Daniel Wolf Part 3 free porn video

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I spent a lot of time walking around the town. In a matter of days it seems the people had become used to my walking about town. They began to respond to my overtures of friendship with waves and nods. Since I always seem to have a few extra coppers the children became my constant companions . We would end up at either the sausage cart or the sweet shop.

One morning I stepped out my front door. I stretched and took a deep breath of the good clean air. A group of the kids had already gathered and were ready for our walk. A horseman had just entered the square and began riding his beautiful long maned Spirited black mare towards me.

At the same instant one of the younger children burst out of an alleyway and rushed across the square on a collision course with the rider. The mare was startled and reared, putting the child just below those flailing hoofs. The rider appeared to lose his seat. It was if the world had stood still.

I rushed across expecting to see the brutalized body of this small 6 year old. I was shocked at what I had found. In an instant the rider had leaned out and grasped the child by his jerkin and lifted her to straddle the mare in front of the rider.

I don't think the child even was aware of the danger it had been in just momrnts before. Her only thoughts were she was sitting on a horse and she tried to hug the big animal. All the other kids were circling around the horse laughing excitedly. They were yelling “Maggie, Maggie !!! “

Maggie waved at them with a big grin on her face. As I reached up to lift Maggie down, I heard a gasp from Tiiup. “Dan that is Prince Argus … The Crown Prince.”

I looked up just in time for the Prince's hand grabbing me by the shoulder laughing and saying, “How goes it cousin. I am here to deliver a message from King Auric, my father. He wishes for you to travel to your Captial. The assassians guild has been making inroads. We think they are trying to over throw your rule. We think they are moving in with Tarrent's help.”

Tiiup touches my mind “Tarrent is the country to our North. They have been trying for years to take over your Duchey.

I offered Prince Argus the use of my tub for a bath. He must have enjoyed the girls … his bath lasted three hours. After his bath he was well ready for the large meal that Dax had lain out. The Barn Fowl was well roasted and the Lamb stew very savory. The vegetables and the desserts topped off the meal.

Prince Argus filled me in on what he knew of the goings on at Foxwood. We made it an early night he was leaving out 1st thing in the morning as well. Tiiup told me he was courting Princess Jade Lynn of Gromwell. A Royal wedding was in the offing or so it was rumored.

Before dropping off to sleep I thought about Prince Argus' s tale: “The assassins have been killing off your Merchants. At first it was thought to be an illness and their deaths of natural causes till Nobleman Evers who had long suspected his manservant of snitching his Rum, Found him dead with his rum bottle in hand. “

“The potion mistress was summoned, it was soon discovered they had all been poisoned by a subtle almost undetectable poison used primarly by the Assassins Guild.” Word was sent to Father's court, and then he sent me on to You. Now it is left up to you to pursue and to punish them.”

The next morning at breakfast Prince Argus added that His father King Auric had stated if help be needed to send him word. We discussed the assassins guild, no one seemed to know where they operated from, nor who led them.

Prince Argus headed to Northwest to the Kingdom of LandsMark and his Fathers Court. I headed due North, five days and I would be at Foxwood. Tiiup accompanied me at least I will be able to learn more about this land..

Third day out I begin to hear a voice in my head I looked at Tiiup and she shrugged her shoulders. “I don't know who it can be.”

We altered our trek to the NorthEast. The voice though weak came in louder, it was saying “Help me.”

Just before dark we came on a gully, the voice seemed to come from it. I dismounted and made my way down in the gully. Tiiup stayed behind me ready for what may come. All I could see was a large lump. The lump mind spoke to me “Set me free... please.”

I reached out my hands and felt the strands of a net. There were feathers sticking out of the net. I thought to my self, “What the hell is this?”

Tiiup struck a light and began to build up a fire. Then I heard her catch her breath, “ Dan that is a Griffon.” I looked closer and could see passed the feathers and see the rear of a lion, The front was the body and wings and head of an Eagle.

The head was bent forward and the wings were pressed downward on the body. “Please...Free Me.”
I pulled out my Case knife and began to cut the Griffon's head loose. Once I had cut enough of the strands loose, The Griffon pushed its head through. Then it began to nip the strands of the net. I continued cutting its back and wings free.

After over an hour, the Griffon was free but still weak. Tiiup had been busy and had a number of rabbits which the Griffon ate right down. With each bite it seemed to grow stronger. We spent the night there with the Griffon. She, Lusan, told of her ordeal.

LUSAN'S Story : Chapter six

Griffons mate for life. It takes many years for a mating pair to meet and rarely do they have more then one Chick. It takes three mating's for the sperm to travel far enough to reach an egg. If the cycle is not completed the female will be in agony and will eventually die. The male if unable to complete the cycle, if he knows he can not complete. Such as the death of his mate this will cause him such pain he will embrace the diving death.

She explained. The diving death...The Griffon will fly to heights so high Ice begins to form on his wings. He turns and dives toward the biggest rock he can find and at breakneck speed.... He does not pull up.

Four days ago my mate Bron left me to find a deer for our snack. Instead of a deer he spotted a creature call a Cow. He did not see that the cow was staked out just waiting. Did you know Griffon claws are prised by certain humans, they grind them up. They think it is like a love potion.

Well Bron dove in and grabbed the cow, which caused a sticky net to fall on him and ensnare him. Before he could move he was pierced by no less than seven lances. They seemed to be aware that we hunted in pairs. They set their trap for me.

One thing they didn't seem to be aware of is that the female Griffon is at least twice the size of the male. As I made my approach they were in a hurry and released their net too soon. Although the net did fall around me I had not alit upon the ground nor had I slowed down.

I burst back into the air. The sticky net was imbued with magic and continued to tighten. I made it across the river and to this gully where I landed. The net kept getting tighter and tighter as a last resort I reached out with my mind for two days and nights ...Then I felt your mind and screamed out my peril.

I could feel you coming nearer, I pushed as hard as I could but was growing weak...Then you arrived, a wizard, just what I was in need of at this moment. I was thrilled you were a White Wizard and not a Dark one. A Dark wizard would have meant a life of confinement in a small cage and little food.
“Wow quite a story but I must ask if your mate was killed what happens to you now?”

“But there dear Wizard brings us to the next favor I must ask of you.”

“What?” Tiiup began to giggle, I glanced at her and scratched my head.

“Really you would accomplish two things, 1st would be the fertilizing of my egg continuing our line. 2nd it would relieve my pain and save my life.”
“But...but... You mean you wish me to have sex with you?”

Lusan joined Tiiup as they both chuckled, then Lusan said , “Yes that is exactly what I mean. As I told you it takes three matings for the sperm to reach an egg. We only had two matings, one more is needed to complete the cycle. If it is not done I will eventually die in agony. It just needs that push.”

“But I don't think I could even get an erection... I mean ...C'mon a Lions butt just doesn't excite me.”

Tiiup smiled, “I can help there.” She opened her robe and was nude underneath. I felt a rise in my pants. She opened my pants and reached inside. She grasped a hold of me and lead me to the rear of Lusan. I could smell her aroma I could tell she was in Heat.

Tiiup led me to her and placed my little head at her opening. Lusan backed up impaling herself. I gasped for breath, her precious jewel was like a raging furnace. She gasped, Bron was longer but you are much. Much wider. In seconds our movements were as one. Lusan did not move much of her outside body but... her insides were active especially her repoductive system.

(Her explanation of how her body worked was true as she knew it. The part she didn't know is as follows. The first mating Bron's sperm is active but does not reach the egg or eggs. The second mating Bron's sperm, which is inert, pushes the sperm from the first mating but still doesn't reach the eggs.

Bron's third mating would have pushed the first sperm making contact with an egg. And causing an embryo to form. The sperm from the second and third mating's are purely for motion, they are inert. And there is where the difference occurs.)

I continued to plunge into her heated ever pulsating pussy. I was quickly reaching the point of no return. My whole body began to tingle, I slammed forward and deeply Lusan clamped down and I opened the flood gates. Seconds later Lusan drenched me in her juices.

(Now the difference, my sperm pushed Bron's sperm to contact an egg as planed. But my sperm was stronger than both of Bron's sperm and it was active not inert. It pushed forward like an arrow straight to another egg. Now there were two embryos … two babies, one Griffon and One Griffon/human Changeling which would also be a wizard.)

Lusan said, “Now I am complete and I thank you.” She bent her head down to her breast and plucked an Eagle feather with her beak and offered it to me. I took it from her, “Thank you again Daniel Wolf. If you ever need my help...pull out my feather and call to me.” Instantly she lifted off and was gone.

I heard an eagles scream and looked up in time to see Lusan wave her wings and fly away. I looked over at Tiiup. “I wonder what is next?”


Tiiup and I talked about our time with Lusan and from what we could piece together Her adventure had taken place in Tarrent.... One more reason to try to bring them down. Nothing else happened the rest of our trip.Late on the 5th day of our trip our destination was in sight. We decided to make camp and arrive early the next morning.

I spread our ground sheet under a spreading Oak tree. I lay back against my saddle and Tiiup lay her head on my chest. Near mid night I felt her hands moving inside my shirt. I wasn't sure if she was awake or dreaming. She also had her leg upon mine and it was moving up and down. That is when I decided it didn't matter if she was awake or not. I reached down and lifted her tiny body and sat her on my cock.

As she sank down I could hear her in-drawn breath. She sat silently for a few seconds, then she looked up at me and smiled. Her hips began to move in a rotating direction. The next in-drawn breath ...was mine. Soon we were in sync and sweat was rolling off of us...but who noticed.

I stroked her body, Tiiup was so small that I couldn't reach her tits with my mouth but I could sure reach them with my hands. I gently stroked them and occasionally twisted and pinched her nipples. Her reactions was of desire as if to say do it again...which I did.

There was no rush we were slow and methodical I would meet her downward stroke with an upward thrust.She began to shudder on her down stroke. This was enough to reach my core I was trying to wait for her but the shudders was the final straw and I let loose as I rammed it home. It must have been what she was waiting for, she bathed me. We cuddled together still connected and went to sleep.

I opened my eyes just a crack. I have always been alert to silence when it shouldn't be silent. Less than 50 feet away in front of me crouching and crawling towards us was a panther. A coal black panther in stealth mode.. I realized my right hand was laying on the butt of my shotgun.

My slight movement as I gripped the .12 ga. Was not missed by the Panther. It began a rapid advance never coming out of his crouch. I swiveled The .12ga and fired the panther dropped to the ground. If it was dead it would be a miracle shot'

I looked the big cat over and found only one mark... One buckshot had hit the Panther in the head a glancing blow. It didn't even break the skin but it rendered it unconcious I looked over at Tiiup, she had a sad look on her face.

“Do we really have to kill it?”

I smiled, “Not if we can get away before it awakens.” I grabbed my back pack and we high tailed it out of there. I would have loved to seen the look on the big cats face when he awoke..

We didn't stop til we were some distance away. While we were traveling Tiiup was dropping leaves of a plant that resambled Catnip. She said it would mess with the Panthers sense of smell.

As we traveled on, my mind toyed with what I knew and screanmed at what I didn't know. I was going to be forced to deal with assassins I think I am out of my depths. I also realized that without Tiiup I would probably already be dead.


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Daniel Goes First Part 2

Jennifer looked at her friend who scrunched her face up, bit her lip, and then looked at the floor. No resistance from her then thought Jennifer. Well well. 42 years old and about to be spanked, after all the things she had said in the kitchen. How about that then she thought?  Marion sat on the same chair Jennifer had occupied a few moments ago and ordered Carol to stand by her side.   “Undo your skirt and take it off and your knickers please” Marion said so matter of factly anyone...

4 years ago
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Daniel Effeminate College Student Chapter 12

Chapter 12Back on LandDaniel had passed most of the last day and evening sketching scenes on the cruise ship. He had previously sketched a number of scenes or noticed interesting scenes to sketch. On the first morning he sketched the young, very cute and well hung waiter wearing a tight uniform serving an older gentleman a coffee. On that same morning Daniel also sketched a blonde Adonis applying sun screen on his companion's remarkably toned body. A third sketch that first morning depicted a...

3 years ago
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Daniel And Eric Part One

Introduction: Okay… so its my first story, please dont judge too harshly. Its about a new vampire, Daniel, who has been sent to a safe house for humans and vampires called The Den just until he can gain control of himself. There he meets Eric… okay, so I hope you like it. Sorry about any spelling mistakes. Depending on how this one goes and if I have time I might write more (: I had lost track of time. I knew it was the early hours of the morning, that much I knew, but it had been hours, maybe...

3 years ago
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Daniel My First Dom

DanielI had just left university, and in a job I despised, when I first met Daniel. I walked down the hill from my house to meet him at his car. Our conversation flowed easily. He was a man I hoped would strip me and spank my bare bottom. He was my first spanking partner.I began fantasising about spanking play when I first got a pornographic magazine. Among the usual thirty-something women with ample curves and pretty faces, dressed up as teenagers, was a picture of a man playfully smacking a...

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Daniel And Eric Part One

I hadn't been a vampire for long, two or three years maybe, and my thirst or lust was not yet under complete control, nor were my impulsive actions, which could often lead to disputes among the older ones. As a result of my lack of control I had been placed here by the Elders Council, a group of vampires who were almost classed a royalty. It was the Elders who had thrown me in here, a nightclub run by vampires, and I was to stay here until I had gained control. To some it was a place to come...

3 years ago
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Red Wolf

Red Wolf Written by Princess Kay Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent, in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page, immediately. Content Warning: This story includes a forced animal transformation (with a sex swap), as well as some physical violence (separate from the sexy bits), a near death experience, and some light misgendering. There's also some...

1 year ago
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Daniel 11

Immediately I notice the curve of his ass, I would know that bubblebutt anywhere. The jeans he wore fit perfectly around those two sexy asscheeks. I quietly approached his locker and put my arms around his waistand pulled him close to me. I wanted him to feel the bulge of my hardeningcock that was growing in my pants. Sean settled right in against my crotch and turned his head towardsmine. I kissed him softly on the lips and released him as we heard thejeers from our fellow...

4 years ago
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Daniel 10

The traditional family poker game was in full swing. Every yearafter the Thanksgiving meal the whole family gathered to played poker eversince Daniel could remember. He loved the time spent with the family, itwas very relaxing and he was usually very lucky with the cards. Excepttonight! "I fold" Daniel said as he laid his cards down flat on the table."For the fifth time tonight" Everyone at the table laughed as they began to bet the pot up.Daniel just sat back and watched...

2 years ago
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A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing

I Summer and Mia Raines glanced at each other as they exited the large airplane and followed the crowd up a long hallway. Though neither of them had ever seen Wolf Carson, the man who would be waiting for them there, he had assured them that he’d seen both of their pictures and would be easily able to recognize them. As they neared the other end of the hall, Summer was feeling somewhat numb. She imagined she was still in shock after learning of her sister’s sudden death. Before they reached...

3 years ago
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Wolf Eve

Introduction: A werewolf for Christmas. Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to. -Mark Twain, Following the Equator *** It was an old forest, with ancient trees and long shadows through which kobolds and goblins might creep, and with deep hollows and still ponds and hidden caves and secrets and hazard. Peter walked with his pack and his stick and when he came to the forest he went in. It seemed a good place to be alone. He was not a priest anymore. Excommunication, they called it....

4 years ago
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Wolf Eve

-Mark Twain, "Following the Equator" *** The door was open when Peter came home that night. Inside, a wolf was waiting for him, although of course he didn’t know it at first. At the chapel entrance, he frowned and set his pack down. Snow was tracked all the way in, but it was too dark to see anything. He was reluctant to go inside, but with the snow still falling he couldn’t stand out here in the middle of the woods all night. He lit the lantern on the table and shone it around....

4 years ago
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Daniel 1 Timestop Dancefloor

Daniel looked around the nightclub, He loved hunting here, the men and women were all beautiful, available, and usually had been drinking or taking drugs. They were also usually horny as well, so he didn’t have to work so hard to get them worked up. He walked through the still and silent dancefloor, trailing his fingers across hips, asses and tits as he passed, finding just the right one. There. She was about nineteen, he guessed, short dark hair, choker, bright red lipstick and dark...

2 years ago
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Night Wolf Ch 09

Disclaimer: I have tried to make sure my historical information is correct and I’d like to think I haven’t offended any Native Americans peoples with the telling of this tale. I am 1/8th Cherokee and am proud of that heritage. I’m not trying to show any Native Americans in a bad light… that is not my intention. Author’s Note: The English-Cheyenne word translations come from the Cheyenne Language Web Site, one that I’ve found extremely helpful for the telling of this tale. Translations: ...

2 years ago
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The Wolf

Here I was living another new life. I was up in the hills overlooking a beautiful snow filled valley far from any touch of civilization. This was my third winter since I disappeared. I'd better explain a bit. My name is John Martin (this time). My name has changed so many times that I almost forgot what my mother named me when I was born. I was the usual clueless spouse. My wife of 15 years had been in love with another man, Louie Amico, for longer than we had been married. She had married...

1 year ago
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Night Wolf Ch 07

Disclaimer: I have tried to make sure my historical information is correct and I’d like to think I haven’t offended any Native Americans peoples with the telling of this tale. I am 1/8th Cherokee and am proud of that heritage. I’m not trying to show any Native Americans in a bad light… that is not my intention. Author’s Note: The English-Cheyenne word translations come from the Cheyenne Language Web Site, one that I’ve found extremely helpful for the telling of this tale. Translations: ...

3 years ago
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The Wolf with the Red Roses

The Wolf with the Red Roses, by Chloe Tzang© 2017 Chloe Tzang. All rights reserved. The author asserts a moral right to be identified as the author of this story. This story or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a review. [Boy:] On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?[Girl:] Yes.[Boy:] I bet you say that to all the...

1 year ago
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Daniel Wolf part 7

Part 7 I awoke and looked around. I was nestled in a nest of soft grass. I reached to my chest and discovered the arrow no longer protruded from my chest. Also it was bandaged with a crude bandage. I looked around and was shocked by what I saw. My jaw almost hit the ground. Before me was a very beautiful woman...nude and at least 7 foot tall. She was bending over and my view had my mouth watering. I cleared my throat, she quickly raised up and turned around. She smiled and said, “Well...

1 year ago
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Daniel Wolf part 2

Jessup Cat 3 A great wizard bred and crossbred cats and humans until he had a crossbreed of a human cat. He did this so a Wizard could have a familiar that he could trust implicitly . Genus Jessup Cat: Bred from mixtures of assorted cats mixed with Human DNA. The ordinary human is very attracted to the unclaimed (not attached to a wizard)Jessup Cat and yearns to have sex with them. And they do every chance they get. Once the Jessup Cat becomes a familiar of a Wizard (is...

3 years ago
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Theres a wolf in the fold

It was the first day of class. I wasn't nervous; it's a technical nerd school so I felt right in. My name is T.K., and I was in NO way prepared for classes this semester...sure I studied and aced the class but I failed the most important test.... In my second class I saw this tall looking dude, kind of bumped into him didn't really care about his existence at all....then after passing him I did my occasional look back to check out what I just walked away from....man If I wasn't in love...

3 years ago
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Night Wolf Ch 03

Disclaimer: I have tried to make sure my historical information is correct and I’d like to think I haven’t offended any Native Americans peoples with the telling of this tale. I am 1/8th Cherokee and am proud of that heritage. I’m not trying to show any Native Americans in a bad light… that is not my intention. Translations: Nénáasêstse: Come here He’kotoo’êstse: Be quiet Hámêstoo’e: Sit down (plural, spoke to more than one person) Méseestse: Eat Tâhéovešêstse: Go to sleep (or Get some sleep)...

2 years ago
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Wolf cage

The time I got on the phone I was asked the normal questions of getting hired for any other job. But though it all went my way and I was accepted. I was told to come in first thing at 8 o'clock to see what needs to be done each day. The night passed and I woke up early to take a shower. Thoughts came through my mind of the sexy female wolfs that live there. I've always had a thing for animals, though I never had the chance with anything. As I stand in the shower I was getting hard the...

3 years ago
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The Lone Wolf Ch 02

A lot of things have changed for my brothers and I since we were little cubs. I for one found out that I was human, and not a werewolf. However, my family loved me no matter what. Unfortunately, I had to stay away from other wolves. Father would never explain why to me, but I had a feeling I knew the reason. When the boys found out I was human, nothing changed they were still my brothers. I started working with my father and his men. I did my best to help out when we would hear that human were...

4 years ago
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Of Wolf and Man

Once upon a time there was a young maiden that seemed to come straight from a storybook. Long, flowing brown hair that seemed to float about her head and shoulder and always catch the glint of sunlight with it’s shine. Her eyes the most beautiful shade of green, and deep enough to easily get lost in. Her skin was smooth and soft and the envy of all the girls. This young maiden’s body seemed to nearly be taken from a young boys dreams, so slim and shapely was it. And then, beyond the mere...

2 years ago
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The Wolf At Her Door

Daria Sitting alone in her cabin high in the Rocky Mountains Daria gazed at the dancing flames in her fireplace.She was absently stroking the fur of her favorite cat, Leo, and wishing she were not alone on tonight of all nights, Christmas Eve. Oh, she knew it was her own doing that had caused it - well hers and the fate of genetics… It really was not her fault that she had inherited her father’s empathic abilities and her mother’s healing talents. Making her the odd witch out, her dual nature...


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