Demetrius Ch. 21 free porn video

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Chapter 21

Part One:

George saw the changes in Demetri’s face as he looked as though he was on steroids or hormones.

‘No, I’m as serious as cancer George,’ he said.

‘You’re scaring me. Cut it out Demetri,’ George said still thinking, if not hoping there was a punch line.

Demetri explained his past and about his mother adding,

‘I didn’t believe in them either. Now I’m in love with Alexis. She’s a true vampire, not one that was changed like my mother was. I know it must sound crazy to you but I love her and want to marry her.

‘I just wanted to tell you what I’m about to embark on. I and my life are going to be very different and I don’t know if I’ll ever see you again, at least not as a human. I wanted to wish you the best with Connie and if you were shocked in discovering her secret, you can imagine how shocked I was in finding out about my mother and that vampires can be lovable when they want to be.’

‘Are you sure you’re not, you know, a little sick. I mean you look different,’ George said as he wrestled with the silliness of the notion.

‘My physical changes are due to ingesting Alexis’s bodily fluids when they have predisposed me to vampirism. My cells have begun to change and I can feel the internal changes taking place as her vampire cells are taking over. I won’t be completely changed until we are married and she changes me, injecting her substance into me. I don’t know what’s in it but she said it was like a genetic signature that would remain within me forever, when we would have an eternal bond.

‘I know it must sound horrible to you but it’s what I want. I no longer believe in humans and think they have created their own ‘hell-on-earth’, not only for themselves but for the entire planet as well.

‘Maybe one day I’ll be able to stop what they’re doing in some way.’

‘You mean like a super-hero,’ George said with tongue-in-cheek hoping Demetri wouldn’t catch his ill-timed humor.

George rubbed his thigh repeatedly and nervously looking at Demetri over his glasses, still thinking this was too strange to be true.

‘How do you know this is all real? I mean you might be hallucinating when your imagination has taken over. Maybe Alexis has done something to you and has some weird power over you, altering your mind in some way.’

Demetri rolled up his sleeves saying,

‘Look at my arms George.’

There were scattered patches of hairlessness as he explained they were evidence of his changes.

‘My transition has begun, brought on by my willingness and repeated drinking Alexis’s unique vaginal discharge, not from her biting me on the neck as we’re taught,’ he said noting his arms were beginning to look more muscular too.

‘But that can be explained by a strong belief in something. There are people that bleed through their hands and feet on Good Friday because they have convinced their bodies of something. It’s like the Buddhists that have learned to slow their heart rates through self-hypnosis and concentration,’ George said trying to offer some likely explanation.

Demetri wasn’t sure why he felt called upon to prove it to George but he did.

He looked over at Alexis until she felt his stare, when suddenly she looked at him. She knew his focus was on her but she didn’t know why.

For the first time he used his mind to call to her. He saw her pat Connie’s hand as he was totally amazed in seeing her come to him. It gave him chills in knowing they had such a beautiful and unbelievable connection. Whether it was because she was a vampire or if it was due to their love, he couldn’t say. He only knew if they could communicate in such a way, it was wonderful.

When she neared, Demetri stood holding her arms as she looked expectantly at him.

‘I want George to believe me but he’s not easy to convince. He thinks I’m crazy. Do you think you could show him your fangs and perhaps your eyes,’ he said knowing she wasn’t wearing contacts under her very dark sunglasses. When she agreed he walked over to George pulling him up off the bench saying,

‘Come here, I want to show you something, so you don’t think I’m crazy.’

The three of them stood in a close circle. They looked around as though they were making a drug-deal, making sure they were alone when Alexis bared her fangs looking at George intently, if not ferociously.

He felt George jerk in seeing Alexis as he still held his arm. For a second he thought George would try to run away when he tightened his grip on him.

She then removed her glasses. Her eyes batted tentatively before she opened them slightly, until she was able to open them further for a few seconds before putting her sunglasses back on.

The expression on George’s face was something to behold as he stared open-mouthed in seeing reality was stranger than fiction.

‘Oh my god, this is huge! Are you kidding me,’ George said in exclamation becoming animated, almost jumping up and down.

It was clear to see he was beside himself when he didn’t know what to do with his arms as they moved pointlessly at his sides. Finally he surprised them by hugging Alexis saying,

‘You won’t bite me if I give you a hug will you?’

Seeing them hug made Demetri realize how much he loved her, as he was still amazed in his ability to beckon to her using only his mind in doing so. He watched as she smiled at him over George’s shoulder as he was still hugging her as though they were old friends.

Not unexpectedly Connie began to feel as though she was the ‘odd-man-out’. Uncertainly, if not tentatively, she made her way to where the three of them stood. She hugged Demetri congratulating him on his intended marriage before showing him her own engagement ring. George didn’t have to say anything as his bashful grin said it all.

They wished each other the best, before saying goodbye, walking off in different directions and into their vastly different futures.

Every time Demetri turned to look back at them, he saw George walking backwards, waving at them in awe, if not disbelief.

‘What’s a transsexual,’ Alexis asked when he smiled telling her Connie was born a male.

They walked leisurely, enjoying each others company when it occurred to her to say,

‘So Connie was born with a ‘stinger’ but George found it in his heart to love her in spite of it.’

He squeezed her hand, knowing exactly what she meant though he didn’t suspect she could comprehend it. He wasn’t sure but he thought the human heart was tied to the soul, when those possessing one had no limits as to how and who they were capable of loving.

Part Two:

‘You haven’t told me if you want to be married when we visit your mother in about ten days. She told me to let her know so she could make the necessary arrangements. She said we might need more time and if you feel you do, its okay. We can be married whenever you feel its time, we have all the time in the world. I can’t speak for you but in my mind we’re married now anyway. All that remains is for you to welcome my eternal gift.’

Again his mouth went dry, not understanding why he continued to balk in taking the final step though he knew he would eventually. He didn’t know if he felt excitement or it was an anxious sense of foreboding in hearing her use the word ‘gift’.

More often than not these days, the idea of becoming a vampire was exciting but it occurred to him suddenly having to live forever could be a curse given unforeseen circumstances. After all, death could be a welcomed relief under some circumstances, couldn’t it? And if he couldn’t die, wouldn’t he be damned to live a miserable existence if he found himself unhappy for some reason.

In spite of his gnawing and persistent uncertainty, he thought their love was the most important thing, he knew he’d never want to lose it no matter what the cost. He felt he was yet to explain
his idea of love to her, the most important person in his life.

He lacked confidence in believing she really understood it and that she was perhaps hastening their wedding for reasons he was yet to understand…reasons besides her wanting to change him on their wedding night.

‘What about your parents and their lineage,’ he asked for the first time wondering if he should tell his father and grandmother. Maybe it was best he didn’t tell them since he doubted they would understand his decision, as he imagined them thinking he was no better than his mother.

‘I don’t know much about her but I know she lives a humble existence on a remote farm is Eastern Europe. She didn’t have much use for motherhood and allowed the community of vampires to raise me in a nursery, probably much like what you would call an orphanage. I don’t know who my father is and doubt if she knows. The idea of marriage has little meaning for common vampires and has always been considered a union associated with the aristocracy in our culture and social order.’

They came upon a pond when they walked up to the edge of the water, toying with it with their hands when he asked her,

‘You’ve asked me when I began to love you but I have yet to ask you the same question. Do you really think you love me and if you do, when did it begin for you?’

They sat with their knees pointing upwards as they locked their arms around their legs, looking at the ripples and an occasional water-spider that was too light to break the surface buoyancy.

‘Walking on water for some living things must be like our walking in mud,’ he said.

She leaned against him when she asked if he wanted the long or the short answer. He wanted to hear all she had to say, like he always did. He thought she was the most fascinating creature in the entire universe. And the more he listened to her the more he loved her.

‘Like most vampires, I lived a loveless life, never thinking love was something that could make me happy. Most of us have no idea what love is since it requires…something we don’t have in order to feel it. It is a human thing and I thought you were ignorant fools. Perhaps as you might expect, I thought love was childish rubbish.

‘When I saw you in the park the first time, I thought you were the most beautiful human male I ever saw. Right away you made me feel things, as though you were a stray puppy needing me. Arrogantly I felt sympathy for you since you were only a human being. I had hoped we could have some kind of connection but I didn’t know what I could offer you, or if you could welcome me into your life.

‘Knowing you were Anastasia’s son, I thought of ways to seduce you. I wanted you to like me at first, at least sexually. I wanted you to find me appealing so I could ‘infect’ you when your conversion would be brought about without a whimper of regret. I knew the lure and promise of sex was powerful to humans. But I didn’t know if you could find one of us desirable when you might be too scared and run away.

‘I wanted to have sex with you, to do the unspeakable, to see if I was capable of having a human inside me, the whole way. I think I wanted to know if you could like me enough to want to have sexual intercourse with me and when I realized you could, it scared me. It was when I began to believe we could have a connection and if you were to change, maybe you would want to marry me so I could have everything I ever dreamed of.

‘Yet I was still to understand love and when I realized I was being selfish, I began to think I was incapable of loving. But you led the way without words and I felt you had touched me deeper than I thought possible.

‘Still I felt as though I was playing chess with a master and had no idea of the finer complexities of the game. But love is more than a game, isn’t it?

‘When I was in the orphanage, one of the other girls had a puppy and I used to watch her hug him as she rubbed her nose against his fur smelling him. She never used the word or said she loved him but I knew she was very fond of him and I felt that I was missing something.

‘I didn’t know if I wanted to be the puppy so I could feel her affection or if I wanted to be her, showing affection to an adorable animal. I began to wish I could have one too. I even asked our guardians but they said one was enough for the orphanage. Somehow I felt emptiness, as though something was missing in my life.

‘You remember our time in the booth together and how I kissed you. I thought it was going to make me sick but it was the most wonderful thing I ever experienced. I felt like I was the girl in the orphanage and you were my puppy and even though you were a different species, I knew the emptiness I felt my whole life had disappeared.

‘You see, love is something incomprehensible for us, even subversive. Perhaps it is evil in our community when sex is its own reward. The only vampires that can openly profess their love without evoking contempt from other vampires are people of royalty, like your parents.

‘It is wrong to belong or to devote yourself to only one other. We believe we belong to a community of vampires. To us that is the normal thing but in your culture, finding one special person to love is what is normal.

‘I don’t think I could be happy that way since I’ve come to enjoy sex with various people, both males and females. To me that is natural and it feels right.

‘You might not be able to accept it now due to your ideals and upbringing but one day you will see a pretty girl, or a woman at a social event for vampires and she’ll smile at you in a certain way when there is no mistaking the idea she wants to be intimate with you.

‘You’ll become flustered and you’ll want to be with her too, to feel your nakedness together and to do what is natural. Of course I will see the look in your eyes and know what is in your mind as it will be conveyed to me without your willing it.

‘The first thing I feel is not jealousy but elation in knowing you can find enjoyment in something that is intended to be enjoyable. I’ll smile at you and tell you to go, to be with her believing it is what you need and want. It’s what makes life worthwhile and when we engage in such things, we confirm our pleasure in life and in living.

‘I’ve only just begun to understand what love is and if it weren’t for you, I think I would’ve given up before now. I only know how I feel when you hold me and touch me. No one touches me the way you do and makes me feel the things you make me feel. No one has ever treated me with such kindness and respect as you do. No one has made me feel more important in simply existing, in breathing the same air together.

‘No other human could drink from me and give me so much delight when I know my cells are taking over your cells when we will be as one some day. You are becoming a male version of me and I believe we will compliment each other in a way no one else could possibly duplicate. Our genetic link will be stronger than the one you once had with your mother.

‘When other vampires see two vampires that have this bond without the sanction of marriage, they become enraged since it is forbidden and it is their right to exterminate them in any way they can. This above all else is why I want us to be married, so we can have the ultimate connection and won’t suffer the ridicule and fury from others.

‘Of course I knew you beckoned to me before, using your mind to do so, since our brains are becoming as one brain when we share the same genetic mapping and blueprint. One day even our neurons will be the same.

‘After I change you, you will experience a relationship with me you never could imagine possible. Once my substance enters your system, my signature will be completed inside you when our spiritual communion will begin, our genetic signatures will be virtually the same.

‘We will be genetically indistinguishable, as though we are clones of each other while maint
aining our gender differences along with our personality traits when we would never feel a sense of redundancy. I’ll then and perhaps only then be able to comprehend what your concept of love is. The spiritual connection makes words superfluous when we will share in the same thoughts and understand everything without the need to speak. For example, imagine what it will be like for you to hear me speaking to you while I am performing oral sex on you, adding to your experience.

‘This is the gift I have to offer you and not immortality for without it, who cares if we live forever.

‘I don’t think you understand what awaits you. You will be a prince and in line to become our next ruler, if and when something were to happen to Adrian. If you and I marry, I will become your princess when we can love one another openly without other vampires having contempt for us.

‘There is no one else I would ever want to have this kind of connection with. I’m not sure when and if it has happened for me but there were a series of things that led me to the realization. My conversation with your mother, when she told me about how faith was a part of what love is helped and yet I still don’t feel I understand it completely.

‘I know I believe in you as you have dared to believe in me and I promise you an existence beyond anything you could ever envision heaven being.’

She said all the things he needed to hear and he told her to let Anastasia know we wish to be married as soon as possible. She threw her arms around him and licked his ear, whispering to him to read her mind and to tell her what she wanted and needed right this very instant.

He closed his eyes waiting for something unexpected to happen to him but when it didn’t he opened his eyes looking at her. And then it happened, as clearly as if she had said the words aloud. Though her mouth remained closed he heard her say,

‘I want to suck you off right here and now!’

And she did too as he nervously looked around making certain there was no one watching them, as her head bobbed furiously on his lap. She made him ejaculate quickly, as the circumstances seemed to dictate as much.

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you are sitting at your computer without doing anything relevant until you get mail "The definitive fusion of magic and technology with the ability to break the boundaries between fiction and reality is the program of the summoning of demons" put this email next to an .Exe file The first idea that crossed your mind was that it was some kind of virus but there was something that called you to download that file Once the download was finished, you opened the program only to discover that it was a...

Mind Control
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Daughters learning curve

The last few months have been the most difficult of my life so far! We have always been a tight knit family, me the wife and our 13 year old daughter. What I thought had started out quite innocently is turning anything other than innocent. You see, since the school our daughter goes to started teaching sex ed, we’ve noticed a huge change in her behaviour around me. Before Eleanor started these sex ed classes, she was a quiet but confident young girl in the early stages of puberty, but...

2 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 39

Indian Territory October 5, 1884: As the light of dawn began to spread across the plains, they harnessed the mules and hitched the teams to the wagons. They were all ready to meet the others at Pecan Ridge Cattle Company and start the pecan harvest. They saw how the nearby trees were loaded with pecans and knew this pecan crop was going to be a big one. Eli and Moses had been out before dawn, riding the western perimeter. Duncan and Joe had also been riding the eastern perimeter behind...

4 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 41

"They aren't the police honey, they are just people who owe me a favor," I said. After they left I sent a coded email explaining it all, then I called and said wrong number to the floating cell phone number. By noon I had the answer. 'We don't have time to drop anything to you.' The coded message read. Then there were two Internet addresses. One was labeled 'voice'. Which I assumed were the conversations on Carlos' cell phone and the other 'location'. Both sites were only working...

2 years ago
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Bleacher Gagging pt1

Have you ever heard of them? I’m talking about bleacher blowjobs; and, of course the cheerleader cum-eaters who give them. The girls also sometimes are called bleacher sluts (meant, of course, in a good way). Just go to any high-school football game nowadays, and you’ll see them. They are easy to spot. Usually, they are especially pretty school girls, standing or sitting together, dressed in tight, tight jeans, cheering their boys on. A disproportionate number are blondes. But what really sets...

1 year ago
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Megan Makes Some Wishes

Megan woke up on her 18th birthday, excited about the day ahead. She got out of bed and looked in the mirror. Megan was an attractive redhead with a great body, but she never saw herself as attractive, in fact she thought she was ugly. Megan put on a t shirt and jeans and went down the stairs, where her mother was waiting for her. "Happy birthday!" Her mother shouted. "There's something I need to tell you. Take a seat" Megan thought this was an odd thing to say, but she obliged her...

3 years ago
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Twenty four year old Kelly peered into the mirror to give one last look before heading out to the dance floor. It had been three years now since she had began dancing at the all-nude club. She was down on her luck and about to be evicted from her apartment when she passed the gaudy club and saw the advertisement for exotic dancers. One year after, she landed a part time job at a call center some 35 miles away, but closer to her apartment. Since the call center job was morning work, she kept...

2 years ago
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First Time Gay My History 2 redo

# 2This is my second installment of my secret perverted sex life. I have always been bi-curious, playing with my ass and cock as soon as I hit puberty, always was turned on looking at a hard cock. While watching straight porn with my friends, I loved the close up penetration scenes, pussy and anal but oral cumshots were the best. Now on to the second act....In my first story you know I was active on the free chat platforms back in the late 90s, this is continuing from my first experience...

3 years ago
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Threesome in NYE

we i was at a party at my friend's home and after midnight we drunk a lot and girls started getting wild,i went to the kitchen to look for something to of my female friends came there,(i'll call her E.),she is a very thin girl,with sexy legs..she had a short black dress,black pantyhose and high heels.i was against the wall and she came in front of me and put a hand on my trousers with a very perverted gaze, and told me ''what about celebrate new year?''she closed the door with key, went...

1 year ago
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Betting On My FamilyChapter 19 Waffles and Ninjas

Riley liked to trail her fingers against the pale green tiles lining the hallway walls whenever they visited Dad, but Mom had always told her to stop when she noticed. She was too young to realize that those walls were probably filthy and crawling with germs, and that the germs in a public facility like this could be dangerous. All she knew is that mom was always there and was always telling her “No,” “Stop that,” or “Don’t.” She didn’t get to see Dad as much, but whenever she did, he always...

3 years ago
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Making a Hot Wife 4

Shelby stayed in bed until after 10:00 on Saturday morning. Her sexual activities from the previous evening had tired her out. Clay had slipped out of bed much earlier and let his beautiful naked wife snooze. He was busily getting the house ready for their guests when Shelby came out of the bedroom wearing one of his shirts.“Why didn’t you wake me up?” she asked as she stretched and yawned.“You seemed so comfortable I didn’t want to wake you. Besides, I want you to be rested before our guests...

2 years ago
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Porn Star Babe Part Two

Being a sexy girly boy about to make her debut as a porn actress with two handsome, well-hung studs was so exciting to me. And having my friend, Chrissie Licks, along to show me how it is done was especially re-assuring. Chrissie and I were naked and about to get into our sexy lingerie for the shoot when Summer Cox, another hot tranny porn star, came to help us with our hair and make-up. Summer was a beautiful, lively blonde and alot of fun to be with. She and Chrissie explained to me that...

2 years ago
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My First Time dominated 5

Part 5 My First Time Dominated Part 1 was 100% true I am sorry about my grammar As this is my first time I get over excited I will take more time from now on This is a fantasy not real My first day home after my surgery Master David and my Mother Mistress Jane was waiting for me to wake. As I woke up the first thing I wanted to do was shower and check myself out. I looked at my face and body all I could think of was how happy I was. This was amazing. I wondered why me...

3 years ago
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This wasnt supposed to happen this way

That is right …she knew she was going to fuck her old schoolmate but not like this. She had been out dancing and drinking when her old school chum showed up at the club and they began rehashing old times. Will said ‘I always wanted to date you but never got the chance to ask’. She replied ‘well you don’t have to miss out now’. Will said ‘I always thought you were sexy as hell and everyone wanted to , well, go to bed with you’. She said ‘Why not tonight, we’re older, not attached to anyone and...

3 years ago
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Weekend cottage with friends Pt 3 Later in Bed

When I finally got to bed, Julie was under the covers with a big grin on her face. “What’s with the Cheshire Cat smile?” I asked. “You’ll never believe what I’ve been up to” “Try me” “Well, you know that I dashed to the bathroom for a pee and Jayne followed me. I got there first and sat quickly on the loo. Jayne came in stark naked and holding herself between her legs and saying how she also needed to pee urgently. ‘Open your legs’ she said ‘I can’t wait, I’m bursting’. So I did and she sat...

1 year ago
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Manga Hentai is a free porn site with a name that doesn’t fuck around at all, telling you exactly what you’re getting before you see so much as a single pair of anime titties. As a man who’s spent untold hours wondering what a Brazzer is and what xHamster’s got to do with rodents, I appreciate the titular simplicity. Sometimes all you want is a nice marathon fap to some Japanese comics about big-eyed princess whores and demon sluts, and these guys give you a simple URL to aim your browser and...

Hentai Manga Sites
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The Insurance Lady

He had liked the sound of her voice on the phone,Enlish accent,clipped,formal but with a bit of banter.He had rang her company as she was to assess his flat for an insurance repair.He watched as she got out of the car.Dressed in business jacket,skirt and blouse.He also noticed that skirt was slightly flared at bottom and didn,t really have a business cut to it !He opened the door and let her in noting the classy smell of Poison perfume and noticed the blouse was buttoned low.She took a seat on...

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TimeslipChapter 36

Things were moving fast, the credit union was functioning in one of the vacant shops and people were keen to support it. Several of the wealthier farmers had seen the advantages and invested the money into it as did quite a few businesses. The housing estate was underway and two houses were near completion with several names on the waiting list. The houses were set on quarter acre blocks spread around a small woodland in the form of a big loop. The intent was to thin the trees out but keep...

1 year ago
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Shoplyfter Mckenzie Lee Natalia Nix Case No 7862668

Case #7862668 – October 2nd, 3:45 PM. Suspects are a tall adolescent female and a middle aged female. They are mother and daughter. The Loss Prevention Officer suspects the younger suspect has been stealing items from the store. After a strip search, the stolen goods are found in her mothers bag. It is clear that the younger suspect placed the items there without her mothers knowledge. Nonetheless, possession of the stolen goods makes the older suspect an accessory to the crime. To avoid...

3 years ago
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My First Visit to a Nude Resort

When I was 16 I met the guy that was to become my husband. He was a bit older than me at 21, but that didn't matter to me. He was absolutely the most handsome man I had ever seen. He had blue eyes and coal black hair. As it turned out he was also 6 feet 4 inches tall and weighed just 185 pounds. When I first saw him, he didn't have on a shirt and I could tell he was quite well muscled. He had on cut offs and tennis shoes. I didn't know it then, but that is absolutely all he had on. No...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage India Summer School Teachers Secret

Seth Gamble wanders into a massage parlor for change for a parking meter but stops in his tracks when he sees the masseuse, India Summer. She’s flustered when she sees him as well since they know each other — she’s Seth’s son’s school teacher! While Seth is curious about India’s second job, India doesn’t really want to talk about it, trying to deflect his questions. Seth is undeniably drawn to India, stepping closer to her. She’s his son’s...

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Childhood Crush Took Me To Heaven

Hi, I am dileep from vizag, I am just 5’8″ height. I am studying graduation in a reputed college in vizag. This incident happened recently. The name of the heroine of this story is Usha. We both are of same age 19. Coming to the story, me and Usha are childhood friends as our both families residents of same locality. We studied in same school till our primary schooling. We both are thick friends at that time. After my 5th class her family moved to another city as her father got transferred....

2 years ago
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Teacher Ki Punishment Part 8211 3

Teacher ne di punishment the epilogue (part iii) adult 18+ content [yeh ghatna/kahaani puri tarah se kalpaniya hai . Kisi bhi tarah ki jeewan kaal ke haadse se koi sambandh nahi, aur yadi hai bhi toh, wo kewal sah ghatna ka parinaam hai the following content is an art of imaginaton/fictional … Any kind of resemblence with real life is just a fact of co-incidence]   hello everyone…Main ek college mein M.Sc. (psychology) ka student hu. Ek baar ki baath hai jb humaare teacher ne hum sabko...

2 years ago
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The Wages of SinPart 4

This is Part 4 of a continuing story. One should really read Parts 1 thru 3 to get the full grasp of this one. I had just spanked 18-year old Erica and then taken her virginity while 19-year old Meredith, her fellow Acolyte who I had spanked and fucked the week before, watched. Erica had actually complained that I had given more sexual attention to Meredith than her, and I had promised to give her another turn at it, to which Meredith then complained about not getting her due. Meredith did get...

1 year ago
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Every man loves to stroke his stuff, and some of us also like to film the process. But, what fun is it to film yourself wank off if you do not have an audience who will appreciate your art… right? Well, that is where comes in! This place has a subreddit for all your dirty needs, and the one I shall mention today is called r/jacking/.This subreddit is basically just that; a place where men can post their masturbation videos. is a free website, and it has over millions of...

Porn for Women Sites
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Thats What Daughters Are For Chapter 4

During her first week of work, Santana had still been angry from the weekend, about her dad and Genevieve. She didn’t have to be at the office before 8:00, and the folks in sales and sales support didn’t start trickling in until 8:30. But she hadn’t wanted to face her father, equal parts afraid she’d say something horrible to him out of her jealousy, and fear that he’d know that she was indeed jealous. So to avoid him, she’d been leaving her house early and getting to the office just after...

1 year ago
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Back For More and More

I always like to browse the casual encounters section of craigslist. I know that the ratio is about 1,000 men to every woman online looking for casual sex. But its fun to read the ads of the few slutty women that are on there. Woman post for a casual encounter number of reasons, revenge sex because they caught their husband or boyfriend cheating, some wanted to put out because they want some weed, some woman want to try 2 or more guys at time, and some just haven't been laid in a long time. I...

4 years ago
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The pastorrsquos family 12

Phillip texts me and says he can spend the night. I am thrilled. I haveclean sheets on my bed and my room is neat. I wait in the den playin my XBox for him to drive up. About 30 minutes later I see him pulling into heyard. I meet him at the drop and we hug and kiss. He smells so good. Hecomes in and we sit in the den and he says he hasn't eaten. I call andorder a pizza and wings. I grab csh from dad's room that he left for us toeat and I put in on the table by the door. We play X box and are...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing Beauty

Introduction: A lesbian teacher catches a student cheat and blackmails her. Blackmailing Beauty A teacher/student story A in the closet lesbian teacher catches a student cheat and decides to blackmail her. Note 1: Thanks as always to Steve and Estragon for their editing help. Blackmailing Beauty As soon as I got the job teaching in Hill River, my whole lifestyle had to change. I knew I was a lesbian since I was 16 and had my first girl-girl sexual encounter when I was 18. During college I...

2 years ago
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Solace Rosanna Ch 14

2003: Solace let the phone ring at least four times before she answered it. For two weeks she had picked up the offending instrument on the first ring had been crestfallen each time. It was not that she didn’t have the desire to hear from her family and friends, she simply desperately longed to hear Rosanna’s low, smooth tones. She attributed her physical symptoms of lethargy, insomnia, and lack of appetite to the breakup. She cried more tears than she thought humanly possible, Bizarrey the Cat...

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Swtor The Eternal Dynasty Sith Warrior Bounty Hunter

{Odessen} In the Eternal Alliance Base are the Eight Outlanders led by Their Commander, Darth Imperious. But in the Cantina is The Last Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, Tor Lok, who is trading War Stories with Fellow Mandalorians Khomo Fett, Torian Cadera, and Mand'alor the Avenger. Tor is the Founder of the ExoGeneral Corp, and the Former Champion and Right Hand of Mand'alor the Vindicated, and Public Enemy Number one for the Republic's Most Wanted list. Whereas in the Force Enclave is Darth...

3 years ago
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Enjoying Mom again

I woke up the next day wondering if it was just a dream.Did I really fuck my own mom? In front of Dad? And did she really swallow my cum?What if she woke up feeling ashamed of what happened last night? And I could never enjoy her again?Well, I rationalized to myself, at least I got to do it once. And that one time was simply amazing. I'd be content just to have done it once.I got dressed and went to school. She was still asleep so I'd have to wait until later to find out how she was feeling...

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Carries Mistake

Carrie's Mistake By Margaret Jeanette Carrie Walters relaxed in her office thinking about the last six months. It had been the most wonderful time of her life. She was on top of the world. Her travel agency was doing a fantastic job and growing every day. She had bought the six-story office building that her agency was in. She had two businesses waiting for an opening in the building. Things were going her way. She didn't think about how the money to buy the building had come from...

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