Daniel 10 free porn video

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The traditional family poker game was in full swing. Every year
after the Thanksgiving meal the whole family gathered to played poker ever
since Daniel could remember. He loved the time spent with the family, it
was very relaxing and he was usually very lucky with the cards. Except
"I fold" Daniel said as he laid his cards down flat on the table.
"For the fifth time tonight"
Everyone at the table laughed as they began to bet the pot up.
Daniel just sat back and watched another hand being played without him.
"Todd, do you have a girlfriend at college yet? My Grandmother
asked as she waited for her turn to bet.
"No Grandma, I haven't met anyone special yet." He said making sure
to avoid my blunt stare in his direction.
"He probably has several Mom, but not one that he would call his
girlfriend. Right Todd? My uncle asked
"Now what happened to that lovely girl you were seeing in high
school, honey?"
"Grandma, that was in 10th grade and we were just friends." Todd
said, "Now it's my turn and I raise you 25 cents.
The table got back to the game, as the pot grew. We had big poker
games, I think the pot as it stands right now is up to $2.36. No one is
going to leave here rich, that's for sure.
"Well, David what about you, do you have a nice girl your sweat
on?" My Grandmother wasn't going to give this up.
"No Grandma, I can't say as I do." David said, and let it go at
"Daniel are you seeing some one?" My Grandmother asked me, in
almost a desperate tone.
"Yea, there's someone I like in my school." I said looking at my
new hand hoping for something more that 5 junk cards.
"What's her name, is she in your class" She said with great
excitement, finally getting someone to bite.
"Well Grandma, the thing is, the person I am seeing isn't a girl.
His name is Sean, and he's on my swim team." I said as the table stopped.
"Oh!" Was all she said.
"Yea, he just moved to town this year. We've been dating since the
first week of school, we're mates on the swim team. I like him, he really
does it for me" I said with a glow as I thought of Sean and realized just
how much I missed him this weekend.
I could see my Mother staring at me, and my Father was just looking
for some kind of answers from my brothers. But they just looked down at
their cards with huge smirks on their faces.
"Wonderful Daniel, I am very happy for you. He must be a very
special boy to make you so happy." My Grandmother said seriously. " I had
a dear friend in high school that was a 'dandy'; that's what we called them
in my day. Peter....oh my, I don't remember his last name. We had great
fun together, we were inseparable during our senior year. Everyone thought
we were a couple, we even went to the senior prom together. The last I saw
him, was when I was first married to your Grandfather and we had gone to
New York for the weekend. We ran into each other at the Waldorf Astoria,
he looked just the same and was with quite a handsome gentleman. Last I
heard he had become the CEO of a giant publishing house in New York." Her
face was aglow as the memories flooded back and filled her with great
"Daniel, are you telling us that you are gay"? My Mother asked
ignoring my Grandmothers story.
"Dear, of course that what he is telling you" My Grandmother
answered for me.
"I would like to hear it from my own son if you don't mind." My
Mother said rather curtly to her mother-in-law.
I looked her right in the eye, I could see the fear, anger,
concern, and just plain confusion in her look. Had I gone to far? I
didn't mean to hurt or worry anyone. It's just my life and they had asked
me about whom I was seeing. Did she want me to lie?
"Yes Mom, I guess that is what I am telling you. I like Sean a
lot, and he likes me, so yes I 'm.........I'm gay." My body suddenly
became flushed with a warmth that made me almost sick. My stomach was
immediately filled with butterflies as beads of sweat formed on my
All of a sudden a large breath exhaled from my lungs, my whole body
relaxed, and I was suddenly a new person. I felt great, I can't describe
the feeling, but all I can say was, I was free. I am gay, yes gay, that's
what I am. A ton of bricks, gone!
My Mother looked over to my father, with that 'aren't you going to
do something, dear' look. But didn't get the reaction she was hoping for.
"Daniel, I would like to meet this 'Sean' person!" My Father
"Dad, it's Sean! You and Mom have met him many times, he's slept
over the house with me. You've driven us to swim meets. Sean........"
"Oh..........Sean" You could see his mind stirring as he thought of
what I had just said.
My Mother looked at me as I was speaking to my father and I could
see her expression soften as the word came out of my mouth.
"Sean, it's your friend Sean, the one with the reddish blond hair?
He is such a nice boy, he's the one?" I could see her expression soften
right before my eyes.
"Yes Mom, it's Sean, you remember him. The one that always takes
out the trash when you ask me to do it."
"Well, I think it's great, I would like to meet him some day. He
sound like a delightful young man." My Grandmother said, with a loving
smile. "Now who's deal is it, anyway."

"I can't believe you came out to Grandma, of all people." Todd said
as he closed to the door to our bedroom.
"You are totally off Little Dude, you know that don't you" Dave
said as he plopped on one of the 4 single beds in the room. " And since
when are you in love with Sean?"
I looked at both my brothers as I sat down on the bed to remove my
shoes. "Hey, Sean great, I really like him, what's wrong with that. Don't
try and tell me that you guys are straight."
"Little dude, one thing I am not is gay" Todd said looking me right
in the eye.
"Oh please! Can we talk about Jerry, what's he your ....... 'buddy'
I don't think so!" I said with a smart ass tone.
He looked at me as he unbuttoned his shirt, I could see his hard
chest and abs slowly come into view. But I wasn't going to be distracted
by his body, even when he tossed the shirt aside and slowly unbuckled his
"So, who is Jerry"? David said curiously watching the whole event
from his bed.
"Jerry is just a friend of mine, we play ball together" Todd gave
as his simple answer as he lowered his pants exposing his flaccid cock and
the most beautiful set of hairless balls I had ever seen.
"Yea, I bet you play ball together, maybe even two balls at once;
come on, I am not stupid he is your boyfriend or at the least your fuck
buddy." I said, mad that he wouldn't admit to his brother, that he had
fuck only hours ago, that he was into guys.
He stood there naked, staring at me, I could see his face was torn
and his body tense with anger or confusion. His hands were clenched in
fists by his side as he began to speak.
"Look,......I.....I don't know, why are you doing this to me.
Leave me the fuck alone. I just want to go to sleep. So fuck off!" He
said and ripped the covers from his bed before falling onto the mattress
and covering himself back up as he turned on his side away from us.
I looked at David and we both shrugged. Without saying another
word we both stripped naked and climbed into our respective beds. I was
starting to feel badly about my treatment of Todd, as I turned over to go
to sleep. But then it hit me.
"Hey, you are not getting way with both of these things tonight big
brother" I said sitting up in bed looking right at Todd.
"Will you please leave me alone. I would like to get some sleep,
little dude". He said as he rolled over and looked at me.
"Okay, I'm sorry, I will leave you alone about Jerry if you tell me
what you used to do in your room that got David so turned on. You said you
would tell me later, and it's later. So please, please tell me." My cock
was growing under the sheets with anticipation as I pleaded with Todd.
"This is really killing you isn't it? All right Little Dude, but I
am not going to tell you, I am going to show you." Todd said as he lowered
his blankets exposing is hard hairless body. His right hand already
caressing his stiffening cock. I could see the head of his dick as it
protruded from the top of his fist as he slow stroked his cock into a full,
fat hard piece of suckable and fuckable meat.
David immediately sat up in bed to get a better look at Todd as he
jerked his cock. David's own hand was working his stiff pole under the
covers just as I was doing. We both watch as Todd worked his cock until it
was ridged.
"Hey Todd, I like the Brazilian job you got, when did you do that?"
David said, seeing for the first time that his older brother had shaved all
his pubic hair smooth.
"My swim coach encourages us to shave all our hair, to take time
off our swim. When Jerry and I were helping each other shave, I noticed
that he had shaved his crotch. I thought it looked hot, so I trimmed my
bush and then shaved it all off, you like?"
"Yea, it looks assume!" David said as he lowered his sheets and
showed us both what he had been playing with, which was quite obvious. As
his cock stood tall in his right fist.
"Hey, I want to see what you did, stop talking and let's go." I
said getting all worked up as both my brothers stroked their hard cocks in
front of me.
"Okay Little Dude, I had to get hard to do this, so give me a
break." Todd said as his naked body scooted down on the bed. "Are you
"Fuck yea, I've been ready. Now just do it!"
Todd kicked his feet up and they went completely over his head and
landed on his pillow. His hard dick was now directly over his mouth which
he opened wide and lowered his stiff piece of cock deep into the warm
cavern in his face. His lips closed around his shaft as his hips began to
maneuver up and down fucking his own face in is mouth.
I couldn't believe my eyes, he was sucking himself off, he had to
be shoving at least 4 to 5 inches of his cock into his mouth. I got up off
my bed and walked over to Todd get a better look. My cock was hard and
standing up against my abs as I got closer to him. He was moaning with
pleasure as he put his hands on his ass and pushed his cock even deeper
into his throat. He choked a bit until he pulled back, but then he shoved
his ass even harder and his cock was completely lost in his mouth. His
balls were up against his nose as he sucked his own cock.
David was up and out of his bed, standing next to me, watching as
Todd once again began to fuck his face. It was so hot, my balls were just
turning with cum. I could feel my body tense at the sight of him. David
reached over and tried to stroke my boner, but I immediately moved his hand
away. One or two more seconds and I would have blown my load everywhere.
Being rejected by me, David got up on Todd's bed and positioned
himself right behind him. He went for the gold as he put his face right in
Todd's exposed ass hole, and began to lick, eat, and tongue our brothers
fuck hole.
Todd went wild with this new sexual stimulation. His moaning was
beginning to sound like a muffled chorus as he continued to probe and pound
his cock deep into his mouth. They continued in that position for a few
minutes until David sat up right and spit on his throbbing cock. Then he
stroked it a few times before lifting it up to Todd's wet fuck hole, and he
pushed it right onto his moist rose bud of an ass hole. Todd's ass engulfed
David's cock easily and soon David's cock was out of sight as it sunk deep
inside his brothers ass.
Todd didn't only moan now, he was actually screaming with pleasure.
As David began to pound his cock hard into Todd's ass. He had his hands on
both sides of Todd, holding himself above our brothers ass and was doing
ass pushups to force his cock in and out of the warm fuck hole Todd had
openly exposed. I could hear his body slamming into Todd's ass and each
time Todd would let out a louder yelp. I still couldn't touch my hard cock
out of fear that I would explode immediately. My cock was totally drenched
in pre-cum from the slit on the head all the way down my 10 inch shaft. My
balls actually had pre-cum dripping off them forming a puddle by my feet.
I moved back to my bed, and laid down on my back. I was determined
to try and get my own cock deep into my throat and suck every bit of juice
out of my balls as Todd was doing. It took a couple of tries but I finally
got my legs to stay behind my head, but my back would not flex enough to
get that large hard cock that was, so close, but yet so far away, into my
mouth. I put my feet against the wall and tried to get my cock closer to
my open mouth by walking down the wall, but it wasn't going to happen.
I looked over at Todd, who was still in his contorted position,
his hard cock deep in his throat and David on top of him slamming his own
hard cock in and out of Todd's ass hole. They were both consumed in there
own sexual activity as there individual orgasms began flowing from their
balls. It was just about then that I could tell David was cumming, soaking
Todd's inside with his seed, I could see the white sticky sperm coating his
hard cock as it continued it's ride in and out of Todd's now sperm coated
ass hole.
A second later Todd let out a deep and guttural moan, as his own
cock filled his mouth with his sweet hot cum. I could see his Adam's apple
move rapidly as he swallowed ever bid of the seed his balls were producing.
His lips were soon covered in the white reminisce of his continuously
spewing cock.
I couldn't hold out any longer with my legs up over my head and my
cock just inches from my mouth I grabbed it hard and stroked it wildly
until my own cock began to spew cum all over my face, in my mouth, and deep
down in my throat. I pump and pumped until my balls were empty and my
mouth was full. Even after swallowing 3 or 4 loads of my warm sperm my
cock still produce enough to fill my mouth again. As my intense orgasm
ended, I lowered my legs as I savored the last bits of my creamy cum still
in my mouth, and then licked as much off my lips and chin with my tongue as
possible. I really loved the taste of cum, especially my own.
As I looked around I saw David was standing over me, with a longing
look on his face. Knowing what he wanted, I smiled at him and he bent down
and lick my face clean of my cum. He then kissed me deep sharing his
treasure with me. His tongue was coated with my cum and tasted sweeter
when mixed with his saliva. We kissed for a long time, and our cocks both
retreated from their dwindling state, and became ridged once again.
David reach down and took hold of my cock as it continued to grow
in his hands. His gentle stroking brought me close to another orgasm, but
I stopped him.
"Fuck me David, please. I want your cock inside me right now. I
can't stand it any more, you've got to give it to me." I pleaded as my
body was aching to feel his hard cock fill the void of my ass hole.
He rolled me over onto my stomach and pulled my ass up until I was
on all fours. He cock was covered in sperm which lubricated its way as he
pushed his hard cock into me. Deeper and deeper it went, sliding ever so
slowly into my ass.
I moaned with pleasure as my brother's cock filled me once again.
I could feel the pressure of his cock all the ways up my ass as he rested a
moment when his cock was completely inside me. I turned to look at him,
his face was right there when I turned. We kissed, our tongues met, and we
were soon lost in each others lust. While our mouth were full of each
other tongues, his hips moved slowly and he began to ride my ass. He was
taking long deep strokes that were driving me wild, I could feel his cock
sliding every inch in and out of my ass. Then he pulled his mouth away,
and looked at me.
"Little Dude, let's make this a family affair. I think you could
take two of us, yes?"
"I had 3 cocks in my ass at the swim meet last month, so I think I
can take you both without any problem" We both looked over at Todd, who was
sitting up on the side of the bed watching us.
"Want to join in? David said. "Yea, big brother there's plenty of
room inside me for your hard cock if you want?" I said hoping to get him
off his bed and into my ass.
He got up and walked towards us, his cock was hard and stood up
against his hairless crotch. As he got closer I could see a large drip of
pre-cum getting ready to roll off the top of his dick. He slid underneath
our legs on his back until his face was in line with mine. As he did the
night before in the hotel room with Dad. I looked down at him and kissed
him hard on his mouth. He wasn't going to let me in as he kissed me back.
I tried to probe his mouth with my tongue, but to no avail.
Slowly I lowered my hips making sure that David stayed with, or
should I say, in me, until I felt Todd's hard cock pressing against my ass.
Todd took his hard cock in his hand and guided it to my ass hole, which was
already occupied by a large cock. David stayed perfectly still, so Todd
could maneuver his cock along side his and penetrate my ass. The pain was
intense as Todd pushed his hard cock into me. But in it went, and my ass
was now being ripped apart by their two huge cocks.
I didn't move, my body was tense and I could feel the girth of
their two cocks through out my whole body. It took more that a little
while, but soon my ass began to relax and welcome my two guest. I finally
began to move, ever so slowly, up and down on the two flesh tools
protruding out of my ass. It was felling quite nice, to have both my
brothers fucking me at the same time. One of my fantasies was finally
coming true and just the thought brought me to new sexual heights.
David moved positions when he felt the pain was turning into
pleasure for me. And now laying on his back, he and Todd had their balls
and cocks touching, with their legs to the side of each other. There ass
holes almost touching they were so close, but made for a wonderful set of
cocks for me to ride. And ride I did!
I sat down and completely engulfed their two cocks, shoving them
inside me until I could feel their pubic hair on my ass. Well, at least
David's pubic hair. I cried out in pleasureful pain as the cocks filled my
body with there presents. I began to ride my older brothers as my ass
began to relish the feel of their fat cocks. Up and down I went as fast as
my bent legs could move me, I fucked their cocks until they were almost
"Oh my god, oh god, it's great, I love your dicks......" I kept say
over and over again as Todd and David filled my ass with their fat cocks.
As I rode the two of them like an cowboy from Texas.
"Daniel, slow down boy, you are going to make me cum if you don't
slowww doowwwnn.......oh god, it's to late little dude, I am going to fill
your ass.....oh yea, yeas.....ohhhhhhhhhh.......
"Oh nooooooooo, oh yea......me toooooooooo.....it's all your little
They came together as their cocks slid in and out of my ass, with
great speed. My own cock was primed and ready, and began spewing sperm all
over Todd's face and chest as I had the most intense orgasm I had ever had.
Todd opened his mouth which was soon filled with my white spunk. He
swallowed it greedily and savored the taste of his little brothers cum. My
cock just kept ejaculating my jizzum as they continued to pump my ass full
of there own gooey seaman.
My ass hole was raw when they finally slowed and then stopped
shoving there double cocks up my fuck hole. Exhausted, I fell on Todd's
chest which immediately dislodged their two cocks from my ass. I eagerly
licked up the reminisce of my explosive orgasm from his face, and shared
the last bit with him when I locked lips and his mouth immediately opened
wide to received my tongue filled with my sweet cum.
After our long kiss that actually started my loins churning again,
Todd look me right in the eye.
"Okay little dude, you win. I am gay, Jerry and I have been dating
since the first week of school" He said to me with the biggest smile on his
face. Which told me volumes.....he was in love.
I just look at him for a few seconds and then hugged him hard. "I
love you Todd." And we feel asleep in each others arms.

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"All hail Emperor John XVI!" A hall full of female voices chant as you step forward in your ceremonial robes of office. It was some cycles (Earth years becoming antiquated in 2485) ago that you were born, you father's genetic modification sensing his bodies fading vitality issuing the only male child of his 211 cycle reign. Your father's father's father, John XIII, was the first emperor after the purge. The purge wiped out all male life in the galaxy, apart from the emperor. Genetic...

4 years ago
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Mum Has A Hard Day

In my case, my parents split up a long time ago. I was only 5 when they did. This left mum and myself on our own.Mum did everything for me, gave me evrything, we were best friends. One evenung when I was 14 I came home from school late as we had had rugby practise.When I reached the top of the stairs I could hear her humming softly. The light in her bedroom was on and the door was partly opened."Mum?" I called out softly. "Are you okay?""Hi there," she replied. "Come on in here and talked to...

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The New Governess

The New Governess On reflection I was quite a naughty child. I would go running in the muddy fields and walk the mud into our house and even bring grass, frogs, spiders and other unsuspecting creatures home - for closer examination and to amuse our cats. And pranks, well I was a great prankster, bags of flour over doors, trip wires connected to vases or the coal scuttle and my personal favourite, fish or sometimes a frog in the toilet or bath. The unsuspecting victim would lift the lid...

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Preachers Wifes Birthday Preparations

This is a continuation of the events described under the title Minister***** there are probably 4 stories. You can probably get the gist without reading the earlier stories. However, if you want to be fully up to speed better start at the beginning.On the way home from the clothes fitting in the city Jonny sat in the back with Preacher John's wife. She had been up for the fitting and purchase of the designer clothes from her skin out. Jonny had told Angela, often referred to as Ange Babe, that...

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Mrs Sykess Last Brooklyn Exit

In the spring of 1976 I made some extra money for college by driving for a car service called Lioness Limousine. I was a sophomore at the City College of New York in upper Manhattan, and I commuted by subway to my job in Long Island City. I wound up having a regular customer, a lady named Mrs. Holly Sykes. She was a divorcée who lived in an apartment building near Gramercy Park in Manhattan. I was told that she had specifically asked for me each time.One sunny weekend in June, I went out to the...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Me and Mr Bill Part 5 The Poker Poke Her Game

Introduction: My sex filled partly fictional story: Me and Mr. Bill continues. Starting with an incestious story leading a nice bisexual scene and then a sex filled poker game with some BDSM! Before the Game: Waking Up Waking up I was totally disoriented. Slowly opening my eyes, I realized I was not in my bedroom. Feeing the presence of another body in bed with me, I turned my head and saw a spread of red hair. Elise! I thought, but where were we? The head of red hair slowly turned towards me....

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Quarantine lil bitch

We never had spent so many time together my half sister and me had a nice appart rent by my dad and we lived there for our Grad studiesI never ever spent time with her much, but with covid it has been 100%and one night i thought she was gone i was caught red handed my lil cock inside my fleshlight wearing her red stringPorn on tv i only had time to stand and run closing the tv she saw me ass i her string running to my room ''hey wtf Alex you open that fucking door ''''wtf you do in my panty you...

1 year ago
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“I am in a spa with four very healthy and attractive women; my mother, my girlfriend, my soul mate and my potential mother–in-law. The last thing on my mind is having fun. Wait a second ... that didn’t come out quite right.” “Charles,” Claire said swimming over to me, “Do I make you nervous right now?” “Not n-nervous, Claire. More uh — uhm, well ... uncomfortable,” I lied. Claire started to walk towards me with water dripping off ... everything. “Claire,” said her mother, “Don’t tease...

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The TeacherChapter 8 My mommy didnt let me play naked

Lisa said, "I'll join you in your pool, Mark, but I'm afraid that there won't be much space left for you." "That's all right ... When Mommy comes in the pool with me, we usually play with my boat or with the watering can; we take turns pretending to be flowers." Lisa was on the point of stepping into the pool when Mark called out: "Miss Lisa! You'll get your tee-shirt all wet." "Yes, I know, Mark. I think for today, it will be all right ... you see, when I was your age, I was...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 121 The New Man

When Bjorn stepped back on to the streets of Ulm to head back to the hotel he did indeed feel like a new man as predicted by Olivia Kent. He had just had his first ever Tantric Massage and what it did for him was amazing. He now felt like he could face anything the world could throw at him and win. Whatever mood Jessie was in when he got back to the others he could handle! Whatever the outcome of all that Carrie was going through he could handle! Whatever fate this unborn child was destined...

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River Boat Day 02

River Boat: Day 2 (Turtle Cove) (This story was written by Annora and My Erotic Tail in (SRP) Thanks Annora~) (Edited by LadyShianne…Thanks S~) The sound of Abby in the kitchen woke Sam from his slumber. Slowly he arose and made ready the ‘Cherry’ for its daily voyage. The two of them exchanged ‘Good mornings,’ as Sam got the boat under way and Abby started breakfast. A bit nervous, they glanced at each other not sure what to say to break the ice. The River Boat made its way down river as...

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Hypno Mail

Miranda couldn't believe that people posted crap like this to the internet.It was obviously just spam, posted to the targeted audience of one of the webpersonals sites. It was posted in the category 'Male seeking Female' with theheadline 'Submit yourself to me'. When she opened the message, it seemed tooridiculous to take seriously. The poster claimed to have a subliminal hypnosisprogram that would work through the monitor of any computer. ' Complete every session, and it will turn you into a...

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Aliens GiftPart 4 The Confrontation

I. Having suspected danger, Colt had used his gift to scan his mother's house and that was when he discovered Tricia immobilized. He did a quick surface scan and was startled to find her empty. For the first time in his new life he felt real fear. He then dove deeper into Tricia's mind and only after sifting through complete darkness did he come across a small box held by a thin thread. Colt nudged the box and discovered Tricia inside. "Colt, please help me! Please get me out of here!"...

2 years ago
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Sex with mausi

This is a true incident that happened during my 12th class, i was in my ancestral village to celebrate dussehra. Dussehra was celebrated with great festive fervour in our village, and our family was no exception. Each and every family member used to be present at our ancestral home my favourite pastime in the village wud be swimming, and the rest of time wud be quite boring as i had the habit of smoking i used to smoke on the roof of the house ensuring no one wud see me. Once when i was...

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Raj Wap! At first, I was very confused about rajwap.xyz, since the site looked like complete garbage, but then I realized that this is a site meant for your phone, which is when everything made sense. Obviously, I will be reviewing how the site works on your phone, instead of the PC, but honestly, all the features function well in both scenarios.The design is quite slick, with just a middle scroll option, and a search option on top. I dislike when phone sites offer too many options since if you...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Stuck Mom Chapter 2

Kelli woke feeling a sense of excitement as butterflies rippled through her body, her spine tingling as she stretched yawning with a smile on her face. Today was the day. Finally she hoped to meet the delivery man, to confront the man who had taken advantage of her in such a way, yet as violated as she had felt, left her with a deep dark ignited craving that left her wanting more. She had so many questions for this mystery man. Why had he done what he did, yet didn't fuck her. Was she not...

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Book Of Manipulation

(My first ever story , constructive criticism welcome , feel free to add your own chapters if you want to> Your name is Liam , you're a standard 18 year old teenager who has never even kissed a girl , let alone lost your virginity , however you dream about it almost every day. Today is no different you spend all day in school undressing your teachers with your eyes and dreaming about what else you would like to do to them. After a long day in school you stop into the library to grab a couple...

Mind Control
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Seduced by Teen neighbour 3

Sunday morning saw me wake up with very hard morning wood. This wasn’t a surprise though considering the events of the past couple of days after my eighteen-year-old neighbour seduced me and then teased me with phone sex the past two nights. What was I going to do with her?!Acting on auto-pilot, I got up, showered, dressed, and made breakfast.As I was eating, I saw another message arrive from my teenage temptress.“A couple of clips loaded up to the hub that you might be interested in…” she...

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Swim Team SpiritChapter 23 More Clues

Thursday Morning Mike Dahl was sipping from a cup of black coffee when Cutie and Halee walked into the kitchen. They both wore cute pink pajamas, and Mike felt as if he suddenly had two daughters. Cutie, as usual, gave her Dad a hug and then offered to get him more coffee. Halee watched while Cutie hugged her Dad, then shyly gave him one, too. "Thanks, Uncle Mike, for everything you did." From the stark, white pallor on her face, everyone could tell that she was remembering the...

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A Mom And Her Son8217s Friend Pt 3 Enjoying Young Cock

Hello everyone. This is an incident happened with someone else. However, he asked me to pen it down. If you like this story, please write to me on- or hangout/kik me on the same id. She was enjoying his inexperienced enthusiasm. She knew that dirtier she would talk, the more tuned he will become. His strings are in her hand and she was enjoying this fully. She never acted like this before. She didn’t realize that this was something hidden inside her. Archana whispered in his ear, “You are huge...

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Wolf Creek Ch 10

Estelle Hopewell proved to be Ada’s saving angel—and far more than in their intimate moments, of which there were many in the ensuing years. Estelle immediately fell in love with the hidden Colorado valley of Wolf Creek, and she virtually moved in with Ada and Frank in the Wolf Creek Ranch main ranch house. Frank never really took to her, but he tolerated her for Ada’s sake. Estelle was visited in turn by her adventuring husband, who one day looked in the passenger seat of the RC-38US Douglas...

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I am the New Bosss New Punch

I was just settling into work, logging on to my computer in my cubicle when the call came. It was the new site director. He had only been here a couple of weeks. Seemed nice, a young, friendly guy, definitely a big improvement over the last asshole who had thankfully gotten transferred to the head office. “Kelly, this is James, I’ve been going through the personnel files and wanted to schedule a meeting with you this evening, around 6:30 if you can make it.”“Um, sure,” she said, “Is there...

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We all shared the rent and they shared me

It was my Junior year of college, at that point I was mostly a closet cross dresser, with the exception of Halloween, and a few select occasions. I had been sharing a house with two other guys, and I they both knew I would dress, but we didn’t speak of it, well until tonight. I was sitting around doing shots and watching tv with my two roomies, let’s call them Jon, and Barry. Jon was a small skinny Korean k**, who was very much influenced by Barry, the all American boy, tall, blonde athletic....

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The SaviorsChapter 16 Journeys End

The team sadly said goodbye to their new found friends and left bound for their next destination. They trekked through the jungle until coming to a clearing, where the men changed to dragons, the women climbed on their backs and they took to the air. The ground below them began to rise, first from jungle to forest. Then from forest to rolling hills which gave way to tall mountains. The dragons were forced to fly higher to rise above them and the women started to shiver, as the air got...

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An Erotic Seduction Of My Savita Aunt 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone. This is Rohan from Mumbai. This is a real story of seduction, love,lust, romance and sex which happened with me when I was 23. I was working with a software company in Mumbai. I was not satisfied with my salary as had joined just 1 year back as fresher. So I started searching for a new job which I got in Bangalore and had to join in few days. My parents had contacted some relative in Bangalore for accommodation.They were ready to keep me at their home as paying guest. I came to...

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Mommys Boy Takes Charge Chapter 3

Willy dozed off, satiated by his four orgasms that morning. When he woke up he was alone. He walked to the kitchen where he found his mother and Cindy making a big Sunday dinner. They were both dressed in only bra and panties. Willy's pecker began to rise inside of his briefs which was all he had put on after waking. Barry was standing completely naked in the corner of the kitchen facing the juncture of the walls. By the crimson of the boy's buttocks Willy could tell that poor Barry had...

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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 32

LTD, Malissa's Academy, 32 By: Malissa Madison Waking up on Christmas morning was as usual a very exciting time for everyone. Seeing the littlest ones with their new toys brought back so many memories. Of course Tammi and Nova were like I was at that age, more interested in the boxes and pretty wrapping paper. The older children were trying to get them to play with the actual toys though. Then Becca opened her special gift from Santa Clause and I gasped seeing it. It was the...

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Jerome tries a hard anal session on me

Jerome tries a hard anal session on meMy old black lover Jerome called me that Friday evening, knowing that my loving husband was out of town on a business trip.He warned he was willing to fuck me only in my ass. I could not refuse… When Jerome arrived to my home, I was waiting for him, ready to be well butt fucked. I had put some gel deeper in my anus and had stretched my rear entrance with a huge black dildo.Jerome had already established from the beginning of our relationship that he was an...

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Brobdingnag Ch 03

Editor’s Note: This is the third chapter of the parts expunged from the published Gulliver’s Travels. Chapter Three — I am revived. Griselda defends me against her mistress. The trial of the dildo and the Lady Petrova’s penance. The screwed dual coupling is used. The revolt has been prevented. The messenger is rewarded. I remain apprehensive. — I recovered consciousness to become aware that I was free from all restraints and lying face down on the Lady Petrova’s folded apron. I seemed to...

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FatherInLaw Made Me His Slut

My name is Ayesha.I got married last year.Just like many of the conservative kerala muslim families .My father made me study an insignificant BSc Maths in a local college before marrying me off. My husband works in Gulf. A very good man and lover.We stayed together for 2 months after marriage and then he left to Gulf ,while I applied for my passport and dependant visa.Since,my father-in-law was a widower living alone.He sent me back to stay in my parent’s house to avoid boredom.But then,my...

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OtherworldChapter 4 Adjusting

I helped out around the farm as much as I could. Since I didn't know my way around a farm very well, Kathia had to explain an awful lot to me. She was always very patient with me and never complained, even when I did things the wrong way. We talked frequently, her about her life and Gianna and her husband, and me asking her questions about those things, plus this new world I was in. One afternoon, while we were carrying buckets of water back to house, I asked her about the blue dragon I...

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Adventures of a Greenie Off Planet Vol 2Chapter 3 Humongous

He did not know how long he had cried and he must have fallen asleep. This time there was no dream of his mother. He was certain he imagined things but there was a warm heavy arm on his shoulder and as he looked up a man sat next to him, the energy curtain was gone and the marine that mocked him stood there with a black eye and with a face of pure fright. “Everything is going to be alright, Roy.” The man next to him wore an all-black uniform, his calf-high boots polished to a mirror shine....

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Animal Farm OrgyChapter 10

The next day, Reverend Walker had to drive out to Marci's farm to pick up a list that she had prepared for the picnic, and he took Abby with him for the drive. While her husband and the girl were going over some of the details, Abby decided to take a walk out by the barn. The woman had just walked around the corner of the building when she saw Marci's big brother, Kirk. His pants and shorts were down around his ankles and he was trying to insert his hard cock into a nanny goat's cunt....

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A Trip Gone Wrong

The incident dates about a year back. I was visiting my then-girlfriend in Pune. Her name is Prachi(name changed). It had been three months since we had met. We were missing each other a lot, especially each other’s bodies. My girlfriend was very excited and had planned a trip to Lavasa with three friends of her…Surbhi and Aman. Aman and Surbhi were a couple. We had planned to leave for Lavasa early morning at around 5 a.m. so that we don’t have to face the traffic. Prachi and I were at...

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3way squirting

I had a neighbor who lived right across the street from me she had a man who got locked up all the time so on one of his stints to the prison I asked her if she smoked trees and she said yes she did so I made plans to see her later.I went to her spot as planned and we smoked an started foolin around well I made he squirt like a broken water main!!!the tongue and dick had her bustin off like crazy ...fast foward a few week later my neighbor arranged a 3sum with her an another woman I knew from...

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10 Book2Chapter 6

We drove for a half hour and turned onto a paved road but at the next road, he turned around and went back. I didn't have to be told that he was leaving false tracks with his truck tires. It was probably not necessary but I liked the way he was careful. Nothing was said and I was in no mood to talk. We drove for over an hour, finally getting back to paved roads. He seemed to know where he was going and turned onto a smaller road. We came up to a cut off and we drove down far enough for Herb...

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White Out

The cold steel clinked as the last link of chains snapped into place. Jax vigorously rubbed his freezing hands together trying to bring feeling back to his numb digits. He ran back to the truck and into the welcomed warmth of the heated cab. With the chains in place, he could continue his journey. Although a journey would not have been the word, he would have used describe it. The eighteen-wheeler he had finished putting the chains on was nothing more than a job and driving in this winter...

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Trimming the Hedge 3

Pruning the roses in Ms Goldman's back yard I see the window washer guy go in the back door. Later on I am mowing the lawns with the reel mower I walk passed a window that has light flashing from it. Curious I turn my head to take a look. A young man naked with a leather mask is on his knees is sucking the biggest cock I have ever seen. The black man is in a expensive suit wearing aviator glasses. Ms Goldman has a studio taking photos of the two men. I am shocked I finish the lawns and tidy up....

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Young drunk wife used

We had only been married a short while when a colleague at work, Tom, invited me and my young bride to a party. In spite of the fact that we didn't know many people there, we both had a wonderful evening. Beth was the Belle of the ball; she was in great demand for dances. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that she was wearing a mini skirt, it had a slight flare that when she was spun around, it would rise up showing of her tiny red thong. Which of course meant her bare bottom was on...

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