SardinesChapter 1 free porn video

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Nobody understands. Except Chrissy and she can’t do anything about it.

I’m Mallory, Mal for short, and I’m tired of people looking at me “like that” and stereotyping me. So I’m going to tell the story of how things got the way they are. Then maybe people will understand.

And if they still don’t? Well, then fuck ‘em. Because I’m happy about how things turned out, whether other people like it or not.

Chrissy was my best friend growing up. We weren’t like other best friends, who got in fights and chose new best friends. We stuck together through thick and thin. I grew up in her house, and she grew up in mine. I bet we spent more time together than real sisters would have.

So of course I knew her parents. And when her mother got cancer and died, it hit me just as hard as it hit Chrissy. We were only eleven at the time, and it wasn’t fair. It shouldn’t have happened.

But it did.

People said things like “That’s life,” or “It’s too bad, but things happen,” and “We have to go on.”

And that’s important, because other things shouldn’t have happened, but did. And nobody said “That’s life,” or “Things happen ... just go on with your life.” Oh no. When the things happened that I’m talking about, people would have screamed and shouted and thrown a fit.

If they’d have known. Which, of course, they didn’t.

Until now.

I bet a bunch of people are going to just have a cow when they read this.

Chrissy’s last name was Carter, and her dad’s name was Bob. It still is Bob, but I’m talking about back then, so past tense seems more nearly correct. And back then I called him Mr. C.

Anyway, we grieved together, and Mr. C. let me grieve with them. He was the only one who understood that I was feeling the same kind of pain. True, she wasn’t my mother, but she had been my friend for years, the one adult who talked to me like I wasn’t some stupid kid. I loved her, and I missed her.

So we grieved together and we healed together. I didn’t understand it then, but I fell in love with him.

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking I was eleven, and too young to know what love is. And maybe you’re right, except that I think an eleven year old can love her parents, and her siblings, and her dog. So why can’t she love her adopted father too?

I still went to her house, and she still came to mine, and time passed, and eventually that big, fancy place they had seemed almost normal without Mrs. C in it. And that feeling I had for Mr. C. kind of sank deep into my bones.

He never did anything wrong. Not back then. He hugged me, but they were just hugs. Sometimes he kissed me on top of my head, but so did my aunt and uncle and who knows how many other people.

Before Mrs. C. died, our families had this agreement about sleepovers. I’m not talking about her staying all night at my house, or me at hers. We did that all the time. The way we defined “sleepover” was when you invited five to ten girls and made a party out of it.

If Chrissy and I had had our way, we’d have slept over all the time. It wouldn’t have mattered where to either of us. But our parents didn’t see it that way, and they restricted us to four sleepovers a year - two at my house and two at hers. We could invite as many other girls as we wanted to, to those four sleepovers, but those were the only ones we got during the year. We had the summer and winter sleepovers at my house. So the spring and fall sleepovers were at hers.

When Mrs. C. died, Chrissy and I were scared to death that we wouldn’t be able to have any sleepovers at her house any more. But nobody said anything, and when it came time for Spring Break from school, and Chrissy asked her dad if she could invite twelve girls to the spring sleepover, he just said “Sure.” Now that I’m older I’m surprised that the other girls’ parents didn’t react to the fact that there would be no adult female supervision at the Carter home. But they didn’t.

So nothing changed until I was fourteen. Two things happened that year that had a huge impact on my life.

The first was that I passed the certification course for babysitting and immediately got four clients. Two of them were infants, which took almost no care because all they did was eat, poop and sleep. Another family had two kids, a boy three and a girl two. The girl was trouble, but only for about an hour after the parents left. Then she calmed down. The last family had a five year old boy named Nathan. I sat for them more often than the others. Nathan and I got along fine.

The other thing had to do with the sleepovers.

At that age girls begin to be a bit more particular about who is and is not a “friend.” By “friend” I mean who might get invited to a sleepover. You might say hi to somebody at school, but that didn’t mean they were invited to a sleepover. And just because you had been invited to a sleepover in the past didn’t mean you automatically got invited to the next one. I know it sounds bitchy or whatever, but that’s the way teenaged girls are, and we were teenaged girls. So for the spring sleepover that year, when we put the list together, there were only five girls that we liked enough that we wanted to invite them to the sleepover.

It was more intimate with fewer girls.

And we were older ... our interests more ... um ... sexually aware, perhaps?

Don’t get me wrong. Chrissy and I and all our friends had been thinking about sex for years. I know this because it came up at every sleepover. But by the time we were fourteen we had more and better information about things sexual, and talking about it kind of happened in a deeper, more intimate way.

For example, Cheryl Jackson just came right out and asked us all if we masturbated. Just like that!

I’m not going to say more than that about what we talked about. We had a rule about secrecy, and I promised. It doesn’t matter how much time has passed. A promise is a promise.

Anyway, it was just a different atmosphere.

It’s important to say here that all five girls who came to that slumber party had been to ones in the past, either at my house or at hers. So when Suzie Wilkins got embarrassed about where the discussion was going, she changed the subject and said, “So are we playing Sardines this year?”

Sardines, for those of you who don’t know, is a game of hide and seek. There are different ways to play it, but the way we played it was for somebody to be chosen “it.” Then that person went and hid, while the rest of us stayed where we were. After two minutes, or whatever, the rest of us scattered to the winds and started hunting for “it.” Now the point of the game was that, if you found whoever was it, they pulled you into wherever they were hiding, and you both tried to be as quiet and unfindable as possible. If somebody else found you, they were pulled in. And so on. If it was a small hiding place, you were packed in there pretty tight. And each additional person who found the hiding place made it an even tighter fit. Hence the name Sardines. You were sometimes packed in there like sardines. You didn’t want to be the last person to find the sardines, because that person had to do a dare that the group thought up. Like run next door and TP a tree.

I know. It was a goofy game. But we were kids, and it was a fun game too. There was something special about being all packed into some closet or behind a couch or whatever, everybody trying to be quiet, which, for girls, is next to impossible anyway. And each year the dares got more and more interesting. At the last sleepover at my house, one of the dares had been for Jillian Marsh to moon traffic on the street through the bedroom window. She had to stay there, with her bare butt against the glass until ten cars had passed. It was a riot.

So Suzie, who wanted to avoid talking about masturbation that she might or might not have been engaged in on a routine basis, suggested it was time to play sardines.

But there were only seven of us. You can pack seven fourteen year old girls into almost anyplace, especially in a big house like Chrissy had.

And then Marnie Filkins said something that ended up changing my life.

“Why don’t we ask Chrissy’s dad to play. That might make it more interesting.”

Everybody looked at Chrissy. She had a funny look on her face.

“Okay,” she said.

I didn’t think anything of it then. But I agreed that it would be interesting to be cooped up in a closet with him. I thought he was gorgeous.

Mr. C. was, at that time, thirty-two years old. I knew this because every year Chrissy and I made him a cake for his birthday, and we had a great time putting all those candles on his cake and then setting a fire extinguisher on the table beside it. We always called him old man, or over the hill or whatever, and he always laughed. He was the owner of the company his dad had started, and he had grown up in the house they still lived in. He had two brothers and three sisters, but of course they were all married and lived other places. But they had all grown up in that house, which was why it was so huge.

Which meant there were a ton of places for “it” to hide.

Chrissy said “Mal, go find him and get him to agree to play.”

So I took off. I was wearing fuzzy bunny slippers, and my Minnie Mouse PJs, which were my favorites, but were getting a little small for me. I was going to have to give up wearing them soon. I found Mr. C. in his bedroom, lying on his bed reading a book. He looked up at me when I stuck my head in his doorway.

“What’s up, Mal? You guys need something to eat?”

“No. We’re getting ready to play sardines, and we need you to play with us.”

He smiled for some reason, like there was a joke in there. I know now what “play with us” sounded like to him. But not back then.

“I’m kind of big to play sardines,” he suggested.

“Yeah, but we need you. We only have seven without you, and it will be more fun if you play too.”

He looked at me for a long time, and I got this funny feeling in my stomach. I mean he was staring at me, not saying anything. It just felt different.

“Okay,” he said, closing his book. “One game.”

He went back to normal, by which I mean he just looked like Mr. C., instead of a guy staring at me. I took his hand and pulled him to Chrissy’s bedroom.

I’ll be honest. While I can remember what I was wearing, I have no idea what any of the other girls had on. I know they were pajamas, but nothing else. I don’t know if any of them were “sexy” pajamas or not. In later years, I’d pay more attention to that, but not then.

Marnie started telling him how the game was played and he held up a hand. “Girls have been playing sardines in this house for years and years,” he said. “I know how to play.”

So of course we made him “it.”

He disappeared and Linda looked at the second hand on her watch go around the dial four times.

Right away I knew this would be different. There were seven girls, and six of them melted into three teams of two. I don’t know if that was instinctive or not. Maybe down deep each of the others thought that finding Mr. C. and being pulled into some dark, close space with him would be scary or something.

Not me, though. I wasn’t scared of him in any way, shape, or form.

But they sought the safety of numbers. Chrissy wasn’t scared of him either, but Marnie took her arm and wouldn’t let go, so there she was.

But it left me on my own.

We looked everywhere. Well, everywhere normal. We had played the game in this house for years, so everybody knew all the normal hiding places. There were a lot of them, but everybody knew where they were.

And he wasn’t in any of them.

I was the first one to think of the garage. You got to the garage by going through a door in the kitchen. It was a two car garage with a work bench in it, and shelves with all kinds of interesting stuff on them. Nobody had ever hidden in there before, because it smelled greasy and was dirty and all that.

But Mr. C. was a guy ... so ... I opened the door and went in.

The only reason I didn’t scream my lungs out when he grabbed me was because at the same time one arm went around my middle, the other hand covered my mouth. I struggled like crazy for just a second or two, because I was scared so bad I almost peed, but then I realized it was him, and relaxed.

“Is that you Mal?” he whispered right in my ear. His warm breath caused me to shiver once, from the tip of my head all the way to my toes. I nodded.

“Good,” he whispered. “I’m going to take my hand away from your mouth, okay?”

I nodded again and his hand left my mouth. He was still holding me with his other arm, though, my back pressed against him. His hand was on my stomach, his fingers all spread out. I suddenly felt like I was so small, and he was so big and strong.

“You scared the shit out of me!” I whispered.

He chuckled and the hand that had been over my mouth came to join his other one on the other side of my stomach.

“You’re fine,” he said.

“I almost peed myself!” I whispered.

“Shhhh,” he warned.

When I told Chrissy about all this, much later, she asked me if I thought it was odd that he kept his hands on me, pulling me against him like that. I didn’t. Think it was odd, I mean. It was wonderful, being there in the dark with him, with his strong hands on my belly like that. I didn’t pay any attention to what I was pressed against, because his hands felt so good. I mean there wasn’t any need for us to be pressed together. The garage was huge.

But I didn’t think it was strange or uncomfortable for him to hold me like that.

Suzie Wilkins found us next. She opened the door and stuck her head in. Mr. C. and I were behind some coveralls or something that were hanging on the wall by the door. She was being really quiet, and she stepped down onto the floor. I felt his hands move me over to his right, away from her. Then he ambushed her just like he had me. She squealed too, just as scared as I had been. He told her to be quiet too. He told her to stand in front of me and be quiet. She whispered that Debby was going to freak out, because Debbie had told her to stay in the kitchen while she went to the bathroom.

Then he moved behind me again ... and put his hands back on me, just like before.

I didn’t think anything about it then either. And I didn’t think anything about it when we caught Debby, five minutes later. She wasn’t stupid, and figured that the only place Linda could have gone was in the garage. So she opened the door and whispered “You guys in here?”

I don’t know how Mr. C. could move that fast, but he had an arm around her and his hand over her mouth so fast that I couldn’t believe it. She told me later that if she hadn’t just gone to the bathroom she’d have peed for sure, because she let go. There just wasn’t anything there to come out.

It was that delicious kind of being scared to death when you know nothing bad is really going to happen. And it was that way for all of us.

Chrissy and Marnie were next. Chrissy figured it out when three of us disappeared and she never heard a thing. Usually when a girl gets scared in sardines, she screams or squeals or something, and others hear it. That kind of steers them toward the hiding place. So Chrissy figured like I did, that her dad had gone into the garage. But she also knew he’d try to scare them. So what she did was open the door and stick her arm in to turn on the light. Then they charged in, making enough noise to wake the dead.

Mr. C. let go of me when the lights went on, and when I next looked at him he was standing a couple of feet away from me. I honestly didn’t think anything was odd about that, either.

Cheryl and Suzie turned up within thirty seconds, having heard the ruckus, but we pronounced them last.

Then we had a powwow to come up with a dare for Cheryl and Suzie to do.

Mr. C. knew about the dares, but he wasn’t aware of the specifics of past dares. Linda, having just spent ten minutes in the dark garage with him, and having enjoyed the excitement of it, lost her head.

“Dare them to kiss each other, with tongue!”

There were squeals as people realized Mr. C. was standing right there.

“No kissing with tongue,” he said gravely.

Marnie, always the bold one in the group, said “Okay then, they have to kiss Mr. C.”

That got silence. I didn’t know it, but every girl there had thought, at one time or another, about kissing Mr. C.

“No kissing Mr. C. either,” he said. “These slumber parties are supposed to be light fun, not Bacchanalian orgies,” he said.

“Bach-a-what?” asked Marnie.

“Never mind,” he said. “Bad choice of words anyway. Think of something else. Something the police won’t arrest me for if they find out about it.”

“Well that’s no fun,” said Suzie.

“I have an idea,” said Mr. C. Everybody looked at him. “They can sneak next door, in their jammies, and turn Mr. Wilson’s bird bath upside down on his lawn.”

Seven pairs of female eyes stared back at him. It was something only a male would think of to do.

But we loved it. After four or five seconds of shocked silence, there was much squealing by five of us girls, while the other two pretended to be horrified. But all of us had been outside the house in our jammies before. Trust me on that.

So we all gathered in the window, with the room lights off, and watched Cheryl and Suzie scamper over to Mr. Wilson’s yard, tip over his plastic birdbath, and then roll it on its top. I could hear them laughing through the window as they ran back, but no lights came on in his house.

I did notice, when the two girls got back, that their nipples were spiked. We had discovered years ago that doing something that felt dangerous made that happen.

I wondered if Mr. C. noticed too.

We begged him to keep playing and he made a big show of being reluctant about it, but he agreed. We played two more rounds of Sardines that night. The second time we played, Marnie was “it” and this time everybody went alone to try to find her. I saw Mr. C. several times, going here or there, or standing and listening. I knew Marnie liked a particular bedroom on the second floor, because it had a big four poster bed in it with a roof over it. She called it the princess room and couldn’t understand why Chrissy didn’t live in it. I knew Chrissy thought it was old fashioned and ugly.

Marnie was under that four poster bed.

And Mr. C. was the next one to find us.

He scooted under the bed, right behind me and, like it was the most normal thing in the world, put his arm around me, with his hand on my stomach.

Same as Sardines
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Ted Koomins was angry. He,d been sure Tara Connelly would come to him for sex as she had the last time she,d visited. He recalled how sexy she was and acted just like the whites in nearby Hudson township he occasionally paid to fuck and perform for him. “Must be aiming to fuck that damned Mitchell.” He thought to himself. “I know I Ain,t no big shakes with young Anne, but Tara was begging for my cock! Fucking Mitchell. I,m gonna have to try to get rid of him by staging an “accident”! Koomins...

1 year ago
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Space lab 666

The space ship 137 was on its way to Planet Clinton! Space is dark and cold. The captain looked out his window. On his computer screen and "Urgent" message popped up with a chime! Captain Mark was an old famous rock star is 7ft tall frame was still in shape that showed off his many tattoos from long ago as he walked past the pictures of his kids that he's barely seen and soon will be his new employees! He takes his last pills with a shoot of cheap alcohol. As he press play on the message! Hey...

Erotic Fiction
3 years ago
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Across Eternity Book 1Chapter 2 Civilization

They departed the following day at dawn, wanting an early start. All four horses were now pulling the wagon, and without the slaves in tow, Noah and Tin were able to travel much faster than before. Despite their speed boost, they had to be careful, as there were dangers all around them. This was a familiar situation for Noah. He had fought in numerous wars and seen countless post-apocalyptic worlds, living through one anarchic hellscape after another. He was used to growing eyes in the back...

2 years ago
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Secluded HouseChapter 12 Too Sad To Be True

I was lying on the same examining table as before. Dr. Campbell had just finished the cast. My toes were sticking out funnily. Even this sight could not drive my despondency away. The cast reached all the way up to my hip. My knee was bent at almost 90-degree angle. Hairline fracture. It was at the same place where I had broken my leg three months ago. That's what the doctor said. The bump against the wall had caused it. If it is just a hairline fracture, why is the cast so big? Dr. Campbell...

3 years ago
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Nancys FindChapter 9

We both put on the minimum we could get away with. Our shoes stayed on the floor, kicked over near the guest bed; our bras and panties went under the pillow. I went to the door and opened it. Jeff was standing in the hall. He smiled, took a look at me, then noticed Sissy standing against the wall, near her brother. He looked back at me, and said, "Well?" "I... uh... uh..." He shook his head and said, "Oh, you're no help," then walked over to Sissy and held out his hand. "I'm Dr....

3 years ago
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No Contest Book 3 Tallying the Score 20012003Chapter 10

Joe woke the next morning to an empty house. He went to his office to work on his novel, which was near completion. He’d set it aside, essentially, by the time the tour recommenced in Europe, the first draft completed. It would be on his laptop. A thought might come to him to change something. But he wanted the time away from it. To not be too inside it. To have somewhat fresh eyes after a couple of months. Only then would he begin his editing. A couple times through, and he’d send the...

3 years ago
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Paid Holidays

My boss gave me two days off as a reward for rescuing a contract worth over £45,000. I decided I wanted some me time so I left for work as usual and spent the morning riding on the train round Glasgow underground, I loved riding the train as a k** but had never had the time since starting work 8 years before. Finally, I got bored and went for lunch, after lunch I decided to go to the cinema, I found the nearest and paid £3.50 entering the cinema I took a seat of to the side and settled down...

2 years ago
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finding the naughty side of parents 3

the very next time i was over my friends house he fell asleep real early because we had football conditioning earlier that day but somehow i had life in me. i heard his mother in her room down the hall flipping the shower curtain. she only was turning on the water so it was perfect timing. i crept down the hallway. she had a bathroom inside the room and i guess she figured we were passed out from earlier so she left the door wide open. i slowly entered the room and there is no door to the...

3 years ago
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Filming our first honeymoon night

Me, Ravi and Rahul were school friends. We used to move together and share most of our secrets. We were in touch with each other after we finished our School and College. I used to like both Ravi and Rahul. We had kissed each other many times. I had also been fondled by both of them on a few occasions while mostly- in theater while watching films.I always used to sit between them. Both their hands used to play with my body. Sometimes while talking intimately with each other, we used to share...

4 years ago
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I’ve seen you many times, you do something to me, you have this look about you it gives me an excited feeling in my belly and sometimes between my legs. I never got as far as contemplating the feel of your skin on mine, never before studied your lips or tried to imagine how you might kiss, I never looked at your hands and wondered whether your touch will be gentle or rough, yet still without having thought about it I know that your touch will be without purpose, raw and needy. Our eyes have met...

3 years ago
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Sherlock Holmes and the case of the Virgin Bride

ForewordHello readers, sorry to delay the storytelling, this is just a short note about why I wrote this story. If you page down to the Prologue now, you won't miss any of the story.The creator of Sherlock Holmes – Arthur Conan Doyle – is possibly the world's most famous author of short stories, and these days erotica is the literary genre now most commonly presented in small, delicious portions; so the marriage of the two was too enticing for me to resist. I own (and treasure) a paperback...

3 years ago
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Dennis and Janelle

Dennis came back to his room after breakfast to find Janelle still lying in his bed. She had put on her bra by now but her dark legs were still bare. They were crossed over each other as she lay on top of his mattress with the sheets thrown on the side. She looked at him like she’d expected him to bring back food. “I should really leave soon,” she said. “Whatever,” said Dennis. He sat at his desk and turned on his computer. He opened up World of Warcraft. “Um, Dennis? Did anybody ever teach you...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Desires of Hogwarts Part 3

Introduction: I took advice from the advice I got and also decided to add some plot. Then I decided to say fuck it and disregard the plot of the books. Please, give me more criticism. It was a windy day at Hogwarts. Harry and Ron could hear the harsh wind howling outside the Gryffindor tower as they sat down for a game of wizards chess. They enjoyed the warmth of the common room, and the solitude of it so far. The roar of the fire their only companion as they battled for supremacy on the board....

1 year ago
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Ethanrsquos huge cock ndash part two

As mentioned before the start to part one, this is not a story from my own hand, I found it here and thought you might enjoy it: "I can't swallow the whole thing. It's too big," she said, and wiped the saliva from her mouth.She looked up at him with her big, dark eyes. Ethan pulled her to her feet and lifted her skirt."What are you doing?" she said.He pulled her panties down."I'm gonna fuck you now," he said.He laid her on her back on the desk,...

3 years ago
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Semper FiChapter 7

Billy Godwin was very glad that this day's training was over, as it had been a rather grueling business, to put it mildly. Simulated combat was definitely no walk in the park, and the real Swarm were likely to be a lot worse than any holographic simulation of them. Even so, he had performed well enough to impress Robert, who had naturally led the team during the action and outdid himself as usual. Their job was to both take the enemy position and to inflict maximum casualties on the foe...

1 year ago
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Nursing Can Be Fun 3

Well, my girlfriend and I finally had a chance to try our “nursing” pleasure again. Actually, we’ve done it twice now since I posted it here, three times in all. The second time was very good, but was pretty much like the first time we did it together, that I posted here. But, the next, or last, time was something else – wow! It started out like before, she was visiting me one morning and again watched me breast-feed my son. It’s funny, but now when she’s watching me it makes it a much more...

1 year ago
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Maiden of RomeChapter 8

They arrived in the middle of the night and were challenged by a few sentries. She told them that she was the wife of their commander and was there to see her husband. She showed the script in Augustus' handwriting permitting her to be there. She was escorted to within five hundred feet of his tent then dismissed the men. She walked the rest of the way and entered to see her husband in bed sleeping with a young girl at his side. He sensed something was amiss and opened his eyes to see his...

3 years ago
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Dagger Of KijaChapter 7

The braziers' red glow cast barely enough light to reveal the stone bridge ahead. Gareth paused on the near side for Pteri and Pyran to catch up, then urged them ahead to the other side of the gate and safety. The Nangen guard crashed through the doorway behind them, but it was easy to see their lead was too great. They would have to report failure to the Prince, if they could find him. Somehow Gareth doubted he would be in the mood for mercy. "To the Gate," The badly burned Do...

2 years ago
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Getting to Third BaseChapter 10

Patti was up and gone -- probably to her own apartment to clean up and dress for the day -- before I woke up the next morning. A ballplayer's life can be a grind, but sleeping late mornings is one of the little compensatory features. I knew I ought to go in and work out, but I didn't absolutely have to. I had no official accountability to anyone until 4 p.m. I hoped that I'd see Patti at the game that night, but she didn't show, and she didn't call me, either. I left a message on her...

3 years ago
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Chacheri Bahan Ki Seal Tor Ke Choda

Hi friends mera naan raj hai aur mai bihar ke purnea district me rahta hoo. Mai kafi dino se iss ka niyamit pathak hoo aur iski kahaniya bhi bahoot achhi lagti hai mujhe is liye maine sicha ki aaj mai bhi aap logo ko apne jivan ki real story batau. Ye kahani meri aur meri chacheri bahan mamta ki hai. Wo mujhse 5 saal bari hai aur abhi uski shadi ho chuki hai aur uske 2 bachche bhi hai jinme se ek mera hai. Baat undino ki hai jb mai 12th me parta tha. Uska ghar mere ghar ke saamne hi...

4 years ago
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I've had an incredibly long day at work and when I get home all I can think of is getting into a nice hot bath and relaxing my body. I start to run the water into the large porcelain tub and pour scented bubble bath into the water. I light candles all around the bathroom and turn off the lights so I am in partial darkness. I play soft, relaxing music, most likely Sarah McLachlan and Marvin Gaye and slowly start to remove my clothing. I go back into the bedroom and remove my shoes and stockings...

1 year ago
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No later than 630

No later than 6:30“Will!” announced his English teacher, stopping him from giggling with his friend Sean. “Out in the hall, Now!” Ms. Kamley said pointing towards the classroom door. Will sheepishly got up from his chair and walked by the annoyed Ms. K and out to the hallway where he stood, leaning against the wall. Stupid Sean. He thought. He was the one doing all the talking and joking while Ms. K lectured, I was only laughing to keep him content. He waited for about five minutes and then Ms....

1 year ago
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SubstituteChapter 8

You fucking idiot. I sat in bed, staring at the wall. The Meditations sat on the nightstand, unread. What the hell do you think you’re doing? She wants you. You want her. What’s wrong with that? Legalisms didn’t bother me. I had convinced myself that what was happening between Vi and I wasn’t incest. Not really. Violet was my half-sister, and we’d grown up apart for most of our lives. The doubt that had hooked its barb into me was entirely about what was best for her. She was right. I...

2 years ago
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Boys and girls together 2

Introduction: Setting up the group and rules for the new Luncheon I got home from Jennies house and went to my bedroom. I share a bathroom with my brother. I entered the bathroom and stripped for my bath. I turned on the bath and went to my room for clean under clothes. Got them and returned to my bathroom. I jumped into the tub and relaxed for a while. I heard a knock on the doorway from the hall. Whos there? I asked. Its me, Megan. I have to go so badly, but mom is using mine. Said my older...

4 years ago
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On the Road Again Flint MurdockChapter 8 Bump Run

One thing struck me as odd. Cayuse was off on another of his “Be back” trips and the Gilmore Girls had never asked me about his absence. Three of the most curious people I knew. So I approached Molly, and of course they already knew all about Cayuse’s mysterious disappearances. Molly said, “What do you know about the Kiowas, Flint?” “Well...” “The name means ‘principal people’. Serious people — people who take their dreams seriously. Interpret them, think about them, analyze them. And the...

2 years ago
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brother Want His sister

My name is Rahul and my sister name is Sonal let start the story and my mindset started to change when I was 21 and I was going to university and came home for the summer. My family is a tight net family and we all get along well in most cases. My older sister who is older than me by 2 years was home for the summer as well. She actually stayed home looking for work.My sister was very self conscious of her looks. She has black hair with a nice tan body she stands 5" 2" around 115 pounds her and...

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Jordanian wife karma is a bitch

I am sorry if this is a long story, but i wanted to share this karma experience. I think i have a cheating wife. I met this married woman long time ago, when online chats were new on the internet. We chatted online for several months and later over the phone before i finally met her. In our online chats, she told me a lot of things about her life and she lived in a loveless marriage, and how bad her husband treats her.Our first meeting was kind of awkward (in a hotel room). We have discussed...

2 years ago
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Screams of Joy Part I

“I've just been fired... there was nothing else to say about it, no protest that would be listened to anyway. But... it’s my birthday! Even though birthdays were meant to be happy days, and everyone is meant to make it special, my new boss and the man that only six days before had been my boyfriend had just fired me." I think to myself as I sit on the hot bus wondering about how everything has changed so much in a week. I try to stop my eye from failing me, yet I still feel the burn of tears...

4 years ago
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Connie Spanked

Connie Spanked. Today I met up with a woman who I had been chatting to both by e-mail, text and MSN. Connie was in her mid 40’s and had a good figure, she had contacted me because I had placed an advert on Vivastreet saying that I was a Mature Guy who Spanked Wayward ladies. Connie explained to me how she was nervous but that she needed to be punished for the bad she had done when she was younger, she had let men touch her when she was far too young to allow this, she told me how had sex...

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Hunting DelightsChapter 1 The Sport Of Emirs

For his eighteenth birthday, as he was now growing up, his father arranged for Ramzy El-Najjar to go hunting with the Emir, may he live for ever; this was no holds barred full scale traditional English hunting, but in Kobekistan. An outfit of hunting pink was made for him and he was instructed in the etiquette of the chase. He was not yet a man, in Kobekistan that would not be until he attained his majority on his twenty-third birthday, and so must not be in the forefront of the hunt, but...

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All Grown Up

All grown up By Ryan Rose What do you think happens to all of the terrible men who get turned into little baby girls by vindictive women. What happens to them and what kind of women do they become when they grow up. Lets find out Alice had just turned twenty one a few weeks ago. Her childhood had been a vicious struggle. She excelled in high school even if she didn't get along with the other girls. There were various reasons for that. The girl scene that teenage girls indulge...

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Lost at Sea Book 1 Where Theres a Will Chapter 12

“Fuck,” Will swore. Will tried to turn, but his foot slipped on something. His bourbon from earlier. He ended up catching himself on the bar, but he was off balance. Inside him, he felt something seem to slide.Caine stood up.The whole room went quiet. To Will, everything seemed like slow motion. He knew this feeling. It felt like the world was sliding sideways, and he was a bystander in his own body. He tried to say something, but it was like he was moving through molasses. He only had time to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Eight Vials and A Syringe Part II

Eight Vials & a Syringe - Part II By Jen Moore I felt the first dash of apprehension sitting there in the back of the cab as I saw the driver's eyes flash once, then again, into the rearview mirror looking at me. It made me wonder what he saw. Who he saw. I had dashed out from the hotel quickly, riding on a high of adrenaline. But now, away from the solitude of my hotel room, I was here, thrust into the reality of the real world. Traffic was...

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"The Dillon Panthers are going to win State!! After a long season Brady Jones has led this team to an undefeated season and they will be crowned the champions of Texas. The quarterback has tied the record for touchdowns in a championship game and just has to kneel down twice to win the game." You were finally going to win state, after losing in the finals in back to back years you had led your team on an incredible comeback to take a 6 point lead in the championship game. You scanned over the...

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The Gentle Man

Copywrite©2010 Mendon Fishers I was suddenly awake, and covered in a cold sweat. I guess I had ‘The Nightmare’ again but couldn’t remember it. I guess talking to the ‘doc’ had helped. I knew I couldn’t go back to sleep yet. The nightmare would only return. I looked over at the alarm clock. It was 4:30 am. Almost time to get up anyway, so I might as well get dressed. Running a ranch started early in the morning and lasted late into the night. But I loved it. I had 535,000 acres in the foot...

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Cheating Heart

© 1994 "Excuse me, is this the room for the aerobics class?" asked a soft musical voice from behind Karen. "That it is," Karen said as she started to turn around. "In fact, I'm your instructor, Karen..." The dark haired woman stopped in mid-sentence as she turned and looked into the most beautiful green eyes she have ever seen. They belonged to an oriental girl about 22, a few inches shorter than Karen's 5"7". Try as she could, Karen couldn't bring to mind a word to describe...

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