La Corista Capitulo 1 free porn video

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La corista capitulo 1 Julia y su hermano Daniel Azuara aman la m?sica, tocan varios instrumentos y cantan en un grupo musical para bodas y eventos. Daniel iba caminando la casa de su hermana para almorzar cuando de repente se vino una lluvia tan fuerte como la de un hurac?n, el corri? para no mojarse pero al final lleg? empapado a casa de su hermana. -Mira como vienes Daniel Eduardo Azuara P?rez! pareces un gatito remojado r?pido m?tete a ba?ar para que no te enfermes- - Sonaste igual a mam?, tambi?n me vas a pegar con la chancla?- -Ya enserio no te escuchas muy bien hermanito, est?s af?nico- - No es nada ando as? desde ayer pero al rato se me pasa- - Te voy a preparar un caldo de pollo- Daniel sali? ba?adito y bien rasurado. -Mira como trasero de bebe, que buena esta la crema de rasurar que tienes- -Tonto, esa era mi nueva crema s?per moderna y super car?sima con ?loe vera para rasurar-depilar piernas de acci?n prolongada...o lo que es lo mismo: no te va a salir ni un pelo en un mes- -Ya no te enojes luego te regalo otra.Por favor te encarg? algo de ropa- Julia se puso a buscar ropa de su ex que le quedar? a Daniel pero no encontr? nada. -Mira parece que mi ex no dej? nada, lo bueno que eres tan flaco ( te odio) que te quedar esta sudadera y este pantal?n de tela que se expande y como yo soy la patona de la familia te deben quedan mis tenis- -Solo tienes tenis rosas?- -Es eso o uno zapatos dorados de tac?n muy c?modos jijiji- -Oye hermanita solo tienes pantalones que moldean tu figura de esos que anuncian en la tele?- -Si , como supiste....Guau! Que grande se te ve el trasero, y tus piernas no se ven mal- Laura se acerc? a su hermano le solt? la coleta que sosten?a su cabello que casi le llegaba hasta el cuello y le tomo una foto de espalda - Mira por atr?s pareces vieja- Daniel miro la foto con asombro, esos pantalones de verdad eran milagrosos-Lau..cof...aaah..- y ya no pudo decir m?s, hab?a perdido la voz. -Hay no, te dije que andabas mal deja busco el tel?fono del Foniatra que est? por aqu? cerca para que te inyecte me olvida que eres al?rgico, deja les pas? tus datos para que pongan algo que te desinflame r?pido la garganta- Laura le marco varios foniatras que conoc?a pero ninguno ten?a a la mano un medicamento que sustituyera a la cortizona hasta que le pasaron el contacto de uno que por suerte est?n a 10 cuadras de su casa. -Hola quiero sacar una cita para hoy, a nombre de Daniel Azuara, si con "Z".- -Muy bien Daniela Zuara apuntado, mire v?ngase lo m?s pronto posible porque la verdad es que el doctor solo v a estar aqu? hasta las 12 y ya no regresa en un mes- - Entendido van para all?. C?rrele Dani el consultorio est? aqu? bien cerca ll?vate el paraguas es por la avenida todo derecho en frente del centro comercial.- Daniel sali? casi corriendo para que no lo volviera a alcanzar la lluvia, ten?a que estar bien para ma?ana pues ten?an un evento muy importante donde podr?an hacer buenos contactos para poder tocar en fiestas de gente muy rica y cobrar mas. La llegar la consultorio solo estaba la secretaria en la sala de espera, ella la vio y le pregunto r?pidamente- DanielaZuara?- y al no poder hablar el asinti? con la cabeza -Por favor pase al consultorio- El doctor era a?n hombre de unos 50 y tantos a?os, ten?a colgados vario diplomas y reconocimientos, y el consultorio ten?a un varios aparatos modernos para examinar pacientes, se ve?a muy preparado. -Hola- Miro su expediente para leer el nombre - Daniela Zuara, te puedo decir Dany?-Daniel asientio con la cabeza y sonri? -Muy bien Dany me dicen que ya no puedes hablar, que eres cante tienes un evento ma?ana ...pero que tienes alergia a la cortizona. Bueno no te preocupes la medicina h avanzado mucho y te pondr? un tratamiento con el que ma?ana estar?s bien- El Doctor le examin? la garganta, le roc?o con un spray la garganta y le puso varias inyecciones. - Listo este tratamiento es a base de antinflamatorios y hormonas para mejorar r?pidamente la vibraci?n de la mucosa de los pliegues vocales para que pueda dar las notas altas y bajas que quiera. T?mese est?s pastillas por una semana y estas tres veces al d?a por un mes,; no suspenda el tratamiento por nada del mundo ya que se podr?a da?ar permanente su voz. Ma?ana ya va estar bien solo no hable y duerma por lo que resta del d?a. Efectos secundarios: un ligero aumento en el libido; para que si de repente siente atracci?n por alguien, no crea que es amor a primera vista jejeje.- Daniel fue a casa de su hermana y ella con cara de preocupaci?n le pidi? que se quedara a dormir por si se sent?a muy mal ella lo podr?a llevar al hospital. Al d?a siguiente Daniel se despert? ya no sent?a molestia en la garganta fue al ba?o para rasurarse como de costumbre y al verde en el espejo se di? cuenta que no ten?a ni un pelo de barba.- Si que es efectiva esa crema adem?s que suave e hidratada me dej? la piel.- Fue a la cocina y pens? : vamos a ver qu? tan bien amaneci? mi voz- JULIAAAA, LEVANTATEEEEE FLOJAAAAA QUE VOY A PREPARAR EL ALMUERZO- Daniel se tapo la boca muy asustado, esa no era su voz normal...esa era la voz de una mujer! Julia sali? de su cuarto medio dormida y renegando - Ya voy mam? no te sulfures...- y entonces se dio cuenta que en su casa solo estaba ella y Daniel con la boca tapada Su hermano la saludo con su nueva voz de mujer - Hola Julia- -Hay no....ahora te crees imitador , ya deja de jugar y hazme unos hot- cakes- Con cara de asustado el le respondi? -Julia no estoy jugando est? es mi voz- - No, no, no te preocupes debe de ser un efecto secundario, trata de modular la voz haz ejercicios de calentamiento y canta algo!- Daniel hizo todo lo que su hermana le dijo y fue en vano. Ahora el hablaba y cantaba con voz mujer -Guau! Tu nueva voz es de contralto ,es como una mezcla de la voz Adele y Lana del rey- Con miedo y l?grimas en los ojos le dijo-Ya deja admirar mi voz y ll?male a ese maldito doctor para que me regres? a la normalidad!- - Es muy temprano deja le marco a las 10 am...aver si est? porque dijeron que se iba un mes de vacaciones- No les contestaron el tel?fono hasta pasado el medio d?a y les confirmaron que el doctor se fue a un crucero con su esposa y que no regresar?a en mes y medio y que no hab?a forma de comunicarse con ?l. -Que voy a hacer Pedro me va a matar- - C?lmate hermanito deja le marc? y yo le explic? todo. Hola Pedro como estas, no me vas a creer lo que le paso a Daniel....-y as? estuvo Julia varios minutos explicando lo que pas?. - Y bien que te dijo- -Dijo que no est? para aguantar bromas, que ya tiene suficientes problemas y que si lo que quieres es dejar el grupo cuando m?s te necesitan...esres un mal agradecido, no vales madre, que te inventes un a mejor escusa y que si es cierto que te vallas a trabajar a show trasvesti para que te metan una bien grandota por el...- -Shhhh...Ya entend? no nos cree, as? que lo mejor ser? verlo en persona- Legaron a la oficina de contartacion y pregunaton por el en la recepcion -Hola Paulina, vemos a ver a Pedro- - Hola Julia est? por all?, pero tengan cuidado anda de un genio...- -Hola Pedro, podemos hablar....- -Y ahora que quieren? Vienen a hacerme calzon chino o traen a un auditor de impuesto o a un abogado de mi exesposa!...- - C?lmate Pedro tranquilo venimos a hablar como amigos a ver si?ntate y dime qu? te pasa?- - Me pasa toooodo, mi novia me dej? huy? con el guitarrista, se llevaron los perros mi camioneta y el dinero de mi caja fuerte, Nadia tiene neumon?a y tiene que reposar un mes as? que solo me queda una corista...- -Ser?n dos yo a?n estoy en la banda- - No Julia! Yo ya no cuento contigo ni con el Judas de tu hermano que se cree Wall Disnei con los cuentos que se inventa- Entonces Daniel comenz? a hablar con su voz de mujer y despu?s comenz? a cantar Pedro se quedo paralizado de la impresi?n al escuchar esa voz de mujer que sal?a del cuerpo de un hombre y esa misma voz le decia - como puedes ver lo de mi voz es verdad- - Noooooo.. yo ya no creo en nada ni en nadie .Por fin me volv? locoooo!bwaaaa! Y ya no creo en el amor bwaaaaaa!- Julia se acerc? a ?l y lo abrazo tiernamente-Yaaaa, yaaa Pedrito no llores todo va a estar bien, mira deja la hablo a un amigo que es guitarrista para que nos eche la mano, Mary yo podemos hacer tranquilamente los coros y le decimos a tu secre que use el vestido de Nadia, le pagamos el micr?fono para que solo baile y haga como que canta- -Pero el cliente me pidi? espec?ficamente 4 coristas y necesitamos que m?nimo sean tres las que canten porque con dos haciendo play back nos vamos a ver poco profesionales y est? fiesta es nuestra gran oportunidad de pasar a las grandes ligas, va a ir la crema y nata DE EL PA?S si salia bien de aqu? en adelante TODOS ?bamos a ganar mas dinero- Daniel se meti? a la conversaci?n y pregunto- Y de d?nde van a encontrar la corista que les falta en tan poco tiempo?- Julia y Pedro se le quedaron mirando fijamente como lobos observando a un conejo que presiente que va ser deborado - No, no, nooo ni crean que lo voy a hacer...No voy a convencer va nadie si me visten de mujer- -Tienes la voz hermanito- -Si la tengo, pero m?rame soy un hombre no una mujer- - Dani ayer sin maquillaje fuiste lo suficientemente convincente como para que el doctor te diera esa voz- -Y si a?n con maquillaje parezco hombre - -Calmate Chuazeneguer, tienes rasgos finos y eres tan delgado que quiz?s te pueda quedar el vestido de la traidora de mi ex que era la otra corista que me ha dejado sin dinero snif, y sin ilusiones bwaaaaaa!..snif, snif ...y si no te ves bien pues les pongo un velo a todas o burkas o m?scaras de teatro Griego, pero el show debe continuar...o ESTOY ARRUINADO! - - Tranquilo Pedrito, ya ya ya, todo va aestar bien. V?monos a prepararte hermanito cuando termine contigo vas a quedar bien buenota- -Arreglense en mi casa, est? aqu? a unas cuadras, en la casa est?n la cosa de mi ex para que se arreglen "las" dos...mejor las acompa?o para abrirles y quitar la alrma-. Al llegar a la casa, Pedro las llevo al closet de su ex d?nde ten?a todas sus cosas y su lugar para maquillarse. -Guaw est? enorme!- Julia estaba sorprendida , se sent?a en en cielo de las mujeres al ver tantos vestidos y zapatos mientras que Daniel se sent?a que estaba entrando a un cuarto de torturas. -M?tete al ba?o y dep?late los brazos y piernas en lo que busco con Pedro el vestido y las cosas para maquillarte...ah y tambi?n dep?late las axilas- Cuando Daniel sali? del ba?o Julia lo esperaba como ni?a con mu?eca nueva, con un mont?n de accesorio - Mira todo lo que me encontr?! Fajas, rellenos de silicon para senos y caderas ( siempre supe que eran falsas), pelucas extensiones y pesta?as postizas- - Ya que! Vamos, transformame en tu monstruo Frankestein!- Daniel se sent? en la silla y Julia tapo el espejo para que solo se viera hasta que estuviera completamente listo. Le aplic? la base , maquillage, le puso pesta?as postizas le pinto los labios de rojo carmes? y hasta le pinto las u?as de las manos. - Ahora ponte esto y ve este video- -Es una prenda hecha con un calcet?n y unas medias para que escondas tu pene y tus test?culos, es muy pr?ctica para que puedas ir al ba?o- Daniel hizo lo que su hermana le dijo, vio el v?deo y siguiendo las instalaciones meti? sus testiculos y su pene entre las piernas se se acomodo todo y se puso el calzon con relleno para el trasero. Se sorprendi? al ver que qued? completamente plano de ah? abajo, se acaricio y sinti? algo de exitacion al imaginar que tocaba la vagina de una mujer. Luego su hermana le puso el brazier con los rellenos para ponerle el vestido y una peluca rubia. Y cuando ya estaba listo lo puso frente al espejo para mostrarle como hab?a quedado -Listo Cenicienta ya puedes ver lo que hizo tu hada madrina!- Daniel se qued? sorprendido al ver a una hermosa rubia de larga melena frente a el, la faja, los rellenos y el vestido ajustado le hab?an dado una figura atractiva con curvas. Era como estar en un sue?o. -Soy yo?, No lo puedo creer..- - Ahora en lo que me ba?o y me arreglo, pr?ctica tu canto y caminar con tacones, ah? busca videos en internet porque ya nos queda poco tiempo para la fiesta- El empez? a caminar y se tambaleaba mucho, batallaba para mantener el equilibrio as? que mejor empez? a practicar agarrado de la pared. Cuando sali? su hermana termino de arreglarse le quiso presumir que ya dominaba los tacones -Pero que es eso? Te mueves como chango en unos zancos!- -Pos hace rato estaba peor, y tan siquiera ya no me caigo- -Mira para empezar no camines con las piernas abiertas, juntalas as?, luego imagina una l?nea en frente de ti sobre la que siempre tienes que caminar poniendo una pierna enfrente de otra y piezas primero con la punta y luego con el tac?n- Daniel hizo lo que le dijo su hermana y noto que as? era mas f?cil caminar. - Muy bien ya lo tienes chica!.Deja le hablo a Pedro para aquel pase por nosotras- Cuando lleg? Pedro se quedo sorprendido de c?mo se ve?a Daniel, se ve?a lo suficientemente bien para el show -Vay?monos, el resto del grupo y del equipo ya nos est?n esperando en el sal?n. -Y que les vamos a decir de mi hermano?- -Pues la verdad...- -Nooo, no quiero que me juzguen o se burlen de mi, solo nosotros sabemos la verdad as? que mejor solo digan que soy prima de Julia- -Como todos sabr?n dos de nuestros miembros nos dejaron abruptamente, Nadia y Daniel tiene neumon?a , est?n estables pero van a ocupar reposo, as? que hoy nos van a hechar la mano Tere mi secretaria que aunque no va a cantar va a estar animando el ambiente, Daniela en los coros y Charly en la guitarra. Ayudenles en los que puedan porque necesitamos que este sea el mejor show que hemos dado ya que de eso depende que consigamos mejores contratos y una mejor paga para todos- -Como que me llamo Daniela?- susurro a su hermana - Es m?s sencillo para no equivocarnos, adem?s te podemos seguir llamando Danny, o quer?as llamarte Niurca, o Tania o alg?n otro nombre ex?tico?- -Ok ya entend?- Pedro se acerco a hablar con ellas - Como van chicas? Le tengo un notici?n me acaban de confirmar que viene a la fiesta "Carlos Castillo"- -El rey del la canci?n rom?ntica?-pregunto Julia con ojos de adolescente enamorada- - Si el mismo y no les pod?a decir nada a porque es un secreto y adem?s se va a subir cantar una canci?n para los Novios y dos canciones de las movidas despu?s de la comida para animar la noche, estas son las canciones para que las practiquen...- -Yo no necesito practicar, conozco todas sus canciones y todos los rincones de su sexy cuerpo - y qui?n sabe de d?nde Julia saco una foto de el y le plant? un beso - Papacito Muaaa!- - Ven, por eso no lo mantuve en secreto, ni se te ocurra acosarlo o hacerle o decirle algo raro Julia. Bueno ya prep?rense que va a empezar el show- La boda comenz? y Daniel no tubo problemas para cantar, comenz? tranquilo en lo que iba dominando su nueva voz El problema fue cuando tocaron un bloque de m?sica para bailar, las coristas se tenian que mover m?s, haciendo pasos de baile m?s r?pidos. Daniel la no estar acostumbrado a los tacones dio un paso en falso pero gracias a su hermana y Tere que la agarraron a tiempo no termino en el suelo. Y as? sigui? la fiesta con el mismo problema cada vez que intentaba bailar igual de r?pido que las otras coristas perd?a el equilibrio y la agarraban para que no se cayera. Como estaba planeado Carlos Castillo les dedico una canci?n a los novios y luego subi? al escenario para interpretar las canciones movidas que pon?an a todos a bailar pero a mitad de la ?ltima canci?n Daniel se volvi? a perder el equilibrio pero esta vez sus compa?eras no pudieron agarrarlo pero Carlos que estaba cerca lo agarro entre sus brazos y para salvar el momento se pusieron a bailar juntos. Danny ten?a miedo de volverse a caer pero Carlos era buen bailar?n, sab?a guiar, le hizo dar varias vueltas y le hac?a asentir seguro de cada paso que daba, tanto que olvid? del miedo y hasta disfruto bailar en el escenario . Carlos lo devolvi? a su lugar con las dem?s coristas para terminar la canci?n pero le hizo la se?al a los m?sicos para que largaron la melod?a y volvi? a sacar bailar a Daniel que con gusto acepto porque al bailar con el por fin sent?a que se olvidaba de todos sus problemas, de su voz de mujer, del miedo a que alguien descubra que es hombre, de estarse cayendo a cada rato; por fin olvid? sus preocupaciones, sonre?a al bailar, se sent?a feliz y nada iba a echar a perder ese momento. Termino la melod?a Carlos le hizo dar una vuelta, le hizo caer inclinado en sus brazos como los que bailan en la televisi?n, ambos intercambiaron miradas de complicidad al todo salir bien ....y Carlos lo beso en los labios! Daniel se puso de pie y alejo a Carlos con un empuj?n y salio rapidamnete del escenario; Carlos hizo como que checaba su aliento e hizo gestos de que olia mal (para aligera el momento incomodo) provocando la risa de los asistentes. Daniel se fue a vomitar a el ba?o, no sabia si era del asco o del coraje que le di? dejar que Carlos lo besara. Julia entro al ba?o buscando a su hermano que hab?a salido r?pidamente del escenario -Est?s bien Dany?- -Claro que no estoy bien, ese tipo me bes?. Cre? que ya nada malo me pod?a pasar y paso esto!.Que sigue? Que me quede as? para siempre!- -De haber sabido que iba a pasar esto no te hubiera obligado a venir a cantar...y tambi?n me hubiera ca?do en tu lugar!- Daniel se relajo un poco con la broma de su hermana que era super fan de Carlos -Est?s bien loca Julia!- - Vente, ya va a terminar el descanso y tenemos que terminar el Show- La boda se termin? el Show sali? muy bien, varias personas pasaron a felicitar a Pedro y le pidieron su tarjeta para contratarlos para otros eventos. Mientras que Daniel sent?a que lo estaban matando los tacones, cuando de repente Carlos se acerc? a ?l. -Hola, podemos hablar?- Daniel se tapo la boca dio un paso hacia atr?s - No te asustes, solo vengo a disculparme no deb? de haberte besado sin tu consentimiento no sab?a que te iba a hacer sentir tan inc?moda, le? mal las se?ales, te sonre?, t? me sonreiste y cre? que...pero bueno eso no es escusa, jam?s fue mi intenci?n faltarte al respecto y si hay algo que pueda hacer para compensarlo solo d?melo, me puedes insultar si quieres, o golpearme lo que sea para que me perdones - Daniel iba a darle gusto tir?ndole un golpe tan fuerte que le iba a tirar varios dientes, pero Julia que escucho todo y vio como su hermano cerraba su pu?o con furia y corri? a detenerlo. -Alto Dany! Ven para ac? tenemos que hablar- Y lo jalo hasta un rinc?n donde nadie los oyera - golpearlo no va a solucionar nada el ya se disculp? y no tiene la culpa de todo lo malo que te ha pasado- - Lo defiendes porque te gusta!- -Lo defiendo porque nuestros padres nos ense?aron a ser justos- -Entonces lo justo es que yo lo humille! Le voy a decir que soy hombre en frente de todos y se van a re?r de el y...- -y mas bien se van a re?r de tu mala suerte, Carlos se va y en unos dias el se olvidara del incidente, pero a ti todos los del grupo te van hacer bromas pesadas por esto el resto de tu vida, cada que puedan para que revivas la humillacion una y otra vez. Eso es lo que quieres?- - Entonces que hago para desquitarme?- - Mira tengo una idea donde todos ganamos ven te la digo la oido- El sonri? con malicia -Est?s bien pero me debes un gran favor- -Carlos ya s? c?mo te puedo perdonar tienes que dejar que Julia te haga lo que quiera por un minuto adentro de ese cuarto- - Esteeee...ok , pero que no sea da?o permanente ni que me lastime mucho que tengo mas presentaciones este fin de semana- De inmediato Julia tomo de la mano a Carlos- VENTE PAPACITO! AHORA ERES SOLO MIO!- lo meti? al cuarto, cerro con llave y r?pidamente se empezaron. Escuchar sus gritos - Oye eso va a dejar marca!- - Pero no duele!- -Perate es un traje nuevo!, seguro que eres mujer? tienes mucha fuerza- - Claro que lo soy, mira y agarra!- -Abran la puerta ya se acab? el minuto...como hace 5 minutos- Daniel no paraba de reir y por fin se compadeci? y abri? la puerta. Carlos sali? corriendo con el cuello y el pecho llenos de chupetones la camisa rota y ara?azos en la espalda. Julia se asomo por la puerta tap?ndose con su ropa colgada de su mano. -Y bien? -pregunto Daniel - voy a ser t?o en mueve meses?- -Naaaaa, a este tipo la da miedo el sexo salvaje... pero igual no me voy a ba?ar por el resto de mi vida! Grrrr-

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Fucking my elder bhabhi

I am a native of Kerala and presently at he age of 30yrs. I am working in a company based at Chennai. Around 5 years back, around at the age of 25years, myself was living in a family of comprising my mother, brother, his wife aged around 35years and two children. I was respectful to my bhabhi (Chettathi) and she also cared on my needs while on leave. It is a real incident happened to me in my life and so I don’t want to disclose any name or further details of individuals in the story. Once...

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My first blowjob

A true story from my youth. When I was about 17 and working as an office junior, I was seduced by the new office secretary. I had been working for the company for about eighteen months when Lucy (name changed) arrived. I remember clearly the day Lucy arrived for an interview. The whole office, well all the male staff, prayed she would be the one selected for the position. That day I recall that Lucy looked hot but not a tart, in a smart business suit and blouse.   The suit consisted of a smart...

3 years ago
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Tim the Sissy BiHusband

Tim is happily married to a wonderful woman for the past 35 years. Tim, for the past 35 years has also been secretly having bisexual affairs. These affairs have escalated from meeting a guy in a bathroom and giving a quick hand job all the way to dressing up in girlie underwear and being the center of attraction in parties while several guys received great head and fucked him several times.This story is about what happened to Tim at that party.The week before, Tim made arrangements with Tom,...

Gay Male
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Awesome Experience In Bus

Hi, I am Ric with real experience in my life. I am going to narrate the groping experience in bus during one of my journey. This incident happened once when I was traveling by bus to Chennai. I didn’t get enough time to book ticket in private bus. This time I went to government bus stand and was waiting for the bus. It was evening and I got into the bus and sat at the second row of the bus. The bus conductor told me that most of the seats are reserved and I have to change seats if the seat is...

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A New Gift

Main characters. Rachael Wilson is: 18, average height (5'5), shoulder length brunette hair, well endowed having D-cup breasts and thick and firm booty. Rachel is shy and modest high schooler. She always prefers to spend breaks and lunches by herself. Rachel is bi. Trevor Hibert is: 20, tall (6'1), short hair, clean shaven and has a decently sized missile, 7 and a half inches when erect. Deciding college/uni was not for him, Trevor has gone into full time work at the bowling alley he was...

Mind Control
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Brought up to be a good woman

My father and grandfather raised us from the beginning to be good women and serve men completely and without question as was the family tradition. From as far back as I can remember we were home schooled and kept from over exposure to the outside world. We lived in a very rural area and my father refused to remarry because he always said the only women he needed were already at home. We were encouraged to touch ourselves and to touch their penis's from the time we could walk and watching...

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Gifted Bk 01 Ch 00

You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. _________________________ Gifted: Book One Soul Mates Prologue: Moving ...

1 year ago
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Mama Ki Ladki Ki Chudayi

Hi All, Thank you for posting your comments, I got good responses to my old story (Ex Wife ko Jamkar Choda – I & II) and lots of appreciation. Introduction to those who would be reading my story for first time, I am lover 52655, 39 years old working in Pune in a reputed MNC, Normal size ka lund lekin kisi bhi ladki ya aurat ko santusht karne ke liye kafi hai. I have been married for last 9 years to a beautiful girl. Ladies, If you want to get in touch with me you can write @ Let’s start with...

3 years ago
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A Travesty of Justice 6

A Travesty of Justice 6 By Paul G. Jutras "I'm telling you that our wedding is off," Paul said outside of Hotel 8. "I can't believe you cheated on me." "Nobody's perfect," Sheila said as she dug her Veronica four-inch stiletto heel with sling sandal into the sidewalk. "After we're married, I promise never again." "If it was with a man, I could forget you." Paul said, frustrated. "You were in the hotel with a woman!" "Can't we discuss this inside?" Sheila wiggled about in her...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 3

Since I was alive, it seemed like a great idea to have some fun, get some rest, and enjoy kicking back and thinking about nothing. The twists and turns in my life had been physically brutal and emotionally exhausting. I needed down time, and the house and Fornier's toys were just what the doctor ordered. After lunch, we dismissed the driver, moved our things into the master bedroom, moved most of Fornier's things out, and began to systematically remove all traces of him from the...

3 years ago
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My Singapore trip

Hi, those who read my posting, u know am an avid anal sex lover, male female no bar. This isn’t one with anal, but much cherished one. Very year I go to SG for a thorough health check. Few yrs back I reached 6 in morn, checked in to hotel and left for checkup. Tm was given at 8:30; I had to reach in empty stomach and without poop. Once reached I was given container to poop and pee. Then get naked I was on the checkup. A real beauty lady doc of SG origin appeared. She kept on asking different...

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My sisters boyfriend My girlfriends sister

Note: This story is told from two different views. The girl’s view will be in standard character, the guy’s view in italic. I could hear the familiar sonorous roar of Ryan’s convertible Camaro. The first time my elder sister Amy had brought him home, I had immediately recognized what a great man he was. He was twenty-eight, around six feet tall, athletic, smart, funny – and he had a hell of a car. The wet dream of the teenage girl I was. Of course Amy couldn’t stop rhapsodizing about her...

2 years ago
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Day Of The Dragon

Day of the dragon CHAPTER 1 Dragons are monster that are born of the darkness of the earth. I have seen a dragon in my life. only one though. It was 5 years ago. I was 16 then. Back then, I was a little immature, and a little strange. Back then, my parents had died. I was depressed for a while. I remember that i used to lock myself in my room, and be alone. Besides my parents dying, my BF had left me. That PO'd me. I remember i literaly beat the crap out of him. That made me feel happy. Well,...

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Best fuck in ages

Hi this Maundy Thursday my self and my bi mate decided to go to our local gay bar for a midafternooon beer ,on arrival it was very quite as you would expect but sat in thde corner was a cute guy on his own.We orderered drinks and i spoke to this guy lets call his andy ( not his realname) after one beer we decided it was time to go so we asked andy if he fancied comming back to ours for a further drink! ,after a couple of secs he agreed ,as soon as we got in he asked to use the toilet ,i...

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womanly experience 8 forest punishment

So we were walking through the forest one day. My father was out fishing and looking for a good spot next to the river while I lingered behind him. That day I wore Dr. Marten's boots, black nylons, a black thong that was more like a string, a short black skirt, no bra (had smaller tits back then), a t-shirt, and a blue hoodie with a "daddy's girl" print on it.He finally found a spot and started fishing. I was quite bored and the book I brought was not interesting. Finally I had to go to pee so...

3 years ago
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The Offer Part 2 Shopping

I have included part 1 with this for those that had not read it. She lay on her side, in their queen size bed. She gazed at the clock, 5.30 A.M. She would have 30 minutes to relax before she got up and made Ron's breakfast. She just started to doze off when she felt his arm reach round. His hand rested on her right breast and his fingers gently rubbed her nipple through the short filmy black baby-doll. He slid across the bed to spoon her. She felt his hardness pushing against the...

3 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 229 on the Run Part 2

He almost got huffy, till he saw the stun gun in my hand. Instead of waiting for me to find the tiny cell phone, he showed it to me. "See Jen, Bob thinks he is so fucking smart he doesn't need to listen to anyone. You know that the DEA can trace his cell phone, even if he doesn't use it. What do you bet that it still has the battery inside." Jen shook her head as she said, "Bob you are so fucking suicidal." "Jen you are my best friend, but even more important you know too much about...

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KJ a special show

PPPPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTT hey Ms.KJ, come peek in my window. I know you been looking at me over your apartment window. I can’t see you, but I feel your presence there. Your stair is deep I can feel it even if over and pass the courtyard of the building complex. I say to myself peeking over the red velvet curtain over my window panel. Damn, I know she's there! No, I have not gone totally mental I been staying in this apartment long enough to know everyone around me. About 2months ago...

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Innocent Wife on New Years Eve

The year was 1988. My name is Luke. At the time, my wife, Maddison (Maddie to her friends) and I were both 20 years old. I was active duty in the Marine Corps and we were stationed in California where we lived in an apartment off-base.Please note, this is not one of those typical hot-wife stories where I share the knowledge that I have always fantasied about watching my wife with other men. That wasn't the case with me.Additionally, it is not the beginning of a journey to slut-hood for my wife....

2 years ago
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Sloppy Seconds

My husband and I have been married for eight years. My husband is ther greatest and I will do anything to please him. He is fifty years old, maakes very good money. I am thirty years old, about 110 lbs, I bleach my hair blonde, shave my cooch, have nice boobs, and work out everyday. I am a model and have modeled for many department stores. I have slept with alot of men before I met my husband and know my way around the block. One night my husband wanted to meet me at a bar, I waited for him...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Percy Sires Who8217s Dirty Now

Busty Percy Sires is getting really sick of being the only one around here who has any sense of cleanliness. Her stepbrother, Damon Dice, keeps refusing to wash his hands before he eats or after he uses the bathroom. When Percy tries to force the issue by turning on the sink for Damon, he says it just makes him have to pee. Percy won’t leave and Damon claims he can’t pee with his sister standing there. The only solution is for Percy to pull his cock out and hold it for him while...

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Victorias Future

Victoria’s Future London, 1806 Henry was scolding. ‘That little love pat was nothing. When I really spank you, I will place you across my lap with your drawers down to your ankles, your dress and petticoats, if you’re wearing any which is doubtful, up to your neck. I will spank your bottom without mercy from your knees up. You will scream and cry, sob and beg, tell me how sorry you are and how you will do better, but I will keep spanking until your cheeks are the color of a ripe plum. Then I...

3 years ago
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Flashing First Time

I just had a unique (for me) experience in my hotel. After a soak in the hot tub, I returned to my room and donned my lounging pants. They have a generous fly in the front.I wanted some ice to cool down a diet drink. For whatever reason, I decided to go down to the ice maching with my dick and balls hanging out. Don't ask, because I have no explanation. It just seemed to be the thing to do at the time.Since it's quiet in the hotel, I figured "No Big Whoop!" I grabbed the bucket and a key, and...

3 years ago
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Letter From Mistress Cherie Part 2

Mistress was so hot and my face was coated with her juices when she pulled me up to her face, fully sated, she kissed me deeply tasting her sweet juices on my tongue. She then turned over and allowed me to worship her ass for a while before we retired to the bedroom. We cuddled and kissed in bed as Mistress fondled my crotch, making sure I was hot and frustrated in my chastity for what seemed like forever until we drifted off to sleep. I arose before Mistress, slipped on an apron, and...

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Diamond is a cocks best friend

There she was shaking and muttering to herself as tears streamed down her face. The pounding of his cock was almost unbearable.Her legs were spread and her face pressed tightly against the chain fence. Her cries grew louder as the clanking of the chains echoed through the park. Her fingers numb from holding on and her pussy lips swollen twice their size. It was brutal but there was nothing she could do at the time. She took the pussy beating and the only person that could help her was on the...

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Aunt Sonia

Raju saw his saree-clad aunt Sonia walk down the stairs and move into the living room. His jaws crunched at the mouthful of Cheerios and milk as his lust-filled eyes followed her massive buttocks. Her saree was tightly adhered around her body and was way below her navel. Her bubble butt wiggled in slow, gyrating movements; her panty line marginally visible to a casual onlooker.Raju's adrenalin was rushing through his veins, his hard-on attaining throbbing proportions. Sonia went over to the...

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Spanking For A Schoolgirl

Melanie knew she had been naughty. As she sat in the Headmistress's office, she played with the hem of her skirt and listened. From behind the door, she could hear the sound of a very bad girl crying and the rythmic fall of something heavy falling onto soft skin. Her butt tingled. She knew that she and Lauren shouldn't have done it. I mean really, who in their right mind would skip class on a test day! She could still hear Lauren's voice... "Come on Mel! You know you want to give that Max a...

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The MILFs 20 year old college daughter

I was fucking a MILF and over time became aware she had a 20 year old daughter away at college/uni. One weekend I stayed over and she happened to be home. I couldn't believe it when I finally saw her in the flesh. She was way hotter than her mom - which gave an insight into why her mom was so hot - though quite petite and she got me increasingly horny due to her slutty summer dressing. She was curvy but knew how to carry her curves and her ass was just perfect. On the Sunday morning her mom...

1 year ago
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Sexual contact between dog and woman

I’m a peeping tom. I know I should seek help for my problem, but just can’t, it’s to much fun. I work at a larger printer shop. In the front office they always hire young pretty girls to do light secretaries work. They don’t stay long so I get to look at a new girl about twice a month. I’ve hidden video cameras at different places around the front office. So I can watch them from different angles. Sometimes a peek up a skirt, or a flash of a tit when one...

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Our first foursome

Having thoroughly enjoyed seeing me wife get fucked by another man and had the pleasure of eating two loads of spunk out of her, we were both eager for more. It didn’t take us long to find that the personal column of the local free paper had some very strange ad’s in it and we quickly picked up the jargon.` It wasn’t long before we were sat in a pub with another couple discussing who would do what with who. Pat was a big bluff guy who was fortunate enough to have a very large cock. He was Bi...

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Miss Benkinsopps sacrifice0

Miss Blenkinsopp's sacrifice. I saw Morelands for the first time that morning. The sun shone gold on the honeyed sandstone of the frontage as I approached from the south. It looked huge. I wanted a country retreat, this was almost a mansion. “My God Carstairs,” I asked of my lawyer, “What have I done?” “Bought a pig in a poke Geoffrey,” he surmised, “You thought it a bargain.” “No one said it was on top of a mountain!” I replied. “We don’t have mountains in Devon!” he...

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MasterbuilderChapter 7 Preparations

We were up bright and early and Wilbur did have the advantage of our experience with healing. Though he did grumble about forsaking his breakfast, watching us stuff ourselves, he performed his ablutions, took a cleansing bath and went without much ado to the next pool. He knew that he had to be careful but insisted we carried on with our meal while he tested the waters as it were. He immersed himself very, very slowly, giving us a running commentary on his status. He did share most of our...

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hello hey hi trying to get right with God once

so what's up everybody? as you can see from that being of the title that this is a much different one from my previous, or prior posted stories, & as it pretty much like so say what that being of the person of i myself am feeling as well as thinking of trying to do as of the present given moment in time, i mean whereas i presently feel this rather compelling need to try to think of it being of which is of a mind's intentions to try to get right with God once again as a believer. so don't...

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Older lady busts naked into my hotel room Great

Okay, this was just all inspired in about ten minutes looking at (am I allowed copy and paste an url from this site??? Hope so, or you'll have to bust me unfortunately!); Fresh Photos > geile amateur omas > Photo #5)(Thank you for your great photos omaficker btw!!)Anyway...sorry, that it didn't actually begin life as 'a story', so it's not correctly structured or anything, but rather was all inspired looking at this woman, who...

4 years ago
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The Flaming Girls Chapter One

The Flaming Girls By Michele Nylons Chapter One - Better off Dead Charlie Ringwald put a Consulate menthol cigarette between her lipsticked lips and lit up, drawing the smoke deep into her lungs. The smoke gave a false illusion of warmth on the bitter foggy night. She put her cigarettes back into the cheap handbag hanging from her shoulder by the thin vinyl strap and wrapped her arms around herself in a vain attempt to warm herself. She was wearing a black vinyl miniskirt,...

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48 Hours Chapter 6

Chapter 6: A Special PackageLynn was the first to stir, and realising it was five, shook Chris gently to wake him up. It was, after all, five in the afternoon! They got up for the second time that Sunday, but so much had happened that somehow it almost felt like it was a whole new day that they were starting.They both freshened up in the bathroom and got dressed again. Chris felt a bit sore and uncomfortable down below, but nowhere near as bad as he had thought it might feel. He kept on the...

2 years ago
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The Dream Comes True

The Dream Comes True by Vicky The wedding was nothing out of the ordinary: just a gathering of neighbors and friends. I danced once with Sue, my neighbor from across the street. She was always a friendly individual, as well as very attractive. This afternoon, as a friend of the bride's family, she looked absolutely gorgeous. The dress was long in length but the top was cut enough to push her chest high. As I held her close while dancing, I couldn't help but feel her body melt...

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Girl Interrupted Finds Her Cucumber

Hi Reader, I like the stories. I think some of them would actually happen. And some are written by women. One can tell by the way it is written I suppose. So, let me jump into mine. Sunday afternoon was set to pass. Past 3:30, past 4 too maybe, about the stroke of 5. I lay on the couch like cheese spread over bread. Watching tv. I was feeling dazed and dreamy. I would turn over into odd postures, sometimes especially upside down. I was trying to think things. But things are fickle and thoughts...

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Slave Mary gets the punishment she deserves

[Author's note: All the correspondence in this story is genuine. If you see similar in your own inbox either here or at another site you should consider the outcome in this case.] Henry scanned the arrivals board for the tenth time that day. The plane had landed twenty minutes ago, with luck Mary waiting for her bags to come off the conveyor belt. He could hardly believe it was less than a month since he had received her message. It had been short and too the point: Am a slave girl 27yrs...

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Lindas New SchoolChapter 5 Power Plays

Once they closed the door behind her, the headmistress turned to Linda. "Now, before there are any more unfortunate incidents, I believe we should adjourn to my office." She held up her hand. "I will show you the way." Taking Linda firmly by the arm, she bustled down a short corridor to a room at the corner of the building. Releasing her, she unlocked and opened the door. She gestured her through the door, then followed her and locked the door behind them. "Have a seat. I think it would...

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Bens Girl

So for those of you who ignored my advice, here is some basic info about me. My name is Logan, I am about 5'10"(I stopped growing my sophomore year), well tanned, nice build, and fairly definitive muscle tone, and I have a 9 inch cock when hard. This takes place 2 years after the events with Raegen. I don't know when I first fell in love with her, all I do know is that it had happened, and there was no turning back. "I could never have her though" I thought to myself. She was...

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I have been married for seven years and never once even considered cheating on my husband. I can’t say that anymore. I have now not only thought about cheating, but I have cheated. I love my husband, but I guess my excuse is I got bored.My name is Amanda, but everyone calls me Mandy. Steve and I got married right out of high school. We dated through our senior year. Steve was always very careful to have plenty of condoms available when we needed them. We needed them often. Our carefulness...

Wife Lovers
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You wanted to Suck a Cock Gay PT1

Although I was a happily married straight guy, with a nice car and a good job I spent far too many hours looking at pornography on the internet. I don’t know why but I was always attracted to the BDSM type of websites and would download image after image of people helplessly tied up in various different types of bondage.One night, while surfing the net I stumbled across a Female Domination site that dealt with ‘forced’ feminization. Instantly I was hooked. The idea of a respectable, straight...

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The GiftChapter 6

My four days in the past had been exciting. I remembered the smells and the sky, particularly the view of the stars at night! I had never ever seen them so bright! Once you got away from cities and people, the air had a clean smell that was amazing! We have been putting so much crap and pollutants into the air for so long, that there's just no comparison. I kept practicing taking in energy. I took several trips into the past just to use the energy I had stored. I measured my progress. At...

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ChangesChapter 5

Jae woke late the next morning to banging. She thought it was her alarm so she smacked that first, when the banging continued she finally pulled her head out from under the pillow and realized someone was at her door. She dragged herself out of bed and pulled on an oversized t-shirt and ran down the stairs. "Do you not realize what time it is," She yelled as she opened the door to find Chase standing there next to Mrs. Fischer, "Oh dear." "Good Afternoon, dear," Mrs. Fischer said as...

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first threesome with my boyfriend

Me and my boyfriend first met to have threesome with a mutual friend. They had had sex a couple of times and wanted to explore more. They ask me and I joined. We did just about anything three guys can do together completely naked. A few days later he called me and invited me on a date. We did, more dates. After a few months we got together and moving together.The first year we had an incredible amount of sex. We could fuck up to three times a day, in the morning, on the bus, at malls, in the...

3 years ago
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Iron Lord Part 2 The decisions

I woke up first. She was still laying over me in the dark, her breasts firmly pressing onto my chest. For a second I was worried, because I generally wake up with a jump from a nightmare, but it seemed she was still asleep. I relaxed, listening to her breath and the sound of waves for about half an hour. I breathed deeply, hoping to trap an essence of her smell inside my lungs. At first I was completely in a void where nothing mattered. But inevitably, I began to think. I was supposed to be...

4 years ago
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Punjabi Girl And Kamasutra

My name is Rohit Rathi,for the first time I am writing any story,m 22 yr old boy living in dehradoon, My email is I will try to write every thing the way it was happened, kindly give me feedback for some motivation.Name of my girl is nupur, she is 5.5ft tall and chubby,34-36-38 is her stats,i am well built guy friends jab mai graduation me tha and padh ra tha baat tab ki hai mai final year engineering me tha,mai bhot h seedha saadha ladka tha kbi kisi ladki k bare me sex ki feeling nai aane...

2 years ago
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My Cousin Susie

As usual my Aunt Rita, Uncle Pete and their daughters Susie and Annie came over to our place on Christmas afternoon to spend the day with us, exchange presents, eat, drink, eat some more – I’m sure you know the drill. I really had never noticed Susie in that way before, she was three years younger than me, a pretty little girl but just that – a little girl, so nobody was more surprised than me to see that puberty had taken hold since I’d last seen her and I was now confronted by a very...

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