ShawnChapter 30 free porn video

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Mary had seen Liz act the same way with her father when she was young. She knew that the girl was enjoying having a father again. She wondered how each of them had got so involved with this young man to react that way. Then she remembered what it had felt like last night.

I lowered the child to her feet. Liz had taken my briefcase and rushed upstairs to clean herself in case we had time. I stood still, making sure Sally did not fall, then walked over to Mary. "Are you too busy to give me another kiss too?" I knew that she must be reacting now more to my own aura.

Her vagina had been leaking when she thought of me, but had been especially active for the last ten minutes. Would she react like her daughter again? No, she was more mature and could give a kiss like a loving wife, not a sex starved teenager. I put two arms around her and bent her over to nearly a horizontal position. Apart from a few pounds on her feet I supported her entirely. The kiss was slow and sensual. Mary's arms came around me for safety and then for comfort. She started to convulse as I stimulated her pleasure centre. Her feet pushed down hard forcing her pelvis into the air repeatedly. I picked her up and carried her as easily as I would a baby and set her down on the couch in the living room. She no doubt had been waiting all day or all her life for me to get back. Now she would be disoriented for a few more minutes.

I took the time to make the phone call and found the flight was late by an hour due to another snowstorm. If I hurried I would have time for my family too.

I removed my clothing and placed it on a wooden chair, then removed Mary's. She could not resist even if she wanted to; which she didn't. Liz had come down and I could see that she wanted her mother to be happy, as well as wanting her own turn. If another woman was to get me, it was best that it be her mother. Sally was still not sure what was happening but knew that two of the most important people in her life needed some time together.

Mary now knew she was naked in front of me and her children. It didn't matter at all now. She got to her feet and saw how my muscles stood out from the rest, how beautiful she thought my entire body was. Then she looked at my slowly rising cock so thin, so beautiful.

I whispered in a sultry voice, "You are very beautiful and I love how you respond to my touch." I stepped forward and clasped her face as I gave the woman a tender kiss. The woman collapsed against me and I was forced to support her weight again. I picked her up quickly and placed her back on the couch. I started licking her nipples. She groaned as she pushed them into my mouth. I moved on top of her pushing her legs apart with mine. She pulled her knees up offering me anything and everything I wanted.

I concentrated on my cock and inserted it into the tight hole. I was used to controlling its size now. Lusa had helped me learn many things about my body and hers.

Other than last night, it was a long time since Mary had anything in her, other than her finger. I made short strokes that lengthened as she loosened up. Mary had easily orgasmed at my touch. I had to actually suppress the pleasure centre now because of the added contact I gave. This had the effect of putting more weight on the relief valve of her pressure cooker emotions.

My cock worked in her and my power extended into her cervix. I deadened any discomfort and used my mind to open the other door. Phantom fingers entered and went beyond. Short strokes at this depth eventually brought our pelvis' together. I ground my hairless crotch on hers, stimulating her clit to a point where she would have long ago lost it. I forced more blood into my cock as I stroked. It grew wider and wider. When I thought I was big enough I started moving faster.

Mary had never felt so full before. Her canal was at the point where any more stretching would start to cause her pain. She tried to get me deeper, my pelvis was now slamming into hers. She thrust up, almost in a panic. She would give anything to keep me or even part of me. She instinctively tried to get sperm into her womb to have my child.

After she came to that decision she did her best to consciously milk the sperm from me. She knew that I would not even make any sperm yet but instinct still ruled.

She felt that I seemed to know all the buttons to press and how hard to push. I bent forward taking her nipple into my mouth. Small bites made her pelvis raise but I controlled the powerful strokes and did not hurt her. She was now higher than she had ever been before. In fact she was way beyond even that point and still no orgasm; she was desperate; she began to wonder what was wrong? She needed the orgasm and to gain my seed.

I released her nipple and sat back, my arms bulged, swept her legs up and placed them on my shoulders. I had hardly missed a stroke. My pelvis worked at a furious rate. It was good that Mary was shedding so much lubricant. She groaned and howled like a bitch in heat. The precipice was so close and she could not seem to reach it.

I did not want to hurt the woman that meant so much to me. I slowly released the hold on her mind. Mary now bucked with maniacal strength, almost throwing me out and off of her. She screamed at the top of her lungs. It was good the radio was so loud and the house closed up. Her bladder let go with the contractions and I could feel her warm pee wetting me. The contractions around my cock would set any other off but I wanted this woman to have the best. I continued pumping and Mary continued having orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. I looked into her mind and only saw the animal. A clawing, biting, even vicious animal. I had not gone to this stage even with Lusa, as I slowed down, trying to bring my Mary back to me.

Liz and especially Sally were worried what had happened to their mother. Was the kindest of men torturing their mother they wondered. Mary was still thrashing but the throws were getting weaker as she came back.

I could fake an orgasm but never needed to. I continued to please this woman for as long as possible. When the time was right I sped up and had my dry contractions. This caused Mary to have another series as she felt the tremors. The last was already too much and exhausted, her mind fell away from consciousness.

I turned my head and asked Sally to get lots of towels and Liz for a basin of warm water. When Sally returned I placed one under Mary's butt and pulled my now deflated dick out. A stream ran out of her spendings. When Liz came back I washed my woman with a lot of love.

"What is wrong with mommy?" asked the worried two year old.

"She had too much fun. She couldn't hold it all in and went a little crazy but a good kind of crazy. She is so tired now that she is sleeping." I got off the couch and used a clean towel to cover Mary. Sally's eyes followed my cock as it moved with my steps.

"Is she going to have a baby now? Will you still be our daddy?"

"Your mommy is not having another baby now. I am not old enough to have any seed to put into her. I always want to be your daddy though."

Sally wanted me around and said, "Oh, yes."

Liz was in the background with a towel around her and felt both pleased and sad. "Go upstairs to your mother's bed love."

Then in the way of children, Sally pointed and asked, "How come it's not big now?" Pointing at my cock.

"It has finished making your mother and me happy and is resting."

"Can you do it to me too?"

"I want you to be my daughter and me to be your daddy. If I am your daddy then I can't do that to you ever."

She was now a bit sad at not getting the same kind of treatment the rest of the family got but I pulled her to me and gave her a kiss but one a father would give.

"Let's go upstairs and make your sister happy." I put Sally on top of Mary then carried them upstairs with me.

Liz was now worried about her little sister coming. What was I going to do? She had forgotten that the girl had seen everything last night.

I put Mary on the bed and placed Sally on a soft chair, out of harm's way.

Holding Liz I said, "I am going to kiss you again Sweetie but this time you will not get the good feelings right away. You will want them very bad and when they do come you will think you have gone to heaven."

"I already feel like that when you kiss me," she retorted.

I placed Liz on the bed beside her mother and got onto my stomach and manoeuvred till I had her knees to her shoulders and my lips over her delicate opening. I kissed the inside of her legs first to get her prepared and suppressed her brain as I continued. The girl started to squirm trying to get the spot she instinctively knew was my goal under his mouth.

I licked the girl as she moaned just like her mother. I tasted pee and knew that she was very anxious but knew this was one of the costs of making the girl happy. My tongue wormed a short way into her vagina before working its way to the bump hidden in the folds. Back and forth it went, as the girl went higher. I released my hold on Liz and like her mother threw me about. Her scream even in the same octave but only little quieter. The girl like her mother was a squirter and peed a bit when she got this excited. I continued my ministrations letting the drops flow onto the towel.

Mary had recovered and watched her daughter being pleasured and was aroused herself again. She thought that I gave everything and got nothing in return. This time I would be on the receiving end. She got off the bed and kneeled on the floor on the other side of me. She kissed my back and neck but stayed away from what she thought were my voodoo lips and their electricity, it was my turn not hers. Her hands found my cock dormant and sticky on my leg. She got on her back and then under me. She kissed her way down my abdomen until she was able to get me into her mouth. Her hand stroked my legs and torso as she moved her tongue back and forth.

Liz moved her eyes and saw her mother working under me. She was too wrapped up to think of anything for she had not gotten over her own orgasm yet. My mouth had gone back to work on Liz. My tongue plunged into her opening as I manipulated her clit with my power. Again she orgasmed but I continued through it. Before she recovered she felt another one coming as I attacked her clit. My tongue did go faster than anyone else could possibly go. Her mother was doing a similar thing to me at the moment.

Liz orgasmed again but not as strongly as the last. I concentrated on the feeling in my own body and thrust into Mary's mouth as if I were giving her my seed.

When I turned over Mary smiled as she returned to my cock. She tried to give as much pleasure as I had given her. My hand came up to caress her hair as her head bobbed. Liz and Sally watched their mother as she gave pleasure back to their man.

Sally wanted to try it too and advanced on me. She couldn't get close enough. Strong hands picked her up and placed her over my upper body to keep her from doing what the rest of her family were doing. "No sweetheart. This is not for daughters." I called Liz to take her sister away.

Mary continued but was getting out of breath. I relented again and allowed my own orgasm to pass and my whole body shook from sheer joy.

We all tried to fit in the tub, but failed, so I just cleaned each of them one at a time. I said after a few minutes, "I think that within five minutes Sue will phone to find out all the gossip she can. Hurry up or you will keep her waiting."

Sure enough, as the toilet flushed the phone rang. Mary picked it up and while looking at me, said, "Hello Sue. How are you?" not quite sure if it was even the person she thought. I put Sally down and told her to help her mother prepare supper.

I told Liz about the phone call and said that I was going out to get the performers. Liz wanted to come but wanted to talk too. "You should talk to Sue now and get some things off your chest. Perhaps you can invite her over sometime," this got a smile at least.

A taxi got me to the airport on time and I still had to wait an additional hour for the plane to land. It took longer for my friends to come out the door from the baggage area with their luggage in hand. We hugged and in rapid fire Bantu I told them I was not in a hotel but at a private home. This raised a few eyebrows but they kept their suppositions for themselves later. They could see things changing, as it always did about me.

We took a taxi again and went to the hotel. I got them settled in then I went alone to my next contact so that I could inspect our theatre. Nothing much changes in this matter and I luckily only had to call for some plywood and paint so that I could produce the props we would need. Their supplies were on hand and I could start at any time I wanted. After phoning Mary that I would be a little late working on making the props, I started my work.

Plywood was sheared with my force into perfect pieces and then nailed together. Three pieces at a time were painted by phantom hands and all I had to do was let them dry at the end. While this was happening I cleaned up the scraps then phoned Rachael. She had already phoned herself but Mary said that I was working. I said, "I love you Rachael. I just wish you could be with me more but that will not happen till after you graduate. After that time we only will only have our duties to keep us apart." We talked more and I said that I may have a surprise for her the day after tomorrow but said nothing about it.

Sofia was almost the same but I said that it would be the day after Rachael's surprise.

I again rode home in a taxi and found the roads slush covered as the temperature went a bit above freezing even as the day was ending.

The meal was good with Mary making one of her specialities. When we finished I wanted to go out shopping. Very few places were open late but we got out as a family. An upscale clothing store caught my glance, as we went in the saleswoman turned up her nose at us and a younger salesgirl came out because she was ordered to. She was polite enough though and through her I ordered dresses, coats and undergarments for my family. Sofia and Rachael would be pleased when they found out. As Mary read the price tags she became very nervous for me. The coat she received couldn't even be paid for with two weeks pay never mind all the other things.

The saleswoman came over after seeing how much of a pile we had and wanted to take over. The clerk got part of their pay from commissions. When I threatened to leave if the present lady did not get credit, the older woman relented and left to smoke a cigarette along the back wall.

As I was about to pay Mary said, "Thank you Sir Shawn. I know we will be able to see the performance that you and your countrymen are putting on." She smiled at me when she said this to just playfully tell the salesgirl who I was.

The girl stopped as if struck. She looked at me then said, "Are you the diplomat that saved the girl and killed all those bad people?"

"I would like to be known for the first two but yes that was me."

"Could I have your autograph, Sir Shawn?"

I took a piece of paper and asked, "What is your name?"

"Sherry, Sherry Taylor."

I wrote a quick note to her about being a good salesgirl and thanked her for her kind and conscientious service. "Take that next time you go for a raise or a new job."

"Oh thank you sir. I will always remember this."

On the way out the store I said to Mary, "You like flaunting your new husband don't you woman?"

She felt bad about it after she first did it but truthfully said, "Yes."

Our next place to go was the food market and I enjoyed this simple joy as Mary and Liz pushed carriages and I carried Sally as we walked up and down the aisles. Lots of the things they would normally bypass now went into the carriages. I still stayed away from junk food and was conscientious of their health as well as mine.

On the way home I quizzed Liz about her phone call but let her know she should answer as she pleased. She did say that Sue and a few other girls mentioned that she was told that she was the luckiest girl to ever be born. They wanted to know about the kiss I gave her and how it felt to be kissed by a man.

She said, "They asked if you put your hand on my breast. I told them you were a gentleman and wouldn't tease me like that. They asked if I had seen your bare chest. They had seen your shirt and knew you were very strong." She looked up eagerly and asked, "Can you go with me to school tomorrow?"

"I have work to do at the theatre to get it ready. There are many people I have to talk to and then I have to get the troupe to the theatre to see what they think. I can walk you to school and when the bell rings you will have to enter alone. I doubt if you will be lonely. There will be thousands of questions about you, me, and us which are all going to be asked."

We got home early enough to have my girls put on some of their new clothing. At the store I bought by eye as I would know what would fit and what wouldn't. Sally was brought out in Mary's arms with a red velour dress and matching socks and shoes. Mary was wearing skin and I complemented her on the good choice. Liz wore her underwear first but only tops or bottoms to keep me interested, as if I needed it. She was still too sore for me to enter her again but even knowing this she wanted to use her newfound talents on me.

When the fashion parade was ended I kissed the two older ones and took Sally for her bath. This time I did a quicker job but took extra time to get her hair just right as I told her a story that I just made up about a tiny princess and an obstinate mule. Twenty minutes later she was asleep and I gave her a kiss and turned off the lights.

Mary and Liz were doing homework. Liz would pass easily but studying was a good habit to keep. Later I gave her a bath too and took her to bed. I kissed her all over and she had a series of good orgasms from my lips and fingers before succumbing and falling asleep.

Mary was more than ready for her bath and we started earlier in the love making in the tub. I treated her like the rest and brushed and dried her hair then made languid love to her. Five minutes after her last orgasm she too went to sleep. I stayed with her for three hours to sleep and to snuggle to her warm body. Later I got up to work on some of my projects. I had a good start to the book on teenagers but needed an older sampling to complete it.

Around five I finished some exercises and went for a shower. Half way through Liz came in and used the toilet. "Shawn can I come in there with you?"

"That would be great but you need your sleep. You wake up grumpy if you don't get enough and can't function very well at school. Please go back to bed. I like you bright and cheerful."

Liz complied and wiped herself better now than she used to do because of me.

I phoned Ethiopia when I got out and Benyam picked up the phone and said, "Hello father," in English.

"Hello son. How are you and the rest of the family doing? I have missed all of you very much."

"I missed you a lot too. I do nothing but learn what our teachers say and it is for all day long. I only went to school for a few hours a day before. This work is very hard."

"Benyam, I have a place for you as the president of an important company. You would be in charge of many people. If you fail they will loose their jobs but if you do well everybody will think you are a very good citizen. I want to be even more proud of you than I am now by taking some of the burden from me. So it is important that you learn everything you are taught."

"I will try father. When are you coming home? Mother and Brihan are in their offices, do you want to talk to them now?"

"Not right now. I like talking to my son too. Are you on the football team yet?"

"It just started a few weeks ago. Brihan gave some men a lot of money and they bought soccer balls and uniforms for the players. You should see all the colours. There are now almost twenty teams and the Emperor has come to the first game and he was cheered by the crowd. It was not my team that played, but it was fun to watch."

"That's good. Next year we will spend more money in other cities for more teams. Who knows, maybe we will be able to defeat Brazil or Italy and win the World Cup when you get older."

"Mother is coming now father. I will give the phone to her," he said in very good English for his age.

The phone changed hands and I said in English, "How is one of the most beautiful women in the world doing today?"

"Oh husband, it is so lonely without you. The children all want their father home and your wives want you too."

"I miss you all very much. I am now thinking of hiring somebody else to do this job for me and I will have more time for my family. Did my package come for you and Brihan?"

"Yes it did and I was shocked when I opened it. Those things are no substitute for you."

"Did you use them all my wife?"

"Well, yes. I couldn't have Brihan hurt with something like that. She does like the little one in her bum a lot though. Can you bring some more. I think I can sell these to the women here and make a good profit for us."

"I will do one better. We can start to make them there and put little motors in them so that they vibrate."

"What will that do?"

"I will make one and use it on you one day. I want you to remember the question you just asked and answer it yourself then."

"Yes husband. When are you coming home?"

"If I find a person to do my work here, I can be home in four weeks. They may need a little training though and that may take a week longer." We talked a while longer and gave my number here in Canada. I said the same things to Brihan and then a few moments with the younger children. When I got off the line I saw that I had talked for over an hour and felt that I had not said enough or heard enough.

I wanted some tea and decided to start breakfast but the phone was attached to the wall and the cord was short. It would be useful for the phone to be hooked up to a radio so that I could talk as I moved. A substitute could be a telephone with a large microphone that would pick up conversations further away and a larger speaker to transmit the sounds to me as I worked. The idea was not bad but it was illegal to attach anything to the phone lines and would have to go through a regular handset.

With the water warming up I phoned Britain and talked for a while with Sharon. As usual she wanted more artwork to sell and a little guidance in some business. A company that I wanted to sell had unexpectedly increased in value do to a surge in sales. It would be sold anyway because its long term prospects were quite dismal. If she had any more problems she knew where to contact me.

This brought a new idea to me about keeping in touch. Sputnik had just been launched and would start a race for space. If I could find a way of capturing energy or producing it in a nuclear fashion I would have the means of powering a transmitter that would allow me to communicate over a wide area. If I put up a few satellites, then I could cover the entire planet and sell access to it like the phone companies did now. Launching would be easy if it were done in modules and then assembled in orbit. This brought a pleasant shiver to me as I contemplated the possibility of being the first man in space.

The size and weight would also be a complication. Transistors were very new and smaller than the standard tube but they would have to be much smaller to not take more energy than my power sources could supply. This would be a new industry and possibly one that would be very profitable, maybe even make a few million pounds a year.

Next I got in touch with Paris and talked to Monique for a while. The girls were all healthy and fairly happy they said even if I wasn't around to take care of them. The companies there and in Germany were doing well with very little interference from her at headquarters.

While talking I used my mind to move the boiling water off the stove and make tea from a distance. Searching through the pantry I started to make some things that we had purchased last night. My girls here were not used to a rich breakfast and I wanted to give them a taste before I had to go.

Monique told me that it appeared that some of the girls in Paris were still not settling with one man each. After what I did to please them it was hard to find a substitute. We then talked about some further acquisitions when Sally came into the kitchen rubbing her eyes and wanting up. She had wet herself and this is what had got her up. Her eyes watched the things flying about in the kitchen but was not too concerned because she had seen her mother and the two other girls float the same way.

I got off the phone and picked the girl up in my arms. Her urine was already leaking through my robe. I took things off the burners and headed for the shower again. Her underwear went into the sink with her pyjamas and I took us into the shower and rinsed us both off below the neck.

When we got out I patted her dry and got her dressed in some of the new clothes. She looked very cute and I knew one day she would break many boys' hearts. I went back and rinsed out the soggy clothes and hung them up to be washed later and took my little girl downstairs to finish cooking.

She cuddled close and asked, "How do they fly daddy?"

This made me feel very good and after a little squeeze to show my appreciation I said, "I can do magic. Want to see more?" With an eager smile and a nod of her head the fridge opened and a bottle of milk came out. The cupboard opened and a small glass came out and milk was poured into it. The now half filled glass floated to her but easily evaded her grasp when she tried to get it. I placed it in my hand and brought it to her and she took it and drank a few ounces right away. The house was dry with the cold dry air outside and not that much water put back into it when it warmed up.

I made some breakfast for us and we played at feeding one another. I heard the alarm clock upstairs and knew the rest of the family would be up soon. At the right time I started to cook more and had it hot on the plate as they came into the kitchen. "Good morning wife. Sit down and eat," I said holding on to Sally and kissing Mary as she sat down.

"I like the sound of 'wife' when it comes from you. I wondered where she was until I saw her clothes drying. Do you do windows and vacuum too?"

"I do what ever it takes to make the family work. I like doing things that are hard for everybody else but really enjoy the simple joys of just being with family. I have been on the phone a lot this morning and everybody else is doing well. Benyam is in on a soccer team now and seems to enjoy it. He grouses about his schoolwork but still does it. The little ones are doing well too but they are still fairly young. Lakech, the six year old I told you about is taking after her mother and working hard. This is a very different situation in Ethiopia for the women are held back there even more than in the rest of the world."

"Meseret is just half of Sally's age and not able to accept too much. I have high hopes for her because I may have got her early enough to accept what I am doing, over and above the cultural attitudes of the rest of their country folk."

"How many are actually in our family Shawn?"

"Two wives and four children in Ethiopia. Hopefully four wives here with one child. Paris and London may turn out to be none as I am trying to get them married off. What worries me a bit is the survivors of the plane hijacking. Some of them are having a difficult time adjusting but they are still in better shape than the twelve women and their fourteen children that were repatriated. They had to readjust even more when getting back with their families. Some of them may not be able to jump the gap so I may have to take them back later."

"That is an awful lot of family Shawn. How will the children or your wives ever get enough of your time?"

"Well the children are raised in a communal atmosphere and there is absolutely no shortage of love. The wives sometimes have fun with each other when I am not around but not everybody is that way. There are still a lot of serious activities done besides sex. I am running a large enterprise and everybody has a job in life."

"Do you have any family now in Rhodesia?"

"Oh a very large one but not the same as here. They are all older children that I am raising with the help of some adults. I hope they will be future leaders of their country. The soccer teams in Ethiopia will be educated too in my plans and they will form a responsible form of leadership as well. You had each better eat as your food is getting cold."

Before Mary and Sally were done, Liz came down in one of her new outfits. She stopped and pirouetted before giving me a kiss that definitely promised more in the future. "How do I look Shawn?"

"Good enough to eat." Liz blushed and had hung her head because that was what she wanted to happen to her. "Sit down and eat sweetheart. It's still warm."

Same as Shawn
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30 dawns Birthday bash

30 Birthday bash Saturday 8th February 2015________________________________________The Birthday bash told from Andy the cuck hubbys point of view: My own birthday had been just a few days before my wife Dawn`s Today was hers and we had decided to celebrate with a meal however, her master had decided that we were to celebrate in a perhaps to some unconventional way. For those who don’t know us I should explain that my wife has a kink, fetish joy call it what you will, about being used. ...

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Finding Hungry Slut Sister

This is story of my sister who I came to know was a slut, who craves for big cocks. She is pulpy she 5feet tall with breast of 36and her ass was 38 with a waist of 32. She was a desired girl by all the men. This is the story when I was alone with her after her marriage, my bil had gone on an official trip abroad. I was staying with her after a long time. We used to go out together. I noticed she would wear very exposing dresses while going out and when at home she would wear sleeveless t-shirt...

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Lets Make A BetBalance

Lets Make A Bet-Balance This is the 2nd of 3 in the Lets Make A Bet series. It can be read as a stand-alone story but it makes more sense if you have read the first story. There is more intimacy in this story as well as much more internal conflict from the first one. There is also stronger language as well as sex scenes, Readers have been warned. As always I can be reached at [email protected] for any reason at all. "Please Sara! Take the bet!" Jessica said to her...

4 years ago
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45 Saal Ki Aunty Ko 7 Din Choda

Hi my all ISS readers. I am Rocky from Mumbai. Love you all ladies and girls who send me mail for my stories. Thanks for the feedback. Boys, please don’t mail me. Kitne bar main wahi repeat karta hu. I will never give any information about any ladies. So this story is between me and Rashmi. I posted a story about my relationship with all mature women’s. To unko meri story padh ke mujhse bat karne ka man kiya. Aur unhone mujhe hangout pe message kiya. Rashmi: Hi. Main: Hello Rashmi: Nice story...

2 years ago
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Indian Family Secrets 1Chapter 2

When Haresh woke up, an hour so later, Simran was nestled up close beside him, fast asleep. He yawned and scratched his pubic hair feeling the hair all stuck together with cum, sweat and blood. He smiled as he remembered taking Simran's cherry. His cock hard with both lust and a need to piss... He untangled himself from Simran and walked slowly to the bathroom, naked. Simran woke as her brother got up, her sleepy eyes watched as he walked to the bathroom, her gaze fixed on his slim hard...

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Submission Experiment

Allie yawns groggily. She can't remember the last time she slept that well. Not that she'd been having trouble sleeping or anything, but she was feeling strangely refreshed this time, more so than usual. It took her a second to realize that her alarm clock hadn't rung. She let out a sigh of relief. Thank god. She didn't have to get up yet. In that moment, getting out of bed and going to work seemed like it would be the end of the world. Especially when her bed was so soft, and her blankets so...

3 years ago
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College Changes a Boy Part 2

College Changes a Boy - Part 2 Taylor Jordan AUTHOR's UPDATE: I'm incredibly flattered by all the compliments on Part 1. That encouragement has inspired me to write more. I intend to write several chapters, as long as there seems to be interest in the story. Part 2 appears below, and I'm nearing completion on Part 3, with more to come. One of my readers was kind enough to send me photos that could depict my characters. Thank you, Michael! I've also added a few photos that I've found....

4 years ago
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Sure your Not Gay

"I appreciate your honestly, Joe, I really do," He says, "I'm feeling you don't believe in the big dick theory at all, in the spirit of disclosure however, I'd like you to rate mine."With that he stood up and dropped his shorts to his ankles revealing a very well sized, well formed, black dick. I couldn't guess what size it was, but it was bigger than mine and it was pretty impressive. The pubes were well trimmed, cut, with some nicely shaped balls, I was struggling not to stare, I don't know...

2 years ago
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Moon Light Faries

Moon Light Faries----------This Story is fictional although it might have occurred with embellishments added. Please do not become offended by certain aspects of this story, No Disrespect Is Intended.----------It was a sultry hot evening. Things were busy all day at the farm; many of the regular riders made early morning appearances and headed out along the trails. By mid afternoon, they returned, their horses' coats appeared foamy, and the riders themselves were drenched in sweat.Jackson, the...

1 year ago
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Dancing in the Pale Moonlight Pt 01

For those of you who will read this and claim Batman is out of character, I want to say that I based the Batman in this story off Batman in his first appearance in Detective Comics #27. His outfit, however is modeled after the Batman of Tim Burton and Michael Keaton is the Batman I had in my head when I decided to include Batman in this story. So don’t go expecting a pacifist Batman like the modern Batman of today. I had to put this here so I wouldn’t get flamed for this. This story was...

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A huge dark knight in a shiny armor

That night I was feeling absolutely free…I had gone out with some of the girlfriends from the office; we were partying away with them, having drinks and too much fun.Best of all, all loving hubbies had stayed at home that wild night.We were celebrating a birthday. I had chosen a very nice sexy dress. It was a really hot sexy outfit; it was a very sexy three pieces leather dress; very short, that made my tits and legs look great…Once inside the club, all guys there were buying us drinking and...

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My Sexy Colleague Friend

Hi all. This is a short description of a sex encounter with my friend. I work with a mnc in chennai. I joined here as a fresher in 2008. There was a girl jane in our batch for training. She one of the beautiful girls in our office. We all got along pretty fast. Now its 3 years since we are working together. We use to visit each others houses and have a party once in a while. Now i have bought a new flat. And just 3 of us remaining in our group. Rest all either got transferred or changed...

1 year ago
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Dominated 1

Amy Jo stepped into the empty elevator, pushed the button for the seventeenth floor, and waited for the car to begin its ascent. Just as the doors were beginning to close a hand shot between the doors and a thirtyish blonde slipped on board, pressed the button for her floor and turned to face Amy Jo, giving the twenty three year old a quick once over. The blonde was dressed in a dark blue woman's business suit, accompanied by tasteful black pumps and a white silk blouse. She would have been...

4 years ago
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The Good Guy all the Bad Girls Want part 2

Part 2:With age comes grace dressed as wit and worn with experience.The imagination is a wonderful thing. She is a blank canvas upon which you can paint the daydreams that float through your mind. Sexual imagination is the emotion that speaks to each of us in her own intimate way in visions of light and dark. The fantasy we all seek to make real. I sat naked on the edge of Angie's big bed and watched as the three women began to undress in front of me.My heart began to beat faster and faster as...

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Wife Masturbates in Car

It was a hot day in Tuscany and we had spent a nice day on the beach. My wife, Fiona, and I had spent the day teasing each other whilst in the sea by touching one another. She had even flashed her boobs at me and anyone else who was looking in our direction whilst she changed her bikini top for a dry one. I did enjoy seeing her F-cup boobs in public.No one had gone topless, which was a shame as she couldn’t join in with going topless on the beach, but she took off one top completely before...

3 years ago
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I am Krishna, and I had earlier written about my love with Chitasmitha the stranger whom I had met while travelling to Bangalore by train, who became my lover, and later, wanting each other so much, we got married, and had a good and satisfying life. Professioanally both of us were also doing exceedingly well with a combined monthly earning of close to Rs. Two lakhs. And to top it all, I had, by total fluke won a lottery jackpot of Rs. 15 crores, which after tax deductions left me with around...

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I love a girl with a pretty face. I won’t deny that I get rock hard staring at women’s titties and asses, but the whole package is always enhanced when you put an angelic mug at the top. Like any attractive fuck-hole, the prettiest faces are the ones I always want to stick my cock deep inside. That’s probably why I’ve been spending a lot of time at Throated is a premium porn site where gorgeous women get their faces banged hard in exclusive deepthroat scenes. If you’re into...

Premium Blowjob Porn Sites
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Hitch HIker Adventure

Picked up a hitch hiker on their way to San Francisco.I am heading up Rt5, got off to get gas, there is a tranny hitch hiker by the on ramp, I am dressed in my gurl clothes but not too noticeable unless you were tranny oriented. I had on my panties, waist cincher, bra with A cup forms, girls jeans, and shirt. Not too obvious. I stopped the car and the hitch hiker came to the passenger side door, they said, "going to San Francisco?" and I said, "Hop in we will go together". He put his stuff in...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 26 Parental Disapproval

The rest of the night was not very exciting. Lenore was inside the restaurant for at least ten minutes. We sat quietly while we listened to the cries of anger coming from within the restaurant. The patio was not an exit, so we saw no other customers except the two women who had collapsed out on the patio shortly after the barrier had been removed. What we could hear made it clear that several married women had tried unsuccessfully to be picked up, and their husbands were not pleased. Lenore...

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mom Fantasy come true

visit on website to see more top rated stories like theseLet me start by saying I first experienced i****t years ago with a cousin up until he got sick and passed away.I am the mother of 2 wonderful sons and ever since they were tots I taught them to be free spirited and not afraid to express themselves, I was a nudist by nature and I taught them to be free to walk around nude as well...when they were young I never thought of touching them nor have them touch me but as they got...

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Time Is Waiting in the WingsChapter 2

20 minutes later, after a shower, I sat in the stands on a gorgeous day watching the cheerleaders practice. They weren’t very good, nor bad, to be fair I didn’t have much to compare to. And I wasn’t really paying attention. No one had stopped me from being here. There was a guard, but so far it seemed as long as I didn’t try and leave school grounds I was somebody else’s problem. I don’t think I’d ever been out here during school hours. I wondered where they practiced if it rained. My senior...

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The Bizarre Perils of Dark Bat

My name is Anna Lan though I think most of the world knows me as The_Night. You see, I’m a writer…..well…..I guess more of an assistant editor for Dark Morning Comics. Basically what my job boils down to is reading the various comic books going out for publishing and checking for continuity, grammar and spelling errors. It’s not much of a job but it pays the bills, which is a good thing considering that my apartment is pretty big. Got a great deal on it. That being said, I’ve always had my...

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Best Halloween Ever part 3

Best Halloween Ever - part 3 By strangefun WARNING: This story contains extremely graphical depictions of sex, sexual abuse and humiliation. I awoke to the sound of a door bell. I took me a few seconds to regain connection with the reality, and suddenly, the answers to the questions like "where am I", "why am I dressed and what am I wearing", "why am I stuck to the sheets", "why are my lips and eyelids stuck together", "why am I wet" and "what's that smell?" flooded into my...

3 years ago
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Coke Makes Everyone Cum

“Your name is Cocaine? You’re kidding right?” Lilly gaped with wide eyes. She’d never met a woman like this before, standing there in a skirt that barely covered her crotch, a blouse that strained to cover her pert breasts; breasts that appeared to have pierced nipples gauging by the ring shaped outline. She wore heels that pushed her up onto her tip-toes. Even in the heels the girl was several inches shorter than Lilly. “I usually go by Coke. Guess my parents had a sense of humor.” Coke...

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The Three Signs Book 3 JanelleChapter 5 Two Phone Calls

My life was pretty busy; work, music, sailing, and re-building my friendships with Allison, Mary Beth, Michelle and Garry. Music-wise, we had to get our sets worked out for the Hordern Pavilion gig supporting AC/DC. Normally, it would have been nothing all that special, we’d just do two of our usual rock / blues sets, but with the change in the group line-up, we had to modify arrangements to fit Fiona into the line-up. The gigs went fairly well, I thought; it was also great to see the guys...

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Fate Chapter 4

Ethan returned to the house to find Sabina just finishing setting the table and his mother carrying pots of steaming food from the stove to the table. He sat down across the table from Sabina and when she smiled at him he return the gesture but a trill of nervousness shot through him. He didn't allow the unexpected emotion to show on his face and he turned his thoughts inward to find the source what had disturbed his mind. Through most of the dinner he remained quiet and...

1 year ago
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The Perfect Pet

We are in your car, parked somewhere out of sight. The tension in the air is heavy with our arousal pent up since our last date."Undo your blouse for me." "Yes, Master."I do so and expose my white lace bra. You reach over and squeeze my breasts, young and firm in your large hands. The size of them on my frame makes your cock twitch and you imagine shooting your cum over them as you did last time. Seeing the drops of cum decorate my skin like strange pearls. "Show me your nipples, pet." "Yes,...

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EvilAngel Jessie Saint Nasty Sexual Habits

Spunky blonde Jessie Saint has a tight body and an adorable smile. The young, impulsive sweetheart also has a weakness for perverted older men! Jessie heads over to director Bryan Gozzling’s place, knowing she’s in for a good, hard fuck. She arrives at his doorstep in kinky fetish gear: stripper heels, a tiny top and skimpy booty shorts. The delicious doll shows off her hot body, bragging about her nasty sexual habits. Bryan gropes her body, fingering her twat and then whipping out...

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Your wife and daughter are whoresnow watch

Introduction: It was about time the useless piece of shit got to know his place in the house, it wasnt it his wifes bed anymore thats for sure. Your wife & daughter are whores&hellip,&hellip,&hellip, watch! A little re-cap If you bothered to read the last installment of Family of sluts , slags & whores then youll be well aware that Alice is now well on the way to being as much of a whore as her mother Fiona. But more importantly you may have picked up on where the series is heading. ...

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The Filipino maid

Not my story but I enjoyed and thought you would tooCurt drove the 36″ wide mower up the ramp on onto the trailer attached to the back of his pickup truck. He cut the engine and wiped the sweat from his face with a clean rag. He couldn’t remember when it was so damned hot. He tipped his hat back on his head and took the pruning sheers and weed wacker out of the back. He still had at least another hour of work before he was done here, and he was out of water. Fifteen minutes later, he’d had it....

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Chapter 4 The Real Turning Point Part 1

The morning after the dinner and subsequent events involving Nadine I woke up with a bit of a hangover and an urge for some lovin'. My husband had already gotten out of bed and was having breakfast and, after I pee'd I went out to try and entice him back to bed. Unfortunately two of our children were already up and my husband didn't want to chance that we would be interrupted. So we put off what I was really in need of until the evening. As was pretty common at the time, our son and...

Wife Lovers
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The No Home Left Behind Project Part 2

This is for entertainment purposes only Any similarities to real life are purely accidental The No Home Left Behind Project Part 2 By Core2Idiot (you probably should read part 1 first) Initially we still had independent thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Kind of the way you can have multiple terminals all connecting to one computer. But overtime we all started to think together in a way. Everyone started to be the same in body and spirit. Kind of the way you can have...

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Jills JourneysChapter 5 Tana the Transformer

Art is magic ... But how is it magic? In its metaphysical development? Or does some final transformation culminate in a magic reality? In truth, the latter is impossible without the former. If creation is not magic, the outcome cannot be magic. Hans Hofmann The door of Germaine’s bedroom opened, and I heard the clicking of two pairs of heels. When Germaine and Tana came in, my mouth dropped open, to the laughter of Lucy and Germaine. Gone was the pale blue accountant with the slight...

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Phone Owner Ko Satisfy Kia

Hello ISS, Mera naam abhimanyhu hai or pyaar se mujhe log abhi bulate hai. Mein 22 saal ka ek fitness freak hu mein running or swimming karta hu iske karan meri body ekdum fit hai. Iske karan aksar mere rishtedaar bhabhi chachi bua mere se baat karti rehti hai or aksar sat ke betha karti hai. Mere samne toh aapne kapde bhi thik nahi karte matlab bina pallu ke bethna chuccho ki cleavage toh mein roj he dekhta hu.. Meri joint family hai iske karan kabhi baat aage nahi badh payi.. Lekin kismat...

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NewSensations Adira Allure Adira Cums Out Of Her Cage To Play

The blonde wild slut in a cage Adira is ready to cum out and play with her master Tommy. As he sets the tone of this fuck session, dripping wet Adira is already squirting pussy juice as Tommy teases her mouth, tits and ass with his leather whip. Now that Adira is out of her cage she is on her knees enjoying her cock face fuck, balls deep. Her hot tight pussy takes a great deep pounding from Tommy’s hard cock and slurps up every ounce of his cum exploding onto her face, mouth and perfect...

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A Traditional Marriage

A Traditional Marriage Completely devoted. On our wedding day we'd exchanged the traditional vows. Never to part and all that. But afterward we had recited our own private vows to each other. To always support each other. To be completely devoted to each others' happiness. To be completely devoted to the relationship. We left the church ready to enter into our new lives. In our families, a few modern ideas had slipped in and become accepted, but in general we believed that family and...

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Second ChanceChapter 10

Jeanette rushed to the phone as it rang for the third time. Surely it would be Brent. It had to be Brent. "Hello?" she said, expectantly. "Jeanette, it's June Francis." "Oh ... hi June." She was afraid to ask her if she had heard from Brent. "Are you OK, Jeanette? I know what happened. Brent was here. He wanted to talk to Walter. He's very upset and uncertain right now. He doesn't know what to say to you." With that, Jeanette broke down and began sobbing, tears streaming down...

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Scouts And Guides Caught Together

My name is Mike, I’ve been in the scouts for years and usually enjoyed everything about it. At nearly seventeen maybe I was getting too old for scouts but I loved the scout camp week so I’d decided to continue till we returned. Miss Philips was the Akela in charge, in her late twenties, I guess, and very attractive.On day two at our campsite in Warwickshire, my mate Jeff and I clambered up along a rough path through a little wood on a hillside. As we reached the top we saw a campsite in a field...

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Aunties th real angels

Hi guys im sunil from guntur , im 22yrs old and dedicated my life to aunties.Im 5’4 height with a great chest good enough to crush aunties.from my child hood on wards im feel crazy about aunties,even today i almost got decided even to marry an aunty only .Especially our andhra aunties looks pretty in saree and i hope very sad when i thinks they are wasting their beauty to old fashioned people .i am saying practically to all aunties that ur beauty should not be wasted and u too definitely enjoy....

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The Green Archers

I am the son of a farmer and have used a bow since I was little. It has always been with blunt tips because of the law. I brought back birds and rabbits and even squirrels. Since I was one of many children there was nothing to keep me on the farm. When I turned sixteen I packed my clothes, all my arrows and my bow. I said my goodbyes and kissed my mother before I left. It was a long walk to the king’s city and his Keep. I was stopped more than once along the way to turn out my arrows for...

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Ashleys TailChapter 9

Next Thanksgiving “So, we’ve purchased more of the necessary property. We will own the massive estate closest to the mansion, giving us much more privacy and more space to build a proper temple and other necessary accommodations. This must ultimately Include vastly expanded living quarters, a massive nursery, our own clinic, our own school, a gift shop in time. Even a resort or hotel in time. A full community, though to complete it, we have more land to acquire. “Long term, we want to build...

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Erotic Fantasy Story

I imagine you clad in black dress, sleeveless, black bra and black panties inside. Then I hold your hand and take you out for dinner, we have wine and cheese with something light. Then we go back to the room, I lock the door and caress your back as you smile sexily at me. I say are you ready for this, and you laugh and say I am always ready, are you? this is your first time . I take a deep breathe and look at you and say once we start don't stop me, you smile and say, I would love to do that. I...

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My Sex Goddess Rukshu My Hot Cousin

I am a regular reader of ISS and this is my first story with my hot cousin rukshu. Myself Akhil I am from southern part of Karnataka having a monster penis of size 7 inch and can satisfy any sort of girls with that how they need so don’t hesitate to contact me to mail id .Girls aunties can send me mails. Coming to my story this is my first sex experience with my hottest cousin ruskshu she is 22 years old with hot figure 32 26 32 any body sees her first time they just need her to their bed as...

1 year ago
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The Captains Wife Chapter 14

Chapter 14 - Restitution The branding was set to take place in five days. I was given no duties during this time, but instructed to eat and rest, and to bathe frequently in salt water and care for my body so that I would be strong and ready for the ceremony. This I did with an eagerness that surprised even me, and I looked forward to the moment when I could show the Captain how much I loved him. I had accepted my state now. I no longer shielded by mind from uttering the phrase. I loved him. I...

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A Day with Daddy

A Day with Daddy By Cynthia Green This happened about four years ago when I was 17 and a junior in high school. It would probably be best if I told you a little about myself first. I was, what you might call a late bloomer. At sixteen I was skinny, wore glasses, had braces on my teeth and a bad case of acne. I grew up in a protected household. Not exposed to boys much. Not really interested in boys until after what happened in this story. I went to a private all girls high school and was...

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1st Time for Everything

WARNING: Contains graphic depictions of sexual acts which is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. Moreover, the content is sufficiently provocative to be considered inappropriate for most. Reader discretion is advised. She had only recently turned eighteen years old, a fresh little gal still quite immature, yet she was developing quite rapidly for her age. Already well into puberty by her early p*****ns, that once androgynous body was totally transformed by lush feminine features. Large...

3 years ago
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New Girl in Town Chapter 2

Introduction: Sam begins his journey to fame playing baseball and he realizes the benefits that come with it. If anyone has any suggestions for stories please PM me and let me know! Its been a while since Ive written and a while since Ally and I have started dating, about 3 months. Baseball season is going really well, Im 5-0 with a .98 era and our team is undefeated. To say the least its been fun, and now that our team is on the radar, more and more women are starting to notice us when we...

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Kitty Kissers Collaboration

This project is a collaboration between many different writers in different roles. I thank everyone who helped bring this story to life. They are Lheriss, Kiama, ShadowKitty252, KesselWessel and me, Sam Moose. The crowd roared wildly as the electric atmosphere practically set sparks about the stadium. America's newest girl band, the Kitty Kissers were soon to ascend onto the stage. Thirty thousand wild fans packed the stands for the imminent performance; young girls and quite a few...

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Nothing is Ever What It Seems Ch 01

Hi! I am back J This is the sequel to ‘Not What It Seems’ This could be read as a standalone story, but it would be best to read the previous story, since certain parts in this story cross over with the first story. There would be at least ten chapters to this story and I have already written some parts of each chapter. If you’ve never read my story before, I must give a fair warning that I love back stories and flashbacks. As one reader described my story is ‘messy like life.’ You may find...

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