The United Kingdom Of Zoo (A Fake BBC Documentary Series)s6e15: Em Smith (37) free porn video

from Newcastle
We fade in on the familiar frontage of Charley’s stylish townhouse – then we cut to inside, right to Charley’s home office, and find her once again sitting at her editing suite. She’s not doing much editing though – she has her back to us, both feet up against the front of her desk, her legs spread wide, and she appears to be working her pussy (we can’t actually see what she’s doing) as she watches her screen...
On screen, partially obscured by Charley’s shoulder we can see some bestial action in progress, a big black dog humping at a blonde woman.
Then, in one of the worst bits of acting we’ll ever see on the BBC, Charley suddenly stops playing with herself – pulling what appears to be a ten inch doggy dildo from between her thighs and throwing it aside as she hurries to click her video to ‘pause’, and then spins her chair around to face us, lowering her legs and pulling the hem of her long t-shirt down to hide her pussy. She acts (badly) as if we’ve caught her unawares – even though we know she’s filming herself with a single camera on tripod set-up.
“Oh, hello there ... Welcome to ‘The United Kingdom of Zoo’ – I’m Charley Ozvik, and I’m just putting the final touches to another show ... This week we have another couple of long-time viewers, but first-time players ... These guys are hot stuff, so be warned, this episode is not for the faint hearted!”
We fade through to the view out of the front of Charley’s car ... Looking at road signs as they whiz by on a duel carriageway ... We see a large rusty brown sculpture – ‘The Angel of the North’ looming up beside the road. Charley talks over the top of the image as she drives, watching the road carefully. “Every time I come up to this part of the country, I think about Rocky the Rottweiler, who lives just over this hill ... He was our first dog – he started it all ... I miss Rocky...”
She drives on a little further, the sound of the road under the wheels passing a few seconds, the car zooming under a footbridge. Then she adds, “Rocky’s still alive and well of course, I was just talking to his owner a couple of days ago ... The bad boy is still going strong...”
Cut to a shot of the rear of her car – Thor, big dumb looking golden retriever, laid down on the backseat, but with his head up and looking toward Charley as if she’s talking to him rather than the viewers at home.
Charley looks over her shoulder as she drives, and smiles at her loverboy... “Don’t worry, baby ... You’re the only dog for me... !”
We cut to a residential street, Charley parking – getting out – letting Thor out ... All seen from her spectacle-glasses point of view ... The two of them walking toward a neat and tidy little house, Charley knocking on the door – looking down at Thor and saying, “You’re going to like this, puppy ... This one’s a good one...”
After a short pause the front door opens and we are treated to the sight of an attractive slim blonde-haired woman in red high-heels and a full-set of scarlet red lingerie –stockings/suspenders, the slimmest, lowest cut g-string panties, and a very pretty bra ... There’s not much left to the imagination – and she’s got the body to pull it off! She’s got triangular jawline, with a broad smile, and issues a welcoming “Hiiiiiii!” to Charley, then looking down at Thor and giving him a “Hiiiiiiiiiiii!” as well.
We cut to inside the house ... The woman talking direct to camera. Her accent carries a hint of Geordie, but it’s not full-on. “Hi ... I’m Em Smith – I’m 31, and I’m from Newcastle.”
We pull back to see that she is standing in the middle of the living room of a modest home. There’s a man sitting on the couch behind her, roughly the same age as her, dark skinned, healthy – and based on the way he looks up at her, evidently quite in love.
K smiles at her introduction. “Are we going with 31? Are we?”
Em looks sideways at him, then smiles... “Okaayyyyy... 37!”
She moves around like a woman with a surplus of energy, her hands moving over her body – fingertips over her belly, to her breasts, around the edges of her bra. She’s clearly excited about she’s about to say, and what’s she’s about to do.
“K and I have always enjoyed an adventurous love life ... We’ve fantasised about bringing other men, or women, into the bedroom with us, for threesomes, orgies, gangbangs ... We’ve not actually done it yet – but we love to think about it. We’ve done it ‘online’ a lot. Swapping pictures and fantasies, and that ... We’ve often fantasized about how far we could push it ... How many men, what they could do to me – that kind of stuff. We like to talk ... We’ve always enjoyed watching beasty-clips on the internet, and we love your show – and we started talking about bringing a dog in to the relationship a while ago ... It always gets me nice and wet before we have some fun...”
We cut away to her husband, K, sitting on the couch and smiling, confirming that, “That’s true ... We had lots of fun...”
Back to Em, who now has the cups of her bra pulled down and is pinching her nipples, pulling them around (gently), lifting the boobs up and down as she talks, always with a little smile on her face. “There’s something about the idea of letting a dog fuck you ... It’s so dirty ... And you build up the courage to tell your partner – and you feel like such a slut ... And then he likes it – and then the pressure is on to go through with it...”
Cut back to K – nodding and smiling to camera.
Back to Em, “I don’t want to do it because he wants me to do it ... I want to do it because I want to turn him on more than he’s ever been turned on ... I want to be his filthy little fuckslut!”
Cut back to K – giving the camera a thumbs up and another white toothed smile.
We cut back to Em as she crouches down and leans forward a little, calling Thor to her...
The big yellow beast steps up to her, big smile on his face, tongue hanging out, excited - jumping up at her. She skips backward as he jumps so that his big paws miss her thighs. It’s a playful moment, quite cute, especially considering we all know what’s to come...
She smiles down at him as he jumps up, and then puts her hands out to catch his front paws as he jumps ... Holding them and dancing around – him up on his hindlegs, dumb smile on his face, tongue out. She copies him, smiling, sticking her tongue out ... And they dance around in a circle – his stuttering little steps, hers nice and easy.
As they circle, Em leans forward, bending down, bringing her smiling face down toward Thor’s big mouth – and as she gets close, he starts licking at her – at the air infront of her face, until she comes into range, and then at her face itself, across her chin, her mouth, her nose – but mainly her mouth ... She can’t stop smiling – opening her mouth and poking out her tongue to meet his. Casting her eyes to the side to look at her husband, still sitting on the couch, happily watching every move.
As she moves around, we notice that their big screen tv has been hooked up to show the images being recorded by the tripod camera – allowing Em to watch herself in action as she ‘kisses’ the dog...
When she’s finally had enough of his hot tongue slopping across her face and into her mouth, she bends forward to let his front paws return to the floor, then straights up and laughs a little, wiping her mouth with the back of her arm and gathering herself. The dog keeps looking up at her, his head pretty much right infront of her pussy ... And she can’t resist – she lifts one leg, placing her foot on the arm of the couch next to K ... Then she reaches down and pulls the gusset of her panties to one side to expose her pussy, which she strokes and then splits open with a couple of fingers – presenting the pink wetness to the puppy...
Thor is happy to oblige – pushing his snout up between her smooth thighs and flicking his long tongue along the length of her pussy lips ... Soft enough o drive her crazy – hard enough to push up between them and give her the kind of licking no man could ever match. Fast, hot, wet.
K slouches down a little so that he can look up between her thighs and get a better view of the dog’s tongue swishing over her most intimate flesh.
She moans softly, biting her bottom lip and smiling down at her husband as he looks up at her pussy. Losing it for a second as the dog’s tongue strikes a particularly good angle and pressure on her clit ... Her back buckling for a second as pleasurable little sensations begin to overcome her. She’s got one hand between her thighs, holding her pussy open for the dog; the other on one of her tits, pinching and pulling on a nipple. Breathing hard ... Excitement growing... “Yes ... Yes...”
And the door-bell chimes...
“Noooo!” She gasps, instinctively pulling back from the dog, her hand coming out from between her thighs, her foot from the arm of the couch down onto the floor. A look of frustration and disappointment on her face... “Fucking hell ... Talk about bad timing...” She looks at K. “Can you get that?” She indicates her state – wet, sweaty, tits out of her twisted bra, panties pulled across off her pussy...
K gets up and heads out to the front door. We keep watching Em, flopping down onto the couch and opening her thighs – relaxing again and letting Thor start to lick at her pussy again whilst K is out of the room ... In the background we can hear K unlocking the front door – opening it – and, “Fucking yes! Haha! YES!”
Em looks around to the door – keeping her thighs apart and letting Thor lick at her as she waits for K to return. “Who is it, babe?” She calls, her voice shaky as a result of the dog’s tongue dragging through her pussy lips and over her clit.
K appears at the door with a big smile on his face, then holds it wide open. “You’re not going to believe this...”
We cut to interview footage of a middle-aged, pale round-faced man. He’s familiar, as is his soft Geordie accent. It’s Pablo – owner of Rocky the Rottweiler, our original dog ... Him being on screen – it feels like an old episode has just invaded our show.
“It feels like forever since Rocky ‘retired’, but he’s not over-the-hill yet ... Like Mohammed Ali and all the other greats, he’s got at least one big come-back in him ... When Charley called last week to see if he was still active – I was, like, ‘So long as it’s not a long drive’, and she says, ‘just around the corner’, and I was, like, “Alright ... We’re on!”
We cut back to the living room and watch as Rocky enters the room – he seems a little fatter and a little less fearsome than in previous years. He’s in double-figures now – and it’s almost 2 years since we’ve seen him on camera. He’s an old dog...
Thor steps back from his pussy licking, seeing Rocky, and heading over to say ‘hello’. The two dogs sniffing at each other, but both very relaxed.
Em’s smile gets even broader – looking around from the two dogs to the camera, “Two dogs? For me? Fuuuuck yeah!” And the smile gets even wider.
We cut to a shot of Em on her knees infront of the couch - still in her bra, g-string and stockings – big yellow Lab on one side of her, big black Rottie on the other – both of them licking at her face. She turns her head from side to side – letting each of them lick her mouth, smiling throughout, almost laughing, often gasping ... Clearly loving every second.
Thor drops his head from her face and licks at her chest, and she responds by pulling the front of her bra down again, letting him lick at her nipple – which doesn’t interest him much. She turns to face Rocky against and lets him lick her mouth again, only a few seconds, before shuffling around onto her arse ... Then laying back on the floor and spreading her legs – opening herself up ... Thor licks her pussy – whilst Rocky continues to lick her face.
She moans and gasps under the twin tongueing – Thor almost instantly putting her back on the path toward a climax, whilst Rocky’s big tongue and lazy licking keeps her well reminded of her perversity. Pretty soon, Rocky catches a waft of the smell coming up from her pussy, and he leaves her face alone, steps over her body and sticks his head between her thighs, competing with Thor for her pussy ... The two of them taking turns, almost as if they’ve practised this on another slut ... We’ll have to ask Charley about that later!

- 04.11.2020
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