Deep Dive (Part 6) free porn video

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It was morning now, around 7 a.m. 

While Kate, Jacob and Megan slept, I’d gone back into the house, quietly grabbed a jacket and some boots, and headed off for a pre-dawn walk in the Mendocino Headlands.

Three hours later, trudging along the cliffs in the early light, I was no closer to resolving my conflicts about Kate.

I was feeling both incredibly fortunate, and increasingly unsettled. Fortunate, because I’d never met anyone remotely like her. She was so... incandescent. Unsettled, because my feelings for her were growing stronger all the time, and I was starting to question her need for other sexual partners. Especially other men.  

You’re such a fucking idiot, I thought to myself. You had no problem with Michelle, but can’t handle Jacob. Jesus, boy - get it together.

Pushing back, Pissed-off Me flashed an image from earlier that night: not of Kate eagerly riding Jacob’s cock, but of the two of them lying together on the couch afterwards, entwined with each other, sound asleep.

Something just didn’t feel right, and I was at a loss for answers. Frustrated, I turned back towards the cottage.

The sun was glowing faintly in the east, rising in the mist. A foghorn sounded in the distance. Other than that: silence.

Stepping up on the front porch, I paused, took a deep breath, and opened the front door. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting to see. And I wasn’t expecting what I found.

Barefoot, in fitted blue jeans and a white Aran sweater, Kate sat alone in the centre of the couch, staring at the fireplace. The logs had burned down to embers now, and they glowed only faintly in the watery morning light.

Megan and Jacob were nowhere to be seen. They’ve already left, I thought. I hadn’t expected that. Usually, our guests stayed at least until breakfast; Kate often enjoyed a final early morning tryst before sending people on their way.

She looked silently at me as I stepped into the room. For the very first time in our relationship, I could see that she’d been crying. I was lost for something to say.

She looked at me with an expression I’d never seen before. She almost seemed… abandoned.

“Heyyy,” she said softly. “Glad you’re back…  I was worried when I found you gone.” She stopped for a moment, struggling to collect her thoughts. After a few seconds of silence, she asked quietly, “Do you want to talk?”  

“Not sure,” I answered, not really taking the time to consider my options. “Not sure…” I repeated quietly. “No… probably not now,” I finished.

I walked over to the kitchen, filled the kettle, and put it on the stove.


“Maybe tea?” Kate countered.

“Sure.” I pulled together the fixings for a pot of strong English tea, and then stood silently at the stove, staring vacantly at the kettle, waiting for it to whistle.

“It won’t boil while you watch it, you know,” Kate said quietly from right behind me.  

I turned to find her standing only two feet away, looking at me almost anxiously. I hated seeing her this way. My heart cracked, and then I rallied, pushing back.  "If only...” I said, a sliver of anger creeping into my voice.  

“Mmmm,” Kate said, looking up at me, more distant now.  “Okay…”

I flushed, caught up in my own confusion. Not wanting to take the conversation any further, I turned away to make the tea. This is not going well, I mused.


Two hours later, we were back on the highway, heading north in the mist. We stopped briefly in Fort Bragg to grab two espressos and some croissants, and then booted on up the coast towards Rockport.  

The weather was almost a complete reversal from yesterday. Now foggy and grey, the ocean and hills were nearly invisible.  We drove wordlessly, the top up, no music playing. Kate sat silently in the passenger seat, gazing off into the distance with a defeated look on her face.

After what seemed like an eternity, she reached out her hand and placed it gently on my right leg. She left it there until we passed Rockport and turned inland towards Leggett.

She pulled her hand away. “Let’s just go home,” she said suddenly. “Please… I want to go home now.”  

I looked over at her, nodded, and silently recalibrated our route back to Vancouver. We wouldn’t be taking the coast road after all.


Around 6 p.m., after speeding up Interstate 5, we arrived in Portland. Our plan was to stay there for the night, and then head directly on to Vancouver the next day.

We’d said very little during the nine-hour drive. Both of us had remained lost in thought, deeply unsure about what to say next.  

We rented a room in a pricey boutique hotel in downtown Portland. Given the untethered state of things, the place seemed way over the top. The trip wasn’t supposed to end this way, I sighed to myself.

After unpacking her small overnight bag, Kate announced that she wasn’t hungry, and was going to turn in early.

Welcoming some time alone, I nodded, changed, and went out on my own for a drink and some food. I was feeling way off balance at that point, not quite believing that things could unravel as quickly as they had.   

At around 9 p.m., I was back in our room. Kate was now sound asleep in bed. Curled up into a tight, protected ball, her face still looked strained. If she’d had a thumb in her mouth, she would have looked like a little girl lost in a dark dream.

I showered, and then crawled into bed on the other side, assuming the same foetal position as Kate, but facing the wall instead of the window. I felt knocked out from the emotional turmoil, the ten-hour drive, and the late meal.  I dropped off to sleep within seconds.


I woke, not sure what time it was. It was still night outside.

In her sleep, Kate had moved up behind me to her usual position. She loved to nestle close and spoon into me from behind. I could hear the relaxed sound of her breathing. She smelled like lavender, and mint.

I lay there in the dark for what seemed like hours, not moving, not wanting her to move. Even lying so closely together, I felt her pending absence. A sharp sense of loss washed over me, and I curled up even tighter, fighting it down.  

I was no longer treading water in the deep end - I was sinking.

Kate woke as I struggled internally, sensing that something was deeply wrong.  Her left hand moved around to my chest and came to rest over my pounding heart.

“Ssshhhh,” she soothed. “Its okay, love… sshhhh.”

She nuzzled her face into my neck, and kissed me gently behind the ear. Her hand moved over my chest in a calming, circular motion.

Slowly, my sense of panic began to subside. I was confused by the whole experience. I’d never - ever - had an anxiety attack before. Now I knew what they felt like, and I didn’t like it one bit. Loss of control was anathema to me.

A few minutes later, my breathing almost back to normal, Kate and I finally talked.

As we lay spooned together, I confessed that I was having serious trouble separating sex from sentiment. 

As my feelings had grown for her, so too had my difficulty watching her with other people. Particularly other men. “I thought I’d mastered this,” I told her, “Until I saw you with Jacob.”

“Why Jacob?” Kate asked, genuinely perplexed. “I could understand it better if you had problems with Michelle - I mean, I actually fell in love with her. But Jacob? He was a nice guy, perfect for a fun one-nighter, just like the others. End of story.”

As she spoke, she triggered more memories from the night before: Kate buck-naked with her legs wrapped around Jacob’s hips, riding his shaft for all she was worth. My own cock stirred at the image. No, I pleaded with it. Please. Stay down.

As usual, my prick paid absolutely no attention to me, and was soon waving stiffly under the sheets. I lay there thinking about how absurd this all was - my jealousy of Jacob clashing up against the absolute turn-on of watching Kate fuck him. I had the emotions of a lover, and the needs of a voyeur. I shook my head, amazed at how conflicted the mind could be.

Sensing my change in mood, Kate stopped hugging me, and swung herself up on to my chest, pushing me over on my back at the same time.

She sat, her legs straddling me. Smiling uncertainly, she reached her hands out and placed them gently on my shoulders.

“Is this okay?” she asked.

“Mmm,” I replied.

“Julian… please… get this straight,” she said, looking at me intently. “Ethan… Jacob… Jenna… they’ve all been fun. The thrill of the chase.  But they’re not you.  You are something else altogether. They are the people I get to play with. You are the person I want to grow old with.”   

I watched her, trying to work through what she was saying. It felt reassuring on the one hand, but so open-ended on the other.

“But… I don’t want to grow any older today, okay?” she continued, smiling tenderly at me.  “Can we just feel young again for a bit?” She ground herself on my chest, teasing me.

My gaze travelled from her blue eyes down her neck to her perfectly shaped breasts. Her nipples were hard, and her areolas puckered with excitement.

Her belly was tight, with well-defined muscles, and her cunt, now only inches away from my chin, was exquisite. A neatly-trimmed, hazel-coloured bush framed her clit and labia perfectly. Sitting astride me, her slit was open ever so slightly, glistening in anticipation.

“Closer,” I said, looking between her legs, and then back up at her.  

She scooted further up my chest and leaned forward, grabbing the top of the headboard. Her breasts now dropped down seductively over me, and her stomach tensed once, then twice, involuntarily. The subtle, musky scent of her sex flowed up over me, and my cock positively sang under the sheets.

“Closer,” I said again, hoarsely.

Her pussy was now almost at my lips. I gazed at her clit as it poked out from beneath its hood. My hands reached up to grip her hips, and I pulled her towards my mouth. I reached out the tip of my tongue and, with a feathery lightness, flicked it over her bud.

She shuddered, and let out a small moan.

“Ahh, Julian…” she whispered, her voice quavering.  

I swirled my tongue down between her swollen lips, slipping it gently into her vagina, breathing in her unique scent. Like no other woman, I thought to myself once again, marvelling at how sweet she tasted.

Growing more excited, Kate pressed herself down on my mouth, seeking more of my tongue. I obliged, and thrust it as far into her as I could.

“Ah fuccckkk,” she breathed, and began gently grinding herself on my face. “More. Deeper.”

As I continued tonguing her, I moved my right hand around to her mound. Stretching out my thumb, I circled it gently around her clit.

Her soft moans shifted up to steady panting. I ground my thumb firmly against her swollen nub.  “Huh… huh… huhh…” she grunted, moving rapidly towards orgasm.

Just before she came, she abruptly stopped, pulling her pussy up and away from my mouth. 

Turning rapidly around on my chest with her back now towards me, she slid down my body until her cunt was positioned just above my achingly hard prick. She leaned away gracefully over my legs, fully exposing herself. I was mesmerized, suddenly realizing that this show was all for me.

Raising herself higher, she gripped my shaft, and started sliding it slowly between her labia, then up to her clit, and then down towards her waiting vagina. She expertly slid its head into position, and then pressed herself down with a smooth backwards motion. My cock simply disappeared inside her, slipping in effortlessly. I was now completely engulfed by her warmth.

“Ah Christ…” she groaned, facing away from me, sitting as still as a statue on my waist. I studied her back, her tanned, flawless skin now glimmering with sweat. Slowly, she clenched her legs and lifted herself up almost all the way off my cock, then eased herself back down, and then rose again. Her fluids coated my shaft. I was hypnotized by the rhythmic rise and fall of her hips, and the sight of my cock sliding in and out of her opening.

Leaning further away from me, she placed her hands on the bed and began riding my prick in earnest. I reached out, twirling my thumb over the bud of her ass, waiting for it to relax. It did, slowly unclenching, almost seeking my finger. I gently eased my thumb into her tightness and began matching her cadence as she rode my cock.

She made a thin wailing sound as her climax approached.  “Now… now… my ass… please… in my ass,” she muttered, and then pulled rapidly up off my prick. Sitting straight up, she reached behind herself and grabbed hold of me again, rubbing my slick glans over her asshole. Already distended from my thumb, it opened further and slowly enveloped the head of my cock.  Raising my hips upwards, I eased myself further in, stopping about halfway, not wanting to hurt her. I was so close to coming - I didn’t think I could last another few seconds.

“Gently… gently,” she murmured. She slid her left hand up her leg to her mound. I could feel her ease two fingers into her vagina and begin thrusting them slowly. Pressing the heel of her palm against her clit, she started grinding herself as we slow-fucked.

“Gonna cum… soon… uhhh… uh-huh…” she huffed, her head thrown back, eyes squeezed shut, hair whipping around her shoulders as she slid her ass up and down my shaft.

Unable to restrain myself any longer, I thrust into her. She cried out, half in pleasure and half in pain, as I entered her more deeply.  “Easy… easy… yes… yes…” she moaned, now right on the edge.

A white flare went off behind my eyes, and the pressure in my balls suddenly gave way. I let loose a low, animal groan, and squirted deep inside her - warm, and copious. I seemed to come forever, shuddering again and again.

As I loosed into her, she lost all control, and screamed with her own release, sounding almost like someone bereft. Pushing down hard on my cock, she took me deeper into her ass than ever before. I could feel her sphincter squeezing me as she came - clenching, unclenching - while a warm flood of liquid squirted forcefully from her cunt, soaking her hand, my waist, and the bed beneath us.

Slowly, her spasms eased, and she lazily draped herself down over my legs, still panting rapidly.  

Little by little, my cock softened inside her.


It was now daybreak, and the dark skies had barely lightened over Portland. It was going to be a rainy drive home.

Kate lay curled up in my arms, now sound asleep, no longer wearing the troubled look of yesterday.  

I lay, staring out the window, struggling to make sense of the past few days. I still wasn’t having much luck with that, but took heart in the fact that I was at least feeling more grounded than yesterday.

Anything would have been more grounded than that, my inner voice muttered.

Slowly easing my arm out from beneath Kate, I sat up on the side of the bed, stretched, and then stood. So… what direction now? I asked myself. Keep going, or walk away?  

I looked down at Kate, now totally at peace, slumbering on the bed. My heart skipped, and then settled again.   

No longer sinking, I kicked back towards the surface.








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Another story inspired by a song... This one's based on the Hed(pe) track of the same name, and it's a very happy one. Honest. It's also written just for children and easily offended right-wingers. Honest. Oh, and if it's illegal for you to read it, then go right ahead. That was all lies. If you believed it, go find a copy of the Sun and enjoy! Well, it was inspired by the song... Love y'all! Sushi R xxx Swan-dive By Sushi Radical "I climb, hand over hand, putting...

4 years ago
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Deepa Seduced 8211 Part I

By : Jamesh8080 Hi friend’s what can I do? I get half filled story which excites me I think it will be completed but its doesnt get completed by the real author. Anyway this too I am sending is not mine, It Belongs to one Deepa Patil as per what she chatted with me. I like it as it’s a first insect story that I liked, I hope you too will like the same. Next morning, my cunt was sore. I felt a little discomfort while walking. However, as the day progressed the pain was replaced by a gentle...

2 years ago
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Deepa Aunty In Blue Saree Part 1

Hi readers this is Ashok writing my first story. I am an aunty fan and the most tempting thing for me is aunty navel, especially when aunty removes pallu. Our family moved to an apartment when I was on ninth standard. I am the only son of my parents; father is a businessman, and my mother a housewife. Our neighbours were Telugu people a widow and her son named Suresh. After some time Suresh married Deepa, a Telugu native from Chennai. Deepa is my crush and heroine of the story and myself...

3 years ago
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Deep Dive Part 3

It was mid-September, but the weather was still unseasonably warm.  There were no signs yet of autumn colour.Kate and I had now been seeing each other for almost three months, and I’d started introducing her to some of my closer friends. This weekend, she was set to meet Ethan and Jenna, who I’d known for more than 20 years.  They were a long-term couple that owned a small, ‘farm to table’ bistro in Tofino, on Vancouver Island.  After a hectic summer, they’d shut the business down for a month,...

Group Sex
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Deepa My Sexual Masterpiece

Hi guys, this is schmuk once again coming to you with a maid sex encounter. I have a fantasy with maids, which now is the heart of my sex life. I have experienced sex plenty of times by now since my teenage, but it is with my maids padma (How i finally attained my maid, part 1 and part 2) and gowri (cook became my meal and maid to taste) that i have felt maximum pleasure. Their sexy indian dusky skin color, their toned bodies, supple stomach, tight vaginas, cushion like ass and fleshy thighs...

4 years ago
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Deepika Perfect Milf Part 8211 5

Deepika perfect Milf part 5 Hi, readers (). Apologies for so many parts as the whole story would not upload. Thank you for your patience Story continues. “ What”. I needed confirmation “Spank me” “ Are you sure?” I asked her “ Spank my ass” she screamed with frustration in her voice. I proceeded to slap her both buttocks gently. “ Harder my darling lover, soon to be conqueror of my pussy and all of me” “ Deepika I want to conquer not just your body but your heart too” “ Time will tell,” she...

1 year ago
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Deepa Aunty In Blue Saree 8211 Part 2

This is Ashok back again, I earlier submitted a story deepa aunty in blue saree. This story narrates what happened after that. As in the end of first part I was seeing the sex video I shot in my handy cam. I got two more sleeping pills from my fathers drawer for today and went to deepa aunty house. She had come already from shopping. After lunch she went to sleep,may be tired due to my fucking sessions yesterday. I had same plan make her sleep at night and fuck. I felt bored and started seeing...

1 year ago
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Deepa aunty needs computer training

Hi folks..I am back with yet another experience of mine..first of all i would like to thank all of them who read my previous two stories and mailed me..thanks a lot for the compliment and support u had given me…Now here i start my next story…This happened to me when i was in my second year college.we were basically living in a our colony lived an aunty whose name was tell about her..she was very beautiful,fair,slim and very hot.her husband was working in very rarely...

3 years ago
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Deepika Perfect Milf Part 8211 4

Hi, readers . () . please read earlier parts to enjoy the story fully. Comments welcome from married ladies. Back to story she played with me, at the same time began to fellate my very hard cock with her left hand, I was putty in her hand, moaning and squirming constantly on the bed. “You like it” “ I love it, but be careful not to make me cum” “Cum if you want, I want to see you shoot” “ No, I want to cum inside you” “ You can’t as it is my fertile time and I am not on the pill either, you...

2 years ago
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Deepika Perfect Milf Part 8211 3

Hi readers. Please read part 1 and 2 if you are new to this story. In this part I have found it hard to exactly narrate all that happened between me and Deepika, , but I shall attempt it as best as possible. Question for my married lady readers (). If you were presented with a chance for an affair ( like Deepika was), would you as a supposedly conservative Indian woman go for it or not. ? or if you had an affair already what circumstances led you to it.? Your answer would be very educational...

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Deepa my dream gal

Hello all, My name is Rahul and I live in Bangalore. Recently I came across this site thought that I should share with you what had happened to me a year back. Ok now about myself, I’m 25, tall and an extremely handsome person. I would like to narrate an experience with my cousin Deepa which happened a year back. Now about Deepa, she is 38, married with two kids, her husband works abroad and he visits India only once a year. Deepa is one of my uncle’s daughters and stays close to our house. I...

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Diversify Young Man Diversifyhellip

“Hi Chris! Punctual as always. Lola is just finishing off a promo with a newbie, she won’t be much longer if I know Lola… Grab something from the Green Room and I’ll call you.” The receptionist buzzed me through and I opened the third door on the right. Greenroom indeed! It was more of an office coffee bar and water station with a small fridge, sink, kettle, and basic-value-range microwave. The furniture was practical: just a couple of sofas and a small bistro table and chair set. I grabbed...

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Sandeep and Meena

This is Sandeep from Maharashtra. Here I am going to narrate my amazing day with my elder sister. We fucked and sucked each other many before marrige. But now I had very less chances to fuck her. This January I came to home and my wife at her native. I get call from didi to come to her home as her husband going to his native from city for a farm-work for 2 days & her c***dren are also at my home. I was more than happy & started my journey to her home.At outside of her house, I met my...

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Deepa Lost Her Virginity To Me

Hi to all the ISS readers! I am RK from Chennai with my 2nd story on ISS. For feedbacks and private sex for ladies in Chennai can mail me at . This happened 2 weeks ago with my neighboring girl deepa who is 19 yrs old. She is from bengal and lives with her family. She has a perfect porn star figure, Big boobs around 42 but not too fat. She is a virgin till then. Her family and my family are good friends as our fathers worked together in office. Deepa was good friend of mine. We use to play...

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Deepu Fulfills Her Hidden Desires

Hello all, I hope you all doing well! This story is about a housewife Deepali’s hidden desires. It is a true story. Without wasting any time, I will start my story. I am Deepali, and everyone calls me Deepu. I was married at the age of 21 to Dhananjay. Dhananjay is from a rich background, and he is working in the government sector. So without any second thought, I married him. I look innocent, but I was horny at the time of marriage. I was very excited to fulfill my dark imaginations with my...

3 years ago
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Dive Training Part 1 Hunter and Prey

Lying in bed surrounded by the heat of two nubile female bodies on either side of me, I feel as if I am the luckiest man in the world. My back is to Kate, who is softly stroking my cock, and Janice is on the other side of me with the heat of her lush little body radiating against mine while I toy with her erect nipple.  I think back on the events which have brought the three of us together. I love my job. Teaching Scuba diving, which is my passion, is a great way to make a living. This is...

1 year ago
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Hot Diver and Jenna

As she swam laps in the university pool, Jenna couldn't help but admire the dive team practicing at their art. Each time she took a rest, she was inspired by the incredible acrobatics the divers could accomplish with just seconds in the air. There was one diver in particular she enjoyed watching, morning after morning as she trained in the pool. Unlike the other members of the team, he was broad and muscular, tall and dark-skinned. Somehow he was just as graceful as the other divers as he...

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Deepa Aunty In Asai Night

Hi my name is mathi alagan , etha matter oru 4 years back nadathatu apo na diploma padikaren deepa aunty enaku childhood la iruthu therium avaga paka kuspu mariya irupaga apadiya nala far ah irukaga avagala marriage ayaruchi but husband ku vera girl kuda affair iruthuchi poitaga enga home la one day yarum illa avagala vetula vanthu iruka soillethu bangalore poitaga my family la tat day she was wear only pant and long tops uilla onumay illa avaga nadakum pothu back apadiya transparent ah...

2 years ago
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The Old Diver

I wrote this story quite a while ago but never submitted it. There is no sex in this one. Merely, a short story about an old man. I hope you like it. * Beeep…beeep…beeep…beeep, the alarm shrieked until a wrinkled arm swung around and the accompanying bony hand smashed down on the snooze button silencing the irritating sound with a loud thwack. Shit, he thought, was it time already? With effort, Abe slowly rose turning his head to stare at the clock, a pale red diode displaying 4:35 AM....

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Dive Training Part 2 Into Deeper Waters

Saturday is here at last. My two nymphets are coming over this morning.  I go into the kitchen and contemplate which coffee will suit my palate. Jamaica Blue Mountain will do the trick. Setting it to percolate, I turn on my computer and watch the tape of Janice and Kate pleasuring themselves in the school locker room. The recollection of what happened next runs through my mind like an xxx rated video clip. Janice’s little hand starts to fly up and down my shaft. That exquisite feeling of her...

3 years ago
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Porkin MindyChapter 6 DriveIn DiveIn

Ronnie and Susan Modine picked up Mindy and me at just after 7 p.m. on Saturday evening in their family's Chevy sedan. We were going to the drive-in, and the show was set to start at 8 p.m. I had called Susan the same day Mindy had told me about her arrangement with them. At dinner, Mom and Dad apologized for making plans for me and told me that I wasn't obligated. I acted the part of The Noble Son, assuring them that I didn't mind chaperoning Mindy on her first official date and that...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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The Diver

The Diver This story was based on an idea by Debbie Cybill and written over a few weeks from September to November 2000. This story covers transgender issues and should not be read by minors. If there any comments or errors spotted in the story then please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Nothing in this story should be construed to be factual and all characters are fictional and not based on any person dead or alive. Copyright 2000 by Elaine. Synopsis A mine...

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Deepika 8211 The College Cumslut

By: Exbacc Hi friends, this is a real story which continues to this day. The name of the character has been changed but the contents are 100% true. It is about a girl from my college, who was my junior by one year. Her name is Deepika Choudhary. She is from Andhra Pradesh but got settled in Chennai with her aunt for her schooling and college. Her aunt is a widow and she also goes to her mother’s house most of the time, leaving this girl alone many days. She is about 5 feet tall, cute round...

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Dick Dives Into Pussy 8211 Part 2

Hi friends I back with the next episode of my previous story dick dives into pussy part-1 For all those who don’t know me. I am Mani from Hyderabad. Aged 19 slim and tall (5.9) inches. I got positive feed backs for my first story and continuing the story…. As I told u all swetha as more fantasies I helped her to fulfill all her dreams. Continuation: As she told me to leave her house I came back to my home and at night I was dreaming what would be her other fantasies. The next day she took...

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Sandeep And Roshni Having Extra Marital Affairs

ello to all my dear friends, this is Sandeep from Navi Mumbai. Its being a real long time since I posted my experiences with my girl friends, it was way back in 2008. Now I m 35 years old, married man with one kid. I seldom enjoy sex with my wife, but having sex with someone else outside marriage really gives an adrenalin kick (nasha). I am sure many of my married friends would agree to this. Now coming to my experience, it was something like a time bomb waiting to explode. All in my 4+ years...

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Sandeep to Saylee

AN INDIAN CROSSDRESSING STORY- SANDEEP TO SAYALEE Hi I am Sandeep, a 27 year old guy from the city of Mumbai in India. I found this website after going through some online experiences of other people who have been subjected to the same treatment of petticoat punishment as me and I have been directed to write my story to you. This is the story of my feminization by my mother, aunt (her sister), and cousin (aunt's daughter who is 5 years younger to me). My father works for the merchant...

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