

Because I was looking in that direction, I could see Liya communing with Heather across Dad’s chest. Heather nodded once, then pointed her chin at Liya. Liya lit up the bed with her gorgeous smile. Dad began to say something, but stopped when Liya moved, crawling onto him, grabbing his cock, and rubbing the head on her slit for a while. She released a sigh-grunt as she split her lips with his cockhead and began lowering onto it. When she bottomed out, she let out a long, low sigh. Liya began rising and falling slowly on Dad’s cock while the rest of us watched, mesmerized. After a minute or so, she leaned over on Dad’s torso, but instead of kissing Dad, kissed Heather.

“Oh, god,” Dad said quietly.

Gracey threw the sheet off herself, then scooted toward them, mashing into Dad’s left side. When Liya pulled out of the kiss with Heather, she turned and began kissing Gracey. Rhee and I emulated Gracey in removing the sheet; I sent my right hand toward my pussy. Rhee’s right hand beat mine there. I moaned and rolled my head back. Rhee responded by leaning in and kissing me while she began lightly rubbing my labia.

Liya continued her slow loving of Dad, while alternating kissing Heather, Gracey, and Dad. After a few minutes, she came with a long, low sigh. Given the low intensity of her orgasm, her recovery was quick, and she rolled off Dad into Gracey’s arms. Heather immediately replaced her on Dad’s cock, and emulated Liya’s slow, gentle lovemaking.

“Fuck-k-k. Do you think that they’re all going to do that? That was beautiful.”

Carol’s voice surprised me, all of us, as we had not heard her arrive, neither her nor her conversation partner.

“Oh, I hope so,” Sandy replied quietly.

I noted her phone facing the bed in her hand.

It was no surprise that it took Heather very little time to achieve rapture. She was louder than Liya, but, for her, she had a quiet orgasm. While she was lying on Dad’s torso recovering, Gracey caught my eye, then pointed her chin at me. I nodded. Heather rolled off Dad into my arms. I gently rolled her over me to Rhee, then got to a kneeling position.

“Oh, fuckkk. Carol, they are. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck!”

With that sonic backdrop, I climbed onto Dad’s pelvis, put his cock at my center, then slowly slid my pussy onto its length, my head falling back onto my back, my eyes closing in bliss. I loved sex and making love with my sisters, but there was definitely something very satisfying about having Dad filling, stretching my pussy. I pulled my head off my back and looked at Dad, who was waiting for my eyes. I began slow up-and-down movements on the cock that filled me so wonderfully. I did not put any swirls into my movements, hoping to reduce the feelings for Dad, hoping to enable him to hold out for all five of us.

I had thought when Heather and Liya started this that it would involve just them. Carol’s comment, though, got me thinking that, perhaps, we could pull this off, as long as we didn’t get Dad too excited. I don’t know how he’s held off this long, being in bed with five post-pubescent girls taking turns on his cock while his wives watched. I knew that he could last through the short bouts with Liya and Heather, but he was still placid – except for that purple-headed erection, of course, not grunting or moaning at all, although he was giving out occasional short, quiet, sighing “oh”s.

I, however, was on fire, despite the languid way in which I was moving on Dad. I wanted to bounce on his cock aggressively. Since it seemed that Dad could last more easily with us girls doing things slowly, gently, I would hold back my eagerness for a hot-and-furious orgasm, instead trying for a slow-and-gentle orgasm like those of Liya and Heather.

Heather and Liya helped me by tickling my butt, sucking on my nipples, and kissing my neck as I gently rode Dad to a lovely, low-intensity orgasm. I need to have more of those. They are not as physically satisfying as a bucking, screaming, oh-my-god orgasm, but this was much more spiritually satisfying. A big part of that satisfaction was the sisterhood aspect. It was as if the five of us were sharing ourselves with the others, somewhat like last night at times, but with added Dad. Though I was only partially aware outside of my body, my mind, I did hear the Moms.

“I’m dying, here. This is absolutely, fucking incredible,” whispered one of them.

‘Tell me about it. How is Charlie managing this? I’m not just wet, I’m flowing. I just about came with Beth. I don’t know if I can take two more without my mind, heart, and pussy exploding,’ answered the other.

“I know what you mean, but I’m in for the duration,” said the first.

I was still somewhat out of it as I rolled off Dad, Rhee gently replacing me on his cock. I did hear him sigh with Rhee as she buried his cock to the hilt inside her. When I became fully aware, Rhee was quietly moaning, her hands braced on Dad’s chest, as she lifted and lowered her pelvis. Dad, too, was moaning. His hands fluttered on her hips and ass, as he apparently fought his want to help her bounce on his cock. With Dad’s help, we might be able to manage all five of us loving him in succession. As Rhee quietly mounted the Stairway, Dad clenched his jaw and closed his eyes. He was not moving, allowing Rhee – and the rest of us – to, essentially, use his cock to pleasure herself, ourselves.

Rhee tipped over into a quiet orgasm and the Moms made their presence known, again, though they were whispering.

“Damn! That’s four, although it looked like Charlie almost came that time,” Sandy said.

Carol responded, “Yeah, but you saw how quickly Rhee came. The girls are hyper-amped and are cumming quickly. He probably has to last only a couple minutes with Gracey and can probably cum with her. Fuckkkk! This is ... FUCK! We’ve thought it wouldn’t be possible, but maybe all seven of us could get off in one bout on Charlie’s cock.”

“Wouldn’t that be wonderful?!”

“Oh, god, yes! We need to work a bit more on Charlie’s endurance and we could have a fantasy come true. I think the girls played it right. Don’t go for screamers, but for pleasant little orgasms.”

Rhee rolled off into the space that Gracey created; Gracey climbed onto Dad, lying on him, kissing him. I could barely hear and understand him when he whispered into Gracey’s ear.

“Give me a minute or two and just lie here on me and snuggle.”

Gracey waited, snuggling into the crook of his right shoulder, a pleasant smile on her face, her brown eyes sparkling at Heather and me. Heather leaned in and put her lips on Gracey’s; she kissed her back. After some indicator that I did not see, Gracey lifted into a kneeling position over Dad’s pelvis, took hold of his slightly-less-purple cock, and rubbed it on her pussy lips. After a few back-and-forths, she centered the head and began sliding down it. Like me, she let her head fall back in pleasure and sighed as her groin met his. She sigh-moaned with her first up-and-down and kept doing so with every move of her pelvis; she was obviously already close. She stopped.

Gracey looked down into Dad’s eyes as she sat motionless on Dad’s cock, Dad looking back up at her. She then carefully folded down onto Dad, put her face right in front of his and spoke quietly.

“I love this, Dad. I loved our first night together and I’ll love tonight. However, I love this even more, my sisters and I sharing you. You’re now a part of our sisterhood. It may seem that we’ve just been using your cock to get off, but it’s been much, much more than that. The five of us are communing with each other and you. We sisters are making love with each other through and with you. This is what we sisters do. We share. When we began our plural sex lives, we were two sets of lovers. Over the course of this summer, we’ve been moving, slowly, but moving in the direction of the five of us being a single set of lovers. And you are a part of that single set of lovers, the five of us and our Dad. There will always be a place for you in our lives, no matter where our singular and plural lives take us, whether the five of us are together or scattered across the country, the world. While we love you individually, more importantly, we love you as a set of sister-friend-lovers. We’ll never be jealous of any of our sisters, because you are our male lover. Each of us gets nearly as much pleasure watching you with one of us, even knowing that you’re with one of us unseen, as the girl with you gets. I know that while you and I are physically alone together upstairs tonight, my sisters will be with us. Thank you for this incredible morning.”

With that, she kissed him and began lifting and lowering her pelvis, stroking Dad’s cock with her pussy. The kiss intensified as both of them moaned and grunted, as Gracey’s pelvis action sped up. Dad reached the Stairway first, but when Gracey reached it, the Stairway became an Escalator, a high-speed Escalator to Heaven as the two of them effortlessly rode to a mutual, loud orgasm, Dad’s ass lifted from the mattress, his cock thrust deeply up into Gracey’s pussy, her head on her back, her face to the ceiling screaming out the orgasm that was the product of the six of us.

While I did not physically cum, I felt many of the physical manifestations of orgasm, including the shortness of breath and elevated heartbeat. I could feel Heather in my arms experiencing the same thing, but my eyes beheld a frozen tableau, a lightning-flashed image that I knew would stay with me always, a memory that would both calm and excite me wherever in the world I found myself for as long as I breathed.

While that image, that experience seemed timeless, a loud clattering on the floor and my mom’s distinctive squealing moans of orgasm intruded, dislocated me from that fiery recent past into the present, a present that felt at once disappointing and filled with promise. I would never physically return to that past, a past that was so joyful, such an exemplar of our sisterhood’s future. That was the disappointing aspect, but an aspect far outclassed by the promise the future held for us. My sisters. My friends. My lovers.

I quickly got out of bed and dropped to Sandy, who had joined her phone on the floor between the Monstrosity and the couches. In the back of my mind, I hoped for one thing, hoped for it with all my heart, because if Mom managed it, I would not have to rely solely on my memory. That was, however, just the back of my mind. The forefront of it was focused on my mom still experiencing the throes of orgasm, her sister-wife next to her on the floor, her right hand between her legs, her ass lifted from the floor, her mouth beginning to scream out her own orgasm. I laid out next to my mom, throwing my left arm around her, letting her know that she was not alone in her ecstasy.

I lost some time there on the floor, my mind reeling with a cascade of images, both real and imagined, the past and the possible futures. I spent the lost time with my cherished mother and my hopes and dreams.

As I was drifting in and out, Dad said, “This seems like a good day to have brunch at Granny Brown’s.”

The “vote” was unanimous, so after we all showered – all five of us squeezing into the upstairs shower, we gathered in the living room preparatory to departing. The Go5 had planned it without consultation with the Moms, so I was pleased to see that they had also worn skirts, and my sisters sorted themselves among the Moms.

“Dad,” I said, “we have something to show you, from shortest to tallest.”

“What’s th...,” Dad started, but Heather had lifted her short skirt to expose her panty-less crotch. In rapid, metronomic fashion, the next tallest, Liya, lifted her skirt, and so on, until the tallest, Carol, was the last of seven commando females standing in front of Dad with skirts raised.

“You women are going to be the death of me.”

Heather responded with, “Indeed, we are, Dad. You had a little death this morning, something that you have in common with all seven of us girls, and we LOVED it!”

Dad lifted his face to the ceiling in a “why me” gesture, but then lowered his head and grinned at us.

“I loved it, too. I didn’t think that I was going to last through Rhee, but I managed it and then Gracey gave me a breather. That was phenomenal, girls. Thank you.”

We had a tasty and fun brunch and returned home. Dad and the Moms disappeared into their bedroom and we girls went to the Go5 HQ; I closed the door.

I asked, “Gracey, Liya, do you have your tablets as I requested?”

“Yeah,” answered Liya. “You were pretty mysterious about the need, but we brought them.”

“Do you each have at least 2 gigs of space? I need to put a copy of a document on each of your tablets. You’ll understand once I get them loaded.”

They both nodded and Gracey handed me the two tablets and I copied this diary onto both and handed them back.

“I have been writing a diary since early May that I began in order to chronicle my sexual development.” I held up my hand when they wanted to know what I meant and continued with, “There were two reasons that I did this. One of them was that I was considering initiating a sexual relationship with Rhee, though I was scared to actually start it. However, the primary initiating event for my diary occurred in this house, in late April. I planned to write the diary for one year and I endeavored to write each night that something of importance to the diary’s scope happened.

“Sometime in May, I decided to expand the scope of the diary to be my development into an adult. This moved soccer from an occasional peripheral mention to being a major part of the diary. The length of entries increased dramatically, as did the writing time necessary. As Rhee began spending more and more time here, I wound up having to summarize two or three days after the fact, with memories not as sharp as they had been. I introduced Rhee to the diary, mainly to have time to write when she was here. Eventually, Heather began spending a lot of time here, so I introduced it to her, too, for the same reason. You’ll be here for most of the next eight months, so I need to apprise you of the diary so that I can have writing time while you’re here.

“I would not have let any of you know about the diary, much less have you read it, without the need for writing time. The reason for that is that the diary contains a secret, a dangerous secret that needs to stay a secret for some unknown amount of time into the future. The secret is not really mine to tell, which is why I had intended to tell no one of it. However, that would mean smaller and smaller amounts of writing time as my friends became my sisters and we began spending much of our time together.

“I have put a copy of the diary as it stands now on each tablet. It is over a half-million words long. I know I can trust you with this secret, but, as I said, it’s not really mine to tell, but I’ve been forced by circumstances to tell each of my sisters. Rhee and Heather have gotten deep into the diary, but the critical aspect of it is in the first few of what have become chapters. You will be surprised by the precipitating event and, possibly, shocked by my response to that event. I can claim only that I had a sexual neophyte’s understanding of sex and the surprising paths to which it can lead.

“I need to write, as I find myself behind once again. I’ll wait until you get to my response to the precipitating event and any discussion that we have as a result. Hopefully, you’ll not be appalled and want to discontinue friendship with me. If you’re okay with my response and any subsequent discussion, I need to write.”

The two of them sat on the bed, but Liya suddenly looked at me.

“Wait a minute. Did you say ‘a half-million’ words?”

When I nodded, both Gracey’s and her eyes widened, their brows rose.

“Fu-uckkk,” responded Liya. “That’s immense.”

“Tell me about it!”

They began reading. Both jerked their heads up to look at me about a minute in.

“Whoa. You were right that we’d be surprised. I wouldn’t have thought of that as a precipitating event almost no matter how much time you would have given me,” Liya said. “She really doesn’t seem the type, although I don’t know that I could define ‘type’ in this case. Fuck!”

“That was my reaction, and I was here.”

Rhee jumped in with, “Before you ask the question that I know you want to ask, I’ll tell you what Beth told me when I got there: ‘Read on’.”

Of course, less than 30 seconds later, their heads came up even more rapidly; Liya was the first to put voice to response.

“HOLY FUCK! I had no inkling of that. This is crazy!”

Heather responded, “It is crazy, and it’s not. Have you read all of the first chapter? If not, please do so, and we can discuss it when you’re done.”

They read for another couple minutes, then stopped, their eyes still wide, their brows elevated. Gracey started.

“So, we have you to thank for our sexual relationships with Dad, for clothing optional, for ... everything?”

“Actually, no. Current conditions are mostly due to Carol and Sandy. All I wound up doing is moved things ahead a little, and I mean a little. You heard Carol’s story and what she wanted out of the family. You’ve heard Sandy say many times that she wants Dad involved with us. And look where we are, now. As long as we don’t play the card too often, we can initiate sex with Dad. Dad can initiate sex with us. My primary goal was to get Dad to be my first male lover, with a secondary goal of him doing the same with Rhee. I added the rest of my friends-now-sisters later. I was looking at one-time occurrences for each of us. Despite my hubris, I had, essentially, nothing to do with the current state of things.”

“You know she’s right, Gracey,” said Heather. “She’s not the primary manipulator. She’s, at best, a minor character with two lines in the first act. You know Beth. You’ve known her much longer than I have. Surely, you know that she would not manipulate her friends in this fashion ... or at all. She wanted one thing for herself and to give Rhee a gift. She did not anticipate or know of Sandy’s interest in Dad having us. She did not know or anticipate Carol’s identical interest or even guess that Carol would have any kind of say in the situation. You know that the Moms are the manipulators, self-confessed manipulators. All Beth did is give Sandy a kick-start. You will see that if and when you get far enough into the diary.”

Gracey hung her head, then looked at me.

“I’m sorry, Beth. I should have thought before I opened my mouth.”

I wrapped Gracey in my arms and said, “It’s okay, Gracey. I understand. I had to do some extensive soul-searching once things began getting crazy, with Mom encouraging you all with Dad, with Carol quietly encouraging the same. I intimated two or three times in the diary that things had moved so far, so quickly, and had greatly outstripped in scope my original plan that I was dumbfounded and a bit disconcerted. I love where we are, but it was not my plan. It’s only barely visible from my plan. Despite that I thought I was so clever and had cornered my mother in the hopes that I could get her – and Dad – to agree to him taking my virginity, she outmaneuvered me with ease.

“Despite that I got schooled and taken to the cleaners, I wouldn’t change a thing. I now have four sisters that I would not trade for anything. ANYTHING! I now have a loving sexual relationship with those four sisters. I also have a loving sexual relationship with the most wonderful man that I or anyone I know well knows. I’m loved and very happy.”

“Oh, god,” Gracey exclaimed as she began sobbing.

Liya wrapped her arms around Gracey from the other side; we both laid our heads on her.

“Gracey, baby,” Liya said softly, “It’s okay. We all love you. Your explanation to Dad this morning was exactly right. We five are one. We don’t think poorly of you at all. Remember, Beth noted that we might react poorly to her plan. She expressed the possibility that we would discontinue our relationship with her, and I know, absolutely know, that you’d have gone nowhere near that extreme of a reaction. Search your memory, your thoughts. You know you wouldn’t have.

“Baby, even lovers madly in love can have disagreements, spats. With all the time that the five of us have spent together this summer, I’m amazed that this is the only time that an even marginally intemperate word has been spoken among us. It will not be the last that we experience. You just had the misfortune to be the speaker of the first, thus saving me from that distinction, as I was right behind you in that reaction.”

Gracey lifted her head and looked at Liya.

“Are you just saying that?”

“No. I will never lie to you, Love. You beat me to putting voice to precisely what I was going to ask. I hit the same speed bump.”

Gracey nodded her head, then looked at me.

“I guess I learned a lesson. While I should always endeavor to think before I speak, that is doubly, triply true with my sister-friend-lovers, as they will not lie to me or manipulate me. Thank you, Beth, for clearing my head and for being my lover, my friend, and, most importantly, my sister.”

“You are more than welcome, Gracey, and I thank you for the same things. My life has always been good, a bit less good when I was younger and brattier. But I’ve been in awe of my life as it became part of our shared life. This summer has been...” I shook my head slightly and continued with, “Superlatives fail. Suffice it to say that this summer has been an order of magnitude better than any summer before it, and nearly all of that difference is due to the coming-together of our sisterhood. Despite that I’ve loved the sex and the camaraderie, the deep connections the five of us have made this summer outstrip everything else in importance.”

Gracey turned, Liya’s and my arms still around her, and wrapped me in a ferocious hug.

“I agree, Beth. I agree completely.”

The other girls went into the other bedroom, all taking their tablets with them after I loaded the newer version onto Rhee’s and Heather’s. I wrote, catching up to current shortly before 5 pm.

[Added September 4]

After I closed my diary, I grabbed the others and we wandered down to the kitchen to see if our parents needed any help with dinner.

Carol replied, “We’ve got it. However, we need to have a short family meeting. We’ll have it in the living room in about 15 minutes.”

We five gathered on the Monstrosity and quietly discussed the possible agenda items for the meeting. Shortly before 5:15, Dad and the Moms entered the room. The five of us skootched around a bit, as we’d briefly planned, encouraging the parents to join us in sitting on the Monstrosity. They did.

Carol said, “We have one or a few questions to ask and an observation to make before we get to the reason for the family meeting. This morning, who started the loving of Charlie?”

Liya looked at Heather, who pointed her chin back at Liya.

“Heather and I did, when Dad got in bed between the two of us and pulled us into him. We both saw that we both wanted him, Heather indicated that I should go first. I was going to go to town on him, but once I had his cock inside me, I didn’t want to hog him if my sisters might be able to share, so I went for gentle, although I didn’t know if it was possible to orgasm like that. I doubted that it would be possible for Dad to make it through both Heather and me, because he seems to be particularly affected by the two of us. Whether that’s because we’re little or what, we don’t know, but it seems obvious to all of us that it’s true. However, I still wanted to give the others a chance at Dad before he came, possibly changing the situation and the possibilities.”

“Rhee,” Carol said, “you, particularly, could have, as Liya said, gone to town on him and gotten a more-thrilling orgasm, as he was obviously about to cum, anyway.”

“No, that wouldn’t have been fair to Gracey. And I wound up with a perfectly nice orgasm.”

“‘Nice,’ but not thrilling.”

“My sisters are more important.”

“Gracey, last night, with a little more work, you could have gotten Charlie to cum with you. You already explained why it didn’t bother you to not get him to cum. Did you really mean that?”

“Absolutely, Carol. You and Sandy are his wives. You should have dibs or, at least, we shouldn’t wear him out so he cannot love you as you deserve.”

“You girls nearly always share, don’t you? With each other, with others?”

We all nodded, and Liya said, “Sharing is good; selfishness ruins relationships.”

Carol slowly nodded, then said, “Liya, we don’t need an experiment.”

I lifted my head in surprise, wondering if Carol meant what I thought she meant. Liya, however, squealed loudly and tackled Carol onto her back, straddled her on all fours like she had recently done with Gracey upstairs, and kissed Carol hard for nearly 30 seconds. She pulled back up but maintained her straddle and looked at Carol.

“Carol, we won’t hog him.”

“Yes. I’m sure of that, now. The past couple days have been particularly illuminating. Sandy and I had an incredible night with Charlie last night after Gracey got him worked up to fever pitch. Of course, he was not at all the only one worked up to fever pitch after their enthusiastic kiss right here last night. Then this morning you all shared in gently loving Charlie so that you could all get at least something. Despite his orgasm with you five this morning, we got another orgasm out of him when we returned from breakfast and we each got two. It’s become very obvious, even to me, that we get a nearly insatiable Charlie on nearly every day that Charlie has some time loving one or more of you.

Same as Beth
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My son is losing his innocence, Carol thought sadly when David walked into the kitchen the next morning. He looked energetic and pleased with himself, not shamefaced. "Did you fuck her?" Carol asked bluntly. Good, he's not so jaded he can't blush. "No, of course not." "From the sound of things, you did everything but," Carol said. "I'd have thought, out of respect for me, you could have waited until I went to bed before you filled the house full of moans and groans. You'd better...

4 years ago
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Jims Vacation Part 1

It was 6pm and the sun was setting while Jim sat sipping rum on the deck of the vacation house he’d rented for the week. It had been several years since they took a proper shore trip where the family could unwind and relax for a long enough time. The kids were older now and easily took care of themselves, finding things to do and friends to hang out with. In fact, Lily and Ben were at the beach several blocks away from where they were staying. They’d promised to be home for dinner. Molly,...

4 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 3 JanelleChapter 3 A Good Idea at the Time

When I woke up, it took a little while for me to realize where I was; seeing Karen still asleep beside me reminded me of what had occurred last night. I needed to get up, find the bathroom, and have a long pee; I tried to remember just where the bathroom in Karen’s apartment was. I slowly slid out of the bed, and felt my way to the bedroom door. At least there was some light entering the main living room, I was able to navigate my way around the furniture, into the kitchen, and then finally...

3 years ago
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Me My Sexy Aunty And Her Daughter

Hi Guys ! This is my first sex story on Indian sex stories ! hope you will enjoy it ! basically I’m from chennai where I was born and brought in chennai and Bangalore! I’m going to call myself a sex machine ! Let me explain about myself I’m 20 studying in a private university in chennai . Where as I had many friend in my place school and college ! This was my first experience! Happened before 3 years ago ! My physical status I am 6 feet Skinny guy , Indian white . Let me start On a vacation...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 316

This compliments of Budhah It is a response about the chicken joke from yesterday's submission; Enjoy his personal experience Love the Chicken joke. The next really happened, and figured you might accidentally fit it in somewhere. My wife is from the Philippines, and when she came over to marry me in 1989, we would always go out to eat from Sunday dinner after going to the local Newman Center for services ... She had been here for about 6 weeks, and i asked her where she wanted to go ......

3 years ago
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Redialing for DollarsChapter 2

I was paying a late evening visit to Terri's office to photocopy some of Joel's forged accounting files when I saw the notice on the company bulletin board in the copier room. I had made a copy of Terri's office key some time ago and knew when the coast was very likely to be clear, with no one likely to see or remember my visits. After I idly read the notice, suddenly the final steps of my revenge plan came immediately into sharp focus. It was an appalling and audacious plan, and if it...

3 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 63 A Gentleman Of Leisure

“Me too!” I reached out and tugged her towards me. “Sit down and rest.” I pulled her closer and my wife twisted around and sank down onto my lap in the recliner. I idly rubbed her back, but when my fingers rubbed against her bra buckle, something not quite so restful came to mind. I began moving my fingers around her bra straps and buckle under her t-shirt. “You know, I’m pretty much a gentleman of leisure these days. I would think that the woman I was married to would understand that sort of...

1 year ago
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Tomorrow Idin Noah Book 2Chapter 1

She stood overlooking the field where the battle would take place, her soldiers all at the ready. She could see the tower clearly in the moonlight, the monolith was larger than anything she had ever seen, all her reports from her spies had come in, there could be no doubt now. Her father stepped up besides her putting a hand on her shoulder. "father the reports are in, Enoch did not lie to us, Nimrod is planing to open it." She said. Her father nodded glumly. "I thought we were done...

3 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 154

No golf, no tennis and no sex until my bone specialist, my neurologist, and my cardiologist all cleared me. The first two quacks were some guys at the hospital. Dave was my cardiologist. "You never told us Uncle Dave was a doctor." Juan complained yet again, as we set up the table for the party. "So what?" We'd had this discussion over and over for the last two months. "So? What if one of us wanted to marry a doctor?" Ian suggested. "Uncle Dave's pretty hot." I glared at him, but...

1 year ago
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Wild Weekend

Author : Kshitiz Genre : Group Hey guys thanks for your mails…….never thought that i will receive such a warm response…… is another one from the delhi boy kshitiz………read and enjoy……..dnt forget to leave comments on ISS and on ………………. Kashish had just turned 22 when I met her. a 5′ 6″ tall slim dark haired girl with no real idea where her life was going. We hit it off quite well. and became good friends. until the day she asked me to help her make herself more attractive to guys. I asked...

3 years ago
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Taken to a GloryHole

We would often chat at home about what direction our lives were going. She told me when I felt indifferent to her; that she would visit glory holes and give random guys head until she felt happy again. Sometimes it was all night, sometimes only a couple of hours. It was her new hobby. She also told me that she only gave them head; and that was it. While I would visit the local watering hole and shot some pool; while blowing my pay packet on beer and watching strippers perform. On one...

3 years ago
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Learning to Spell Chapter 02

Learning to Spell Chapter 2 - Trickery, Thievery, and a Chance Encounter By GirlyCheerBoy [at] Kurt looked in the mirror the girls put before him. It was amazing, he'd almost pass for a girl if no one looked too close and if kept quiet. He smiled for a brief moment, trying to both relish the moment and not let it overwhelm him and keep him from keeping on course for his true objective - he needed personal effects, three, from Ashley. Still though, he felt odd in her...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Bani Biwi

Mein vijay 24 yrs ka hun ,4 saal pahle meri sadi poonam 18 yrs se hui, gana nahi hua tha, 5 mahine baad hi chacha ke dono ladke aur chachi ki maut ho gayee accident se aur dono bhabhi ko vidhwa jiwan naa guzarna pade, isliye dono bhabhi sushila 28yrs, bimla 24 yrs ki maang mein mere naam ka sindur bhar diya gaya, kyunki humare yahan yahi riwaz tha. Mein sahar mein ghar le kar padh raha tha, padhayee ke karan hi mera gauna nahi kiya gaya tha.Taki vaivahik rahte hue bhi kunwara jaisa rahun aur...

4 years ago
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Ameiliees Storiesthe Guildleader and the Dragonhoard

Timeline: Starts at beginning of "Luvirini's Journey" I know this will sound like ranting, but at times like this I cannot really help it. I am a master in the largest mage guild in central kingdom, "Seekers of Knowledge". It is a great guild and the leader is an absolute genius when it comes to magic, but he is totally lacking anything even resembling common sense. This is not the first time he has has problems like this, but given his repeated failure to apply even an ounce of common...

3 years ago
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A Student And Her Teacher Part 1

 This is the last year of teaching Physics prior to my retiring at age fifty-five. My entire teaching career has been spent at Sauk High School. My schedule for this year has an unexpected change, two preparation periods.It is the first day of class and Tiffany enters my classroom five minutes before the bell. She is in my period three AP Physics class. Tiffany is a seventeen year old senior, who has grown and filled out in all the right places over the summer. My eyes quickly travel up her...

2 years ago
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How A Innocent Girl Turned Into A Cock Hungry Slut

Hi I’m sanjay with a tool which can make any gal carve for it which is 9 inch long and 2.5 inch wide. height is 6.1″ fair guy and its all me sanjay. I want to share my personal experience and want to provide satisfaction to various people near Hyderabad Andrapradesh. I want to narrate the story in telugu my mother tongue to give the real essence of the sex to my people. Nenu collage lo chadive tappudu maa college lo chala mandhi figures vunnapatiki Jyothi is special ante kevalam dengataniki....

2 years ago
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Hotrod part 3

“I had sex with Michael, and it was amazing.” “Michael is your nephew and my son, what the hell do you think you are playing at?” “Sharon, calm down and think about it. Michael is Hotrod, every young woman wants him. He is hot and his cock is fantastic, and he knows what to do. He has always gone out with young women who look like us, so he has always had mummy issues. You would be a fool to miss out on this chance.” Sharon opened her mouth to shout again, but then stopped, and thought....

2 years ago
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My ex girlfriend in Africa

Colleagues have invited me to this incredible safari lodge in Kenya for Christmas. It sits on top of a hill overlooking the plane below. The cottages have no doors, no windows, while the place has no fence. Maasai, the local tribe keeps guard to protect the place,from wild a****ls. A bit of a kick in itself. I owe my ex-GF a big favor so I pay her to fly in and join me. We pick her up from the airstrip and drive back in the jeep. She's wearing a sleeveless shirt with a nice cleavage and I can...

1 year ago
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In love with a Bully

This story takes place in a Catholic School. Chris was a wimpy Black male with a crush. It is a woman he knew sense freshmen year. She was a Bully. Her name was Kristin. She was a tall blond with blue eyes and big breast. She was a part friend and part tormentor. She tended to hang out in the boy’s bathroom smoking and hit geeks up for their lunch money. She was attractive and a bit of a tom boy. She would tease him and make him do stuff for her. If he talked back, she may put his head in a...

3 years ago
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Time for School Ch 02

Chapter 2 – Jennifer Note: All characters in this story involved in sexual situations are 18 years of age or older * Jennifer’s spitefulness towards me wasn’t without reason. I was known for being pretty outlandish and being a troublemaker. Still, I had to do something while I was being bored in class. That ‘something’ always seemed to end up being pestering Jennifer, if only just to get a reaction out of her. In a weird way, I think she actually liked the attention I was giving her. The two...

1 year ago
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Shemale Trouble

You were at a bar when it happened. You were just having a drink when a hot girl started hitting on you. You had nothing else better to do and you didn’t want to pass up an easy lay so you offered to take her back to your place for a little fun. She agreed without a question, but as you were walking out of the bar, you felt something hit the back of your head and everything went dark . . . You wake up some time later and you are on a red satin four poster bed. Your arms and legs are tied to the...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Sarah Cute My Bitchy Step Sister

Nikki Nutz has some brand new family in Europe thanks to his dad’s remarriage, including his stepsister, Sarah Cute. Sarah is really bitchy to Nikki to his face, and his feeling that she’s talking shit about him is very true. Eventually, Nikki uses a translation app on his phone to ask Sarah what her problem is. She gives him a literal list of things she dislikes about him. When Nikki tries to grab his headphones back from her, he manages to get her shirt instead, popping one of her...

3 years ago
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Almost Chance

As the train rolled through the countryside, Jen realised that one of theadvantages of being unemployed was that you didn't have to travel at the sametime as everyone else. Sure, there were all the drawbacks - her rapidly expandingoverdraft being the most prominent of those - but for now she could enjoy thefact that the train was almost empty, feeling like a private carriage takingher where she wanted to go. She didn't have to worry about finding a seat orbeing crammed in with commuters and...

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Fantasies coming to Life

Chapter 1: Hi guys, here's Jack and to introduce you to my story I'll have to warn you that there may be some more or less crazy fantasies in this story. This story is about me and my school. And the girls that were in this school, if you know what I mean... The boys in my class level including me actually had to fantasize a lot because... let's say our class level was not the most beautiful among all classes in terms of girls. In short: our class level was pretty ugly. Of course there were...

3 years ago
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Hot Unexpected Sex With Student

I was a science graduate doing my further studies. Since I was studying, I was always in short for money. So I used to do tuition in science. I used to teach a beautiful sexy 18 year old girl named Tina, science. She was in her 12th class. She had huge boobs, and a sexy figure. When ever I used to go to her place to teach her, she used to wear tops with plunging necklines, reveling her huge tits and mini skirts. Her parents were both doing jobs, so they never used to be present. And I being...

2 years ago
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My Wife Is Beginning To Get It

If you have seen my profile or read my previous story, you know I am eager to experience a threesome or foursome with my wife. Hell, I would be happy to share a twosome more often with her. She has always told me that the most sexually exciting experiences she's ever had, were one-night stands before we met. Something about the novelty of the situation and not knowing the person gave her sexual freedom. She becomes much more sexual when we travel and we experience much more sex when we are in...

Wife Lovers
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First Wife 3

After Marvin left Veronika got in front with me her dress open nipples hard and swollen from Marvin sucking on them, I could see cum on her chin and thighs and asked her how she likes black cock, just smiled and said come on Friday. Marvin called again Monday evening told Veronika he wants to see her needs his dick sucked, she said meet her at Regency Mall in an houŕ, told me she was going to meet Marvin and give him a blow job did I want to go watch, said I'll drive. We had discussed Friday...

3 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 27

It was still raining, but there was no lighting or thunder. We moved around the pool, coming together in waist deep water. Eddie put his arms around me and pulled me to his chest. As he kissed my lips, I gripped his butt and pulled his crotch to mine. "Is everything okay, Jen?" "Everything is just wonderful. I don't think I could be any better. How about you? Are you okay with what we did?" "I'm fine with it. I don't regret it, as long as you don't." "Eddie, the only thing I...

3 years ago
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Made Arrangement For My Stuff

Hello, people, this is Rajesh from Hyderabad. Once I met this guy through online we chatted for some days exchanged our interests, hobbies etc… And finally, on a fine day, we met each other at some private place. He texted me the details of the place and I was waiting there for him. After some time a car came and stopped there the guy lowered the window and said Rajesh? By looking at me. I said yes then he opened the door and called me inside the car we greeted each other. He: shall we have...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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A Lush Lesbian Afternoon

The house next door had been empty for a few weeks. So when I saw the white van pull up outside my window and the guys unloading the furniture I just hoped I got nice new neighbours. I say neighbours, but it soon became apparent there was just one girl or woman. I only saw her briefly, but she looked nice. A bit older than me but really hot. I nosied a while, waiting to see if there was a bloke in tow. But no, it looked like it was just her. Then I saw her again. Nice. Very nice in fact. She...

4 years ago
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My name is Krishna, and I work for a German pharma company as its India representative based in Bangalore. I am probably one o the highest paid managers, with a gross pay packet of Rs.2.25 lakhs a month, but my work and responsibilities deserve this pay. I am 40, and at 6’ am a very strong and healthy person, with regular habits and work outs. I met Chirasmitha while I was traveling by train to Bangalore. She was in the same cluster as mine, and when evening came she asked me if I could allow...

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I fuck my wife and sister

 My sister, Joan, lives in a town asbout 5o miles from where my wife, Edna, and I, live. Several years ago Edna was speaking to Joan on the telephone and invited her to spend a few days with us. Joan obtained leave from her employer and duly arrived here. When she did Edna asked her if she would like to go to a beach with us where ladies are allowed to go topless."I don`t know about that Edna. I`ve never been topless on a beach"."Why not give it a try Joan? You may like it"."All right. I`ll...

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Fucked My Office Mate Sowmiya

Hi to all ISS readers this is run back with another experience and I thank you all your response for my last story. For those who don’t know me, I am Varun 23 years old guy from Chennai with average body 6 feet height with a 6-inch tool. All readers can contact me through This is one of my experiences of fucking my office colleague. After finishing my post graduation I joined in an mnc company. The company consists mostly male employees only a few female employees at my age was working....

1 year ago
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Another Night in December

Time can drag sometimes. I stood at the front door of my flat, watching Tilda walk away. She didn’t look back, but I bet she knew that I continued to watch her. It wasn’t until she had turned the corner at the end of the road that I opened my door and went inside. I threw off my coat and dropped into a chair. I was tired, who wouldn’t be? I decided the laundry could wait and I went to my bedroom, set my alarm for four o’clock, stripped off and got into bed and slept. The alarm didn’t wake me, I...

4 years ago
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Public Shower Tentacles

You'd just finished up in the pool, having been swimming about for almost two hours. Heading back to the women's changeroom, you note with satisfaction that it was still empty, like it almost always was. Not that you minded other people being around, but privacy is never a bad thing. The changeroom itself was always a little dark; the white tiles that usually could be found in such places were instead replaced with light grey and darker blue tiles and walls. It fit the theme of the...

2 years ago
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Teaching Kurt and Dani

Sometimes, people have no idea what they are doing.That was a truth that Monica knew well, though she had no idea it was about to hit so close to home as she drove her Lexus up the driveway to her spacious residence. The divorce from her husband five years ago, after a rocky f******n years of marriage, had left her with a nice settlement and a beautiful daughter. She had gone from having no skills in the workforce to a near-six-figure income during those five years. At the same time, her...

1 year ago
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Finally I got her

Note : This story is completely fictional! Incest had never occurred in our small family. The summer began like usual, college was out and my two weeks vacation in New Delhi with my friends was up, I would be heading back Chennai to live with my Mom and Granny at home for the remainder of summer. I was looking forward to seeing them, my first year of college was tough being away from home, and since my dad passed away when I was little I had always been close to my mother and granny. We would...

3 years ago
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Friends With Benefits

Josh and Tyler had been friends since middle school.  From there the bond between them only grew stronger as they went through high school and then college together.  After college, Josh moved to Nashville when he received a great job offer with an investment firm.  Tyler had moved to New York City to further pursue her art.  Now at twenty-eight, Josh found himself back together with Tyler in The Big Apple after taking a promotion.Josh could be described as charming.  This, coupled with his...

4 years ago
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The Over Due Wait

We had known each other for years before now. But we decided to get together one day at the park. James had blue eyes to kill for and dark hair. I had such a lust for this man, I was dying. I wanted to have his hard slim body rubbing against my soft, small one. I was running late that day and I knew James was waiting for me. I was just hoping he wouldn’t leave me! I pulled up to see him swinging. I jumped out and moved to him. ‘I was just getting worried you wouldn’t show,’ He said as he...

2 years ago
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 9

Rowan was alone in the Dungeon having as usual arrived early. He had just replenished his coffee from 3003, sat himself down and punched up desk top com when the alarm lock sounded off. Someone – very high up- had been trying to get him before he had arrived, putting a lock on his com to open the link as soon as he punched in and that spelt major trouble. It was. The features of a stressed out Aide – de – camp to Admiral Dame Diana Halliday, Captain Percy Gantry, appeared on the screen....

3 years ago
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Gifted Book 3 IntentChapter 11 Albert

Albert Arrondale, better known as Sir Allan Dale these days, wasn’t a happy man. He had to be very careful being back in Midland. He was well known, and while he looked different and ten years had passed since he was last here, he knew the Constables had a more recent description of him. Frankie had suggested they needed to alter his face some more. He was happy to give Albert a couple of more scars if he wished. Albert didn’t find his suggestion funny at all. It had been touch-and-go...

1 year ago
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Cybersex part 2 The blow job

As I lay on the hotel room floor, my cock is standing straight up in the air pointing at the ceiling! My face is covered with your pussy juice after getting your beautiful young body off 3 times with my mouth, tongue and fingers. You smile down at me as your eyes go from my face to my cock and see how fucking hard and thick it is now. You touch it and it jumps with excitement. You laugh as you see it jump. You’re thrilled at the sight of your first real cock only a foot from your face. You take...

First Time
1 year ago
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Fuck in Front Seat Fuck

Sex in a truck Hello all, I'm back. I took a bit of a break from writing, one of myboys was very sick and spent some time in the hospital. He had a touchof pneumonia, and he's asthmatic, so he needed to be hospitalized. I'mhappy to say that he's doing just fine now. He's back in school, and I'mback at work.Right before my son got sick, one of my clients asked me on a date, ayounger man named Todd. He's one of my regular VIP customers and alwaysasks for me when he comes in for a massage. He...

3 years ago
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All She Wanted Was A Job

I was opening up a new retail store that was part of a statewide chain. The cabinetry and flooring were installed, as well as the painting, but I had to go in and wire the PCs and configure the network. There was a help wanted sign on the window that instructed people to leave a resume with the store next door. My plan was to get a bunch of resumes, scour through them, and then arrange a bunch of interviews one day. As I’m configuring a network printer I hear a knock on the glass. Outside is...

2 years ago
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One Night Four Times

Nkechi came over to hang out with me one night and she and I were sitting on the couch; she was wearing a pair of blue jeans, sneakers and a white t-shirt. She was bored at home and wanted to do anything. So Nkechi and me were watching a movie I rented ,she laid her head on my shoulders and got comply and I put my arm around her laying my hand on her leg. After a while I started rubbing her leg and kissing her neck. She seemed reluctant at first, put soon enough she gave in turning her head and...

2 years ago
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Vacation on RehomeChapter 62

Isabella reassured her husband. "It took her some time, but she saw the reasoning behind it. She told me that as long as she did not see you making love to her, she could cope with it." Ebenezer was mightily relieved. "Thank God for that," he said. "It is fine for you, as there is no relationship between you, but I was terrified if Effie and Phoebe came to blows over me. They have only recently become reconciled, and I would not want to be the cause of a further breakdown in relations...

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Wrestling in Pantyhose

When I was in high school, I was already very into wearing pantyhose. A friend of mine one day asked me if I wanted to join a wrestling club (not the high school team). I really had no interest in wrestling guys, but I was aware that wrestlers wore an outfit very similar to a leotard and tights which did intrigue me. I said no at first, but when he said the matches would take place in those outfits, I agreed. He said that we had to get outfits, but real wrestling singlets were expensive, but he...

3 years ago
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Cave Exploring

Kristen learned that the hard way. What began as a family trip to Thailand turned into something else when they went to an exotic beach. Her parents were the brainy types, so they spent their morning with a group of other tourists and a Thai tour guide who was an expert in local geology and the ecosystem. She and her brother, however, were ordinary college students with ordinary college needs, looking to swim and have fun. Kristen wore a sexy bikini. Matt wore swimming trunks. They'd been...

2 years ago
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Bisex at a porno theatre

I’m happily married and prefer women but am attracted by the idea of gay encounters. I had fantasised about it quite lot and often got hard at the thought of taking a strange guy’s cock in my hand and pumping the soft, hard shaft till the jism shot out of it. I'd also love to stick my dick in a guy’s mouth and fuck it till I shoot my load. Then I'd take his stiff penis in my mouth and suck it till his hot jism shot down my mouth or over my face. I didn’t keep the fantasies to myself. I brought...

2 years ago
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The Initiation

It was just after midday when the bikies reached the junction in the bike track when Rick departed. As usual there was the comment about his bed where he had a bit of a rest before starting the climb to his destination. "Be riding next week?" he was asked as he put the stand down on his bike so it wouldn't fall. He gave a nod and a wave as the rest of the team rode off. It was his usual custom to have a drink and just a rest before the climb, even if it had only been a short ride whereas...

2 years ago
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One Lucky GuyChapter 35

I saw Charlie come in and toss her books and purse on a table. Without speaking to anyone, she stripped and took her clothes to the laundry room. When she came back, I waved at her and she rushed over. “Karen, here comes another friend of ours who will be thrilled to have you as a friend. She plays tennis too, and she’s the daughter of High School Superintendent, Mr. Richard Charles. “Her name is Charlotte Charlie Charles and she loves to be called Charlie. Look at her smile. She smiles all...

2 years ago
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Papa and Daughter 8211 Husband and Wife

Papa was very young when Mummhy died. He was only 20 when married, and very excited to feel a woman for the first time. Mummy was 19, and her innocent body attracted my father, and when marriage was proposed he agreed right away, and requested his parents to arrange the marriage date fast. Withtin two months they were married. Wedding night was great, he took her red lehnga off fully, though she protested. He made her lie naked so he can see her and she hid her face in shame. But she knew what...


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