ChallengeChapter 2 free porn video

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My internal farmer's alarm went off just before five so I got up, put my clothes on, then used the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I didn't feel like waking the kids, so I went downstairs and put some coffee on before going out to the barn to feed the steers. We didn't milk any longer because Dad said it was cheaper to buy milk at the store. I don't know how that could be, but it probably had to do with pasteurizing the milk now.

I carried a bucket of cracked corn and a bucket of ground shells to the chicken house. I refilled their water trough and gathered the eggs. One of the hens was setting on eggs, and I had let her be so we could have more chicken dinners.

The Trooper on duty got out and stretched and I stopped to talk to him on the way back to the house. I told him we would be having breakfast soon and he was invited. He came in to have some fresh coffee with me.

The day had begun inside as all three girls were working in the kitchen to fix breakfast. Chet and Jeff were talking about plowing the late wheat fields under, but wanted me to take some soil samples to the Farm Bureau for testing to see what minerals the fields might need first. We did a good job of rotating crops, but that alone doesn't work sometimes. We only had one field in hay at a time, and that was enough for the stock we had. We saved enough corn, oats, and soybeans to give the animals some grain during the winter and before we butchered them. I would need to watch the auctions and try to pick up a young steer for our future freezer stock.

I told the boys, "Go ahead and just run the disk over the wheat fields we were replanting in winter wheat so the stubble will retain the snow if there is a blow. Any weeds or volunteer crops that would come up before spring corn planting will be tilled under before spring planting. We still wanted to plant winter wheat as that was always a way to get two crops from the same field. We already have the seed for wheat, so we'll plant the winter wheat fields the third week in September. We'll do it the same way this coming year and get a crop of soybeans that we'll pick late. It's tough to get even 90 day corn to mature right when we follow winter wheat. The soybeans will give the ground a nitrogen boost."

The Trooper said, "You kids sound like a bunch of farmers talking about their plans."

Chet took offense, and told the Trooper, "We are farmers. Our family has been farmers since they moved here after the Revolutionary War. We've fed ourselves, our stock, our neighbors, the town, and whoever else bought our grains for almost two hundred and thirty years. Kenny is the farmer now, but Jeff and I will be farmers too after we go to college to learn even more of how to make a farm work. My sisters will be farmers' wives. Monique may not be because she wants to be an actress on Broadway. I hope she makes it. Make no mistake, Mr. Trooper, we are farmers."

I winked at the Trooper so that he didn't feel bad about being dressed down by a sixteen year old. The boys hitched equipment to tractors and were on their way to the fields when breakfast was finished and it was time to work. I loaded a chain saw, oil, gas, a heavy chain, and some ropes into the pickup and headed to the place on the county road to get to the valley field.

I waded through the undergrowth to get to the valley meadow, and then backtracked to make sure it was the best way to get there. Josey was in the big truck with Monique and June at the road where the pickup was when I got there. I was startled and asked, "Who's watching the house?"

Josey said, "The Trooper said he would make sure the house stayed where it should and no foreigners would get by him."

I told Josey that I was going to cut the brush and a couple of small trees down to clear a road to the big meadow like Grandpa said I should do. She wanted to help, but I told her, "Go home and be there in case the Child and Family case worker shows up. Send Monique to get me and call John Smith if they come."

I started the chain saw and began clearing brush from side to side to clear a path at least fifteen feet wide. I was physically able to drag the bigger trees out of the way if I cut them into smaller pieces. I was just about done when June came running for me, "Hurry, come home, someone shot the Trooper. Josey is watching around the house as best she can but hurry. She called the Sheriff's office and paramedics." I told her to drive the pickup because it would be easier for her to reach the pedals while I handled the big truck. It was funny how the girls felt comfortable driving the monster truck and didn't choose Mom's Suburban.

We had never been a cell phone family, but I wish we had them right now. I blasted my way to the house and found Josey outside trying to help the Trooper who had been shot in the shoulder above his vest. This was the man from this morning and I asked Josey, has he been able to call for help?"

"No, Kenny, he's been unconscious since he's been hit."

I used the man's radio microphone and keyed the mike. "This is unit 4146 stationed at the Schultz farm. The Trooper has been shot and we need paramedics and help. Please help us."

A voice came over the radio and asked, "How can I be sure you are telling me the truth?"

I told the voice, "The Trooper's name is Denaldo and he has some extra pins under his badge. Please send someone. I'm holding a compress on his wound."

"Someone will be there in a few minutes."

We heard a general broadcast over the radio for any Troopers in this area to converge on the farm. We also heard the alert sent to the paramedics to send an ambulance to our farm. I made sure the girls were all down within the car and not exposed. I considered running for the house to get my .22 magnum rifle, but knew I would be exposed, so I pulled the Trooper's Glock and looked it over. I checked to see if there was a round in the chamber and there wasn't, so I slid a round in and kept a constant swivel head to make sure no one would come up on me. With the two girls with me, and Jeff in the house with his rifle, I figured we might be able to spot trouble before it got here.

Crack, crack, crack, bang, crack, crack.

That had to be Jeff's .22 going off. I couldn't leave the girls, and I didn't want to leave the Trooper, but I said, "Hold this compress tight against the Trooper's chest, Monique. If someone gets close, Josey, let them get real close, then shoot them. All you have to do with this gun is aim and shoot. I have to make sure Jeff is okay."

Josey took the Trooper's gun and began constantly looking around to make sure that no one was sneaking up on them. I ran for the back door to the house and ran through the kitchen, picking up my .22 magnum rifle with the thirty-round magazine on the way. I hollered, "Where are you, Jeff?"

"I'm by the front door. Whoever that asshole is shot me in the arm. It's just a graze and I have the bleeding stopped, but I'm not sure I hit him. He can't get out from behind the old dog house, so he has to still be there. Use your magnum and shoot through the doghouse to see if the guy moves."

I already had a round in the chamber, so I figured on splintering the old dog house. None of the dogs liked it, so there was no loss. It only meant that we would have to clean up what Mom had been asking us to do for the last year. Crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack. A guy yelled from being hit and got up to run. Crack, crack, crack, and the man fell forward on his face. Little Jeff had downed the guy. This was really fucked up. I checked on Jeff's arm and then ran out to check the man who was down but he was gone. One of the .22 rounds had entered his head and departed through his eye. Another round had cut his carotid artery and he instantly bled out.

I heard the sirens and told Jeffy to get out to the parking area so the paramedics could check him out.

The first up the lane was a Sheriff's car. Not good.

The good news was that two Trooper cars were right behind him.

The Deputy jumped out of his car and drew his gun, running at us. Jeffy and I held our hands up but the Deputy kept right on coming, telling us he was going to finish this right now. Jeffy and I ducked as the man shot at us several times and kept running. He said, "Now you will die the way you should have before," when he stood over us.

A Trooper was right behind him and told him to drop his weapon. The guy said, "Fuck you" and brought his weapon up. Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang. Josey was holding the downed Trooper's weapon at the man as he folded and dropped over. The Trooper had fired his weapon as well. Five in the front and one in the back did the trick. Poor Monique was holding the compress on the Trooper and crying at the same time. Jeff was so scared that he was shaking. June was down behind the seat of the cruiser, while Josey still didn't want to put the gun down. I reached for the gun and took it from her. I slid it into the Trooper's holster and sat back on the ground. This had to be some kind of bad dream from hell.

The county ambulance came racing up the lane with another Sheriff's car right behind it. I waved the paramedics to the Trooper and told him what we had done and told him about Jeff's wound.

The Sheriff ran up on everyone, puffing with his gun in his hand. Now I'm going to arrest you for shooting a Deputy, Kenny. You'll get the needle for this one. Uncle Seth came from nowhere and said, "See, you should have let me take over when I gave you the chance."

The Sheriff yelled, "Are you trying to get away, to escape?" The guy was yelling while raising his weapon. One of the Troopers hollered, "Don't do that. The man is innocent. He was protecting his family. He wasn't the one who shot your Deputy."

The Sheriff swung around with his pistol pointing at the Trooper who had hollered, and yelled, "Don't tell me how to do my job. This asshole is trying to escape."

Bang. The Sheriff looked up to see who had shot him and one of the paramedics was holding the wounded Trooper's weapon, making sure his shot had been effective. The Trooper who had been threatened said, "Thanks, I thought he was going to shoot."

Uncle Seth was backing away when the last Trooper who came told him to stand still and to put his hands behind his head. "What's the matter with you? I haven't done anything wrong. You can't arrest or hold me for doing nothing. I'm here to help these kids."

The Trooper who had been shot began coming out of it, and sat up with bandages to stop the bleeding. He looked at all us kids, and said, "I'm sorry, Kids. I let my guard down. Who would believe that you kids could be under such an attack. How many were there?"

I told the man, "I don't know, but there is a dead one in front of the house behind the old dog house.

A Trooper took off to look at the guy in front of the house and came back to tell us, "Believe it or not, that is or was another Deputy. He's even in uniform. What in the hell is going on with these people?"

The paramedics worked on Jeff and he came away with a big Band-aid and a tetanus shot. He came up to me, bumped hips with me, and said, "I'm the kid brother who gets shot."

I asked him, "Why were you up here at the house? Were you done with that field?"

"All done, Chet wanted to use the small tractor, so I got big Bess and was able to do my smaller field really fast. I'm sure glad I did too."

The last Trooper on site told us, "You kids go inside and be calm for a few minutes. I've called some people from the Department of Law Enforcement to come out here and to bring the State's Attorney. They should be here in about twenty minutes."

Uncle Seth was still yelling that there was nothing that could be put against him and to let him go. I walked over to him, and asked, "Why are you so bent on getting this land? This was Grandpa's until he put it in my name because Dad was working it."

Seth was about to explode and yelled, "What do you mean he put it in your name? This farm is worth millions and millions."

"Well, he did, Uncle Seth, so why were you trying to get this so hard that you would involve the Sheriff and his Deputies?"

"You're just like your dad and don't know how to get the money out of this place. The Sheriff should have never run your dad off the road, but he was messing up the deal. You don't know how to get the money out of this place, and I was trying to help you and the kids by offering them a home. You're smart; you can get a job anywhere you want."

I would have shot my uncle if I had gun at that instant. A Trooper behind me said, "I heard everything the man said. He's admitted to being a part of a conspiracy to get rid of your parents. This whole thing gets more depressing by the minute. Go inside and maybe this guy would like to try to escape."

Chet came driving up on the smaller tractor with the disk on the rear. He put the disk in the machine shed and then filled the tractor with fuel, checked the oil, greased the points on the lift and the front steering, and shut the big machine shed doors, making sure he kept an eye on all the activity.

I waved at him to come to me, and we walked to the house while I explained what all had gone on.

The Coroner's van came into the parking area, and one of the men I began to recognize got out, and said, "I don't even need the GPS to find this place anymore." People were taking pictures of everything. This was really bad. I walked to the house and went to sit at the kitchen table with my siblings. We sat where we always sat at the sides of the table with Josey and I across from each other next to Dad's place, with Chet and Monique in the middle, and June and Jeff across from each other next to where Mom sat at the other end. I heard the coffee pot gurgle tell me there was fresh coffee, so I got up and poured myself a mug. I asked, "Anyone want coffee?"

Monique said, "There is a black raspberry pie if anyone wants a piece. There is also plenty of milk."

June got up to help cut the pie and pour the milk. Josey smiled at me as we drank our coffee. She said, "You know that we're going to make it, aren't we? Look at us, sitting here just like always, knowing that we will take care of each other. I feel better about school starting now. I think all the craziness is over.

I looked up at the clock over the stove and said, "It's time for evening chores. I'll run do the beef and come back for the chickens if you guys want to stay in. It's not like we have a lot of chores right now."

Chet and Jeff got up with me, and we went toward the barn. There was still a lot of activity in our parking area. We did the barn chores, and we didn't have to collect eggs because June had run out and gathered the evening's eggs. Josey told the boys, "Take your showers and clean up," when we were all back inside. "Don't leave the bathroom in a mess either. You need to shave the fuzz off your face before Church Sunday, Chet. You girls go get cleaned up so you are ready for bed later. Don't put PJs on yet because we still have a lot of people here."

Josey and I washed the dishes and discussed what we might feed the kids for supper later. She told me, "How about we bake a couple of those pizzas. We have some soda pop we can put in glasses with ice. That'll be something they'll like since it's been such a crazy day.

The kitchen was straight and clean after I swept the floor and Josey used a wet mop to get any stains off. The two of us looked at each other and began laughing when we finished. My little sister said, "Just like always, only now we're always going to be the last ones out of the kitchen. It's kind of nice to be in here with you as always."

We hugged, and I heard her sigh as I said, "We're going to be fine. Now pre-heat the oven and I'll get those pizzas out of the freezer."

A State Trooper came to the door and knocked. The main door was open, but the porch door was closed. I opened it for him to come in. He didn't step in, but asked, "The State's Attorney is here. Can he come in to meet you kids?"

"Sure, get him. The boys are cleaning up after a day in the fields. We usually try to clean up a little before supper."

The State's Attorney came in and accepted a cup of coffee, along with the Trooper. The man saw our pizzas still in the boxes on top of the stove and asked, "Do you always eat this early?"

Josey said, "We usually finish the chores about five, clean up, and eat about five thirty. We will have homework to do when school starts. We always have a snack in the afternoon and then another before we go to bed."

The attorney said, "I guess we messed up your afternoon snack."

Josey said, "No Sir, we had some blackberry pie with milk or coffee. It was really good."

The man asked, "You made it?"

"Sure, it's easy. I bake a pie almost every day. We all like pie. A cake is good too, but pie is our favorite. One of us girls bake cookies a couple of times a week too. We do like our snacks."

The attorney sipped his coffee, and asked, "So do you kids think you can take care of yourselves? You're all old enough to be responsible, and you do have a brother who's eighteen who is responsible for you. You won't have your uncle to fall back on because he's going to go to jail for at least ten years pretty soon. I want your permission to exhume your parents' bodies to do another autopsy. It may be that there could be more charges. I would think you'd like to have your parents' names cleared of being drunk when they crashed. Can we do that?"

I looked at Josey, and she nodded. "Do it and let us know the results. Any of their friends will all tell you that they've never seen Dad drink. Some people were pushing us to have them cremated, but we have a family plot and wanted them to be where we could visit their graves."

Josey came over to me and asked, "We should talk to Aunt Kate. She may need help if Uncle Seth is in jail. I'll call her tomorrow to see how she is."

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It was a sunny October afternoon, when I was at home with my boyfriend. He has brown hair, beautiful blue green eyes, fit, and handsome to boot. We were sitting on the couch together, cuddling and watching a TV show on Netflix. He told me he wanted a blowjob, and wanted my mouth on him, sucking and licking his 8 inch big and thick cock up and down. I began to start stroking him lightly, watching his big cock growing hard in my soft hands. As I watched him grow, I started to become horny, and...

2 years ago
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Cuck and Wife

She walked right past me into the bar. My eyes followed her incredible rump as she made her way to the bar and sat right next to a very handsome, well-dressed black man. FUCK! I sat a few stools down from her and her companion. The bar was nearly empty but it was 3:30 in the afternoon and people weren't coming in to socialize just yet. She caught me looking at her several times. He beautiful Asian face split into a grin and she leaned over whispering into the man's ear. I turned my...

1 year ago
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After the Dream

Her pulse quickened and her breathing deepened… She was jarred into wakefulness by the soft purr of Susans’ voice. “Dalia, the voice whispered, “I just wanted to tell you what a fantastic afternoon I had.” “Oh my GOD” Whispered Dalia, “I had a wonderful time” “I have never experienced anything like that before.” “Nor have I.” Susan responded, hesitating. “I think I want to experience it again.” Dalias’ voice caught in her throat. She struggled to form the words… “I… I, want that too.” And the...

2 years ago
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Fixed IdeaChapter 13

Chance has spent the next day thinking about what his sister said about marriage, or rather what it is she didn’t say. He knows that she is under some kind of strange influence and that means she doesn’t really know what she is saying. For all he knows, it is something he wants deep down and she is just saying what he feels. This entire situation is just crazy and he has no way of really knowing how or why it is even happening. So he is left with the dilemma of where to go from here. Chance...

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by All These Roadworks Kitka had had a teasing, flirtatious courtship of Eric for two months. They'd kissed on the first date, she'd let him grope her tits through her shirt on the second, but up until tonight she hadn't let him undress her, let alone fuck her. Not because she didn't want to - but because they were both enjoying the thrill of anticipation. They knew it was going to happen - and soon. They'd talked on video chat to arrange tonight's dinner. "So when are we taking...

1 year ago
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OK.....this I have to tell. I can't believe I actually did this. The other night my wife had to be at her office at 11PM and since I had the next day off I figured I'd spend most of the night on the computer jerking off to porn since she would be gone to at least 9 the next morning, so I was looking for at least a 3 load night. I took her to her office and dropped her off and headed home. I got back to our apartment and stripped nude and got my lubes and laptop ready. I logged onto my...

3 years ago
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Anything for An A0

As the class went on, her mind kept wandering, she had to pass the class. She could not afford to do poorly and suffer the admonitions of her husband about what a waste of time going back to school was. Maybe I can ask for extra credit. She thought to herself. She was hoping once she explained her situation that perhaps the instructor would have a little sympathy for her and help her at least get a C. She continued to take some notes as class went on, but her mind was mainly focused on...

3 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 40

01-September-2004 Flashback – Ben – In Moscow This has been a hell of a day and Jack picked the perfect day to play hooky! The Spetsnaz decided this was the day when they were going to break this American! They tried their best but I was like a fucking Timex watch: I took a licking and kept on ticking. But my ass was dragging so all I wanted to do tonight was eat some chow, file my reports to M and hit the rack. I was almost to the apartment when ... Shit! I forgot about that. Flashback –...

4 years ago
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A Second Chance Chapter 9

TUESDAY, May 3, 2016 Rachael got on the bus to see the girls in the back to frantically waving her back to the same seat she had sat on yesterday. They were all full of the plans for the sleepover that was planned for Friday. So far there were going to be six coming, the three girls, Janice, Mikki, and Rachael. "Mikki is actually pretty cool," Carly said, and both her partners shook their heads in agreement. I couldn't believe how great that picture she took of you turned...

4 years ago
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The Darkness of the Night Ch 01

I’m trying something different this time round. I hope you enjoy it. Comments are appreciated! ^-^-^-^-^-^ I sat still, my breath held. There was darkness all around me, clinging to me, cloaking my body, smothering it. My arms felt dead and heavy behind my back. My legs sore from being held in the same position, together and pulled underneath me. My head was banging with a headache that was not going to be cured with a painkiller. I was lonely. I had no idea of the time, the day, or how long...

1 year ago
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Family RaidersChapter 3

Cutter scanned the family group. Debbie a tall beautiful woman in fine attire, Dawn a vivacious teenager with a woman's body, and Bobby an overly tall young boy with that "All American" look. Walking directly in front of them, he looked each in the eye and slowly said in a voice that gave them all chills. "You people will have us as guest for a long time, you will treat us as guests at all times. We will treat you as we desire at all times. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Debbie and her children...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Woman

She is quite the beautiful woman! The erotic pleasures she delights in providing drives me wild with desire. How she looks up at me, with her fingers wrapped around my rigid cock, the head between her warm lips, her slippery tongue playfully exploring every part, the lust in her eyes, just for me. I love how she wants to explore every aspect of her sexuality. She surprised me when she stopped licking and reached over for the lube, dripping it along the head of my cock and slowly working it...

4 years ago
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Vennoa the Halfelf SorcererChapter 20

Of the twenty or so kobolds surrounding them, most were clustered near the far tunnel, blocking their progress. There were five or so kobolds behind them, and another five standing with crossbows at the side of the party, on the other wall of the cavern. “You two handle the ones with crossbows,” Pua instructed Fender and Vennoa, as he headed towards the far tunnel. Fender raised her crossbow and took aim, as did the kobolds. Crossbow bolts flew across the room. While the kobolds were...

4 years ago
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Mowing More Than The Lawn Part 2

Waking up, I get out of bed and head to my master bathroom. When my parents had the house built, they insisted on having a master bath in all three bedrooms.Walking to the shower, my morning wood bounces with each step. Entering the shower, I turn on the taps and let the water cascade over me. Soaping up my body, the remnants of last night are soon washed away, leaving a mild scent of Old Spice. The temptation to jerk off is strong, but thoughts of what is to come today quells the urge.After...

1 year ago
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Sex With Mature Tenant

Hi guys! My name is Lucky, age 21, currently in final year of my Today I want to share my sex story with you guys which happened in May, 2012. My family consists of my father, my mother, my sister and me. My father is working in Bangalore n sister works in an MNC in Kolkata. So me and my mother live in our home in Bhubaneswar. We have a 2 storyed house; we live in the ground floor and a mature lady, whose name is Pratima, age of about 35, lives as tenant in our upper floor. It so...

1 year ago
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How I Knew That My Girl Friend Was Fucked 8211 Part II

They received me with very awkward face as girls always make when they interact with others Boyfriend, they try to show that you are dumb and she is awesome. I never mind because I don’t have any bother with them. Her sister was pretty too but friend was dark like coal mine. I reached home, both of the girl’s came to main hall. I used sofa to sit there. After some time she came I saw her from top to bottom and fond on her. She looks gorgeous and sexy. She used her hand on hairs to make them...

3 years ago
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Mom and son sweat together

Caroline was cumming again. It seemed as though she could feel every inch of her body all at once. Every bead of sweat running down her ever improving body, the pull of her hairband tight around her straight brown hair, her tits bouncing almost violently with the motion of her body. Caroline could feel it all as she looked behind her at her son Clayton, 22 years her junior and barely able to keep up with her. As her orgasm passed Caroline couldn't help but think of how much she loved their time...

4 years ago
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Chuck the tranny slut

Chuck walked towards a bar near to his hotel. He knew that Canal Street was the gay area of the city but he also knew that it was also the most lively area for pubs and clubs. And Chuck was happy and confident with his sexuality so he didn’t see it as a problem. Almost immediately after entering the bar and taking a seat near the corner of the bar area a very pretty and extremely busty young lady in a black v neck T shirt practically bounced up to him with a beaming smile. “What can I get for...

1 year ago
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Gangbang In Mumbai Local

I come from a small town. Soon after marriage we had to come to Mumbai. We lived at Thane and Husband’s (Sudhir) office was at VT. One holiday we set out for site seeing in a local train. The train was very crowded. He told me to just get into and in case we separate, I should get down at VT and wait for him at the platform. Else, I could return home, without worrying much. As feared, immediately upon entering I lost track of him. It was so crowded, there was no place to move. Somehow I stood...

4 years ago
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Our Move to Los Angeles

Dan and I met in college at the University of Missouri. I was proud of him as he continued at the Law School and landed a job with a big multi-national firm. He worked hard and made junior partner quickly, two years later he made full partner and became a hit with the local corporations. The senior partners in Los Angeles noticed and we moved to LA, land of sunny beaches and beautiful people.Dan now works with Hollywood directors, producers and actors besides corporations.WE were quickly...

2 years ago
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Ensuring the Family Tree Has Branches IIChapter 13

Philip knew there was a never-ending source of sexy young females that he could mate with and continue to get knocked up with his baby. He had a short list of young women he intended to fuck as long as his arm and he would continue either fucking them one-by-one or scratching them off his list if another one more desirable came to his attention. Philip had seen a new girl working down near the front part of his company's multi-story building and he wanted to have her come spend time with...

1 year ago
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He Should Have Played Ball Part 6

He Should Have Played Ball - Part 6 by CutePatti IMPORTANT NOTE: The first 5 parts of this story were NOT mine, but were written by a very talented author named Erica Kennel. The last installment was posted 3 years ago. This has been a favorite story of mine that I hoped would have more chapters. Erica has no profile and I'm not able to contact her, so I'm writing a Part 6 of this story myself. I feel it should be continued because the storyline/plot is so interesting and...

3 years ago
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Blackmailing My Sister Sabrina

Hi I'm Michael, Michael Storm. I'm 12 years old, and yesterday sex was the farthest thing from my mind. Girls were never something I really was interested in. My friends and I thought that girls were gross! But today for the first time in my life, I noticed something that I never even wanted to look at, let alone play with. I was standing outside the bathroom door, waiting for my sister to get out of the bathroom. I really had to pee so I pounded on the door and yelled, "Come on Sabrina!...

1 year ago
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Why I became me Part 1

What is it that makes me want to submit? What is it that makes me want to act like a whore? What is it that makes me dress like a slut and fall to my knees in front of a strong man? It goes back, as all these things do, to c***dhood. My parents split when I was only four years old, in a working class family in the 1960's this was quite something. My mother had to become the sole breadwinner for us both and found it quite a challenge. She became very bitter and hard and started to hate men. She...

3 years ago
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A Shade of PurpleChapter 5

Sarah slides to a stop just past the tree line. Between her and the edge of the cliff is an open area with a setup for a bonfire with several small logs and rock for sitting. She ran, without stopping, in hopes to get far enough away. She just picked a direction and went, and now she is uncertain just where she is. She at least knows that she is near the ocean, considering it is about two hundred feet over the side of the cliff. Sarah’s heart beats so hard that it feels like it is ready to...

1 year ago
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Who doesn’t like to see beautiful babes show off their tatas? I am sure we all just love to see these sluts get down and dirty, and if that is what you were hoping for as well, I am here to introduce a wonderful place called r/ratemyboobs/. This is a subreddit dedicated to chicks who would love for you to rate their tits, and you have sluts of all shapes and sizes.The whole point is for you to rate their tits, so they want to be judged and looked at by strangers, ain’t that neat? Now, if you...

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Dating in North Dallas

Three things can happen in a marriage and two are bad. I’m experiencing one of the bad things. It’s called divorce. Hi! I’m Mike Dawson. I go by M.D. What am I doing now? I am now sitting in my girlfriend’s Sunday school class at a protestant mega-church. It’s a class for divorced singles. The speaker is telling them how men don’t understand their wives and moms, and there is one reason for the awful divorce rate — MEN! So where did this start? Last night, we made the night club circuit. We...

2 years ago
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A Casual Encounter

Todd had posted on a number of internet sites looking for a woman to meet up with him for some casual sex. Todd had just gotten out of a long term relationship and did not want to start dating again. He had been having sex with his girlfriend on a regular basis right up until the day they broke up. Now Todd was desperate to find a woman to take home and use as his personal fuck toy. The problem for Todd was that not many single women are willing to meet up and have sex with a random guy off the...

1 year ago
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Ravaged beaten and ganged banged

Ravaged!I was tied to a bed, nude, with nipple clamps on my very swollen nipples with a large black dildo jammed in my hairy sopping cunt and another dildo in my gooey asshole. I was being fucked senseless by a machine that the 2 dildos were conected to. My cunt was all gooey from my cunt juice and from being gang bang last nite, absolutely soaked in cum, at least 20 guys worth. The dildo was covered in my juice and their cum, going in and out, in and out-goo was leaking out of my hairy cunt,...

3 years ago
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Subjugation Chapter 4

................................. Chapter 4 ................................. Girl's moans of pleasure were echoing all across the bedroom. She was fully naked. Under her crotch there was the face of a man much older than her. Moving back and forth, she was rubbing her vagina all over his face. More than his pulled tongue she was utilizing his nose for receiving stimulations. Suddenly, the door opened and Tetsu entered. "What the hell is going on here?" 19-years old Noriko halted...

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Thinking of you

It all begins early on in the day, morning mostly. I can’t help but think of you. It doesn’t start off sexual either. I think about all the wonderful things about you and how someday, I will be next to you, happy and content. As the day goes on, I seem to end up damp, and moist from all the good feelings I get. I’m like a bomb, just ticking away… getting wetter and wetter by the hour. As that time goes on, I begin to get very hott and horny for the man I love. God,...

2 years ago
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Dance With Me Baby

DANCE WITH ME BABY! By Anne Gray Dedicated to Bagheera and Rikki. Chapter 1 – The Take Down. This is a work of fiction. The author in no way condonesor promotes any activity that is not entirely consensual! A few weeks ago it had got to the point where Stephanie and Kathy, her longtime best friend and partner for the last few years, just dreaded going into work. The Pink Panther nightclub featured exotic dancers and had given thema very good living with a circle of regular customers...

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Laura part 21

I let out a long, satisfied moan as I stretch my slender body out on the sun lounger. It's the hottest summer I've ever known, but that's not the only thing that makes it the best summer ever- there's also the fact that I have a disposable income of my own from not one but two part-time jobs, I have a tall, sexy boyfriend who seems to fancy me more with every passing day, and the not-so-small fact that I'm currently wearing just a tiny bikini, whereas 365 days ago, I was stuck in a...

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