Demonology 4 free porn video

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Amanda woke up and was aware that she was naked. A cold breeze brushed across her skin, making her nipples stand erect.

Her eyes fluttering open, she looked around. Lying in bed she realized that she was not alone. Looking up slowly she saw Mikel sitting in a chair casually. Amanda started, throwing covers over her naked form.


You are awake, good. We need to go Princess. Mikel stood, closing a book he had been reading.
Amanda looked around and realized what was wrong.

My stomach&hellip,

No time to discuss it, up. Mikel wrenched her out of bed by her arm.

Oww, damnit, that hurts. Amanda fought getting to her feet, trying to figure out what had happened. Where is Balthazar? Where is my child? She demanded.

Mikel did not answer, instead he threw at her a gossamer dress. Pulling it on, she looked around, there was a sense of urgency that could only mean danger. Amanda worried some evil had befallen her husband and child. Roughly taking her by the arm Mikel began dragging her out of the room and down the hallway. Immediately Amanda heard the wailing, moaning and screaming coming from the great hall. Her heart began to race as they grew closer to the room despite the fact that there was a twinge building between her legs.

Stepping into the room Amanda witnessed chaos. There were tons of human women all over the room being ravished by just as many demons. Some women were enjoying the act but most were not. Screaming for help, looking around in shock, a few of the women implored her with their eyes. Other thought her another victim being dragged in for the orgy.

My God. Amanda whispered.

She has nothing to do with this. This, my lady is survival of our species. Mikel lowered his voice, And it is wrong.

Amanda looked up at Mikel, unsure that she heard what he had said. Looking around she watched the orgy before her. She was shamed that she was becoming turned on watching and listening. The twinge between her legs began to grow and throb making her wet. Her breathing became ragged and her skin began to flush. The horrid decadence of the tableau before her was too much to bear but she could not drag her eyes away. Caught like a deer in headlights, she knew she was responsible for this.
Balthazar was right. Mikel said to himself, turning around he looked at Amanda. You bore a son, father was so angry he was going to sacrifice the boy. Balthazar questioned fathers rule. They fought and Balthazar was forced to flee with your son. The only reason why you are here is because youre a fertile female. Father gave you to me.

Amanda breathed heavily, in shock. She felt Mikel walk away for a moment as she looked around. Horns trumpeted suddenly, catching her off guard and frightening her. Turning around she shivered as she heard the king being announced into the hall. Amanda watched as he strode in with all pomp and circumstance that he could muster, three women in tow in chains behind him. Sitting on the throne, he handed the chains over to one of the reptile people, who attached them to the throne. His cold eyes washed over the throne room until they landed on her. Smiling at her, he nodded his head at her and waited.

Looking over at Mikel, she watched him approach her with a large black collar. Amanda recognized it as a position collar, a thing used in bondage that was a wide stiff leather collar that would impede moving her head. He placed it around her throat and attached a chain to the back of her collar, Amanda looked over at Mikel, her eyes wide. Pulling back hard on her hair, he forced her head back so that he could whisper in her ear.

There are things in motion, Princess that you are not yet aware of. Your husband lives, as does your son. They are in the mountains above Dhaul Marun, Amanda was terrified as she was forced to stare at the king who smiled at her in return.

Father says if you refuse me, he will take you for himself, willingly or not. Mikel continued to whisper in her ear as he stroked her hair. Amandas body flushed as she stood in a gown that was quite see-through before her father in law, who waited anxiously for his second oldest son to take his first sons wife in front of him.

What is your decision? Mikel whispered.

Amanda turned and looked at Mikel. Her brother in law was in a position just as distasteful as she was. He was risking his life telling her this information, risking his life by playing along and taking her as his wife, protecting her. It was not the most of ideal of situations but there seemed to be little alternative. Looking up at him, as best as she could, she nodded yes and tentatively she began to kiss Mikels lips, her eyes wide and scared.

Try to relax. He whispered as he kissed her shoulder.

Amandas mind reeled as she replayed the decision, as if there was one to be made. The king wanted her for himself but gave Amanda to Mikel, so long as he took her upon her awakening. She didnt want to be with the king but she didnt want to be with Mikel either. She felt her odds of finding and saving Balthazar were better with Mikel. Pulling away she looked at him, then at the king. Mikel had given her the choice between he and the king, a choice whether to fight back or to accept fate and die. Taking a breath she took a chance and began kissing him back. Feeling his tongue probe her mouth slowly, cautiously. She could tell he was not used to these things and worried he may be too inexperienced to make their subterfuge work.

We will have to do this here, now, in front of him. He whispered, kissing her down to her collar bone, below her positioning collar.

Amanda nodded slowly, as best as she could. Standing slowly, he stared into her eyes for a moment, sorrow, anger, same and desires swam in his eyes. Leading her by her chain, Mikel guided her to one of the many beds before the throne. Nodding to his father, he pulled Amanda forward and stood her before the king. Unable to look away due to the collar, Amanda was force to look up at him. To appease his ego and to show deference, for now, she knelt, lowering her eyes. The king chuckled.

Proceed. The king announced.

Mikel gently tugged on her chain towards him. Turning around, Amanda faced him.
I am so sorry for this. He whispered.

Suddenly Mikel lifted her up in the air and threw her on the bed. Climbing on top of her, he began ripping and tearing at her clothing, shredding it with his talons. Several times, his eagerness overcame him and he accidentally would scratch a red ribbon open across her flesh. Amanda cried out. Mikel was forceful and powerful and at this point, if she wanted him to stop, she could not overpower him. He was full in the lust haze, his eyes glazed over. Instead she allowed herself to be taken by her brother in law.

Staring over her form, Mikel was in awe of her and her body. Being mostly of a scientific mind, he had very little thought for the pleasures of the flesh. Not that he didnt enjoy a good wank now and again. When he first met Amanda, already married to his brother, he found her quite alluring and found many reasons to be within her presence. Late a night he would lay on his bed and think of her as he pleasured himself, stroking his thick red cock till he would come so hard it would leave him shaking. Shame had colored his mind then, but he saw this as an opportunity to fulfill that fantasy, help his brother and protect Amanda. For him, it was really a win win situation. His throbbing member wept eagerly as he thought of all the ways he planned to take his brothers wife, soon to be his wife. How would she feel? How would she taste? All of these thoughts were making him hesitate, he did not know where to start.

Sensing his hesitation, Amanda offered to help get things started. If she were to be with Mikel to help save Balthazar and to protect herself until it was time to make their move, then so be it. Balthazar would understand, she hoped. Sitting up slightly, she palmed his rock hard cock and began stroking is softly as she kissed up and down his chest. While she was not wanting anyone but Balthazar, a part of her looked forward to this. She wondered idly if he was anything like his brother&hellip, remembering the hours upon hours they had had sex until she finally conceived. Her pussy twitched in anticipation. Dripping wet and so very hot she wanted to be filled. She needed to be filled. Her hand pumped him faster, her eagerness to be fucked growing, despite the fact she did not want it to be Mikel fucking her.

Twitching, Milkel took a deep breath, steadying himself. He had not anticipated that she would touch him like this and it caught him off guard and unprepared. He knew he could not lose it in front of his father and so, he removed her hand and pined it to the bed with his own. Rotating his hips, he brushed the head of his red cock against her opening, teasing the both of them. Slowly he inched forward, marveling as it disappeared between her folds. The initial feeling of being inside her was overwhelming. Hot, moist and so amazing, he looked up, eyes closed, savoring the feeling. Then she clenched her muscles around his dick and squeezed. The action took his breath away and he instinctively slammed into her roughly, not taking into account the size difference.

Amada bit her lip, tears squeezing past her closed lids. Pounding away at her sex, Mikel was more rough and untrained, but held her head gently as he continued with their bonding. Amanda bit her lip enough to taste blood in her mouth but it kept her from crying out. Wiggling her hips she repositioned herself below Mikel to try to make the experience less painful. Scooting her butt around, she found a spot that hurt less and was far more pleasurable for her.

She glanced back and noticed the king scowling at her. She had to try to sell this experience as something she wanted. Closing her eyes and attempting to relax and at least pretend that it was Balthazar, she started working up a rhythm with Mikel. Her heart began racing, her breathing turned to panting and she began getting wet again. Reaching up she ran a hand up Mikels bare red chest. Soon, she began to feel his knot beginning to swell, she loved this part the most with Balthazar. It rubbed against her clit, making it easy to get lost in the effort. She braced herself and remembered that they were bound to do this until she carried his child. Amandas momentum faltered and she for but a moment panicked.

Stop! The king bellowed.

Mikel froze as did Amanda, looking at each other and breathing hard. Inside she could feel him twitching, felt his pulse through his cock. Amanda tried to look up to see what was happening, Mikel attempted to keep very still, his body trying to continue with their bounding. Looking over his shoulder at his father, Mikels chest heaved with want and need.

Can you remove yourself from her? The king asked casually.

Mikel withdrew himself slowly and found that he had not swollen as to fill her yet. Standing to his feet, Mikel turned and faced his father.

Bring her to me.

Trying to catch his breath, Mikel turned and grabbed Amanda and pulled her to her feet. Her knees still week from the effort of their bonding, she walked up the steps to the throne, the tatters of her dress trailing behind her. The only thing that she had going for her was that her collar kept her head held high.
The king motioned for her to sit on his lap. Amanda hesitated for a moment before turning and sitting on his knees. She felt his hands wrap around her waist and pull her back fully before turning her around. Amanda tried to restrain the repulsion that built up in her, as she was spun around to face him. Her knees spread apart and her sex was fragrant. The king smiled.

I thought to take you as my queen but I took pity on my second son. The king smiled at her.

Amanda stared up at the demon, impassively.

Mikel will tell you all that transpired after you fell asleep. You will find out, if you hadnt already, that your first husband was a traitor. Youll do well to remember where your loyalties lay.

Amanda looked down for a moment. Thoughts of throttling the king raced through her head, at least maim his sex since he was so keen on fucking as many of these women as possible.

Bare him a child mlady, then you can be mine and bare me many daughters.

He ran the back of a talon down her cheek, in an effort to be compassionate, or dominating, she wasnt sure. Amanda stifled a shiver.

Your lord and master loves you child. He said softly, leaning forward and nuzzling her cheek, his tongue licking up from her chin. Amanda had to fight the urge to be sick but sighed as he pulled back, her body relaxing slightly. Looking up in his eyes, Amandas heart raced as the king smiled at her. Moving back the folds of his robe, he took hold of his cock and began to stroke it thoughtfully.

I know he does, wherever he is. Amanda choked out her reply.

No, not the nameless traitor. He corrected, speaking to her as if she were a naughty child.

Mikel I suppose cares for me. She answered, scared, knowing full well who he was referring to.

You did not kneel before Mikel. He reminded her.

Pausing for the most briefest of moments, the king looked at Amanda. The king moved her back and forth on his lap, tweaking a nipple or her clit, causing uncomfortable spasms of pleasure in her. Closing her eyes, she prayed silently that it would be over soon. Lights of pain flashed behind her closed eyes and she heard her breath catch in her throat as he stabbed upwards and impaled Amanda on his huge cock. Eyes went wide, her mouth in a silent O of pain. Easily twice the size of Balthazar, she could feel herself tear as her body tried to accommodate his size quickly. Catching her breath, Amanda screamed and slammed her eyes shut, the pain blinding her mind. Clinching the arms of the throne, she braced herself against the torrential pounding the king was giving her. Her screams and cries of pleasures began to comingle. Feeling dirty and disgusted with herself that she was actually enjoying this on a base level.

I can see&hellip,.why&hellip,.Balthazar was taken&hellip,.by you&hellip,ugh, you are so tight, so wet. Its&hellip,.so fucking&hellip,hard for me&hellip,. To not&hellip, fill you up&hellip, make you my breeding&hellip,..whore, oh Gods&hellip,.. He moaned.

Feeling his hands on her shoulders, he attempted to press her down lower on his shaft, forcing her to take more of his size. She guessed she was maybe a third of the way down, halfway at most. It wasnt bad enough that he was raping her but that he would damage her as well. The pain was too great for her to fight and the shame of the pleasure was sickeningly overwhelming, tears flooded down her face. All at once, the incessant pounding stopped. Panting, she opened her eyes and looked up.

You look at me with fear and loathing in your eyes, the king spoke as if he had done nothing at all, he was not winded nor did he break out into a sweat. He was utterly composed. I expect that the next time you look up at me, this closely, you look up with adoration instead. It suits you better.

The king removed himself from between her legs and roughly pushed her off his lap. Unable to stand fully, Amanda felt disgusted, used and broken and fell on all fours before the throne. Tears of pain, hatred and humiliation continued to fall down her face.

Mikel, continue with the bonding. She is not ready for me yet. The king ordered, sounding utterly bored.
Looking over at Mikel, Amanda gave the impression she was resigned however a quiet sense of purpose lit in her belly. It was small, barely an ember but it was there, stroked into being by the king himself. In order to survive this, Amanda knew she had to play along. She didnt have many months before she would give birth and become his. In that time, she had to find Balthazar, had to find her son and somehow had to stop the king from what he was doing, not just to her, but to the female humans he had brought back from her world. She had no idea where to start but knew it involved Mikel and it started with this bonding ritual.
She limped down the steps to the waiting Mikel and in one fluid motion, fell into his arms as he pivoted, tossing her gently back onto the bed. Without a word, he climbed up and hovered over her body.

We will find him. He whispered, stroking her face softly.

Looking down, he sighed, closing his eyes and entered her slowly. He could tell she was more loose than when he had her originally and the sharp inhalation of breath made it plain she was in pain but that was a deliberate move on his fathers part. Being the Alpha male, he could make his cock accommodate any size opening and to do what he did to her was exerting his dominance over this woman. He started slowly, allowing her injured body to grow accustomed to the motions. Her wetness and his precum helped to keep the friction on the more sensitive injuries to a minimum though he could tell she was in considerable pain.
Changing tactics, he began to thrust harder and more deeply into her depths. Perhaps not giving her body the opportunity to react to the pain fully was the best policy, or blend the pain with the pleasure. Mikel wondered idly if he should smack her ass, or punch her face. He had no clue what he was doing. He was a scientist after all. This blending of the species was both distasteful in application but brilliant in design. Hed rather genetically bring his kind back from extinction rather than mate with a lower life form, but he could not argue with his father. Not after Balthazar&hellip,. And after all Amanda was something special, something different. Right now, she was his.

Mikel shook his head, took a breath and focused on his task at hand. Moving her legs up and towards her shoulders, Mikel was able to penetrate deeper than he had before. Immediately his knot began to swell. Amanda was even able to moan in pleasure. Mikel smiled to himself and continued to focus on going deeper, harder. It pleased him too and soon he began finding it difficult to concentrate on his surroundings, the sensation of her gripping him with her sex and milking him was beginning to drive him crazy. Leaning up slightly, he began to growl as he pumped harder and harder into her. Gripping her by her hair, he pulled back. The motions of their fucking rocking them both nearly off the bed. With every stroke, Mikel growled louder and more aggressively, pounding harder and harder into her smaller sized frame. Reaching down with his other hand, he balled up his talon in her hair and slammed home.

He suddenly froze in place as he experienced his orgasm, the crazy rush of pleasure that was too intense to be contained. Catching his breath, he could feel his heart race and her muscles around his cock twitch and massage him. A moment later, he flooded Amandas womb with his seed in spurt after spurt. Each time he came, his body twitched, sending further sensations throughout his whole being. Not technically a virgin, he had never experienced anything like this before. The power with which he suddenly desired his brothers wife and the ferocity of his own orgasm was so intense, it frightened Mikel. Looking down at her, he wanted to possess her for himself. There would be no way that he could fight Balthazar in hand to hand combat. For now, their subterfuge would have to be enough or him.

Taking a breath, Mikel sat back a little, waiting for the knot to pop out of her and was slightly disappointed when it hadnt. He figured an orgasm that powerful should result in life. It took only a moment before he stifled a smile. When he realized that meant he could have her again and again. Mikel wrapped his arms around Amanda and slowly began to make love to her. This time gently but with all of the depth of motion from before. Rotating his hips slowly, he began recording everything that elicited a moan, sigh or sharp inhalation of breath from Amanda. His scientific mind was being stroked as much as he pumped her. Finding that if he rotated his hips this way, would make her moan, rotating them this way would make her meow like a cat and if he sped up and lowered his hips he could make her make curious noises that resembled those of a dolphin. He wondered how long he could prolong his orgasm making the bonding ceremony last as long as possible. He knew he had to find his brother, he knew he had to defend his people but all rational thought was lost between Amandas thighs and in her cries of delight.

The king sat back and watched his second son and Amanda couple. She had been so tight, delightfully tight. Not like the whores he had with him, all three carrying his children. He wanted her so bad… there was something so sweet about Amanda that he wanted to break and keep for himself. The thought of pumping into her tight little cunt made the king hard. The image of flooding her body with his seed, implanting, impregnating her made him dizzy. He began to idly stroke himself watching her face. She actually looked like she was enjoying herself.

Frustrated, he yanked on one of the chains and pulled the whore to her feet, dropping her on his cock, which he had resized. She cried out but the king slapped her into silence.
You speak when spoken to. He whispered menacingly as he sat back and bounced her on his lap. The woman whimpered and whined while he fucked her lazily, watching Amandas face. This whore wasnt like Amanda and it made the king grow angry. He wanted her again but it was too late. Mikel had already bonded with her. He sighed. Just a few months and she would be his.


Amanda laid on her side, eyes red from crying and sore from the fuckfest she endure with her brother-in-law. She tried not to think on it otherwise shed start to feel sick. Mikel had removed her collar once they returned to her room. Looking towards the door, she thought about running, for the twelfth time that evening. Mikel snored away in bed next to her. Rolling over, she watched his sleeping form. He was not bad looking, he was similar to Balthazar but Mikels features were somehow diminished. Looking up at the ceiling, she fought back tears, knowing that she was now carrying his child, not Balthazars. The more she lay there thinking that their father set this up, the angrier she got. The only thing that made her pause was the idea that if she left then she faced giving birth without the aid of Mikels drugs and the conversations between he and Balthazar, while she didnt hear them, the looks of concern on their faces told her what she needed to know.

To hell with this. Amanda jumped up and threw on a pair leggings and tank top with a dress over them. Packing a ruck sack, she looked over at Mikels sleeping form. Its nothing personal but youre not him.

And she left.

Sneaking out of the room, she made her way down the hallway towards the great hall. It was the last place that she wanted to be but it was the only way to get to the doors to get out of the palace. Peeking her head into the hall, she saw that there were bodies everywhere. Most were asleep while a handful lazily moved, writing together as they fucked towards the bound being broken. Creeping quietly, she attempted to navigate the jungle of limbs, trying hard from stepping on or falling on anyone. A quick glance to her right and she breathed a sigh of relief seeing that the thrones were all empty. The king was elsewhere.
Relaxing for a moment, Amanda took a breath but nearly screamed when hands went around her body.
Where do you think youre going? the voice whispered, threatening.

Amanda struggled as she was being dragged away to an alcove where a bed was sitting. Used several times over it clearly had seen better days. Her assailiant tossed her onto the bed roughly. Looking back she looked over at a guard standing before her. How had she missed him? Her heart raced, was he going to kill her or worse tell the king?

Answer me. The guard threatened standing before her.

I&hellip, I &hellip, I was just&hellip, I, um&hellip, Amanda couldnt think of what to say or do.

Tell you what.. I want to know what is so, intoxicating between your legs that two princes and the king want a piece of you. Youve already bonded with Prince Mikel so this would be a sport fuck, then Ill let you go and pretend I never saw you.

And if I say no? Amanda asked horrified.

Ill still fuck you but then take you to the King. The guard was already removing his loin cloth.

Hard to argue with that logic. Amanda muttered shaking her head. How did it come to this? Slowly she removed the pants she was wearing below her skirt and laid back. The guard pulled her by the feet and got her standing again, bending her roughly over the bed, entered her smoothly. He was not as large as the royal family but he was adept at love making. There was an eagerness in his pumping but he was not overly rough. Surprisingly, he reached around and rubbed the nub of her clit, making her start to moan.
Shhh. Keep quiet, less we be discovered. The guard hissed.

Amanda bit her lip to keep silent. Rolling her head back, she met his strokes and actually found herself enjoying the feeling. She felt the talon of the guard at her lip and she bit down on it. It had been quite some time since she had sex for pleasures sake. Not having to bond, just base desire and lust. Feeling the illustrious pleasure of being filled that ecstasy of being complete. Reaching between her legs, she bats away the guards hand, instead pleasureing herself further with her hand, rubbing her clit as he sped up his rhythm. The west slap of his loins making contact asgainst her ass, his body beginning to glisten with sweat, her body likewise was hot beneath her clothing. The guard pushed her further down on her back, her face lay against the bed she was bent over. As he did it raised her as in such a way that caused the guard to hit her G spot. Stuffing a portion of the sheet before her into her mouth to keep from screaming. She could feel her wetness increase a pressure began to build within her. The low grunts from behind her indicated that he was close to his own sticky end.

Without warning, her body convulsed and began to come, hard. Covering the guard with her juices, feeling the wetness drip down her body. Grunting he bent forward, putting his weight into her, her wetness lubricating his strokes. One rough push forward he grunted , grabbing her by the waist, his talons digging into her hips. Coming inside her, his seed mixing with her own juices, it ran like rivers down her legs, still he came.

As the onslaught of his love making slackened, Amandas legs begn to tremble. Withdrawing himself he swayed on his feet.

I see&hellip, He dressed in his loin cloth, what the fuss is about. Youve got ten minutes to get to the door before I have to call the alarm.

Standing on uneasy legs she pulled on the leggings once more. Retrieving her bundle she looked over at the guard a moment before turning to walk towards the door.

Know that if you come back, the king will have his way with you. So you better be sure if you leave. The guard tipped his head. Princess. Turning he began walking back towards the sleeping bodies to watch over them for a few moments more. Shamed by her lascivious behavior Amanda slung the bag onto her back as she ran for the doors. She needed to find Balthazar and find some peace.

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Beep, beep, beep, beep Wow, a new week. I wonder if this one will have as many surprises and events as last week. I slipped out of bed and into workout clothes. I kissed my two beauties awake and they were both smiling as they got up to get ready to drive to Shapes. I called Donte to make sure he was coming when they were ready, and we all went to the valet desk to get the rental car. Michi joined us, although he wasn't a workout enthusiast. Shapes wasn't that far, but it took a little...

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Surviving 2Chapter 15 autumnwinter 875 AD

When Murdoch joined them, Scott clasped his arm, slapping his back in appreciation. "You were unlooked for my friend, but never have a I seen a more welcome sight I think, Fife's timing couldn't have been better! By what miracle are you here, and with all these at your back?" Scott gestured at the many thousands of men Murdoch had brought with him. "My scouts brought me word of the High King passing south and east with a great host not long after you left Fife. I know the High King...

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Alex and Vicki Teachers Pet

It was Saturday, and the bright sun bursting through my bedroom windows woke me before my alarm did. Since I didn’t get home until 3:45 a.m., I was still pretty groggy. I guess the amount of straight tequila I drank with Ms. Picard early this morning wasn’t helping matters either. Once I slithered out of bed I decided to take a nice long shower. As I showered I thought about Ms. Picard’s student/teacher sex stories. Fact is I’d love to hear more of her stories, and someday I will. In reality...

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Along Came a Drider

"Agamor, Lord of the Sun, hear me. Please, light our way to victory. Shine your magnificence down on us, and keep your humble servant safe." Teysa concluded her prayer and unshipped her mace. "I'm ready. Let's move on." They were four when they first arrived in the cave system: Rodrik, the doughty dwarf fighter and the group's leader; Mez, the arrogant elven mage; Aliara, the half-elven rogue, skilled with tricks and traps; and Teysa, the human paladin, armored in her faith and her plate. She...

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So Night Follows DayChapter 27

“Abandon all hope, and don’t rock the boat and we’ll all make a few hundred grand. Everybody’s tryin’ a be a friend of mine. Even a dog can shake hands. You’ll be making the scene, till they pick your bones clean. No, they don’t leave much for the fans. Everybody’s tryin’ a be a friend of mine. Even a dog can shake hands.” -Warren Zevon, “Even A Dog Can Shake Hands“ A note from T. MaskedWriter before we begin: As this story winds down, I’d like to say a word about feedback. I appreciate it....

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A Black Woman Rejects Feminism

Sometimes, the arrogance of some people simply astounds me. Seriously. I think some White people, especially certain White women, were born with a sense of entitlement. They feel as though the world is theirs. Not because they’ve earned it but simply because of their skin color. And many of them think Black men and Black women, and all other so-called minorities were put on this planet to serve them. That we’re somehow genetically inferior. That’s why they depicted President Barack Obama as a...

2 years ago
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Sierras First Timerape

Sierra, bored out of her mind, texted her best friend: 'Hey, what r u doin?' A second later, Gia responded back. 'Bored. Babysitting. Want 2 come over?' Sierra, excited, texted back: 'Thank god, yes! Dad has some new slut over.' After her mother died of childbirth (in which the baby, who she decided was a boy and named Cole, died too) it was just her and her dad. And a different woman almost every night. Right now, he had a new one- Jade- saddling him in his bedroom. 'I'll walk...

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Me and Kristenan unsuspecting situation

Kristen on the other hand was your usual prep, beautiful redhead, she was about 5'6, 36 c tits, a size 4, and had the most juiciest ass you could think of. Perfectly round, not one flaw, and word was, she had the baldest pussy in our high school. When me and hre boy would be in shuffle, she had this thing for staring at me, and literally laughing whenever her man was getting fucked up, i never really thought much about it until one day after me and her boy, fought see, he had this thing...

3 years ago
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Nisha Ka Nasha

Hey hi… I m Raj from bagalore.24 an mba student. Coming straight to point. I was doing my internship as a part of my mba curriculum and my mentor was a girl named Nisha she was around 26 yrs and was new to the organization. She was really very sweet 5.” 6’ nice firm breast and a tight ass. In addition, the best part was her clothing and lovely fragrance and her great dressing sense. I was doing a project in finance. So she used to teach me all about financial planning and wealth management. I...

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Dance Parties Lead To A World Of Swinging 8211 Part I

Hey everyone, this is Nabeel from Pakistan. I’ve been fond of reading and enjoying to so many stories that are uploaded here regardless of the real or fake nature. And after such a long association to this site, now I’ve planned to share my real life experiences with all you people. So cutting short let me introduce myself. My name is Nabeel and I am a graphics designer by profession and working in an MNC. I’m married to my beautiful wife Afia who is running an NGO for women rights. We have...

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totally spies

Clover sighed and attempted once again to focus on her breakfast, a rapidly cooling bowl of malt o meal cream of wheat. she didn't understand what was wrong. Sam and Alex were her best friends. everything was great between them there had been no major fights between them for a while. but when Clover thought of Sam lately her heart was gripped by a painful sadness she couldnt explain. she hadnt told her friends about it. how could she? it would be WEIRD. but they had been noticing something was...

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The fraternity

The campus at State U. was so big, and Pete couldn't get over that fact as he walked across the Quad on this first day of class. As a freshman he had so much to learn about life at a big college like State U. Worries about new classes, being away from home for the first time, and of course tonight the initiation into the fraternity he was pledged to last week. He was a little worried about that, because he had heard horror stories about frat hazing that had turned out tragically, and while he...

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Wife enjoys doctor exam

Let me give you a visual of my wife. 5'10" 135 with thick long nipples on a pair of C-cup breast. Long strong legs with a very curvy ass. Long hair and very shy. My wife came home a little anxious after seeing her gynecologist. She started explaining to me what had happened in the exam. "I was sitting on the examining table when he came in. He seemed in a really good mood. He walked up to me and took my hand to shake it and continued to hold it as we were talking. He had pointed out a new chart...

Wife Lovers
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Carolines Crush Part 2

Chapter SevenMy brother’s erect cock entered my body without another word being spoken. It entered slowly, it entered awkwardly, but enter it most certainly did.The tangle of underwear around my ankles prevented me opening my legs wide so his progress was awkward and clumsy, but it didn’t matter. By then, Paul was determined that nothing was going to prevent the inevitable from happening and I wasn’t going to put any kind of barrier in his way.I gasped helplessly as Paul’s swollen head passed...

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Part 10

Recital and Sanctuary Extracurricular activities were now freely accepted. I had shown Mom the pictures, letting her in on a secret, and I had proved worthy of her trust. I was justly rewarded. I came home most days to a quick blowjob before Dad got home. On the weekends, Mom let me get her outside and allowed me to lead her around the side for a blowjob in front of the trellis, sometimes twice a day. Perhaps Mom was so generous because real piano practice was now being taken more seriously as...

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Lost Virginity At 30 Part 1 Helped By My Friend

Hi everyone. After writing and going through a lot of stories, I realized that I should write a story from the perspective of a woman. This is partially a true story. Being a man, I have made an honest attempt to write a story from the perspective of a woman. This story is of Krithika and how she explored herself at the age of 30. Hope I do justice to every woman out there who was a virgin at some point in time and had their own fantasies. Here you go. I am Krithika and I will be sharing some...

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panty your man

When I meet new women dipping their toes in the kinky lifestyle, one question I'm often asked is, "Why would you panty your husband?"Gosh, where to start. First a disclaimer: Not all pantied men have small penises. However, the term "pantied" usually encompasses an entire set of kinky activities including adopting a more female-led relationship, submission, and erotic humiliation.Yes, a lot of women like their guys in panties - and a big cock in panties can be sexy as hell! But a pantied...

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HandsOnHardcore Athena Faris Cuties Got Him Cumming

Hands On Hardcore has got bangin’ blonde American hunny Athena Faris back in the sack and getting kinky as fuck with Chad White. The stunning rising starlet is on a nude modeling job, but we all know where that’s going to lead – and you know we’ve got our 4K premium porn cameras rolling on the whole event. See the college actress in salacious boy-girl action, riding and sucking cock like a savage in the livingroom, bouncing her curvy ass on Chad’s massive shaft...

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Chennai Lo Na Friend Modatisari Denginchukundi

Hello friends this is manu owner of this page..Ippudu nenu share chesukuney na experience engineering final yr lo maku educational industrial tour undi , so appudu anukokunda jarina vishayam idi. A tour industrial tour la ledu ,its like a picnic ..A tour lo ma batch 5 boys and 3 girls kuda unnamu ..Memu vellina place chennai,.. Any real girls, females, and ladies like to have my friendship ( fake people plz stay away ) only for friendship and good relationship, and after that, if u like we can...

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The one thing Fred liked was young girls and the taste of young pussy. He was fifty two and had no trouble finding all the the young girls he needed to satisfy his hunger. Today he was driving down the road and a hot young gall was hitch hiking. She had nice big tits in a tight short and she was sexy and pretty. He pulled over and she hopped in his truck. They drove a few miles and she said that she had just turned eighteen and was running away from home and then he put his hand on her leg and...

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Ethereamones By Mistress X, Co-authored by Sci-Fi Kara (Note: this is a rewrite of a draft I did several months ago; it involves the use of drugs which is not a subject I'm familiar with so please excuse any incongruities on that topic.) I was walking too my car in the darkness of the parking garage, a little stressed from the day but glad I was finally off from work. I slipped into the driver's seat, tossed my work ID into the back, and opened up the little compartment between the...

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A Red Valentine Valentines Day 2014Chapter 3

My place is less than ten minutes from town, so I went straight to the Sheriff's office first. The duty man at the front desk asked me to wait while he got the Sheriff. Sheriff Dan Smythe came out with his election campaign demeanor, sticking his hand out to shake. I had to smile at the guy, as I remembered him from being a couple of years younger than me, and had always enjoying winning a class officer position. I suppose we don't change that much over the years. Dan took me back to his...

4 years ago
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Die Erlebnisse der Gutsherrin

Meine schönsten Erlebnisse (Gutsherrin - Erlebnis 1) wieder einmal war es heute nachmittag soweit, daß ich, eine frau vonmitte 30, einer bestrafung beiwohnen durfte. Unsere 42 jährige dicke köchinhatte schon zum zweiten mal den sonntagsbraten anbraten lassen, so daß dieserweggeworfen werden musste. Damals in der schwierigen zeit im 19. Jahrhundertein hartes vergehen der untertanen. Ausserdem war marta unsere köchinin letzter zeit sehr störrisch und frech und hat sogar mal etwas gestohlen.Mein...

3 years ago
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My Daughter My SexToy

Part 1"Oh god, here she is again," I mumbled to myself as Cheryl, my fifteen year old daughter walked down the stairs into the living room where I was sitting on the couch. She was wearing a short white T-shirt, and a pair of pale pink nylon panties, trimmed with lace; nothing else. As she came down the stairs, her young breasts, firm as they were, could not resist bouncing, proving to anyone who watched that she was wearing nothing to support them under the T-shirt.My wife and I had separated...

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A Different Kind of Duty

The day was mild and sunny, with a sky open and big and blue overhead, with a breeze just strong enough to stir the hair across your forehead if you stood just right. As perfect a day as anyone could hope for, and the neighborhood was taking full advantage of it. Older women were power walking in track suits down the sidewalks, kids were rushing about chasing one another as they ran through the sprinklers. Young mothers stood in clusters in their driveways, gossiping and laughing as they...

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Working out with my Uncle

Uncle Ron is a former Special forces bad ass who left the service 6 months ago and his wife 2 months later. He is retired, even though he is only 47 and most people would guess him to be probably 10 years younger. When I graduated from High School earlier this summer, Uncle Ron showed up and when Dad found out that he had been living out of his van for the last 6 weeks just moving from camping area to camping area, it was decided he would move in with us for a while.Now at 5’8” and 145...

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Fucking Mom Ki Chut Aur Gand

Hey guys ye meri first story hai mujhe apni mom se bahut chote se pyar tha, mera sex attraction uski tarf tab badha jab mujhe sex k bare mein pata chala, aur 1 din mein use nahate hue dekha. Actually mere ghar mein jaha bathroom banaha hai, use waha baad mein banaya gaya tha, aur vo mere room se attach tha, par rasta bahar se hai, but usme meri kamre ki window khulti thi. Par dikat ye thi ki yaha pe almari rakhi thi, jisse us window ko kholna kafi muskil tha, par fir bhi thoda sa khola ja...

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Daddys Birthday

I was age 16 when I started dreaming about daddy's 9 inch cock. I would lay in bed at night, wishing he would fill me with his sweet hot cum. I'd masturbate, imagining my touch as his. This is a story about my first-time fuck with my dad 3 years later.It was late August and I was visiting my dad for his birthday. He was lonely ever since my mother had died. Often I had mentioned he should find someone to spend time with, but he refused. He was outside mowing grass when I pulled up. I had...

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Twin Birthday Threesome Gift

This happened when I became officially major – completed 18 years of age. A brief on my family before the story: I am Vinod, only son of my parents – mom Soniya, age 41 years and papa Sanjay, age 46 years. We have been well-to-do family, running a profitable business in a suburb of a major Indian city. I was sent to another town to complete my graduation – to stay with my aunt, younger sister of mom. Her husband used to be abroad on a job and she used to stay alone. This is where the incidence...

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Getting ByChapter 8

Most everyone else had already taken advantage of the showers ( there were three in the house) for the evening, so Cora kindly consented to let me do so as well. By the time I came out, my legs were feeling a bit rubbery, but my butt didn't hurt quite as much. Ruth was supervising KP, even though she was one of the cooks and I took her aside as I headed for what was left of the food. "I may have found the reason for Archie telling your sister not to go into the mine. Do you know of any...

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Friends 21st Birthday1

It was a Friday and it was my friend, Jeni’s birthday. I have known Jeni for over ten years, and was pretty pumped up for her 21st celebration. Being a good friend that I was, I offered to be her DD for the night. The plan was to get dinner and hit up a friend’s hotel room near a club where we had a bottle reserved. Jeni and I were never very close, but we hang out regularly with a bunch of other friends. She was shy, insanely cute, and recently single. I’ve always had a fantasy that...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 59 Rest and Relaxation Part III

May 1982, Milford, Ohio On Monday morning, I followed my usual routine for being in Milford and had lunch with Trudy Spencer after our sauna. That afternoon, Krista and Beth were coming over to talk about business. Kara would join us as well. Beth arrived about 2:30pm and Krista and Kara walked over from the school campus and arrived about 2:45pm. The three of us were very happy with how things were going. We had a total of twenty-two veterinary clients paying a monthly support fee, about a...

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Return From The Dark SideChapter 4 Coming Home

Henry Ruiz-Costa slowly walked up the stairs to enter the building he had not seen in over ten years. Things had changed he thought. A uniformed porter was sitting behind bulletproof glass and there was a walk-through metal detector for visitors. "I'd like to speak to Lord Lambert," he told the porter. "I'm an old friend of his. The name's Henry Ruiz-Costa." The porter was polite. "Would you please take a seat, Sir? I shall check with His Lordship's secretary." Inwardly, the...

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ExxxtraSmall Sweet Sophia Worth Her Weight In Gold

Lucky man Dan is over the moon when he finds a leprechaun’s gold inside the walls of his house. But Dan isn’t having it when Sophia the Leprechaun appears to reclaim what is rightfully hers. For days, the Exxxtra Small babe follows Dan around to find where he’s hidden her pots of gold. Sophia strikes a deal with Dan – she’ll let him fuck her “lucky charm” if he promises to give back all the gold. Unable to resist, Dan fucks Sophia right then and there. Her pussy is unbelievable, and she...

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Tina Gets Caught

If I didn’t get my left and right confused it probably never would have happened. I’ve always been that way. I have to imagine myself writing, or something like that, to get it straight. Sometimes I don’t think about it that much and I get it wrong. Today was one of those days. Brenda had asked me to go back to her place and get her free movie tickets. We had planned to go to the movies, since she had been given free tickets, but when we arrived we found that the tickets were not in her pocket...

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First Time Gangbang By Plumbers

Hello Mai Rucha Raval hu. Meri Age 19 hai. Mai Gujarat se hu aur mai gujarati hu. Mai mera ye first time incident ap sab se share karne ja rahi hu, please comments dena raval rucha at yahoo dot com pe. Mai mere bare me batati hu, meri height karib 5 feet 5 inch hai, weight 56Kgs hai, mai bohot fair hu, mai wealthy family se belong karti hu. Mei body size 34 29 38 hai. Mere hairs brown color ke hai aur sholder tak hai aur curly hair style hai. Meri life ka ye first incident hai, jo bohot dard...

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Mary Mary Quite Contrary

Some of the students in that particular class were somewhat the worse for wear when Mr. Miller returned. Christine Fulton, for example, was sporting a torn shirt that exposed her left breast for all to see. She made no effort to cover herself up as her hormones were still raging after having ravaged Justin Campbell. This was a rather odd coupling given that Justin was president of the school Chess Club while Christine was the school’s head cheerleader. At this moment, however, Christine...

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Death Bringer 5 Christmas Triumph

I am Death Bringer, Lord of the Berber Cliffs and Master of the Caves of the Dust Sprites. My tale begins several days ago as I, a lone watchman on guard against the evils that lurk when the world sleeps under its white blanket, sat in the aerie looking out over the desolate land now covered in ice. The beast of the five hells was hunting far below me. Why it must lift its leg and spray its foul liquids hither and yon I do not know. The five hells must be more terrible than even I can imagine,...

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Sharing my Chinese wife with another man for the f

I've always had the fantasy of watching my wife being pleasured by another man. In fact, it's my ultimate fantasy. After almost a year of convincing my wife to do a MFM threesome, she finally agreed to it. It took another several months for us to find the right guy online. Although my wife and I are both Chinese, she was always into white guys. We are both in our late 30s now. In the past, I've asked her about her sex life before we met and got married. Of all her previous sex partners, one...

4 years ago
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Sex With Cousin Sister

About my cousin Swetha [name changed]- she is very strict and sensitive girl. She never showoff her assets to boys. She slapped many boys for proposing her. Abt me- you will know through the story. Coming to my story Swetha is daughter of my uncle. We r gud frnds from childhood, as we r of same age group. We have bro-sis relationship, not little more than that. One day morning i visited to my uncle’s home (which is 2km frm our home) to take digital camera from my uncle. Where i found that my...

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Jack8217s sister 8211 2

He also happened to see Sandy throwing glances and little smiles at him. He felt a fear that she knew that he had seen Jessica topless. No, if she knew that she damn sure as hell wouldn’t be smiling. Sarah must have called him something that he missed and Sarah was just laughing at him. Amazingly Sandy and Sarah volunteered to do the dishes. Jessica went up stairs as Sandy began to gather the plates. Lindsey went into the living room. Jake decided he needed a shower so he said thank you to the...

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His Pregnant Lover Ch 05

The manager of the fish market called to Dave when he was collecting his check for the weeks catch. ‘Some of the workers from the processing department want to talk to you,’ he said as he wished Dave a merry Xmas. The girls were on smoko sitting along benches on the waterfront. ‘Hi I’m Rosita,’ a short slim dark skinned woman said as she thanked him for coming. ‘Can we call you Dave she asked?’ When he nodded ‘yes’ she went on. ‘There is a lot of mischievous talk about you and your camp....

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Lottery WinnerChapter 8

She took a half step forward and I pulled the zipper all the way down her dress. She let it fall forward off her arms, slide down her body and fall to the floor. She was wearing a black bra that hid little of her breasts and black thong panties. She reached behind and unfastened the bra as she turned. She then slipped off her heels. “It’s up to you to remove my panties, dear man.” It was said in that same low voice that was sending shivers through my body. I pulled her to me kissing her and...

2 years ago
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The GodgranddaughterChapter 5 The Oldest Profession Updated

As I mentioned, my home and my mother’s workplace, as my sexual journey began, were in a suburb once considered “in the mountains”, a place for resorts. Our place had been one of the small resorts. A number of the larger ones had become assisted living communities. How can prostitution be the oldest profession? How would the customers have earned the fees? For a given engagement in the sex industry, we called the project/engagement leader the producer. A senior producer might manage...

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My Ladyboy LittleLi Part 2

After LittleLi had finished swallowing my cum, she fell back and i noticed she still had on her frilly ankle socks and MJ,s. Now that I knew LittleLi was a ladyboy i could tell her about my collection of stockings, panties, shoes and dresses that i liked to get dresssed in. LittleLi loved the the fact and took off the rest of my man clothes. I got up off the bed in front of her naked and went to my cabinet with all my fave clothes in it. I lay out satin frilly panties, stockings of all...

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Mother Son And Taboo 8211 Part 2

Hello, My Dear Readers. It has been some time since the first part of the story had been published. Intended as a quick read, ‘Mother, Son, And Taboo’ is a reworked compilation of sexual scenarios you might have already read in many stories before. The first part defines the base plot, and reading it may make this more enjoyable. Your comments have helped me a lot, and I have tried to follow a more elaborate style of storytelling, this time. Happy Reading! Neema and her son, Arun, were only a...


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