Carrington Mansion Ch. 03 free porn video

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An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who exceeded their expectations. In this chapter a misunderstanding about unachieved sexual connection between Hayden Carrington and Kitty is resolved.

Chapter 3

Kitty flopped on her bed, kicked off her shoes and swore in frustration.

Angry at Hayden’s odd behavior and feeling dumped, Kitty wondered what she’d done wrong. After four or was it five double vodkas on ice she was virtually there for the plucking. Then the oaf yawned and said he was ready for bed.

At that Kitty was on her feet in a flash wondering whether it would be her place or his. The oaf drove her to her apartment doors, kissed her deliciously, pinched her ass and said he’d have her called. He then drove off with a couple of horn bleeps, leaving her waving in bewilderment.

‘Ha, I’m too old for him,’ she hic-cupped. He’s hooked into eighteen to twenty-year-olds.’

Kitty patted kitty and said, ‘Sorry darling, some other time. I must have overwhelmed him.’ She couldn’t think what else it could be. ‘Oh yes,’ she snarled. ‘He’s an asshole Carrington and no way will he stuff his thingy into a Carlisle-Bowden. She sniffed and began to weep in frustration, not believing what she’d just said. The only asshole was on her bed. Thinking about what on earth he’d meant when he’d said he’d have her called she fell asleep.

Next morning Kitty was about to leave for social tennis with three girlfriends and then go on to lunch with then when her phone went.

‘It’s Mrs Wilson of Carrington Mansion calling Miss Carlisle.’

Kitty wondered sourly in proper etiquette usage should not that have been expressed, ‘Miss Carlisle, it’s Mrs Wilson of Carrington Mansion calling’. ‘Good morning Mrs Wilson. I can see the flag is up and guess that means a Carrington of significance is in residence.’

‘You are quite correct. Lord Hayden Carrington asks would you kindly join him for buffet lunch at 1:00 tomorrow at the summer house overlooking the lake.’

Kitty fought against being rebellious and saying she had a more pressing engagement. ‘Yes, I will be there thank you.’

‘Miss Carlisle. On such occasions it is customary…’

‘It is customary that I choose what I wear Mrs Wilson.’

‘As you wish Miss Carlisle. The weather forecast remains very favorable. Goodbye.’

What a cold and mechanical woman, stuffy to the core. Thank God the British were unable to hold on to America, Kitty thought and then wondered why she was being so bitchy. Oh yes, her dismay at not receiving a treat last night from his lordship. She urged, discipline, discipline Kitty. Let it go, it’s not that important. Kitty wondered if Hayden was entitled to the courtesy title of lord now that his father had passed away and the older son who had two sons had inherited the dukedom. That would make Hayden removed further from the ultimate title.

Kitty walked across to the mansion at 1:15 dressed in a trendy pink open lace top with matching bra and a matching pink linen pleated skirt mid-thigh in length. She wore white sandals and a floppy white hat. A guy dressed in all white including a bow tie came forward to the side gate in the security fence to let her in. Confirming she was Miss Carlisle the employee led her towards the open-sided summerhouse where a number of people were socializing. Kitty had not been aware other people had been invited so began thinking tentatively perhaps she ought to have listened to decorum-driven Mrs Wilson. Button up girl, don’t be subordinate.

Then Kitty saw the tennis racquets and realized it was a tennis party — they were all 30-somethings and everyone but her was dressed in white.

Kitty turned to her escort and asked him his name.

Pointing to her apartment block Kitty said, ‘Giles, here’s twenty bucks. Kindly take this card and these keys. The card gets you into the basement car lot and these keys unlock the trunk of a blue Chrysler Crossfire Coupe where you’ll retrieve my tennis racquet and tennis shoes. Please bring them to me and leave the sweaty panties, bra, shorts and top in the heap untouched. Okay?’

‘Understood Miss Carlisle.’

‘Brilliant Giles and thank you.’

A thin-lipped woman directing kitchen staff saw her and approached. Kitty braced for a I-told-you-so but the woman said with a smile, ‘Welcome Miss Carlisle. I’m Mrs Wilson. We have access to several sizes of women’s tennis shoes including mine and you may use my racquet.’

‘Giles is galloping over to retrieve mine Mrs Wilson. It’s so lovely to meet you. Please call me Kitty if you consider that appropriate.’

‘Thank you Kitty. Most of these folk are regulars. I’ll commence introductions.’

But there was no need. Hayden yelled ‘Kitty!’ He vaulted the summerhouse railing and bounded over. The chatter behind him lowered and as he swept Kitty into his arms and kissed her rather passionately the chatter died completely.

Catching her breath Kitty noticed Mrs Wilson’s face was a picture of neutrality and then she almost had her arm pulled off as Hayden yanked her along calling out, ‘Everyone this is my dear friend Kitty Carlisle. Please begin lunch except for Carla and Ben who’ll start the tournament playing Kitty and me.

Kitty heard a light cough behind her. She turned and Giles handed across her shoes and racquet.

‘Ah, look at the stringing on this racquet guys,’ Hayden yelled, looking at Kitty’s racquet. A pro-woman’s set-up.’

That piece of bullshit seemed to unnerve the other women and they and several of the guys double-faulted whenever facing Kitty. Hayden and Kitty made the final but then lost to a club pro playing with his protégé who obviously as the day continued was the coach’s romantic protégé as well.

After tennis with champagne flowing, the group divided into pairs to race in the kayaks. Hayden won the men’s division and Kitty won the women’s division without really trying. Then some clown yelled that Hayden and Kitty should have a race-off to find the supreme champion. Hayden recklessly offered to give Kitty a 10-yard start over the 100-yard course. Some of the women yelled acceptance on Kitty’s behalf. She won by eight yards.

‘Fuck me,’ yelled the red-faced host as he stepped on to the bank, amazed that he’d been zapped. Four half-drunk women rushed forward and pushed him into the lake. ‘Gentlemen don’t used that word in front of ladies,’ censured one of those women and began laughing her head off and screaming in delight allowed the dripping Hayden to seize her and toss her in.

After dinner when the last of the inebriated guests departed in cabs provided both ways as part of their generous host’s invitation, Hayden cupped Kitty’s left breast said he’d walk her home.

‘I’d invite you to stay the night but…but…’ he faltered.

‘Oh come on Hayden. You’re not afraid of Mrs Wilson are you?’

Hayden shook his head and squared his shoulders. ‘Kitty, the truth is when I’ve had quite a lot to drink I become a d-disappointment to women.’

Kitty laughed and told Hayden that wasn’t unique to him. ‘I personally know of several guys whose arousal is curbed by excessive consumption of alcohol, some of whom displayed huge embarrassment at being unable to get it up. ‘The answer is if you want to perform for a a consenting lady you must balance your liquor intake accordingly.’

‘You mean you’re not upset?’

‘No, of course not Hayden. However I must admit that I’ve rather over-imbibed myself. I think it best if I say goodnight now.’

Hayden said he’d escort her home but Kitty declined the offer and asked what he had planned for next day.

‘What day will that be?’

‘Sunday. God Hayden you ought to drink less.’

He said he had nothing planned and accepted Kit
ty’s offer to be taken somewhere and to bring jeans and a jacket, sunhat and strong walking shoes.


‘Just a little. Sleep tight Hayden,’ Kitty said, pushing a hand between the buttons of his white sports shirt to rub a hand across his nipples in the hope he’d wake in the morning remembering that and recall she was interested in having sex with him.

* * *

As the drapes were pulled open, spilling sunlight into the bedroom, Hayden groaned, ‘What time is it?’


Hayden checked that his morning erection had appeared on schedule but his hand felt only a limp appendage. ‘No fucker gets up at this uncivilized time.’

‘I do and so does Kitty who is waiting for your downstairs. So fuckers are we?’

‘Nanny, I’m sorry. Please forgive me for allowing my mouth to run away on me so uncouthly. I had no wish to offend you.’

‘You’re forgiven. That was tame compared with some of the things you come out with when you’re drunk. I suggest you get a proper job like everyone else and drink less liquor.’

‘Yes nanny.’

‘I mean it Hayden. Now get into the shower and get down to attend to that lovely lady.’

‘Lovely lady? That is rather up the scale of comment for you?’

Mrs Wilson said Kitty was rather up market compared with the married sluts he usually ran with or the unmarried whores seeking notoriety or even marriage as a result of spending a night with his lordship.

‘So you like Kitty?’

‘I didn’t say that. It’s not my place to comment to you so personally.’

‘Agreed, but you do and I welcome it and accept you see yourself as my surrogate mother.’

‘That’s enough Hayden. Shut that stupid mouth of yours.’

Mrs Wilson hurried around the room straightening things that didn’t require straightening and left.

Hayden grinned and left the bed, looking down a little sadly at his limp pal. ‘Don’t worry, Kitty will get you rigid and back into action. By the time Hayden reached the bathroom his pal was stirring.

Kitty had another coffee while Hayden stuffed down breakfast. He’d only touched his lips against Kitty’s at the greeting because he knew his former nanny was behind him carrying in his omelet and didn’t want to appear overly interested.

Kitty and Hayden walked out of the mansion and he saw in surprise a battered brown pick-up.

‘The ranch?’


‘I have riding boots here, I’ll fetch them.’

Kitty said okay and asked was he one of those dominant guys who insisted on driving.

‘No, I’m a submissive guy who wants to ride beside you as you drive so I can concentrate on thinking about your pussy.’

Kitty felt her toes curl and her blood race.

Returning to the pick-up Hayden noticed filled saddlebags in the cargo box so darted back inside to fetch a small box of chocolates and bottle of champagne. Mrs Wilson produced insulation bags to keep the chocolates and wine cool and as he reached the door Mrs Wilson called to him. He stopped and and she said, smiling, ‘Have a lovely day. She’s right for you Hayden.’

He grinned and blew a kiss before racing off. He was not surprised that nanny had thought that, but he was amazed she’d told him that thought.

Kitty and Hayden kept up a flow of easy conversation. She was such a good driver that he rode completely relaxed.

Ten miles from the mansion he said he guessed they were still on former Carrington acres.

‘Yes, my ranch is five miles along the side road just up ahead.’

‘I understand at the peak Carrington land was around a million acres.’

Kitty astounded him, saying in fact it was 1,137,450 acres. ‘My ranch is one ranch short of the eastern boundary of the original spread. At its peak Carrington Ranch covered the equivalent of 1770 square miles. That’s about two-thirds the size of the State of Delaware today or somewhat bigger than the County of Hampshire in England where the Carringtons were based and from where the Duke of that time requested his second son Charles stay in America when preparing to end military service here.’

‘You know that but was unaware of my existence?’

Kitty grinned and noting the unsealed road up ahead was clear turned into it in a power drift, allowing the sliding vehicle to stabilize and come close to the roadside drain before she calmly resumed control with the steering wheel and accelerated back into a straight line without having attempted to brake as that could have resulted in them ending up in the drain. Hayden let go of the panic handle and the edge of his seat, saying nothing but looking impressed.

‘I haven’t updated my knowledge of the Carringtons in the past ten years and most of that study related to the American Carringtons anyway.’


‘Because it’s part of my history.’

Hayden said softly was it because of what the Carringtons did to Kitty’s ancestors and was told not to go gooey-eyed on her. ‘The Carlisle-Bowdens were neither submissive nor saints. They sent a few Carringtons to early graves.’

No one was home at the ranch house. ‘I’d called late last night I was coming and bringing a friend. Bart said they had intended visiting their married daughter so I told him to go ahead. Linda came to the phone and said to make myself at home. She said Bart would corral a selection of horses.’

After coffee they drove out to the barn. The track was even worse than the dirt road in, rocky and pot-holed, making Hayden aware why Kitty kept the old pick-up to travel to the ranch.

They looked at the horses. ‘Pick one.’

Hayden said he’d take the black, making Kitty laugh.


Kitty said Bart would have assumed the friend she was bringing would be a guy. ‘He’d such a mean skunk. He knew a guy would automatically go for the biggest horse with the best-looking features and even brushed Max to add to the lure. Get on Maximilian Royal Savannah and he’ll either toss you over the top railing or turn nasty and slam you into the post and pipe railings.’

‘Er, perhaps that bay. It’s a quarter horse isn’t it?’

‘Sure is and a great pick.’ Kitty whistled and the bay trotted up to them.

‘Oh no, I can’t. That’s your horse.’

‘Ah, a real brain lurks under that blondish thatch. You take her and give her a good workout. She’s become a bit fat. I’ll take the paint gelding.’

Kitty emerged from the tack room on the side of the barn with a rope. She stood only just balanced on top of a corral post and called ‘Yelda!’ The bay walked over and stood parallel and Kitty dropped on to the quarter horse. She then guided Yelda with only her knees until they were alongside the paint and Kitty dropped the noose over its head and it followed quietly alongside. Without being asked Hayden opened the gate for them.

* * *

The couple, appearing ready to slip into lover’s mode, rode out, with the saddlebags on Yelda. Hayden’s was in the saddle from the pickup that had had some re-stitching done to it in the city.

‘Your father’s saddle?’

Kitty looked at him surprised and then immediately turned away. Hayden left her with her thoughts.

‘Anything in particular you’d like to see?’ she asked.

‘Your favorite place, some cattle and your saddest place.’

Kitty already aware that he rode as well as anyone she knew, including herself, found it was her turn to be surprised. ‘W-why there?’

‘Because you told me about it.’

‘But dad could have sold that ranch and purchased another.’

‘Oh yeah?’

Kitty lost her smile. ‘I’m never happy when I go there Hayden.’

Hayden said in that case Kitty could point him in the right direction and then tell him where to find her on his return.

‘Oh, this is so hopeless. Come on, I’ll take you.’

They rode into a stream, stopping midway to allow their horses to drink and then the horses took them up a gentle rise and Kitty didn’t need to
point. The biggest tree in any direction was no more than two hundred yards away, right on the boundary line.

‘It’s a big tree,’ Hayden said simply. ‘May I ride over?’

‘Sure, I’ll come with you.’

Hayden dismounted and walked closer to the eastern white pine on which presumably the Carrington brood had strung up Kitty’s paternal grandfather.

Tears ran down Kitty’s face as she watched Hayden remove his Stetson, clasp it to his chest and bow his head briefly. He then turned and called, ‘Walk the horses forward Kitty. We’ll have lunch under the shade of this tree.’

She felt like yelling no but accepted he was doing the right thing, persuading her it was time to let go.

‘I’m coming,’ Kitty called and waited until Hayden turned to choose a picnic spot before wiping her cheeks. Yes, it was time to let go. She knew she couldn’t have been willing to prepare for this without someone leading the way.

Sipping wine they sat on a waterproof square, unworried that dry cow dung lay beneath the cover. The wine was finished and they were about to set out the food when Kitty found herself in Hayden’s arms. They kissed and panted and as their tongues touched Kitty thought in panic, ‘God, he’s going to fuck me under granddad’s tree!’

By the time Hayden was sucking on a breast he’d dug out and Kitty was wondering about unzipping him she thought perhaps her grandfather would have not thought unkindly about what his granddaughter was about to do. Perhaps he could have been rather uptight about it due to the religious teachings of those days that turned good people into pious people but not necessarily better people.

She sighed. Although her grandfather had been murdered by being hanged from the tree above them he wasn’t buried here. She reached for Hayden’s zip and tugged it.

After an awesome sixty-nine when Kitty had failed to stuff all of Hayden’s not insignificant erection down her throat she flipped on to her back and holding out her legs wide, grasping them by each hand and gurgled in great happiness as she was plundered with great gusto, twice.

They were lewd and crude but exactly right for a spring day under a tree and uncomfortable on hard ground. The gentle and loving encounters would take place in bedrooms she thought, feeling her body welling yet again and hearing Hayden’s heavy breathing begin to rasp. Although she’d told him she was safe, for the second time he exploded over her belly and breasts. This time their behavior was gross and indulged in cum-swapping with Hayden at times dipping down and coming back up to her to add pussy juices. God, she thought, ready for a nap. She hadn’t been this disgusting in years.

Later when Hayden was behind the wheel, ready to drive off, Kitty remembered and wailed, ‘We didn’t visit my favorite place or look at cattle.’

‘Some other time,’ Hayden said. ‘By the way, who has that ranch on the other side of the tree?’

‘Clement Carrington’s granddaughter Debra Smith and her husband. Clement died many years back.’

‘Let’s get rid of them. Kitty I want you to get me details of the property, stocking rates and if you can annual profit and loss figures and farm debt. The place looks rundown so perhaps they are sellers if the price is right.’

‘They are because Debra had to buy out her sister as the property was left to both of them. For obviously reasons I rarely speak to them. I must say I have no knowledge they are interested in selling.’

‘That’s why I need to know their level of indebtedness. I can then work out an offer based on what reasonable-thinking people would want to have in their hand after paying off all debts and fees.’

‘Both properties are large enough to be run by managers Hayden but don’t expect big profits apart from very occasionally.’

‘I won’t over-expect and suggest you get a real estate agent you can trust and knows how to pitch the ‘I have a possible interested buyer for your property’ approach.’

As Hayden drove they off Kitty said she already had in mind a Realtor she would trust who specialized in ranch property. ‘I’ll call him when I get home.’

They cuddled and kissed in the basement of the apartment building. As Kitty walked out with Hayden he said, ‘I’ll call the mayor tomorrow and tell them I want to begin discussing the sale of my estate to the city. Although probate may take perhaps two years, the period for disputes of bequests has expired and those that were filed haven’t challenged my inheritance.’

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Trap Mansion

Should be simple enough right. Your friends want to see if this old mansion is haunted, gives you a good chance to prove how tough you really are, and make enough money for a night on the town. Besides, between you and me, ghosts are just for kids stories and bad horror movies. Let's start with the basics, though:

2 years ago
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A Maid for the Mansion

Translation UK -> US Boot (on a car) -> Trunk Pantechnicon -> Large removals truck (usually body extends forward over the cab.) Ground floor (of a building) -> First floor First floor -> Second floor ..and so on. (In UK) Territorial Army -> (In US) National Guard A MAID FOR THE MANSION Brian Southern pulled the suitcase out from behind the workshop bench at the back of the garage and carried it up to his bedroom. His wife Jenny had left for her mother's an...

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Haunted mansion

It was a cold Halloween night. April was standing in front of the abandoned mansion at the very end of the neighborhood. It had stood there since she was a child. The city had apparently torn it down one time and it showed up again the very next day. The owner clearly didn’t like company as it was miles away from anyone else. She used to go inside it all the time growing up and nothing bad ever happened, but there’s been stories of strange things occurring here on Halloween, ranging from lights...

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Scenes From an AffairScene 5 September 1980 A Connecticut Mansion

"Where is she!" yelled Phil at the top of his lungs, his voice echoing in the vast entrance hall of his parent's estate. "Where's who?" smirked his mother, her face belying her lack of knowledge, as she entered from the kitchen. "You know fucking who!" yelled Phil. "Son!" bellowed his father, entering from the library, his face surprisingly sad. "Quiet down and respect your mother!" Phil laughed wildly. "Right. Respect the bitch who fucked up my life. Where is she, Mother?...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 2Chapter 16 24hours With Li The Mansion

Wednesday May 28, 2 PM to Dinner As we planned, I picked Li up at her house at 2 in the afternoon to start our 24-hour date. By 2:45 she was naked, stretched out tight on the tension table, screaming with orgasmic delight. I was on my knees behind her, eating her pussy like a fiend and making her the best kind of crazy before I fucked her. I wore ear plugs to protect my ears from Li’s high-pitched high-decibel screams of pleasure; I was confident it would happen. I should backtrack a...

4 years ago
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Moving Into the Mansion

I have Jade and her 5 year old son move in with me at 9250 Meadow Brook Dr, in the heart of Old Preston Hollow. The house sits on 2 plus acre gated property, the house is 5 beds, 7 baths, 12,470 sq.ft. The home is custom built on a gorgeous heavily treed lot with live flowing creek viewed from multiple rooms. A footbridge extends over the creek to a large grassy area. The elegant and gracious living centers show craftsman detail. The downstairs master suite has sitting area, huge bath,...

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Interdimensional Breeding Mansion

John woke up with a start. He lay in a large Queen-sized bed of silk sheets and soft pillows. The light of the morning sun gently illuminating the room through a set of open doors. "What the fuck?!" John was naked. He looked around the room, trying to remember how he got there but kept drawing a blank. The entire room was white, white dresser, white chairs, white tiled floor. The two exceptions were the ceiling and a mirror by the set of doors leading to what he guessed was a balcony. He...

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Incest Mansion

You've been looking forward to this day for a long time, having circled it on your calendar. Family Reunion day and you can't help but get aroused just thinking of it, remembering all the hot fun you had in the past. I'm going to do a whole bunch of opening threads, just follow what most suits you or who you want to be and feel free to jump to any and all threads if you like. the more the merrier :) I'm now going to list quite a few options, please be patient at first, okay? I want to be able...

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The slave and the mansion

The slaver’s chins were slowly bobbing up and down as he snored peacefully in his old creaking wooden chair. He suddenly jolts awake as the front door opens with the familiar screech of rusty hinges, allowing the blinding light pour in around a tall figure. He walks inside, the can tapping every other step. Step Step Tap! Step Step Tap! In the cage next to Anna's, the tiny blonde girl starts weeping once more. The slaver starts grovelling, wiping his palms together. “Whot can I do fer you...

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The Mansion

Your eyes snap open and you see a light hovering over your head. It's a chandelier, and you sit up and look around with a fuzzy memory of the previous night. You don't recognize the room that you're in, it looks like some kind of bedroom suite, you think to yourself. There is a king-sized four poster bed in the middle of the room, and to the right you notice red silk drapes surrounding two large sliding glass doors. A warm breeze fills the room and you jump when you hear a groan. Your eyes fall...

1 year ago
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Welcome To the Mansion

"Excelsior, True Believers!" Anyone who doesn't recognize that quote might be happier simply going back to menu and finding a new story. The beginning of this story is going to seem a little tedious but it is for a good cause. This story is really a comic book dork's labor of love in honor of the literary characters created within the Marvel universe. My big goal is to provide such specifics with such an array of options that the story can really feel tailor fit. So sit back, enjoy... undo...

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Escape From Erotic Mansion

You found your boss dead of a heart attack this morning, and after working as a handyman for him you think you deserve some of his cash. Your plan was to grab the money from the safe and make a quick exit before any police officers arrived however things went very wrong. You got to the safe and opened it without any problem but suddenly you heard alarms going off and massive shutters cutting off the building from the outside world. You must have tripped some alarm which you were never told...

2 years ago
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The Sick Fucker Mansion

Paul sauntered into the lounge; his full ass hung out and jiggled as he skipped to each of the guys. He handed out the cocktails and stood waiting for instructions. Michael swigged his drink down and his expression turned to one of disgust. ?What the fuck is this faggot???Err a margarita Sir??He spat out the remainder of the liquid onto the floor and slammed the glass down. ?More like fuckin shit you mean.? He pointed to the glass. ?Everyone else’s drink ok? Riki, Sean?? The other two followed...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 276 Touring the Mansion

Friday, September 2, 2005 It was a thrill getting home and seeing how much had been done while we'd been away on our honeymoon. Ava had come to meet us too, and everyone was eager to give us the grand tour. [I found out later that Ava had been roped into doing a great deal of work. Not because she had been needed, but because it'd be good for her to learn what was involved in setting up a household. That had been one of the things she'd felt insecure about before the beginning of our...

1 year ago
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My Berlin SummerChapter 4 The Mansion

That night, Cristina took me home, escorted me to my apartment, and bid me good-night. Rejected once again in my attempt to offer my body for use, I cried myself to sleep - but only after bringing myself to helpless, overwhelming orgasm, imagining that the dinner party had ended instead with my repeated rape by each of the masters present. The next few days passed uneventfully, although I could think of little other than my new experiences in slavery. I was too frightened to call Cristina,...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 2Chapter 35 Arrivals At The Mansion

10:38 Friday morning When I got home with the girls I found Abril was waiting in the foyer; she heard the news at the apartment building’s security office where she worked. She took a long bus ride followed by a long walk to get to my place. As soon as I was in the door she jumped me with sincere kisses, spiced with prayers of thanks, showing an intensity I had never gotten from her before. I was touched at the effort, but she did have millions of dollars riding on my life. While she...

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Living Art for all to See

Living Art for all to See by Lady Grey   Emily knew what George’s intentions were for her before they arrived at the gallery for the opening night of Kurt Wilder’s exhibition. As she mingled, made small talk, and drank champagne with the many invited guests and some local dignitaries, many of whom she knew personally, she could not believe that George was actually going to go through with his threat. George on the other hand was looking forward with some excitement to what...

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Within these walls

The walls were cold and wet hard metal in texture. No light or sounds it was sealed buried deep and never seen. The one small trap door was through the ceiling. A single floor drain in the center of the room. A single bulb hung from a crude junction box on the ceiling. Too tight or high for any use. The trap door opened outward no latches on inside of it. The small area around the door was the clean room . White brightly lit and sanitary. A small cabinet had everything that would be “ used” on...

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This story written by Laura 953, edited by Empress Lainie at the request of Laura953. This was entered in the unedited edition in CAW10 as MY SISTER IS BACK COPYRIGHT 2012 LAURA 953 & EMPRESS LAINIE; Publication restricted to XNXX Sex Stories & Forum MY SISTER IS BACK "Hello, this is Marisa." These words are rarely heard, as we do not call each other very often. After the usual phrases of circumstance, how are you, what are you doing, how are things; my sister tells me:...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Aunty

Hi my name is arjun.I am from hyd, i am visitor of iss since last two years.Reading this story i was becoming brave to post my story.Which happened this 2012.. Let me cut the crap and take you to the story.I am normal indian guy fair looking, medium tall (5.10), well built and having dick about 7 inch.I am studying my 12 now.This happened last year on christmas. Being holidays my parents suggested me to visit my relative homes.Here come my darling saroja.Let me describe about her, she is fair...

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Tales of Raln

The kingdom of Raln is a huge realm, governed by an uncaring King, and many greedy, power hungry lords and barons. However, even in such a setting, heroes can be found, even surrounded by so many villains. Some quest for honour, some for gold, some for glory...and some for sex. The wilderness of Raln is inhabited by many dark denizens; demons, sorcerors, dragons and all manner of foul beasts. And so it is that a call went out from the small town of Merith for heroes from all corners of the...

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Merry and the Guards

One of my first jobs was a teacher. As such I had the summers mostly off, except for teaching summer sch00l. The apartment complex I lived in had a pool which I had basically to myself during the hot summer days. Once Summer sch00l started I was done at noon and I would go after stopping at my apartment and getting changed. Merry was a fuck buddy female friend that looked great in a bikini and she would come with me. When I was by myself the guards basically would be pleasant but really not...

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Nikis Family LifeChapter 9 Lunchtime Surprise

Niki smiled at Mr. Jackson as she headed out of his Communications class and made her way to the art studio classroom. The towel had definitely been needed this morning, as she had been feeling more than a little frisky after her drive to school, and she had kept her legs parted and robe partially open for almost the whole class. Every time he had looked at her, she had felt that delicious thrill that she had become addicted to. It was such a power. Moving to the back to the art studio and...

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Escape For Passion0

BY LouisHoney This is a book of fiction. It is adult in subject matter. If you are not at least 18 years old, DO NOT READ IT! Part 1 Chapter 1A - Judy’s need for Sid. "Oh Goooood!" sighed Judy as she slowly lowered her slick pussy walls down around Sid's turgid tower of flesh and felt the wide head spreading the walls of her pussy channel all the way up into her body. It was as if she were sliding down a long pole of pleasure as the waves and spasms of joy rippled around her...

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The Orgasm Hunger Games

The Orgasm Hunger Games by Impaler49152 in February 2015Chapter 1Jennifer was excited when she heard about the new game show right away. Her friend and co-worker Vicky told her about the show this morning and since then she could not wait to get online and check it out.  She did a little google search and found the web site right away. Could this show really get her legal and safe orgasms? Something she and half of the countries female population craved ever since the orgasm control laws went...

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Deputy PorterChapter 197

A case of the flu probably saved my life from going in the wrong direction, but it definitely save Queen BeeBee's live for real. I still think Andrew brought the flu with him from the Great dismal swamp. When he left, within a week I had about every minor ailment that traditionally goes with the flu. The worst thing was that County Seat became a pest house. The county board of health declared it an emergency. The board of health began looking for a place to set up a pest house. Okay that is...

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It was a perfectly good Sunday morning and I was all set for a day of vegging out of the sofa and watching t.v. when my mom barged in and told me today was the day of my father's work party. Every year, my dad and his business partners throw a big party at the horse track to celebrate another good year of work. It was usually a boring get together of old people chatting about how great it was to have so much money. Needless to say, I was not looking forward to it. "Cheer up," my...

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Amulet of Iblis

The spirit awakens after being buried in dirt for centuries. His name is Iblis and he has the power to throw sexual thoughts into the hearts of men and women and manipulate them to accomplish them. He was locked up in an amulet and buried under the earth hundreds of years ago to contain his power and prevent him from harming the human race. He hears the sound of digging above him and sends a psychic wave to detect the closest men of this house. It detects a total of 6 people living in this...

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Haye Meri Choot 8211 Part II

Haye meri choot ka yeh doosera bhag heyjis mien us ladrki ki dastan hey jiska kanwara pan us waqat aik derzi ney loot liya jab woh sirf 9th class mien padrhti thi.Agey ka haal usi ki zubani suniyee. Meri izat lut chuki thi.Meri nanhi choot phat chuki thi.Mien is terah ho gayee jaisey koye pagal dewana ho.baat abhi tak gherwaloon mien hi thi.Aour der yeh tha key ager baher nikal gayee to sarey periwar ko iska khimiyaza uthana hoga.Isi karan kisi ney us derzi ko kuch nahien kaha key uska kiya woh...

1 year ago
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The Private Spotlight Show

Feedback, comments and votes are always appreciated. I hope you enjoy. “Cynthia, you certainly enjoyed yourself tonight,” I said as we got back to our hotel room from the party. “You must have hardened every cock there tonight at least twice.” “It was fun. That crowd needs a little livening up,” Cynthia replied laughing, a bit tipsy from champagne. “Still, dancing a bit too close to your partners, smoldering glances with those eyes of yours, double entendre, being a bit too touchy-feely to pass...

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I Fucked All Of Them82114

Julie Watson smiled at me.“So you are the Great Durgesh?”“I’m sorry that you’ve to come to me.” I apologized gravely, “My sincere apology.”“It’s all right.” Julie Watson smiled again, “May I ask why didn’t you come to me?”“Ashok said you wanted to have me as your sex partner.”Julie Watson held my hand in a friendly manner.“So what? We both are modern youths. You are not a Brahmchārī.”“Please be seated.”“On one condition.”“You’ve come to my house. You are my guest. You are most welcome.”Julie...

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Balance Of Power

The ruddy light in the cold stone room is dim, but it is enough to make out every detail of the cowering figure. He is nude save for a studded leather collar around his neck, slender and fragile, he is on his knees, enduring the wrath of his Mistress. Standing over him in a tight, black and blood-red corset, a tiny black skirt and high leather boots, her eyes snapping and crackling with barely-controlled savagery, her scarlet lips flickering between a sneer and a wicked smile, she resembles a...

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Demons SlainChapter 5

I was getting frequent visits from Angela who seemed to be happy to have the opportunity to boss me around, yet at the same time was frustrated. "I have always dreamed of having a man helpless in bed, and here he is, too bloody helpless to do anything!" She complained bitterly. "Tony is wondering why I have turned into a nymphomaniac, not that he's complaining." We both laughed. "Tell him to lie back and think of England." Angela smirked. "He's not got the energy to think of...

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The Hydrant aka Squirter Slut Annette Vuygent

The HydrantAnnette Vuygent turned forty-three about two months ago. She was Italian/Jewish/Irish mix and she would claim which ever ethnicity was convenient for whatever situation she was in. When she met her first husband who was Italian, she was Italian. When she met her second husband who was Jewish, she was Jewish attending Temple with him and the 'whole nine yards'.Annette stood 5'11" tall and had DD's that hadn't really been affected by gravity in the thirty one years she had them....

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I found out about my husband fucking his secretary from the janitor of the building he has an office in he is a doctor there and has a busy practice but apparently has more free time then he lets on he has! I suspected he was cheating as I found some strange marks on his body that looked like love bites and he usually is after me for sex all the time but lately has been leaving me alone especially during the night I used to wake up to his cock poking my pussy and his hands squeezing my tits but...

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