Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 105
- 2 years ago
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From the get-go, a few of the boys ran away from the others, and even a few girls joined them. For a moment, Sandra wondered if she had picked the wrong couple, but she decided to stick with her decision and follow the two she thought to be the long distance runners.
When even Charles and Melinda went past her, she really started to worry. Even though Melinda was now also one of her friends, she didn't want to lose from her. Although, the fact that Frederik stayed running with her made her happy and made her think, He sure is a sweet guy.
Frederik was somewhat surprised by Sandra's pace. He thought she would have been a better runner than this. Not that they were last at the moment, but he had expected that she would have followed Melinda at least. He was sure that he could run faster than this, but because he had decided to stay with Sandra on this run, he was prepared to go slower than he could.
If he thought about it, maybe it wasn't such a bad thing to do. At least, this way, he was sure he could always improve on his distance next month and give his teacher the impression that he had been training for it.
And well, he also thought that by running along with Sandra, she would probably appreciate it. He sure noticed how those boys on the soccer field were looking at his girl, and he even noticed that some of the girls were looking at her as well. Of course, the girls didn't look at her in the same way as the boys did. It was obvious that most of the boys were excited to see a totally naked girl running around the track, while most of the girls were more sympathetic about the trouble Sandra was in. Only one little group of girls, who stood along the track, seemed to be more vicious, and they were outright laughing at Sandra when she went by. They had already done the same when Melinda had passed them.
Frederik gave Sandra a concerned look, but he noticed that Sandra was totally focused on her running and didn't even notice the attention she received from the people along the track.
Sandra got more and more worried about the fact that those two in front of her were keeping such a slow pace. Although, when she quickly checked behind her, she noticed they were also running away from a group that was even bigger than the group which was running away from them. So, they weren't doing as bad as she had thought a second ago.
Sandra could easily follow the pace those two had set for them during the first and even the second lap. Although, she did notice that the two had started running a little faster during the second lap and the group in front of them weren't running away from them any longer.
And when they started on their third lap, the boy picked up his pace again and started to run away from the girl who had been with him. For a moment, Sandra wasn't sure who to follow, but in the end, she decided to follow him and leave the girl behind. Sandra was glad to notice that Frederik did the same and kept on running next to her.
During this third lap, they were starting to catch and pass a few of their classmates that had run away from them at the start. Some of them sounded out of breath, and Sandra was sure they would fall way behind. It was obvious they had spent too much energy already and had overreached themselves.
When Sandra went past Melinda, she noticed that Melinda was holding on to her breasts with her hands. It was obvious that Melinda was struggling and that running hurt her chest a lot. Sandra hadn't noticed it until now, but she also started to feel how her breasts started to hurt a little. Especially when her breasts moved downwards on her chest, she felt a little sting each time. But for the rest, she had no problem of keeping up with that boy in front of her, and she noticed that her own breathing was still normal. Well, for a girl who was running, of course.
Frederik, however, he was surprised to notice that he was starting to get into trouble. Sandra ran far better than he had expected and the pace she was keeping now, was getting too fast for him. And so, he had to let Sandra go. He was sure that if he would try to keep up with her, he would have a burnout before their running time was up.
When Sandra ran away from him, he noticed how elegantly she ran. However, the thing he loved the most, was how her buttocks wiggled while she was running. It almost made him speed up again, so he could slap that beautiful behind of hers. Although, he was sure it wouldn't be appreciated by her at this moment. It seemed she really wanted to do well on this test.
When the girl, who had been running in front of them not so long ago, past him, he picked up the pace again and started to follow her. She seemed to run at a tempo he would be able to follow. And when they kept on running and passing others, it started to dawn on him. Sandra must have known that those two, the boy she was following and this girl he was behind, had to be the long distance runners. That must have been why Sandra didn't try to follow those others at the start, she was probably counting on these two to find a pace that would cover the longest distance in the end. While the others would most likely get exhausted too soon, she and those two would run along and end up first. Although, if that was the case, then Sandra was doing better than this experienced girl, because she was way ahead of them.
Frederik did his utmost best to follow this girl running in front of him, but eventually, he had to let her go when she kept increasing her pace. She was just a too good runner for him, and even when he jogged sometimes, his condition wasn't up to the level of this girl.
When the boy, who Sandra was following, accelerated again, she tried to keep up with him. However, after about 200 meters, she had to let him go. She could feel that his pace was way too fast for her now, and if she would try to keep up with him, her body would probably start hurting badly, and then she would need to drop back much more than when she would just try and find her own pace.
When Sandra found it, she checked quickly behind her and noticed that the girl was still far behind, and that they were now running at the same pace. With this in mind, she realized that she probably would end up second, and the first of the girls. She hadn't paid too much attention to the others, but she was sure that by now she must have passed all of them again and maybe even doubled a few of them already.
Sandra wasn't sure about how long she still had to run, but she hoped it wouldn't be too long anymore. To her surprise, she saw how the boy ran away from her in a pace that was staggering. If he would keep that pace going, she was sure he would even double her in the end, because how much as she wished it, she wasn't able to go any faster than she was running right now.
And then that girl, who she had been following at the start, came running past her at almost the same speed as that boy was doing. This was a blow for Sandra, but she wasn't prepared to let this girl run away from her so easily. And so, she did a short sprint, caught up with her and then started to follow the girl's pace again. Sandra knew that she was overdoing it, but just like when she played soccer, she was going to push past her boundaries, even when she knew she would hurt afterwards.
When they both passed the starting line and called out their numbers, Evy quickly mentioned that they were going into the last two minutes. Sandra noticed that her legs started to feel heavy and even a little cramped. However, she didn't want the girl to get away, so she kept up the pace and mentally pushed herself beyond the pain. After a while, she was surprised that the cramps in her legs went away again. And even when Sandra noticed that she was breathing much faster than the girl in front of her, she was sure she would be able to follow her.
Then, the girl accelerated again and Sandra really dug deep so she could follow her. She just didn't want this girl to get away from her, especially not when she knew that the time was almost up. To her surprise, that boy, who she had been following, suddenly ran past them both. Sandra couldn't believe it. She was pushing way past her comfort level, and this guy just ran past her as if it was nothing. Luckily, it didn't inspire this girl in front of her to go even faster, because if she would have done that, Sandra was sure she would have broken down. She was barely hanging on as it was.
Sandra dug deep and kept on following the girl, and then, the horn finally went off! Sandra was very happy about this, because she was sure she wouldn't have been able to run much longer. Although, Sandra was smart enough to keep on running, but at a much slower pace. She knew that it was better for the muscles to slow down at a steady pace instead of just stopping right away. The girl who had been running in front of her, was now jogging next to her and then they both stopped at the next marker along the track.
It was then that Sandra noticed how out of breath she really was. She was panting like mad and to give her body a little rest, she bent over and placed her hands on her knees. She took very deep breaths to provide her body with the oxygen she so desperately needed. Standing like this, she could feel the breeze going over her body and tickling parts she had forgotten about. Sandra looked at the body parts she could see and noticed it was completely covered in her sweat.
Sandra was startled when she felt a hand on her back and then the girl she had been running behind asked, "Are you okay?"
Sandra turned her head and was struck by how relaxed this girl looked. Sure, it was obvious that she had been running too, but she didn't look as out of breath as she was and stood there as if she had just done an easy warming up.
"I'm fine ... thanks," Sandra said between gasps, still bent over.
"I can't believe you tried to follow him! He is one of the best runners at our club," the girl said.
"So ... I was ... right!" Sandra barely managed to get out.
"How do you mean?"
"You two ... are the ... long distance ... runners."
"Um ... yes?!"
Sandra let out a huge sigh and finally managed to stand up again. She saw how the girl was looking at her, and it made her remember how naked she was.
Sandra managed a smile and said, "I normally look much better!"
It made the girl smile back at her, and she said, "You look fine enough to me! So ... Are you also a long distance runner?"
"No, just a soccer player."
"Really?! And you could keep up with me? Wow! Maybe you should join our club!"
"Thanks, but no thanks!" Sandra answered. "I love playing soccer too much! But I have to confess, when we are out of season, I often go for a long run in the morning."
"That maybe explains it! Because soccer players are normally not known for their endurance." The girl noticed the look on Sandra's face and quickly added, "I mean, running at the same pace for a long period of time. It was now only 12 minutes, but I think you would be able to run a much longer distance, with some training, and do a rather good time on it as well."
"Thanks," Sandra said. She felt good about getting a compliment like that from an experienced runner.
This was the moment that Robert and Evy reached them. The other students, whose distances they had already listed on their papers, were following them.
"Sandra, I didn't know you were also a runner?" Robert said while looking at Sandra's heaving breasts.
"I'm not!" Sandra answered and was glad that she didn't sound too out of breath anymore.
"Well, you could have fooled me!" Evy answered. "I must say, I was surprised when I noticed you following Sandrine and Jeremy. Especially when they started to catch up and overtake those few who had made a quicker start than you three. And I was expecting to see you drop off as well, like Frederik did. I never would have thought you would overtake Sandrine when Jeremy started to run away from you two!"
"I must confess, I expected them to be the long distance runners, so my plan was to follow them as long as I could," Sandra explained.
"Well, I think you may have overdone it by following Jeremy. However, I was again happily surprised when I saw how you picked up the pace when Sandrine went past you. And even more when I saw how you managed to follow her for those last two minutes. It must have been very hard on you!"
"It was," Sandra confessed. "I just didn't want to let her get away from me. However, seeing ... um ... Jeremy doubling me in the end wasn't fun."
Evy let out a giggle and said, "Don't feel bad about that, if he hadn't done that, I would have been very mad at him. In fact, I should be mad, because I know he held back at the start to run along with Sandrine."
A blush came on Sandrine's cheeks. Sandra didn't need much more, she immediately understood that this girl and that boy had to be a couple as well. Good for them, Sandra thought.
"You know Sandra, if you would train a little more, I bet you could even give Sandrine a run for the second place by the end of the school year. You are a really good runner!" Evy told Sandra.
Before Sandra could thank Evy for the compliment, Sandrine butted in and said with some fun in her voice, "She sure has runners' legs!"
Sandra could see how Evy and Sandrine looked at her legs at first, but then their eyes went upwards, and they checked the rest of her naked body out and then Evy said, "Well, the rest of her body fit the profile of a runner as well!"
Some of the girls around them giggled when they noticed how those two were checking Sandra out. Although, it seemed that Sandra didn't care about it, it even seemed that she liked how those two were looking at her, especially at her breasts.
It was Robert, who finally broke them up by saying, "Come, we better go on."
He thought that the attention Evy was giving Sandra was getting a little out of hand. The look in Evy's eyes sure told him that she was getting a little too interested in his student's naked body.
Robert had already written down the distance both girls had covered and Evy quickly did the same. As a group, they walked on towards the next group of their students. Again they wrote down the distance, and then they went to the last group. Jeremy was standing with them. So, Sandra knew that he must have done an extra 600 meter. And if he had held back, she wondered, then how far would he really have gotten in a 12 minute run? Could he maybe have managed to double her twice on this 400 meter track? Nevertheless, she was impressed by him, because while the others around him were still sounding out of breath, he was breathing as if he hadn't run at all. The only proof that he had been running, was the sweat on his brow.
Sandra hadn't given it much thought, but now that she thought about it. She had also doubled a lot of her classmates, and if she wasn't mistaken, she had even doubled Melinda twice. Then she thought about how Melinda had been holding her breasts and wanted to check on her.
She moved through the group and went to Melinda, who was standing at the back. Charles was with her and it seemed like he was trying to comfort her.
"How are you feeling? And how are your breasts doing?" Sandra asked her whispering.
"They could be better," Melinda whispered somewhat annoyed. "Count yourself lucky that you don't have a set of these," lifting her breasts a little to show them to Sandra.
Sandra found this a little funny, but she was still too concerned about Melinda to smile about it, instead she asked, "Are they hurting much?"
Melinda looked uneasily around her and then answered even quieter, "Yes."
"Maybe we should say something about that to our teacher," Sandra suggested.
"Why would we do that?" Melinda said defensive.
"What if one of us girls would be naked during the final test?"
"Oh, I will make sure that I stay in my clothes after today! And anyway, didn't Evy tell us that something would be provided for us girls soon."
"Oh yeah, I already forgot about that."
When they reached the starting line of the track again, Robert turned towards them and cleared his throat to get everybody's attention.
"Well guys!" he started to say. "I must say that I'm rather pleased with the results of this class."
He then mentioned the distances that every single one of them had covered. It seemed that most girls were around the 2000 meters mark. According to the Cooper test table, this was the average result you would expect. And even when Jeremy had done 2900 meters, Robert said that he expected better from him, being a trained long distance runner and all.
This, of course, meant that Sandrine and Sandra both had done 2300 meters, which for girls was excellent. This little fact surprised the boys a lot, and they gave Robert a disapproving look.
"You have to understand. The Cooper test has two tables. One for the boys and one for the girls. The distance that the girls have to cover is shorter than for the boys!" he explained to them. "And you have even tables for different age groups."
"That's not fair!" Jimmy said.
"Well, boys should normally be able to outrun girls in distance. So, for those boys who stayed with the girls, I expect you to do better next time."
The boys grunted, and if Robert hadn't given them his special teacher's look, they would probably have protested even louder.
"Now, Charles, I understand why you stayed with Melinda, but don't do this the next time! We have to know your real fitness level, because now, you would fail miserably on your test. So, I'm not making your run of today official! Okay?"
"Yes, Sir," he answered but wrapped his arm around Melinda's back to show that he would always support her, if she would be naked again the next time.
Robert then looked at Melinda and said, "And you, young lady, you sure have to work on your running. With only 1500 meters covered, it would mean you would only get a 45 out of 100 points."
"I promise I will do better," Melinda answered.
Sandra wanted to explain why Melinda had done so poorly, but Melinda grabbed her by the arm to make her stay quiet. Well, if Melinda didn't want her to explain the poor results to their teacher, she wouldn't do it, for now.
After everybody had gotten their results, Sandra was happy to know that she would receive a 90 for this test. Although, she knew that she would have to practice, so she could keep up with Sandrine. This was her target now, whatever distance Sandrine would cover in the coming months, she would try to keep up with her, and she suspected that some of the other girls would from now on also try to keep up with them both, instead of running away from them at the start to end up poorly in the end.
Because class was still not over, the teacher decided that the students could choose what they wanted to do for the rest of the time. The group came split into two, eleven girls, included Sandra and Melinda, wanted to play volleyball. The others wanted to play basketball.
Sandra's group was only with eleven, so they were a man short. Or in their case, a woman short it seemed, because Evy decided she would stay with the girls and take the remaining spot.
Robert went along with the others to the basketball field. The same one where Sandra had played with those girls from the other school. The reason why Sandra wanted to play volleyball this time, was because she wanted to take it easy. With the thought in her mind that she had a soccer game the next day, she wanted to relax somewhat for the rest of the day.
Evy and some girl from the other class took turns to pick one of them to join their team. Sandra was a little surprised that Evy took her first and then Melinda as her second member for her team.
Sandra was even more surprised in how Evy behaved during their game. Every time they scored, she congratulated them and slapped some of the girls on their behinds to motivate them. She even did this with Sandra and Melinda, and of course, the fact that Evy did this, turned Sandra on. Luckily, her nipples were already at peek performance, or Evy would probably have noticed how she turned Sandra on by slapping her on her behind.
While Sandra still did her best, she didn't dive for the balls that were just out of her reach. Obviously, because she didn't want to hurt herself. The field they were playing on existed out of the same substance as the basketball field. It sure was gentle to their joints and feet, but sliding over it would probably leave some abrasions on their skin. Well, more of a kind of burn marks from the friction.
Now that Sandra wasn't so focused anymore, she started to notice how those boys on the soccer field often took their time to look in her direction. Well, their attention was split between Sandra, Melinda and the still present cheerleaders. Although, it was easy for those boys to look at all of them, because the volleyball field was to the right and just behind the area where the cheerleaders were practicing. Sandra sometimes even took the time to look at the cheerleaders herself. Some of the things they did were really exciting. Especially when a girl was thrown in the air to make a somersault and then end up back in the arms of those boys, was very impressive.
The volleyball game ended with the other girls being the winner. However, Evy wasn't angry or disappointed about it. She said she had been having fun and would gladly join them again if they wanted to play volleyball in the coming weeks or months.
It was now too late to do anything else, but also a little too early to go inside already. So, Evy told them that they could decide what they wanted to do. If they wished, they could already go inside and take their showers, or they could stay outside for a bit longer and watch the soccer game or whatever else was going on around the sports fields.
When Sandra decided that she wanted to go inside, Melinda, Janet and Dina decided to join her. However, when they went past the cheerleaders, one of them called out to them by saying, "Hey, you!"
The girls looked at the group, not completely sure who they meant by 'you'.
"Yes, you, the naked girl with the dragon tattoo!" the cheerleader said again.
Sandra noticed that most of the cheerleaders were heading for the building with the changing rooms for the other schools. Only two of them stayed behind and they came walking towards them.
"So, are you trying to take our thunder away?" the cheerleader asked with some fun in her voice.
"Not really," Sandra answered coldly.
"Well, you sure made those boys look as much at you as at us," the cheerleader said smiling.
"Can you blame them," the other cheerleader said while she checked both naked girls out.
"I didn't pay too much attention to them," Sandra lied.
"Are you really that comfortable in your skin?" the first one wanted to know.
Sandra shrugged with her shoulders, making her firm breasts jiggle for a moment and attracting the attention of both cheerleaders on them. Even some of the boys, who were watching them from the sideline of the soccer field, couldn't miss how those perky tits moved.
"I have been running around like this since Monday. I think I have gotten used to it."
"And your friend?" the second one wanted to know while looking at Melinda.
"I'm not so comfortable about it," Melinda answered truthfully. "But I try to deal with it."
"Well, you two don't have to be ashamed for anything, you both look marvelous," the first one said.
"Thanks," Sandra acknowledged the compliment.
Melinda just blushed slightly and smiled at the cheerleaders. She was looking around her and noticed that Evy and the rest of the girls had moved on towards the basketball field and a few of the girls were walking towards their school already.
"But now to why I called you over," the cheerleader said more serious. "We are always looking for girls who are comfortable enough with themselves, and it became obvious to us that you are very comfortable with yourself. And by what we saw, you are also very flexible and fit!"
"Yes! So?" Sandra wanted to know.
"Well, have you never thought about becoming a cheerleader?"
"Nope, never!" Sandra answered with some fun in her voice. "I love playing soccer too much, and I prefer people cheering for me instead of me cheering for them!"
"Oh! You play soccer in a league?"
"Which division?"
"If you are asking if I'm in the professional league, then no! But our coach told me there has been some interest in me from a team that is playing in the second national division."
"So, you are better than average!"
"You could say that," Sandra said somewhat proud about it.
"Hmm, well, then I don't want to bother you any longer. However, if soccer wouldn't pay out for you, don't forget about our offer. Okay?"
"Sure," Sandra answered, but thought that this would never happen.
Even if she wouldn't be asked to join a top team, in second or even in third division, she would probably stay at the club she was now. She was sure that first division would be out of the question, because no woman had ever managed to get a spot in those teams. Soccer was still considered to be a man's game, and it was only because their little Country didn't have a woman's league, that they allowed women to play with the men. The idea behind it was that most women would be weaker than the men, and so it wouldn't influence the competition and would at least give those few women, who were good enough, a chance to play at a level that they could compete in.
"Um ... Can I ask you something about those," the other cheerleader said while pointing at one of Sandra's breasts.
"My tits?" Sandra asked surprised.
The cheerleader giggled and said, "No, those!" and took one of the rings, attached to Sandra's nipples, between her fingers.
"My piercings, um, sure," Sandra let out a little surprised by how forward this cheerleader was towards her.
The cheerleader took a closer look at the ring she was holding between her fingers and started to turn it around. This thrilled Sandra somewhat, because it made little electric bolts bursting through her body towards her pussy.
"Is this a solid ring?" this cheerleader asked somewhat surprised.
"Not really, if you look really good, you can see a nerve in it."
The cheerleader moved her head a little closer and Sandra could feel the girl's breath on her nipple. Involuntarily, Sandra bit on her lower lip from the feeling she got from it.
"Oh, I can see it now. This is cool!" the cheerleader said and stood up again, but didn't let go of Sandra's ring nipple and kept on playing with it. "Can you still remove them then?"
"No, they are permanently attached," Sandra explained. Breathing a little deeper because of the stimulation she received from this girl playing with her piercing.
"Really?! Also your clit piercing?" she wanted to know.
"Um ... yes!" Sandra answered. "And it's a hood piercing, by the way."
"It is!" the cheerleader said. Again, she surprised Sandra by letting go of her nipple piercing and dropping onto her knees, so she could take hold of her hood piercing and have a look at it.
A shiver went through Sandra's body when the cheerleader took hold of her piercing down there. While the girl had done this, she had also brushed with her finger over her clitoris. Sandra wondered if she was wet right now and if the girl would notice it.
Again, the cheerleader turned the ring until she could see the nerve in it. By doing this, she was of course stimulating Sandra's little love button, and Sandra couldn't help but squirm a little.
"Hmm, I think I would like one of those," the cheerleader said with some passion in her voice. "I bet this gives you a lot of pleasure!" she then pulled the ring upwards, revealing more of Sandra's clitoris to her. "You have a beautiful pearl down here."
"Oh God!" Sandra let our when she felt how this girl brushed with a finger over her clitoris.
The cheerleader looked up at Sandra's face and asked, "Are you always this wet?"
"When somebody is playing with me down there, yes I am!" Sandra let out with a little blush on her cheeks. It wasn't because she was ashamed, but she was rather aroused already.
Melinda and the others were very surprised by what was going on right in front of them and most of them didn't understand why Sandra didn't slap the girl's hands away from her pussy. Of course, if they had thought about it a little more, they would have remembered that according to the ADP rules, this cheerleader was allowed to do this to Sandra. Sandra would even have received an extra punishment if she would have done something to disallow this girl access to her body.
However, the cheerleader had nothing bad in mind for Sandra, and was even surprised to see how her actions had turned this girl on. She had always been like this, acting without thinking, but now that she understood what was happening, she decided to let go of that ring and stand up again. Although, before she did stand up, she had slipped her middle finger in between Sandra's labia, to check how wet this girl really was. Needless to say, she found out that Sandra was more aroused than she had thought. Her finger sure ended up completely drenched with the girl's juices.
When Sandra got home, she found her mother waiting for her in the living room. "And? How was it?" her mother asked. "How was what?" Sandra asked somewhat puzzled. "Well, your first day in school?" "Oh, it was fine," Sandra answered. "They gave me something that you have to sign. I have to take it back to school on Monday." Sandra pulled the paper about ADP out of her schoolbag and gave it to her mother. While her mother started to read it, she quickly went upstairs to put her...
When Sandra walked out of the principal's office, she saw that Melinda and Janet looked at her. "And?" Melinda asked. "She had to think about our punishments!" Sandra answered. Sandra was surprised when she saw that Janet moved up a chair, so she could go sit in between them. Of course, Sandra couldn't have known that Melinda had already told her friend what she and Melinda had talked about. Melinda had even told her friend the real reasons why she had been doing those things to...
When Sandra and the others heard how the group of players, that had been practicing on the field outside, came walking through the hallway, they knew that their coach would be arriving any minute now, to take them outside for their own practice. Some of the boys were wondering how their coach would react on Sandra's dress code today. It sure would be the first time, ever, that they would have someone who will practice with them in the nude. And because it was a naked girl, it could become a...
Melinda was struggling to get her head away from that wet and ... sticky pussy of Sandra. However, those firm thighs of Sandra didn't let her go. Her struggling was even spreading more of Sandra's juices all over her face. Brenda moved her way through the crowd, that was still looking at the three girls at the picnic table and saw how Sandra finally released Melinda's trapped head by spreading her legs open. Melinda immediately pulled her head off of that dripping wet pussy of Sandra,...
"Hey!" one of the guys shouted at Sandra and Melinda. Both girls looked at the guy, who had shouted at them, and while they did that, they also noticed all the other guys standing there, looking at them. "Yes," Sandra shouted back at him after taking in the scenery. "Come here," the guy said. He tried to sound demanding without sounding too threatening. "Umm ... Why?" Sandra asked. While she was sure about why this guy wanted them to come to him, she tried to act surprised by his...
Timmy was awakened by the clock radio going off. He jumped off of the bed, expecting that Sandra would soon also awaken and move to shut that annoying sound off. However, Sandra wasn't moving at all, she lay there on her back, still in a deep sleep and dreaming about Frederik and Veronique. The dream she was having was very exciting and erotic. In her dream, she was lying in between Frederik and Veronique. Frederik had both his hands on her breasts and was pushing down on them, while...
While Sandra had first been surprised by Alena dragging her onto the dance floor, it didn't take too long to get comfortable with it. It was even fun, being naked on a dance floor; Sandra thought. At first, Sandra wanted to limit her dance moves, but when she started to notice the attention she attracted from all the other women around, she started to dance more seductively. Opening up her legs in ways that would show off her pussy to them, and making her breasts jiggle to attract even more...
When Sandra and Frederik walked into the hallway, they saw that some students from the other classes were lingering around and started to follow them to the courtyard. However, Sandra didn't flinch and even didn't act differently, she walked on as she would do when she would be clothed. To the other students, it looked like Sandra just didn't care that they were looking at her. But in truth, Sandra was very happy that they were doing this, she had totally no bad feelings about it, but she...
While Melinda and Janet had been waiting for Johnny and Charles to return with Sandra, they had seen that the four boys, that had been present, had turned into a group of nine by now. It was obvious that they all were looking out for that naked girl Melinda had promised them. Melinda looked at her watch and then at the door of the club. She was sure that Sandra's training had to be over by now, so where the hell were the boys with her? She was getting a bit worried, because it was obvious...
When they finally went outside through the backdoor of the castle, Laura saw a river flowing behind the castle. Over it, there was a drawbridge that they had to cross. The twins were still holding on to her, while they walked over this bridge. Laura loved how the sun warmed her body while that soft summer breeze made her nipples tingle. At the other side of the drawbridge, there was a sandy road going to the left and right. Except from the two couples walking in front of them, and those two...
Sandra turned around, rested with her tummy against the back of the sofa while sitting up on her knees. Her arms were resting on the back of the sofa, and her breasts lay on top of them. It was a pretty sight to be hold, but Martha had other things on her mind right now. From her position on the sofa, Sandra could see how Martha took hold of a phone receiver which hung on the wall in the foyer. Martha talked too softly for Sandra to understand her, but the smile on her face told Sandra that...
When their geography teacher reached them, he looked at Sandra first and then at the other students. "Follow me," he said. Sandra couldn't place it, but she didn't like this teacher. Was it because she was naked or was it something else? She sure had felt weird when he had looked at her just now. They all started to follow him to the entrance of the building, and the history teacher, Frederik's dad, joined them with his class. They walked up the stairs and to the second floor. Both...
Sandra smiled when she came to a decision. She looked at Nico and noticed how tense he was. He was staring at her with eyes that told her that he was hoping for her to obey him. The moment Sandra started to move on her bed, the sexual tension between them intensified. Sandra took her time, but eventually, her legs were hanging over the edge of her bed, with her toes pointing at Nico. He leaned in closer. He swallowed when Sandra slowly started to open her legs for him. He couldn't believe...
"Do you think she will go through with it?" Dina asked Sandra, referring to Vivian's plan. "If she's really as shy as she told us, I don't think she will do it. My best guess is, that they will try to find someone else to do it for them." "You know; I was a bit surprised when you told her that you had changed your mind about ADP." "It's like I told her. I'm not completely for it, but I can't deny the fact that is seems to work. Even when I still think that it is wrong to make...
"Hi, mum," Sandra said while she placed her gym-bag in the corner of the room, next to the door. Timmy was running around in the garden, chasing after some of the birds that frequented their there. "Hi sweetie, how was your dinner with Frederik's parents?" Shirley asked. "It was fine," Sandra said and joined her mother at the kitchen table. "So, what did they say about your punishment?" "Oh, almost nothing! But I think they didn't mind me sitting there naked with them. Well,...
Sandra opened the gate and just walked out with Timmy walking in front of her. As usual, she hadn't attached his leash but just carried it in her hand. Timmy was well behaved enough to stay close to her and not just run off into the streets. She only took the leash with her in case a cop or someone else would come along and object about it. When Sandra was already halfway down the drive towards the sidewalk, she noticed that something was missing, she turned around and saw how Veronique and...
At first, Sandra was somewhat confused when she woke up in the morning. The first thing she noticed was that she wasn't alone in her bed and that this other person was even partly lying on top of her. It didn't take long, however, to remember the night before, and that she had invited Melinda into her bed. Sandra opened her eyes and noticed the sunlight that was coming through her window. Sandra was very happy about this, because this meant that she could enjoy another beautiful naked...
"Could you start unpacking the barbeque already, while I have a talk with Veronique?" Charles asked Erik. "No problem," Erik said. "And if she has some doubts about all of this, just let me know, and I will talk it out with her. Okay?" "Okay!" Charles responded, and then walked away towards Sandra and Veronique. "So, joining in with my daughter, I see," Charles said when Veronique looked up at him. "Hope you don't mind?" Veronique asked. "Of course not," Charles said...
"When did you decide to take me out on a date?" Sandra asked Veronique. "Last Wednesday," Veronique answered. "Last Wednesday?" Sandra responded surprised. "So, it's not a spur-of-the-moment thingy?" "No, I just wanted to do something special to celebrate you getting your clothes back!" "Then ... Why are you taking me out naked?" Veronique laughed and said, "That's something I decided on today. After what happened yesterday, I thought you would like it this way...
When Sandra walked out into the courtyard, she saw that her friends were already outside. They were sitting at one of the picnic tables. So, she walked over to them to join them there. Frederik saw Sandra walking up to them, and he also noticed she had cleaned herself. Even so, he still could see that Sandra's pussy lips were still a little bigger and redder than normal. When Sandra was almost at them, Frederik made some room for her, and she went sitting next to him. However, he was also...
In the meantime, Sandra and Martha had walked over to the other side of the hallway and had gotten inside the restroom. They both checked all the stalls and when they saw that they were empty, Sandra asked, "Can you make sure that nobody can come in?" "Sure," Martha said and went standing with her back against the door that went to the hallway. However, she just kept on looking at Sandra. Sandra took some paper towels from the dispenser and then went to a sink. She made one of the paper...
They had Mrs. Godair for the first two hours of the day again, two hours of boring theory this time. So, it didn't take too long, or Sandra's mind was drifting away. She started to fantasize about different scenarios of what would happen during the break. In most of the scenarios, Melinda was taking control over her and showing off her naked body to all the students in the school again. Fixating mostly on her vulva this time and teaching them about the parts that they had to play with to...
Sandra was about to run onto the field, when her coach called out to her to come to him. "Yes, Coach?" Sandra asked while she noticed how his eyes went over her body and lingered at her crotch for a moment. "Are you up for another half?" the coach asked her while looking her in the eyes. He was slightly blushing. "Yes, Coach," Sandra answered, somewhat surprised by his question. "Did anyone do something bad to you?" he then asked lowering his voice. "Bad? No, nothing bad,"...
Sandra was nicely surprised by how the girls in this school behaved. While it seemed that they had fewer strict rules in this school, the girls were more disciplined than those in her own school. Although, the thing she had liked the best, was how Heather had just taken her by the hand, and walked her to the classroom. In someway, it was fun to walk around hand in hand with this girl, when she was naked. It felt, in some way, a little naughty. Sandra watched how all of them were sitting at...
While Sandra was doing her thing on the soccer-field, Laura was trying to persuade her mother, so she could have a more carefree afternoon than what her parents had planned for her. "Mum, can't I stay home, just for this once?" "Laura, your father and I have discussed it and we both have come to the conclusion that you have to come with us today!" "But mum, looking like this!" Laura said, while holding her arms apart and displaying herself to her mother. "Well, if you want, you...
When Frederik's dad had come outside, to get them all for class, Sandra had noticed a concerned look on his face when their eyes had met. If it was because of her new predicament or because of something else, he hadn't let on. Although, she had also noticed how one of the corners of his mouth had gone up, as if he had been having some happy thoughts about what he had just seen. Sandra wondered if he already had known about her new situation, before he had come outside and seen her. Well,...
Frederik walked over to Sandra. She was still standing at the front of the classroom with her legs somewhat spread. "You can close them now, you know!" Frederik said while looking down at his girlfriend's pussy. He liked how Sandra's hood piercing glistened in the light. "Do I have to?" Sandra asked teasingly. "You don't have to, but don't you think it will be a bit hard to walk like that?" Frederik quipped. He stood close to her and laid his hand on her hip. He let his fingers...
Jim gave the two naked girls in the boat a last look over and then turned around to have a better look at the other girl they had caught. He smiled when he saw that she was still struggling in between his two friends. The look in her eyes told him that she was scared for what could happen to her. He walked up to her and started smiling when he stood right in front of her. Janet stopped struggling and looked back at him. She looked even more afraid now, and he wondered if she would start...
Before Sandra and Veronique went downstairs, they did take the time to clean up the bathroom first. Sandra wanted to do it after Veronique had left for work, but Veronique insisted on doing it together. Not that Sandra minded this, because now it took less time than when she would need to do it on her own. Sandra got somewhat nervous when it was time to go downstairs. Veronique noticed this, and to give some support to Sandra, she took hold of her hand. Sandra could feel those familiar...
Both of Sandra's parents were holding her in their arms, and they were glad that they could feel how Sandra's body was relaxing. Sandra had calmed down after her mother had said that they weren't angry at her. However, Sandra sure was dumbstruck by how her parents were acting. She had been expecting to be shout at, and she even had already seen how she would be lying over her dad's knees while he was spanking her ass red in her mind. But this ... No, she sure hadn't expected this from...
When Sandra's clock radio went of in the morning, she slowly opened her eyes. She looked at her clock and pushed the button to switch that annoying buzzer off. For a moment, she just stayed lying on her bed and thought about the classes she had to go to today. During the first two hours, she would have French. It was given by a woman that was in her early forties. She was a lovely woman and dressed always very sexy. Sandra was sure that she wouldn't get any trouble from her. Because this...
By now, Veronique was back on the highway, but the darkness was setting in quickly. The top of the car was kept close this time and Sandra noticed that the truckers couldn't see her anymore. Well, none of them honked at them. However, Sandra didn't mind it this time, because she noticed that by the things that had been going on in the office, she had been turned on too much already, and she could feel how some of her own juices were almost leaking out of her. For a moment, Sandra wondered...
Sandra had her face between Veronique's legs and was licking that sweet-smelling pussy of her girlfriend. She tasted so sweet, although, Sandra was wondering why Veronique was making that annoying sound, every time her tongue went up the length of her slit. It was even so annoying, that she had trouble concentrating on what she was doing until Veronique was suddenly gone and only that annoying sound stayed behind. Sandra opened her eyes and discovered that she was lying on her bed ......
Sandra and her dad didn't speak with each other during the drive to her school. Sandra didn't show it to her dad, but she was troubled about herself. After all that she had done this morning, she was still feeling as horny as hell. And the worst part of it all, while she did feel troubled about it, she also liked it a lot. Charles wasn't sure what was going on with his daughter, but even he could see how turned on she was. It made him wonder what had happened to her earlier this morning....
"Hey! Wait for me," Nicole shouted when Sandra and Heather ran past her. "I need to hurry," Sandra shouted back, without stopping. Nicole started running after them. The few students and teachers, who were still in school, watched how the naked girl ran past them, followed by two clothed girls. "Hey! No running in the hallways," one of the teachers shouted, but the girls were already gone around the corner. "Take the stairs to your left," Heather shouted towards Sandra. At the...
While Veronique was comforting Sandra in her arms, the other cops gathered the boys around. Some of them went along willingly, while others had to be handcuffed because they kept on trying to get away. Once they were arrested, the cops started to lead them away to where they had parked their cars. Although, one of the cops even called in a special arrest van to bring the more rebellious boys to the precinct. Jim, who was still lying on the ground, was helped to his feet by two cops. He was...
In the second part of the movie, the director tried to make it a little scarier. However, it wasn't enough to get the girls to crawl onto their boyfriend's laps. Not that those boys were really disappointed with it, because they still managed to have some fun with their girlfriends. Well, Jimmy had more fun than Frederik, because Frederik still didn't go further than caressing Sandra's buttocks. Although, he did let his finger explore the valley of Sandra's ass with on of his fingers....
Sandra slowly awoke the next morning, still dreaming about what she had done last night. It gave her a nice feeling, and by the time she was fully awake, she was smiling. Although, the moment she moved her body, she could feel that her pussy felt a little sore from last night's activities. She hoped that next time, their lovemaking would be more gentle and romantic. When she finally opened her eyes, she noticed that the sunlight was shining through the windows and a quick look at the watch...
At the front of the house, Frederik took care of Sandra's bike and loaded it in the back of his car. He was glad that he had a station wagon, because it made it easier to put Sandra's bike away in it. Sandra smiled when she noticed Frederik holding the passenger's car door open for her, he was trying to be a real gentleman it seemed. After Frederik had joined her in the car, they drove off towards Sandra's soccer club. "So, are you excited to see me play?" Sandra asked. "I sure...
Before reaching the exit of the building, Sandra could already see a few guys waiting for her outside. And she knew they were waiting for her, because one of them was the guy, who had been fondling her so much on the soccer field. The three of them started to smile the moment they saw the naked girl they had been waiting for. Their eyes went up and down Sandra's body, and all three of them thought she looked even more naked now. Well, she was also more naked, of course. When Sandra reached...
Sandra woke up, all sweaty and bothered from the sexual dreams she had been having. While stretching her body, to get all the kinks out of it, she moaned loudly. The sunlight, shining through her curtains, told her that morning had arrived. "Not even eight o'clock," she sighed when she checked the clock. She turned away from her window, pulled the covers over her head, and tried to get back to sleep. It didn't take long before she noticed that she wouldn't be able to. She kicked the...
They were back in their running rhythm, with Sandra's dad in front, followed by Erik and then Nicole, and Sandra at the back. After a few turns through the forest, they came across a trail that was somewhat wider, but this didn't change too much, because they kept on running behind each other. Although, this time, they were noticed by a group of joggers that came from the other direction. Sandra was the last one who noticed them, when they were almost going the run past them. It was a...
During her bike ride to school, Sandra saw a naked boy, who had to be around her age, running away from a group of girls chasing him. They were shouting at him to stop running, but he wasn't listening to them. At first, she laughed with it, but when she noticed the frightened look on his face, she knew she couldn't just stand by and let him get caught by those girls. Luckily for him, he was wearing his transparent sandals, else those girls would most likely have caught him already. Only a...
Once outside, Sandra noticed that her friends were sitting around the picnic tables again. She quickly walked over to there, and Frederik motioned her to sit on his lap. She accepted his offer happily and snuggled up to him on his lap. "I see you haven't been punished," Frederik said while he wrapped his arms around her. "Why? Were you hoping for a naked girl to sit on your lap again?" Sandra asked him teasingly. "Who says I haven't had one on my lap already?" he teased her...
And then came the day that all minors had been scared of. The first day of school and also the first day that ADP would be in full force in their Country. And by now, it was also known that some other Countries in Europe had adopted this new law already, and it would mean that a person under ADP even couldn't get dressed anymore when crossing the border. All the Countries of Europe had agreed to sign a charter that made sure that people under ADP could do their ADP punishment when they...
After a short walk, they both reached the home of Frederik. They walked up to the front door and Sandra rang the doorbell. They only had to wait a few seconds, and then they could hear somebody running up to the front door, when the door opened, they could see Frederik standing there with a big smile on his face. "Hi," Sandra said. "I hope you don't mind, but I brought a new friend with me." "No problem," Frederik said. "Your friends are my friends now." When Sabina had heard how...
Last night, when Sandra came home from the birthday party, she had joined her parents in the living room. After the normal questions about how it had been and so on. They all had enjoyed watching a movie together on the television. And then it was time to go to bed, Sandra had kissed her parents goodnight and then had gone upstairs, to bed. Before Sandra had turned off the light, she had read the rule book that she had received at school. She wanted to make sure that she wouldn't break any...
Sandra and her classmates were waiting for their math teacher. Just a good week ago, the only thing on Sandra's mind about this class, was that she had to do better for it than last year. From all the classes she had, this was the class she had the most trouble with. However, today, the only thing she could think about, was not how she would perform in math, but that she was standing here naked. Even when she had shown her most private part of her body to all the other students just now, she...
While the others were starting to go out of the locker room, Sandra was just standing there. Struck with sudden fear of facing her mother in front of the school, while naked of course. When Melinda walked past Sandra, Sandra noticed Melinda looking at her. Melinda went standing in front of Sandra and looked up and down Sandra's body. Then Melinda start smiling and said, "See you tomorrow girl, and make sure that your nipples are ready for it I want to give them all a great...
Sandra was sitting on her bed and thinking back on what had happened just now. She was happy that her parents weren't angry at her. However, Sandra also knew that they weren't happy about the things that she had done, but it seemed that because she was on ADP, they didn't want to give her an extra punishment. So, this time, ADP had helped her. Even so, the thing that had astonished her the most, was that her parents didn't have a problem with her tattoo and piercings. Could it be that...
" ... Aw! Aw! Aw!" Sandra kept on saying this with every step she took. By now, even Martha had it difficult, she didn't want to laugh, because she knew that Sandra's vulva really hurt, but that sound that Sandra was making was just too funny for words. They both walked on and Sandra even opened her legs a little more, and finally she stopped saying 'Aw!' all the time, but in the way that she was walking now, it was almost as if she was sitting on an imaginary horse. They had to walk...
Sandra had reached the back door of the restaurant and when she walked in, she ran into the head of the restaurant. "So, you are back?" he said to Sandra. "As you can see." He chuckled and said, "Well, you sure are showing more than last year! Are you planning to come to work in here, looking like that?" His eyes were going all over Sandra's body, and the girl noticed that he seemed to like what he was looking at. "I hope not," Sandra said. "I should be back in my clothes next...
Their teacher walked up to them and motioned with her hand to let them follow her. They went straight for the locker room, where they would normally find the clothes they had to wear in the hotel or restaurant. On a normal day, the girls would find a black skirt, that went down to mid calves, and a white dressy blouse in their personal lockers. And the boys, they would find black pants and a white shirt in it. Depending on the duties they had to perform, they would also find a white dust...
Sandra noticed that the backdoor was unlocked, so her parents had to be home, or at least her mum was, because she hadn't seen her dad's car at the front of the house. "MUM! I'm home!" Sandra shouted. "I'm upstairs, honey! Be right there," Shirley shouted back. Sandra went upstairs to see her mum. Well, she had to go there anyway, because she had to put her schoolbag away. When she came into the hallway upstairs, her mother walked out of her parents' room. "Hi, honey," she said...
On her way out, Sandra had motioned at Timmy to follow her. When he saw that she was taking her bike, he was wagging his tail happily. He enjoyed running next to Sandra when she was riding her bike, because that was the only time, that he could run full out. However, this was also the reason why Sandra often took her bike for a ride. She knew that her dog needed this, because a border collie is a very active dog, and he needs a lot of running space to stay healthy. This is also one of the...
When the problems started for Melinda, and Laura was having a great time at her parents' party, Sandra arrived at Frederik's home. Sandra was feeling somewhat nervous about meeting Frederik's parents. Not that she wouldn't be nervous on any other occasion, but doing it naked wasn't helping her. Frederik had noticed her nervousness as well, because during the drive, Sandra hadn't said a word to him, while she kept on rubbing her dog's back. And while she was doing this, she was...
Sandra walked in through the backdoor and was expecting to be welcomed by Timmy. However, she couldn't hear the sound she normally heard when he came running towards her. She even didn't hear a bark from him. "Timmy!" shouted Sandra. Her shout wasn't answered by the usual bark from her dog. "That's strange," said Sandra to Melinda. Sandra looked at the stove in the kitchen and was even more surprised when she didn't see any pots or pans on it. Normally, her mother would already...
After they were done eating. Or better said, when Sandra and Melinda were done, Sandra asked, "Dad, can we be excused." "Sure, honey." Both girls stood up and after Melinda had put her chair back at the other side of the table, she and Sandra went into the living room and went sitting on the sofa again. "How old are those two boys?" Melinda wanted to know. "You mean my nephews?" "Yes." "The oldest is sixteen, I think. And the other one is a year younger. But, I have to...