Carrington Mansion Ch 01
- 2 years ago
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An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who exceeded their expectations. In this chapter Kitty’s character-forming youth is detailed and Hayden begins thinking about her beyond her vulva.
Chapter 4
Annoyed at the arrogance of Hayden, Kitty pounded seven miles of sidewalk that evening trying to get her head around him. Just because she’d allowed him to shaft her a few times he had taken upon himself to paint her nude, without her consent, and had now forward the plans of his property to suggests alterations and presumably even come up with change of use of the residence. Why, because he’d assumed she was going to marry him or at least live with him.
Kitty kicked a street pole and hobbled off to nearby low wall to sit to rub her toes. That fool had made her hurt herself.
Paintings can take weeks and even months and months to complete, she fumed. Hayden the humper and painter threw her likeness on to canvas in two days and two and a half nights, less breaks. She knew it looked good but what does he take her for – the artist’s dummy? He didn’t have a real job and wandered around and was great at chatting but after fifteen minutes ran out of steam. Unless talking about himself he hadn’t much to say and either yawned, or grabbed a breast or would say let’s go somewhere and she’d say where and he’d say he didn’t know.
Marry him? Kitty winced, as she hobbled off on her sore foot. No way! He’d probably been bottle fed until he was eight and predictably wanted a woman as a bedmate under the guise of settling down to be his nanny to take him through the remainder of his life. He was talking crap when saying that hastily composed portrait of her would fetch ten grand. Five, perhaps but dealers who looked also for technical excellent would grin and say, ‘Ten grand? No way.’ However, being so dismissive made Kitty feel a little uneasy. Had she not known the artist and not recognized his model, just looking at the work critically, having studied art, what would have been her judgment?
‘Oh God, I know what I would have said: Ten grand is the steal of the century.’
‘I can’t stand this, I need a second informed opinion. Perhaps he’s better than even he or his present agent thinks?’
Next morning on the way to work Kitty went to the small rooftop apartment she leased and used as her studio. She wrapped two of her better landscape paintings and took them to work. Mid-morning she asked the gallery manager Peggy Blewitt if she could call around for Peggy, as a friend, to appraise three artworks for her.
Peggy looked at the three works and said, ‘The nude is you.’
‘Look, do you mind if I call in a second opinion? Our technical director is away but our framer Hugo although elderly is a former art school tutor and is a magazine’s art critic.’
Ten minutes later Peggy returned to the table and finished her coffee. ‘I saw your signature on the landscapes and tried to remain neutral. Hugo and I say their price range in an informed market is $500 to $700. You technique is good but needs developing and you have a fine eye. As to ‘Miss Nude’ our advice to take it to New York. All we can say is perhaps $30,000 and probably more if a collector of nudes looking for something different competes for it at auction.’
‘Listen Kitty, resist the urge to sell it. Hugo says he knows of the artist and has read critiques of his work in international art magazines. Hugo says if Hayden Carrington used this painting as his model and took his time over a month or more, the finished work could possible fetch in excess of $100,000 grand at international auction.’
‘Ohmigod, then he does have a real career,’
‘Excuse me?’
‘Oh, just my thinking running away on me.’
Peggy placed her hand on Kitty’s arm. ‘Listen darling, forgive me for being so personal but has Lord Hayden been shafting you?’
Kitty nodded.
‘Good girl. So you are in the process of reeling him in. Rumor about town is he owns the mansion lock, stock and barrel. What can you tell me?’
‘Oh, I forget. You’re an attorney. Well, you said you’d get me a new gallery darling so allow me to tell you this. Mick my husband as you know is a photographer. Well the last time he was up flying for a client I had him shots of Carrington Mansion. I then showed them to my brother-in-law who said he knows the structure as he passed most days and watched it being built.
‘My brother-in-law agrees the front rooms would be ideal for a gallery, as they have vaulted ceilings. The air-con system would require extensive upgrading and humidity control added and most of the windows covered in. There’s space on the western boundary for a large extension for storage and workrooms. Firewalls would be constructed leaving the rear half of the house including the kitchen and some bedrooms intact. An extension could then be built over the swimming pool for new living rooms. The present exposed sides of the pool could be glassed in, making it a year-round pool instead of its present three to four months of usage. In the area left free beyond the pool. I suggest an art studio go there.’
‘For whom?’
‘The owner of that part of the land after selling off the front part in a legal subdivision to the council for its civic art gallery. As Hugo says, your Mr Carrington will not become a professional artist of real caliber until he settles down and gives up producing quick-fire paintings of native beauties in exotic locations or offering to paint the portraits of lovely wealthy women during his numerous vacations in return for money and you know what.’
Kitty groaned. ‘He’d die young if his nomad life goes and he’s expected to limit himself to just one woman.’
‘Kitty, do you know that for fact? I ask you, don’t you think the guy’s bored out of his mind fucking one woman, painting her, and on and on it goes? He probably doesn’t even know what a relationship in depth is, or hasn’t joined a club since his university days, read the paper in the morning with his feet up instead of no paper and his dick up…’
The women burst into laughter. Kitty said, ‘You’re a bit older than me Peggy with heaps more experience. It’s worth listening to what you say.’
‘Well listen to this darling. With his father gone Hayden is probably feeling a little vulnerable these days and has looked at his life in retrospect and found that didn’t take long because little of worth was there to review. And he’s probably thinking about children – his kids. Who knows, you may be in the possible top ten or perhaps even the top three he’d like to have for their mama. He could really go for the conversion of his mansion – I know it’s his because that explains his recent visit. Someone would need to sell him the idea of building over the pool but the idea of a studio just beyond it may provide the push needed. If he arrives soon with the decision to stay here permanently he’s perfectly placed for you to grab him.’
Kitty’s eyes flickered and she pouted beautifully. ‘But I’ve been thinking he’s not worthy of me, getting it off with any female in sight who meets minimum specifications.’
‘Are you mad? Probably his only fault is failing to work out how long to take when his father ordered him out of the castle, manor house or housing estate, wherever the family resides in England and go forth and sow his wild oats. I ask you, is he any good at it?’
‘I-I, well to tell you the truth…I-I…oh yeah, I’m an attorney!’
That evening in bed, Kitty thought about one thing Peggy had said: ‘Are you mad?’ Her mother, attempting to raise Kitty as a lady, had often folded in failure, calling her rebellious young daughter a mad, hotheaded little bitch. Kitty would kiss her mom back from tears and attempt to
console her and say, ‘Don’t worry mom, even the mad have fun.’ Then she would saddle the sorrel she had then and canter off, feeling aroused, and ride for an hour or two shooting varmints.
She’d arrive back home feeling she’d achieved something and it would proceed like clockwork: Her father, eyes sad, would have his belt in his hand and would say he was sorry to do it but her mother insisted that he try to belt out the resistance in the rebellious brat. During that night, when her mother was asleep, her father would come to Kitty’s bedroom and rub liniment on the welts on the back of her legs and without being asked would pull over a chair and in a low voice would tell Kitty some of the hundred or so stories about the atrocities and the stupidly hurtful things the two feuding families – the Carringtons and the Carlisle-Bowdens – had done to one another simply because after time it became what those families did.
‘You are a hot-headed little bitch,’ he’d say, kissing her when leaving. ‘You’ve got to promise you’ll never do harm to a Carrington. God the last three generations of our family tried so determinedly to stop this mindless vendetta and look where that got them.’
‘I promise daddy. I’ll also promise if I ever find the one half-decent Carrington in this world I’ll try to make a good man out of him.’
One night when she’d said repeated that bravado her father asked how?
Although just sixteen, Kitty said, ‘With my mind and body daddy, that’s how.’
The room had been in near darkness and her father moved forward and ruffled her hair. She couldn’t see it but could feel his smile as he said half-choked, ‘Mad? That’s brilliant Kitty but for goodness sakes don’t mention that to your mom.’
Kitty thought about her graduation from college. Mom had called her parents in from California and had told Kitty they were coming.
‘Because although I claim you are mad and rebellious they cannot believe you are graduating with distinction, that’s why. Their other grandchildren are without bad traits and they think it’s time for upping Kitty to toe the line.’
‘That’s crazy talk mom and you know it. What the fuck can they do,’ Kitty remembered sneering.
Her devout church-going mother turned purple and went to smack Kitty across the face but Kitty caught her hand and snarled, ‘If you ever attempt to hit me again mother I’ll break your arm.’ Kitty then went out and saddled Goldie the stallion she had then and shot varmints dead, often while Goldie was in gentle canter, until running out of ammunition. She returned home expecting her father would be waiting for her, his belt in his hand and was not disappointed.
‘This is going to hurt me more than it will hurt you Kitty,’ her father began in his customary patter.
‘Dad, wallop me with that strap and I’ll never speak to you again.’
‘Chandler, do it!’ her mother commanded.
Kitty eyed her father defiantly. He dropped the belt and holding up his trousers walked away mumbling, ‘My daughter means too much to me to lose her.’
On the morning of graduation Kitty’s grandmother wept, ‘Oh mad Kitty, use this money wisely to build yourself a professional career as no one will ever marry you because your mother says the guys capable of standing up to you end up being afraid of you, finding you too competitive.’
How much money? Kitty opened the envelope and found a check for $20,000, a considerable amount of money in those days.
‘This money must only be used on your education Kitty, her grandmother said firmly. We’d like you to become an attorney like your grandfather.’
‘Okay,’ Kitty said brightly but remembered her head being in turmoil. ‘I’ll study law but don’t expect that grind to break my spirit.’
Grandfather Luke hugged Kitty and wept. Her father wasn’t dry-eyed either and her mother and grandmother just hugged one another and stared at her.
Both grandparents were dead when Kitty graduated in art and law, again with distinction. Her mother, who was dying from the ravages of cancer, attended the graduation ceremonies with pride and her father did a lot of foot shuffling and every time Kitty looked at him his chest puffed out. After her mother’s death Kitty continued living on the ranch with her father until his fatal accident when thrown from a horse.
Kitty rubbed away tears. She cried loudly, ‘Well, I’ve found a half-decent Carrington, go get him girl.’
Padding out to the kitchen Kitty made coffee and phoned Hayden.
‘God, Kitty – have you any idea what time it is? But all the same hi, it’s lovely to hear your voice.’
‘No, time’s escaped me tonight. Are you alone?’
There was a pause.
‘Then is she asleep?’
‘Yes, deeply, mainly from the affects of alcohol. You know since being with you I think I’m becoming better at it after a few drinks.’
‘Good for you. I want you to come back here Hayden as soon as you have settled your affairs. I mean I want you back here permanently. It’s time you settled down and began painting to reach your ultimate potential. You need to have children and I’ll bear them and mother them for you.’
‘God Kitty, what’s brought this on?’
‘It was triggered by something Peggy said.’
‘Peggy your art gallery friend?’
‘Yes, and I returned home and thought about being raised by my parents – I’ve not told you this but my mother rather disliked me but she eventually got me on track by calling on her loaded parents to put me through college and law school. I’m still a bit crazy Hayden, that’s why most of my clients are ranchers, they understand that a hot-headed horse is invariably a good ‘un and ranchers tend to think people in the city are weak-kneed and without values but they guess I have values because I’m also a rancher, or at least I own one. Then I began thinking about you and accepted I’m the one capable of doing what you need – to be corralled but with the fence low enough for you to jump when you feel your wild side calling.’
Hayden spluttered, ‘My wild side, how do you know about that?’
Kitty giggled. ‘Just think about your track record Hayden and remember I delved into your past looking for evidence that you are half-decent.’
‘Half-decent what?’
‘Never mind Hayden. I’ve said my piece. Go back to sleep and give your sweetie a right royal rodgering at dawn. I think that’s how the English express it.’
‘Kitty, I’ve never said anything to you about marriage.’
‘True, and have I ever mentioned it to you, not even just a few minutes ago. All I said was I was prepared to bear you children and rear them. It’s a charitable offer so think about it Hayden. Oh, one last thing. I feel my legs have straightened again just when I was getting used to being a little bandy. Know what I mean? Goodnight.’
Hayden called ‘Wait!’ but Kitty had cut the call.
On the way to bed Kitty patted kitty and said, ‘I bet you miss him too darling. I figure he’ll be back to us soon.’
The next day Peggy invited Kitty to lunch to meet her brother-in-law. Peggy revealed he was an architect and would give Kitty an hour to explain her requirements. Kitty handed over the plans to Randy Kincaid (Kitty wondered if Peggy was attracted to her brother-in-law because of his name or did the connection go deeper than that). She outlined the proposal that Peggy had suggested and said she’d traced an outline of it over the plan of the existing structure.
‘I’d like you to sketch finished profiles Randy and sketch a design of an artist’s studio that would make a painter’s mouth water – it must be flexible, with large areas that open to the elements and admit moonlight and yet with shutters to shield his work area from invasive sunlight when required. You and your people do this without being paid a cent Randy and I want it completed in fourteen days from tomorrow.’
‘You have to be joking…’
Randy looked at Peggy when she said in a su
ltry voice, ‘Do this for me Randy.’
Kitty sensed he was weakening. ‘Fourteen days max Randy and if the proposal is accepted you’ll be appointed architect and that contract will be non-negotiable when the council purchases that section of the property but it will, of course, but would want to control design and specifications for the gallery.’
Randy said in disbelief, ‘The council hasn’t approved this project in principle?’
‘The council doesn’t know anything about it yet and I want it left that way. Do you understand?’
‘Yes but…’
‘If you require a sweetener you can sleep with me for a couple of nights Randy.’
Randy and Peggy looked horrified.
‘Really, Kitty I must insist we keep our relationship on a professional basis,’ Randy pontificated.
‘The offer was sincere Randy. I really wasn’t out to hurl you into adultery. My real motive was to indicate my deep commitment but I’m prepared to do anything it takes to push this project through.’
‘So if his Lordship says no go, I’m out of pocket.’
‘I’m afraid so Randy but you know how it goes. Peggy help me out here.’
Peggy told Randy that although Kitty could be feisty and unpredictable she was straight as an arrow. ‘She’ll do anything it takes to get this project through because it’s aimed at winning over her man and securing a future with him.’
‘What, you mean his Lordship doesn’t know about this?’
Peggy told the dismayed architect. ‘Minor detail darling. Just leave the worrying to Kitty and just think, if she succeeds with some push from me, you will have been responsible for designing my new workplace.’
The look that passed between those two informed Kitty her suspicion was correct about them having a bit on the side. Randy said he’d drop everything for the next five days and put most of his team on to it.
‘Five working days. That’s the limit Kitty.’
‘Christ Randy, I only want draft drawings more or less to scale, not working drawings. I’m relieved you’ve decided not to have sex with me. The thought of you taking half the night to decide which leg to throw over would have sent me asleep.’
As they laughed Randy said, ‘You’re a real character Kitty, too much heaving flesh and kick-ass spirit for me to handle. Give me your card and I’ll call you when we’re ready to show you what we’ve done.’
‘Fine. Peggy has a big interest in this as well. Mind if I bring her?’
‘Of course not.’
* * *
In Hampshire, England, the acceding 12th Duke of Beaulieu (waiting for the new letter of patent of title to be approved and gazetted) and his two brothers and sister rode over the sprawling family estate for the last time together. Anne was leaving to return home to her family in Johannesburg in the morning. Hayden had almost finished having his possession packed to go by container ship to America and then railed to Mornington, he’d decided to settle in America permanently, for the time being in Mornington.
Most of the dukedom was being sold, the heir to the title deciding to take that course on the advice of lawyers and tax advisers to meet the crippling death duties and inheritance taxes. Almost priceless paintings and family heirlooms would also go the same way with some already having a registered list of buyers. After three weeks of haggling in challenging some of the assessments for tax and duty purposes, the brothers had agreed the incoming duke Rex take half of the cash their father had set aside for payment of taxes on their personal inheritance, with Anthony and Hayden splitting the remainder. Hayden was advised by the consultants he’d have approximately £301,000 left over of his share of the cash after paying his inheritance tax on his property in America.
Banging Judith (Lady Raymond Spiers) in bed that night – one of several married and unmarried daughters of peers plus a few commoners during the month Hayden had been in England who had gleefully gone to Hayden’s bed to confirm his reputation – Hayden made a mental note to call Kitty. His pal thickened in Judith as he thought of the cute way Kitty referred to hers as kitty. But he fell asleep and in the morning forgot to call. They’d not talked for seven or eight days.
An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who exceeded their expectations. In this chapter a misunderstanding about unachieved sexual connection between Hayden Carrington and Kitty is resolved. Chapter 3 Kitty flopped on her bed, kicked off her shoes and swore in frustration. Angry at Hayden’s odd behavior and feeling...
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TeenShould be simple enough right. Your friends want to see if this old mansion is haunted, gives you a good chance to prove how tough you really are, and make enough money for a night on the town. Besides, between you and me, ghosts are just for kids stories and bad horror movies. Let's start with the basics, though:
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John woke up with a start. He lay in a large Queen-sized bed of silk sheets and soft pillows. The light of the morning sun gently illuminating the room through a set of open doors. "What the fuck?!" John was naked. He looked around the room, trying to remember how he got there but kept drawing a blank. The entire room was white, white dresser, white chairs, white tiled floor. The two exceptions were the ceiling and a mirror by the set of doors leading to what he guessed was a balcony. He...
You've been looking forward to this day for a long time, having circled it on your calendar. Family Reunion day and you can't help but get aroused just thinking of it, remembering all the hot fun you had in the past. I'm going to do a whole bunch of opening threads, just follow what most suits you or who you want to be and feel free to jump to any and all threads if you like. the more the merrier :) I'm now going to list quite a few options, please be patient at first, okay? I want to be able...
IncestThe slaver’s chins were slowly bobbing up and down as he snored peacefully in his old creaking wooden chair. He suddenly jolts awake as the front door opens with the familiar screech of rusty hinges, allowing the blinding light pour in around a tall figure. He walks inside, the can tapping every other step. Step Step Tap! Step Step Tap! In the cage next to Anna's, the tiny blonde girl starts weeping once more. The slaver starts grovelling, wiping his palms together. “Whot can I do fer you...
BDSMYour eyes snap open and you see a light hovering over your head. It's a chandelier, and you sit up and look around with a fuzzy memory of the previous night. You don't recognize the room that you're in, it looks like some kind of bedroom suite, you think to yourself. There is a king-sized four poster bed in the middle of the room, and to the right you notice red silk drapes surrounding two large sliding glass doors. A warm breeze fills the room and you jump when you hear a groan. Your eyes fall...
"Excelsior, True Believers!" Anyone who doesn't recognize that quote might be happier simply going back to menu and finding a new story. The beginning of this story is going to seem a little tedious but it is for a good cause. This story is really a comic book dork's labor of love in honor of the literary characters created within the Marvel universe. My big goal is to provide such specifics with such an array of options that the story can really feel tailor fit. So sit back, enjoy... undo...
You found your boss dead of a heart attack this morning, and after working as a handyman for him you think you deserve some of his cash. Your plan was to grab the money from the safe and make a quick exit before any police officers arrived however things went very wrong. You got to the safe and opened it without any problem but suddenly you heard alarms going off and massive shutters cutting off the building from the outside world. You must have tripped some alarm which you were never told...
Paul sauntered into the lounge; his full ass hung out and jiggled as he skipped to each of the guys. He handed out the cocktails and stood waiting for instructions. Michael swigged his drink down and his expression turned to one of disgust. ?What the fuck is this faggot???Err a margarita Sir??He spat out the remainder of the liquid onto the floor and slammed the glass down. ?More like fuckin shit you mean.? He pointed to the glass. ?Everyone else’s drink ok? Riki, Sean?? The other two followed...
Friday, September 2, 2005 It was a thrill getting home and seeing how much had been done while we'd been away on our honeymoon. Ava had come to meet us too, and everyone was eager to give us the grand tour. [I found out later that Ava had been roped into doing a great deal of work. Not because she had been needed, but because it'd be good for her to learn what was involved in setting up a household. That had been one of the things she'd felt insecure about before the beginning of our...
That night, Cristina took me home, escorted me to my apartment, and bid me good-night. Rejected once again in my attempt to offer my body for use, I cried myself to sleep - but only after bringing myself to helpless, overwhelming orgasm, imagining that the dinner party had ended instead with my repeated rape by each of the masters present. The next few days passed uneventfully, although I could think of little other than my new experiences in slavery. I was too frightened to call Cristina,...
10:38 Friday morning When I got home with the girls I found Abril was waiting in the foyer; she heard the news at the apartment building’s security office where she worked. She took a long bus ride followed by a long walk to get to my place. As soon as I was in the door she jumped me with sincere kisses, spiced with prayers of thanks, showing an intensity I had never gotten from her before. I was touched at the effort, but she did have millions of dollars riding on my life. While she...
It was hot, unusually so for the temperate marine climate of Seattle, and so she was as naked as could be without being fully so--stripped down to her pink and black lace bra and matching tanga cut pink and black lace panties. Still, at ten o’clock at night, with the house a balmy 75 F, that wasn’t enough. She needed to go outside, needed to feel the cooling night air against her skin, needed to feel the breeze coming off of the Sound reminding her body that sooner rather than later, this heat...
Straight Sex"Janice! What in heavens name are you doing here? How did you get here and what happened? Are you ok? Oh my God, are you hurt?" I think I was ranting. I was so totally surprised and shocked to see my fuck buddy Janice Stewart from Lowe's underneath the hay. We'd spent some time in my dad's barn in high school, hence the term fuck buddy. Still, to have her here, now was a shocker. Manala checked her out and found nothing unusual. Shamona and Shalala helped her down to the main floor...
“I know” she beamed back. “Ladies, stop” came a firm direct order. They froze. Principal West stood before them, he was a tall man in his fifties with silver hair. There was a tense silence as he looked at them, inspecting them with his dark eyes. “Miss Greene, what’s this?” he said, stepping to the side of her and pulling at a loose strand of her dark hair which had fallen out of her neat bun. Madison’s heart sank and she remained silent for a moment. “Please-” “I think we better have a...
Lyle is hungry. It seeps from his body like a wave of corruption to spread about him. It shines like a dark light, touching every woman he passes in the street.And they know it. Like a****ls, aware of a scent, they recognise him as he passes them by, seeing him for what he is; Hungry. A man starving with lust.Lyle sits alone in his apartment as a wisp of cigarette smoke curls from his hand in the darkening light. Outside, the city is beginning to come alive as the annual Jazz festival gets...
It was a crazy kind of situation. Larry Abell was sent by his company for training to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, which is sort of crazy just to start. Major computer center and all. But there was some sort of convention in town that January, and the hotel he was taking the training at had overbooked, and when he got there his room was gone. So that hotel gave him a free room at another hotel... many miles away. The second hotel was glad to see them. (The them being Larry and...
The spell is deceptively simple, and surprisingly powerful. His coven teacher warned him not to seek this path but another secretly provided him with the books necessary to ascertain the spell he sought. Though, it is dangerous, he is done with searching the mundane physical world for the perfect spiritual life and love. The Fae by holy design are perfection; this is what he sought. Everyday, about an hour before dawn, he hikes through the woods behind the English countryside castle – turned...
Happy Fourth Of July Skeeters! This year we were lucky enough to spend the day with the busty and bubbly Lena Paul who had plenty of ideas on how we can have the best damn holiday ever. She starts us off with the grill out. We get our burgers started early so we have some time to focus on other activities. Then Lena moved on to some beer pong, which was a site to see. With every jump shot, her humongous breasts bounced just as good as her beer pong ball did. We didn’t notice how many shots she...
xmoviesforyouThere was something about him. I knew it the moment I saw him, but I wasn't sure what it was. Some would have said it was his looks. His hair was short and black, his eyes were a dark, dark brown and his skin was just the healthy side of pale. He wore a tight black T-shirt and leather pants which stretched over his body and displayed what lay underneath. He was leaning forward, chin in hand, a serious expression on his face. And maybe that was it. He could have been lost in concentration or...
“Prince Rudolf,” I said, rising from my seat at the outdoor patio of the American Bagel and Coffee Company Café. I hadn’t seen him approach with his coffee in one hand and a bagel on a plate in the other. I’d been watching a boy on a skateboard rolling toward me in Vaduz’s Kunstmuseum square. “It’s just Rudolf to you, Martin. I can call you Martin, can’t I? We’re in the club together now and Mr. Malvin seems a bit formal for what we share.” “Yes, yes, it does,” I answered. “Please, join me,...
Teri walked into the spare bedroom, just as I was finishing up. Although she'd seen me naked before, an she was no stranger to either sex or nudity...I tried to keep my exposure to her a minimum. I just pulled up my pants and was washing my hands in the kitchenette sink I built I there last year. She looked at the rack on the wall to my left and noticed the next to largest butt plug missing, and she smiled. Teri was my daughter. At only 18, she was quickly becoming a hell of a...
Dear Readers this is my first story. So please forgive me for any mistakes and any errors in it. First let me tell about myself. My name is Harish and I m 26 years of age and to tell the truth I am somewhat an average boring person. I am 5ft 7inch in height and average slim body. I work in a telecom field so there are not many girls in our field and so even being 26 yrs I was not having any GF or any affair before 6 months. Without wasting time let me come to the point directly. This happened 6...
Karen Dishes done ... washed, dried and put away ... it had been a particularly onerous chore, lasagna always burns to glass and it took a bit of work to scrape the cheese off the pan. “Consuelo? Where did the guys go?” “The garage,” she said, “To smoke.” “Vile nasty habit, I’m glad Hairy doesn’t.” I said, “Your truck is gone.” “Wonder where they went?” Consuelo said. I stepped out to the mud room, Edgar’s hat was gone. I opened the converted icebox with the GE compressor top and looked...
My name is Joe and I'm a nobody. So why is my story in the celebrity section. Well I'm one of the nobody's who populate the classrooms along with Lizze McGuire, Miranda and Gordo. The only interest in science class today was the pairings for our term project. Would it be Lizzie and Miranda, who would fight over the topic, but still be friends afterwards. Or maybe Lizzie and Gordo, so she could goof off, and let him do all the work. What about Lizzie and Kate that would be fire works for...
No posting or reproduction without permission If "music is the soundtrack of our lives", is it the soundtrack of our fantasies as well? Why is it that lyrics like these get my brain working? Is there really "nothing as potent as cheap music"? Here's a series of short tales inspired by song lyrics. When You Say Nothing At All " Try as I may, I could never explain, What I hear when, you don't say a thing... You say it best when you say nothing at all..." Performed by : Ronan...
Introduction: This is a story about a pair of twin boys in the UK and some of their experiences in life as seen through the eyes of one of them. It is set in the past in an age when children in Britain did very much what they were told to do by an adult and never questioned it.You are about to read the third chapter in a story that will contain graphic sexual activity between boys a man, woman and a young girl. This is a story about a pair of twin boys in the UK and some of their experiences in...
Wednesday, June 15, 2011, I send you an email… Tell your family you have to leave town for a few days and go on a business trip Thursday 6/16 thru Saturday 6/18. I don’t care where you say you are going, but ensure they know communication with you will be intermittent, but you will talk to them occasionally. Make sure you bring all the sex toys I bought you. You send emails and call and threaten me, wanting details, but I don’t share a bit. Thursday rolls around, and I tell you that after...
It’s been a very long week for you at work. I hear the exhaustion and tension in your voice immediately when you call to let me know you’re on your way home from the office, slowed down by the light snow that has made traffic even worse than usual. As I hang up I think for the millionth time what an amazing husband you are. So smart, talented, hard working and ambitious yet always there for me and so generous with showing me your love. My love for you wells up inside as I think of how to help...
Straight SexLily was in 18 first year of highschool. Lily had golden hair with black highlights, nicely tanned body and was very fit. Lily was somewhat of a good student getting mostly A's and was very active in sports . Lily seemed to be perfect, perfect body, face,grades, and her voice was one of an angel. So anyway, Lily went to dance with her bestfriends, at the dance was a mix of schools all private. Lily went to an all girls school so she didn't meet many guys and chose this dance as a good way to...
First TimeFrom the get-go, a few of the boys ran away from the others, and even a few girls joined them. For a moment, Sandra wondered if she had picked the wrong couple, but she decided to stick with her decision and follow the two she thought to be the long distance runners. When even Charles and Melinda went past her, she really started to worry. Even though Melinda was now also one of her friends, she didn't want to lose from her. Although, the fact that Frederik stayed running with her made her...