ComrieChapter 59 free porn video

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On Lorenzo's yacht in the Western Mediterranean Tara said, "Once we have finished checking Amber's health she can give us the information she has, then we will share what we know of the place in Tangiers."

"Lorenzo, who would become the head of your organization if Sergio dies?" asked Aoife.

Lorenzo looked at Aoife with a shocked expression, and then said, "Most likely it would be me, but that is something I would not want to see."

"Christina, take your shuttle and locate Sergio's ship."


"Who is Christina? Why are you sending her locate Sergio's ship?" asked Lorenzo with a concerned tone as he was clearly puzzled.

"Christina is a member of Christina's Clan and she was on one of the ships that came with us," replied Tara. "From our perspective, we think Sergio isn't as secure as he believes. It is conceivable that your contact in Tangier may attempt to eliminate him to change the leadership in your organization."

"Doing that would trigger a lot of unpredictable events. How do you know where he is, or what his ship looks like?"

"From your Captain's map on the bridge."

"As to Akil ... he is currently a business associate that circumstances require us to deal with."

"Do you trust him?"

"No, but..."

"We understand."

When Lorenzo looked toward Amber and Judy, he saw her lying on a table and then realized that his connection was broken. He frowned. On seeing his reaction Aoife said, "Lorenzo, Judy is working with her. You probably can't sense her because she is in a very deep sleep. They should be done in about half an hour; and they haven't found any reasons to worry. So, would you like to tell me about your relationship with the Council of Brothers?"

"How do you know we have one?"

"She is here," replied Aoife, pointing at Amber. "Apparently given to you by them. You were at their Tangiers warehouse yesterday. So, are you buying women from them?"

"No! Some of our members do attend their auctions ... Wait, are you saying that that operation is run by them?"

"We believe so."

"F ... Crap. Honestly, we don't know a great deal about them. Akil heads the business that leased the warehouse from us and uses our cargo operations to transport the women. Some of our Organization's members buy the women's contracts at the auctions they hold. From there they are sent to work in their classier brothels. After my recent trip there, I have many concerns about what they are doing as it has changed. Now, your presence and comments have those concerns growing in leaps and bounds."

"You have good reason to be concerned. Those contracts are bogus."

"We've had suspicions but they weren't strong enough to look deeper. I know you don't agree with involuntary slavery, and it is not a business in which we seek to be involved. The members who've bought the contracts are very pleased with the quality."

"So you're aware of us, yet you still placed the call for Amber?"

"Yes. She made a promise to contact you for her friends. Well, I saw it more as a pledge than a promise. She was willing to risk dying in order to make the attempt. I am very impressed by her character and her strength."

"You find women as equals a little disconcerting."

"Yes." He looked at Aoife and smiled. "I have never considered the possibility that men and women could be equals, probably because of my environment and its social structure. From what I have seen of your group, it is obvious that they can be. I suspect it has to be nurtured from the beginning."

"Yes. It is really a question of letting everyone fully contribute, based on their strengths, both physically and mentally. In some cultures, it seems physical appearance takes precedence over ability. Human men also seem to have a preference for women who are shorter in stature."

Aoife, Tara and Lorenzo chatted while they waited for Judy to finish with Amber. The members of Alana's Clan watched and waited. It was exactly half hour later that Judy stepped away from Amber and handed Bev a small device. Bev and Cathal examined it before tossing it in the ocean. Meanwhile, Amber began to stir and her movements grabbed the attention of those around her. Lorenzo smiled, as he began to feel his connection with her grow again.

"Lorenzo, where is the box Johara gave you?" asked Amber.

"It is in our cabin, why?"

"We need to destroy it. Those devices contain transmitters that could be used to locate and monitor us."

"Lorenzo, could I see them?" said Calvin.

Lorenzo got up, saying, "Sure come with me." They were soon back, with Calvin carrying the box. He placed it on the deck, before pulling one of the devices out. After looking it over, he said, "If I understood the information correctly, these just need to be inserted and they are active."

"Yes. Why?"

"I thought we would take them back and put them where they belong." It was quiet for a moment, until everyone began laughing as they realized the implications of what he had said. After placing the devices inside a metal box Bev held for him, he took them aboard their shuttle.

"Amber, are you ready to share what you know?" said Tara.

"Yes. Lorenzo, you will be able to see it as well. I suspect some of it will make you angry, as it should. A friend once told me that revenge is a dish best served cold."

"I will do my best, as I suspect my anger could cause problems with the sharing of the information."

"Very perceptive," said Tara.

"Amber, we would like you to think back to your first memory after being captured," said Aoife.

"First, I want to sit on Lorenzo's lap, with Aoife on one side and Tara on the other." Aoife looked at Judy then Tara, and smiled. It was another indication that Amber's information had really come from their two agents.

It took several hours to sift through everything Amber knew about the warehouse and its operations. They spent some more time reviewing the information, clarifying critical details. Based upon what they learned, they confirmed their earlier observations that some of the people working at the warehouse were telepathically sensitive. All the data was transferred to Dóchas group's Intelligence AIs.

"Lorenzo, why don't you call Sergio?" said Amber. "I think he should come here."

"What am I supposed to tell him? It was hard enough for me to accept all of this."

"Just tell him you have some friends in high places." Amber's straight-faced response caused the group to begin laughing.

"Lorenzo, he has good instincts, right?" said Aoife. Lorenzo nodded his agreement. "Tell him to go to the aft deck, and wait. Someone will be there to pick him up, but he must follow his instincts."

Lorenzo picked up the satellite phone he had used earlier, and dialed Sergio. The phone rang a few times before it was picked up, and a sleepy voice said, "Hello."


"Who do you think?" grumbled the voice.

"It is very important that you to join me now."


"Yes. It is very important," said Lorenzo, in a no-nonsense tone of voice. "Go to the top aft deck. Someone will be there to pick you up. You need to just follow your instincts like we have done before. Remember that time."

"Yes. This better be worth it, or you will be on my list."

"It is," replied Lorenzo, and hung up the phone.

"Lorenzo, Christina's ship is in position to pick him up as soon as he steps onto the deck."

"You think a lot of him, don't you?" said Amber.

"Yes. Until you, he was the only person I would trust with my back. This Akil is a slime ball, but there was no getting around dealing with him or his organization. The auction thing, we would be very happy if it was not around. Unfortunately our members who are buying the contracts would be very unhappy if the contracts were no longer available. So, as long as it is there, we need to be involved, even though we don't like it. Recently there have been indications that they are using drug dealers in North America to induce women to sign a contract. With what Amber has told us, I am now certain that they are abducting the women."

"Amber, what did you do before you were abducted?" asked Bev.

"Lorenzo, I overlooked telling you earlier, but thanks for my new name. I really like it." Lorenzo smiled and gave her a kiss. "I worked for the US Embassy, as a language specialist. I had just been transferred to Ecuador, and was staying in a hotel as the accommodations in the Embassy compound were full. I was abducted on my second night there. The last thing I remember of that evening was entering my room after dinner. My next memories are foggy and vague. I felt like I was being lifted out of a box by my wrists. I remember being naked. I was lowered so my feet touched the floor and then hands began groping me, along with comments about how desirable I looked, in Spanish. Someone hollered something, and the groping stopped. My ass cheeks were pulled apart, and a butt plug was shoved in. It hurt, and I screamed from the pain and shock. A Spanish speaking woman came up behind me, and told the men that if they groped another piece of merchandise without specific instructions they were gone. She said, "The rag-heads are very picky." That is all I remember before waking up in the warehouse where you met me.

"When I woke up, I was restrained, kneeling and leaning forward. I could see myself in a mirror as well as many other women. I was kneeling with my legs resting on narrow boards so they were wider than my hips. A leather strap below my knee and over my ankle held them there. There was a metal yoke around my neck. My arms were looped over a bar behind my back with chains running from wrist cuffs to the support holding my legs. All my upper body weight was pulling on my shoulders and they hurt, as did my back, knees and hips. It was kind of like being on my hands and knees, but not quite. It was then that the conditioning began. I was fed a white creamy substance with a cock shaped tube, and we also drank water that way. Sometime after I woke up, a man told me that they would let me out of my bindings if I did as told. I hurt so bad, I immediately accepted. After that I never questioned or resisted doing what I was told. After a while all I wanted to do was engage in sex, either using one of the mechanical dildoes or with one of the others in the room. We were all that way, and I just accepted it. Soon I was addicted to sexual stimulation, and would have anxiety attacks if I went for more than an hour without it. During this whole time, I was fully aware of my surroundings, and fully accepted what was going to happen after the conditioning was complete. There were some who resisted. One time we were taken to another room to see them punish a woman. She was hung by her ankles with her legs spread much wider than her shoulders and weights were suspended from her wrists. Her head was covered with a harness that held her mouth closed. It was awful seeing and hearing the strap hitting her. Well at least I think it was a strap. Each stroke seemed to tear her skin. When they quit, you could tell her body was raw. I thought it was over until I saw them begin spraying her body. At first I wondered why she was jerking, then we smelled the vinegar. One of our group turned their head even though we were told to watch or there would be consequences. A guard grabbed her by her hair and dragged her out into the courtyard. They were tying her to a frame when Akil came out and stopped them. Shortly after that we were taken back to our room. A week later I saw the woman, she had a nose ring and pins through her arms just above wrist. She didn't talk but she always seemed to be looking for more stimulation. Based on what happened to me, I suspect Akil removed her vocal cords. From the way she acted they must have done something else.

"It wasn't long after that when I was put in line for the auction. I wasn't very far from the elevated platform where we were displayed when Akil pulled me out of the queue. After the auction was completed, he told me that I was to be a companion for his visitors and to relay anything they said to him. Between visitors, I could satisfy my needs with the women at any time as much as I wanted. If I abused the freedom or failed to tell him what I heard the visitors discuss or say, I would have a very painful lesson. From then on I lived in an area near him and Johara. It wasn't long after this that I met the two people who gave me the message I am carrying. Akil was pleased to see me with them and wanted me to befriend them as he thought they knew more than they let on. Initially I thought it was a trap. However, our constant contact gave them the opportunity to assist activating my telepathy and then transfer the information to me. Akil nearly caught us once when we were intensely involved. It was then I suspected he was telepathically sensitive, but not capable. He became more and more suspicious of us, until one day he blew up. He made me watch as he had the women repeatedly raped by the guards, then with a large mechanical dildo. It took a long time, and somehow I managed to show little emotion. It was so hard. Eventually they bled to death." Tears rolled down Amber's cheeks, as she remembered her friends. "After they died, he took me up to the medical area. I was so scared. He shoved me down on a table and tied me to it. The bindings were so tight I couldn't move and had trouble breathing. After locking my mouth open with a jaw spreader, he had one of the techs bring over a long slim rod with a small hook on the end. The tech placed a mirror in front of me, so I could see. Akil then slid the rod down my throat. I felt a bit of pain then he pulled the rod out. On it I could see a small piece of tissue and some blood. I didn't realize what he had done until they let me up. He asked me a question. When I went to answer, I found I couldn't make a sound, and my throat hurt when I tried. The next day, he acted as if nothing happened. He continued to use me as a visitor's companion. Each time after they left, he would pump me for information. In some cases, I knew he was testing me. Other times, he was really interested in what I learned. Going back a bit, it was after he killed the two women that I began to realize that I could sometimes hear his thoughts. I also learned to shield mine whenever he or several others were around. I am fairly certain that they couldn't hear my thoughts, but it was like they could sense something." Lorenzo hugged Amber.

"Do you feel better now?" asked Judy.

Amber looked thoughtful for a moment, before responding with, "Yes. Thanks for indulging me and listening to my ordeal. What now?"

"We would like to again hear what your friends told you," said Tara.

As Amber began to recall the information Lorenzo had a puzzled expression and Aoife said, "She is expressing the thoughts as they were given to her, and it was not all in English. If you look at the concepts behind the expressions then you should understand her. Besides, we will go over it after she is done."

"Your suggestion helps, but I am glad we will go over the information afterwards."

After giving the Órarduine the information from the two agents, Amber said, "Lorenzo, thank you for being patient." Looking at Tara she added, "Now I would like to tell you what I've learnt since they died."

When she finished, Cathal said, "Amber you are a gem. Everything you've told us fits very nicely with what our reconnaissance has found. You are a gem."

"Thank you. I wish I could do more. What now?"

"Now let's go over what we believe the situation is regarding the Tangier warehouse," said Tara. "As we go through it, if you have a comment or see something that doesn't seem right let us know. We would like to do this telepathically as it will speed up our review. Lorenzo, if you will let Aoife and Amber link with you that will assist your comprehension."

"We will only monitor your thoughts with respect to this conversation," said Aoife with a smile.

"Okay," replied Lorenzo earning himself a kiss from Amber.

When they finished Lorenzo said, "I see no issues with your tactics, but I think I like verbal conversation better."

"The significance of my contribution is greater than I thought," added Amber. "Thank you for the insight. What now?"

"We think it would be best for you to remain here with Lorenzo until everyone is out of the warehouse," said Tara. "After that, we suggest you consider joining us at Comrie, with the others we rescue. From there, the choice of where you go, and your future, is yours. Lorenzo, you are welcome to come with us as well. You have many talents that we could use which are different from those you use now."

Lorenzo smiled, "Nicely worded. I will need to think about it, as there are many implications that must be considered."

"Oh, I just remembered, and I don't think it came up before. Johara hates Akil. She hides it very well. She will kill him when she thinks it will do the most damage to The Council."

"So, we should make sure to get her out as well."

"I am not sure of the timing, but you should locate her as quickly as you can, I would not stop her from releasing her hate. She could be a lot of assistance in getting the cooperation of the captives."

"We've adjusted our plan," said Cathal causing Amber's eyebrows to arch.


"Yes. We are linked together."

Just as Cathal finished speaking the shuttle carrying Sergio appeared next to the ship. After he stepped onto the deck his first words were, "You son of a bitch. That was the scariest thing I have ever done." Sergio hugged Lorenzo, and then stood back. "If you had told me what was going to happen, I would have been rolling on the floor laughing, and when I recovered I would have had you committed."

"I can't imagine it being that scary, besides, I knew you trusted me," responded Lorenzo with a smile. "Now, let me introduce you to some new, very unique and valuable friends." With that, Lorenzo introduced Sergio to the Órarduine on his ship. As Sergio was introduced, his expression conveyed his amazement. When Lorenzo introduced Amber, he said, "Sergio, we were blessed yesterday when Akil gave Amber to me. If it wasn't for her, we would be well on our way to a disaster." Sergio's expression quickly changed to one of disbelief, but he shook Amber's hand. Lorenzo continued, thwarting any comment by Sergio, "Amber can't speak, because he cut her vocal chords while she watched. Tara, would you tell him what you have gathered concerning Akil's operation?"

Tara then explained what they had determined about Akil and the Council of Brothers. She told Sergio about how they were paying North American drug dealers with heroin from Afghanistan to abduct women in North America, and that while the abducted women were nearly all very desirable, some were targeted because their families were well known. She told him that The Council, through Akil's operation, intended to use the women's activities in the brothels to destroy the character of many political, religious and business leaders in the western countries, and that preparations were under way to distribute photos and films showing these women with their clients because the Council thought that this would effectively destroy or undermine a country's leadership. She pointed out that in addition to this they intended to initiate some health and economic disasters that would create civil unrest and chaos. She closed by telling him why the Órarduine were involved.

Sergio sat for a long time with a thoughtful look on his face, his eyes dark and cloudy. The only sign of his anger was his white knuckles gripping the arms of the chair. Finally, he said, "Fucking unbelievable. We have never really trusted them, but this is ... unbelievable. You have a plan. What is it? How can we help?"

"Do you know which brothels your associates sent the women to?"

"Not really. We know where the high-class brothels are located. I can find out tomorrow."

"That should work," replied Tara. "Our plan is to extract all the women from the warehouse and then destroy it. While that is taking place, we will pick up those they sent to their training camp then totally eliminate the camp. As a part of our effort, we will attempt to recover any captives on their way to the warehouse. Our last step will be to extract any captives we can find from the brothels, clubs or private locations. All of them will be taken to an island in the Atlantic, where they can recover and chose their future."

"If that is where I think it is," said Lorenzo, "they intend to raid it."

"If so, they are in for a surprise. There are some ships snooping around the area and we believe that one of them is from your organization."

"Yes, it is," replied Sergio frowning. "It won't be there by the time the sun rises."

"Why not let it stay there and the crew enjoy their vacation, besides they will be good witnesses to whatever happens. The other way you can help is by taking this ship back toward Tangier harbor, but stay below the horizon. With both of you here, you can disavow knowing anything about what happens."

"What about the crew?"

"We thought we would let them see you leave by helicopter just before dawn. It might be wise for your families to stay out of sight for the next few days."

"Good idea. I can call them in the morning if we have a secure phone."

"Ours is. We'll loan you one. Now, Judy, Aoife and I have other things that need our attention. An EMT will stay here, along with a team and shuttle; I am not sure which one it will be yet."

"I may regret saying this," said Alana, "but we will. I know Cathal would like to be in on the action, but I think we can do more from here by supporting Amber."

"Okay, but practice," replied Aoife.

"We will, after we get some rest. CIC just told me they expect the show to start tomorrow at 1400 hours Zulu."

"What about the announcers?" asked Tara.

"The man was beheaded and gutted two days ago," replied Amber. "They plan to release a video of the beheading shortly after the ransom deadline. Originally Lorelei was to go with the GISS captives to the training camp after being conditioned. However, Akil told Lorenzo he might keep her for himself."

"Thanks Lorenzo," said Aoife, as she hugged and kissed him as they prepared to depart.

"Thanks Sergio," she said as she hugged and kissed him. Judy and Tara followed Aoife in saying good-by to them.

After that they each gave Amber a hug and kiss and reassured her before boarding Alpha03 to join Vanessa's Clan.

"I need some sleep," said Lorenzo. "Come on Amber, I think tomorrow will be a long day. Sergio, your cabin is ready. Alana, your group can use any of the cabins."

"Thanks. We will. If there isn't enough room, some of us will sleep on our ship. We have a security screen set up, so we need only one on watch. Would you introduce me to the Captain?"

"Sure. Should we say anything about your role here?"

"Just an introduction is fine."

Everyone on Lorenzo's ship was soon sound asleep, with the AI in Alpha02 monitoring the surrounding area as the ship made its way back toward Tangier.

–-- –-- –--

At 1200 hours Zulu, Alana told Sarah's Clan, "Amber has linked with Johara, and is sharing her thoughts with us. Johara intends to poison Akil when he fucks her after lunch. She is using the same poison as that contained in the butt plugs."

"Those teams are advised."

"We can see the thermal inversion from here. It really has the media wound up."

"It will begin to clear once we enter the warehouse."

While waiting in their cloaked shuttles hovering near their objective, the Security teams went over their roles in the upcoming effort. During the review of their roles, those entering the Tangier warehouse were careful to envision a different warehouse location.

At 1330 Zulu, Sarah's Clan said to the Security teams near Tangier, "Strike Group Alpha, do it!"

The three Command Staffs monitored the Security teams as they entered the warehouse. Once control of the security systems was established, they quickly fanned out and subdued the unsuspecting staff. Darcy and Laurin arrived at Akil's suite shortly after Johara had injected him with the poison. Sensing her intent, his hands immediately clenched around her neck, and he struggled to strangle her while cursing. Johara managed to momentarily lessen his concentration by slapping his ears with cupped hands, hoping to break his ear drums. When Darcy and Laurin entered the room they saw Johara struggling with Akil and went to assist. Darcy took a hold of his wrists and squeezed. Akil screamed in pain and fright, as he could feel them being crushed but could see why. With Akil's hands pulled away from Johara's throat, Laurin helped her sit up straddling him. Feeling the unseen hands pull her up, Johara's eyes went wide with fright. Her eyes grew even bigger when she heard Amber's familiar voice say, "Relax, Johara. They are friends. Laurin and Darcy are there to help you. Trust your instincts."

Hearing Amber, Laurin and Darcy turned off their cloaking devices. Laurin said, "Sorry to scare you, but you looked like you needed assistance. Now, we need your help to get all the captives out of the building as quickly as possible."

"You can do that?"

"Yes. That is why we are here."

"I thought I heard Amber."

"You did. She is safe."

"Is Amber really okay?"

"Yes. Come, we need to move. You can hear our thoughts, right?"


"We need a route to the outside that all the captives can easily reach."

"There is a rooftop exercise area. The only group that would have any problems getting up there is those he had locked up with the dogs. There are spotters watching the whole area. Many of them are on the top floors or roofs of adjacent buildings."

"Strike Group Alpha," said Casey, "start moving the captives up to the top floor exercise area. Have we gotten everyone out of the cage with the dogs yet?"

"We are releasing them now. The dogs were turned loose."

"Remember to make sure the butt plugs are removed from the captives before they get to the shuttles. After removing them, stuff them in any convenient staff member, then pull on them to activate them."

Vanessa, Tricia and Sandra stood by the doors leading to the exercise area. They checked each person as they came out to make sure that they were ready to depart, and then directed them to a shuttle. When Tricia glanced toward the mouth of the harbor she could see a line of shuttles approaching. Just as Rylie began getting the captives into two lines, the first two shuttles placed their ramps on the warehouse roof. With a little urging, the women began entering them. As each stepped through the shuttle door, they were handed a large drink and told to drink it. Once a shuttle was full, it lifted straight up, and was replaced by another.

They had just finished loading the GISS captives, when Eric said, "Three helicopters are approaching from the city."

"Copy," said Vanessa. "Security Teams are boarding now."

"Building clear."

"All butt plugs activated."

Just as Vanessa spoke, four shots rang out. "Snipers on rooftop, at 3 o'clock." Two more shots rang out, and were followed by a scream.

"Son of a bitch. Rylie's down. Stretcher!" Two more shots rang out, followed by another scream.

"Where the fuck did they come from?"

"The roof on the right."

"Can we take the bastards out? We are very exposed. Sandra's also hit, but she's moving."

Louise, Casey and Sybil stepped back out on the roof, and began firing at the parapet of the rooftop where the snipers were with laser rifles. With each shot, a section of the parapet or a part of the wall collapsed. They continued firing until the edge was gone.

Casey looked at the three helicopters that were hovering some distance away. His HUD didn't show any weapons.

"Everybody is on board," said Vanessa. "Casey, Louise and Sybil, board now." The three quickly backed into the shuttles, while watching the other roof tops. As soon as they were inside, the shuttles lifted off as their doors closed.

"What did we miss?" asked Casey.

"Nothing. Our horseshoe slipped," responded Vanessa. Her flippant remark caused everyone to laugh.

"CIC, we are clear," said Christina. "Rylie has a hole in her thigh. The autodoc is taking care of it now. Sandra has a flesh wound on her upper arm."

"Weren't the tactical suit's shields on?" asked Eric.

"Yes, but they can't stop a close-in high power rifle shot," replied the shuttle's AI. "The shots were deflected. If they hadn't been, the shot that hit Rylie would have severed her spine at the waist and she would probably have died. The shot that hit Sandra would have hit her heart."

"AIs, thanks," replied Eric. "I hope no one was offended."

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Jojos Quest

My name is Jolene Brenner, Jojo to my friends, and I am on a quest. I am looking for the perfect mate but my approach is anything but typical. I have figured out that the standard method used by almost all women just doesn't work. The most important factor to be considered in a relationship is good sex. I feel that most women compromise in this area, and marry a guy even though the sex isn't that great and figure it will get better as the marriage progresses. This does not make sense to me....

3 years ago
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First time as a sissy Part Two

My phone pinged and my heart lifted. “Daddy” came up on the screen. “Well done sissy” said the text “ I love how you look in the bitch gear” I texted back immediately “Thank you Daddy”Later that evening I got the text to call him.I rang straight away. I was sat on my sofa at home in my pink bitch gear dripping pre cum into my panties and praying Daddy would allow me to wank myself off while he watched me.”Hello bitch” he said, his voice could easily make me cream in my panties he sounded so...

1 year ago
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FilthyPOV Payton Avery Perverted Teen Stepsister Takes Advantage of Injured Stepbrother

You think you know what it’s like to be embarrassed?? You ever have to ask your younger stepsister to help you take a wiz? To actually hold your cock and shake it?? No!? Didn’t think so. I couldn’t even actually ‘go’ when she (Payton Avery) was trying to help. She kept talking to my cock and encouraging it but nada. Apparently, that didn’t stop this horny teen from rubbing her pussy to thought of holding her step-brother’s cock. Or telling me about it...

2 years ago
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The Beach BumChapter 9

The party started at seven and Jeremy and Sonny arrived thirty minutes later. Jeremy's pals were pretty smart in some ways. They knew that giving these high school kids beer would make their conquests easier, but it would also bring the cops if anyone blabbed. Serving only soft drinks also reduced the otherwise obvious question of their age. If they "couldn't" buy beer, logically they must not be much older than the girls, or so it appeared. In the three years since they had graduated,...

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Trapped Lucys Tale

As Lucy came to, her mind struggled to make sense of the room she was in. Shecould see an ornate ceiling; complete with bas reliefs, which seemed to beengaging in some pretty unusual acts. There should be gleaming white tilesand recessed lighting she thought, not this. A polite cough drew her attention from the ceiling to the couple standingby her side. He was dressed in a sharp business suit, and she was dressed ina tight t-shirt and figure hugging jeans. Definitely not the doctor and...

4 years ago
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The Doll Collector

Tanya noticed him straight away, he was not at her till he was at the till opposite her but she knew straight away that she wanted him, so she made her devious plans to get him the following week. Prior to his arrival she shewed away other customers and pretended not to be open much to the distress of her manager. But then what did she care she was a millionaires. No she had not just won the lottery she had in fact inherited her money from her late husband who had disappeared in a...

2 years ago
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The fourth booth with a glory hole

That night, as Victor drove to the sex shop some miles away from town, I gave him a wonderful blowjob, but making sure he did not cum too fast.When we started to go to some sex shops frequently; we used booths with glory holes by ourselves, not wanting anyone else to join in.As we entered the shop, there were few people in there but it was relatively empty for a Saturday night. Enough people to feel myself getting wet…Victor made some arrangements with the owner at the counter and then he...

3 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 35 Fairy Play

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal Sven’s head snapped back. He grunted, crashing onto his back. The Shizhuthian warrior that spoiled all my fun bellowed in anger, his left hand rubbing at his eyes, clearing dirt from them. An idea sparked in my head. I darted down from the trees, fluttering to the ground and landing over Sven. He groaned, rubbing at his temple, a welt already forming. His glossy, blue eyes focused on me as I leaned over him, my large tits...

2 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Chapter 1 Taboo Dance

Book One: Rogue's Sultry Women Part One: Taboo Dance By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Chapter One: Taboo Dance Sven Falk – Despeir Foothills, Kivoneth Princedom, The Strifelands of Zeutch I crawled forward on my belly, the firelight reaching up from the depression below, a bright glow at odds with its dark creators: Shizhuthian slavers. They served the foul nagas of the fractured lands across the Despeir Mountains to the east. My heart...

1 year ago
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Reflection On a Memory

One night while sitting on my back deck my mind was drawn to a sweet memory. After spending more than 2 decades as a high school teacher I had taken on a whole new challenge in my career and I sat outside reflecting on the many experiences some good and some not. A memory that has been in my mind from the start of my teaching career came drifting back into my mind. It was the first Saturday after school let out for the summer; graduation had been the evening before. I had been asked to get...

1 year ago
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Brother and Sister Confession ch 1

My sister is a very beautiful girl. I mean I'm not exaggerating when I say she looks very much like Jennifer Anniston. I'm about 10 years older than her and as she became an 18 year old she was lost in the world. I was her father figure and I always looked out for her, took care of her, gave her a roof over her head several times until she was stable enough with work she could afford to do it on her own.The last time my sister lived with me she was 22 and dating different boys. I was in a new...

1 year ago
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the new assistant pt 2

Lisa offered to give her new assistant Gloria a ride home after their long day at work. They were both happy and relieved the project was finally finished and their hard work had paid off. Lisa was especially glad she was able to bring the project in on time and that her crew would all be getting bonuses for their hard work and long hours.As Lisa pulled up to Gloria's apartment building to drop her, Gloria asked if she wanted to come in for coffee. It seemed like a good idea since Lisa had...

3 years ago
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ReflectionsChapter 2

The separation and divorce went much better than I had expected. The moving company came the following day and took the kids' things and my personal things to my parents' house. I'm not sure if I mentioned that my parents did have servants, but my mother did ninety percent of watching the kids when they were there before the breakup. She loved kids and was a perfect grandmother. Marlene did show up and sign the papers. Our divorce was final in just a few months. Evelyn came over to see...

2 years ago
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A Trip Of Fun To Goa

Hi, we live in Mumbai (bandra). Me & my husband both As he is very busy we don’t get to spend time with each other so we planned a trip to Goa.. My hubby is very naughty he likes me in short clothes & heels so I stay at home in those As most of my shopping is done by my hubby online in our free time so he buys most of his choices.. We never went to any beach together so I didn’t have any bikini so this time I think of something new and I bought some sexy bikinis online and got those home when...

3 years ago
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My best friends mom

My best friend, Robby, and I were over at his house one day, wasting away another summer day trading baseball cards and stuff. We were both the same age, and had been best friends all our lives. Living just two houses away, we saw each other frequently.It was about noon when we were in his room, and Robby's dad came into the room. "Hey, sorry guys, I gotta run up to the store real quick and get some wax for the car. Either you all can stay here with your mom, or go with me."We both decided to...

2 years ago
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Airport incident

Hi all, I am ANGAD, male 24 residing in bang lore. Though I have been reading the stories on ISS for the past month, this is my first posting on this lovely site. This is a real incidence which happened when I was 23. I still cherish the moments of that day and the days there after. This was at a time when I was not settled in Bangalore. When I landed up at the bang lore airport from hubli little did I know that my first sexual experience would be initiated at the airport. I was waiting for my...

2 years ago
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Waking Up

It was my eighteenth birthday, not that I cared. I was an adopted son for a husband who had three daughters. I never found out his reasons for adopting me, as he passed away in a car crash when I was four (a year after I was adopted) and I was relegated to "Cinderella" status in the household. I cooked. I cleaned. The only thing I didn't do was the laundry, except for my own and I was expected to do one load of clothes for myself a week (thank God I don't own many clothes, unlike my...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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It started like this; me and my friend went for movie. It was a late night show of 11.15 pm we got there at 11.00 and after our arrival a group of 3 girls arrive they were fully mature and in that group she was there. I was staring at her and only thought in mind was how to fuck her. She was wearing a t-shirt like top which was ending at her navel and a short frock which was just above her knee. Everyone was looking at her. She was hot and with that outfit she was kill mine and my friends’...

4 years ago
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Baby Oil Ch01

Maggie was bored. No, not bored, but horny and feeling very much alone. It was early to be back in her hotel room especially on a Saturday night but hey ho, you can't have it all your own way she shrugged to herself. She had been out with her colleagues earlier. They were on business in São Paulo, a great city that she had visited many times before. The women she was with were okay to talk to, nice ladies but not really on Maggie's wavelength. She liked coming away for an adventure but it was...

2 years ago
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Incestuous Harem 2 Banging Mom Hard

Chapter Two: Banging Mom Hard By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Clint Elliston My nineteen-year-old cousin's pussy clenched on my dick as we stood in my dormer window of my attic bedroom peering down at her backyard. From my window, our backyards, side-by-side, could both be seen. Melody shivered, letting out a gasping, sighing moan as we watched in shock at our mothers kissing. Our mothers. Sisters. They were kissing in Aunt Vicky's backyard, sitting beside the pool, both older...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 25

Cockatoo Part 25 I love feedback [email protected] Author's Note Apologies for the delay on posting this new chapter. I had some personal issues that took up my writing time. I hope you forgive me and enjoy the story. Alex grabbed my hands. "Please, James, it's the only way we could think of to get you over there as quickly as possible without Jandaeng being aware. You could be back here in two days and then fly to Bangkok as Jandaeng expects you to next week....

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Monika Das Abenteuer im Auszligendienst

Monika: Das Abenteuer im AußendienstEs war für mich ein Arbeitstag wie jeder andere auch. Ich ging von Haustür zu Haustür und versuchte Leuten einen Vertrag für Internet und Telefon zu verkaufen. Es verlief an diesem Tag eher schlecht als recht. Die Leute waren auf Grund des Wetters nicht gerade positiv in Stimmung.Ich machte kurz Pause und steckte mir eine Zigarette an, ging noch einmal in meinem Kopf alles durch. Mache ich einen guten ersten Eindruck? Verhalte ich mich nett? Spreche ich die...

2 years ago
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Large van comes to old warehouse, out of it steps one heavy male, which opens back door of the van. He escorts 6 humans, likely females, to place inside of warehouse. In average size hall, about 5m in square, is female dressed in black latex clothing. Once 6 humans are in place, she nods to heavy male, that he can leave place. She calls her female slave and starts talking: Welcome to my prison. Slave will tell you rules.Slave start to read from sheet of paper:Obey the mistressEverytime when you...

1 year ago
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Private Hanna Rey The Art Of Anal

Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to Hanna Rey, a sexy redheaded teen who has come to Private Specials, Irresistible Anal Teens for an amazing debut she’ll never forget with stud Willy Regal. Henna loves to paint, however what she loves even more is anal sex and this horny 18 year old can’t resist a fuck right there in the studio when her man starts making the moves. Watch it all on where Hanna offers up her juicy pussy and ass for a spectacular fuck and quality anal...

2 years ago
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Adventures With Aunt Madge V

"Adventures With Aunt Madge V" Ruth added a bit more of the foundation makeup then stood back to make sure my face was now a flawless, uniform shade like a painters canvas ready for color! She then excitedly went to the makeup tray on the nearby counter and began gathering more items. The lady doing my pedicure checked to make sure my nails were dry then removed the toe spreaders and rolled the cuffs of my jeans back down then moved off to straighten up her work area. The...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Carmen Caliente Lola Fae Insomniac Part 1

Penny (Aiden Ashley) lies in bed, tossing and turning. Whatever she does, she can’t seem to rest, staring up at the ceiling in frustration. But this isn’t the first time for this insomniac. And after another night without slumber, her boyfriend confronts her about it, asking her where she goes at night. But Penny can’t tell him, because she doesn’t even know herself. He can’t take anymore of her coming home night after night, confused and disheveled – and...

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Deputy PorterChapter 100

It was rough sleeping with every breath causing me pain. I managed to get enough sleep, a half hour at a time, by 10AM the next day. From there I went on auto pilot for the best part of a week. I didn't follow up with Mission, because I didn't want a job at that moment in time. By the sixth day I was beginning to fell less pain. Every time I swallowed I could still feel it, but it was only a minor discomfort. I should have been really pissed, but each time I swallowed there was a reminder...

3 years ago
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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 40 Back in the Saddle Again

Two things: You can go read some of “The Dairy Of Desire” to see what was up with that or you can simply read on and not have to endure. The first chapter of the first experience at the dairy talks about my arrival, how scared I was, so naive about everything, meeting the dairy owner’s wife and being told about the mentally challenged men who lived in the bunk house where I was headed on my own. This time I just winked at the wife, knew she was going to have sex with me before long and...

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My brothers best friend1

"Hello, D u home” my brother Darion called out as he came to babysit me when he came home from work "Yea I’m taking a shower" I yelled out to him from the bathroom. I came downstairs and gave my brother a kiss on the cheek and I saw his friend Anthony a.k.a Ant when I saw him he was looking at as always but I mean what boy wouldn't I’m 5'2, sexy Carmel color, round eyes that fit my round face, nice round bouncy D cup boobs, big juicy booty, nice long golden legs, but I’m 15...

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1 November 2008Chapter 2

Lisa and Dan dried the other off then she led him to her bedroom. “This will be our first fuck in my bed. John and Karen have already stained the bed sheets on it.” “Want to fuck on Hanna’s bed again?” “Not this time. She did question me about the stain on her bed and I said I must have spilled something on it when cleaning her room. When we are together, to me we are husband and wife and most always we’ll fuck in the main bedroom. Though I’m not opposed to fucking anywhere with you,” she...

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Fucked Part 1

"Get on your knees" it was more of a demand than a request, my boyfriend had had a hard day at work and wanted to relax and the best way to do that was to lose himself in my body.I smiled up at his naked body, "make me"His hand lashed out and caught me across my large rounded breast, making it lift and bounce against my body, the red mark instant across my nipple making it harden, rosy and swollen like a freshly picked cranberry.The moan escaped my lips , joined by an intake of breath as his...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 3

James' words seem to hang in the air even after he had gone. Lilith rubbed her neck softly, before her graceful hand strayed lower. She stopped herself, shaking her head and speaking aloud, "Get a hold of yourself, Lilith…" The olive-skinned demoness let out a long, deep sigh, stretching as she did. Rising from her throne, she stepped down to the tile floor of her endless "paradise." She scoffed to herself at the thought. With a wave of her hand, she dismissed the heap of pillows that...

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Eagle in the Sunset 2019Chapter 29 Summertime for Us All

October 17th, 1995, 7:30 AM PT, Metro Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, CA Miriam had been tossing and turning all night; she spent time just sitting in the chair in the corner of the room to try and let Baruch sleep. She was so upset she was oblivious to the fact that Baruch couldn’t sleep either, which was not in her nature. She was usually fully aware of what was going on with her husband. They thought together almost telepathically, and yesterday had been one of the first times in decades when...

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Possessions of a Father

Syeira and Rawnie Lacatus watched in silence as their father’s linen wrapped body was carried toward his wagon. The two young women held onto each other, moving as one behind the men that carried the last male of the Lacatus family, Ion Lacatus. Few words were spoken by the leader of the caravan as the burly men of the troupe climbed the steps into the vardo, a brightly painted and carved wagon. They laid the lifeless body on Ion’s empty pallet. No words were given to the girls as the majority...

1 year ago
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sexual confession by Students Mother Ms Zhang in Shandong

part 2 of student mother ms zhang (2nd nite of trip in shandong) when we returned to the motel 2nd nite, the staff had changed our room to a double queen size bed thinking we were married couples. no complaint from me and i noticed ms zhang seemed pleased too. after a long chat she suggested that i must be tired and she is most happy to reward me with a good massage. she was grateful that she can join me in the trip and had learnt alot from me. she said she had great respect for more educated...

3 years ago
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Body SwapChapter 6

After breakfast and their morning training sessions they had time to settle the modifications for the others. Lou came first and she blushed at the naked holo put up for her model, even though she’d been naked in front of all of them before. Chris asked her for her suggestions and she immediately opted for drastic fat reduction. He vetoed that idea immediately. “I chose you initially because I liked the way you looked and felt. You can trim and smooth a little here and there but not...

2 years ago
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A Night To Dismember

Vallejo, California 1969 "Do you think it’s a good idea to be out here, Bucky?" Cindy said, shivering a little before cuddling closer to Buck in the backseat of his Chevy Impala and looking around nervously."Relax, babe, it's fine, nothing’s going to happen," Buck replied smirking a little before resuming his awkward tit groping and sloppy kissing.Their car windows were steaming up, as Buck pushed her down in the backseat of the car and climbed on top of her kissing her harder than he ever had...

First Time
3 years ago
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Carol And The Garment Factory

I stood outside the building near the curb as the silver Audi pulled up. I opened the door and squeezed into the confines of the little TT coupe, hearing Carol giggle as I struggled into my seat. "Buckle up, Big Guy," she warned as she sped away. "Did you enjoy your dinner with Ms. Reebeck on Friday night?""Very much," I laughed. "That's quite the condo she has.""Yes, it's a beautiful place," she agreed. "You will be spending a fair amount of time there, I suspect.""That's fine...

Group Sex
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Cabin Fever

This story is pure fantasy, but the people in the story are real. I wrote this for my own enjoyment a few years ago. I hope you enjoy.My wife and I have been married for 20+ years. We are very happily married. My wife, is 5'7" 150 pounds, with long light brown hair, blue eyes, 36c tits and a neatly trimmed pussy. We've been friends with "Bill" for many years. He owns a cabin out in the sticks, no electricity except with a generator. All water is carried in, at least until the well is drilled....

Wife Lovers
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Shoplifting trouble pt 1

I'm in target doing my weekly shopping and sneaking a little makeup in my purse. I put the makeup in my cart and proceed to the food part where I sneak the makeup into my backpack. I get my food and proceed to the checkout, I pay. As I'm walking to the door I get a tap on my shoulder, I look behind me and it's a cop. I pause and decide if I should run or not, I just stand there and ask "what's happening?". The officer says I'm being arrested for shoplifting and he's going to search my bag and...

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Punk rock girl

      punk rock girl by stHell66 (m/f, mmm/f,d/s, lite ws lite scat,story contains gang-rape, little scat, caution when reading) story of a confused teenage getting taken advantage of.     My idol is Miss Booty from the distillers, she's really HOt. I use to have blonde hair, american apple piegirl, never drunk, smoked or did drugs, but that before I started dating Ruben. He's a dream, I get me wet justthinking about him, he was my first. Yes he can be alittle rough with me, but I deserve it,...

3 years ago
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Surprise for an old Daddy guy

My BF works out in a gym and likes us to get into group sex scenes. I'm not really a pro, more like my BF likes to see me get fucked in different situations that make him so hot and horny. We are both pretty kinky. He gets excited and thinks up crazy sex stuff for us to do. Never a dull minute. In addition to being a nasty nympho fuck slut, I have Daddy issues and can get pretty excited pleasing an older guy and showing him a really good time. One day, my BF took me to a nice hotel and brought...

4 years ago
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The Warrior Princes

Axynthia was left alone in the woods. She had just been in the dungeon under the active volcano and me the secret wizard Gonzyndro. She was going to walk back to the nearby village to recuperate and find a crew to go and take over the fortress of Undrasow. She was walking in broad daylight, keeping cool in her specially designed armour. The armour covered her breast and her cunt with metal plates attached on her hips and sides with clasps. She was otherwise naked, beside her high boots. She had...

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A meeting in Leather Part 13

"Spit roasted on the breakfast table."#English translation- A sequel to: Or start at the beginning: Dave and I drove around the area. It was a beautiful summer day, but you could tell that the summer was slowing down. So I was happy that I was wearing my new Leather Motor Jacket over a white shirt with long sleeves. And we had Leather Jeans on, a Jock strap and...

2 years ago
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Got a JobChapter 6

Jenny told me to go right on in, that they were expecting me, I went in to see three men and Mr. Long all standing at his office bar. They turned to look at me as I entered and broke out into applause. Mr. Long came over to me and put his hand around me as he introduced me to his friends. "Linda I want you to meet Mr. Gray, Mr. Jones and Mr. White, they are business friends of mine and they want to produce a full length movie with you as the leading Star, They just ordered 500 video's of...

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It was just after six on a cold Winter morning, and the sun was showing its radiant, bright shine once more. My name is John Doe, & this is the day when my life will take course as a professional Diva scout for the WWE. Just a month ago, I attended an interview with the owner's son, Shane McMahon. I knew on the day that I stood a chance at winning first place above the other candidates, because of my previous experience working as an acting talent scout, but that was nothing compared to what I...

1 year ago
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Homespun FunChapter 6

After phoning for a cab, Ken mixed two highballs and took them back to Lynn's room. She already had two suitcases open on the bed and was packing them with things from her dresser drawers. He set her glass on the dresser, then found room on the corner of the bed to sit down. "Any idea how long you'll be gone?" She shook her head as she took a quick sip of the drink. "I really don't know. It all depends on how Dad is, and how Mom feels when she gets home." "Give me a call and let me...

1 year ago
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Young boys in Love

A week passed without anything extraordinary happening. One afternoon it was break time and I was reading quietly on the grass. A shadow appeared over me and I saw Josh standing with a football. 'Do you want to play football with us? We're a man down from two complete teams.' I kinda wanted to be left alone and was about to tell him bluntly when I noticed his expression - he looked almost concerned. I eased up a bit. 'No thanks I'm fine just reading today.' I said. In...

3 years ago
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Hot Priya Aunty At Her 408217s

Hi ladies and gentlemen. This Srinivas again with an experience which happened in good Friday. To know how I lost my and my first experience please open below link. . Please excuse me for mistakes done while writing this story. please send your feedback to Thanks for ISS to posting my story on this plot. Received several interesting feedback by both men’s and ladies. Thanks for all those feedbacks. In my inbox I saw an message titled “You are lucky boy”. Opened and saw it was from a lady named...

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