La Corista Capitulo 1 free porn video

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La corista capitulo 1 Julia y su hermano Daniel Azuara aman la m?sica, tocan varios instrumentos y cantan en un grupo musical para bodas y eventos. Daniel iba caminando la casa de su hermana para almorzar cuando de repente se vino una lluvia tan fuerte como la de un hurac?n, el corri? para no mojarse pero al final lleg? empapado a casa de su hermana. -Mira como vienes Daniel Eduardo Azuara P?rez! pareces un gatito remojado r?pido m?tete a ba?ar para que no te enfermes- - Sonaste igual a mam?, tambi?n me vas a pegar con la chancla?- -Ya enserio no te escuchas muy bien hermanito, est?s af?nico- - No es nada ando as? desde ayer pero al rato se me pasa- - Te voy a preparar un caldo de pollo- Daniel sali? ba?adito y bien rasurado. -Mira como trasero de bebe, que buena esta la crema de rasurar que tienes- -Tonto, esa era mi nueva crema s?per moderna y super car?sima con ?loe vera para rasurar-depilar piernas de acci?n prolongada...o lo que es lo mismo: no te va a salir ni un pelo en un mes- -Ya no te enojes luego te regalo otra.Por favor te encarg? algo de ropa- Julia se puso a buscar ropa de su ex que le quedar? a Daniel pero no encontr? nada. -Mira parece que mi ex no dej? nada, lo bueno que eres tan flaco ( te odio) que te quedar esta sudadera y este pantal?n de tela que se expande y como yo soy la patona de la familia te deben quedan mis tenis- -Solo tienes tenis rosas?- -Es eso o uno zapatos dorados de tac?n muy c?modos jijiji- -Oye hermanita solo tienes pantalones que moldean tu figura de esos que anuncian en la tele?- -Si , como supiste....Guau! Que grande se te ve el trasero, y tus piernas no se ven mal- Laura se acerc? a su hermano le solt? la coleta que sosten?a su cabello que casi le llegaba hasta el cuello y le tomo una foto de espalda - Mira por atr?s pareces vieja- Daniel miro la foto con asombro, esos pantalones de verdad eran milagrosos-Lau..cof...aaah..- y ya no pudo decir m?s, hab?a perdido la voz. -Hay no, te dije que andabas mal deja busco el tel?fono del Foniatra que est? por aqu? cerca para que te inyecte me olvida que eres al?rgico, deja les pas? tus datos para que pongan algo que te desinflame r?pido la garganta- Laura le marco varios foniatras que conoc?a pero ninguno ten?a a la mano un medicamento que sustituyera a la cortizona hasta que le pasaron el contacto de uno que por suerte est?n a 10 cuadras de su casa. -Hola quiero sacar una cita para hoy, a nombre de Daniel Azuara, si con "Z".- -Muy bien Daniela Zuara apuntado, mire v?ngase lo m?s pronto posible porque la verdad es que el doctor solo v a estar aqu? hasta las 12 y ya no regresa en un mes- - Entendido van para all?. C?rrele Dani el consultorio est? aqu? bien cerca ll?vate el paraguas es por la avenida todo derecho en frente del centro comercial.- Daniel sali? casi corriendo para que no lo volviera a alcanzar la lluvia, ten?a que estar bien para ma?ana pues ten?an un evento muy importante donde podr?an hacer buenos contactos para poder tocar en fiestas de gente muy rica y cobrar mas. La llegar la consultorio solo estaba la secretaria en la sala de espera, ella la vio y le pregunto r?pidamente- DanielaZuara?- y al no poder hablar el asinti? con la cabeza -Por favor pase al consultorio- El doctor era a?n hombre de unos 50 y tantos a?os, ten?a colgados vario diplomas y reconocimientos, y el consultorio ten?a un varios aparatos modernos para examinar pacientes, se ve?a muy preparado. -Hola- Miro su expediente para leer el nombre - Daniela Zuara, te puedo decir Dany?-Daniel asientio con la cabeza y sonri? -Muy bien Dany me dicen que ya no puedes hablar, que eres cante tienes un evento ma?ana ...pero que tienes alergia a la cortizona. Bueno no te preocupes la medicina h avanzado mucho y te pondr? un tratamiento con el que ma?ana estar?s bien- El Doctor le examin? la garganta, le roc?o con un spray la garganta y le puso varias inyecciones. - Listo este tratamiento es a base de antinflamatorios y hormonas para mejorar r?pidamente la vibraci?n de la mucosa de los pliegues vocales para que pueda dar las notas altas y bajas que quiera. T?mese est?s pastillas por una semana y estas tres veces al d?a por un mes,; no suspenda el tratamiento por nada del mundo ya que se podr?a da?ar permanente su voz. Ma?ana ya va estar bien solo no hable y duerma por lo que resta del d?a. Efectos secundarios: un ligero aumento en el libido; para que si de repente siente atracci?n por alguien, no crea que es amor a primera vista jejeje.- Daniel fue a casa de su hermana y ella con cara de preocupaci?n le pidi? que se quedara a dormir por si se sent?a muy mal ella lo podr?a llevar al hospital. Al d?a siguiente Daniel se despert? ya no sent?a molestia en la garganta fue al ba?o para rasurarse como de costumbre y al verde en el espejo se di? cuenta que no ten?a ni un pelo de barba.- Si que es efectiva esa crema adem?s que suave e hidratada me dej? la piel.- Fue a la cocina y pens? : vamos a ver qu? tan bien amaneci? mi voz- JULIAAAA, LEVANTATEEEEE FLOJAAAAA QUE VOY A PREPARAR EL ALMUERZO- Daniel se tapo la boca muy asustado, esa no era su voz normal...esa era la voz de una mujer! Julia sali? de su cuarto medio dormida y renegando - Ya voy mam? no te sulfures...- y entonces se dio cuenta que en su casa solo estaba ella y Daniel con la boca tapada Su hermano la saludo con su nueva voz de mujer - Hola Julia- -Hay no....ahora te crees imitador , ya deja de jugar y hazme unos hot- cakes- Con cara de asustado el le respondi? -Julia no estoy jugando est? es mi voz- - No, no, no te preocupes debe de ser un efecto secundario, trata de modular la voz haz ejercicios de calentamiento y canta algo!- Daniel hizo todo lo que su hermana le dijo y fue en vano. Ahora el hablaba y cantaba con voz mujer -Guau! Tu nueva voz es de contralto ,es como una mezcla de la voz Adele y Lana del rey- Con miedo y l?grimas en los ojos le dijo-Ya deja admirar mi voz y ll?male a ese maldito doctor para que me regres? a la normalidad!- - Es muy temprano deja le marco a las 10 am...aver si est? porque dijeron que se iba un mes de vacaciones- No les contestaron el tel?fono hasta pasado el medio d?a y les confirmaron que el doctor se fue a un crucero con su esposa y que no regresar?a en mes y medio y que no hab?a forma de comunicarse con ?l. -Que voy a hacer Pedro me va a matar- - C?lmate hermanito deja le marc? y yo le explic? todo. Hola Pedro como estas, no me vas a creer lo que le paso a Daniel....-y as? estuvo Julia varios minutos explicando lo que pas?. - Y bien que te dijo- -Dijo que no est? para aguantar bromas, que ya tiene suficientes problemas y que si lo que quieres es dejar el grupo cuando m?s te necesitan...esres un mal agradecido, no vales madre, que te inventes un a mejor escusa y que si es cierto que te vallas a trabajar a show trasvesti para que te metan una bien grandota por el...- -Shhhh...Ya entend? no nos cree, as? que lo mejor ser? verlo en persona- Legaron a la oficina de contartacion y pregunaton por el en la recepcion -Hola Paulina, vemos a ver a Pedro- - Hola Julia est? por all?, pero tengan cuidado anda de un genio...- -Hola Pedro, podemos hablar....- -Y ahora que quieren? Vienen a hacerme calzon chino o traen a un auditor de impuesto o a un abogado de mi exesposa!...- - C?lmate Pedro tranquilo venimos a hablar como amigos a ver si?ntate y dime qu? te pasa?- - Me pasa toooodo, mi novia me dej? huy? con el guitarrista, se llevaron los perros mi camioneta y el dinero de mi caja fuerte, Nadia tiene neumon?a y tiene que reposar un mes as? que solo me queda una corista...- -Ser?n dos yo a?n estoy en la banda- - No Julia! Yo ya no cuento contigo ni con el Judas de tu hermano que se cree Wall Disnei con los cuentos que se inventa- Entonces Daniel comenz? a hablar con su voz de mujer y despu?s comenz? a cantar Pedro se quedo paralizado de la impresi?n al escuchar esa voz de mujer que sal?a del cuerpo de un hombre y esa misma voz le decia - como puedes ver lo de mi voz es verdad- - Noooooo.. yo ya no creo en nada ni en nadie .Por fin me volv? locoooo!bwaaaa! Y ya no creo en el amor bwaaaaaa!- Julia se acerc? a ?l y lo abrazo tiernamente-Yaaaa, yaaa Pedrito no llores todo va a estar bien, mira deja la hablo a un amigo que es guitarrista para que nos eche la mano, Mary yo podemos hacer tranquilamente los coros y le decimos a tu secre que use el vestido de Nadia, le pagamos el micr?fono para que solo baile y haga como que canta- -Pero el cliente me pidi? espec?ficamente 4 coristas y necesitamos que m?nimo sean tres las que canten porque con dos haciendo play back nos vamos a ver poco profesionales y est? fiesta es nuestra gran oportunidad de pasar a las grandes ligas, va a ir la crema y nata DE EL PA?S si salia bien de aqu? en adelante TODOS ?bamos a ganar mas dinero- Daniel se meti? a la conversaci?n y pregunto- Y de d?nde van a encontrar la corista que les falta en tan poco tiempo?- Julia y Pedro se le quedaron mirando fijamente como lobos observando a un conejo que presiente que va ser deborado - No, no, nooo ni crean que lo voy a hacer...No voy a convencer va nadie si me visten de mujer- -Tienes la voz hermanito- -Si la tengo, pero m?rame soy un hombre no una mujer- - Dani ayer sin maquillaje fuiste lo suficientemente convincente como para que el doctor te diera esa voz- -Y si a?n con maquillaje parezco hombre - -Calmate Chuazeneguer, tienes rasgos finos y eres tan delgado que quiz?s te pueda quedar el vestido de la traidora de mi ex que era la otra corista que me ha dejado sin dinero snif, y sin ilusiones bwaaaaaa!..snif, snif ...y si no te ves bien pues les pongo un velo a todas o burkas o m?scaras de teatro Griego, pero el show debe continuar...o ESTOY ARRUINADO! - - Tranquilo Pedrito, ya ya ya, todo va aestar bien. V?monos a prepararte hermanito cuando termine contigo vas a quedar bien buenota- -Arreglense en mi casa, est? aqu? a unas cuadras, en la casa est?n la cosa de mi ex para que se arreglen "las" dos...mejor las acompa?o para abrirles y quitar la alrma-. Al llegar a la casa, Pedro las llevo al closet de su ex d?nde ten?a todas sus cosas y su lugar para maquillarse. -Guaw est? enorme!- Julia estaba sorprendida , se sent?a en en cielo de las mujeres al ver tantos vestidos y zapatos mientras que Daniel se sent?a que estaba entrando a un cuarto de torturas. -M?tete al ba?o y dep?late los brazos y piernas en lo que busco con Pedro el vestido y las cosas para maquillarte...ah y tambi?n dep?late las axilas- Cuando Daniel sali? del ba?o Julia lo esperaba como ni?a con mu?eca nueva, con un mont?n de accesorio - Mira todo lo que me encontr?! Fajas, rellenos de silicon para senos y caderas ( siempre supe que eran falsas), pelucas extensiones y pesta?as postizas- - Ya que! Vamos, transformame en tu monstruo Frankestein!- Daniel se sent? en la silla y Julia tapo el espejo para que solo se viera hasta que estuviera completamente listo. Le aplic? la base , maquillage, le puso pesta?as postizas le pinto los labios de rojo carmes? y hasta le pinto las u?as de las manos. - Ahora ponte esto y ve este video- -Es una prenda hecha con un calcet?n y unas medias para que escondas tu pene y tus test?culos, es muy pr?ctica para que puedas ir al ba?o- Daniel hizo lo que su hermana le dijo, vio el v?deo y siguiendo las instalaciones meti? sus testiculos y su pene entre las piernas se se acomodo todo y se puso el calzon con relleno para el trasero. Se sorprendi? al ver que qued? completamente plano de ah? abajo, se acaricio y sinti? algo de exitacion al imaginar que tocaba la vagina de una mujer. Luego su hermana le puso el brazier con los rellenos para ponerle el vestido y una peluca rubia. Y cuando ya estaba listo lo puso frente al espejo para mostrarle como hab?a quedado -Listo Cenicienta ya puedes ver lo que hizo tu hada madrina!- Daniel se qued? sorprendido al ver a una hermosa rubia de larga melena frente a el, la faja, los rellenos y el vestido ajustado le hab?an dado una figura atractiva con curvas. Era como estar en un sue?o. -Soy yo?, No lo puedo creer..- - Ahora en lo que me ba?o y me arreglo, pr?ctica tu canto y caminar con tacones, ah? busca videos en internet porque ya nos queda poco tiempo para la fiesta- El empez? a caminar y se tambaleaba mucho, batallaba para mantener el equilibrio as? que mejor empez? a practicar agarrado de la pared. Cuando sali? su hermana termino de arreglarse le quiso presumir que ya dominaba los tacones -Pero que es eso? Te mueves como chango en unos zancos!- -Pos hace rato estaba peor, y tan siquiera ya no me caigo- -Mira para empezar no camines con las piernas abiertas, juntalas as?, luego imagina una l?nea en frente de ti sobre la que siempre tienes que caminar poniendo una pierna enfrente de otra y piezas primero con la punta y luego con el tac?n- Daniel hizo lo que le dijo su hermana y noto que as? era mas f?cil caminar. - Muy bien ya lo tienes chica!.Deja le hablo a Pedro para aquel pase por nosotras- Cuando lleg? Pedro se quedo sorprendido de c?mo se ve?a Daniel, se ve?a lo suficientemente bien para el show -Vay?monos, el resto del grupo y del equipo ya nos est?n esperando en el sal?n. -Y que les vamos a decir de mi hermano?- -Pues la verdad...- -Nooo, no quiero que me juzguen o se burlen de mi, solo nosotros sabemos la verdad as? que mejor solo digan que soy prima de Julia- -Como todos sabr?n dos de nuestros miembros nos dejaron abruptamente, Nadia y Daniel tiene neumon?a , est?n estables pero van a ocupar reposo, as? que hoy nos van a hechar la mano Tere mi secretaria que aunque no va a cantar va a estar animando el ambiente, Daniela en los coros y Charly en la guitarra. Ayudenles en los que puedan porque necesitamos que este sea el mejor show que hemos dado ya que de eso depende que consigamos mejores contratos y una mejor paga para todos- -Como que me llamo Daniela?- susurro a su hermana - Es m?s sencillo para no equivocarnos, adem?s te podemos seguir llamando Danny, o quer?as llamarte Niurca, o Tania o alg?n otro nombre ex?tico?- -Ok ya entend?- Pedro se acerco a hablar con ellas - Como van chicas? Le tengo un notici?n me acaban de confirmar que viene a la fiesta "Carlos Castillo"- -El rey del la canci?n rom?ntica?-pregunto Julia con ojos de adolescente enamorada- - Si el mismo y no les pod?a decir nada a porque es un secreto y adem?s se va a subir cantar una canci?n para los Novios y dos canciones de las movidas despu?s de la comida para animar la noche, estas son las canciones para que las practiquen...- -Yo no necesito practicar, conozco todas sus canciones y todos los rincones de su sexy cuerpo - y qui?n sabe de d?nde Julia saco una foto de el y le plant? un beso - Papacito Muaaa!- - Ven, por eso no lo mantuve en secreto, ni se te ocurra acosarlo o hacerle o decirle algo raro Julia. Bueno ya prep?rense que va a empezar el show- La boda comenz? y Daniel no tubo problemas para cantar, comenz? tranquilo en lo que iba dominando su nueva voz El problema fue cuando tocaron un bloque de m?sica para bailar, las coristas se tenian que mover m?s, haciendo pasos de baile m?s r?pidos. Daniel la no estar acostumbrado a los tacones dio un paso en falso pero gracias a su hermana y Tere que la agarraron a tiempo no termino en el suelo. Y as? sigui? la fiesta con el mismo problema cada vez que intentaba bailar igual de r?pido que las otras coristas perd?a el equilibrio y la agarraban para que no se cayera. Como estaba planeado Carlos Castillo les dedico una canci?n a los novios y luego subi? al escenario para interpretar las canciones movidas que pon?an a todos a bailar pero a mitad de la ?ltima canci?n Daniel se volvi? a perder el equilibrio pero esta vez sus compa?eras no pudieron agarrarlo pero Carlos que estaba cerca lo agarro entre sus brazos y para salvar el momento se pusieron a bailar juntos. Danny ten?a miedo de volverse a caer pero Carlos era buen bailar?n, sab?a guiar, le hizo dar varias vueltas y le hac?a asentir seguro de cada paso que daba, tanto que olvid? del miedo y hasta disfruto bailar en el escenario . Carlos lo devolvi? a su lugar con las dem?s coristas para terminar la canci?n pero le hizo la se?al a los m?sicos para que largaron la melod?a y volvi? a sacar bailar a Daniel que con gusto acepto porque al bailar con el por fin sent?a que se olvidaba de todos sus problemas, de su voz de mujer, del miedo a que alguien descubra que es hombre, de estarse cayendo a cada rato; por fin olvid? sus preocupaciones, sonre?a al bailar, se sent?a feliz y nada iba a echar a perder ese momento. Termino la melod?a Carlos le hizo dar una vuelta, le hizo caer inclinado en sus brazos como los que bailan en la televisi?n, ambos intercambiaron miradas de complicidad al todo salir bien ....y Carlos lo beso en los labios! Daniel se puso de pie y alejo a Carlos con un empuj?n y salio rapidamnete del escenario; Carlos hizo como que checaba su aliento e hizo gestos de que olia mal (para aligera el momento incomodo) provocando la risa de los asistentes. Daniel se fue a vomitar a el ba?o, no sabia si era del asco o del coraje que le di? dejar que Carlos lo besara. Julia entro al ba?o buscando a su hermano que hab?a salido r?pidamente del escenario -Est?s bien Dany?- -Claro que no estoy bien, ese tipo me bes?. Cre? que ya nada malo me pod?a pasar y paso esto!.Que sigue? Que me quede as? para siempre!- -De haber sabido que iba a pasar esto no te hubiera obligado a venir a cantar...y tambi?n me hubiera ca?do en tu lugar!- Daniel se relajo un poco con la broma de su hermana que era super fan de Carlos -Est?s bien loca Julia!- - Vente, ya va a terminar el descanso y tenemos que terminar el Show- La boda se termin? el Show sali? muy bien, varias personas pasaron a felicitar a Pedro y le pidieron su tarjeta para contratarlos para otros eventos. Mientras que Daniel sent?a que lo estaban matando los tacones, cuando de repente Carlos se acerc? a ?l. -Hola, podemos hablar?- Daniel se tapo la boca dio un paso hacia atr?s - No te asustes, solo vengo a disculparme no deb? de haberte besado sin tu consentimiento no sab?a que te iba a hacer sentir tan inc?moda, le? mal las se?ales, te sonre?, t? me sonreiste y cre? que...pero bueno eso no es escusa, jam?s fue mi intenci?n faltarte al respecto y si hay algo que pueda hacer para compensarlo solo d?melo, me puedes insultar si quieres, o golpearme lo que sea para que me perdones - Daniel iba a darle gusto tir?ndole un golpe tan fuerte que le iba a tirar varios dientes, pero Julia que escucho todo y vio como su hermano cerraba su pu?o con furia y corri? a detenerlo. -Alto Dany! Ven para ac? tenemos que hablar- Y lo jalo hasta un rinc?n donde nadie los oyera - golpearlo no va a solucionar nada el ya se disculp? y no tiene la culpa de todo lo malo que te ha pasado- - Lo defiendes porque te gusta!- -Lo defiendo porque nuestros padres nos ense?aron a ser justos- -Entonces lo justo es que yo lo humille! Le voy a decir que soy hombre en frente de todos y se van a re?r de el y...- -y mas bien se van a re?r de tu mala suerte, Carlos se va y en unos dias el se olvidara del incidente, pero a ti todos los del grupo te van hacer bromas pesadas por esto el resto de tu vida, cada que puedan para que revivas la humillacion una y otra vez. Eso es lo que quieres?- - Entonces que hago para desquitarme?- - Mira tengo una idea donde todos ganamos ven te la digo la oido- El sonri? con malicia -Est?s bien pero me debes un gran favor- -Carlos ya s? c?mo te puedo perdonar tienes que dejar que Julia te haga lo que quiera por un minuto adentro de ese cuarto- - Esteeee...ok , pero que no sea da?o permanente ni que me lastime mucho que tengo mas presentaciones este fin de semana- De inmediato Julia tomo de la mano a Carlos- VENTE PAPACITO! AHORA ERES SOLO MIO!- lo meti? al cuarto, cerro con llave y r?pidamente se empezaron. Escuchar sus gritos - Oye eso va a dejar marca!- - Pero no duele!- -Perate es un traje nuevo!, seguro que eres mujer? tienes mucha fuerza- - Claro que lo soy, mira y agarra!- -Abran la puerta ya se acab? el minuto...como hace 5 minutos- Daniel no paraba de reir y por fin se compadeci? y abri? la puerta. Carlos sali? corriendo con el cuello y el pecho llenos de chupetones la camisa rota y ara?azos en la espalda. Julia se asomo por la puerta tap?ndose con su ropa colgada de su mano. -Y bien? -pregunto Daniel - voy a ser t?o en mueve meses?- -Naaaaa, a este tipo la da miedo el sexo salvaje... pero igual no me voy a ba?ar por el resto de mi vida! Grrrr-

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Its been an extraordinary 10 days. Last weekend K and I had a fantastic erotically charged couples time. We built a nest with three other couples in a room supported by tantric guides. We inhabitted that space and played with candles, and chocolate, and feathers, and oils together. It was bautiful. It was held in a perfect setting for us, and if there are any xhamsters who want to share and understand the special spaces we went to, in London - then do get in touch.For me it was also special. I...

4 years ago
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Preetis Mom Fucked On Her Way

By: Preetikul Hello! Homo and Lesbians, again Preeti Kulkarni from Aurangabad banging a story of my Mom fucked by my Dad’s friend Mr. Sultan Ali after returning back from Pune to Aurangabad from function. After my Dad’s complete recovery from his ill health we were invited to Pune for a small function of my cousin brother’s engagement. We drove by our Santro car as partly I drove and part by Dad. We reached Pune and at the said residence of my cousin and attended the engagement on the next day...

3 years ago
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MAU The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 4

MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 4 Jeremy walked out to the cab. The gravel crunched under his feet. It made him feel even more unstable. It only emphasized even more the swing of his hips, which he had tried from the beginning to minimize. Now he just went with what felt natural. He knew by now his body would anyway. "Evening, Miss Knight," the cab driver said as he held the door open. "Good evening. You know I didn't catch your name the other day," Jeremy said as...

2 years ago
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Being late for Work

*This is my first story. Comments and Criticism welcome. Thanks to someone special who read it first and told me to post. I lift my head and look at the clock. “Fuck,” I whisper to myself. I was meant to be up over an hour ago for work. I quickly rush out of bed get showered and ready and leave for work 10 minutes after I’m meant to start. I get to work only half an hour late which wasn’t too bad considering how long it normally takes me to get to work. Just as I get into the building, I run...

Oral Sex
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Third Times the CharmChapter 9

We'll take care of it, the Deputy Marshal thought he heard somebody speak out loud. He turned to the crowd, "You people stay out of it. This is our case." We got it ... they're on their way. "Damn it all! Who said that?" "Said what?" in various forms and from various people. "That the Washington people are on their way." He did look a little confused. "One of you jokers should be on Ed Sullivan. Come on ... who's the ventriloquist?" Grace looked at the cats. Piper stuck out...

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The Logger

It was a searing hot day in the tropical forests of Malaysia. The drizzle that had been gently tapping its fingers on the tin buildings for the past week was finally subsiding. The air was a sticky blanket that clung to every surface and was thick with the smell of wet humus and orchid flowers. The single dirt road through town had been churned to a muddy blend of insects and soil, making sucking noises whenever someone had to walk through the muck. Marco stood on the front of his veranda in a...

2 years ago
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The TeacherChapter 17 Eugene got involved with a crowd that felt nudity was evil

When Harold left, Lisa went back to the full-length mirror and regarded herself. It was impossible to see the GPS locator. And the voice recorder did look innocuous. But she didn't feel very good about all the cloak and dagger stuff. Dr. Sutton or Crenshaw seemed genuine on the phone and had promised to pay her bail. The tape recorder didn't seem right somehow. A few minutes later, a car pulled at Meredith's place. A stocky, but attractive woman got out of the car. She was well dressed,...

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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 4

After spending several hours with the Praetor at University, Elaine felt she understood everything she needed to know. The strange teleportation device she'd discovered in the Arcadian youth's quarters was an adaptation of an earlier species' technology. The Arcadians had never been able to develop it into a usable device (read 'offensive weaponry'), so it remained a toy to teach their children. The Praetor also helped Elaine recover wisps of memories from the Arcadian child that were...

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The Halloween Party

Saturday, October 31st, 1998“So, is it possible to put this stuff on without opening your mouth?” Mitch asked as he delicately attempted to apply mascara to his eyelashes for the first time.“No, it’s not,” Heather answered simply from the bathroom doorway.  “Are you about ready?” she questioned. “We’ve been ready for thirty minutes.”“I’ve never done anything like this before.  I’m worried I’m going to look totally stupid,” Mitch responded.“Turn around, let me take a look,” Tracy encouraged as...

1 year ago
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Analized Vivienne Wynters Anal Cherry

Usually ANALIZED.COM doesn’t shoot first anal scenes. We find that they often don’t have the filthy ass fucking madness that we enjoy from our butt sluts. However, for Vivienne Wynter we made an exception. Vivienne has been begging for a while to give up her tight ass hole. She shows off her body and spreads open her holes, begging to please have her ass fucked. This Kim Kardashian look-a-like then climbs to her man and is given exactly what she asked for. Vivienne Wynter has every...

2 years ago
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Youth RetreatChapter 6

Orgy, Part 1 There was a silence of approximately three thousand years, broken only by Paul Lindberg. ‘You’re joking, right?’ He asked, voice cracking. ‘I mean, you can’t be serious.’ The teens all turned to look at the handsome, ginger-haired male with hollow eyes. They were thinking the same things as he was. He could see it, in their eyes. ‘No, ‘ Cal spoke up. ‘We’re not joking.’ He looked the teens over keenly, his eyes glittering as he stroked his soft cock steadily back into...

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Heather and Steven

Heather and I had issues in our marriage, primarily due to our own insecurities and the new challenges of being parents. We did not handle it well. I let myself go and didn't care for her emotionally or physically. Heather, on the other hand, sought to reclaim and keep up her amazing body after the kids were born.She had come to realize that she could no longer live without attention, whether it was from her husband or someone else. Some soul searching caused Heather to recognize that she...

Wife Lovers
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Aunty Took My Virginity

Hello to all my ISS reader, Mera naam Himanshu hai. Main delhi main reh raha hoon. Aaj main apko jo bataane ja rha hoon woh mera khud ka experience hai jiska main abhi tk maza le raha hoon jb bhi apne ghar jata hoon. This is my story, so if there is any fault or mistake “I apologize” in advance. Main apko bataunga k kaise meri Dr Aunty, age 34 (Sandhya-name change) jo ki ek gynecologist hai govt. hospital main. Unka figure 34B-36-38 bola jaye to perfect M.I.L.F. hai. Apne brein mein bata doon...

2 years ago
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Tribute to Ready4Me

I had a 4 hour layover as usual, which would normally be when I read and sleep, hating life. But the whole flight across the country all I could do was think about this insane idea I'd given into. Meeting this hot guy I met on Hamster for real. We'd talked on the phone a few times. His voice told me a lot. His intelligence, how he articulated things.. I am good at reading people, and he definitely liked to be in control. Had the confidence and general nature of someone who not only likes being...

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EvilAngel Charlotte Sartre Megan Inky Jureka Del Mar Lesbian Threesome Gaping Dildo DP

Tattooed lesbians Charlotte Sartre, Megan Inky and Jureka Del Mar share an extreme lesbian threesome! The insatiable, hardcore girls show off their hot bods, stripping and groping each other. They sit side-by side on the couch, each probing her own butthole with a dildo. The ladies spread open their stretched sphincters for the camera, proudly posing immensely gaping rectums! They giggle as they drill the others’ buttholes with humongous toys, along with rimming and eating pussy. Hardcore...

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I am His bitch

I groggily rub my eyes awake and smile at the behemoth of the dog that has invaded my bed. “God damnit Brutus, go away” I laugh playfully at him. He is an Alaskan Malamute – a breed known for their loyalty, strength, and size. And in none of those categories is he found wanting. At 120 lbs he weighs more than I do, and with the top of his head resting at nearly three feet from the ground, his ears could easily tickle my nipples. His big, loving, dopey eyes are transfixed on me and he lets out...

3 years ago
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Tara 6 CrossroadsChapter 29

“Stupid dracolings,” Ricky muttered as he freed his left arm from around Ronan. He reached into the pack on his chest and withdrew a dark green dragon’s egg with golden tipped scales. He handed it to Ronan. He then withdrew another egg. This one was mostly a pale white-grey with violet tips on the scales, and it went to Micky. He then extracted one more egg. This one was larger than the other two, and it was a metallic black with lighter shades of grey radiating down to the white tips of...

4 years ago
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Chapters of Cheat

#1 "Dear Diary, Today it begins. Love." _______________________ The entry was as simple as that. 6 shots of Amarula, Bruised bones, Catfights, and a day later, Vienna was almost smearing war paint on her face. Her new air of confidence and new lease to life made it easy for her to lead this madness she had caught.She picked up her phone and dialled a number.The phone rang twice before an unfamiliar voice answered it. "I thought you...

3 years ago
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A story for you and for me

Brief Introduction I sit at the bar. I'm pretty pleased with myself. Physically fit, without being beefy, clothing that reveals both good taste and a lot of money, short blonde hair but not cropped but above all an amazing charm. I look around the room. There are plenty of beautiful women. But I immediately see a special person.

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Whats it Like on the Other Side Part 3 Conclusion

Whats it like on the other side The Final Part by B.Pink Before reading this it is essential that you read the other parts, otherwise this will make no sense at all. Even then, it may well seem confusing, as the story I have attempted to write of two people in one body I have found extremely difficult to put into words. Your comments and thoughts on this would be appreciated. Wednesday nights at the club, girls free before 9.30pm. We walked in, my face smiling at the hunky...

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Bull Training The Line Up

The Line Up“All right, line ‘em up!” A woman in drag shouted, carrying a clipboard and a stopwatch.“You all want to be certified bulls? You have just initiated bull boot camp.  Everyone of you has passed through a rigorous screening of candidates, but don’t even think you can just go out and serve our clients.  This is just the first step.”“Pants down and harden them up. NOW!!!”About twenty men dropped their pants and started rubbing off their cocks, desperately trying to harden them up. The...

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HunterChapter 12

Mike sat down at his computer and logged in. Following his normal morning procedure, he opened his e-mail. Much to his surprise, he found that there was a message from root with the title, ‘An Important Intelligence Assessment.’ He clicked on the message and nearly fell out of his chair when he read the first two lines of it. The email laid out the full intelligence estimate concerning a pending attack against the United States. Details about what groups were active in the states, what...

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The Trip of a Lifetime

Dan waiting anxiously by the bus for his suitcase to be unloaded. The bus ride from the airport wasn't a long one, but Dan hadn't seen his bags since before he had boarded the plane and he never trusted the airlines not to screw something up. The rest of the band members were milling around, either waiting for their bags or making their way up to their hotel rooms. Finally, he spotted a familiar-looking brown suitcase at the end of the row. Grabbing it up, he made his way over to the elevator....

3 years ago
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New Job in Sales and caught Frigging

Hubby had been away for the last month, and now it was coming onto five weeks since I had sex. I was in heat and the temptation to reach down there between my legs, for a good old fashioned frig, was occupying my my thoughts on an hourly basis. Yesterday was thanksgiving day and I was d***k with too much alcohol, wine in particular, was having its usual effect in making me so fucking randy. I needed cock and my cousin, in my mind, was becoming my prime target. As the day progressed I suddenly...

2 years ago
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The ParkersChapter 55 Much better this time

Jack Parker was a shy boy. Very, very shy. It wasn't until recently, thanks to Matt, that he had started having sex. He was too shy to talk to girls, and every time he tried, he failed. In these last days, Jack had been lucky. A number of boys and girls have been available. They were easy. Boys, especially, didn't scare him that much. So Jack started to think that he was probably predominantly homosexual. He liked girls, he liked the sight of girls, he liked sex with them, but... They...

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Unforgettable Navrati With My Hottest Aunty

Hi, this is rishi again from Gujarat and this is my another story. . My gmail id is Any aunty or lady want to sex chat with me or want to do oral sex than email me on my mail id. I got some feedback from my first story and so for you all decided to share my experience with me aunt. There was summer vacation. My aunt and my uncle with their daughter were planning to come to Gujarat to send their vacation with us. For the readers who have not read my story before let me tell you that my aunt has...

3 years ago
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Angie Chap 2

Angie Ch. 02 By bmunchausen© Here is the second chapter. I hope that you like it. Please comment. Sometimes things aren’t what they seem to be. * After setting up an appointment for the next month, Angie said we had to go and tell Gram. I agreed. Angie asked me, ‘What do you think she will do?’ ‘After she smacks us along side of the head, I think she is going to be overjoyed that she is going to be a great-grandmother,’ I laughed. When we got to Gram’s we sat in the den with her. We...

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Made Love To My Dearest Mausi 8211 Part 2 Spent The Day With Her

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. AUTHOR’S NOTE- This part is a continuation of the previous part. For a better understanding of the story and to enjoy it to the fullest, kindly read the previous part first part. The next morning, I woke up and...

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The Dirty Old Man

Cindy Hammons walked around the corner ready to cross the street to her building where she lived with her boyfriend Fred. They had moved in the week before and she enjoyed living in the city. She looked both ways before crossing, rolling her makeup bag behind her. She had just a few hours to grab something to eat before she was off to her next appointment. Cindy was a makeup artist. Mostly she did weddings and some theatre work but lately she had begun working on businessmen and women. It was...

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Azalea Ch 04

I know it’s been awhile. I do intend to finish this story, but I still have a way to go. If you’re reading this and haven’t read the other chapters the characters might be a bit hard to follow so you might want to start at the beginning. That being said some characters that seem to be taking a bit of a Non Consensual/Reluctance turn, although there is none of it in this chapter. There are many talented authors on Lit that I suggest you peruse if this doesn’t appeal to you. This story is being...

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Our Darkest Fantasies

"Well, then let's go on a road trip!" Chad says to me, after I complained that we hardly do anything anymore. Chad and I have been together for almost two years. I love him, with all my heart. He is the only guy that I have ever been with. We tell each other everything, from our darkest fantasies to our darkest secrets. But lately, all he ever does is work. All he gives me is false hope and broken promises. "Are you mocking me?" I ask, angry. "You think that after ignoring me for almost one...

2 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 9

The chair on which Ed was seated was of a style known as an Adirondack chair named that way because of the locale in which it was invented. From his seat on the porch of a cabin by a lake in Upstate New York, he watched the wildlife around him. It was mid-afternoon and hundreds of boats moved around the lake, leaving wakes that died out before they reached the shore. Occasionally, a boat would come close and the wake would cause little waves to break on the rocks that littered the...

3 years ago
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A sexy meeting

It had been so long since they were both together, stealing a couple of hours at a time, meeting very quietly without anyone seeing them. Today was different, his house was empty, she had a day off from work and they had planned this day for so may weeks. Pete was very excited, he had cleaned the house, made up the bed, made some snacks, opened a bottle of red wine and had showered and shaved, everywhere, Tanya liked to kiss his skin and lick all those erotic places but she did not like hair....

4 years ago
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The Horny Dispatcher II

Judy and Claudi had just seduced Mr. Connors. As they left his office Claudia asked Judy if she had thought any more about when or how they would get with Ted. “Well next week the plant is closed down so there won’t be many people working in the office” replied Judy. “I think only the Sales Manager, his secretary, Ted, you and I will be in the office”. “That will make it easy as heck then” said Claudia. “I think the Sales Manager has been scewing...

3 years ago
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Charlotte my favourite BBW fuck buddy

Charlotte was a girl i met a couple of years ago after my wife and i separated. She used to be a regular visitor to the store where i was working at the time, she was friends with one of my colleagues but used to have to come to me first so i escort her to the staff area of the store. Over time i got to know her better and soon our chat had turned from idle chit chat to rather more flirty and sexual banter. Charlie was a very plump girl but with the sort of features that you just knew if she...

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Siennas Seduction Part III

Minidevilette© 2012 This is part three in Sienna’s encounter and it would probably be beneficial, although not entirely necessary, to get up to speed by reading the previous two chapters. My abject apologies to people who enjoyed Sienna Pt I & II and posted to let me know of their enthusiasm for more ~ I know it’s been awhile but I’m getting it together again & Pt IV is in the works. I hope this doesn’t disappoint. Survival or surrender? What the hell kind of choice is that? Sienna thought...

4 years ago
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Degrees of FreedomChapter 18

Zoe "You want something... ?" I kneeled at Mistress' feet and I was just, well, arousal. My whole mind, my whole body, my whole being wanting just one thing: Release. For a second I thought what a stupid question this was, until I realized she was teasing. That's how far gone I was. "Yes, Mistress, please allow me to cum ... please..." I begged, but those were just the words I said. I'm sure the begging my eyes and body did was far more intense. However, I wasn't granted release,...

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Muslim Husbands with wife and other men

hey everybody today I’d like to tell you guys about a fantasy and a few actual events that happened in the last few weeksSo in the last few weeks Raesaah and I have been having some incredible sex and I have been enjoying how sexual and kinky she has been acting and enjoying the attention she has been getting from other men especially when we go out .. and the hot conversation we have had when we came back home and fucked has been unbelievable and it has been suck a turn on for me.So seeing...

2 years ago
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PenthouseGold Sophia Burns Offers Up Her Virgin Ass

Brunette beauty Sophia Burns has been a good girl…until now. Although she’s never had sex in her parents’ home, it only takes a little persusasion from Robby Echo to get her sucking his cock in blowjob up in her bedroom. After riding his rock hard rod cowgirl, she gets even naughtier and lets him take her virgin ass for the first time. The horny nymphette is loving anal so much that it’s just ass fucking from there on out. This is one hardcore premium Penthouse porn you...

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new friend

"i don't have anything planned. why?" "i was wondering if you would like to come over later and watch a movie. "sure." she said as the bell rang to go home "okay! ill see you later." i said over the noise when i got home i started cleaning like a mad man. my room the living room even the bathroom. i changed out of my school cloths into a ratty pair of jeans and a t-shirt. the doorbell rand at about 7 and i let her in. "why dont you go pick a movie and get it started while i go...

2 years ago
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MyDirtyMaid Lily Starfire Big Titty Cleaning

Lily Starfire came to clean Brian Omally’s house. He decided to film her while she cleaned so she wouldn’t steal anything. But she was so cute. A very charming laugh. And those big breasts. They were shaking while she was scrubbing things. So Brian offered her some money to clean naked. She was a good girl. She refused. He quickly improvised and offered $400 for her to clean in bra and panties. There was nothing wrong with that. Obviously she accepted. She looked even sexier in bra and panties....

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Sibling Lovers Chapter three and Final

As we sat enjoying our drinks, I couldn't help glancing at Sarah's legs, they were probably her best feature, and she obviously enjoyed showing them off. A tempting little vee of white between the top of her thighs was the thing that caught my eye, but once again she caught me looking and held my gaze."See anything you like Mark?" she laughed, and I felt myself blushing furiously."Oh ignore him," Milly laughed. "He's just a pervert." she kissed my cheek fondly. "Thank God."Sarah got up then and...

1 year ago
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Shaun and his older Lover

Shaun Is an 18 year young white boy who has recently just self accepted that he was gay. A few days ago he met a guy named Harry in a gay chatroom and they started chatting alot. After a week They planned on meeting. They exchanged pics, although Shaun knew Harry was older than him, he never bothered asking him what he's age was. The following weekend they decided to meet. On the Saturday evening Harry came to fetch Shaun at he's home and They Drove off, while they were driving Shaun saw that...

2 years ago
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Spizoo Sailor Luna Double Cock For Young Slut

The only thing Sailor Luna loves more than sucking a hard cock is sucking two hard cocks. With her big tits and salivating mouth, she is prime for getting her throat and tits fucked. Watch as she double stuffs her mouth and gets her face covered in cum. This hardcore, cock sucking slut knows why she is here and is totally happy with it. Enjoy seeing this beautiful slut wearing a red sensual outfit how she swallows cocks introducing all these big cocks in her throat while screaming and gagging,...

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Dont Make Me Wait

As he walks into the room I tell him, "Get on your knees!" Without complaint he complies. Stepping in front of me, he towers over me, being almost a foot taller than me. I look up at him in our close proximity, my face barely clears his chest. He looks amazing. A gray T-shirt that was tighter around his chest and shoulders. As well as jeans that seem to fit just right around his waist and ass, then fall a little baggy around his ankles. He is barefoot, because he must always take off his shoes...

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Amys Christian Punishment

Amy’s eyes were watering from the huge strapon that was impaling her pussy. Her cum was on the floor below and she knew later she would have to lick it off the laminated wood. She could feel Jenny’s tits pressing against her back as she was being bounced up and down on the bright green manhood. Amy’s blue eyes poured with water like the ocean, and every moment or so she gave out long sustained moans. Her hair was a mess, but that was the least of her worries! Her thighs were bright red, as were...

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Men or Women How to Suck Cock

Suggestions for Men or Women Who Want to Be a Great Cock SuckerCock sucking can be successful or not depending on the techniques used by the sucker. As a preliminary step anyone who wants to suck a cock should know where the sensitive areas are of a man's sex organ. The entire penis is sensitive to pressure and the pressure must be just so for the man to have an orgasm. Too much pressure and it will feel like your cock is being squeezed by a vise, too little and you won't even know you are...

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EvilAngel Chanel Grey Anal Fuck Pussy Creampie

Thin, leggy blonde Chanel Grey wears fetish-style latex, stripping and spreading her holes for the camera. The freaky babe stuffs various toys into her booty until Spanish stud Ramon Nomar steps in. Chanel gives a slobber-dripping blowjob. Ramon’s two-headed dildo reams her to a squirting orgasm! He porks her ass to immense gaping, and the dirty doll sucks his stiff schlong ass-to-mouth. The scene delivers furious throat fucking, hard anal pounding and gushing girl cum. Ramon pumps an...

4 years ago
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My sexy sister in law

Me , my girlfriend Amy , her brother Alan and his girlfriend Harriet had all booked a weekend to Cornwall to stay in a caravan each, I was driving with everyone in high spirits, me an Alan in the front, with the girls in the back.As we drove along I could see Harriet in the rear view mirror, the wind blowing her light brown hair, slightly tanned face, but lovely juicy lips and come to bed brown eyes. I'd always wanted to fuck her and wondered if she thought the same?We arrived at the caravan...

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