RiseChapter 3: Et Pax free porn video

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The Abbey sat before us, in the sheltered expanse of a wide, shallow, valley nestled within the foothills. According to the texts Sister Veritas and I had found when we first explored the dilapidated compound, it was once known as Garden City Community College, in what was once called Kansas. The names of the states, and cities of the Old World were now useless, since the men that had built them rained down The Fires. Now it was simply, The Abbey In The Hills. We had been astounded by the treasures within those slowly crumbling walls. Texts on every subject imaginable, were stored in those buildings, many of them were simply beyond our ability to understand. Those we could not use ourselves, we sent back to The Cathedral, the home of The Justice Bringers, hidden away in the vast expanse of the mountains to the west. Those we could use, we kept, putting the knowledge within to use in building the small community now thriving within our walls.

Part of our duty as Justice Bringers, is to help those incapable of helping themselves. The settlements, and towns, close enough for us to serve, are not always safe, or in cases like Erikat, are simply so distasteful, that we won’t leave those we save there. In the course of the four years since founding this Abbey, we have brought many of them here. The small outpost we created in the hills, has since turned into a thriving community of almost one hundred fifty. We have farmers, and craftsmen, everything from tailors, to a blacksmith, all were once either slaves, or free men who survived raiders, or worse. They all now called The Abbey home.

Our community sits around the two buildings that could be saved, the smaller of the two became our hospital, the rest were plundered for building material. We now sport a wall of stone, ten feet high, and almost twenty feet thick, thanks in large part to the texts found regarding Roman architecture. We have homes, and buildings built from timber, taken from the surrounding wooded hills. We have horses, and livestock, as well as abundant game close enough to support the community as a whole. Not to mention a sizable section of tilled fields, that allows us to grow our own crops. Sister Veritas, and I had created a home, and safety for so many. And yet, we both knew, our work may well never be done. Pandemonium still reigned in The World After, and men were still far too willing to destroy what others had built, simply to satisfy an immediate desire, for us to ever be finished.

All of these thoughts filtered through my mind, as we sat atop that hill, overlooking The Abbey. The girl simply stared in awe, at what I had assured her was to be her new home. I smiled at her, knowing exactly what she felt. I had felt exactly the same, the first time I had seen my home Abbey, all those years ago, when Elder Monk had rescued me from a slaver camp. It was a sense of wonder, and barely contained joy. And it was a thing I never tired of seeing on the faces of those seeing it for the first time. Of the nearly one hundred fifty residents more than sixty of them had been rescues, just like the girl, and they had all shown the same emotions. “Welcome home,” I said warmly, as I watched her beautiful violet eyes widen at the idea, “This is The Abbey In The Hills.” I swept my arm across the horizon, letting her take in all of the land that is The Abbey.

The two buildings that we had left standing stood at the back of our walled community. The smaller of the two buildings, our hospital, stood off toward the southwest corner. The windows, where the glass had not been shattered, had all been removed, and replaced, instead, with tightly stretched oil cloth. It let in plenty of light, could be easily moved, to allow fresh air in. They could also be seated into the windowsills, during the winter, to keep in the heat. It was not perfect, but life in The World After rarely was, and besides, the glass that could be salvaged, was used for a much greater purpose.

The larger of the two buildings, a massive, sprawling three floor structure, had been much more difficult to save. Many the windows in the structure, had been smashed, in the years following The Fires, the few that remained, were likewise, plundered and put to a better use. These windows were also covered by oil cloth. The building had been made out of brick, and shaped concrete, much of the structure had been damaged, either by vandalism, or weather. So we had used what knowledge we could find in those texts to rebuild. It had taken the better part of a year, and all the while Sister Veritas, and I, had continued our mission. As people came to us, they had become much needed help, and eventually, after a year of agonizing, back breaking, labor, our new Abbey was complete.

This was the building, that housed The Justice Bringers. It was our training ground, and our repository for any, and all, of the Old World knowledge we could find. It was where we taught our Novices, in the ways of The Peace of All, and most importantly, when we were to use it. The ability to kill, comes with the knowledge, that every life, no matter how vile it had been, still might have some value. And that could be a terrible lesson to learn, and some, never did. We taught them, that to find someone wanting, meant that, none of the good they might have done, could possibly outweigh the pain they had inflicted upon others. We strove for them to understand, that it was just as simple for a Justice Bringer, to become that which we fought against, and worst of all become an Apostate. We also taught them that, while a few people they encountered in The World After, would be unfit to receive The Final Peace, Apostates would NEVER be worthy of it.

It was this second, larger, building, that we stopped our horses in front of. Apparently, our arrival had preceded us, as three of our younger Novices rushed out to help us with the horses. As I slid out of my saddle, and handed one of them, a young girl, my reigns, I said softly, “Have someone find Sister Veritas,” she nodded respectfully, and raced off, handing the reigns to a boy, with dark skin, just slightly older than she was. The Novices led the horses away to the stables, while I waited with the girl. I let my gaze wander around the lands of The Abbey, there was a serenity surrounding us all here, it wasn’t a fragile, or expectant, kind of feeling. The Abbey seemed to defy The World After, showing that man was still capable of living without resorting to the savagery surrounding us. This of course, is not to say, that we would not, and have not, taken up arms, as a community, as a whole, and defended those we loved, and what we had built. But the feeling of peace here, was unlike any other I had ever felt, and I loved it all the more, for that.

“Bishop!” The sound of a voice so familiar to me, I could have picked it out of a crowded room, snapped me out of my peaceful revelry. The woman who was speaking, made her way down the steps at the front of The Abbey, with so much grace, it seemed like she was floating. Sister Veritas was still as beautiful to me as the day I had first laid eyes on her as a Novice about to take my first voyage into The World After. Her flawless skin, was a dark brown, that defied the fact that she was already into the middle years of her fourth decade. The well worn leather she wore, still hugged her body, displaying the amazing curves, of a body, that, even after ten years, could still captivate me. She’s shorter than I am, by nearly a head’s height, but to me she may as well have been ten feet tall. “You’re home early!” she exclaimed, as her wide smile spread up into her beautiful hazel green eyes, “We didn’t expect you back until mid summer!” and so saying, she wrapped me into a hug, I was all too happy to return, right up until I saw the look of pain on the girl’s face.

“I found someone who needed me more than the settlements,” I explained, smiling at the girl, who’s amazing eyes lit up seeing me smile at her, “She was with a group or road bandits, it wasn’t a pretty thing,” I explained quietly, then louder, “She was never given a name, so I brought her to you. And Veritas...” her eyes took me in as I pulled Abbot’s coat from my pack, “Send word to The Cathedral, Abbot turned, he’s dead now, but his name needs to be stricken.” the pain in her eyes nearly brought me to tears. Knowing one of our order had turned is always difficult, but knowing that one like Abbot, who had stood as a paragon among us could turn, was crushing.

“Bishop...” her voice was soft, and I could see the deep wounding in her eyes. Veritas always took this sort of news deeply personally, and for the first time, I knew her pain completely. When I had trained at my Home Abbey, Abbot had, always, been used as the prime example, the epitome of what a Justice Bringer was supposed to be. And now, he was to be stricken as an Apostate.

I didn’t allow Veritas time to break down, in The World After grief was something you dealt with quickly, because it could kill you. “The girl needs you Veritas,” I whispered to her softly, “Take her to The Retreat, give her a bed, and a meal. In the morning, you need to talk to her, I tired, but...” I shrugged, she understood me well enough to understand what I was trying to say. She smiled back to me, and took the girl’s hand to lead her to The Retreat. I had to explain things to the girl, before she would allow herself to be lead away, and the look she cast over her shoulder broke my heart. It clearly spoke the volumes how she felt about being taken away from me, or should I have thought of it as me being taken away from her?

I pushed those thoughts aside, and headed to the only room in The Abbey that held any meaning to me after I came off the road. I walked down, into the basement of the building, and found what I had been longing for for more than two months. The steam rose up from the water that had been heated as soon as we had been spotted approaching, and my long awaited hot bath, had been prepared.

I slipped into the wooden tub, with a luxuriant sigh, letting the hot water begin to relax the tense muscles. I’m not sure how long I simply laid there, eyes closed, relaxing in the single piece of luxury I allowed myself. But it had to have been quite some time, because I never heard Veritas come into the room. “You need a haircut, and a shave, Bishop,” she said softly, as her long fingers ran through my hair. My hair was a light brown, and though I try to keep it short enough to be manageable, my time on the road had allowed it to grow long, and scraggly, flowing down past my collar. My beard, was even worse, the last time I had been able to get a shave, being almost a week before I met the girl.

I reached my left hand behind me, and flicked the edges of the long dreadlocks Veritas kept in her hair. It was a touch of intimacy, from our past, where, for a time we had been lovers as well as traveling companions. It was a bittersweet remembrance, given that it had been Veritas who had pushed me away. She had said our ages were too great a boundary to overcome, and, after a long period of feeling sorry for myself, I came to understand that she had been right. “You should talk Veritas. Every time I see you, your hair seems to have grown a hand’s length,” I said as I picked up the razor, and brown soap from the right side of the tub, and handed them to her.

I leaned back against the tub, and allowed Veritas unrestricted access to my hair and face. It had been a task, that even after we were no longer lovers, she took to, with great pleasure. I relaxed, as I felt her grabbing handfuls of my hair, and gently, yet firmly dragged the razor through it. It was such a comforting feeling that I got lost in it, and before I realized it, she had finished. Veritas ran her fingers through my, now much shorter, and neater hair, and hummed contentedly. “This is much better, you really need to find a way to keep your hair manageable while you’re out,” she said softly, as she built a healthy lather with the brown soap, “Who knows, if you do, maybe you’ll find someone who can do this instead of me,” she had a smile on her face, as she slowly began raking the razor against my stubborn beard.

The Penitent Cell was a room in the cellar of The Abbey, where we spend the first night of our return. It is meant to give us a quiet place to reflect, and meditate, allowing us to find peace in our actions while out in The World After. Most of the time, I am all too happy for the peace and quiet. It allows me a chance to find that balance between the man I am, and the man I am forced to be in the course of my duties. That first night back however, I couldn’t even find sleep, until total exhaustion pulled me down into the blackness, it just felt like there was something missing. It really didn’t help either, that every time I tried to drift off to sleep, a pair of beautiful violet eyes were all I could see.

I rolled off of the cot inside the Penitent Cell, when the small window, near the ceiling, showed the first lightening of dawn. My night of meditation hadn’t been as peaceful as it could have been, and I needed coffee. I had never, in my life been happier, than when one of the first people we brought to The Abbey, had been the grandson of what he called a macrobiotic farmer, and took the windows we had salvaged, and created his own greenhouse. We grew our own exotic plants, that would never survive the winters without it. We had coffee, and tea plants, a banana tree, a cocoa plant we even kept a small colony of honey bees. We never had a lot of any of them, but in The World After, you learned to make your resources stretch.

She found me, while I was enjoying my breakfast of coffee, and sweet rolls. I was sitting near a window, looking out over our lands, and reading from a text called ‘The Odyssey’. There was a lot of it that I couldn’t understand, but the imagery, and the characters contained within, were inspiring. I was just starting to read about Scylla and Charybdis when a small hand tapped me on the shoulder. “Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find...” she trailed off slowly as I turned to look her in those amazing, violet, eyes again. They widened in shock, I’m guessing, at my changed appearance, as I smiled at her gently, “Bishop!” she gasped, and flung her arms around my neck.

I hugged her back, tightly. It was difficult for me not to react to her body being pressed against me like it was, so it was no surprise to me, when my cock firmed, and began rubbing against her stomach. I pressed my cheek against the side of her head, and realized, for the first time, that her hair was a deep, rich, auburn. And now that she had finally had a real bath, and the clumps of matted hair had been either brushed, or cut out, it cascaded down past her shoulders in shimmering waves. “It’s good to see you too,” I said softly.

Same as Rise
Chapter 3: Et Pax Videos

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I was sent, orders in hand, to a militia company which was, for all practical purposes, in a state of mutiny. It was neither a big company nor a particularly good one, but we could not afford the loss of any men just then, good or bad. The problem, I was told was the vanity and stupidity of the company's officers, a father and son of rank habits and cowardly disposition. I found the men where I had been told, their tents in disorderly ranks, their pickets slovenly and inattentive, and made...

2 years ago
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Seduced Young WifeChapter 7

Hans Piemmel had gone to bed as soon as Harry relieved him from the watch, and had fallen asleep immediately. But only an hour later he woke, prodded to consciousness by his sailor's ear, an ear that listened to his ship, the wind, and the sea, even while he slept. He lay quietly for a minute, trying to isolate the one sound which had waked him from all the others filtering into the darkness of his cabin. Unable to decide what had disturbed him, he did not go back to sleep, as so many...

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Going Parking at The Local Park

Mild bondage and submission My husband likes to plan things out, and when those plans happen he really loves it, when a plan comes together. He has asked me on a number of occasions what do I want?, and where do I want him to take me?. I always say, go make your plans and then come and get me, Surprise me. I do not want to know what you are going to do or where you are going to take me. This in itself always allows my imagination, coupled with my fantasy's to start going crazy with...

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Indian Fighters On To CaliforniaChapter 7

It was during this bitter struggle to get through the desert that they met their first Navajo war party. They were battling a steep sand hill when they were hit by surprise by a shower of arrows falling on the men wrestling with a heavy wagon as they struggled to push it up the hill. No one was killed, but 3 men were painfully wounded and would be out of action for days. Both mules were injured badly enough that they would have to be put down once the Indians were dealt with. The Indians had...

4 years ago
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One Last Time 8211 A Fire Burns Brightest Just Before It Dies

This is true story that happened a few years ago while I was doing my combined bachelors in Psychology and Literature from the US and I was in a long distance relationship with my high school sweetheart in Mumbai. I thought I heard the door bell ringing in my dreams but I woke up to the vibration alert on my phone, placed next to the pillow. There was a message from her, which read, “I’m leaving”, and there were a significant number of missed calls on my phone. At that moment, topless, I...

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Justice DelayedChapter 2

When I left Brenda's and drove back home, I still felt like the two of us had made a little bit of progress. Something that we had talked about over at the window had gotten her to decide to try to touch me after she wasn't able to the first time. It was true that the actual touching hadn't been that big of a success, but I had already figured out that it wasn't going to be an easy thing for me to try and set things back to rights with Brenda. The next day I finished up my Meteorology...

2 years ago
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Sister takes the Dildo

Okay so my sister, Madi, came into my room asked me to go swimming and let's just say if she asked you you say yes. Now my sister Madi is a cute blonde with 36B Breast and a smoking butt. But don't get me wrong with her body frame and curve her tits fit right in. So now to myself I am a average built guy I do sports and all black hair and about 6inch dick and I was 14 she was 15. I got changed into my swimm trunks and went down stairs. When she came down she was wearing a two piece bikini...

3 years ago
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Jake comes to visit and we have our OWN experienc

"Ohh, guess what baby?" I asked my girlfriend Tracy Donovan, as I rammed my dick up her asshole. " Ugh, ughh...deeper motherfucker! What's that baby? Are you buttfucking me, or are you tickilling me, NOW FUCK MY ASSHOLE!!" As I increased my grip on her hips, slamming her shithole back against my cock, I felt her fingers pick up the pace against her clit. "I said guess what, WHORE!" "Mmmph, uggh, ohhh, yeah baby? what? ughh, nghh." "My friend, Jake from highschool is going to be in town, he's...

1 year ago
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PervMom Rachael Cavalli Vanessa Cage Cum Swapping MILFs

Rachel Cavalli is the type of stepmom who seems to be able to read her stepsons mind. She can tell that he is super sexually frustrated. She feels for him, so she shows him her fat titties. Later, Rachel is making some food when her pervy stepsons comes around looking for some fun. She lets him pound her out as she cums on his dick! A couple days later, Rachels stepson brings a babe over the house. To Rachels pleasant surprise, it is her old friend Vanessa Cage! The two blonde MILFs decide to...

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Kinkiest thing Ive EVER done

Written: Jan 2nd, 2011So here's one of the many things I've done that is near the top of my list for the most kinkiest thing I've ever done:For perhaps a week or 2, I would freeze my cum into a small tupperwear container. It would be about 15 loads full or so. Leading up to "Play Day", I would not cum for 5 days prior, just to get me super horny! On "Play Day", a day that i dedicate to experiencing something really kinky, I'd give myself a water enema and then stick a butt plug in my ass for...

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Disciplined College Trio

Monsignor Bernard was having his mid morning drag. Unfortunately outside The Rectory attached to St David’s Cathedral. The do-gooders had finally had smoking banned inside. The late autumn fog was still thick around the local hills and gliding in tuffs down the river valley. He was interrupted half way through his lingering pleasure when Father O’Flaniggan came puffing out of the diocese office to his right. “Bernard…Bernard… you are required at” …he needed a breathe …then continued… “At St...

1 year ago
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Cant Escape Your Nature

Dante sauntered lazily into the classroom that morning, unaware of his easy rolling swagger that caught the eye of all the girls. Unaware of how his perfect, rugged profile and messy black hair brought a hitch in their breath. Unaware of how the other guys hated him with the terrifying intensity of an angry swarm of bees. He wove his way through the maze of desks to his at the back corner, away from the people who bothered him so. Registration was set to take place in five minutes, at 8.50, and...

2 years ago
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Strange Experience With A Lady

One fine day when I was coming from the market a minor incident took place nearby. When I went there to see then came to know that the aunty who met with an incident was nearby our area and immediately provided with the available first aid and dropped her at the house. From then onwards we came to know about each other. Her husband is in Dubai (left for a short trip) and she is here with her daughter. We had been regularly communicating through phone or WhatsApp.Her name is Rupali (name...

1 year ago
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Had Fun With Step Dad

Hi iss readers this is jazzy from Bangalore, this is my first story in iss.  I read many stories here; i would like write mine which happened when i was 18 years old. Before explaining my story i would like to say about my figure, its 36-28-38. I wear d cup bra.  This is the first intercourse i have had. My mom Mamata(35)is rich and hi fi lady who took divorce from my dad when i was 14 and married to a guy who happened to be my mom’s school friend, who is 36years old and very handsome, his name...

3 years ago
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Priapus BrideChapter 2

They drive off, into the night. She lies back on the smooth leather seat and, turning her head, looks at Him from behind her green eyes. "Are you still willing?" He asks her. "Do you have to ask?" She answers." Have I ever denied you anything?" He does not respond. He concentrates on the road, but his engorged member belies his apparent sang-froid. She smiles. Her hand caresses His arm. She can feel His muscles under the fabric of His dark blue blazer. She is happy; she has had...

2 years ago
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Hat Tricks and Firecracker

“Yo, Dex. Ain’t no time to be drowning in misery, man. So you couldn’t pull it out. You’re what, eighteen? Barely outta high school and on the biggest sporting stage in the world. Shit. It took me longer than that to finally make it here.” I look over at Jamal, proudly displaying three bronze medals. He’s giving me a confused look, as if I should be happy just making it to Rio. I’m not. It’s not in my DNA to settle. “Two goals in the game. Five overall. I don’t know soccer, but that shit...

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Darkness In Threes

And lay over top of you so you cant move but also you feel my rock hard cock pressing through my pants. I lean in to smell the desire and lust radiating off your body Close in to your ear i whisper "Your not going anywhere dear" I grab the front of your dress with both hands and tear it from your body Revealing my conquest of soft skin and beads of sweat over your thighs and breasts I kiss the sweat from your neck to in between your lovely breasts Taking time to play with your...

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PenthouseGold Heather Vandeven Justine Joli Waitresses8217 Lesbian Romp In The Diner

Smoking hot waitresses Heather Vandeven and Justine Joli are alone together after hours in the diner. Both inexperienced but curious, their girl chats soon lead to some sapphic exploration in this lesbian Penthouse Pet romp. With their perky titties and perfect bodies, the foxy babes are soon bending over for stroking and licking, moaning with delight as they finger fuck each other. Redhead Justine flicks blonde Heather’s clit and tongues her wet pussy before sharing the taste of her...

3 years ago
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Valentine At 18 At Her House When She Was Alone

Hey, I am Ratheesh Goyal, age 18. I live in Ghaziabad, U.P. Contact me at Or find me on facebook. I have been an avid reader of ISS and have a huge drive for sex. This is my first story on ISS of one of the incidents with my girlfriend.Starting with the story. It was 14th February, you can think in a way that due to this date I got this chance. It was a long time since I met her as we were busy in preparing for our final exams. I called to ask her to meet me at the mall, but I got aroused...

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Crime Scene Insinuation

“Jules, is that you?” Daniel’s voice exploded in my ear. “Yes, It’s me,” I murmured drowsily, hoping I was dreaming, especially when my half closed eyes registered the time on the alarm clock. Jesus, three thirty in the morning, was he fucking mad? Even though I fervently wanted to return to the land of nod, the urgency in Danny’s voice seemed to cajole me into consciousness. “Jules, are you there?” His voice was insistent now. “Mikayla Nicosia is dead and all hell has broken loose.” Now I...

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A trip back home never to forget

But to be honest, I'm glad it's over. We didn't have kids, and I'm thankful for that, we would've fought for them as well. But don't get me wrong, I'd love to have some one day, just with the right woman, you know? I left her the house, she left me my ring. I obviously had to move out so I decided to go back to my mom's house in the meantime, you know, before I get back on my feet. I lived pretty far off from where I grew up, had to catch a plane actually. Been a while since I saw...

3 years ago
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Carla The ShowoffChapter 10

I don't know if it was my being constantly exposed to Carla's own exhibitionism or if I simply got tired of being a voyeur, but in time, my own dormant exhibitionist tendencies flared up. I think that for a long time I grew quite satisfied to obtain my exhibitionist thrills vicariously, by watching Carla exhibiting herself. I got off on the idea of my girlfriend taking center stage and enjoying it so immensely. Some of you reading this story can surely relate to the thrill you can get by...

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Fantastic Fuck

Fantastic Fuck By: Ms. Jenny Ann I wrote this story it may be downloaded or shared at free sites only. Comments may be sent to [email protected]. This story well like the title simply states was a brief encounter that I am reminded of every time I hear the song 'Don't you want me', by Human League. I was living in Atlanta, GA and a half a block from a bar that had live rock bands play. I could be found having quite a few Harvey Wall Bangers on my night off. His name was...

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Skiing with My Daughter

Jen and I had only gone skiing 2 or 3 times in the past. This trip was her idea because everyone was busy. We got to the mountain early and skied every run until lunch. It snowed heavily during the morning replacing all the tracks with fresh powder every couple of runs. Over lunch we talked about leaving because of the heavy snow fall. "Do you think we should head home because of the snow?" I asked. "No. Let's stay for a couple more runs then head home" was Jen's reply. I did...

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Seasons Beatings From Joanne Part Two

Joanne’s seventeen-year-old sister, Gabrielle, arrived home just after 4.30 that Saturday afternoon. She was happy. She had enjoyed spending time with her friends in town, doing some last-minute Christmas shopping and just relaxing for a change. Once she had locked the front door behind her, Gabby Wilson laid her shopping bags down in the hallway and walked into the front room, where her mother and older sister were watching television. The young woman smiled and sat down on the sofa next to...


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