Le Foto Di Gaia free porn video

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A partire da una certa età ogni furbo appare pericoloso.

Elias Canetti


- Col cazzo, Nino, quello non è scemo, te lo dico io. –
Nino sbuffò:
- Io non ho detto questo: ho detto solo che è un tipo strano! –
Sul campanile della chiesa principale l’orologio ricordò, ai pochi che ancora si attardavano in quella calda domenica di sole, che era appena passata l’una; al massimo mezz’ora e il centro di Latina si sarebbe del tutto svuotato.
- Vorrei essere strano come lui! – rise Nino – Si è preso la più bella del paese, vive beato e si gode la famiglia. Chi sta meglio di lui? - continuò a seguire con lo sguardo il culo piacevole di Gaia, la moglie del “personaggio” di cui discutevano per passare la domenica mattina.

Era una bella donna, trentacinque anni o poco più, e il marito non era da meno, nonostante i sedici anni in più, rimaneva un bell’uomo: alto, interessante, dalla conversazione piacevole e schietta.
Certo, era venuto dalla città e aveva colto il fiore più bello (questo, ai paesani, non andava giù). Anche quando non avevano nulla da ridire, non si arrendevano, ed ecco che definivano "strana" una situazione che di strano aveva solo un’evidente normalità.
Ciro aprì la portiera alla sua bella signora, qualche volta era anche galante, comunque sempre protettivo e affettuoso con lei.
A differenziarli non c’era solo l’età ma anche l’esperienza, tant’è che spesso la trattava un po’ più da figlia che da dolce metà. Era molto comprensivo con lei e aveva imparato a non pretendere più di quanto potesse dare.
Una volta a bordo si gustò le belle gambe della sua signora che spuntavano, eccitanti, dalla gonna elegantemente corta.
La loro figliola era dalla nonna e Ciro godette al pensiero di un possibile, focoso, dopo pranzo.
Purtroppo, già alle quindici, Gaia si addormentò sul divano ma in una posa talmente discinta, che Ciro ne approfittò per farle una serie di foto di nascosto.
Il suo corpo era esuberante e sensuale. Non aveva tolto la gonna e, di sopra, indossava una canotta a fiori.
I grossi seni trasbordavano gonfi dalla stoffa sottile; Gaia toglieva il reggipetto appena arrivava a casa.
Con la scusa di prendersi cura del suo riposo, Ciro, la aiutò a mettersi più comoda, ponendole un cuscino sotto la testa, però, nel frattempo, fece in modo che la gonna salisse e un capezzolo facesse capolino da una spallina troppo tesata.
Ciro sedette di nuovo a tavola e aspettò alcuni minuti.
Gaia era completamente assopita. Riprese a fotografarla ma con più libidine.
Spostò la gonna affinché le mutandine di sua moglie fossero in bella mostra, quasi inghiottite dallo spacco della sua intimità. Stava per smettere, quando Gaia, si voltò verso la spalliera del divano, scoprendo tutto il sedere.
La gonna salì ancora più su, adesso era solo una fascia, alta sulle natiche, mentre queste, da sotto, esplodevano libere.
Il filo sottile degli slip era ridotto a un perizoma; non faceva che arricchire lo spettacolo. Le gambe piegate in avanti, permisero al marito di s**ttare foto eccezionali del culo e della figa, parzialmente esposta, resa scura dalla naturale peluria.
Ciro intervenne assai delicatamente con le dita, e tirò le mutande verso l’alto, con la trazione, il filo di stoffa penetrò di più tra le carnose grandi labbra della moglie. Gongolava.
Quelle foto eccellenti superavano ogni sua aspettativa, probabilmente, nella loro spontaneità, sarebbero state ancora più belle di tante altre, s**ttate in posa, con Gaia sveglia e partecipe.
Leccandosi i baffi, pensò a quanto piacere gli avrebbero fruttato quelle immagini.
Alla fine, coprì la donna con un lenzuolo e corse in camera sua a riversare le immagini sul PC, per poi cancellarle subito dalla fotocamera, per prudenza.
Poco dopo, nel silenzio del pomeriggio, armeggiando con le immagini di Gaia, si masturbò incapace di resistere.


- Alle quindici lo vado a prendere.– disse Ciro, sperando di indurre la moglie a innescare la solita sequenza.
La ragazza sarebbe stata portata dalla nonna, dove avrebbe passato volentieri il pomeriggio, con i cuginetti; Gaia si sarebbe vestita in maniera provocante e si sarebbe truccata in modo raffinato.
La donna sapeva già come sarebbe andata, la cosa si ripeteva da un paio di anni, quasi una volta al mese: l’ospite avrebbe passato un’oretta con loro, il tempo di un caffè, qualche dolcetto. Si sarebbe chiacchierato del più e del meno; poi suo marito avrebbe detto qualcosa tipo “Beh, noi andiamo nello studio” oppure diceva: “Ci spostiamo in giardino”, e l’avrebbe invitata a seguirli, se voleva.
Gaia era già ammaestrata e doveva rispondere di no, anche se con grande cortesia.
Il marito le aveva spiegato tutto... (o quasi).
I due uomini si ritiravano da qualche parte della casa o del giardino e si trattenevano, indisturbati, in seduta. Gaia non aveva mai capito in cosa consistevano quelle sedute del marito.
Lui diceva che si trattava di una specie di psicologia, che li intervistava in privato per scrivere un trattato, insomma: niente d’interessante per lei. Però un pizzico di curiosità la pervadeva, dato che le cose andavano in maniera un po’ strana.
Le persone che venivano erano sempre diverse, uomini di ogni età e non ritornavano mai. Mai!
Questa era la cosa più strana. Avevano in comune, tutti, lo stesso vizio: la spogliavano, letteralmente, cogli occhi. Di qualsiasi argomento chiacchierassero, quegli uomini se la mangiavano con lo sguardo, e lo facevano in maniera insistente, senza discrezione, insomma. Senza rispetto per il marito.

Quegli strani ospiti guardavano le cosce, i seni, il culo, anche con sfrontatezza. Suo marito lasciava fare, bonario, e la rassicurava, le diceva di non farci caso: quell’esibizione delle sue beltà tornava utile alla terapia. Li rilassava mettendoli a proprio agio e li faceva sentire sicuri di se; in questo modo si abbattevano le barriere create dai loro complessi e dalle loro frustrazioni.
A dire il vero il marito, cui piaceva giocare, a letto con Gaia, commentare gli sguardi vogliosi: era proprio il primo a invitarla a vestirsi in modo provocante, desiderabile.
A quale donna non piace esibirsi un po’? In paese, per strada, era quasi impossibile, troppe malelingue pronte a tagliare, a cucire... in casa sua, con degli estranei che venivano da fuori, per un’ora lei si concedeva i completini più eccentrici, le calze a rete osé, i tacchi a spillo delle scarpe rosse.

“Sarà” pensava però Gaia “ma a me tanto pacifici non sembrano, anzi, danno l’impressione di volermi saltare addosso!”
La cosa non era spiacevole, in fondo. Rompeva la monotonia della vita di provincia e, col tempo, lei stessa ci aveva preso gusto a rendersi più arrapante, quasi volgare, a volte discinta. Tanto, aveva il permesso del marito, che accettava la cosa di buon grado.
Dopo la tradizionale chiacchierata, quasi tutti si ritiravano a malavoglia, in solitudine, con Ciro. Massimo un’ora e andavano via, tranquilli, rilassati.
Tutti avevano bisogno del bagno ma è naturale, poveretti, dovevano fare il viaggio in treno e si sa, quelle toelette le usano tutti gli sporcaccioni.


Lo studio di Francesco era elegante e sobrio.
Erano anni che non si vedevano ma lui fu ugualmente molto gentile con Gaia e l'aspettò, nonostante a quell’ora il suo ufficio fosse chiuso; aveva voluto riceverla in privato, per sottolineare la loro vecchia amicizia e la sua discrezione.

- Quel “gioco” era troppo strano, troppo ricorrente, perché, infine, non mi insospettissi. Per questo motivo mi sono organizzata e ho registrato tutto! –
L’avvocato cercò di capire di più la situazione; ora che avevano superato il limite della soggezione, era meglio parlar chiaro:
- Insomma, Gaia, scusa se te lo chiedo, ma tu non ti eri mai accorta di niente, insomma... nel passato intendo... –
- Capisco la tua perplessità. - rispose - Vedi, Francesco, dopo un paio di anni di matrimonio, mio marito iniziò a farmi certi discorsi... mi istigava. Soprattutto quando ero eccitata, insomma a letto, per intenderci, faceva domande strane. Mi chiedeva se lo avessi mai tradito, mi chiedeva dei rapporti precedenti, poi passò a domande sempre più intime su... – adesso, a freddo, provava un notevole disagio a riferire certi atteggiamenti - Beh, sul pene degli "altri": su come scopavano, come venivano... cose di questo tipo! Questo succedeva nell'intimità. Al momento mi sembrava un modo per cercare l'eccitazione. - Gaia abbassò gli occhi, nonostante Francesco fosse veramente un vecchio amico. Le sembrava che quelle confessioni, piacevoli e innocue nei momenti di passione, divenissero volgari e colpevoli, raccontate a freddo, in un asettico studio legale.
- Poi, una volta si spinse oltre: ci incontrammo con un giovane, un estraneo. Facemmo un giro in macchina e, infine, ci fermammo. Lui mi chiese di sedere dietro, insieme a quello. Lo feci! – guardò Francesco con gli occhi pieni di vergogna – Non giudicarmi male, ti prego, l'idea in quel momento mi intrigava...
Invitò quell’uomo a toccarmi, a prendersi confidenze col mio corpo... con le mie parti intime. Il poveretto non era certo un gigolò, anzi, anche lui era impacciato e timido, credo che a bloccarlo, oltre al fatto che ero un’estranea, fosse anche la presenza di Ciro, che sedeva davanti, imperturbabile.
Ma poi, credo, l’eccitazione ebbe la meglio: quello mi si buttò addosso, mi toccò sempre più le parti intime. Ciro mi aveva fatto mettere una gonna svasata... Fattosi coraggio, iniziò a baciare e a succhiare dappertutto, anche, il mio sesso, diciamo, fino al punto massimo del mio piacere. –
L’avvocato faceva del suo meglio per non lasciarsi coinvolgere dal racconto di Gaia, non era facile resistere; il membro tendeva a farsi duro e lui accavallava sempre più spesso le gambe, per cercare di controllare l’erezione inopportuna.
- Ciro, ascoltava tutto dal sediolino di guida – continuò Gaia -
Disse: “ Perché non ricambi le carezze di...” e fece il nome di quello, ma non me lo ricordo. Ero su di giri! Riuscì a convincermi a tirargli fuori il pene, ricordo che era abbastanza piccolo. Quello ovviamente era già molto eccitato. Quando lo liberai dai pantaloni, Ciro mi invitò a fargli il sesso orale... quello non si trattenne e venne quasi subito, in bocca, non riuscii neppure a tirarmi indietro, anzi. Lui, appena iniziò a godere, mi trattenne per la nuca. - Gaia si agitò sulla sedia, imbarazzata. - Ebbene, sai cosa fece Ciro, dopo? Si voltò in fretta e mi baciò, subito. Non ho dubbi, lo sperma di quello la bevve pure lui, lo fece apposta! -

Gaia continuò; spiegò che poi, a freddo aveva riflettuto su quell’incontro perverso. Al momento le era anche piaciuto ma lei non accettava situazioni così estreme. Da quel momento, aveva fatto di tutto per evitare quel tipo di incontri.
- Ciro, per un po’ cercò di farmi desistere, poi abbassò la guardia e si accontentò di “giocare” tra di noi. Parlavamo sempre di sesso promiscuo, di incontri e di desideri, però si accontentava di farmi foto, piccoli filmati, cose abbastanza innocenti, per una coppia.
Un paio di anni fa, iniziarono le strane visite degli "amici"! –
- Ok! - disse Francesco – Capisco, ritieni sempre opportuno che io guardi il “famoso” video? –
- E certo, - disse Gaia - se non ti disturba... –
- No, no, però devo avvisarti di non crearti false illusioni, difficilmente un filmato ha significato probatorio in Tribunale. -
Gaia gli sorrise:
- France’ io voglio solo lasciarlo... il video l’ho portato per farlo vedere a te, per farti capire quanto è subdola la mente di mio marito. -
La signora consegnò la chiavetta a Francesco e, subito, le immagini cominciarono a scorrere.
Il video ritraeva Ciro che, man mano, prendeva confidenza con un uomo sulla quarantina.
L'altro era restio, un po’ indeciso ma poi, una volta che Ciro gli aveva abbassato i pantaloni, si eccitò e partecipò, senza più problemi, a quella evidente "seduta" omosessuale.
Ciro era quello trainante tra i due uomini; si toccarono reciprocamente il membro, dopo qualche minuto, Ciro si inginocchiò per prendere in bocca l'affare dell'altro, che adesso sembrava non aspettare di meglio.
Il marito di Gaia si appoggiò al tavolo dello studio, offrendo le natiche chiare allo sconosciuto. L’altro ebbe di nuovo qualche reticenza; ci mise molto a penetrarlo, si aiutò con le dita bagnate di saliva.
Il viso di Ciro si fece contratto, ma solo per poco, superato il dolore, accettava egregiamente le spinte del maschio. Al contrario: era evidente che cercasse di inarcarsi meglio per permettere una più profonda penetrazione.
Il rapporto terminò in maniera brutale; l’amico di Ciro si era infoiato e scaricò il suo piacere, dentro, con evidente soddisfazione.
In nemmeno mezz’ora, l’uomo si era fatto Ciro, direttamente in piedi. Mentre questi si asciugava con dei fazzolettini, si massaggiava il sedere, appena profanato. Anche l’uomo si rivestì, soddisfatto.
Adesso la confidenza tra i due era aumentata.
- Quindi me lo prometti: farai del tuo meglio? - disse lo sconosciuto. Nella stanza silenziosa, il microfono aveva registrato fedelmente il loro dialogo.
- Ma scherzi? - rispose lui - E' interesse mio. Te l'ho già spiegato più volte: Gaia ci sta ma non è rapida come noi, come un uomo intendo... lei ha i suoi tempi, deve "digerire" l'idea, capisci? –
L’altro assentì: - Non vedo l’ora di scopartela tutta... – Ciro non si offese ma prese la volgarità come un complimento.
- Non preoccuparti... hai visto le foto, i video che pubblichiamo, no? Le piace, le piace assai... e credo che anche tu gli piaci. Già stasera le parlo di te... la faccio incuriosire, le racconto come scopi... –
L’altro era gongolante e pieno di speranze, aggiunse qualche altra volgarità sulle forme di Gaia.
- Bravo. Hai capito! Hai visto, oggi pomeriggio, come esibiva le cosce? E le calze a rete? Lei sa tutto! Altrimenti perché si sarebbe messa tanto in mostra? E tu le piaci, me l’ha detto prima; già adesso, sono sicuro, sarà pazza di piacere, sapendo che abbiamo fottuto noi. Magari è pure pentita di non avere partecipato...
Sono sicuro, la prossima volta te la faccio scopare, in tutti i buchi! –

Francesco la guardò ambiguo, poi disse: - Amica mia, non sarà facile dimostrare che eri all'oscuro di tutto, vedrai. Per il momento, possiamo solo cornificarlo, per vendetta, come ai vecchi tempi... ricordi? - e si alzò, per farle vedere la patta tesa dei suoi calzoni.
Gaia non si stupì, invece, con gesto lento e disinvolto, si fece scorrere le mutande nere lungo le cosce, fino a lasciarle a terra. Le allontanò coi tacchi a spillo poi si avvicinò lentamente al suo vecchio boy friend:
- Cornificarlo? – ridacchiò la donna mentre gli sbottonava la cintura – Assurdo... se gli raccontassi tutto quello che faremo ne sarebbe entusiasta... ma sono stufa: voglio un vero uomo, adesso. –
Gaia scese e si accovacciò subito davanti a Francesco.
- Solo una cosa: come hai fatto a filmare tutto così bene? E con una telecamera nascosta, poi? – chiese, mentre iniziavano a bruciargli le tempie.
Gaia, controvoglia, si liberò la bocca, appena riempita:
- Telecamera nascosta? – rise di cuore – Ma cosa dici? Mi è bastato chiedere a Ciro... gli ho detto che sarei stata felice di vedere cosa diavolo ci faceva con tutti quegli uomini che venivano a casa.
E infatti: grazie al mio “ex-marito”, comincio già adesso a provare la felicità! -


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By ten thirty Tuesday morning, another one of my previous life's bubbles had been burst. I had always believed, without any evidence to back up that belief, that I could have been a pretty good athlete if I had chosen to participate and practice. My tennis class was quickly disabusing me of that particular notion. We had been paired off by the instructor, and told to practice just getting the balls back over the net. My hitting partner was a young guy like myself, and not someone who looked...

3 years ago
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Stewards Third MissionChapter 6 Detachment

I took a deep breath. “Frank, things are going to happen to you quickly now, and they are going to happen on other people’s timelines. First, do you have a car charger for this phone?” Frank nodded. “Will you please get it right now? This phone is the only link we have with the bad guys, and I don’t want the battery to run out.” When Frank stepped away, I called for help from above,

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English Rose Ch 05

Author’s note: Some of you were unhappy with the turn of events in Chapter 4. While I don’t want to give anything away I do hope that you’ll stay with us through to the end. A special thank you to all those that encouraged me to continue the story the way I wanted to. Please know that this chapter was written the way I always intended it. * Sabrina’s affair with Marcus began with dinner. His carriage came for her promptly at eight and delivered her to his townhouse a short time later. ...

2 years ago
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Cumming With Daddy but Someones Watching

My mom was out of town for a whole 2 weeks which was good news for me and my Dad. This meant we could fuck all over the house. He could take me anywhere he wanted and spread my legs in plain sight up on the dining room table if so desired. I found that arousing as hell. Friday night he said he had plans for us. I got dressed for our date smiling and ready for a nice evening. When I came downstairs though, my dad frowned. "What's wrong Daddy?" He grinned a wicked grin. "Nothing is wrong...

1 year ago
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Dans le Murs Part 14

Dans le Murs – Part XIV Synopsis: Colin has returned to Lille encountering the mysterious Fatima on the way. As Grand master Designate he is required to conduct an interrogation into a possible infiltration. The methods used by the interrogators are extreme and Colin is forced to justify their use to his own conscience. During this encounter he challenges the future role of Lalith, the Grand Priestess. The pair return to the Grand Master to report. Now read on. Part 14 – Defectives and...

Erotic Fiction
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Dulcie and DeliaChapter 3

Probably Bert Westwood and Delia Cooper were equally surprised at how well they adjusted to living in the same house. By Friday, when Delia was to accompany Dulcie to HMP Whitemoor, though it had only been a couple of days, Bert thought he'd miss her presence; she'd be away most of the day. Similarly, Delia had become quite an admirer of the old soldier. She ... who had never known anything more demanding or dangerous than those ... orgies ... listened as he spoke of the jungles of Borneo,...

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Pauls Introduction

Even though I was a football lineman in high school and then at a small college, I always knew I had an urge for womens clothes and being submissive. I recall having thoughts of being in a cage in my parents back yard as my friends played hide and seek. I used to snitch stuff and then go into the woods to an abandon house to dress up. The risk of being found and used was such a rush. But there was one Halloween - I was probably 16 or 17, I mustered up the courage to go out trick or...

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Embrace the Dark My Beloved Part One

Embrace the Dark, My Beloved: Part One by Brindle Chase At last the annoying claxon ceased its shrieking blare. I assumed another nocturnal beast had tripped our perimeter alarm. It was a weekly occurrence I had become used to. That horrific noise definitely needed to be replaced with something less nerve grinding. Across the vast complex, I heard the rear kitchen door open. Tuning my focus to the faint noises coming from there, I could make out the familiar clicking of Nicole’s stiletto...

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Kim Possible 1

Kim Possible was lying naked in her bed. Her face was a little red, her breath was shortened, her nipples were pointing straight up in the air and had a familiar wetness between her legs. The same moisture she’d had five mornings in a row. Caused by the same dream, every night. In the dream, Kim was tied on the bed nude with her legs spread wide. Standing next to the bed Drakken's sidekick, Shego. She was also nude, except for her mischievous smile. Kim was not feeling scared,...

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Amys Indecent Proposal Part IV

Amy was small and light in John's arms during their short journey into the bedroom, her body still glistening from the torrent of his semen that had just been cast upon it and her perfectly rounded breasts sticking to each other in her half worn bra. John gently laid her down upon an enormous bed before carefully placing a pillow beneath her head.  Lifting Amy's slender leg, John removed one of her spiked heels before repeating the motion with her other leg. Next her garters were effortlessly...

4 years ago
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Naughty Girlfriend Part 2

I pushed my palms under her pants, exploring her pussy and stroking her inner thighs. I finger fucked her and asked whether she liked exposing, she said she enjoyed and leaked when that guy stared at her partially exposed one boob. She became shy and smiled back, I lifted her by squeezing and pressing her bare whitish ass and I made her to sit on a coffee table and I sat on the chair facing her swollen inviting hairless pussy. I started to roll on my tongue between the gap and pushing my tongue...

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Two for One Deal

For a long time now, I've loved the idea of eating my wife's pussy right after I cum inside her. I fantasize about it practically every time we have sex, but unfortunately, as soon as I cum I lose interest completely. In fact, after I cum the idea repels me. I've mentioned this fantasy to Pam, and much to my surprise it turned her on at least as much as it does me. She even tried to force the issue, sitting on my face and trying to make me lick her clean. I went into a sort of panic, almost bit...

2 years ago
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The Archmage and the Coin of Abraxis

My name is Alexander Sanna and I'm a wizard...a real one and I'm over two thousand years old. Magic is all around us, no matter where we are magic is having some kind of a role in our lives and mostly only magic user's can even sense it. My full name with titles is Alexander Nikolas Sanna Archmage of the Grand Court and the keeper of the archives. For the most part once you learn how to use it magic is ridiculously easy to use, at least the everyday stuff like moving books around...

2 years ago
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House rules

I sit naked on a wooden kitchen chair, I becon you over and you come, your head down for the shame and contrition you feel. I am naked as is the house rule and you too are naked apart from the vanity you are to be punished for, a shiny black latex brassiere.You sit accross me like a naughty daughter, your small round bottom pressed onto my lap as I begin to reprimand you for you breach of the house rules.You squirm as you feel my long fat cock begin to stiffen under your crotch and as you feel...

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Sunday Comes

>>>>>After having watched my wife fuck another twice the week before, I anxiously awaited Sunday, when our new friend would stop by again. The fact that my wife had met with him without me on Friday and never mentioned it, made me feel funny, but it was still making me horny as hell. Scheduled to have dinner at 6:00, Greg showed up early. It was just past 4:00. He nodded at me when he came in and...

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Christmas Break

Feedback is appreciated. Oh, how I love the hustle and bustle of Christmas. Nothing is better than ten days off from work, holiday vacations, tasty treats, and… oh yeah – the Christmas shopping. The mall is always packed with beautiful Holiday treats this time of year, making it the perfect time for me to do some shopping. I decided to start in the food court and slowly work my way around to all of the hip fashion stores. There was no need to rush; after all, I didn’t want to bring...

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TeensLoveAnal Jillian Janson Surprise Poolside Anal

Chad noticed his girlfriend lounging by the poolsoonhe arrived home. He took his sunglasses off for a better look, and it turns out she was fingering herself. She must have been missing him all day, the least he can do is go help her out. Chad immediately starts to assist her, then goes somewhere he has never gone before. Right into Jillians pristine little brown hole. Her eyes nearly popped out of her headhis thumb penetrated her, but she couldnt help to love it. Chad continued to ram her...

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My Wifes Younger sister

My wife and I had met in college in Kansas. We both were good students and were employed when we graduated.I took a job at an architectural firm near Santa Barbara and Linda is a flight Attendant.We both really enjoy the California lifestyle although it a bit crazy for me. Linda is more of a free spirit. I remember our first real vacation in Spain. We headed to the beach the first day there and I was shocked as she started taking off her top."What are you doing" she said as I tried to pull her...

1 year ago
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BlackValleyGirls Kendall Woods Riley King Dark Sexy And Scandalous

Kendall Woods has not only a loving boyfriend, but also a beautiful black side piece named Riley King! Kendall picked her up after school one day for a surprise. She wanted her to come sleep over. But would her boyfriend approve? Of course he would. Kendall told him Riley is her sister, and they look enough alike to fool him. After introducing Riley the girls booked it to one of the bedrooms for some quick playtime. The next morning Riley was feeling lonely and snuck into Kendall and Bricks...

3 years ago
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Seduced My Mami And Fucked Her 8211 Part 2

Hi readers I am back with my second story since you have read about my first story seduced my mami and fucked her this is the continuation of my story… So new ones must read my first story then read this.. I am Kunal and having 7″ tool and my mami stats 34-30-36 it will be more fun… So coming back to the story To us din sham ko jab unka beta aaya hamne noraml behave kia.. Aur ham sab tv dekne lage.. V dekte samay meine mami ke boobs ko pakad rakaha tha unke sari ke under se aur unka beta mere...

4 years ago
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I was very horny

I woke up feeling pretty horny and wanted to suck cock and get fucked last week. I remember a friend told me of Parrot’s Bay Conservation area where a lot of guys cruised, so I thought I check it out. So I showered and put on some of my sexiest panties and a nice pair of stockings. I love to dress and become a little cum slut. I just love sucking cock and swallowing cum and I love having my willing ass fucked. I drove to the park and went to the area my friend said where all the fun is. There...

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Italian babe

Introduction: Victoria: Let me know what you guys think,) Victoria was in this black strapless dress that barely came down to her mid-thigh, it was hugging every curve of her body.. It seemed to barely cover her tits, this dress was meant to steal attention and it definitely was doing that. Her beautiful auburn hair falling over her shoulders. Wearing black high heels, made her ass pop out of her dress. She mustve seen my jaw dropped because she just smiled and let herself in her ass rubbed up...

5 years ago
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In the movies

This is the account of experience of mine.We met and hugged and he kissed me softly on the lips and said Hi. We weren't seeing each other anymore but we enjoyed going to the movies together. We went inside and climbed all the way to the top to sit in the back row towards one side in the corner and he sat by the wall. I really didn't think much of why he sat there at first but just figured because he was walking in front. Of course later I find out he had an ulterior motive ;) We just sat there...

2 years ago
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Fast Food Late

It was already mid-afternoon on a Thursday when I received the call. I run a computer warehouse in which we stock an astounding variety of components. As a result we've developed a goodly clientèle of people who require parts that seldom get into the average household personal computer. The caller was one of the best of these clients. He was the manager of a sizable manufacturing plant located on the edge of a little sleepy town about a two-hour drive upstate from us. The plant relied on a...

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Taking care of my sick sweetheart

This happened quite some time ago, back when I was still a teenager in school, right smack in the middle of that golden age where you'd still be exploring your own personality, but absolutely couldn't wait to start exploring another person's body all at the same time. This other person, let's call her Annette, had been in my life for a few months already up to this point. From that first feeble, trembling kiss shortly after we met, we had lost enough of our shyness to finally dare touch each...

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Snakes and Kittens

Draco had decided to take a late night bath in the prefects bathroom but he had not been the only one with that plan.The Slytherin prefect had been in just his bath-towel and just about to put on the taps when he heard one of the three most annoying voices inside of the castle´s walls. mudblood Granger. Draco snatched his wand that had been laying on top of his school clothes and robes and did the first thing he could think of, a disillusionment charm that he had been practicing for a few weeks...

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This vacation was turning out to be a disaster, no, that wasn’t quite right, more like a big disappointment, but however you described it, Melinda was wishing that she was back home in the states rather than being alone in even such an exotic location as Naples!!! The food was great, the sights were even better, but she was just so damned lonely she could hardly stand it, because after having lived with Josh for the past three years, their break up had almost crushed her spirit!!! Her best...

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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter VIII Prissys Perfection

This is the FINAL Chapter of a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than many others. It is a coming of age series with lacy trimmings and sweet creamy endings. There is sugar and spice and everything sissy-nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy milk-sop behavior and a little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual...

4 years ago
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Journey From Best Friends To Fuck Friends Part 2

Hello Guys, This is Mohit back in action. Thanks for all your responses on the first part even though it didn’t have erotic content. I got many mails asking what had happened after it. Without wasting much time, here is the next part. For those who have not read my first part, the link is on top. We both lied on the bed and she slowly came and hugged me. I reciprocated and kissed on her forehead. We lied in there like that for some time and she slowly drifted into sleep. I was feeling horny but...

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SusanChapter 7

Susan was feeling at least a little better when she drove the Cavalier back downtown. She really hadn't made up her mind about where she wanted to go to college, although she was pretty sure it wasn't going to be to Riverside, anyway. It was one of those things that she had to make up her mind on in the next few months, but for now her options were still pretty wide open. She was aware of the fact that most kids spent a lot of time in their junior year working on that issue, at least...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 21

Roberta, Fran, and I talked all afternoon. They acted like they had nowhere to be, nothing pressing to do, and nobody for whom to do it. Talking for hours and hours lets you start to understand someone, and as I got to know the two of them, I found myself wanting to know them better. I passed the time hearing Roberta tell me about her childhood and early adult years. "My father left us when I was small, and mom had to work crazy hours to keep the roof over our heads. If it hadn't been for...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 15 New Experiences

Over breakfast, Lori and I put together a short shopping list. Just a few things for me to get when I got home that afternoon; vegetables, bread and butter, cheese, milk, plus whatever meat looked reasonable at the butcher’s shop. “Get some more of those great sausages we had the other week if they’ve still got them,” she said. “And maybe a roast; we could have that tomorrow night when Megan’s here. Get a leg of lamb if the price isn’t too outrageous, or a rolled roast of beef. Just see what...

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My Very Nice Niece

My Very Nice Niece By: A. W. Chohan The bedroom door creaked open slowly. Julie, my teen niece stood there in her dress. Her white cotton blouse, normally fastened meticulously to the neck, was now open showing the uplift of her lively breasts which had grown adequately since I had last seen her to a nice tight stretch across her chest. Her short grey skirt was cut well above her knee showing a nice spread of long teenage leg. ‘I am sure you would like some coffee, uncle.’ She said smiling...

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Lockdown With MotherInLaw And Wife During Summer 8211 Part 2

This is the second part of my story and a continuation of the first part. Around 15000 likes and 2400 critics for my first part is the only reason for writing part 2. Thanks for the likes and critics. During the whole day, my mother-in-law felt shy to talk to me. But what happened in the night triggered some kind of unknown sexual tension between us. Even though we didn’t talk, we exchanged looks a lot of times. We will be in our respective rooms usually if nothing is there to talk but this...

4 years ago
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The Neighborhood MILF Wanda

My marriage to DJ has had it’s ups and downs, but we’ve always seemed to make it work with our open, honest relationship. He’s supported me, when I told him I wanted to explore my lesbian fantasies, and he has the freedom to pursue other women as well. We’ve even killed two birds with one stone by enjoying a few threesomes with some of my friends, who were looking for a little something to spice up their own lives.DJ recently confessed to me that our friend Wanda has been coming on to him and...

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It Was His Mistake So Why Am I Dressed This Way

It Was His Mistake So Why Am I Dressed Like This? By Patricia Marie Allen Based on One Small Mistake, by Rachel Ann Cooper, a story posted on this site. If you haven?t read it, you really should. Prologue You may have read about my friend Cory?s mistake the got him a closet full of girls clothes, but if not, I?ll bring you up to speed. It happened at the beginning of summer our eighth grade year. We were older kids now and had...

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Sex At Sonia Home 8211 Part II

Well dosto apni story ko pura krte hua main aage ki story likh raha hu.. umid hai aap mein se kaiyo ne meri story padhi hogi.. n kaiyo ko achi ya bkvas lagi hogai.. maine to jo us din hua use words mein likhne ki koshish ki hai.. baki man na ya na man na to aap sabhi pr depend krta hai hna. So, my name is rajan from patiala, punjab,, handsome n good looking boy.. with a dick 6″ 2.5″. n my darling hot n sexy Sonia uski kya tarif kru words kam pad jaenge uski tariff mein. Sonia jo k bhot he sexy...

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Public Restroom True story

My then bf and I were at the hospital, had to wait anhour for them to fill the Rx they gave him.. I knew he would get anxious, doesn't like sitting around so I got the bright idea of how to keep him happy. I took him into the lady's public restroom. Inside a stall I started to suck his cock while he was seated and i was on my knees (sort of)... As I was working on, people kept coming in and using the restroom, running the loud sinks and talking, etc., women and sometimes their c***dren so we...

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The Sacred Band Ch 09

I had not realised how much I was victim of my childish arrogance until I met Denise. I had been used to being one of the two or three prettiest girls in school, and, being good at games, a bit of a leader. In fact, I must confess that when Mary Holland was made Head Girl instead of me, I was filled with jealousy. I kept it well hidden up to the time when we had an inter-house hockey match and I shoulder-charged her so hard that she broke her collar-bone. I can’t say I had any pity for her....

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Jacinta part 15

"Ahh!" I screech as my 'seat' slides across the ground, threatening to tip me on my backside with every movement it makes. "Jeez- how did I let you talk me into this again?" "You said you wanted a Valentine's date that was truly unique," the young Welshman replies with an almost sadistic chuckle as he fiddles with his controls. "I guarantee you, this is something no one will have ever done before!" "There's a reason for that!" I complain, grimacing as I feel the cold February air...


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