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Candice: The Bride the Groom Didn’t Recognise

Copyright Oggbashan February 2005

The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.

WARNING: this story is intended for an adult audience. It should not be found in locations accessible to those less than 18 years of age or the age appropriate by the laws of your country.


This is the sixth story of The Silverbridge Chronicles.

Some of the other stories are:

01 Lisa Trains Thomas
02 Lisa’s Adjustable Petticoat
03 The Procession
04 The Vinyl Dress
05 The Clam, The Half-Clam and The Candle-Snuffer
06 Candice (this one)
07 The Cage Crinoline
08 Norwegian Petticoat
09 The Stag Party
10 The Hen Party
11 The Bridesmaids’ Revenge

* * * * *

I stood in the bedroom looking carefully into the long mirror. Although I had caught and tamed George and I was to marry him on Valentine’s Day, I wasn’t happy with my reflected image.

It wasn’t my self-image that was flawed but the real me. As a staff nurse I knew enough about eating disorders and basic psychology to dismiss those factors. I was fit. I had to be. I played football in the Silverbridge Ladies’ team, ‘The Silver Vixens’, so I kept in training.

I also ignored the fading bruises on my legs. They were a normal hazard of being a hard-working defender.

I was slim, rather too slim, almost thin and bony. My skin, particularly on my face, looked dull and blotchy. My hair was a mess. I didn’t spend enough effort repairing the damage it suffered stuffed into protective headwear in the operating theatre. I wore glasses. I didn’t have to look to know that my nails were chipped and ragged. Yet George loved me!

I wanted, for the first time in my life, I really wanted to be attractive. Men seemed to like my company. I had never been at a loss for an escort but… they didn’t look at me as they looked at Jane, for instance. I wanted to be a beautiful bride and not look like a frump in a beautiful dress. The dress would be beautiful because Lisa would make it to flatter my attributes, but I wanted to be beautiful as well. I laughed at myself. I wanted the Ugly Duckling to turn into a Swan – if only for one day! But my laughter was hollow. Impractical though it might me I yearned to look better than my reflection cruelly revealed me now.

I knew I needed help. I had friends. Those friends have skills. The first step was to admit the problem and ask for help. I thought who would be the best person to ask to start the ball rolling, then I picked up the phone…

‘Lisa? It’s Candice. I’ve got a problem I need help with. Can I come to see you sometime soon?’

‘Of course, Candice. How about this evening? Is it a girl-only thing? Thomas will be out but Harold will be here working on the shop’s accounting system. You could see me alone, or can I involve Harold as well?’

‘It’s sort of a girl thing, but I think Harold could help as well if he’s around. Since it’s a Tuesday, George will be at his evening class, so I’m free.’

‘OK Candice. I’m doing a casserole so you could eat with Harold and me, if that’s convenient. Thomas will eat when he gets back.’

‘Yes, please, Lisa. What time?’

‘If you get here about 7pm we could chat a bit before the meal and then get serious afterwards. That suit you?’

‘Yes thank you, Lisa. See you at seven. Bye.’

I rang off. I shivered. I had committed myself at least to discuss my problem. That had been a major step after the first one of admitting that I was unhappy with my appearance. I felt nervous but Lisa, Thomas and Harold were real friends. They wouldn’t laugh at the idea of me wanting to be glamorous, would they? My brain told me they wouldn’t but a small part of me was scared stiff. Some of my friends might laugh because I’d never tried to be anything other than my unadorned self.

I wasn’t even sure how George would react. Would I have to learn to use make-up, to style my hair? I’d been too involved in my work and my football to think about presenting myself as a woman. What might I be letting myself in for?

I made myself switch that subject off and went about my daily life until it was time to go to Lisa’s flat.

When I arrived at Lisa’s flat, Harold was still in the shop, working on the computer. Lisa welcomed me.

‘Hi Candice! Want a drink before we eat? You can have coffee, tea, or whatever.’

‘Thanks, Lisa. I think this time I need some tea.’

‘That bad, eh? OK Tea it is.’

I went into the living room and sat down. I was nervous despite everything I’d told myself. Even though I would be talking to friends I didn’t know how to approach the subject. Lisa came in carrying a tea tray, pot and all. Had she prepared for a long session?

‘Candice, please stop looking as if I’m going to eat you. You know I’m a friend, and I don’t bite friends – at least not often. You’re not going to confess an undying passion for Thomas, are you?’

That made me giggle nervously ‘No. He’s yours. All I want is George.’ I felt a fool as I said it. I was treating Lisa as if I were facing a job interview, not a chat with a friend.

‘In that case I’m not likely to argue. But what’s the problem? It’s a bit early for pre-wedding nerves, isn’t it?’

‘It’s something like that…’ I started to say ‘…but I’m not having doubts about getting married, or George … it’s me!’

‘So what about you?’ asked Lisa ‘Have you got a dark secret and an urge to confess all?’

I couldn’t stop myself giggling again ‘No! It’s just… I want to look good on my wedding day…’ my voice trailed off. There was a lump in my throat. I just couldn’t say what I wanted to say.

I was almost crying. Lisa put down her tea, moved beside me and hugged. That was it. I burst into tears and sobbed on Lisa’s shoulder. We stayed like that for some time. Then Harold walked in, saw me crying and he too hugged me silently. I turned from Lisa, threw myself at Harold and curled up on his lap, still crying.

Harold kissed me on the head. He wriggled a handkerchief out of his pocket and dried my face.

‘Hello, Candice,’ he said in a normal voice ‘It’s nice to see you again. But what’s all this about?’

I sniffed. ‘Hello Harold. I’m sorry to blub all over you two. I just want to look beautiful when I get married.’

Harold paused before asking, ‘What do you mean, Candice? In what sense do you want to look beautiful?’

I looked at him, then at Lisa. I suddenly realised that I hadn’t given them a clue, but had just cried. They must be really puzzled.

I blurted it all out in a rush…

‘What I want is to look the best I possibly can. I want to look beautiful, like Jane or like Frances when they are dressed up. Even just for my wedding day I want to look stunning. I know Lisa’s dress will be great, that Frances and Sandra will do their best with the material they have to work with but they’ll be covering up my appearance. My hair is rough…’

I grabbed a hank and pulled at it.

‘…my face is blotchy, apart from my breasts I’m too skinny and bony, my skin doesn’t feel smooth and my legs are hairy. On top of that I wear glasses. The only assets I have are normal sized breasts and good teeth. Oh – and I’m told I have a great personality. Even that sounds as if there’s an unspoken ‘but she doesn’t look much’. I want to look as if it isn’t just my personality George will be marrying me for. I want other men to be jealous of him on Valentine’s Day at least.’

I stopped and looked at the others wanting a reaction and hoping, hoping that they could help.

Harold asked a question. I just didn’t understand. It seemed so pointless. Harold repeat
ed it.

‘Candice! What do you eat for breakfast?’

‘What!’ I spluttered.

‘What do you eat for breakfast?’ Harold asked for the third time.

‘A slice of toast and a cup of black tea,’ I replied, puzzled.

‘And what do you have for lunch?’ Lisa asked. She at least had realised what Harold was getting at.

‘I don’t usually have lunch. I’m too busy and anyway hospital food isn’t great’ I answered.

‘Evening meal?’ asked Lisa.

‘I don’t know. Depends on when my shift ends. Sometimes a fry-up, often takeaway food. Occasionally George cooks me something simple.’

‘What about training nights?’ asked Harold.

‘Then it’s almost always a takeaway meal. What’s this about? I’m fit! I have to be! I’ve a demanding job and I play for the Vixens. What’s the point of these questions?’

Harold answered for himself and Lisa ‘The point, Candice, is that your diet is rubbish. You cannot be good-looking when you are not eating properly. Not only is your diet completely unbalanced but there just isn’t enough of it. You are starving yourself and what you do eat isn’t any good for you.’

Lisa added, ‘Until your diet is reasonable, your hair, face, skin, and general condition are suffering. You are underweight. Therefore you are skinny and bony. Let’s see your fingernails.’

Lisa grabbed my hands and looked closely at the nails.

‘Look, Candice – see those white marks, the ridges? They scream ‘poor diet’ and show it has been poor for months. Same with your hair. It shows that your diet was poor when that part of your hair was growing.’

Harold chipped in. ‘I’m sorry, Candice. We should have noticed this before you came to us. Someone would have had a word with George and got him to do something. Still now we know. How long have you been living like this?’

‘About four years, I think’ I replied.

‘Four years!’ exploded Lisa ‘I’m surprised you aren’t a patient in your own hospital! You’ve got to change NOW!’

‘Is it really that bad?’ I asked.

‘Yes!’ said Harold emphatically. ‘If you don’t change it won’t just be your appearance that suffers – you as a nurse should know better. You’ll be no use to George, to the Vixens, or to the hospital unless you put your diet right soon.’

‘We’ll start now,’ said Lisa ‘The meal should be ready and you are going to eat it, followed by some fruit. Then we’ll sort out an emergency plan until you get professional help.’

‘Professional help? What sort of help?’ I asked.

‘You must have a dietician on the staff at the hospital. You need advice from them, as soon as you can get it. In the meantime, you need a good meal now, and a different breakfast tomorrow morning. Then we’ll see.’

Lisa walked off into the kitchenette to serve the meal.

‘Are you sure, Harold?’ I asked diffidently ‘Are you sure that changing my diet will help?’

‘Changing your diet is essential. Whether it will help or not is not the point, at least not at first. Once you have settled on a reasonable eating plan then many of your problems about your appearance may be solved. At least you will feel much better in yourself. Do you feel tired, often?’

‘All the time. Sometimes it’s an effort to get up in the morning and I’m not as enthusiastic about love-making as I used to be…’

Harold blushed. I reached up a hand and stroked his cheek.

‘Sorry, Harold. I know you’re embarrassed about such things. You shouldn’t be. At one time I thought you wanted me…’

‘I did. I still do. But I can’t bring myself to make the first step, and now you have George…’ Harold stopped speaking. He had to. I’d covered his mouth with mine. I kissed him slowly and passionately. His hands flapped protestingly as my arms clasped round his head. I loved Harold. For him the admission he’d just made was as great as another’s undying declaration. At one time I’d thought we could have been more than friends but…

‘Hey you two! Break it up! Dinner is served!’ Lisa shouted from the doorway. ‘What is an engaged woman doing kissing Harold so effectively?’ she laughed.

‘He’s just told me that he wanted me…’ I started to say.

‘I’ve known that for years. I’m surprised you hadn’t grabbed him before.’ replied Lisa ‘Aren’t you a bit late now?’

‘Yes.’ I said ‘If I’d known…’

‘But Harold didn’t say or do anything, and now you’ve got someone else. Harold, you really ought to learn to speak out. Unless you do, you’ll never have anyone for yourself. I’m sure George will lend Candice to you from time to time but it’s not the same, is it?’ said Lisa. ‘Come on. It’s time to start feeding Candice up so she can be a proper armful.’

As we passed her, Lisa grabbed Harold and kissed him quickly.

‘She’s not the only girl around, you know.’

Harold protested ‘But you’ve got Thomas!’

‘And she’s got George! That didn’t stop her, did it?’ said Lisa, kissing him again. I tapped her on the shoulder. ‘My turn again, Lisa.’ I kissed Harold again.

‘Come on! I don’t want the dinner getting cold,’ Lisa said. ‘Some day, Harold, we’ll have to have a friends’ meeting about what to do with you and your mother fixation. You’re too good a man to waste.’

Harold started to protest but I put my hand on his mouth.

‘She’s only teasing you, Harold. In time things will work out.’ I took my hand away and kissed him, lightly this time. ‘Thank you for being a friend, and for at last admitting that you wanted me. Even if it’s too late, it’s very flattering for a girl who thinks she looks a mess.’

Harold surprised me. He kissed me. He’d never kissed me before. Oh, I’d kissed him but that isn’t the same!

‘Harold!’ I said when he’d finished ‘Thank you! That’s the first time ever that you’ve kissed me, rather than me kissing you. I like it. Perhaps we can practise some more after dinner?’

Harold blushed again. We hugged him.

During dinner we discussed neutral subjects such as the progress of the two football clubs, the recent events in Silverbridge, and so on. Afterwards we sat down on the settee with coffee.

‘I’m bloated!’ I exclaimed, ‘Do I have to eat so much?’

‘That’s because your stomach has shrunk. You haven’t been giving it enough to work on.’ replied Lisa. ‘You ate less than Harold or me and we weren’t pigging ourselves. You need to eat that sort of amount every evening and much more than you have been for breakfast and lunch. You’ll soon get used to it.’

Harold said ‘How long do you think it will take to get to see the dietician, Candice?’

‘I don’t know. Perhaps a week.’

‘What are we going to do until then?’ he asked, ‘You’ve got to get started now.’

‘She could come here every evening for a meal,’ said Lisa ‘That would give her one good meal a day. George could come too.’

‘Lisa! I couldn’t do that’ I protested.

‘Oh yes you could!’ said Harold and Lisa together. Then they laughed.

Lisa went on ‘I cook a proper meal for Thomas anyway. It’s not that much trouble to double the quantities. We need to get you into a routine fast. How will George take it?’

It was much later before I saw the implication that I was GOING to come anyway. When she wants to be Lisa is a devious as she’s forceful. ‘I should be able to talk him round. I’m not seeing much of him at the moment. He’s trying to clear up as much work as possible before he goes on a residential Management Course. He’s worried about it because it lasts nearly three months and he’ll only be back every fourth weekend and at Christmas.’

‘But that’s nearly right up to your wedding date!’ said Lisa ‘How are you going to cope with the arrangements?’

Harold cleared his throat ‘Well, I AM the best man’.

Lisa relaxed ‘If you are organising it then there should be no problems.’ She turned to me ‘How will you cope without George for so long? Won’t it be a strain?’

‘George has told me to use Harold for ev
erything!’ I winked. ‘Everything! And Harold has agreed. I don’t think they quite knew what they were agreeing to!’

Lisa laughed out loud. Harold blushed bright red as the implication of my emphasis sunk in. ‘I’m sure George didn’t mean that!’

‘Of course he did!’ I said ‘And now you’ve admitted that you’ve wanted me for some time, there shouldn’t be a problem, should there?’

By this time Harold was turning beetroot colour. Lisa hugged him and said ‘If she gets TOO demanding, you can always visit Thomas and me for a refuge. Although she might be here for meals.’

At that point we heard Thomas coming up the stairs. ‘Here Candice,’ said Lisa pushing Harold towards me ‘You can practise while I get Thomas his meal.’ She went out of the room and we heard her greet Thomas and meal making noises.

‘Well?’ I said, ‘Shall we have a practice?’

I was enjoying myself. Harold is one of the nicest men I know, but so repressed. A kiss and cuddle with him would be great for my bruised ego. He needed practice with girls. And hadn’t he kissed me all by himself not long ago? I’d have to be careful though. Whatever I did I couldn’t bear to hurt Harold. He was too good a friend!

I sat on Harold’s lap ‘Or do you want to wait until I’ve improved my diet? I might be irresistible then, particularly if I shave my legs.’ I kissed Harold carefully, then said seriously ‘Do you honestly think it will make much difference?’

‘To your skin, hair and nails – Yes it will. To your overall health, again yes. Hairy legs can be dealt with very easily, I understand, but I didn’t think your legs were that hairy anyway.’

‘They are,’ I said, pulling up my skirt ‘Look!’

‘You are wearing tights. I can’t see much evidence of hairy legs through them.’

‘That’s soon sorted’ I raised my backside and slid the pantyhose down. I kicked off my shoes and made a real production of removing the tights. Harold seemed fascinated. Finally I stripped them off my toes and pushed my leg into his face.

‘Well, Harold, what do you think?’

Harold looked closely. He couldn’t do anything else. The leg was about ten inches from his face.

‘I think that you’ve got a lovely leg. The hair is so fine and because you are a natural blonde it’s just like a faint fuzz. I think the leg is great just as it is. However, I must admit that I’m not an expert on legs. You need someone with more experience – Thomas perhaps?’

Just then Lisa and Thomas came in.

‘What sort of practice is that?’ asked Lisa.

I lowered my leg. ‘I just wanted Harold’s opinion on my hairy legs. But he suggested that your Thomas is probably a more experienced judge.’

‘He is, aren’t you Thomas?’ said Lisa ‘But can I trust him?’

‘Of course you can,’ replied Thomas ‘At least while you are here. Move over, Harold, let the expert have an inspection.’ He knelt down in front of me, picked up a leg and looked at it closely. Then he sat back on his heels and pronounced.

‘That is NOT a hairy leg. Hairy legs are obvious. That is a leg with baby fluff on it. It’s rather attractive as it is. If I were you, Candice, I’d leave the hair alone. I think that if you started to shave or wax your legs the hairs would get thicker and you’d have to keep on removing them. That’s my opinion.’ He stood up. ‘You might want to ask Frances, but I’m sure she’d agree with me.’

‘Thank you, Thomas. And thank you, Harold. Although I’ll take Thomas’ advice and ask Frances it is reassuring that you two don’t think my legs are hairy…’

‘What does George think?’ interrupted Harold.

‘He thinks I’m wonderful,’ I giggled ‘He doesn’t criticise any part of me. He just loves me.’

‘Typical!’ snorted Thomas, ‘Once one of you Vixens gets your hands on a man, all his faculties vanish. Perhaps you are witches in your spare time?’ Lisa and I jumped on him and tickled him.

‘Stop! Enough! I’ll take it back. You are all marvellous!’ Thomas yelled as he was tickled all over. We gradually stopped and I kissed him.

Harold asked ‘Candice, if George thinks you are wonderful, why are you so worried about your appearance? It’s what he believes that is important, isn’t it?’

‘Yes, it is. But he’s infatuated with me. I want to be the best I can for him and I’m sure that I can look better than I do now.’

‘OK. I can understand that. It’s really your own self-esteem that’s taken a knock, isn’t it? Why?’ asked Harold.

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Living Next Door to Heaven 1114 El Rancho Del Corazoacuten

By the late Saturday, the ranch looked like a campground. Mom, Dad, and Anna came in the camper and pulled the horse trailer down. The horses weren't being left at the ranch yet, but they sure got a lot of attention and seemed to like the barn. There was a small pasture right behind the barn of about five acres and we checked the fence to make sure they'd be okay. They went straight to work trying to mow the weeds for us. Rose's parents brought the fearsome foursome with them and set up...

2 years ago
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Just Another Day

Kathrine Smith was a daydreamer.  She couldn’t stay focused on anything.  She was a housewife and mother and liked to escape to the grocery story.  She’d walk up and down the aisles thinking of great menu ideas she’d like to make.  She just liked to get lost and not be bothered for a while.Katherine was quite miserable in her life.  She missed working and instead cared for her three children and her husband.  She had an infant, a toddler and a preschooler.  She was tired of playing games and...

Mind Control
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A Bitch Gets Revenge

     This story is written for the enjoyment of adults only.  It is a work of fiction from the twisted folds of my brain.  Please send any comments to [email protected].  I love hearing from you.  A Bitch Gets RevengeWritten by 4Play     My wife Pat and I had been active swingers for almost 5 years and both enjoyed sex with other partners very much as well as sex with each other.  She is a good looking woman in the prime of life and men find her attractive.  We were married very young and were...

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No Nightmare ThisChapter 3

Professor Moriarty looked up from his work bench, trying to find the ringing phone beneath the scattered pile of paper and printed circuit boards. He hated to be interrupted in his work. Sex and his work were the be all and end all of his life, all else was immaterial. And he had managed to combine the two in his latest project. At sixty years of age, he was a retired social recluse with few relatives and even fewer friends. He was surprised at first by the foreign sound that flooded his...

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My Wifersquos First Time

This is an account that my wife told me when we had been married for several years. It is about her first proper experience of sex, which was with her father. Sadly it was only after he had passed away that she felt able to tell me, because she was afraid of what my response might be. Up till that point I was under the impression that I was the first and only man to have fucked her. Susan.The events I am going to describe took place not long after my eighteenth birthday, and just before the...

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Never Too LateChapter 13

Our clothes had mysteriously appeared overnight, folded over the back of a chair. We slipped them on and proceeded downstairs where Vanessa was busy loading up the washing machine, dressed in just a thin dressing gown. I ogled her, hardly able to disguise my desire. "I've got various cereals or I can cook you something up," she offered. "Cereal is fine," I replied, not wanting to put her to any trouble. Jenny cheekily asked what was on offer and finally accepted a minor feast of...

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A Weekend at the Beach House

This is a story about Stephanie, a new hot wife. I first introduced her in the first story I wrote, “Cards With Friends.” Stephanie is married to Jason, who is now a happy cuckold husband. This is the sixth story with her. At the end of another story I wrote about these two, called “Threesome for a Hotwife,” Stephanie now wears a gold anklet on one of her legs that has a little, spade shaped charm on it, the capital letter “Q” in the center, to indicate that she is now a “queen of spades,”...

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Spin the bottle Adult version

My wife Felicity and I (Rob) had been married 5 years. I knew she was pretty wild from day 1. Sex was an adventure to her and she liked it rough and often. After 5 years it had not tapered off. If anything it was even better. She was into dressing up and sex toys, both for her AND me. We moved into a new estate and struck up a friendship with another couple down the street. Andy and Babs were a couple of years older than us. The girls worked in the same office and Felicity would come home with...

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You pick me up in your arms and lay me down on the bed! You undress me and undress you slowly! Soon my breathing gets deeper and my body gets tense! You blindfold me with a black scarf! You pick me up in your arms and lay me down on the bed. You undress me and undress you slowly. Soon my breathing gets deeper and my body gets tense. You blindfold me with a black scarf. You kiss my neck. I shiver. You caress my whole body with a hot stone in one hand, an ice cube in the other and a feather in...

3 years ago
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Two house wives find love while sunbathing

I awoke this morning to the sound of birds, and sunlight streaming through my windows. The first thought to enter my head was “what do I have to do today?” My mind was blank … could it be true? I had nothing to do today? It’s Tuesday, so I don’t work today, the kids all slept over at friends houses last night so I don’t even have to get up and supervise breakfast, and they wouldn’t be home until late this afternoon so I don’t even...

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Irrestible CoWorker Part Two

The next day Kelly was working from home. I hated those days since I never got to see her, we could only chat on our messaging system. I was sitting at my desk just waiting for Kelly to sign on. When she finally did she messaged me ‘Good morning handsome!’ I responded with, ‘Good morning beautiful.’ I asked her about softball and how she is doing today. She went on to explain that she was tired from softball and that she woke up in the middle of the night and had a hard time sleeping since she...

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Georgia Part 17

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 17 After I’d got some breakfast the next morning I went to find Zoe’s boat. It was easy to find because she was out on the deck. I waved at her and she welcomed me aboard. “Hi Georgia; dad, this is Georgia, you may remember her from the boat party the other week. Georgia, this is my father, Mr. Billingham.” “Oh...

4 years ago
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Panty Heaven

I've had a panty fetish since I was 14. My first girlfriend always enjoyed wearing bikini's which were mostly white and the material was shiny (silky, nylon, satin) which drove me insane. Whenever we fooled around, she always kept her panties on so I could rub my hands all over her panty ass as we were having sex. The thrill of touching her silky panties was like a feeling I never had experienced before and definitely didn't want to lose. However, all good things come to an end and we parted...

1 year ago
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My Teacher My LoveSaturday

It was after midnight when Amy left for home. "I love you Sophie, I will never forget this night. You have given me hope and your love in return, for that, I can't thank you enough. Sleep well and I will speak to you tomorrow. But if you should ever need me, call me, no matter what time it is." "I love you too Amy, thank you for tonight. Goodnight Amy, speak to you tomorrow." And then she was gone. I thanked and hugged my parents again and went to bed. The next morning when I woke up,...

2 years ago
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The Grim ReaperChapter 58 Redemption

Monday, Kelly told me that she was going with me to the lawyer’s office, and the way she said it indicated I had better not argue. I still wasn’t sure what Brockport could do for me that Stillwell couldn’t. Everything I had heard from the guys the other day showed that no matter how I got out of this, the County Attorney and the County Council would still demand they get rid of a killer, and I was still probationary. “Grim, just listen to what he has to say. Daddy says the guy is a magician....

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River Shed

When I was twelve I lived in the suburbs of a large city in the U.K., on the edge of the countryside not far from the river.On warm summer evenings I would go with friends to the old lock where there was a pool where we could swim in relatively safely and the water was deliciously cool on those warm evenings. There were always a lot of people about, families, courting couples, teenagers and c***dren of my age. There were also a small number of single men who we k**s “knew” to be gay, though...

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The officer

"POLICE! STAND STILL!" you immediately do as you're instructed. "Up against the wall, arms outstretched. Spread your legs." Again you comply. You lean slightly forward on your outstretched arms, legs spread level with your shoulders. "I'm officer Walker, i'm stopping and searching you under section seven, do you have anything on you that you shouldn't have?" "N-no." you stammer, wondering what this is all about. "Name?" "Smith er Sarah Smith ." "OK Sarah, i'm going to search you."...

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Sadhya Teacher And A Horny Student

Hey guys.Once again,thank you for all your supports and replies on my last story.So without much infos, I will go straight to the story. So this was me when i was studying in 12th grade.I found that it was impossible for me to study physics and so, i went for a tuition to a teacher named Sandhya.Now about Sandhya,well….. she is pretty damn hot for a 39 year old woman.I mean,she has 3 kids,but she looks like a 21 year old hot slim chick with amazing curves and spectacular boobs for such a body...

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18Eighteen Athena Fleurs Babysitter Athena Fleurs Sucks and Fucks Her Employer8217s Big Cock

Any wife should know better than to hire Athena as a babysitter. With her pretty face, luscious tits and affinity for older, forbidden cock, it’s no surprise she ends up fucking married men when she’s alone with them. And that brings us to this scene, where Athena eagerly swallows this guy’s cock and makes his balls tighten with her pouty lips. She then rides him on the couch, completely unconcerned with whether or not his wife will walk through the door. Athena is preoccupied...

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my doctor slave

im noraml arabic women and see all stories here and im surprised of all thngs i read so i decide to share w u all my new life . me and hubby w visit my doctor and as normal hubby was fantasy about me w other men and i think to try new man be4 i told him so i select to seduce my docot he is fine man in early 40 and i notice he stare on my legs n feet always so i make sexy feet color and see effect on his eyes wow in second visit i decide to increase the seduction lol i touch his dick on...

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My 100th Story How Far Would You Go to Share Your Wife

My wife Jill and I are around the age of fifty, and have been married for more than twenty two years. I had tried over the past several years to get Jill to go along with the idea of being shared with another man, only to be rebuffed every time I brought up the subject. Then, one night, everything changed. We had just climbed into bed when I brought up the subject with her once again about being shared. I had expected to hear the same response that I heard so many times before, but this time...

Wife Lovers
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Betsy CarterChapter 8

The crack of a high powered rifle firing was clearly heard above the din of evening traffic. A second later, there was another shot fired. The majority of people didn’t even appear to notice the sounds. A handful of students stopped and looked around, before deciding that it had been nothing. Betsy sighed. “First the sniper, and then the spotter. Scratch two more evil minions,” Betsy muttering her interpretation of the two shots. Rather than returning home to her condo, Betsy headed towards...

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Sarah and Kimberly

The sun was taking its time coming up as Sarah dashed from my car to knock on Kimberly’s door. The waiting was over, our holiday was here and we were making a good early start. Sarah had invited Kimberly to come and spend a week in Yorkshire with us and she was now as excited as we were. Regrettably her s****r Frankie had decided not to come. I had spent some time with her and fucked her a couple of times since I invited her but she has as I always expected found a lad of her own age and was...

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Lanies Love

Note : This story is completely fictional! Never try to do it in real live - it BAD! My mother and father started fighting when I was young and it was something I got used to. I don’t know exactly what they were arguing about but they always did. It was late that night, it had already passed midnight and I could hear them shouting in the other room. The door slammed and my father came storming out of the room. I hid under my covers as I heard his footsteps come by my door. My door pushed open...

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Taking One For The Team Part Three

 The past three weeks were very eventful for me. Especially at work Lauren was insatiable when it came to pleasing her sexually. Not that I was complaining I had never had as much sex in as many positions and public places as I had in these weeks.I opened the door to my apartment, putting my keys down on the table next to the door. I slumped down into my couch. Today was the only day that I had gotten actual work done without Lauren seducing me with her cleavage or her tight ass in body-hugging...

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Sex at the Cinema

One thing I hate about summer is the daily matinees that play at the theatre that I work at. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job, but working 11 to 11 is killer. On this particular day, I’d been up since 5:30am because of my college class and by 10pm I was already going insane from exhaustion. By 10:10, I had finished with inventory count, and myself, and Jerry, who had done money, were heading upstairs to check everything. I was looking forward to going up there because I got to see Brandon....

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Returning the favour

My phone ring broke my sleep that otherwise would have carried on for a few more hours. Looking at the clock showing the time as 4:15PM, I’ve told myself that it was a good afternoon nap on a vacation day. Even before I could say hi on the phone, I could hear the person on the other end screaming in excitement “I got it, I got it!!!” It was Rosy and I knew that her US visa application is approved. I congratulated her and told her that she owes me a treat once back. Looking back at the entire...

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Die FFahrschule

Jens war gücklich. Endlich hatte er seine Fahrlehrerprüfung bestanden und konnte seine eigene Fahrschule eröffnen. Zum Gück gab es eine Möglichkeit, eine alteingesessene Fahrschule von jemandem zu übernehmen, der in Rente gegangen war. Er beklebte die Fenster neu, schlatete Anzeigen in der Zeitung, gab sogar ein Interview im lokalen Radiosender, kurz, er war sehr rührig und freute sich auf die ersten Anmeldungen. Jens war Mitte 20, braun gebrannt und ein Schwarm aller Frauen. Trotzdem war er...

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Izzy and Mr James p1

Izzy and Mr James First submission, comments welcomed (no characters in this story are underage) The one thing that Izzy hated the most about herself was her baby face. She’d always been teased about it. She had hoped that by the time she made it to senior year her ‘puppy fat’, as her mother called it, would have all gone away. But now she looked at herself in the mirror on the day of her PSATs and thought, what’s the point? College is all about falling in love, again and again. Who’s going to...

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Aunt Julie

James was feeling great about himself. He had progressed steadily up the company ladder since getting hired straight out of college. Now that he was 29, he was given a big promotion that included relocating to Orlando, Florida. But to make this kind of progress he had to become a workaholic. Putting in 60 to 75 hours a week was typical. His sex life consisted of long hot showers and Internet porn coupled with masturbation. Dating just did not work due to the massive office hours. In...

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An Experiment Gone Wrong

Frank was a genetic microbiologist with a talent. His teammates called it a "red thumb". His projects lived, thrived and cooperated. Frank was lucky. His latest project was a plastic-based organism that would not respond to histamines or cause tissue-rejection responses, yet would work smoothly with human tissue, and "learn" mechanical functions. It would form tiny cilia to probe outwards and mesh with the tissues around it, and absorb food thru its surface. He was determined to replace a...

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I Dare YouChapter 2

At school the next day, Alexis asks Anna about her brother. "Did you ever get my little brother in bed? Are you having sex with him?" "Well, I can tell you that your brother may be younger but he's not so little, if you know what I mean. And, the rest is between Noah and I." "Aw come on, are you two doing it?" "Ask Noah." So, she decides to ask Noah but he wasn't home when she got home. Hmm, where might he be? We probably know that he's at Anna's in a wonderful over and...

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Scarlett Roses Part Three

Scarlett was sitting in her dorm on her bed. Amanda was in class, so Scarlett was alone. She sat there, thinking about the past two weeks and how much of a slut she had become. She thought about Ryan and how much she still hated him. Scarlett also pondered her new relationship with John. She wondered if her new sexual appetite was right or if it was wrong. Scarlett looked over at her desk at the three bottles of alcohol sitting there and remembered what she did to get them. She had swallowed...

Group Sex
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Little Red Journal 6 First Boyfriend Flirtations

So you probably missed, buried among the musings on my crush EK, this line:Day after birthday/---CWhy do I want him I spent the evening socializing with other choir people. I thought of a new way to do what? I lost my train of thought.It seems innocuous enough nestled among the hormone-driven sexual cravings of a teenage mind. An evening with choir people could mean one of two things.  Either I was on a bus trip to watch an opera or I was at a collaborative retreat with some choirs from...

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Alices Son

After the best sex of my life with Alice on our first date, I was totally in her power. I was 'cunt struck' as they say, and nothing she could do would drive me away as long as she allowed me the pleasures of her sweet cunt and beautiful ass. As a spoiled rotten, natural bitch she tested me many times over the next few years, but it was her son who finally broke the bond. Ned was 17 and entering his senior year at the best, most expensive prep school in town. When introduced, he was barely...

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Mother finally

100% fiction! "Hi, mom" I said as I entered her room. My mother was wearing a bath robe, held together by one hand. She hugged me to her, and gave me a peck on my lips. It was just a little peck on the lips, instead of my check. My mom never kissed me on the lips until then, always on the cheek. As she hugged me, her robe fell open a little. I could see her full cleavage, and the slopes of her full low slung, big breasts. Her scent was so attractive. “I just took a shower” she said as she...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 20

Steve Three weeks later Wes was sitting on an overturned bucket, staring at the right wing of the parts that Jeff's team had molded before he had been hired. He had been determined to have this bunch of parts flying within a week or two. No such luck. He kept finding flaws in how the pieces fit together. He kept checking the blueprints that were downloaded from the internet with the finished product, and found the pre-made parts to be exact to the print. The problem was they didn't fit,...

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