Double Switch Ch. 03 free porn video

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A Note to the reader:

Double Switch is a novel with a Prologue, an Epilogue and 18 chapters. The Prologue has been on this site for some time. Unfor¬tunately, the censors at Literotica rejected my first and second chapters. I have rewritten them, making sure that no overt sexual activity takes place until the participants are 18 years of age.

All of the major characters are completely fictional and bear no resemblance to actual people, living or dead.

To understand the story, you need to read the Prologue first. So, look it up under my name in the Author Index before proceeding with this Chapter.

Incidentally, Literotica calls the Prologue, Chapter 1. So, Chapter 2 you see here will be listed as Chapter 3. etc.

Chapter 2

Frank and Ernest Adams were raised in a small town in the southern part of the state. Their father, a salesman for a large pharmaceutical company, traveled most of the time.

Mr. and Mrs. Adams had no other children. Though identical twins, who looked much alike, the two boys’ personalities were quite different. Even when they were little, Frank was always the one looking for some kind of trouble to get into, while Ernest would usually hang back trying to stay clear of difficulties. Usually however, Frank would egg his brother into the same adventure. By the time they were four, Frank, the gregarious twin, was calling Ernest, the shy and retiring one actually born ten minutes before him, ‘little brother.’

Both boys were good students and did well in school but Ernest excelled, seldom getting less than all A’s. Frank’s report cards, on the other hand, were frequently sprinkled with a few B’s and an occasional ‘C’ amongst the more exemplary marks.

As with most pre-adolescent boys, the Adams twins didn’t much care for girls. But for Frank, that changed about the time he entered the seventh grade. There was one girl in particular that seemed to affect him in a strange way he could not quite understand. Every time he was near her, or even when he would think of her, he got the strangest reaction. He could feel his heart pounding more loudly, sensed a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach and knew his face was flushed.

Like most young boys, Frank became interested in what girls looked like without their clothes on.

One evening getting ready for bed, he asked his twin bother what he knew about the subject.

‘I’ve heard that girls look different down there,’ he said. ‘They don’t have what we have.’

‘Of course not,’ Ernest replied. ‘Every¬one knows that. What do ya take me for? I’ve read books about biology and stuff, even though they’re meant for high school kids. Some of ’em have pic¬tures of male and female sex organs. You know very well, I’m interested in all kinds of things. Biology is only one. I read books about chemistry and physics too. All that science stuff is real interesting.’

‘Yeah, I know little brother, but those biology books, do they really have pictures of what girls look like down there?’ Next time you get one, let me know so I can see. I’m dyin’ to know what girls look like.’

‘Well, they’re not photographs, if that’s what you think – just cut-away drawings. But they do show the male penis and testicles. And they show the female vagina and uterus, where the baby stays until it’s born.’

‘Well, show ’em to me anyway. Maybe I can imagine what they really look like.

A week later, as the boys were getting ready for bed, Ernest told Frank of his visit to the town library.

‘I was looking for a book on organic chemistry. I found it and checked it out. But, I also looked around to see if I could find the biology book I told you about. But it was checked out. Maybe one of us can get it next week. But, while looking for it, I found a couple of books on sex!’

‘You did? I didn’t know they wrote books about that!’

‘Sure they do. They write books on everything.’

‘Well little brother, let’s have ’em. Maybe there’s a picture of a naked girl in one of ’em.’

‘I didn’t check any of ’em out.’

‘Why not for crap sake?’

‘I just couldn’t. I’d be afraid to take ’em to the lady

at the desk.’

‘You’re such a wimp, Ernest. Sometimes I don’t believe you. You had the chance to learn all about what girls look like and you finked out. Give me the titles and tell me where they are in the library and I’ll check ’em out. Then maybe, we’ll both find out what girls look like.’

The next morning, Ernest provided Frank with the names and location of the books he had come across. Frank vowed to go be the library that afternoon after school.

By the time he arrived home, his book bag bulging with his normal school books plus those he had checked out of the library, his mother told him dinner was ready, and for him and Ernest to wash up and come right downstairs. So, Frank had no opportunity to open the enticing books he had acquired. He quickly hid them under his bed, with the expectation of examining them as soon as he could get back up to the room he and Ernest shared. But that was not to be.

During the meal, his brother mentioned the math homework they had been assigned that day, and their mother insisted they begin it as soon as they finished eating.

‘I’ll clear off the table and give you two plenty of space to spread out your papers. I’ll expect you to have your work completed before you go to bed. And I’ll check to make sure it is. Mrs. Adams had been a school teacher before marrying and knew how little boys like to postpone doing anything resembling homework.

Frank could hardly concentrate on the math assignment, contemplating what might be in those books awaiting him upstairs under his bed. But, somehow, with the help of his more studious and serious brother, he managed to complete the several problems.

‘Have you boys finished your homework?’ they heard their mother call from the living room. ‘It’s nine-thirty, time for bed.’

‘Yeah, Mom, I got mine done fifteen minutes ago.

Frank’s just now finishing his,’ Ernest replied.

‘Why did ya have to tell her that?’ Frank whispered.

‘Just bein’ truthful. I’m always truthful,’ Ernest said in a voice a little too loud to suit Frank.

‘I’m coming in to see what you two have been doing,’ their mother called again. ‘Then, you have to go to bed.’ She entered the dinning room and examined the work the two boys had completed. She was a little rusty and wasn’t sure she comprehended all of it, but concluded it had been done correctly. Both of her boys were such good students.

‘Good night boys. It looks like you’ve done a good job on your homework. I’ll see you in the morning. She kissed each of her twins and they headed upstairs to their room.

‘I can’t wait to get a look in those books,’ Frank exclaimed softly as they closed the door.’

‘We’d better get ready first. If mom doesn’t hear us using the bathroom, she’ll wonder what we’re doin’ and come check. You wouldn’t want her to catch you with a book on sex would ya, even if it did come from the library?’

‘No, you’re right, little brother,’ Frank acknowledged. You go first.’

‘While Ernest was in the bathroom, Frank already had his clothes off and his pajamas on, and was opening the first of three books he had checked out.

‘Sexual Behavior of the Human Male,’ by some guy named Kinsey, he noted. Frank Adams wasn’t interested in learning about males. He knew all about them. He wanted to know about females. Besides, the book looked very uninteresting. There weren’t even any pictures, and it was mostly writing and columns of figures. e hoped the other two books would be more informative.

About that time, Ernest came back into their room.

‘Well, what have you found out so far? Any pictures of naked girls?’

‘No, the first one I looked at was pretty dry.’

‘Just the same, you might learn something from it. You ca
n learn something from almost any book that’s ever been written. That’s what I’ve found out. Let’s see it while you look in the others.’

Frank handed him the book and retrieved another from under his bed.

‘By the way, Frank, you know that’s the first place mom would look if she thought you were hidin’ sonethin’ in our room.’

‘Yeah, I know. I’m not gonna leave ’em there long. I’ve got to find a better hiding place – maybe somewhere in the basement, like behind the furnace.’

‘Maybe you can just read ’em tonight and return ’em to the library tomorrow.’

‘There’s so much here to read, I’d be up all night.’

‘Now you know what us scholars go through.’

‘Very funny little brother. Hey, this one’s called ‘The Joy of Sex.’ Now we’re gettin’ somewhere.’

Frank quickly went through the pages, but found no photographs.

‘This third one’s called ‘What Every Young Man Should Know About Sex’. It’s gotta have some pictures of naked girls.’

But, there were none.

Nevertheless, Frank began studying the book.

‘Don’t forget, we’ve got a history test tomorrow, Ernest said. ‘So, I’m going to sleep.’

Frank read most of the night, learning much of what he had little knowledge of previously. But the lack of sleep, caused him to fail the history test – the first test he had failed in several years. Thus, Frank found out that sex could get him into trouble.

With his newfound knowledge, Frank became sort of a ‘BMOC’, Big Man On Campus. But he also soon found from discussions with somewhat older male classmates, there was much he still didn’t know.

In high school, Frank began dating quite regularly, but Ernest was too shy to ask girls out. Nevertheless, his good looks, brought him the occasional invitation. When he did receive such an offer, he was usually too shy to refuse. So, despite his shyness, Ernest did have a few dates.

One Saturday night, just after their eighteenth birthday, Frank came home from a date and woke his brother, something he rarely did. But, his news couldn’t wait.

‘Hey little brother, wake up. I’ve got something I gota tell ya. Come on Ern, wake up!’

‘Huh. What do ya want. I was sleepin’.’

‘Ern, I did it.’

‘What did ja do, smash up Dad’s car?’

‘No, I had sex, real sex. Now I feel like a man!’

‘Tell me about it in the morning,’ his brother said yawning.

‘No, I’m gonna tell ya about it right now. I’m so damn excited.’

‘Okay, who was it?’ I was out with Sandra Zolinski. I kinda figured she’d put out, and I was right. I drove her out to the Point and we parked and started necking. I wasn’t long before I had her blouse and brazier off. Damn, she’s got nice tits. Then I started feeling up her skirt. Ern, she wasn’t wearing any panties, and she was already wet, so I shoved my finger right up in there. And, she didn’t mind a bit. In fact, she was enjoying it. Before I knew it, she was feeling my crotch. My dick was as hard as it’s ever been. Then she unzipped my fly and took it out. Ern, she was holding it in her hand! It felt so good, to have a little female hand holding it, I almost shot my wad right then. If I hadn’t whacked off this morning, I think I would’ve. Then she came right out and asked me if I wanted to fuck. She said she would, if I had rubbers with me. Luckily, I did. So, we got in the back seat and I slipped one on, put it in and gave it to her, real good! Ern, I don’t know how to describe it, it was awesome! It felt so damn good, so much better than whackin’ off. I just wish it could’ve lasted longer. I came pretty quick.’

‘Well I’m happy for ya Frank. But, I’m goin’ back to sleep.’

‘Ern, I tell ya , it’s so great! You can’t imagine, what it’s like until you’ve done it.’

‘Well, I guess I’ll just have to imagine it. I’d be too scared to ask a girl. She’d have to ask me. And, that’ll be the day!’

‘Don’t be too sure. A couple of girls’ve asked ya to go out already. They were probably hot for your body, or they wouldn’t’ve asked ya. You probably could’ve scored with them.’

‘I don’t think so, Frank. On both occasions, and there were only two, they needed an escort. You remember, last year, it was Patty Angello, for the class dance. She had to have a date. She would’ve been too embarrassed going by herself. And she wanted to go. I gotta admit, she did dance pretty close though.’

‘See what I’m saying. You probably could’ve laid her that night.’

‘Well, I didn’t have the use of the car at the time. We walked.’

‘It was warm. Ya could’ve taken her to the park and done it behind the band stand.’

‘Oh Frank. Ya gota be kidding. If I ever do it, it’ll be under the right circumstances, but I don’t think it’s ever going to happen.’

‘What was the other date you had? I can’t remember.’

‘Oh it was two years, ago with Eleanor Reese. She asked me to go to a movie.’

‘Another opportunity squandered!’

‘Let’s be serious.’

‘I am being serious little brother. We’re both pretty good lookin’ guys. And you can tell from seein’ other guys in the locker room, we’re both damn well hung. No, your time’ll come. Believe me. But you’d better start carryin’ rubbers. Ya don’t want to get carried away and knock some girl up. You’d have to quit school, marry her and support her and the kid. You’d never get your PhD if ya did that.’ ‘Don’t I know it. Maybe that’s one reason I’m so nervous around girls. I know how they can get you to do things, ya know you shouldn’t do. But, you know, it’s not that I’m not attracted to ’em. I’m certainly not attracted to boys! But, girls just scare me and I start shakin’. But your story has got me all worked up. I’m gonna have to do something about it, or I won’t be able to get back to sleep.

Damn ya anyway for wakin’ me up an gettin’ me all shook up!’

‘I know what you mean, little brother. I’m all worked up again myself, just thinkin’ about what happened tonight with Sandra, and then tellin’ you about it.’

They both proceeded to assuage their raging libidos with their own hands and fell asleep soon afterward, Ernest sleeping soundly for the rest of the night. However, Frank woke up several times during the night and had to once again satisfy himself in order to get back to sleep. The excitement of losing his virginity was just too great.

Frank took Sandra Zolinski out a number of other times during the last few months of the school year and had sex with her each time, except for those times she was having her period. On those occasions, she satisfied Frank with her hand and mouth.

Through these meetings with Sandra, Frank gained control, an ability he learned from some of the material he had read in books from the library and other sources.

But, Sandra took up with the captain of the school’s football team, ending the relationship. Soon afterward, Frank met a new girl who had just moved into town. Her name was Doris Barnston, and Frank fell for her at first sight. After several weeks of casual conversation in the halls at school, he finally asked her out, and she accepted.

As soon as Frank started dating Doris, he suggested to Ernest, that he fix him up with Sandra Zolinski. ‘I hear she and Tom Anthony aren’t going together anymore. She’s gotta be hot for some cock. Me, I’m concentratin’ on Doris. So, I’m not gonna try that again.’

‘Oh no!’ Ernest replied, ‘Of all the girls I know at school, Sandra Zolinski scares me the most, especially after you told me you and she were doing it. No, just let me alone. Maybe I’ll stay a bachelor all my life. Sure would be simpler, and a lot cheaper.’

‘Don’t be stupid. I tell ya, your time will come, little brother. One of these days you’re gonna meet a girl you just can’t resist. Then, you’ll get up the courage to convince her to do it. You won’t be a man until you do, ya know. As I’ve told ya several times, you’d better be prepared. You never know when it might happen.’

But, after several more dates, Doris told Frank that she had a boyfriend in the service in Vet-Na and that he was coming home and had asked her to marry him. This news ended dates with her. Meanwhile Sandra had found other fish to fry. Thus, Frank’s final term was devoid girls and sex.

But, he didn’t waste time worrying about his lack of female companionship. Instead, he buckled down to his studies and finished second in his class – right behind his twin brother.

Since Ernest was interested in studying chemistry and chemical engineering, and Frank’s bent was mechanical engineering, the twins opted for different colleges, separating them for the first time in their lives. Frank enrolled in the state university, while Ernest entered school known for its chemical engineering curriculum in a neighboring state.

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Double dildo pants at school? Pt 1 Introduction: Sabrina has to explain to her teacher about her double dildo pants.At an exclusive girls school in West Yorkshire.. ?I am afraid this is the most serious case we have ever had at this school,? Miss Price the senior girls tutor explained to Sabrina Hunt’s stunned parents as they sat with their daughter in Miss Price’s opulent study at Ecole St Yvete near Stalybridge West Yorkshire. ?Oh dear,? Mrs Hunt replied awkwardly, for this was the first...

2 years ago
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Finding Rachels Switch

“Where the fuck have you been?” she said. “In there,” I pointed and crooked my wrist around to indicate the bathroom, which was right past the bar and right again. I noticed her untouched drink sitting on the bar. “Why the aggro Rachel? Someone piss in your martini?” “Something like that,” Rachel snapped. “What took you so long?” “Nature called and we had a long talk,” I explained. She rolled her eyes irritably at my corny metaphor. Rachel was already mad, so I pushed it further. “Do you want...

3 years ago
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Double Booked

“Can I help you?” the woman at the front desk of the hotel asked. “I have a reservation. Tonya Benton.” The woman’s smile faded a little as she clicked away on the computer. After a few seconds, she said, “I’m terribly sorry, but we don’t have any rooms available.” Tonya gave a shake of her head, tossing her red curls, in disbelief of what she’d just heard. “What? I have a reservation. I made it a month ago.” “I see it in the computer, but I’m afraid we had a software glitch that caused us to...

4 years ago
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Double Dare P5

So my cousin Josie was getting married.It had been a few years since our college days, we had graduated now, and gone on to the start of fairly successful careers, and like what always happens, we now barely saw it each other apart from birthdays, Christmas, and other special occasions.Then my hot blonde cousin, announced one day she was getting married to a guy she had met at her work, and had fallen in love with.I was happy for her, and agreed immediately to give her away, the day she asked,...

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Double Booked

“Can I help you?” the woman at the front desk of the hotel asked. “I have a reservation. Tonya Benton.” The woman’s smile faded a little as she clicked away on the computer. After a few seconds, she said, “I’m terribly sorry, but we don’t have any rooms available.” Tonya gave a shake of her head, tossing her red curls, in disbelief of what she’d just heard. “What? I have a reservation. I made it a month ago.” “I see it in the computer, but I’m afraid we had a software glitch that caused us to...

Group Sex
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Cherry Switches

After 6 weeks of marital bliss Penny decided to test my patience. She sat at the kitchen table with a legal pad, making a list of some kind."Shopping list," I asked."No sweetie," she answered, "it's a contract. You agree to do certain things; I agree to do certain things.""What kind of things?""Well, for example, I know how much you like to do things for me and how much you like to wash the cars, so we have number 1. We'll make it your responsibility to keep my car clean and check the air...

1 year ago
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Double Team Supreme

There was something incredibly hot about having sex with Mel, my girlfriend Michelle's sister, that made me think about practically nothing else until I did it again. Michelle was still my favorite, and I had no intention to let Mel take her place or anything, but I had never been able to stay focused on one girl as it was. Michelle not only knew that fact but had suggested I bang her sister in the first place (though alcohol may have played a role). In fact, Michelle was in the next room over...

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Double Barrel

coed – double penetration – college – threesome – mmfMark and I have been friends since we were five. We met in kindergarten and pretty much were inseparable all the way through high school, college and to this day. Pee Wee football, junior varsity, varsity. sleepovers at my house and camping trips with his family. When he got a car for his 16th we started double dating as well. Both of us played ball just well enough to get chosen for our small state college as walk-ons. Neither of us are very...

3 years ago
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Double Take Part 1 Blue Water Black Dress

Double Take © 2003 by Nom de Plume Episode One: Blue Water, Black Dress Sandy Lane glanced at his Rip Curl watch as he paddled back towards the lineup. Less then twenty seconds remaining in his heat. Sandy had one good wave under his belt, but unless he nailed another one, there was no way he was going to make it into the finals. He glanced over his right shoulder, and at first he couldn't believe what he saw. The surf had been small all morning, but looming behind him was...

2 years ago
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Double Take Part Seven Amazing Grace Double Jeopardy

Double Take © 2003 by Nom de Plume Episode Seven: Amazing Grace, Double Jeopardy What a difference a fraction of an inch makes! Sandy Lane reflected on this as he brushed the loose powder off his nose. When it was a centimeter smaller, with a slightly different curve to it, his nose had given him the face of a beautiful girl. Now, although he was still nice-looking, nobody would be mistaking him for Ashley Vaughn. Standing side by side at the his-and-her vanities in their...

2 years ago
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Double the fun on the continent

Lucy and Jake Chapter one - Double the fun on the continent After 5 beautiful years of fucking, Jake and Lucy knew their sex life couldn't get any better. That is, until they discovered a new way to connect... It was a warm afternoon in Paris, the low autumn sun shone lightly onto Jake’s back. Pulling his sunglasses off his face, he met Lucy’s eyes with a fierce twinkle. She hadn’t seen Jake for weeks, and it had been no secret how horney the two of them were getting. Suitcase dumped, Lucy...

1 year ago
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Double Cream and Blue Tits

Nick continues his lessons of lust delivering his double cream Double cream and blue tits For the last few months before I left school, I had a part-time job with my uncle, Roger. Roger by nature I used to call him, not to his face obviously. He was my uncle on my father's side, and he was a right character. If ever you wanted anything, then uncle Roger would somehow manage to get hold of it. I wouldn’t consider him as a criminal, more of a loveable rogue. Come Christmas we never had to...

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"Are you sure you're okay with this, Mickey," said Rona. She was watching my eyes very carefully. "I mean if . . ." "I think so," I said. "But, I'm still concerned about it affecting our marriage." "Baby, that is the one thing that you do not have to worry about at all. If anything it will add sugar and spice to it, not the other way 'round," she said. **** For the record, I'm Mickey Iverson. I work for Stanley Construction. I'm a site foreman. The work is hard some days, but the pay is...

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Doubleheader Games

Doubleheader Games By Deborah Edwards and Jillian O "You would look great in that," the friendly sales clerk said. "I'm sure we have one in you size." Obviously this teenage girl with the big smile was getting paid some sort of commission. "I can go to the back and check for you," she said with a question in her voice. "Ok, I'm a size 8, I'll browse while I'm waiting." I answered while she scurried away. I hadn't come to the mall for a wool skirt, but it wouldn't hurt to...

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Doubledee42 Revealed

I was happy to hear the familiar sound of a new email arriving. Hoping it wasn't just more spam, I checked and it was Greg's folder that was highlighted. I clicked my brother's message open and settled back to read the letter. They were always long and chatty. I was only twelve and he was twenty when he left home, I was too young to recognise his qualities as a man and there was too much of an age gap for us to be friends – he had always just been my big brother. My parents would never...

2 years ago
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"Are you sure you're okay with this, Mickey," said Rona. She was watching my eyes very carefully. "I mean if..." "I think so," I said. "But, I'm still concerned about it affecting our marriage." "Baby, that is the one thing that you do not have to worry about at all. If anything it will add sugar and spice to it, not the other way 'round," she said. For the record, I'm Mickey Iverson. I work for Stanley Construction. I'm a site foreman. The work is hard some days, but the...

1 year ago
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As soon as you open Double List, you will be offered to sign up, since it is free. They say that they are basically like any other dating app, but much better, and whether that is true or not, I shall now see. First, you will have to become a member, because without a membership you will not be allowed to do anything, which really fucking sucks.At the time I was creating an account, there were over 170k users online, and once you enter your email you will be sent a registration code or whatnot....

Hookup Sites
2 years ago
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Flip The Switch

His sister Sophie swung the door open she was on her cellphone and twirled around walking back into the home waving him in with the back of her hand. "Okay what's the big emergency?" This was infuriating Josh. He rushes over here skipping out on a weekend with his friends and his sister is blowing him off to chat on the cellphone with her friends. After following her around calling her name he headed back to the front door telling her goodbye. Sophie ran after him. "Josh what the...

4 years ago
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To Switch or Not to Switch

We had plans for this evening. Per his orders I was to be ready to leave for a party at his Mentor’s home at 8:00 sharp. His Mentor is a famous author who lives in an elaborately renovated castle. I’m fascinated by the architecture, and curious about the redesign. I have heard that the Mentor is also known in inner circles as an extremely cruel, strict and sadistic Master. But most importantly I am thrilled to meet the man who helped form my Master into who he is today. So, I have been...

2 years ago
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The Switch

Introduction: True story, about a sub/dom switch couple Starting to awaken, she stretched and yawned, rubbing her face against his leg. Naked, save for cuffs, the human puppy looked up at her master, whimpering lightly as she pressed her cheek into his thigh. She smiled, and hummed happily, as he reached down to rub the top of her head. He pushed her hair to the side, and clipped a short leash to her collar. Knowing what is coming, she licks her lips and puts her hands on the edge of the chair,...

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Sibling Switch

"But dad," yelled Darian as he pointed his index finger at his twin sister. "I didn't do anything wrong. It was all Danielle's fault." "It was not! You had a hand in it Darian," responded Danielle defensively. "Now let's not start pointing fingers. Both of you should have known better. You two aren't children anymore. You both were a part of the fight at school. And it was with each other. Telling your sister that girls are bad because they aren't as strong as boys isn't...

3 years ago
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Flip The Switch

Josh parked in the drive way and wondered why he was here. He could have been at the beach with his girlfriend Theresa, but no his kid sister calls so right after his last class at the University he drove the three hours back home. She did say it was an emergency, but as Josh turned off the engine and sat in the car he recalled what his 17 year old sister calls "an emergency." Josh slowly made his walk up to the front door. "I swear" he thought to himself, "if this emergency is because she...

1 year ago
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Bait and Switch

Note : A fictional story A few weeks ago my and her best friend pulled a trick on me. That I have to call it for the books. I own and operate a small 15m studio apartments and spend alot of time fixing & running the place I realized I needed help. And when I mentioned it to my daughter Amber over dinner one night she said that Sahvahna (her best friend) "has some exsperience in office work and could Anwser phones , take messages, keep your books she really needs a job". Amber and Sahvahna looks...

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Double Dare Part 4

"Oh god, what are we going to do?" muttered Katie, as we were stood outside the deans office waiting to see her.Our professor had caught us playing dare, and had reported us to the dean, and now Me, my hot blonde cousin Josie, her hot ebony friend Emily, and the young, but not so innocent petite red headed Katie, were nervously waiting to see Mrs Woo.Then she called us in, and we slowly entered her office and stood in front of her desk looking sorry for ourselves.Mrs Woo was a short, mature...

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Double Take Part 2 Summer Girl Fall Guy

Double Take By Nom de Plume © 2003 Episode Two: Summer Girl, Fall Guy With his final paycheck from the first season of Wet Girls, Sandy Lane finally had enough money to make the down payment on an oceanfront condo. It had only one bedroom, but it was right on the Esplanade in Redondo Beach, with a sweeping white water view. Best of all, he could jump out of bed and be in the surf in a matter of seconds. With most of the summer free before they resumed shooting for...

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Double Date

DOUBLE DATE Listen mom, I just want to prepare you for something when you come home. It's like, really not my fault, I swear, but something's happened to daddy you're not going to be happy with. You should have warned me! I mean, he already was pretty far gone when I got home. Okay, just listen, okay? Let me tell you what happened and you be the judge. I guess he wasn't expecting me until that Sunday, so when I came in the house after the semester was over he was just coming out...

1 year ago
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Double Your Pleasure Double Your Fun 2

Double Your Pleasure Double Your Fun By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 2 Steve was extremely uncomfortable being stuck with Brenda and the boys, as Melanie had no choice dashing out with her father. They sat having dessert and sipping coffee for another forty five minutes talking as Brenda tried to stay calm, worried for John's mother. Finally, they left as Steve was at least happy in the front seat this time as the boys were in the back as Brenda drove towards her...

3 years ago
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Double Date

DOUBLE DATE ???? DOUBLE DATE???? by Zebulon This is a work of fiction.? No reference to real persons is intended.? It contains strong, non-traditional sexual imagery and language.? If you don't like this kind of thing, don't read it. This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted, and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is being posted. ????????? ???? Feedback is welcome.? [email protected] ????...

4 years ago
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Double Dating With the Parents Version AlphaChapter 2

Karen found Bob Thurlow's number on a list somebody had put together of the volunteers who comprised the Boggy Creek Restoration Project. She remembered who he was. They had even worked side by side before. But she couldn't remember saying more than a few words to him. Based on the prefix, the Thurlows still had a land line. She was mildly surprised, but then again, she was calling them on one herself. "Thurlow residence," announced a girl's voice when the phone was picked up. Karen's...

2 years ago
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Double MarriageChapter 6

Carol was in the best mood she had known for days as she leaned back into the car to pick up the sack of groceries. There was really no reason to be in a cheerful mood; the unwholesome situation in which she and Kit lived had not changed. But Jack had been out of town on a business trip since the day after the dildo episode, and Kit was showing signs of seeing the light. The lack of actual participation somehow dulled the edges of her resentment... Until she saw the dog, still tied in one...

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