DestinyChapter 1 free porn video

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I was jogging in the park one morning sweating in my nice new outfit on a lovely sunny day. The trail led through the forest which presented a variety of wonderful smells like pine and some floral scent I couldn't identify but I loved it. Suddenly, I noticed a guy running along beside me. I almost panicked before he smiled and asked, "Are you Destiny?"

What a relief. Maybe my heart missed a beat and I'm sure that my look of surprise gave me away. I managed to gasp, "Yes, and you're Tommy."

"Okay if I run with you?"

How would you like to win the lottery?

We ran together as he slowed his normal pace to fit mine. "You keep up a good pace, Destiny."

"I'm not going to race." We had a nice talk about fitness that lasted for the entire run. I knew he was a hot senior — two years older than I -- and I found myself very pleasantly surprised at how quickly I liked his gentle manner. He even laughed at my witty remarks...

As we walked to the water fountain, he asked, "What do you do after you run?"

"I go home, do my workout, rinse off, and have a swim. When I have recovered, I usually get something to eat." That's more than he wanted to know.

After more talking, and with my heart all aflutter at about 190 beats just from talking to him, I casually invited him over to swim. We went to my house where I found a pair of guest trunks in the cabana for him. I pointed to our workout room and told him to help himself.

Then, I explained, "Dad sells big ticket equipment. He bought all these professional gym machines at a distress auction and then had to fix up the room."

Tommy walked around the universal machine and set the weights before he began to pump the iron. He said, "Wow, this is great having it at home. I'll bet you never miss."

I took up the other side of the machine, set the weights and started doing the pulls. Then, I fluttered my eyes at him. "Don't bet all your money on 'never.'"

Pulling and twisting around the machine gives several views of the body in various stages of stress. He watched my every rep until I finished my last machine. It soon became obvious that he liked what he saw when I moved. I liked what I saw when he moved.

When he finished, I took his hand and led him to the changing room. "Change in there and we'll rinse off before we swim."

I tried to be calm and cool and act more like a hostess than a fool. I figured that the fewer words I spoke, the more he would fill the gaps. I went inside to change and tell Mom that I had a guest to swim. I returned in my newest best bikini, ready to take a quick shower together. He devoured me with his eyes, making it clear that he liked the look. We fooled around in the pool for a while and then I beat him in a four lap race. If I ever found out that he let me win, I would be livid.

I'm not totally dumb, so after he stayed around a while, I figured out that he wanted to be with me. I asked if he'd like lunch. He looked great in a pair of Dad's trunks, talked to me like a person, and had all the other hunk attributes I dreamed about. I didn't then know that he thought the same about me since he was two years ahead of me in school. I introduced him to Mom when she came home and I caught her giving him the once over.

We ate by the pool and than sat to finish our iced tea. He said, "I think I'm intruding, but I like to talk to you."

"You're fine. Mom would have given me a signal if there was a problem."

We talked a lot more about school and music and the normal teen stuff for another hour. He just blurted out, "Destiny, would you like to go to a movie with me tonight?"

That question caused me to flutter again. I couldn't have been more surprised that he wanted to spend his whole day with me. I hesitated, even though I wanted to be with him. "Yes, I would like to. Whether I can get permission is another question. Give me a minute."

I ran in and asked Mom if I could go. She answered, "Isn't he a little old for you?"

"He doesn't think so or he wouldn't have asked."

"You know that was not my question. I think that since it's a first date, invite him over and we'll have a cookout. You guys can watch a movie here and be together. Your father and I will stay out of your way."

Both Mom and Dad were good at not outright refusing my requests as unreasonable, which they often were. They always tried to find some way around issues. Dad goes on and on about "win-win" arrangements. Mom gave me a chance to be with Tommy without approving a date she wasn't comfortable with. Had he been one of the regulars, that is my age, I could have gone. I also knew that most parents hadn't been to "win-win" school. Don't snicker. I like my parents, as uncool as that may be. Well, I did until she started drinking too much.

Tommy surprised me by accepting the offer instantly. Maybe he was broke? Dad drove him to the park so that he could get his car and go home to change clothes. Dinner went happily as he actually charmed Mom, and Dad was impressed that he played golf. Go figure.

We watched the movie in private, exchanging witty remarks back to the actors. Well, we giggled at them. As the time came for him to go, we stood on the porch, he reached for me and I went to him for a kiss. After dazzling me all day with conversation, his kiss made me quiver. He asked, "Want to run tomorrow?"

Anywhere, anytime. "I'd like that. Shall I meet you at the trail?"

"Can I pick you up? I hate to ask your dad to drive me anywhere. How about nine?"

We ran, we came home to work out, have a shower, and swim. By then, I felt much more comfortable with him, accepting the fact that he chose to be with me when he could have chosen someone in his class. After I made our lunch, we chatted a while looking each other over with keen interest. We went back to the weight room to get his gym bag, where he fried my toes with more kisses. Unfortunately, I had to study for Monday. Before he left, he asked to eat with me the next day at school. He'd have to deal with a lot of flack from his friends, eating with a sophomore.

I called Charlene, my best friend, within forty-one seconds, to tell her the whole story. She made me tell in real time detail about the kisses three times for each day. She wanted to know why he picked me to run with. I detected a little hint of green-eyed interest from her questions. Good.

By the way, I'm Destiny Dalton. You just hush. My parents named me just like yours did. Dad's name is Daniel and Mom's is Deirdre. Okay, she has two nice Ds which is why Dad calls her De De, but I'm not supposed to know why. Duh? I'm not to size D yet, but I'm working on it. Who knows?

That all was last year. I'm now a proud sixteen year-old junior in high school. I've done most of the normal activities, except cheer leading. Couldn't handle the politics and social pressure on that team. Maybe I couldn't have made the squad? Is that why you didn't try?

Back to lunch the next day with Tommy. He met me in line, helped me with my tray, and walked me to his table where his friends were. It felt strange, but I liked his attention. The other two girls were seniors and acted like he had brought a well-known hooker with him. Don't even think about it. I don't sell love. Well, at least not for the prices I'd been offered. The boys looked me over with obvious interest and no annoyance. I'd been getting more genuine leers lately. This morning, I'd taken a few more pains with dressing and sneaked some eyeliner after curling my long lashes.

Years ago, Mom sent me to Miss Victoria's class for pre-teen girls to learn table manners and conversation, among many other useful skills. We practiced hours on dancing, eating and talking. So, I called up my memory bank and remembered to ask questions of the female enemies. I engaged the first hostile to ask her to talk about herself. That's rule one. I listened carefully and stored a couple of facts for my next session if there was one. Then, I attacked the second girl with the same kind of question and paid total attention to her answer with good eye contact. That's rule two.

By the third day, I was one of their group. I'm ashamed to admit that they didn't know why, but I did. They spoke to me in the hall and stopped to chat if there was time. We went to the girls' room together. Mom was really concerned that I was out of my league with those older students and could get in trouble. It was just the kind of trouble I wanted to get in.

Tommy and I found out later and together that we both enjoyed each other in a variety of settings, some of which involved a nice bed with clean sheets against naked bodies. I read lots of stories on the Internet about what to expect and how he would take advantage of me. I wanted him to get around to it.

When we started, he went slowly around the bases. I was ready for the Big Apple four baser before he was and thought I might need to tie him down and just do it. I had this urge inside that got worse the longer we made out. He finally learned how to get me off with his fingers and I graduated to having him in my mouth. Took me a while to get used to that goop, but it tasted a little better after the first few times. When he eventually came across, it took several times to get in rhythm with each other and then we had great sexual experiences often. Before our first time, I'd warmed up home plate with my vibrator and really needed to get on to the real thing.

Once, when I was at her house last year, Mavis, my surrogate mother, initiated a mother-daughter talk with me. Actually, it was more like sister-sister, since she revealed some interesting features of her own rather extensive sex life. She didn't trust Mom to go into enough coming-of-age detail and she was right, although she influenced mom to get me on the pill. Mavis' version of the birds and bees included furnishing some websites that I could access only at her house, given my father's filters. But, hey, he took them away this year. He didn't say why.

Anyway, I must have read fifty stories and hundreds of pages about how to do it and have it done to you. Mavis bought me the vibrator and swore me to secrecy and made me promise to keep it in a safe place. Other than the place it was intended for, I had a dry hiding place in my room to store it with spare batteries. One of the websites I visited had a tutorial on how to use a vibrator to open your unused vagina for other expected guests. At first, I was anxious and embarrassed, but after I learned to use it on my clit, the next step seemed natural enough. It occurs to me that I'm telling you a lot of secrets.

Mavis brought sex up one day when we were having a chat and she asked, "Are you planning to have sex with Tommy?" She looked off into space and then said, "Let me rephrase that. When you and Tommy are going at it, do you think you'll go all the way soon?"

I described his ineptness or reluctance, whichever it was and she said, "Thank goodness. I'm sure he doesn't know how and you probably don't either."

"He touches me all over and makes me want to do more. He uses his fingers to give me orgasms and I use my hands and mouth on him."

She had my attention. "That may be a start. Maybe he can graduate to using his mouth to give your pussy a good licking. I left a folder on my desktop with some websites to go to and some stories to read about young girls getting laid. The folder has your name on it. You'll like sex a lot better if both of you read about it here and then practice. Since Deirdre put you on the pill I'll get you a stash of condoms." When she said "pussy," it was the first time an adult shared that word with me.

I threw my arms around her and thanked her profusely. She said, "I'm not Dr. Ruth, but if you ever have questions, I'll try to give you a straight answer. You've been taking the pill regularly for two months?"

"Yes. I haven't missed even one. First, I'd like him to use his mouth and lick me."

"Have him read the stories, too. He won't know that they're intended to teach him, but they'll do that just fine. After he's read a few, you can hint that you'd like to feel reciprocal after he gets his blowjob."

Anyway, that's more or less how it all started. I think I digressed back there somewhere on that story about Tommy. Now, I'm a junior having had a very positive sexual experience with my departed first lover. I was eating lunch with Charlene, my best friend. We'd had an awful fight last year, but we got over it. Okay, I got over it. She is a lot better looking and maybe I was jealous when she was elected class queen. Oh, yeah. That's what the fight was about. The true title was "Best Looking Girl" and I called her the class queen or some other put down. She stopped speaking to me. I hated to do it, but I apologized. Look, Dad drilled me; you do or say something wrong, you apologize, no matter how dumb it makes you feel. We're over it now. Well, she's over it. I'm still envious.

While we were eating, she started on her regular topic which was getting me back into circulation. "Destiny, Tommy's gone off to school."

"God, Charlene, you're so perceptive."

"When are you coming out of your shell? Lots of good guys around. Any candidates yet?"

I paused and decided to reveal. "I've known Tyler Evans since last year in Thespian club. If you must know, he grabs me a lot. Okay, he makes me ooze. I've been planning to talk to him."

"I was right with you until you said that. Did you forget? He's taken. He's been with JoNell forever."

"Yeah, I know. I'll try to sneak up on him."

"You went through severe withdrawal when Tommy left. Tyler's a senior, too. Didn't you learn anything?"

"Yes. Tommy's getting all he wants from the coeds and that leaves nothing for me but my vibrator. So, I'm starting with my first choice and working down."

"In case he stays with JoNell, you have a handy Plan B?"

"Yes, Mavis gave me one to keep in my medicine cabinet at home. I hope never to need it." I giggled and she winked at me. "Tommy will be hard to follow. He treated me like a princess. My father liked him and thought I was crazy to let him go. Tommy wanted out of here, too and I don't think my father understood that it wasn't my choice for him to leave. He couldn't imagine anyone leaving his favorite daughter."

"Least favorite, too, some days I'll bet. I know. I forgot about his playing golf with your father. Your mom also liked him?"

"I think she'd have run off with him if he'd asked."

"Did they ever know that you and Tommy were intimate friends?"

"Probably. There were lots of signs, but I suppose my folks have the 'don't ask don't tell' policy."

"Well, I think you'd better find a junior and not get left again." She smiled for a minute. "I can see your attraction to Tyler."

"I may not be as beautiful as you or JoNell, but I have some things going for me. I'm a lot smarter than she is and Tyler and I did drama together. He likes me and I like him, not just for his body. Come to think of it, I'd take that body in a minute."

"In your state, you'd take a Cocker Spaniel if he was nice to you." She teased me constantly about being horny after Tommy left. She'd leave spare batteries in my backpack with a note, "for emergencies." She squeezed my arm, "Destiny, you may not think you're as good looking as she is, but you have a lot more class and I think you're pretty enough to be any boy's armpiece."

"Thanks, bitch. You're one to talk. After all, you won the contest."

I had exasperated her again. "Get over it! Just get over it. I was elected by my peers, I didn't win a contest. You haven't spent ten minutes with your peers since you took up with Tommy and those senior girls. Your peers don't even know who you are. All your senior girl friends graduated, too. You don't know anyone. Oh, they know your cute butt, but they don't know your name. I'll just nominate you this year." Then she glared at me. "You won't win this year either because you still have the hots for that senior."

She'd managed to put me down and I was okay with it. I suppose she was right again. I continued, "Anyway, I'm going to make a move. I can sneak my nose in under his tent as a friend and see if I can get the rest of me inside. I have to try. If he rejects me, then I will look elsewhere."

"You never try anything that's easy."

"My Dad always says that I should pick out the best model and then do a thorough test drive before signing up for the car."

"I swore I wouldn't, but I have to tell you a secret."

"Something I don't know?"

"When you hit 'em, you hit 'em hard. Tommy sent me an email wanting to know if you could graduate early and join him at State. He wants you to come up there. He said he couldn't ask you because you knew he had girl friends on campus." She actually giggled. "He said that you were a far better girl friend than he could scare up and he misses you every day."

"What were you supposed to do with that secret if you weren't going to tell me?"

"He wanted me to convince you to graduate and come to State. He had really nice things to say about you."

"What's in it for you?"

"He thinks that if I pull it off, you will be eternally grateful." She laughed.

"That's an interesting offer. Maybe he should call me. I can be civil."

"He thinks that if he calls you and you refuse, he's over. So, he's trying to sneak around and come in the back door."

Before I thought, I said, "He's been in the back door and knows his way around."

"Destiny, for God's sake. Are you running for class slut?"

I replied sternly, "Listen, Miss Priss, you'll get around to it when you wise up. Your butt is good for more than wiggling."

We could ordinarily say anything to each other, but I'd unintentionally put her on the defensive. I grabbed her hand. "Sorry. I'm upset that he didn't call or say anything to me before. I might actually have gone. Now, I'm into the classes and I will stay to graduate.'

"He's going to be very disappointed in me."

"In a rare sober moment, my mother told me that she had gone to college early and missed out on her senior year in high school. She believes that learning about social relations is as important as academic subjects. Since I don't want to be a complete nerd, I'm taking her advice." I pondered my last statement. "Did I really say that I was taking my mother's advice?"

Charlene laughed. "You amaze me sometimes. You're bright and street smart."

"Just smart enough to get in trouble. Tell you what, though. I'm glad Tommy misses me. I missed him terribly for a while and I had no one to take his place. Still don't. I now see some promising prospects and I'm going to find someone to make me feel good."

"I hope so. The half-life of a vibrator is a year."

Charlene was mature for a junior and wise beyond her years. She'd won contests for a couple of well known summer confidence building camps focused on learning how to cope in the world. She seemed far more balanced, capable, and aware when she returned. Some days, I felt like her little sister when she saw things in the world that I didn't.

When I saw Tyler Evans in school on Thursday, I came onto him something shameful and did everything but offer him the goodies on the spot. No, I didn't, but I was tempted. He was eating alone, so I had to act or give up. With flutters and fear, I sat at his table, wondering what kind of excuse I might offer. He welcomed me with a large smile and asked, "Are you still enjoying the drama club, Destiny?"

Does the pope still conduct mass? I nodded, still unable to speak. My heart rate returned to near normal. I felt like I was sticking up a convenience store since I didn't do this kind of raid on other girls' property often. For the first time since I had known him, I felt anxiety talking to him. Before, it was easy.

He started the conversation and we talked about plays all through the lunch period. I gradually recovered enough to utter those series of words with subjects, verbs, and objects known as sentences. As we were carrying our trays to the scullery, he looked uncomfortable.

"Uh, Destiny, mmm, would you like to go to a play with me? There's a new one at the theater in the round." He appeared to be holding his breath.

I thought I was going to jump up and cheer, but I remembered my father's mantra. He's a manufacturer's rep for some large equipment and has lots of one line bits of advice. "Be sure to set the hook before you try to reel him in." I wondered what happened to JoNell.

"I think so, Tyler, when did you have in mind?" He asked me out. JoNell can live with it.

He smiled and I think I saw him let out that deep breath, "It's Friday and Saturday and a matinee on Sunday. Would Friday be okay?"

"Uhm, yes. That would be just right. Why don't you call me?" I had recovered enough to put my eyes on him and smile my best. Regardless of what Charlene says, I didn't stick out my chest.

He agreed and we went off to our separate classes. My heart was still beating faster than it should, but I think I had a serious nibble. While we were eating, his eyes found mine more than once and he looked at my shape several times. I felt almost guilty for thinking of him as a sex object, but now there was more than that. If I never saw him again, I'd remember our lunch and conversation.

Charlene was walking beside me. "Destiny? Earth to Destiny? Are you in there?"

She startled me, but I recovered enough to say, "Yeah, I'm in here." I think my smile caught even her by surprise.

"You seemed to be in space. What happened?"

I told her as much as I could about Tyler before we reached the classroom. She said, "I'll call you tonight."

"No. I'll call you. I'm, uh, expecting a call."

Tyler called, seeming much more comfortable talking on the phone. Wonder why? "Destiny, I'm happy that you're going with me. I've been looking at you for months."

Oh, Jesus, God, Moses, and Mary. Why in the hell couldn't you have knocked me down or up or something? Months? Same for me.

"I'm glad I crowded you at lunch. I've noticed you, too. I was about to give up." Did I just admit that?

We talked an hour and it seemed like five minutes. He was interesting and didn't brag about his accomplishments or conquests. I knew at least three of the latter who recommended him to their friends. My father says that there's nothing like client satisfaction. Maybe that's why Tyler first tempted me. I mean, if he was already broken in and up to speed, why not?

When I told Charlene the intimate details, and my plan to take him away from JoNell, she cheered me on. "I admire your courage just to go plop down in his lap at the lunch table."

"No, that's tomorrow. We're eating together again."

"Destiny, for God's sake. What got into you?"

"Nothing alive for many months. I'm tired of waiting. Tommy gets his jollies regularly on the campus. I'm home alone." I giggled. "How would you like to go without?"

"We're not talking about me." She laughed. "I wouldn't like it a damn bit, now that John's performing better."

I did my regular homework routine to keep up my grades. Didn't want to end up barefoot and pregnant here in this town with no escape. Morning came and I found myself paying a lot more attention to my hair and dress. I wanted to look good, but not slutty. So, today, I wore a short skirt and shoes to show off my legs. Face it, he's already nibbling and maybe he doesn't like the overexposed. No belly today. What about JoNell?

Morning went predictably slowly. I knew that my flutters wouldn't stop, even when I sat with him. When I walked into the cafeteria, he came over quickly and stood in line with me. I squeezed his hand and said, "Hey Tyler, what are you having today?" Hmmm. He's the second older guy who didn't think I could gather my own lunch and find a table by myself. That made me feel good all over, although I'm not telling where it felt best.

"The food might not be much, but the company looks quite nice. I'll eat for nourishment and feast my eyes for pleasure."

One of those, huh? He sounded sincere and even if it was a line, I liked it. When I could regain thought, I gazed into his eyes and said, "Thank you. I feel better already. What's the play about?"

"It's a tough one. Neil Simon. Called Biloxi Blues."

"I've read about the homosexual issues, but not the play. I look forward to it." I smiled my best and he responded in kind. "I'll have to work up my emotional courage to sit through Simon's dark ones."

"Me, too. If it's too rough we'll leave." Then, he looked me over good. If I didn't like him already, I might have been offended. Get real, Destiny. But, then, that's why I dressed nice. "You look very pretty, Destiny. I hope you don't mind my staring."

Every line he uttered caught me slightly off balance. I know I wasn't functioning a hundred percent. All I could say was, "Thank you. I'll try to do it again." He squeezed my hand and caused me to leak just like an orange.

"Would it be okay if I picked you up about seven fifteen? The play's at eight. We could get a snack afterwards."

"Sounds good. I'm dog sitting, so you'll have to drop me off at Mavis' house."

For a couple of years, I had dutifully been the dogsitter for my mother's good friend's family, who liked to travel and take the kids with them, but many places they went didn't allow dogs. So, they hired me at an excessive rate to feed and love their Golden Retriever, named amazingly, Au (A-u, get it?).

While she went over her regular checklist, Mavis, Dan's wife, said, "Don't bring boys over here all night, Destiny. Okay? I don't want to deal with De De." I'd heard the message before, since she mentioned it every time. She always winked and said, "all night," so I knew I was safe during the evening and on weekends when I had a late curfew. As long as I stayed in touch with my folks, who didn't worry since they were only a few houses away, I could do almost anything I wanted.

Hey, I've been on dates before, even a fair number of first dates that I wanted. This one made me nervous enough to be stumped at what to wear. Theater in the round at the community college didn't require much in the way of clothes, but I wasn't going to the theater, I was going with Tyler. My father earned a lot of money and wasn't ever offended when I bought clothes. That's not quite true. He didn't mind my spending the money, but he didn't like all my choices. He would approve tonight's outfit.

So, I chose a short skirt with a button blouse that would compliment my necklace and earrings. I struggled in deciding whether to wear pantyhose or thigh highs, so I chose modesty. When I put the backless heels on, my legs looked very good. It was just dressy enough to catch his eye. If I put my hair up, I could look older and more sophisticated. Maybe.

I put it up with some nice ornaments and looked at the results in the full length mirror. I winked at the expensive smile my father bought me. The whole picture wasn't bad, considering where it started. No prom queen here, but I'd made what I had look as good as I could. Get over that issue with Charlene.

Between the 8th and 10th grade, I grew a lot. Now, I'm five seven and weigh 120, give or take a chocolate sundae. Okay, maybe it's 125. I'm not going to be the class beauty queen, which position was won by my once former best girl friend, Charlene. I have enough going for me, with long brown hair, blue eyes, and a nice shape, that I get invited to all the important events. I almost got over not even being nominated for best looking, but I'm still irritated.

You know, going to all the events and going with your first choice can often be very different. Not that I dated dogs — I didn't mean that, Au -- but I'd had only one serious relationship and he graduated. You know how it is. He swept me off my feet when I was a sophomore and Tommy was a senior and I enjoyed the attention.

Why was I still antsy? Tyler came for me wearing an open neck shirt, a blazer and khaki pants. Nice. I introduced him to my folks who were polite and expressed approval that we were going to an "intellectual" play.

As I walked out, my dad smiled broadly at me and said, "Well, Destiny, you didn't waste all that money you spent on clothes after all. You look good."

I still smiled at his compliment. Sometimes my dad was cool and I cared what he thought. Actually, I cared a lot what he thought, particularly when we agreed that I looked good. I went over to kiss him and thank him again. Mom was lucky to have him, but she was letting her outstanding figure go to hell and I knew something was bad wrong between them. Shame.

Tyler held my arm on the way to the car and held my door for me. As I fastened my seatbelt, I almost giggled. I'm going on a real date with Tyler.

It was a tough play. We held hands throughout. Sometimes I squeezed his and sometimes he did mine during the more difficult parts. I noticed that his fingernails were short enough for duty. Look, I had to know before he defaced me.

Same as Destiny
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Reddit BigBoobsGW, aka r/BigBoobsGW! If there’s one thing that really makes any sane straight man get an instant turn on because they are biologically wired to react to it that way visually, it’s got to be a woman with a nice set of big boobs. I mean, a woman with a nice set of big and suckable tits always fires up my imagination, and I bet that’s true for many straight men too. Can you imagine pumping a sexy girl in doggy style while squeezing her set of huge, soft, and bouncy double D’s? How...

Reddit NSFW List
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Chaha Sister Friend Mila Sister

Hi my name is vicky from a small town in odisa. I have been a regular reader of iss since 12th standard.To day I am going to share my own story today. I am from middle class family .We are four member in our family . My mother ,father my sister and myself. Now come to story, Me us bakt sayad std.7th me tha. Me ur meri behen and uski dost hamare ghar me hi tuition pdhate the. Us bakt sardi ka mahina tha sir nehi aye the or ham log sal odh ke bethe the . Mere side me mere behen I dost bethti thi....

2 years ago
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I was sitting reading when I heard you pull up. I grinned and put up my book and went to the door opening it. I stand waiting for you. I even dressed up some. I had decided to wear a black short-sleeve dress top and a one of my long flowing skirts. Nevertheless, my hair is braided and I am bare foot and bare legged. I push open the door and let you in. I hug you tightly not letting go for a while then I step back and let you fully into the house. I shut the door locking it. I grin just...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Psyche

Psyche gasped for air. Monstrously large hands gripped her throat. She searched for an escape from Hyde's death grip. The beastly villain had her on her back over the edge of the skyscraper. "Why do the bad guys always pick tall buildings to fight on," she wondered as her long copper hair fluttered in the warm night air. His fetid breath sickened her. "Tonight you die, Psyche. It's about time." "All talk and no action," she thought. "Just like the rest of the men in my life." She...

2 years ago
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The Medallion Chapter 3

Jack smiled as he locked the door behind him. He looked at his beautiful niece standing before him. She knew his intentions, but she looked unsure of what was about to happen. "Relax", Jack said and he saw her posture visibly change as her eyes flashed green. "I'm not going to hurt you and you're going to enjoy this", he told her as he laid a hand on her shoulder. Emily nodded and looked at him expectantly. "Let's sit on the bed", Jack said and sat down, followed quickly by his...

2 years ago
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A cuckold fantasy

This was a wonderful feeling, an anticipation so keen italmost hurt. I'd done the adultfriendfinder thingon and off for years, with consistantly average results.I like roleplaying and fantasy and have always wanted tohook up with a couple that I clicked with and that wantedto try that too. But that takes some trust and chemistryif it's gonna be "blow your sox off and curl yourtoes" good. That doesn't happen much on adultweb sites. No, really! So, I was very happy (and surprised) to finally meet...

1 year ago
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Meri Barbad Hui Zindagi

Hi all indian sex stories dot net readers…. Mera naam kajal hai. Mein bengali hu aur meri age 24 saal hai. Meri sahdi abhi 6 mahine pehle ek bahut bare ghar me hui thi. Jis ghar me meri shadu hui thi unlogo ki company me hi mere pass job krte the Mere papa ka karza bahut tha us company par isliye unhone apne malik ke bete se meri shadi krwa di. Wo meri age se thora bara tha lkin dabaw me aakar mujhe sahdi krni pari Mere pass koi dusra option nai tha. Khair ab shadi ho chuki thi. Mujhe sasural...

2 years ago
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Crusading Boy

The fourteen-year-old squire of Philippe DeGrasse, Jean-Luc, thought the hunt plans were very unusual, as Hugh de Lusignan, the commanding general for the army of his brother, the King of Jerusalem, Guy de Lusignan, wasn’t taking the hunt party out in full, combined force. They had camped very close to the four-fold larger Saracen army on the field in the Levant, below the Horns of Hattin, as the forces of the French crusade pushed toward Jerusalem to wrest Guy’s prize from the Infidels in the...

2 years ago
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Motherinlaw Fantasy Ch 03

Please read the chapters 01 and 02 first!I stood up to answer the telephone and that placed my soft cock at Betty's mouth. She began to kiss and lick the head as I put the handset to my ear."Hello." I said."Oh! Dad!" I almost cried out.I looked down at my Mother-In-law as she sucked the head of my cock into her mouth. At the same time I saw she was using her robe to clean away my cum that was seeping from her pussy."Mom's busy." I replied to his question."She's getting cleaned up I think." I...

1 year ago
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The Devils DiscipleChapter 5A Monday January 24 Judge Jury And Executioner

WARNING! WARNING!! I walked by several tables, half were vacant and almost all had empty glasses of different sizes taking up a small amount of space. I stepped out of the main lounge, stood near a tall pot plant and gazed towards the ladies rest room. It was just a feeling but I had learned to trust it from past experience. A feeling that something wasn't right. I couldn't put my finger on it but I just knew, even before my brother spoke. Then it dawned on me. She'd taken her...

2 years ago
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Welcome Home

Stepping inside our front door I throw my keys on the table, causing them to break an unusual silence. The usual sounds and smells of the kitchen are absent. Something is up. “Honey?” I call, my footsteps treading lightly up the stairs, as I wonder if you are in the shower. The silence continues. Reaching the top of the staircase, I turn entering our room and I see you are waiting for me, laying on our bed. Your naked body sprawled across the sheets. Your arms above your head, frame your...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter and The Ladies Of The Realm Part 2

"Very well Lord Evans, you are free to go. The decision on your success or failure of the tests will be mailed to you. You are, of course, free to leave Hogwarts grounds and travel home on your own or wait until tomorrow to join your peers on the ship to London." The Head invigilator, Lord Simon Stomer, announced as Harry complicated a series of Complex and Wandless charms and spells that were sure to impress the panel of 10 Witches and Wizards before him. Not to the mention the Trio of...

1 year ago
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Real Experience With Business Man

Hi , indian sex stories readers I am a well settled 30-year-old guy with the slim and smooth physique and spent most my life in concentrating on education and getting settled in Singapore. I always used to get attracted towards hairy and chubby uncles with a thick mustache but never had guts to approach anyone. It happened after meeting an awesome and good looking manly uncle in the business class lounge of Chennai airport, who was around 50 years old with a thick moustache. He was 5.5 height,...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Fucking My Best Friends Dad

It was August this summer, and I had recently turned 18. I was tanning in my best friend, Keirsten’s backyard. I was wearing a tiny white bikini, the bottoms a thong style. Let me describe myself: I am tall at 5’10”, with long legs and naturally tan skin. I have brown hair with natural golden highlights from the sun that goes down to the middle of my back. I have C cup tits that are round and firm, yet still bouncy. I have a toned stomach and neatly shaved pussy. My ass is a perky bubble...

3 years ago
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The first and only time we met

Introduction: This is the true story of the first time i met my idol. Introduction: There is not much sex in this story, mainly an introduction. Everything in this story is true apart from my age, because i was not yet 18 when this happend, and our names, which i have changed. This guy and I are now in a long distance relashionship and this is what happened when we met, for the first time. English is not my native language and i apologize for any spelling mistakes. I hope you enjoy this first...

4 years ago
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Weird things Succubus

Some times I would think back, I get flashes of her all vague I have no idea why, may be on times lost, easier times or less complicated. I'm in my twenties I've had my share of girlfriends but they all ended before anything physical happened they seemed to end over silly little things. One day a new women turns up in town, I was working as normal when I first saw her she was tall and beautiful, dark hair flowing down her back, blood red slim lips, her eyes glinted purple I took it to...

3 years ago
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The First With Martin Part One

This is my first story, I would appreciate it if you guys would put remarks about it. I’d like to know how I did. Events that occurred in this story are real. We were sixteen. Names were changed under my discretion. Enjoy! Martin and I were watching Kill Bill Vol 2. The beginning clip was rolling as he put his hand on my thigh. We were closely sitting down, his other arm was around my shoulders and the warm northern California breeze was filling up the rather large entertainment room. After a...

4 years ago
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Juicy Chocolate

My name is Samuel Thurston Josephson and I've earned a reputation as a fixer with the company I work for. So on the eve of my birthday and vacation my supervisor came to inform me that I was being transferred to Lagos, Nigeria to take over the operation of our plant there. I'm 29 now 30 years old, 6'1" tall, 210lbs, blond hair/green eyes, deeply tanned and speak English, French, Spanish, Italian, German and Japanese. So I spent my vacation packing and shipping my stuff. After checking in...

3 years ago
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Dick Picture PerfectChapter 12

“Oh, you must be Will. Hello.” I was shocked to see a man smiling at me when Lidie retreated from my face. The softball players had scattered for tables. Nisha rubbed my back and left them. Adelaide hung around until Lidie stepped back and squeezed her elbow. “Hello,” I said with a frown. “Who are you?” “Keith, Lidie’s ex. I know she hasn’t introduced you to Jamie yet, but I heard how she talked about you.” He pulled Lidie into a hug. “I’ll pick him up from the babysitter. Have a good...

1 year ago
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Winters BladeChapter 7 Hide

The rain was on the rampage again, hammering roof and flooding downspouts, drowning ears with a sound like TV static, overcome occasionally by walls groaning with the gusting wind... ... and punctuated with soft cries and slapping flesh. "Oh yeah, baby. Yeah, baby. Yeah. Just like that. Yeah. So good! Yes, there! Mmmh Mmmh Mmmh Mmmh..." The sexy elf leaned forward and bounced several kisses on her faux-eskimo's salty bald head; he tried to bite her nipples as they did jumping jacks...

1 year ago
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Private Angelica Heart MILF Addicted To Anal

Angelica Heart is back! It’s been a while, but we’re thrilled to announce that this stunning MILF returns to today in Private Specials, Anal Loving Bachelors, and this is one hot comeback fuck you won’t want to miss! A promotion is the perfect excuse to get down and dirty in the office, as Angelica shows off her amazing big tits and celebrates in true Private fashion with stud Máximo Garcia. A blowjob, a rimjob, an incredible anal fuck and a hot facial to finish, wow! We’ve...

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Exxxtrasmall Zaya Cassidy Spinner On A Roll

Watch in awe as the luscious little Zaya Cassidy rolls around the backyard not just in her cutesy roller skates, but also some scantily clad intimates. Shes got a perfectly plump ass complimented by some puny yet perky tits, and not to mention a pretty face too! After a luxurious skate sesh, Zaya makes her way inside for an even more luxurious fuck sesh. Richie has dealt with tiny girls before, and knows exactly all the right positions to hit it. From the infamous over the shoulder 69, to some...

1 year ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 45

Present – Maria – In the equipment room Who the hell does Liz Fucking Morgan think she is!!! Imagine her telling me what the fuck to do and to back off on Ivan. I'm so pissed I'm seeing red, however it does help me to make a decision: The next time that damn brat gives me any shit, I'm going to spank the hell out of him. I head back to my Princess Boss to check her wound. When I arrive she takes one look at me and asks... Present – Jens – In the equipment room Maria returns after she...

4 years ago
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Senior Year Part IIChapter 18 Here Hold My Beer

Sunday January 1 We all came out of the terminal to find a bigger plane than I expected. Brook and I had sprung for a charter flight to LA from our local airport. With us were all our friends who were staying for the week. “I thought we were getting something practical,” I said. “We did, but Rita James is flying back with us, and she upgraded us. It’s an Airbus A318 Elite configured so it seats 18 and has sleeping quarters for eight,” Brook explained. “I could use a nap,” Tami said. She...

3 years ago
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Ron and Jen

Here's another true story from my past.Several years ago, I was in a situation where I would get an occasional call from a couple and I'd meet them at midnight when the wife got off from working the night shift. Ron was the husband and his wife was Jen. Apparently, Ron was not able to fulfill Jen's needs, and I was more than willing to help them out! She had huge tits, a slim waist, and just enough shapely hips to balance out her huge tits so that she didn't look too top heavy.One night, just...

2 years ago
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Used again

Bruce, Daniel and Charlie was three delinquents that tortured me all through high school. Any time they wanted to have boy sex, I was their target, they would take what they wanted when they wanted. Sometimes all three, sometimes one or two. I tried to keep away from sites that I new they hung out, Bruce was one that all ways seemed to be able to get near me some where. The last time Bruce had tricked me, he took me over to his sisters house where he and his drunken uncle had taken advantage...

1 year ago
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Nadine and Jos Blowjob Swap Part 6

It took Jo so long to get back from her first trick that I actually started to worry about her. Maybe the panties and the make-up HAD been over the top. Maybe she was at the police station having to blow fifteen policemen to get out. (She’d actually enjoy that!) Or maybe something worse. I was concerned.Nadene was on her sixth call, Heather on her fourth and Connie on her third when Jo finally showed up.Nadene, of course was having fun. The guys loved her new look as well… her red hot pants,...

1 year ago
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Remembering times with Ricky Part2

*** ( Please note words in brackets are a translation for american readers where I think required) My tongue dipped and lapped along Ricky's tight arse cleft. the bitter sweet tang urging me to lap deeper with Ricky urging me on.. “ Dig your tongue in....suck my shit.....oooo....oh sheesh....!” I pushed a little lower as he lifted his arse causing a fine pair of balls to hang down and invite me to suck them and I reached through to a warm throbbing penis or was it a cock ,what ever name you...

2 years ago
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Drawing on the Dark Side of the BrainChapter 2 Discovering the Dark Side

I’d known Jas most of my life, I guess. We met on a play date at a shopping center. Her mom was almost as weird as mine. I was glad I still had my grandfathers and could act pretty normally with them. Jas only had her mom. Still, we’d seldom been alone together for more than a little while. We’d slipped away from our group once or twice to do a little kissing, but as much as we—and all our friends—talked about sex and looked at each other online, neither of us was particularly experienced...

1 year ago
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I Simply Love To Fuck

I Simply Love To FuckBy: Londebaaz Chohan Somehow, I absolutely hate labelling the human beings for their sexuality or on the basis of their sexual orientation. Reason being that I never thought, I was gay and truly loved pussy licking and fucking. I had girlfriends when my cock needed them. My very first girlfriend was such a cock hungry bitch. She just could not live without sucking me off every chance she got. As a matter of fact, all her daily 3-liter requirement of liquids was my ball’s...

3 years ago
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Fun at Toms House Part 3

After Tom and I had both ejaculated we stayed in the living room and chatted for a bit, there was a strong smell of warm bodies mixed with semen and it made me feel aroused even though I had only just come. Tom talked about sex with his late wife, how she often used to wear stockings and suspenders when they had sex because it turned him on, how she kept her pussy quite hairy which he loved and enjoyed licking her until she came and that his wife really liked to suck his cock, frequently, Tom...

1 year ago
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El PasoChapter 22

I said goodbye to Melosa and headed back to Molly’s boarding house. Since it was Sunday, I was looking forward to spending the evening and night with my diminutive Irish sweetie. It made me sort of sad to know that I might not be spending many more nights with her, but I was resigned to doing right by Molly, regardless. She was too good a person for me to even think about doing otherwise, and I thought that like Anna, she had been cloistered up long enough being the grieving widow woman. It...

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Suhara of Curses Chapter 9 Gifts

Jaux woke up to find herself right outside the room with Theema's artifacts. Her back was propped up against the cold gray stone of the hallway. She might have believed she dreamt the whole interaction with the goddess, if her skin didn't feel so tender where the tendrils had carved in. She wasn't sure how much time had passed, but the hallway was still empty and it looked like no one had found her yet. Strangely enough, when she inspected her arms for the marks Theema left, she only saw...

2 years ago
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The Preachers DaughterChapter 2 New Assignment

Eliana awoke precisely at sunrise, the first rays of the local morning shining into her eyes from her bedroom's eastern windows. She glanced at the clock, 8:58 PM. "Ah," she thought to herself. "It's one thing to have the dry geographic knowledge, to know that Judah's cathedral has its solar noon 8:25 hours earlier than the capital's. It's another matter entirely to expect a date change three hours after sunrise! I wonder if phrases like tomorrow and later today might have different...

3 years ago
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Babysitting Kizzy

Introduction: Young Minx Let me introduce myself, sorry for the guys who just want a quick wank but as this is true here is the prelude to what turned out to be a great adolescence after a devastating start. My name is John, a typical English name for a typical English guy. At the age of 15 my family, mother father and two sisters were tragically killed in a motor accident whilst I was on a Rugby tour in the U.K. My nearest relative was my fathers cousin Herbert, or Herb as he liked to be...

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YuGiOh GX The Swap Frog

One day at Duel Academy, the card known as the Swap Frog appeared on the ground, waiting for the right person, the only person who could even see the card, let alone the card spirit inside to come across it to pick it up. The Swap Frog is a card of myth, appearing seemingly at random times to random people. Some who have found the card have tried to use it to gain wealth or power. And the people who did just that with no regard for the spirit inside, were undone by their own twisted desires....

2 years ago
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My Husband caught me with my lover Part 1

My affair had been going on for 3 years, and it was mind blowing, he was a sensual lover and knew all the right things to keep me hot. We used to meet and go to a hotel once a week, I used to tell my hubby that I had business and needed to stay at the complex as it would be too late to travel home. We had it all worked out, he would drive and I would get a cab, and we would check in under a married name.I got to the hotel one night a little later than usual, and he was there, waiting for me,...

1 year ago
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Its Not a Fetish

I tried to look away, I really tried, but my eyes kept sneaking between my best friend’s legs. She had slumped back in the comfy chair, her legs pulled up, her knees slightly splayed, and beneath the hem of the white nightie I could glimpse the neon green yumminess of her thong crying out at me. I took another glance while she told me something about one of our classmates. Yes, it was a unicorn, small and cute and done in orange stitching, that sat right in the middle of Alice’s crotch. They...

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Midnight Snack

She let herself in, and was hanging up her jacket when she heard a noise from the kitchens. Seeking its source Emma discovered one of the chefs, a middle-aged ex-army chef named Mike. He was divorced, and had taken the job at the hotel mainly for the free lodging. Emma had never been sure about him. They flirted a little, generally quite harmlessly. Although middle age was upon him, he still had the powerful physique of an army man. She caught him with his nose in the huge, stainless steel...

1 year ago
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Roadtrip with my sister

Vacations; they were supposed to be fun and relaxing in theory. And they usually were once we got wherever we were going, but dad never seemed to understand the idea of having fun along the way. It was all about getting where we were going on schedule and we could relax once we arrived.This year was a bit different than any previous holiday with my family. Instead of being stuck in the backseat with my sister while the landscape rolled past for hours on end, we had taken two vehicles and Kylie...

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Katies revenge part 6

Katie left her mom alone and tied up for about 2 hours.Katie was actually tireing of this game.and feeling a tad guilty but just a tad.She finally decide to end it sooner than she had at first. Mommy I will make you a deal are you interested? Helen asked...what do you mean a deal.? I will end this tonite on one condition..Uh what would that be Helen replied. You have to tell me all the truthfull stories about your sexual escapades over your long life as a slut whore. so I can record them and...

2 years ago
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Bisexual Experience With Girlfriend 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS, this is Niki here. I am a regular reader of ISS. This site urges me to share my experience with my girlfriend and my bisexual gay friend. Please forgive me, if I have any grammatical mistakes. The story is kind of lengthy, so please cooperate. I am a normal average looking guy, with a height of 5.5 feet, and have an average body. I am not too fat, and not too muscular. My penis is 5.9 inches long. About my girlfriend Shrish, she is like a sex goddess to me. She has very nice pairs of...

3 years ago
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The Chauffeur 13 The World Falls Apart

By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2018 Chapter 1 We finished breakfast rather quickly, keeping an eye on the time since we had to meet the Realtor. Jill was the first one finished, she was famished since the food at the hospital was not good at all, she said. Fred joined us at breakfast. He was pleasant, but he didn’t really participate that much into the conversation going on around the table. Fred quietly pointed to his watch reminding us of our time to head to the Realtor. As we all piled...

4 years ago
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The best day ever

You get of the bus to your new school and see a cute girl she seems about 5'6 with blond hair and blue eyes tan skin and an athletic body with a tight ass. You here the bell ring for your first period.

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Voyeur Or Peeping Tom

One day I woke up with a hard on & my hand playing with it. In fact, my hands were ALL OVER ITAs I was waking up, I realized I was uttering dirty talk like I usually do when I'm awake but in a whisper tone of voice. I was name-calling & using other otherwise foul language wordingAs I was doing this, I quickly noticed (What sounded like) SOMEONE TALKING TO ME !!!!! The sound was coming from my patioMy bed is in the middle of the room but within the length of my feet as you get up from...

1 year ago
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Something More

“Josh, I change my mind,” I tugged on his sleeve, leaning into him for support. “I don’t think I can do this.” He didn’t answer at first. Instead, he continued to scan the crowd. Spotlights shone down like stars, the strobes blinding in the relative darkness of the club. He was looking for something in particular. Or rather, someone. Music pumped loudly from some unknown source, and any other time, I would have moved with the beat. But this entire situation was throwing me off balance. ...

3 years ago
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The Bell

I ring the bell. You open the door. The heels on your boots raise you to the point where I have to look slightly up to meet your gaze. Our eyes lock and you stare straight into my soul."Come in" you say and I'm not entirely sure whether that's an invitation or a command. It doesn't really matter whether I accept or obey. I step inside where New Age minimal music sets a relaxing mood. A slight scent of incense fills the air. The room is dimly illuminated in dark red tones. Everything...

2 years ago
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lesbian sex turns straight

Brittany: "Sam, you should really tell Brandon how you feel, maybe he likes you in the same way" Sam: "Brittany you know i cant do that, hes always with his friends and i don't even know if he thinks i am cute or not" Brittany: "well that's what you should find out girl" Sam: "lets just drop it for not okay Brittany?" that is usually the only conversations i hear between Brittany and my sister, but something really awsome happened that made me really want to...

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Becoming a Vampire VixenChapter 4

My now exciting, erotic life continued, and I grew accustomed to it. I saw Mattie again one day, buying another pair of sexy heels, and the sex was amazing. Surprisingly, from her being the teacher who introduced me to lesbian play, I became the dominant lover, using some of what I learned from Sally, demanding and receiving wonderful responses to my hungry mouth, and enjoying the fantastic orgasms she willingly and enthusiastically gave me, one after another. Bobby continued to chase me...

3 years ago
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After the party2

It had been three weeks since moving into their new house and so she had reluctantly agreed the football team could have its night at their place and enjoy the new bbq and pool. As the evening began she thought it was going well. The house looked fantastic, the decorator had done a fantastic job, and she was the centre of attention in the large kitchen area and most seemed to be taking advantage of the new pool. Jacqui had never had a lot to do with her husbands sports so knew very...

2 years ago
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My GF Tells Story of Fucking her Coworker

**These stories are 100% true, My friend writes me stories from her past often. I copy & Paste & Post, ENKOY!!** So I worked at his job for 7 years one of the only nice looking women in a warehouse full of men. I got hit on every single day there but there was one dude who I was actually interested in physically. Literally my first thought when I saw him day one was "I would fuck the shit outta him" He was 7ft tall dark and gorgeous. His smile soaked my panties EVERY TIME. But I...

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MAU The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Chapter 4

MAU: The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Everything in here is fictitious and bears no resemblance to anything living or dead. The MAU universe belongs to Elrod W. Superman, Supergirl and Dawnstar belong to DC comics. Wolverine and Deathstrike belong to Marvel. The story is mine and may only be posted to free websites. Elrod W asked me to include a note about the characters and here?s what he said: I would strongly recommend you get this story out to the community quickly...

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