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My mind is heavy now.

Age and wisdom have taken their toll, age more than the other I think sometimes but it is just as effective for stealing my memories.

I wanted to tell you about this, before I forget, or even worse, before I believe it never happened.

It was February of 2011, almost ten years since 9-11 and I was alone for the first time in thirty years.

My marriage had been hard, the divorce harder and one is never quite prepared for that particular type of loss no matter how logical it all seems at the time.

The whys and the wherefores, the blame, the guilt all loaded on the truck with what furniture I took with me.

The divorce had taken nearly eighteen months to finalize so I was used to being alone, it wasn’t that, but there is a particular kind of aloneness that comes with the holidays and with his new marriage looming on Valentine’s Day, I needed to get away.

You have to be careful planning a trip in February in New England, it can blow up in your face if a Nor’easter comes calling so I decided a short two hour jaunt to a quiet Bed and Breakfast just outside of Boston was in order.

I wanted to walk on the shore as the bitter winter wind tore at me, to clear my head, and free my soul so on a cold January Sunday morning with only my coffee to keep me company in bed, I started looking over the Travel section of my newspaper.

Now, as you can imagine the pages were covered with brilliant pictures of exotic beaches in faraway places, all claiming to be the answer to your winter blues, or the cure for your cabin fever. I could have chosen one of them I suppose but then, I wouldn’t be here telling you this story now if I had.

I had just refilled my coffee mug and stretched out in my bed again when I saw a small ad in the corner of the next to last page. There was no colorful beach or nearly naked toned bodies in small bathing suits to entice me. There was however, a lighthouse.

It was officially the Light keeper’s cottage that was for rent, which you could imagine was nothing spectacular but the lighthouse was another story. Majestic as it stood, withstanding the hard winds of the Atlantic for over two hundred years, a tough old broad, like me, I thought.

I pulled out my laptop and typed in the web address, yes, apparently even lighthouses have their own websites now.

I would be lying if I said it wasn’t the pictures that suckered me in. The red and white tower standing guard over the rocky cliffs and water below, the pictures of the lush sunsets as they disappeared over the horizon, the oversized stone fireplace that burned with a warm fire.

It was all of them, partly, if I am being honest, and at my age being honest is all I have left.

Like I said, it was partly those pictures but what caught my eye and my imagination was the picture of a small sign that had been erected in front of the lighthouse entrance.

The sign simply said:







I don’t know how long I stared at that picture, my mind was racing, my heart was beating a little faster than normal and the world got a little blurry at that moment. My mind was already walking on that shore and I was struggling to keep up with it.

My hands were still shaking slightly when I emailed the woman and asked about a long weekend getaway in February. I told her a little more than perhaps I should have, casually mentioning my reason for getting away at this particular time and when I hit the ‘send’ button, my heart jumped a little.

It was nearly a week before I heard back and I had nearly given up hope when I saw the reply in my Yahoo inbox. I felt an adrenaline rush as I opened the email and was shaking as I read her instructions for payment and key appropriation. I wasted no time and wrote her back immediately to let her know those terms were agreeable and she would have my check in two days time. I was still shaking when I wrote the separate checks for the deposit and the rental and drove to the post office to hand deliver it to the postman behind the counter.

Did I know something at that point? A premonition of sorts? I think back now and I would have to say no but sometimes, late at night, I wonder if I am just trying to convince myself of that.

I arrived at the Nantucket Lighthouse two days before Valentine’s Day, time enough I thought, to forget. The two keys had been mailed to me and as I slipped the bright gold one into the door of the cottage I felt a sharp breeze across my neck. I nearly turned to look but decided I was just being silly and entered my home for the next five days.

It was furnished as you would expect it might be. Comfortable overstuffed furniture, shabby chic we would have called it back in the city, but it was natural here in the tiny rooms. The fireplace was filled with kindling and small logs and the hearth was stacked with larger wood that would last the entire night if I chose to use it. I thought about starting a fire but the evening light was fading and I wanted to see the lighthouse before dark.

I found the bedroom behind the kitchen and was pleasantly surprised. A mahogany four poster king sized bed nearly filled the small room, and a second stone fireplace waited to be lit. The bed was covered in a thick white down comforter with white lace covered feather pillows that begged to be slipped into and I had to struggle not to dive under them and sleep.

There were several other pieces of furniture in the room, a small nightstand and dresser, an ancient trunk that rested at the footboard of the bed, and an antique rocking chair that had been placed next to the fireplace hearth. It was cozy…and perfect.

I pulled my camera from my overnight bag before stuffing my suitcases into the tiny closet, placed my wine and groceries into the refrigerator and then headed out the door towards the lighthouse.

The shadows were already getting long as I walked the cobblestone path down to the cliffs and I had thought to stop only a moment to take several shots of the magnificent sunset reflected in the cold Atlantic. Just a moment I thought, but before I knew it, I was near the edge of the cliffs and as the wind pushed me about, I could see the jagged rocks that waited below. I stepped quickly back, surprised and a little terrified that I could have been that reckless and turned to look at the lighthouse.

I was blinded for a second, the fading sun reflecting back to me from the lens and I had to close my eyes for a moment. But I saw something in the lighthouse tower before I did. Something or someone.

At first I thought it had been a trick of the light, a glare, a shadow, but now I know better. Now I know better.

Sunspots danced across the lawn as I tried to focus once again, gray and white spots that clouded my vision for a minute or so and I had to close my eyes several times before they finally disappeared. I didn’t look directly at the lighthouse again but rather to the side of it and up the shore a bit and it was then I heard the sound of a dog barking.

I didn’t see him at first, my temporary blindness still a factor, I only heard him and when I finally saw the yellow fluff of fur, head and chest barreling towards me, it was nearly too late.

I saw his eyes first, big and brown and full of joy as he ran full tilt towards me and how he stopped before plowing me over is anyone’s guess. His mouth was filled with the florescent green of a tennis ball until he dropped it at my feet and stood waiting patiently for me to throw it. I picked it up and threw it as far as my arm could manage and if it had been twice as far I doubt it would have been enough for this guy.

He ran as hard as he could, rear legs slipping between the front ones, sending him soaring from the ground in long leaps. I laughed at his excitement and
felt the unfamiliar twinge of hope as I watched him.

There is a joy in this that only dog lovers can understand, it lights a beacon in your heart and the world disappears for a while. It had been a long time since I had allowed such warmth in and with the Golden’s reckless abandon, I felt alive.

The dog had picked up the ball and turned to come back to me when he suddenly stopped, his head tilting gently to the side, his ears lifted in anticipation. I listened but heard nothing but the shore hitting the rocks beneath me. We looked at one another and he seemed to be torn for a moment when the clear sound of a whistle and a ‘here boy’ made the decision easy for him and he bolted towards the lighthouse.

I glanced towards the tower again, careful to keep my gaze from the lens above and saw him standing there.

There was something about him even then, before I knew, before I understood. He was a large man, tall with broad shoulders and a deep chest. Thick black hair fell across his forehead and I could see deep dark eyes even with the distance between us.

Now, I should have been afraid, alone as I was out here with a stranger but the gentleness with which he ruffled his dog’s furry head and the grin he wore as he threw the ball across the lawn gave me a sense of genuine tenderness from the man. He didn’t walk towards me but stood still as he said,

‘I hope he didn’t bother you.’

‘No, he’s beautiful and a perfect gentleman.’

His smile widened at my comment. ‘Yes, Captain is a gentleman if nothing else.’

The Golden had returned to his master’s feet and was sitting in wait for the ball to be thrown once more.

‘He does look like a Captain after all, waiting for his crew to do his bidding,’ I laughed and said.

‘I have often wondered who belonged to whom in our relationship. He does seem to have the upper hand most of the time.’ He rubbed the dog’s head before throwing the ball out across the grass once more.

‘I’m Daniel by the way.’

He still hadn’t moved so I took several steps in his direction, while not getting too close. I looked out over the ocean as I said, ‘It’s very nice to meet you Daniel, I’m Amanda.’

I thought of putting my hand out but I didn’t want to seem too forward.


It wasn’t a question, just a statement and I said,

‘No one has called me that since I was a child.’

‘Do you prefer Amanda?’

I got the feeling that if I had said yes he would have been disappointed and with him, I didn’t want him to be disappointed about anything.

‘Not at all, Mandy is fine. I just haven’t heard it in forever.’

‘Mandy it is then.’ And then he fell silent.

It could have ended there, perhaps it should have, but there was something about him that drew me to him and made me stay a little longer.

We stood in silence, watching as Captain chased the ball about the property and waiting for the sun to go down. I forgot about investigating the lighthouse for the day, it was Daniel that held my attention, him, and trying to figure what to say to him.

Night comes early that time of year and as dusk settled in and the cottage behind me began to disappear into the pending darkness, I knew it was time to leave. I told Daniel to have a good evening then turned from the shore, from him, from Captain, and headed towards home.

I held my breath as I walked, waiting for a response from him, but when I received none, I turned back one last time before opening the front door only to discover they were both gone.

It was some time after 6:00 p.m. when I heard the sound at the door.

I almost missed it. My dinner behind me, I lay dozing in front of the fire, sipping a glass of Pinot Grigio and glancing over my latest Odd Thomas novel. My head was filled with ghosts as I dozed and my mind drifted into a gray haze from the wine.

I went to the door and raised up on tiptoe to look through the tiny porthole glass peep hole but saw nothing outside. I started walking back to the couch when the sound came again, this time a little louder and accompanied by a soft cry.

I cracked the door open slightly and was greeted by Captain pushing his way into the cottage. Along with him came a large cloud of white snow that spread a dusty coating across the wood floor. The animal ran into the room and proceeded to plop down in front of the fireplace as if he owned the place.

I wasn’t sure what to do, the snow was blowing outside and I wasn’t about to leave the dog to freeze so I simply shut the door and figured sooner or later Daniel would come looking for him. I gave Captain some scraps from my dinner which he scoffed up in a second and went back to the comfort of my couch and wine.

I must have slept after that because I don’t remember Captain finding his way onto my couch with me, I only realized it when I heard the knock on the door and found my feet were trapped beneath soft golden fur.

I gently pulled out my legs and petted the sleeping beast on his head but he didn’t move an inch. I went to the door and opened it for the second time that evening but this time I was greeted by the dark brooding eyes of Daniel.

‘Did you lose something?’

Daniel grinned. ‘Let me guess, he found his way here?’

I pointed towards the sleeping ball of fur on my couch without saying a word and Daniel looked at him with a disapproving smirk.

‘He made himself right at home didn’t he?’

‘Yep. You would think he belonged here. Does he come here often?’

‘Every chance he gets.’

‘Well, he is perfectly welcome for as long as I am here. I enjoy the company.’

Daniel gave me an odd look but said nothing and simply nodded when I asked him if he would like a glass of wine.

I poured two glasses this time and when I returned, I found Daniel on the couch next to Captain, stroking his fur and whispering something into the dog’s ear.

I never asked what Daniel said to him, but Captain opened his soft brown eyes for only a moment before falling back into a deep sleep. As I recall, he slept there the rest of the night.

Daniel and I spent the remainder of the evening on the couch, me curled up beneath my throw just listening to him talk, taking in every word, remembering every moment. He smelled incredible. His scent was clean and masculine and I imagined if I brought my lips to his I would taste the salt of the ocean upon them and in those hours, I imagined that quite often.

The occasional brush of his hand against my leg sent chills through me and I struggled to stay in control when all I wanted was to be anything but in control.

I had one eye on the clock as the evening wore on, sure that at any moment he would tell me he needed to go home but even as the evening turned into night and then to early morning, he never took his leave of me.

I cannot remember exactly what we spoke of, and for all the hours we spent together I realized later that I learned very little about him. I spoke to him about my family and my marriage and I saw the sharp look of anger as I talked about the abuse I had suffered at the hands of my ex. There were times of silence yet I felt nothing of the awkwardness that can come with the stillness and if he wished for the evening to end, he gave no indication.

The snow fell for most of the night and as dawn began to creep through the blinds and curtains, my eyes became heavy and sleep finally got the best of me.

It wasn’t long, I don’t believe, when I felt the warmth and softness of the bed beneath me and the heat from the bedroom fireplace filling the small room. I was still in a slight haze both from the wine and the heat, although I shall not use that as an excuse, so it took me a moment or two to realize Daniel was sitting in the rocking chair, staring into the fire.

I raised up slightly and realized I was wearing nothing but my panties and camisole yet I had no memory of
getting undressed. I stared at Daniel for a couple of minutes, saying nothing, just watching him as he got lost in the thought in the firelight. I was nearly asleep again when Daniel noticed I was awake and came to my bedside, said goodnight, and kissed me gently.

I felt no hunger in that first kiss, it was the kiss of a gentleman, warm and gentle, but when I kissed him back my body betrayed me and my lips told him more than my words ever could.

In a instant he was on top of me, his full weight filling the emptiest parts of my body, the portions that I had long forgotten. I was a whole once more and if I never knew this feeling again for the rest of my life, I knew what it felt like at that moment.

My arms and legs wrapped tightly around his chest and waist, like a drowning woman clinging to the last visage of hope for survival. Could he have known how much I needed him then? Perhaps, but I have always wanted to believe he needed me as well.

I have never known a lover like Daniel, so much strength in his hands but such tenderness that could draw the heat from me in a constant slow burn. He made love to me for hours, my pleasure his only concern and even as I slept against his chest, I still felt the hardness of his desire against my belly.

I know we ate at some point and we talked until I slept again. Later that day and for the five days that followed, we spent every moment together. Captain crept in and out of the cottage as we came and went, we walked on the shore, explored the lighthouse, and spent hour after hour in each other’s arms beneath the thick covers of the large bed.

On Valentine’s Day Daniel woke me to breakfast in bed then made love to me until dinner time. He wrote our names in the snow as I watched from the window and surrounded them with a gigantic heart. I managed to take a photo of his gift to me before Captain ran through his homemade Valentine, sending our names into the wind. Daniel nearly scolded him but I wouldn’t allow it and instead called them both back into the warmth of the cottage.

The snow came and came again and finally on Wednesday, the day before I left, the sun reappeared for the first time.

I awoke that morning to see Daniel staring out the window, a sadness in his eyes that I hadn’t seen before. I asked him to come back to bed and when he did, he simply held me for a long time. I knew something was wrong although I couldn’t have guessed then what it was.

I was either too blind to see or too much in love with him at that point to think clearly or to understand. You can take your pick, but I believe it was probably a little bit of both.

We tried to eat but did little more than pick at the food on our plates and Captain enjoyed the bounty of the day’s meals. We made love throughout the afternoon and evening and although Daniel was still as fervent as always, I felt as if he wished mostly for the feeling of my arms around him.

It was wonderful still but melancholy had joined us in our bed and in the darkness of the room late that night, I felt sorrow join us as well.

It was sometime that night, I would be merely guessing if I said it was this time or that but I felt Daniel sit upright in bed. He was staring at the fire and even when I touched his arm, he refused to look at me.

Perhaps I should have asked him what was wrong, or perhaps I should have told him I was in love with him then but I did neither. Maybe it would have made a difference, somehow, but even as I write this story, I have my doubts.

I tell myself this anyway, when I remember. It even helps sometimes.

Daniel never spoke and I finally fell back into a fitful sleep. The dreams that came were cold and empty and when I awoke a few hours later I felt as if I hadn’t slept at all.

My room was quite chilly, the fire long out and Daniel was no longer in my bed. It was still dark and the clock next to the bed said it was still hours before dawn.

I rose and pulled my robe on, my bare feet cold on the hardwood floor as I made my way into the living room. He was not on the couch or lighting the fire as I had hoped and as I looked around the remainder of the cottage, I realized I was alone. Daniel had gone.

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fantasy sex confession

For those that are used to my usual style and have offered such lovely words in their feedback, you may not like what follows. It is somewhat different in style and a departure from what I usually do. But hey, I personally need to write this, I just have to get it off my chest, it is a sort of confession if you will. If you really don’t like it, just stop reading, click away and I will return to my normal style soon enough.I have been asked what made me start writing what are essentially short...

1 year ago
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Have you seen my bra Part III

Have you seen my bra? Part III Mother and Miss Robins sent us to my room to practice dressing and undressing for a while. Mother instructed me to show Jack her panty and bra drawers so he'd be comfortable with seeing women's lingerie, this being his first day of handling such intimates and all. We walked up to my room and practiced undressing and dressing. Mother had me carry up the bag she'd pulled my maid outfit out of and instructed me to empty the remaining items into my 'lingerie'...

2 years ago
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The Old Man finally has enough of his teen neighbour

I giggled into my scarf so as to muffle the sound. The faint scent of brandy and rum assulted my nose as my breath caught in my scarf's blue silken folds. Attempting to tiptoe lightly to my appartment door, I stumbled into a thin side table which thanks to my imbalance slammed against the radiator, sending in turn a deep metallic bang through the buildings heating system."Right you little cunt, 19 is old enough to have gained respect for elders..." I heard Mr Linton mutter as the door...

3 years ago
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My Brother Would Be BetterChapter 2

For the rest of the week, Olivia refused to get off. These thoughts were starting to get out of hand. When she’d been comparing the strange men she was hooking up with to her brother ... well, she’d just been using him as a baseline. She may as well have been comparing the man to a randomly-selected New Zealander, or co-worker. But what had happened when she’d played with herself ... It made her uncomfortable. And so for the next few days, Olivia tried very hard not to think about sex. It...

2 years ago
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My Little Amanda

MY LITTLE AMANDA This is going to be Amanda's big day. Today would be her transformation into my little girl, my own Amanda. I had prepared for this day very carefully. Choosing from my own wardrobe a semi-formal black dress with a corset top, making provocative mounds of my breasts. Underneath, black panties, garter belt, and blacked seamed stockings. My feet were encased in black high heels with open toes. I felt the Mistress in me come out as I carefully applied my make up. Blue eye...

3 years ago
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Weekend Escape With A New Friend

Natalie and I had been distant friends for years. We grew up in the same areas and attended the same schools, knowing each other only by name, not who we were or what we did. But there had always been that connection between us. The glances where both of our eyes meet and we seemed to be thinking the same thing, whatever those thoughts were I really wasn’t sure at that stage. As we grew older and more aware of who we were, the looks became longer and the curiosity stronger. Before we knew it we...

4 years ago
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My First Time Unexpected Experience

Hi, this is Phani. I am new to this site. This is about my life and how I started into this. I usually called as a nerd because I was too studious that I never thought about sex. This all started when my cousin was staying with us and pursuing his MTech in computer science. He used to be an average student who always worried about passing but not really learning. After 3 weeks of college, he had assignments to do. But he wasn’t worried. Because he knew his friends gonna send him. But...

Gay Male
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March Madness Chapter 9

This story is not intended for children and if you are not old enough to read sexually explicit material, go away. This story features some elements of female domination (femdom), teasing & denial, chastity training, mild bondage, creampies, cuckolding cross-dressing and a few other fantasies of mine. I hope you find it entertaining, but if you might be offended, stop reading and do something else. The author retains all rights to this story. You may re-post the story...

2 years ago
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Family PortraitChapter 27

Karen and I have always assumed that our Mom and Dad were going to find out the truth. Either by walking in and finding us together, or from someone who knows. It just seemed inevitable, and no matter how careful we proved. Though when the end came and the relationship between my sister and I was brought to light, the actual betrayer was someone I never would have expected. Of course there were many who knew by then, but all of them had good reasons not to tell, and even a few had dark...

1 year ago
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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 29 Notices

This is "Morning Edition". I'm Renée Montaigne... Police in San Francisco yesterday saw a woman wearing a virtual polo shirt, talking to a man outside a topless bar. They arrested her for loitering. The judge asked her about it. She explained that she is the bartender and was cleaning up an overturned trash can with the help of a customer. The judge told the arresting officer, "I see nothing improper here. If anything, she's over-dressed." The accused took off the uniform jacket the...

3 years ago
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Doing My Husband Part II

Sorry for the delay in continuing this story. Please read Part one to get up to speed as this one starts where the other one left off. --- After Tina left the room, I stripped off my shirt and stood naked in the living room. Naked, except for my six inch strap-on, connected to a snug fitting panty girdle. My pussy still throbbed with the spasms of my orgasm. Looking down past my hard nipples at the realistic cock protruding from my mound, I could see red smears left by my...

1 year ago
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Mother May I part I

"Sorry, Mrs. K, er, ah, I was looking for Joe."She was my best friend's mother and I came across her tanning, stomach down with the her two piece top straps undone. Their yard was surrounded by a seven foot tall wooden fence. I always came around the back and knocked on Joe's bedroom window. "No need to be so shy, Jack. I used to change your diapers."And she had, being my mom's best friend since moving to our little cul-de-sac heaven, three split-level ranch homes, the architectural embodiment...

1 year ago
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Working It In

When the wife and I went out of town, we hired Tanya, the college girl from down the street who babysat our kids occasionally, to housesit and take care of our dog. Tanya was twenty, maybe twenty-one, and built, as they say, like a brick shithouse. She had long dirty, brown hair and firm full tits, with curves that made it very hard to look her in the eye for long. She was a wet dream, and she knew it. Every time she came over to our place to babysit, she was wearing clothes that managed to...

4 years ago
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No touching

I caught her eye across the room. Kerrie was in mid discussion with someone. Talking music and drums I imagine. I look at her, enjoying her figure, as she moves from foot to foot and participates in the discussion. Do they know what she isn’t wearing I wonder? Moving further around the room I place myself in her line of sight so that I catch her eye. Smiling I deliberately let my eyes rove over her body. She smiles and moves slightly so that I am more front on, still talking she turns slightly...

3 years ago
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Summer in USA 4th part Public Sex 8th part Car

1st experience with BBC left big impression on me. I was turned on every every single moment after Mike or Mr. Bone as he ordered to call him has left villa. I knew that Mr. Bailey will not be jealous and also I was pretty sure he already knows what has happened.Since Mr. Bailey was still at work, I decided to take a nap, use gym and swimming pool and afterwards to do something useful and wash car which Mr. Bailey gave me to use while I am on vacation. Also, I knew that soon he will come home...

2 years ago
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Uncontrollably Wet Married Client Fucked Hard In Delhi 8211 Part 2

Before we go to the Literotica story, here is a little introduction about the author. Neeraj here aged 33, from Kolkata. Catch me in kolkataboyneeraj. Let’s dive into the story now. One of my friends shared this story, so I am using his narrative to tell the story. Shipra sat by my side in the car, and I took my seat on the wheel. Shipra was wearing a one-piece dress till knee length. While shifting gears, my hands were touching her smooth thighs. Shipra looked at me and gave a smile. She knew...

1 year ago
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A walk in the woods part 3

So I went to pic up the next guy, He was abour 40-45 years old walking his dog (golden retriever). I walked towards him, petted his dog (cutest one i've seen in a while) and asked him what he was interested in. He told me he wanted a blowjob and cum in my mouth. I told him it was fine but if he wanted he could cum in my pussy for the same price. ofcourse he didn't hesitate and agreed to it.He was the first guy not to ask any questions about why I was doing this, he just followed me to my spot,...

2 years ago
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Life Hacks

The future. A constant beacon of hope and possibilities. No one knows what the future will bring, and that makes it exciting. Change is the only guarantee, for better or for worse. Because sometimes the future turns to a dark path. It had seemed like such a huge breakthrough when researchers showed the world what cybernetic enhancements could do. Humans became faster, had to sleep less but most importantly, became smarter. Brain implants allowed for data to be downloaded straight into the brain...

Mind Control
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ParenthoodChapter 10

The end of the year holidays were approaching, and Liz managed to get a job as a sales assistant in a big department store. She would start before the holidays, and would continue through to the discount sales afterwards. Then she would be visiting her home for a few days, and Mina would come to see us after the actual Christmas holidays. Once again she borrowed my car, and before she left she made sure that we both would be sore for days. When the time actually came, I had prepared myself...

3 years ago
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Jade Part 2

The rest of the weekend was like any other weekend that my daughter spent with me. She didn’t behave differently, she didn’t look at me differently and her mother came to get her at 7 sharp. The same routine we’d been doing for years since her mother and I split up. The only thing that was a little different was that she spent most of the weekend in very little clothing, mostly panties and t-shirts, and managed to do a lot of bending over. Other than that things were pretty normal and that...

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Craigslist hookup that actually worked

Just a quickie story here to record a pretty crazy day. Labor Day 2013 here in the US, but I decided to go into one of our local offices to get a project done. The office was in Santa Ana, CA and since we were in the middle of a remodel job, I wasn't sure if the air conditioning would even be on. Sure enough, when I rolled in it was hot as hell. Luckily there was a slight breeze and I was able to open up freight door in the back to get some air in the office. I knocked off a couple...

4 years ago
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Joan the Best Motherinlaw Ever

The following story is mostly true and re-told to the best of my memory. Of course this did take place a few years ago so I have no doubt that I might have forgotten a few details, still I’ll try my best to re-tell it just as I experienced it. As a favor to you I’ll skip over the boring parts of this story. No one wants to know about how many times you sharpen a pencil during an exam or how many answers you erased and re-wrote. People just want to know what your final score was. So this is one...

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my first handjob

we'll to let you know about me I'm 312lbs 5'9 and this is a true story about me getting my first hand job hope you all enjoy! :)when I was 21 I decided to give online dating a try , so one day I signed up for a free website. as nervous as I was I noticed a lot of hot and pretty girls on this site so I thought damn there is no way ima get some chick to date me. sure enough after a couple of days I didn't get any replays so I thought we'll maybe this wasn't gonna work out as I planned, so I...

1 year ago
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Car TroubleE29part1of1

Suddenly, there was a loud bang. I could feel myself losing control of the car and I swerved, trying to avoid letting the soft shoulder suck me too far into the ditch. At last the car stopped my foot heavy on the brake. For a few minutes, I just sat in the driver's seat, gasping for breath and tightly gripping the steering wheel, as I tried to compose myself. Then, as my breathing stabilized I slowly started to get out of the car. Car trouble Part-1-of-1 Beverly, I call her Bev had been so...

Sex With Stranger
2 years ago
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A Second Chance Chapter 46

WEDNESDAY, June 8, 2016 Today was a PD day at school, but while all her classmates slept in, Rachael had to get up at her regular time. John, Paul and Pastor McNaughton were coming by at 8:30 to pick her up. John and Paul had decided to get married on Saturday, June 18, and Paul really wanted his estranged mother and sister to come. They had disowned him five years ago when he came out of the closet, and when his father died soon after, the pair blamed Paul. They lived in St....

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BangBros18 Mae Milano Fuck Before Mom Comes Home

Preston Parker has not been able to keep his eyes off of his new step daughter, Mae. Even though its wrong, it feels so right. They fucked last night and they decide today that they wanna fuck again. Preston calls his wife and gives her a few tasks to do while she’s out of the house to make sure that they have enough time to fuck before getting caught. He worships her body and plays with her pussy before she gives him an amazing blowjob and they fuck in multiple positions on the kitchen...

3 years ago
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Mom and daughter

I had gone to visit Julie who I had been having sex with for about a year. She was a single mom with a 13 yo daughter. Julie and I went way back and we had our first sex together when we were 14. Back then we had a gang and it was a rule any girl had to fuck or suck any boy who wanted it. There were 8 in the gang and we all shared sex with one another and a few of the boys even did boy boy ses like sucking each other off or bum fucking.Julie had a girlfriend Loretta too and they often put on...

1 year ago
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Pretty Filipina Wife Cheats WIth REAL Men

My Filipina wife Annie and I were married almost 8 years before we got to the point that I agreed to an open marriage. We had been talking about it for almost all our marriage, usually during sex, after which we both pretended it was just fantasy. Annie had been taking the k**s to the gym to learn boxing, and had caught the eye of one of the instructors there, an African-American guy in his early 20s. She would tell me about him and the way he behaved to her. He kept trying to get her number,...

2 years ago
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The Lost Tribe Part 5

--- The Lost Tribe, Part 5 (mm, 1st, anal, rape) by Krosis of the Collective --- Tina and Dylan woke up with her still on top of him, but even though she was still horny, the rest of the male tribe was up and about so they had no privacy for morning sex. They headed down the long trail to the beach in order to wash up. Tina didn't like the boys' camp as much as the girls' camp for location, as they had to work with the terrain instead of the area that had been cleared by the plane...

4 years ago
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Repo Auto CenterChapter 14 New Truck Love

“You realize what you were expecting me to do, don’t you?” Siza just stood there giving me a really funny look of mostly disbelief but also, “What the hell is the matter with you?” I was sure she considered me the best definition of a fool. And now I would never be welcomed as a local but turns out the requirements for installation in that private club were just too much for this haole. There were so many reasons controlling my life and “YES” I hated that. Yet... , I just didn’t know. “I...

1 year ago
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Young buck

Virginia York wheeled her Caddy into the parking garage and after maneuvering through the maze of ramps she nosed the big auto into a space near the elevator. She shivered a little as a cold north wind whipped around her while waiting for a car. Finally down on the street, she made her way the two blocks to a nondescript building on the west side of Chicago's Loop. It had been almost a month since her last visit, and the anticipation in her pussy caused her to drench her panties involuntarily!...

3 years ago
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A Touch of DeathChapter 7

I'd rather have avoided being seen by the demonic duo, but Ginger, alas, had other ideas. She half-stood and waved at them. "Crap," I hissed. "Did you have to do that?" Dora's face clouded and she started stalking across the dining room toward our table. Calvin followed her at a slower pace. My fight or flight system began clamoring for me to get up and start swinging but I over-ruled it and schooled my face. I would not sink to her level on her turf. She stopped a few feet short and...

1 year ago
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Christmas Time With Him

Hello everyone. I hope all the readers out there are doing great. I loved reading all the e-mails you people are sending and I make sure to reply to all of them. If you haven’t written to me yet, you can drop in an e-mail at I try to write stories that are something more about sex, that could also give a glimpse of love in a relationship. I hope you enjoyed my previous stories. Let’s introduce one again for those who are reading my story for the first time. I’ll begin with mine and my...

Gay Male
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Missed CallChapter 16 But Im Afraid

It was about three weeks later. Claudia and I had had our kiss and makeup session. She knew she was wrong to say those things in such a hurtful manner. I had faced my fears, and finally confessed that the things she had said were actually true. So we went back to being best friends. My camp friend Justin called me. He was tall, good looking, and one of the most fascinating and coolest people I had ever met. He wanted to get together, go to dinner and a movie or something. So I told him to...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Adriana Chechik A For Anal

Stunning superstar Adriana Chechik wraps her lush lips around a black dildo and plunges her sphincter. Crazy Russian stud Markus Dupree gives her a rim job and fills her bunghole with his dick while she masturbates. Adriana moans in ecstasy as his prick pounds her butt. She stuffs a big toy down her throat and cums on Markus’s thick prick. When he slides his fingers into her rectum, orgasmic Adriana squirts girl juice all over herself! Markus laps up her fuck fluid and snowballs it into...


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