Pune Can Be Fun When You Find The G spot
- 4 years ago
- 32
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On Lorenzo's yacht in the Western Mediterranean Tara said, "Once we have finished checking Amber's health she can give us the information she has, then we will share what we know of the place in Tangiers."
"Lorenzo, who would become the head of your organization if Sergio dies?" asked Aoife.
Lorenzo looked at Aoife with a shocked expression, and then said, "Most likely it would be me, but that is something I would not want to see."
"Christina, take your shuttle and locate Sergio's ship."
"Who is Christina? Why are you sending her locate Sergio's ship?" asked Lorenzo with a concerned tone as he was clearly puzzled.
"Christina is a member of Christina's Clan and she was on one of the ships that came with us," replied Tara. "From our perspective, we think Sergio isn't as secure as he believes. It is conceivable that your contact in Tangier may attempt to eliminate him to change the leadership in your organization."
"Doing that would trigger a lot of unpredictable events. How do you know where he is, or what his ship looks like?"
"From your Captain's map on the bridge."
"As to Akil ... he is currently a business associate that circumstances require us to deal with."
"Do you trust him?"
"No, but..."
"We understand."
When Lorenzo looked toward Amber and Judy, he saw her lying on a table and then realized that his connection was broken. He frowned. On seeing his reaction Aoife said, "Lorenzo, Judy is working with her. You probably can't sense her because she is in a very deep sleep. They should be done in about half an hour; and they haven't found any reasons to worry. So, would you like to tell me about your relationship with the Council of Brothers?"
"How do you know we have one?"
"She is here," replied Aoife, pointing at Amber. "Apparently given to you by them. You were at their Tangiers warehouse yesterday. So, are you buying women from them?"
"No! Some of our members do attend their auctions ... Wait, are you saying that that operation is run by them?"
"We believe so."
"F ... Crap. Honestly, we don't know a great deal about them. Akil heads the business that leased the warehouse from us and uses our cargo operations to transport the women. Some of our Organization's members buy the women's contracts at the auctions they hold. From there they are sent to work in their classier brothels. After my recent trip there, I have many concerns about what they are doing as it has changed. Now, your presence and comments have those concerns growing in leaps and bounds."
"You have good reason to be concerned. Those contracts are bogus."
"We've had suspicions but they weren't strong enough to look deeper. I know you don't agree with involuntary slavery, and it is not a business in which we seek to be involved. The members who've bought the contracts are very pleased with the quality."
"So you're aware of us, yet you still placed the call for Amber?"
"Yes. She made a promise to contact you for her friends. Well, I saw it more as a pledge than a promise. She was willing to risk dying in order to make the attempt. I am very impressed by her character and her strength."
"You find women as equals a little disconcerting."
"Yes." He looked at Aoife and smiled. "I have never considered the possibility that men and women could be equals, probably because of my environment and its social structure. From what I have seen of your group, it is obvious that they can be. I suspect it has to be nurtured from the beginning."
"Yes. It is really a question of letting everyone fully contribute, based on their strengths, both physically and mentally. In some cultures, it seems physical appearance takes precedence over ability. Human men also seem to have a preference for women who are shorter in stature."
Aoife, Tara and Lorenzo chatted while they waited for Judy to finish with Amber. The members of Alana's Clan watched and waited. It was exactly half hour later that Judy stepped away from Amber and handed Bev a small device. Bev and Cathal examined it before tossing it in the ocean. Meanwhile, Amber began to stir and her movements grabbed the attention of those around her. Lorenzo smiled, as he began to feel his connection with her grow again.
"Lorenzo, where is the box Johara gave you?" asked Amber.
"It is in our cabin, why?"
"We need to destroy it. Those devices contain transmitters that could be used to locate and monitor us."
"Lorenzo, could I see them?" said Calvin.
Lorenzo got up, saying, "Sure come with me." They were soon back, with Calvin carrying the box. He placed it on the deck, before pulling one of the devices out. After looking it over, he said, "If I understood the information correctly, these just need to be inserted and they are active."
"Yes. Why?"
"I thought we would take them back and put them where they belong." It was quiet for a moment, until everyone began laughing as they realized the implications of what he had said. After placing the devices inside a metal box Bev held for him, he took them aboard their shuttle.
"Amber, are you ready to share what you know?" said Tara.
"Yes. Lorenzo, you will be able to see it as well. I suspect some of it will make you angry, as it should. A friend once told me that revenge is a dish best served cold."
"I will do my best, as I suspect my anger could cause problems with the sharing of the information."
"Very perceptive," said Tara.
"Amber, we would like you to think back to your first memory after being captured," said Aoife.
"First, I want to sit on Lorenzo's lap, with Aoife on one side and Tara on the other." Aoife looked at Judy then Tara, and smiled. It was another indication that Amber's information had really come from their two agents.
It took several hours to sift through everything Amber knew about the warehouse and its operations. They spent some more time reviewing the information, clarifying critical details. Based upon what they learned, they confirmed their earlier observations that some of the people working at the warehouse were telepathically sensitive. All the data was transferred to Dóchas group's Intelligence AIs.
"Lorenzo, why don't you call Sergio?" said Amber. "I think he should come here."
"What am I supposed to tell him? It was hard enough for me to accept all of this."
"Just tell him you have some friends in high places." Amber's straight-faced response caused the group to begin laughing.
"Lorenzo, he has good instincts, right?" said Aoife. Lorenzo nodded his agreement. "Tell him to go to the aft deck, and wait. Someone will be there to pick him up, but he must follow his instincts."
Lorenzo picked up the satellite phone he had used earlier, and dialed Sergio. The phone rang a few times before it was picked up, and a sleepy voice said, "Hello."
"Who do you think?" grumbled the voice.
"It is very important that you to join me now."
"Yes. It is very important," said Lorenzo, in a no-nonsense tone of voice. "Go to the top aft deck. Someone will be there to pick you up. You need to just follow your instincts like we have done before. Remember that time."
"Yes. This better be worth it, or you will be on my list."
"It is," replied Lorenzo, and hung up the phone.
"Lorenzo, Christina's ship is in position to pick him up as soon as he steps onto the deck."
"You think a lot of him, don't you?" said Amber.
"Yes. Until you, he was the only person I would trust with my back. This Akil is a slime ball, but there was no getting around dealing with him or his organization. The auction thing, we would be very happy if it was not around. Unfortunately our members who are buying the contracts would be very unhappy if the contracts were no longer available. So, as long as it is there, we need to be involved, even though we don't like it. Recently there have been indications that they are using drug dealers in North America to induce women to sign a contract. With what Amber has told us, I am now certain that they are abducting the women."
"Amber, what did you do before you were abducted?" asked Bev.
"Lorenzo, I overlooked telling you earlier, but thanks for my new name. I really like it." Lorenzo smiled and gave her a kiss. "I worked for the US Embassy, as a language specialist. I had just been transferred to Ecuador, and was staying in a hotel as the accommodations in the Embassy compound were full. I was abducted on my second night there. The last thing I remember of that evening was entering my room after dinner. My next memories are foggy and vague. I felt like I was being lifted out of a box by my wrists. I remember being naked. I was lowered so my feet touched the floor and then hands began groping me, along with comments about how desirable I looked, in Spanish. Someone hollered something, and the groping stopped. My ass cheeks were pulled apart, and a butt plug was shoved in. It hurt, and I screamed from the pain and shock. A Spanish speaking woman came up behind me, and told the men that if they groped another piece of merchandise without specific instructions they were gone. She said, "The rag-heads are very picky." That is all I remember before waking up in the warehouse where you met me.
"When I woke up, I was restrained, kneeling and leaning forward. I could see myself in a mirror as well as many other women. I was kneeling with my legs resting on narrow boards so they were wider than my hips. A leather strap below my knee and over my ankle held them there. There was a metal yoke around my neck. My arms were looped over a bar behind my back with chains running from wrist cuffs to the support holding my legs. All my upper body weight was pulling on my shoulders and they hurt, as did my back, knees and hips. It was kind of like being on my hands and knees, but not quite. It was then that the conditioning began. I was fed a white creamy substance with a cock shaped tube, and we also drank water that way. Sometime after I woke up, a man told me that they would let me out of my bindings if I did as told. I hurt so bad, I immediately accepted. After that I never questioned or resisted doing what I was told. After a while all I wanted to do was engage in sex, either using one of the mechanical dildoes or with one of the others in the room. We were all that way, and I just accepted it. Soon I was addicted to sexual stimulation, and would have anxiety attacks if I went for more than an hour without it. During this whole time, I was fully aware of my surroundings, and fully accepted what was going to happen after the conditioning was complete. There were some who resisted. One time we were taken to another room to see them punish a woman. She was hung by her ankles with her legs spread much wider than her shoulders and weights were suspended from her wrists. Her head was covered with a harness that held her mouth closed. It was awful seeing and hearing the strap hitting her. Well at least I think it was a strap. Each stroke seemed to tear her skin. When they quit, you could tell her body was raw. I thought it was over until I saw them begin spraying her body. At first I wondered why she was jerking, then we smelled the vinegar. One of our group turned their head even though we were told to watch or there would be consequences. A guard grabbed her by her hair and dragged her out into the courtyard. They were tying her to a frame when Akil came out and stopped them. Shortly after that we were taken back to our room. A week later I saw the woman, she had a nose ring and pins through her arms just above wrist. She didn't talk but she always seemed to be looking for more stimulation. Based on what happened to me, I suspect Akil removed her vocal cords. From the way she acted they must have done something else.
"It wasn't long after that when I was put in line for the auction. I wasn't very far from the elevated platform where we were displayed when Akil pulled me out of the queue. After the auction was completed, he told me that I was to be a companion for his visitors and to relay anything they said to him. Between visitors, I could satisfy my needs with the women at any time as much as I wanted. If I abused the freedom or failed to tell him what I heard the visitors discuss or say, I would have a very painful lesson. From then on I lived in an area near him and Johara. It wasn't long after this that I met the two people who gave me the message I am carrying. Akil was pleased to see me with them and wanted me to befriend them as he thought they knew more than they let on. Initially I thought it was a trap. However, our constant contact gave them the opportunity to assist activating my telepathy and then transfer the information to me. Akil nearly caught us once when we were intensely involved. It was then I suspected he was telepathically sensitive, but not capable. He became more and more suspicious of us, until one day he blew up. He made me watch as he had the women repeatedly raped by the guards, then with a large mechanical dildo. It took a long time, and somehow I managed to show little emotion. It was so hard. Eventually they bled to death." Tears rolled down Amber's cheeks, as she remembered her friends. "After they died, he took me up to the medical area. I was so scared. He shoved me down on a table and tied me to it. The bindings were so tight I couldn't move and had trouble breathing. After locking my mouth open with a jaw spreader, he had one of the techs bring over a long slim rod with a small hook on the end. The tech placed a mirror in front of me, so I could see. Akil then slid the rod down my throat. I felt a bit of pain then he pulled the rod out. On it I could see a small piece of tissue and some blood. I didn't realize what he had done until they let me up. He asked me a question. When I went to answer, I found I couldn't make a sound, and my throat hurt when I tried. The next day, he acted as if nothing happened. He continued to use me as a visitor's companion. Each time after they left, he would pump me for information. In some cases, I knew he was testing me. Other times, he was really interested in what I learned. Going back a bit, it was after he killed the two women that I began to realize that I could sometimes hear his thoughts. I also learned to shield mine whenever he or several others were around. I am fairly certain that they couldn't hear my thoughts, but it was like they could sense something." Lorenzo hugged Amber.
"Do you feel better now?" asked Judy.
Amber looked thoughtful for a moment, before responding with, "Yes. Thanks for indulging me and listening to my ordeal. What now?"
"We would like to again hear what your friends told you," said Tara.
As Amber began to recall the information Lorenzo had a puzzled expression and Aoife said, "She is expressing the thoughts as they were given to her, and it was not all in English. If you look at the concepts behind the expressions then you should understand her. Besides, we will go over it after she is done."
"Your suggestion helps, but I am glad we will go over the information afterwards."
After giving the Órarduine the information from the two agents, Amber said, "Lorenzo, thank you for being patient." Looking at Tara she added, "Now I would like to tell you what I've learnt since they died."
When she finished, Cathal said, "Amber you are a gem. Everything you've told us fits very nicely with what our reconnaissance has found. You are a gem."
"Thank you. I wish I could do more. What now?"
"Now let's go over what we believe the situation is regarding the Tangier warehouse," said Tara. "As we go through it, if you have a comment or see something that doesn't seem right let us know. We would like to do this telepathically as it will speed up our review. Lorenzo, if you will let Aoife and Amber link with you that will assist your comprehension."
"We will only monitor your thoughts with respect to this conversation," said Aoife with a smile.
"Okay," replied Lorenzo earning himself a kiss from Amber.
When they finished Lorenzo said, "I see no issues with your tactics, but I think I like verbal conversation better."
"The significance of my contribution is greater than I thought," added Amber. "Thank you for the insight. What now?"
"We think it would be best for you to remain here with Lorenzo until everyone is out of the warehouse," said Tara. "After that, we suggest you consider joining us at Comrie, with the others we rescue. From there, the choice of where you go, and your future, is yours. Lorenzo, you are welcome to come with us as well. You have many talents that we could use which are different from those you use now."
Lorenzo smiled, "Nicely worded. I will need to think about it, as there are many implications that must be considered."
"Oh, I just remembered, and I don't think it came up before. Johara hates Akil. She hides it very well. She will kill him when she thinks it will do the most damage to The Council."
"So, we should make sure to get her out as well."
"I am not sure of the timing, but you should locate her as quickly as you can, I would not stop her from releasing her hate. She could be a lot of assistance in getting the cooperation of the captives."
"We've adjusted our plan," said Cathal causing Amber's eyebrows to arch.
"Yes. We are linked together."
Just as Cathal finished speaking the shuttle carrying Sergio appeared next to the ship. After he stepped onto the deck his first words were, "You son of a bitch. That was the scariest thing I have ever done." Sergio hugged Lorenzo, and then stood back. "If you had told me what was going to happen, I would have been rolling on the floor laughing, and when I recovered I would have had you committed."
"I can't imagine it being that scary, besides, I knew you trusted me," responded Lorenzo with a smile. "Now, let me introduce you to some new, very unique and valuable friends." With that, Lorenzo introduced Sergio to the Órarduine on his ship. As Sergio was introduced, his expression conveyed his amazement. When Lorenzo introduced Amber, he said, "Sergio, we were blessed yesterday when Akil gave Amber to me. If it wasn't for her, we would be well on our way to a disaster." Sergio's expression quickly changed to one of disbelief, but he shook Amber's hand. Lorenzo continued, thwarting any comment by Sergio, "Amber can't speak, because he cut her vocal chords while she watched. Tara, would you tell him what you have gathered concerning Akil's operation?"
Tara then explained what they had determined about Akil and the Council of Brothers. She told Sergio about how they were paying North American drug dealers with heroin from Afghanistan to abduct women in North America, and that while the abducted women were nearly all very desirable, some were targeted because their families were well known. She told him that The Council, through Akil's operation, intended to use the women's activities in the brothels to destroy the character of many political, religious and business leaders in the western countries, and that preparations were under way to distribute photos and films showing these women with their clients because the Council thought that this would effectively destroy or undermine a country's leadership. She pointed out that in addition to this they intended to initiate some health and economic disasters that would create civil unrest and chaos. She closed by telling him why the Órarduine were involved.
Sergio sat for a long time with a thoughtful look on his face, his eyes dark and cloudy. The only sign of his anger was his white knuckles gripping the arms of the chair. Finally, he said, "Fucking unbelievable. We have never really trusted them, but this is ... unbelievable. You have a plan. What is it? How can we help?"
"Do you know which brothels your associates sent the women to?"
"Not really. We know where the high-class brothels are located. I can find out tomorrow."
"That should work," replied Tara. "Our plan is to extract all the women from the warehouse and then destroy it. While that is taking place, we will pick up those they sent to their training camp then totally eliminate the camp. As a part of our effort, we will attempt to recover any captives on their way to the warehouse. Our last step will be to extract any captives we can find from the brothels, clubs or private locations. All of them will be taken to an island in the Atlantic, where they can recover and chose their future."
"If that is where I think it is," said Lorenzo, "they intend to raid it."
"If so, they are in for a surprise. There are some ships snooping around the area and we believe that one of them is from your organization."
"Yes, it is," replied Sergio frowning. "It won't be there by the time the sun rises."
"Why not let it stay there and the crew enjoy their vacation, besides they will be good witnesses to whatever happens. The other way you can help is by taking this ship back toward Tangier harbor, but stay below the horizon. With both of you here, you can disavow knowing anything about what happens."
"What about the crew?"
"We thought we would let them see you leave by helicopter just before dawn. It might be wise for your families to stay out of sight for the next few days."
"Good idea. I can call them in the morning if we have a secure phone."
"Ours is. We'll loan you one. Now, Judy, Aoife and I have other things that need our attention. An EMT will stay here, along with a team and shuttle; I am not sure which one it will be yet."
"I may regret saying this," said Alana, "but we will. I know Cathal would like to be in on the action, but I think we can do more from here by supporting Amber."
"Okay, but practice," replied Aoife.
"We will, after we get some rest. CIC just told me they expect the show to start tomorrow at 1400 hours Zulu."
"What about the announcers?" asked Tara.
"The man was beheaded and gutted two days ago," replied Amber. "They plan to release a video of the beheading shortly after the ransom deadline. Originally Lorelei was to go with the GISS captives to the training camp after being conditioned. However, Akil told Lorenzo he might keep her for himself."
"Thanks Lorenzo," said Aoife, as she hugged and kissed him as they prepared to depart.
"Thanks Sergio," she said as she hugged and kissed him. Judy and Tara followed Aoife in saying good-by to them.
After that they each gave Amber a hug and kiss and reassured her before boarding Alpha03 to join Vanessa's Clan.
"I need some sleep," said Lorenzo. "Come on Amber, I think tomorrow will be a long day. Sergio, your cabin is ready. Alana, your group can use any of the cabins."
"Thanks. We will. If there isn't enough room, some of us will sleep on our ship. We have a security screen set up, so we need only one on watch. Would you introduce me to the Captain?"
"Sure. Should we say anything about your role here?"
"Just an introduction is fine."
Everyone on Lorenzo's ship was soon sound asleep, with the AI in Alpha02 monitoring the surrounding area as the ship made its way back toward Tangier.
–-- –-- –--
At 1200 hours Zulu, Alana told Sarah's Clan, "Amber has linked with Johara, and is sharing her thoughts with us. Johara intends to poison Akil when he fucks her after lunch. She is using the same poison as that contained in the butt plugs."
"Those teams are advised."
"We can see the thermal inversion from here. It really has the media wound up."
"It will begin to clear once we enter the warehouse."
While waiting in their cloaked shuttles hovering near their objective, the Security teams went over their roles in the upcoming effort. During the review of their roles, those entering the Tangier warehouse were careful to envision a different warehouse location.
At 1330 Zulu, Sarah's Clan said to the Security teams near Tangier, "Strike Group Alpha, do it!"
The three Command Staffs monitored the Security teams as they entered the warehouse. Once control of the security systems was established, they quickly fanned out and subdued the unsuspecting staff. Darcy and Laurin arrived at Akil's suite shortly after Johara had injected him with the poison. Sensing her intent, his hands immediately clenched around her neck, and he struggled to strangle her while cursing. Johara managed to momentarily lessen his concentration by slapping his ears with cupped hands, hoping to break his ear drums. When Darcy and Laurin entered the room they saw Johara struggling with Akil and went to assist. Darcy took a hold of his wrists and squeezed. Akil screamed in pain and fright, as he could feel them being crushed but could see why. With Akil's hands pulled away from Johara's throat, Laurin helped her sit up straddling him. Feeling the unseen hands pull her up, Johara's eyes went wide with fright. Her eyes grew even bigger when she heard Amber's familiar voice say, "Relax, Johara. They are friends. Laurin and Darcy are there to help you. Trust your instincts."
Hearing Amber, Laurin and Darcy turned off their cloaking devices. Laurin said, "Sorry to scare you, but you looked like you needed assistance. Now, we need your help to get all the captives out of the building as quickly as possible."
"You can do that?"
"Yes. That is why we are here."
"I thought I heard Amber."
"You did. She is safe."
"Is Amber really okay?"
"Yes. Come, we need to move. You can hear our thoughts, right?"
"We need a route to the outside that all the captives can easily reach."
"There is a rooftop exercise area. The only group that would have any problems getting up there is those he had locked up with the dogs. There are spotters watching the whole area. Many of them are on the top floors or roofs of adjacent buildings."
"Strike Group Alpha," said Casey, "start moving the captives up to the top floor exercise area. Have we gotten everyone out of the cage with the dogs yet?"
"We are releasing them now. The dogs were turned loose."
"Remember to make sure the butt plugs are removed from the captives before they get to the shuttles. After removing them, stuff them in any convenient staff member, then pull on them to activate them."
Vanessa, Tricia and Sandra stood by the doors leading to the exercise area. They checked each person as they came out to make sure that they were ready to depart, and then directed them to a shuttle. When Tricia glanced toward the mouth of the harbor she could see a line of shuttles approaching. Just as Rylie began getting the captives into two lines, the first two shuttles placed their ramps on the warehouse roof. With a little urging, the women began entering them. As each stepped through the shuttle door, they were handed a large drink and told to drink it. Once a shuttle was full, it lifted straight up, and was replaced by another.
They had just finished loading the GISS captives, when Eric said, "Three helicopters are approaching from the city."
"Copy," said Vanessa. "Security Teams are boarding now."
"Building clear."
"All butt plugs activated."
Just as Vanessa spoke, four shots rang out. "Snipers on rooftop, at 3 o'clock." Two more shots rang out, and were followed by a scream.
"Son of a bitch. Rylie's down. Stretcher!" Two more shots rang out, followed by another scream.
"Where the fuck did they come from?"
"The roof on the right."
"Can we take the bastards out? We are very exposed. Sandra's also hit, but she's moving."
Louise, Casey and Sybil stepped back out on the roof, and began firing at the parapet of the rooftop where the snipers were with laser rifles. With each shot, a section of the parapet or a part of the wall collapsed. They continued firing until the edge was gone.
Casey looked at the three helicopters that were hovering some distance away. His HUD didn't show any weapons.
"Everybody is on board," said Vanessa. "Casey, Louise and Sybil, board now." The three quickly backed into the shuttles, while watching the other roof tops. As soon as they were inside, the shuttles lifted off as their doors closed.
"What did we miss?" asked Casey.
"Nothing. Our horseshoe slipped," responded Vanessa. Her flippant remark caused everyone to laugh.
"CIC, we are clear," said Christina. "Rylie has a hole in her thigh. The autodoc is taking care of it now. Sandra has a flesh wound on her upper arm."
"Weren't the tactical suit's shields on?" asked Eric.
"Yes, but they can't stop a close-in high power rifle shot," replied the shuttle's AI. "The shots were deflected. If they hadn't been, the shot that hit Rylie would have severed her spine at the waist and she would probably have died. The shot that hit Sandra would have hit her heart."
"AIs, thanks," replied Eric. "I hope no one was offended."
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"First, let me welcome you to the Alpha Advanced Research and Design building. I would like to thank you for coming and agreeing to hear me out regarding this job proposal." I was standing in the nicest AARD presentation room we had, filled with a dozen very comfortable leather chairs. An Alphadroid stood next to me, and before me sat four women who I had just met for the first time. "When you know for certain that a person or organization is actively trying to kill you, it forces you to...
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Hi. My name is Reeti Saxena, and this is my story about desi porn. If you have read , then you know me. I hope I don’t have to give details about myself again. Also, thank you for all the love you have shown me via emails and chats. It’s always fun talking to you guys. Let’s begin with the story. I was low on cash and needed a job that paid. By this point, I had worked as an extra in many Bollywood films. Still, nobody wanted me as an actress. I was...
At the age of 21, I lost my virginity. I was sharing an apartment with my friend and her. To me, the girl was a pretty much a bro. She became a member of our brotherhood which formed with a bunch of friends who were better drinker than basket ball players. She always attended our activities, even volunteered to buy food and drinks sometimes. I never found her attractive and imaged that we would get intimate one day. Probably I was sad that my ex-girlfriend found someone else. One day, things...
Lily Larimar arrives home from school. Her older sibling Kayley Gunner is hanging out in the living room with her friend, Jazmin Luv. Kayley and Jazmin both greet her, but Lily seems down and quickly runs off to her room. Kayley is concerned about Lily and wants to help her, but she has to go to work soon. Jazmin reassures Kayley that she can have a talk with Lily. After all, Jazmin has been friends with them for so long that she’s almost like an older sibling to Lily too. Jazmin goes to...
xmoviesforyouThree years ago I met two women at a local function, they were both in their 50's but looked to me younger. We were at a 200 club drawing with all the free drinks, food,etc. As the evening went on we became friendlier towards each sharing various thing in our lives including sex happenings. Some were funny and you laughed your ass off, others were so so. After the drawings(which none of us won the big prize) we decided to go to the local watering hole just a couple miles away. ...
The celebration was brief. Tony had no sooner gotten off the phone from hearing Martin tell him that the arrest had gone down as planned when two well-dressed men arrived at Amnesia! "Anthony Marino?" a tall, middle-aged man asked. "Yes." "I'm agent Thorson and this is agent Pellegrino ... F.B.I." he said succinctly, both showing their I.D. "I've been expecting you," Tony said with a grimace. "Is there someplace we can have some privacy?" Thorson asked. "Not really ......
I peeked past Sheila’s shoulder as she looked over the semicircle of women from the Science Team gathered around Jennifer as the Dark Lady of Data studied the computer screen in front of her workstation. Her fingers flew across the keyboard while she scanned hundreds of files, crunching numbers and extracted the information she needed. The thirty-four-year-old Boston descendant of Zulu warriors became a legend within the Society as a math prodigy with an uncanny ability to ferret out hidden...
Chapter 1 – It all starts somewhere ‘…and we haven’t done anything together since that trip downtown, which was ages ago!’ ‘For good reason, do I need to remind you of the week we spent throwing up cause of the damn food poisoning?’ ‘You’re such a pessimist. I promise this trip will be so much fun! It will be just the six of us in a cozy little cabin. We’ll stay up until very odd hours of the night, eat dangerously bad junk food and watch filthy entertainment.’ ‘We can do all of that here,...
I have been called a depraved individual by some, and in fact I have been called THE most depraved individual by a lot of people that know me. And you know what? I am. Even though I am now in my mid-forties I'm still not sure if I came by it naturally or if I had to work at it. Because it started at a very early age I'm leaning toward 'natural'. The first time my depravity came to light was when I was six years old. You know how young boys usually don't want to have anything to do with...
It had been weeks since I’d last had sex with my dad, and let me tell you, I was bursting. I couldn’t get the thought of sex with him out of my head. The way his huge hands run all over my body, the feel of his teeth tugging at my bottom lip, and especially the pleasure of his dick thrusting in and out of me. Daddy was ignoring me. Well, not outright ignoring me exactly, but he was avoiding me. I couldn’t get his attention no matter how hard I tried. He refused to be home alone with me and...
IncestSergeant First Class Helen Walters stood in front of the colonel’s desk, rigidly at attention and holding her perfect salute until the older man finally acknowledged her presence with a quick snap of his elbow. “Stand easy, Sergeant,” he barked. “If you’ve got questions, hold them until after this inquiry. I think these things go best when they go fast. Wouldn’t you agree, Sergeant?” “Yes, Sir.” “I will not insult you by asking you any stupid questions, Sergeant. In return you will not...
I sat on the the floor on my knees in front of the door and waited for Ronny to get here. This is the position he wanted me in every time before he got home unless I wanted to spend the night in Salem's room. The miniature clock next to my bed went off at 4:15, and as if on cue, the door knob started to turn. I hurriedly looked down on the floor as he walked into the room. He stood in front of me "Stand up." He said. Without hesitation, I stood up as quickly as possible,...
Glory Hole OrgyDriving down the street I spied my destination. A big yellow building with “Adult XXX” written on the marquee in front was on my right. I turn into the parking lot and drove to the back behind the building and park in the darkest spot I could find. Another crossdresser had told me that they welcomed our kind and even let gurls like us in the back where the video booths were located.I sat in my car and lit a cigarette, thinking I would see who was going in and out of the store....
A good number of fellow readers have asked why I did not fight back when I was sexually assaulted by my three high school tormentors. The truth is I did fight back, let me try and take you thru the events of the assault not what lead up to it but the moments just before it happened. ' ... Charlie began to laugh at Bruce calling him Mr. Peabody, cause he was looking through National Geographic Mags. Charlie said ' ... I've got some playboy books up here ... ' and he reached up over the door by...
My boyfriend is a pig. I mean, he didn't devolve into one overnight. At first everything was fine. We dated a couple of times, he seemed like a normal adult male. Sure, he was in his thirties and still rented. He worked as a carpenter. I was willing to overlook that by his thirties he should have been on his own or running a small company instead of working on someone else's crew. And of course, his profession was seasonal. So, his company shut down just after Thanksgiving. And he...
Chapter 1 Chelsea was in her early 20s and she'd been rapidly budding into a young woman. She'd been in early adolescence when her father, Bill, had moved into the Oval Office and while Bill and her mother, Hillary, didn't think she was aware of his dalliances with other women besides her mother, Chelsea was much more insightful into his behavior than they could have imagined. Chelsea was very pleased when she began to develop a budding womanly figure. It had seemed forever before she...
The Hereditary Priest of the Hidden Temple of Ra (don’t worry if you never heard of it, it was meant so.) received a message from his God. It surprised and shocked him, as he thought the whole gig was just a sinecure that was passed down his blood-line. It wasn’t language or conversation but the meaning gradually distilled into a command to bring the strange ones into the light of day. By now, every one knew that the Aquarians couldn’t tolerate sunlight. Roger Boney groaned, he had studied...
That early evening, as I was driving home from office, my sweet Ana called me to ask if I was in the mood for going to a dance club and have some drinks.When I arrived Ana was ready; she looked stunning in a tight black dress and the highest heels I have ever seen.As she walked by me, I noticed that the dress was see-through and I could see her hardened loose nipples and that there was not even a tiny thong under it…Once at the club, I noticed my sexy wife was a bit intoxicated after a few...
“We’ve got a new handy man at work”, Jane told me. “About our age (mid 40’s) and as fit as a fiddle. He’s going to be the one that fits and takes down all our signage and generally maintain and clean the office. Seems like a nice chap.” Within a week of him starting work my gorgeous wife had stayed on late at work as he cleaned the office and let him fuck her on her desk before she came home to tell me about it.“Guess what” she said to me on getting home at about eight in the evening. “You’ve...
Sir Thomas, The Red Knight, yelled to his crew to get underway. The crew scurried around the deck, releasing the ropes and soon The Sun Dragon was on it's way. The flames blew the big balloon to life, lifting the grand ship up into the clouds. Dorothy placed her hands on the rails watching the ground disappear. The land of Oz opened up to her eyes. It was night but even at night the countryside was beautiful. Sir Thomas walked up beside her."It's beautiful isn't it. Every time I take off Oz...
It's a normal Friday night over at Rachael's house along with some the guys just hanging out chatting, watching tv, and trying out a few beers and such. At one point in the night Rachael asks if I can stay at her house tomorrow to watch her dogs while shes at work all day as well as her dad. Sure enough being a good friend I say yeah no problem. So the night goes on and we all have a good time and later that night we all go upstairs to sleep in her room.It's Saturday morning around 10am and I...
His first conscious memory was auditory in nature. Someone was calling his name. "Mr. Frazier? Can you hear me?" a voice said to him. "Mr. Frazier?" His mind was not clear. He felt the way a man feels the morning after he has spent a night drinking heavily. His head ached and his thoughts were fuzzy. He had a vague sense that something had happened to him, but he could not remember what it was. It was something bad, something painful. He could sense that much. Whatever had occurred, it...
Introduction: Three teenaged daughters decide their father needs a sex life-them God I was beat, it’d been a rough day, I do elevator repair and installation for a national company so I do have to travel occasionally but with service contracts and other jobs here in the city I’m usually able to make it home by five. I’m gonna be just a little late tonight, I had a repair job today, the work area was confined, I had to be a contortionist to get into the space. Ok when I was a bit younger but...
Cletus saved up enough money to try out some of that stuff called “pussy” that the other guys he worked with were always talking about. When he’d asked one guy where he could get some, he was told to go to the Redneck Tavern and Entertainment Center. One day after work he took a shower and it wasn’t even Saturday. It was a long walk from the farm but a nice person gave him a ride part way. They dropped him off at the door of the place. He’d never been in one like it before. He went inside and...
Sam was pointing me to the replicator when I stumbled out of the master bedroom in search of life giving elixir. She had somehow, I do not know how but I will be eternally thankful to her, gotten hold of a decent coffee profile. I was the first up surprisingly and when the time that the women had been forcing me out of bed came and went I decided to check on them. Anna was doing her cat routine and was curled around a pillow and snuggled under the sheets. Mari was spooned behind her with...
Noting minor elevations in temperature, a portion of the support system with in the darken room raised a silent if mild alarm. Sending a resultant pulse deep within the ancient complex mass of circuits and organic nodules that comprised the guardian. The gnarled surface of its body, almost rendered ebony with long absorption of protective oils over the centuries, reflected dully the light sources around as Yadon 'powered up'. To any earthling born in the south-pacific 'Yadon' or its...
My daughter in law was a very conservative woman, until I helped her see the other side. One afternoon I was sitting by the pool, having a few drinks, when my daughter in law came by. Her name was Vanessa, and she had an outstanding body. You would never know that, because of the clothes she wears. “I thought you would be working today,” she said. I answered her, “I decided to take the afternoon off. Part of the perks of owning your own business.” Then she said, “Well, that is part of the...
CheatingWhen we're born, we're not given an instruction manual by our creator. We're required, if we want to stay alive, to figure a lot of things our for ourselves. Fortunately, through the trial and error of many men beofre us, history has taught some the way to mend our bodies should we suffer injury, or how to deal with an unueasy psychological situation. Michael, on the other hand, was unique. A single entity. There are no more like him which he can draw on past and present experiences. He...
Driving along the straight, deserted road on my own, I freely begin to turn up the radio and start singing my heart out to keep myself from falling into the pit of boredom and loneliness. Buckling up I begin doing 150mph flat out until I realise that I’ve become lost within the mist of some town. Parking up I reduce the volume and get out, hoping to find someone who could give me directions. Spotting some girl walking along the road I had parked on, I caught up with her and asked her if there...
The new Explorer was parked out front and waiting for them when they checked out of the hotel. Under Mark's direction, Rachel drove to a medical supply house and waited while Mark purchased a power chair for Cole. He ordered it delivered to the bank and left in Rachel's temporary office. Cole was excited that he would soon own a new power chair that nobody else had ever owned. Mark directed her to drive them to his house. "Whose place is this?" Rachel asked when he said to...
Hi everyone, I would like to share our experience with everyone. I and my wife are very happy couple. We are married since 1 yr. I am 30 yrs old n my wife is 26. We both are satisfied with each other in sex life . I am very lucky to have a sexy wife with 36-28-36 figure. Just to spice up our sex life we decided to have some fun. One day we invited my cousin brother to our home who is 24 years of age. He came home at 1 o clock in the afternoon. My wife was wearing deep t-shirt n jeans without...
The Prison Planet ... Since Morales couldn’t leave to get the last of the potatoes with the fish still drying, he went for his shovel and mattock. Finding a place that looked reasonably soft not far from the cave, he marked out the outline with the pick end of his mattock and started digging. It was time he tried firing his clay pots and bowls. He had watched several videos of people firing pottery, and most of them used different techniques with varying percentages of breakage. The video...
‘I still can’t believe you are making us do this.’ Said Jane to her best friend Erica. ‘Why not?’ replied Erica, ‘It’s just a bit of fun. And hey, you’re getting married next week. You’ll need to know how to do it right so that you can then ration them out for special occasions only. I think it’s the perfect wedding gift.’ ‘You’re a bitch.’ Laughed Jane back at her. ‘But I suppose it could be fun.’ ‘And besides,’ added Mona, Jane’s soon-to-be sister in-law, ‘better to not cheat on your...
If I didn't want to sound too peevish, I would complain loudly about the way that the females I thought I controlled actually had the powers I thought were mine. But a man has to at least give the impression that he knew the answers all along. It is clear now, that the original power was always generated by the female, the male was and is only the conduit for their power. That night on Erking Hill, the coven had been completed by the arrival of my two daughters and with a member for each...
Alexis and I rode in the back seat of Mama’s leased Lexus. She held my hand in hers and stared straight ahead, smiling that notorious, unnerving Cheshire smile. I felt like we should be talking about everything; my history as ‘Brandi’, her recriminations over my hiding it from her, my reasons for doing so, her perceptions of this new ‘me’ and its effect on our relationship. She didn’t seem at all inclined to discuss it, as though this, all of it, was the most natural thing in the...
If you recall, my wife caught me in the act of thoroughly enjoying the company of Hilda's stepdaughter and the stepdaughter's girlfriend. To extract an equal measure of revenge, my wife got all dolled up and hit the bars that same evening, cruelly face timing me as she let a total stranger slide his hand under her skirt and play with her beautiful hairy pussy. If that wasn't enough, she took the guy to a corner booth, repositioned her smartphone so I would have to watch her suck the guy's...
VoyeurI am Arun from sonepur, Orissa writing a true story of my adventure with Kuni Aunty who was my neighbor one year ago. Previously I had posted a story “Bidyut Madam Ra Basna” in oriya in ISS.Now I have decided to write a story in English for all Indian ISS readers. I don’t know all will like my sexual fantasy or not. My fantasy with always with older women Age (30-45) wearing transparent blouse, having lot of milk in breasts & big sweat patch in armpit area over transparent blouse. When I saw a...
IncestWARNING TO READERS – This is a long, rambling, multi-part story and VERY British. The individual chapters will make more sense if read in sequence. My apologies! This chapter may meander even more than usual as it is part of a collection of several short ‘day in the life’ journal style entries which have been linked to make up Chapters 29-31 Sorry about the delays between chapters just now. The text for this story was written over a number of years and includes many small mini chapters and...
Alan awoke, startled at first as he didn’t recognize exactly where he was. Then he felt a soft body next to his looking down he saw that Hopix had at some time climbed into the bed with him for warmth. God Alan thought she feels so good so soft so... ! Alan had looked under the covers immediately growing hard as he found that Hopix was stark naked! Holy shit he thought as he could only stare at her naked form my god! She’s perfect! Slowly Alan reached under the covers and began to gently...
Kate Kennedy and Logan Pierce are happy to break in their new home in the best way possible. Why not get down and fuck right in the living room?!? Kate is eager to get those pants down so she can get that hard cock in her mouth! Logan can not wait until she sits down and grinds on that hard dick though! There is nothing like the feeling of a warm pussy and the sounds it makes from Kate getting hornier and hornier. That pussy is so wet for Logan and she wants that hot load to swallow down....
xmoviesforyouNamaste indian sex stories dot net dosto, aapke phirse nayi kahani k saath aapka dost raunit hajir hua hu ye bhi ek real story hai jaisa k aap jaante hai mai bahut bada chudakkad hu jahan mauka milta hai wahan apna set karne lagta hu. Ye kahani meree naee girlfriend arti ki hai. Arti mere dost raahul ki bahan thi aur usaki umr 23 saal thi. Vo dikhane me bahut hee sundar lagti hai. Usaka figure 32-26-34 tha. Mujhe vo bahut achchhee lagti hai. Mein use chodana chaahata tha. Raahul ke ghar mein...
Author’s note: This is my first ever story! It comes from one of my rape fantasies and there is more of the story to come, if the reviews are positive. I also have some real life sub/slave experiences that could make for good reading, as well as other rape fantasies. But I wanted to get my first time out of the way (kind of like losing my virginity again!) and see what people think. Please email me any comments you might have. My email is [email protected]. As I lay in bed listening for...
August 3. After this morning's wake up call, this Saturday turned into a nightmare. The twins decided to hit the downtown shopping district, and I got to be their mule. Trinh's Porsche was not that big on trunk space, so we made a run to my place to get clothes and personal effects, and came back with my VW Golf. Not the most stylish of vehicles, but it seated 5 when needed and the hatchback afforded plenty of trunk space. Apparently, the twins fully intended to fill my car to the max....
Hi Everyone! My name is Mary, and I am a junior at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro! UNCG does not require students to get a physical exam for college, but my parents my senior year of high school forced me to get one anyway! lol They said it would be a good time to have my first OBGYN visit.... Boy was it scary!!!! ahhh THIS IS A TRUE STORY; THIS REALLY DID HAPPEN TO ME.... My mother had called her OBGYN and set me up an appointment to get a full OBGYN physical at the university...
VoyeurJen walked in the room following Maddy. A girl was lying on a huge bed reading a book. Jen noticed that Hannah Devlin looked nothing like her father. She had curly brown hair instead of black and soft dark eyes instead of her father's gray ones. The moment she heard someone enter her bedroom she tensed as if she expected an attack. "Jennifer Lawson this is Hannah Devlin", Maddy said making the appropriate introductions. The girl stood in front of Jen extending her right hand politely but...
“Watch out!” Iden shouted, his boot dislodging a rock. It rolled down the steep incline towards Isabelle, picking up more loose stones as it went, until it had formed a kind of miniature rockslide. She dodged out of its path, taking cover behind a nearby boulder, the stones clattering against it as they cascaded down the mountainside. “Careful where you step!” she yelled back, peeking out to glare at him. They were really far up now. Iden had seldom seen the clouds from above, they created...
This is a true story that happened to me many years ago. I was 20 years old and in college, home on break the week after Christmas, and working in a grocery store. A former high school teacher (Tim) came into the store. He taught my favorite class and I felt I knew him pretty well. We chatted for a while about our lives then he left. The next day he called me and said he was going skiing up north and his wife was unable to make it – and did I want to come along (he already had the condo...
I brought Carl over, and talked to him about the situation. We had discussed splitting the forces before, but gave those scenarios a low probability then. "Carl, I want you to take this planet and keep it for us. Most of the Samutz are dead. If our estimates hold true, there will only be about three percent immune and another three to ten percent that would be warned in time and raise their shields or not allowed other Samutz to approach. This means you only need to remove from nine to...
I’ve been seeing Alex since the beginning of this school year. Our relationship is pure sex. No romance, no dating, nothing like that. Just incredible, kinky sex. Over time, we’ve gotten more and more comfortable with our dynamic – I don’t want to call it dom/sub, but…fuck it, it’s dom/sub. I am very comfortable talking about my fantasies with Alex, and he is very good at getting me to admit some of my more hidden thoughts. Long story short, I fantasize about getting used by multiple men, but...