Honey, Sweet Honey Pt II free porn video

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Honey had just finished releasing her ecstasy, covering my face with the evidence of it. My husband, Tommy had emptied his hot seed on my ass.

Reaching behind me, I wet my fingers with my husband’s cum. I rolled off the bed and kneeled in front of Rob’s enormous cock. I wrapped my moistened fingers around his shaft and sucked the bulbous head into my mouth. If he couldn’t cum by his own hand, or by the pounding he’d delivered to Honey, I was going to make damn sure he came by mine. I pressed my lips further down the length of his shaft, relishing the taste of my husband’s cum on this relative stranger’s cock. I felt his hardness flinch inside my mouth.

Since there was no way for me to get his entire cock in my mouth - it was just too damn long - I stroked my cum covered hand up and down the length of him while I sucked hard and fast on his rounded head. My other hand cupped his sac, feeling it tighten against my palm.

Honey joined me then. On her knees beside me, she caressed my fingers as she began fondling his sac and slurping Tommy’s smeared cum from Rob’s cock. Tommy sat on the bed watching as Honey and I took turns sucking Rob in. Teasing the tip of his cock with darting tongues.

He smiled stubbornly when I glanced up with questioning eyes. For all of his rigidity and quakes that twitched his cock, Rob would not release his load for us. No matter how hard we tried.

“I want to taste you, Rob.” I pleaded. I was beginning to think we were doing something wrong. He simply continued smiling and shrugged his broad shoulders.

Catching a glimpse of our silent conversation, Honey stood, straightening her clothes, and headed for her bag on the dresser. Apparently she’d had her fill and was done with us. We watched in silence as she removed her corset and replaced it with the dress she’d been wearing earlier.

“Sorry, guys.” she said, slinging her bag up onto her shoulder, “ I’ve got to go. My boyfriend is going to start wondering where I am.” She strolled over to place a kiss on Rob’s cheek then leaned down to kiss Tommy’s. A little fire seemed to burn in her eyes as they met mine. A smile brightening her face.

“Will you walk me down to my car?” She held out her hand to help me rise from my kneeling position. I couldn’t help but smile back at her. Gah, she’s so fucking gorgeous! I hated to think of her leaving. She’d been so much fun to play with. So much fun to watch. The way her hips twitched when she walked. The way she moaned when I touched her. The way she was somehow able to bend over and take the entire length of Rob’s enormous cock. It was unfathomable.

I slipped my jeans and tee shirt on over the shorts and bustier and quietly followed her into the hall. Leaving Rob and Tommy with their dicks in their hands. Quite literally. We stepped into the elevator and watched the mirrored doors close in front of us. She had me pressed in the corner before I knew she’d moved. She was kissing me with such intensity it hurt. But damn it all, I was still hot for her. I cupped her luscious ass and pulled her body close to mine and lost myself in her kiss. Honey sucked and bit my lips. The wonderfully sweet taste of cum still fresh in her mouth.

We were still enjoying the taste of one another when the elevator doors slid open. The night clerk had the clear look of an awed spectator as he watched us walk through the main lobby. We walked silently, hand in hand, to her car. She popped the trunk, sat her bag inside. After closing the trunk she turned to lean against it.

“Come home with me.” Honey whispered, pulling me closer to her. “My boyfriend would love to get a taste of that pretty little twat of yours.” She licked my parted lips, heating my body all the way through.

“I can’t, baby.” My words betrayed my desire. I slipped my hand between our bodies and traced the slit between her thighs with my middle finger. “Tommy would never forgive me if I ran off like that.” Honey pressed her hips closer to my hand.

“Please.” she pouted. “No one has ever made me squirt like that.” My stomach tightened, I wanted her again.

“Then come back upstairs. Let me do it again.” I kissed her, hard, wanting to taste her sweetness. When she pulled away her eyes were no longer hot with ecstasy. They had turned sad.

 “I’m never going to see you again, am I?” she asked quietly. I knew she was right. We’d be leaving this place soon. This was the last time I’d get to touch her.

“No.” I whispered, kissing her gently one last time.

I watched her drive away, wishing I could go. It would’ve made me happy to stay buried in the sweetness of her desire for days at a time. But, in the end, I had to return to the real world. I walked back into the motel lobby, not quite as happy as I’d been just moments ago.

 “Hey baby.” the door guy called. Without even looking at him, I flipped him the bird.

Fucking perv.

With thoughts of Honey dancing in my head, I returned to my room. I knew it would still smell like her. Like us. I bit my bottom lip in expectation as I opened the door.

Oh. I’d all but forgotten the guys were still there. Tommy was stretched out on the couch against the far wall. Rob sat at the foot of the bed, a beer in his hand and a towel draped across his lap. I couldn’t help but smile as I realized he was still sporting a decent wood.

“Tommy passed out on ya, huh?” I laughed softly, closing the door behind me. That was my Tommy. A few beers and a piece of ass always put him right to sleep.

“Yeah, guess so.” Rob shrugged. I watched him in the mirror as I grabbed a beer for myself from the little fridge. His eyes never left my ass. I could see his cock dance under the little white towel.

What a waste of a good hard on. I turned and met his sparkling blue eyes in the dim light of the cheap motel room.

“How come you didn’t get off?” I asked bluntly, twisting the top off my beer. I couldn’t read his expression but his gaze was intense. He drained the last of the beer form the bottle, never taking his eyes from mine. It was almost eerie the way he looked at me. I felt myself squirm under the weight of it. His lips turned up in a smile, softening his eyes. He patted the bed, beckoning me to sit next to him.

I took my seat. His body was so rigid. So hot as I sat so close to him.

“Can I tell you something?” His breath tickled my skin as he whispered in my ear, causing chills to spread across my skin. Without meeting his eyes again I simply nodded. “I didn’t want her. I want you.”

Those simple words rippled through my body. The idea that this beautiful man desired me and not the incredibly gorgeous woman who’d just left us caught my core on fire. It made me want him desperately.

“Really?” the word escaped my mouth as a rushed breath. He didn’t respond with words. His smoldering blue eyes belied the truth.

Though I was transfixed by the look in his eyes, it was more than evident that his enormous male anatomy was engorged and dancing beneath the towel.

I slid my hand across his thigh, headed for that piece of him my body had begun to ache for. He stopped me before I could touch it. I tilted my head. Bewilderment clearly synched in my brow . Again, without speaking, he glanced over his shoulder at my sleeping husband. I took his lightly whiskered chin in my hand and turned him back to face me. Playing his game, I answered his silent question without words.

I pressed my lips to his, sweeping my tongue inside his warm mouth. He tasted like sex.

He cupped my breast in his hand and squeezed it just hard enough to make me moan against his mouth. I could feel his breath catch. He pressed harder against my lips. His tongue dancing lavishly against mine. Desire burned through me. Every inch of me ached for his touch.

He drew a ragged breath and pulled away from our kiss. Gently laying me back on the bed, we scooted toward the headboard. I was still in my jeans and tee, along with the corset and tight boy shorts. I sat up so Rob could ease my shirt over my head. He took his time, keeping my arms extended over my head as he sat straddling my legs and kissing the exposed skin of my breast. Higher, he nibbled at my collar bone. His lightly stubbled cheeks gently tickling my skin making my stomach tighten in anticipation. Rob bit my neck raising goose bumbs all over my body. I shivered.

As the shirt slipped over my head, he gently bound my hands within it’s material. Holding me hostage as he kissed and licked and suckled my ears and neck. I pulled against the restraint needing to touch him. He held tight, refusing to let me go. Desire shown in eyes as a devilish smile played across his lips. Oh, gah, this man was driving me wild.

I all but forgot that we weren’t alone until Rob stifled my moan with a hungry kiss. He finally released my hands from their bondage then put a finger to his lips. Shh.

His large hands made easy work of the button and zipper on my jeans. He stood next to the bed, all of his beautiful nakedness dangerously close to my face, as I lifted my hips so he could slid my jeans off. I reached out to caress his bulging cock and again he stopped me. My hands trembled with want to hold him.

He slid into the bed beside me. His body pressed hard against mine. I could feel the magnitude of his rigid cock flex against my bare leg. I bit my bottom lip, silently begging him with desperate eyes to touch me. To let me touch him. Let me taste him.

My body was on fire with want of his touch. He was a magnificent piece of living art. Beautifully sculpted and alive with color. Eyes from one of the many portraits permanently painted on his chest continued to longingly watch my every move. My hands refused to stay still. They wanted to feel the muscles that danced just beneath Robs skin. To caress the definition of his stomach. And hold his cock firmly in their grasp.

“Show me.” he demanded in that rich, deep voice. The words were barely a whisper but he was so close they were plain to hear. Not quite sure what he wanted me to show him, I reached for his throbbing cock again. “No”. he whispered. He placed my hand on top of my burning mound and pressed my fingers down. “Show me.” he repeated.


The satiny little boy shorts were already soaked. I slid my hand inside, pressing my fingers in between the swollen lips. As I began to move my fingers back and forth against my engorged nub, Rob pulled the damp fabric of the shorts to the side so he could see exactly what I was doing.

Having his eyes on me, watching me so intently, breathing ragged breaths of desire, I rubbed harder. Faster. As my pussy began to contract, readying to explode in ecstasy, Rob placed his hand on mine. Stopping me. I turned my head quickly, locking gazes with him. That devilish smile was back as he shook his head ‘no‘.

I was breathing hard. My body was aching with need . Yet he continued to hold my hand still. His eyes darkened with desire as I raised my hips showing him how badly I craved his touch. He nipped my bottom lip gently with his teeth before he descended upon me with a kiss so laden with passion my head began to swim from the force of if. A growl of severe pleasure rippled from the back of my throat.

Rob withdrew his reddened lips from mine. His gaze scanned down the length of my body and back up again to meet my eyes.

“Slowly.” The warm breath of his whispered request brushed my cheek. I closed my eyes as I felt his hand release mine. It was so simple a gesture. Yet somehow it was so divinely erotic it caused my entire body to tremble.

Tall, with a well honed body even the Greek gods would admire and covered in tattoos, he was at first sight a menacing man. Now as I lay beside him I found in him an unfathomably gentle person who unbalanced even my open minded belief in others. Although his desire was evident against my thigh, he seemed to want nothing more than to revel in the pleasure I offered myself.

Rob was carefully observant as my fingers moved slowly in tiny circles against my own tangible desire. His left hand caressed my hair as his right hand continued to keep the damp material of the shorts from obstructing his view. I wanted to close my eyes and get lost in the moment but I couldn’t look away from his face.

His beautiful blue eyes wide, his nostrils flaring. He looked like a starving beast stalking his prey.

I’m his prey. My fingers moved just a fraction faster. I watched his tongue slide across his parched lips, whetting my desire all the more. As if by their own accord, my legs spread wider. My fingers slid lower. Exploring the wondrously sodden folds of my most delicate body part, a soft moan of delight escaped my lungs.

Rob’s cock twitched against my leg at the audible sound of my desire. I bit my lip wanting to touch him. To please him. But I knew he wouldn’t let me yet.

First one finger, then two, filled the soft fleshy sheath that wept with rapture. My eyes closed, disobeying my command to keep Rob’s lustful gaze within sight. As darkness descended upon me, I felt my pleasure escalate. Rob’s long finger made firm circles against my clit. My fingers diving deeper into the convulsing grasp of my now very sensitive pussy. Again, his lips consumed my mouth as I let go moan after moan of utter delight.

The harder I moaned, the harder he thrashed his fingers over my throbbing nub. The entire world seemed to disappear as on orgasm tore through my body. My back arched high. Rob pushed his fingers deep in my mouth to keep me quiet as I continued to draw out the exquisite ripples of an overpowering release.

I opened my eyes to find him watching my face as the waves of my orgasm began to subside. He was smiling widely. His blue eyes sparkling with a need I couldn’t wait to fulfill for him. I turned toward him, fully wishing to climb on top of him and find out what that gigantic rigid cock felt like buried deep inside my whetted body. Instead, he took my hand in his and placed it on the bulk of his throbbing manhood. He sighed at the touch.

Predator becomes prey.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of his beautiful face as it twisted and contorted in ecstasy. His desire coming dangerously close to detonation as I stroked the long hard shaft with both hands. The sensation of his cock pulsating, drawing nearer his release in my hands, drew my warm wet center closer to him. As I stroked his cock, I pressed the engorged head of the massive member to my wet slit. Guiding him inside to tease his cock with my clit.

Rob’s hand sprang up to my breast, squeezing tight as the first ripple of his orgasm rolled through his body. His cock jerked and twitched, spewing rope after rope of hot cum against my clit. I rocked my little wet nub against the spewing slit of his cock as my hands continued draining him dry.

His eyes came open with a start when the tide of the orgasm ebbed back a little. I returned the same friendly smile as he’d shown me. Without thinking of what I was doing, I put my fingers to my lips. The taste of his seed tangy and warm against my tongue. He growled as a tremor racked his body.

Rob pulled me tight against his chest. His lips just grazing mine in a gentle kiss.

“You’re absolutely stunning, Scarlett.” The praise was no more than a whisper against my skin but the power of the words echoed through my soul. I was speechless.

Rob wiped himself off, handing me a warm wet rag to do the same. I watched him dress. Still dumbfounded by the beauty of him.

He kissed my forehead and bid me ‘good night, love’ then walked out the door.

I’d never see him again.

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Honey Select

Welcome to Honey Select, the premiere 3D sex simulator where you build your ultimate girl from scratch, and then have her in all kinds of sex positions where she’ll do anything you want.In Honey Select, you get one of the most detailed character creation kits I’ve seen in all of gaming. From basic things like her outfit and hair, to details such as her pubic hair and fingernails, every inch of her body can be constructed for maximum boner action.The game isn’t limited to girls either. Honey...

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1 year ago
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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 1

This story is a sex fiction story and all the ideas are imagination of mind and may be true and I do not know that. If there is any resemble to this I will be most happy to give life to Honey. My name is Honey. I am 18 yrs. only. I don’t know why god has a created me because i don’t have neither any external sexual beauty nor any internally sexually extraordinary. I am a totally black looking young girl with figure of 30-28-32 and my face also like hose shaped and every one dislike it. My...

3 years ago
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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 3

When Queen Eva is prepared sex wonderland all the family members of started crying , preying for mercy from both Queen Eva and Honey.They are telling Honey we will be your sex slave until our death please forgive us. But it is not possible to reverse the process so at last Queen Eva gave a suggestion that only the soul has been transferred from one body to another now both the body will remain in one body that is two soul in one body and all agreed to it. Now the elder son of Honey told that...

3 years ago
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For the Presidents Eyes Only Project Sweetpea

For the President's Eyes Only: Project Sweetpea By DEE DEE PERRI CHAPTER 1 The agent's eyes swept the crowded room once again with professional efficiency. To one untrained in his science, it would appear as a casual, almost bored, cursory examination of the restaurant, but a skilled observer would have noted the brief, almost imperceptible pause- the agent had detected something interesting. Now using the menu to partially obscure his actions, the man visually confirmed his...

1 year ago
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A sad depressed and bittersweet story

A sad, depressed and bittersweet story. Disclaimer: All though inspired by a real story, this is fiction. It is a story-taking place in a horrible society where money and money only makes the world going round. Disgusting events according to Danish standard are described and I would wish that we could save the world back from Denmark, so people did not need to go trough such a life, but we can only watch the unjust to happen. The solution has to come from the government on the Philippines....

3 years ago
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Honey Chapter One

Honey - Chapter One By Katharine Sexkitten "Bullshit!" Linda looked at Sandy, who just shrugged her shoulders. "He says he isn't," she replied. They both looked at me. Linda smiled. She was one of those people who, when they smile, it's like their lips disappear and all you can see is glaring whiteness. She looked like she had about a hundred teeth in her mouth. "Oh, puh-leeze," she snorted. I looked at Sandy for support, but she shook her head a little, like she...

1 year ago
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Honey B

Adam Spicer was sitting on his deck with his morning coffee, watching the sun rise, when a flash like the reflection off of a mirror caught his eye. There shouldn’t be anything down there, especially at this time of morning. He unfolded his 6 foot frame out of the rocker recliner and whistled for Teddy, his big Heinz 99 hound. Together they headed down toward where he had seen the flash, near the creek running through his property. Teddy, as mentioned, is a big mixed breed hound about the size...

2 years ago
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Honey BareChapter 11

The phone was ringing as I unlocked the door and stepped into my apartment. Automatically,.I glanced at my wrist, wanting to check the time. My wrist was bare. My watch was still in the bathroom, coated with mud. It wasn't much past noon, however. "Hello." "The same to you, sleepy head." Honey oozed honey right over the phone. "You sure sleep soundly." "I've been up for hours. I've been out in the rain, and I just got back.' "Then you're probably ready for lunch. How about...

2 years ago
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Honey Sweet Honey pt I

After several years of futile attempts at maintaining gainful employment, my husband, Tommy, and I decided to try to make a living as truck drivers. We thought of it as an opportunity for adventure since we were both young and had never traveled farther north from our home in Florida than Tennessee or farther west than Louisiana. We quickly adapted to the lifestyle. Living, eating, sleeping, working and fucking in the crowded confines of our seventy-two inch sleeper bunk. We had only been on...

4 years ago
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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 4

I first thanks Indian sex stories for publishing my story and I am finding a new way to live the life to have a fan club. I personally thanks all of them. Now after getting the message from Queen Eva of Sexome planet we all the family members started for the planet and with one twinkling of eye we all reached the sexome planet and the planet is no bigger than our moon but the peculiarity is that the whole planet is covered by a transparent membrane so that none can enter except through the...

2 years ago
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Honey Girl

Honey Girl By Marci Manseau Chapter One - Missing Mom Hi! I'm Andy. I bet you don't know many boys who like to be girls. I'm going to try to tell you all about me here. I hope you like my story. -~- Linda, my best friend, and I were at my house after school and we were bored, as thirteen year-old kids frequently are, so we began to roam around the house. We were in my dad's bedroom when Linda opened the closet that used to be my mom's. "How come all your mom's clothes...

2 years ago
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Honey for SaleChapter 2

I was holding the check out to Jeb, but he wasn't reaching to take it and I began to worry that he might back out of the deal. Jeb scratched his balls and sniffed his fingers; the odor must have met with his approval because he looked at me, rolled the match stick in his mouth to the other side and said. "I got a couple stip-a-lations ta add ta this'en greement." He said trying to sound all lawyer like. "What kind of stipulations?" I eyed him suspiciously. "Well," he paused, "you...

3 years ago
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Honey for SaleChapter 3

I set the table for three and cleaned up what I could as Beth finished dinner. I would have helped with the cooking but I suck at it. I can grill enough to be able to get through a small bar-B-Q but that's about it. My wife accuses me of being the only person she knows that can burn water. Honey came into the kitchen; I assume she was ready for bed. She had on a faded yellow Sponge Bob "T" shirt that didn't come all the way to her navel and a pair of her new panties. For some reason she...

3 years ago
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Honey BareChapter 8

After a while, when our passions had somewhat dissipated, we 'came back and snuggled together on the couch. Automatically, it seemed, as we were lying on our sides with out bodies pressed together, our lips meeting. Our kisses were lingering and affectionate, yet stimulating because our lips were still highly sensitive. We played around, kissing lightly, our tongues caressing each other. Then her lush breasts probed against my chest, lovely cushions — so soft and heated, the tips strangely...

2 years ago
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HoneyFilled Romance With My Girl

Hi hello to all ISS readers. This is dilip kumar(name changed) from Bangalore. I am a regular reader of ISS from past 3 months and i was introduced to this site by the heroin of this story. By reading others stories i got motivated to write one of my incidence. you can send your feedback to my mail id ‘’. Coming to my story which happened a couple of days back and waiting for the next chance to meet her. I love her from past 4.5yrs and even i am in physical relation with her from past 3.5yrs....

3 years ago
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HoneyChapter 3

I went down the hall to Mom’s room and saw a light under the door. I rapped lightly with the back of my knuckles and waited. After a while, I decided that she was maybe taking a bath or was already in bed and didn’t hear me. I went upstairs to my room, took a shower and was drying off as I walked back to my room. Mom was sitting on my bed and I grabbed my towel up to cover myself. “I heard you knocking but I was in the tub. By the time I got to the door you were gone so I came up here. I...

1 year ago
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Honey Thats Not Me In My Body Part 2 The Missing Episode Disney Censors Couldnt Approve Of And Will Never Ever Broadcast

Honey, That's Not Me In My Body! Part 2 - The Missing Episode Disney Censors Couldn't Approve Of, And Will Never, Ever, Broadcast. by the Television - TG Writing Team Supreme... Eric, & Caleb Jones (For those who missed it, Part 1 will be rerun in syndication soon... and all essential information from it is recalled and reflected in the 1st part of this story) It should be noted that the release of this fiction is NOT authorized by the Disney Corporation but they still...

2 years ago
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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 5

AT FIRST I THANKS ISS & MY READER BASE WHO SUPPORTS MY THOUGHTS. My reader is telling we are tired of nursery, primary level sex of unhooking bra, pressing boobs,entering cock in the cunt but you are giving us university sexperience by your eroticism, perverseness and kinkiness. Those who have not were a sex condom they please were in your brain to overlook incest and taboo, they will see only cunt and cock. Let us come to my story when the group of people coming to earth went to the base for...

2 years ago
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Honey And Jamun Sex

Hi I am a regular reader of this site and I am my Sujo from Mumbai Tamil girl. My height is 5.3 inch and my boob is 36 d nice around shape and I have very big ass too. I am married and my age is 23 and my husband is 25 and I have 1 year old boy baby with love marriage and we lived happy in Mumbai. Sex with another man it just happened 1 year ago. It’s a true story and I stay in Chawl and next to my house his uncle stay with his children. His wife expires 4 years ago. His age was 37 but he was...

4 years ago
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Honey Hollow

Welcome to Honey Hollow! Scenically located on the shores of (REDACTED great lake), we're a lovely port city of 75,000 inhabitants. Now, we might not have breathtaking mountains lined with chalets and ski resorts, nor do we have a charming riverwalk overlooking a mighty river, and we aren't the perfect setting for higher learning. So what do we have for you, potential visitor? Honey! We're the town that likely provides the tasty honey you fill your cravings with. Don't listen to what those...

2 years ago
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Honey BareChapter 14

The rain was gone. The sky was clearing rapidly. From the couch in the front room of my apartment I was able to see the moon shifting around behind the cloud clumps. I'd turned on the radio and it was playing softly. A short time ago it had been midnight and they'd given the news, a long with the weather report. "Today, Monday, was to be a beautiful day. No rain. No smog. Lots of sunshine." And I still didn't have a client. But I had Honey. After she'd made the telephone call from...

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Honey Dippers

In this story a ‘Honey Dipper’ is slang for a waste-water and sewerage removal vehicle. The men who work the trucks are called ‘honey dippers.’ These men used to clean the waste out of out-houses but now clean up the waste in septic tanks. They also empty the waste out of porta-potties at major events and for road construction crews. The waste is then taken to treatment plants where it is flushed, filtered and treated. The remnants are then burned or made into fertilizer. This is the short...

2 years ago
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Honey Can I

Ben looked up as his wife Julie walked in and sat down across from him. After more than a dozen years of marriage, he knew when something was on her mind, so he lay down the newspaper he had been reading."What's up, babe?" He asked her before she said anything."You know I told you about that client of mine, Henry?" Julie asked.Ben knew about Henry, he seemed like a nice old guy. He had been sort of a grandfather figure to Julie back when she was trying for her license so she could open up her...

3 years ago
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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 6 Concluding Part

I am Honey in Sexome planet and only ever youth of 18 Yrs. due to the atmosphere of the planet and given birth to a female child after impregnating by my shemale daughter Electra.Here Hero my husband is also fucking his daughter Evlyn and Queen Eva and my daughter has become 10 months here means 10 Yrs. in earth.Here Hero fucking all three together and also we three having a good lesbian time and here the function of the plant comes to play. The plant has got a life of it’s own and it’s flower...

4 years ago
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Honey Dippers

In this story a "Honey Dipper" is slang for a waste-water and sewerage removal vehicle. The men who work the trucks are called "honey dippers." These men used to clean the waste out of out-houses but now clean up the waste in septic tanks. They also empty the waste out of porta-potties at major events and for road construction crews. The waste is then taken to treatment plants where it is flushed, filtered and treated. The remnants are then burned or made into fertilizer. This is the short...

2 years ago
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Honey BareChapter 7

Honey was topless, except for the bra that she'd been wearing under the blouse. It wasn't a costume bra with the usual frills and fringes, but rather an everyday bra that women wear. But on Honey it was special. It wasn't really everyday in any sense of the word. Black and sheer, it tried to cover all of her breasts. But there was just too much for it to handle, and there were luscious mounds above the cups. She was still facing me, letting her hips sway provocatively in time to the...

4 years ago
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Honey for SaleChapter 5

Labor Day was fast approaching and it looked like that Beth and I had all of our bases covered. All three of the girls were so excited I had to bring in a few of Beth's regular lovers to keep the girls from killing boner and me. We decided to let the six of them live with us for the couple of days before the party and they would chauffeur the girls to the event. Sugar discovered that it would be Father's Day in Australia and New Zealand the Sunday before Labor Day, so my women promised me...

2 years ago
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Sweetness Chapter 1 (1) It started with an accident. I mean that; I did not want one of my many secrets getting out, but you can't plan everything. In my case, I didn't plan on rolling my SUV. It was a Thursday and it was early, too early. I had just left the golden arches and with a fresh cup of piping-hot coffee, I was ready to start my work day. The sun wouldn?t make an appearance for a while yet; when you own your own company, you start early and stay late, and I almost...

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