Teaching 14 Year Old Boys free porn video

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Teaching 14-year-old boys By Swishy "Then it's agreed. We'll shoot Scott," Doug said, closing one eye and aiming the gun at my head. His finger poised at the trigger, about to seal my fate with a tiny movement. "Wait a second! Why me?" I demanded. The room stood in silence for a second and then Barrel spoke, "Well, like Doug said- my parents are home, and his parents are at home but your parents, they're not at home for an entire week." I visibly baulked, "And that's why you plan on shooting me. Because my folks are at a textiles conference all week?" An annoyed sigh escaped Doug's curled lips. "It's not going to kill you," he said wildly flinging the gun around with his big hand gestures. He was probably right; the gun didn't look dangerous at all. It looked flimsy, it looked feeble, it looked plastic. 'Gun' didn't even seem to be the right word for it. For all intents and purposes it was a toy, bright white plastic moulded to the shape of a 1950's science fiction laser pistol, but I was scared of it. I was scared of what it might do to me. *** This all had started about three weeks ago. We walked out of computer class, the only class we all had together. Doug, Barrel and I laughed and joked loudly as we went to get our lunch. As girls sometime do, Julia walked past us. A gust of wind flew by her school-sanctioned skirt and teased us with a hint of the panties that lay underneath. The joking came to an abrupt and succinct halt as we all inwardly thanked whatever god made that that possible. "Julia's got the best butt around!" Barrel whispered as soon as she was out of earshot. "But she's flat as a pancake," I chimed in, harsh I know, but true. Julia did have an incredibly juicy derriere, full pouty lips and beautiful long red hair that flowed behind her like a red mist, however she was lacking some major boobage. "Dude, just wait, she'll grow a pair. Her older sister is in my advance math class and she has the finest pair going around," informed Doug, gesturing a cup size that must have been embellished. "Too bad she has acne like a bitch though." We talked like that back and forward, all through lunch. Judging girls, making lists of whom we wanted to bang. We can be excused for this kind of talk. We are 14 and we are supposed to talk like that! "What isn't fair," started Doug, deciding to make a statement, "what isn't fair is it's a the girls choice when to have sex." Barrel and myself stared blankly at our pontificating friend as he sipped his banana-flavoured milk. He continued, "This whole world is about guys trying to impress a girl enough so that they can grant us the precious gift of sex. I mean sex feels good for them, right? I read it actually feels better for women than it does for men. So, why do they withhold it from us? Why do we have to work long and hard for something that we both would clearly enjoy? It seems stupid." "They just keep it from us so they have all the power," suggested Barrel. "Yeah," I agreed. The conversation continued picking up momentum. "I'm a virgin," Doug declared. Although we all were, of course we were. We were three teenage boys who always hung out together and blended into the school scene. The female population largely ignored us. Barrel was exactly like his nickname, big, round and thick. And I mean big. At 14 he was already taller than every teacher in the school but one and easily twice as heavy. Despite his girth, he was a gentle giant, more prone to crying than to throwing punches. He was a good friend of mine, although sometimes just because he made me feel good that I wasn't as slow or unsuccessful as him. The girls at school would always be scared of Barrel because of his immense size and the fact he'd get so nervous around them all he would do is splutter and breathe erratically. I was never quite sure what Doug would do when he grew up, but I was sure that it would be only semi-legal. Doug was a smooth talker, a person of loose morals. He would have been nicknamed 'The Weasel' if he let us, but there was always a fear of getting on his bad side. The girls thought he was sleazy and rightly so. Rounding out the group was me. If I warranted a nickname it would have been 'The Sponge' as I fit in anyplace. I was easily ignored; I was sure most the people in my class didn't even know my name. The girls certainly didn't. But on a whole I think the female population saw us all as 'immature.' Nothing more than a little boys group. But here we were making what we thought was the most mature statement anyone had ever made. "Girls should just have sex with any guy she wants to without all these trials and tests. If it feels good do it!" "Yeah!" "If I was a girl, I wouldn't hold back." "Either would I. I'd spread it around. I'd get good at it. Let guys get good at it so that we all would enjoy it more" "Me too!" The bell rang and ended our brainstorming. I felt frustrated, Doug had a point. Barrel went home and had an idea, an idea that I would have never thought in a thousand years. And that idea had would cause my life to change in a very big way. *** During a sleep over, just after a strenuous bout of video gaming at my house, Barrel unzipped his backpack and removed a box. "Gentlemen, say goodbye to our problems," he chanted as he lowered the box in front of us. It was a non-descript, smallish white cardboard box. Needless to say we had no idea how this would solve all our problems, in fact we had no idea what our problem even was. Wordlessly Barrel flipped off the lid of the box and trumpeted a little fanfare. Inside the box was the aforementioned gun. It was seemed neither impressive nor did it seem to fix any troubles. Barrel smiled warmly at our blank stare, preparing to answer our questions. "I bought it off e-bay," he said, not answering the most pressing question. He gently picked it up with his massive hands, showing us the plastic gun. He was being so cautious with it that it could have been a newborn baby. "Barrel, my good friend, what is so special about a toy?" Doug asked, treating his 'good friend' like an excited 4-year-old. "Well, the guy who was selling it said it was magic," Barrel paused for dramatic effect for a little too long, "the guy said that it was cursed by a witch about 20 years ago and ever since then its had magical powers." "And you believe what you read on e-bay?" "Well, I'm not sure, but he said I can get my $250 back if it doesn't work." "$250! You dickhead! Isn't that all your Christmas and birthday money you were saving for a PS3?" "Yeah, but weigh it up. Magic gun or a lame Playstation, what would you choose?" "Magic gun?" I finally chimed in, "Barrel, does it even work?" Barrel looked hurt and defensive, mainly defensive. "I haven't tried it yet, have I?" he snapped. The gun definitely didn't look magic. Doug snatched the gun and aimed it at my coffee table. "Pa-chow" the tinny speakers blared as he pulled the trigger. Nothing happened right away. We waited. Nothing happened then either. Doug seemed disappointed, not at the gun but Barrel's naivety. "Well, so much for magic," proclaimed Doug, "it didn't turn the coffee table into anything." "It doesn't work like that," sighed Barrel. "Remember I said it would solve our problems?" We nodded. "Well, the guy said if you shoot any person with it," Barrel emphasized 'person', "they turn into a hot babe." "Fuck off," I said, "you're such an idiot! What a waste of money! How is that supposed to solve our problems anyway?" "Yeah, even if we turn the ugliest girl at school into a babe, she still won't want to go out with us. Let's play some more Mashed," Doug said picking up a control pad. For an excitable fellow like Barrel he continued to be calm, explaining his plan to two people that thought A) he was crazy and B) he might have other mental problems as well. "Look guys, the other week we were talking about girls having power over us, withholding sex from us and stuff. Well, if this works, one of us could become a babe and then we all could have all the sex we want!" I stared at Doug and we both put down our controllers. Barrel not only thought his plan was good, he thought it would actually work. Luckily, we were good friends because no one else in the world could have listened to that plan and not called the men in white coats. Doug sidled up to Barrel, draped an arm over his massive shoulder and said, "The only problem is...." 'The ONLY problem!' I thought. "Who is the one we shoot?" "Great! Now I have two crazy people in my house!" I exclaimed. But the other boys seemed to ignore me. They looked deep in thought. Too deep in thought for my liking. "Well, since I was the one who bought it it's not going to be me. So which one of you two wants to be a piece of ass?" "NOT ME!" shouted Doug as fast as he could. They both looked at me. I stood up. "What makes you think that I want to fuck you guys?" I said as I left for the kitchen to get some chips. "Awww.. don't be like that. Come back!" moaned Doug sarcastically. "I'm just getting some chips!" I shouted. Angrily I tipped the bag of chips into a bowl and returned. "It's not like the gun is going to work anyway!" Doug picked up the gun and aimed it at me, "How do when know unless we try it?" His trigger finger poised, itching to fire some gender-bender ray at me, then swung his aim to Barrel who looked quite scared for some one who was 6'6. "Prepare yourself to get a vagina!" called Doug, doing his best (quite bad) Clint Eastwood. Barrel tackled Doug, yanking the gun from his hands, "No! It's mine. I'll decide who gets pussy'ed! I want to do it!" The boys play-wrestled for a while, while I flicked around on TV for something to watch. "It's not going to be me, because I bought the damn thing!" restated Barrel, "and that's final!" "Well, it can't be me because I've got to go to my grandparents' house on tomorrow!" was Doug's reason. "It can't be me because..." I struggled for a reason. "It's not going to work!" "It might," Barrel ventured, hope dripping from his voice, polluting the lounge room with dreams of banging a supermodel. "We don't know until we try, Scott!" "Look, if it does work," I said, "then what happens?" "Well, she has sex with us and then after a couple of days, once we've become masters, I shoot her again and she goes back to being a he," Barrel said, another one of his amazing plans. "So it works in reverse?" I asked as if it worked at all. "I guess so," Barrel shrugged. "My parents expect me home tomorrow night, so it can't be me," stated Doug. "Me too," echoed Barrel. "When are your parents coming home?" "Next Saturday," I mumbled. Tonight was Friday, which meant luckily my parents were gone all week! What a great way to start school holidays. We all stared at the gun sitting on the table. Doug picked it up. Looked at it. Looked at me. And then Doug said those immortal words, "Then it's agreed. We'll shoot Scott." *** After throwing a minor tantrum, it was agreed that Barrel was to have the honour of pulling the trigger. I stood in the centre of the room. Doug had moved the coffee table just in case I fell after getting 'shot'. I still didn't believe it was going to work and voiced that opinion. "I'm going to love you sucking on this," Doug grabbed his crotch, half teasingly. I laughed and so did Barrel, "Yeah, it'll freshen my breath, Tick-Tack Dick!" A common nickname that annoyed Doug. "Any last requests?" asked Barrel, aiming right between my eyes. "Just do it already!" I whined. He pulled the trigger. And bang or as the laser's speakers would say "Pa-chow!" I was a girl. Several factors told me I was now female- the way the boys' eyes bulged and their jaws dropped, my blurry vision (my eyes were quite bad) snapped into perfect focus, the room grew smaller as I was now taller, parts of my torso strained the fabric of my fitted T and it definitely wasn't my usual voice when I screamed long and loud. For two guys expecting me to change into a hot babe they acted quite strange. Barrel, without sparing a second for though, ran from the room as fast as he could. He just left. I heard him fling open my front door and tear into the night. Seeing Barrel's flee and unable able to formulate a plan of his own, Doug followed suit and belted outside. And I was alone. I stopped screaming and took a moment to calm myself. I had never expected this to happen, so calming myself took a mite longer than you may think. Having two large boobs heave every time I took a deep breath wasn't helping things either. It was only after I felt all feeling drain from my body did I feel calm enough to move. I did. Expressionless, I lumbered to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Shit! Not only did it work, it worked amazingly. I have had a long relationship with my bathroom mirror and for as long as I have known it, it has never told a lie. It tells me when I have a pimple (often!), or when I need a haircut and it's never been wrong. Oh how I wished that mirror wasn't so damn trustworthy! According to the mirror, I was a woman. Not a girl, not a 14-year-old female version of me, but an honest to god, breathtakingly sexy woman. She didn't have my crooked teeth (or my braces either! At least there was one good thing), she didn't have my frizzy and unmanageable hair, she didn't resemble me one iota. She was a goddess. She was made to be worshipped. She was tits. She was ass. She was sex personified. She... was me? I gingerly walked closer to the mirror, taking in my image. My face was angelic. Clear skin, cute button nose, full lips, deep blue eyes, cascading blonde locks. As an experiment I smiled, of course it was perfect. I now possessed a warm smile, with just a hint of pure sex in it to drive men wild. I turned and looked at my adorably cute ears that hid behind my long hair. I looked closer at my reflection: my ear had a tiny hole! Pierced! The gun thought of everything. I ran my fingers through my new hair; it felt more like silk than hair. It was long, just past my new shoulders and it was blonde. Of course it was. I was a walking textbook of female beauty. The clothes that were a perfect fit 5 minutes ago were now all wrong for the job. My grey fitted T, which was doing a fine job on my scrawny 14-year-old male body, now fought hard against the rebellion of my new form. My new boobs struggled gallantly against the oppression of the cotton T. The boobs seemed to be winning the war, pulling the shirt taut and threatening to break out of their confines. The humble T-shirt was certainly losing the war further down. My body had grown a few inches in my transformation and my navel was now on prominent display. The whole 'tummy' region was firm. 'I look decidedly trim,' I thought, 'as if I'm quite adept at doing sit ups.' My boxer shorts didn't seem to be fairing well either. The elastic was tight around my hips, if it was sitting higher around my slim waist I'm sure it would have been fine. I turned side on and saw the perfection that was my new derriere. It was wholly feminine and delightfully round, I was a bit of an 'ass-man' myself and if my penis was still present I would have had to hide a telltale erection. Sadly, looking at the flatness in my crotch it appeared I didn't have my penis anymore, it would have enjoyed the examination of my new form. My ass trailed into two, long and gorgeous legs. Delicately I peeled my T-shirt off, wanting to see an actual girl's naked breasts. This was not the wonderful first time I had envisioned. Firstly, the girl in question was way hotter than any girl I could have even wished to obtain and secondly, it was my breasts I was about to awkwardly fumble with. I didn't take the shirt completely off, I hitched it above the tops of my boobs. They wobbled with my clumsy movement and I watched them in the mirror. I cupped one in one hand and tentative prodded my nipple with the other. I raised the one cupped in my dainty hand and dropped it, watching it merrily bounce back into place. For my next trick I squeezed them together and created a cleavage that would put all plastic surgeons and their silly notion that they can improve on nature to shame. I blew the mirror a kiss and giggled. Hearing my own laugh come out as a sexy giggle made me snap to my senses! What was I doing? Posing like a centrefold? I had more pressing issues! Such as- Why did I look like a centrefold?!? My nipples said goodbye to the world as I returned them to their grey cotton prison. I marched to the lounge room once more, ignoring all the jiggling and wobbling and swinging in my new gait because I was on a mission. A quick search of the room informed me that the boys had taken the gun in their flight. I picked up my phone and prepared to call Barrel or Doug but decided against it. After my giggle scared me half to death what will my voice do? So I txted them, my long, exquisite nails getting in the way. 'HEY SHITHEADS WHERE R U? CUM BACK ERE + BRING DA GUN BACK PLS!!!!!' Perfect. Concise, authoritative and polite. It wasn't long before my phone beeped back at me, alerting me to the response: 'SRRY! WE PANIKED! WE RAN 4 AGES + TURNED ROUND ABOUT 5MINS AGO WERE NOT FAR NOW. SO SRRY! R U STILL GIRL?' 'YES! BOOBS DON'T WASH OFF!' was my reply. I had just finished thinking that the boys might never come back when the boys returned. Barrel sheepishly poked his head into the room to see me laying on my side on the couch, watching TV and trying to forget I had a vagina. "Scott?" asked Barrel, Doug trailing behind him. I sat up, my body a flurry of arms, legs and hair. I felt the unmistakable feeling of boobs falling back into place. "Well, welcome back, cockheads." There was a tiny amount of satisfaction that my first sentence with my new voice contained the word 'cockheads.' Not much though, because the statement was strangely arousing coming from my new lilting, and undeniably sexy voice. "Ummm...I guess the gun works?" said Doug, staring at my body. What part of my body I didn't know. It could have been my pouty lips, my big blue eyes, my smooth, long legs, my golden hair, my flat crotch, but if I was to take a guess I imagine it would be my bountiful bosom with my nipples attempting an escape through the T-shirt. Doug couldn't look away, meanwhile Barrel was looking at anything but me. "Yes," I said calmly, "the gun does work. Now that we know that it does, shall we shoot me again and get me back to my old body?" I looked at Doug, it looked like he was about to protest or ask me for some sex, but common sense quelled it. Barrel took the laser out of his pocket and aimed it at me. "Stand back," he commanded Doug, who leapt away as if Barrel held a 'Cancer-ray' in his giant hands. I clamped my eyes shut and awaited the joy of being back in my below-average, overly oily 14-year old male body once again. "Pa-chow!" said the laser. "Shit!" said Barrel. My hands crept up my torso and grabbed a handful of boob. "Fuck!" I said with my pretty voice. Doug remained silent. Obviously enough things had gone wrong this evening to warrant me losing my cool. I balled my elegant hands up and punched the couch with almost comically feminine rage. "You said it would change me back!" "Maybe I missed!" Barrel said, approaching me and shooting me at point blank range. 'Pa-chow!' 'Pa-chow!' 'Pa-chow!' At least the gun didn't make me more female, otherwise I would be Jessica Rabbit by now. After shooting me 3 times right-between-the-eyes, Barrel put the gun down and once again looked at everything but me. "It wasn't supposed to be like this. I'm sorry. Please don't hate me. We'll help you," he muttered to himself. I sighed audibly and ran my finger through my hair. The room lay silent except for the Chevy Chase film that earlier tried to make me forget about my pussy situation. Doug looked confused. Barrel looked freaked out. I looked damn sexy. "So, how do you feel, Scott?" asked Doug as he sat beside me on the couch. "It doesn't hurt," I honestly replied, "but I would rather not be a girl." "You don't look like a girl," Barrel said. Doug and I stared at him, both of us wondering if Barrel would go on to say anything that stupid again. "I mean," he began to clarify, "you look like a woman. You don't look 14." Doug and I were pleasantly surprised to realize he wasn't as stupid as we thought. However that thought was short lived. "How old are you?" "I'm still 14, you idiot! My body is just older." "You could pass for 22," mused Doug while he looked at me up and down. "I'd say 19," joined in Barrel. "I hadn't thought about it," I said. "You're definitely fully grown," said Doug, not being as sly about my boobs as he thought he was. I defensively crossed my arms. "You know, you are really pretty," Barrel said sitting beside me. Even though I grew several inches in my transformation he still towered over me. I think he said I was pretty to alert me to my new look rather than as a compliment or a pick-up line. "Thanks," I smiled, "I know. When you guys ran I checked myself out in the mirror. What do you boys think, a 10?" "Easily," chuckled Barrel. "More like a 20!" was Doug's response. "Scott, you are easily the hottest girl I've ever seen in person. You're a walking wet dream." He was right. The 14-year-old boy inside spoke up, "Yeah, I know. You should see my boobs!" In an effort to excite two already very excited boys, I stood up and stripped of my T-shirt letting my amazing breasts sway in the air. "Ta-da!" I exclaimed. My buddies sat stunned, their eyes threatening to leave their skulls. I eagerly ran my hands all over my rack again, but this time with an audience. Pinching nipples, circling aureoles, cupping bosoms. I posed for their blinking eyes as if they were Playboy flashbulbs. It was more like a kid showing of his new bike to his friends than a woman seducing some gentlemen callers. It was too fast, fast is rarely sexy, and it was performed with child-like squeals instead of well-placed sexy moans. However, the boys also didn't know the finer points of seduction and enjoyed the show just the same. "How do they feel?" Barrel genuinely inquired. I paused my extroverted performance and openly felt them. "It's a little strange," I murmured as I caressed the delicate orbs high on my chest, "they're pretty soft, but sorta firm." "Are they real?" asked Barrel, with keen concentration on his face. I continued to touch my boobs, trying to feel for implants but not knowing what they would feel like. "Why would the magic laser give him implants?" asked Doug, all the while I continued to grope myself. "I don't know! We don't know how it works! Scott?" "They feel real to me." "They're pretty big." "Bigger than Julia's sister!" boasted Doug, "I'd say about a D cup." "You think?" I said finally leaving 'the twins' alone. "Yeah, easy! Or a double D!" "Wow!" I said. 20 minutes ago I would have given my right leg to fondle a pair of double D's, now I could do it all day. Finally the conversation finally went where it was always destined to go. And unpredictably, it was Barrel who fulfilled the destiny. "Scott, would you mind if I touched them?" The original plan was to turn one of us into a sex-starved hottie and we could complication-free sex our way into sexual master craft. Now that the plan had become terrifyingly possible, I had to choose my decision carefully. There was no way in hell I was letting anyone near my *shudder* pussy. I hadn't touched it. I hadn't even looked at it yet. So anything leading toward a sexual encounter should be an automatic no-no. However I could understand Barrel's position. For the last few minutes he has had one of the hottest women in the world parade around him, groping, posing and generally enjoying her boobs very much. It is only natural that he wanted in. Was it right to withhold them from him? I'm pretty sure if he was in my position (and he could be if Doug gets a little trigger happy) he'd let me at least touch them. "OK," I said, cautiously walking towards him and kneeling so that I was within touching distance, "nut please be gentle." "Can I..." began Doug. "Go ahead," I sighed. Doug scooted down the couch. I closed my eyes so I couldn't tell you who first touched me. It was a tentative poke; quick and not sexual but scientific. A gentle hand followed it slowly stroking my left breast like it was a kitten. Another hand cupped my right, brushing past my nipple with my thumb. Having someone else touch my nipple gave me sort of an electric thrill. I had planned this sleepover to play video games and this was quite a different experience. I was enjoying this more than I would our 10,000th game of Halo 3. Fingers toyed with my left nipple, twisting it until it hurt. "Don't play so rough, boys," I purred and the twisted stopped, replaced with gentle rubbing. I tilted my head back and let the pleasure flow through me. Doug whispered, "This is so fucking sweet," and Barrel nervously giggled but I ignored them, relishing in the feeling of other people's hands. I may have moaned. Strike that, I assuredly moaned. Action on my right breast ceased for a second, returning in different form. Suction formed around my boob as a slippery tongue playfully flicked my nipple. I may have enjoyed it if I had known it was coming. But it startled me and I bolted my head up and flung my eyes open. All I saw was two guilty eyes staring up at me. I should have been angry but instead I involuntarily giggled and asked politely, "What do you think you're doing?" Doug, unable to talk with such a mouthful, just shrugged. "Can I have my breast back, thank you very much?" I felt Doug release and I stood up, wiping up the spittle with Doug's jacket. "Great! Way to ruin that nice little thing!" whined Barrel hitting Doug about the head as I pulled on my T-shirt. "It was worth it," said Doug lying back on the couch with a huge grin on his face. "Well, now you've both felt a boob. You can cross that off you dream list," I sat on a rocking chair in front on the boys, coyly rocking back and forward. "Did you like it?" asked Barrel. "I mean, did it feel nice?" "You were both a little rough. When you do it with a real girl..." "You are a real girl." "When you do it with a girl other than me be a little more gentle. But yes, it felt good some of the time." "Be more gentle," repeated Barrel as if he was taking notes in his head. "Did you orgasm?" Doug asked, leaning forward. I thought about it, continuing to rock back and forward. "No, I don't think so. I mean, it did feel good but not that good." "But you moaned." "I don't think a woman can orgasm just by guys playing with her tits," said Barrel, sounding unsure of his own opinion. I thought about it, while it did feel good I didn't feel the 'earth move' and told the boys the same. "Well, there's only one way to find out," said Doug. "And what's that?" I asked. "Let one of us have sex with you until you have a proper orgasm." I stopped rocking. That plan wasn't going to happen. I enjoyed the little party game of 'Squeeze-The-Hooters' but there was no way I was going to play 'Hide-The-Salami' especially since I knew where you were supposed to hide it. Unconsciously I crossed my legs. "No way! You're not tricking me with that perverted plan," I hissed pointing a slender finger at Doug. He laughed and gave up. "At least it was worth a try!" The mood in the room felt totally schizophrenic. It could go from jovial to sensual to deeply serious. It was such a crazy situation that all of these moods were right and nobody could predict what would happen next. I was surprisingly not hating this experience as much as I thought I would, or probably should. I liked teaching the boys, I was like their mentor. I enjoyed teaching them things that they would never figure out on their own, even though I didn't know most of the answers myself. As a boy, I rarely had any expertise, letting Doug dictate the answers and most of the questions as we talked. He was the leader. But now he was a little boy, begging me, a woman, for answers to life's great mysteries. I stretched, letting all the crazy feelings from my body race to my head. Curiosity got the better of me so I hatched a plan and stood up. "Who wants to see me naked?" I cheered with all the enthusiasm of a cheerleader. The boys couldn't believe their ears and cheered as if they were at a strip club. "Really?" asked Barrel. "You would do that for us?" I arched my back, feeling two sets of eyes scour my impressive chest. My friends were in the palm of my hands and I enjoyed the control I had over them. "Why not?" I asked shedding my t-shirt and throwing it at him like the strippers in movies. "I've got to get nude sometime soon." I hooked my thumbs in the elastic of my boxer shorts, counted down from 3 to 1 and dropped them to the ground. There was a slight breeze and as it whooshed past and I felt between my legs. My buddies leaned forward to get a closer look. I slowly spun around, showing off all 360 degrees of my magnificent body. "So sexy," whispered Doug to himself. I decided I wanted to take a look at myself. Considering how petrified I was of my 'pussy', it wasn't that much to look at. Looking down, between my breasts, all I could see was a small tuft of hair. Just a sparse patch of blonde curly hair. That didn't seem to be too worrying. What was I so scared about? "I guess you're a natural blonde." I blushed, nervously biting my bottom lip. "I guess so." "There's not much hair down there," Barrel said. "It's what girls call a 'landing strip'," Doug informed us. "Why do you think it's called that?" I asked, running a finger up 'the strip'. "Because it shows guys where to land," Doug unnecessarily pointed to my genitals. I was sick of being the student. It was time to take charge of the class again and teach them something. "I'm going to see if I can have an orgasm," I announced while my hands hungrily slid down my body. "How?" said Barrel as he sub-consciously rubbed his own genitals. "I don't know. I'm just going to play around down there, I guess, until something happens." "Can we watch, please?" "Of course, gentleman. What's mine is yours!" I hadn't thought doing it alone. I'm sure most girls' first experience with masturbation is done alone, clumsily under blankets feeling aroused and ashamed at the same time. Very few would be for the entertainment and education of her male best friends. But I sure wasn't an average girl. I lay down on the carpet and began general rubbing, totally unsure of myself. I spread my legs, giving the boys a good view. With no expertise whatsoever, I let instinct take over. General feelings of pleasure washed over me as my pussy became moist. My hand flew up to my chest to play with my nipples. The nipples was hard and felt infinitely more sensitive compare to my dull, tiny male nipples. Unlike the boys I was gentle, softly tweaking and increasing my pleasure. Barrel, unable to stem his curiosity once more, asked me, "Does it feel good?" "Mmm... yeah," was the moan that flowed from my lips, "It's so good." One of my delicate fingers entered my pussy, which was now quite. Although my eyes were closed, I could hear the unmistakeably sound of penises being stroked intensely. The boys were enjoying my show but nowhere as much as I was. "Have you found the clitoris?" Doug inquired. "I'm not sure," I said between moans. "You're supposed to rub it, I think. It makes things feel better," was Doug's uneducated suggestion. I ignored him and continued to do what seemed to work. Moans turned into yelps of passion. My breaths became staggered. The yelps ebbed and were replaced by my girly voice chanting, "Oh god! Oh god!" I think one of my friends asked if anything was wrong but I was too deep in my own pleasure to respond. My finger continued to work my pussy, making squelchy sounds as it went. My right hand passionately rubbed my right boob. "Oh god!" melted into just plain, "Ooooohhh!" Doug and Barrel, enjoying a show not afforded to many teenagers, excitedly worked their penises. How jealous they must have been of me, sweat glinting off my perfectly formed body, my telling moans revealing to them a pleasure they would never know in their current bodies. By this time I had clearly answered that the tiny moan of pleasure I released while amateurs rubbed my boobs was not an orgasm. This heavenly event I was on the cusp of was the real deal. My entire body tingled with bliss. I thrust my finger faster and it pushed me over the edge. I squealed in delight, letting a wave of ecstasy flow over me. I stretched out, enjoying the aftermath and joyously caressing my boobs. My left breast getting coated in the juices that covered my finger. The whole experience left me breathless and I pictured feeling like this all the time as I coyly writhed on the carpet. "Wow," I breathily moaned, breaking the silence and allowing the boys to talk once more. "How was that?" said Barrel, also sounding exhausted. I rolled on my side to look at my friends. They were a sorry sight. While I looked completely resplendent, basking in my post-orgasm glow, they looked dishevelled as the clutched their shrinking dicks, their bellies drizzled in semen. "That... was fucking fun!" I said, closing my eyes and soaking in what was left. "It looked fun," joked Doug, "was it better than jacking off?" "Yeah," I sat up excitedly, the 14-year-old in me kicking off. "Like a thousand fucking times better. It lasted for ages. It's like all over my body. I felt it in my arms, and legs and boobs and pussy. It's not just in my cock." "You don't have a cock," helped Barrel. "I know that." "I could give you one," insinuated Doug winking as his penis began to rise again. "Umm... no thanks," I said, flipping him the bird. "You made a little bit of a mess," Barrel said and pointed to a small wet spot on the carpet. I blushed. "Yeah, it was a bit wetter than I thought it was going to be." I stood up to distance myself from the mark on the carpet. "It smells a bit too." I winced as Barrel pointed out the musky aroma in the air. "I mean it smells yummy," Barrel corrected himself. Doug joined in, "It does smell pretty good." I sniffed the air, I'm glad the boys liked my smell. I was strangely proud, and to illustrate how proud I was I took my finger that still was covered in my pussy juices and sensually placed it in my mouth and wrapped my plump lips around it. "Mmm..." was my reaction, "it tastes a little weird." Considering how much I had allowed the boys to do that night I shouldn't have been stunned at the next question. "Can I have a taste?" It was Barrel and he seemed genuinely interested in my taste. Since today was all about education I agreed, wetting my finger in the well of my vagina. He opened his mouth and I inserted my finger, his tongue removing the unusual flavour from my finger. He winced slightly. "It tastes like sweet fish." I gestured towards Doug offering a free taste test. "No thanks." "Are you sure?" "Maybe later." "Speaking of food, who's hungry?" I said, throwing a box of tissues at the boys so that they could clean themselves up. "Now that you mention it, I'm starving!" "Me too!" "Dad left me some money to buy food this week. Pizza good?" "Sounds good to me!" "Sure." "How about one large meat-lovers and one large supreme?" I suggested, my new gender not distracting me at all. Doug and Barrel agreed with my choices and I dialled our local pizza place. "Hello?" "Hi," I said, suddenly aware of my sweet voice, "I...I'd umm like to place an order." "Sure, miss." 'Miss'? I wasn't ready for that. "What would you like?" I ordered, trying unsuccessfully to not sound sexy. Even though there is nothing intrinsically sexy about ordering pizza, when I talked about it, it sounded like a list of tawdry things I'd like to do with him. I guess it didn't help I was naked and coming down off the best orgasm I've ever had in my life. I told him the address and he said they would be there in 20 minutes. "Scott, what are you going to do?" "I'm just going to get a drink," I called over my shapely shoulder, knowing the boys were definitely checking out my butt as I knowingly sashayed out of the room. In hindsight it was probably too exaggerated to be actually sexy but I hoped they enjoyed the little show I was putting on just the same. "No," said Barrel, "what are you going to do now?" With one question Barrel sucked all of the sexiness and silliness out of the air and replaced it with foggy seriousness. I returned, three Cokes in hand. "Ummm... I'm not sure. I can't exactly stay here. My parents..." I trailed off, no longer caring if my walking entertained the boys. "You'll have to find a place of your own," mused Barrel. "Yeah and get a job, or find a way back into school," added Doug, finally turning his mind off sex. Worry suddenly enveloped me. "My parents will think I'm dead or kidnapped or something." "It's ok, we'll just say you ran away," was Barrel's effort to cheer me up. "I can't get a job. I don't know anything, I'm just a kid," I moaned, tears beginning to form within my radiant blue eyes. "Scott, look at you! You can be anything you want! You're lucky. You could be a fucking super model!" said Doug draping an arm around me and leading me to the couch. "Or an actress!" was Barrel's suggestion. "Or a porn star," said Doug more earnest than anyone else in history recommending porn star as an occupation. That made me laugh. Doug tried to cheer me up, "We've got all of high school to finish before we can start our real life. You're so lucky, dude. You got a free pass. You're past High School. You can get a job, get your own bachelor pad, party every night! No parents, no homework, no problems. Your life is going to be awesome. I'm actually jealous of you." "Well... you could join me?" "What?" "I could shoot both of you guys and we start a new life together. Three sexy women! Then you could really see what an orgasm feels like!" I didn't know what I expected, but this was an honest suggestion. It would be so much less of a struggle if there were three of us. Doug looked away from me. "No sorry Scott. I can't. I like being a guy." "Don't you think I liked being male?!" I said, my body shaking and thus my long hair and boobs shook. "I'm sure you did. But you're a woman now and it doesn't look like we can change you back." "How about you, Barrel?" I asked my other friend, who sat very quietly. "I can't. My parents would go crazy," Barrel frowned, not daring to look me in the eyes, "but I'm going to help you. My stepbrother makes fake IDs and I know where my folks hide like a thousand bucks." "And I've got $500 that I've saved." "I'll sell my X-Box, Scott. Just so you can have money." That was quite a sweet gesture, because other than Doug and me, the only other thing in Barrel's life was his X-Box. I felt sad yet thoroughly helped. Although these boys weren't going to give up their penises (and who could blame them?), I know they would help me. They weren't trying to hurt me when they shot me and they planned to make up for their mistake any way they could. I let our a sob. "Thanks guys." A naked woman then hugged two teenage boys who also cried. My hooters squashed against their chest. Then, just as quickly as I had started crying, I stopped crying. "Wow, I'm going to get my own place!" I said excitedly, forgetting about bills and rent and the fact I had no money to my name, let alone an actual name. "Will you come and visit me?" "Everyday!" smiled Barrel. "Especially if we can play with these," Doug added playfully drumming on my boobs, watching them jiggle. I giggled, watching them jiggle. "Hey Scott," Barrel said staring at my bouncing breasts, the largest breasts a boy called Scott ever had, "are you a lesbian?" I pursed my lips and thought about it, while sex was surely the theme of the day I hadn't given much thought much about my sexuality. "I'm not sure," I admitted. "Well, quick test. Are you attracted to us?" said Doug gesturing to his short, chubby and adolescent physique. "No," I snorted, "you're my friends, though." My cheap to make them feel better seemed to have worked. Doug pondered his next question. Barrel spoke up, "Plus if every girl who wasn't attracted to us was a lesbian than planet earth would be in a shitload trouble!" I laughed long and loud while Doug just looked annoyed. "You weren't so hot a few hours ago!" sneered Doug. "Well, that was then and this is now," I said flicking my hair like a goddess. "Are you a lesbian or not?" childishly demanded Doug. I thought hard and try to force and answer out of my head. It was useless, this was all too weird to get any concrete answers out of my muddled head. "I don't know," I sighed. "What did you think about when you were playing with yourself?" Doug would not stop his interrogation. "I was just enjoying my body." "So there were no images in your mind?" "I don't remember," I confessed, "it was all a blur. Why is it important?" "I don't know, I guess I just wanted to know. You weren't a gay before you got shot, were you?" "No!" I squealed, offended at the term 'a gay'. "Well, you're probably not gay now," he concluded with the voice he reserved for all his worldly knowledge. Knowing now that certainly didn't know the answer to that question made me question all his other seemingly knowledgeable answers. The ones he would say, confidently with a smirk on his face. This time his smirked faded as Barrel took the floor. "But if she was attracted to girls before maybe that hasn't changed," ventured Barrel. I felt uneasy about referring to me as 'she' but Barrel always did call a spade a spade. "Maybe I'm bi!" I cheekily suggested. I was about to describe some explicit scenarios that I could involve myself in, when the doorbell rang. "The Pizzas!" I shrieked, remembering how hungry I was. I jumped up, feeling my boobs bounce along with me at their own pace and grabbed enough money from the can on the bookcase where my dad had left me the money. I suddenly realised I was utterly, utterly naked. "One of you guys answer the door, I can't have anyone seeing me like this!" "No," Doug audaciously objected, "you answer the door. It'll be funny!" he and Barrel sniggered like the teens they are. "The pizza guy will have a heart attack!" squeaked Barrel. A sickening combination of the pride of my majestic new body and my inability to turn down a dare made me giggle alongside them. "OK, OK... sshhh! I'll do it." The boys followed me into the hall and hid in the alcove near the front door. I gulped, hard, steadied myself and opened the door. "Hi, I've got 2 lar...oh!" the Pizza guy stared at my boobs, pussy, legs and face in that order. Within the space of two seconds the Pizza guy had taken in all he needed to for a lifetime of sexual fantasies. I demurely nibbled my bottom lip and played with my hair. "Sorry," I whimpered in my best little girl voice, "I just got out of the shower." That wasn't true, my hair wasn't wet and the glistening nature of my body was due to some pretty heavy petting, but he didn't seem to notice. "Oh. OK," said the Pizza guy and casually as he could muster he continued, "That's cool. 2 pizzas, that's 18 bucks." I handed him the exact change as I was going to need all the money I could get if I was about to move out of my house with no job. I was not shocked at all to see him faun all over me. As soon as the mirror greeted me I knew I had a power given to beautiful women. He, like most men, would be powerless against my looks, my voice and especially a little bit of flirting. My effect on him was expected. However, his effect on me was not. The Pizza guy appeared to be the same age as I appeared to be. He had a nice tan complexion and his eyes were piercingly brown. His face looked like it was chiselled out of stone and I imagined that under his pizza delivery shirt his chest was firm and manly. As I took the pizza, I accidentally glanced at his pants, a telltale tenting in his crotch told me that he was enjoying what he saw. "Sorry," I apologised again, "I don't have enough money for a tip." His eyes took another quick survey, drinking in all my womanly curves. His face erupted in a gorgeous smile, "Don't worry about it at all. You've made my day." I winked at him and he trundled off into the night, with a boner and a story to tell. I watched his manly buttocks until I closed the door, holding the warm pizza box in my hands. I turned around and my buddies burst out laughing. I'd forgotten they were there and their boisterous hooting startled me. "That was hilarious!" cried Doug. "He'll be talking about that for years and years!" said Barrel slapping his leg in merriment. "I swear dudes, she was totally naked!" Doug said, doing his best imitation of the pizza guy. Since we were teenager boys we loved playing pranks, but we had never had the opportunity to use a naked girl in our pranks. 'It looks like the body has yet another use,' I thought, adding pranks to my list. I pulled on the T-shirt before hoeing into the food. I was proud of my full, round, breasts and didn't want melted cheese or toppings dirtying them up. "I figured out something when I was talking to the pizza guy," I said quietly, almost to myself. "Yeah, what's that?" I heard Doug say between bites of his first slice. I nervously looked around the room before I decided I might as well tell them, "I'm pretty sure I'm not a lesbian." "What?" The chewing stopped and mouths full of pizza awaited my explanation. I quickly explored my feelings one more time before speaking, "He was cute. I liked looking at him. And these," I said pointing to my nipples, who stood proud atop of each boob, "felt hard." I'm not sure why I announced it, but since I was sharing all sorts of private things (secrets, knockers, juices, etc) I felt it was in order. "It was like a little switch went off in my head and I pictured him naked...and... and I liked it. I'm not sure if I'm attracted to girls though, we'll have to see." I secretly hoped I was into girls because I remembered how much I used to enjoy watching them as boy. "That's good to know," Barrel said kindly, "are you enjoying being a girl?" "Some of it can be fun. The orgasm I had was crazy, I'd like to do that again. But I feel so weird. I'm taller and my butt sticks out and my boobs stick out and my hair is real long and this voice is weird and I miss my penis. I guess I can live like this but if I could I would so change back in a second." "I'll keep my eye open on e-bay for a girl to guy gun," said Barrel thoughtfully. The rest of the meal was listing off girls that I was now hotter than. According to my pals, I was now hotter than all the girls at my school. I owned a better ass than Carmen Electra. My body was hotter than Jessica Alba's. My face was cuter than the cheerleader off 'Heroes'. There was no-one I was coming 2nd to. "Scott's hooters are way better than Heidi Klum's," theorised Doug, "I think yours are bigger than Heidi's, they are definitely firmer. What do you think, Scott?" "I'm just happy to be nominated," I joked, "but seriously my tits crush hers!" I cupped my award winners and again playfully jiggled them. "Scott, your tits are amazing!" Barrel said, clumsily trying to compliment me. But it sounded weird, all this talk of Jessicas, Pamelas, Heidis and Mandys made my name sound ridiculous. "I need a new name..." "Yeah, you do, don't you?" "What's your stripper name?" asked Doug. "What?" "You know," he explained, "where you take the name of your first pet and the name of the first street you lived on." "You want me to change my name to 'Rex Westbrook'?" We all laughed. Not many people have to choose their own name, mainly parents took on that duty. I liked the job my parents had done 'Scott' was a simple, easy name. It wasn't too show-offy and it suited me fine. What it didn't suit was the person I had become, I hadn't met any girls called Scott and while there might be some out there I was not going to be one of them. A beautiful girl deserves a beautiful name. "Well, Westbrook will do but you need a better first name." Barrel, partially to himself, started sounding off name, "Lisa, Sarah, Kate, Krystal...." He continued his list that could potentially go for hours. Doug chipped in, "You kinda sorta look like a sexier version of Heather Graham, why not Heather?" I rolled 'Heather' around in my head for awhile. "Nah. I think I like Jennifer," I decided, "Jennifer Westbrook." Saying it out loud made it seem real. "I like it," confessed Doug. "We can call you Jenny," smiled Barrel. "You can call me Scott," I replied, adding, "Jenny in public." Doug waited a moment, stuck out his hand and said, "Pleasure to meet you, Jenny." I took his clammy hand and gently shook it. Barrel did one better, he extended his hand, said "It's a pleasure to me you, Jenny," and kissed my hand like gentleman in movies. Speaking of movies, that's what we did next. Sat down and watched movies. For a few hours it was an excuse to ignore the real world. Although, I suddenly thought of problems as we watched the movies. Luckily the boys helped me with answers: Q: How can I get some clothes? A: We'll go and buy me some stuff tomorrow. Q: What will I tell my parents? A: I'll write a note to say I ran away and will keep sending them letters to say I'm fine. Q: Where can I work? A: Barrel's uncle hires backpackers to pick fruit at his farm without checking ID. All cash in hand stuff. Barrel's stepbrother can fake up some ID and maybe even a passport. Q: Where can I stay? A: I'll stay at the house until the end of the week and by then we'll have something sorted. Q: Am I going to go to a bar? A: You bet your life I am. I was happy for all the help I got. I would occasionally suggest that they join me in womanhood but they would decline. During the movies' sexy moments I would nonchalantly play with my boobs, moaning and trying to convince them to join me as a girl. But no matter how attractive I made it seem they weren't ready to be 'Pa-chowed'. I would have liked for at least one of them to join me. As a boy, Barrel quite often was a moron. But as a girl he could be seen as a bimbo and most guys think there is nothing wrong at all with a sexy bimbo. My future would seem a lot less scary if I had some one else experiencing the same thing as I was. I looked over at the pathetic looking gun once or twice, it was just sitting on the coffee table. Once I brushed past my pussy with my hand and wondered if I should run over to it and convert my friends into fellow babes. They might have enjoyed it. But my conscious got the better of me and I wasn't about to punish them for tiny mistakes. Before the second movie started I went to the toilet. Embarrassed at not being sure quite how to do it I sat down and felt a familiar feeling coming out of an unfamiliar spot. I gently dabbed a piece of toilet paper between my legs and left. It wasn't that different and compared to the orgasm and suddenly finding men attractive it rated quite low on the weird meter. The boys were poised with questions when I returned. "So, JENNY?" Doug said, emphasizing my new name, "how was that?" "How was what, DOUGLAS?" He suddenly became a little shy. "You know...umm... going to the toilet. Did it feel different?" "Not really," I responded honestly, "I mean, I have to sit down but it still feels the same." "So, it doesn't feel much different," said Barrel, trailing off as if he was adding it to a mental list of his. "Thank Christ that pissing feels normal. I mean, so much has changed that I'd probably freak out if pissing went all weird." Doug then said something I didn't want to hear at the point in time, in fact there was no good time to tell this to a 14-year old boy, "You know that you'll probably be on the rag within a month." "What?" I gasped, covering my pussy as if trying to plug the inevitable flow of womanhood. I seriously hadn't thought about that. I'd been enjoying the fun bags and the orgasm I hadn't thought that I may have a period. "Yeah, you seem to be a real girl and real girls bleed once a month." I sat down on the couch, deflated. Of course I would have a period. Something to look forward to, I guess. I pouted, but instead of looking devastated I looked comically sulky. "But look at it this way, you can have those amazing orgasms every other day a month and then for 1 day you have your period," said Barrel, who always knew how to see the silver lining. "Girls don't have a period for just one day!" interjected Doug to bring me down once more, "It lasts ages!" "Uggh! How long?" "I don't know, a few days!" "Great!" I moaned. "And I can get pregnant." "Not if we use a condom," said Doug. I didn't want to disappoint the little scamp so I left the use of 'we' alone. There was no way I was letting Doug touch me with his cock, not in a million years, but I didn't want to spoil his dreams as he slept that night. Barrel's massive girth also put me off sexual thoughts of him. Plus they were just kids and a body like mine deserves to be taken care of by a real man. We all got into our sleeping bags as it was late and we'd probably fall asleep before the second movie was done. I stripped off my T-shirt again so I was totally naked. Despite being naked most of the night, I still made a bit of a show undressing. "Scott, you should spank yourself! Give us something to dream about!" Doug said. "OK!" I said, spanking my tight ass a few time much to the delight of my friends. I was amazed when no one asked if they could spank me too, but I guess we were all a little tired. "That's given me such a boner!" "Deal with that yourself. I only make boners, I don't take care of them!" "Cock tease!" I squirmed into my sleeping bag. "So, fellas, what's the plan for tomorrow? Are we going to have a crazy day?" I asked the boys either side of me. "I guess we'll go shopping tomorrow and get you some clothes," said Doug, "but I'm going to have to leave after lunch because I visiting my grandparents out of town tomorrow night and Mom would be pissed if I was late getting home. Sorry Scott." "I'll stay until after lunch too. But I'll be grounded all holidays if I stay the night again. Sorry Scott to leave by yourself on your first full day as a girl." "It's OK," I said, rolling onto my back in an effort to get comfortable. "You boys know what? I was planning on going to a bar tomorrow night anyway, so you couldn't come with me anyway." OK, it was a spur of the moment plan but I wasn't about to spend my first full night as a woman alone. And going to a bar should be an awesome amount of fun. "Really? An actual bar?" "Yep." "That would be awesome! You'll be able to get drunk and everything! Do you think you'll get drunk, Scott?" "That's the aim," I said confidently, "I wanna look real hot so we're going to have to get some sexy stuff." "Why, Jenny? Do you want to fuck some guy?" groaned Doug in a 'we were here first' tone. "Eiwww! No! It's just what people do. Get all dressed up. And please call me Scott." I rolled over again, trying to find an angle where my boobs weren't getting in the way. "Maybe I'll kiss some guy... or a girl!" I dreamed aloud. "You'll txt us if you do, yeah?" Doug asked excitedly. "With all the details. Especially if it's a girl?" "I promise," I replied rolling again, "Ow! Fucking tits!" "Are they getting in the way?" asked Barrel. "Yeah, I can't get comfortable," I said wriggling in my sleeping bag. "Goodnight guys," said Doug wearily. "Goodnight." *** "Get up, dickhead!" Doug poked me. "Just because you're a girl doesn't mean you get to sleep in." So it wasn't a dream. I ran my tongue over my teeth, no braces. I ran my hand across my pelvis, a small soft tuft of hair. I opened my eyes, blonde strands of hair hiding some of the world behind them. "Shit! I'm still a girl," I wailed. It would have been a pleasant dream or a wonderful evening if I had awoke as my pimply original self, but now all the problems were here to greet me this morning. No job, no clothes, nowhere to live. "Get up and have a shower, Barrel will be back soon." "Where did Barrel go?" "He went to sell his X-Box and pick up my money box so we can buy you some silly dresses!" "I'm not getting a dress!" In my half awake state I was telling the truth, despite the womanly body I now possessed there was no way I was getting into a dress. "Alright, bras and shit. Hurry up and get ready." I emerged from my sleeping bag, like I was emerging from a cocoon. My feminine curves slinking out of my very warm confines, I slept naked so it was it was extra ready for a shower. Someone had laid out my longest pair of elastic tracksuit pants and a red polo shirt that my dad sometimes wears. I guess this was my 'outfit' to the mall and that was fine to me. I wouldn't be the most fashionable girl at the mall. But I would certainly be the hottest. The water began to trickle down and I adjusted the temperature until it was just right before I got in. I promised myself I was here only to clean and that's what I did, despite a few extra seconds I spent gently scrubbing my nipples with a loofah, or the special attention I paid to the soft folds of my vagina. All in all, I think it was quite a diligent effort from me, considering how sensitive my new body was. My long hair felt quite damp and a simple towelling didn't fix the problem much. Luckily my mother had left her hair dryer out, so I dried my hair, all the while brushing it. I liked brushing my hair and I loved the image in the mirror of the sexy naked girl, brushing her long blonde locks, sitting on the countertop. Doug knocked on the door, alerting me that I wasn't the only person in the entire world. My hair-brushing arm covered my nipples while I crossed my legs hiding my other 'pink bits'. "Come in," I called and he did. "Hurry up," he whinged, "wow, Scott. You are so fucking hot!" "I know! Tonight is going to be so fun!" "I wish I could come." "You could," I purred, shaking my hair which was finally dry. "How?" I aimed the blow dryer at him and made a noise like the girl gun, "Pa-chow!" "Oh, no thanks I'll wait 'til I'm 21!" "Pussy." "You're a pussy!" "No, I'm not," I giggled, pointing down between my legs. "I've just got one!" "Just get dressed! I've ordered a taxi for us to take to the mall. It'll be here in a few minutes." "And Barrel..." "He's already here, waiting for you to finish with your stupid hair!" I pulled on my father's top, tugging it to get over my hooters. It wasn't an amazing fit, but I still managed to look amazing in it. Same story with the pants. I studied myself in the mirror. I looked like a college girl on her washing day, all her good clothes are in the wash and she's left wearing what one of her ex-boyfriends left. I didn't look like a caricature to womanhood, squeezed into 14-year old boy's clothes as I thought I might. I would have to be a little wary that my nipples that poked through my top didn't become too distracting. "Hi Jenny," said Barrel nervously clutching a think wad of money, "just practising for out big trip out. How did you sleep?" I walked in the hall and sat down near the front door. "Pretty good, considering." "Did your boobs get comfortable?" Barrel said, not noticing I caught him glancing at my nipples. This 'boob talk' was a little confronting so early in the morning (OK it was 11.30, but I had only been awake since 11). But considering last night he was massaging them with his own hands I guess it wasn't out of order. "Yeah, it's a little weird but I'm getting used to them." "I don't know if I could ever get used to them, I mean they're so big and out there. They must get in the way all the time." "Yeah, they do! I mean, most girls' breasts aren't as big as these," I said, quite proud of an achievement I did nothing to obtain, "but I guess girls wonder how we walk around with cocks." "Yeah, I guess so. Do you miss your cock?" "Oh yeah! Tons. Sometimes I squeeze my thighs together and it feels so weird having nothing there." A car horn honked and called out to Doug. He ran down the hall screaming, "Let's go shopping ladies!" in his stereotypical gay voice. We laughed as we got into the car. Since I was the girl, and appeared to be the oldest (Despite being the youngest by three months) I sat in the front. I pulled my seatbelt down, and they sat unpleasantly between my boobs. The cab driver was a woman and I felt so proud that I was easily 30 times hotter than her. She was fat and old and her face was painted with a permanent frown. She said next to nothing all the way to the mall. Around noon on Saturdays at the mall is an interested time. Families who work all week all go shopping Saturday morning. They drag their kids around store-to-store buying things kids are not interested in at all, like garden furniture or 'Church clothes'. By noon the kids get a little bored, a little tetchy and very hungry. More children are more annoying at noon on a Saturday than at any other time of the week. That's why you always see one type of parent either being very nice to their cranky kids, by buying them candy, taking them to a talking animal film at the Megaplex or leaving the mall altogether. The second set of parents do not kowtow to their children. They will drag their children, kicking and screaming, to another store scolding their kids to keep quiet. The parents have had enough and are not putting up with it anymore. They are the more fun of the two groups to watch. Meanwhile, the teenagers are just starting to arrive. Noon is the earliest most parents will drop their younger teens off, after they've mowed the lawn or finished their homework. The older teens arrive at the mall at noon to escape their hangovers. It's at the weekend when nervous teens meet up with each other for their first dates, known as 'hangin' out' and the mall is the perfect place to break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend, a neutral public place, nice and safe. Most teens will spend a lot of time at the mall but not a lot of money. Others have rich parents or work hard during the week, so that they can splurge on the weekend. I was here to get some clothes. I confidently strolled into the mall, letting my hips swing their natural gait. I slowed slightly, not impressed with the amount of bouncing my bust was doing. The boys followed behind me, like I was their aunt taking them out for a day at the mall, my treat! But, in fact, they were paying for everything. "Where should I go first?" I ask the boys genuinely. Without any collaboration, they both said the same thing, "Bras." I guess I had to laugh. Since I was completely barefoot, I would have assumed one of them would have said 'shoes'. "Boys will be boys," I joked. "Not all of us!" Doug added. I punched him hard and told him to behave as we entered the lingerie store. A lingerie store a room filled wall-to-wall with all things girly. Bras, panties, G-strings, nighties, teddies and other girly things so girly that I don't know their names lined up ready to be bought by girly girls. "Hi, my name is Alice. Can I help you?" I cleared my throat. I had only ever worked backstage during the school's theatre performances so being thrust into the lead role was very daunting. I cleared my throat, "Hi, I'm Jenny. I need some bras and panties." Not bad for a first performance, I was ready to collect my Oscar. "Oh cool," said Alice in her bubbly salesperson way, "what types of things were you after?" Shit! I wasn't ready for a second question, I hadn't thought far enough. "Umm... Just every-da

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George Isolde etc Chapter XV

Chapter XV They were all sitting at the breakfast table, having a second cup of coffee, when Isolde spoke up. “I have an idea,” she said. “On those nights when I don’t feel like shutting one of you out, would you both mind coming to my bed with me, and just snuggling, and going to sleep that way?” George and Terry looked at each other. “I’m game, if you are,” Terry said. “Okay,” George said. “We can give it a try.” He wanted to say that things might be moving a little too fast, but he...

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George Isolde and the Brass Ring Pola Band Ch IV

Chapter IV When they got to the gig, Will, the drummer, was just setting up. He nodded to George and Isolde as he fiddled with his equipment. The bass player hadn’t arrived yet, but that was no surprise. He had told George three months ago that he was playing a wedding in Ocean City “on a Friday afternoon, for God sakes! Doesn’t anyone get married on a Saturday anymore?” he had rhetorically asked. “Maybe they got a three-day weekend special,” was George’s laconic reply. “Yeah. So now they are...

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19 Year Old Girlfriend Cuckolded Me

My name is Jim and I live in Pleasant Hill, which is in the East Bay of beautiful Northern California. I'm currently 24 years old, 5'-9" tall, 175 lbs., have blonde hair, blue eyes, and I work in a local bank as a teller.Last Spring, I started dating an extremely attractive Asian girl named Nikki, who had worked at a competing lending institution. Last Spring, Nikki had just turned 19. She is 5'-6" tall, 110 lbs., and she has an absolutely stunning figure. I'm particularly attracted to her...

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George Isolde etc Chapters X XI

Chapter X George woke up full of welts, and itching all over. His back and neck were stiff from sleeping hunched over. He scrunched up his face, and could feel the dried salt on his cheeks. He rubbed his chin and cheeks with his right hand as he turned his left arm toward the light filtering through the front window, and peered at his watch. It said 3:15. He got up and walked into the house as he tipped the bottle up and chugged his now warm beer. He set the empty bottle on the kitchen...

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George ISolde and the Brass Ring Polka Band Ch V

Chapter V Isolde woke up drenched in sweat. The sun was beating down on her and her hair was plastered to her forehead. Her hip ached and she had a crick in her neck from lying on it wrong. She looked at her watch. 9:00 it said. “Damn,” she thought. And then, “I really have to pee.” She sat up and looked around. She was in a field that had recently been mowed. The stubble was about four inches high. There was a woods line about 100 yards to her left. To her right, she could see houses in the...

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George ISolde and the Brass Ring Polka Band Ch V

Chapter V Isolde woke up drenched in sweat. The sun was beating down on her and her hair was plastered to her forehead. Her hip ached and she had a crick in her neck from lying on it wrong. She looked at her watch. 9:00 it said. “Damn,” she thought. And then, “I really have to pee.” She sat up and looked around. She was in a field that had recently been mowed. The stubble was about four inches high. There was a woods line about 100 yards to her left. To her right, she could see houses in the...

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George Isolde etc Chapter VIII

 Chapter VIIISunday morning, after they had all had coffee, Terry and George took the canoe out to go fishing, and Isolde wandered around inside the house, exploring. She found the pull down attic stairway in the upstairs second bedroom, and went up in the attic, just to see what was there. She found several rolled up rugs, and assumed they were in storage until winter. There was an old Electrolux tank vacuum cleaner, and she hauled it, and it’s attachments down into the main house. Maybe I’ll...

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George Isolde etc Chapter XVIII

Chapter XVIII Wednesday morning, they all three awoke at the crack of dawn. Isolde wondered if their new-found camaderie, or maybe love had recharged all of them, and made them want to wake up early, to be together.George spoke first, saying, “Good morning, you two. I love you guys.” Then, springing out of bed, and turning toward Isolde, he said, “If you don’t mind, I’m gonna hop in the shower first, so I can get my ass off to Glen Burnie.”“Are you sure you don’t want company?” Isolde asked,...

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Teaching Experience at St Benedict College Bangkok Thailand

Teaching Experience at St. Benedict College, in Bangkok, Thailand BACKGROUND: Originally, I’d been in business, as an insurance underwriter, but left that occupation when my company was decimated by the “Great Recession” of 2008. The following year my wife and I divorced after a short, unhappy, childless marriage. I decided to change careers. Reinvent myself. Do something more rewarding. Having taught English in Europe, during a backpacking stint after college, and having loved it, I...

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George Isolde etc Chapter XVI

Chapter XVI While they were sitting out on the porch, George started having second thoughts again. He was sitting in one of the rockers, with his feet up on the crossbar, and suddenly sat forward, and planted both feet on the floor. He stood up and turning, said over his shoulder, “I gotta got to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” He went through the front door and down the hallway. After he left, Isolde said to Terry, “I think he is having some approach-avoidance issues with this whole...

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George Isolde etc Chap XIII XIV

Chapter XIII It was just 5:00 when Isolde pulled into the driveway and parked behind George’s VW. George and Terry came out of the house to greet her and she said, “Here – each of you grab a bag of groceries. Watch that one, Terry – it’s heavy.” She had bought several cans of soup, and some tomatoes and the rest of the ingredients for marinara sauce, and the store bagger had put all of the cans in one bag. “I forgot you were gonna have to rent a car,” said George. “We have to do something...

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George Isolde etc Chapter XVII

Chapter XVII As he began to remove the sheets, George suddenly realized that it would be silly to take his standard sheets into Isolde’s bed, when it was a king-sized mattress. So he stopped pulling at the sheets, and simply picked up his pillow, and went back across the hallway to Isolde’s bedroom. He didn’t know exactly what he expected when he walked into the doorway, but what he hadn’t counted on was the musky smell of recent sex that permeated the room. He had a momentary pang of...

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George Isolde and the Brass Ring Polka Band

Dedication This dedication is long and necessarily so. The book has taken me three decades to write, mostly because I didn’t start actually putting pen to paper, so to speak, until I had all my background ducks in a row. Putting ducks in a row is like herding cats; patience becomes the primary virtue. This book is Tom Woolfolk’s fault. Well, actually, Tom’s and Sheila’s jointly. We three commuted to work together for a few years in the early eighties, and during those long and boring rides,...

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George Isolde etc Chapter XVII

Chapter XVII As he began to remove the sheets, George suddenly realized that it would be silly to take his standard sheets into Isolde’s bed, when it was a king-sized mattress. So he stopped pulling at the sheets, and simply picked up his pillow, and went back across the hallway to Isolde’s bedroom. He didn’t know exactly what he expected when he walked into the doorway, but what he hadn’t counted on was the musky smell of recent sex that permeated the room. He had a momentary pang of...

1 year ago
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Teaching is a dogs life or is it

When I started teaching at the school I was full of enthusiasm and I thought that I was going to set the world alight with my brand new teaching techniques. I was a young inexperienced over enthusiastic teacher of 22 years of age thrown into teaching in an urban area Comprehensive School, which was located in a rough area of a north country city. It was here that I really learned the perils of being a teacher in a bad area. I very quickly learned all the things that a teacher had to put up...

Erotic Fiction
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Ich war mir nicht sicher, ob ich richtig gesehen hatte. Hatte sich die Figur etwa doch bewegt? Jeder kennt diese alten Brunnen, die auf Marktpl?tzen zu finden sind. Aus Steinen gebaut, und oft mit einer Figur obendrauf. Eine G?ttin der Gerechtigkeit etwa, mit verbundenen Augen und einer Waage in der Hand. Hier war es allerdings ein - nackter - J?ngling. Nicht besonders gro?, so knapp einen Meter, und aus einem r?tlichen Stein gehauen. So etwas kann sich nicht bewegen, sagt einem der Ve...

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Teaching The Teacher

Teaching The Teacher by James X.Pendergrass Copyright 2010 – All Rights ReservedMonday, September 2nd -- School started today.? It's hard to believe this is my tenth year of teaching.? I'm not such a young whipper-snapper anymore.? Let me introduce myself.? I'm James Pendergrass, 32 years old, and I teach at Hillcrest School (Kindergarten thru eighth grade).? It might be hard to believe we would cram middle-school children with the elementary school kids, but you know how it is with budget...

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George Isolde etc Chapter IX

Chapter IX Terry was in the bathroom when Isolde got to the top of the stairs. She rapped her knuckles on the door as she went by, and said, “I’m next.” She heard a muffled, “Okay.” A minute or two later, Terry came out of the bathroom, carrying and drying his hands on the towel. He handed the towel to Isolde, saying, “I guess you will want this.” He went into the bedroom, and lay down on his back on the bed. As he waited for Isolde to finish whatever she was doing in the bathroom (putting in...

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Goldie Goes Country

I woke up and looked over at Goldie, she was sleeping soundly. She had a soft smile on her lips. I wanted to kiss her but instead I got up and went to relieve myself. When I returned she was sitting on the side of the bed. I sat beside her and pushed her back and kissed her sweet lips, she tried to pull away but my hand slipped under her gown and between her legs. She stopped struggling and her arms went around my neck. She pulled her face back, ‘Please let me go to the bathroom. I’ll be...

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The Keyholder Pt 4

Ben pushed his face against the locker’s metal grille, desperate to get one last look at Amy as she strode away. She had such a sexy walk with her swinging hips hugged by tight white cotton trousers. He could see the slight bulge of the keys in the back pocket as her body pulled the fabric one way then the other. He watched her dark hair flow behind her, desperately hoping for one last turn of the head and one last smile. Yes, there it was.All too soon though, Amy had disappeared from sight and...

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Teaching Benefits

Teaching has great benefits that far outweigh the costs. I know that not everybody enjoys those benefits in the same way, but there is a thrill that comes when your students "get it." When that light bulb goes on over their head and you can see that what you've tried to share has been received, there is a sense of incredible happiness that floods your soul and lets you know that you have done well. Of course, there are other benefits, as well, that extend beyond the altruistic. When I...

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Episode 64 Goldilocks and Postman Pat

IntroductionThis episode continues from Goldilocks and the Three Bears.The Three Bears must be out playing in the forest, because they don't appear in this story.So there is no opportunity for any sex with a****ls, or indeed between a****ls (to avoid upsetting Jenny Cumslut). We discover that Goldilocks has an identical blonde twin sister, named Spike, and they used to play a masturbation racing game involving bed knobs. Unlike the previous story featuring the ch1ldren Jade and Grace, there is...

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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

One morning Uncle Bear cooked them some porridge for breakfast. As the porridge was too hot to eat, the Three Bears decided to take a walk in the woods while it cooled. They had not been gone long when a young girl named Goldilocks came along. She had been picking flowers and had wandered into the woods. She was very pretty, her long curly golden hair tied back from her freckled face with blue ribbons, skipping along in a short, pale blue, lace-edged dress so occasionally her yellow...

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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

There was once a family of three men, who were known locally as “The Three Bears” who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods where they worked as lumberjacks. There was great big, more than seven foot tall “Daddy Bear”, medium size six foot four “Uncle Bear”, and a shorter, eighteen year old “Junior Bear”. They got their name from the huge quantity of thick black body hair that covered them, complemented by bushy beards, their stocky stature (not to mention rather round bellies in the older two)...

Group Sex
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The Family Goldman 7

"Damn you guys," I managed to curse while gasping for air. The abrupt transition from the Autopilot-mode into full-control of Kimberly's persona had left me fully disoriented and suffocated. My eyes watered and I felt some kind of brain freeze strumming my head. Meanwhile, my two seniors just laughed their asses off at the living room. Virginia Mendez was still topless, sitting in one of the couch of the living room. Her ample tan breasts jiggled as she roared with her raspy...

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13year old boy 15 year old girl

one week end my and her parents both had to go out of town. so we told each other where we were going and we both were going to the same beach, and were staying at the same hotal i was on the 5th floor she on the 6th. when our parents would leave. we went to each others rooms and made out. well one day i went over and she was naked watching porn on the tv. she told me to sit down by her so i did. she started to p;ay with her self and i got hard watching...

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Helping old Harold fuck his lovely randy wife

After my very successful and enjoyable experiences of helping older men get hard for their frustrated old lady wives and partners and helping fuck them as well, it seemed that word had got out and I was receiving at least one call a week to help other old couples.And I found that although old, some had some very hidden and erotic turn-ons. Maud and Harold was one such couple. As Maud told me on the phone, they were in their late sixties and she was finding it increasingly difficult to get...

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The Keyholder

The Keyholder?Just that please.? Ben mumbled as he nervously placed the steel chastity cage and padlock on the counter. He was on his way back from drinks with the football team and the elation of winning combined with the alcohol had given him the courage to finally indulge one of his fantasies. Careful not to make too much eye contact, he glanced briefly at the woman behind the counter, who smiled kindly as she wrapped the cage for him and took the cash. He was now really starting to feel...

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The Family Goldman 6

Our Mercedes cruised in moderate speed, leaving the mall - where I just did my first task since I joined my team as one of the disguise specialist impersonating the Goldmans?: interviewing a dangerous member from clandestine movement. The car passed through old houses and classic buildings which glistened graciously under this afternoon sun. People went out to enjoy the September - rarely - clear blue sky . I glimpsed at children playing around at the sidewalk. Old people at caf?s. T...

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Goldilocks And The Three Lumberjacks

In a time not long ago, a young girl named Goldilocks had just turned eighteen. It was a warm summer day when she decided to take a stroll in the forest. It wasn't long before she noticed the aroma of food coming from the trees off to the right. Taking in a deep breath, her large breasts rose up and the buttons popped off. The warm air on her bare skin felt good. Being hungry, she followed the scent and stepped off the path, not bothering to cover up.It wasn't long before she saw a log cabin...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Goldie Lox and the Three Behrs A Twisted Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a girl named Goldie. Her parents were very mean to her. Like, they made her actually clean her room! And come home on time when there was a curfew!! And be respectful of old people, like her lecherous boss down at the Hit and Miss Drive In, where she wore roller skates to take food to people!!! It was a real bummer for Goldie, but her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lox were serious about her growing up to be a proper woman. They made her eat her vegetables at every meal too,...

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Episode 62 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Once upon a time there were three bears: Mummy Bear, Daddy Bear and Baby Bear. They lived in a cave in the forest and one day out walking they came across a pretty wooden cottage. The front door was open, so they walked in. Daddy Bear was a bit too tall, so he had to bend his head to get through the door; Mummy Bear was a bit too wide, so she had to squeeze her rounded tummy through the doorframe, but little Baby Bear was exactly the right size, so just walked straight in.Daddy Bear was very...

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Teaching English In Yokohama

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); It had been 4 years since I had last seen Mizuki. We were college friends and I helped her out a lot with her homework by making corrections on all the research papers she type. Often though, she would get close to me and wrap her arms around my neck as I did corrections. Being awkward as I was with girls, even though I had sexual experiences with them before I had no idea how to deal with them or talk to them. Funny thing;...

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Cleaning for Master Holden

Cleaning for Master HoldenJoanne works for Rock Creek Maids three times a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. She only works in the mornings, and usually not past noon. The maid service employs twelve female Rock Creek residents and four male residents, all part-time. Joanne likes working there. The other maids are friendly, and most of the customers are really nice. Her part-time job provides her with some supplemental money so she doesn't always have to go nagging to her master for a few...

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The Family Goldman 4

"Just a reminder, Grasshopper. This is your boss speaking...,"Mendez's statement was cordial. Her voice though, was stern and commanding. There was no doubt. The accent and the inflection. It was all hers. Virgina Mendez. Even though I've spent several months with her as my "father", I rarely heard her speaking with her real voice. Usually she only addressed me under her guise of Bruce Goldman, the father of Kimberly Goldman, the cute 17-year-old whose identity I...

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Fairytale Adventures Ch1Goldilocks

Author's Note: This story contains some elements of reluctance (turned into willingness), as well as lesbian sex. I hope you enjoy =)-----------------------------Kristen awoke to find herself in the yard of a house... but not the kind of house that she was used to. This house was more of a cottage with a thatched roof... although larger than any cottage she would have ever pictured. Staring at the unfamiliar scenery for a moment, she felt a breeze blow across her body and looking she realized...

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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

There was once a family of three men, who were known locally as “The Three Bears” who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods where they worked as lumberjacks. There was great big, more than seven foot tall “Daddy Bear”, medium size six foot four “Uncle Bear”, and a shorter, eighteen year old “Junior Bear”. They got their name from the huge quantity of thick black body hair that covered them, complemented by bushy beards, their stocky stature (not to mention rather round bellies in the older two)...

Group Sex
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You face fuck to hot tight 18 year olds with bald pussies and coat their faces with tons of cum

The following is a great sexual experience I had a little while back. I’ve written it as a porn scene as I think it’d make a good one. Enjoy! Molly is 18 years old. She’s innocent and very tight. She has a completely shaved pussy and a perfect teenage body. Molly is thin and toned with very big DD round, firm and perfect tits. They’re so perfect that looking at them, you might think they are fake,but they’re real. She’s on the cheerleading team and doesn’t have much sexual experience. Karen is...

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Teaching The Teacher 8211 Part 1

Hi i am Rohan. This story goes back to 2005. I was in my tenth standard. Me and my friends were all in our puberty phase. With hormones gushing every moment we used to be very high craving for sex and women all the time. But being that young we used to just look at girls and women and satisfy our craving. Soon we got addicted to pornography. My three friends Sam, Roy and Rohit were fan of Japanese porn. We used to watch those films like hell. Slowly we developed a strange habit of seeing...

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Teaching The Au Pair To SubmitAn Outtake

Converted from "3935_01.txt" on 13-Nov-2005 by AscToHTM 5.0 Teaching the Au Pair to Submit-An Outtake By Powerone In February 2005 I published the novel, "Teaching The Au Pair To Submit".During editing, the publisher suggested that I delete this chapter (it already had one chapter with the Captain, the strip search chapter at the airport) as it seemed to be too much of this character.I agreed and it was left out.Since I spent considerable time writing it, I thought you might like to read...

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Maddie Goldberg

Chapter 1Maddie Goldberg bounced her thick white ass on Reshawn Titus's black cock like she was tethered to it by an elastic cable. She moaned and ran her fingers through her wavy dark hair and slammed her body down and down and down onto the black man's rod. Reshawn guided her with his meaty hands on her hips, digging his fingers into her smooth pale sides and letting her round white ass recoil as it collided with his sturdy thighs."Ride my dick, you little Jew whore-piece, ride!"Throughout...

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A Year to Halloween Chapter 1 Eye of the Beholder

--- Chapter 1: eyes of the beholder --- Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. The paws echoed over the hardwood floor. Slowly and surely the creature moved towards the wall where a woman dressed in jungle clothing stood still. Watching the creature as it moved itself towards her. Her face appeared to be conflicted with emotions, the curves on her mouth subtle moved in a smile, but her eyes revealed some kind of fear while her eyebrows and cheeks conveyed some form of impression. She lowered...

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Teaching T and her girls a lesson

"I hate those stupid sluts!" Melissa heard one of the boys say. A slam of a locker and then footsteps toward the exit from the gym, then she followed. "I don't care anymore...she has become such a little cunt you know J," the other boy says. I glance around the row of lockers. I see Jake Burns and Johnny Morgan, both were in my poli sci class, head out to the basketball courts. Before they open the door, Jake stops Johnny. "You know that she needs to continue being taught her lesson, she is...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 53 Mr Goldstein

"Ah Mr. Masaki!" The man behind the counter said in surprisingly fluent Japanese. Tenchi had never considered himself racist, but hearing his native tongue from an someone of such obvious Jewish origin, without a trace of accent was ... Well, just plain odd. Not that 'it' coming from what appeared to be a floating wooden log was any less strange. "Or a bronzed, elf eared, blue eyed blond bomb shell for that matter!" He thought with a smile. "I understand you need some custom sizing...

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The Family Goldman 1

As I walked into my house, I heard my mom's voice ringing from the waiting room. I threw my bag to the sofa and slumped on the lazy chair in the living room. I turned on the TV and started flipping the channel around. There's nothing interesting on TV now. I just pressed the buttons on the remote frantically while enjoying how the screen beamed rapid images of music clips, interviews and cartoons. "Kimberly? Is that you, honey?" I didn't want to reply as I knew that mom had...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 69 Paul Reynolds

February 25, 1984, Rutherford, Ohio “Hi!” Emmy gushed when she opened the door for Clarissa and me on Saturday morning. “Thanks for letting Clarissa hang out here while I take care of this for Liz.” “You’re doing the right thing, Mike. I have to go to work in a few minutes, but Clarissa can buzz you in when you come back, and then if you just lock the door when you leave and bring the key to Lou’s everything will be cool.” “You’re a sweetheart, Emmy Nelson!” “I know!” she giggled,...

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Teaching the k**sbyrjohnson©One day, as I was working in my office at home, my wife came in and told me to come with her, quickly. I, at first, thought there was something wrong so I bolted out of my chair and followed her as she led me to our bedroom window. “I want you to see something,” she said. “But you must be very quiet.”As I got to the window, she said “Look,”Our bedroom window overlooks the pool and when I looked out the window, I saw our two sons, sunning themselves beside the pool....

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Teaching the Neighbor

My wife and I live in a very nice quiet neighborhood and know all the people who live on our street. Our daughter has a friend who lives on our street. They've been friends since they were in 7th grade but now both have now turned 18 and graduated high school. Her friend, Addy, is basically part of the family as she comes by nearly daily and hangs out with us for all our big family events for the past 6 years. Through that time, we watched her have boyfriends and go from being a "straight A"...

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The Family Goldman 3

Thousand of feelings crossed my mind at the moment Mom and I walk out from the elevator in the mall. What I had thought as an ordinary trip to the mall turned out to be my first solo assignment. Can I nail this mission? Fear, doubt thrill and excitement mixed together in my head, creating an uneasy feeling. I tried to keep Kimberly's bubbly expression intact. I had to maintain her beaming gaze. This was not the first time I went to the mall as Kimberly. I spent many times here with...

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Teaching New Position To Young Married Neighbor

We were recently married and lived in an apartment in a big city. Those were the fun days when we were very excited about sex and used to experiment a lot. We had a couple moved in our neighborhood, who were also recently married. Neighborhood lady Mira was in her early 20s, and my wife soon became friends with her. Mira was good looking, with nice figure and her boobs seem to be in good shape from what I could make out from above the dress. They used to talk a lot while I was gone for...

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The Family Goldman 2

As Mom led me to our front door and open it, I could feel the summer breeze tenderly blow my hair. She held my right hand and we strode across our small lawn towards the Mercedes. It was the mid of September and even though autumn was approaching, the sun shone brightly. I covered my hand with my left hand and the colorful bracelets on Kimberly's wrist chimed. "It's very hot, here" I complained with Kimberly's whiny tone. I paced slower and pulled my hands from Mom's grip while putting...

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The Family Goldman 5

The sudden darkness engulfed me as I felt every muscle in my body was rapidly switched-off one by one. In that split second, my reflex told me to resist. But it was useless. It was my first blackout and I remembered feeling afraid. One thing managed to slip into my thought before my mind and my body plunged into an infinite absence of light. My first solo mission. A failure. Man, am I gonna die?! All of a sudden, an overwhelming force bombarded me and pulled me to...

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BurrChapter 67 Mr Oldham Gets Tough

William Lester taunted me about my pronunciation of certain words, especially those beginning or ending with 'th', but I tuned him out. I was having trouble concentrating on my study and didn't need any more distractions. What Jeannie had said about she and Cindy being grounded had given me a jolt. What Mr. Baldwin said about me no longer being welcome in their home had really rocked me. As far as I was concerned William Lester could go fuck himself. I wasn't in the mood to joust with...

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Teaching My Daughter To Drive

Teaching My Daughter To Drive When my daughter was six months from becoming sixteen and getting her learner’s permit I started her automobile education. I not only quizzed her on the rules of the road printed in the learner’s manual but I taught her things that I felt she should know. I took her to an old back road and taught her how to drive a standard shift car, I taught her how to change a tire, and I taught her how to check all of the engine fluids. It actually took a few weeks...

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Teaching is a Dogs Life or is itChapter 3

Blackmailed I was sitting there my brain in a whirl as all this tried to sink in. I had a terrible sinking feeling in my stomach as the implication of what she was saying began to sink in. Just then Karens sister Joan came into the room carrying a tray of drinks. She smiled at me as she passed me an orange juice which I drank quite quickly as the consequences of what was happening to me ran through my mind. My mouth was quite dry and the tinge of bitterness in the drink did not register with...

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Golden Oldie Rising

John and I married in 1946. At first, we lived with his parents but then rented a small flat in town. John was caring and highly enlightened for the time. We were partners in every way. He allowed me to continue working after we married. This option may seem obvious nowadays, but back then it was anathema.Although views were changing, the bar on the employment of married women was still in general practice. Legally, wives were the property of their husbands and expected to be homemakers and...

4 years ago
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Cuckold after seven years of weddingCuckold1

One night, begin of last spring, my wife after having spent the day with her friend Veronica, told me about rumors going around amongst the women of the neighborhoods about one of the doctors of the town. It seemed that this man had the hugest dick they ever saw with balls a bull would be ashamed if compared. It also was told that he did not hesitate to seduce some of the women and that he was a good shot.I started laughing and asked if Veronica was one of them and of course my wife denied.Some...

5 years ago
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The Keyholder Pt 2

What was she doing playing chastity games with a twenty something guy? She knew it was crazy, yet Amy was smiling to herself as she stepped off the bus and walked quickly to the address that Ben had given her, a two bedroom apartment in an upmarket development. She hadn’t seen Ben since they’d made love at the hotel a week ago, but she could still remember the feel of his body and his freshly unlocked cock. She hadn’t belted him when they parted the next morning. This wasn’t because Ben didn’t...


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