Grandma Beatrice
- 3 years ago
- 25
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Tutoring Beatrice
Chapter 1
The advertisement in the paper caught my eye immediately: ?Seeking tutor for wayward young woman. Must be fluent in mathematics, English grammar and history. Salary commensurate with experience. Forward resume to Miss Edwina Robertson, Box 23, Municipal Post Office, Elmira.? I found the word ?wayward? particularly interesting.
I immediately sent my resume to the specified address, and, within four days received an answer, setting up an interview for the following week. Elmira was over two hundred miles from where I lived, so I took the train to Elmira on the day of the appointment and arrived at the home of Miss Robertson by taxi at the requested hour.
The home was a large stone building, set well back from the road, on a winding driveway. My knock at the door brought an almost immediate response, and I was surprised to see a woman, only slightly older than I, standing before me. Dressed fashionably in a slightly conservative flapper dress, the woman was not at all what I had expected. Her blondish hair was set in the modish bob of the day. Her handsome face was subtly made up, but not sufficiently to hide a Spartan look in her eyes. Her smile was somewhat acerbic, as she asked me to enter and follow her into the spacious well-appointed living room.
When we were seated, she took almost half a minute before she spoke, her eyes assessing me like a tiger about to devour his dinner. When she finally spoke, her voice was gentle, but direct.
?Your resume impressed me, Mr. Lee. You seem to be well qualified for the job, but I’d like you to tell me a little about yourself.?
?Well, for some reason I’ve always wanted to teach. I graduated from college just before we entered the war in ‘17, but they assigned me to the quartermaster corps, and I never made it oversees. I started teaching high school as soon as I got out of the army in 1918, and I’ve been teaching ever since.?
?And how old are you again??
?I’ll be 26 in August.?
?What made you decide to apply for this job in particular??
?Well, to begin with, I like the idea of teaching in a one-on-one relationship. Teaching a bunch of teen-agers can be a real chore, even when they’re fairly well-behaved. And, frankly, I found the word ‘wayward’ in your advertisement most interesting.?
I noticed an immediate spark of pleasure light up her eyes, and I knew I had the job at that moment.
?What is it about this girl that makes her so wayward?,? I asked.
?Oh, Mr. Lee, she’s been a handful ever since I had to take her in. Beatrice, my niece, lived with her mother in some God-forsaken town in Alabama until my sister died of tuberculosis a couple of months ago. Her father was killed in the war in France. My sister became very ill about four years ago, and she pulled Beatrice out of school to take care of her a couple of years ago.?
?Now Beatrice isn’t the smartest kid on the block to begin with, so she’s badly in need of schooling. Besides that, I find her defiant and rude, so I am forced to discipline her constantly.?
?How do you discipline her, if I may ask??
?Certainly! I find the cane on the bare to be the most effective. Sometimes I revert to just a spanking if her backside is sufficiently bruised, but her recalcitrance is such, that I feel I have to be as harsh as I can, to offset her moodiness.?
?I see.?
?Let me get her in here now, so you can meet her, and we’ll see if you want to take on my little problem-child.?
A few moments later she had Beatrice standing before me. She was dressed in only a slip, and she held her hands behind her back diffidently. With her head held low, she stared at the floor in front of her. It took no time at all to see that this girl was anything but difficult. She appeared to be about seventeen or eighteen, though her frame was slender, and her thin face made her look a bit older. Her feet were bare and, though her breasts appeared small, the prominence of her rigid nipples made her slip stick well out in front. Her pale face was pretty, in a somewhat surreal way, with thin lips and a little snub nose. She continued to stare at the floor as her aunt spoke.
?Beatrice, this is Mr. Lee. He has come to interview about tutoring you.?
There was a long pause. ?Say hello to Mr. Lee, Beatrice!?
She looked up from the floor for the first time, and our eyes met momentarily.
?Hhhhello, Mr. Lee.? Her eyes then immediately returned to the floor.
?All right, you may return to your room, now, Beatrice.? Without releasing her hands from behind her back Beatrice did a slight curtsy, turned and left the room, climbing the stairway slowly.
When she had returned to her bedroom, I spoke.
?She doesn’t seem very stubborn, Miss Robertson. She appears pretty shy to me.?
?Oh, that’s all an act, Mr. Lee. May I call you, Robert? And please call me Edwina. Yes, she’s just trying to impress you, that’s all. The job is yours, if you want it. I like your demeanor, and I get the impression we think alike in many ways. And, by the way, I give you permission right now to punish her as you see fit if you take the job.?
?Thank you, Edwina. I’ll have to find a rooming house nearby and move my belongings here, but I would think I can be ready to start work by next Monday.?
?Oh, no, Robert! You’ll live here. I have a room right next to Beatrice’s for you, and you’ll eat your meals here, as well.?
Within minutes we had worked out my salary, not very large, but with all the amenities, certainly fair. Edwina ordered a taxi to take me to the train station, and I was on my way. I must say the prospects of this job had me fascinated, and the week following was deadly slow, as I awaited the opportunity to begin tutoring and overseeing my charge.
Chapter 2
I arrived the following Sunday afternoon with a trunk and a couple of suitcases and was quickly shown to my room by Edwina. It was large with a double bed and a good-size closet, a desk and chiffonier. After I finished unpacking, I came down to the living room and she and I discussed politics and the world in general.
I finally asked about Beatrice’s absence. Edwina explained that she was being punished, and we wouldn’t see her for the rest of the day. I mentioned dinner, and Edwina told me that Beatrice’s punishment included no meals until tomorrow morning. This led me to understand a little more fully why Beatrice seemed a bit thin.
We listened to the radio after dinner, and I excused myself for bed about ten o’clock. After a bath and brushing my teeth, I fell into bed and was off to dreamland in a matter of minutes.
I was awaked slightly after eight the next morning by the distinct sounds of a spanking including wailing mutterings, obviously emanating from Beatrice’s mouth. I hopped out of bed, and, after rinsing my face and relieving myself, I hurried to dress.
As I came downstairs, the first thing I saw was Beatrice’s naked body standing in the corner of the room, her back to me. Her hands were placed behind her neck, and she was sniffling and hiccupping and her bottom cheeks were almost a bloody red. I ambled past her, my eyes drawn to her plump little backside the whole time as I passed her, until I reached the kitchen, where Edwina was fixing me fried eggs, bacon and toast.
I greeted her and sat. She passed me my plate and sat opposite me. She asked if the spanking had awakened me, and I admitted it had, but that it was time to get up anyway.
?Why the spanking?,? I asked. Edwina replied with a smirk that Beatrice had sassed her again.
?How so?,? I inquired. ?Well, I asked her if she wanted her enema before or after her tutoring session today, and she said she’d rather not have one at all. That earned her fifty on her rosy tookus, right then.?
I began to eat my breakfast, when Edwina called to her niece and ordered her into the kitchen. A few moments later a still-naked Beatrice sidled slowly into the kitchen to stand at the side of the table between us.
This was the first opportunity I had to see the teenager in all her glory, so to speak. As I had noted the pale girl’s breasts were not large, perhaps no bigger than two large plums, but her pinkish brown nipples, as I had noted seeing her in her slip the previous week, were large, what seemed to be permanently erect, and with crinkly areoles almost the size of dollars.
Below, it appeared she had a modicum of wispy brown hair covering her pubes, nowhere near enough to hide the long slit surrounded by two fairly puffy outer lips. I noticed she made no attempt to hide either her tits or her vagina, keeping her hands clasped behind her back. I assumed this because of some standing order from her aunt.
?Mr. Lee says your caterwauling awoke him this morning, you wicked child. I think an abject apology is in order, don’t you??
??.I?I?.I’m verrry sorrrry, Mr. Lee.? The tears began to flow from her eyes and the hiccups started up again.
?Thank you, Bea. Apology accepted.?
?This is the second day in a row I’ve had to punish this bad girl, Robert. I had to cane her yesterday. Dear old Mr. Hicks from next door had taken us to the grocery store, because my car wouldn’t start, and, when we got back, I ordered Beatrice to be nice to Mr. Hicks and fellate him, as she has done on occasion before. Well, I tell you, poor old Mr. Hicks was a wreck by the time I finally made her stop.?
?Now, he is in his 70’s, but she worked on him for over an hour without any results, and he’d gone flaccid and looked like he was going to have a heart attack, before I stopped her. She had brought him off in the past, so it was obvious that she was just teasing him and didn’t want his spunk shooting down her throat this time. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself, girl??
Beatrice’s eyes lowered to the floor and her face turned a slight shade of pink. My first thought, I’m sorry to say, was, ‘I wonder if blow-jobs are perks that come with the tutoring job.’ I was sure the subject would come up at some point.
?I asked you a question, Beatrice. Do we need another spanking to get you to speak civilly??
?Nnnnnoo, Ma’aaam. I’m really sorry.? She then burst into tears, which began rolling down her cheeks like a dam had broken.
?I would think so. Now, go to your room and wait for Mr. Lee to come up and work on your studies.?
The naked girl then turned and left the room, but not before I was able to discern the fact that beneath the redness, across both buttocks, were a series of striations and purple splotches, obvious remnants of yesterday’s and possibly other punishments from the past.
When I arrived in her room, Beatrice was standing next to her desk, hiccupping, with her chest still shuddering, as she gasped for air. As I placed the books we would be working with on the desk, she asked if she could remain standing while we worked. Knowing how painful her rear end must be at this point, I acquiesced.
We worked for several hours, taking an occasional break, as we studied American history during the Colonial days, trigonometry and English grammar. I could tell that Bea was having trouble grasping so much at one time, and I decided to cut back a bit in the future, but I wasn’t going to bypass the opportunity to find reasons for spanking that lovely bottom of hers.
I must admit it was certainly a bit of a distraction to have a naked girl standing next to me, with her damned fully erect nipples not six inches from my watering mouth, while I tried to explain sines and cosines to her. It wasn’t helping my libido, not to mention my semi-erect prick, when I looked down now and then to see that almost hairless pussy exhibiting itself so flagrantly before me.
When we finished studying for the day, I hit her with what I knew would be an impossible task for her, giving me grounds (like I needed them!) for punishment.
?Okay, Bea, for tomorrow I want you to take this copy of ‘The Tale of Two Cities’ and read the first two chapters, and in your History book, read the section on the Continental Congress. And do these ten problems in trig for tomorrow.?
?Uhhh?.I’m not a very fast reader, Mr. Lee. I don’t know that I can get through that much in one night.?
?Well, you’d better get right to it then, Bea. I’m going to be very upset if you’re not ready, when we get together tomorrow morning.?
The tears started all over again, and the look on her face was as though I’d just sentenced her to eternal damnation.
?And put that slip back on! You obviously like to show off your very attractive attributes, but now is not the time.?
?Yyyesss?sir.? She reached for the slip and slid it over her head and onto her body.
I left the room smiling to myself, as she picked up Mr. Dicken’s book with trepidation.
I arrived downstairs and found Edwina was nowhere inside. I looked out on the patio and found her lying in the sun on her chaise lounge. She had pulled her skirt and the legs of her underpants up to the top of her legs, and I could just catch the whiteness of her panties covering her slit.
I sat down next to her and we chatted for a few minutes. I noticed she made no attempt to cover herself down below, which I found an encouraging sign. She asked where Beatrice was, and I explained she was probably working on the homework I’d given her for tomorrow.
?Well, we can’t have that! Beatrice, get yourself down here right now!?
Within moments Bea was stationed directly below the chaise, waiting nervously for whatever Edwina was about to order her to do.
?In the first place, take that slip off right now! You’re being punished, and part of punishment includes humiliation. I’m sure Mr. Lee wants to see your pretty titties and ugly little slit. Shame on you for trying to hide them.?
I mentioned nothing about having told her to put the slip back on.
?But? Mr. Lee?.?
I don’t want to hear any more! Get it off! NOW!?
Bea hurried to do as ordered, and moments later stood before us totally naked, her face a pretty shade of pink.
?Did you notice how her nipples stay hard all the time, Robert??
?Uh?yes, I had noticed that, Edwina.?
?Well, believe it or not, as hard as they are, they can get even harder. Play with them for a minute and see what I mean.?
As I reached to do as she suggested, Beatrice, with a slight moan, instinctively shied away from my touch.
?Don’t you dare move back, you naughty girl! Now, just for that, move in to him so your knee is touching his. That’s better.?
It was obvious that Beatrice was going through hell and back in following Edwina’s orders, but soon she was as close to me as she could get. I reached my hand up to grab the teenager’s left nipple and gently twisted it to and fro for about fifteen seconds.
When I moved my hand away the nubbin had, indeed, expanded and lengthened noticeably. I took some time to stare at it, and then, just to embarrass her a bit more, I lifted my fingers to fondle it a bit more. The look on Bea’s face was one of total humiliation, and tears were rimming her eyes.
I continued to caress her protrusions for a full minute, savoring the feel of her wrinkled areoles and the hardened pencil-point-like stumps. By now Bea had closed her watery eyes and was sheepishly accepting my stimulation.
?All right, that’s enough for right now! I called you down here, brat, because I noticed while I was lying here, that the windows need washing badly. I want you to work on all the downstairs windows this afternoon, inside and out. Get some rags and that bottle of Windex and get busy.?
?Uh?.Mr. Lee had given me some reading assignments, and??
?I don’t give a damn about that! You can do that after you finish the windows. Now, don’t argue with me, unless you want another dose of the cane on that heinie of yours!?
Bea turned quickly and was gone in an instant. Edwina smiled at me, as I rose to go to the bathroom. She noticed that my pants had a distinct emanation where my fly resided and reached over to brush her hand against it.
?Poor baby. Did I make peter stand tall? Well, maybe we can do something about that later on.?
I smiled back at her and excused myself to wander dreamily off to relieve myself. I spent the entire time I was peeing thanking my lucky stars I’d hooked on to this job. At that point I wouldn’t have traded it for a million bucks!
Eventually Edwina and I ended up sitting in the living room watching Bea work away at cleaning the windows inside. When it came time to wash the outdoor windows, Bea came to ask if she could put her slip on while she was outdoors.
?Of course not, you silly duck! In the first place, nobody cares to look at your ugly naked body, and even if they did, what would they see? A couple of puny little boobies and a snatch that has almost no hair on it yet. Anybody that saw you would probably think you were a little boy, unless they saw you up close. Nobody’s interested. Now, get to work, and you’d better not dally if you don’t want that sore ass of yours to get any redder.?
Bea grabbed up her rags and Windex and, sobbing, snuck out the back door. As it happened, because of the distance from the road, no one could have seen her anyway, but that didn’t change the look of terror in Bea’s face, as she labored away at the living room outside windows.
When she finally finished, it was time to get dinner ready and Edwina had Bea busy helping until dinner was on the table. After supper, Edwina set Bea to cleaning up the dishes, so it was after seven before she was finally allowed to excuse herself and go upstairs to do some of the homework I had given her.
I was randy as Hell, and looked forward to the opportunity to move in on Edwina. I started in drink wine with dinner and continued when we moved into the living room afterwards, tempering the amount of wine to assure that I was ready for anything sexual that might evolve.
Unfortunately, Edwina started in on scotch and soda, as soon as dinner was over, and I could see a distinct change in her manner, as we sat and chatted while Bea did the dishes. By the time Bea went upstairs though, Edwina was giving definite signs of wanting to do something libidinous together, but her speech was beginning to slur, and she slopped her glass on the coffee table a couple of times trying to pick it up.
By ten o’clock she had fallen asleep on the couch, but she had made a point of telling me she wanted to be sure to get Bea in bed by ten, so I woke her, and we moved up to Bea’s bedroom. She was busy at her desk, still naked, reading her history book, when we went in.
In a drowsy voice Edwina informed Bea it was time to go to bed. Bea looked at her with puppy-dog eyes and asked if she could please stay up longer, as she hadn’t even gotten started on ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ yet.
?Are you arguing with me again, gutter-girl? I’ve a mind to take you over my knees right now, but I’m too tired. Get in there and wash up and brush your teeth now!?
Obediently Bea quietly slunk into the bathroom and began running water. Edwina, in the meantime, sat on Bea’s bed, eventually lying back to close her eyes. Her short dress had pulled up as she did, revealing her silk drawers beneath it. I figured, correctly as it turned out, that that was as much as I was going to see of Edwina’s pubic area for the evening.
Bea returned after washing up, and Edwina rose from the bed to let her naked niece lie down. Apparently aiming to please me and embarrass Bea at the same time, Edwina asked Bea if she’d washed between her legs. The teen turned almost purple, as she muttered that she had. Edwina said she didn’t believe her and ordered her to raise her legs in the air and spread them.
Hesitantly, Bea did as she had been instructed and ended up displaying herself lasciviously before her tormentor, vagina and anus open in all their splendor. Bea had closed her teary eyes and tilted her head away from us, as she grabbed her legs behind her knees, as requested. Then, to make the ordeal complete, Edwina brought her hand down to Bea’s pussy and, sticking her index finger into Bea’s snatch at the very top of the now spread lips, ran it all the way down the split until she was touching Bea’s sphincter. To finalize the girl’s embarrassment, she dipped her finger in the little puckered hole about an inch or so before removing it, to search for any residue.
?I guess everything looks clean.?
Bea let out a little moan, but Edwina seemed satisfied, turned and staggered slightly as she left the room. I followed her out, turning out the overhead light and bidding Bea a goodnight. I was surprised to see Edwina removing her dress as she swayed down the hallway, but disappointed, when she moved into her bedroom, saying goodnight and closing her door behind her.
I returned downstairs long enough to turn out the lights before heading back upstairs to my lonesome bedroom for a frustrating hour of tossing and turning, before sleep finally blessed me.
Chapter 3
The next morning I was up bright and early, having a cup of coffee, when Beatrice entered the kitchen in her slip followed closely by Edwina, dressed in a heavy white fluffy robe. Edwina ordered Bea to fix us all ham and eggs. Bea set about frying the ham and eggs while Edwina placed the plates and silverware on the table.
When she had finished frying the meal and placing the meat and eggs on the plates, two of the eggs were broken in the process, and part of the ham was over-done. After Bea had taken the pan back to the sink, she returned to the table preparing to sit. Edwina rose like a lion pouncing and proceeded to slap Bea across the face sharply three times. As the girl stood fighting back the tears, Edwina admonished her for messing up the meal and promised her a spanking later to insure that such ‘travesties’ didn’t happen in the future.
Bea sat down and began to slowly eat her meal, while Edwina and I carried on a conversation about trivialities, mostly about my short Army duty. After breakfast, Bea cleaned up the table and washed and dried the dishes, before we retired to her bedroom for the day’s lessons.
I instructed Bea to remove her slip before we started, and she asked if she might stand again, since her bottom was still sore. I made her turn around so that I could look at her sore area. It was still reddish, and I could see raised areas all across her buttocks, but I made her sit anyway, and it was delightful watching her try to find a comfortable position to sit on on the hard wooden chair, which lacked a cushion of any kind.
Before we got started, she sheepishly told me that she had not had the opportunity to read her assigned chapters in ?A Tale of Two Cities,? but quickly assured me that she’d completed the history assignment and her math problems.
I, of course, knew she had not had the chance to read Mr. Dickens, but looked sternly at her and indicated I didn’t accept excuses, that she’d had all yesterday to do her work, and as she opened her mouth to remind me of her many duties the previous day, I grabbed her left nipple and sharply twisted it, causing a high squeak, as her head flew backward.
?I’m not looking for excuses, Beatrice. I’m afraid this is cause for punishment.?
I let go of her nipple, but picked up her copy of the novel, and, thrusting it before her, asked her to look and see how many pages were in the assigned reading. She checked and hanging her head whispered, ?72 pages, sir.?
?Well then, I suppose a proper punishment would be a spanking of 72 slaps on your naughty bottom.?
?Oh, no, please, sir, I’m so sore right now. Please not so many.?
I sat back in my chair, as if I was contemplating an easier solution for her. Finally, I looked at her sternly, before offering an alternative.
?Well, I can think of a way to cut your punishment in half. You might not like it. It’s something I’m sure you’ve never done before, but ??
?Oh, please, sir. Anything!?
?Well, I’m feeling a bit randy this morning. Have you ever seen a man’s penis before??
She looked at me in mixed horror and amazement with her mouth wide open.
???.No, sir,? she gulped.
I’m prepared to cut your spanking in half, if you are prepared to play with my penis for a bit.?
Again, the look on her face was priceless. There was a good fifteen seconds of silence, as she stared in puzzlement at me. Finally she answered in a whisper.
?All right, sir. I’ll do it.?
In record time I had jumped up, removed my pants and boxer shorts, placed them on the back of my chair and sat down next to my frightened student. I pushed the chair back a bit and ordered Bea to her knees between my legs.
Her eyes bugged out when she saw my semi-hard prick for the first time. It’s not terribly imposing, but, I imagine, to a young girl who’s never seen one before, it looked huge. I ordered her to move up closer, so that her face was only inches from the tip of my prong. Knowing she’d never seen one before I let her stare at it for a good 15 seconds, before I suggested she take my prick in her hand and move it up and down a bit.
Still goggle-eyed, looking as though she just seen a ghost, she reached out her hand and touched the head. When it didn’t bite her, she slowly wrapped her hand around the middle of my penis and hesitantly began rubbing it back and forth. It immediately responded by growing to its full length, which brought a slight smile to her face.
Soon she had a regular rhythm going, and I decided it was time for step two. I suggested she lick the end of it, and, with a frown, she told me she’d rather not. I explained I wasn’t asking her, I was telling her. After a few moments of hesitation, followed by my threat to go back to the full 72 spanks, she leaned her head forward, stuck out her tongue a few inches and licked the very end of my prick.
?Again!? then, ?Again!?, until she had gotten to the point that I could feel the moisture from her tongue bathing the underside of my penis, causing the most exquisite feeling.
Finally, I could hold out no longer and directed her to take the head of my penis in her mouth. Again there were several moments of hesitation, along with a pleading look on her face, that told me she’d rather kiss a frog, but when I simply said, ?All right, 72, then,? she quickly opened her mouth and enclosed it over the head. I let her hold it there for close to a minute before I grabbed her head, ordering her to use her tongue and forced her toward me, until she was enveloping close to half of my length.
I then began a slow back and forth motion with her head, causing her eyes to look pleadingly up into mine. I continued the exercise until the feeling sweeping through my body caused me to close my eyes and savor the pleasure of her tongue and mouth.
?Well!? Oh, my God, it was Edwina’s voice from the doorway. My whole body stiffened, and Bea tried to pull away from her chore, but my hands were locked on the sides of her head.
?You finally found something to do with her mouth that doesn’t entail eating me out of house and home, I see! I hope she’s better at performing this task than she is at most of the jobs I’ve given her.?
Then I felt her hand patting me on the shoulder. Encouraged by her support, I pulled Bea’s head farther down on my prick until her lips were almost touching my pubic hair, causing the most pitiful and heartfelt sputtering, coughing and choking sounds to begin emanating from Bea’s throat and mouth. Along with the guttural sounds she was making, she had added a slurping noise that added to my pleasure immensely.
I knew I couldn’t last much longer with the added excitement of stuffing Bea’s mouth, and the guttural sounds coming from her gurgling mouth, and, sure enough, I suddenly stiffened as fireworks began going off in my head. I stiffened and actually had forced my penis down into Bea’s stricken throat. I held her there for long moments, as she struggled to get air into her depleted lungs.
I finally released her head and it shot off my hardness, as she gasped to replenish her air supply. She looked absolutely drained, as she sat there before me gulping in air, her nude body shaking like a leaf before me.
Edwina again patted me on the back and mentioned something about Beatrice probably not needing any supper after the supply of protein I’d just fed her. She then began to leave the room, saying something about such a poor performance deserved a spanking. I stopped her with the announcement that she was due a spanking right away anyway, but not for her blow-job, but for her failure to finish last night’s homework.
This stopped Edwina in her tracks, and she spun around and returned to stand behind me.
?I’d like to watch then. As a matter of fact, please inform me any time you are planning to punish the wretch, and I’ll do the same with you. I believe it adds to the humiliation, knowing someone is watching while she’s being disciplined.?
Without further ado I grabbed Bea’s arm and began pulling her up to place her over my lap. She began sniffling before I had her lovely bare buttocks placed properly over my knees. There was still a patina of redness covering her backside, as I placed her so that her cheeks were directly in the center, her torso leaning over one side and her legs hanging over the other.
I began the spanking immediately, bringing my hand as far above my shoulder as I could get it before sweeping it down with a loud splat on Bea’s already reddened butt cheeks. The first blow brought forth a slight yelp, and each succeeding slap caused a slightly louder screech, until, by the tenth strike, she was bellowing with gusto.
As the screams increased in intensity, so, too, did the redness on her entire ass, which was actually beginning to turn a deep crimson by the twenty-fifth spank. Eventually her right hand moved back to cover her buttocks, and I was forced to grab it with my other hand and force it up to the middle of her back. The screams eventually turned to pleas for mercy and promises to do anything, including suck me off again.
I was still naked below the waist, and my manhood had actually begun to grow with the excitement of the moment, and Bea’s infernal twisting and twitching of her stomach against it. By the time we had gotten to the 36th and last blow it was poking against her in a most ungentlemanly manner. I swept her off my lap onto the floor and ordered her to sit in her chair so we could get on with her studies.
Edwina chuckled as she saw my upstanding ardor and patting me on the back she withdrew from the room. My tearful charge pulled herself up to a standing position and asked if she could ‘pleeeease’ remain standing for the coming session.
I stridently demanded she sit down immediately, and, with bitter tears rolling down her face, she forced herself to sit uncomfortably on her stinging inflamed rear end.
Thus the lessons began. Several times I was ‘forced’ to twist the nearest prominent nipple to bring her attention back to the homework from trying to sooth her reddened buttocks with her hands. Her attention also wavered occasionally to look down at my flaccid penis. I suppose it was a bit unfair not to have dressed again, but I was enjoying her fascination with this new distraction, so I remained pantsless throughout the tutoring session.
When we had finished the lessons for the day, I put my pants and boxers back on and left Bea working on the next day’s assignment. I went downstairs and found Edwina in the living room enjoying a glass of wine. She immediately rose from the couch, sliding over to brush against me, as she rubbed my cock with her hand.
?God, I got so excited watching you force her mouth on your cock and then spanking her afterward. If it wasn’t time to get supper ready, I’d rape you right here, but I can assure you that’s in the near future.?
Her hand continued to manhandle my handle. ?Wait until tonight. I’m gonna make you so horny and then we’re gonna fuck until your eyes pop out. I promise I’ll stay away from the liquor tonight. I can’t wait.?
She rubbed my penis until it was hard as a rock, then turned and left to get supper ready. It was a sadistic thing to do, but I was ready to be raped!
If you enjoyed this story so far (or didn’t), I’d love about it at [email protected]. If I get favorable response, I’ll continue the episodes.
...Alley stroked his hard member, and watched it harden even more... Mr. Roberts' groans encouraged her to further explore. One hand was stroking, while the other hand really was exploring, near his sac. Upon reaching his balls, she felt his hand push her long hair behind her ear then lift her chin so he could see her face. Alley," he gasped. "Alley... I... I... " BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! She slammed her hand down on the annoying alarm clock, shutting it off, and cursed it in her head. He was...
TabooI knocked on the door to Tanner’s house. We were supposed to meet up for a tutoring session. Tanner was a senior in one of my American history classes and I begrudgingly agreed to provide him some tutoring at his house, after school, provided, of course, his parents agreed.“My mother says it’s OK,” Tanner had told me only hours before. So, as I stood there, having knocked on the door twice, I was sadly disappointed when no one came to the door. I was about to leave when suddenly, the door...
OccupationsMy sister Kate and I were seventeen, twins, and in our junior year of high school. That's where our similarities ended. She was popular, athletic, outgoing, and had lots of friends. I was her polar opposite: nerdy, socially awkward, only a handful of friends. Pretty much irrelevant in our school's world. The only thing I knew I had going for me right from day one of high school was my brain. I was smart. Really smart. Top-of-the-class smart. But as high school dragged on, I found I had...
TeenThe memo on the information board in the foyer was a request for volunteer tutors. As I had a light schedule in this semester of college, I decided to attend the information session and see what's involved. There were a dozen others in the room as they discussed the need for tutors to assist immigrant students with their English language skills and studies. I signed up and was told to report back the next day to meet my student.I was both pleased and surprised to meet Jahzara. She was a young...
MILFI’m Andre. I am a teacher for 7 years now. I’ve been teaching Math since then. Math, practically the most difficult subject you’ll ever encounter if you’re not really into numbers and into solving. Anyway, I’m about 6 feet tall. Has a moderate body build and has six pack abs, dark brown hair and eyes. But I cannot really be proud of something aside from my six buns in my abdomen and my you know what. And also, my looks, I’m quite the cute guy but not the very handsome one. A few girls and...
It's mid July and school is out and to earn a little extra cash I have begun tutoring a few students in need of help. So far I have been working with three students, two girls and one boy. They come to my home for two to three hours on different days to get help with thier studies. Today is Wednesday and Marcie is scheduled for the afternoon for help with her anatomy class. She has been here three times so far, but she's running late today. When she arrived I showed her in and we were getting...
I'd remained on campus during Spring Break along with a few otherstudents. My roommate Jason, had gone home to Boston for a couple of weeks,leaving me with some quiet time. I'd planned to catch up on an essay I waspreparing for one of my classes. I went down to the kitchen to get some ice before I settled down tostudy. As I went through the living area, I spotted Kevin King, talking toone of the other guys in my Frat. He looked up nodded then winked at me. Iretrieved a bucket of ice from the...
It has been a while since I tutored, most of my time lately had been taken up with setting up the business with my partner and dealing directly with clients. The next step in growing the business was to take on new staff either as employed or contract depending on where they were. My partner was only a business partner but she had carried out deep tissue massage on me a few times and her hands new exactly what they were doing with my body. That was the message I was trying to get across when I...
story starts under the line, I don't usually write taboo stuff, I don't even read it, but like an hour ago, when I decided I should write a new story(this whole thing was written edited and submitted in less than an hour, and I sure as hell won't revisit it) this brother sister thing just came to me, and if you don't like that kind of thing, I'm sorry, please don't read this story.Here we go:------------------------------------------------Ted was masturbating in his room, looking at some porn...
At the end of a long week, I opened up my email to find a message in my inbox with the subject "Feedback." I clicked it open. It was from someone who called themselves "DeLuxious." In the message, DeLuxious introduced herself as an admirer of my erotic short stories. She said she was an English and art major, and she wanted to know if I could help her with a story she was writing for one of her classes. I had never thought of myself as a tutor, much less an accomplished wordsmith, but I...
I was 34 years old when my life changed forever. My name is Sara and I am teacher in a Midwestern school. I was teaching introduction to algebra to a class full of 18 year olds. As in every class there was one boy that just didn't get the math. He was persistent and determined but he just didn't get it. He would do extra work and would even stay after school for instruction but no matter what I tried he just couldn't figure it out.The boy's name was Todd. He was small, skinny and kinda plain....
I've never had much luck with women. It's not that I'm unattractive – my looks are average at worst. I stand at about 5'11, with blonde hair, green eyes and a slightly muscular build. It's just that since I was a freshman in high school, I've loved computers. My mother bought me an old computer from one of her work friends and from the minute I turned it on, I immersed myself in the world of computer electronics – programming, hardware, web design - anything that interested me. Needless...
It was a Thursday after school it was 4:00, my parents were at work so I was home alone, suddenly I heard a knock on the door so I answered the door it was my math tutor. My math tutor was a big black man but very smart he had glasses and talked like a rich white man, he was very nice and extremely smart. So invited him in and he sat down so I said to him: I'll go grab my backpack I'll be right back, okay. So on my way back into the living room suddenly my saggy pants fell down dammit I...
GayContinuing from My Daughter’s Tutor III, told from the tutor’s POV. If you don’t remember, my name is Amber. For over a year, I had tutored a young woman named Sofie. One day, I came over, and Sofie wasn’t there. Long story short, I ended up fucking Sofie’s mom, Roxanne. That developed into a great relationship. That also meant that I would have to be replaced, as Sofie’s tutor though. Roxanne had gotten her a male tutor for the next semester of college. I don’t know why, but it was just not...
My parents noticed how Tom and seemed to stop fighting almost overnight. About two weeks after we started fucking we'd learned to avoid petty little spats completely. "I'm so glad you two are learning to love each other." "Oh that we are Mom," I told her. Tom looked like he was biting his tongue. We learned to value the privacy we had. But we knew that we would be sooo dead if Mom and Dad knew what was going on. So we limited our games to immediately after school. We never played if...
Last summer, Christy decided that shewanted to go back to school. Having only a high school education, she wanted a career, not just a job. Enrolling at the local university, she chose to educate herself in computer science. She lived in a small town, and with limited funds, Christy was only able to afford the community college. Her decision to return to school was made late in the summer, so only a few core classes were left to take, as the majority of the selection was already booked....
This story involves Domination, BDSM, face sitting, lesbians, group, etc enjoy!This little story is about me meeting a girl named Madison; she’s 19 years old. She moved to Ireland with her mother and step sister Brittany, they were from America and came here since their mother had some love problems and needed work. Madison is bisexual and single, Brittany was also bisexual but is in a lesbian relationship with her best friend Abby, and they practically lived together.She moved into my town and...
Last summer, Christy decided that shewanted to go back to school. Having only a high school education, she wanted a career, not just a job. Enrolling at the local university, she chose to educate herself in computer science. She lived in a small town, and with limited funds, Christy was only able to afford the community college. Her decision to return to school was made late in the summer, so only a few core classes were left to take, as the majority of the selection was already booked....
Mature…Alley stroked his hard member, and watched it harden even more… Mr. Roberts’ groans encouraged her to further explore. One hand was stroking, while the other hand really was exploring, near his sac. Upon reaching his balls, she felt his hand push her long hair behind her ear then lift her chin so he could see her face. Alley,’ he gasped. ‘Alley… I… I… ‘ BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! She slammed her hand down on the annoying alarm clock, shutting it off, and cursed it in her head. He was just about...
A month had passed since I taught Sam how to handle a cock. She told me that she had jerked Oliver off 10 times since then and I was honestly a little jealous until she let me know that it was time for her next lesson. I'm going to pick up the story with what should have been the ending of Part 1 but reliving that first day with Sam had me shooting a huge load before I even finished telling the story. I walked Sam to her car from the library. We exchanged a somewhat awkward hug after what had...
My friend's little sister Samantha was nervous about pleasing her first boyfriend and asked me to help give her some hands on experience during the course of their relationship. All of my stories are true accounts of my experiences. If you haven't read the story about my first time with Nancy, check it out. Otherwise some quick background: I'm a 32 year old Asian-American engineer. I went to college only about 10 minutes from where I went to high school which led to a number of story worthy...
Chapter 1 I've worked with Marie at the insurance company for just over two years now and we've become really good friends. It's a big company, we're at the world headquarters, and there are thousands of people working there. Marie is somewhat older than I am, I'm twenty-three, she's thirty-four, we're both single and she has a fifteen-year old son, Robbie. Marie doesn't talk much about her former husband but I know he cheated on her a lot and even hit her a few times when he got...
A month ago Bob Dole had hypnotized his beautiful Asian tutor Jessica Tan into becoming his personal love slave. He took her to his friend's house on that same weekend and had her entertain their fantasies by making her dress up as some video game babe for their pleasure as well as having her have sex with them. Bob Dole then taught his two other friends Michael and Ian how to trick their own tutors into allowing the boys to hypnotize them and also turning them into their own personal...
One day early in December, I went to the cafeteria to join Pete for lunch. There were two girls with him. I knew one of them. Her name was Macy, a tall redhead majoring in business. I wasn't sure if she was Pete's girlfriend, as she wasn't the only one I had talked to on phone or had seen together with Pete. All phone calls from girls were for Pete. I rarely got phone calls for myself. The other girl was shorter and had long light brown hair. When I went over to the table, we were...
The first thing I did when I returned to residence from home was to call Stephanie. Nobody answered the phone. I kept on calling every hour and before five o'clock Stephanie answered the phone. I ran over to her residence to meet her for dinner. I saw her in the lobby and we kissed for what seemed like a day before we went to dinner. Stephanie didn't invite me to her room, as Betty was there. We kissed good night and I returned back to my residence. The next day I went to the cafeteria to...
Saturday Morning Ian's Bedroom A naked Jessica lied on Ian's bed. She was spread-eagled. Her beautiful face, mouth and pussy were covered in dried cum. Earlier that morning she had been used as a human pillow by the three fat nerds. They woke up before her. Bob woke her up. "Slave. Wake up," Bob cried, as he was tugged on her arm. Jessica woke up. "Man my cock still has cum on it," Mike looking at his naked body. "How about we take a shower," Ian suggested. The 3 boys and...
Smith used this time to let his mind wonder. Wonder over to the tutor, that is. Kate was a stern, severe looking, young, blonde woman, the sort that obviously needs some meat up her bum and some warm piss in her belly. Smith was just imagining what Kate would look like in stocks with a bald shaved head when the bell rang and the class, relieved, started filling out. He waited until it was just the two of them left , before we went over and closed the door. Before Kate could respond, he...
It was 1:58 and I was waiting for the bell to ring so I could get the hell out of class ‘cause I need to get home and play some Xbox Live! I look around the classroom and watch the other students finish their test and pass up their papers to the teacher, Ms. Marianne. Since I finished up early, I really had nothing to worry about. I search through the bundle of students until I saw a girl who I was really interested in. Her name was Jennifer Celeste, she was hot! She was a mix of Latino...
This is my first post here, one of many adventures which I hope you will enjoy as much as I have! I’ll start with a bit of background about me, I’m 24 years old, about 6 ft tall and 80kgs (175lbs) have blond hair and an 8 inch dick.A few years ago, near end of high-school, I was being tutored by a 23 year old girl for maths. The tutoring arrangement had me going to her house one week and her coming to my place the next week. I had been tutored by the same girl for almost 4 months now and since...
It all started in my freshman year of high school in my culinary class I took just to get chicks, I met the most beautiful girl ever and her name was Maralee. She was a year older than me but I didn't care and I luckily partnered up with her and got to know her really well. She was 5'6", had 36 C tits, a great set of legs that lead to an amazing ass, I also have a small feet fetish and she didn't dissapoint with her size 8 feet with the cutest little toes ever and what looked like the softest...
The next morning I toured around the campus trying to find a place I could hang around between my dinner and midnight. I was disappointed. I went back to my room and stayed until it was about time and went to the girls' residence. There were no girls in the lobby, but I saw a guy. He was a slim guy about my height with brown hair and green eyes. He studied me briefly. "Are you Juan?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm Juan. How do you know?" He reached out his hand. "I'm Morris. We're going to...
Pete told me that Jane didn't get pregnant. Pete even admitted to me that he actually felt for Jane and referred to her as his girlfriend. He told me he had many girlfriends in the past but never had such a feeling he was having with Jane. I suggested he should carry additional condoms in his wallet. In fact I knew I had to carry them in my wallet from now on. I had been performing very well in my classes. I even got a good grade in my English class with helps from Stephanie. She did very...
I was driving home after a long day at the wheel and as I came closer to my destination my cock twitched inside my tightening sheer panties.Ten miles down the motorway I took the familiar turn off to the secluded spot where i was hoping to meet a cd admirer or two.As I pulled in I was disappointed to see that mine was the only car in the vicinity but of course this meant i could do a spot of preparation while I waited.My pussy and cock are always shaved smooth as are my legs as wearing...
You are a 19 year old male and came home from your technical institute. Your parents asks you to sit down. "Son, we are so disappointed with your school performance! From now onwards, while both me and your dad are at work, you will be having a tutor to motivate you to study!" Your mom said in an angry tone. Before you could reply, your mom says, "Me and your dad have already gotten a tutor for you and you will do everything she says!" Your mom and dad rushes off for work leaving you alone at...
BDSMAs a golfer Chandler kept himself very fit. His strong legs with their well-defined quadriceps and calves were just as hot as the rest of him. I eagerly worked them up and down, getting closer and closer to his nuts. When Chandler spread his legs so I could get to his upper thighs better, I realized he didn’t have on any underwear and that his family jewels were shining. Raising my eyes, I look at the thin trail of silken hair that ran from his navel down into his shorts … and then I saw...
GayBethenny struggled to open the heavy door while balancing her book bag, coffee, cell phone, and laptop. She was already running late for her 8:00am class on deviant behavior and Professor Englehardt was notorious for reducing grades based on punctuality. Pulling the door open, she saw her coffee cup falling from her hands in slow motion toward the marble floor of Breckenridge Hall. Before the cup landed on the floor and spilled its contents, Bethenny saw a very expensive pair of leather shoes...
Being the daughter of wealthy entrepreneurs has its drawbacks. One of them is that you have to maintain an appearance of an upstanding young lady, which usually means lots and lots of classes: piano, ballet, horse riding... Kesley hated every second wasted learning shit she doesn't. She should be out there, enjoying herself with her friends and fucking college boys. She has a woman's body, after all. The type of body that even older men can't take their eyes of. Not everything was that bad,...
TeenThe first time I sucked a cock was when I was forty eight. I’d always been drawn to men, but because of society's attitude towards homosexuals and my strong religious background I suppress the urges. I kept telling myself that it was just a passing phase and that if I ignored it, it would go away. I was a volunteer tutor with the college athletic program. To keep them eligible for sports I helped both young men and women with their studies. Over all the years that I volunteered there was never...
First TimeBethenny struggled to open the heavy door while balancing her book bag, coffee, cell phone, and laptop. She was already running late for her 8:00am class on deviant behavior and Professor Englehardt was notorious for reducing grades based on punctuality. Pulling the door open, she saw her coffee cup falling from her hands in slow motion toward the marble floor of Breckenridge Hall. Before the cup landed on the floor and spilled its contents, Bethenny saw a very expensive pair of leather shoes...
VoyeurWe spent the week in the familiar pattern. We went to another movie on Saturday, a romance movie. I couldn't find a place that suited our needs so we stayed in the restaurant until it closed. I walked Stephanie back to her residence and we ended the night with our usual platonic kiss. The following week was the exam week and the tutoring center was closed. I spent most of the time in the library studying with Stephanie. Both Stephanie and I were going back home for the winter recess....
Monday — School Time — during recess All 8 boys were sat together by a table: Ian, Mike, Bob, Gomez, Kraven, Alvin, Doug and Gregory. They all had a good time at Ian's place on the weekend. Their lives have been forever changed. While all 8 boys were busy eating their sandwiches, 3 of the most famous jocks in school and their cheerleader girlfriends were passing by. They were Carmichael and his girlfriend Alice, Billy and his girlfriend Trish and Luke and his girlfriend Suki "Hey guys...
The doorbell rang wresting Zach from his daydream. He frowned as he headed to the door, he certainly wasn't expecting anyone on the weekend. He opened the door and was surprised to see Devon, one of his summer students standing there. 'Oh, Devon, he said, what a surprise how can I help you?' Mister Peters, said the boy, I need your help with some problems. He seemed on the verge of tears as Zach stepped back to let him in. Look, I don't have much money to pay you, but I need help. Zach looked...
Author's note: I have chosen to leave this as one long story rather than submit it in parts that I sometimes find distracting. My hope is that some might turn the "pages" only as far as they find satisfying while others might prefer to follow it to the end. It's how I like to read them here.*My wife, Judy, and I have been engaging lately in exposing her naked body to all sorts of men as foreplay to great times of sex between us that she likes to use as her excuse to do it. She has long been an...
Hi readers and I’m new to this site and I really enjoy some stories posted in here and some of them are exceptional hats off to you guys and girls after reading some stories. I got the courage and idea to write down my own story which happened with my teacher. I’d confusion over under which category. I should post this story but then decided this category is appropriate more over this story is 100% true and any ladies of any age who wanted to become naughty are allowed to contact me at This is...
The night I got back home I called Stephanie. After a brief chat Stephanie told me to call her again at eleven o'clock. I called Stephanie from my bedroom again at eleven sharp. Stephanie answered the phone immediately. She told me she was using the phone in the kitchen and her parents were in bed by that time so we could talk more freely. We talked for a while when Stephanie raised a question. "Are you having any Christmas parties at home?" Stephanie asked. "No, I'll be with the...
Honey had just finished releasing her ecstasy, covering my face with the evidence of it. My husband, Tommy had emptied his hot seed on my ass. Reaching behind me, I wet my fingers with my husband’s cum. I rolled off the bed and kneeled in front of Rob’s enormous cock. I wrapped my moistened fingers around his shaft and sucked the bulbous head into my mouth. If he couldn’t cum by his own hand, or by the pounding he’d delivered to Honey, I was going to make damn sure he came by mine. I pressed my...
Group SexA young man is given a very special Little Black Book by a mysterious Gypsy Fortune Teller. He uses the magical book in an attempt to seduce the office bitch. How that turns out is very interesting.= = = = = I don’t usually pay any attention to the fortune tellers at the street fair that is set up each Sunday along the sidewalks near my apartment. I know they are all fakes. The only thing for sure about them is that everything they tell you is a lie. But this one was different. She was sitting...
Fantasy & Sci-FiTraveling for events and presentations is one thing I like very much. Stay at the best hotels, dine at the best restaurants, and if you get lucky, you can find someone for sex as well. This happened to me when I was attending an event. As usual, I was staying at a star hotel. After the event, I was down at the poolside when I noticed Sandhya, a married woman, with her husband, Shyam. I was about ten to fifteen years younger than Sandhya and her husband, Shyam. Sandhya was fit for her age, had...
Pandora?s box Pandora?s box????????????????? An error of judgementAs the rope started to bite into my wrists I struggled to turn my body and pull my arms out from behind my back. My efforts had no effect, and my captor?s hold on my arms remained vice-like as the rope was wound around and between my wrists. I glanced at the mirrored door of the wardrobe to one side and saw myself, standing in only my bra and panties, while my hands were tied by another partially naked woman standing...
Writer’s note “All names and information about characters in this story are fake and altered for the reason of privacy” Part #1 ~ Being a very attractive woman, with super sexy looks at my twenties, I had a side job of being a “call girl” but not any call girl; I was specialized in meeting VIP’s, rich and high class men and very big shots in town, being bisexual woman gave me the opportunity to meet very important women as well, as all of my secret and discrete clients, on my private and...
This is the story to narrate, how I got the attention of this lovely chick. I work at a Departmental Mall, and so does she. Nadia is her name. I must say, she's the most beautiful creature on earth. I love her because the shoulder-length blonde hair, the vivacious face, and the nice curvy figure make her a celestial being. A pair of 36C tits, as round as her hips, are set proportionately with her slim waist. The close-fitting dresses accentuate the voluptuous curves of her body; it always...
Straight SexI stayed, even though my libido was satiated for a while. I felt it was my duty to observe, and later record in my journal, all that happened. I didn't know how, or even if that journal might become valuable some day, or who its value might assist. That is why I witnessed them sink to the depths of perversity. After each wife accepted her husband ... she accepted the others as well. They went on like that for hours. Eventually even Cynthia succumbed to the depravity, and was bred in equal...
Hello Everyone. I’d like to start out by apologizing for taking so long to write the epic conclusion of this love triangle of a story. In my defense it took me this long to get the full story from all of the characters and for enough action to transpire, but I digress. I hope you enjoy it and leave comments and ratings! This story is 100% true. I know each character personally. A Rock and A Hard Place 3 (Conclusion) April 8th, 2013....
Growing Up I have always been infatuated with girls as far back as gosh I say 4 yrs old. I knew right away they were so different and I was always jealous until around 8 yrs old . I would play Barbie doll dress up with my older sister (2 yrs older) when we were growing up and loved to dress and undress them and always having the urge to look up the dresses. Even though they were just dolls I liked looking under dresses which led me to looking under real girl dresses. At this time I am about 6...
I stand at the bar and I feel like I’m part of a bad dream. I can’t get Kenny’s sex scene out of my mind; it is running through my thoughts in a continuous loop. The young blond thrashing her head side to side, thrusting her tight little ass against Kenny’s hard cock. I must admit it was definitely exciting to watch as he rode her hard doggie style slapping her ass and pulling her hair. My body is still feeling the effects. I can only describe the feeling as nervous excitement throughout my...
MILFIt was a miserable rainy Saturday as Tony made his way round the Supermarket, to do his weekly shopping. The drizzly weather matched his downbeat mood. Shopping was a job he hated, but the loss of his wife after only three years of marriage, killed by a drunken driver, was a blow he was finding it hard to recover from.. For the last four months he had existed from day to day with nothing much to look forward to. Any meaningful life for him had died with his wife, now he was on a sort of in...
EroticI am high ranking official in a big MNC and I am required to travel a lot. I am out of town for almost 15 days a month. I am 45, my wife 38 and my son is 17.I have a solid sex desire all the time and I always enjoy with high profile call girls while out of town. I am a broad minded man and have insisted my wife many times to indulge in extra marital sex, may be wife swapping. But she has been refusing.Once I was required to go out for 8 days at a stretch, which I told my wife and son. As luck...
IncestHe was over at her apartment as usual and stared blankly at the TV, while she was in the kitchen preparing dinner. He came out of his reverie and looked over at her. They had been together for a few months and things had been good, very good -- she was pretty, smart, and they made each other laugh. Furthermore, she was physically his type; a petite five footer, slim with small breasts, with a gorgeous smile. But now he was confused. And hurt.Thu set the food on the table. He mumbled thanks then...