- 2 years ago
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I want to state beforehand that this work is a fantasy based on facts mixed with my, shall we say, fertile imagination. I do know a young lady similar to the one I describe in this tale, and have thought of her many times. However, the intimate events detailed in this story have never happened, if they had, I certainly wouldn’t be telling you about them. That would be ‘ungentlemanly.’
Part One
I first met Danielle when I was her supervisor at a small diner outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She was only eighteen at the time and, although I did harbor an attraction for the girl, my then current live-in relationship with a woman I deeply loved, my status as her boss, as well as the fact I was thirty years Danielle’s senior, relegated me to keeping my distance. I could look, though…and from time to time, I did.
Physically, she was as lovely a girl as I had ever encountered. She was around five-ten, long and finely textured brown hair, with a creamy porcelain complexion that showed no traces of ever having needed Clearasil. Her eyes were the same brown as her hair, and were shaded by the most sensual eyelids I had ever seen. Naturally long lashes feathered her high cheekbones, and her lips were full with a slight bow.
Her body was exquisite to my eyes, slender and svelte, nearly willowy, with slender hips and small breasts. She was everything you would expect to see in a girl making her final transition to womanhood.
Her manner was friendly but cool, and very professional in the diner. She waited tables as if she had been doing it for years, not the four months she had indicated on her application. Her manner toward me was also professional, but somewhat shy. Often, when conversing with me about topics that were more personal, her eyelids would drop a bit, and I would see the slightest of blushes creep onto her cheek. It was absolutely charming, and I became a bit more open with her about my life outside of work.
Occasionally, she would ask me (or I would offer) a ride home. During those short drives, (she lived less than a mile from me) we would talk about other things, movies, music, etc. and we were surprised to find we had a lot more in common than expected, given the age gap. She loved the classic films, Lawrence of Arabia, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Paper Moon…but she also confessed a love for the work of Mel Brooks and Woody Allen. I was amazed that someone so young grasped some of Allen’s subtle and intelligent humor, and came to realize Danielle was much more than she appeared. As a result, we found ourselves warming to each other even more, and relished every opportunity to talk.
Only once did the friendship threaten to go further. I had just pulled into her driveway and offered my hand for what had become our traditional farewell handshake. She took my hand, but didn’t let go. Instead, she pulled me a little closer, and shyly kissed my cheek. ‘What was that for?’ I asked, but her lids had dropped a bit and she shrugged.
When she looked up again, she said simply, ‘Just a thank you…for being my friend. You’re very nice, you know, and you treat me with a lot of respect at work. That’s why I try to give you my best.’
‘Well…you do good work. I certainly do appreciate it. And Danielle?’
‘I do appreciate the kiss…but it would be a good idea if you didn’t do that again. I’m still your boss, and even a friendly kiss could be trouble if anyone at work ever found out. They whisper enough anyway about me riding you home.’
‘I know,’ she replied, ‘ I hear the whispers sometimes. But we are just friends, after all.’
‘Yes we are…and I value that friendship immensely. It’s nice to have someone outside of my home to talk to.’
‘Yes it is,’ she said. A silence fell between us as we made eye contact, then Danielle brightened.
‘Still friends?’ she queried.
‘Still friends,’ I replied with a grin, and we shook again. ‘Goodnight, see you Thursday,’ I said as she opened her door.
‘Goodnight, Steve.’ The passenger door closed and I waited as I always did until she was inside the house. I shook my head…that kiss, so soft and…what was I thinking? She’s just a kid! And you have a great woman!
I drove home, entered my house and found my lady. She was just getting into the shower when I turned her around and kissed her deeply, passionately. Beth responded fully to my advance, allowing me to pick her up and carry her to the bed where we made love for the next three hours.
Two months later, I quit the diner job due to a dispute with another employee. He had tried to give me a joint after work and I refused the gift, knowing it was inappropriate. It turned out to be a setup anyway, and after some heated discussion the next morning with Jon, the general manager, I told him to go fuck himself for the underhanded subterfuge, and walked out. Danielle was just coming in for her day shift and stopped me outside the front door. I explained the situation to her, and she sympatheti-cally hugged me. The general manager saw the embrace, stormed outside, and fired her on the spot for ‘inappropriate fraternization with a supervisor.’
‘I just quit,’ I reminded him, ‘I was no longer her supervisor when the contact occurred!’
‘I don’t give a shit!’ he yelled, ‘Danielle, you are terminated, effective immediately…get your personal items from your locker and leave the premises!’
‘Asshole!’ We looked at each other, surprised we had said this in unison, then burst out laughing. Jon stormed back inside, and I offered Danielle a last ride home, which she accepted. When we got to her place, she lingered in the car for a few moments. ‘I can’t believe what just happened,’ she remarked. ‘I can’t believe he fired me for that.’
‘I can’t believe it either. You know, ‘ I continued, turning to look at her, ‘we could file a lawsuit for this. I was technically and factually not employed there when you hugged me.’
‘But by law, it would have to go through an arbitration process first, right?’
Surprised, I looked at her. ‘How did you know that?’
‘I took some classes last year…you know, business administration, business law, stuff like that. We covered this subject. There would be an arbitration hearing to see if the issue could be settled out of court. If no resolution is reached, then a suit could proceed.’ I shook my head in wonder. Danielle had amazed me again with her intellect.
‘Right,’ I continued, ‘ and Jon would probably agree to rehire you to avoid the suit. I would have no standing because I had already quit, and…’
‘And he would make my life miserable until I quit,’ she finished. Danielle shrugged. ‘Ah…just as well. He paid me shit wages anyway, and the tips weren’t that great. Good riddance, upon reflection.’ She smiled at me. ‘You OK?’ I took a breath and whooshed it out in a sigh.
‘Yeah…I can always get another job. Look, Danielle..if you ever need a reference…you have my number, right?’
‘Yeah…but I’m probably going to go back to school full time anyway. But I’ll call you from time to time, if that’s alright.’ She smiled as I nodded. ‘Steve…you’re the best boss I’ve ever had.’ And with that, she held out her hand. As I took it, she quickly kissed my cheek. ‘I’m gonna miss working with you.’
‘Me too,’ I returned. She smiled softly, and her eyes dropped a bit, those long lashes touching her cheeks. She gave me one last look, opened the door and left.
I didn’t see her again for three years. She never called.
Part Two
In the following years, I opened and folded two businesses, worked part-time jobs in a variety of industries, bought and sold two cars, sold my house…and lost my lady to another man. Beth had grown impatient with what she called my ‘lack of direction,’ but I didn’t discover her affair until she had been gone for a month. Beth left me two days before Christmas that last year, and I was d
evastated. Luckily, my parents and siblings were empathetic, and they did a lot in helping me get over a failed eight year love affair.
I found myself working with various hospitals and nursing homes as a patient advocate, or ombudsman. I had been appointed to this position due to my management experience, which had included a lot of conflict resolution involving departments and employees in a union shop. I had been doing this job for about six months when I was called to investigate patient abuse complaints at a large university hospital in downtown Philadelphia.
I was on the third floor, having wrapped up some interviews with three LPN’s and two CNA’s, a process that had taken over four hours. As I left the conference room and headed for the elevators, an eight foot high food cart came around the corner, nearly colliding with me in the hall. I dodged left and banged my briefcase on the side of the cart. A female voice exclaimed, ‘Omigod! Are you OK?’
I looked up and said, ‘Yes…I just didn’t see you com…’ I stopped as I saw her, a slow smile breaking over my face.
Danielle looked at me, her eyes widening in shock. ‘Oh, WOW! Steve! Hey, you!’ In a flash, she was hugging me fiercely. I hugged back just as hard. ‘Danielle!’ We pulled back and regarded each other. ‘Where’d you come from?,’ she asked, and wrapped her arms around me once more.
‘Aw, sweetie, you look great!’ I took another look. She looked exactly the same as she had at eighteen…just as lovely, just as slim. ‘How are you?’
‘I’m great, thanks, you?
‘I’m good…just happened to be here on business and kinda ran into you.’
‘I ran into you…well, almost!’ We laughed. ‘I’m sorry I never called you, Steve.’
‘Yeah, I was wondering about that.’ I looked at my watch. ‘Listen…I gotta go, I’m due back at the office, but let me give you my new number.’ In a flash, she pulled out a smartphone and saved the information. ‘Please call me later, uh…after six-thirty,’ I said. We looked at each other again. ‘We could go get a drink and catch up, if you’d like.’
‘That sounds great! Steve…I’m really happy to see you. I thought I’d never see you again.’
‘I was kinda wondering what happened to you, too,’ I said, and looked at my watch again. ‘I’m sorry, I really do have to go. Call me?’
‘Count on it,’ she said. She smiled, hugged me again, and I turned and left.
My phone rang at six forty-five. ‘It’s Steve,’ I answered.
‘Steve, Danielle.’ Her voice was happy and light.
‘Hi, there! How are you?’
‘Unchanged since this afternoon,’ she laughed. ‘You?’
‘Same, same. So…you have plans for this weekend?’
‘Maybe,’ she returned. ‘I forgot to ask you today…how’s Beth?’
‘Ahhh…I hear she’s fine. She left me this past December.’
‘Aw Steve…I’m so sorry.’ her voice was sympathetic. ‘All alone then?’
I smiled at that. ‘Yeah…yeah.’
‘Well, since that’s the case,’ she said, ‘How about you come over for dinner?’
‘Sunday, she replied’
My reply was immediate. ‘What time and where?’ She laughed.
‘Well, you didn’t take much convincing. Um…four o’clock. _____ Park apartments, just off the pike, near Lincoln Avenue. You know where that is?’
‘Yes…it’s about two miles from me.’ I hadn’t known she lived so close. ‘Can I bring anything?’ ‘Yes you can, white wine…cold. Your choice.’
‘OK…I’ll be fashionably late.’
She was amused. ‘Not too late.’
‘I’ll be there. See you.’
‘Goodnight Steve.’
‘Goodnight.’ I disconnected. Could it be that…? No, I thought. She’s still thirty years younger than you, idiot. As lovely as she is…too much of a gap. I made a quick supper, watched some TV, and fell asleep.
I slept late on Sunday, as I usually do, rising about noon. Shit, shower, and shave, always in that order, following the advice of my long dead grandfather who believed there was no use washing your ass first if you were just going to immediately get it dirty again.
Around two-thirty, I went to the closet and chose from my summer wardrobe a black linen suit, aubergine shirt, and my favorite tie, a silk Brioni medallion in red and blue. I dressed carefully and slipped into my black loafers…no socks. I checked myself in the mirror…I looked good.
I left the house at three forty-five, the wine in a travel bag, encased in ice. The drive took only ten minutes, so I hung around for a few minutes at the market, looking over some gourmet cheeses buying nothing, but making mental notes for my shopping list.
I arrived at the apartments at four-ten and found Danielle sitting in the courtyard, leafing through Newsweek. She smiled when she saw me and rose in greeting. ‘Right on time,’ she remarked, and led me through the lobby to the elevators. ‘I’m on the top floor…it’s a little difficult to explain how to get up there, so I thought it best to meet you down here.’
‘Good idea, then,’ I returned, and followed her into the car. She used a key to select her floor, and we were transported upward. ‘Danielle…you look lovely. That is a beautiful outfit.’
‘Thank you.’ Her clothes were indeed lovely. A cream blouse, low cut but fashionable, topped black silk pants. She had a simple gold chain around her neck, and wore matching anklets above a pair of black flats which whispered along the carpet as we walked to her door. ‘I love your suit,’ she smiled, ‘is that linen? It looks good on you.’
‘Good eye,’ I replied, ‘and thank you.’ We had reached her door. She turned the knob and we went in.
To say I was unprepared for what lay beyond the entrance to her apartment would be a gross understatement. I literally gasped. The room was incredibly and beautifully lit. The light seemed to come from all directions simultaneously.
Around the walls stood oak tables, waist high, upon which had been placed multitudes of stump candles, all lit, and backed by rosewood-framed mirrors, which gathered and amplified the light. I saw some table lamps, which were not lit. In fact, the only electric light that was on was a three foot by three foot ceiling fixture, dimmed to match the intensity of the candles. The room was awash in soft yellow light, and the effect was astonishing.
The floors were hardwood, red oak I guessed, and were decorated with Italian wool rugs in cream with blood-red trim. I caught a twinkling in my peripheral vision and turned to see the small dining table had been exquisitely set with what looked to be Lenox china, Baccarat crystal, and antique Oneida silver, not plate…solid silver flatware, polished to a high shine.
I looked at Danielle, I must confess my jaw had dropped open a bit. It was the most beautiful room I had ever seen, and I said as much.
‘Thank you,’ she said. ‘I learned this from my mother. She was a decorator, and taught me how to properly light a room.’ She paused, smiling at my reaction. ‘I guess I achieved the desired effect.’
‘To impress a dinner guest? Effect achieved.’ I shook my head. I could have looked at the room for hours.
‘Dinner is not quite ready, Steve. Would you like a drink? The bar is over there, and you can play bartender.’
‘I would, thank you. What would you like?’
‘Whatever you’re having is fine. I’ll be back in a moment,’ she said as she disappeared behind the kitchen door.
I crossed the room and opened the small armoire that she had indicated. Another surprise, it had been converted into an efficient wet bar. Wine and champagne glasses hung from a rack on top, double rocks glasses and beer pints were off to the left on a small shelf, along with quarter-pint tasting glasses.
There was a tap for beer, and the hand-written label read ‘summer shandy,’ a personal favorite.
I scanned the bottles and found the selection included some of the finest and rarest spirits from the planet. Mansinthe Absinthe, Chartreuse,
and Grand Marnier l’Orange dominated the liquers. Lamb’s Navy Rum. Porfidio tequila, its distinctive green glass cactus thrusting upward from the base of the bottle. Hennessy brandy, 1936. Basil Hayden single barrel bourbon. I looked for the scotch and found three world class single malts, Bowmore 21, Laphroiag 18, and…Omigod… Cadenhead’s Rosebank 1989, a 9 year old whisky that I had first tasted in Ottawa, Ontario. I selected that one, and measured two fingers each into double rocks glasses.
I crossed the room and knocked on the kitchen door. ‘May I enter?’ ‘Of course,’ she replied. I handed her a glass and she inhaled its aroma. ‘Cadenhead’s …good choice, it’s my favorite of all the malts.’
‘Mine too. Wherever did you find this in the US?’
She smiled. ‘I have a friend who smuggles it over from Canada.’
‘That’s where I first had it.’ I stuck my nose in the glass and breathed in the combined scents of barley, smoke and peat.
‘Shall we have a toast?’ she asked.
‘Lets.’ We raised our glasses. ‘May the best of our pasts be the worst of our futures.’
‘And to the good stuff,’ she replied, ‘may it last a long time.’ We clinked glasses and sipped.
‘Ahhh,’ she sighed, ‘sweet nectar.’
‘Yes,’ I replied, ‘very sweet indeed. Where did you learn about scotch?’
‘From my father. He was a collector, and would give me a taste now and then…much to Mother’s
chagrin. I think she was afraid I’d become an alcoholic…but it turned me into a connoisseur.’
‘I’ve heard it said that winos are simply connoisseurs who became obsessive.’
She laughed. ‘That’s good…very funny.’ We sipped again, and she put down her glass. ‘Well! The salads are just about ready, there’s a corkscrew on the bar, would you open the wine?’
‘Certainly. Um, I brought a Montrachet…hope that’s all right.’
‘Who made it?’
‘Louis Jadot.’
Her face mirrored her approval. ‘Excellent choice.’ She shooed me from the kitchen and I found the ‘screw on the bar. The cork came free easily, and I poured a taster into a wine glass. Sipped and ap-proved . I placed the bottle in the filled icebucket, which rested on a sideboard near the table.
Danielle emerged from the kitchen bearing two small salad plates which rested on matching shallow bowls of crushed ice. ‘I’ve prepared a light, three course dinner. This is baby spinach, lightly steamed and soaked in a mushroom vinaigrette, with Roquefort cheese, sliced cucumber, and white radish. The main course is broiled salmon with black peppercorns, cracked of course, and buerre blanc. The third course is dessert…New York cheesecake. Hope you’re hungry!’ She smiled. I poured her a half glass of the Montrachet, and we dug in.
After dinner, which included much laughter and several sincere compliments on her prowess in the kitchen, we retired at her invitation to the conversation area. The candles were all still burning brightly, and I relaxed in the glow. ‘Danielle,’ I said, ‘ I cannot remember the last time I had such a good meal. I simply don’t cook this well, although I’m not a hack…but this was truly five-star.’
‘Did Beth not cook?’ she asked.
‘She wasn’t as good as I was…she admitted that herself. Beth was more of a…nuker.’
‘And you?’ She was curious.
‘I’m more of a creative chef…got that from my mom. ‘Guess and Hope’ was her lesson. ‘If you start with good basics and don’t skimp on the process, whatever you make will be good…or at least edible.’ ‘ We laughed at that, and I reflected on how enjoyable this all was. Great food, liquor…and company. I looked at Danielle fully. She is lovely, I thought, I wonder if she’d mind if I…Oh stop it! I again shouted to myself. She’s young enough to be your daughter!. Nonetheless, I smiled at her.
She smiled back, then scrutinized me more closely. ‘You look tired, Steve,’ she analyzed. I can see it in your eyes.’
‘Long week,’ I admitted, ‘too many cases, most of them from one facility.’
‘Maybe I can help.’ She was concerned.
‘Um…I can’t really discuss anything, confidentiality agreements and such.’ She shook her head, her
long hair swinging.
‘Not what I meant, Steve.’ She got up from her chair and moved behind me. ‘I meant this way.’ She gripped my shoulders with her hands and began to knead the tension from my muscles. Oh God, I thought, that feels so good. I closed my eyes and felt her move to my biceps, then back up to my shoulders. ‘Could you take off your jacket?’ she asked. ‘And loosen your tie.’ I rose and complied. I was unsure where this was going, but was enjoying the physical contact. She had never touched me before, and her long fingers felt cool and soothing on my skin.
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The day started off like any other day for Cassandra. She was awakened by the soft kiss of the sunrise and the sound of the waves rolling up to her Malibu Beach home. Her husband, like always, had already left for work early and hadn't bothered to make love to her or even kiss her before leaving. She rose from her bed and went out on the balcony overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The same thoughts began to haunt her again--how had her life come to this, seemingly having everything...yet having...
Group SexWaking Up as Taylor With Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez (FF, CONS, ROM, ) I had no idea what had just happened to me. I had just woke up after a long day at school and at work. My head was pounding like a drum. I felt weird as I tried to get up and out of bed. I almost fell over a couple times. I don't know why I was losing my balance, it just felt like there was something holding me down. I was still very sleepy so my eyes weren't completely open, at least until I realize what had...
Ok now let me start of introducing myself. My name is Alina and I am 18 year old. I have brown hair and green eyes, I have C cup tits and a nice ass not and ...but anyway this started when I was 18 and I was at my best friend David's house. His parents were away for a week so I was gonna go to his house and play some video games with him. Now let me tell you about David. David is 18, he has Black hair and grey eyes also he has been chased by many girls at school...also me I have like him ever...
First TimeThe things were normal between us we were normal as like other cousins fighting and playing were common between us. The things changed when one day she committed that she has a boyfriend at the age of 19. I was surprised because she spent all her time at home after school even she was in girl school how could she? I was thinking. She narrated the entire rubbish story about her affair. Her boyfriend was 5 years elder than her she usual talks him in letters. One day when she was not at home I...
IncestHello guys, I am Harry from Australia and I am 22 year MBA student. You can contact me on I would love to make you satisfy. This story is about me and my cousin sister Purvi. This one is real life incident and my first sex experience. Purvi is 25, hot, fair and figured girl that every men want like. She is married and lives with her husband at Australia. After completing my engineering I chose to do MBA abroad as Australia was more convenient for me so that I chose it for MBA. Purvi and Jiju...
IncestHi everyone of indian sex stories dot net, my name is ramya. As I said this is a true story of my life as a prostitute and I will tell you guys about my journey in six parts. Hope you guys like it. I now have a body stats of 36-25-37 but four years back I was a bit more chubby and had bigger boobs. I am 38 years now and I have a daughter who is 18. I used to work as an accountant in a government office in hyderabad but I quit the job as I came into this field. I was married at a young age of 20...
Deep Space, the Alien Ship The First Officer sat on the bridge watching the big screen that he had programmed to show the tenders’ progression as they searched. He had reasoned that a combination of both ordered and random search patterns should work better against a cloaked vessel – if that’s what it was. The first search vessel launched from the ship in a clockwise direction, the second followed in a counterclockwise pattern. The third vessel randomly spot-checked behind the other two in...
Hello everyone I’m like you all a sex lover who like sex stories and spend most of his time in this site. I’m average guy with average looks, and respectable 7 inches Indian penis and nothing which makes me the king of my sexual destiny. I started my college previous year and was virgin, this thought totally filled me with despise for myself but very soon all of these going to change for ever in college. Kartik is one of my best friends; he was different from all of us in sexual behavior. He...
IncestMen, especially young men do not like to be embarrassed. They will sometimes run headlong to their deaths, just to save their stupid pride. For that reason, if no other, I was careful after the newscast. I checked the parking lot cameras carefully before I allowed Sylvia to leave. If my bike rack had been stronger, I would have insisted that I drive her and the scooter home. Even before she left the house that night, I had Sylvia respond to the Housewives invitation. I agreed to the cocktail...
Bend over, the whole truth One afternoon my husband Victor came back early from work, finding me tied up at a table, naked, gagged and with signs of having been fucked and abused in a brutal way, by several men.In that moment I denied to tell him everything that had happened on that afternoon and decided not to speak about the matter, but several months ago, after a nice fucking sex session night, I decided to admit and reveal the truth about those facts.“Do you really want to know the truth?”....
We wake up to the alarm. We’re soon washed and ready for the day. We walk out to meet the rest of the group just as Room Service finishes setting out the breakfast for us. Passing Debbie I caress her arse, and say, “Tonight’s your night, if you want?” She smiles, and nods agreement, causing some giggles from my other girls. The usual morning briefings, and Rob informs me he’s gotten onto a deal for some heavily armoured coach buses. A couple are fitted out as luxury mobile homes, a couple as...
Nalirra was one of the third generation of the incredibly long lived People. Her tribe were the twenty specialists who ran the Ship, kept it maintained and liveable, and cared for the valuable cargo of non-gens, frozen original human specimens intended to build a new humanity when the ship completed its incomprehensibly lengthy voyage. The People had been carefully designed for their task, engineered to provide the necessary expertise and skill, and to live happily in an environment that...
One-by-one each student graduated, soon to be replaced by a new one as wide-eyed and innocent as Gwen had been when she arrived. Our heroine lost track of the number of times she watched boys spurting -- either into the air or into someone else. The only way to count the number of pussies she'd lapped and the number of times she'd been mounted was to read her diary, which Mrs. Gracely required each student to keep while being trained. The diary would be shared with the student's family...
Brunette beauty Sophia Burns has been a good girl…until now. Although she’s never had sex in her parents’ home, it only takes a little persusasion from Robby Echo to get her sucking his cock in blowjob up in her bedroom. After riding his rock hard rod cowgirl, she gets even naughtier and lets him take her virgin ass for the first time. The horny nymphette is loving anal so much that it’s just ass fucking from there on out. This is one hardcore premium Penthouse porn you...
xmoviesforyouI had this very wild wacky experience with a housewife one week back. She is a Widow age around 55 years old. You may think it is too old to enjoy sex and buddy, you are wrong. She stays in our colony and her husband died 3 years ago in a car accident and her son is in USA now and she stays alone in her house. She is a very decent and well behaved lady though always keeping her personal space, in our Society. I used to like her very much I secretly desired’ her and but never thought that one...
IncestAt Hands On Hardcore we can never get enough of glamour porn sex goddess Rebecca Volpetti and today we invited the Romanian hunny into the studio to have a nude portrait painted of her stunning body by the multi-talented sex artist, Mugur. Well, we know from previous experience that Miss Volpetti has an insatiable appetite for sex and after she strips out of her mini-skirt and down to just her panties, the curvy assed all-natural beauty tells Mugur that she really just wants to fuck him for the...
xmoviesforyouCocksucker BluesBy Linda LavingIt was open mike night in the club, and I was in the closet that passed as adressing room on my knees as the owner, a 30-something Italian guy, gruntedand I felt the warmth flood my mouth as he drained his thick musky cum ontomy tongue.I sucked out the last few drops when he was done and swallowed down themouthful, which joined the previous four I'd already consumed that eveningand felt it sliding down my throat on the way to my stomach.I was already dressed for...
Little Linda Lonnigan or better known in local Gentlemen’s Club’s circles as Destiny, the college girl with “Double-D” God-given boobs of glory. She worked the midnight shift every weekend making more “tax-free” cash in a single weekend than most girls her age made in a month typing, or dishing up hash at the local excuse for a restaurant with take-outs on the side. Linda was smart enough to understand she was in what could loosely be termed a “sex-worker’s” industry and that her product was...
Introduction: Coninuing adventures of Joan From Lonely Unfilled Housewife to Perverted Slut Chapter 15 re-posted Edited by a friend True Story, Anal, Authoritarian, Black, Blowjob, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Erotica, Exhibitionism, Hardcore, Male / Older Female, Male/Female, Oral Sex, Pregnant, Spanking, Threesome, Wife, Written by women Authors infos Gender: female Age: N/A Location: N/A Posted Tue 21st of January 2014 No persons involved in sexual acts or even witnessing the same are...
Jess: “What do you mean, ‘What we’re going to do?’”Me: “Well, you said you don’t want a divorce, and you haven’t said anything about ending your whorish behavior. I’m not sure where I come down on this yet, so it may take me a while to decide. So, in the meantime, we’re going to do this.”Jess: “Don’t call me a whore. I’m not, and not a slut either. Such derogatory names. I won’t stand for it!”Me: “If it walks like a duck, Honey …. Don’t worry, those words are not in our normal vocabulary, but...
Revised Hi, my name is Mike. I use to live in a small town, and I am currently looking for another small town to move too. The reason for my decision to not go home will be explainable once you read this story. It all began when I first met my 12 year old cousin Brittney, and again you're about to see why. Growing up in a small town was actually not to bad. It had its ups and downs. The worst of it was the fact that is was so boring. As a result I got into my fair share of trouble from...
Introduction: You may want to read over the previous chapters to understand this better. Suyin stared at her daughter, laid out on the floor, well did you enjoy it? Nok looked at her mom and slowly nodded. Suyin laughed lightly, I bet you did. Look at that, your cunt is still gaping from Derrecks dick. I got off of the bed to gather my clothes. Where do you think youre going? Suyin asked me, almost scowling. I turned to look at her, I need to get home before my wife does, or shell suspect...
I've always been a studious girl, perhaps it's my upbringing, hence getting into relationships with guys when I'm still schooling never crossed my mind, much less anything sexual. It was when I was about 18, that my body started to develop. I have a cute-ish baby face and personality, but my body... You see, I have 38DD breasts, and my white uniform always seem a little tight around my busts. That seemed to draw attention from my fellow schoolmates. My parents were very busy with their...
First TimeNote : This story is completely fictional! So it was just another usual night around the house. Dad got called away to go pick up some parts for a car that had to be done. He called and said he would be home around morning. My sister and her boyfriend decided to go out to eat and go to a movie since no had cooked. Well its around 6 oclock and we are hungry. So we are just trying to figure out something to eat and we decide on chinese take-out. It's simple and quick. So its just me and my mom...
IncestI am now 22 years old and the real experience which I am going to narrate is something happened a year ago. I am an orphan and was raised in Goa, I moved to Delhi after finishing my graduation and started my carrier with an organization in its accounting department. I was a 21 years old virgin, with really good figure but rather small butt. I was working under the head of accounting department, Prahlad. He is an ex-army guy, 51 years old in a very good shape (boy, he still gives me chills). As...
Naughty Maid Fu Sazanami is such a fun maid. She likes to do her work and while she is cleaning her clients homes she likes to snoop around and see what she can find that is interesting. The other day she was at a client’s home when she found a whole box of new sex toys that had just been delivered. She thought trying them out sounded like a fun way to spend her afternoon rather than cleaning the house. Of course while she was enjoying herself and fucking that hot sweet maid pussy of hers she...
xmoviesforyouIt happened such in a random way there was no way to know such a thing , a sport...he says , existYet once help both doggy ass to ass , on the gym pad it was too late for us too college student in Miami for 2 week of debaucheryi was drunk as hell thinking i we were going to smoke weed following that black dude we met on the beachwe both thumbed sounding stupid behind him, to that basement we should have never went towhen we got to the room everthing coudnt be more wrong , as i get worried and...
"You really ought to try it, you know, Cari," Marianne told her sister. "Oh, I couldn't!" "Of course you could! I did!" Caroline turned to her mother, pleading, "Mum, you know. I can't model in front of a camera!" But Tina didn't agree. "Whyever not, Caroline? You can't say you haven't the looks, after all!" "Well, no, but..." "No 'buts' young lady! This is that self-esteem thing we were talking about! Your sister has made a really good suggestion, it seems to me....
Thoughtful Chanel Preston goes all out for her wife’s Serena Blair’s birthday, treating her to a gift of two strapons. When Serena asks why they need two strapons, Chanel reveals a special treat. She knows that Serena has a crush on Valentina Nappi, so she arranged a surprise threesome with Valentina. The erotic Italian shows up, like good friends do, in an deep V neck bodysuit, braless and hungry for sex. Serena looks to for Chanel for permission before she fondles...
xmoviesforyouThe streets of Seattle were clear of snow. There were still piles around some twenty feet tall, but the busses could run. The children of Seattle returned to school. This was the second year where the school had been disrupted. They lined up on the street. There were forty-three of them. Major Frank Taylor was in front of them as they counted cadence, “Left, left, left, left, left, left.” John and Jenny along with many others had followed their children to school. Tina and Scott were also...
I just wanted to describe the benefits of taking your class and how they've helped me. I got married young, right out of college to a man a few years my senior. My family was well off and were against it but I ignored them in favor of what my heart felt. Derek is an amazing man and one I am proud to be the wife of. We make love nightly, sometimes more than that and he can be loving, gentle, powerful and domineering, all depending on his mood. Let's just say I've never been without satisfaction....
Jennifer is the kind of girl that burns anyone who tries to get close to her, but like a moth to a flame, the guys just can’t help themselves. Sassy, black, big boobed, round ass, she is sex on the hoof. I felt self conscious as most of the girls were wearing two piece bikinis while I still had my old one piece. Mom said we just couldn’t afford a new one this year and I’d just have to make do. I tried to tell her that I had grown from an “a” cup to a “c” cup since last year, but she just...
The winter solstice passed peacefully about which I was very happy. I was also quite happy because my nights had been much easier than I had feared. Oh, I had relived those fights more than a few times, but somehow they weren’t so bad as they used to be - which didn’t stop those dreams being nightmares. Or perhaps I just was able to handle it better. I also felt that my magic skills might had gotten a bit stronger or maybe I had just learned to do that sensing and masking more automatically....
Candy's Taste Test by dale10 ([email protected])***They were up in Candy's bedroom after school, while Candy's mom was at work. Jordon always liked it when Candy's mom was home, because he was a vain 18 year old jock stud who loved the way the horny divorced bitch stared at his bulging crotch.He would lean against the kitchen counter so his fucker pushed out, and he would watch the middle? aged cougar drool and wet her panties. But he had to be careful that Candy didn't get jealous....