La Senorita De Muerte
- 4 years ago
- 35
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Michelle estaba acabando de prepararse para el combate. Su atuendo y aspecto no eran los habituales para luchar, pero tampoco era un evento habitual. Vest?a con un top de color azul el?ctrico, bastante ajustado, con escote en forma de V, que dejaba ver la forma de unos pechos bien redondeados, firmes, probablemente de talla noventa. No cubr?a sin embargo el vientre, con abdominales definidas, aunque no tanto como para ganarle el apelativo de "musculosa". Atl?tica le sentar?a mejor. En la parte inferior luc?a unas mallas ajustadas que llegaban hasta mitad de la pantorrilla, del mismo color que el top. Ese era todo el atuendo. Ni calzado ni protecciones en las manos. Ni siquiera se hab?a colocado vendajes en las mu?ecas, sin embargo llevaba las u?as pintadas de color rojo oscuro. Hab?a m?s particularidades. Michelle llevaba algo de maquillaje, una capa fina para esconder algunas pecas, un poco de sombra de ojos, y los labios pintados de rosa suave. Nada estrafalario, solo curioso dadas las circunstancias.
Tambi?n era curioso encontrarse con una luchadora tan bella. Rubia natural, de esas cuyas cejas apenas pueden verse salvo cuando estas a unos pocos cent?metros. A?n as? se te??a para tener la melena a?n m?s rubia, de color muy claro. El pelo se le rizaba un poco, pero en ese momento lo llevaba recogido en una larga cola que ca?a desde la coronilla hasta mitad de la espalda. No deb?a molestarle ni cubrirle los ojos, dos preciosos ojos azules, un tanto alargados, que hac?an las delicias de quien pudiese pararse a contemplarlos. Estaban enmarcados en un rostro casi angelical, con las mejillas un poco redondeadas que de alg?n modo encajaban con una cara angulosa. Ten?a la piel morena, lo cual era normal, siempre entrenaba en la playa, a primera hora de la ma?ana, cuando no pod?an molestarla? ni disfrutar de sus sensuales formas, pues muchos habr?an pagado por ver su trasero, tambi?n firme, resping?n de buen tama?o, aunque menos espectacular que los pechos. Era una mujer cerca de la treintena, joven y fuerte. Un placer para los ojos.
No, desde luego no ten?a aspecto de luchadora, tampoco de profesora de primaria, sin embargo era ambas cosas.
Mientras estiraba, escuch? pasos, tacones, a su espalda. No le hizo falta darse la vuelta para saber que se trataba de Gail, su amiga de toda la vida. Ambas ten?an la misma edad, veintimuchos. All? acababan las similitudes f?sicas. Mientras que Michelle med?a algo m?s de metro setenta, Gail era varios cent?metros m?s bajita. En el barrio sol?an bromear llam?ndola la "negra m?s blanca de la ciudad", y le hac?a justicia, pues su piel resultaba bastante clara para ser una mujer de color. Era m?s voluptuosa que Michelle, con senos m?s grandes (si bien un poco ca?dos) , caderas m?s anchas, y posaderas m?s redondeadas. Su constituci?n no era atl?tica, pero aunque no estuviese tan en forma, no le sobraba un solo kilo. La clase de mujer que tan solo necesitaba cuidarse un poco para estar perfecta. Llevaba el pelo liso, como siempre, con la raya en medio, cayendo hacia la espalda desde ambos lados del rostro sin cubrir sus facciones. Los labios, pintados de rojo oscuro, eran carnosos, sensuales. Los ojos, no muy grandes, de color marr?n oscuro, casi negro. Cara redondeada, femenina, con el ce?o un poco fruncido por la preocupaci?n.
Exig?an cierta etiqueta para entrar, incluso a los acompa?antes de luchadores y luchadoras. Gail luc?a un vestido ce?ido de tirantes, negro con algunos adornos bordados en rojo. La falda llegaba a la mitad del muslo, permitiendo exhibir unas piernas bonitas cubiertas con medias de color oscuro, enganchadas a un liguero negro que, por el momento, permanec?a oculto a la vista. Remataba el conjunto con zapatos de tac?n y algo de maquillaje.
-Al?grate un poco, o al menos disimula mejor.- As? la recibi? Michelle. - Siempre te preocupas antes de un combate. ?te has ocupado de las apuestas?
-?Apuestas? - respondi? entre enfadada y preocupada. - Es mejor que lo dejes ahora, Michelle.
La rubia se gir? para ver el rostro de su amiga. A Gail nunca le hab?a gustado verla combatir. A pesar de la necesidad, hab?a estado en contra de todo esto desde el principio. En aquel momento era distinto, a?n peor. No se encontr? con una simple mirada de desaprobaci?n. En esa ocasi?n hab?a miedo.
-No vas a empezar otra vez con eso, ?verdad?, ya lo hemos hablado.
-No lo entiendes - interrumpi? Gail algo exasperada. - He ido a apostar, c?mo acordamos. ?Sabes qu? me he encontrado?, ?No se puede apostar por ti! - Michelle se mostr? extra?ada, pero dej? hablar a su amiga. - Permiten apostar cuanto tardar?s antes de rendirte, cuantos golpes le dar?s antes de quedar fuera de combate, cuantos huesos va a romperte. He apostado que aguantas m?s de cinco minutos, porque es lo m?s parecido a la victoria que hab?a, y lo pagan cien a uno. ?Cien a uno! - Intent? razonar una ?ltima vez. - Michelle, d?jalo. A?n estamos a tiempo.
La rubia neg? tajante con la cabeza. Dio unos saltitos para acabar de calentar, e intent? sonre?r de forma tranquilizadora.
-Ya nos han pagado. No aceptar?n que nos vayamos sin m?s. Adem?s, sabes por qu? estamos haciendo esto.
Michelle y Gail no se hab?an criado en el mejor barrio de la ciudad. La gente malviv?a para poder llegar a fin de mes. Los j?venes dejaban el instituto intentando llevar algo de dinero a casa. Gail se esforz? mucho para conseguir una beca y pudo compaginar algunos trabajos de poca importancia con los estudios. Michelle, hija de un gran campe?n, hab?a luchado como semiprofesional adem?s de unos pocos trabajos espor?dicos como modelo. Nada importante en ninguno de los dos casos, solo en el ?mbito local.
Las dos pod?an haber elegido otros destinos, pero se quedaron en el lugar que las vio crecer. Gail, adem?s de su trabajo, hab?a conseguido fundar una peque?a fundaci?n para mantener a adolescentes y j?venes lejos de la calle. No era mucho, tan solo hab?a conseguido alquilar un pabell?n, conseguir algunas canastas, unos cuantos libros? apenas lo justo. Michelle hab?a comenzado a impartir clases en el colegio en que ella misma fue alumna a?os atr?s, y por las tardes ayudaba tambi?n en la fundaci?n.
Aunque fuese duro, hab?an conseguido sacarlo adelante hasta la ?ltima inspecci?n del ayuntamiento. El pabell?n necesitaba reformas importantes para mantenerse en p?e, o lo derribar?an. Nadie en el barrio pod?a reunir tanto dinero, aunque lo hab?an intentado. Fue entonces cuando Michelle decidi? volver a luchar. No ten?a patrocinadores para hacerlo como profesional. Habr?a tardado a?os en empezar a ganar dinero, y eso a pesar de su calidad. Cuando dej? los c?rculos semi profesionales no contaba una sola derrota.
Ambas conoc?an el barrio lo suficiente para haber escuchado hablar de ciertos combates clandestinos. Algunos elementos de la alta sociedad (de su ciudad y de otras) se juntaban en recintos privados para organizar veladas de lucha menos restrictiva que los c?rculos oficiales. Fue Gail quien pens? apostar por Michelle cuanto hab?an conseguido recaudar, y eso que detestaba la idea. El plan funcion? a la perfecci?n.
Michelle era una combatiente excelente. Ninguna otra mujer que se presentase pod?a igualarla. Pronto la fama de la rubia creci? tanto entre aquellos ricachones, que alguno sugiri? enfrentarla a hombres, pesos ligeros. Algo as? ser?a impensable fuera de los combates clandestinos. Dentro era una gran oportunidad porque pagaban bien. Desoyendo las advertencias de Gail, hab?a combatido una vez tras otra. Sus rivales se confiaban y no ten?an demasiada t?cnica, solo agresividad. Atacaban a la cara una vez tras otra mientras ella revoloteaba como un pajarillo a sus alrededores, golpeando piernas, est?magos, ri?ones, y cualquier punto doloroso. Aunque se hab?a llevado un par de buenos sustos, segu?a invicta. Fue entonces cuando recibi? esta ?ltima oferta. Un mill?n por un solo combate. Con ese dinero podr?a pagar la reforma completa, incluso ampliar el pabell?n. Mientras Michelle se emocionaba pensando en ello, Gail se asustaba. Aunque no fuese luchadora estaba al tanto del mundillo, sobretodo de los combates clandestinos. El rival ser?a Oni. No se sab?a demasiado de ?l, ni siquiera su edad. Combat?a llevando una m?scara de porcelana blanca con una gran nariz alargada. Hab?a sido campe?n de artes marciales mixtas tiempo atr?s, hasta que dejaron de contratarle por lesionar gravemente a sus rivales en cada combate. Desde entonces peleaba por todo el pa?s para "gente selecta". Todo un circuito tan lucrativo como los oficiales, pero mucho m?s brutal. No es que Oni siguiese invicto, es que en ocasiones luchaba en cuatro o cinco combates consecutivos la misma noche. No hac?a distinci?n entre hombres o mujeres. En esa misma velada, mientras Michelle a?n se estaba cambiando, Oni hab?a participado en tres de los seis combates ya disputados. Gail desconoc?a los resultados porque a los acompa?antes no se les permit?a salir hasta unos minutos antes del combate de su luchador, pero aquel hombre le daba miedo, y no era el ?nico motivo para tenerlo.
Los organizadores deb?an mantener el anonimato. En cada velada hab?an sido cuidadosos, pero en esta ?ltima rozaban la paranoia m?s absurda. Las hab?an recogido en furgoneta a las afueras de la ciudad. Les hab?an vendado los ojos. Tras horas dando vueltas hab?an llegado al edificio. Un edificio que parec?a destinado solo a espect?culos de esa ?ndole. Nada de un almac?n abandonado ni m?s mansiones con un ring en el jard?n. Era un pabell?n deportivo con instalaciones modernas, con circuito cerrado de televisi?n e inhibidores de m?viles. El ring era una jaula octogonal, amplia, con varios juegos de c?maras en el techo que retransmit?an la imagen a una serie de pantallas gigantes que permit?an ver a todos los espectadores.
Las malas sensaciones no acababan all?. El organizador, Smiley, no le gustaba. Era un tipo de apariencia normal, unos cuarenta a?os, y con el don de la palabra. Recordaba claramente a un mafioso. ?Acaso no era razonable que esto lo organizase la mafia? Siempre iba acompa?ado de dos guardaespaldas enormes, ex soldados rusos seg?n se dec?a. Aunque era un tipo amable. Hab?a ofrecido a Gail ver el combate en el palco, junto a ?l.
-Ya, ?y qu? le digo a tu hermana cuando tenga que llevarla a verte al hospital?
Michelle frunci? el ce?o. Gail la conoc?a demasiado bien. Sab?a atacar donde iba a hacer da?o. Daba igual, la decisi?n estaba tomada.
-Que voy a poder pagarle la universidad
Su hermana, B?rbara, no ten?a el mismo talento para luchar (aunque tambi?n era h?bil), pero era incluso m?s hermosa que ella, as? que tambi?n consegu?a algunos trabajos como modelo. Incluso podr?a intentarlo a un nivel m?s profesional, pero no le interesaba.
-Michelle, en serio, ese tipo me da escalofr?os.
-Te preocupas demasiado. A estas alturas, y todav?a hace esa antigualla de karate. Pero tranquil?zate, si las cosas van mal - dio varias palmadas en su propio muslo - me rindo y ya est?. ?Contenta?
Gail se encontraba a varios kil?metros de estar contenta, pero acab? resign?ndose. Si su amiga iba a luchar, no deb?a desconcentrarla.
La morena lleg? al palco junto a Smiley, quien le esperaba vestido con un smoking negro y pajarita a juego. Los guardaespaldas la dejaron pasar mientras se deleitaban con ella. Lamentaron no tener que registrarla a fondo. Gail no ocultaba demasiado su nerviosismo, y las cosas no mejoraron al escuchar la falsamente c?lida voz del anfitri?n.
-Est? preciosa esta noche.
Ella sonri? por compromiso justo antes de sentarse en la c?moda butaca que le permit?a mirar directamente al ring o a una de las pantallas gigantes. Justo en el centro del ring, una jaula de forma cuadrada, se encontraba Oni, un hombre asi?tico, bastante alto para su raza, vestido con unos pantalones blancos deshilachados, sin camisa, con el pelo largo y blanco, y la famosa m?scara cubriendo el rostro. Un hombre fornido, musculoso sin excesos. Estaba sentado sobre sus talones. La gente lo animaba. Para Gail era una novedad, normalmente animaban a Michelle en cuanto sab?an que iba a combatir. Precisamente la rubia estaba entrando en la Jaula en ese mismo instante.
Michelle recorri? el pasillo hasta la jaula sin prestar mucha atenci?n a las obscenidades que le gritaba el p?blico mayoritariamente masculino. Se planto frente a Oni mientras este se levantaba. El luchador le lanz? tal mirada lasciva que ella se sinti? desnuda durante unos momentos. Tambi?n intent? ignorarlo. Estaba acostumbrada a esas reacciones en los hombres.
A su espalda cerraron la puerta con candado. Ya no hab?a marcha atr?s, pero se sent?a capaz de al menos plantarle cara. No ser?a el primero en llevarse una buena sorpresa con ella. Solo un par de metros separaban a ambos. Nada m?s. Ni ?rbitros ni ning?n otro objeto. Tan solo hab?a algunas c?maras en el techo para grabar toda la acci?n sin perder detalle. La gente no dejaba de gritar animando a Oni. Todos en el p?blico eran gente bastante adinerada, la mayor?a hombres. Seguro que hab?a m?s de un mafioso entre ellos. Michelle les ignor?. Ni siquiera busc? con la vista a Gail. Esper? dando saltitos mientras Oni permanec?a inm?vil. Finalmente son? la campana.
La rubia atac? primero. Corri? directa hacia su rival que la recibi? ?nicamente adoptando una guardia baja mientras flexionaba un poco las piernas. Michelle lanz? una patada contra el lateral de la rodilla. No impact?. Oni levant? la pierna para lanzar su propia patada, frontal, contra el est?mago de Michelle. La luchadora hab?a recibido golpes en el pasado, pero con este sinti? algo distinto. Una miserable patada con la pierna adelantada y casi pudo notar el pie hundi?ndose en el vientre. Consigui? expulsar el aire justo antes, evitando desmayarse, y reaccion? a tiempo para retroceder esquivando as? un directo. El golpe agit? su melena rubia, pero le permiti? lanzar un par de pu?etazos al pecho. El primero impact? limpiamente. El segundo fue bloqueado con fuerza. A diferencia de otros oponentes, el oriental no hab?a puesto su brazo en medio del golpe, hab?a desviado la trayectoria con el antebrazo moviendo con ?l a Michelle que dej? el costado expuesto. Un fuerte pu?etazo cerca del ri??n fue el castigo. Sintiendo el peligro, la rubia rod? hacia delante saliendo as? del radio de alcance enemigo.
El primer lance no hab?a sido nada favorable. Dos golpes as? mermaban mucho las fuerzas, ella lo sab?a. En combates profesionales habr?a pausas entre cada asalto. Nada as? iba a llegar en una lucha ilegal. Seguir?an peg?ndose hasta que uno de los dos perdiese. Ten?a que encontrar la forma de superar la defensa de su enemigo.
Oni no la dej? pensar. En esta ocasi?n se lanz? al ataque. Michelle se agach? para esquivar un primer pu?etazo a la cabeza. Oni gir? sobre s? mismo lanzando una especie de coz que Michelle evit? dando un paso hacia un lado. La rubia aprovech? para lanzar una serie de pu?etazos r?pidos contra el costado del oriental. Consigui? conectar un par e intent? una patada circular hacia la cabeza que Oni evit? con un paso hacia atr?s.
Gail se levant? de la butaca al contemplar los primeros golpes de su compa?era. Era la ?nica en el p?blico que lo hac?a, pero grit? para darle ?nimos. Eso no afect? en nada a los dem?s. Segu?an prefiriendo ver a Oni llev?ndose la victoria.
Michelle volvi? a atacar con una serie de r?pidos pu?etazos y patadas. Ninguno lleg? a impactar correctamente. Todos eran bloqueados o esquivados sistem?ticamente. Adem?s, cada bloqueo la hac?a descolocarse. Necesitaba reaccionar r?pido para no recibir un contra golpe. Lo importante era que poco a poco estaba consiguiendo hacer retroceder m?s y m?s a su adversario. Solo necesitaba conectar un gran golpe, uno demoledor, y esto habr?a acabado. No pod?a prolongarlo, tan solo hab?a recibido dos impactos, pero ya le faltaba la respiraci?n. Deb?a acabar con el monstruo cuanto antes. No lo conseguir?a con pu?etazos mal conectados, pero cualquier patada era repelida con una facilidad insultante. Fue cuando puso a trabajar toda su inmensa agilidad. Teniendo a Oni con la espalda cerca de la verja, salt? contra esta levant?ndose m?s de un metro sobre el suelo, pasando por al lado del oriental. Apoy? la pierna derecha en la propia verja para tomar fuerza y lanzarla contra el rostro de su enemigo. La patada impact? de lleno en mitad de la mejilla. Rompi? parte de la m?scara. Oni trastabill? hacia atr?s hasta chocar de espaldas contra la verja. El p?blico enmudeci?.
-?Vamos Michelle! - escuch? la voz de Gail gritando desde arriba - ?Ya lo tienes!
Envalentonada, Michelle atac? de frente para rematar la faena. Lanz? un pu?etazo directo a la mand?bula inferior, justo donde hab?a roto la m?scara. Si impactaba all? se acab?, ser?a un KO directo. Oni reaccion? como un demonio. Se ech? lo justo hacia un lado avanzando un poco. Apart? el pu?o con la mano izquierda mientras con la derecha agarraba la espalda de la mujer, tirando con fuerza hacia s? mismo. Lanz? la rodilla que se clav? dolorosamente en el vientre. El p?blico volvi? a estallar en v?tores.
Michelle no qued? inconsciente sin saber ella misma c?mo aguantaba. Intent? reponerse, bloquear el siguiente pu?etazo, pero la fuerza fue tal que, incluso poniendo la mano en medio, no pudo evitar la llegada del golpe a la primera costilla flotante. Qued? entera de milagro. Gail segu?a gritando, pero ya no eran v?tores.
Michelle intent? reaccionar lanzando un pu?o r?pido, un directo, con la izquierda. El oriental agarr? la mu?eca nuevamente con la izquierda, tirando hacia s? mismo de ella. Abri? la mano derecha mientras la levantaba para despu?s lanzarla hacia abajo. Alcanz? de lleno la clav?cula del hombro izquierdo. El chasquido de la rotura reson? en todo el estadio hasta que el grito de dolor de Michelle tom? su lugar. La mujer cay? de rodillas al suelo. De fondo escuchaba a Gail entre los gritos de euforia del p?blico
Ten?a raz?n. Ya no pod?a combatir. Dio varias palmadas en el suelo. El combate hab?a terminado. Los marcadores mostraban la cuenta de golpes de Michelle, extraordinariamente elevados. Ella iba a levantarse cuando Oni la agarr? del pelo y la estrell? de frente contra la verja. All?, mientras empujaba el cuerpo de su rival derrotada hacia la verja, lanz? un par de golpes m?s, ahora al h?gado, ignorando las palmadas de rendici?n y los gritos de dolor.
-?Ya ha acabado!, ?Tienes que pararlo!
Gail se gir? hacia Smiley, preocupada, mientras gritaba. Qued? muda de golpe. Inm?vil. El anfitri?n hab?a bajado la cremallera de su pantal?n y masturbaba lentamente un pene de tama?o medio. Uno de los guardaespaldas la apuntaba a ella con un rev?lver.
-?Qu? hac?is?, ?La va a matar!
-Ahora es cuando empieza el espect?culo, encanto.
Chasque? los dedos. En ese momento el guardaespaldas desarmado se acerc? hacia Gail. Ella intent? retroceder. No ten?a a donde. Su espalda ya estaba contra el bordillo del palco. Pens? en defenderse cuando el gorila la agarr? por el brazo. Desisti? cuando escucho el sonido de una pistola amartill?ndose. Durante unos instantes no pudo mirar otra cosa que el ca??n del arma. Solo sali? de su trance cuando not? un golpe por detr?s de la pierna, forz?ndola a caer de rodillas a pocos cent?metros del pene ya completamente erecto de Smiley.
-Siempre me han gustado los espect?culos interactivos.
Ninguno de los dos matones ri? ante el chiste de su jefe. Ten?an sentido del humor, incluso se hab?an re?do las veinte primeras veces al escucharlo. Ya estaban un poco cansados de la broma. Por otro lado, disfrutaron viendo a Gail, inm?vil, con l?grimas form?ndose en los ojos. El maquillaje hab?a empezado a correrse del rostro. Sab?a qu? esperaban de ella. No parec?a dispuesta. Suplicaba, hablaba de devolver el dinero si dejaban a ambas irse. Ignoraba los beneficios que Michelle estaba consiguiendo involuntariamente para Smiley.
-Vamos, con unos labios como los tuyos, seguro que te han pedido esto alguna vez. ?Co?o!, seguro que eres una experta chupando pollas.
La morena a?n no se mov?a. Uno de los dos guardaespaldas tom? cartas en el asunto. La agarr? por la cabeza y la mand?bula inferior, oblig?ndola a meterse todo el miembro en la boca.
-Haz que me guste. Recuerda que podemos mataros a las dos en cualquier momento.
Ese ?ltimo recordatorio surti? efecto. Gail comenz? a moverse por s? misma. Hab?a hecho algo as? antes, lo cual no lo volv?a m?s f?cil ni apetecible. Luch? contra s? misma para evitar pegar un buen mordisco. En lugar de eso fue esmer?ndose m?s progresivamente. Empez? a acariciar el glande con la lengua, apretar suavemente, utilizar las manos para masturbarle muy despacio. Ella no lo iba a disfrutar. Se sent?a sucia, humillada. Era su ?nica salida. Dar placer a aquel indeseable mientras ?l miraba en la pantalla gigante como Oni destrozaba a su amiga entre v?tores y burlas.
Michelle no sab?a si habr?a podido mantenerse en pie de no estarla sujetando Oni contra la reja. Hab?a recibido golpes en el h?gado, los ri?ones, y la parte baja de las costillas. El rostro segu?a intacto. Su enemigo hab?a sido muy cuidadoso al evitarlo. Quer?an ver su cara angelical retorcida de dolor, pero no magullada ni ensangrentada. Era demasiado hermosa para echarla a perder as?.
Al principio esperaba que alguien abriese la jaula para sacarla de all?, o para detener a Oni. Nada de eso hab?a ocurrido. Ahora las piernas le temblaban, era incapaz de mover el brazo izquierdo, y le asustaba mostrar resistencia con el derecho. Eso ?ltimo cambi? un poco cuando not? las manos de aquel monstruo agarrar el top para arrancarlo a tirones. La tela se resquebrajo aunque Michelle tratase primero de golpear a su agresor y despu?s de sujetar la prenda. A?n quedaba el sujetador deportivo tambi?n del mismo azul el?ctrico. La rubia trat? de agitarse, de buscar fuerzas renovadas. Ni siquiera aplaz? lo inevitable. Pronto ten?a dos pechos firmes, de pezones marr?n claro, al aire. Pod?an apreciarse claramente las marcas del bikini mientras tomaba el sol, pues ambos senos estaban mucho m?s blanquecinos, sin broncear. El p?blico rugi? enloquecido mientras ella trataba de cubrirse con el brazo bueno. Oni aprovech? para arrancar tambi?n a tirones los shorts. Michelle trat? de agarrar desesperadamente las braguitas azules. Al menos deb?a mantener su sexo a cubierto. Lo defendi? con tanta garra que Oni no consigui? retirarlas. Por eso la agarr? nuevamente de la cabellera, tir? hacia atr?s, y la estamp? de frente contra la verja, aplastando ambos pechos contra el metal. Repiti? la operaci?n seis veces hasta que la luchadora, derrotada, dej? de agarrar su ropa ?ntima. Permiti? que se las quitase mientras se agarr? al metal, cerrando los ojos. Cre?a estar prepar?ndose para lo que ven?a. Se equivoc?. Sinti? las manos apartando ambos cachetes del culo, dejando el ano al descubierto. Volvi? a intentar sacudirse al oriental de encima. Demasiado tarde. Oni requiri? de varios empujones para penetrarla completamente. Us? tanta fuerza y ella estaba tan poco preparada, que necesit? apretar los dientes para soportar el dolor, para seguir adelante. Mereci? la pena. Su miembro jam?s hab?a estado en un lugar m?s estrecho, m?s preparado para darle placer involuntario.
Michelle abri? los ojos como platos. Neg? con la cabeza.
Grit? al sentir la penetraci?n. Golpe? un par de veces el costado de su violador, luego trat? de apartarlo. Nada sirvi?. Al final volvi? a apretar la reja intentando soportar el dolor. La humillaci?n era inevitable. Decenas de desconocidos estaban vi?ndola desnuda. Estaban viendo sus pechos casi perfectos apretarse y quedar libres contra el metal. Su vagina perfectamente depilada. Escuchaban sus gritos de dolor. Lo que no escucharon fue una sola s?plica. Llantos si, protestas tambi?n. Insultos, amenazas, m?s gritos de dolor. Eso fue todo, y fue mucho, pero no se rebaj? a suplicar, aunque le hubiese gustado hacerlo.
Gail se retir? para escupir el semen que Smiley acababa de verter en su boca. El muy bastardo hab?a aguantado m?s de lo que ella esperaba.
-?Ya est?!. ?Ahora nos dejar?s ir?
Smiley, mientras se repon?a, hizo un gesto con la cabeza a sus dos secuaces. Lejos de soltarla, uno volvi? a apuntar con el arma mientras el otro fue a su espalda, buscando la cremallera del vestido, y comenz? a bajarla con sumo cuidado. Gail se dej?, ?qu? otra cosa pod?a hacer? Ni siquiera se atrevi? a cubrirse cuando qued? en ropa interior, con lencer?a de encaje negra, liguero, medias, y los zapatos.
-Hacedla mirar.
Los matones obedecieron. Llevaron a Gail hasta el bordillo del palco, oblig?ndola a sostenerse con las manos mientras se inclinaba hacia delante. Ahog? un grito cuando vio a su amiga siendo brutalmente sodomizada. Muchos de los espectadores hab?an comenzado a masturbarse mirando el espect?culo. Gail quiso cerrar los ojos. As? los mantuvo hasta que, tras apartar las bragas hacia un lado, uno de los dos matones la penetr? desde atr?s. Estaba mucho mejor dotado que su jefe, la penetraci?n fue dolorosa. El hecho de moverse c?mo un b?rbaro o un animal en celo tampoco ayud?. El sujetar hizo parte del trabajo manteniendo firmes aquellos grandes pechos, aunque no evitaban completamente el balanceo por la brutal penetraci?n. El violador agarr? con una mano la cadera y con otra el hombro, para empujar con m?s fuerza. El pelo se hab?a alborotado mientras Gail cerraba los ojos. Apretaba los dientes confiando en que todo terminase pronto.
Oni aceler? progresivamente el ritmo. Al final parec?a una ametralladora. Acab? corri?ndose en el mismo ano. El semen resbal? entre los muslos de Michelle junto a un poco de sangre. El oriental no la dej? caer. Reuni? toda su disciplina para mantenerla atrapada contra la verja mientras tomaba un respiro. Michelle hizo un par de amagos de defensa. Llevaba rato sin fuerzas. De no ser por su violador, caer?a al suelo. Seguir?a su instinto de encogerse en posici?n fetal. Tratar?a de olvidar el dolor, los rostros depravados que no hab?an dejado de mirarla con lujuria mientras se masturbaban, disfrutando del castigo que ella estaba recibiendo. Nada de eso. Se la oblig? a mantenerse en pie hasta que not? a Oni agach?ndose a sus espaldas. Despu?s sinti? la mano subiendo entre ambos muslos hasta llegar a la entrada de la vagina. No imagin? lo que iba a ocurrir hasta que fue tarde. El oriental comenz? a intentar la mano entera. Primero unos dedos, luego los otros. Michelle trataba de agarrarle con el brazo sano, pero el dolor era tal que sus intentos no pasaban de err?ticos. Peor fue cuando, tras completar la penetraci?n, cerr? el pu?o en el interior. Despu?s ascendi? con fuerza, como si estuviese lanzando un gancho hacia arriba.
Michelle qued? inm?vil. Grit? como si la estuviesen matando. Realmente sent?a que la estaban partiendo en dos. Al final se qued? sin voz. La boca segu?a abierta, casi desencajada. Desde luego Michelle no era virgen, pero jam?s hab?a imaginado una penetraci?n tan brutal. Se me? encima a causa del dolor. La orina vino bien para, junto a la sangre, lubricar un poco su sexo. Alivi? m?s bien poco. En alg?n momento acab? por perder el sentido.
Gail solo hab?a abierto los ojos cuando los gritos alcanzaron sus m?ximas cotas. Entonces ella s? hab?a suplicado. Por s? misma, por su amiga. Har?a cualquier cosa si alejaban a Oni de Michelle. El tr?o la ignor?. Su segundo violador de la noche sac? el pene antes de eyacular, mandando varios chorros directamente sobre la espalda. Gail cay? de rodillas nuevamente. Se dio la vuelta para evitar ver la tortura de su mejor amiga. Qued? as? de frente al mat?n de la pistola, que la enfund? para acercarse a ella. El otro sac? una autom?tica, m?s peque?a pero igual de amenazante. El nuevo agresor no perdi? tiempo arrancando el sujetador de encaje. Las tetas de Gail eran grandes, un poco menos firmes que las de su amiga, con los pezones del color del chocolate. A todos les gust? el panorama. El tipo que antes portaba el rev?lver fue mucho menos ceremonioso. La tir? al suelo, se tumb? encima, la forz? a abrirse de piernas, y comenz? a violarla nuevamente. Cuando Gail intentaba cerrar los ojos, ?l retorc?a los pezones solo para o?rla gritar. Continu? con velocidad hasta encontrarse cerca del ?xtasis. Sac? el pene de la vagina, se arrodillo frente al cuerpo tumbado de la mujer, y comenz? a eyacular en los pechos y el rostro.
Smiley se acerc? a ella, erecto de nuevo. Gail alz? las manos
-No. No puedo m?s. - ten?a la vagina irritada adem?s de dolorida. - Al menos dame un respiro.
Smiley sac? su propia pistola, con silenciador. Gail no tuvo tiempo de volver a suplicar. El l?der del grupo dispar? en la frente de la morena, desparramando sesos y sangre por la parte trasera del cr?neo, en el suelo. Muri? al instante.
Smiley se arrodillo entre ambas piernas. Las levant? para apoyarlas en sus hombros. Luego la penetr? analmente. Ya no hubo quejas ni gritos. El cuerpo, salvo por alg?n espasmo, se dejaba llevar sin resistencia. En esta segunda vez, Smiley no tard? mucho.
Michelle despert?. Segu?a pegada de frente a la verja. Estaba llena de rasgu?os creados por la fricci?n de los pechos y el abdomen contra el metal. Sangraba por la vagina, ahora deformada mientras trataba de volver a su forma y tama?o habituales. El p?blico vitoreaba m?s que antes. Sab?a que ten?a a Oni detr?s, solo que no se atrev?a a mirar. Por eso la pill? de sorpresa cuando la hoja de una catana atraves? su est?mago. No hab?a visto el centro del techo abrirse para descolgar el arma atada a una cadena, ni a Oni cogerla y acercarse a ella. El p?blico s?, por eso aplaud?an extasiados, muchos de ellos eyaculando por cuarta o quinta vez. Las piernas cedieron y fue a caer al suelo, pero la espada se enganch? con la verja, sosteni?ndola con el torso pegado al metal mientras la piernas ya colgaban sin vida. Escupi? sangre mientras la agon?a m?s intensa se apoderaba de ella.
En todas las pantallas, frente a la foto de Michelle antes del combate, hab?a un anuncio. Comenzaban a aceptar una nueva apuesta. ?Cu?nto tardar?a Michelle antes de morir? Ella no supo cuanto tiempo transcurri? hasta exhalar el ?ltimo aliento, pero conoci? la agon?a a cada instante. Ahora s? intent? suplicar. La voz era un simple susurro que nadie escuch?, tan solo la vieron mover los labios.
Mientras Michelle mor?a, Oni tuvo tiempo de masturbarse una ?ltima vez, aprovechando para limpiarse en el cabello de su v?ctima. Permaneci? en la jaula hasta el ?ltimo instante, viendo a la mujer retorcerse, llorar, y sufrir sacudidas involuntarias que agrandaban m?s la herida. Otra victoria para el demonio de oriente.
An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who exceeded their expectations. In this final chapter Kitty delivers everything to Hayden and he performs as the stallion she desires after she agrees to his proposal. Chapter 5 Returning from Chicago next day, Kitty waited outside the airport and watched the 1976 ex-Army Land Rover...
An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who exceeded their expectations. In this chapter a misunderstanding about unachieved sexual connection between Hayden Carrington and Kitty is resolved. Chapter 3 Kitty flopped on her bed, kicked off her shoes and swore in frustration. Angry at Hayden’s odd behavior and feeling...
An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who exceeded their expectations. In this chapter Kitty’s character-forming youth is detailed and Hayden begins thinking about her beyond her vulva. Chapter 4 Annoyed at the arrogance of Hayden, Kitty pounded seven miles of sidewalk that evening trying to get her head around him. Just...
Two men waited on the small ridge ahead of the traveler. Once they knew they had been spotted they slowly climbed down from their striders and moved to take several bundles from the pack strider they had with them. Slowly advancing they also motioned for the female to dismount. Spreading a large tanned hide on the ground they then placed on it several small bundles before opening the cloth to show what was inside. Fresh fruits and vegetables such as were not normally seen in this arid region....
This story was custom written to Circe's specifications as a prize for my fourth story contest. Ring on the Changes By Morpheus The Dragon's Trove was located in an old, red brick building, with a large window in the front that had a carefully painted picture of a dragon wrapped around a large pile of books on it. Within the used bookstore, only half of it was filled with the books that the sign represented and more than half of these were of the science fiction or fantasy genre,...
SPRINGFIELD IS BURNING (a SIMPSONS fan fiction) by Laika Pupkino ############ ############ Bicycling across a deserted public park on her way home from school in the gloom of an October afternoon, a young schoolgirl is confronted by three bullies. They block her path suddenly, so that she is forced to slam on her brakes. For someone as intelligent as she is, this child can be surprisingly naive. She assumes that other people will be as good-natured as her, or that they'll at...
Ring of Rheoli - Part 6 (continuation from part 5...) Whatever humanity was left in Suzie had evaporated after that horrifying revelation. Seeing what had become of her and the power of the ring being as strong as it was, she had fully succumb to the darkness within. To Katie there was no real change. Kyle had always hated Suzie and after everything she put him through, he would be more surprised to find humanity in her than evil anyway. Jake was woefully ignorant to...
There were twenty carefully screened guests in attendance on the first night at our new location. That was several years ago. Now, of course, there would be many more – we call them members now – and that original arena, that ring of bales in the barn, would be too small to hold them. But those original twenty guests, fourteen men and six women, still speak in hushed tones about the spectacle they were privileged to witness that first night.We had set up the presentation area with straw...
Kevin Joiner is on the run, wanted for multiple counts of violence and rape on women over the last three weeks; in a shoot-out he was shot twice in the abdomen and is now bleeding profusely. Trying to move as fast and stealthy as he can with his sustained injuries he ducks down a little side alley, not far behind he can hear the sound of police shouting and further back dogs, he knew he needed to get find an escape route and soon. Looking around, he noticed a shop he hadn't seen...
Anubis Reborn As to ‘the Great Council which is at the judging of the dead’: they are Thoth, Osiris, Anubis, and Isdes. -Egyptian Book of the Dead Squeezing the ice-blue gel onto his fingertips, Brian looked into the mirror as he spread the gel between his hands. Running fingers through his blonde streaked russet hair in a rapid, erratic motion, he sculpted the short cropped locks into the slight spike that he normally wore. A smile crossed his lips as he ran his hand under the...
Mentoring By Beverley Anne Miles I couldn't believe my ears! "Sorry. What was that again?" I asked the pretty girl sitting next to me. "I said 'I absolutely love sucking cock'!" said Krystal. What can you say when you finally get to be alone with the girl you've lusted after for years, and the first thing she says to you is that she's a cocksucker? I tried to be nonchalant about it; it seemed like pretty good news to me. "Any particular reason why?" I prompted. "Let me...
Ring of Truth by obohobo Warnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly writtenfor adults only. MF MC. If you are underage or offended by such material -or- if viewing this fileis illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwiseis purely coincidental, etc. Copyright 2005 Prologue After finding the Ring of Truth and learning a little of its...
The Ring of Rheoli - Part 3 Continued from part 2... ------ Jake ------ Something didn't feel right, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Suzie and I had just had a huge fight about something she did that I didn't like, but I couldn't remember what it was. All I could see was her storming out in anger as Mark stood in his playpen, crying his eyes out. I was pissed and I was about to call Kyle when I turned around, and there Suzie was, wearing a huge white dress and rubbing her...
Ring of Rheoli - Part 5 (Continued from part 4...) -------- Katie -------- The first week had passed in a blur. I would wake up every morning less and less defiantly. Getting dressed in these sexy outfits became second nature, and even though I hated applying Makeup, it started feeling routine. I had fallen into a particular click at school and although I paid special attention to every guy that passed by, I seemed to be Sean's girlfriend now, a thought that bombarded me with...
13th July 2004 I arrived home at nine o'clock, Dad was watching a big football match on TV and from his thoughts, I knew he was totally engrossed in it so I went to my room and took out the little book that came with the ring. The pages were seer and brown and, apart from the title page, the writing spidery and microscopic in size. Even with a magnifying glass it was difficult to read and it was only when I tried my X10 hand-lens that I could make out the words fairly clearly but with that...
Ring of Rheoli - Part 4 (Continued from Part 3...) --------- Suzie --------- I watched in amusement as Katie, once Jake's best friend Kyle, passionately made love to this stranger. It was like stepping into a porno, except this time I was the director. I took the Capri out of Katie's hand as I watched, she wouldn't be needing this now. Her legs spread wide for this handsome stranger, a look of desire on her beautiful face, a look of terror in her vibrant blue eyes. This...
The Ring of Rheoli - Part 2 Continued from part 1... ------ Suzie ------ As I left the room, I felt a surge of joy flow through my veins. I had finally done away with that asshole Kyle, and it was all thanks to this amazing ring I found. When I first discovered the ring, it was lying in a small puddle outside of the local night club. I simply thought it looked neat, so I held onto it, but this... this was amazing. The power I now had seemed almost god-like, I had just...
„Oh, this one's pretty nice!” My breathing was becoming more and more irregular with every second. I could feel the pleasure inside of me building up, slowly. I hadn't blinked for multiple minutes already and I could feel my eyes starting to hurt a bit, but I wasn't able to stop. My left hand was practically moving on its own, trained from years of experience, while my right remained exactly where it was and didn't move an inch apart from very slight, pleasure-induced twitches. My left hand...
Mind Control"Come, Snothead", Miss Luslayla commands me. I go on my hands and knees obediently, naked as usual. Reaching the black girl, who is relaxing comfortably in an armchair, i kiss her feet. She kicks me slightly in the face, and i kiss her kicking foot again. She is smoking thoughtfully. "Listen, Snothead."The humiliating name Snothead used to be just mockery, but now it is my official name. One-word names are allowed since Wimbian legislation restored slavery in the country. After that i got...
Simon found the ring in a storm drain, half buried under decomposing leaves, discolored cigarette butts, and disintegrating paper bags and cups and other trash. He was waiting for the train to take him home after a long afternoon of accomplishing very little and the ring's glint caught his eye as he disinterestedly surveyed the gutters. He picked it out of the foul, rotten mess without a thought and slipped it into his pants pocket. The light winter rain washed the brown filth away...
Emily feels free. She has left her warm woolen underpants and stockings on her bed in the cosy loft above the barn. Now she feels the chilly breeze curling up under the thick woolen skirt and ruffles the blond wool of her thick pubic hair as she strides. Morning sunlight radiates on her face as she steps on long frosty grass, her boots crunching on patches of ice and snow. Over the west of the farm rises a formidable small mountain dotted with huge standing boulders, a secretive sacred place...
Shearing Time By Lindsay It was shearing time, thousands of sheep in the space of days would be moved through the yards, herded into pens, hauled across the boards and stripped of their fleeces. Sweaty shearers would curse and swear as they manhandled the sheep into place, rousies darted about sweeping the trimmings off the board, throwing the fleeces on the sorting table. The hum and buzz of the machines was constant, the clank of the press as wool was compressed into bales, ready...
Introduction Its several years since I lost the writing bug. My Power Broker Series was reasonably successful, but frankly I ran out of ideas. I might revisit the Power Broker universe at some stage, but in the meantime, here is another universe to get your teeth into. The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit sex.If you are not an adult, or reading sex stories upset you, do not read any further. Lifestyle Restructuring - Profits...
Truth and Lies; two abstract concepts that plague every sentient life form capable of any form of communication. In response, two rings came into existence. The Ring of Truth. A simple band of 100% pure gold studded with a single flawless amethyst. As long as they have a soul, whoever wears it will have their spoken and written words become the truth. Only the one wearing the ring will remember the old reality. Everyone and everything else will accept it as the truth. Suppose they were to say...
Mind Control12th July 2004 "I promised Mrs. McCready you would help her move into her new house. You don't mind do you Derek?" It was typical of my mother to volunteer me without asking first. "But I planned on going over to Sandswick this afternoon mother," I protested. "Oh there'll be plenty of times you can go there. You've still two months left before you start work and the woman really needs someone strong to help her clear all the old stuff from poor Miss Read's old house. Finish your...
Cornering By Dimelza Cassidy Synopsis: It's all about going in slow and coming out fast. 'What do I do?' I thought, sitting behind the steering wheel of my car, in the parking lot at the headquarters of Southern State Bank. Anthony Mitchell and the powers that be at Southern State Bank had offered me my dream job. It was exactly the one I had lusted after since entering the management-trainee program at Merchants, Farmers, and Machinists Bank after obtaining my MBA. Not only...
This story is the grey area between reality and imagination. Some of it happened, some, I wish had happened. This being my maiden attempt, it would take some time to reach the sexual content. Also, the category would shift as my story proceeds – it could be Loving Wife or Erotic Coupling. As of now, I begin my Romance! ‘Beautiful!’ I murmured, half-aloud, looking at her, my lovely student. Her back was turned to me, as she wrote some detail on the white-board about the study material...
[ If the theme of interracial sex disturbs you, read no further! ]I'd taken off the cock ring that I'd promised Brother Dexter I would wear as often as I could. I had showered, and as I toweled off, my wife walked in."Hey," she said with a smile. "How are you doing?""I'm good," I replied.She didn't reply.When I was finished drying off, and I'd hung up the damp towel, I picked up the black cock ring, that I'd laid on the edge of the sink while I'd showered. My wife watched me as I rinsed it with...
The Ring of Rheoli - Part 1 By GreenComet Prologue Kyle and Jake were extremely close ever since they were children. As teenagers they shared similar interests, mostly video games, baseball and other hobbies. You would never find one without the other, that was, until recently. Over the last year Jake had met Susie, a fairly pretty nineteen-year-old brunette. Although she had a toddler, she seemed to make Jake happy, and in return Kyle was happy for them. They were even all...
‘Hey! How’s my favorite nephew?’ I ask, bending at the waist to make sure he gets a good look at my tits as I lean over the chaise lounge and give him a big kiss on the cheek. My white, flower-print bikini can barely contain my well-developed breasts, which is why I chose to wear it this afternoon. ‘Aunt S-S-S-Sara,’ Jeremy stutters as his eyes bulge out towards my tanned globes, hanging just inches from his face. As I stand up, I can’t help but notice that his eyes aren’t the only things that...
"Hey! How's my favorite nephew?" I ask, bending at the waist to make sure he gets a good look at my tits as I lean over the chaise lounge and give him a big kiss on the cheek. My white, flower-print bikini can barely contain my well-developed breasts, which is why I chose to wear it this afternoon."Aunt S-S-S-Sara," Jeremy stutters as his eyes bulge out towards my tanned globes, hanging just inches from his face. As I stand up, I can't help but notice that his eyes aren't the only things that...
As he and I steel away from the wagon train camp, we quietly leave as he had come. I was chilled, excited where he would take me. Little did I know he was a great warrior among his people. We rode many long hours before we came to a cave hidden within a great wall, where he led his palomino on foot. For the night he built a fire to warm the cave. He gently wrapped a very soft blanket around my shoulders. My eyes followed him as he prepared our bed for the night. We ate, then to my...
THE RINGS OF FATE "David, I'm going to the mall, keep your eye on Susie?" mother called up the stairs. "O.K. mum," I called back, my heart rate picking up. As soon as she was out the door I searched through her bedroom for the rings that I'd seen her and dad use. Dad was an archaeologist, he had obtained these rings from an Arabian associate, they were very, very special. "Where are they?" I searched frantically until I came across the ornate little wooden box in dad's...
September 22nd 2004 The university was again in full swing. I'd started my research project, which was a continuation of the work I did for my doctorate. Now though I had a PhD student under me. He is a sporty type so we don't have much in common socially but he is fairly clued up on the work we have to do. Much of it is routine, mundane stuff. Setting up an experiment and seeing and recording the result on a database. Then repeating it twice to check the results only to find they were...
‘I don’t know Jenny,’ I say. ‘We’re talking borderline i****t here. I’m just helping him overcome his stuttering,’ I insist but she’s not dissuaded. ‘Seriously, Sara, you can’t send him out there to blow his top as soon as he touches something wet and warm … you’ve got to help get him ready,’ she says. ‘Who else can do it?’ she asks, taking my hand and pleading with her eyes. ‘Please, Sara.’ ‘I’ll do what I can,’ I promise, my pussy excited at the prospect of teaching Jeremy about sex. ‘This...
"I don't know Jenny," I say. "We're talking borderline i****t here. I'm just helping him overcome his stuttering," I insist but she's not dissuaded."Seriously, Sara, you can't send him out there to blow his top as soon as he touches something wet and warm ... you've got to help get him ready," she says. "Who else can do it?" she asks, taking my hand and pleading with her eyes. "Please, Sara.""I'll do what I can," I promise, my pussy excited at the prospect of teaching Jeremy about sex."This...
The Test By Elliot Reid "It's a test, Mark," said Amy. "A test?" I looked at my girlfriend, eyebrows raised. "What, a compatibility test or something?" "Something like that." Amy was seated on the bed, nude, cocking her head to one side, gauging my reactions. "We've been going out for a year and you said you wanted to take it to the next stage and I guess this is where we test whether that's going to work or not." "This magic will do that?" I looked at the pair of rings...
...Alley stroked his hard member, and watched it harden even more... Mr. Roberts' groans encouraged her to further explore. One hand was stroking, while the other hand really was exploring, near his sac. Upon reaching his balls, she felt his hand push her long hair behind her ear then lift her chin so he could see her face. Alley," he gasped. "Alley... I... I... " BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! She slammed her hand down on the annoying alarm clock, shutting it off, and cursed it in her head. He was...
TabooHad it been a week? Yes a whole freaking damn week. Ugh. Why was he so reserved when he had family or friends over? Why didn’t he want me to be over when he had company? I didn't know, but at least he was consistent over the last three years we had been dating. Back up, rewind. Yes, three years dating and we still weren’t living together, a choice made by both of us. It seemed to work except in situations like this, when it had been at least a week or seemingly more since I had his nice hard...
Quickie Sex“Higher. Slower. Harder. Oh, right there. Harder. Faster. Oh yeah. Yes. Yes. Yes!”“Jax, you’re gonna make me…”“Keep going. Don’t stop. I need this so bad. Make me cum again. Please, Kev.”Balancing on Kevin’s bed on my knees and my elbows, buck naked except for the sparkling band on my left ring finger, I thrust my hips back, driving my fiancé’s cock deeper into my gushing slit. Kevin drilled inside me, swiveling his pelvis to graze every nerve in my canal, savoring every stroke, our skin...
Straight SexWelcome to Ring ☆Stars where you wrestle various different types of female wrestlers in various arenas. These characters do come from various games such as Dead or Alive, Wrestle Angels, and Street Fighter! You start off as a Rookie Male Wrestler, who has pretty much close to no experience with wrestling at all. He has been recruited up by one of the Top Pro Wrestlers in the business, Mighty Yukiko. Your Goal is to Make it past your 1st Year in the Company, Ring ☆Stars. There will be times when...
Non-EroticRings of Trust: Tricked "You have to come over after school today, dude," I told my best friend Carl. He looked skeptical. "You're high, Tim," he said flatly. I had just told him about this pair of rings my crazy cousin had given me. "Where'd Paul say he'd found those rings again? Seriously? A gypsy? I mean, that's so insanely cliched my head should explode." "I know," I agreed blandly. "But... that's what he said." "Because he was addicted to turning himself into a superhero?" Carl...
Rings of Trust: Tricked "You have to come over after school today, dude," I told my best friend Carl. He looked skeptical. "You're high, Tim," he said flatly. I had just told him about this pair of rings my crazy cousin had given me. "Where'd Paul say he'd found those rings again? Seriously? A gypsy? I mean, that's so insanely cliched my head should explode." "I know," I agreed blandly. "But... that's what he said." "Because he was addicted to turning himself into a superhero?"...
The summer sun gently warmed the plains surrounding Old Maldon, the sky empty of clouds. The quiet small market town had a strange feeling to it this morning, like the air itself was vibrating with anticipation. Some of the more sensitive villagers noted the tension, or wondered if they imagined a slightly unusual intensity in their neighbours' eyes, but most dismissed the phenomena as symptoms of excitement for the upcoming harvest. The three new arrivals definitely did not notice, as their...
FantasyI knocked on the door to Tanner’s house. We were supposed to meet up for a tutoring session. Tanner was a senior in one of my American history classes and I begrudgingly agreed to provide him some tutoring at his house, after school, provided, of course, his parents agreed.“My mother says it’s OK,” Tanner had told me only hours before. So, as I stood there, having knocked on the door twice, I was sadly disappointed when no one came to the door. I was about to leave when suddenly, the door...
OccupationsTutoring Beatrice Chapter 1 The advertisement in the paper caught my eye immediately: ?Seeking tutor for wayward young woman. Must be fluent in mathematics, English grammar and history. Salary commensurate with experience. Forward resume to Miss Edwina Robertson, Box 23, Municipal Post Office, Elmira.? I found the word ?wayward? particularly interesting. I immediately sent my resume to the specified address, and, within four days received an answer, setting up an interview for the following...
Simple: One ring makes the answer to any yes-or-no question always 'YES'. However, this not only compels others to agree -- it also magically makes the statement indubitably True, shaping reality, physics, or society to its accordance. This works on everyone and thing; even those that do not understand the speaker's language, cannot hear them, or are inanimate. (If you are wondering, 'But how about--' the answer is yes, even that. It as powerful as the bearer wishes to utilize it. [See below...
Mind ControlThanks to Bill Hart for the creation of the Spells R Us Universe. This tale has more than my usual transformations. Rings of Transformation by JR Parz I. "Damn!" Bart Stearns muttered under his breath. It had been the third time Tara Seavers shot him down, and as he watched the girl turn the corner, his eyes were riveted on her incredible butt. It was then that he heard David and Ray laughing at his expense. They both had warned him that he'd be wasting his time and...
My whoring days - I start my careerI felt his cock enter me from behind and he thrust it upward violently, all but lifting my feet off the floor. Ten minutes earlier I had entered his flat on the second floor of a large block of mansion apartments located opposite Battersea Park, South London. This was my first ‘escort’ agency assignment. A home call prearranged by the agency office and I was scared shitless! I rang the bell and was let into a large spacious flat by a tall not particularly...
My sister Kate and I were seventeen, twins, and in our junior year of high school. That's where our similarities ended. She was popular, athletic, outgoing, and had lots of friends. I was her polar opposite: nerdy, socially awkward, only a handful of friends. Pretty much irrelevant in our school's world. The only thing I knew I had going for me right from day one of high school was my brain. I was smart. Really smart. Top-of-the-class smart. But as high school dragged on, I found I had...
TeenRings of Mistrust By Carleton Vincent This story takes place in a universe created by Allen W in Rings of Trust. I once again offer my gratitude to this author for writing a great tale. It stoked up the fires of my imagination and inspired me to write the original version of this story. This is a revision of that original version. I have changed the ending significantly. I have also re-edited the entire story and...
I smile as I step out of the car, my boots crunching against the gravel beneath my feet. It’s one of those perfect spring days – the sun shining brightly through the crisp, cool air, a bit of breeze carrying that intoxicating earthy, damp smell of the season. My smile broadens as I remember that quote from Miss Congeniality: the “perfect date” was April 25th, because “it’s not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.” I guess I am a cliché, but I can’t help it. I love Spring. New...
MasturbationWhen we first met it was entirely by accident. Even now I remember it clearly, although almost four decades have passed by since then. It was one of those lovely bright sunny days that are so typical of Paris in the springtime.I was strolling along the Boulevard Haussmann, just outside the Magasin au Printemps where the pretty girls were selling their bunches of lily of the valley as they traditionally used to do on the first day of May. I wasn't looking where I was going, daydreaming as...
Love StoriesI remember vividly, one Saturday last year. It started out as a regular, routine springtime Saturday, filled with plans of getting the trimming done up and then mowing the yard. The sky was a deep, rich shade of blue and not a cloud to be seen. A few short weeks from now, a day like this would turn into a scorcher, but today, being early in the summer, it held the promise of being almost perfect weather for me to get everything done. There was a full case of beer waiting for me in the...
Springtime for Summers (c) 2002 by Nom de Plume Anne Summers had always thought that Christmas would be the worst time. The death of her husband Patrick the preceding September had been such a devastating shock, she had barely gone through the motions that first December, in an effort to create a semblance of joy for her three year old daughter Lindy. In her fragile state, she had succumbed to the smooth advances of her investment advisor, Andrew Nash, a...
I remember vividly, one Saturday last year. It started out as a regular, routine springtime Saturday, filled with plans of getting the trimming done up and then mowing the yard. The sky was a deep, rich shade of blue and not a cloud to be seen. A few short weeks from now, a day like this would turn into a scorcher, but today, being early in the summer, it held the promise of being almost perfect weather for me to get everything done.There was a full case of beer waiting for me in the...
MatureIt’s been 29 years since this happened but I remember it as if it was yesterday. I changed her name but the incidents are true. I knew what the ‘bird’ was, we used it at school to taunt and tease our friends, a greeting. We knew it had a sexual connotation but that wasn’t why we flipped each other off. I could stiff finger my friends and they would laugh and reply in kind, it was part of how we communicated. Once in a while though I would give my younger sister the finger because she irritated...
It's an out-of-the-way side street on the outskirts of a remote town. The paving stones outside the house are cracked, and the grass on the nature strip havr grown wild. You had stopped in this town on your way home from a conference, and your interest was piqued by the sign, telling you of the garage sale. As you expect, most of the things being sold were worthless knick-knacks and out-of-date books. However, one object catches your eye - an iron ring in the shape of a dragon. Before you know...