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Its several years since I lost the writing bug. My Power Broker Series was reasonably successful, but frankly I ran out of ideas. I might revisit the Power Broker universe at some stage, but in the meantime, here is another universe to get your teeth into.

The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY,

and contains descriptions of explicit sex.If you are not an

adult, or reading sex stories upset you, do not read any


Lifestyle Restructuring - Profits from a life of crime

Few people have the opportunity given to me. My father was the biggest gangster in Europe. His empire covered all the UK, and most of northern Europe. Starting as a typical wartime Spiv, he progresses to trading black-market goods before inheriting gambling dens, whorehouses, drug supply lines and distribution networks from his father, building them into an Empire of untold riches. Unlike others of his kind, he recognised the need to clean his money early. By the time he died, 5 years ago at the tender age of 64, he owned three small regional banks, and huge swathes of the centres of Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham and a dozen other European Cities. As a result I am twice as rich as Bill Gates. Unlike Gates, my wealth is hidden, well under the Radar.

I suppose a bit about me might be in order at this stage. My name is Graham Stoddart. Actually its SIR Graham (I was knighted ostensibly for services to Charity, although many would say the Charity in question was the Prime Ministers political party. I'm 40 years old, good looking (allegedly) and very very rich. Oh, and I'm a psychopath.

Not, you understand a jack the Ripper, or a Dexter, with an uncontrollable urge to kill. I'm a real psycho. I have absolutely NO empathy with people. I really don't care about other people. I don't understand feelings, sympathy, love, pity or any other of the social attributes. As a result, from a very early age, I learned to act out, or mimic what I knew to be the essential graces. I am, in short, an unfeeling Charmer.

My Dad decided that gangsters had nothing to offer a growing youth, so at the age of 19 I was encouraged to join the Army. As you might have expected, Dad's influence extended to the upper reaches of the hierarchy, so it was inevitable that I would join the SAS, and served with special forces in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Virtually all of my key employees have some connection to that part of my life.

After I left the Army, I rejoined my father, and spent the next few years fighting aspiring crooks, and bullying the weak.

I really got bored.

When Dad died unexpectedly, the time had come to review my life. I decided that the thing that really floated my boat was the use and abuse of power. Exercising power was something I did every day, but I wanted to do it in a less obviously illegal way. I divested as many of my operations as I could. The Albanians inherited my people trafficking ops, The Russians took over the prostitution, Malayans bought the Gambling activities, Nigerians took the Heroin, and so on. By the time I was finished, I had liquidated all of my illegal activities and held vast amounts of money and property in more than 250 different companies, all small enough to avoid the attention of the major agencies, and none easily traceable to me.

Corporate Restructuring

It was time to formulate a plan. It took two years to find it. Dwyer Valley - A medium sized (pop:3500) fully self-contained town, one road in and out, economically dependant on a single large company, Utilities provided by individual single companies,

Even the TV station and newspaper were locally owned and operated.

If ever I was going to be King of my own Town, this was it. The Major industry in the town was timber. The entire town was surrounded by rocky escarpments and pine forest, and the Sawmill provided primarily sawn products to the building trade.

You can't hurry a successful venture. 40% of the mills profit came from a chipboard company just across the State border, some 200 miles from the mill, so I bought it, and cancelled the contract ... The loss of such a large customer would normally trigger manic action, but the Jones family, who owned the mill seemed to be oblivious to the consequences. It took a year before they let it be known that the mill may be for sale.

Another two weeks, and I was the new owner of 95% of the shares. Time for the fun to begin.

I attended my first Board Meeting along with my CFO Emmet Waring. Emmet is a quiet, understated but imposing 6'4'' black man, good looking, a fully qualified accountant with a Harvard MBA and a history of special forces service second to none. When he and I took our seats at the end of the table, it was Emmet who attracted all the stares. We both sat quietly waiting to see what would happen. Four members of the Jones family still owned shares. Most were held by Margaret Jones, a stately, well built attractive woman in her early forties, widow of Jimmy Jones, the latest in a long line of family owners. It was, however William Jones, her stepson, who took the chair. It took just 10 minutes to gain a full understanding of the dynamics within the family. The youngest daughter, Heather, 22, was completely ignored. She clearly had been treated to a life of idle affluence, doted on by her mother, but regarded as a wastrel by Michael and Anna, her older sister. Michael spent the full ten minutes either patronising his stepmother, or denigrating the constant flow of ideas from Anna.

I leaned across the table and banged it hard with my fist.

"Enough!". I've heard all I need to know. Its time for a few home truths.

The Company has debts of $32m which I have settled. I now own the Company. I own the mill. I own your houses. I own your company cars.

In short. I own YOU!.

I will be holding individual meetings with each of you today, here is the schedule. Be there. Don't be late.

Meeting 1 Margaret.

Margaret had expected a civilised discussion about the history and prospects for the mill. Instead, she had undergone 20 minutes of what can only be described as gentle interrogation about her and family. It was clear she recognised that the end was coming, but even that wouldn't go as she expected.

"I have a contract for you to sign." I pushed a single sheet of paper across the desk.

"I'll get my lawyer to look it over and let you have it tomorrow. " said Margaret.

"You clearly don't understand the nature of our new relationship, Margaret. You will read it now, and you will sign it." If you don't I will make you a gift of $5000 and you will leave Dwyer Valley now."

The colour drained from Margaret's face. Her hand began to shake as she lifted the paper to read it. She couldn't believe what was on it. If she signed, she would receive a salary of $500000 p.a. and retain her Company House, car, and servants. Her delight was palpable until she read the terms.

"This is slavery! You can't expect me to sign this!"

You are absolutely correct. You will do anything and everything I or my designates tell you to do. Your only task is to keep me happy. If you choose not to sign, you know the terms.

I could see her wrestling with the options. I tried to see it as she would, prostitution or destitution. Not an easy choice if you have pride. And Margaret had plenty of that. I left the paper with her, giving her whatever time she needed to make up her mind. After what seemed an age, she made her mind up. There was no going back now.

"I suppose I have no option" she muttered, reaching across the desk for a pen.

"Just a moment, I think it would be more appropriate if you signed in the nude."


"I said Take off your clothes."

Margaret glanced sideways at Emmet, standing quietly in the corner.

"Don't worry about him, lets see what we've bought"

I moved around the table, and slid her jacket off her shoulders.

Her fingers reached for the top button on her blouse. As she did so, tears began to fall. She hesitated, hoping that she would be told to stop, but no such instruction came. Slowly she undid the buttons and allowed the blouse to fall open, exposing her bra.

"Come on, Woman, we have the rest of the family to see today, so get a move on."

I took a leisurely stroll back to my seat as Margarets stubborn fingers struggled with the buttons at her waistband. The skirt dropped to the floor to join the blouse, leaving her standing in bra and pants. Her flesh-coloured tights covered her to the waist.

Emmet walked slowly across the floor, placed his fingers on either side of her mouth, and twisted her face around so that her gaze met his.

"So, you're a tights person."


She never saw the slap coming. The pain shot across her jaw, jerking her head back as far as her neck would allow.

"Yes What?"

"Yes ... Sir!"

"Excellent. You're a quick learner. So learn this. No tights. Lose 'em now, and never replace them. Stockings or nothing is the dress code from here on."

Her ungainly wriggle accompanied her breathless "Yes Sir" and the tights joined the skirt and blouse.

Emmet took a step back and gave her a withering look.

"Next? Drop the granny pants. French Camiknickers giving full access, or, of course nothing will be the future. Understand?"

"Yes Sir".

More tears slid down her cheeks as she slowly lowered her pants, providing an unintentionally erotic display for both Emmet and I. Emmet saved her the trouble of removing her bra, deftly flicking open the clasp and sliding it to join the rest of her clothes on the floor.

"Face the desk and Sir Graham, not me. Thats it. Feet slightly apart. Now, lean forward and sign."

I Found it increasingly difficult to suppress a quiet smile as Emmet gently stroked her arse, which was now thrust out behind her as she reached for my pen. As she scratched her name on the paper, Emmet theatrically licked his middle finger, and eased it gently into her arsehole. Margaret's eyes nearly popped out of her head as she processed the implications of his act. Looking up again, she saw the apathy in my eyes, and realised what the future held.

"Thanks you for your cooperation and understanding. You are hereby appointed CEO of Dwyer Valley Timber. Please get dressed and return home. Do NOT share your experience here with anyone else, especially your family. Understand?"

She shuffled upright, threw on her clothes, leaving Bra, tights and knickers behind, muttered a hurried "Thank you, Sir Gerald " and backed out of the room as fast as she could.

I looked across at Emmet, who was smiling broadly.

"Strike One!" Sir.

"Indeed, Emmet. Its a pity our other meetings may not be so entertaining."

Meeting 2: Michael

"Good Afternoon, Michael. Please, Take a seat. This won't take long."

This time, it was Emmet sitting in the chair, whilst I stood leaning against the bookcase in the furthest corner of the room. Emmet opened the folder in front of him, pretending to read its contents, but actually secretly lusting over Michael's 28 year old wife Laura, whose photo stared up at him from its pages.

"By our calculations, your share of the debt owed by Dwyer Valley Timber, is $20mm. How do you intend to pay it off?"

Michael looked shocked.

"That debt is corporate, not personal", he whined. My plans for downsizing and cost cutting would make the necessary savings over four years as we discussed at the Board."

"If that is your plan, it doesn't suit us. We intend to invest and grow the business, not run it into the ground."

Michael looked sheepish, unable to fashion an appropriate response. He eventually raised his eyes to meet Emmets steady gaze.

"We have an offer for you. Here is a cheque for $5000 which now represents all your worldly goods. You will go home, explain to your wife that you are being fired, pack up and leave, We will buy the Train tickets. Your house and car will be re-allocated to a more worthy employee. You have two days to put your affairs in order and leave."

Michaels increasingly heated protests fell on deaf ears as Emmet raised himself out of his chair, stretched to his full height, and not so gently led Michael through the door, closing it behind him.

"Well", I said quietly "If that doesn't get you into Laura's knickers, nothing will".

Emmet chortled.

If it doesn't, there are plenty of other fish to fry, but lets hope so".

Meeting 3: Heather

"As I see it, the others think you are a waste of space. You owe $5mm as your part of the corporate debt, and you have no talent or experience to speak of. Tell me why I shouldn't just fire you".

I know, more shock tactics - but then, how else do you attract the attention of a spoilt princess with no discernible talent other than her looks. Its funny how people tend to understand themselves even when they project something completely different. Heather was about to surprise us.

"I'm the likeable face of the Company. People here relate to me, and besides I will do anything to make this business profitable. Please don't think that because Michael hates me that I'm useless. Give me a chance. I'll do anything.

We all know that when people say that, they don't mean it, but poor Heather was about to test her resolve in a most profound way.

"OK, One, and only one chance. Last year, we lost the biggest Customer we had. Get it back within two weeks, and I'll find you a job.

Meeting 4: Anna

There are times in ones life when one is faced with an intriguing opportunity. I had decided at the Board meeting that Anna would make an ideal PA if she could fuck and suck well enough, but there was a bigger opportunity nagging at the back of my mind. Just for a change is was me who was unsure of the way this would go.

"Come in!"

Anna opened the door, moved across the floor and waited by the chair on the other side of my desk, waiting for an invitation to sit. I wafted my arm at her, and watched as she slid onto the chair, carefully crossing her ankles, and smoothing down her skirt in a simple flowing motion. The whole event was smooth and intensely erotic. My dick pushed at the zip on my trousers. This young lady was smart, beautiful, full of ideas, and as sexy as hell.

"At the Board meeting, you didn't argue case for your ideas. Are you happy for Michael to carry on with his plans?"

"Certainly not! All he wants to do is keep the business ticking over. We have three lines we should axe. Two more would make serious money with only small investment, and we should invest in a new MDF facility which would use all our waste, and take on a completely new market."

As she spoke, my mind was made up. I decided to put her to the other test.

"Fine! Lets cut to the action. I am not a nice man. I insist on total commitment from all my staff, but from you, if I give you the job I want you to do, I will insist on much more."

I pushed my single-page contract across the desk to her, and waited for her reaction. It wasn't what I expected. She placed it facedown on the desk stood up and walked around to my side of the desk. Without a word, she stood, legs slightly parted in front of me, leaned down, and planted a kiss straight on my lips. Her hands dropped to my lap and flicked open my trousers. My dick, by this time, was standing vertically. All healthy 9 inches of it. Without a break in her kissing, she raised her skirt, slid her hips across my lap, eased her tiny knickers to one side, and sank the whole of my dick into her already wet twat. She was full of surprises, this girl.

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Master P C Alexs OdysseyChapter 7 One Step Forward

(Still 4 years ago) Still in her 'Wet Dream' outfit, Alex picked up her cell phone, got Marc-Us into her car, told him to sleep on her way back to the UFW campus, and woke him so he could drive home. What kind of furor he would generate tomorrow when his posse got dumped off the gravy train that was provided by his St. Louis Cardinal signing bonus, she would love to see. Those people were abusers too, but of a different kind. When she returned home, Spats was the only one who watched as...

1 year ago
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Under the Dunes

A/N: Well howdy! Thanks for stopping by my story. This story will make use of the "game" features of CHYOA at some point, though I haven't gotten it to that point. If you like what you're reading, please don't forget to favorite, like chapters, or comment encouraging (or critiquing) words. It means a lot to me. Last bit: Any time there's content that readers may not enjoy, I'll try to label it at the beginning of the chapter. Anyway, enjoy the story, and thanks again for reading! PROLOGUE:...

3 years ago
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Hot aunty gets designer lingerie for a hot threesome

This story is based on an episode from Velamma comics which you can read . Velamma was shocked to find Ramesh wanking off to one of her lingerie magazines. She realized that she might have missed the old spark they had. She wanted to wear some sexy lingerie and seduce Ramesh like she used to before. The next day itself, Velamma decided to purchase some lingerie. But at the mall, she could not find inners of the size that would fit her bust. “Not much selection, huh? Do you have anything else in...

2 years ago
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The Teacher Chapter 1

Her hair was blonde and cut to her neck; her eyes were the coolest blue. Her form was that of an angel and he loved her so, his only problem was that she was his English and drama teacher. He had always had a place in his heart for Miss Denver. The way she laughed gave him a warm feeling inside. The passion that she put into her teaching and her charity work made him love her even more. However she was a teacher and he was a boy in the 5th form, how would he ever let her know? He sighed and...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 164

The auction required a letter of credit from the bank and a certified check in the amount of 5 million made out to the Bank of New York as a deposit to be able to bid. The check was written on one of our escrow accounts. They were the owner's representative and were conducting the auction. Most likely the owner had other major financing with them or an open line of credit and the property was collateral. Jeanna had delivered the check at ten. I was surprised that she did not come to the...

2 years ago
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Marriage Anniversary Ka Gift2

Ap logo ne meri pichali kahani padi hogi ‘Marriage Anniversary Ka Gift’ ye usase agala part hai, yadi aplog hamari story ko pasand karate hai to please reply jarur de jisase ham log apka entertainment karate rahe. Ab age story par ate hai. Ham log subah apni car repair kara kar apne ghar pahuche, sunday ka din tha ham logo ne rest karke last night ki thakan mitai. Ab aksar har weekend par ham log rahul aur rita ke ghar jakar enjoy kiya karate the, isitarah lagabhag 4-5 week bad ek evening ko...

2 years ago
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Sally Jill

It wasn't unusual for someone to insist on renting a porn movie for the Saturday night viewing party; and usually it was Bob. Sometimes it was so bad that they spent more time laughing at the bad acting and poor plot line then becoming aroused by the film. The small group of close friends: Bob, Sally, Jill, and Kathy, had been enjoying this weekly ritual for several months. Now, if the porn movie were good enough, they'd all masturbate alone later – except for Jill, who would climax during...

3 years ago
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A Winters WarmthChapter 7

I laid in bed listening to the house wake up. Mia was snuggled tight against my side, still sleeping peacefully. I was glad she could. My night was shit. When the realization hit me that John was getting freaky in the hall with a woman with long hair, I pretty much forced my pee out so I could get another peek down the hall. To my dismay, they were gone. I was awake for at least another hour after I climbed into bed. All kinds of thoughts swirled in my head. First off, I had just awakened...

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Carrie M the Burned AgentChapter 5

Carrie’s usual downy snow-white ass still had not returned completely to its normal color as she looked in the mirror. She thought it had taken a real beating, when in fact she had just gotten a hand-spanking and was still a little sore. Still, the agent made a point of occasionally rubbing her butt. Could it be there was still some soreness there from her recent bare affair? The Brownstone: Carrie was at her most comfortable when she was hanging out showing her butt encased in a pair of...

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Tales of Elsbeth Two Lessons Taught

This is a sequel. Elsbeth Lange is the Wiccan, the White Witch, from my story "The Ticket". This story is set the same day, after she reaches Reno. Tales of Elsbeth: Two Lessons Taught by Ellie Dauber copyright 1999 Elsbeth Lange parked her car in a reserved lot about a half block from the entrance to the Baghdad Casino and Resort Hotel in Reno, Nevada. She put the small placard that qualified her to park there on the car's mirror, took her purse from the seat, and got...

1 year ago
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The Loser And The Winner

THE LOSER AND THE WINNER By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2019 Warning: Horror. Author's Note: This was once two separate stories. Revised now, they go better together as one. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT PART ONE -- THE LOSER 1A -- MONTH ONE -- REALIZE The sex...

1 year ago
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Neighborly love

Drake and I have been neighbors since we were born. I’m 9 months older than Drake. He and I have only talked in the hallways at school every once in a while and the one class we have together.  One night, I received a text from him asking if I wanted to go to a movie with him. I have always had a crush on him, so of course I said yes.  Drake picked me up in his brand new car. He knocked on the door and escorted me to the passenger’s side of his car. Once at the door of his car, he opened it. I...

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Neighbors Panties

So.I've had a lust for my neighbor for a long, long time. She's a single mother. Slim, fit with dark brown hair. I remember when I first developed a taste for her. One evening I saw that she was hanging her laundry out to dry in the backyard, and what piqued my interest was her underwear hanging on the line, in particular, a bright red bra and a zebra a****l print one. It was kind of racy to me, for a older mother to still be wearing these sort of things. Because as far as I had seen, she...

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Aunty Sheryl

Sheryl was in her kitchen tidying up, her family had all gone for the day k**s to school, husband Steve to work so she was looking at a full day of housework.She was just starting in the front room when there was a knock at the door she answered it and there was her nephew Simon, she smiled at him and ushered him into the front room pleased to have an excuse for not doing her chores. She had always been fond of Simon whos 16th birthday party she had been to the previous month, she cast her mind...

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we needed the money so Sue went out and got paid for sex pt 1

Many years ago, things were very tight, we had to sell things to make ends meet and the kids needed clothes and shoes etc, but money wasn’t coming in, my husband was working but his new job didn’t pay much, We had met a couple Ginger and her husband, for swinging, and later found out she did part time prostitute work some evenings for business guys, at first I didn’t say any thing, as we got on well and met them a few times, then one day she rang me asking if I was busy that night , I...

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First Time Together pt2

As she stood, we shared a kiss and a hug. I massaged her ass cheeks as we swayed together in the middle of the hotel room. I pushed her back onto the bed and grabbed her legs. It was time to repay the favor. I stood above her and held her legs together high in the air as I kissed her calf and massaged her thighs. I then began to rub my hardening cock into her ass and pussy just as a tease. I kissed my way down the back of her legs to her ass. I still held her legs high and proceeded to kiss her...

1 year ago
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A Beautiful Friendship

Lance's girlfriend Glena has another surprise for him.Group Sex The characters in this story were introduced in a story called “A Pleasant Surprise” which is about Lance losing his virginity with Glena. While it is not necessary to have read that story to enjoy this one, I hope that if you like this you will travel back in time and get to know Lance and Glena better.It had been almost two months since the weekend when I lost my virginity and things had never been better. Glena and I were...

3 years ago
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Dog and His BoyChapter 7 Meet The Enemy

Vikki looked troubled. "My Mother ordered me to tell you everything. Those three aren't going anywhere in a hurry so let's just sit out here and I'll begin as soon as your mother comes back outside." Vikki sat on one end of the porch swing and patted the empty place next to her, indicating she wanted Greg to sit close beside her. Greg sat in silence. He realized this was not a time for his usual smart remarks. His mind was on overload. Linda came out just then. "I heard what you said....

4 years ago
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Hello FatherChapter 2 Roberts Story

"You're not my son," echoed in my ears. I recalled each syllable, each inflection to the nth degree. I think I heard the rest of the story, but that first sentence stood out more than everything that followed. My whole world, my entire existence was brought into question. I was not conceived in love as I had known my entire life, but in something else. But what? Tears burned my face. I staggered out of the restaurant and headed back to the sanctuary of my hotel room. I got a room in a...

1 year ago
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Her New Fucktoy

So my girlfriend Kim and I had always spoken of having threesomes and playing with a hot guy or girl, not that our sex lives needed any more spice but it was something I had always wanted and fantasized about. We had planned to do this many times but it had been quite a task to achieve as getting the right scenario and person was harder than you’d think. We’d tried and failed once before but soon agreed to try again although it was left up to me to organize. I had been looking at all usual...

2 years ago
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A World of Color ch 2

Joan braced herself, her hands on the headboard, as Paul pounded her pussy. Her legs wrapped around him, Joan tried to meet every powerful thrust by raising her pelvis slightly. She knew she would have trouble walking later, but the feeling was so incredible, all she wanted was more, more of his cock, more pounding. She wanted his cum. The intense look on his face told her he was close. So was she. “Fill me, Paul!” Joan opened her eyes. In that hazy existence between dreaming and waking, it...

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Shopping with Wendy by request

Wendy was hot, and not just from the summer heat or the hour that she'd just spent on the elliptical machine. No, this heat spread from between her silky thighs and there was only one way that she was going to put this fire out. Studying her naked body in the gym mirror she was happy with what she saw. At fifty-three she still had a nice body, but then again she had worked hard to keep it that way. Turning away from the mirror she started to dress, stockings with a lacy black garter and...

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Office Visit

Inside a steel and glass tower in midtown Manhattan , a young executive named Mark Ynares is riding down on the elevator. He is a tall, Italian man with good looks and a muscular physique. His immaculate blue Brioni suit complements his body well. Mark’s black smartphone starts ringing. He notices his girlfriend, Andrea, is calling him. “Hey, baby.” He answers. “Hi, handsome, do you have any plans tonight?” she asks. “Oh, babe, I’m so sorry I just left my last meeting a few minutes ago. How...

2 years ago
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When Curiosity Pays Off

I work in the fashion indstry so a lot of my mates are homosexual, I've been told by my homosexual friends guys do it better, deepthroat, hand jobs and general fucking. So me not being one to judge before hand, I started browsing Craigslist and found a candidate who's a bottom, after brief discussion, I went to his apartment, to which was as stated in his ad, the door wasn't closed only ajar, I walked in, a few meters from the computer was a blanket covered person with a hole for my dick to...

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An Unexpected Coat of Paint

I can’t believe I left that bloody folder at home, what a waste of time. I pull up at the back of the cottage only to find that I have to park two places down because both our parking spots are blocked by the painter’s van and scaffolding. Still, I shouldn’t complain, our landlord Nigel has kindly offered to have some work done on our place, including repainting the window frames and tidying up the garden tiles. As I jump out of the car, I barely notice that there seems to be no sign of the...

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Sex With Friend8217s Aunt In Hotel

Hi to ISS fans, my name is Sanjay from Bangalore I am regular reader of ISS stories. I like stories in INCEST category stories. Sex between mature ladies with young boys. I am going to tell u my first sex experience with a lady in Hyderabad hotel. I am not sure about her structure but it is very seductive every man’s dick. Most attractive part is her boobs and Ass and her seductive voice. Ok let’s begin the story I am working in MNC Company in Chennai at that time. One of my friend came to...

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The InLaws

The In-laws By sammig82 WARNING: This story contains a dark TG theme. Jose rested his chin against the heel of his hand which was propped up on an elbow on top of the breakfast table with a look of contentment as he was grinning at the view of his 26-year-old wife, Erica working harmoniously in the kitchen with his 49-year-old mom, Wanessa. Considering that the two had been at each other's throats ever since he had decided to allow his mom to move in with him and his happily...

3 years ago
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Rocky Roads

Chapter 1 “Assaying office, Bridger here.” “Jake, this is Craig Johansson in communications. Jimi Anderson is on a scout and would like to speak to you.” “I’m a little busy right now, Johansson. What does he want?” “He didn’t say. I’m assuming it’s about the roid he working.” “Damn it, kid, I don’t have the time to deal with every roid-rider that’s unhappy with the assay report. Find out what he wants and call me back.” Slamming the phone down, Bridger muttered under his breath and...

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