Contrat indian porn

4 years ago
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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

3 years ago
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End of game for Christeen

Fin de partie pour ChristeenCe soir c’est une grande f?te chez John. Son esclave Christeen va avoir quarante ans. Tous ses amis sont invit?s. Mais si la f?te est belle, elle est aussi inattendue. Christeen va annoncer ? tout le monde que son contrat d’esclave s’ach?ve ?galement ce soir. Non pas que John soit lass? des services de cette belle femme, d?sormais parfaitement bien entra?n?e ? subir tous les s?vices et ? innover dans le monde du SM, mais simplement parce que c’est la fin d’un contrat ? dur?e d?termin? sign? il y a qui...

3 years ago
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Stories of Patriarchy French

HISTOIRES DU PATRIARCAT INTRODUCTION : UN MONDE NOUVEAU Dans un univers parallèle au nôtre, ou, qui sait, dans le nôtredans quelques années, le Patriarcat a été rétabli.Du moins, c'est ce qui est dit officiellement. Mais en fait, jamais, au coursde l'histoire connue, les femmes n'ont été maintenues dans uneposition aussi inférieure : non seulement le droit de vote leura été très vite retiré, puis peu à peu tousleurs autres droits, mais elles sont considérées toute leur viecomme des mineures...

2 years ago
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Emma Stein

Chapitre II  S?verine et Marion  Emma songeait ? ses  12 ans. Elle ?tait alors une curieuse petite beaut? blonde au regard transper?ant,?mince comme un jeune chat, le vice la rendait affolante et tout ceux qui la rencontraient ?taient fascin?s quelque soit leur ?ge ou leur sexe. Emma avait tr?s peu quitt? le manoir familial.  Gouvernantes et pr?ceptrices veillaient sur elle depuis sa naissance tandis que son p?re et sa m?re,  loin d’elle, menaient une vie dont elle entrevoyait de temps ? autre le mouvement et le luxe. S’?tai...

2 years ago
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Determinisme Naturel

D?terminisme naturel ? son retour Solange vit tout de suite que Marc ?tait tout chamboul?, et il ne lui fallut pas longtemps pour lui tirer les vers du nez. Solange ?tait une personne g?n?reuse, et elle ?tait sinc?rement heureuse que Marc ait pu trouver du travail. Elle tenu ? f?ter ?a, et elle annon?a que ce soir ils d?boucheraient une bouteille de cidre pour la circonstance. Solange questionna Marc en d?tail, et tr?s vite elle donna des conseils "Mon chou, les entreprises de publicit? il y a beaucoup d'argent,...

4 years ago
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Une mouche pour Ancilla

Une Mouche pour AncillaC’est l’?t? dernier, par un de ces jours chauds, quand l’orage peine ? ?clater. Ancilla est en formation. Son Ma?tre l’a confi?e ? un organisme qui doit lui permettre de  perfectionner son cursus de soumise. Ancilla ?tait, Ancilla est toujours tr?s motiv?e pour progresser, m?me si elle reste toujours tr?s anxieuse de donner le meilleur d’elle-m?me Ancilla n’en est pas moins motiv?e de r?ussir cette ?preuve pour le respect et l’amour de lui. Les journ?es sont tr?s p?nibles, et les nuits encore plus. Il ...

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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

2 years ago
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Arnaud en voyage d Affaire Tokyo

Chapitre 1 - Arriv?e ? l'hotel Arnaud arriva ? l'hotel en fin de soir?e, ?puis? de sa journ?e. Il entra dans l'hotel puis se pr?senta devant le receptioniste. "Bonjour Monsieur. C'est un tr?s un grand honneur de vous accueillir dans cet hotel de Tokyo. Sachez que tout le personnel de l'hotel est la pour rendre votre s?jour au Japon le plus agr?able possible. Nous vous avons reserv? la chambre 47, j'esp?re que que vous l'appr?cierez. Bon s?jour ? Tokyo Monsieur.." "Tres bien mon brave. " dit Arnaud en regardant ...

3 years ago
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Hotel Coccinelle Chapitre 1

Le texte qui suit est une pure fiction issue de mes fantasmes. Il s'adresse aux amateurs de fictions transgenres. Hotel Coccinelle: Prologue J'?tais au ch?mage depuis plus de 7 mois. Malgr? mon BTS commerciale et pr?s de 100 cv envoy?, je n'arrivais pas ? trouver de poste dans mon domaine. Mes parents m'avaient clairement fait comprendre que je ne pourrais pas vivre ? leur crochet de cette mani?re et qu'il fallait que je trouve absolument un job m?me si c'?tait un petit boulot. Comme un mal...

4 years ago
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La corista capitulo 6

La corista capitulo 6 En otras noticias Esc?ndalo del v?deo que se hizo viral la semana pasada d?nde en una boda Carlos Castillo besa a una de las coristas a la fuerza ha escalado a algo m?s grave cuando en estos d?as una mujer que dice ser la corista subi? un v?deo ocultado su rostro y declarando que Carlos la forz? a tener relaciones antes del Show. -Despu?s de ver este v?deo espero que entiendan en la situaci?n tan grave que se encuentra la Carrera de Carlos- -A ver lo UNICO que quiero entender es: 1.- Co...

2 years ago
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HOME AGAIN, HOME AGAIN….. Arriving home from Texas after an exhausting three-week business trip, John missed his wife. She met him as he came in. “I’ve missed you,” he said. She replied, “And I’ve missed parts of you.” A Thursday night, which meant she fixed dinner for their once-a-week shared “special” meal. “Got a plan, baby,” she said. “Let’s just eat, then we’ll decide what’s next, okay?” “Okay by me. I’m tired. It’s not easy to sit in a plane for several hours and...

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comment j ai baiser ma mere

Je vais vous reconter comme j’ai baiser ma mère Je m’appelle John j’ai 18 ans plutôt sportif et voila maintenant quelque année que je suis attiré sexuellement par ma mère une femme d’une quarantaines d’années, elle a certes de petit seins mais son cul lui est rebondis, énormes et je vous cache pas que j’aimerais y enfoncer ma bite, cela fait maintenant plusieurs mois que je récoltes des photos, image de ma mère pour pouvoir me branler dessus, quand je prend les photos je me sens bien et le soir...

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John agent de stars

(suite plus ou moins directe d'Un Pouvoir Absolu : -Votre carrière tourne au ralenti et vous avez besoin d'un coup de pouce pour redémarrer ? Alors je suis l'homme qu'il vous faut. Bonjour, je suis John Doe, et relancer des carrières, c'est mon métier. Pour la modique somme de 100 000 dollars, payables à l'avance et en liquide, rien ne m'est impossible. Après le règne de terreur de Harvey Weinstein ces dernières années, je crois qu'il est grand...

Mind Control
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i tough he was kidding

I shou;d have understand he was saying the truth yet i tough only gay boys like to fuck other boys up the assit was too late when i realized he wasn't backing up from his ''jokes'' to fuck my pretty white boy ass until i cum if we got eliminated from the tournament too soonhe had me a bit drunk at the friday party at the video game eventour team got eliminated first and Mat the captain was upset we made it all the way just to get owned by a team from USA. at some point in the night after...

2 years ago
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Mon week end chez Monica

Chapitre 1 Sur la sc?ne, une brune voluptueuse faisait valser ses ?normes seins nus au son de la musique disco. Sans beaucoup de gr?ce, en fait, mais le public n'en demandait pas tant. Moi non plus, il faut l'avouer : plut?t timide en de tels endroits, j'?tais terr? dans un coin sombre de la salle, les yeux riv?s sur le spectacle de la danse scabreuse, sans oser regarder les autres clients, mais sans chercher pour autant ? cacher la formidable ?rection que provoquait en moi la danse des chairs, sur la sc...

2 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Part 1

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 1 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Introduction - Samuel, Christopher et leurs Mamans Erica Porter et Susan Merrill ?taient deux s?urs tr?s proches, d'environ 40 ans, qui vivaient seules en faisant de leur mieux pour ?lever correctement leurs fils. Susan ?tait divorc?e de son mari, Richard Bennet, depu...

3 years ago
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Mes fr res et Mes s urs

Mes fr?res et... Mes s?urs! Pr?sentation Je m'appelle Margaux. J'ai seize ans. Je vis dans une famille recompos?e de quatre enfants. J'ai deux grands fr?res et deux petites s?urs. Avec moi, vous direz que cela fait cinq. Mais non. C'est cette ?tranget? que je vais vous raconter. Le r?cit qui suit est ?crit ? partir de mes souvenirs, du journal intime que j'ai tenu depuis mon enfance et des informations que j'ai collect?es aupr?s des diff?rents protagonistes que vous allez rencontrer. Peut-?tre que certains d...

2 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 4 Soldiering OnChapter 14 Spoils of war

Two days after the 'incident', Bravo 6 was deployed to Tizer — well that is as close a pronunciation as we could make of the name of the town. I say 'Bravo 6', but Big Ben and #1 section, accompanied by Danko the Bosnian Serb interpreter, were actually in Split, where the HQ of British forces in Bosnia was situated, as well as the HQ of the UN observers. A full blown UN inquiry had been launched into the 'incident' at the behest of Yugoslavia/ Serbia, and Russia. This was a blatant...

4 years ago
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 6 Across The Pond Of SexChapter 11 Fin de Contrat

"What time is it there Honey," DD asked glad to see Lizzy looking so calm and happy (then again the fact that Tommy Reyes was pumping his protected cock in her pussy plus the fact that Tammy Bradson and Carmen Reyes were each connected to one of her boobs could be helping with that). "It's 5 PM, what time is it there," Lizzy asked blissfully as she watched DD's cock traveling in and out of the nicely trimmed brown haired pregnant girl's cunt called Heather and imagined that it was the...

1 year ago
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ROJA The house wife

I went to Madras in the last week of December to conculde a contrat work. I tooka flat in a appartment on lease in the centreally located business area. My appuratment consists of 7 floors I am in 7th floor. Some time I used steps to reach my flat. One evining while the lift is bussy I took steps to reach my flat. On my way in the second floor I saw her, she is beauty ful with red sarry and rose clour blouse and with flowers in her headand with a smiling face she wes waiting for some one....

3 years ago
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The New Client Part 2 Dedicaed to Asofacouple

She lead me by the hand down the steep steps and as we went through a dark doorway she said take two paces forward, you'll be ok it'll help with the imagery. She stayed by the door and I heard it close. Then the lights came on. I blinked and looked around the room unable to beleve what I coulld see ahead of me. To the right was her husband standing quietly (how long ad he been in the dark) but this was not what caught my eye as I scanned the room agog as I couldn't believe what I saw, a...

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The New Client Part 2 dedicated to Miss Terie an

She lead me by the hand down the steep steps and as we went through a dark doorway she said take two paces forward, you'll be ok it'll help with the imagery. She stayed by the door and I heard it close. Then the lights came on. I blinked and looked around the room unable to beleve what I coulld see ahead of me. To the right was her husband standing quietly (how long ad he been in the dark) but this was not what caught my eye as I scanned the room agog as I couldn't believe what I saw, a...

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mi primera vez como mujer cogi dos veces esa noche

Hola amigos(as) espero y le guste mucho esta historia que le voy a contar esto sucedió cuando tenía 24 años horita tengo 28 años.Bueno tal vez esta historia ya la saben el tipo chico que explora su sexualidad y encuentra que no es lo que es y se viste pues lo mío es más o menos así y aquí mi historia espero y la disfruten.La verdad es que mi deseo de volverme mujer fue es que desde que tenía 6 año me gusta ponerme calzones de niña a los 8 años por algo que me paso que hallan abusado de mi tal...

2 years ago
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Exploring with Jenny

I had piled on a few pounds after I had my second daughter, well I didn't think it mattered much, my husband loved me and I had produced my share of the national 2.4 c***dren, so who cared? Then I stumbled into my husband letching over a neighbours wife, and his reasoning was that I obviously didn't care about myself or sex anymore so who could blame him for getting his kicks elsewhere? I was so upset, but I saw the reasoning, and as he promised that he hadn't been unfaithful I promised myself...

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Hot Night

I had just graduated from high school, and it was summer. I had dated a few times in high school, but nothing major, and i had never gotten past first base. I had just started a job at the local drive-in, working in the concession stand. There were several girls working there that summer, but Muskaan was by far the best looking. She had long dark black hair, beautiful black eyes, a gorgeous smile that lit up the room, very pretty facial features, and a very, VERY sexy body. She was also one of...

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WWE ENF B P story italian

This is an italian translation of the original story written by Rvd1217 (thanks to him for writing this, it is one of my favorite stories) Link to the original story: *Uomo sconosciuto*: "Benvenuta in WWE, ti è stato offerto un contratto per farti lottare nella nostra compagnia per la futura decade a venire e diventare molto forte... Una leggenda! Siamo stati molto impressionati dal tuo talento e dalle tue capacitá. Nel tuo contratto puoi vedere...

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Todo mi cuerpo y mi mente I

Es la primera vez que quedas con alguien de la red. No sabes si debes pero quieres hacerlo y ya es hora de conocer a alguien. Ademas, este es muy majo.Llegas al bar, tarde y me buscas desde la puerta.Me ves y piensas “diossssssssss es ese, es guapillo y atractivo, mas de lo que pensaba”.- ¿Hola, eres Babidy?- ¿Y tu Alicia? ¿Que tomas?- Una cola.Sacas unos papeles del bolso y un bolígrafo. Lo apoyas en la mesa y leo algunas palabras de las escritas “CONTRATO DE SUMISIÓN" " ILIMITADO" " DURACIÓN...

3 years ago
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Lenta Feminizacion

Mi lenta feminizaci?n (Por Adrianaxd) Esta es una historia ficticia Despues de una penosa y larga enfermedad mi padre finalmente murio, su c?ncer nos dejo sin dinero y adem?s con muchas deudas, yo solo tenia 9 a?os y la situaci?n econ?mica de la casa era a?n desconocida para mi, mi madre no hablaba de los problemas conmigo, solo hablaba de cosas alegres para no preocuparme, ella hab?a estudiado solo hasta Comercio y hab?a trabajado como secretaria en un banco, fue ah? donde conoci? a mi padre pero cuando se ...

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succubus App

Você estava no seu quarto, sozinho e entendiado, sua vida era chata e sem graça, você não tinha ninguém para conversar e ninguém para se "divertir" e por isso ficou mexendo no seu celular sem parar, afim de pelo menos sem entreter lendo fics eróticas e assistindo xvideos e hentais, num no entanto isso não te satisfazia mais, você sentia que queria algo a mais, que queria ter sua aventura própria erótica. Foi quando você achou um app umtanto curioso .... ele se chamava succubus App e na sua...

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La corista capitulo 8

La corista capitulo 8 Danny se despert? despu?s de la operaci?n con un fuerte dolor en pecho, el doctor dijo que en dos semanas bajar?a toda la inflamaci?n pero que en tres d?as lo dar?an de alta.Maldito contrato de modelaje porque rayos no lo le? bien! Ahora por ese error tuve que hacerme esta cirug?a para tener senos, mas cadera y una lipoescultura para tener una figura totalmente femenina. HACE UN MES: Y en las noticias del espect?culo el escandolo de Carlos Castillo dio un giro de 180? en el S...

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4 mujeres condenadas

Cuatro mujeres van a pasar unos días en una cabaña a la orilla de un lago aislado y alejado de cualquier población. El marido de una de ellas ha contratado a un grupo de asesinos para asegurarse que no regresen a la ciudad. Tú elijes si sobreviven, si los asesinos tienen éxito, si son caputaradas y vendidas, si consiguen escapar... PERSONAJES FEMENINOS Son amigas de la infancia que, desde que acabaron la universidad, se reunen todos los años para pasar una semana juntas. Siempre alquilan la...

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Avevo 18 anni

Quando avevo 18 anni, mio cugino ventitreenne, tenente dell’esercito, fu assegnato ad una base vicino a casa mia. Lo chiamerò "Kevin". Avevo incontrato Kevin altre due volte, quando lui era teenager ed avevo pensato che era incredibilmente ‘cool’.Kevin era single e nessuno della sua famiglia viveva lì vicino, così lui frequentava molto la mia famiglia, specialmente durante i fine settimana e le feste. Poiché avevo sorelle ma nessun fratello, non ci volle molto prima che lo adorassi come un...

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El vac o del Mandaloriano Es una tranquila tarde en el Wookie Peludo, tu cantina habitual de Naar Shada, en donde te relajas un poco de todo el ajetreo que está teniendo la guerra, Alderaan ha sido destruído y la estrella de la muerte ha sufrido un golpe fatal por los rebeldes Y eso hace que los contratos vuelen, algo de lo que tú sales muy beneficiado. Últimamente has estado muy ocupado siendo contratado como guardia de cargeros, es bastante...

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Miss o Marte

Cap?tulo I Mesmo com todo o avan?o tecnol?gico que o futuro trouxera, o mundo ainda n?o havia se livrado de um antigo problema... O desemprego. Eduardo estava desempregado h? v?rios meses. Algu?m que por v?rios anos conheceu oi sucesso agora enfrentava cobran?as, contas atrasadas e estava preste a ser despejado de seu apartamento. Para completar a desgra?a, sua namorada o havia abandonado. - Melhor assim - pensou ele - pelo jeito ela s? estava interessada na minha conta banc?ria. Bem que me disseram que mul...

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The Holiday that changes us Part 2

Giorno 4 Oggi non mi sento molto bene, forse qualche insetto tropicale mi ha punto durante la gita nella giungla di ieri, oppure mi sono preso qualche virus, sta di fatto che ? buona parte della giornata che sono sul w.c. Mia moglie mi ha tenuto un po' di compagnia nei rari momenti che riesco a stare sul divano, ma le ho detto di andarsene un po' in spiaggia, non mi sembra giusto farle perdere un giorno di vacanza per colpa mia. Ha provato qualche avance, ma oggi mi sento veramente s...

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Una nuova esperienza

(NdA: questa e' la prima volta che scrivo una storia, quindi mi scuso gia' per eventuali imprecisioni... inoltre ho scritto la storia in lingua italiana, dato che ? la mia lingua madre e inq uesto modo mi verrebbe piu' facile scriverla.... se qualcuno fosse interessato a tradurla in inglese faccia pure non pu? che farmi piacere :D inoltre sono graditi anche pareri e suggerimenti anche su come si evolvera' la trama.... grazie!) ----------------------------------- Una nuova espe...

2 years ago
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BDSM Playlist Spanish

LISTA DE PRACTICAS BDSM / Whipmaster'sPlaylist 2 Por Whipmaster [email protected] En otro lugar he expresado mi opinión personal acerca de los contratosde sumisión y de su valor más que relativo como elementos reguladoresde una relación BDSM plena y satisfactoria. A mi juicio resultan mucho más útiles e interesantes las "listasde prácticas" (en inglés, Playlist )algo que es relativamente frecuente encontrar en webs en inglés sobreBDSM y que sin embargo escaseaba en versión española....

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Historia de Ang lica

Historia de Angélica Nuestra protagonista se llama Angélica. Es rubia,de ojos azules y bellas formas. Su estatura es 1,65 m. y su piel es sensualmentepálida. Acababa de salir del convento de "Las hermanas dela Humildad", contando a la sazón 17 años. En el conventohabía sido educada bajo la mas férrea disciplina. Había ingresado en el convento a la edad de 8 años,cuando sus padres habían perecido y sus parientes mas próximosse habían desentendido de ella. La vida en el convento fue muy dura...

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La corista capitulo 1

La corista capitulo 1 Julia y su hermano Daniel Azuara aman la m?sica, tocan varios instrumentos y cantan en un grupo musical para bodas y eventos. Daniel iba caminando la casa de su hermana para almorzar cuando de repente se vino una lluvia tan fuerte como la de un hurac?n, el corri? para no mojarse pero al final lleg? empapado a casa de su hermana. -Mira como vienes Daniel Eduardo Azuara P?rez! pareces un gatito remojado r?pido m?tete a ba?ar para que no te enfermes- - Sonaste igual a mam?, tambi...

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Historias CFNM y ENM

Empezaremos esta historia presentando a los protagonistas que vivirán todas aquellas vergonzosas, eróticas y muy desnudas aventuras: Jonas un chico muy inteligente, que con 19 años sigue siendo virgen, no a tenido contacto con ninguna mujer además de que duda de su sexualidad, su cuerpo no es muy grande, es pequeño y delgado con muy poco vello en el cuerpo, pero a pesar de no ejercitarse la adolescencia hizo frutos en él, haciendo que tenga unos cuantos abdominales marcados; cuenta con cabello...

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O Holy Night

Mike Dyer knew full well that his employer was one of the most transgender friendly college campuses around - especially in the South. The hardy, rangy, shiny-headed facilities supervisor had attended more than one training regarding LGBTQ+ issues. He knew not to assume pronouns when meeting people. The thirty-seven year old native Carolinian had no issue with people based on what they chose to do. He wasn’t sure if people were born that way or not, but ultimately it didn’t matter to him. He...

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Bob e io Capitolo 7

Capitolo 7 Passai il resto della giornata pensando a Bob e a quanto lo amavo. Di quando in quando portavo alla mia faccia il dito che avevo messo nel suo sedere e lo annusavo prendendo profondamente il suo profumo nelle mie narici. Normalmente si dovrebbe pensare ad un cattivo odore, ma non questa volta. Era il profumo di Bob ed io amai ogni suo odore. Lui era la persona migliore che avessi mai incontrato. Potevo immaginare di passare il resto della mia vita con lui. A metà dell’ultima ora di...

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La seduzione di Sofia

Mentre cammina verso di me, prova a sistemarsi il costume che le onde del mare gli avevano fatto leggermente calare. Quei pochi secondi del suo gesto sono davvero da Film erotico, soprattutto perché in quei pochi attimi riesco a vedere il suo piccolo seno bianco ed una parte del basso ventre anch'esso per nulla abbronzato. Quel contrasto gli donava una carica sessuale che mi stava facendo morire.Sofia é assolutamente una bellissima ragazza, ma quando si é giovani, molto giovani, belle lo sono...

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Era un tipo un po' così....un bravo ragazzo, 50 anni, padre di famiglia, marito affabile e magari anche premuroso, puntuale e preciso sul lavoro. Un po' noioso, però, tutto sommato, ma era gentile e mi tampinava da qualche mese ormai su Fb, col fatto che abitavamo nella stessa città e che aveva bisogno di evasioni dalla routine matrimoniale. Una sera di metà settembre, una di quelle belle sere settembrine in cui l'aria pesante dell'estate comincia a lasciare spazio al fresco, decisi di...

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El repartidor

El repartidorAquel verano me lo iba a pasar solo, sin trabajo y sin pareja, con el paro casi agotado, me salió la oportunidad de trabajar como repartidor de una pequeña cadena de supermercados.Un contrato de dos meses y repartir por la ciudad desde las 3 de la tarde hasta terminar, el sueldo no era gran cosa pero una posibilidad.Nuestra tarea era recoger los pedidos, meterlos en la furgo y luego repartir, éramos dos el conductor y yo. Si había un cliente sólo , salía yo y el esperaba en la...

4 years ago
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Mamma guarda comes sborro Cap 2

Parlando di sesso, la cosa che preferisco è farmi leccare la figa. Mi piace sentire la lingua lappare le mie grandi labbra, sentirla penetrare all'interno, titillare il mio clitoride. Quella buonanima di mio marito, che Dio l'abbia in gloria, me la sapeva leccare davvero bene. Si ficcava col viso tra le mie cosce spalancate e me la lavorava di lingua e di labbra fino a quando non ero venuta almeno per due o tre volte. Non era un grande scopatore, ma come la sapeva leccare lui non c'era nessuno....

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Sedici anni Capitolo 10

"Claudio, quanti soldi hai? "“Qua, conta", disse tirando fuori un rotolo di banconote dalla tasca, "è tutto quello che ho."Contai i miei ed i suoi soldi e sorrisi annunciando che eravamo giunti alla nostra meta. Tutto a posto e quella sera avremmo messo in azione il piano di Alessandro .Per tutta la settimana precedente avevamo lottato per trovare un po’ di privacy ma non ci eravamo mai riusciti. Sembrava che i nostri genitori stessero tentando di non permetterci di stare insieme da soli. Il...

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Ero in macchina in quel parcheggio appartato di fronte al mare, aspettavo Marta, la ennesima conoscenza della chat. Era stata molto esplicita in poche volte che avevamo chattato, sposata, marito impotente per un intervento subito qualche anno prima, piantata dall’amante un mese prima…. Le premesse per un grande pomeriggio di sesso c’erano tutte…. Un lampeggiare di fari, la 500 grigia di cui mi aveva parlato, parcheggia al mio fianco…. Lontano una altra macchina , i vetri appannati a lasciar...

2 years ago
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Para entrar a vivir

Me llamó con la excusa que la ayudase a decidir el color de una habitación y fui aunque hubiera sido una clienta horrible hasta la fecha. Siempre cambiando de opinión, exigiendo más, tirando por tierra todas mis ideas... Aquella mujer y yo no conectábamos desde el primer día, y sin embargo, fue ella la que convenció a su marido, cuya única aportación a la casa había sido económica, para que yo se la hiciera.Llegué a la casa, que estaba para entregar, y no quedaba ya ningún operario. Estaba ella...

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Schimb de dame

Povestea urmatoare este uluitoare si poate unora le va parea neverosimila. Am scris-o bazandu-ma pe fapte si intamplari reale. Subiectul este destul de sensibil si de controversat, asa incat le recomand cititorilor s-o trateze ca pe o simpla fantezie. Sper totusi ca o sa va placa! Enjoy it!……………………………………………………………….Numele meu e Sergiu, am 32 de ani, sunt absolvent al facultatii de Drept si in momentul de fata sunt angajat ca jurist la o societate comerciala din capitala. Sunt saten cu ochi...

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la mia famiglia

Faceva un gran freddo quella mattina.Il vento, fuori, sembrava non volere più fermare le sue raffiche impetuose.Dal caldo del mio letto diedi un’ occhiata annoiata al termometro che segnava 2 °C.“Cacchio che freddo !!” esclamai ancora assonnato, e mi rimboccai le coperte fino al naso beandomi di quella giornata di ferie.Dopo una ventina di minuti però, la voce imperiosa di mia madre mi costrinse a superare il momento di torpore e ad alzarmi dal letto.Ancora in stato di semi incoscienza mi...

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Le foto di Gaia

A partire da una certa età ogni furbo appare pericoloso.Elias Canetti1- Col cazzo, Nino, quello non è scemo, te lo dico io. –Nino sbuffò:- Io non ho detto questo: ho detto solo che è un tipo strano! –Sul campanile della chiesa principale l’orologio ricordò, ai pochi che ancora si attardavano in quella calda domenica di sole, che era appena passata l’una; al massimo mezz’ora e il centro di Latina si sarebbe del tutto svuotato.- Vorrei essere strano come lui! – rise Nino – Si è preso la più bella...

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Un nuevo empleo

Un nuevo Empleo Esta es tan solo una fantas?a que se me ha ocurrido, el producto quiz? de una noche desvelada, pero a pesar de ello me he excitado mucho al escribirla e imaginar las situaciones que en ella describo. Perm?teme sin embargo hacer una breve introducci?n y contarte como fue que se me ocuri? esta situaci?n. Estaba yo un d?a viajando en el colectivo, cuando sube a el una mujer ya madura, aunque sin embargo sumamente atractiva, ten?a puesto un traje sastre de color bordeaux con una pollera que...

2 years ago
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Fiesta Antes de continuar con el relato perm?teme comentarte algo, al principio cuando empec? a escribirlo ten?a toda la intenci?n de que fuera simplemente un relato corto, sin embargo, como te dije anteriormente, mi imaginaci?n tiene la virtud de una vez despertada, volverse incontrolable. De esta manera, comenzaron a surgir un mont?n de situaciones y fantas?as que no quer?a dejar de contarte. Ten?a entonces dos alternativas, recortaba el relato y dejaba tan solo los hechos esenciales, o lo divid?a al men...

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Las cinco amigas The Five Friends 1

*************Primera parte************* Hace tanto tiempo que no tengo un orgasmo que ni siquiera estoy segura de lo que se siente. S? que jam?s tendr? otrto en mi vida, pero hace mucho que no me importa. He aprendido a vivir as? y a disfrutar cada relaci?n sexual. S?, tengo una vida sexual y me encanta. El hecho de que no me pueda correr no la hace peor. Dejadme que vuelva la vista atr?s y os cuente algo de mi. Nac? como var?n har? aproximadamente treinta a?os, creo. Todo ese periodo de mi vida est? bastante ...

4 years ago
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Las cinco amigas The Five Friends 3

*************Tercera parte************* La habitaci?n ten?a una puerta blanca que estaba cerrada. Gir? el pomo y se abri? sin problemas. Fuera lo que fuera el sitio en el que estaba, no era precisamente una prisi?n. El pasillo era como el de cualquier hospital privado, luminoso y silencioso. Una enfermera me vi? asomar y acudi? corriendo a mi lado. ?No, Laura, no. No puedes salir ?dijo, cogi?ndome de los hombros y devolvi?ndome al interior del cuarto?. Enseguida vendr? el doctor y podr?s hablar con ?l. ?Per...

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Travesti por Sobrevivencia

TRAVESTI POR SOBREVIVENCIA Autor: Adrianaxd Fecha: 16 Octubre 2008 Conceptos: Travesti, Feminizaci?n forzada, Bondage, Tacones altos, minifalda, senos implantados, medias, blusas, corsetes, dildos, aretes, maquillaje, sal?n de belleza, sexshop, prostituci?n. Edad: 15 a 18 a?os Mi nombre es Adri?n, les quiero contar que mi familia estaba formada por mi padre Javier, mi madre Lorena, mi hermano Bernardo y yo. Mis padres perdieron 3 bebes antes de que yo naciera pues mi madre tenia una de esas rara...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Part 3

"Ma...siete matti? Come faccio ad uscire cos?? E se qualc.." "Stai zitta troia, ti sei dimenticata come ci si rivolge ad un padrone?" mi url? in faccia Aldo. "Questo ti vale come secondo errore, sei contenta?" Ecco, questo non me lo aspettavo. E non avevo neanche il coraggio di replicare. Ma se qualcuno si accorgeva che ero un uomo? Che figura facevo? "Adesso andiamo in garage, saliamo in macchina e ci facciamo un bel giro per la spesa, zitta e non discutere, il prossimo errore ? qu...

3 years ago
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Uma lenga Grega A Greek Legend

Uma lenda grega Cap?tulo 1: O anel Eu sempre fui fascinado por mitologia grega. Est?rias de deuses, semideuses, her?is, monstros me acompanharam desde a minha mais tenra inf?ncia e mantiveram minha imagina??o ocupada. Sendo "um vagabundo", como minha m?e costumava dizer eu tinha bastante tempo para dedicar a este hobby. Na verdade eu era "um vagabundo sortudo", pois um tio havia falecido e deixado DM 500.000,00 de heran?a que eu mantinha em uma conta de investimento. Eu n?o era exatamente rico, mas ta...

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Lost My Virginity To Student 8217 s Mom

Hi freinds. I am Chandu here, a regular reader of ISS. First let me introduce myself. I am a 27 years boy from Vijayawada(AndhraPradesh), with an athletic figure of 5'8" and a sexy tool of 8", but I was a bit introvert. Hence I dont have any girl friend. And one thing I like to mention that I was more attracted towards older ladies with sexy boobs. Till last week I count myself as a poor "V-I-R-G-I-N" boy, who can only fantasyse about matured ladies and musterbate for his satisfaction. But in...

4 years ago
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El solucionador

Hayley estaba en pie frente a la mesa del sal?n central, ahora vac?o. Disimulaba su enfado mientras volv?a a ojear la copia de la ?ltima oferta. Se esforzaba por mantener porte elegante a pesar de todo. Incluso quer?a dar cierto aire de superioridad. Era una mujer hermosa. Tal vez no  uno de esos bellezones que sal?an en revistas y pel?culas. Su imagen era m?s real, m?s natural. Sus ojos marr?n claro, grandes y bonitos. La melena casta?a oscura llegaba hasta mitad de la espalda. No era completamente lisa si no que pos...

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El Ring de la muerte

Michelle estaba acabando de prepararse para el combate. Su atuendo y aspecto no eran los habituales para luchar, pero tampoco era un evento habitual. Vest?a con un top de color azul el?ctrico, bastante ajustado, con escote en forma de V, que dejaba ver la forma de unos pechos bien redondeados, firmes, probablemente de talla noventa. No cubr?a sin embargo el vientre, con abdominales definidas, aunque no tanto como para ganarle el apelativo de "musculosa". Atl?tica le sentar?a mejor. En la parte inferior lu...

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Milkman delivers baby 3

Hello readers hope you enjoyed both the submissions before in this series.Now I am narrating the last part in this series again making it in the words of the impotent husband of sexy Shara.when I heard Shara’s submission to Fareed that he could stay back till 5 I felt my knees going weak.Surely Shara could not expect more after what the burly milkmana had given her in round 1. I realised that this was beyond pregnency and now Shara had begun to enjoy it as pure as animal instinct. Well I was...

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Luana s Degradation

La Degradaci?n de LuanaLa Degradaci?n de LuanaCap?tulo 1. El InicioBueno, voy a ver como relato mi historia, mi incre?ble historia,al menos como la comienzo, pues todo inicio es la parte m?s complicada, as? quevayamos por partes.La principal protagonista de esta historia, aparte de unaservidora, claro est?, es Tonya. Tonya es mi jefa y mucho m?s, a lo largo delos ?ltimos a?os trabajando juntas hemos llegado a ser amigas y confidentes,de ah? que haya historia que relatar.Ella es la Vicepresidenta ejecutiva de Industria...

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Um Negocio Lucrativo Portuguese

UM NEGÓCIO BEMLUCRATIVO Geraldo AntonioLelis de Freitas UM OSimca Chambord estacionou na Pracinha do Araçatuba Clube, aquela doColégio das Irmãs, vizinha da Praça 19 de fevereiro.Carro novo, cores tradicionais de vermelho e amarelo, linha impecável,conforto até exagerado. No radio tocava Neil Sedaka, "You mean everythingto me", sucesso romântico. Olocal estava deserto. Deserto era modo de se dizer: alguns carros passavampelas ruas Duque de Caxias e Carlos Gomes. Um "biribeiro" gritou um...

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La corista capitulo 7

LA CORISTA CAPITULO 7 - Hola Mi nombre es Vanessa yo soy la verdadera corista a la qu? beso Carlos Castillo y este s?bado contar? lo que pas? en realidad, en el Show de Don Fernando- -Corte y queda- Daniel se qued? sorprendido al terminar de grabar el v?deo -Es todo lo que voy a decir?, cre? que iba a aclarar todo de una vez!- A lo que Alex el manager de Carlos le dijo- Eso ser?a lo m?s pr?ctico pero a la gente le gusta el el chisme, hacerse ideas en su cabeza de lo que va a pasar. De esta form...

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La corista capitulo 9

La corista capitulo 9 Al siguiente d?a despu?s de salir del hospital Danny no tubo mucho tiempo para descansar ya su agenda estaba llena y tenia que segur asistiendo a eventos y entrevistas, debido a lo reciente de su operaci?n y para disimular la inflamaci?n de sus senos y caderas ahora la ropa que le daban era menos escotada, m?s holgada y los vestidos eran m?s largos pero dise?ados para lucir su nueva figura. Pasaron los d?as y a pesar de todo lo que le tomaba arreglarse a diario tener sus propios s...

1 year ago
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La noche de un millonario

Tu nombre es Máximo Taboada, heredero de una cuantiosa fortuna, que te permite llevar un nivel de vida entre los mas caros de Europa. No tienes de que preocuparte, no alcanzarían cien años para derrochar todo el dinero que tienes, aunque realmente tu si que te esmeras en gastarlo. Sales de la ducha envuelto en tu bata negra, y observando las luces nocturnas de la ciudad, te sirves una copa de vino. Respiras profundamente y contemplando la vista a través de los grandes cristales, sientes que no...

2 years ago
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Donna the Devoted Dog LoverChapter 5 Donna Does Down Dog

Donna the dog lover went to the country to get a change of scene from the boring details of her boring life with the boring servants and the boring young men that only wanted her to let them pull down her knickers and let them have a go at her juicy middle-aged cunt. She had done it with her uncles and her cousins and even the odd tradesman and the dodgy bin man with his oversized cock. When she graduated to taking lovers of the four-legged variety, Donna grew to appreciate the uniqueness...

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Fucking My Apartment Owner Aunty

Hi, this is Ajji from Hyderabad. I am here to explain my sexual affair with my neighbor, with the help of that neighbor and again I had another sexual affair with another neighbor. When I was studying B.Tech 3rd year this incident happened. One day afternoon when I was in college feeling bored, so thought to go home, we have 3 floor building we stay in 1st floor. As usual I went home and when I was parking my bike in compound my ground floor tenant aunt came out. As she has computer in her home...

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Thrilling Sex In Hotel 8211 Sub Part Of Main Series

Hello, my name is Zeenat.If you want to contact me you can message me on planet romeo. My id is “Gandmarvaneayahu”. So this story is sub part of the main sexstory.As I told you in my previous story that I will tell you my thrilling sex experience in the hotel. Where my friend’s father fucked me. If you didn’t read that story so please read that stories so you can understand the situation. So without wasting time lets start the story. So I had sex with my friend’s father when he caught us during...

Gay Male
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How it came about with my son Chapter3

How it came about with my son: Chapter three:After my son and I came to almost getting caught by my wife, I told my son if he was interested in doing more sometime that we would have to start earlier. He agreed and told me that he would like to take it to a different level. I wasn’t sure what he meant at the time but it wasn’t long before I was going to know what he meant.It was a couple of days later and was about six o’clock in the evening when the phone rang and it was my neighbor. I will...

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Bhabhi k maze

I have read all of my friend’s stories. Now let me share my true story to my friends of ISS. With hope that they will enjoy it as I have there. My cousin was living just a kilometer from our house. We have good family relation. He was son of my aunt (father’s sister) and was 20 years elder than me. Due to the good relation I usually go to meet him and his family. His wife Sonia was usually asked me to buy some medicine or grocery from market. She was very nice woman. She found much to me. She...

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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 28 Moving in the Right Direction

“Mr. Prentiss, this is your friend from Houston. I believe the possible threat to you and your community has passed. Just so you know, the opposition visited about thirty other gated communities in your county. Vigilance is always recommended, but whatever their mission, they seemed unsuccessful. The two men we’d tracked went back to Colombia two days ago, and seem to have assumed their old jobs. We have reason to believe they convinced themselves that your friend is dead or that erasure is...

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Holiday sex

I was on holiday with some friends and the beginning of our holiday just happened to coincide with the annual school leavers’ celebration that was held in the area. It was the first night we got there and the second last night of the celebrations, so we were all hoping to pick up some 18 year olds. We had drinks in our hotel room, then went out to the beach party; a massive party that was organized for the school leavers. It wasn’t long before we were all talking to girls. I found a girl who...

Drunk sex
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Making Danielle Cum

Ignoring my pleas, you bury your cock all the way into my little pink hole. You hold it there feeling me squirm, I'm panting, trying to catch my breath, the pain is unbearable, and I scream in agony. "Yea baby, that's it, scream for me, tell me how much it hurts." You pull your cock out of me only to shove it back in again with such force that I almost pass out. The pain rips through me with each thrust. "Do you like my big cock? Does it feel good when I shove it deep into your tight little...

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Dominique Ch 08

I was suddenly struck with the gravity of the situation. I could lose everything here! Clasping my hands tightly behind my back to stop them shaking, I tried to slow my breathing while Andrew, Paul and Kate looked down on me. My Judge, jury and executioner. I felt very small. Would I ever master this game? Was I cut out for this? It wouldn't have taken much for me to burst into tears and flee. Forever. I couldn't believe I called Kate a bitch. I should have thanked her for slapping me. God, was...

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An Angel s Story

At 21 years of age, Dana Hydricks life pretty much sucked. Her live in boyfriend, Matt, was a total drunk and a loser in life. Matt had been Dana’s first when she was 15, and they have been together ever since. They have lived together for the past two years, and if not for Dana’s job, they both would be homeless. Matt was not only just a drunk, he was a violent one at that. Matt would go out with the boys, come home, then force Dana to suck his dirty five inches of cut cock. He’d yank her...

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BDSM Sex With A Bangalore Girl

Hi, this is Aadhi (25), male from Chennai. I am going to share my personal sex experience with you. Enjoy reading. Once I was on a work to Bangalore. There I met Dhivya through a dating app. She is 5’6, fair, and a little chubby. Her size is 34-30-34. We got connected really well. We started having sex. Only after our first sex, we came to know that we shared a lot of sexual fantasies. Both of us were wild and very sex-lovers. We wanted to explore every single thing in sex. We both were good...

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Opening Earth Part 3Chapter 2

“Hello, Bashira, it’s Doug. How are things going with you and Amir?” “Good, Doug. Are you and your wives starting to settle in as married people?” “Well, not yet Bashira. The honeymoon trip has ended and we just got home yesterday, but our honeymoon is continuing. If I’m lucky it will continue for some time to come. I’ll have to wait to see if married life is different from just living with my ladies. What is Amir doing?” “He is busy with a number of issues, Doug. Canceling your visit was...

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Intro to foot service

normal looking and behaving. I am 5' 6" 150lbs, good build (no fat), brown hair/eyes moustache. From the time I was 11 or 12, and started to notice my more frequent desires... i was hooked on woman who wore stillettos or very high heels. I later became attracted to what I was told, by a woman, were CFMP's. It all started with a my next door neighbor. My window faced her back yard. She was divorced and had two children, both younger than me. I was 11. I had just really...

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wanking for my best friend

We was both about 15 or 16 years old and lets call him Dave (not his real name )and we was getting ready to go on holiday. So we was in his bedroom as he packed and i found one of his wank mags and started to look at it. And of couse being of that age i had no control over what my cock when Dave looked over he started to laugh as my cock was now rock hard. you might want to sort that out he said and left the room .So in no time i had my trousers down and wanking like a mad man befor dave...

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A New Year s Eve to RememberChapter 2

I followed my girlfriend into the family room. I sat down, expecting Mia to sit beside me. She unbuttoned and removed her sweater, to my surprise. “Take your shirt off, Davey,” Mia purred. She helped me pull it over my head. “That’s better. Now we’re on equal footing.” Mia pushed me down on my back on the couch and climbed on top of me. We kissed while Mia pressed her chest, including those lovely, pillowy titties into my chest. Oh, God! Those hard nipples rubbing my chest felt sooo...

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JulesJordan Samantha Lexi Exotic Newcomer Samantha Lexi Brings The Heat To Zac Wild

Petite and sweet Samantha Lexi teams up with Zac Wild in this scene from The boner charmer is drop-dead in floral lavender lingerie. Her thighs are wrapped in flesh toned nylons with lavender at the top. Those thighs spilling out clueing us in on her jelly arsenal. The sexy sparkplug has beautiful long hair. She’s mastered the art of drawing it up and letting it flow back down. Jules tells the little lovely “You look like you’re ready to do something nasty today”. Samantha...

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Beautiful Submission

Beautiful Submission By Murry Davis You wonder what plans your Master made for you tonight. You know that you will do whatever he commands you to do. Since becoming his willing slave, you have never disobeyed him. Tonight would be no different. You walk into the bathroom to prepare. You know your Master will want you clean and fresh. You slip out of your silk gown and let it fall around your ankles. Standing before the mirror, you study your nude body. At the age of 24, you have the body...

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Confession of a Brother

I want to share something here. I’m from asouth Asian country. Our parents are very religious. We are Muslim. I have a younger sister who is two years younger than me. She was very caring. We were close since childhood. We grew up together & watched ourselves going through the changes. You know how it feels when your body and mind changes at that age. Mine was little different from most other boys of my age as I had a sister who was only a year and half younger than me. Well I have to admit...

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Hot Fucking Of Student In Lahore

Hi readers I am Babar from Lahore back after a long gap, sharing with you my real life experience. I am Lecturer in a college and don’t like to teach tuition specially I hate home tuition. Few months back a home tuition was referred to me from some of my colleagues with a strong recommendation to oblige the student. I was not interested in teaching but to oblige the colleague (who referred me) I decided to visit and guide the student who was a young girl and student of Intermediate. I reached...

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Mother s DayChapter 5

The first few days of work had been mortifying for Gwen. She still could not believe she was actually wearing such a revealing outfit in front of a roomful of strange liquored-up men. Yet here she was, in her second week. “Well, Sugar, how goes it?” asked Georgia, drying a shot glass. “ ... I ... I never dreamed I would be doing something like this,” smiled Gwen weakly. “Well, you’re a hit, that’s for sure. Being so short and beautiful too has gotten you a lot of attention.” “Yes,”...

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Naruto Lost in the Forest of Lust chapter 6

“What’s wrong Hinata-chan?” asked Anko mockingly as she placed some shaving cream on Hinata’s pubic hair. “Don’t you trust me?” She then placed the razor over the blue patch of hair and her other hand went to the girls pussy. “Now hold still,” she said while nibbling on Hinata’s ear. Hinata moaned as the cold razor pressed against her skin and slid upwards. Then she gasped as Anko began to play with her folds. As Anko kept shaving Hinata’s lower hair, she played and teased the girl with her...

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Measuring my cum 4

I didn't feel like going upstairs to wash, so I grabbed a few 'wet & wipe' tissues from a tub we kept in the kitchen, and gave my now limp cock a good clean and wipe over, especially around the tip as I pulled back the foreskin a little.It felt exciting to be naked like this in our kitchen, mom having just wanked me off in here. Then, still in the nude, I walked out of the kitchen, along the hallway, and into our downstairs cloakroom, and flushed the wet tissues I had used to clean myself...

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The Mind KnowsChapter 3

There was no thought of sleep among the four. Bill and Betty, almost in a daze, walked back into the kitchen, Ai and Cindi following. Bill turned the gas burner on under the tea kettle, while Betty opened a cupboard. "Do you like marshmallows, Cindi?" "Um ... no." "Good. Neither does Bill. More for me." She got down a box of hot chocolate packets and an unopened bag of mini marshmallows. Bill had three cups ready, and began opening the packets of brown powder. Ai sat on the counter...

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Nature s Revenge

A beat up looking house stood out just a few feet from the woods. The moonlight from the three moons above illuminated the house showed off just how bad the house looked. The roof had holes in several places due to the severe weather. The windows were covered in dirt and dust. Even the boards holding up the porch looked like termites have been eating away at it steadily. The door that was used looked like it was just fitted in place and would fall out of place from the slightest touch. The only...

2 years ago
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FamilyStrokes Victoria Lobov Honey Hayes One Less Lonely Stepdad

Ever since the divorce Honey Hayes likes to make Father’s Day extra special for her stepdad Filthy Rich. After cooking breakfast and spending some time with him, she notices how he keeps picturing her mom Victoria and he seems very lonely. Honey decides to give her stepdad a gift that will really help with his loneliness, so she puts on lingerie and some of her mom’s old clothes. When Filthy finds Honey laying in bed like that, he tries to tell her that it’s not appropriate, but she looks so...

3 years ago
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We had new neighbours

Introduction: Mother and daughter feast Starts slow but builds up. Hope you like it. Constructive criticism welcomed. If you are going to be negative please let me know what you have written so I can take pointers. I was 17, school holidays and bored, then I found out we had new neighbours. I didnt see them move in but my mum informed me at the tea table. They were a Friendly coloured family she described them as. She never said black. The first coloureds in the neighbourhood she proudly...

3 years ago
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A Succubus for Halloween

Mike Landis wasn't going to go to the Halloween university reunion party, not originally. He had no desire to see his old university associates and he suspected the feeling was mutual. And there was always the thing hanging over him... Then something happened. Landis examined himself in the full length mirror. Perfect, he thought. The top was exactly the right shade of blue and the badge above his left breast was a good facsimile. He'd been concerned the pointed ear prosthetics would look...

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