Ed BiggersChapter 9 free porn video

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The chair on which Ed was seated was of a style known as an Adirondack chair named that way because of the locale in which it was invented. From his seat on the porch of a cabin by a lake in Upstate New York, he watched the wildlife around him. It was mid-afternoon and hundreds of boats moved around the lake, leaving wakes that died out before they reached the shore. Occasionally, a boat would come close and the wake would cause little waves to break on the rocks that littered the shore.

Ling came out on the porch to sit beside him, missing Betsy already. In a conversational tone of voice she said, “We’ve been here for four days.”

“I know and I still haven’t managed to relax,” replied Ed. He pointed up to the porch roof where a small yellow light was lit. The light meant that someone was watching them and that they needed to be careful about what they did.

“We need some supplies,” remarked Ling, “perhaps we should go into town and pick up something for dinner tonight.”

“That sounds good. How about we leave after a quick swim?”

Looking around at all of the boats on the lake trying to see if any of them were acting as if they were watching the house, Ling answered, “Sure. I’m up for a swim.”

In one smooth motion Ed stood and removed his robe. Underneath the robe, he was wearing a simple bathing suit. Ling removed her wrap revealing her white bikini. The suits were necessary, as this was a public area where families that held to different beliefs about nudity were staying. Holding hands, they ran to the shore and into the water laughing as splashes flew around their legs. The water was very cold compared to the hot and humid air around them. At least it wasn’t as hot or as humid as North Carolina.

They played around in the water, enjoying the moment as they splashed and swam. For the first time that day, they actually relaxed. After a half an hour, the two of them emerged from the lake and went up to the porch. Once there, they picked up the clothes they had dropped and entered the house.

They carefully entered the second bedroom and shut the door behind them. Now that they were in a sound proof room, Ed whispered, “Okay, what’s with the yellow light?”

George turned from the monitor and, in a low voice that wouldn’t wake Walt or John, answered, “There was a boat out there that was watching you two on the porch. They also had a parabolic microphone.”

Nodding, Ling asked, “Did you get a picture of the people in the boat?”

Pointing to the computer screen where a grainy picture of a boat was displayed, George answered, “This is the best picture we were able to get. Three guys in the boat, one at the controls and two pretending to fish. You can make out the parabolic microphone right here.”

Ling looked at where he was pointing and nodded her agreement. She asked, “Do you recognize any of them?”

Bending down to get a better view of the picture, Ed, in a voice that was a little louder than he intended, answered, “Can’t make out enough details of their faces. Sorry.”

“It’s a poor quality picture. They could be the bad guys or news reporters trying to get the scoop on how a Druid takes a vacation,” replied George in a whisper. He had tried to clean up the picture somewhat, but his attempts failed to bring out any details that would enable them to identify the men.

From the couch, John complained, “Can’t you keep it down a little over there? I’m trying to sleep.”

Looking over at the pair of men sleeping on the couch, Ed said, “Sorry, John.”

The pair of them slipped out of the second bedroom. After removing his trunks and putting on a pair of briefs and his robe, he went out on the porch. The rental house next to theirs along the beach had a new couple moving in that afternoon. Ed noticed and wandered over to greet them. As he approached, the man unpacking the car straightened up and observed the Druid robes. With surprise on his face, he said, “Hello. I’m Stanley Bender.”

Extending a hand, Ed said, “I’m Ed Biggers.”

A young man with his hair cut in a buzz cut came out of the house walking towards the car as though he was being tortured. It wasn’t until he reached the car that he looked up from the ground and spotted Ed. Surprised, he shouted, “You’re a Druid!”

Laughing at the announcement, Ed said, “Yes, I’m a Druid. I’m Ed and who are you?”

“I’m Paul,” replied the young man thinking that he was going to have some stories to tell his friends when he returned to school in the fall. He wondered how many people his age had a chance to meet a real live Druid.

“Nice to meet you Paul. Let me guess, you are about fourteen years old?”

“Wow. You must have super powers to know that.”

The idea that it required super powers to guess someone’s age made Ed laugh. He replied, “I guessed your age. I run a Halloween Haunted House that has kids go through it by age, so I’ve seen lots of kids your age.”


Stanley handed his son two suitcases and said, “Take these into your sister’s room.”

Stamping his foot in a minor act of teenage rebellion, Paul asked, “Why can’t she carry her own luggage?”

“Because she’s helping your mother clean up the cabin. Now move it, buster.”

Turning to apologize, Stanley stared at Ling as she came up beside Ed. After she put her arm around Ed, he put his arm around her and performed the introductions. “Ling, these are our new neighbors out here, Stanley and his son Paul. This is my wife, Ling.”

Ling, looking exceptionally good in her white sundress, said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you both.”

“God, you’re beautiful,” declared Paul as he stared at her transfixed to the spot. Once he realized what he had said, he picked up the suitcases and ran into the house blushing the entire way.

His departure brought a laugh to Ling and she said, “Young men are so much fun. I can’t wait until Little John is that age.”

Stanley finally recovered and said, “Little John is your son?”

“Yes. He’s not quite six yet.”

Stanley nodded and said, “That’s a fun age. They still think you are the smartest person alive. Wait until they get to be teenagers.”

The idea that his kids thought of him as the smartest person alive was funny to Ed. He said, “Oh, our kids have already figured out that we aren’t the smartest people they know.”

Elbowing him in the side, Ling said, “Speak for yourself, Cowboy.”

“Little John adores Catherine. He thinks she’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.”

“Oh, that’s only because she is always taking him out to watch the animals.”

Realizing that they had wandered off topic, Ed said, “Sorry. We really have a hard time not talking about the kids.”

“You have more than one child?”

“There’s Beth, Little John, Betsy, and William,” replied Ling proud of all the children.

“That’s quite an armful. We stopped at two,” said Stanley.

Realizing that they had wasted too much time, Ed said, “I hate to say this, but we had better run to the store and pick up some food for tonight.”

“You’re right. We’ll see you when you get back, okay?” Ling asked the question as she glanced back at the house making sure that everything was all right there.

At the store, Ed and Ling waited patiently in line to pay for the two steaks, corn on the cob, and baking potatoes that they had purchased. The young man packing bags seemed a little clumsy as he dropped a bag on the floor as he went to pack their purchase. Bending down, he picked up the bag and set it on the shelf. With a smooth motion, he put their purchases in the bag.

As Ed paid for the purchase, the young man asked, “Could I carry this out to your car?”

Smiling at the young man, Ling said, “Sure you can. Let’s see, your name is Howard, isn’t it?”

“Yes, Ma’am,” replied Howard knowing full well that she knew his name.

As the three of them walked out to the car, Howard said, “Having a Druid around here sure is of interest to some folks. We’ve had all kinds of people asking questions about you. Yesterday, a pair of men came in asking about you.”

“Ah, I hope you told them we were big tippers,” Ed joked fully aware that they were probably being watched.

Howard smiled, “No. Just told them that you usually came into town about this time.”

“It’s tough vacationing when everyone asks about you,” replied Ed.

“I could deliver the groceries to you after I get off work, Sir,” suggested Howard. It was tough slipping the extra food for the three men back at the cabin into their bag. He understood the need for the pretext, but it was getting old.

“No, that’s okay. We actually enjoy the chance to come into town,” replied Ed. They were trying to establish a pattern of behavior that would enable their pursuers to select the proper time and place for -an attack on them. He paused and then said, “If we forgot to buy something, we’ll call you.”

Ed opened the back door of the Hugger while Ling seated herself in the driver’s seat. She always drove. Bending over to put the bag in the back, Howard gave Ed time to pull out the money for the tip. Straightening up, he found Ed holding out two bills. Smiling, he said, “Thank you, Sir.”

Taking the money, he could feel the note hidden between the two bills. He slipped them into his pocket and returned to the store as Ed watched him walk. On the way, Howard stopped and pushed a couple of carts together to return them to the front of the store for customers to use.

Once Howard had returned to the store, Ed closed the back of the Hugger and got into the passenger seat. After buckling the seat belt, he turned to Ling and said, “Ready.”

As they pulled out of the parking lot, an old car parked across the street pulled away from the curb. The car followed them, keeping a good distance behind. Ling didn’t try to lose them, but she did keep a sharp eye on the road ahead in case they tried to trap the car between two cars.

Ed opened the glove compartment and removed the remote that controlled the cameras that had been added to the car. When the road straightened out, he took a couple of pictures of the car behind them, knowing that it was too far to be able to make out any details of the license plate or the people in the car. When they reached the road on which their cabin was located, the car behind them suddenly sped up and passed them. Ed snapped a couple of pictures as the car approached.

When they stopped in the driveway, Ed pushed the button that would upload the pictures to the computer inside the house. He replaced the remote in the glove box before getting out of the car. Going around the back, he unloaded the groceries. Together, he and Ling went up to the house. The yellow light in the porch roof was on indicating that they were being watched.

Unlocking the door, both entered the house relaxing at being out of view of their unknown watchers. Ed carried the bag of groceries to the kitchen while Ling went into the second bedroom. After putting the groceries away, he joined the rest of the group in the second bedroom. Much to his surprise, John and Walt were awake. John said, “While you were gone, two men stopped by and checked out the house. We identified one of them as one of the guys you captured who had the Molotov Cocktails. The other one had a limp. I suspect he was the motorcyclist that shot you and Leroy.”

George was busy working on the computer examining the images that he had uploaded from the cameras in the car. There was only one picture that showed enough detail to know who was in it. Ed glanced at the picture and said, “That’s the one that was driving the car when we caught them with the Molotov Cocktails. The other guy looks a lot like Devin, but I’m pretty sure that it isn’t him.”

Turning away from the computer, George asked, “What did you learn from Howard?”

“Two guys were asking about us yesterday. Howard answered all their questions. We set up an excuse for him to come out here in case something really important happens,” answered Ed.

Walt watched the monitor that covered the house next door and shook his head. Irritated at the complications of the neighbors, he said, “I wish that idiot landlord had rented that house to us. It only makes things more complicated.”

“The house on the other side of them is full of FBI agents. They’ll make sure the family is safe in case anything happens.” John and Walt had that discussion on several occasions, but Walt still felt bad about having civilians in the middle of a possible battlefield.

Ed asked, “So what is the deal with the neighbors?”

“They’re clean. He’s a civil engineer for the state. Oversees the design of bridges. She’s a volunteer for the Red Cross and teaches CPR at evening classes for them,” answered George.

Same as Ed Biggers
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The warm breeze barely made the flag flutter on classic 36 foot yacht the "Empress." as she swung at anchor fifty yards or so off the quayside of the only town on a tiny Carribean Island while two vacationing university students, blonde haired blue eyed  Lynnie and dark haired brown eyed Jo lay  sun bathing in their swimsuits on the sun drenched polished pine foredeck. They lazed and idly watched as a speed boat burbled past and slowly approached the islands only slipway, "I guess there's a...

3 years ago
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A Special Fathers Day Gift Part 3

I pulled into the Smith’s driveway and took a deep breath as my car came to a complete stop. This had been one of the longest weeks of my life. I’ve gone much longer than a week without cumming before, but this was a completely new experience. The events of the week before had been playing in my head continuously since the moment I left this house seven days ago. My memories were so vivid it was like watching a movie. I could see Mrs. Smith’s jeans darkening as her own hot piss poured out of...

4 years ago
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Learning a Lesson at Middlesex High Over the Lap Style Part C

The secretaries got spanked and that turned Bonnie on. It also made Dean Perkins very hard. Spanking Julie’s cute tush can do that to you! Then after the crying girls were sent on their way, mascara running down their faces and hands holding their scorched bottoms, Bonnie needed a poke real bad. With the front of the dean’s pants being pushed out, who was better to ask? “Bob, I need it now, can’t wait till later. But how do we do it with me in this tight business suit?” Lucky for Bonnie,...

3 years ago
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From Student To Male Escort

Hi ISS readers I’m 22 year old Sikh boy from a middle class. My name is Ben (changed) from Amritsar. I’m pursuing my B.Tech from Chandigarh. This story begins when I have completed my +2 and gone to Chandigarh for higher studies, there I stayed in a rented room. The house was of a lady who was in her 30s. She introduces me in the world of male escort. After shifting there she started noticing me, she come in my room frequently and talk to me without any reason. Initial I thought as she live...

4 years ago
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Khala ki sat rat

Aik din mein apne kamre mein perh raha tha or sister school gayi hoyi thi, khala mare kamre mein ayein to os waqt on ki haalat koch yoon thi ke onhoon ne khoole gale wali qameez pehny howi thi or dobata nahi liya howa tha or mathe per germy ki waja se paseena aya howa tha. Khala ne mojh se kaha ke beta mein tomhare kamre ki safayi kerne ayi hoon, mein ne kaha ke khala ap safayi ker lein to onhoon ne jharoo pherna shoroo ker diya or mein apna perhta raha, achanak hi mari nazer khala ki tarof...

3 years ago
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Vacation TwoChapter 6

Sue and I had coffee while watching the radar. The blip became more apparent as we came closer. I told Sue that we would be passing whatever it was on the port side and had her get on top of the salon with the binoculars to watch for it. Almost as soon as she climbed up she hollered at me, "It's a boat but it looks like it's upside down." I pushed the M button and started lowering the sails while turning to circle the boat. Dewey arrived topside and I told him what Sue had said. We...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend Ki Maa Ki Chudai

Hi, main Raghav, Delhi se. My email id is . Ye incident hai meri aur meri girlfriend aur uski mom ke saath sex ka. Kaise meri girlfriend ki mom ne mujhe apne ghar bulaya aur maine unhe waha choda. So let’s begin. Meri college mein ek ladki se friendship hui meri ek female friend ke through, jo dikhne mein bohut hot thi. Hum dono aksar WhatsApp par apne nude share karte the. Like main apne dick ki pics bhejta tha aur woh apne boobs ki to kabhi apni choot ki. Kabhi main use video bhejta tha aone...

2 years ago
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Fun At The Terrace With Neighborhood Bhabhi

Hi . This is the first time am ever writing any story on this site . Am writing with the permission of my Bhabhi who was involved with me in this act . Now coming to the story – am an average looking guy Working for a Mnc – shuttling between Bangalore and chennai for work . This story happened 3 years ago when I came down to chennai for my project . I was staying as a pg at a place suggested by my friends dad . It was a decent living space and had all the basic amenities . Now coming to the...

3 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 21

The two young girls went out to the garage to see how their brothers cleaned the fish they had caught. The boys were standing, side-by-side, at a table, filleting their fish. Kim and Sally watched as the boys removed the heads and carefully separated the white meat from the bones. Sally said, "yuck!" Gazing at the pile of entrails and severed fish heads. "How can you guys touch that stuff?" Tom smiled at his little sister's discomfort and replied, "Oh, it's not too bad, you just have...

3 years ago
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The First Time Out

My first gay sex was with a fellow that I worked with. He and I had done some serious chatting about sexuality and the gay life. This was the following summer from the first time and I was having no luck getting laid and was very horny. Levis was a nice person, openly gay but not effeminate. He was willing to tell a quizzical youth all the tricks of having sex with men and this youth was open to all talks of sex! It was not too long after, that during one of our talks; we got a little drunk and...

3 years ago
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Uncle Ne Mom Ki Chudai School Me Ki 8211 Part 3

Hello..Friends I am Sunny from Vadodra,Gujarat. Pehle to thank you so much for aapne jo meri stories ko like kiya aur kaafi saare mail b kiye aur jyaadatar story apko pasand b aayi. Ase hi aap chudai story padhte rahiye aur muje inspire karte rahiye. Jeseki aapne meri do story me padha ki kese hitesh uncle ne meri mom ki chudai ki unke school me aur hamare ghar par b mom ne unhe blowjob diya ab aage sunie. Aapnko pata hi he ki my mom name is neeta. Figure 34 28 36 aap guess kar sakte hai patli...

1 year ago
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With the number of porn sites growing very rapidly every day finding a good site that is dynamic and offers uniquely quality free content is almost like looking for a needle in a haystack. Believe me, I've been there done that, and I know how much it sucks. Some may interest you, and some may not. Stick around, let’s review Sfico.com and find out whether it’s one of those you bookmark.SFICO's layout is one that is simple if you think about it, a white background with highlights of red and blue....

Porn Aggregators
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Vanessa gets more than she bargained for

Vanessa had it all planned out meticulously. She had taken the day off and planned on doing a bit of last minute shopping before checking into the hotel in the early afternoon. She eventually decided on buying a massive dildo to get her ready for the party. This would give her plenty of time to take a long bath, shave and make herself look as alluring as she could. Her date would arrive about nine and hopefully, as he had said, would be bringing a few friends along as well. He had explained to...

3 years ago
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Wrong Room

Wrong roomMy wife had a friend that was coming to stay with us for a few days. Her name is Laylo, a woman from Central Asia, same as my wife, they both have a middle eastern appearance, and both very beautiful women in their own right. I have fantasized of Laylo whenever I’m with my wife, so you could say she is a cutie. She always wears loose fitting shirts that usually cover her butt, so I wouldn’t even know where to begin as to what she might look like underneath. Her and her husband had...

3 years ago
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Top10 Hot Sex Stories Of June 2021

Dear Readers, here is a list of the hottest stories read in June 2021. Enjoy the stories and share them with your friends to make them hot as well! 1) By: From the days of lockdown, this is my real-life experience of seducing my younger brother. Read about my dirty seduction and how I got fucked like a slut. “I don’t know what happened to you today. You’re behaving so weirdly.” “All I want to say is how about we help each other. I need a cock and you a pussy. You can fuck me as hard as...

3 years ago
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Penny and Chad

Penny was not a shy 16-year-old girl. With fully rounded breasts, a tiny body and a head of curly red hair, she was every high school boys dream. But Penny could care les about those boys. Yes, she had given her fair share of under the bleacher blowjobs and had lost count of how many high school boys had felt her up through her bra, but Penny had her sights set on Mr. Hasselback. Chad Hasselback was 39, a soccer coach with graying blonde hair and abs that could cut glass. Most importantly Chad...

3 years ago
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Power Trip Chapter 5

CHAPTER 5Colin stood in front of the toilet relieving himself through the opening at the tip of his chastity cage. He was growing used to its weight and presence, finding less discomfort from the device every day. He was happy it was Saturday and he didn’t have to go to school; Colin wondered what his step-mother had in store for him, as their sexual activities were often elevated during the weekend.Not that weekdays were uneventful; the week prior, when Colin would return from school in the...

2 years ago
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Far Too Hot Getting Hotter Chapter 1

“This is ridiculous, how can the weather possibly be this hot”?“Here I am, not even wearing a smile and the sweat is just dripping off me. I’d lay down, but I know that whatever I lay on would be wet and awful in no time at all.”“Luckily I shaved my pubes this morning so there is no sweaty hair to drive me mad.”“Mmmm, that feels nice, a bald mound, steaming hot, wet and sticky.”“Mmmm, it tastes nice too. It’s been a while since I frigged myself to a nice strong cum and sucked up the juices...

1 year ago
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Genius FloridusChapter 6

“So what did you learn, Mom?” “Never go to bed with a man on the first date. I sure messed up on that one. I need to spend time getting to know the man and letting him get to know me. Dating should be about enjoying your time together doing things you both enjoy.” “Did you have fun?” “Yes, I did. I took lots of notes.” Bill had taken mom on several dates. He took her out to dinner, the movies, dancing, and the theater. They did just about everything they could do without taking their...

2 years ago
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After The Party Next Door

It had been two weeks since the toy party at her neighbor’shouse. Jackie’s neighbor, Anabel, had a toy party that ended with a twist. The mystery lover’s tongue lapping up the dripping juices from her cunt were still playing over and over in her mind. No matter what she threatened Anabel with, her neighbor had promised not to give her secrets away. Jackie still had fleeting moments where she felt guilty for giving in to the pleasure at the party; Her 15 year marriage to John was a marriage of...

Quickie Sex
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My Slutty Niece Simi 8211 Part II

Have you ever been to a night club Fran asked Simi. No.Come on. I’ll find you something sexy to wear and we’ll go to the Destiny Club tonight. Simi and Fran had disappeared into our room and at 10pm we were at the door of the club. I had 2 extremely beautiful and sexy girls at my arms. The door man grinned at me as we went inside and hit the dance floor. Simi had never tried alcohol before and after only half a breeze she was extremely merry. She danced with a number of men, Fran’s silver dress...

3 years ago
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My Fantasy

Being curious this is what my fantasy would be for my first time.It was a nice night and with football being on the TV decided to take a walk down the local pub to watch it and have a quiet drink so wanders down not too busy but none of the local bunch in so orders a drink and settles down on a bar stool to watch the game.Another guy comes in alone orders a drink and stands at the bar next to me soon both of use being your normal guy's start shouting every now and again at some of the...

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Blackmailed into having his cdren

I received an email from my husband telling my he would Skype me later that night, as he had just bought himself a new computer and had finally, successfully downloaded Skype.He was working in Nigeria and had been away from home for 8 days now, and with communication at a low, Skyping would be a pleasant experience from the usual shitty phone calls we had been using.I was working on the computer that evening when the Skype call cam through, from a guest. I normally don't answer guests, as they...

3 years ago
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Ranma Forever Girl

Ranma - Forever Girl By MellissaLynn "So this is the library," Ranma said to himself. He looked around at the stacks of books all around him and wondered once again why it had taken him so long to do this. A young woman came up to him and said, "Hello, can I help you, sir?" "Where can I find books on magic?" ***** Ranma came in, shouting for everyone to come to the living room where Genma-panda and Soun sat playing Go. "I'm leaving tomorrow," he said when everyone was...

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