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Ring of Truth

by obohobo


Please take note!

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly writtenfor adults only.


If you are underage or offended by such material -or- if viewing this fileis illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now.

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwiseis purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2005


After finding the Ring of Truth and learning a little of its properties,I, Dr. Derek Meeks, decided to keep a sort of diary, a 'blog' of events surroundingits use in my life. At the same time I added excerpts from the leather bookthat came with the ring so they would be readily readable. For the time beingI am keeping the information in a protected file on my computer and, for reasonsthat will become obvious to anyone privileged to view them, I do not intendto print them out until I, like the previous owner, decide to put the ringin some safe place. That may not be for many years hence.

Dr. Derek Meeks.

P.S. (Later). I have now decided to anonymously publish an edited versionof the blog together with the excerpts from the book on a site I visit frequentlyand get much pleasure from reading the stories it contains. Names of people(including my own), and places have been changed but otherwise this is an honestaccount of my experiences with the ring. I have tried to write each blog asa readable narrative and have concentrated on the sexual aspects mainly becauseI know that it what readers visit this site for and because they brought methe greatest pleasure. I hope it will do the same for you.

Blog 1. Finding the ring

12th July 2004

"I promised Mrs. McCready you would help her move into her new house.You don't mind do you Derek?" It was typical of my mother to volunteerme without asking first.

"But I planned on going over to Sandswick this afternoon mother," Iprotested.

"Oh there'll be plenty of times you can go there. You've still two monthsleft before you start work and the woman really needs someone strong to helpher clear all the old stuff from poor Miss Read's old house. Finish your breakfast,I said you would be there about nine and it's past that now. You were up latethis morning." There was that hint of disapproval in her voice. "Iexpect she'll get you something for lunch and you can get a takeaway for dinner.I'll be at the bridge club until late."

I groaned and complained but there was no getting out of it. Mother was adamantthat I should help and despite all my arguments, insisted I go. It wasn't thatI really objected to helping, and I didn't dislike Mrs. McCready, if fact shewas quite a pleasant woman, but I did object to being put in a position whereI would be obliged to help whether or not I wanted to. The last few monthshad been stressful in the extreme but after many nights of burning the midnightoil, I was able to complete the research needed for my thesis. It worked outand I finally obtained my doctorate. I am now fully entitled to call myselfDr. Derek Meeks. Mother even got the photo of me wearing my mortarboard andgown in the local paper. For the time being though I just wanted to relax andmake the most of the free time before I took up a research post at DunchesterUniversity where I had spent the last five years as a student. It is only tenmiles away which meant I could and did live at home for the first four yearsof my course and save my accommodation expenses, but during that time I wasnever free of mother's influences. When I successfully obtained a grant andsponsorship for my post graduate research I was able to afford a room on thecampus but at the start of the new term I shall move into a house my predecessorin the post now occupies. His new job is taking him abroad for several years.

Glumly I walked the few hundred yards along the road to the fifteenth centuryhouse that had been Miss Read's home for as long as anyone could remember.The seemingly frail, bent old lady lived alone and had survived until one morningsoon after her ninety-eighth birthday, the milkman noticed the previous day'smilk hadn't been taken in. He alerted the police and they called her youngersister's son, Robert, who found Miss Read lying abed. She'd died peaceablyin her sleep. Her will left the house and contents to be shared between allthree of her sister's children but none of them wished to live in the damp,inconvenient old house. After dividing up any furniture and belongings thatwere deemed worth keeping, the remainder was left and the house put up forsale.

To Jean McCready, the building was a delightful example of a framed Tudorhouse. She loved the way the top storey overhung the ground floor and the quaintcarvings on the ends of the protruding floor beams. "It will need a lotof money spent on it to get it habitable by modern standards and of coursethere are restrictions on what you are allowed to do with an old building likethis," the estate agent had warned her, but money wasn't a problem. Shehad money in her own right and the inheritance from the death of her husbandmade her quite wealthy.

"She can afford to pay a firm to come in a clear the whole place," Imuttered as I sauntered along still cursing my mother for involving me, moreso because she'd sent me to work while she went and played cards with her friends.The front door, accessed by two stone steps directly from the pavement waswide open and a hire skip stood coned off in the road with a layer of rubbishalready covering the base. Climbing the steps I peered inside and called out, "Mrs.McCready!"

"Come in Derek, sorry I didn't mean to impose on you like this but yourmother insisted and wouldn't take no for an answer. Please feel free to goif you have other things planned. If you haven't then I could certainly usethe help. I'll pay you of course. I intended to go to the employment peopleto get someone but Miriam said…well you know your mother." Thewoman gave an impish grin.

"It's okay Mrs. McCready…"

"Jean please." The dumpy woman with the ready smile took my handand shook it. "It makes me feel old to be called Mrs. by someone as oldas you. I'm only forty-one for heavens sake!"

"Okay Jean, I'm here and I'll do what I can to help. No need to worryabout paying me. I sort of figured it was to be voluntary work or mother wouldn'thave suggested it." I couldn't help smiling at the woman clad incongruouslyin blue overalls wearing bright yellow rubber gloves and a red headscarf. Therewere already dirt smudges on her face. "What's to be done?" I askedas I donned my old white lab coat. By the state Jean was in, it wouldn't bewhite for long. Jean gave me a quick tour and at once I could see how neglectedthe place had been for many years. Threadbare carpets covered the floors, wallpaperhung in tatters from the walls and over all there was a dank musty smell. Jean'smind though, saw things as they would be after she had worked on the place.

"I want to do as much as I can myself," Jean told me, "There'llbe lots I can't do but the place will feel more mine if I do what I can andin any case, who knows, clearing a place like this might yield some treasures.Perhaps there will be some things I can take to the Antiques Roadshow and haveone of the experts tell me it is worth a fortune." I laughed with herat the thought of her appearing on the TV show with some little trinket thatwas held in awe by a bespectacled presenter. By then we were on the upstairslanding. "The first job will be to get the roof repaired and for thatthe workmen need to get into the attic. Rain comes through in several placesand that's made the house quite damp. All I can see by peering over the ledgeare a few boxes. I've bought a stepladder but it needs someone with a bit moreheight and more spring in their bum to get through the trap door to see what'sin there."

"Someone like me?" I questioned. She laughed.

An hour later I had an extension lead in the attic with a vacuum cleanerand a quartz halogen light plugged in. "There's a good wood floor withlots of boxes, some wood, some cardboard. Rain's made some places damp. Whereit's dry the place is covered with dust." I called down. "I'll Hooverthe boxes a bit and pass them down to you so you can sort through them."

By lunchtime we had a pile of boxes in what was the lounge. While Jean wentto the nearby baker's for sandwiches, I made tea and started looking throughthe boxes. Many were discarded clothes, papers and oddments of china. Some,where the roof had leaked, the water had got into the material and the clotheswere covered with mould, others were surprising dry and in good condition.We laughed and joked over our finds while we drank our tea. I declined theoffer of a box of old rag dolls. "You might want them in a few years time," Jeansuggested.

"Not much hope of that at the moment," I replied.

"No one special at the university then?"

"Nope. I don't really seem to get on with girls. Seem to say the wrongthings at the wrong time. In any case for the last few months I been well andtruly worked off my feet to finish my thesis."

Jean wanted to keep the paperwork, mainly old letters and bills, in casethere was something interesting historically concerning the house but muchof the stuff went straight into the skip. Nearly at the end of our break, Iforced open a wooden chest containing various items of jewellery. The lid waslocked but the joints at one corner had given way so I pulled the end off andtipped the contents on to the floor. Delightedly Jean and I picked them over.Amongst the items I picked out a small cardboard box no bigger than a packof playing cards. Inside nestled a signet ring and a small leather book. Fromthe start I sensed something strange about the ring. The metal still gleamedsilver whereas all the other silver jewellery in the box was tarnished to blacknessbut at first I just put that down to it having been inside the little box.The band was about 6 mm wide and inscribed with writing that I thought waspossibly Persian but which was unintelligible to me. Affixed to the band wasa squarish block with scalloped edges and only about 8 mm on each side in thecentre of which sat a small, slightly iridescent, greenish-yellow stone. Therewas nothing ostentatious about it and in fact most people hardly notice thatI am wearing it. It looks like an ordinary ring that could be bought cheaplyin any market. I slipped it on my index finger and held out my hand to showJean.

I was astounded. I heard Jean talking in my head but her lips weren't movingand she was engrossed in sorting through the jewellery.

Jeanlooked up and saw the ring on my finger and perhaps the look of bewildermenton my face. Tomy eyes the stone seemed to gently twinkle like the green neon on my computerwhen it is working but certainly not as brightly as that. "You okay?" sheasked in a normal voice and then she saw the ring and took my hand to seeit more closely. "That looks nice on you. Keep it Derek. I don't thinkit would suit me." We put the remainder of the jewellery in anotherbox ready for Jean to take home and stood to stretch our legs. We'd beensitting on the floor during our lunch break. "I suppose we ought toget a little more done. I can clean these things later," she suggested, "Youfeel like carrying on?"

"Yes, fine. Who knows what else we might find up there? Maybe some moredolls!"

We climbed the stairs again but all the while I kept hearing Jean's voicein my head commenting on the jewellery and what she might do with it and whatit might be worth. Twice I turned around to see if she was actually speakingbut she only looked at me in surprise. Could I really be hearing what she wasthinking? Could it be the ring? No, that would be too much like magic and magicdidn't exist. My scientific training tried unsuccessfully to find another explanation.I could test if it was the ring by removing it. By now I had ascended the stepladderand had my hands either side of the opening ready to spring into the attic.

The words in my head shockedme so much that I very nearly didn't make the jump into the attic. "CarefulDerek," Jean warned, "You sure you're okay?"

"Fine. Wasn't thinking what I was doing."

Islipped the ring into my pocket at that point and Jean's voice in my headceased. The boxes from immediately around the trapdoor had now all beenremoved but there were still a few at the far end of the attic. Below meI could hear Jean clearing one of the bedrooms. I slipped the ring on againbut couldn't hear Jean until I pushed the stone against the floorboardsmore or less above where she was. I could hear her thoughts but at a verymuch reduced level, a level so low that I almost had to stop breathingto hear them. Oddly, when I switched on the vacuum cleaner the voices inmy head were just as clear as it was when the noisy machine was off. Itseemed as if outside noises didn't affect my ability to receive messages,whereas internal noises like coughing and heavy breathing would. "CanI project my thoughts to her?" I wondered. So far I had seen no evidenceof it. Standing at the trapdoor I tried to send a thought message to askher to come to the steps but nothing happened although I could hear herdiscussing with herself was to do with the peeling wallpaper. "Bettertake the ring off for a bit," I told myself, "Otherwise I won'tget much done. Even as I cleaned the attic and moved the remaining boxesto near the trapdoor, I couldn't help wondering how the ring worked andwhat difference it might make to my life. My thoughts also kept returningto the remark Jean made about wanting my prick. Now, instead of thinkingof her as a woman old enough to be my mother, well nearly, I began to wonderwhat she was like under the overalls she'd been wearing all day. Yes, shewas short and a little plump but well endowed in the tit department. Fromher comment, 'it'd be nice to have a nice young prick in me again,' I guessedshe still got horny. Maybe there was a chance I could get my prick intoher. It had been a few months since I'd last fucked a girl and I'd certainlynever had one as old or as plump as Jean.

By mid-afternoon I had the attic clear and went down for a cuppa and lookthrough the latest boxes but there was not too much of interest for me. Mainlypapers and old clothes and a few children's toys but they had been well usedand were rather battered. "You're not wearing the ring," Jean commented.

"I didn't want to damage it," I lied but put it on again. We satcross-legged on the floor drinking the last of our tea. The tail ends of mylab coat had opened so I knew Jean could look directly at my crotch and fromher thoughts I knew she was assessing my potential. Inreturn I began to appraise her body. She certainly wasn't a beauty queen butshe was by no means unattractive. Thinking these thoughts caused my prick tostiffen and from her thoughts I knew she noticed. Ineffectually I tried talkingabout the things we'd found and moved myself so the budding erection didn'tshow as much. Once again I tried to see if I could project my thoughts butwith no result.

By four o'clock we'd both had enough. My once white lab coat was near blackdown the front and Jean's overalls were filthy. "Let's call it a day,Derek. Would you like to come to my place for a meal? There's a couple of steaksin the freezer," she suggested.

"I'm filthy. I ought to go home and shower and change."

"I do have a shower at my place, you know," Jean laughed, "Andwe could pick up a change of clothes at yours on the way. I'm just as dirtyas you so I'll need a shower too."

"Okay, you persuaded me," I grinned wondering if I would reallybe able to shower with her. I knew she thought about it but I couldn't thinkof a way to bring it about.

We chatted about the house and the finds as she drove the five miles to herhome. She showed me the shower and asked, "Would you like to use it first?Don't be too greedy with the hot water though. The tank is rather small."

"Ladies first," I replied.

"No guests first."

We argued as to who should go first for a minute or so until I jokingly asked, "Wouldyou like us to shower together then?"

The smile left her face and her expression became serious and rather blanklooking. I thought I had committed a faux pas but quietly and seemingly findingit difficult to get the words out she answered, "Yes Derek, I would liketo shower with you."

I could tell from Jean's thoughts that she was confused but I decided tokeep the advantage. "Come on then, I'll undress you and you can undressme. Let's have a little fun after all the hard work." Taking her handI led her into the bathroom and started unbuttoning her shirt. Her thoughtsthat came through to my mind were still very confused. Deep down she wantedto shower and have sex with me but had grave reservations about doing it withthe son of her friend, doing it with a young lad, doing it with someone shewould see frequently in the future. Seeing her hesitation, I tried to reassureher. "I'm not a minor you know Jean. I'm twenty-six for heavens sake andI do have a little experience. I want to do this as much as you so let's pretendI'm just a toy-boy you've hired for an hour or two. Forget that you know mymother or that we'll be working together again in the morning. Let's live forthe moment." She seemed surprised at my insight into what was worryingher and relaxed. Before long we were both naked and looking each other over.For my part I was very pleased at the sight of Jean's plump body and her goodsized tits that had hardly started to sag. "You're very nice Jean," Isaid awkwardly as I gave her a hug and pressed her breasts to my lower chestand her head to my shoulders.

"You're not so bad yourself, tall guy," she giggled and then pushedherself away and took a quick look at my equipment. >>"Nicesized prick and big balls, already half hard. Hope he can use it later.">> Herthoughts came to me as we stepped under the shower and washed each other.

To Jean it must have seemed that I knew just the right tricks to stimulateher. Verbally she just came out with "Oooh's and aaraah's" but hermental instructions were far more precise. I respondedto all these messages and brought her to a noisy climax even before she startedto wash me. When she did, she paid special attention to my prick, which wasnow rock hard. I felt her lips aroundthe head and knew I would soon shoot my load and warned her. For a moment sheseemed worried and her thoughts told me it was because she wanted it in herand then Hermouth took my manhood deeper and she sucked more vigorously until I could holdout no longer.

"If that's a sample of what older women can do, I want more of them," Isaid to myself.

Finally we finished washing and drying ourselves. Jean, I knew, enjoyed theexperience as much as I did but inwardly she was confused, guilty and apprehensiveas to what we had done. I tried to reassure her as best I could but still theguilty feeling remained. We didn't dress properly but she loaned me a plaiddressing gown of Ted's and wore a flowery one herself. Ted's was a bit shorton me but it covered my prick with just a little to spare.

For a while our minds were largely concerned with preparing and eating themeal but in any spare moments both of us thought about what happened earlierand how it would affect our relationship. After the washing-up was done andwe sat drinking tea in the lounge, our thinking once again turned to sex. Myprick started to rise from the visual stimulation of seeing the tops of Jean'stits where her gown had opened. Putting my arm around her, I kissed them. Instinctivelyshe started to push me away, and almost as quickly pulled me to her.

"Jean? Would you like us to go into the bedroom and do it properly?" Iwhispered in her ear.

"Yes," she hissed back, "Yes please."

I wasn't a virgin but I'd only had fucked a few girls and none aroused melike Jean did. This was partly due to way her tits bounced and her arse wobbledas she walked. I couldn't resist giving her bum cheeks a playful smack as wewent into the room, which brought a little squeal from her. My arousal wasalso very much stimulated by hearing her raunchy thoughts as I ploughed intoher and for the thought instructions as to what she liked me to do. The movementsthat seemed to suit her best also inflamed my passions but even so I took longerthan usual to ejaculate into her, probably because it was the second emissionin a relatively short time.

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Ring of TruthBlog 16 A Gay experience

24th November 2004 I spanked Sarah on Sunday. It was only the second time that I had done so and she more or less provoked me into doing it. She was on her period and a bit grumpy to start with and when I tried to get her to name a date for moving in with me she snapped at me and said tartly, "Perhaps I never will." As she turned away her thoughts came through,

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Ring of TruthBlog 17 Marion and Lucy

1st December 2004 I heard at the weekend that Rodney had been arrested and charged with grievous bodily harm. According to the local paper, Stephen's welts became infected and he was rushed into hospital because the poison in his blood was spreading down his legs and into his body. The police were called and even though Stephen didn't wish to press charges, the police did. They granted him bail and he has to appear before Dunchester magistrates early in the New Year. Now to the last story...

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Ring of TruthBlog 19 Rose and the dwarf

22nd December 2004 Sarah moved in as planned last weekend but there are still many boxes to unpack. Jean and my student helped and it all went relatively smoothly. We left some of the bigger items but I doubt if Sarah will ever go and live back there. As we planned, she will keep the flat on until the end of February and then, unless anything untoward happens between us, she will give it up. Some of her furniture is of better quality than mine so we'll do some exchanging but that can wait...

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Earths CoreChapter 21 Truths Goals And Brining Up To Speed

Zax was on the verge of retorting against the notion of already joining Sinister Chain when it dawn on him that if former Supreme Ruler Gid Chu Takeda declared so, he probably will not budge for any other demand. Thus, he semi officially became the seventy fifth member of Sinister Chain. As Zax showed no indication of asking himself, Gid Chu took his silence as the essential attentiveness he would like him to exhibit before bringing up to speed. “Might as well start from the beginning, won’t...

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Sues friend Annacontinued from my blog

Sue my 78 year old fuck buddy lived near me in Leicester, i had met her through Jean my 66 year old neighbour. Both Jean and Sue had great bodies and i loved fucking them as often as i could.I had been busy with my business and had some what neglected both Jean and Sue so made a point of calling round to see Jean one night after work. I hadn't been in Jeans house for more than ten minutes before we were both naked and fucking like teenagers. She had really come to love anal sex and played with...

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Groundhog Day from sissifyourself blog

The alarm went off at 6 AM, like it always did. I stirred groggily andlooked over at my fiancée Leah. She looked so scrumptious lying therethat I had half a mind to blow off work and make passionate love to her,but instead I gave her a little shake on the shoulder. She moaned thatshe was awake, and she padded off to the shower. Only having onebathroom in the apartment meant I was shaving while she was showering. Itwas hard to see in the steamed-up mirror, and sure enough, I nickedmyself.We...

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Truth or Dare

It was clear to Julie that nothing would happen unless she got involved. The party wound down a while ago, and everyone had gone home except Alice’s friend Dan. There was chemistry between him and the two roommates, but he seemed reluctant to act on it. Julie could tell that Alice fancied him, but was hesitating because she could also sense a spark between him and Julie. Alice sometimes suffered from limited imagination, Julie thought, as she grabbed three beers from the fridge.In the living...

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Ring on the Changes

This story was custom written to Circe's specifications as a prize for my fourth story contest. Ring on the Changes By Morpheus The Dragon's Trove was located in an old, red brick building, with a large window in the front that had a carefully painted picture of a dragon wrapped around a large pile of books on it. Within the used bookstore, only half of it was filled with the books that the sign represented and more than half of these were of the science fiction or fantasy genre,...

1 year ago
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Springfield Is Burning

SPRINGFIELD IS BURNING (a SIMPSONS fan fiction) by Laika Pupkino ############ ############ Bicycling across a deserted public park on her way home from school in the gloom of an October afternoon, a young schoolgirl is confronted by three bullies. They block her path suddenly, so that she is forced to slam on her brakes. For someone as intelligent as she is, this child can be surprisingly naive. She assumes that other people will be as good-natured as her, or that they'll at...

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Truth or Dare

I was suspicious as soon as I heard the oozing sweetness in her voice. My wife of four years called me at work just before noon to ask me if I would be willing to go "rescue" her 18 year old little sister and bring her back to California. She went on to tell me how her sister had just broken up with her jerk of a boyfriend and was out of a place to live. She then confessed that she had volunteered me to do the four hour each way turn around trip from our place to Vegas.Six hours later I pulled...

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I was suspicious as soon as I heard the oozing sweetness in her voice. My wife of four years called me at work just before noon to ask me if I would be willing to go "rescue" her 18 year old little sister and bring her back to California. She went on to tell me how her sister had just broken up with her jerk of a boyfriend and was out of a place to live. She then confessed that she had volunteered me to do the four hour each way turn around trip from our place to Vegas.Six hours later I pulled...

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Truth Or Dare

Our dad, being Dad, knew exactly when we girls were trying to hide something from him. "And what exactly have you two girls been doing at these slumber parties that have you all red in the faces?" Dad asked us. "Not a thing," I told him straight- faced. "Nope, nothing," Tonya added her face getting even redder. Red enough to match her red hair "Now, I know better than that." Dad scolded. It had all started out innocently enough. Tonya and I were in our living room talking about the...

2 years ago
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Truth or Dare with my friend and our parents

(With my friend, her parents, my parents, and another of our friend's parents.) There will be a number of readers that won’t believe this story. It is true. I pondered how to write the story and from what perspective. I ultimately decided to just go with how I experienced the night. My name is Katie and my closest friends Becki and Jenni (yes- they both liked to end their names with an “i,”) and our parents took annual camping trips in the Sierra Nevada...

1 year ago
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Truth or Dare

Mom and I play games every weekend after my dad left us. Truth or dare No one under the age of eighteen has had sex in this story It has been 18 months since my dad left me and mom for a girl I was dating in high school. Fortunately, she had already turned eighteen… But that isn't what this story is about. I couldn’t believe my dad would leave my mother, she was a little over weight I will admit that, but holly cow, she was still hot! Especially her large breasts and legs, they...

1 year ago
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Truth or dare

Mom and I have a lot of fun now that he left us I would like to take a moment and thank Daz Daz for editing my work for me. I know this would have never gotten to publication without his help Thank you Daz. Truth or dare No one under the age of eighteen has had sex in this story It has been 18 months since my dad left me and mom for a girl I was dating in high school. Fortunately, she had already turned eighteen… But that isn’t what this story is about. I couldn’t believe my...

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Truth or Dare for Two Virgin Teens

It was finally happening. After pining for Blair basically since he hit puberty, Justin was finally going to get some alone time with her - overnight! Both freshly eighteen and seniors in high school, Blair and Justin had been friends since childhood. Their parents were close friends all of their lives, and even took vacations together every other summer. And when they were not on vacation, they spent their summer days in Blair's parents' pool, and the rest of the year snuggled on the couch...

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Son Plays Truth or Dare With Mom

I couldn't believe my dad would leave my mother, she was a little over weight I will admit that, but holly cow, she was still hot! Especially her large breasts and legs, they were hot as hell. On top of that, her mannerisms made her beautiful, she carried her weight with dignity and grace, so much so I never could take my eyes off my mother when I was around her. We made the best of it with my dad being gone, playing games on the weekends helped the time pass and gave me and my mother chance...

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The Mind Control Device Short Daddy Daughter Play Naughty Truth or Dare

Daddy & Daughter Play Naughty Truth or Dare By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Rosa and Natalie, eighteen-year-old virgins, are shopping with Rosa's father Hector when the mind-control device is activated. Wholesome Foods is about to be despoiled as Dean Michaels makes his second test of his creation. The two virgins are bout to lose their cherries. Neither will remember the moment when Hector rams his cock into his daughter Rosa and Dean...

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Truth or Dare 01

Pete and I have been good friends from the time we met at freshmen year at university. We became so close in the past few years, we are more like brothers now than friends. We both played rugby throughout the university years and pushed each other at the gym every week. As luck would have it, last year when I met my present girlfriend Sophie, Pete hooked up with her best friend Camila. They were both gym freaks like us and in no time the four us became inseparable and really enjoyed hanging...

Group Sex
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Ring of TruthBlog 20 Janes dream

Friday 28th January 2005 This evening I took Sarah to the home of Jackie Tomlinson and Terry Hunter a couple of miles the other side of campus. Jackie works in admin and Terry teaches humanities. They've been living together for a couple of years and have decided to get married. Sarah's fame as a wedding dress maker seems to have spread further than we thought and when I had to pop into see the secretary, Jackie waylaid me to ask if Sarah would do her a dress. Of course it is not just a...

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Jessica Nigri Truth or Dare

WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the persons, places, events, etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence.Featuring: Jessica Nigri (Cosplay and glamour model)Jessica Nigri - Truth or DareA celebrity erotic storyby DaxG2001 ([email protected]) & Mean...

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Senior Truth or Dare

I want to thank Zen Master for editing this story. His input had been extremely helpful “I’m tired of playing cards. Let’s do something else.” Stella complained. Stella Benson is my wife Pam’s best friend and she and her husband Greg get together with us every few weeks and play card games or sometimes Pictionary or some other board game. We’ve been doing this for the past eight or ten years, ever since they moved into our neighborhood. Pam and Stella were friends’ from way back when they...

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Truth or Dare Neighbors edition

Characters: Black family - The Johnson's Husband: Thomas 40-years-old, 6', 200 lbs, 12-inch cock Wife: Jasmine 35-years-old, 5' 7" 150 lbs, 44DD breasts, 34-inch waist, 48-inch booty. Daughter: Kelly 14-years-old, 5' 2" tall, 95 lbs, 32C cup, 18-inch waist, 28-inch booty. Son: Marcus 15-years-old, 6' 3" tall, 195 lbs, 12-inch cock Grandma Pam 64-years-old, 5' 8" tall, 240 lbs, 44F breasts, 52-inch booty White family: The Smith's Father: Jim 38-years-old, 5' 11" tall,...

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Truth Or Dare

It has been eighteen months since my dad left me and mom for a girl I was dating in high school. Fortunately, she had already turned eighteen… But that isn't what this story is about.I couldn’t believe my dad would leave my mother. She was a little overweight I will admit that, but holy cow, she was still hot! Especially her large breasts and legs, they were hot as hell. On top of that, her mannerisms made her beautiful. She carried her weight with dignity and grace, so much so, I never could...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 68 Truth or Dare

The second floor had one of their parties the first Saturday in December. They did this about once of month. There was alcohol around, but their parties were casual. At the beginning of the party, most of the guys on the floor would leave their doors open, and everyone would roam around, chatting and mingling. There was food around, munchies and stuff. Later in the night, some groups of friends would gather in a particular room. This is what had happened, in Warren and Tim's room. Besides...

2 years ago
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Bridgets SpiritChapter 4 Truth or Dare

Liam prepared a light dinner of salad and hot sandwiches and the couple lounged in the living room while they ate. After finishing, he cleaned up the dishes and changed into pajama pants and a t-shirt. "It's getting late, Gina; why don't you take my bed?" offered Liam. "Where will you sleep?" "I still fit on the sofa. It's not that bad." "Look, why don't I just go back over to my apartment? It's not like it's a long way away!" "I want you close by in case something happens...

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Little Truths

Preface- This short story is a work of fan fiction, inspired by work that is not my own. This piece takes place directly where "Confrontations," my previous story, left off. If you haven't read "The Secret Stash" by Shy, "The New Girl" by Sissy Maid Sapphire, and "Confrontations" by Maria Kenton (moi), then I suggest you do so. Otherwise, none of this will make much sense on its own. Continuity edit from previous story: When James gets some time alone to play video games,...

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Ring of Rheoli Part 6

Ring of Rheoli - Part 6 (continuation from part 5...) Whatever humanity was left in Suzie had evaporated after that horrifying revelation. Seeing what had become of her and the power of the ring being as strong as it was, she had fully succumb to the darkness within. To Katie there was no real change. Kyle had always hated Suzie and after everything she put him through, he would be more surprised to find humanity in her than evil anyway. Jake was woefully ignorant to...

1 year ago
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Ring of Bales

There were twenty carefully screened guests in attendance on the first night at our new location.  That was several years ago.  Now, of course, there would be many more – we call them members now – and that original arena, that ring of bales in the barn, would be too small to hold them.  But those original twenty guests, fourteen men and six women, still speak in hushed tones about the spectacle they were privileged to witness that first night.We had set up the presentation area with straw...

4 years ago
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Truth or Dare postgraduate

The four of us, two girls, two guys, have been friends from our college days.  We dated each other once or twice, but nothing serious developed.  So we remained friends, just not lovers.  But even with friends, flirtations and sexual tension has a way of seeping into a relationship.  I especially liked one of the girls, Amy, a tall beauty, 5’8”, with auburn hair, an athletic build and lovely breasts.  She was just my type and I always hoped to get a privileged view of her beauty.  The other...

Group Sex
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Ring of Justice

Kevin Joiner is on the run, wanted for multiple counts of violence and rape on women over the last three weeks; in a shoot-out he was shot twice in the abdomen and is now bleeding profusely. Trying to move as fast and stealthy as he can with his sustained injuries he ducks down a little side alley, not far behind he can hear the sound of police shouting and further back dogs, he knew he needed to get find an escape route and soon. Looking around, he noticed a shop he hadn't seen...

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6virgins play truth or dare p2

Introduction: part 2 of a ficional story 6 virgins play truth or dare p2 Intro: I actually wrote this before the first part was actually posted. I hesitated to post this part, as I knew I had gotten carried away with it, and am not sure how it will be recieved. If anyone wants to rewright it thats ok juat list it as a rewrite. This part is less reptitious. the first part was, only as you would expect that of inexperienced young teens experiencing their first sex, as they have little idea of...

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Truth Or Dare Chapter One

Corey, Fred, Gary, Lucy and Samantha are sitting in a circle on the floor in Corey’s lounge room. His parents are out for the weekend but had told Corey he was allowed a friend or two over to keep him company. Having turned 18 recently, his parents deemed him responsible enough to make good choices while they were gone. A few bottles of scotch sit in the middle of the circle with about five bottles of Coca-Cola. The members of the circle each have a cup in front of them, already looking a...

Group Sex
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Truth or dare brother 14

“Well what do you want to eat sis?” Jeff asked. “Well are you gonna let me cook whatever I say sounds good?” I asked. “Do you promise to take it easier from now on?” Jeff asked. “Yes you pain in the ass,” I replied. “Hey, be nice to your brother. That's a two way street sis. If I gotta be nice to you, then you gotta be nice to me too sis,” Jeff said. “Fine mean bro. I'll be nice to you,” I replied. We kept joking around with each other like that all through our relationship, even before we...

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Ring World Part I

Anubis Reborn As to ‘the Great Council which is at the judging of the dead’: they are Thoth, Osiris, Anubis, and Isdes. -Egyptian Book of the Dead Squeezing the ice-blue gel onto his fingertips, Brian looked into the mirror as he spread the gel between his hands. Running fingers through his blonde streaked russet hair in a rapid, erratic motion, he sculpted the short cropped locks into the slight spike that he normally wore. A smile crossed his lips as he ran his hand under the...

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