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It happened just as I took the second bite of my bacon/mushroom burger. I had been watching this really great-looking little pickup that was pulling into Denny's parking lot when the parking lot disappeared. Suddenly everything outside became gray and furry around the edges. I freaked!

And I almost jumped out of my seat when Lisa, she's my sister, dug her fingernails into my upper arm as she screamed. She had just looked past me out the window and seen the 'nothingness'. Both of us were scared out of our wits until Mom reached over and slapped Lisa's hand and my arm where they were joined.

"Settle girls! Get a hold of yourselves! This has got to be a Confederacy 'extraction' - you know, where they collect people for the Swarm war! That's the field they use to keep everybody else out and all of us in here! This is important! Settle down, NOW!"

Being obedient girls we were immediately a lot quieter than some of the other people in the restaurant when a really big guy stood up at the other end of the place and started to talk in a really loud voice. HE said that THEY (there were two other people with him — one was a really big lady) were at the restaurant to pick up five people selected for service with the Confederacy Defense Forces. No one could leave until THEY were done here and that the 'interdiction field' outside would be released as THEY left. Then he started calling out the five people THEY were there to collect.

As those people were getting together and talking with the rest of HIS team Mom was talking to Lisa and me really fast, and quietly. "This is what we talked about girls! If one of those guys they're here to pick up will choose me to go with him you get to go with us! We'll be somewhere safe when the Swarm gets here! I really want somebody to pick us! You're going to have to help me get picked!"

She really WAS whispering in exclamation marks — we had talked a couple of times about how important something like this could be -- and how unlikely it was to happen somewhere that we just happened to be. Mom had been very disappointed when she got her CAP score back after testing. She had only gotten a 5.2 and they didn't select people below a 6.5 score, so she wouldn't be 'selected' to volunteer for the CDF. But she could maybe get 'chosen' by a selectee and if she was chosen she probably could get them to take us too, if we were still under 14. She had told us about how the people who were selected got to choose people to go with them. About how important those people were, even if they were basically sex slaves, to make more humans on the colony world. So, she said, she'd get naked and have sex with a guy if it got him to choose her to go. That kind of behavior seemed to occur at every extraction. And, she said, we were old enough to do the same, even if we were under 14, just that we couldn't do the sex part. She said it was the best way to try to be safe in this world, by being off of it if at all possible. And she told us that we were going to get tested as soon as we turned 14, which would be in three months for Lisa and in four months for me.

When the big guy (Sarge he said to call him) said that if any of us wanted to volunteer to be chosen to go with the 'selectees' that we had better stand up, grab our CAP IDs and get in line. When the other marine (that's what they were), started to separate the volunteers into choosing groups Mom quickly got us up and herded us into the line of women in front of the counter. She kept her arms around us the whole time, which was good because otherwise I probably would have run into the Ladies room or something. I was scared spitless and from the way Lisa was keeping a tight grip on my arm I knew she was scared too! We got there before a lot of the women and Mom wouldn't let any of them get in front of any of us. She actually pushed one woman out of the way and told her to go to the end of the line with the other 'slowpokes'.

Sarge used his 'big' voice again to identify the people THEY had come to pick up. There were three men and two women. All of them looked a little bit surprised and uncertain of what to do as Sarge told everybody that 1 man could choose 6 (six!) 'concubines' (that's what HE called them), that 1 man could choose four 'concubines', that 1 man could choose two and that 1 woman could choose four while the other could choose two. That meant that eighteen people in Denny's could get chosen to go to safety. And Mom intended to be one of them and for us to go with her.

Sarge divided us (all of us standing anyway) into three groups of women and two groups of men. The lady marine was still talking to the lady selectees when Sarge started the guys down the lines of women to interview us. It was really embarrassing to watch. Most of these women were willing to do anything to be chosen. It was like a description of an old slave market only here the women were selling themselves. One of the women in another group was told to strip. Suddenly almost all of them stripped down to nothing, in competition with the women next to them. Mom did too, just like she said she would, and was dithering at us to get our clothes off when the guy doing our line got to us. Sarge was right behind him.

"ID," he demanded.

Mom gave hers to him right away and was busy explaining that we (Lisa and me) weren't 14 yet, but would be, really soon. A 'Three For One' deal she called us. Roger (the guy who was doing the choosing, he had been identified as having two choices, ) looked at the three of us with a funny look on his face. Lisa and I had only got our tops off, not even our bras, but that wasn't what he was trying to figure out. "They're my daughters!" Mom exclaimed.

"Yeah, right!" said Sarge.

"We are, too!" chimed in the two of us together.

"Explain!" demanded Sarge with Roger nodding his head in agreement.

I'd better give you a longer explanation than Mom could give to Sarge under the gun, so to speak. You see, Mom is a product of mid-western America. She's white, light brunette, about 5'5 and was about 38 years old then. When she was about 25 she decided that she was enough educated (she had a Masters degree in management), enough situated (she was the office manager for a large legal firm), and enough unmarried (we figure she was cute enough, but no Mr. Right had shown up yet) that she was going to have to provide her OWN family, without a man. She'd deal with a man in her life later, if one showed up. She wanted to have children THEN. Faced with two options for obtaining her desired children she rejected sperm donors and syringes route and chose instead to adopt. We, her two girls, are very happy that she did.

She adopted Lisa first. Lisa was about three weeks old when Mom got her and she doesn't remember ever being somewhere besides with Mom. When Lisa was about three years old Mom decided to adopt again. Her bosses had helped her get Lisa and they helped smooth over the legal issues of a second adoption by a single mother too. This time she didn't go for a newborn, but chose a little girl the same age as her first daughter -- ME! Mom named me Mary. I sort of remember some other people from when I was little, but ever since I joined them it has been the three of us together. We're really sort of a very strong family.

But that doesn't tell you why Sarge and Rog didn't know what to make of the three of us. You see, while mom is white, like I said; Lisa is African-American. What she calls Black? And me? I'm Asian -- probably Korean the adoption people thought. Mom and Lisa call me 'yellow' when we get to talking about our colors. I was found in a motel in our city, all alone, after some people had checked out. The cleaning ladies found me one morning and the police could never find the people who had rented the room to ask them about me. They were white and I obviously wasn't. So, really, nobody knows where I came from. But Mom took me anyway thank God, and the three of us make a very good family. I think so anyway! We just vary in color more than most families.

... But back to Sarge and Rog at Denny's. There they stood, in a choosing line, with a white woman who claimed two 13-year-old kids as her daughters -- one black, one yellow. On the surface many people would have a hard time accepting what they saw. We've run into that for years. She had to convince these guys (Rog in particular) that we really were a family and that he could take all of us. That she was the only one that would count against his two choices, but that we would both be legal in a little while and he would have three 'concubines' for the 'price' of just one. That he would still have his second choice available to him.

Mom had us get out our school IDs (thank god they had our pictures and names behind the embossed plastic) and told our story quickly and then she got on the track that Sarge really liked. She pointed out that by choosing us as his family, Rog was going to get as much racial diversity in his family as possible.

"And," she said quickly, "I know that the Darjee can make me over into a younger version as part of their medical improvements. I can still have several babies. I like sex; I've just never let a man make babies in me. YOU can be that man if you choose us! We've talked it over between the three of us before, and the girls know what will probably happen if you do choose us! I have the skills to please you and to run your entire household for you while you're off doing whatever the AIs will have you doing to fight the Swarm. PLEASE, take the three of us!"

Sarge and Rog looked at each other and then discussed us right in front of us. There was no privacy or secrecy in this situation. "Well," said Sarge, "we do want as much diversity in this relocation of humanity as we can get. If you want to 'young' mom up you'll get a white, a black and a yellow for the cost of one choice. I carded her ID and her story checks out -- they're her adopted kids and look to be just short of legal age. On our colony when they turn 14 they get to take their own CAP tests. If they pass they get to choose their own concubines and get their own pods. If they don't pass then you get keep them if you still want them. You just have to get them pregnant within six months."

"Yeah," said Rog, "OK girls, let's see those titties. Mom looks pretty good and I've been promised that they can fix any real problems we run into."

When Lisa and I realized what he wanted, we started to strip too. While we were skinning out of our pants and panties, Rog and Sarge were double verifying that we weren't 14 yet. That's the year point when girls aren't considered kids anymore but can choose to have sex if they want to. That's also the point when kids don't get a free ride with their Mom or Dad anymore. We'd have to have our own CAP IDs and get selected on our own results. That's what Mom had scheduled for us to do on our birthdays.

Mom was still explaining to Sarge while Rog was feeling us up and 'inspecting' us (as he put it). Nobody except me but my doctor has had hands on my tits until Rog did that day. He even ran a hand down our crotches and Lisa squealed. Later on she told me that he had surprised her by sticking a finger up into her. She hadn't expected that at all! He didn't do that with me then, but he's fingered me (and her) a lot since that day.

Finally Sarge told Rog it was decision time -- that there was a limit to how long this could drag out. When he said that, Rog had a finger in Mom's hairy twat and a hand on one of her boobs. Rog made the decision then and there and told us all to go over by the lady Marine -- that we were going with them! Lisa and I grabbed up our clothes and the other stuff we had brought in with us and got ready to head over where he said, but then Mom asked him if she could help him make his other choice.

Rog thought it over, agreed, told her not to get dressed but to give her stuff to us, and we headed in two different directions. Lisa and I went over by the lady marine (gosh, she was a big lady! But real nice to us and everybody else who came over to her). Rog and Mom stepped back from the line to talk a bit -- like about five or more minutes worth! Later Rog told us what they talked about. It was racial diversity of our new world, and whether they wanted to really work at it. If Rog and Mom were both white, Lisa was black, and I was Asian, then they needed someone from the Amer-Indian racial grouping to balance things out they thought. Just looking around at the women in the restaurant, they decided that the closest they could come to a Native American was someone of South American background.

That's how they chose Juanita. She's our sister-wife now. She's Mexican, was 20 years old then, had a CAP score of 4.5 (heavy on maternal instincts, Rog said) and had a 4 year-old named Tomás. He's now the second ranking male in our 'family'. 'Nita wasn't married and was holding down a job as nanny to a rich family. She was ridiculously happy to join us! Tomás was going to be safe from the Swarm! She didn't care about having to be a 'sex slave' herself; she just rejoiced that Tomás would be safe! Lisa and I have been very happy to accept him as our younger 'brother' and a possible future 'co-husband'.

And I have to stop referring to us as 'sex slaves'! Since we transported to the pod ship and got our own pod we've really set up our own family. Mom is the mom; 'Nita, Lisa and I are now all second level sister/wives under Mom, and Tomás is our favorite brother. While Rog is the boss and we are all his wives, Mom really runs things 'cause he's gone so often on Confederacy duty.

It took a while to get to this 'town' on our colony planet, but we've all worked together to make it happen right when we got here. The story I want to tell is how we got to be this way. Actually, Lieutenants TH and JJ sort of urged one of us to tell our story, and Lisa doesn't think she writes all that well, so it ended up being my job.

When most of the selections had been made, Sarge told the lady marine to start sending us up. She put something on the floor and it made a kind of blue, shimmery area around it. Since we were one of the first groups completed she sent us up first. She sent Roger through, with us girls next, followed by Juanita carrying Tomás and then Mom came. It seemed like it took forever, but I'm told that it was much less than a minute when we stepped out into this big area with some more marines to push us out of the way of the people following us. It had been a 'beam me up, Scotty' trip and we hadn't even realized it until we were in the Darjee colony ship in orbit. Eventually all the others were transported up and Sarge and the lady marine came last.

The rest of the day was spent sorting everybody out, finding out if anybody needed immediate help, who had kids to be picked up, and assigning our pods to us. There were already hundreds of other people on the ship and the first marines we met still had several pickups to make so they handed us off to the marines on board and we didn't see them again for a couple of weeks. Apparently they picked up five kids for others in our pickup group before they quit that day. Eventually they became the main people who were teaching us about our new world and our jobs on it.

None of our 'family' had immediate medical needs that had to be attended to so we went fairly quickly to our pod. Later we all spent some time in the med stations and later Roger and Mom spent several days in the tubes getting adjusted.

Tomás had a problem with ear infections that the 'nannies' corrected, Lisa and I both had our periods regularized and were made unable to have babies for six months. 'Nita had about 25 pounds taken off by the nanobots, mostly around her middle and her butt (you should see her shape now, or at least when she's not preggers). That took about two weeks of regular time. Rog and Mom took the most time in the machines

It turned out that Rog had an early prostate cancer that they had to fix so that he could keep shooting babies. And for Mom he had about 15 years taken off her looks and had her baby-making systems 'fixed-up' for about that much more time making babies. Weird! But she really looks great now. With her re-aged we (all the women) look like we fit in from 14 to about 25. Rog still looks like the 35 he started at but after the nannies and the Marine Corps finished with him he is really quite buff!

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Grocery Store fun

I was shopping in my local grocery store last week around 10:30 at night...about 1/2 hour before close. I was in the produce section looking for some fresh basil for some pasta sauce I was making. Of course there was no basil on the shelf where it should have been, so I looked for someone working in produce. No luck. There was hardly anyone in the store, but it was the only grocery store anywhere near me that was open this late so I went to the door to the back room to see if anyone was...

4 years ago
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This Flight Tonight Chapter 2

The plane rockets down the runway, hand in hand, our hearts fluttering,the sweet release of wheels leaving the earth and soaring in the clouds.You let go of my hand and we nod to each other.I think "thank god thats over".I see a skymall magazine and pull it from the back of the seat in front of me. I thumb through it not really paying attention. "Ooooh that LOOKS interesting" (its a full page ad about a foot massager) toI didnt know she was paying attention."Leslee, do your feet hurt!" i...

3 years ago
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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 31

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . Let me continue from where I stopped last time I was in Chloe’s room. Chloe: Where have you been? Me: Around. Your sister tried to seduce me. Chloe: I was sure of it, it was just a matter of time. And what happened? Me: I’m here, aren’t I? She...

1 year ago
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Off Limits Roommate Pt 2

"It's not spit." I barely managed to stutter it out. "I moved them over on the counter and they got wet." I rolled my eyes and pushed past her out of my room. Shiann laughed. "I know, I was.. making a joke? Because of the boss with the foot fetish?" At this point, I was red with embarrassment. I wasn't sure I believed her after the tone she had when she showed me her socks. I walked into the bathroom and saw the lotion had been put away. I looked back at Shiann. She winked...

2 years ago
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The Elder Sister8217s Escapades

Maneesha had her eyes glued to her laptop’s screen. It was an hour past midnight, and there was complete silence in her room. All she could hear was the low humming of her fan running at a slow speed. She held a pen in her hand, which was resting over a notebook. Her other hand supported her chin. After a few minutes, she shut the laptop down, stretched herself, and decided to call it a day. Maneesha had been studying hard continuously for the past three hours. Only a month was left for her End...

3 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 7

Rose and Mary purchased red boot stockings to have one for each of them, and all fifteen boarders at the boardinghouse. They bought candy canes and trinkets to fill each stocking, then hung them by the fireplace. They had hung one extra, in hopes that Clarissa would make it for Christmas. The family and boarders feasted on three roasted wild turkeys with cornbread stuffing, homemade bread and jellies of all flavors, beans, candied sweet potatoes and corn, and buttered apple dumpling cobbler...

4 years ago
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Nights of Alsitor At The Foot of Podritias Pass

The wind howled outside, barely swaying the lanterns hanging within the closed bivouac. Soft light played off the glyphs woven into the tent walls, and the somber faces of the two meeting parties. Captain Tsharles, a rocky-jawed bear of a man with olive skin and wavy amber hair, sat on a footstool two steps away from the intricately-knitted wicker bench supporting Sheriff Amelia, the steward of Podritia's Pass. a strategically vital route through otherwise inaccessible mountains. The men in...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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First time with Jaina

CharactersMarie & Jim - My late wife's sister and her husbandJaina - Marie & Jim's oldest daughterAshley - Marie & Jim's younger daughterSean - MeChristy - My late wifeFirst time with my nieceWhen my phone rang and I saw the number I knew this would be interesting. The person calling was my late wife's sister Marie. I pictured Marie in my head tall, slender with fiery red hair. Unlike her sister, my wife Christy was average height, a little curvy which I loved and a...

3 years ago
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Great Two Way Oral With My First Black Girl The Set Up

On a wet rainy Wednesday night I decided to have a Google and see what NSA (no strings attached) sex I could find. After stumbling upon the NSA sex section of Craigslist, I thought I'd pop an advertisement up and see if it really does work or, if all of the adverts were a scam. The title of my advert was 'Great Oralist seeks another oralist'. The advert was short, but I did say I would give the best oral ever and I added some sexy pics. A big statement I know, but I've been told I'm pretty...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Nayas Journey

Naya looked in the mirror and saw the accusing face of her roommate. It hadn't been the first time she'd seen Rebecca give her that look. The phenomenon had been intensifying all week. "You shouldn't go, Naya. Look, I know you think this is the 'adventurous' thing to do. But this is shady, and if I may say, more than a little creepy. I mean, what do you really know about this guy?" Damian Cruceaux. The man who'd placed the online ad seemed as mysterious as his picture suggested....

3 years ago
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Sex Holiday 3 Caribbean Experience

This is again only FANTASYIt wasn’t long after we returned from Florida that the thought of the next year’s holiday came up. My wife still didn’t want to try any swinging outside of our main holiday time (afraid she might meet someone she knew if we tried it in the UK) but after the last 2 year’s holiday she said she loved the freedom she got for a week or so each year. The last 2 years had opened her up to naturism and being around naked people so she said that all future holidays had to have...

3 years ago
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Latchkey Kid

By now, I could sympathize with Simmons, the Regional Operations Manager I had been called in to "clean up" for. No doubt he was a screw-up regardless, but his assistant, Marsha O'Donnell, might drive anybody to distraction. No, I don't mean because she was hot — although she certainly was. No, Marsha O'Donnell would drive anyone crazy with her endless prattle. Here are the things you would learn about Marsha within ten minutes of meeting her, whether you were interested or not: First,...

1 year ago
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Driving with Uber An Unexpected Benefit Chapter 10

It had been about a week ago since I had my conversation with Klara.  She had called me primarily to thank me for giving her the punishment spanking due to her bad money decisions at the casino.  However, a secondary reason was to have a conversation about the revelations her sister had made to her about her sister’s and my relationship.  She had been aware that her older sister had asked me to be willing to hold her accountable for her actions.  Her sister and I had met soon after Khrystiana...

3 years ago
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Bengali Housewife

Hello everyone this is a story about a bengali housewife that I am going to narrate to you. I am sure u have read many stories related to them. And to be honest it is not a fault of the writers it is just that these women have a sex appeal that can melt even diamond. Before I start let me introduce myself. My name is Nitin im from Bangalore, im 29 year old man. Sex is not an obsession for me. But the whole idea of having sex and interacting intimately with another female makes me high. A female...

3 years ago
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The Ensigns of Detection Ch 04

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

2 years ago
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Alices Dirty Little Secret Come True0

“Hey do you want to come see this X-ray? There’s a cool fracture along the tibia” Drew said, poking his head around the corner. Alice jumped and looked at him wide eyed before grinning, hoping he didn’t catch the little glint of crush mode in her eyes. “Sure, Can I have a second though? I want to get this load started so laundry doesn’t back up”, Alice said smiling. “Sure” Drew said, smiling and going back to the X-Ray machine. Alice closed her eyes and took in the smell of his cologne,...

4 years ago
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the wife as ghetto meat

This one started out as a fun experience. She had arranged for a cheap motel hook up with two black bulls. Finally I was allowed to watch, however I was to remain hidden in the closet. She made it sound real, if they were surprised by my presence she didn't know what they would do to me. Usually she goes out with these two and I am left to imagine what she's doing to them, with them.She dressed nicely, a skirt, pantyhose, silken panties, a nice bra and blouse and a pair of nice boots....

1 year ago
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PetiteHDPorn Jenny Wild Step Sisters Warm Apple Pie

Stanley Johnson is in the middle of preparing apples for a pie when his stepsister Jenny Wild walks in and sees what he’s up to. Grabbing one of the apples, Jenny contemplates it for a moment before she hops on the counter to nibble at her snack while Stanley keeps chopping. Feeling a little bit hot and bothered at the sight of her bro in an apron, Jenny eventually sets the apple aside and spreads her thighs so she can taunt him with the sight of her rubbing her clit above her panties....

3 years ago
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Train Mein Meri Chudai

Hi friends this is anu,,mein kafi din baad is site pe koi ghatna likne ja rahi hu.ek mnc mein kaam milne ke wajese mein nhi likh payi iske liye sorry..umid hai ap sab ko yeh ghatna pasand ayegi.yaad dilane ke liye mein anupama hu,meri umar 34 hai,58kgs.5.3, gori hu,meri baal just strap ke niche tak ate hai,black eyes, figure 36b-30-36 ki hai,mein regularly wax bhi karti hu..yeh ghatna train mein huyi thi aj se ek week pehle. mein Mumbai gayi thi office kaam se .aur mujhe fortunately contract...

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The Nude Beach

It is a perfect day to go to the beach. There is a nude beach not far from where I live. I pack my beach bag with my sunscreen, towels, blanket and my book. I pack up a cooler with water and food. I put on my bikini and my cover up. I pack the car and drive over there. The beach is not too far away. I find the perfect spot and lay out the blanket. I take off my bikini, and rub the suntan lotion all over my body. The beach is crowded. Some people have bathing suits on, and others are nude like...

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WebYoung Adria Rae Chloe Cherry Lily Love Truth Or Dare

Sitting around in panties and tank tops Adria Rae, Chloe Cherry and Lily Love are looking sexy as hell lounging out in the living room. With nothing to do the girls decide to have fun with some good old-fashioned Truth or Dare. The girls label 2 jars, Truth and Dare, and fill both of them with little handwritten notes. At first, the choice are tame and playful but when Lily Love picks her choice she has to get on all fours and stick her ass out. Adria and Chloe can’t resist slapping an...

2 years ago
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Were You Hit With a Slut Ray Book IChapter 22

Seven hours later... “This was a very nice little deal for us, but I think that we need to correct one thing,” Ben smiled as he zapped every member of my group in turn. That they stood there and accepted the zapping from the Converter was a bit surprising, too, though the biggest part was that the Xenarians didn’t zap me at all. I stood there with my mouth gaping wide before Ben winked at me and I felt Julia’s ass open up for me. Just then, she entered Claire from above, so we could do a...

1 year ago
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You Must Remember ThisChapter 12 Bedroom Maneuvers Lisbon January 1942

Clegg got back to his hotel. It was late. He made his way along ornate corridors with their slightly faded décor, to his suite. As he entered the suite he stopped. Draped across one of the chairs was a white silk dress. Beside the chair, a pair of high heeled sandals lay discarded on the floor. As a result, when Clegg pushed open the door to his bedroom he wasn't surprised to see a woman in his bed. Neither was he surprised to see that it was Ilsa. "Mrs Lazlo," said Freddie, coolly, "I...

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62 year old

This is a true detailed account leading to the video that I have uploaded please view!!...... I have known Mark and his mum since we were both 15. His mum (Debbie) has always been a stunning looking lady. Debbie is now 62 but as you can see from the video she has aged beautifully. She lost her husband two years ago and since then she has turned to me for help with any practical work, especially as Mark is not practically minded. One day Mark phoned to say his mum had brought a video camera and...

2 years ago
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The Neighbor Above Me Chapter 3

After the craziness of the first few days, things settled into a routine. Foolishly, I got careless. The pain of the punishment Ms. J prescribed was mild compared to how bad I felt for failing her. I was determined to put in extra effort to try to solve the problems I had created for her and to regain her trust.The unusual events of the first few days were explainable. The first night was to test my obedience. The second was to overcome her issues with the pain medication. The third was to...

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Ovid 3 The Road Crew

Time to visit Ovid again. As usual, this contains some adult material (maybe PG-13), so use your own discretion. You may archive at any site, but please notify me of your intention to do so. Comments are always appreciated. Ovid III: The Road Crew By The Professor It had grown colder in Ovid through the month of December. The remains of an early December snow were still piled by the side of the streets and a gray sky threatened at least another four inches before evening. I had...

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BBs Nursery and Daycare Chapter 6

BB's Nursery and Day Care Chapter 6 April decided it was time for lunch. Her schedule was flexible and she had the sudden desire to surprise James and sneak up on him at his lunch. James hardly ever took a lunch to work. She knew he looked at lunches as an excuse to escape the office and the inherent stress. She pulled up her family app on her phone and was soon able to find the location of James phone. Perfect timing he was on the move. When she got to her car she noticed he was...

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Slave of the OutcastChapter 7

For the last 2 weeks Charles had been hanging out with Ivy and her friends. They had been hanging out nearly every night. Every time he was going to meet up with her (and her friends), he was always excited. In the mornings and afternoons, he worked at his mom's shop. He got to know more about the townspeople as many of them were customers who came to the shop. Some were adults. Some were young kids. Some were kids his age. Some of the teenagers would talk to him as he was the new guy and he...

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come with me to the casbar

Well my first blog entry was about my first swinger party , which went quite well , but I also learn that you not really a gamer until you go to an actually swingers club . Swinger parties are usually thrown by a home owner who invites their friends and other like minded people within their network, but swinger clubs is like going to a night club , but with one catch you can most likely fuck someone inside the club with little or no game , because everyone there is also looking for a sexual...

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