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”I like cock” she said in that strange nasal tone of voice. I looked at her askance.
”Cock. I love it.”
”Thats what I thought you said” I said. Why was she telling me this?
Irena had asked if I could take Bela up to the hills and I’d agreed readily enough. Who wouldn’t want the company of a pretty young girl on a hike in the Upper Vidalen National Park? The sheer beauty of Norway laid out before our eyes.
I reached back and grabbed the thermos. I needed a moment to gather my thoughts.
”Tea, right?”
She nodded, her dark eyes eyes seeking mine from below her lashes.
Irena had explained that Bela loved the nature of Norway but she seldom had the chance to see it. Living in Oslo was easier than living in Belgrade, but getting out of the city was difficult for a twenty two year old student and Bela really wanted to see what the two Serbians had described as the 'real Norway'.
”Since your going anyway, wouldn’t you mind taking her with you?” Irena had asked.

I poured the tea and its fragrant Jasmine scent filled the cab of my battered old Land Rover. I passed the plastic mug to her and her fingers briefly touched mine.
”Thank you” she whispered. I watched her blow on the hot liquid for a moment and thought to myself how her lips were so beautiful.
Why would she tell me that though? I was thirty eight years old. Almost old enough to be her father, was that it? I poured out a second mug then screwed the cap back onto the thermos.

Bela was a head shorter than I was. She was slight of build with short black hair which fell on either side of her face in short bangs. Her face was pale, and made more so by the hard April light. She had an air about her that defied description, as if she was not entirely present. I had assumed she was the dreamy kind of girl, the sort who loves to imagine entire worlds in her own imagination.

Irena and Bela lived in the apartment above mine. They were both Serbian exchange students at Oslo University. I’d only known them for a few weeks. Though they’d lived above me for the entire previous year and I had often noticed them, especially Bela, it was only recently, in a local community meeting, that I’d found myself talking to them. After that, our relationship had blossomed and only a few days later, Irena had graciously invited me to dinner. At first, I’d wondered if Irena was interested in me but if this idea wasn’t quickly disproven by the photographs she’d showed me of her young fiancé, then it had when she told me that Dejan was coming up to Oslao for a week end and could I take Bela with me up to Vidalen?
”Since your going anyway...”

I often took the car up to the high lands of southern Norway. My contract at work was only going to keep me here for a few more months and I was determined to see as much of this beautiful country as I could before I had to return home.
Apart from her big green parka, and a pair of outdoor shoes that didn’t impress me at all, Bela had only brought a blue sports bag with her. It had become quickly apparent that she had no idea what it would mean to hike and sleep out doors at this time of year. Luckily, I had the means to adapt to this situation since I had the keys to my friend’s hut. At this time of year, it paid to have a contingency plan. I wasn’t sure what Bela was going to think of the hut though.

I sipped my tea and keenly felt her presence beside me. I’d never taken a girl up in to the hills before, and certainly never imagined taking one as young and beautiful as Bela.
”It is so lovely” she had said when the Land Rover crested the last ridge before the wide valley opened up before us. I’d pulled to the side and stopped the engine.
”You don’t have such beautiful mountains in Serbia too?” I asked.
She shrugged.
”Maybe. I don’t know. You see things different when you are away from home. Back there, you see only your life. Here it is very different.”
I’d nodded, though I was not really on the same page. I was used to travelling and seeing the world. For me, human beauty was ephemeral, but nature never ceased to impress me. I told her this, and her eyes sparkled at my enthusiasm. I became ever more aware of her smile and the way her cheeks dimpled.

”Cock?” I asked.
”Very much.”
I smiled and frowned at the same time, and then turned the key. The engine kicked over and coughed to life. She laughed at me, and I saw she was teasing me, flirting.
Dusk was only two hours away and we had yet to eat a hot meal.

”It looks like a barn” she said as we drew up in the small clearing beside the hut.
”Originally it probably was” I replied.
Sverre had modernised the small building, but in Norway this still meant cold water and a black iron stove. For all their progressive mania, Norwegians still loved to live it rough sometimes. When I showed Bela the bedroom she turned down the corners of her mouth.
”Its freezing!” she exclaimed. I grinned and set about making dinner. I was starving and also, I had a tense nervous excitement fluttering in my chest. Twenty two made her far younger than any woman I had ever been with, but it was neither i*****l nor immoral as far as I could see. I lit the stove and then brought in the food from the car.
”Is there no electricity?” she asked, her phone in hand. ”I need to recharge this.”
”You're in the wildnerness now” I smiled. She stared at me for a moment and then put the phone away.
”Can I help?” she asked.
”We need wood for the stove. Its stacked behind the house” I replied.

The hut only really had two rooms and a small cubicle that served as a bathroom. The stove kept the main room nice and snug but the bedroom remained cool. After we’d eaten, sitting by the only window that looked out across the darkening valley, she looked about the room and asked where I was going to sleep. I walked over to a wooden cubbard and opened it, folding out the mattress that was concealed within.

As I was cleaning up the dishes and utensils, she came up behind me. ”This is a strange place. I think usually I would not like it, but today it is very nice.”
I looked at her face, softened by the candle light. Her eyes glittered. I knew this was the moment to act - if I wanted to. I knew that here was a window of opportunity that might never come again. The months of hidden glances and shy smiles had at last reached the point where I must act or not, but I was still uncertain. Was it the age gap or her strange hesitant manner? Something or other kept nagging at the back of mind, warning me of many possible consequences.

I reached to touch her cheek softly and in the dim half light, she caught her breath. Her eyes looked back at mine with burning intensity. It was quite possibly the most beautiful and awe inspiring moment of my life. I kissed her and felt her lips open to mine. I moved my hands through her hair and held her head and my heart leapt with excitement as I felt her body pressing against mine. It was true I realised. She was really there, against all my doubts and wonder. This beautiful creature, like something from a dream, was kissing me. For a while, my mind stopped thinking and I sank into the endless pleasure of her mouth.

Her fingers undoing my belt brought me back to my senses. I ran my hands down over her shoulders and onto her narrow hips. She was as slender as a wraith but her movement gave the impression of a great energy that was barely contained. She undid my trousers and to my surprise, she went straight down onto her knees.
”Wait” I whispered, but when she looked up, I couldn’t find any further words of protest. I wanted her mouth so badly that instead, I simply pushed her face back and exhulted in the all enveloping warmth that engulfed me. Her mouth was unbelievable and I groaned with uninhibited pleasure as my fingers tightened in her hair.
She had said she loved cock, and now her eagerness proved it beyond any doubt. I’ve had plenty of women attend to me in this manner, but none of them devoted themselves to their purpose with the same enthusiasm and abandon as Bela did.

This strange girl, with her unusual manner and mysterious personality, opened my emotions with such an ease that I quickly found myself pumping my cock deep into her welcoming mouth with ever more powerful strokes. Her hands gripped my thighs and she opened her eyes to look up at me. In the gloom, I could still clearly see her looking up at me with a sated expression that was pure joy to behold. I strained my muscles and emptied myself into her.

”I have wanted to do that for a long time” she whispered as we lay on the bed, side by side. I rolled onto my side and stared into her eyes.
I’ve seen you watching me” I admitted. ”But I couldn’t figure it out.”
”Figure what out?” she asked.
”You” I said. ”Your so different from every one else. I couldn’t figure you out.”
”Did you like it?” she asked. ”It was what you wanted?” Her eyes sought mine again, darting from the left to the right.
”Of course” I said, but even as I said it, I sensed the answer was somehow false. ”I mean, Yes. I wanted it, but I didn’t really understand that until we kissed.”
”I was so afraid you would not want me” she said. I frowned and shook my head. Something about her manner began to disturb me. This was an infatuation that went beyond my understanding.
”What do you mean?” I asked.
For a long moment she held my eyes with hers. Then she took my hand and placed it between her legs.


I could scarely believe it. I stood in the darkness and stared out across Vidalen. Some where on the far side of the valley, a single car moved between trees. Its head lights flickered and flared sporadically and my mind seemed to be doing the same thing. My breath came fast and my heart thumped in my chest. What ever I had imagined, what ever I had dreamt, my understanding had fallen away beneath me like a trap door on a stage. How could I not have understood? My thoughts ran crazily back and forth from the feeling of pure happiness I had felt at the embrace of Bela’s lips, to the absolute shock feeling her small penis cupped in my hand.

Her penis? How could I still think of her as a girl I wondered, but how could I not? The Bela I had come to know, was only ever a girl. I’d not had any idea that she was anything else. My mind raced back to all the times we’d been together with Irena. Surely, Irena had to know, and if so, then this had to have been a conspiracy.

After a while I returned to the hut. Bela was no longer on the bed. She was sitting at the window with her phone on the table in front of her. I sat opposite her and stared at her face. A small part of my mind tried to see her as a man, but all I could see was her eyes.
”I’m sorry” I said.

She smiled, but sadly.
”Its okay. I should have made sure you understood” she replied. I looked down at the table and tried to gather my thoughts into a coherent form of expression.
What I meant, is, I’m sorry I didn’t understand. I thought you...” I stopped, unable to find the right words.
”Really, its okay” she replied and in the semi darkness she reached across the table and put her hand over mine. I knew she was lying. I could feel her disapointment just as easily as I had felt her earlier happiness. I tried to construct a sentence that would explain how I felt, but I couldn’t catch my feelings fast enough. My mind whirled and spun with emotional confusion.
”Does Irena know?” I whispered.
She frowned and nodded. Did that really matter I asked myself.
She stood and moved across the room. I stared at my hands whilst she placed more wood in the stove. Rather than sit down again, she began to make tea.

I went to the bedroom since I was used to the cold and unfolding my sleeping bag I lay on the bed and let go of my mind. Again and again, my thoughts returned to the feeling of uninhibited happiness I had felt in kissing her, of her body pressing against mine. I relived her mouth on my cock, again and again and I was unable to find the peace of mind necessary for sleep. After an intermidable length of time, I reached for my phone and found it was 2:14 am.

”Bela?” I stood in the doorway and whispered into the darkness. The stove had died down and I could not see her at all. For the space of a dozen heart beats there was no reply and my heart grew heavier and heavier.
”I want you.”

The next morning, we drove into the little town of Bagn to buy breakfast. With a smile, Bela hopped out of the car and hurried into the bakery. I sat with the engine muttering quietly and stared with unseeing eyes at an old man walking down the street towards me. We had lain beside each other, kissing and touching until sleep had over taken me. Now, in the harsh light of day time, I was beset by confusion. Who was I? My eyes focused on the old man. Was I like him? Was he like me? Had he ever loved a woman like Bela? Could he?
Bela came out of the bakery and passing the old man, she smiled at him and in her heavily accented Norwegian, she bid him good morning. He looked at her and smiled in return. She climbed into the car beside me and shook the paper bag.
”Round pieces” she giggled.

We drove back to the hut and I made coffee. I need coffee in the mornings. Once that was done, we ate by the window. It was still too cold to sit outside.

The plan had been to walk the valley after breakfast, but we never made it past the bed. Almost without thought, we fell into a kiss that never seemed to end - eventually falling back onto the bed like teenagers with her on top of me.
She weighed very little.

She took me into her mouth again, but now she took her time. Instead of the burning hunger of the previous evening, now she acted with a studied and luxuriant ease. Now she was taking her time to enjoy herself. I lay on my back and let her do as she would. I felt nothing but intense sexual satisfaction. The doubts and fears of the night had evaporated and in their wake came a smug sense of fulfillment. I felt as if I had finally opened a secret part of myself that I had never known before. As if I had found a secret room in my old family home.

Then I wanted to see her cock. I rolled her off me and pulled her jeans down her long pale legs. She was wearing white cotton panties, incongruos and innocent but for the small straining cock they could not conceal.
I had never seen another erection in real life. Only my own. Bela’s was rigid, shaved and quivered to my wondering touch. She giggled then with helpless mirth. I closed my hand about it and felt its warmth. It wasn’t very big, not even half the size of my own, but it felt like nothing I had ever experienced. It gave off a scent that seemed to hypnotise me, and without much thought, I opened my mouth and suckled on it gently. Bela stopped giggling at once and her fingers clutched at my head. I pressed her legs aside and began to explore her body.

I don’t know what I was expecting. Years of tasting women’s vaginas had conditioned me to a certain frame of mind and expectation and at first I did not expect this experience to be able to dominate my senses in the same way. I was surprised at how easily it did. The taste of her cock, her leaking pre cum, and the sound of her pleasure quickly brought me to an unequalled sense of lust. Repositioning myself I grabbed her ankles and lifted her legs to expose her tight little anus. I said nothing to her. I merely looked at her eyes and saw my own sexual hunger reflected.

As I pressed gently into her, I watched and listened to the small eager noises she made. I had never heard a woman make such wanton sounds before. I was transported to a state of mind that seemed to exist only for us. After a few moments of sweet difficulty, she opened up and took my entire length and I closed my eyes to focus on the sensation of penetrating her. Her trembling fingers reached up to touch my mouth and I looked down to see tears rolling down to the bed. Her mouth was open but she had no voice any more. Her eyes looked at me and silently told me how much she loved me.

It was a pleasure beyond description to fuck her. She was so small and light in my hands that I could do as I wished, and she took everything I gave her with loving gratitude. I brought her to orgasm whilst I fucked her slowly, happily watching her arch her back as she came. Then, before she had fully recovered, I took a hold of her ankles and used her anus rigorously. Eventually I happily emptied myself to the sound of her pleasure.

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"A good question," I replied. "Let me say this. This slave has already cum three times this morning, one of which was a multiple. She has a very large sexual capacity and if I were to guess, I think it's going to be under 25 rather than over. However, you have no reason to believe me, so why don't you," I pointed, "and you, and you, and you, and let's see, you," I pointed to one of the slaves, "inspect this slave to assess her heat. You can report to the rest whether she is close or far from...

4 years ago
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The woman with the sleeping husband on the plane

I was travelling for business from London to New York like any other business trip. When I got onto the plane, I was really tired and exhausted, so I was looking forward to take a nap as soon as the plane took off. This time I had the window seat, since nothing else was free and the plane was packet. Usually I prefer the aisle seat. Boarding is almost completed and a woman with her (I think husband) sat down on the seats next to me (aged probably 35-40).And as soon as we took off and it was...

2 years ago
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High School Truths

Kaylyn Sullivan is "the girl" that every high school girl wants to be. She's "hot" as the guys call it, a natural blonde with big breasts, 34Ds to be exact, and a large ass. Her curves definitely drew attention, boys stared as she walked, girls mumbled it wasn't real. On top of that, she had the ultimate status position, Head Cheerleader. She also kept in shape by being in her 4th year of varsity soccer, where she was a Captain, but her running around always drew a crowd that girls high school...

2 years ago
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It Means Dragon To Be Ch 02

** Just a reminder that this story is already in the can and each of the chapters has already been posted. I hope that it’s enjoyed. 0_o ————— To recap, these are some moments of Silke’s recollection as she’s docking one of her designs. ————— It had been perhaps the bleakest winter of her life, though there was the dim glow of a little bit of promise on the horizon by late spring. Silke at twenty-five years of age and she felt as though the world had kicked her in the gut. Two years...

1 year ago
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My sister and I sharing an older man

We arrived in Majorca in the late afternoon, skipped the induction as we had no intention of following any daily activities, and went sunbathing on the beach.Later in the evening, after eating a burger and fries we hit the bar and decided just to have a few drinks and go to bed early, as we had a sleepless night before and a long day at the airport and flight down here.We drank Rum and Coke, which surprisingly, was way more Rum than Coke, and the blend of tiredness, hot sun, and booze started...

3 years ago
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Chapter 1 I really can't say that I invented the idea but when I moved to Chicago about a year and a half ago, I didn't know anyone, especially anyone of the opposite sex which is, in my case, female. Look, it was a new city, a very big city, I had a new job, a new apartment, a new car and now I wanted someone new to share it with. Well, okay and somebody to fuck. Yeah, I admit it. Who's surprised, right? I'm a twenty-two year old single guy, okay? So, I thought I'd advertise for a female...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Aquarius bitch gets her day C02

The very next day Jack had Sam flown over to Germany. The first addition to his team of five (men). At the airport Jack gave Sam a bear hug which made old Sam feel very odd and turned his face beat red. “How are you buddy?” Jack asked, patting Sam on the back with a massive grin on his face, caused by pride mixed with happiness. “You are not going to believe your fucking ears dude!” Jack said grabbing a suitcase and starting off. “I’m fine thanks.” Said Sam looking at the back of Jack...

1 year ago
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One amazing night

It’s taken me a long time to write this story, well actually it’s not a story because everything I am about to write is completely true and I still haven’t been lucky enough to read it again. The names have been changed to protect the naughty!There was a close family friend who was always a little bit older than me, her name was Sarah. I met her early in life and remember that was the moment I knew I was always going to be in love with older women! She was absolutely stunning she had great...

3 years ago
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Hope in Heaven

He couldn’t believe it. Of all the days for him to be caught in traffic, it had to be today! He was running late as it is. Nothing had gone how he planned, everything had taken longer than it should have done. He glanced once more at his watch, half an hour late and he still had at least another 45 minutes left to travel – if he ever got out of this jam! She watched him sigh in frustration. She wished she could warn him but that was against the rules. She was seated beside him but she knew he...

3 years ago
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Daddys Little Girl Part 2Chapter 6

Well rested after their three-day weekend, Gail and Bill picked up their trailer on Tuesday morning and headed east. Agreeing that it was to their benefit to complete the run as quickly as possible, they drove in eight-hour shifts, keeping their layovers to a minimum. They completed their run East in two and a half days; picked up their return load the next morning and made it back to Phoenix on Monday morning. It was a very jubilant couple that left the yard and headed for home. After...

2 years ago
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Ida Gets Wet

Ida Gets Wet - Part 1 Ida is a shy exhibitionist. She and her husband Art enjoy letting her show her twat to truckers on long trips. But so far, that’s usually pretty much the extent of her exhibitionism. They do this several times a year, and it spices up their sex life. It also has the added benefit of making her wet, since she is in her sixties and has started to dry up a bit. Art tells her that her juices smell totally different on their “outings” than at home.“Darker and spicier“, he says,...

2 years ago
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The Balcony

Brent was bored as he sat alone in the balcony watching the girls’ volleyball game through the viewfinder of the video camera. Little did he know that in less than an hour he would experience one of the most exciting events of his life. Soon he would be focusing on five of these players in front of him. They would all be on their knees taking turns at sucking his cock. Chapter 1 Brent worked at the athletic director’s office for his high school. He had been doing this for four years. He...

2 years ago
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All Tied UP

All Tied UpEven though you texted me to let me know you are in the lobby, I am slightly startled by the knock on the door. I think the excitement of the pending evening has my nerves a little on edge. I cross the room to the door and peek out through the peep hole. You’re standing a little too close to the door for me to see your face but, oh yes, I’d recognize those sunglasses anywhere. I silently take a deep breath, think “Here we go” and open the door, standing behind it in case anyone else...

3 years ago
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Two plus one is four

So that's what I meant when I said all my dreams came true. I got to be with Cait's dad and I got to be with Lucy, and Cait still loved me, and Cait and I realized we were going to be together forever and we both wanted Lucy to be a part of that and we both moved on from that thing with her dad and it wasn't like I fell out of love with him but more like it just wasn't that important anymore or maybe I just learned what love really is and so now he was just Cait's dad and maybe that helped when...

4 years ago
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Isis Adventure Ch 2

It was morning…Isis awoke slowly, stretched and smiled softly as she remembered where she was…as she recalled the events of the previous night. She moved her arm over feeling for Finn…the bed was empty. Isis glanced around through half open eyes and spied Finn, standing nude in front of the window, watching the heavy falling snow in the dim light. He was turned slightly toward her, his tall angular profile outlined in the dim light coming through the window. She smiled when she saw his prick,...

3 years ago
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Perversion Chapter Four JoAnne wants more

(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)I sat and drank my coffee while watching Jo-Anne move about the kitchen as we waited for the gasman to finish his checks. It felt like it took hours but was probably only about 30 mins. Smiling at him she let him out then came back and sat to finish her coffee. I thought the interruption had...

4 years ago
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Boating Fun chapter seven

Chapter SEVENRolling out of New Orleans on the intercoastal waterway, we passed scenic fish camps, small boroughs, a bayou every few miles and a shipbuilding facility. The boatyard had a Navy ship in it. A Destroyer I think. Not big enough to say the "fleets in" around here. Diane wondered if there were any horny sailors. I remarked that if there were sailors, they were horny. We laughed a bit and continued on. As we passed one narrow bayou outside Pascagoula, we saw a couple in a small bass...

3 years ago
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With the Mirror Came Chapter 5

Maria was beside her on the bed in Ronja's room. Being this close to her made Ronja'a body tingle with anticipation, but it was clear snuggling together on the bed would not keep ugly thoughts away forever. They were both tense and trying to deal with what had just happened. Maybe it was still her imagination, but Ronja could not shake the feeling that she was still smelling John's cum. Even though her stepbrother had left the room, his presence still seemed to remain. Frustrated she used...

1 year ago
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Sweet Gift

I got my first taste of pussy when I was 19. It was also the first time I ever came. I mean I jacked-off many times because it really felt good but I never came. My lover at the time was my 45 year old Nilesh's Mom Puspha. Nilesh was my best friend for some time now. We kinda seduced each other seeing hot older moms around us. The whole thing happened something like this.My friend's mother lived only a few doors down the block from us. She lived alone since her husband was mostly out of town...

2 years ago
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Summer of Samantha

This story is in the same vein as some of my others, however it focuses even more upon pregnancy than I have in the past. There is still a good deal of transformation, especially in the first part and I think it to be fairly good. The second part is much more about what I think it might be like being pregnant, it is heavy on the details so don't say I didn't warn you, though it is here also where the plot really gets tangled up. The last third is a sort of mirror of the first,...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 600

Jeff, along with many others including the General, waited for the signal to travel from Saturn’s rings to Ship, who was now in orbit to facilitate the transmission between the two points better. “Shit,” the General griped, “I never realized that video transmissions were so slow.” “ ... Or that our solar system was so big,” Jeff offered. “Yeah, that too,” Whitworth returned with an amused grin. “Do you think they’ll answer?” Diana asked as she sat beside her husband watching the blank...

4 years ago
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An American War HeroChapter 15

The train moved slowly out of the tunnel into a cutting which seemed to David only slightly more hemmed in than previously. "At least we can see who we are shooting" he grunted. Both he and Julia took firm grip of their weapons. David could sense Julia's tense form next to his. He remembered how they had met. Him caged like some animal, waiting for his Japanese executioner to return. And then this slim form; silent as night; a ghost of a shadow. He had been so relieved, that the...

3 years ago
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The War with the GodsPart 2

I awoke to pandemonium. Healers were running south and west, casting invoke midstride. Clusters of Journeymen Mages muttered to each other in the nearly unintelligible babble of spellcasting as they passed me. Heading after them, I quickly spotted a large contingent of Warriors lining the edges of the cliffs. No Rogues were in sight. "Kimpo!" I bellowed, not seeing the tall Warrior anywhere. "Just a bit busy here, General;" I heard his response, from far down the line of Warriors....

4 years ago
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Jessie and the TornadoChapter 2 Back in Time

My name is Samuel Walker but everyone calls me Sam. I was born in North Carolina, and lived there until I graduated from high school. I immediately joined the Marine Corps, and soon found myself serving a tour in Iraq. After completing that tour, I took 30 days’ vacation and returned to North Carolina. With Boot Camp, Advanced Infantry Training, and the tour of Iraq, I had been gone for nearly two years. My only break was a quick two-week leave before flying to Iraq. Now I was back and...

4 years ago
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Fucking with the neighbor Paul

For the next few weeks, I would visit Paul’s basement about twice a week for a dose of non-stop machine fucking. We would take turns tying each other down and letting the machine take us through multiple orgasms. We also enjoyed fucking each other’s faces and got quite good at deep-throating. This routine went on for about three weeks and at the end of our current session Paul said, “I have a surprise for next time, come by Saturday morning.” I knocked on Paul’s basement door Saturday morning...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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My Father Fucking My Maid

Hello there friends, I would like to share this horny incident that happened to me. From the description, I believe you got the gist of what you would be expecting from the below story. Basically, my father is a lawyer and my parents had a love marriage. The result of their love was that I was born pretty early after their marriage. I was their only child. Maybe after my birth, they both lost their sex-drive maybe, I have no idea. But my father does most of his work from home and goes out for...

2 years ago
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The Woman Across the Street

It was torrential. I could barely see three feet in front of me. I tried shielding my head with my binder but it was instantly soaked through. Only 4 and a half more blocks, I tell myself. My parents went on a 2 week vacation to beautiful Cancun, and I am stuck walking home in record level rain in San Diego. It is late October of my senior year of high school. I finally make it home. My stomach sinks when I realize I left my keys in my gym locker. ‘Fuck!!’ I growl as I kick the the door making...

3 years ago
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At home

After parting ways with Joe, I made it home and checked my messages. My friend left one apologizing for leaving. I called he and told him it was okay and how I met Joe. He said Joe was one of his teachers and a good friend of his fathers boss. We talked for a few moe minutes and he had to go. I went to my room, stripped down and laid in bed thinking about what happened. I reached between my legs and felt my butt hole. A little sore and swollen from the abuse it received and rubbed my dick till...

4 years ago
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Out of Afrika Chapter 8

Out of AfrikaA fantasy by Julie Van and Curt B******Chapter 8So many changes had taken place in Hawksville in the two years since Rhino had established their headquarters in the sleepy conservative Southern town. Initially there had been unspoken resentment toward the imaginative company for its brash, go-ahead way of conducting business which ran counter to the traditional careful manner in which things had always been done around these parts. Then there were the other realities, not only was...

2 years ago
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A World FoundChapter 16

John took in the scene and realized that something very bad had happened. John then moved over to Iris. "Report!" he asked. "Sir, we had a bit of difficulty at first getting onto the property..." started Iris as she told her partner what had happened. "Then she pulled back and let him have it in the snot locker. Dani moved away from the man, ran to that trashcan, and chucked up her breakfast. Then she collapsed. "That older man went to her, to help, but she's done nothing but cry....

4 years ago
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Six Days on the RoadChapter 7

My first night with horses in the barn portion passed uneventfully and the next morning was basically trouble free. I had breakfast and then went back to my stock. Red didn't even require the blindfold to be led out, but I could tell he wasn't happy to be tied when we got outside. It was slightly surprising all the others had followed us out front. I decided to take it as a good sign and didn't even bother to hobble them. I saddled Red, put an M1 in the saddle scabbard, and took off...

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