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Introduction: Part one Amanda stood up satisfied. Looking around her house she was making some progress unpacking but she was starting to get tired. Stretching her back she rubbed her breasts, even they were sore and tired from the move. Picking up her glass of wine, she decided that she wanted a little fresh air before she attempted making the bed and so, stepped out into the night air.

Her new home sat on several acres of land in the middle of nowhere. Listening all she could hear was the night creatures singing their song to the moon and the gurgle of the stream that fed into the larger river and the very back of her land. The stream was on her property but it was the unofficial boundary with her neighbors to the North. She hadnt met them yet, but they were the closest people to her. The next closest neighbor was across the street and over a mile away. Sipping her wine, she stepped off the porch and into the warm humidity that only the South could offer. Smiling, she watched fireflies dance their mating dance, lighting up to attract their potential mates. Amanda sighed. Divorced. Twice. Shaking her head, she turned to check out the stream.

Walking slowly, she could hear things slink off into the dark of night. Despite the full moon, she was certain that shadows followed her. She was beginning to think she should turn around when she noticed a red glow in the direction of the neighbors land. Walking closer but with more caution she smelled smoke. Nervous that it was a fire but trying to keep calm about it she pressed on to check.

The bushes and trees grew thick in the area around the stream, blocking her view of the neighbors land (and their view of her), causing her to do a little unprepared trekking. Stopping at the banks of the stream, she was shocked to see how deep the ravine was. From her feet to the top of the water was about ten feet and who knew how deep it was once you got in. Deciding that she would not be swimming, she looked up and found that while there was trees and brush on the far bank, it was not nearly as thick. She was able to move down the bank to a thinner spot and saw a group of people around a campfire.

Maybe theyre pagans. Amanda thought eagerly.

Being a practicing witch herself, she could make a mean tea with catnip but that was the extent of her powers. She instead chose to focus on the religion aspect of paganism. So a group of people around a fire chanting, did not frighten Amanda, only make her more curious. It wasnt until she heard the roar of something both human and animalistic that her blood ran cold. Looking around in the night, she realized how exposed she really was. Wearing a pair of running shorts and long cotton tank top, long red hair loose and a glass of red wine in hand, she could hardly battle an animal, or a mob.

When could I have ever battled anything other than a hangover? She thought pointedly to herself.

The roar, this time closer, caused her to focus on her situation and wonder who or what her neighbors were.

Maybe they keep lions?

Even Amanda scowled her face at herself. Looking around quickly, she realized she would have to follow the edge of the stream back to where she was able to get through the brush, it was far too thick until there. She began to move slowly, hoping to not attract attention, when the group around the fire began to run away from the fire and into every direction. Amanda froze and watched the group slowly, cautiously walk back towards the fire. In the far distance she could hear the occasional rumbling of a speaker, though he spoke as if he had a deep and commanding voice. The people in the group began removing their clothing slowly as if they were entranced. Standing around the fire the flicker of the fire light created interesting shadows across their bodies. Amanda wasnt sure if it was the long day or wine, but she could have sworn the shadows moved and undulated on their own as if alive.

Slowly people began grouping off, some coupling where they stood, others moving off to other places to take advantage of the terrain and surroundings. Men with Women, men with men, women with women, and everything in between. They all started to fuck. Slowly at first, some even with what looked to be gentleness and love but slowly began to grow more frantic and crazed. Amanda stood still again, this time turned on. She had never been voyeuristic but now she felt a thrill watching these people go at it.

A dull ache began to rise in between her legs and Amanda shifted her weight, inadvertently rubbing her swelling lips and clit against her little shorts. Amanda bit her lip to keep from moaning. Slowly she crouched down, taking another sip of her wine. She waivered on the steep bank, her footing was not so good here, so she grabbed the trunk of a little tree nearby to keep from falling in the drink. She wanted desperately to get in the midst of that orgy. It had been a long time since she had been with anyone and she had just began to think that she could go without a man and now, she was realizing how much she did miss cock. Her last husband had been a totally ass, but what he lacked as a husband and a decent human being he more than made up for it in the bedroom. Crazy people were just better in bed.

Frustrated and totally horny, Amanda set down her glass of wine and began rubbing her hand between her legs. The cotton of her shorts and her thong were thin enough that she could feel her clit swell beneath the fabric. She was so sensitive so quickly, it caught her off guard, but she silently watched, trying to curb her lust.

A couple not terribly far away on the far bank were in the middle of a beautiful love making session when suddenly the man sat up. The woman slapped him hard across the face. Amanda winced and stopped her pleasuring. The man did not react but to look at her as he slapped her back. Rotating her around so that she was on her hands and knees the man continued the sex. The woman, not trying to get away suddenly swung her right fist back and hard, hitting the man in the temple. Grabbing her wrist, he yanked back on her causing her to slide further back on his dick. A man walked up to this couple and laid down on his back in front of the woman who took her other hand and began sucking the man off with skill. Resting on her left elbow, she still managed to handle the prick with her left hand and mouth. As soon as the new man laid down a woman squatted over his face having dragged another girl with her. The two women began kissing and caressing one another, while another man crawled up behind the second woman and began to fuck her hand from behind. One by one, the people began creating the fuck chain. Some were gentle but most of the people were violent, punching or slapping or twisting various body parts as they undulated and writhed in the shadows of the campfire.

Amanda decided she had finally seen enough when she noticed the shadow of a person standing on the far side of the campfire. She could not see much of the person, only that it was a man and that he seemed very tall. Arms crossed his chest as he stood watching the orgy. Raising his hands over his head she let out the animal howl she had heard before. Startled Amanda sat down and began to skid into the ravine. Tightening her grip on the little tree saved her from going in, but not before she made a lot more noise then she had cared to. Pulling herself onto the bank of the stream she looked back at the scene. The man at the fire was gone, though the fuck fest continued on. Relieved, Amanda began making haste for the opening in the brush when she heard a light splashing. Looking to her left, she saw two yellow eyes in the darkness stare at her. Her knees starting to go weak, she bolted for the break in the trees and got tangled up in the underbrush and fell.

Amanda was not in shape. She was curvaceous and had maybe a little more meat on her bones then she was happy with, but she was not an athlete, so it never surprised her that the man would catch up to her if he attempted.

He attempted.

Turning over on to her back to try to wiggle her way free, she was forced to look up at the man, if you could call him that. He was tall and huge. Arms as big around as her leg, legs as big around as, well her.

Youre not one of them. He growled from the far side of the stream.

Amanda blinked.

Was that a good thing or a bad thing? she wondered.

Taking a step toward her, she noticed he did not have feet, but hooves.

Like a demon.

Following his leg up from hoof to head, she took in his form and realized he had been bred for one thing, wrath. She began shaking as she closed her eyes and lay back awaiting the death that was surely to come. Maybe it wouldnt be death, maybe torture. This cant be real, these things simply dont exist. Its the move, the wine, stress from work, and stress from her parents&hellip, She was having a mental breakdown. Opening her eyes slowly, she was alone in the night. Looking around only the fireflies in the distance provided any movement in the darkness. Sitting up slowly she looked completely around before standing up. The sudden fear she was about to die made her body want to pee. Breaking free and rushing into her house, she locked up the door and ran upstairs to her room locking it behind her as well. Running to the bathroom she peed but felt sick to her stomach too. Still shaking over what had happened, tired from the move and wine and still a little worked up. Amanda decided to take a quick shower then call it a night.


Amanda moved slowly the following morning. Head hurting a little and her body sore she laid on her bed, refusing to get up. She had been so shaken up the night before that she had neglected to make her bed. Instead she was still naked, wrapped in the damp towel she had used when she got out of her shower. It was a warm enough night that she wasnt cold, but she still was unnerved.

Rolling over she pulled a comforter on top of her naked body and began to think of the beast that she had seen. Real or not he was exquisitely handsome and clearly powerfully built. She wondered what it would be like to be taken by such a creature. Unconsciously her hand found its way between her legs, her middle finger rubbing her neglected clit frantically. Thinking of the creature pinning her there on the banks of the stream and having his way with her, excited Amanda more than she admitted. Inserting a finger in her pussy, she began using her thumb to continue its attack on her clit but it wasnt enough. Shoving a second and a third finger inside her only serve to frustrate the woman. She needed more.

Looking around she spotted her toy boy and opened it. Grabbing her favorite dildo and a bottle of lube, she attacked her pussy with gusto. With the thrusting not doing it for her, she flipped over and mounted a pillow. Bouncing on the dildo, using the pillow to help it give some, Amanda began tweaking her nipples and thinking about the beast. Would he be a gentle lover or an animal? She began to think of the beast pinning her to the ground, her helpless to get away though she tried. Screaming for help, trying to fight him off of her, to no avail. Ripping away the thin cotton shorts with his claws he split her legs wide, positioning himself between them. One of her legs over his shoulder, the other pressed to the ground and him in between.

Pummeling her with his huge cock, Amanda envisioned the beast pushing harder and deeper into her. Fucking her body so hard and so fast that it caused her multiple orgasms. Something she had never had. Amandas body began to tense, the sensation was growing more intense. In her minds eye she saw the beast thrust one final time before he came hard inside of her. She desperately tried to get him to continue. Pulling out spilled what seemed like gallons of his cum out of her. Amanda collapsed in the bed. She was unable to orgasm on her own. Pouting, she threw her dildo across the room and curled up for a nap again.
Finally around noon she sat up. Hunger getting the better of her. Vowing it had been the wine and being over taxed, Amanda began to dismiss the events of the previous evening. She got up, got dressed and began getting some work done.

At dusk, she decided to get some cheese and crackers and salami. She had a handful of things in the house but had not yet done the big shopping trip to the store yet. She would have to go the following day. Opening a soda (and considering pouring out the rest of the wine from the night before) Amanda began to munch as she continued to tackle the unending task of unpacking.

Hours went by when she heard the howl she heard from the night before, but it was different. It was strangled somehow. A wave of mixed emotions flooded her brain. Joy that she was not crazy and that it really happened, fear that it really happened and maybe she was crazy and curiosity as to what that thing was she saw on the bank of the stream.

The second howl was clearly a howl of pain and even the distance to her house from the source could not diminish the anguish that the voice felt. Amanda stood slowly, wiping her hands on her denim shorts. Walking slowly outside, she looked in the direction of the neighbors property. Another howl and it broke Amandas heart. Steeling herself, she began to walk once more to the stream in the fading light.
Moving more quickly this time in the underbrush, she found that from her vantage point, she could see the beast had been chained by the neck, his hands shackled and all the chains leading to a huge cement plug in the ground. What caught Amandas eyes was that he was injured. Looking around, she could not see anyone around, listening as best she could, she could only hear the water and this poor creature howling. Looking around, Amanda found a branch she could swing herself across the water with.

Like the monkey bars when I was a kid. She thought, he had been very good at them.

Landing easily on the far bank of the stream, she paused, listening for anything out of the ordinary. When she was convinced she was alone, she stepped out of the trees.

The beast started when she emerged, keeping his yellow eyes on her as she moved. Amanda watched him carefully too. Looking at him she saw he was rest on his right elbow and his left side had been sliced deeply. A pool of blood had been growing around his body and he looked weakened. Looking around Amanda tried to find something she could use to help him. Looking over the chains quickly she saw they were held by one lock. Looking back at the beast she weighed her options. An injured animal was always more deadly but the hurt look in his eyes made her mind up for her.

The key? She whispered.

The beast looked slowly over at a table that was a good 100 yards away. Pressing his lips together, he attempted to muffle his cries of pain. Amanda stood and quickly but quietly moved to the table. Overed in beer cans and discarded oyster shells, she found a book and a key sitting together. Taking the key, she made her way to the lock at the cement plug. She looked up at the beast as she began to fumble with the lock. He watched her carefully. Amanda was pretty sure this was not a smart thing to do but she felt that she had no choice. She could not let any creature be made to suffer as he is clearly suffering.

With a twist and a click, the beast was free. Standing slowly, the beast looked at Amanda. Unsure of what to do now, Amanda nodded her head back towards the stream and began making her way that direction. If he followed her she would figure something out, if not, then it was no big deal. Still she couldnt figure out how to get him across without them both getting wet. As she stood trying to figure out what to do, she heard noise behind her. The beast jumped gracefully across the ravine and turned a looked back at her. The noise behind her continued to grow louder. The neighbors were home!

Looking back to the beast she jumped on to the tree branch. From here she was concealed from the majority of the neighbors yard. If they got to the cement plug, she would be spotted. Swinging her way across the deep gully she froze when she heard voices.

What the fuck&hellip,? How the hell did he get out?


It sure the hell wasnt me!

Amanda looked back and began swing her legs harder to get herself across. Jumping on the far side of the bank, Amanda felt a stabbing pain in her ankle but was able to get through the deep brush of the trees on her side of the water just in time.

Think he crossed the stream?

Nah, he cant, everyone knows demons cant cross running water.

Amanda smiled to the beast as they sat quietly waiting for the people to move on before they made a break for the house.

Then he is here somewhere. We may need the dogs.

Amanda looked at the beast with fear in her eyes. She had no idea if this thing ate babies, but she was concerned none the less. After what seemed like an eternity, they both crawled to their feet and began making their silent way to her house. Sitting him on the front porch carefully, she looked at the injured thing and was at a loss.

What can I do to help? She asked.

He looked up at her and weighed her words carefully.


Amanda stood up tall. Not the answer she was thinking.

I dont have any.

He stared into her eyes and narrowed his eyes. Amandas eyes widened, slowly walking forward she smiled nervously.

Just dont kill me please.

Placing his hand on the back of her neck he pulled her close to him gently. His touch was hot, on fire scalding kind of hot but it woke up something dormant in her body as well. That familiar twinge between her legs was strong and it took all her will power not to drop to her knees and discover what demon dick tasted like.

He let his hand on her neck fall to her waist as she stepped closer to him and took her right arm up. Bracing herself, she bit her own lip and he bit into her arm. The pain was different than the one in her ankle but it was there none the less. Stopping he looked up at her. Looking back at him she noticed a glint in his eyes. She felt his hand on her back tighten just as he bit into her breast causing her to cry out. He drank deeply causing Amandas head to begin to swim.

Hey&hellip, she mumbled before everything went black.


A great pounding woke Amanda up. It was still dark outside and she was groggy. Making her way down stairs, she remembered she was now living in the country and whoever was banging on her door was trespassing by at least one acre. Taking the shotgun from the hall closet, she pumped it once and the knocking stopped.

What?! She screamed.

Were from next door, can we talk with you? She heard muffled.

Talk. She screamed back.

Can you open the door?

Can you come back at a decent hour? This early in the morning my aim is a little off.

Our&hellip,dog ran off and we wanted to look around your property.

Amanda knew they were looking for the beast and wondered where he was. Taking a deep breath she wondered what the best course would be.

You have one hour on the property after which I start shooting.

Thank you. Said the male voice, out of habit then actual thanks.

Footsteps off the porch and silence. Amanda began shutting the blinds not wanting to see these people again and not wanting them to see her. When she was certain that they could not see in and the house was locked up tight, she rested the shotgun back in the hallway closet. Trudging slowly back up the stairs, she was startled seeing the beast in her bed, propped up and looking at her.

Why are you doing this?

She ran her hand through her hair, not sure of the answer herself.

They were hurting you. Thats never okay.

How do you know I didnt deserve it?

I dont. She stammered.

Would it be different if I told you that I kill? Rip bodies asunder?

Amanda felt very foolish all of a sudden. Her gun put away and a strange&hellip,. Demon in her bed.
I&hellip, No. It wouldnt. I would hope that you would consider&hellip,not&hellip, killing in the future. No time like the present for a fresh start. She tried to say cheerfully but it came out broken and desperate sounding.
The beast chuckled before leveling his gaze at her.

You gave me your blood, willingly to save me.

Amandas eyes flickered to his wound, which was covered by the sheets. Instead she walked to his side of the bed and looked at him more closely. His skin had a red hue to it with slightly darker looking stripes across his body. They reminded her of a tiger or a zebras stripes. Looking at his face, she could see horns on his head, small satyr like horns that were more nubs resting in his black hair.


His yellow eyes followed her gaze as he drank in her own visage.

I thank you for it.

Youre welcome.

Id like to someday repay your kindness.

Oh, thats not necessary.

She smiled. He didnt. Hers faded.

Your ankle is injured. I could taste it in the blood.

It may be twisted. Its tender, but not bad. She said applying a little weight to it. Looking up into his eyes, she sighed. Do you need more blood?

Yes, but I wont drink as much this time.

She nodded as she sat down on the side of the bed offering her left arm this time. The pain was sharp again, but it was over before she realized it. She didnt feel much different and certainly no more woozy.

Thank you. He breathed, licking his lips.

Amanda. My names Amanda.

Thank you Amanda.

Are you a vampire? She asked looking at the bite on her arm.

No, Im a demon. I thought that the horns would have given me away.

It was the hooves. She replied as another set of bangs began again at her door. Not again.

Standing Amanda closed her robe over her tee shirt and yoga pants and padded softly to her door. Without thinking she opened the door.

Yes? She asked not bothering to mask her annoyance.

The man standing before her was devastatingly handsome. Too handsome. Short brown hair, golden skin, white smile and a strong jaw was what fist caught Amandas attention.

I wanted to let you know we couldnt find out dog. Im sorry for having bothered&hellip, The man stopped mid-sentence.

Amanda leaned up against the door frame.

Thank you, but I really do need to get to sleep I am very very tired.

The man began to sniff the air. Amanda noticed this and stood up.

I havent showered yet on account of that whole lack of sleep thing.

The man smiled at her and lunged at her. Amanda screamed as he put her into a sleeper hold, her air supply dangerously closed to be cut off.

If you want her, demon, you know where to find her. He cried out.

The man tightened his grip and once again everything went dark.


She heard the chains before she felt them. Looking around, she had been chained in the same fashion as she had found the beast the night before. Looking around a fresh bonfire was being built. It was late afternoon and the headache she was nursing caused her to suspect that something else may have been making her sleep throughout the day. The fact that she was still chained up and not rescued caused her to wonder if the beast was still at her house or if he was already gone. Lowering her head back to the ground, she couldnt help but wonder how she got to this point and closed her eyes.

But I want her, now!

Amanda fought the urge to open her eyes and instead listened to the exchange pretending to be asleep.

Shes not for you. Shes for the other demon.

You think this is smart? So soon? We arent at full strength.

Itll be fine. We just need to contain our energy for the ritual, so keep it in your pants, Sam.

Other demon? Amanda wondered then began remembering what she had seen her first night in the house. They had summoned the beast! That makes so much more sense now!

Hours later they unchained her neck and dragged her to a picnic bench tying her hands using rope to the table and laying her down on it. A man began fumbling with her yoga pants, trying to remove them when she suddenly kicked him hard in the chest. He reacted by punching her across the face. Amanda saw stars and her eyes immediately welled up. She had never been hit before. The man yanked her pants and thong off her roughly. Then whipped out a knife and cut away her shirt and sports bra that she slept in. Now, total nude, Amanda was at her lowest. Face aching, ankle still sore and now humiliated she had very little fight in her left.

People began showing up and was interested in the offering. They poked and prodded her body and made comments to some of the others. Chatting casually it wasnt until dusk that they began to get serious. Circling the fire, the group of people began to chant softly. Amanda tried to figure out what to do, but kept expecting death instead. This fatalistic stance caused her to miss the man that had attacked her appearing at her side. He suddenly was there, making her jump. He smiled at her, rubbing his hand up and down her leg.

Soon, you will be a great gift to a very power demon.

Turning, the man threw something on the bonfire that began to smoke. The chanting continued, but people stepped closer to the fire to inhale deeply. Amanda could smell it wasnt pot but there was something about it that wasnt right. Amanda felt her body relax and she started to feel good. Spreading her legs open she writhed on the picnic table and waited for something to enter her. She needed to be filled.

The man clapped his hands and the clothing began to fall away. People started groping and exploring each others bodies before one man bent over a blond and shoved himself in her deeply. Her moans were loud and infectious. Soon more groans were filling the air. The sound was driving Amanda nuts. The man with the smile stood next to her, his hand resting lightly on her thigh, just watching the people fuck.

The contact with her skin was further driving her passions hotter. She could feel her pussy swell to an uncomfortable state, the warm breezes caressed her clit causing a soft tingling in her body. She needed release.

Her stomach suddenly dropped. Amanda was alarmed but couldnt understand why. Looking up at the man with the smile he was staring at something below the table and out of her site. An animalist howl filled the air from her feet. Another demon was entering the world and she was to be his offering.

In a flash, Amandas beast appeared out of nowhere and slashed at the ropes tying her down. Biting into his wrist he held it to Amandas face.

Drink, now! He urged.

Amanda looked away but tried to wrap her legs around the beast. Flipping around on her stomach Amanda tried to wiggle her ass against the beast to encourage him to take her. Instead he thrusted his wrist into her mouth. Unprepared, she took two swallows of his blood into her throat. Wrapping his arms around her, they jumped into a rift that had been opened for the other demon.

…to be continued.

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Well it was the summer of my senior year in High School. The day started out like the rest, I got up early, my uncle sitting at dining room table drinking his coffee all dress in his suit and tie. My aunt at the stove making Breakfast for her and I, in her hunter green Housecoat. My mind wandered to think what she had on underneath. The moment was spoiled by my uncle asking me if I could go down to the garden and pick some vegetables for supper, I said sure not a problem.He got up from the...

3 years ago
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A Toast in an Empty Bar

I pulled my car into the gravel parking lot as I'd done a half dozen times in my life. There wasn't a car in the lot that I recognized. It was drizzling rain, so I pulled my ballcap down over my eyes and walked to the door. The place was dark as it always was, even though it was the middle of the afternoon. "Budweiser," I called to the bartender. He was the same one who'd been there the last time I was in the bar. "Bottle." He nodded and I slipped a ten-spot on the bar. I was a...

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Nightclub Milf Slut

I was out with my friend and we were in one of the best nightclubs in town, its plays dirty rnb were girls get wild and crazy and do made stuff, my friend Neil is a bit of a stud and he always gets the girls but this time was different, We were dancing on the dance floor when a older women in late 30’s id say kept looking over at Neil and smiling she was obviously drunk as she was all over the place but she was mighty fine for a milf, in the end she came over and started dancing with Neil, she...

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A Step Mothers Sin Ch 7 Horseback riding with Ben Wa balls

We arrived at the lodge a few minutes before three o'clock. The lodge had a wonderfully romantic feel to it. The lobby had beautiful exposed wooden beams and a huge stone fireplace. The back wall was a series of large windows which provided a wonderful panoramic view of the Adirondack Mountains. I checked us in while Robert unloaded the car and put up the convertible top.  I unlocked the door to our room and Robert placed our suitcases on floor in front of the dresser. "Mom, this is way...

4 years ago
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Zombie Leza16 Renewed Hope for the Future

Thomas, Jefferson and Fredrick greeted Leza, as Linda, Helen and Rebecca said goodbye to their zombie hosts before reentering the Collective’s walls. Several women were shepherding animals to the grazing areas, despite the abundant numbers of zombies outside. “It’s wonderful seeing you active again,” Thomas said. “If I hadn’t seen it myself, I wouldn’t believe you died a few days ago.” “Yeah, the unbelievable is becoming fairly ordinary since she showed up,” Helen observed. “How are you...

1 year ago
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Project Orchid

New York has never been more brilliant. From the driver's seat of your Honda Pantheus it's a blur of neon glows and the strobe of office windows seen between concrete traffic pylons. In your wake it's all a river of light and the sense of euphoria you feel as you step on the accelerator can only be matched by the ravenous curiosity about your late night rendezvous. The courier was waiting for you at the office. Nondescript, black suit, the kind of pro that would never be seen making deliveries...

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Her 2

What in the sweet fuck? What had happened to me? I remember pulling up my trousers after probably the best moment of my life, not even bothering to wash myself and heading straight out into the open air. I spent time by the rope swing trying to find the mysterious man and convincing myself at the same time that what happened had actually happened. It was only when I put my hands down my trousers to feel the wetness left over from Sophie's saliva did I truly believe what I’d done. From...

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Awesome Fucking On Terrace With Unknown Girl 8211 Part 1

Hey everybody! This is Arshad (name changed) here. You haven’t been introduced to me yet, this is my first story published on Indian sex stories. I’ve been a reader for over 3 years, so I thought it’s time to become a writer. People describe me as a jolly, fun loving and eccentric guy. I’m sturdy built, 5’11 and have a thick, hard loving machine. With this story I’ll begin the chronicles of my sexual adventures. Dim the lights, lay back and enjoy it however you wish ; – ) This encounter...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Threesome

The stresses of moving… Uggggh! Especially when your wife is not there to help out. She is away on a prolonged contract overseas and the time of our move could not have been any worse. Thankfully I’m employed with a company that ensures the move is taken care of for our family. I wake up the morning that the packing is scheduled to start and its a beautiful sunny day. It’s going to be a scorcher! I get my kids to set apart their stuff for the trip out to the coast and off they go to enjoy the...

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My Sister Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! *** This is a continuation of "My Sister" it takes place immediately after Carly and Tyler leave the room and head down stairs. Again like last time, I welcome any and all comments good or bad. You can reach me at Incestwriter [at] gmail [dot] com After Carly left, I laid there trying to figure out what just happend and where it was going to go. Carly was and still is an ultimate wet dream come true and I still couldn't believe I just fucked her in and...

2 years ago
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MariellaChapter 2

"My goodness it's warm today, Jack! I think rather than go any further today, I shall stay here and rest! Would you mind awfully if I laid down and closed my eyes!" It was a rhetorical question, of course: he was there to do his employer's bidding, and to safeguard her wellbeing in whatever way he could. Mariella lay on the grass, on her back. In the hot sun she was soon sleeping. She had pulled her husband's cap over her face to protect it from the harsh sun. Her waistcoat had fallen...

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GirlsWay Karla Kush Mona Wales Part Of Being A Woman

Karla Kush is pregnant but she is not seeing the baby’s father anymore. Her mother is mad at her for getting knocked up in Thailand. Karla is feeling alone and without a female role model when her mother’s best friend Mona Wales surprises her with a visit. The women catch up on Karla’s bed. Mona can’t take her hands off Karla’s pregnant belly. She offers to rub her feet. Karla gets comfortable on the bed and Mona describes how much harder her pregnancy was on her...

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A Friendly Birthday

"Do you girls really need to blindfold me for my own party?" I ask as my friends lead me around "And when it's in my own house?" "Duh, John. That's why it's called a surprise party." Rachel said with a giggle. Rachel had been my closest friend since I was a junior in high school, she was the reason for me being friends with most of the people I knew. I had always liked her, but she never showed much interest outside of friendship with me. I wasn't sure if it was her natural red hair, her...

Group Sex
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Hot tub Fun0

From what she had seen on the web cam, Kelly liked what she seen. Lily had shoulder length, brown hair that settled nicely with her amber colored eyes, which always reminded Kelly of a wolf. Her body was athletic in build, almost skinny, and she had been told that Lily was 5'6”. In many ways, she was a lot like Lily. Her hair, also shoulder length, but brownish black in color. The darkness of her hair contrasted with her blue eyes. Lily always commented on her eyes. She said that the...

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My First Facial Experience

I liked to think of myself as the perfect girlfriend, the girl who would do anything to make her man happy. I knew what boys wanted. They wanted me in a tight top that showed off my tits, tonight I was wearing my favorite tank top, one that showed off my above average figure and gave more than a peek at my cleavage. They wanted me in short shorts. These ones barely covered my ass. They wanted my lips wrapped around their cock. The red lipstick that coated my lips that night was just a bonus. I...

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The Running Of Melissa

"The Running of Melissa" Melissa couldn't believe it. There was no way ? no fucking way ? Jeff couldbe this crude, this insensitive, this fucking rude!  Here, in front ofall her friends, her jock ex-boyfriend was acting like all other jocks andignoring her while he ?hit on' one of the slutty cheerleaders.  He actuallyhad his hand under her top, visibly fondling her breasts!  And, not thatjust her friends were here to see this spectacle ? oh no.  He had to pullthis juvenile, macho stunt right...

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Brother Darling

Brother Darlingby Miss Anonna I heard a knock at the bathroom door and instantly rolled my eyes. It figures the minute I sneak into the bathroom to take a nice hot bath, my brother will inevitably have to pee. “What?” I hollered sarcastically. “What do you want?” “I have to pee,” cried my younger brother who always treated me like a younger sister, though I was a year older than he. He was just 16 and already all the girls at school were after him, though he was modest about it. Even I couldn’t...

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Momrsquos Alternative

Radhika loves her only son Raju. Her husband Ramesh is a drunkard. He works for an IT concern as a manager. Radhika works as a school teacher. Raju is studying XII standard, and is 18 years of age. Ramesh has to withstand a lot of pressure in his IT job to survive and earn handsomely. Sometimes he returns home after 3 full nights of work. Such is his job. So he drinks heavily to relieve himself. But he does not make any ruckus. He drinks and sleeps off.But sometimes when he dozes off, he...

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Sam and SandyA Welcome Home To Remember

This is the continuing story of my relationship with my daughter’s best friend Sandy. I had always had a thing for Sandy, but being a married man and the father of her best friend, I had never tried anything. Then a few years ago, my wife divorced me and sent me on my way to the life I’m living. Then a few months ago, Sandy brought me her car to repair. When she came back to pick it up, she seduced me into having sex with her right there in a chair in my living room. I will say, she didn’t need...

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Incestuous Family Involving New DaughterInLaw

This is real story happened. We are a family of four – mom, dad me and my sister. My mother is Priya aged 45 worked as a software engineer and now relaxing at home. My father’s name is Raghu aged 47 working as a railway engineer in Mumbai. My parents had love marriage. I was born before their marriage. Then they moved from my native place Hyderabad to Mumbai and lived happily. I had a sister of age21 named Soumya just completed B.Tech and residing at home. My name is Krishna aged 25 and working...

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My Slutty Experience

Hello everyone! I’m Bhavna here to tell you the last experience of mine as a slut. It was more like others but very different in same way. I had to write this one as it’s a goodbye to you all too as I have no more experiences to share and don’t want any as I am a beloved wife of a very nice man. I am his by now forever. This one was when I left my school and went to another city for a few weeks. It was a new city for me where no-one knew about my slut phrase. I had to go to shop once and that’s...

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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt4

I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is...

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Bobbys Good DeedsChapter 2

Over the next two months of that summer, I went over there three more times. She DID have a lot that needed doing too. I guess with no man around, and her being what she called "mechanically challenged", there was all kinds of stuff that had broken, and needed replacing or adjusting, or oiled or something pretty simple. Being a Boy Scout, I had learned how to do all kinds of things, and most of what she needed done was easy. She never tried to pay me anything after that first time, but she...

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The Casting Couch Ch 4

"Mmmm, yeah, baby, suck it, just like that."Circling her tongue around the white cock in her mouth, Lisa slid the palms of her hand up the inside of the producer's naked thighs. She was determined to give him the best blowjob of her life. Oh yes, she wanted this role that bad.Lisa couldn't believe her luck. She'd been in Jeff's acting class for about 8 months now, and this was the first big break she'd gotten from him. She'd tried hard to get personal meetings with some influential movers and...

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A sex Chat by me and Japnese net Friend

Hiiiii i need your appreciation though inbox , friend request and comment• Sam Sinok i will teach u let imagine i m ur bfwat r u wearing now???Mary Mar0k... I'm wearing shorts n t-shirtSam Sini m just holding ur hands and hugging u from backslowly i started rubbing nose on ur neckMary MarHmm....go onSam SinThen i turn ur around lie on uthen i took bottle of honey n chocolateMary MarHugging u too I lay down on mine backSam Sinhmmmmnow i put some choclate on finger to ur lipsnow licking it from...

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Eight Ball

“What the fuck is this shit?” I said, as I threw my book down onto the table. “It’s so hard to find good smut, these days.”The couples and families at the other tables all looked at me strangely, peering over their crystal glasses and overly ornate centerpieces, before returning to their meals.“They shouldn’t be out in public if one f-bomb makes them cringe.”The book lying on my table, which had gotten soaked when it knocked over my water glass, was simply titled, “Wet Lips”. It hadn’t started...

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Amy Ch 10

Mona continued with her sordid tale, and John and Amy listened intently. Zolton told me ‘I will give it to you, but only if you behave. Do you understand?’ I understood alright, and quickly nodded. ‘I’m going to untie your hands for just a moment,’ he told me and did, but promptly pulled me up to a sitting position and then tied my wrists together in front of me. Then, holding my arms above my head with one hand, he gently mauled my breasts, especially my enlarged nipples.’ Mona flicked...

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Girlfriend Ki Chudai Office Main

Hello all ISS readers my name is Aman and I am from Delhi and I am a regular reader of this site my age is 21 .The stories on this site are very good so I feel like submitting my real story which happened to me 2 years back it is a story of mine with my girlfriend burka.She is 19 year old hot girl. Ab main apka time waste na karte hua sidha story pe aata hu.Ye tub ki baat h jub maine 1st job k liye interview k liye gaya tha Maine waha barkha ko dekha usne tight jeans aur t-shirt daal rakhi thi...

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Family BrideChapter 3

Her cunt seemed to be stretched wide-open by the tension of her widespread thighs. With the quilted satin belt of her housecoat, he had tied her ankles to the legs of the coffee table. Her wrists, bound with his wide leather belt, were pulled behind her and tied in a similar manner. Her head and shoulders rested on nothing, and her efforts to keep her head up so that she could see what he was doing only served to make the muscles of her abdomen shudder as they tensed. Her heavy breasts shook...

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Me and My Asian Girlfriends first time

So me and my girlfriend met in college and she was an international exchange student from South Korea, we didnt start getting intimate till around a month or two in but our first big time is what ill be sharing tonight. You see she had never done anything in her life and me myself had some experience but wasnt a professional by far. We were in her dorm on her single bed and just laying looking at one another kissing every so often till it started getting heated. I was rubbing her back and...

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The Climb

We were just rounding the corner, coming up on the flat face of rock that appeared to have little to no holds at first glance. It was an E4 climb, E for extreme. We had passed many similar climbs that I would have liked to have attempted, but Melissa kept pressing onwards, literally to the point where the path ran out and we were faced with a twenty-foot drop onto the upper reaches of the trees below.“This will do,” she announced.I looked up at the rock face then I looked at her.“Why this one?”...

Straight Sex
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Me And My Mallu Hotwife Ajitha 8211 Part 1

This is a fiction story. I am a divorced and single man of 43. The narration is in the first person and the story may contain some elements of truth. But mostly it is a story for your reading pleasure. Especially for those lovely ladies who are interested in the possibilities of being a “Hotwife”. So ladies, consider this as my gift to you. Gentlemen, I just hope that you enjoy your time reading it. And yes, though the story is fiction; the emotions are true. So, let me get started. I have been...

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Yep I Can Fly Part 4

Chapter 11 Meds "Look, I'm not sure who Ned is, but I really have to..." "You saved my life that night at the party." "Party?" "Anyone ever tell you you're a horrible liar, Ned? You're gonna have to work on that. Trust me. Anyhow, I never thanked you. I'm sorry for that," Janet said as she looked around us while nervously twitching. "Seriously, I'm not who you think I..." "I see you got the package. Nice fit. Personally, I would have gone with red, but the meds they pumped...

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Sucked Into Incest 8211 Part IX

After my exams , I went to my paternal grand pa village for the summer break , along with my Mom & my Dad .In the village we were treated very affectionately, since were from a large city, smart looking and with helpful attitude for whomever who were in need of it, in our city. In our Khandhan, I was the second male with my cousin brother (the son of my eldest paternal uncle who fucked his daughter-in-law’s mom as told in the earlier episode) being elder to me by about eight years and other two...

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The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 23

Chapter 23 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Awakening Lyden Snow spared a quick glance over to where Sonia spoke to Shelly. He didn’t know what was wrong with either of his children, though one of Sheldon’s girlfriends— Shlee? Mandy?— attempted to tell him what they’d endured. Shelly was acting like a sex-crazed maniac while looking like she couldn’t care less about everything else going on. And Sheldon…. His oldest son lay comatose in his arms. His breathing was even, though his...

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Not Shy Anymore

I had only been in the adult bookstore once. A crazy friend wanted to show it to me so we went in one night and looked at books, toys and then peeked at a few videos. I was nervous and embarrassed but also intrigued and not just a little titillated. We had left, him making crude jokes about it and me … well, it was hard to get it off my mind. I had always been very sexual and this place was very sexual. It stayed on my mind for a few weeks, playing into my masturbation fantasies, until I...

Gay Male
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Bursting for a piss

So it was Friday afternoon and i get a phone call from my wife " babe shall we go fishing tonight?". I was a little shocked as the weather was so bad but i hadn't been out on the lake for a while so i said yeah, as soon as i finish work, ill pack the truck up and we will head down the lake.We got there and there was a dry spell, so i quickly threw the Bivvi up and set up the camp beds, and she climbed inside. I was outside setting the rods and baiting up when she called for me to turn around. I...

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Saskias Sweet Seduction 1

Saskia is a slender sexy sweet student, a shorthaired beautiful brunette with tasty tiny tits and boyish bumsAs she feverishly fancies me, she tries to seduce me, showing off on occasion almost all of her private partsShe still keeps some secrets for me between her lovely looking legs, I know well how hard her nipples can getKind of weird that I kept my cool on those occasions, as she is awesomely attractive, wearing only a little slipI am hot as hell as well for her, as she looks exactly like...

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epic blow job mess on the carpet

I've got a rotation of women i like to wank to. Most of them i know but there's a couple i don't, other than having seen them regularly.A couple of them i have actually slept with before, one was a rather risque situation and may post stories at some point.But i just wanted to put it out there for some reason as i enjoy fantasising about fucking them.I have a few others i know who i do want to fantasise about as well, may even wank to one later. Its strange as i have no attraction toward them...

3 years ago
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Acceptance Where You Least Expect It

Acceptance Where You Least Expect It Her eye's slowly blinked open as she turned to the clock on the night stand. Today was going to be a big day, the day she'd been both dreading and secretly hoping for, for the last year. Four AM and she didn't need the alarm to wake her up, she was so proud of herself. She'd come a long way in the last eleven and a half months. It seemed like a dream to her as she kissed the sleeping man beside her in the double bed. She sat up adjusting...

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Locked Out

Locked Out By Brenda Stone Ooh, what a sight I was. I stood in front of the mirror of mistress Ulla after she dressed me up as a slutty girl. My legs were encased in red plateau thigh-highs, with a six inch heel. Under the thigh-highs I wore black fishnet panties leaving my crotch free. To cover my penis and crotch I wore mini latex shorts, which in no way could ever hide my bulging penis. My stomach was crushed by a leather black corset, which was locked on with three...

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Adjusting His Voice

ADJUSTING HIS VOICE By Monica Graz EPISODE 1 CHAPTER 1 Anne Morgan was relaxing, a glass of chardonnay in hand, after another hectic day at work. Being the head of the Human Resources Department, in the Company she was working, was a big responsibility and a great challenge. She loved her job though; she was thriving in the competitive environment of the Company. She just turned forty and all the prospects were open for her. She heard the clattering of pots and pans in the...

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Wonders of hypnosis

Preface: I would like to point out that this story is written especially for publication. I have included actions which I honestly don't care much for myself, but which I have understood that my readers like to read. If you are one of my readers who likes the intimacy of my stories and the feeling that you get to know me through my stories, then please don't take the content of this story as an indication of my true feelings. I am sorry to say that many years ago I was a smoker. I know...

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Mamma Mia

Sam & Mia’s parents were out of town for a couple of weeks. Their parents asked Jenny, their boarder, to keep and eye on Sam and Mia. When their parents had left, Jenny’s mum became ill and Jenny had to go take care of her. She asked her lover, Roger to watch over the kids. Early Saturday morning, Sam left with his friend fishing. Mia was all alone at home. She tidied the house and took a shower. She was nearly 13 and turning out to be a very beautiful and sexy young woman. She admired...

1 year ago
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Suddenly Rich KidChapter 4 Acceptance

The first days of Summer Break passed in a whirlwind with Lisa Monroe being the eye of the storm. She and Irina took him shopping to complete his wardrobe and to find a number of gadgets that Lisa felt were necessary for a kid his age. She also took him to eat in restaurants and taught him the rudiments of etiquette. Danny saw his father on the following Sunday. They had dinner about town. He made sure to give Danny a chunk of cash for the Swiss vacation and a credit card for emergencies. He...

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The Royal GeniesChapter 2

Tonight, there was to be a party at the royal palace. On the anniversary of his death, the artefacts that had been recovered from King Reylos' fallen star were to be put on display for nobility and visiting dignitaries to see. Everything had been packed away, so now the palace's staff were working to get everything out and on display, but away from prying hands. "What do you think these things are?" Asked one of the workers, holding up what was, unbeknownst to him, the complete boxset of...

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