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Authors note: For those who read a story that I wrote that sounds similar to how this comes. This story has a different ending. This story is not as detailed as some of my others, but it is a bit of fun. ------------------------------------------------ Daniel one of the school toughs walked through the halls like he owned them. Daniel wasn't the biggest boy at the school, but he was the toughest. He wore jeans, a t-shirt with a rock band graphic, athletic socks, sneakers and a bad attitude. Most of the time he was with his friends, but right now he was all alone and headed towards his classroom. The halls were mostly empty as Daniel was already late for his next class. He thought that they should be happy that he was coming at all. Daniel pushed by some dorky student who was looking into his classroom. The boy gave Daniel a strange look, but Daniel didn't mind. Daniel stared back as he brushed by, "What are you looking at?" Without waiting for an answer, Daniel continued into his class. Daniel and the teacher locked eyes for a second, but that didn't intimidate Daniel at all. He headed towards the back of the class where his assigned seat was supposed to be. A moment later, Daniel found himself in an adult sized stroller in the front row. The stroller was placed by Tammy. Tammy is the brightest student in the class. She took notes for both of them. Daniel's stroller was pointed straight at the board and due to its construction, he couldn't look anywhere else but at the teacher and her work. Daniel now wore a footie jumpsuit with a hooded reindeer fleece. He was also in a diaper and plastic panties. He had a pacifier in his mouth that was tied in the back making it impossible for him to remove. Although every time he tried to reach it, Tammy smacked his hands away anyway. Somehow Daniel was sure that he would remain like this until he got his grades up to at least a B+. Of course, Tammy would be a big help, since she took all his notes and helped him with his school work and homework. Daniel would have to decide whether he wanted to fight his circumstances or work hard to get his grades up. The choice was his. Daniel didn't know what happened to him although everyone in the class thought it was perfectly normal for a toddler' Daniel's size to be in a stroll inside a high school classroom. Daniel couldn't see behind him to know that there was another 'toddler' there. Daniel was trapped in the stroller with a pacifier in his mouth. He wanted to shout out, but he couldn't as long as his mouth was blocked by the pacifier. He tried to spit it out, but a string around his head held it in place. He tried to pull it out with his hands, but his arms wouldn't move as well as they used to and when his hands got near his mouth one of the other students. (he didn't know her name) would slap it away. Frustrated he started kicking his feet and yelling the best he could. His legs felt heavy to him so he couldn't thrash like he wanted to. "Tammy," Mrs. Walker said, "Daniel seems a bit fussy. Maybe he is over tired and needs a nap." "Yeah, Mrs. Walker," Tammy said. She then got out of her seat where Daniel couldn't see her and got something. She then reappeared in front of Daniel. Daniel's pacifier had a tube on the outer end of it and Tammy used it to insert a liquid into Daniel's mouth through his pacifier. Daniel immediately noticed the sour taste in his mouth. It only took a second before Daniel's tongue became numb and he couldn't make any sound at all. Then his jaws went slack not that he could get the pacifier out of his mouth regardless. Soon the numb feeling moved down his throat and into the rest of his body. Daniel panicked but found it harder and harder to move his limbs even the minimal amount he could before. His eyelids felt heavy and started to close. Daniel expected to fall asleep but he didn't. Even though his eyes were closed, he was still completely aware of himself. He felt his arm lifted and something soft put under his elbow. Daniel had no way of knowing it was a teddy bear. The pacifier was removed from his mouth, but Daniel was paralyzed and couldn't speak. From the outside world he looked like a big sleeping baby in a stroller. The lesson continued. Daniel heard every word as the rest of the class was reasonably quiet. After the class was over, Daniel felt the pacifier reinserted into his mouth. Then he felt the movement of the stroller being pushed out of the room. It stopped in the hall. "Daniel, you had better stop that," Tammy admonished. Daniel still looked like a sleeping baby. "You know I'm on your side, but if the teacher calls your parents this could get worse. Right now you can function like a toddler. If I let you out of the stroller and took the dummy out of your mouth you would be able to walk and talk somewhat. But If your parents get bad reports about you, you could find yourself an infant, not able to sit up on your own or able to say even the simplest baby nonsense words. Is that what you want?" Daniel hadn't thought that it could get worse. Continuing Tammy said, "I'm going to wake you from your nap. You'd better be good." Waking, Daniel opened his eyes. he saw the soft thing held in his arm was a plush teddy bear. Controlling himself, he realized his predicament. He could see that he was in a baby's romper (even though he didn't know what it was called.) He didn't have to see it directly but he knew he was also wearing a diaper. Daniel was quiet as Tammy rolled him into his next class. Daniel had been reacting to the situation. He didn't stop to think what could happen. Finding himself fastened in a stroller in his own classroom and dressed like a toddler was shocking and he reacted accordingly. Tammy explaining that things could get worse never occurred to him. He couldn't have imagined that his parents were involved in this. He originally thought it was some sort of practical joke. In his heart he thought it would be over soon. Tammy dissuaded him of these notions. He now knew that he was going to be treated like a toddler (even though he was attending high school) until he got his grades up to a B+. He would stay like this, all day, everyday, until his goal was reached. If he didn't, he could be like this forever. Daniel knew this in his gut, without knowing that his home and particularly his room had been transformed to a state in which a toddler of his age and height lived. In short, his house had been toddler proofed and everything that a teenager would want or needed had been removed. After his next class, Daniel's pacifier was removed from his mouth and he decided to ask Tammy some questions. He knew instinctively that she was on his side and he could trust her answers. He started with the most obvious question. "If I ummm, potty, what happens?" "Then I change you silly. What did you think happens. I'm here to help you. Think of me as your baby sitter slash tutor." "Can't my friends help me?" "With school work, I don't think so." "I mean out of this." "No, everyone will treat you like a toddler." "But they know I'm not." "They know you are being punished. They don't think anything is wrong with any of this." "Then why won't they help me?" "They don't want to get punished too." "Will they make fun of me?" "Don't be silly. Who makes fun of a toddler?" "Why..." Tammy slipped the pacifier back into Daniel's mouth silencing the boy. "No more questions, we have to go or we will be late for your next class." Daniel was sitting in his stroller paying attention to the classwork. He wanted to get out of this as soon as possible. He could get his grades up to a B+. He didn't need an A. Without warning he wasn't in his class anymore. He wasn't in his stroller either. He was sitting down and he was peeing. He could feel the hard seat of the toilet bowl under his butt. There wasn't any padding on that seat at all. Daniel was staring straight ahead. In front of him he could see the back of a stall door that could be found in public bathrooms which accommodated more than one person at a time. The color of the door was sort of a washed out pink. Daniel looked down and couldn't see his legs. The front part of a gray skirt hid his legs from his view. The skirt extended passed his knees. Daniel's hand flew to his crotch, but he already knew, his dick was still there. He didn't have to see his dick to know it was hanging down loosely between his legs (peeing). But he pulled back his skirt to make sure it was there. He was relieved when he saw it. He finished peeing, there wasn't any reason to stop. Looking down he realized that he had two mounds on his chest. Once again he moved his hands. He grabbed at his chest. The bra which gave the illusion of boobs under his top deflated with the pressure of his hands. He didn't have boobs of any type on his chest, he was just wearing a bra with strongly padded cups. When he was done he got up. He realized he was wearing shoes with a small heel. He couldn't see them because his skirt had dropped back in place, but he could feel the panties which had been pushed down to just below his knees. He had to pull them up if he was going to be able to walk. Reaching down to pull them, The panties were very tight, they crushed his penis against his crotch in a way that was totally different than when he wore boys briefs, even very tight ones. Daniel discovered he was also wearing nude tights. He pulled up the tights into their proper place. Instinctively, Daniel turned to flush the toilet. This is when he saw his hand. They were his hand but his nails had been shaped and painted a pale pink. Daniel looked down to inspect what he was wearing. he could see he was wearing a floral print top of some type and the aforementioned gray skirt. He put one foot out in front of himself to show himself the shoe. Daniel could see the top of his nylon covered foot in the shoe. It was a tan pointy toed pump with small sturdy heel, not that he knew they were called pumps. Daniel couldn't see his body properly. He needed a mirror. It didn't matter if this was a girl's restroom or a boy's restroom. He wanted to see himself. Besides he couldn't change into something else no matter what he was wearing. Daniel opened the stall door and stepped outside. "Did you wipe?" Tammy asked. "Ummmm, no." "A woman always wipes after using the toilet. Don't forget for next time. Now wash your hands and fix your makeup," Tammy instructed. In front of Daniel was a bank of mirrors over a long row of sinks. Daniel could see himself for the first time. He hadn't changed physically. He was still himself which he had assumed, but what he didn't know was that his face was made up. This was also the first time he noticed he was wearing dangling earrings. Daniel could see that he wasn't dressed like a girl that would attend his high school, he was dressed like a middle aged woman about his mother's age or more likely a little older. His clothes were pretty, but they weren't sexy at all. Teenage girls would never wear tights with a skirt in ordinary circumstances. The sleeves on the tunic he was wearing were longer than a teen would wear and this floral print hadn't been in style for decades, not that Daniel would know such things. But even with Daniel's untrained eye, he knew none of his female friends would be wearing what he was wearing. Strangely enough, Daniel realized that even with everything he was wearing, his hair hadn't changed from how he combed it this morning.. When Daniel stepped closer to the sink, Tammy handed him a clutch type purse which matched his shoes. Daniel didn't know if he was in better shape or worse shape than he was a few minutes ago. He also didn't know that back at home, his room had changed from it's toddler style to the room of an unmarried woman in her early fifties. "First wash your hands, and then we'll fix your makeup," Tammy instructed. Daniel put his clutch on the counter and soaped his hands. Then he ran them under the water. He kept his eyes in the mirror as he did so. He could see the makeup covering his face. The makeup was applied as if he already had a feminine face even though he clearly did not. Tammy pointed out the flaws in Daniel's makeup. She then went about explaining how Daniel should fix each one. "Take out your blush from your purse...no that is the blush," Tammy pointed to the proper item. "You start from low on the cheekbone, " Tammy indicated an area on his face, "and use long, light motions to sweep the blush across your cheeks." Tammy went over every place that needed a touch-up and informed Daniel how to fix those areas properly. Daniel's hand was unpracticed. He had to remove what he had done several times and start again. Finally, eyebrow pencil was used to give his brows a feminine arc. During the demonstration, girls came in and out of the restroom. None of them, reacted like anything was wrong. One even talked to Tammy as Daniel was still fixing his face. "Now remember, when we walk to class, take small steps. Don't overdo it. Don't walk like a runway model or a prostitute on the street. Your walk must be smooth and effortless. When you get to class and are ready to sit, don't forget to smooth your skirt out from under you and then sit with your knees together." Daniel had problems trying to walk as expected. He would over compensate and walk cartoonishly. After losing his temper in frustration, Tammy pulled Daniel over to the side. "You had better get this right and get your grades up or you know what will happen?" "What?" "Your parents will throw you out of the house and you will have to live and share a bed with your boyfriend. Do you want that?" Tammy said in hushed but insistent tones. Daniel knew what Tammy said was true. He was obviously already half way there judging by his dress and how no one thought anything was odd about him. It was one thing to be as he is (or was in the case of his toddler- hood) but to be forced out of his own house and to share a place with his 'boyfriend', he didn't know if he could handle that. Daniel didn't want to even think about the 'share the bed' part at all. Especially with a man he didn't know. The pair walked down the hallway, Daniel did as instructed. He didn't say anything, he was trying to concentrate on walking correctly. "After school," Tammy reminded him "we are going to the salon. Your wigs have already been fitted and you can take them home." Inside the classroom, Daniel put his purse on his desk, pulled his chair out, smoothed his skirt and sat down. He took out his books and sat with his knees together waiting for the lesson to begin. Later, Daniel was walking down the hall. He didn't need to concentrate on his gait anymore. His clutch was under his crooked arm with his hand hanging limply from his wrist. he was taking small steps although he was walking quickly on his way to his next class. He was happy as he thought his grades would rise right after his next round of tests. Of course, he wouldn't know for sure until after the marking period was over. Despite being a student, Daniel didn't have much interaction with the other classmates. If he would interact with anyone besides Tammy, it would be with the faculty or staff. He was being treated like a middle- aged woman, not a typical high school student. Without warning, Daniel was no longer walking quickly, he was hunched over with a slow gait. He was holding onto a metal bar that was moving with him. There was a pain in his back. He tried to stand up straight. He let go of the the bar and was about to loose his balance, when he felt a supporting hand on his back. "Take at easy there Daniel," Tammy said as she steadied Daniel. "Hold onto your walker or you will fall down." Daniel could recognize Tammy's voice but the sound was at once louder than he expected and a bit distorted too. (Daniel didn't know he was wearing hearing aides.) Daniel did as he was told. Looking at his hand, he realized he was no longer wearing nail polish on his fingernails. They weren't manicured anymore either. He saw the long sleeve of the shirt he was wearing, it was red plaid and made of flannel. Despite being indoors and wearing a long sleeved flannel shirt, Daniel realized that he was chilly. He moved his gaze to his chest, the bumps made by his bra was gone. Looking down past his shirt, he saw his brown slacks being held in place by a belt. On his feet he wore brown socks and corrective shoes. Even though he was wearing glasses his vision like his hearing was a bit distorted. Daniel carefully raised his hands to remove his glasses feeling a twinge of pain in his hand, only to find that without the glasses, he was almost blind. "Are you alright?" Tammy asked. "I don't know." As Daniel become more aware of his surroundings, Daniel realized he was not only chilly, but his body ached all over. "It's time for your pills anyway. Come with me." Daniel didn't know what pills he was suppose to be taking, but he wasn't going to take any. "I don't want any pills!" "Listen Daniel, we've been over this, you have to take your pills. If you don't your parents will put you into a nursing home who'll make you. You'll then have to stay there all the time you are not in school. Do you really want that?" Daniel was back to being treated like a man, but not like a boy in high school. He would be treated like an elderly fellow. The worst part of his predicament was going to the bathroom. It was far worse than when he was supposed to be a baby or a woman. He still had to sit down, but now he felt he had to pee. Pee very badly, but he couldn't do it. He would sit on the toilet wanting to go; needing to go. But a small amount would come out of him. Not only that but it hurt as it come out. What used to be a two minute pee, could take 20 or 30 minutes. Not only that, he still felt he had to go even after he was 'finished'. He was headed to have one of these bathroom breaks when he found himself on the ground by a tree just outside the school. His right leg was lifted in the air and was peeing freely for the first time in a while. The pee was splattering off the tree. What Daniel felt wasn't embarrassment, but relief. Daniel couldn't talk his mouth was muzzled closed. He looked up and saw Tammy holding a leash that was attached to a leather harness that surrounded his torso. Besides the harness and a dog collar around his neck, Daniel was completely naked. His butt as well as his dick was on full display to the world. Daniel was going to get up, but when he looked into the stern look in Tammy's eyes he dared not. Daniel could imagine that his room had been transformed into a room full of squeaky dog toys and a dog bed. That if he said anything, he would be threatened with having to sleep outside in a fenced in yard and a cold dog house. Daniel knew the drill by now. Best not to do anything that could make matters worse. When he was done, Daniel played the good boy and looked up at Tammy. Tammy walked Daniel from tree to tree to see if Daniel would poop. Daniel wasn't ready to poop outside in front of everyone else. Satisfied that Daniel didn't need to go, Tammy walked him back into the school. Daniel stayed on all fours the entire way. Then she led him into the classroom and she took her usual seat in the front row. Daniel squatted with butt touching the back of his ankles and his elbows locked straight and his hands on the floor looking up at the board waiting for the teacher to start the lesson. He knew that Tammy would right down his notes for him and go over them later. Daniel was making progress towards his goal. He was starting to not only learn the material, but to truly understand it in all his subjects. He proudly walked down the hall on all fours with his 'tail' wagging after he thought he aced a history test. Then Tammy was gone. Daniel was all alone in the hallway, he was surrounded by bullies. He wasn't naked anymore, he would a school uniform. It wasn't the school uniform from his school. They didn't wear uniforms here, but he wore the uniform from a private Catholic elementary school. He was wearing navy dress pants, with a yellow golf shirt, navy socks and black tie up shoes. There were four or five boys that were menacing him. There were too many to fight off. He knew all the boys, but they didn't seem to know who he is or at least was. He didn't know what to do. he couldn't fight, he couldn't run, he instinctively put his thumb into his mouth and started to cry. He hadn't cried in years. Not even when he was spending days being pushed around in a stroller and wearing a diaper. "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Tammy shouted as she ran over. The group of bullies moved on. Daniel flew into Tammy's arms and hugged her. He had never been so scared in his life. "It's OK. No one will hurt you while I'm around." Tammy took Daniel's hand and escorted him to his next class. They took their seats in the front row. Tammy took out Daniel's supplies from a Micky Mouse book bag and placed them in front of Daniel. Daniel sat up straight. in his seat. He assumed he was supposed to be a boy, but he didn't care. He was just happy to be wearing clothes again. He didn't care that he was treated like a first grader in high school. This was a big step up from how thing had been. How long has this been going on and how many changes had happened, Daniel didn't know. Daniel had long since cared. Daniel arrives at school dressed for 'his after school job.' He hasn't time to go home and change after school. He has a full day of classes, an hour to do his homework and then he has to get back to the street corner where he plies his trade. Daniel is wearing a pair of daisy-dukes shorts, a bikini top and stilettos and that is all. He isn't even wearing panties underneath his shorts. His clothes is designed to be both sexy and easy to get into and out of. His face is caked with makeup. It was also designed to be sexy, but it is also thick to disguise his warn out appearance. Daniel still sees Tammy in his classes and then after school with homework help, but he doesn't need her anymore. He is self motivating. He knows he aced his final tests, all he needs is for the marking period to end and then return to normalcy. Daniel in his stilettos was walking down the hall towards his next class. His butt was swaying wildly from side to side while his arms and hands were in perpetual motion. His fingernails were very long and painted bright red. "Hey Danny wait up," Mark Thompson calls out. Mark Thompson was one of Daniel's friends before all this began. He is still his friend. Daniel stopped and waited for Mark to catch up. "Hiya Stud, watsup?" "Danny, I am having a party at my house on Friday. I would love for you to come." "I can't Hon. I wish I could, but I am working." "You seem to work every night." This statement was true. "I know it seems that way. But Daddy needs his bread and who is going to get it for him?" "I understand. My dad is a bear sometimes too. If you change you mind, let me know." "I will Hon." "Hey, you think you can talk to some of your friends and get me a freebie?" "I don't think you want anything from my friends on the street." "I meant the real girls." "Nothing is ever for free. You know that." Daniel reached down to Mark's crotch and gave his dick a hard squeeze. "I suppose. If I had a job like you, then I would be able...." "You don't want a job like mine. Believe me." It was at this time that Daniel reached his next class. "I'll see ya and I'll let you know if I can get away. Daniel said but he knew that was impossible. Daniel's friends talk to him every once in a while. They asked him to go here or there, but Daniel always demurred. But still it was nice to talk to his old friends. To Daniel's old friends, Daniel was just another student with a job after school. It seemed perfectly normal to everyone that a teenage she-male prostitute attends class with them. Daniel is still treated like he belongs there like anyone else. Additionally, the other 'gurls' on the street accept Daniel as one of their own. He doesn't have the surgical and hormonal advantages of the other 'gurls' but he is treated as if he does have big fake tits and a hugely rounded ass like the rest of them. Daniel knew it wouldn't be long until he has reached his goal and can return to his normal life. Just a few more days. That is what he hopes. Daniel wasn't wearing heels or daisy-dukes or any of the whorish clothes he used to wear to work anymore. He wore jeans, a t-shirt with a rock band graphic, athletic socks and sneakers. He wasn't in his class anymore, he was in the principals office. The principal was sitting at her desk looking across to Daniel. "I don't know what I am going to do with you," she lectured. "You got into another fight again!" "But it wasn't..." "I don't want to hear it. I've given you chance after chance. But you always end up here." Daniel didn't dare say another word. "You're getting into all these fights. We can't have that. I'm going to call your parents and then we'll have a discussion what is about to happen. But as of now you are suspended!" "No you can't do that. I'll be good I promise." Daniel meant it, although he didn't know about what fight the principal was talking about. A couple minutes ago, he was hardly even a boy. He had long painted fingernails and wore torn fishnet stocking, a thin tube top and a scrap of clothing that was called a skirt. Now he was dressed in jeans and sitting in the principal's office having to answer for a fight he didn't know anything about. "You promised before but you never stuck too it." "Please, please, you can't call them. I'll do anything." Daniel was even more scared now than he was when he was the 'little boy' being beaten up. He could lose everything if the principal called his parents. He would never return to his old life. He could be stuck like this or maybe have a worse fate. "I've been trying. I swear, if you let me off this one time I'll be a perfect student." "I see your grades have been improving and you aren't to late to class anymore. But I have to do it. You brought this on yourself." "Noooooooooo!!!!!!" Daniel scream to no avail. He was stuck with this life forever. It didn't matter if he got his grades up or not. Daniel's parents took their troubled son home. He was broken.

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it was my daughters friend Maggie. Her and her parents were nudists, Emily knew they were coming over she came down stairs but naked, and dragged her friend up stairs and they started talking about what just happened between me and her, I was downstairs with Maggie’s parents. I apologized for being rude so I striped but I still had Emily’s juice on my dick so Helen and Joe saw this so I called Maggie and Emily downstairs, they came but they had had cum on their faces “what have u been doing?” I...

2 years ago
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NIS PP New Laws

NIS Punishment Programme: New Laws Synopsis The ruling military Junta changed the laws to give males back their superiority and introduced corporal punishment to curb crime. The changes have their effect on school life.Naked In School Punishment Programme: 1 New Laws by obohoboWarnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Bunny Colby Jezabel Vessir Marriage Counseling

Jezabel Vessir is sitting in a coffee shop when Bunny Colby walks in. When Jezabel gets a look at Bunny, she can’t take her eyes off of her, clearly instantly attracted to her and flustered by Bunny’s beauty. Jezabel overhears as Bunny speaks to a barista, learning that Bunny is a counselor. Hearing this, Jezabel seems to get an idea, briefly looking away from Bunny. When Jezabel averts her gaze from Bunny, Bunny looks over at Jezabel, subtly checking her out – but Jezabel...

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Upstairs Downstairs

My girlfriend, Donna, and I were both nineteen. Her mom was recently divorced and had moved with her and eighteen year old sister, Sharon, into a rented farmhouse. Donna and I had been fucking for about a year. She was a virgin when we started dating, her last boyfriend had only managed to finger her. Sharon was actually more sexually experienced than her older sister, and was seeing a guy from my high school class. Once I had walked in on Sharon before she was dressed. She only had on a tshirt...

3 years ago
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White women love black cock My name for this story is J I played football and basketball for a local high school in rural Texas, we were pretty good we won our district a couple of tomes but never advanced to the state finals. During my school years I dated a lot of white girls as well as black girls from my school but I prefer the white girls. I am now going to tell you why I prefer white girls simple fact is they suck cock much better than black girls. With just a very few exceptions black...

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Me my wife and a Amish man 3way fantasy

This idea came to me the night before as the wife and I laid in bed, I asked her if she would like to invite our Amish neighbor over for supper tomorrow night since his wife was out of town. She said of course why not. I then said I wanted her to seduce him, she kind of chuckled and then said "Are you serious?" Absolutely, I told her. "How?" she asked and this is how my fantasy starts.................The next afternoon I called....(lets call him Vernon, age 53,5'7" and his hair is completely...

4 years ago
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Some Notes On Glory Holes

1.) The thing I always associate with my earliest experiences with glory holes was the generally sleazy and grimy atmosphere of the adult bookstores I frequented back then. Whoever 'owned' those places weren't interested in 'aesthetics,' but in economic profit. You could see this from the crummy, and run-down condition of both the outside of these places, as well as their interiors. Very little money had been spent to fix them up! But, there was something decidedly exciting and thrilling in...

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Jenny Our Vivacious Pet Sitter

Our family decided to go on a short vacation to New Mexico. As a far as vacations go, it was a long awaited and much anticipated vacation. We are a cost conscious family, so I decided to look on line for a pet sitter for our very friendly great Pyrenees. I found an add on social media that read: “TEACHER NEEDING SOME SUMMER TIME FUN AND PAY- WILLING TO PET SET!” I texted the number and then looked up the person on social media. I was immediately struck by the profile photos of a strikingly...

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The Sacred Band Ch 13

This is my first attempt at writing about a lesbian relationship. Please forgive the presumption and please send me criticisms, suggestions and comments. The Sacred Band, chapter thirteen Ivy and Ginny (and Donald and Bruno) told by Ginny. She just started singing All the things you are to Bruno’s sympathetic guitar backing, and we all stared open-mouthed at the sweet, controlled lyricism of her golden wisp of a voice. Of course I had heard Ivy singing in the bath. I told her that she had a...

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Thangai Priyavai Sex Seitha Semayana Kathai

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil urangaum thevidiya thangaiyai naan eppadi oothen enbathai ungal idam pagirugiren. Ithu oru kudumba kama kathai enbathai therivithu kolugiren. En peyar Pragadeesh vayathu 22 aagugirathu, naan oru boys collegelil padithu varugiren. Enaku oru thangai irukiraal aval peyar priya vayathu 20 aagugirathu. En thangaiyai patri sola vendum endraal aval oru super figure, iru mulaiyum perithaaga pazhuthu iurkum. Soothum miga sexiyaaga pazhuthu irukum, neengal avalai...

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Sex With Kashmiri Lady Doctor With Milky Body

I am a regular reader of ISS, but this is my first story to submit. I introduce myself; my name is Amir (name changed) from Jammu city. My profession is business age 35 married from last 8 years we bot heaving good sexual as well as married life. I live in the city. My wife is in a govt. job and she lives mostly with my parents in the village due to my busy schedule in my business. I didn’t go to village more over after marriage. I wasn’t interested to have sex with other women but during...

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christines visit to a prodom

I am a sub female, in my 20's at the time this occurred, and had experienced various BDSM acts with past boyfriends and knew I was heavily into bondage and its related activities. I was between relationships at the time, and had just got Internet access (those days of slow dial-up modems, etc.) which opened up a whole new world as I searched out kinky sites and started discussing my submissive fantasies. I think this was my first meeting resulting from an Internet contact, perhaps a lesson...

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A Nation ForgedChapter 10

James hoped he was not arranging his own death. The inner room of the palace was crowded. He had chosen it, and not the throne room, as it was more secure. Two extra rings of guards could be set up around them, keeping trouble out ... or in. Mostly in. He let his gaze wander around the room as he sat in what he considered his "spare throne". Every noble and officer, from both the island and the mainland, stood before him. Every important male, called to a gathering of an importance they...

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Sisters in Slavery prequel chapter 04 The two Mistresses story

- - Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age. Also this story features themes of nonconsensual sex including rape, slavery, incest, and bestiality. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories or are one of those individuals that can’t distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with posts about how sick the...

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HyeJins Nuru Night

My name is Hye-Jin, a Korean-American with an insatiable appetite for sexy nylon stockings. You may have read some of my past adventures on websites such as but this was a totally new experience that blew my mind! It started with a business trip to Tokyo last month. It was a really long day of meetings with corporate executives in Marunouchi, the financial center of Tokyo. My day started with getting ready for the meetings. What should I wear? Conservative, black suits that practically all...

3 years ago
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This contract forms a binding agreement between the the wife, the cuckold, & the black bull named below in respect to their CUCKOLD MARRIAGE: THE WIFE_____________________________ BLACK BULL_____________________________ CUCKOLD HUSBAND ______________________ Without abstention all parties have, by means of preparing the CUCKOLD MARRIAGE CONTRACT agree & solemnly swear to comply with the following set of agreements. SECTION 1 RIGHTS OF THE WIFE (1.1) The wife will have the right to have...

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Her most erotic experience so far

I’ve been instructed to share some of my experiences. Not something that comes naturally, but as I always do as I am told, here goes.Although we have known each other for some time, I began exploring my submissiveness in my mid 30’s, before we got together. Some of those moments stand out as being especially erotic so I will tell you about one in particular. I was married but my husband wasn’t (and still isn’t) the dominating type and I really yearned to experience being with a man that was...

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The Balance of the RoseChapter 13

Mann spent the night holding vigil over the entire group sheltered in the lodge. The weather stayed calm, a hold over for sure of Mann's interference. The night passed quiet and uneventful and the morning dawned bright and clear. Mann stood from the chair he had passed the night in and stretched before entering the kitchen area. The cook was already busy preparing breakfast and the smell of coffee wafted throughout the great room. Mann poured a cup and took it back into the great room,...

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ElevatedChapter 19

When Plautus Iunius made to climb into the limo that was supposed to take him to the airport and put him on the plane back to Europe, Corvus was already in the car waiting for him. Plautus froze for a few seconds with one foot in the car and one outside. Finally, he shrugged. "Well, I doubt you'd assassinate me yourself in your own limo. What's the game?" Corvus gestured to Tansy. He'd watched their tearful farewell in the driveway and she was still looking at Plautus with misty eyes...

4 years ago
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Costa Rica Get Way

" Well, you're finally awake sleepyhead." She said. I turned to see Mina standing next to the bed. She was as naked as she was in my dream. Her pert little breasts were proudly perched on her chest with their respective nipples erect. " Pinch me," I said, " This has to be a dream." Instead she leaned in and kissed me, her tongue parting my lips and invading my mouth. " Still think you're dreaming?" she asked. Mina sat on the edge of the bed and took my hand in hers, " Well the...

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Casey goes to Miami Beach Part2

Introduction: The three girls had fun… Part#2 Angelia could not sleep that night. She thought constantly about having sex with Amy and Casey. She had never witnessed such a sexy thing as the two hot girls having sex with each other. Her husband Ryan snored loudly beside her in bed. He sounded like a freight train. She played with herself as she thought about the two girls who rented the suite across and down from her. She wanted them badly. She stimulated herself to orgasm as she imagined them...

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Rental Car Service with a Smile Part II

Jenn had called, and gave me her address. She had an efficiency apartment across town from my hotel, but I didn't care. This was about her, and making her birthday special. I arrived at her apartment, and there she stood at the stoop. She came to the car, but I intercepted her 1/2 way. "I said I was going to call for you! Why were you on the stoop?" "Well, that's what guys do - they expect girls to be ready." I challenged her again. "Jenn, you need to start spending time with men, and disregard...

3 years ago
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The Knight and His Squire 3Chapter 4

Rohea and Maes packed their belongings and headed towards Yaklo. They decided that they had had enough excitement for one night that they would not be able to rest, so they might as well cover more ground towards Yaklo. It took them less than a week before Yaklo was in sight. More precisely, the large number of soldiers camped outside Yaklo were visible. Rohea could tell that the soldiers had been stationed at Yaklo for quite some time, as the campsites looked like they had been erected for...

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Junk In The Trunk

Copyright© 2007 by Stormbringer Mindy Dawber arrived home late from work. A high heeled shoe extended from her car door, follwed by a shapely ankle and calf. Her skirt started at the knee. Her entire outfit was a thousand dollar business suit which suited a vice president of marketing at a local firm. Mindy watched her husband bringing items in from his garage sale. She shook her head at her husband's outfit. She'd married him ten years ago when she was twenty and he was thirty. He was a...

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TGTV Murphy Brown

TGTV: Murphy Brown By Heather St. Claire Is it more blessed to give than to receive? I guess that's something I had to learn about firsthand...although I'm not sure that changing a man's sex against his will is the best way to find out. If you've read some of my earlier stories in this series, you know about me being given a free trial of a new cable service, called TGTV. I can use the special remote to enter the life of any female television character of my choice. Once in...

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Horny couple

I wrote this for an female XH user on a picture that said leave dirty comments. What started out as a dirty comment turned into a short sex story. I was going to leave it in her PM, but when I finished it, it said user not found.---LOL--- All that work for nothing----So now you fine folks out in XH get to read it. Hope you enjoy it. If that's your avatar, then I'd most definitely would love to tongue fuck that ass of yours while fingering that sweet shaved cunt. Of course that's just to get...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 3 Paradise Regained and LostChapter 15 Addiction

We met at 2pm on the first Monday after Christmas, in a car park in Celle. I was off duty on the day she had specified and I wondered how she knew I would be available for our tryst. Dead on time her BMW drew into the car park, she beckoned me over and I received the full tongue and face sucking treatment as soon as I had sat down in the car. She then drove, one handed, to an autobahn rest station about 15 miles towards Hanover. We booked into a room and I joined her in what can only be...

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At ithe dress shop

This happened to me when I was 18 years old. I did not have a boy friend during this time. I had an attractive figure. My boobs were well grown and had a nice round ass. I wear short pants at home and wear short skirts or tight jeans when I go out which reveals my body and prefer to see the gready looks of the guys, and especially the matured men. But my parent does not allow me to were short skirts which are more than 3 inches above my knees, when I go out. This is mainly to avoid myself being...

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South of Bikini 3 Rendezvous

Sand Dollars' next mission becomes personal for Alex- the result requiring the Empress to reveal herself. Some members of Alex' crew finally realize their gifts and one in particular proves her metal on a special mission. Episode 7 "Rendezvous'" 1142hr, 200 Nautical Miles SSE of Midway Islands, July 4th, 1944 "Alex, Rommie's found the Freemont and she says we're about thirty minutes out through clear water," Jack...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 32

I felt a naked female body spoon up tight to me; a hand snaked around me to rest between my boobs. I pulled the hand to my lips and kissed it several times. Lorrie giggled and whispered, "I love you." I returned it. I rolled over to face her boob to boob and said, "Now, what pray tell is a naked Lorrie doing in my bed?" "I came up to change into workout clothes and just couldn't resist. You feel so nice next to me," she said. "Now what if I can't resist," I said. I pulled her...

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Twin Girlfriends

When I was 25 I was working for a catering company that mostly catered for movie productions and the like. We had big trucks and huge industrial-sized outdoor grills that we would set up at movie and TV lots and at on-location sets. We served great food but it was mostly basic fare. We ran a glorified chuck wagon, as opposed to upscale gourmet-type caterers. We catered the production of this one movie--it was a stupid bikini flick, one of those low-brow summer B movies. After production...

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The Last Vampire Hunter

Author's note: I originally wrote this as background for a character I was developing for a role playing group. The group was disbanded, and so here is my character, Charissa. She's only 19 years old, tall and lithe with lovely medium sized breasts (about 36C). She's heavily into the Goth scene. She has natural straight dark red hair that falls to the middle of her back, and green eyes. Yes, she shaves down there. You might also recall the goddess Discord from Xena Warrior Princess. Charissa...

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Two Weeks

What had I gotten myself into? Where was my mind when I agreed to this? Were they even still here in the room, or had they left? I shifted position slightly, feeling the coolness of the room on my naked skin. There was no sound and yet there was so much. I could hear the hum of the air conditioning, the faint sounds of a TV somewhere else, but nothing that said they were nearby. My knees ached and my lower back was painful. I wondered how I looked, kneeling naked, hands crossed at the...

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Positively Glowing 7

The electric chime sounded as Taylor and Gerry entered Amanda's Boutique during lunch on Friday. "Oh, it's my favorite bride," the proprietress beamed at them. She pulled a garment bag from a rack and handed it to Gerry. "Here you go, sweetheart. Take this out back and try it on. Try on EVERYTHING, though. The panties can go on over what you're wearing for now, but I need to see you in the bra, with the stockings and then the dress. I'll help you with the veil when you come out." Far...

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Oh Teacher My TeacherChapter 4

When I awoke the next morning, I was once again facing toward her. The sun was up and sunlight coming through the sheer curtains gave the room a pale cream tint. Astrid was facing me and once again I marveled at her beauty. My thoughts went back to the previous night and the breakthrough I thought we achieved. I had challenged her about her ongoing conflict with Crystal and it provoked the first sign of emotion in her that I could remember seeing. What followed with our lovemaking, however,...

1 year ago
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Two Girls and A Night Out

I had just come home from basketball training and I was hot and tired. I stripped my sweat-soaked clothing off and sat naked in my bedroom to cool off.I was bored, so I turned my laptop on and watched some porn. There were two girls enjoying sex with one another. My curiosity got the better of me as I was interested in what they do. There are a few lesbians on the team and make no secret of the fact they have sex together. Others claim they are bisexual. Sue, one of the girls and I are very...

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My ExGirlfriends Mom 3

The three of us were laying in Lana's bed, recuperating from an awesome sexual experience. Or at least awesome for me. I could only imagine what kind of sexual experience these two beautiful, busty, extremely hung ladies have had. Lana, the "mother", very sexy for an older woman, with a ten inch cock. And Jill, the "daughter", a knockout in her prime, with a twelve inch cock!We talked about what we had just done. They told me I was a natural at sucking cock and couldn't believe I had never done...

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Wife Rape 8211 Porn Shorts

My wife has been in Seattle for the past week, at a conference. One of my fantasies has been for her to get sexually involved with someone at an out of town conference. I’ve told her about this fantasy on a few occasions while we were screwing. It was always a great turn on for both of us. During the weeks leading up to the current conference, I told her I fantasized that she called me one night and told me that she had just finished having sex with someone. She called me every...

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Ashes to Dust

Mitch Reilly, the head groundskeeper, is my boss. I told him the whole story, straight out. "She was a nice-looking woman, Mitch. Late forties. Old enough to be my mom if she'd gotten a real early start. When she first come up to me in the bar, I thought for a minute she might be a hooker, y'know? But hookers her age look a lot shabbier than this woman did. "I could tell she was a little embarrassed, coming up to a strange guy in a bar and trying to strike up a conversation. It didn't...

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Life Simulator

You died. You don’t know how you died, how you got here or who you are. You just know that you are dead. Floating in a black void. Nothingness... You like it... You kind of just don’t want to think anymore. Forever floating in this blank space. Relaxed in a blank space of nothingness. You stay there for who knows how long. You get interrupted by a light. Hearing loud noise outside, someone shouting. You ignore thinking it just your imagination. Relaxed in a blank spa- There it goes again the...

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It was a beautiful spring morning; the air clear, bright, and blue, with just a few high clouds to give the sky definition, the temperature balmy with a slight breeze to keep it fresh. I decided I wanted to go fly, just tool around over the valley, free and happy. Even if the flying is 'stressful' - suddenly you are second in line to land and there is a twin Beech behind you eating up the distance and you are pedaling as fast as you can in your little 150 and don't want to make even a little...

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It has been two days since Dave has been away on a business trip and Barbara, his partner, is getting hornier by the minute. The day is a hot summers day and pool cleaner is outside finishing off his duties. His name is Koz and he is 26 years old, wearing a very small tight pair of shorts and nothing else, giving Barbara a great look at his tight ass and large package, bulging in his shorts front. As Barbara watches his strong body, twisting and gyrayting as it manouvers the pool sweeper along...

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My Journey To The World Of Desires 8211 Part 1

I am an average guy. I have not many good qualities. When young(7) ,I used to stay at a very small subdivision of Odisha .We used to live at teachers colony. My father is a deeply religious man. We had many neighbors. Mansi was my classmate and my closest friend. We used to chat , play , talk , sleep together. She was only daughter , hence enjoyed a lot of attention and love from her parents. Her mother(Mina aunty) was a very caring woman. Many a times I used to stay at her house. Soon the...

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