Honey, Can I? free porn video

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Ben looked up as his wife Julie walked in and sat down across from him. After more than a dozen years of marriage, he knew when something was on her mind, so he lay down the newspaper he had been reading.

"What's up, babe?" He asked her before she said anything.

"You know I told you about that client of mine, Henry?" Julie asked.

Ben knew about Henry, he seemed like a nice old guy. He had been sort of a grandfather figure to Julie back when she was trying for her license so she could open up her very own spa.

That was a dream of hers even back when they had been dating. Her plan was to have her own place, where they did things like body wraps, massages, hair and nails, a sauna and hot tub, even working with mostly women who struggled with extra weight, things like that.

Basically a full service day spa. Ben was thinking it would be primarily women going to a place like that. He also was thinking it probably would not make very much money, but he loved his Julie with all his heart and wanted her happy.

That old man Henry from just a few doors down the street had done a lot to help Julie setting up the place, he had been a construction worker before he retired so adding walls and doing plumbing and wiring was easy for him.

Henry had even came over several nights and helped her with her upcoming massage board exams, for some reason the old guy seemed to have a lot of knowledge about the massage profession he had gained somewhere.

The two of them sat there as Henry went through the list of names of muscle groups, crazy names to Ben but what with government and all he did sort of understand. Why in the hell did they need to call someone's butt a "Gluteous Maximus" was beyond him. Butt, or fanny was way easier in his mind.It got worse from there so Ben sneaked away to his garage and left them to it.

Henry never asked for anything in return, so Julie had invited him over for a nice dinner a few times. Ben had found the guy likeable, and he was full of stories about the old days.

Now Henry was a regular client at the spa that Julie ran, just once a week and she never charged him anything. She had several other women on staff, commission type workers that she said were independent contractors.

One mostly did the workout and gym type classes, the other one worked one of the massage rooms on commission and also did things like body wraps which Ben found to be silly. Wet Salt and Aloe Vera, dumb stuff like that. But people paid good money to have that done, so Ben never gave it a second thought. There was an older lady that did hair and nails, that was great because she already had a good list of clients when she took over that section.

Julie mostly took care of the office and paperwork now, plus she had a couple of dozen regular clients of her own.

The surprise was how much money her business brought in, nearly as much some months as Ben's own contracting business. There was a safe bolted to the floor in their bedroom closet, the thing was full of bundles of cash. For some reason nearly everyone paid in cash, practically unheard of in the current business world.

He never dreamed that a business like that could do so well. That actually had caused one small argument, Ben needed a new loader machine and Julie wanted a Mercedes so they disagreed on what was more important.

But Julie was adamant, so finally Ben told her, "Go BUY the fucking thing then!" And went to work.

That evening he got home to find a new Silver Mercedes sitting in their driveway.

She had paid for it in cash?


"Yes, what about Henry?" Ben had no idea at all of what was up.

"You know he is over sixty? And he lives alone?" Julie had a funny look on her face.

"Sure, what are you getting at?"

"When I am working on him, he gets..you know.. excited?"

Ben almost laughed but managed to control that.

"Honey, you are one fine looking woman. What in the hell do you expect? I bet that happens all the time when you are doing massages."

"Yes, I know. Of course it does with some of the men customers, but with Henry it's...? I don't know what it is, but I want to.. take care of that for him." She blushed profusely.

"Take care of...? What? You want to whack him off? Is that what you are saying?" Ben was staring at her in surprise. It was probably the last thing he expected.

"Don't say it like that, I just want to give something back. He is all alone, and he has been so nice, helping me and all. He doesn't have a wife, and he lives by himself."

"Lots of men don't have wives, and lots of them live alone?"

"With Henry it's different for some reason. I just want to make him happy, is all. Besides, it's just hands, you know. Touching?" Julie's eyes were downcast.

"So what are you going to do, turn your business into the neighborhood cathouse? Besides, that shit is i*****l!!" Ben growled. He could feel his temper rising, something rare for him.

"Please don't get mad, honey. It's nothing like that. Just forget I even suggested it." Julie hopped up and went into the kitchen, acting irritated herself.

Things seemed a little cool around the house after that, but Julie didn't say anything. Ben just let it go, better to keep his mouth shut than argue.

Julie sure did sometimes act a little bit on the dumb side, but that was part of what he loved about her.

But a few weeks later she came up with a large chunk of the money for his new loader, that streamlined his own operation so things were really going well.

Then he got the job to put in most of the new shopping center complex in the next town, and life became a whirlwind so he forgot all about their brief conversation.


Ben had never had any reason at all to question Julie, she was in nearly every respect a perfectly normal housewife.

What he loved about her was the fact that she was always happy, and she was the most willing female he had ever known in their bedroom. Not that Ben had any huge experience in that department, just a few short term girlfriends in college.

Well, quite a few. When a man is young and surrounded by young females, things happen.

Ben lost his own virginity at Spring break the first year in college, things were a bit drunk and for some reason one young girl he met had an interest in him.

Normally nothing would have happened since he barely knew her but booze got in the way and she was there in his bed when he woke up. Nothing shy about her, either, three of his buddies were sharing the room and she got up completely naked to use the bathroom. The other men in the room watched her, she didn't care at all. Then she came back out and climbed back under the covers with him. He did notice that there were a few other women in the room in various stages of undress and none of them seemed particularly bashful either.

Ben had no clue what her name was, he never saw her again after that. Not something he was proud of and he hadn't bothered to ever mention that night to Julie after they got together.

He met Julie a few months later, she was working as a cashier for the Summer at a grocery store.

He asked her out and she accepted, one thing led to another and they became an item. Julie did have wonderful hands even then, and after a half dozen dates one ended with her using her hands to relieve Ben.

It was rather clear that she was not without experience at doing that. It took some scrubbing later to get the sperm spots off of the headliner in his car, how she managed to create the most amazing orgasm with her hands was beyond him.

Not long after that Julie allowed Ben access to her bare breasts. They weren't large but were nice and firm, and her nipples were very sensitive. Licking one while rolling the very tip of the other with his fingers caused her eyelids to flutter and Ben thought she may have climaxed from just that.

That part of their relationship was wonderful, both of them were eager to be together all of the time.

They decided to get married in their junior year, it was a small ceremony and Julie came to him pure that night. Sex itself was a learning curve for both of them, thus nothing spectacular right at the beginning although they managed. The few spots of blood left on the bed sheets assured Ben that he was the only man to ever get that far.

By the end of the next day their lovemaking was improving rapidly, Ben found himself so sore that his foreskin swelled up. Julie was in the same condition, so they gently rubbed Cocoa Butter on each other, giggling the whole time.

Early on they really could not afford much of anything, so playing around with each other was the typical evening entertainment.


Even then Ben knew of Julie's dreams of having her own place since she talked about it a lot, and it took some time but finally finances were good enough for her to give it a try.

The final check from a fairly nice government construction job was enough to buy the building. That was the one good thing about government, his bids didn't need to be all that competitive.

Plus helping one city councilman with a garage addition, and doing all of the underground work for the mayor's new house helped with the votes. Ben knew very well how the game was played.

Julie was happy almost beyond belief! That evening after they had signed the papers she knelt down in front of Ben's chair and proceeded to give him a combination hand and blow job, even to the point of swallowing. She did make a bit of a face, but she actually did that. Ben then took her on the carpet in their living room, another first for them.

The place they bought had six rooms, one entrance office that doubled as the hair and nails area, one for the sauna and hot tub, the four smaller rooms used mostly for massages and doing body wraps.

And it made money! That part was hard not to like, and it never once crossed Ben's mind that Julie would consider doing anything at all against the law.

So her suggesting what she did about serving old Henry just flabbergasted him.


It was about a month later when Julie brought that up again. She cleverly waited for the perfect moment, Ben was in their bed and Julie had both hands on his groin, working her usual magic.

"This is what I would to do for our friend Henry if you let me." She told him.

Ben got the part about it being "our" friend. But she had him right there and she knew it, of course, all Ben could do was groan as he shot off all over her hands.

"So, what do you think?" Julie asked, after Ben had settled down.

"About what?" Ben asked.

"Henry. You never really gave me an answer." Julie reached out and stroked Ben's belly.

"Oh, hell! If you want to WHACK the old coot off, go ahead and do it, I don't care." Ben retorted, irritated.

Julie withdrew her hand at his outburst, Ben almost never got short with her.

"I'm sorry. Please don't get mad at me, I won't mention it again." She said. Ben didn't say anything, thinking that was the end of it.


A couple of months later Ben was getting ready to go out and mow their small piece of lawn when he heard a mower running. Glancing out, there was Henry on his big double bagger bright red Craftsman mower.

That was a bit of overkill, because three swipes with that thing and it was done.

The old guy was always doing something for them it seemed. Ben went into the kitchen, grabbed a couple of beers and went out to visit.

"Nice day, huh?" The old man took the cold beer gratefully.

Yes, sure is. Thanks for mowing for me, you don't have to do that, you know." Ben told him.

"Least I can do, I want to pay you guys back. Great of you to let your missus take care of me." Henry grinned.

Ben stared at him for a moment.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked.

"Oh, the massages and all. A single old guy like me doesn't have any real outlets, it helps. Plus not being bashful is great, Julie sure does have a fine set on her!" Henry cackled and took a swig of his beer.

Ben knew right then. Julie had not said a word about anything. His face darkened, he barely managed to not knock Henry right off his mower.

Henry spotted the reaction.

"Oh. Shit! Damn, I'm sorry, Ben. Julie told me you gave her permission? Hell, it's just touching, no big deal." He sounded suddenly a bit frightened.

Ben turned and walked into the house, sat down. He knew he needed some time, because if he confronted her right away, he had no idea how that would turn out.

Julie came out a few minutes later, she had been in the laundry room loading the washer.

"Did you get the grass cut, honey?" She asked.

"Henry did it." Ben growled.

"He is so nice, isn't he?" She smiled.

"Yeah, he said he was happy to do it since you are so nice to him down at the spa." Ben said.

"Yes, I..." Then she realized Ben was upset.

"What's the matter, honey?" She asked.

"What's the fucking matter? How about you jacking off the old coot, with your tits out for God's sake?" Ben yelled.

"Honey, I..? You told me you didn't care?"

Ben thought for a moment. He knew what he had said but he hadn't meant it that way.

"You let him play with your tits? I suppose you blew him or fucked him for crying out loud?"

"No, it's nothing like that. He is just older, so it's hard for him to...?" Julie stopped at that, her face turning red.

That was enough, Ben turned and walked out the door, jumped into his truck and spun the tires down the street.

Good lord was that woman dumb.


His cell phone rang nearly instantly, of course it did. He ignored it. By the time he got his head back straight he realized he was over a hundred miles away down the freeway, so he pulled over to think.

How could Julie be so dumb? Ben had gone down to check things out when she had opened up the place, but after that he was so busy with his own company that he never paid any attention. He knew the names of the people Julie had on staff but had never been around any of them long enough to know them.

The next thing he knew, Julie was bringing home piles of cash and stacking it in their safe? What in the hell kind of business was she running, anyway?

Shaking his head, he started the truck and drove back home.

Julie was sitting in her chair when he walked in, it was clear that she had been bawling her head off.

Ben sat down and waited.

"Honey, I'm sorry." She finally wailed.

"Look. How can you be so dumb? Doing stuff like that will get you busted, it's against the law, you know."

"No, not really." She answered.

"Why not?"

"He doesn't pay me any money, and it's over at his place, not at the office."

"What? Now you are going over there? You are carrying on with that old man behind my back?" Ben raised his voice.

"It's not like that." Julie went back to sniffling.

"It sure as hell sounds like that." Ben growled.

They sat quietly for quite a long time.

"Julie, tell me exactly what you did, and don't leave anything out!" Ben finally demanded.

"It was a few weeks ago, Henry suggested that it would be nice if I..touched him a bit more intimately? I knew what he meant of course, so I told him maybe but it couldn't be at my work, you know why. Plus it had to be all right with you."

"Go on." Ben sighed.

"So I asked you, and you told me to go ahead."

Ben blinked at that, yes, he had said that, but...?

"Anyway, I went over to his place, and gave him a massage. Then I..did him...you know, like back when we were dating? The first couple of times were easy, but then he couldn't ... you know, he is an old man? So he asked me to show him? I know that turns guys on like you get? So, I let him look and he rubbed some lotion on me back. That's all it was, honest!" Julie told him.

"So how many times has this happened?" Ben demanded.

"Five, or maybe six times. I wouldn't have done it but you said I could."

"That is not the way I meant that!" Ben said.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"So how would you like it if I went to one of those massage parlor places?" Ben asked.

"I wouldn't mind, honey. It's just hands is all." Julie told him.

"What? Oh, sure! Jesus, I don't get you."

"I am serious. It's no big deal. If you want, I can have Marci drop by the house? She doesn't do anything at the office but she has some clients on the side."

Ben looked at her in surprise again.

"You mean, the Marci that is on your staff? She does hand jobs?" Ben couldn't help it, he snickered at that. Marci was about 5'3" and close to 200 pounds.

"Yes, privately. Or how about Cindi? You haven't met her, she is cute. She brings in the most money for us." Julie told him.

"What kind of fucking place are you running down there?" Ben demanded.

"We are real careful, honey. The girls though, they have special clients that they...you know? It's just the way things are, people all want that."

"Wow. I had no idea. Now I know why you do so well down there."

"I thought you did know." Julie told him.

"This is a lot to accept, Julie. Plus I don't like the idea of you with that Henry guy. I mean, come on, you are my wife!! Letting him rub your tits? Isn't that a bit much?"

"I'm sorry. I won't do it anymore. It's just that, back in school every single guy I ever dated wanted that, including you."

"So you are a Madam? Which makes me a pimp, since you and I own that place? How in the hell can I be married to you and not know this is going on?" Ben demanded.

"I don't do any of that myself, well. Except for Henry. The girls are all independent, I just rent them room space and get a percentage is all."

Ben shook his head, started to get up.

"We are doing a bit over $15,000 in profit a month and that should double in another year or so." Julie told him.

"Really?" He asked.

"Really." Julie smiled at him.

Ben sat back down.


The amount of money coming in was ridiculous, Ben sat in their bedroom and counted it. Damn, there was even more piled up than he had figured, and now he could go buy that new excavator he wanted.

He had forgiven Julie for that stuff with Henry, after all, it was just like she said, hands. That stuff never hurt anyone, he was thinking, looking at the neat bundle of bills.

He stuffed it back in the safe. They would need to be careful, after all, if the IRS found out that would be a problem. Sure, this kind of stuff was wrong but nobody was being hurt, so he really didn't give a damn.

Then over dinner, Julie told him that Henry had been calling for an appointment.

"He has? I thought that stuff was over with him."

"It is, I sent him to see Cindi a couple of times but he keeps asking for me." Julie said.

"He does, does he? Well, just FUCK Henry!" Ben growled. He got up and went into the living room.

Julie just shrugged.


Ben was on the freeway headed home the next day, as usual, everything had come to a stop. He was thinking that with so much money coming in, he might just quit with the bidding and building jobs, it was all getting to be a pain in the ass.

His mind shifted to Julie, she had three or four clients herself down at her spa. What was it she said, that damned Henry had been calling and asking for an appointment?

That was one horny old coot, no doubt about that. But Julie had told him all about that, so no reason to be concerned.

What was it he had told her? Just FUCK Henry!

That should make the old bastard leave her alo...?


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Honey and the Camera Club

The Improbable Tale of Honey and the Camera ClubBased on an original story by HoneybtgirlAs is usual on Wednesday night I went down to the local camera club. This particular night was very special, as the club secretary had arranged for a friend of his to come in to do a glamour shoot. The term glamour has many connotations and when I asked the secretary exactly who the model was and what we would be doing he gave me a strange look and said, “I am sure she’ll add a little poetry and magic to...

3 years ago
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HoneyChapter 2

I was still in the barn gathering the eggs the next morning when I heard the hoof beat of Honey’s horse. I ran to the door and saw her slip so easily to the ground, then look around to see me standing there. “Billy, I hope I’m not too early. I got up when Pa did and got all my chores done. He told me I could come on over. He told me too that he wanted to meet you sometime today if you would.” “Really? I’m glad you came over early. I’ve been thinking about you since you kissed me last...

2 years ago
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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 19 Moree to Canberra

I was already feeling hungry when I passed through Narrabri, but I kept on till I got to Pilliga National Park. I stopped at the posting of the Park Service to see where the archaeological remains were. I lost both my appetite for food and for archaeology when I read: Deep in the vast Pilliga Forest lies exquisite Dandry Gorge and the magnificent Sculptures in the Scrub. This once secret location of the Aboriginal Gamilaroi People is now an extraordinary place for all to share. Visit the...

3 years ago
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Nic Romanschak's StoriesHoney by Nic Romanschak HoneyMy life had become somewhat tiresome, always the same people, the same sex, the same feeling of emptiness. I suppose I was like every other man, searching for that one perfect woman who would do anything I asked, but I had resigned myself to the fact that there was no such woman. I wanted rough sex, humiliating sex, violating sex, the kind of sex where a woman screams "no" at the top of her lungs. But to no avail, it just wasn't happening....

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Honey Sweet Honey pt I

After several years of futile attempts at maintaining gainful employment, my husband, Tommy, and I decided to try to make a living as truck drivers. We thought of it as an opportunity for adventure since we were both young and had never traveled farther north from our home in Florida than Tennessee or farther west than Louisiana. We quickly adapted to the lifestyle. Living, eating, sleeping, working and fucking in the crowded confines of our seventy-two inch sleeper bunk. We had only been on...

Group Sex
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Honey weds gabby

I have told u bout my sex encounter with honey and cheery .that goes on till i got married to honey. Nw we have liscense for sex. But we are missing our 3rd partner cheery the night we got married . The third day we have to go for our honeymoon in europe for 15days. But the night betwween was our wedding night. And that we celebrated in hotel .honey bokked the honeymoon suite for us. We reach the hotel at 11pm and went to the reception for the keys. The recpitionist gave us the keys and...

1 year ago
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Honey By Jaded I had a set routine that followed a regular pattern. I'd get up around 10am and then after coffee, a cigarette or two and maybe a slice of toast, I'd head through to the front room, roll a joint and usually catch the last half of 'Trisha'. Ah, the joys of morning television - praise the lord for giving people the need and desire to humiliate themselves on camera for all to see. Trisha offers 'oohs' and 'aahs' and 'uh-huhs' at all the right points and then...

1 year ago
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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 2

After my transformation from ugly to beautiful queen , I became ever grateful to queen Eva. Now Queen took out a one foot cock from her cunt, the cock of Adam and told honey this cock has a life and our cunt works as refrigerator so don’t keep it for more times outside otherwise it will be function less. Now Honey check your cunt Honey separated his labia and started to take out a cock and to the astonishment it is also cock of Adam. 1 feet long, 2.5 inch in dia Eva: Honey do you want to take...

2 years ago
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Honey for SaleChapter 4

On the ride home Honey and Sugar sat in the back seat and spoke in muted whispers. Beth and I gave them their space and did not try to draw them out. When they were ready we would be there. I could hear the occasional sob and comforting murmur, but most of the girl's discussion seemed rather lighthearted and there were a twitters of excited chatter interspersed with the whispers. As the trip continued the whispers became less guarded and I would be able to catch the occasional phrase. From...

2 years ago
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Honey BareChapter 13

I blinked my eyes repeatedly and stared at Honey. She was the last person I'd expected to find in Nora's studio. Not because she was young, she'd already told me that she wasn't naive, but because everyone that I contacted either knew Nora, or knew about her. Vaguely I remembered that Honey had mentioned several times that she'd had an important appointment. It had probably been this one. The one with Nora. With no cars parked outside, Honey must have taken a cab, the way she'd...

3 years ago
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Honey BareChapter 6

I closed apartment door and merely stared at her. She was running the fingertips of her right hand through the mass of long and straight honey-colored hair. With most of the weight on one slender leg, her hip was cocked provocatively. She had some of the same humor of Bonnie lurking in the depths of her dark eyes but there the resemblance between the sisters ended. Honey's breasts were exquisite, huge sculptured cones jammed inside the dark sweater. Bonnie asked, "What are you doing out...

1 year ago
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HONEY ebony erotica

Honey was probably the most sensual black girl that I have ever tasted. She was eighteen-years old, a freshman in college, and didn’t have a hint of ghetto in her. Not in her speech or mannerisms. Honey had golden-brown eyes and ebony skin but she was all pink inside. Her toned body came complete with an onion ass that was so delectable that it made me cry just from looking at it. Her breasts were so firm that they never bounced or swayed, even while she rode me. Honey’s most desirous...

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“What a great way to wake up,” I thought to myself. My left hand cupping and massaging a full, tight breast with a rock hard nipple poking into the palm, and my cock pressed between two firm ass cheeks. Her hair smells like strawberries and her neck tastes sweet, but wait, I went to sleep alone. There’s no one else in the house but , but, but, my daughter! I jerked back and away as she moaned, low and long. Finally opening my eyes I see the sprawl of Candice, my only daughter, as she turned...

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Honey Select

Welcome to Honey Select, the premiere 3D sex simulator where you build your ultimate girl from scratch, and then have her in all kinds of sex positions where she’ll do anything you want.In Honey Select, you get one of the most detailed character creation kits I’ve seen in all of gaming. From basic things like her outfit and hair, to details such as her pubic hair and fingernails, every inch of her body can be constructed for maximum boner action.The game isn’t limited to girls either. Honey...

Free Sex Games
1 year ago
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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 1

This story is a sex fiction story and all the ideas are imagination of mind and may be true and I do not know that. If there is any resemble to this I will be most happy to give life to Honey. My name is Honey. I am 18 yrs. only. I don’t know why god has a created me because i don’t have neither any external sexual beauty nor any internally sexually extraordinary. I am a totally black looking young girl with figure of 30-28-32 and my face also like hose shaped and every one dislike it. My...

3 years ago
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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 3

When Queen Eva is prepared sex wonderland all the family members of started crying , preying for mercy from both Queen Eva and Honey.They are telling Honey we will be your sex slave until our death please forgive us. But it is not possible to reverse the process so at last Queen Eva gave a suggestion that only the soul has been transferred from one body to another now both the body will remain in one body that is two soul in one body and all agreed to it. Now the elder son of Honey told that...

3 years ago
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Honey Chapter One

Honey - Chapter One By Katharine Sexkitten "Bullshit!" Linda looked at Sandy, who just shrugged her shoulders. "He says he isn't," she replied. They both looked at me. Linda smiled. She was one of those people who, when they smile, it's like their lips disappear and all you can see is glaring whiteness. She looked like she had about a hundred teeth in her mouth. "Oh, puh-leeze," she snorted. I looked at Sandy for support, but she shook her head a little, like she...

1 year ago
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Honey B

Adam Spicer was sitting on his deck with his morning coffee, watching the sun rise, when a flash like the reflection off of a mirror caught his eye. There shouldn’t be anything down there, especially at this time of morning. He unfolded his 6 foot frame out of the rocker recliner and whistled for Teddy, his big Heinz 99 hound. Together they headed down toward where he had seen the flash, near the creek running through his property. Teddy, as mentioned, is a big mixed breed hound about the size...

2 years ago
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Honey BareChapter 11

The phone was ringing as I unlocked the door and stepped into my apartment. Automatically,.I glanced at my wrist, wanting to check the time. My wrist was bare. My watch was still in the bathroom, coated with mud. It wasn't much past noon, however. "Hello." "The same to you, sleepy head." Honey oozed honey right over the phone. "You sure sleep soundly." "I've been up for hours. I've been out in the rain, and I just got back.' "Then you're probably ready for lunch. How about...

4 years ago
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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 4

I first thanks Indian sex stories for publishing my story and I am finding a new way to live the life to have a fan club. I personally thanks all of them. Now after getting the message from Queen Eva of Sexome planet we all the family members started for the planet and with one twinkling of eye we all reached the sexome planet and the planet is no bigger than our moon but the peculiarity is that the whole planet is covered by a transparent membrane so that none can enter except through the...

2 years ago
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Honey Girl

Honey Girl By Marci Manseau Chapter One - Missing Mom Hi! I'm Andy. I bet you don't know many boys who like to be girls. I'm going to try to tell you all about me here. I hope you like my story. -~- Linda, my best friend, and I were at my house after school and we were bored, as thirteen year-old kids frequently are, so we began to roam around the house. We were in my dad's bedroom when Linda opened the closet that used to be my mom's. "How come all your mom's clothes...

1 year ago
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No Vacancy

Back in my 20s I had the luxury of meeting several older women that frequented the local college bars (gee I wonder what they were looking for?!?!?!) I started routinely seeing one at least twice a month.Lets just call her Samantha for now :). Samantha was 38 and beautiful. Long red hair, green eyes, LONG legs, smart, and just all around kinky in bed. Lets just say she did not mind any hole being filled at any point in time with anything. Her pussy was always shaven clean and smelled fresh. She...

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Hafida the Moroccan

This is the story of my ex-wife, Hafida, whom I had married following atrip to her small home town in the south of Morocco. After reading this,you may think I'm being spiteful, but what the hell! She was no sainteither! We had only been married a few days when I found her arguing vehementlywith her younger sister, Amina. Now, if Hafida is a quiet, seemingly shygirl, then by comparison, Amina is a mouse! I was very surprised then,when I found them engaged in a heated argument! I managed...

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My Wife and the Old Moroccan

This story describes the events of a vacation that my wife, Kim, and I took to Morocco many years ago in the 1990s, at a time before the violent acts by religious extremists were so common. We are both middle-school teachers in North Carolina and had just started our summer break. Since both of us have an interest in the Arab culture, we made plans for a six-week trip to Marrakesh.There is just something about the perceived mysteries of their culture that intrigued us, and I also had been...

2 years ago
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Honey for SaleChapter 2

I was holding the check out to Jeb, but he wasn't reaching to take it and I began to worry that he might back out of the deal. Jeb scratched his balls and sniffed his fingers; the odor must have met with his approval because he looked at me, rolled the match stick in his mouth to the other side and said. "I got a couple stip-a-lations ta add ta this'en greement." He said trying to sound all lawyer like. "What kind of stipulations?" I eyed him suspiciously. "Well," he paused, "you...

3 years ago
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Honey for SaleChapter 3

I set the table for three and cleaned up what I could as Beth finished dinner. I would have helped with the cooking but I suck at it. I can grill enough to be able to get through a small bar-B-Q but that's about it. My wife accuses me of being the only person she knows that can burn water. Honey came into the kitchen; I assume she was ready for bed. She had on a faded yellow Sponge Bob "T" shirt that didn't come all the way to her navel and a pair of her new panties. For some reason she...

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Honey BareChapter 8

After a while, when our passions had somewhat dissipated, we 'came back and snuggled together on the couch. Automatically, it seemed, as we were lying on our sides with out bodies pressed together, our lips meeting. Our kisses were lingering and affectionate, yet stimulating because our lips were still highly sensitive. We played around, kissing lightly, our tongues caressing each other. Then her lush breasts probed against my chest, lovely cushions — so soft and heated, the tips strangely...

2 years ago
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Blue Futanari Supplicant

I woke up early and was standing at the front window, staring out at the street, when Kim wandered out of the bedroom. “You’re up early,” she cooed from behind me. “Yeah, the driver said he was going to be here at seven.” The sky was just beginning to show the colors of dawn. The horizon was an almost majestic purple. “It’s six fifteen,” Kim slipped her arms around my midsection and nuzzled her face into my neck. I closed my eyes. She was still warm from our bed. She smelled like she had just...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Blue Futanari Supplicant

I woke up early and was standing at the front window, staring out at the street, when Kim wandered out of the bedroom."You're up early," she cooed from behind me."Yeah, the driver said he was going to be here at seven." The sky was just beginning to show the colors of dawn. The horizon was an almost majestic purple. "It's six fifteen," Kim slipped her arms around my midsection and nuzzled her face into my neck. I closed my eyes. She was still warm from our bed. She smelled like she had just...

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HoneyFilled Romance With My Girl

Hi hello to all ISS readers. This is dilip kumar(name changed) from Bangalore. I am a regular reader of ISS from past 3 months and i was introduced to this site by the heroin of this story. By reading others stories i got motivated to write one of my incidence. you can send your feedback to my mail id ‘’. Coming to my story which happened a couple of days back and waiting for the next chance to meet her. I love her from past 4.5yrs and even i am in physical relation with her from past 3.5yrs....

4 years ago
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Honey sweet Honey pt II

Honey had just finished releasing her ecstasy, covering my face with the evidence of it. My husband, Tommy had emptied his hot seed on my ass. Reaching behind me, I wet my fingers with my husband’s cum. I rolled off the bed and kneeled in front of Rob’s enormous cock. I wrapped my moistened fingers around his shaft and sucked the bulbous head into my mouth. If he couldn’t cum by his own hand, or by the pounding he’d delivered to Honey, I was going to make damn sure he came by mine. I pressed my...

Group Sex
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HoneyChapter 3

I went down the hall to Mom’s room and saw a light under the door. I rapped lightly with the back of my knuckles and waited. After a while, I decided that she was maybe taking a bath or was already in bed and didn’t hear me. I went upstairs to my room, took a shower and was drying off as I walked back to my room. Mom was sitting on my bed and I grabbed my towel up to cover myself. “I heard you knocking but I was in the tub. By the time I got to the door you were gone so I came up here. I...

2 years ago
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Hot Wife in Cancun

Linda was transferring in as a junior and was a real head turner. One of the best parts about being a Residence Assistance, besides getting your own room and being paid, was the fact that you needed to be at the orientation sessions, so it gave you a great opportunity to check out the new talent before the other students returned to campus. As I mentioned, Linda was definitely one of the new young ladies that was getting the most attention. She was a stunning brunette, with beautiful blue...

3 years ago
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Holiday in Cancun

I never did get to have her friend ride me but Jenny did masturbate for me to watch on a fairly regular basis as part of our foreplay but the idea of her having a series of guys was never taken seriously and gradually was forgotten about much I assumed had her fantasy had been, then after 6 years of marriage we booked a holiday in Cancun in Mexico, just for the two of us as we were leaving our daughter for the week with her Nan it was our first time away from home since the...

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