My First Muff Dive
- 4 years ago
- 24
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Ch. 02 – Teen Swimmers vs Bully
Ride to the Pool:
Three teenagers headed for swimming practice in the front seat of a faded blue clunker, a Chevrolet Impala. The small dark-haired girl in the middle turned to the driver,’Hey Andy, you’ll get to meet my big sister, Janet, at the pool today.’
‘What’s the occasion? Does she want to check out my six-pack abs while I’m in my skimpy swimming briefs?’
‘Oh silly, she’s too old for you!’ Karen slapped at his leg. ‘She said she’d be in the area and wants to say hello. But I know she’ll really be there to check out that college diver, Sullivan.’
‘Your sister can’t do that! She has a boyfriend!’ said Karen’s red-haired friend, Aline.
‘I know, but that’s just like Janet. She always wants to look and fantasize.’
Karen had starry-eyed affection for her new boyfriend Andy. She enjoyed flirting with him in front of her best friend, but it made her feel compassion for her friend at the same time. ‘Thanks, Andy, for giving us a ride to the pool.’ She lightly touched his knee with her fingertips, emphasizing her sincerity.
Andy laughed off her seriousness with, ‘Are you kidding Karen? Ah’ll be a hero once people discover that Ah got to be in the same car with you two fine examples of smokin’ hot female flesh!’ He then answered her body language with an exaggerated raising of his right hand then a sudden closing on her thigh just above the knee.
‘Horse bite!’ he yelled. Karen squealed and squirmed out of his grip as she giggled with playful delight and slapped at his hand.
Aline, in the window seat, was a little saddened at their fooling around. She was very shy and peaked sideways at their antics through overly long bangs. Aline had beautiful thick red hair, which she couldn’t appreciate because it only made her feel different. In addition she towered over her two friends not because she was so big but because they were both so small. Aline was keenly aware of the size differences and tended to stoop to make up for it.
Aline did have a couple of legitimate reasons to feel insecure. She was always somewhat congested which caused her to be even more silent than she was naturally. And at times like this, as she watched her two horse-playing friends, she suppressed any smiling to cover the gap between her front teeth.
Aline viewed her best friend with envy. Karen easily chatted and flirted with Andy while looking very cute and petite. She had dark hair and eyes along with a quick wit. Karen had the kind of confidence that Aline could never come close to having. Even though Andy was only a recent member of the local swimming team, Karen had easily and quickly charmed him into a boyfriend relationship.
Meanwhile Karen could sense that her good friend had turned sad, and she could guess why. Karen liked to have control of her environment and it made her uncomfortable when her friend was sad. Karen gently nudged Andy and silently communicated by rolling her eyes toward Aline. Andy smiled to let Karen know he got the message.
‘Oh no!’ Andy said as he raised his menacing right hand again, ‘I feel the dark forces commanding my hand to make another horse bite!’ He continued to steer the car down the road with his left hand.
Karen hastily covered her thighs with her arms squealing, ‘Don’t you dare!’
With lightning quickness Andy reached past his girlfriend’s legs to grip the bare thigh of her best friend, ‘HORSE BITE!’
Aline was totally surprised and shocked. She screamed and jumped as Karen yelled and the car zigzagged down the street.
Andy laughed hysterically and shook Aline’s thigh a good bit before he succumbed to the need for safer driving and Karen’s objections, ‘Andy, you can’t just grab my best friend’s leg like that!’ But all three of them were laughing and no one was the least bit angry. ‘Andy, you must be crazy!’
It definitely did the trick. Aline had a beaming smile and even sat without her normal slump. A little attention had perked her up and had suddenly made her feel good about herself.
Andy went through the humorous routine of responding to his girlfriend’s objections. ‘Those bad voices in ma’ head made me do it.’ The girls giggled and he continued, ‘Oh ma’ God! Look at Aline’s great legs. Those thighs must be heaven to touch.’
Karen played along, ‘Well you can’t be touching my best friend’s legs!’
Aline added an enthusiastic, ‘Yeah!’ But she clearly enjoyed being the center of their attentions for once.
Karen continued, ‘But since you’re desperate to know, I’ll touch her thigh for you and tell you what it’s like.’ Karen placed her palm on her cooperative friend’s thigh and sensuously moved under Aline’s baggy shorts up to the hip.
Aline sat motionless as Karen talked, ‘Well her thigh is very smooth, especially her inner thigh.’ Karen moved her hand slowly and gently. Aline glanced over at the bug-eyed Andy and she slightly spread her knees while inching forward on the seat. Karen said, ‘Don’t worry Andy. I don’t think you would like it!’ Karen withdrew her hand and faced Andy with a smug grin.
Aline giggled with delight and wiggled her legs in a taunting gesture. The girls seemed very pleased that this would torment Andy.
A pained expression crossed Andy’s face as he looked ahead on the roadway. ‘Ah can’t take this!’
Without any other warning Andy’s right hand flew past Karen to Aline’s bare upper leg. Before either girl could react Andy had reached up Aline’s shorts all the way to her thigh and ‘accidentally’ grazed the back of his hand against her bathing-suit-covered vagina.
Both girls started screaming and waiving their hands around aimlessly in the air. However, Karen did not physically try to stop Andy and neither did Aline. In fact, Aline kept her knees apart and did not pull back in the seat, even though her legs did vibrate with all of the excitement.
Andy withdrew his hand and the screaming from the girls stopped abruptly. Karen took a breath to make a statement when Andy again jammed his hand up Aline’s shorts. His fingers danced along her upper thigh again, brushed along the bathing suit, and efficiently went into the leg opening of her suit to finger the bristle of Aline’s pubic hair.
Aline still did not close her legs, grab at his hand, or move away. However her screaming did go up several octaves and many decibels. Karen was slapping at his arm as he returned both hands to the steering wheel.
‘What is wrong with you?’ Karen exclaimed as she continued to hit his shoulder, but not very hard. Andy just grimaced and flinched with each blow. Despite the girls’ indignation it was clear to all three of them that this was just fun teenage play.
Andy stole a glance at Aline to make sure he had not made her angry. She was flushed with excitement and still smiling absently. Andy’s eyes dropped to watch her full bosom move up and down with her rapid breathing. When he looked back up to her face, Aline was watching him and had clearly caught him ogling her chest. In that smiling instant they both knew they would pretend the extra-personal ‘touching’ had been an accident.
Karen sat in the middle with her arms crossed, clearly not as angry as she was acting. Andy grinned.
‘Hey Karen.’ he said meekly.
‘What?’ she barked.
‘You were wrong. I did like touching Aline’s thighs.’
Karen responded by punching him in the shoulder again, but hard this time. All three of them chuckled with the good-natured fun.
Andy and Karen peeked sideways at Aline. Aline was sitting without a slump on her side of the car, beaming with pride and beauty. Karen faced Andy adoringly, rolled her eyes toward Aline, and secretly mouthed the phrase, ‘Thank You.’
There’s just no limit to what a young man will do to make his girlfriend happy.
Suddenly Andy leaned forward squinting at the road ahead. ‘Would yuh look at this bullsheeit?’ Andy had
been raised in South Louisiana and had kept his Cajun accent, along with outrageous behavior, and bawdy language even in mixed company. What he saw several cars ahead was a bicyclist in the middle of the road blocking traffic.
‘There’s a bike path right beside the road and this asshole has to ride in our lane!’ Andy exclaimed. ‘Aline, roll down yo’ window so Ah can say somethin’ tuh him.’
As Aline rolled her window down, she and Karen exchanged panicked expressions. They were obviously afraid that Andy would cause trouble. Aline took the initiative, ‘That’s OK Andy, I’ll talk to him.’
One by one the cars in front were able to finally get around the guy on the bicycle. He was big and he wore a Florida State football jersey. Andy pulled even and Aline poked her head out of the window.
‘Hey mister, you’re blocking traffic. Can you please use the bike path?’
He barely glanced at her and continued pedaling as he said, ‘It’s not a bike path, it’s a sidewalk.’
Andy and Karen could not hear him and asked Aline in unison, ‘What did he say?’
Without turning to answer them Aline looked over at the paved path running beside the highway. It clearly had a painted image of a bicyclist on the path.
‘It’s not just a sidewalk! It has the picture of a bicycle on it!’
The big guy on the bicycle looked over at Aline with disgust, ‘FUCK YOU!’
Andy and Karen still could not hear him, ‘What did he say?’
This time Aline glanced back at her two friends in the front seat of the car. What they saw was a transformation in Aline’s face. Her skin had turned a beet-red color and her teeth were clenched in a vicious-looking grimace.
Her friends both said, ‘Oh shit!’ Andy followed with,’She’s gonna explode!’
Aline almost dove out of the window, extending half her body out of the car. ‘FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE!’
Without knowing all of what was happening, Andy immediately shoved the accelerator to the floor. Karen held tightly to the lower half of Aline’s body as the upper half almost flew parallel to the ground. Aline’s flaming red hair whipped wildly in the wind as she flipped the bird with both fists and screamed, ‘YOU SON OF A BITCH!’
They got a safe distance down the road before Andy slowed the car and yelped, ‘DAMN, gurl! And ya’ll say Ah’m crazy!’
Aline settled back in the car with Karen’s help. Aline’s hair and clothing were disheveled but her skin color had returned to simply being flushed. Andy had difficulty driving as he watched her breasts heave up and down.
Aline calmed herself and explained, ‘That guy started it!’ By the time they got to the pool all three were able to laugh over Aline’s intense outburst.
The Swimming Pool:
The pool was still crowded with recreational swimmers but the girls were able to spot Karen’s big sister Janet on poolside and approached her. One of the lifeguards was busy installing lane ropes for the upcoming swim practice and he accidentally backed into Karen and Aline.
Janet said with a grin, ‘Hey dumb-ass! Watch where you’re going!’
‘Oops, excuse me!’ The guard straightened up, somewhat confused. He turned to face the three girls. His eyes went straight past the two teenagers before settling with recognition on Janet. ‘Oh hey! You’re one of the back-dive girls!’
Janet smiled and performed her characteristic wiggle as she spoke, ‘Yeah, I’m Janet. And you’re Sullivan, the brute who molested me on the diving board.’
Sullivan laughed but glanced nervously around to see if anyone heard her. He responded back, ‘Just doing my job, ‘mam.’ He hesitated and added,’Your girlfriend called about diving lessons.’
‘Yeah, she told me that ya’ll will meet Friday for a beer and then come over here to practice. That girl is serious about making good grades, but I think she’s interested in you or she wouldn’t go to this much trouble. Be gentle with her.’
‘Wow, that’s good to hear! And of course I’ll be a gentleman with her.’
Janet touched his arm and joked, ‘I didn’t say you should be a gentleman.’
Janet and Sullivan laughed and continued to totally ignore the two teenage girls who were standing right there. Sullivan waved to Janet signaling that he had to get back to work setting up the lane ropes.
As he moved down the pool side, Janet turned to the girls, ‘Ooo he’s fine!’ All three girls watched him in his t-shirt and bathing suit as he pulled on the lane ropes and strained to connect them to the side of the pool. The muscles in his large legs flexed and trembled along with his rear end.
Janet continued, ‘Look at that butt!’ She held her hands apart near her thighs and remarked, ‘Can you imagine holding that in your hands as it clenches?’ She followed this with a guttural, ‘Mmmph!’
Janet had closed her eyes and now opened them to see horrified expressions on the two teenage girls’ faces. ‘I guess you can’t imagine that.’ The duo looked at Janet as if she was crazy, and Janet just chuckled. ‘I bet in the next couple of years you two will learn to like all this man stuff.’
On seeing their skeptical expressions Janet continued, ‘Believe me girls, soon you’ll end up like me. Right now you’re barely 18 years old and still in high school. For years you’ve been isolated from the rest of the world with your swimming workouts. The good news is you can look forward to an exciting time finally learning about boys.’
Karen made a face at her big sister then turned on her heel. ‘Come on Aline, we need to change for swim practice.’
The girls had dressed in silence, until Karen spoke, ‘Do you think Sullivan would notice us in these new skimpy swim suits?’ Karen was looking at herself in the dressing room mirror as she asked the question. Her suit was a pure-red one-piece racing suit that complemented her coloring, which was composed of dark medium-length straight hair, dark eyes, and creamy skin. She moved her hands in a smoothing motion across her torso, admiring her reflection and the fact that the suit barely covered her small bosom. She turned sideways to the mirror to examine the high cut of the suit which exposed most of her cute tear-drop buttocks. In the mirror she could see her friend Aline, wearing a bright blue version of the same suit.
Aline clowned around and imitated a blind person. With an exaggeration of Sullivan’s voice and manner, Aline joked, ‘Oops, excuse me little girl. Oh, it’s you, have you seen Janet?’ They both laughed and then Aline continued. ‘Honestly, I think we could have stripped out there and he would have kept talking to your sister.’
Karen nodded with a serious expression. ‘It’s probably because she has boobs.’ Automatically they both looked down at Karen’s chest as she talked about herself. ‘This is just pitiful. The best I can say is I have prominent nipples. And at least I have an eight-pack abdomen thanks to swimming. Oh wait, some of that is my nipples. I only have a six-pack.’ They both laughed in a way that showed they were actually comfortable with their situation even though they were complaining. Karen looked at Aline and commented, ‘Look at you with your bosom.’
‘You call this a bosom? These are only pectoral muscles with nipples on top. If I didn’t lift weights for sprints, I’d be just like you. That’s what the swimming does for us.’ However, they both knew Aline was just being nice. Aline had beautiful round boobs that stood high on her torso and edged out the top and sides of the racing suit. Compared to her small and petite distance-swimmer friend, Aline was tall and broad-shouldered. She had thick wavy red hair that she kept fairly short, and her skin was very white. The one trait Aline shared with Karen was a prominent and round butt, which was not at all oversized because of exercise from the swimming. Her nice ass especially stood out today due to the color contrast between the bright blue suit and her light complexion.
They picked up their goggles and swim caps then entered the pool a
rea. Karen was turned toward Aline as she spoke. ‘Sullivan may not notice us in these new suits, but I think Andy will.’
‘You’re damn right I notice! You two are HOT in those suits! And who is Sullivan?’
‘Nobody!’ Karen and Aline bellowed at Andy in near unison.
Karen looked past Andy at Janet walking toward them. In a loud whisper she hurriedly said, ‘Ok, Ok. He’s just a guy my sister is checking out, so don’t embarrass me, because Janet knows him.’
Without turning to look at Janet, Andy spoke loudly, ‘Well I’ve never met your sister, but she can’t possibly be that bad!’ He turned and flinched, saying, ‘Oh, is this your sister? Wow, she’s not bad looking after all!’
‘Very funny,’ Janet said, clearly enjoying the attention. ‘You must be the crazy Andy that Karen’s been talking about.’ Andy turned to Karen with a fake hurt expression as Janet continued, ‘Hey Karen, I’m not going to be able to stick around to watch ya’ll swim. I’ll see you tonight at the house.’
Janet moved to leave and managed to catch the girls’ eyes. She indicated Andy and mouthed the expression, ‘He’s cute!’ She added a thumbs-up signal.
The three teenagers chatted and started stretching while they waited for the pool to be ready for swim practice. Meanwhile Janet was near the exit as a big guy in a Florida State jersey was hurriedly entering. She said, ‘Pool’s closing for swim practice,’ on her way out.
Andy spotted him immediately, ‘That’s the asshole on the bicycle!’ The girls looked around in confusion but Andy was already hurrying toward the Florida-State guy, who was literally twice Andy’s size.
The guy muttered to himself with road rage, ‘I know they’re here. The car is in the parking lot.’ He was then able to look past Andy and spot Aline, ‘HEY BITCH!’ This got everyone’s attention. The lifeguard, Sullivan, glanced up and began walking toward them.
Andy was indignant. ‘Dat’s mah girlfriend you’re talking to!’ which of course was not exactly true, but the giant didn’t know that.
The guy slowly lowered his eyes to face this high-school kid in a Speedo. The big man’s expression changed from rage to form a cruel grin.
‘Would you look at this? It’s a Leprechaun!’ and he reached a large paw forward to shove Andy back a step toward the edge of the pool.
Andy angrily jumped forward in an attempt to shove back. It was a useless effort. The big man did not budge. Then he easily grabbed Andy in a bear hug. The Florida-State guy looked over at Aline and Karen with sadistic glee saying, ‘Let’s find out what it takes to get a pot-of-gold from this Leprechaun.’ He turned Andy around and pulled Andy’s rear hard up against the front of his biker shorts. It was an upsetting display of doggy-style domination, clearly intended to humiliate Andy.
‘MAN, YOU NEED TO STOP THIS!’ Sullivan called out as he neared the commotion. The big man looked up at Sullivan and lost his grip on Andy’s squirming slippery shape. Andy squirted free and fell into the diving pool with an awkward splash.’
The giant turned his aggressiveness toward Sullivan. ‘DO YOU THINK YOU’VE GOT ENOUGH FUCKING GUTS TO MAKE ME STOP?’ He was a head taller than Sullivan. With his elbows back, he shoved his chest forward into Sullivan’s face in the classic playground standoff. Sullivan began to look around nervously for a way out of this.
Andy called out from the water, ‘YOU’RE AN ASSHOLE!’ and splashed the pair.
The big man responded immediately, ‘I’m gonna kick your ass! These biking shoes cost over a hundred dollars.’
This comment seemed to trigger something in Andy. He immediately started splashing gallons of water on the feet of the big bully, and did not stop splashing. In a huff, the big man jerked off his football jersey and began to pull off his shoes, with Andy splashing him the whole time.
Sullivan spoke to the big man over the sound of the splashing water, ‘Don’t go in that water.’
The Florida-State big man looked coolly at Sullivan as he continued to strip down to his biker shorts. He seemed to get even angrier as water cascaded over his bent form.
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Kelli and Cathy had been best friends when I met Cathy. They remained close after Cathy and I married. I also worked at the same firm as Kelli's husband, Joe, and although we got along we weren't buddies. He had an aggressive, confident personality and I always seemed to be the target of his jokes and comments. Kelli worked as a hair stylist and often spent time with Cathy. Also, Cathy did like to do things with them as a couple, so I put up with his wisecracks. One thing we both liked to...
It happened just as I took the second bite of my bacon/mushroom burger. I had been watching this really great-looking little pickup that was pulling into Denny's parking lot when the parking lot disappeared. Suddenly everything outside became gray and furry around the edges. I freaked! And I almost jumped out of my seat when Lisa, she's my sister, dug her fingernails into my upper arm as she screamed. She had just looked past me out the window and seen the 'nothingness'. Both of us were...
“Lyn I will fuck that sexy ass of yours before the season is over mark my words”. “Oh no you won’t Joe”. Joe and Lyn were in show business, they had been given a three month contract for twice daily live performances. It was the big break both of them had been looking for, even if it was playing the two halves of a Pantomime cow. Lyn was the slightly higher paid of the pair as she played the front half. Joe was less fortunate as the rear end though had the consolation of having...
First I’m going to introduce myself I’m John I’m caucasian, 6 feet tall, dark blonde hair, a six pack, and a ten inch dick. I just won tickets to a WWE show and a backstage pass. My goal with the backstage pass is to meet and fuck some of the women in WWE. I arrived at the arena and can’t wait to try to meet women like Alexa Bliss, Sasha Banks, Charly Caruso, Becky Lynch, Stephenie McMahon, etc. “I can’t believe I won this backstage pass! I wonder who I’m going to meet this is exciting!” When I...
No, this story is not about groupie plaster casters at a glam rock concert getting the cock and balls in plaster of a rock star they fucked. Nor is it about going backstage at a theatrical performance of a highly sexual play, although elements of such drama are in this story. It was a simple sign in the woods, ?Backstage Pass?. I had cycled to the end of a woodland trail, an old rail bed, and found a gate blocking the trail, presumably erected there by a property owner jealous of his privacy....
Horseback Ride As soon as my sister walked in the door I told her that we had to talk. She said okay but that she really had to pee first. I paced the floor waiting for her to come back out to me. When Emma reappeared she looked great. My sister was something special. She had just come back from a night out with the girls and she was dressed to kill. Her short tight cotton skirt was black in color and just barely covered any panties that she might be wearing. Her little white half...
“Thanks very much! Now…….Pretty boys with BIG GUITARS!” Mac, the singer, screamed into the microphone. “Aaaaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhh!” we roared as the first thunderous chords blasted into the hall. As one, hundreds of people jumped up and down, pogoing and punching the air as we shouted the chorus back at the band on stage. Four feet from me Emma was hanging over the rails, of the mosh pit, trying to get Mac’s attention. Without any warning she lifted her T-shirt and flashed her tits...
“Thanks very much! Now…….Pretty boys with BIG GUITARS!” Mac, the singer, screamed into the microphone. “Aaaaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhh!” we roared as the first thunderous chords blasted into the hall. As one, hundreds of people jumped up and down, pogoing and punching the air as we shouted the chorus back at the band on stage. Four feet from me Emma was hanging over the rails, of the mosh pit, trying to get Mac’s attention. Without any warning she lifted her T-shirt and flashed her tits at him. He...
Group SexFlashbacks"Here you go, safe at last: those awful people can't touch you here!" assured the good-looking brunette policewoman as her charge explored her new home. She kicked herself mentally as she saw the stunning blonde's gaze locked firmly on the handcuffs on her belt - standard police equipment, of course, but nothing but a liability on this very strange assignment: baby-sitting the former slave as she adjusted to life as a free woman again, keeping her safe until the trial.Jenny quickly...
During the last year I had been down on my luck, I found myself staying in this rural run down trailer park in south Alabama. I was the only African American living in this trailer park, but that did not stop me from making friends. Everyone who lived around me was facing the same type of problems of trying to find a good paying job. On Friday my buddy Jimmy was throwing a get together at his place. The park was full of loud music, pot smoking and drinking; the atmosphere was a wild one. There...
Permission given to post on Fictionmania and Crystals Story Site. Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand...
I'm not sure even at this point if my sexual likes are a product of something I was born with, predisposed to be open to what I am, or if it is a learned response from those that taught me. My sexual universe seems to be ever-expanding born from the good, the bad, the strife, disappointment, and randomness of the lovers I had. This is a recounting of a man from my past who helped mold me into what I am. I can't say whether I am grateful for the man he was but I can see the positive in what I...
Backwoods Bruises Chapter 1 The roadway off of the main street was bumpy and filled with muddy depressions, which left me with the impression that, at any time, my car might sink into the mire and leave me in an everlasting pit, from which I was doomed to never return to civilization. It went on that way for almost a quarter of a mile, before I finally saw the first and only house on the desolate forested expanse. The house itself had seen better days, totally lacking paint of any kind, with...
I want to tell you about a wonderful day that my boyfriend and I had a week ago. He's the sweetest man in the world and wanted to take me on a horseback riding trip. He also planned a wonderful picnic for us to have together. I'll go over all the details of this amazing day we shared together.I was very excited that my boyfriend was going to be coming over. He had planned a day of riding horses together on a wonderful trail in the country. I was very excited to do this with him. We had never...
OutdoorI guess I was pretty clueless when I went to work at Thaxter’s. I knew it was a gay bar and all, but I assumed today’s gay bars weren’t that different from straight ones. I definitely didn’t expect getting hung from the fly loft like a random piece of meat. But apparently there’s a first time for everything.I should probably back up and say I was always a theater geek. You know the type: the guy who spent his teen years playing Troy in High School Musical, though he was really lusting after Zac...
Gay MaleIt was a simple sign in the woods, “Backstage Pass”. I had cycled to the end of a woodland trail, an old rail bed, and found a gate blocking the trail, presumably erected there by a property owner jealous of his privacy. The gate was flanked by barbed wire fencing that stretched away into the mixed hardwood bush on both sides as far as the eye could see. However, off to the right of the gate, nailed to a sapling, was the sign: “Backstage Pass”. Intriguing. Mysterious. Beside the sapling...
Note: This is Part II of the backstory on Jim and Monique, two grieving lovers who find each other on a private island in the South Pacific. In the previous installment, Jim meets Monique, who has anchored on the far side of his island, secretly, to stock up on fresh water before sailing to Hawaii. He tells her that if she had only asked he would have given her all the fresh water she wanted, and cooked dinner for her, too. In this installment, she takes him up on his offer. ———— December 27...
BACKLASH BY Vrykolakas Scot hit the enter key for the last timethat day--at least, in an officialcapacity. He rose to his feet, pushing back his wheeled chairand stretching,all in one flowing series of motions. He was proud of his strength, all thosehours of martial arts; looked like something was finally paying off. His legstrength alone could kick out a fire-door. He brushed back a few stubborn locksof hair from his eyes, and grabbed for his jacket and keys. It was time togo. Food, a...
He had slept for what seemed like forever, not so much as even tossing or turning in the middle of the afternoon. His beloved had vanished not long after the exquisite torture she had placed upon him so that he could rest up for whatever would come next. And he was indeed very exhausted, there was no doubt about that fact. So exhausted in fact that he did not even sense her return into their chamber of passion and desire. She smiled as she gazed upon his sleeping body, left cleaned and clothed...
Sonia & I meet Kathy at via a bareback internet forum; It wasn’t clear why she was so interested in our bareback swinging activity’s. She knew we were married & both enjoyed receiving anal from bare cocks, she mentioned she had a boyfriend or two who were into bareback sex. So at first it seemed like she was just a friendly and open person like us. I didn’t know that Kathy had plans for a couple like us.Kathy told us she knew a guy or two that would help us to explore and with a wink...
It all started when my wife and I were going to go to a wedding back in my old college town. My wife, April, attended college there with me and knew a lot of the locals. With the added company of our old college buddies, it was too much like old times to pass up. When April and I were packing for the trip I noticed she packed the dress that she knew I loved. It was a VERY tight fitting strapless dress that stopped about 2 inches from her knees. The material was so tight that she could not wear...
PAYBACK PAYBACK!ByAnne Gray(Illustrated by Dan) ?Well welcome back to the land of the living Jessica.? I stood in front of the girl as she finished coming out of the drugged stupor and struggled to sit upright on the loveseat.? Her wrists, covered in long kid gloves, were crossed and firmly bound behind her back.? More white cord around her ankles, just above the black pumps with 4? heels, held her legs together.?? All very basic, but effective. As she shook her head to try and clear...
Introduction: An 18-y-o virgin has sex with a horny puppy! The year was 2069. In late 2020, the world was almost destroyed when World War III broke out. Atomic bombs were dropped all across the globe and billions of people died. The survivors were forced to take refuge underground. Life was hard, but they managed to use technology to survive. Due to space restrictions, births were controlled and everyone served their purpose. Kids started working at a very young age, but were nothing more than...
During the summers, Jay loved to spend his time off from school in the Great Smoky Mountains earning some money as a guide at an extreme adventure place where they did zip lines, horseback riding, and other high adrenaline adventures. Jay would relax in the cabin and go hiking on his time off when he wasn’t working. One day Jay was working as a guide with the horseback riding tours through the mountains and a group of teenagers pulled up and hopped out of their car and up to the...
This is the sequel to ‘I Warned You.’ I hope you enjoyed it and didn’t take it seriously. There is only a mention of sex in this story. I decided to keep it in the category of the first story for consistency. Please don’t take either of these stories seriously. There is no permanent damage done to anyone. Just read and enjoy. ***** Payback For those of you who read about what my wife did to me in the story ‘I Warned You,’ I’m here to let you know that I did not go gentle into that good...
Kelly was twenty one and a little over average height for a woman. She had an athletic body with long shapely legs, beach basketball was her favourite sport. Living in sunny California she had plenty of opportunity to go to the beach and practice. Her skin was a richly tanned olive complexion, the result of her Sicilian heritage. That same heritage gave her thick glossy black hair that hung down over her shoulders and darkly expressive brown eyes. On leaving school Kelly had bummed around a...
"So tonight at the metro arena, britney spears will be playing her one night only show so we can announce the winner of the competition to win backstage hour meet and greet with britney herself. And the winner is *drum rolls*Yes as you can expect, I won the competition, I have always had a crush on britney spears, girlfriend seemed eh about me going alone but at the end of the day it's just a concert and knows I genuinely listen to her music, she doesnt know I won the competition but I wasnt...
This just recently happened a few days ago like last week before my birthday.( that's right I had a birthday recently.) So i wanted to do something different for my 38th birthday. So aside from giving myself a totally new look by dying my long black hair to cutting it high top and gone white blond. i look like a crossdresser between annie lexxon and eminmen. I have my cuteness boy self somewhat androgynous in my appearance i like to throw off people. I'm about 5'2 about 150ish or so (its winter...
After a wild time at an Ellie goulding concert, I was even more pumped up after getting an all access pass from a mate of mine and I was so excited and I though I was going to get a boner. Making my way past the security guards and showing them the pass, as they let me go pass, There happened to be someone else who also had a backstage pass, he was getting his photo took and the lot. I literally dashed backstage, meeting her with all her live members. It was such fun, it was too much to...
I hadn't been back to see Mom for almost a year since I moved to Texas after graduating college and accepting job in Houston. In our last email exchange, Mom said she was in a local theater group and they were putting on a play. I was happy to hear that she had something to keep her interest now that she was all by herself after I left. So I thought it would be a nice thing to fly back on Friday afternoon to see Mom in her play at the local school auditorium that evening.I was happy that Mom...
PLEASE NOTE: The band “Tundra” as featured in this story is entirely fictitious.The first thing you have to understand about me is that I’m a rock chick with a very particular style. Take, for example, my goth inspired wardrobe, my ten piercings and the white-blonde dreadlocks that go all the way down to my backside. I don’t think anyone could accuse me of not being unique. In my day to day life I’m independent, in control and that’s the way I like it. But there’s another side to me. A side...
LesbianHarold unzipped her track top and pulled her arms out of the sleeves. All clothing was folded neatly on a little wooden side table. Then he pulled her T-shirt over her head and removed it. Her white bra didn’t quite conceal her full breasts. She looked eighteen or nineteen, compact and well built, not skinny or obese, but pleasantly plump. I was aroused. As he worked, I asked him, “So what happens after we fuck her? I don’t want to be involved in a murder.” Bill shot me a quick look....
Stephen Rourke paced with anticipation as he waited in the long hall outside of the dressing rooms. The walls of the old theater were lined with photographs of actors and actresses who had once walked the stage beyond, but they held no interest for the 18 year old. His only thoughts were of the woman whose name was written in gold on the decades old wood. His heartbeat raced in anticipation at the thought that he was actually going to get the chance to talk to her. To have a conversation with...