Le Foto Di Gaia free porn video

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A partire da una certa età ogni furbo appare pericoloso.

Elias Canetti


- Col cazzo, Nino, quello non è scemo, te lo dico io. –
Nino sbuffò:
- Io non ho detto questo: ho detto solo che è un tipo strano! –
Sul campanile della chiesa principale l’orologio ricordò, ai pochi che ancora si attardavano in quella calda domenica di sole, che era appena passata l’una; al massimo mezz’ora e il centro di Latina si sarebbe del tutto svuotato.
- Vorrei essere strano come lui! – rise Nino – Si è preso la più bella del paese, vive beato e si gode la famiglia. Chi sta meglio di lui? - continuò a seguire con lo sguardo il culo piacevole di Gaia, la moglie del “personaggio” di cui discutevano per passare la domenica mattina.

Era una bella donna, trentacinque anni o poco più, e il marito non era da meno, nonostante i sedici anni in più, rimaneva un bell’uomo: alto, interessante, dalla conversazione piacevole e schietta.
Certo, era venuto dalla città e aveva colto il fiore più bello (questo, ai paesani, non andava giù). Anche quando non avevano nulla da ridire, non si arrendevano, ed ecco che definivano "strana" una situazione che di strano aveva solo un’evidente normalità.
Ciro aprì la portiera alla sua bella signora, qualche volta era anche galante, comunque sempre protettivo e affettuoso con lei.
A differenziarli non c’era solo l’età ma anche l’esperienza, tant’è che spesso la trattava un po’ più da figlia che da dolce metà. Era molto comprensivo con lei e aveva imparato a non pretendere più di quanto potesse dare.
Una volta a bordo si gustò le belle gambe della sua signora che spuntavano, eccitanti, dalla gonna elegantemente corta.
La loro figliola era dalla nonna e Ciro godette al pensiero di un possibile, focoso, dopo pranzo.
Purtroppo, già alle quindici, Gaia si addormentò sul divano ma in una posa talmente discinta, che Ciro ne approfittò per farle una serie di foto di nascosto.
Il suo corpo era esuberante e sensuale. Non aveva tolto la gonna e, di sopra, indossava una canotta a fiori.
I grossi seni trasbordavano gonfi dalla stoffa sottile; Gaia toglieva il reggipetto appena arrivava a casa.
Con la scusa di prendersi cura del suo riposo, Ciro, la aiutò a mettersi più comoda, ponendole un cuscino sotto la testa, però, nel frattempo, fece in modo che la gonna salisse e un capezzolo facesse capolino da una spallina troppo tesata.
Ciro sedette di nuovo a tavola e aspettò alcuni minuti.
Gaia era completamente assopita. Riprese a fotografarla ma con più libidine.
Spostò la gonna affinché le mutandine di sua moglie fossero in bella mostra, quasi inghiottite dallo spacco della sua intimità. Stava per smettere, quando Gaia, si voltò verso la spalliera del divano, scoprendo tutto il sedere.
La gonna salì ancora più su, adesso era solo una fascia, alta sulle natiche, mentre queste, da sotto, esplodevano libere.
Il filo sottile degli slip era ridotto a un perizoma; non faceva che arricchire lo spettacolo. Le gambe piegate in avanti, permisero al marito di s**ttare foto eccezionali del culo e della figa, parzialmente esposta, resa scura dalla naturale peluria.
Ciro intervenne assai delicatamente con le dita, e tirò le mutande verso l’alto, con la trazione, il filo di stoffa penetrò di più tra le carnose grandi labbra della moglie. Gongolava.
Quelle foto eccellenti superavano ogni sua aspettativa, probabilmente, nella loro spontaneità, sarebbero state ancora più belle di tante altre, s**ttate in posa, con Gaia sveglia e partecipe.
Leccandosi i baffi, pensò a quanto piacere gli avrebbero fruttato quelle immagini.
Alla fine, coprì la donna con un lenzuolo e corse in camera sua a riversare le immagini sul PC, per poi cancellarle subito dalla fotocamera, per prudenza.
Poco dopo, nel silenzio del pomeriggio, armeggiando con le immagini di Gaia, si masturbò incapace di resistere.


- Alle quindici lo vado a prendere.– disse Ciro, sperando di indurre la moglie a innescare la solita sequenza.
La ragazza sarebbe stata portata dalla nonna, dove avrebbe passato volentieri il pomeriggio, con i cuginetti; Gaia si sarebbe vestita in maniera provocante e si sarebbe truccata in modo raffinato.
La donna sapeva già come sarebbe andata, la cosa si ripeteva da un paio di anni, quasi una volta al mese: l’ospite avrebbe passato un’oretta con loro, il tempo di un caffè, qualche dolcetto. Si sarebbe chiacchierato del più e del meno; poi suo marito avrebbe detto qualcosa tipo “Beh, noi andiamo nello studio” oppure diceva: “Ci spostiamo in giardino”, e l’avrebbe invitata a seguirli, se voleva.
Gaia era già ammaestrata e doveva rispondere di no, anche se con grande cortesia.
Il marito le aveva spiegato tutto... (o quasi).
I due uomini si ritiravano da qualche parte della casa o del giardino e si trattenevano, indisturbati, in seduta. Gaia non aveva mai capito in cosa consistevano quelle sedute del marito.
Lui diceva che si trattava di una specie di psicologia, che li intervistava in privato per scrivere un trattato, insomma: niente d’interessante per lei. Però un pizzico di curiosità la pervadeva, dato che le cose andavano in maniera un po’ strana.
Le persone che venivano erano sempre diverse, uomini di ogni età e non ritornavano mai. Mai!
Questa era la cosa più strana. Avevano in comune, tutti, lo stesso vizio: la spogliavano, letteralmente, cogli occhi. Di qualsiasi argomento chiacchierassero, quegli uomini se la mangiavano con lo sguardo, e lo facevano in maniera insistente, senza discrezione, insomma. Senza rispetto per il marito.

Quegli strani ospiti guardavano le cosce, i seni, il culo, anche con sfrontatezza. Suo marito lasciava fare, bonario, e la rassicurava, le diceva di non farci caso: quell’esibizione delle sue beltà tornava utile alla terapia. Li rilassava mettendoli a proprio agio e li faceva sentire sicuri di se; in questo modo si abbattevano le barriere create dai loro complessi e dalle loro frustrazioni.
A dire il vero il marito, cui piaceva giocare, a letto con Gaia, commentare gli sguardi vogliosi: era proprio il primo a invitarla a vestirsi in modo provocante, desiderabile.
A quale donna non piace esibirsi un po’? In paese, per strada, era quasi impossibile, troppe malelingue pronte a tagliare, a cucire... in casa sua, con degli estranei che venivano da fuori, per un’ora lei si concedeva i completini più eccentrici, le calze a rete osé, i tacchi a spillo delle scarpe rosse.

“Sarà” pensava però Gaia “ma a me tanto pacifici non sembrano, anzi, danno l’impressione di volermi saltare addosso!”
La cosa non era spiacevole, in fondo. Rompeva la monotonia della vita di provincia e, col tempo, lei stessa ci aveva preso gusto a rendersi più arrapante, quasi volgare, a volte discinta. Tanto, aveva il permesso del marito, che accettava la cosa di buon grado.
Dopo la tradizionale chiacchierata, quasi tutti si ritiravano a malavoglia, in solitudine, con Ciro. Massimo un’ora e andavano via, tranquilli, rilassati.
Tutti avevano bisogno del bagno ma è naturale, poveretti, dovevano fare il viaggio in treno e si sa, quelle toelette le usano tutti gli sporcaccioni.


Lo studio di Francesco era elegante e sobrio.
Erano anni che non si vedevano ma lui fu ugualmente molto gentile con Gaia e l'aspettò, nonostante a quell’ora il suo ufficio fosse chiuso; aveva voluto riceverla in privato, per sottolineare la loro vecchia amicizia e la sua discrezione.

- Quel “gioco” era troppo strano, troppo ricorrente, perché, infine, non mi insospettissi. Per questo motivo mi sono organizzata e ho registrato tutto! –
L’avvocato cercò di capire di più la situazione; ora che avevano superato il limite della soggezione, era meglio parlar chiaro:
- Insomma, Gaia, scusa se te lo chiedo, ma tu non ti eri mai accorta di niente, insomma... nel passato intendo... –
- Capisco la tua perplessità. - rispose - Vedi, Francesco, dopo un paio di anni di matrimonio, mio marito iniziò a farmi certi discorsi... mi istigava. Soprattutto quando ero eccitata, insomma a letto, per intenderci, faceva domande strane. Mi chiedeva se lo avessi mai tradito, mi chiedeva dei rapporti precedenti, poi passò a domande sempre più intime su... – adesso, a freddo, provava un notevole disagio a riferire certi atteggiamenti - Beh, sul pene degli "altri": su come scopavano, come venivano... cose di questo tipo! Questo succedeva nell'intimità. Al momento mi sembrava un modo per cercare l'eccitazione. - Gaia abbassò gli occhi, nonostante Francesco fosse veramente un vecchio amico. Le sembrava che quelle confessioni, piacevoli e innocue nei momenti di passione, divenissero volgari e colpevoli, raccontate a freddo, in un asettico studio legale.
- Poi, una volta si spinse oltre: ci incontrammo con un giovane, un estraneo. Facemmo un giro in macchina e, infine, ci fermammo. Lui mi chiese di sedere dietro, insieme a quello. Lo feci! – guardò Francesco con gli occhi pieni di vergogna – Non giudicarmi male, ti prego, l'idea in quel momento mi intrigava...
Invitò quell’uomo a toccarmi, a prendersi confidenze col mio corpo... con le mie parti intime. Il poveretto non era certo un gigolò, anzi, anche lui era impacciato e timido, credo che a bloccarlo, oltre al fatto che ero un’estranea, fosse anche la presenza di Ciro, che sedeva davanti, imperturbabile.
Ma poi, credo, l’eccitazione ebbe la meglio: quello mi si buttò addosso, mi toccò sempre più le parti intime. Ciro mi aveva fatto mettere una gonna svasata... Fattosi coraggio, iniziò a baciare e a succhiare dappertutto, anche, il mio sesso, diciamo, fino al punto massimo del mio piacere. –
L’avvocato faceva del suo meglio per non lasciarsi coinvolgere dal racconto di Gaia, non era facile resistere; il membro tendeva a farsi duro e lui accavallava sempre più spesso le gambe, per cercare di controllare l’erezione inopportuna.
- Ciro, ascoltava tutto dal sediolino di guida – continuò Gaia -
Disse: “ Perché non ricambi le carezze di...” e fece il nome di quello, ma non me lo ricordo. Ero su di giri! Riuscì a convincermi a tirargli fuori il pene, ricordo che era abbastanza piccolo. Quello ovviamente era già molto eccitato. Quando lo liberai dai pantaloni, Ciro mi invitò a fargli il sesso orale... quello non si trattenne e venne quasi subito, in bocca, non riuscii neppure a tirarmi indietro, anzi. Lui, appena iniziò a godere, mi trattenne per la nuca. - Gaia si agitò sulla sedia, imbarazzata. - Ebbene, sai cosa fece Ciro, dopo? Si voltò in fretta e mi baciò, subito. Non ho dubbi, lo sperma di quello la bevve pure lui, lo fece apposta! -

Gaia continuò; spiegò che poi, a freddo aveva riflettuto su quell’incontro perverso. Al momento le era anche piaciuto ma lei non accettava situazioni così estreme. Da quel momento, aveva fatto di tutto per evitare quel tipo di incontri.
- Ciro, per un po’ cercò di farmi desistere, poi abbassò la guardia e si accontentò di “giocare” tra di noi. Parlavamo sempre di sesso promiscuo, di incontri e di desideri, però si accontentava di farmi foto, piccoli filmati, cose abbastanza innocenti, per una coppia.
Un paio di anni fa, iniziarono le strane visite degli "amici"! –
- Ok! - disse Francesco – Capisco, ritieni sempre opportuno che io guardi il “famoso” video? –
- E certo, - disse Gaia - se non ti disturba... –
- No, no, però devo avvisarti di non crearti false illusioni, difficilmente un filmato ha significato probatorio in Tribunale. -
Gaia gli sorrise:
- France’ io voglio solo lasciarlo... il video l’ho portato per farlo vedere a te, per farti capire quanto è subdola la mente di mio marito. -
La signora consegnò la chiavetta a Francesco e, subito, le immagini cominciarono a scorrere.
Il video ritraeva Ciro che, man mano, prendeva confidenza con un uomo sulla quarantina.
L'altro era restio, un po’ indeciso ma poi, una volta che Ciro gli aveva abbassato i pantaloni, si eccitò e partecipò, senza più problemi, a quella evidente "seduta" omosessuale.
Ciro era quello trainante tra i due uomini; si toccarono reciprocamente il membro, dopo qualche minuto, Ciro si inginocchiò per prendere in bocca l'affare dell'altro, che adesso sembrava non aspettare di meglio.
Il marito di Gaia si appoggiò al tavolo dello studio, offrendo le natiche chiare allo sconosciuto. L’altro ebbe di nuovo qualche reticenza; ci mise molto a penetrarlo, si aiutò con le dita bagnate di saliva.
Il viso di Ciro si fece contratto, ma solo per poco, superato il dolore, accettava egregiamente le spinte del maschio. Al contrario: era evidente che cercasse di inarcarsi meglio per permettere una più profonda penetrazione.
Il rapporto terminò in maniera brutale; l’amico di Ciro si era infoiato e scaricò il suo piacere, dentro, con evidente soddisfazione.
In nemmeno mezz’ora, l’uomo si era fatto Ciro, direttamente in piedi. Mentre questi si asciugava con dei fazzolettini, si massaggiava il sedere, appena profanato. Anche l’uomo si rivestì, soddisfatto.
Adesso la confidenza tra i due era aumentata.
- Quindi me lo prometti: farai del tuo meglio? - disse lo sconosciuto. Nella stanza silenziosa, il microfono aveva registrato fedelmente il loro dialogo.
- Ma scherzi? - rispose lui - E' interesse mio. Te l'ho già spiegato più volte: Gaia ci sta ma non è rapida come noi, come un uomo intendo... lei ha i suoi tempi, deve "digerire" l'idea, capisci? –
L’altro assentì: - Non vedo l’ora di scopartela tutta... – Ciro non si offese ma prese la volgarità come un complimento.
- Non preoccuparti... hai visto le foto, i video che pubblichiamo, no? Le piace, le piace assai... e credo che anche tu gli piaci. Già stasera le parlo di te... la faccio incuriosire, le racconto come scopi... –
L’altro era gongolante e pieno di speranze, aggiunse qualche altra volgarità sulle forme di Gaia.
- Bravo. Hai capito! Hai visto, oggi pomeriggio, come esibiva le cosce? E le calze a rete? Lei sa tutto! Altrimenti perché si sarebbe messa tanto in mostra? E tu le piaci, me l’ha detto prima; già adesso, sono sicuro, sarà pazza di piacere, sapendo che abbiamo fottuto noi. Magari è pure pentita di non avere partecipato...
Sono sicuro, la prossima volta te la faccio scopare, in tutti i buchi! –

Francesco la guardò ambiguo, poi disse: - Amica mia, non sarà facile dimostrare che eri all'oscuro di tutto, vedrai. Per il momento, possiamo solo cornificarlo, per vendetta, come ai vecchi tempi... ricordi? - e si alzò, per farle vedere la patta tesa dei suoi calzoni.
Gaia non si stupì, invece, con gesto lento e disinvolto, si fece scorrere le mutande nere lungo le cosce, fino a lasciarle a terra. Le allontanò coi tacchi a spillo poi si avvicinò lentamente al suo vecchio boy friend:
- Cornificarlo? – ridacchiò la donna mentre gli sbottonava la cintura – Assurdo... se gli raccontassi tutto quello che faremo ne sarebbe entusiasta... ma sono stufa: voglio un vero uomo, adesso. –
Gaia scese e si accovacciò subito davanti a Francesco.
- Solo una cosa: come hai fatto a filmare tutto così bene? E con una telecamera nascosta, poi? – chiese, mentre iniziavano a bruciargli le tempie.
Gaia, controvoglia, si liberò la bocca, appena riempita:
- Telecamera nascosta? – rise di cuore – Ma cosa dici? Mi è bastato chiedere a Ciro... gli ho detto che sarei stata felice di vedere cosa diavolo ci faceva con tutti quegli uomini che venivano a casa.
E infatti: grazie al mio “ex-marito”, comincio già adesso a provare la felicità! -


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I looked down at Sylvia, next to me. She was wearing one of those peasant blouses that lets you show a lot of shoulder and chest. "Do they always card you?" I asked. "Only the ones who don't know me. I've gotten in the habit of just handing them my license before they ask. They can't help that I look like a kid." Ned sat next to her, peered discreetly into her cleavage. He said, "Sylvia, nobody in his right mind would confuse you with a teenager. You just don't look the...

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The Widow and The Squaw

We rode into the McAlester ranch south of Black Mountain too late to prevent the carnage. The Comanches were gone and the coyotes and buzzards had started feasting on the bodies of the twenty-one men and boys they'd killed. We let our horses rest and graze in McAlester's grass while we buried what was left of them in shallow graves and piled the rocks high over them. The Captain opened his Bible and said a few words. That was the Comanche way. Kill the men. Take the women and horses and guns...

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Tina the Slut Willingly Services My Friends

Tina the Slut Willingly Services My Friends (If you met my wife you would think she is the most innocent and proper girl you have ever met, Let me tell you more about her.) My wife has a great body and the prettiest smile I have ever seen. I swear she has the most extra sensitive clit, tightest and beautiful pussy I have ever played with on a woman. My wife and I have been together for a long time and we still love each other. She does go out for a quick fuck now and then, but she says it’s...

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Good Grades P6

Lucinda knelt besides me now and looked down at my cock that was buried a couple of inches inside Jacinda's cunt. She gasped and reaching behind and underneath me, she cupped my balls and began to squeeze and massage them, raking her nails across my scrotum too and gently pinching the stretched skin of my sack! "My, my, Mr. Long...I'm impressed...you managed to get that cock of yours inside her...well done..." she reached behind me and took the bottle of lube out of my briefcase and held it up...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess3e10 Stacy 44 hairdresser from London

Series 3, Episode 10: Stacy On one side of the street a row of pre-War three-story buildings – shopfront downstairs, residential apartment/flats above. On the other side of the street, modern four/five level office buildings, and an old train station with a sign outside that reads, “Welcome to Enfield Chase”. We’re in North London to meet our next subject, and she’s a subject who’s worth meeting. Back to those shopfronts – one in particular – Hair By Hottinger. A modest hair and beauty...

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An unexpecting incredible desire

I had never been fucked before, that is to say, I have never had another man inside me. I have had a few “experiences” before, mostly when I was younger, but they were all oral. Wonderful, new and exciting, but all just oral sex. I had always wondered what it would be like, to have a cock inside me, to be fucked and pounded into. To have a man fill my ass with his seed. The chance had just never presented itself. Until I met Miguel. Miguel made no mistake about it, he called himself a “top” and...

3 years ago
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Construction SeductionChapter 9

Moving the washcloth over herself during her shower Ashley soaped her body exciting erogenous spots that always became so prominent when she bathed. She recalled her first day at McClain Construction and how at fourteen she had decided to start asserting her sexual self and trying to gain carnal knowledge with men she had known since she could remember. Her first blowjob was accompanied by a strange kind of oral gratification that would continue to grow as she experienced more men. Her...

2 years ago
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I Think I May Regret This Part 3

After Amber left us Renee and I got out of bed to shower and dress. When we were decent, we went looking for Amber. We found her in one of the spare bedrooms writing in a small binder. I apologized for abandoning her then asked what she'd come up with. She shrugged it off as no big deal and then we started talking about her ideas for the makeover.Renee hovered about interjecting comments regarding the selections Amber had come up with. I listened to her ideas nodding my head when it seemed...

Straight Sex
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Sex in the Office

Geoff put the mail sachet down on the C.E.O.’s massive desk. The pile had continued to grow despite the entire workplace being reduced to three for the Christmas week closure. Turning to leave he found Stacey the high spirited receptionist blocking his exit. “You know Geoff,” she said playing with her peroxide blonde hair. “I’ve always wondered about your big feet. Is it true what they say about men and big feet?” “You show me yours and I’ll show you mine,” Geoff’s instant response....

4 years ago
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The AutoCloset

THE AUTO-CLOSET by Kristen O Prelude A lone figure was accidently transported into the not to distant future using a time machine of his own creation. He emerged in a lady's bedroom filled with futuristic equipment. He did not realize where he was. A machine in the corner of the room caught his eye. The Auto-Closet Part I - Discovery Jack walked up to the curious machine and examined the instrumentation on the panel. A switch was left on marked "enabled". Another...

2 years ago
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The Beginning

THE BEGINNINGbyPiacereI am hesitant about writing this story even though it is true.  Well actually, it is posting the story which causes my concern.  Undoubtedly, I may offend someone, which is not my intention. Then again, if they are reading it here what business do they have being offended by something they found on a bondage fetish site?I am an Italian-American from head to toe.  My Dad was born and raised in the Friuli region north and east of Venice and my Mom, well she is from Sicily....

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My Brothers Babe Part One

My name is Betty. A name for an old lady living in the countryside somewhere, if you ask me. My older brother Brenden used to call me Babe. When I was born, he was three and pronouced my name as "Baby" instead of Betty. Eventually it turned into everyone calling me that, and then it fell short to just Babe. My mom stopped calling me that when my father died though when I was seven. My brother stopped calling me Babe when he was thirteen and realized how inappropriate it might sound to others.As...

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The Slutty Adventures of Carol

I had been home schooled most of my life, my mother and father were over-protective of me. For obvious reasons, but I convinced them to let me start the sixth grade. Now, unlike most 12 year old girls, I wasnt worried about puberty, it came at me like a nuclear bomb. My chest size was 36E, I had to wear a special sports bra just to go to school. I wasnt fat, on the contrary, not including my massive breasts, I looked like any other 12 year old girls, long brown hair tied into pig...

3 years ago
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Cuckhold Fantasy 3

Cuckhold Fantasy 3Susan and I settled into our new lifestyle comfortably. We were both happy and relieved that the sexual tension was gone in our relationship and we could talk openly about it. We had occasional straight sex and enjoyed each other’s company. Privately, we were both masturbating, too.We were out at our favorite Irish Pub again one night when Tom happened to walk-in. He saw us and waved. Susan glowed as he walked over to our table with his pint. “May I join you?”, he asked. My...

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My sister Lindas panties

Growing up in a house with my mom, dad, and an older sister, Linda, I was always treated like I was special. Mom let me have my way most of the time and Linda was always there for me to talk to. I was eighteen and just out of high school. My one fond memory was that I would jack-off using my sister's panties as a thought invoking means to make me very hard and emptying my cock juice into. I was always pulling out my cock whenever I got the chance.I was having one of my, "panties fresh from the...

4 years ago
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Alfresco Orgy

The summer after my seventeenth birthday, my parents let me go away on a week’s camping holiday with three friends: Mandy, Sam and Chris. We’d all been friends since primary school, and though we’d gone off to different secondary schools we’d still kept in touch. Mandy’s parents had an old VW Campervan (how cool is that?) and they agreed to drive us all up to the Lake District for a week. Some old friends of theirs had a farm by Ennerdale Water, and they often used to go up there and pitch a...

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ClubsChapter 4

My mother had a message for me when I got in. Usually, she handles my work diary and phone calls from customers, but this one was different. So was the look she gave me when she passed me the Post-It note. "You didn't say you had a girlfriend." "Oh, hi, Mum," I said, taking the note from her and heading for my bedroom. "I said—" "Yes, well! It seems my secret is out. Though I wouldn't have called her a girlfriend." No, just the mother of my unborn child, your grandson or...

2 years ago
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A Trip

Trip to Visit MasterShe could barely sleep the night before. Her bags were packed perfectly. Every outfit planned. All panty-less of course. Her ticket placed on the counter with her eyes, ready to drive to the air port the next morning. Her suit case, carry on and purse on the kitchen floor next to them ready to be carried out. Her outfit for the next day laid out and ready to be put on. He had instructed her to wear a semi-dangerously short dress, with no panties of course. She woke up before...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Kristy Black Sensual Bath Tub CockRiding

Naughty black-haired babe, Kristy Black, is taking a dip in the tub when her man, Michael Fly got home. The sight of the all-natural bombshell completely naked on the tub made Michael want to join her. The tattooed and pierced babe teases her man to enter the tub. Michael is quick to take off his clothes and join Kristy for a quick dip. Not wanting to waste any more time, Kristy immediately gives Michael a sloppy blowjob. The horny stud returns the pleasure by giving Kristy a sensual pussy...

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the gay doctor

My employer switched health insurance carriers again a few months ago. Soon afterward we all got a memo informing us that we had the option of switching to a new plan with a lower premium. In order to qualify, an employee would have to undergo a complete physical exam to make sure there were no pre-existing conditions.I wasn't too happy about this. Since I'm gay, I'd always had my own physician for my "special" health problems, in order to avoid dealing with the company doctors. If I wanted the...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 417

The first thing I did after Ambassador Abelman and his group left was to call Ambassador Dansky and thank him repeatedly. I even asked what gifts I could bring him from the states. I put the thumb drives in my computer and started reading. There was nothing new on Aadam that I did not already know. Dagar Daharr was another story; there was a trove of information and I did not understand why Frank had so little. In the reading there was reference to reconnaissance being done at the...

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Bear BlowoffPart 2

I didn't know what to say."Well... I." I managed to finally stammer.I don't quite remember later why I had left the room but when I headed toward his bedroom again later I saw he had his jockeys back on and a white t-shirt. I was kinda disappointed."Hehe. I was kind of k**ding back there. You know how I am sometimes."Knowing he is NOT that way at all around me I just nodded, pretending he was always that way.It seemed like the darkness outside lasted forever. It was only 10:30 as I wrestled...

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The Venus Seed

The Venus Seed By: Erapuer - [email protected] In the summer of 2000, a fellow colleague named John Nash and I received a grant from the University of Geneva to study a plant located somewhere in the Amazon rain forest. Fresh out of college, we were determined to prove ourselves within our small scientific community of various botanists and biologists. The plant officially had no name because it had never been documented in any scientific journals but the local word for it...

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A Schoolboys Secrets Day Four A Deep Punishment

Lying in bed last night was rather interesting. Seems the House Leader (never got his name, damn...) is more than people think. I’d never quite had it like that before, I couldn’t help but rolling those memories over in my mind. Although I couldn’t do it too much or I’d never get to sleep without going hard! At least in my mind I had my next target lined up. Dan Ryan, Daniel Taylor Ryan, nicknamed “Pretty Boy” by those he’s well known by. I’ve only heard the name spoken, never really seen...

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Moms love

Adrian walked inside flung his bag down and ran up to his room. He had just gotten home from school and had a monstrous hard-on from fantasizing about the girl who sat in front of him in Biology, Miranda Brantley. Long blond hair, well-rounded ass, nice legs, and big bouncy tits that bounced when she walked. Today she had been wearing a tube top that pushed them together and up. If you looked closely you could almost see her nipples. That thought made him groan. Reaching under his bed and into...

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Hypno Slut 4

Hypno Slut 4 After a day of frustration waiting to finally get my lips around Michaels wonderful cock, I minded not the least as he guided my hand onto James crotch. I was reveling in the feeling as my lips slipped over his large mushroom head and down his shaft. My wanton desire being finally fulfilled after a day of waiting it hardly mattered that he was expecting me to service James after I finished with him. My only thought was on pleasing him and being the best little cock...

2 years ago
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Road Trips for Peter Chapter Two

On the road! Traveling east from central Arkansas I was passing through lots of cotton and rice fields that had been harvested months ago. It was still winter but spring was in the air. The farmers would be out working those fields very soon. I was heading for my next rendezvous with a little Lush friend. My first encounter had been more than worth the whole trip, but I was going to be making myself and many other little cupcakes as happy as I could until the money started running out. So I...

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Love is the Drug

Introduction: A one-off this time. Intro is a little long, but what follows is a very long, very hot three-way. Enjoy Chapter 1 I started drinking when I was way too young. By the time I hit the legal drinking age, I had already been to rehab twice. When I got to 21, I was sober if sober is defined as does not drink alcohol, but in order to not drink alcohol, frequently abuses every manner of illicit substances. Yeah. I was sober. Needless to say, I was a black sheep. My family was wealthy...

2 years ago
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Claiming His Cock Part One

"Ms. Hintern, your next appointment is here. Shall I send him in?"  Molly, her bookkeeper and receptionist, stands in the doorway in her 'date night' attire - a sexy, but somehow still work appropriate little emerald dress paired with smokey eyeshadow and juicy lip gloss. Everything the woman wears out is meticulously chosen to enhance her naturally golden skin and exotic appearance. From what Ms. Hintern can tell, she gets satisfactory results. "Ms. Hintern? Your appointment with Simon...

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Fans Have Eyes

Fans Have EyesIt was early evening, the sun had set and the darkness was enveloping the air. I had been walking on one of the many trails on the farm just relaxing. I came around one bend in a deeply forested area when I noticed an eerie light flashing just off to the side of the trail. I stepped closer and realized the light was coming from the caretaker's bungalow. I should explain some, my father is a financial advisor with many wealthy clients. As the result of one of his clients passing...

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SiliqueChapter 4 Contact

Trat's command module managed to climb out of its hole just 3 days after the birth of the colony. Moving closer to the earthling birthing camp made surveillance possible. Trat had no protocol to follow based on the situation he found there. The entire population of Golan was effectively in military and medical quarantine. His command module was not equipped to fight. His ship was not supplied with enough equipment for himself and the infants to remain hidden. The plan called for the...

1 year ago
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Reddit Handjobs, aka r/Handjobs! I know many of you guys like blowjobs way more than you enjoy handjobs, but if we were to just give handjobs a shot at fascinating us, I think that most of us would feel more than grateful that handjobs exist. I don’t believe that these wonderful things get enough attention from people. So to compensate for that and perhaps give handjobs a little bit of love, I’m going to introduce you guys to a subreddit that is all about handjobs. It’s called, well,...

Reddit NSFW List
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Bondage Club

My husband is a raunchy stud whom I love dearly, especially with my vagina. We've never pretended that sex was not the best part of our relationship, though we can keep ourselves somewhat in control under most circumstances. We also have what goes way beyond a merely open marriage. That's something we keep secret from our neighbors and the other parents. Things may get complicated when the kids get old enough to figure out what's going on. But for now that isn't a...

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My first Forced Femme Crossdressing experience wit

Forced Femme CrossdressingForced Femme Crossdressing had never crossed my mind. Certainly not that day.  I had been lounging in my PJs one evening early last December. My fiancé Melissa was working 2nd shift rotation. When her best friend Dawn showed up at our front door. She invited herself in when I opened it. When Dawn and I are alone, she always teases me about my bisexual tendencies. It was my own fault for letting them slip one night when I had way too much to drink. Which Melissa had...

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Family Circus

I didn’t even bother knocking. Testing the door, I discovered it was unlocked and walked straight in. Thank god for Canadians, I chuckled to myself, admiring the photos on the wall. Two girls - twins, by the look of them - and a son. And, of course, Mom and Dad, standing in the family portrait, with their arms proudly around each other. A perfect nuclear family. There’s nothing I enjoy playing with more. They were even having dinner together. I could’t believe it - the son must have been a...

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using angie

Tricia and I shared a friends with benefits type of relationship. However, since we lived about 2 hours apart we usually met only once or twice a month for a day or weekend at a hotel somewhere about an hour away from each of us to share some orgasmic fun together. Tricia was bi-sexual and her apartment roomate (Angie) was also one of her lover's. Tricia eventually introduced me to Angie and we started enjoying some occasional threesome's. At the time, Tricia and I were in our late 30's and...

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How I Got My Sugar Daddy

Chapter 1 I was the first in my family to go to college and it was something that I had wanted ever since I was a little girl. My family didn’t have a lot of money, so I worked during each summer, scrimping and saving for the fall and my return to school. It was summer and I was between my sophomore and junior years, now passing the halfway point in my college life and I was again working at a nearby resort as I had the year before. My duties did vary some but I mostly clerked behind the desk...

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The Widow Wore BlackChapter 5

(The Paris Express) It had become far too dangerous to keep the radio in the farmhouse any longer because the Nazis had begun to search every farmhouse in the area. Several of the rural community had already been put on transports to the East just for not being able to prove non-Jewish roots or for having some sort of contraband like a World War I captured weapon or a radio capable of bringing in the BBC. Honey was certain eventually the Gestapo would stumble on the resistance group because...

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DNAChapter 3

Jim ran his hand over his curving stomach and probed the strange folds of his vagina, how in the name of God was a baby supposed to fit through that? Well you might get to find out, said a corner of his mind. He thrust that away, the chances of him getting pregnant were small, he decided. I've only had sex as a girl once and you are always hearing of couples who can't get pregnant, he thought. In a corner of his mind a voice was saying, but what if you are? He ignored it and got dressed....

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