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Closure by Ray Kitten Steven Chapman settled into his seat at the back of the bus, tucking his shoulder bag at his feet and laying his jacket on the isle seat beside him. For the next several minutes people shuffled onto the bus, there were few enough people so that anyone who wanted it had an empty seat beside them. Once everyone had settled in they awaited the arrival of the driver. Steven slipped his headphones over his ears and opened his CD player, placing a CD from his carrying case in it. Then he closed the player and the home recorded disk entitled 'Girl Mix 1' began to spin. As Steven listened to Madonna's 'What it Feels Like For a Girl' the driver finally took his place and eased the bus out of the depot. Once they were on the road the driver went through his introductions, between the end of the first song and the beginning of the next Steven caught, "... name is Earl and I'll be your driver all the way to Vancouver, for those of you continuing on..." At that point Earl was overpowered by the smoky, smooth tones of Lou Reed urging Steven to 'Take a Walk on the Wild Side.' This was going to be a long trip, 17 hours and a bit, over 1,100 Kilometers. It was already dark outside so Steven turned on his overhead light to do some reading. He took a thick sheaf of printed sheets of paper out of his shoulder bag, the first was a copy of an e-mail he had received almost a month ago. From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Papers Hello, I'll dispense with pleasantries, we'll deal with those at a later date. I am going to be consulting on a case in Vancouver on the 14th, let me know if you want to get the divorce finalized then. I will provide a bus ticket here and a room at the hotel where I will be staying. HOWEVER, only contact me if you are serious about resolving the past issues between us. Attached to this was her next e-mail giving him the holding number of his ticket and the hotel she would be staying at. Aside from those two sheets, the rest of the paper were stories Steve had printed from the Internet. He had been sure to bring plenty of reading material, best to keep his mind from wandering and growing nervous. He started with a favorite of his, "Consequences" by a writer going under the name of Anyport. By the time Steven decided to turn out the overhead light and pull his coat over him like a blanket, he had already read the story all the way through. It was an effort to find sleep but eventually he managed to slumber, the sounds of Greenday performing, 'King for a Day' filtering into his head. --- Eleanor sat at her desk, her 7th grade text open in front of her as the little radio beside her played the new Michael Jackson song, "Billie Jean". She held her pencil limply and pointedly ignored her homework, lost in thought. Steve Check watched his baby-sitter through the crack in her bedroom door. She was two years older than he was, she seemed so grown up and sophisticated, almost a woman. Steve admired her legs, which were left bare, as the hem of her skirt rode up slightly because of how she was sitting. She was developing the soft curves of a teenager, nothing like the girls in his class. Her shirt hung loose in the front as she leaned over her desk, her now developing breasts were hidden by the drape of the material. Steve found something about Eleanor made him feel funny in a good way, he especially liked to look at her legs. He stood there in the hall watching her as she coolly sat there taunting her homework. She was a teenager, she didn't have to do it if she didn't want to. She could just sit there and not do it. As he stood absorbed in watching Eleanor, Steve felt something brush his leg as Cinnamon, Eleanor's tabby cat, pushed past him and barged into the room. Eleanor turned to greet her pet at the sound of the door swinging open and found a trembling Steve standing in the doorway, his face red at being caught peeping on her. Eleanor smiled and got up, Steve wanted to run back to the couch where he was supposed to be asleep but his legs seemed to have fused at the knees. Eleanor sat down on her bed, looking a little flushed herself, and patted beside her. Steve forced his legs to carry him forward to take the spot she had indicated. Eleanor placed her hand on Steve's shoulder, "You were watching me, weren't you Stevie?" Steve was so frightened he couldn't think to do anything but nod. "What were you hoping to see?" Steve shrugged and mumbled, "I dunno." "Do you like watching girls Stevie, do you think they're pretty?" Steve blushed but didn't respond. "Maybe not girls in your class maybe older girls?" Steve couldn't stop himself from nodding. "Are there any particular girls you like? Maybe a teacher, or an older sister of one of your friends?" Steve shuffled his feet and stared at the carpet, unable to meet Eleanor's face. He sucked his lower lip against the bottom of his upper teeth as he debated his answer. "Stevie," Eleanor asked when the boys silence dragged on, "Do you think I'm pretty?" Steve wanted to get up and run from the room but Eleanor's hand was like a lead weight on his shoulder. Steve choked back tears of embarrassment as he instead nodded again. Eleanor put her arm around Steve's shoulders hugging him against her side. "Stevie, it's okay." She offered him a tissue from her night table to dry his eyes. "Stevie, I want to tell you something, but you can't tell anyone, okay? You have to promise me, can you do that?" Steve was intrigued now, what could be so secret? Being eager to impress Eleanor Steve placed one had over his heart and held his other hand up like he had seen in court TV shows. "I promise Eleanor, I won't tell anyone, not even my mom." Eleanor smiled at him, "That's good, because I know you're a good kid, and I can trust you to keep your word. Stevie, do you know what a lesbian is?" Steve thought for a moment and shook his head. "You know how you feel when you look at a girl? You know how you want to hold her hand, maybe kiss her?" Steve wasn't sure about the rest but he knew he liked looking at Eleanor so he nodded. "Well sometimes there are girls who feel the same way about girls as you do. They are called lesbians." "Are you a lesbian Eleanor?" Steve guessed. "I think so Stevie." Steve wasn't sure how she could think she was a lesbian but not know but he didn't really understand it too much anyways. Steve thought for a minute, he knew some older boys, if Eleanor was a lesbian then she probably thought like them. Jimmy's older brother had a girlfriend, he took her to movies and dinner and then they drove down to the river valley. "Do you have a girlfriend Eleanor?" Now it was Eleanor's turn to blush, Steve saw it as she turned her head away embarrassed. "No, not yet." she said. "Is there a girl you like?" Steve found himself curious about this lesbian issue, he had never heard of anything like this. "What's she like?" Eleanor smiled and put her hand on Steve's head. She looked at him for a moment with a happy look on her face. "Her name is Amber." "Is Amber a lesbian too?" Now she looked sad, "I don't think so Stevie." Steve was crushed, he didn't want to make Eleanor unhappy. He wasn't sure what to do but he knew what his mom always did when he was sad, he gave Eleanor a hug. She smiled again and looked down at him, "You're such a sweet kid Stevie." Then she seemed to study Steve for a minute and she smiled even wider. "Stevie would you like to dance with me?" Steve's heart did backflips for joy. "I would like that, Eleanor." "Would you do something for me in return?" --- Steven stretched as he stepped out of the bathroom. It was morning now and the scenery was just flashing by as the bus sped along. He returned to his seat to do some more reading, this morning he felt like reading 'Story of Priss' by Linda Lafrance and after that an anonymous tale called 'Cherry Tree'. By the time he was done that the bus was within Vancouver limits. From there a city bus took him to the hotel. The lobby had a tall ceiling with a second story area overlooking it, like many other hotels he had seen. He took his suitcase and walked up to the counter, "Steven Chapman, I have a reservation." The girl typed some keys on the computer and then assigned him his room number. She handed him his keycard as well as a message that she said had been left for him. Once Steven had his suitcase in his room he unfolded the paper he had received. It read, 'meet me in the hotel restaurant at 3:00'. Steven glanced at his watch, damn it, it was already 3:10. He ran out of his room, grateful for modern technology which meant he didn't have to stop to lock it. He caught the elevator to the first floor and from there he hurriedly walked to the commerce area of the hotel. Once he was there locating the restaurant was easy. Steven was shown to the table where his soon-to-be-ex-wife was waiting. "Sorry I'm late," he apologized as he slid into his chair across from her. "I just got in." Susan was likely on a break from her consultation as she looked professional to a standard. Her skirt suit gave an aura of being crisp and capable without resorting to wearing a man's suit and risking coming across as hostile. Not that looking hostile was a bad thing if Susan was prosecuting, but today she was only a consultant. "Hello Steven. I don't have much time so I'll be brief, I've looked over the terms of the divorce and am willing to finally put this matter to rest, however there is one matter which needs to be resolved." Steven felt decidedly nervous, what could she want that she had to bring him all the way here? Any proposed changes to the divorce papers could be handled through his lawyer, what matter did Susan feel was important enough that she had to bring him over a thousand Kilometers, or 650 miles for his now Americanized ex-spouse. "If you've read it then you realize I'm not after your money. All I want is the house in St. Albert. I grew up there it belonged to my parents." It still seemed odd to Steven to refer to his parents in the past tense. He was barely thirty, too young to have no living parents. Too young to have a failed marriage either, so perhaps things were not so odd as he thought. "I don't care about the house. I spend most of my time in Denver these days." Steven sighed, "I do miss the mountain air, but it just didn't feel like home." "Steven what I want is simple, I want to meet the woman who ruined our marriage." Steven stammered, "I... impossible... she's... I didn't bring her." Susan took Steven's hands which were waving around in a flustered manner. "Steven, I can tie this up in court for years, It's what I do for a living. I know you want this to be done with so that you can remarry, and I have no ill will toward your new wife. I just want to meet Carol, now I know you can arrange it." Steven felt heavy, weighed down with a burden the likes of which he hadn't felt since he had finally confessed his secret life to his mother, after his step-father had passed away. "Susan, I can't..." "Steven, I think I am entitled to this. Carol drove us apart and I've never even really met her, unless you count her screaming and locking herself in the bathroom in her underwear. I want closure as much as you do, and I can't get it until I have looked Carol in the eyes and said what I have to say." "Say it now Susan. Say it to me." "No Steven, I said what I had to say to you in 2002, I have to say this to Carol. If she can't face me then I won't be able to let go." Steven took a deep breath, somewhere in the back of his mind he hadn't been surprised at what she had said, but that part forgot to tell the rest of his brain. "When?" Susan smiled, "Dinner tonight." she handed Steven a stack of papers, "This should help." --- Steve closed the door and locked it behind him. His mom and Mr. Chapman were both at work tonight, that left him and his new step sister alone until at least 8:00. Steve had eagerly accepted Eleanor as his sister, but still couldn't bring himself to call her father dad. He had gotten over the crush on Eleanor from when their parents were dating and she had baby-sat him, but now they were closer than ever. Steve was always home before Eleanor now, she was in high school and had a much further walk. Steve decided to use the time till she got home in the best way he knew how, he scampered excitedly up to Eleanor's room, kicking his shoes off in the middle of the living room. Steve went immediately to Eleanor's dresser and opened the drawer that was set aside for him. Fortunately he had grown enough to have caught up with Eleanor in size. When she had first convinced him to dress as a girl her clothing had hung on him, too big, but now it fit almost perfectly. He dreaded the day he would finally outgrow her clothes. Steve had started wearing a dress while they danced together, Eleanor pretending Steve was in fact a girl, and Steve pretending Eleanor was his girlfriend. Eventually Eleanor had actually started dating Amber discretely and she hadn't needed Carol, Steve's alter ego. After a while, though, Steve found he had missed being Carol. He missed the ethereal swirl of a dress as he glided delicately across the room. He had started sneaking into Eleanor's room while she was out and dressing up in her clothes, but it was only the third time he'd had the opportunity to reinvent Carol that Eleanor had come to him asking if he had been in her clothes. Steve broke down right there and sobbed his story out to Eleanor, about how he missed being pretty, how he missed being Carol. From then on Eleanor had the sister she had always wanted. They had been careful to keep the secret from their parents, just as they had been careful to keep the secret of Eleanor and Amber's relationship. Now instead of just dressing to dance, Steve had a whole range of girlie experiences. Coordinating outfits, learning to do his own make-up, even a private slumber party once where they dressed in their nighties and stayed up all night taking, and giving each other make-overs. From that day on, whenever they were home alone Steve was nowhere to be found, in his place was Carol. Eleanor allowed her new sister nearly free reign over her closet and had even bought her new sister a couple of new sets of underwear that were all hers. That was what Steve was after in the drawer, his favorite bra and panty set. It was silky and pale pink and, although the shape wasn't as revealing as the more exotic styles that Eleanor now wore, they agreed these were more suitable a 'girl' of Carol's age. Slowly Steve disappeared and Carol emerged from her hiding place behind the fair features of his face. Carol was expecting Eleanor to arrive any moment during the entire time she was selecting her outfit. She eventually decided on a knee length denim skirt and a white tank top with a picture of an angel crossing her fingers behind her back and a forked tail under her robes. When Eleanor hadn't arrived by the time Carol started to use a curling iron to give some style to her shoulder length hair she thought it odd. By the time Carol had done her make-up she was starting to get worried that Eleanor still wasn't home. Carol went to the closet and took the final accessory for her outfit, a pair of black boots with 3" heels that she had bought on sale, unfortunately that was one area where she couldn't raid her sister's wardrobe, Carol's feet were just too wide. Once the zippers were done up to the top, which struck Carol mid-calf, Carol decided to calm her concerns about Eleanor with an illicit pleasure. She crept downstairs and into the basement. She couldn't help but feel out of place here, this was the domain of Mr. Chapman. However, Carol knew of one very important thing down here. On the shelf was on old coffee can. Carol blew on her fingers to ensure her nail polish was dry before handling the can. She pried off the plastic lid and poured the screws inside into an old paint tray until she found what she was looking for underneath it all. A metal Cigarette container, mom thought Mr. Chapman had quit smoking but he had just gotten more cautious about it. It seemed like everyone in this house had something to hide except mom. Carol opened the tin and withdrew one, then she replaced the tin and buried it under screws before placing the tin back on the shelf. Carol then retreated to the bathroom to smoke the stolen cigarette, turning on the fan as she entered. She took the lighter that was tucked into the drawer along with the emergency candles in case of a power failure and lit the cigarette. Carol lifted herself to sit sideways atop the counter that housed the sink and stretched her legs out until they touched the wall. Carol stared into the mirror, admiring the reflection of the pretty young girl she found there. She particularly admired her slender legs, still thankfully unmarked by the hair of manhood. The few stray follicles that occasionally cropped up were soon done away with courtesy of mom's razor. Carol raised the cigarette to her slick lips and sucked gently, drawing in the smoke and watching herself in the mirror. She had been fascinated for some time now with the image of a beautiful girl with her colored lips pursed around a cigarette. The image wasn't diminished at all that the girl in this case was herself. Carol turned her head to blow the cloud of smoke directly at the fan which would pull it outside. She paused a minute to gaze at the butt of the cigarette, tainted pink from her lipstick. Carol smoked nearly the whole cigarette before she finally heard the sound of the front door closing, Eleanor was finally home. Carol flushed the remnants of the cigarette down the toilet and sprayed some air freshener to cover the smell before she made her way to the door. Eleanor was already coming up the stairs when Carol came out. "What took you so long? I was starting to worry." Eleanor had a look on her face like she had just been slapped, repeatedly. "Let's go downstairs and talk." Soon the two 'sisters' were sitting in the living room with the curtains drawn Eleanor folded her hands in her lap, looking as though she desired nothing more than for the world to crack open and swallow her whole. "Amber won't be coming around anymore." Carol's annoyance washed out of her and she put her arm on Eleanor's shoulder, reversing their positions of three years prior. Carol was now the comforting one and Eleanor the frightened. Once Eleanor had cried her grief out on Carol's shoulder Carol ventured to ask what happened. "She said that if I wanted to go to the spring dance with Derrick Mason she wouldn't stop me, but I had to choose." Carol stroked her sister's hair lovingly as Eleanor lay her head against Carol's chest. "I'm sorry." While Eleanor sobbed, Carol thought about the situation. When Eleanor started to realize that maybe she liked guys after all, she had sought and hoped for acceptance from her girlfriend. That was the furthest thing from what she got. That day Carol realized what the truth could do to people and the value of a polite lie. She made a vow that if Steve ever wanted to marry she would take care to keep herself out of the picture. --- Steven gave a sudden thrash as he woke up. Warm water splashed, some of it spilling onto the floor of the hotel bathroom. It took him a moment to place his surroundings. He had fallen asleep in the bath after a day of preparing for Carol to have dinner with his soon to be ex-wife. He had dreamed while he slept about the upcoming dinner. In his dream Susan had arrived with her new boyfriend, she had brought him along to laugh at her ex-husband. A scene of terror had followed with Susan ripping the wig from Carol's head leaving him to flee, trapped between persona's; half Steve, half Carol. The entire restaurant had chased after, laughing at the freak that ran. Steven lay back and let the water wash over his face. He had definitely read too many Internet stories lately. Far too many of them ended in situations like that, where the woman completely emasculated the unfortunate crossdresser. As he climbed from the tub and toweled dry he reassured himself that it was simply his nervousness at play with his subconscious mind. Once he was dry Steven dusted his body with a scented powder, marveling at the smoothness, courtesy of a salon Susan had recommended. Steven had never been waxed before and now that he had he didn't really understand why movies seemed to make such a big deal about it. It was certainly worth the little bit of pain for the seductive smoothness of his legs. Steven went out to main room, where he had laid out his afternoon's purchases. Perhaps it was good that Susan had never accepted Carol, it would have been very easy to grow pampered with the kind of money she earned. She had given Steven more money than he had ever spent on Carol before. In a way it made him nervous that this meeting was that important to her. "No sense worrying about what can't be avoided," Steven told himself and started to dress for dinner. He began with a set of genuine silk lingerie, a bra and panty set in black with lace with a matching garter belt. His breast forms were still at home but he made do as best he could with a set of cheap substitutes from a costume shop. Intended for guys out for a gag they were a little bigger than what he usually used but he managed to squeeze them into the bra. By the time the lingerie was on Steven had started to think of himself as Carol again. The dress she had bought was absolutely gorgeous, black and sleeveless but modestly cut at the neckline. The skirt was ankle length but had a side slit which showed a delightful glimpse of leg. It fit Carol perfectly, but she had known it would. The store owner had encouraged Steven to try it on with all the padding in place before he had decided on a style. Then Carol donned her new wig, she had never been a blonde before but since Susan had provided enough money for a top quality wig Steven had felt adventurous. The style fell to Carol's shoulders and was slightly feathered, giving a very versatile look. It was long enough - and expensive enough - to be stylable, but not so long that it restricted which styles she could create too drastically. For tonight she left it down and loose, which suited her new dress very well. Then Carol draped a cloth over her dress and opened up the fabulous make-up selection she had acquired, all of it expertly matched to her specific skin tone and taste in colors. She set to work selecting each shade carefully, applying every tip and trick she had learned from her years of copying Eleanor and from countless women's magazines. The process of slowly erasing Steven from sight took a couple of hours, but by the time she was done Carol bore only the slightest resemblance to her masculine alter-ego. This was not to say she appeared unreadably female however, merely that recognizing her from her male self was quite a task for someone who didn't know either Steven or Carol extremely well. Finally presentable, Carol phoned for a taxi in her best feminine voice and made a last minute inspection of herself while she waited. Everything met with approval, just a slight adjustment of the wig and then she went down to the lobby. She didn't have to wait long before a taxi arrived and she walked out to it, listening to the click of the sidewalk under her 3" heels. The cab ride to the restaurant was mercifully brief and fortunately the driver didn't try to make conversation. Carol found herself starting to worry again during the short trip, she knew that the situation she had dreamed was almost impossibly unlikely, but having to go as Carol to meet with Susan was a frightening prospect. What reason could she have for being so insistent on it being Carol that met her, what could make it worth the hundreds of dollars it had cost her to have Carol there? She took her mind off the topic by checking her make-up again with her compact from her purse. That passed the last of the time until she arrived at the hotel. Carol paid the driver and went inside. She tried not to chew nervously on her lip as she entered, the maitre d' smiled as she approached. Did she pass from a distance or had he perhaps welcomed 'girls' like Carol before? As she got closer Carol decided it must be the latter because his expression did not darken as she came near. "Good evening Ma'am. Party?" Carol breathed deeply and concentrated on keeping her voice high and breathy which led to the most convincingly feminine tone she was capable of. "Chapman, two." The well dressed gentleman quickly scanned his list and then a second time. "I'm afraid I don't have a listing for that name, perhaps it's under another?" Carol felt her stomach flutter, "Relax girl," she told herself, "Try her maiden name before you panic." "Perhaps Greenwood?" The maitre d' scanned his list again and paused his finger partway down the column, "Ah yes, here we are. Your companion has not arrived yet but I will fetch someone to show you to your table." A young gentleman in his mid twenties responded and led Carol to a table set for two. Contrary to Carol's expectations, it was not tucked away in a dark corner out of sight but rather near the center of one side of the restaurant. Of course there was the odd glare of disgust but they were not the rule. Carol eased herself into the seat, sweeping her skirt before she sat and crossing her legs demurely as she had practiced in the privacy of her own home so many times. Carol had only been in public three times before and once to a Halloween party, where such things are expected and not thought of, and the other times to a local GLBT club. Being in 'neutral' territory made her feel more than a little nervous, she was struck by an odd craving for a cigarette despite having quit ten years prior. Finally Susan arrived, she was dressed in a beautiful deep blue gown, cut lower in the front than Carol's and decorated by a pattern in sparkles on the bust. In all their fighting over the last couple years Carol had forgotten just how beautiful Susan really was. Susan eased herself into the other chair opposite Carol, mirroring the gesture Carol had made when she sat down. It nevertheless occurred to Carol that Susan did it with a much simpler ease and grace; for her it was not a conscious act but a near autonomous function performed naturally. Their waiter took their order for a bottle of Chablis and departed to let them consider their dinner choices. Carol did not look at her menu right away, her eyes could not leave Susan's face. Despite her loveliness there was a deep sadness in her eyes. Carol took some small comfort from the absence of anger and hatred that had been there in 2002. "Hello Susan." Susan took a deep breath and swallowed hard. Her voice was weary and nearly cracking as she spoke, "Hello Carol, nice to meet you at last." Silence descended between them, neither sure what to say. Nothing seemed appropriate to Carol. Eventually she picked up her menu, they did not speak a word until their waiter brought their wine and took their orders for dinner. It was Susan who spoke first, her voice solid again but still hollow, "So how long have you known Steven?" Carol sipped her wine, "It started when Steven was a young boy, it was Eleanor that introduced us." The story was long, once she started Carol could not stop herself. She told Susan everything, how she didn't go away when Eleanor's interest in women faded and about Steven's expectation that after marriage Susan would replace Carol. She told Susan about seeing the beautiful outfits and sexy lingerie Susan wore and how much she wished that she could wear them. Then she told her about the day when it all became too much and she gave in to temptation, she went to the department store and purchased an entire outfit. It had been hard to keep Susan from noticing the shortage of money, but it had felt so wonderful, she felt free again after a long time. Carol was drawing the story to a close when the waiter brought dinner and, when he left both, parties allowed themselves to be distracted by their dinner, unsure where to go from here. Carol had never eaten in a public place en-femme before so she was overly careful to apply her daintiest manners perhaps trying too hard, but it was better than not trying at all. Finally out of the silence Susan spoke again, "I wasn't sure if I was doing the right thing asking you here, I'm still not." Susan clearly regretted saying this as soon as it passed her lips, she stopped herself from saying more with a drink of wine. As she set the glass down Carol felt her eyes focusing on the imprint of lipstick on Susan's glass, and the identical mark on her own, they were even similar shades. "Why did you want to meet me here tonight?" Susan went for another drink of wine but Carol gently placed her hand on Susan's holding it to the table, "Susan?" Susan took another deep breath and held it a moment before exhaling. "I wanted to know you. You said it yourself, Steven expected that you would go away when he and I were married, but you were too strong a presence in his life for him to dismiss you." "I'm sorry I didn't tell you," Carol interjected. Susan was close to tears now, "I don't know if it would have mattered. I still would have made Steven chose between us, I couldn't accept this in a husband." Carol looked down at her food, aware that she only really wanted to avoid looking at the tears forming in Susan's eyes. "So we've met, now what?" "I couldn't have Steven as my husband, but perhaps Carol and I can be friends?" Surprise jerked Carol's gaze back to Susan's face, just in time to see her wipe away a tear. "That is if you can forgive me," Susan finished with a hopeful smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. Now Carol's eyes started to well with tears, "I would be lucky to have a friend like you." With that a mental weight that was years in building was lifted from them both, "Now let's eat the rest of this dinner before it gets cold." --- The next day, before Steven caught his bus back to Edmonton they went to a notary public and had the divorce papers finalized. In a fairly odd display for divorce they both smiled and when Susan offered a handshake Steven wrapped his arms around her and embraced his now ex-wife. "Thank you," he murmured. "I expect an invitation to the wedding," Susan said. "How about as a Maid of Honor?" "For who?" They both started giggling and laughed together the whole way out. THE END

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Elegant Adria Rae enchants with her perky tits. She plunges her eager asshole with a thick dildo. Her pink rim gapes as she stuffs the toy down her throat! Older stud Mick Blue’s thick prick porks her bunghole, making Adria scream in ecstasy. She masturbates her pink clit while he reams her ass. Adria gags and chokes on his dong, covering it in hot spit. Mick shoves a dildo in her pussy while he thrusts inside her rectum. See nasty anal gaping and a tasty, ass-to-mouth blowjob. Adria...

2 years ago
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Dangerous Dorms

You read the rules of the "Dorm Game" carefully, since losing means losing your scholarship. Honestly, considering the price of this place, you'd rather just leave if that happened. For a second, you consider dropping out of this madness, but then you realize that the amount of sex as well as the fact that graduating from here sets you up for life combined offset the risks. Even one semester here would leave you well off. You grab your belongings and head up to your room, 307. On the doors are...

2 years ago
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Spizoo Penny Archer Hot Hookup With Tattooed Blonde

Penny Archer is covered in tattoos and soon to be covered in cum. This sexy slut is ready to ride cock and get pounded deeply. This mature babe has a round, soft ass and an even softer pussy. Her seductive eyes pull you in and her wet mouth pulls the cum out. Watch as she does everything she can please the cock in front of her and drain the balls. She takes a large cum facial after a hot, aggressive, yet intimate fuck session. This tattooed MILF is ready for action, she gets on her knees and...

4 years ago
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Brobdingnag Ch 01

The expurgated parts of Gulliver’s Travels Author’s Preface The printer of my travel stories has advised me that certain passages in my works must be omitted if he and I are to avoid incarceration at their Majesties’ pleasure. While I resent the enforced censorship of my writing that he counsels I admit that he has wisdom. Their Majesties’ prisons are not attractive domiciles. Therefore I have revised my manuscripts to expunge the parts that might attract unfavourable attention or titillate...

1 year ago
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My Uncle Love

Note : This story is completely fictional! I was little person in height and i was not so well built like a man i am like a girlly boy who was different i all means. I liked men lot than girls i was always waiting in my collage toilet to see dicks of my friends some time i have also sucked my collage friends. I was never fucked .But the day came toloose my virginty to my uncle joe when I was 19 years old . I and my uncle are used to take bath together that day he asked me,Are you ready for your...

2 years ago
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My First experience

Hi Friends, I would like to share my real experience with you here. I am Amar, and I am from Hyderabad, age 22, here my story starts. I am doing my graduation in Hyd. I used to visit my grandma’s house, which is 300 kms away from Hyd. I don’t want to specify my place. There, in joint family, my grandfather used to work and my grandma and mother’s brother (mama or mamaya) used to run a shop general stores. I used to be there daily whenever I visit my grandma’s place. I used to help him in his...

3 years ago
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Fast Food

I spotted her when she came through the door. She looked like her name had to be 'Maria', and that was how I immediately thought of her. She had long, dark brown, almost black, hair. Maria's eyes too, were dark, maybe even black. Her complexion was dark, like a carefully nurtured suntan, but in her case, it was not all from the sun. Her features were soft, probably Central or South American, not sharp, like those from the Mediterranean. Close behind her was the boyfriend, over six feet,...

2 years ago
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Lying on the couch, reading a book, I sigh. The evening has become drastically boring. The day began seemingly interesting; I got up, took a cold shower and got a text message from him, saying that he'd see me later. 20:30, it's dark and he still hasn't called me or anything. About ready to go to bed, when I hear a knock at the door. I get up form my couch and go to the door, only to find that no one's there. I shake my head, assuming that I'm either hearing things, being too...

3 years ago
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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 26 Rescue

I decided it was safe to blink to the beach. I contacted Mia and told her to head there. I also contacted the Hoppers and asked them to coordinate with Mia and follow her. I felt a sudden urgency but didn’t know the reason. So I blinked to the beach. I arrived with little fanfare. Blaine believed they had collected the magical items that the people on the ship had worn. I closed my eyes and sent out my senses to locate the items. I got a ping, turned, and headed in the direction. Once in...

4 years ago
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The Beginning Part 13

Breeding the milk cow.I guess my Friday where I call the shots got a little too bit crazy for Karen and I. I did go over the top for Friday. Need to tone it down next time. We did nothing but rest all day Saturday."Honey, am I going to have to compete with you on who gets to suck on a black cock?" Karen asked.Did I just hear a little bit of jealousy in Karen's voice just now. What? She does not want to share a black dick with me? I was just laughing to myself.No sweetie pie. The only reason...

2 years ago
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The Difficult Choice

The Difficult Choice By Heather St. Claire Another day of work. A day much like all of them, filled with too many things to do, too little time, and too little appreciation. I wonder why I'm putting myself through this, especially when I haven't had a raise in four years. Then I remember. I'm one of the survivors. Sure, I alone am doing the work that three people once did. But at least I'm still working. As for those other two guys, who knows? It's 5:30, and I'm home....

4 years ago
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I took a deep breath as I walked down towards the Immigration desks. For some reason, people in uniform have always made me a bit worried, even if I haven’t done anything wrong. Customs and Immigration officers were the two types that always had me a bit more worried. I had walked past armed soldiers that were more than trigger-happy, without flinching. But for some reason, these guys, who could make or break your day, or even your entire trip, had me worried. While standing in line, waiting...

3 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 2 Magics ClashChapter 4 The Mages Ordeal

Fireeyes – Southern Edge of the Deorc Forest, The Kingdom of Valya I smiled as I watched my fire, witnessing what the wyvern's saw dancing amid the red-orange tongues. My three wyvern slaves had tracked down Angela and her party. The first wyvern dived at the naked Angela. She was a ravishing creature: red hair, large breasts, flawless skin, tall and sexy. She stood over the bound form of the acolyte, Sophia, a nubile beauty. My cock hardened. I seized the smooth head of my simulacrum—an...

4 years ago
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1st Girlfriend by loyalsock

I had a couple of girlfriends before I met the one I lost my virginity with. A few fast and foolish relation-ships that can only be justified in the teenage mentalityof "Live for the moment! You're only young once." I learned how to French kiss, how to feel up a squirming girl for all I could get, I even got a very amateur blow-job a couple of times. But I never got to go all the way with those preg-nancy paranoid teenage girls. I was 14 at the time and pretty amateur myself.When I was 15 I...

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The Masseur

I started a brand-new job at COCO Beach Florida. My wife and I moved into a two-bedroom apartment not too far from my new office. I must have lifted something wrong in the move because I developed a lower-back pain. One of my co-workers suggested I met a friend of hers that was a masseur. I laughed it off, but each day the pain worsened. The pain was worsened daily; finally, I asked for the contact information of the masseur. The masseur's name was Carl. I called for an appointment setting one...

4 years ago
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Summer Love With Mum

Dad had left us when I was five years old. We owned a three bedroom cottage on four acres of land that sat well off of the road and was bordered on one side by a river. The road was in reality a dirt road and we sat far back in the North Wales hills. So we had our privacy. I kept my I did all of the outdoor work, cutting the grass, repairs as needed. Mum always found the time to make things fun for me to, to keep me occupied. She would invent games inside when it was raining or snowing and we...

4 years ago
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Body SwapChapter 11

Isa and Joe returned home late on Sunday evening. We talked for a while about the wedding and at one stage Isa told us that she and Joe had something for us. She left the room and returned with two packages. She handed one to me and one to Katy. "These are gifts for being our bridesmaid and best man," she told us. "We hope you like them." The packages were an identical size and when we opened them we found that the contained a sixty four gigabyte I pad. Mine was in white and Katy had a...

3 years ago
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"Hold the door!" Sandy yelled as she sprinted the last twenty feet to the rapidly closing door of the Ferry's waiting area. With only a half foot to spare, the blonde made it through, much to the disappointment of the deck hand who got his kicks closing the door in people's faces. Had she missed it, it would be a long hour's wait until the next Ferry at 1:30 AM. No sooner had she cleared the boarding ramp when it began to rise, freeing the Staten Island Ferryboat Alice Austin to begin her...

1 year ago
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Viral Video Tube! I know how fucking horny you get for hot Indian babes. You want to taste that delicious brown skin, eat that tight pussy, and pull out your rock hard johnson and give them the time of their lives. Well, I doubt you are going to be filling up a gorgeous Indian bitch any time soon. So you might as well be content with the killer content that you find on ViralVideoTube instead.Here, you will find a wide variety of stunning Indian gals that will want to show your ass one hell of a...

Indian Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Meeting my wife for the first time

When Matthew began dating Laura, he knew she was the kind of woman that would not be satisfied with just one cock in her life. They had met in the Navy through his buddy, Steve, whom she was dating. A couple of weeks later, she and Steve took a weekend trip up the coast to San Francisco to celebrate Valentine’s Day. While the two of them were up in San Francisco, Matthew fantasized what he’d be doing if he was there with Laura. Several weeks later, Matthew was at a monthly party that one...

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"Your brother's got the biggest cock I'd ever personally seen." My girlfriend Lily came staggering through the door in an exaggerated manner and collapsed across he bed where I was sitting. It had been nearly an hour since she left. "Step brother, " I quickly corrected her. "I've done some weird things but I haven't gone that far yet." "Oh, my poor little girl," Lily moaned She pulled up the hem of her nightshirt and looked down between her legs. Her pubic hair was neatly trimmed to form an...

2 years ago
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Interrupted in the nicest way

We’ve come home from the Caribbean after a week of great sexual explorations that help us to discover the intense erotic needs that we both have hidden away too long. You had to go back to work today, but I have one more day off. So I’m unpacking my suitcase and I come across the satin panties that I was wearing that dark night a week ago. They haven’t been washed, and I know that they carry the scent of my excitement. Just thinking about it gets my juices flowing, but I keep...

3 years ago
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Madurai Call guy

Hi,Now am 27, and as a call boy, let me tell you how I entered this proffession in tamil.Enga family north india le irundu tamil natuku business pann vandu 200 years agudu and ippo nanum tamil natu karan aiten, nan 2000 le madurai le kk nagar le irukkura collegel le BA padichutu irunden, appo enakku oru nall friend alagar nu peru, avanga family le ellorum nalla karuppa iruppanga, avan tevar veetu aalu, avan veetuku adikadi poven. Nanga 2nd year padichutu irukurapa tideernu avan college ku 1...

4 years ago
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My First Latina Part 1

I was a Freshman in a State University in New York and being an international student and one of the few students from India on campus, I got popular in my dorm quickly. I went to fraternity rushes and sorority parties, played volleyball, basketball and football all the time in between classes and through that made a lot of friends.Out of all my adventures, let me tell you about Heidi. Heidi was my first Latina, she was from El Salvador, Christian, repressed as fuck and was raised by a single...

2 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 74

Marcus stepped inside the bedroom, leaned against the door as it closed, and tried to focus. He wondered if he'd have enough time to change the sheets, but realised that the new bed didn't have drawers beneath it, and the sheets were now kept in the airing cupboard in the bathroom. Running through his mental list of romantic gestures, he quickly discarded chocolates and flowers as too difficult to acquire quickly. His gaze fell on the row of candles on the desk. Candles were romantic,...

4 years ago
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Friends wife Andrea Chapter 2

Monday morning soon came and I was standing at Gareths door waiting for an answer.I heard Andrea shout down good morning to me as I walked through to the kitchen while Gareth put the kettle on and told me to chill out for 20 minutes while he drove the k**s to school as Andrea did not drive.I made my coffee and went outside the patio door for a cigarette planning the week ahead thinking to myself.I heard Andrea come up behind me and she put her arms around me from behind, kissed my neck and said...

2 years ago
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Dirk Saber PI Jane Russell Ch 06

Sitting in my home office once again, I leaned back in my chair, put my feet on the desk, and closed my eyes. Maid Becky had drained me mentally as well as physically. When the whirr of the vacuum cleaner stopped I woke from an unintended nap. The desk clock reported a twenty minute snooze had elapsed. An unsettled feeling settled upon me. I needed to do something normal, do something that would get Becky out of my head so I could think clearly. It was the perfect time to brush Dick. ‘Dick,...

4 years ago
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Part 2

The ClockPart 2As I walked into the dungeon I was confronted with a wonderfully erotic sight - 13 stunningly attractive young models hanging from the centre beam by their manacled wrists. Every toned muscle was painfully stretched as the models scrambled to gain any purchase on the floor with their toes to take some of the weight off their abused shoulder sockets. There was no relief of course. I had carefully adjusted the length of the manacle chains whilst they had been u*********s so that...

2 years ago
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The Belfast Crab

When she hit my life, I was living in Belfast and she blew in like a hurricane. To this day, I’m not quite sure where or how I first saw her, the memory is hazy now. I think I had gone to a friend’s house to borrow something, his latest girlfriend was there and we were introduced. Somehow we left together. We ended up having a drink, then a meal and later that night, for the first time, she shared my bed. She was an insatiable lover and I was just as besotted. Note that I said we shared a bed,...

3 years ago
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Camp Boring Pt3

If you haven't read my Coping or Vacation stories, please do, It's not necessary but you'll get more out of it if you do. This one has some young/old, oral, and groping in it. You follow a Femboy named Sammie. I made it to the rock climbing wall with absolutely no time to spare. I found 10 other boys around my age standing in a curved line around one of the Camp’s councilors. The councilor himself was walking back and forth in front of them, giving them what sounded like instructions on how to...

3 years ago
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10 inches deep Part 3

As I continued laying on the mattress, Darrell and his friend were talking in the other room. My whole body ached and I felt a throbbing sensation in my ass. I sat up quietly, trying to hear what they were talking about. The camera man went upstairs as Darrell entered the room. Even shrunken, his cock was bigger than me when fully erect. My eyes were locked on his unusually large appendage. Darrell easily noticed, he smiled. Then I was asked "what are you doing here?" At first, I thought he...

3 years ago
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Julie 3 Cheerleader sleepover

Another beautiful Wednesday afternoon, the summer before my sophomore year of high school. Usually on a day like this I would have a gang of people from the gym over wasting time between workouts. Today however, I skipped practice. I was just burnt out and needed a day off. It had been a crazy summer so far. I decided it was just going to be a day to sleep late, go out and relax by the pool, maybe work on my tan. My parents and older brother were all working so I had the place to myself....

3 years ago
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Plain JaneChapter 7

Mana and I came out of the bedroom and found Mai, Suki, Keiko, Anna, Darlene and Michelle all waiting for us on the landing, and all wearing their jewelled butt plugs, high heels and nothing else. Keiko was looking very flushed as Corin had only just finished sodomising her lovely bum. “Come, my lovely friends!” I said to the waiting group. “Our female guests await us. Listen carefully when I announce the arrangements, and make sure you give your lovely bodies to as many guests as...

3 years ago
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Revolting Development

This is a spamfic, really, just something I had to get out of my system. -Kiai Revolting Development I came to in a sparsely furnished bedroom. I glanced around; the place looked big and bland, more bland than any motel I'd ever seen. "Damn, this looks like Sim City." It didn't surprise me to hear my own voice pitched in soprano; one whole side of the room was a mirror, and the diffuse bedroom lighting was bright enough for me to see the profile of breasts on what had to be...

4 years ago
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Giselles Private Boutique Part 1

My husband and I have been married almost five years. We're both thirty-two years old, and we have a darling one-year-old baby girl who is the light of our lives. We're both very physically active, working out and playing sports. We take Charlotte with us when we run, pushing her in the stroller while we talk. We have the perfect relationship, and we're in the prime of our sexual lives.During our time together, our sex life has ebbed and flowed like the waves on a beach. Before Char, we were...

First Time
2 years ago
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Looking at Gay Porn Busted PT8 Gay

As we arrived at Larry and Ann's, I couldn't believe how anxious I was to see Larry again and to meet this man, Mark, who had so dominated their lives that they would both allow him to "mark" them as his personal property. A month ago I was just an average guy with a steady girlfriend with perhaps a much better than average sex life. But all that changed as I found myself blackmailed by a high school buddy who eventually had me help him seduce my girlfriend Sandy into both of us becoming his...

4 years ago
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Getting my Fare Share

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, written at the request of a fellow Xhamster.For a Wednesday night, it had been really, really slow. It was about 2 am, and I had been on since 11 pm. I had only had two fares; not many people needing a taxi tonight. Just after 2:00, my dispatcher sent me pickup. I drove to the address. It was a small pub where I had picked up or delivered many times. Usually, the passengers I picked up here were anywhere from a little tipsy to sloppy drunk. I...

2 years ago
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wife was a tart

hi me and my wife of 10years are a horny cpl always fucking well i try my best but never realy been enough 4 her realyeven throu i had her from a young ageshe was well advanced.she always makes me finish in seconds when she confessers he she says she was a four fingerd virgin her first time was shit as most is but her second time is a horny long summer she fucked 5 lads reguley most of the time in the same night shed get drunk wit themthen one by one thered fuck her senceless in...

4 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIIChapter 19

Sunday, June 27, 1971 "Are you alright?" Izzy asked me. "Uh-huh," I replied groggily. "Do you remember what happened?" "Yeah," I replied. Boy, did I remember! Izzy and Kip stood there with Mr. Graham, waiting for an explanation. I was half sitting, half lying on the couch as I regained consciousness. I glanced down to see that I was fully clothed. Then, looking around the cabin, I noted that the nine sisters had done a good job of putting things back to where they had been. The...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Story Redux

In the cold light of day, I wondered if I might have been too hasty in moving Connie back in so soon after our fuck session at the party the previous night. Even though we had been divorced 16 months, the pain of her betrayal was still fresh. Her reasons, or should that be excuses, hadn’t changed. I was still working long hours and still had to travel on a regular basis. How could I be sure that she wouldn’t get “lonely” again and make another “poor choice.” The fact was I couldn’t. If I was...

4 years ago
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10 Book2Chapter 6

Pain was everywhere when I woke up. Somebody was holding me and causing more pain. I tried to curl up to at least avoid some of it but it didn't work. "Piper, snap out of it. We need you. Forget the pain. It's in your own mind." More pain came to my face as my head was violently moved to one side. Three more surges made my head ring even more and I tried to crawl away from it. A sudden shock came to my face but it was cold water. It went up my nose and in my mouth. I began to sputter...

4 years ago
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Escort in Training Chapter 8

Tuesday, 10am My mood is even more terrible when I wake up. Now I’m not just frustrated, I’m tired too. My first response to the morning is to frown and sigh. The Colin Firth-lookalike rouses us again, pulling back the curtains to more blazing sunshine and birds chirping merrily. I notice that it’s an hour later than yesterday, but the lie-in doesn’t seem to have made much difference. I’ve got a faintly fuzzy head after the champagne. I wonder if today will be another never-ending tease. I...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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My first horse

Well Jessica got here about nine fifteen dressed in a summerdress and heels, we watched Mean Girls II "not my idea" for about an hour until i slide my dick out and start stroking it right there in front of her. she askes "very direct arnet you" and i answer "you like it dont you" I reach around and lift her skirt, and she gasps but dosnt stop me. I look under and see that shes not wearing any panties and i know, she came here to be fucked. I grab her clit and pinch it, and she soaks my hand...

4 years ago
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Donkey Kaa Lund Liya Mene

Hy friends. My name is sunita ,live in sikar from rajastan.Age 40 Years Hai, Aaj Main Pehli Baar apni real story aap sabhi ko sunane jaa rahi hoon, Its my true and real story,aap mujh se contact bhi kar sakte ho, Meri ID hai , Ab pehle main apna parichay karati hu main ek acche ghar ki housewife hu, mere boobs bhi 38 size ke hai , meri kamar 30 aur meri gand 36 ki hai,; Ab mein apni first sex ke kahani batane jaa rahi hu, yeh baat kuch din pehle ki hai ,mujse lund lene ka bhut shok ho gaya tha...

4 years ago
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A MixedUp Valentines Day

Author's Note: Before we start another seasonally inappropriate story, a lot of reviews questioned whether or not the first story I posted here was my first one written, which it isn't, it was actually my most recent piece. This story is my first standalone story, though I contributed to a fair share of interactive stories on both (and more recently over the years. I hope you'll enjoy it. Carl was sitting alone in his apartment on Valentine's Day. While he had a...

3 years ago
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Cheer Camp part 1

It was the first week of cheer camp. I knew I was going to be in heaven. Not only because of the guys, but because of the girls as well. I could just feel my pussy getting wet at the idea of spending 8 weeks working along side some of the most gorgeous girls in the state. I knew when I stepped off the bus that I was going to make my dream of being with a girl finally come true. I just wasn't sure how I was going to get to that point. Taking it one day at a time seemed kinda dorky, but hey maybe...

4 years ago
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JulieChapter 4 The Kennels

Nora woke early the next morning and after setting some coffee to brewing, she showered and dressed. As the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafted into my bedroom and I began to stir. I lay in bed reminiscing about last evening festivities and my hand slid between my opened thighs. My pussy was very tender to touch but with a little persistence my juices began to flow and any discomfort disappeared. I remembered how wonderful a lover Nora was and how she took me to new sexual heights. Although...

3 years ago
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The Ya Ya DildohoodChapter 6

The fact that my ex-wife was standing outside my door on a Friday night was one thing. That she was also naked was something else entirely. "Andrea, what the hell are you doing... here?" I paused, asking her simultaneously two questions. "We need to talk," she said simply. "You going to invite me in or not?" "I don't think that's a very good idea at the moment," I replied, remembering that Maggie was still sitting inside my living room just around the corner. I knew she would be...

4 years ago
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Her Version

It’s getting closer to the Christmas holiday shopping season and I love this time of year. Like every woman I’ve ever known, I just love clothes, especially the kind that lets me show off. Summer is fun since I get to show plenty of skin, but it’s the colder weather where my fashion sense kicks in to high gear. Never met a color that I couldn’t pull off. I love when a man notices me and is tongue-tied as to what to say. Depending on the way he is dressed and carries himself, I love knowing in...


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