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I rolled her over on her back. I tried to kiss her, but she turned her head away. "No, no kissing," she said. I shrugged. If she didn't want to kiss, that was fine with me.

I'd met her at the hotel bar, where she had just started working. Her name was Liz and she screwed up my order three times. "How hard is it to remember a double scotch?" I teased. I flirted with her all night. She had a high, infectious laugh that rang in the room like the sound of bells. When the bar closed for the evening, she followed me back to my room.

At first she sat on the bed and talked about her father while I poured myself a drink. Given the difference in our ages, it didn't take a genius to imagine she saw me as some sort of father figure. But her neuroses were none of my concern. I gulped down my scotch and tried not to think about it too much.

I got her blouse off. Her bra was white and mostly transparent. Her nipples were as big around as silver dollars, and they formed dark circles under the lacy fabric. I tried to reach around her back and unhook her bra.

But she suddenly twisted away and bounced out of reach. She sat up on the edge of the bed with her back towards me.

I pulled myself next to her. "What's wrong?" I said.

She sighed deeply. "I should go."

I ran my finger down the ridge of her backbone. "No, don't go. Stay here with me tonight." I prodded the clasp of her bra with my fingertip. It had a double hook - it would be a simple task to unfasten it.

"I can't." She reached down and picked her blouse up off the floor.

"Why not?"

"It's my husband. He is supposed to call."

I sat up beside her. She turned her head slightly away and wouldn't look at me. I bumped my bare shoulder against hers. My erection tented my slacks.

"Why don't you call him tomorrow?" I took her hand and put it in my lap. Her fingers tightened around my prick, and she finally looked at me and smiled slyly.

But her smile quickly faded. "Didn't I tell you?" she said. "My little brother died last month. He committed suicide. He was only twenty-three."

She buried her face in my neck, and I knew why she had laughed so much earlier in the evening. Tears trickled down my chest, and I stroked her long hair. * * *

The next night I went back to the hotel bar, and Liz was there again. Her smile beamed as soon as I walked in the door.

"Hello!" she said. "I was hoping you'd come back!"

She had the night off, but she had come to the bar anyway hoping to find me again. We stayed for a couple hours, and I bought her four drinks. She was happy and smiling and laughed at all my jokes. As the evening wore on, she kept stroking my forearms as if she couldn't keep her hands off me.

She was a little tipsy. I decided I'd try again to get her, and again she agreed to come back to my room. I bought a bottle from the bartender and we skittered up the elevator like a couple of guilty school k**s.

She still wouldn't kiss me, but this time I got her bra off. Her breasts were large and soft, and those big nipples squeezed up tightly when I sucked them.

I tried to pull her panties down, but she grabbed my wrist. "No," she said.

"No?" I said, a whine creeping into my voice.

"No. I'm sorry."

"Are you sure?"


I felt playful and didn't want it to end. "I'll tell you what. I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

She scrunched up her face. "Ah. So that's how it's supposed to work?"

But I wouldn't be so easily deterred. I yanked my shorts down and dropped them over the side of the bed. I took her hands and wrapped them around my straining cock. "Feel what you do to me?"

"Hmm," she smiled, and her hands moved almost imperceptibly on my penis. "But I'm still not going to fuck you."

"No?" I was repeating myself, and I was annoyed at myself for not being able to think of anything new to say.


I couldn't figure her out. I got up off the bed, my hard-on waving stiffly. She rolled over on her belly, her tan panties stretched tight over her ass. She turned her head towards the window. She had a dreamy, far-away look in her eye.

I found a tumbler and filled it with scotch. I took a deep swallow and nearly gagged, but I forced it down. And then I took another swallow. I refilled my glass.

For just an instant, I thought about what my wife might be doing at home. Probably doing mundane household chores, like ironing clothes. While watching TV. Not that it made much difference what my wife was doing.

"Why don't you come over to my place tomorrow?" Liz said into the pillow. I barely heard what she said.

"What about your husband?"

She rolled over on her back, and she looked at me through her lashes. Her large breasts formed two beautifully soft pillows on her chest. "He left a message on the machine yesterday. They are keeping him until late next week." She paused and looked at me expectantly. She was a very pretty girl. "So what do you say?"

I watched with an increasing desire as her fingers tickled absently over her tummy. I could feel some of the old fire beginning to flare in my veins.

If I were smart, I would forget her and move on. But she had touched something in me that reminded me of my younger years. It reminded me of when I was first married, when I was sure I could still triumph over the world.

"Sure," I said, "I'd be glad to."

* * *

I arrived at Liz's house at five o'clock sharp. She stood on her porch and waved as I pulled into the driveway.

She gave me a quick tour through the house. It wasn't much of a house, really. And compared to my wife, Liz wasn't much of a housekeeper. "This is the kitchen," she said. Loose photographs littered the counter like unraked leaves. The pictures were all of various people, friends and family, I presumed. I looked through a few. Liz herself was only in one, a group shot of four people standing together in the bright sun. She was on the right, brightly radiant. The old couple, her mother and father, stood closely together in the middle. And the teenage boy, who stood slightly away from the other three, his hands thrust in his pockets.

"That's Eddie," she pointed, "and those are my mom and dad."

It was hard to relate Liz to this family. I looked at her mother's eyes, but they were cast in shadows and didn't reveal a thing. And Eddie's somber face was a complete contrast to Liz's ebullience. I had to look closely to see any familial resemblance at all - perhaps a similarity in the slope of the nose, or maybe the chin.

She showed me a few other nondescript rooms and then led me down a narrow hallway. "And this," she said as she threw open a door with a flourish, "is the bedroom."

The bed was unmade and the room smelled faintly of a pine disinfectant. She sat on the bed and faced me and threw her arms apart. "Are you coming?" she said, smiling widely.

We rolled together on the bed. This time she let me kiss her, and her hands were all over me. Our shoes thumped to the floor, and we quickly whipped off our shirts. Her breasts felt exhilarating against my bare chest.

I pulled my underwear down and my erection sprung free. She stared intently at my penis and licked her lips. And then she looked me in the eye. "Do you have a condom?" she asked.

"No," I said. She let me pull her panties down, and they got caught up around her knees.

"You don't?"

"I came here straight from the convention. I haven't had time."

"You need to have a condom," she said.

I was deeply disappointed, but I tried to play the responsible adult. "That's smart of you," I said. "You can't be too careful these days."

"Oh, I'm not worried about that. I think I can trust you. It's just I can't get pregnant."

"You're not on the pill?"


"I don't know," I smiled, and I twirled my fingers around in her soft, dark pubic hair. "That wouldn't be so bad."

"I can't justify bringing a baby into this world," she said, but her voice was off in a different place. Her eyes had that distant look again.

"Maybe I could borrow one of your husband's."

"No. Charlie won't wear them."

I fingered her navel. "So what does he do? Does he put it here?"

She shrugged. "Sometimes. But mostly he doesn't come. He can fuck for hours without coming. But maybe his sperm count is a little low." She sighed. "Or maybe it's just me."

"If it's you, then maybe it'll be safe."


I raked my fingers through her curly hairs. "So I'll pick up something tomorrow, OK?"

She smiled. "All right."

Her eyes dropped and got a misty look in them. She seemed to be drifting away again. I tried to reel her back in.

"But in the meantime, what about me?" I said.

She blinked rapidly and looked at me. "You? What about you?"

"About this?" I said, pointing to my erection. "How about you finish me with your hand?"


"Or a blowjob."


"Why not?"

"That would make me too excited. I wouldn't be able to control myself."

I laughed. I had never run across a woman who resisted like this! "So then what? Do you just want to get drunk?"

She frowned. "Don't be mean. Who knows? Maybe if you were more persuasive ..."

"I think I'll just go back to the hotel."

"Charlie can get me to do what he wants. Charlie knows how to push all my buttons."

"Too bad Charlie is a thousand miles away."

She got very quiet and I immediately felt bad. I sat down beside her on the bed and caressed the back of her neck. "I'm sorry," I said. "I'm just a sour old man."

"No you're not. You can be sweet when you want to be."

"I really should get back, though. If I'm going to get drunk, I should do it where I don't need to drive."


She had a disappointed look on her face that gave me one last pause for optimism. "Unless it's OK for me to stay here tonight," I said.

She spoke almost in a whisper. "I don't think that's a good idea."

I nodded. I expected as much. "But we'll do something tomorrow, OK?"

She smiled. "I'll call you," she said.

I picked up some condoms and a couple bottles of scotch on the way back to the hotel. In my room, I poured myself a big, thumping drink, but fatigue overwhelmed me before I got a chance to finish it. I fell into a deep, c***d-like sleep.

* * *

The next day I skipped out on the convention and met her at the city park. I knew my boss would notice my absence and I would catch hell, but it had been a long time since I cared what my boss thought about me. I'd been considering quitting for years, but I never went through with it because the thought of looking for a new job made the skin at the back of my neck prickle uncomfortably. That, and I couldn't bear the thought of telling my wife I was unemployed.

The day was warm and sunny, and the air smelled of freshly cut grass. She brought a plastic grocery bag full of food, and we found a quiet corner to sit and eat.

She was playful and attentive. After we ate, we walked around the park, hand in hand. I whistled some old romantic tunes, and she laughed and hugged me. Whenever we walked by a tree, we would sneak behind to kiss.

She had to leave after two hours. "Charlie said he would call this afternoon," she said. "But this was fun. Why don't you come over for dinner tonight? Daniel is going to be there too. He's an old friend. You can meet him."

I wasn't happy that we'd have company, but I really wanted to see her again. I told her I'd go back to the hotel and change, and I'd be at her place at six. * * *

When I arrived, Daniel was already there. He was young, like she was, and had a serious look that made me take an instant dislike towards him. He had long blond hair, steel-rimmed glasses, and carried a book bag over his shoulder. He sat on the living room floor and said things like, "Sartre was a fool."

They had a pizza delivered. I drank scotch and they drank the cheap beer Daniel brought with him. They played their music so loud we could barely hear ourselves talk. But Liz was having a good time. I sat in the big easy chair and tried to smile as I sulked.

Daniel didn't leave until after one o'clock. "Thank God he's gone," I said when she closed the door behind him. I could feel a comfortable, alcoholic spin in my head. "That was boring."

"Be nice," she said. "Daniel is a good friend. And you know, I think he likes you."

"Daniel needs to find his own girl." I hugged her and kissed her and she leaned her head back and gave me a good, long look. She seemed to be sizing me up, so I gave her as good a smile as I could muster after all the alcohol I'd consumed. Lucky for me, my drunk smile can be endearing. "Why don't we just go to bed?" she said.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

I poured myself a drink while she hurriedly slipped out of her jeans and T-shirt. I put my drink down, stripped, and followed her under the covers.

She lay her head on my chest and I picked up my drink again. I sipped carefully while she played with the hair on my chest. For the first time I noticed she bit her fingernails. I thought I should probably get rid of the booze, but I took another sip.

"Does your wife know you cheat on her?" she asked.

"I doubt it," I said.

"You don't think she suspects these little trips of yours?"

I thought about that. My wife doesn't have much of an imagination, really. "I don't think it would even occur to her."

"Do you think she's cheating, too?"

"No. She seems reasonably happy. Besides, she doesn't have the time."

"But you find the time."

I drained my drink and set the glass on the floor. The heat of alcohol rose in my veins.

She rolled off my chest and lay down beside me. She stared blankly up towards the ceiling. "I found out Charlie is cheating on me," she said.


"With my best friend."

I traced my fingers across her nipples. They puckered slightly, then relaxed again. I wondered about steel-rimmed Daniel. Was she fucking him, too?

"Charlie doesn't mean to hurt me. In some ways, he's just a little boy."

I pulled the sheet back. The entirety of her naked body lay stretched out on the mattress. The baby-soft skin, the womanly breasts, and the slight pooch of her belly.

"In a way, I'm much older than he is." She sighed. "He's really just a little boy."

The wild tangle of black hair between her legs begged to be explored. I crawled downwards and got a good, close look. She smelled of cunt and sweat and beer.

I pressed my nose up into the crease of her crotch and slid up and down. Her hips rose up off the bed and I wrapped my hands around her thighs and pushed my face up harder. Her slickness built between her fleshy lips, and I rubbed my face around. I found her clitoris and gave it a tender kiss.

And then I licked her clit, firm tongue lashes, pressing it hard against her pubic bone and letting it side out from under my tongue. Her whole body jerked as it popped out of my tongue's control. Her nipples strained fabulously, and I sucked her bulging bulb right into my mouth.

She squirmed and arched against my face. "Now," she panted, "now."

I rolled on a condom and kneeled between her legs. Her face was bright red. Her brown pubic hair was plastered to her crotch with all the wet. I held my cock and placed the head at her glistening opening. I rubbed it up and down through her slit. "Tell me you want it," I said. "Tell me to fuck you."

"Fuck me," she said, and I knew she was finally mine.

I slid into her slick sheath, and she surrounded my cock, she pulled me into her, and I thrust into her, feeling her hot cunt, feeling the exquisite sensations along the length of my shaft and rubbing against the flare of my cockhead, and I pumped and pumped and the pleasure spiraled inside me, and I fucked her, and I fucked her, and I fucked her, and the cum gathered and my body stiffened and I fucked her some more and finally, oh finally, the pleasure spilled forth, the ecstasy grabbed me, and my semen spurted out of me.

Happy at last, I lay back and spun hazily towards sleep. I was vaguely aware that she still lay awake, and for a moment I wondered if she had got hers, too. I thought maybe she had, but I wasn't quite sure. I wasn't quite sure.

* * *

I woke up, and she lay behind me in bed with her arm d****d around my waist. Her open palm rested on my belly, and her soft breasts pressed against my back. Her mouth was right behind my ear. I could feel her moist breath on my neck.

"Let me tell you about my brother, Eddie," she whispered.

My head felt clear, just a hint of the alcoholic fog. How long had I been sleeping? "No, you don't have to."

Her arm tightened around me. "But I want to tell you. I need to tell you."

We lay still for a long time, and I thought maybe she had changed her mind, that she didn't really want to talk. But just as I began to dip back towards sleep, she started speaking in an easy, measured voice.

"My brother was always a loner," she began. "Even as a k**, he kept to himself.

"Me and my parents were always worried about him. Even as a little k**, but especially later, when he was in high school. Eddie never seemed to have friends, and he'd spend hours by himself in his room. Sometimes he'd just lie there. Sometimes he'd lie there for so long it scared us. He would skip school all the time. I mean, k**s skip school, that's just something they do. But Eddie wouldn't even do anything when he skipped. He'd just stay home and do nothing and get caught. All for no reason.

"I would come back from college and ask him how he was doing. He always said, `Fine,' and that was it. I used to buy him beer and he'd say, `Thanks.' It was like talking to a fence post.

"He had a really tough time. He was such a sad boy. But he never got in a lot of trouble. He finally got through high school. But I was afraid how he would handle moving away from home and going to college.

"But he actually did OK. He even graduated, although it took him five years and his grades were never good. He still wasn't too social, and he never brought friends home, but he seemed to be surviving. I talked to Mom and Dad about it once. We thought maybe things weren't so bad.

"We were stunned when he got married. No one even knew he was seeing anybody, and all of a sudden, he came back home with Arlene, his new wife. My parents and I were so surprised! But we were also very happy for him. We were sure he was starting an exciting new part of his life.

"They had the baby right away. Arlene was wonderful. She doted on that k**, you could tell she adored him. Mom and Dad were delighted to have a grandson. They teased me that they always thought I would be the first to give them grandc***dren.

"Eddie, though, never seemed to connect with the baby. While Arlene took care of the baby, he would just stand back in the corner of the room and watch like he was a stranger in his own home.

"Eddie always got these spells. As long as I remember, he would sort of drift off. He would just lie in bed staring at the ceiling, and he wouldn't say a word to anybody. Sometimes these spells would last just an hour, but when he got older, sometimes they lasted for days. Mom would get so scared. Dad thought maybe he was faking. We didn't know what to do. But he always snapped out of them eventually.

"I think the spells stopped when he went to college. But after the baby came, he started having them again. Arlene called me one day in a panic, telling me that Eddie hadn't moved a muscle since Sunday.

"And I didn't do anything. I just told her Eddie did that sometimes, that you just have to wait and then he'll snap out of it. He always did.

"And then a couple days later, I got the phone call at work. Arlene was hysterical, she said she needed help." Liz breathed a long, slow, ragged breath. "I called the police, and they got there right away. Right away. But it wasn't fast enough. Eddie had a knife, and ..." Her voice began to break.

I rolled around to face her. Tears welled in her eyes. "No more," I said gently.

"That poor baby. And Arlene." Tears streamed from both eyes. "And then he used the knife on himself ..."

"You don't have to go on," I said.

"I drove up to Arlene and Eddie's place just as the police broke down the door. They made me go inside so they could figure out what happened. There was so much blood! Later, at the funerals, everyone stared at me like I had some horrible contagious disease.

"Ever since then, I seem to cry all the time. I can't help it. The littlest things will set me off. One time a lady yelled at me in the grocery store parking lot. And I just couldn't control myself. Charlie had to leave work and come pick me up. When we got home, he slapped my face. He told me not to be so emotional."

"That's enough," I said.

"And the worst thing was, it was all my fault! I told Arlene to just wait, that Eddie would snap out of it. If I had just told her to do something, none of this would've happened. Don't you see? It was a terrible thing, and it was all my fault!"

She sobbed loudly, and I gathered her in my arms. I held her and stroked her long hair.

* * *

I woke up at dawn's first light with her mouth around my cock. Her lips formed a tight seal, and she bobbed her head vigorously up and down. She stared me right in the eye, looking up at me through her long lashes.

She pumped her mouth up and down, and I thought about what she had said about her brother the night before. I cradled her face with my fingertips and gently lifted her towards me.

We kissed, and she pressed her warm body against me. Her knee worked between my legs, and her crotch settled down against my upper thigh. Her hands ran strongly up and down my sides.

I rolled her over on her back. Her nostrils flared as I kneeled between her legs. I picked a condom up off the nightstand and tore it open, but before I could get it on, my erection began to sag. "Damn!" I said. I tried to handle myself hard again. I tried to think about her cunt, her curly pubic hair, and her soft folds.

But seeing her lying there, I thought about her brother, and I could no longer think of her just as someone to fuck. I tried to imagine what her life must be like. A foolish husband, ineffectual friends. Why did she reach out to a drunk old fool like me? What did she think I could give her?

My erection was simply gone. I threw the unused condom in the trash and slumped against the headboard.

"It's OK," she said. "I think maybe I'm just that kind of girl. It happened with Daniel, too." She covered my shriveled penis with her hand. "And my husband hasn't made love to me in a month."

"It doesn't happen to me," I said.

She smiled and gave my thigh a pat. She laid her head down on the pillow, and her eyes drifted off, and she got that dreamy look again.

I snatched up the scotch bottle from the nightstand and took a long, deep pull. The rich alcohol burned all the way down. I wiped my mouth. I could smell the scotch on the back of my hand. I took another swallow.

"You know, maybe sometimes you drink too much," she said. "I think you passed out on me the other night."

I set the bottle down. She really was a nice k**. What had she done to deserve this kind of life? "Thanks for the advice," I smiled.

And I felt the sudden need to leave. But leave for where? I didn't want to go back to my hotel room. And I surely didn't want to return home. And I couldn't stand the thought of leaving Liz lying there alone.

And then the idea struck me.

"Liz, why don't you run away with me? We can go somewhere warm, like San Diego. I've been thinking about leaving for a long time. I hate my job. My wife wouldn't miss me - we don't have much of a marriage anyway. We could start our lives over new."

The idea made perfect sense, and I looked at her like a dog waiting for its dinner.

A smile touched her face. She turned towards me and took my hands in hers. She looked me straight in the eye. And she talked. She talked quietly and firmly.

And while she never came right out and said it, I knew she was telling me in no uncertain terms that she would not go away with me. She had a kindness and caring and gentleness that far exceeded her years. I felt like a c***d being let down easily by a loving parent.

She kissed me gently. I looked into her warm, moist eyes. It was a silly idea, of course. The last thing she needed in her life was a man like me.

I couldn't just lie there, though, and I stood up. If I had been back in my hotel room, I would've packed my bags. As it was, I could do nothing but pick my clothes off the floor while I talked to her.

"So, what are you going to do with yourself, Liz?" I asked.

"I don't know," she said.

I felt a determination rise in me like I had not felt in years. "I'm still going," I said.

She stood up and hugged me and kissed me. "You do what you need to do."

I saw in my mind exactly how her life would go. She and her husband would split up, and she would search about for other men, men like Daniel, who were just as incapable of dealing with her. She would bounce around in life, like a ship at sea in search of a friendly port.

And I realized too that I would never really leave my wife. Thinking back, the idea of moving to San Diego seemed ridiculous.

But I still felt the determination. I'd do something. That much was for sure.

* * *

Liz dropped me off at the airport. She gave me a warm smile and a kiss on the cheek as I prepared to board the plane. "Take care of yourself, OK?" I said.

"I will," she said.

"And Liz, if you need anything ..."

"I will be sure to call." We hugged, and she gave my rump a playful pat. "Bye now," she said. And I walked down the ramp onto the plane.

I wondered if maybe I should have gone to San Diego after all. I wondered what my wife would be doing when I walked in the door. I wondered if I should tell her about Liz, but I couldn't imagine how to confess my indiscretions without making an even bigger mess of my marriage.

I stowed my bag and sat down in my seat. I asked the flight attendant for a scotch, took a deep breath, sat back, and buckled my seatbelt.

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AllGirlMassage Tiffany Watson Stella Cox Clit Inspection

Stella Cox is welcomed by masseuse Tiffany Watson for pain in a very erogenous zone. Stella removes all her clothes and lays on the table naked while Tiffany admires her clients huge natural boobs and silky ass. Tiffany rubs Stella’s body, covering her in oil but she isn’t hitting the right spot to mend this beauty’s pain. Stella turns on her back and Tiffany presses her fingers over her shaved pussy and her client indicates she is in the right area. Tiffany has Stella sit up...

1 year ago
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A Hot Virgin Attendant At The Hospital

Hello all, myself Niranjan with my second story. Thanks for the good feedback on my previous story of . About myself, I’m Niranjan (aka Niru) from Bangalore, 22 years old, with a 5’11 tall stature. I have an ok build but athletic, quite good looking and cute. Let’s start off. One fine morning my eyes started to hurt whenever I used to blink. It was red and swollen a little. So my mom insisted me to go to the nearby hospital for a check-up. I got ready wore my sunglasses (so that no one gets...

2 years ago
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A true studentteacher relationship pt 1

During the lesson, I kept thinking how much I liked him, he was always there for me, cheering me up. If only he was younger, he could be my boyfriend. Sometimes I would ask him a question, but he was too distracted, staring off at the computer. Soon he gave me my assignment and sat down at his desk. I heard screams coming from the computer, as Mr. Sage licked his lips. I was gonna turn in my paper when I saw porn on his screen! He said don’t pay attention. I asked why he was watching, he...

1 year ago
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Mental Penetration

This is indeed a fucked up situation. I truly wish I was there personally to help you release your intense sexual frustration. But what I want you to do now will call for your total and complete concentration. So just think of this like almost spiritual masturbation. Just sit back and read or listen to a little mental penetration. Here we go now and I hope that your mind is ready. I wanna freak your mind nice and steady. There isn’t anything to please you that I wouldn’t do. I hope you’re now...

Erotic Poetry
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Family SandwichChapter 5

Morgan's footsteps were almost inaudible as he approached Fran's bedroom. It was the discreet airline walk, coupled with the subdued and seemingly knowledgeable manner. Yes, Morgan was an expert at certain kinds of deception, and now he prepared some of this skill as he softly turned the handle of his sister-in- law's door. She had been too distraught to think of locking it; indeed, she was incapable of anything at the moment but lying prostrate upon her bed, reduced to low moans and...

2 years ago
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The List

She groaned and leaned back in her chair, slowly counting to five. He disabled another oxygen system and watched the tiny crew of the spaceship on the screen panic and begin frantically working to fix their air supply. Finally, she shook her head and looked over at him. ?You are not allowed to give internet advice anymore. Ever. In a million million years.? He pushed more power to the shields and looked over at her with a frown. ?Why? What did I do wrong?? She turned back to the computer and...

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Vision of the Spirit Ch 10

Chief Willie Morris delayed going home as long as possible. The sky cleared and the sun had been up for an hour, when he pulled into his driveway. Several more minutes passed, until he gathered enough courage to go inside. The smell of sizzling bacon greeted his empty stomach. Annie was in the kitchen, humming a tune with the contentment he once found so cheerful and now found unnerving. ‘There you are!’ The flimsy robe split open when she walked to him. ‘Your breakfast is going to get cold.’...

2 years ago
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The Rose

The Rose     I have always enjoyed living in the country, it maintained such a peaceful essence about it, and even still seemed peaceful after going through a horrific divorce, Lucky me she didn’t want the farm. My closest neighbor was an elderly woman who was very much like my grandmother who I checked on regularly to make sure she was alright, she recently lost her husband after 58 years of marriage and enjoyed the company.   On one visit I was greeted at the door by...

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Graham The first

They had a healthy sex life and weren’t too scared to try something new. They both had good jobs and were liked by their friends and family. So everything seemed normal and almost perfect. This story begins when Graham and Tracy decided to finally get the dogs they wanted. He chose a Doberman, called Garrus, and she picked a Rottweiler, named Wrex. They both talked long about it and planned accordingly before so financially and knowledge wise they were prepared. The dogs listened and did...

2 years ago
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For the Love of LiciaChapter 13 Why Call Me Cruel

When the pale gothic ghost entered the Salon, laced up in tight leather, eyes aflame, hair like a nest of black vipers, Alicia didn't first see her. She leaned into Gina, her aching head in her lover's lap. She nursed the remnants of a hangover, lazily talking to Tara, the curly redhead with the amazing legs, when the commotion interrupted them. She looked up, her heart freezing at the sight. Oh my God, they were right, she thought. The woman must be mad. Shame flooded her, but why? Was...

3 years ago
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Bhai Aor Papa Ne Choda

hello mai ek bahut hi garam aur chudakkad ladki hu.kahani usa samay ki hai jab mai B.A me padati thi aur meri umra karib 23 saal ki thi mera bada bhai 25 saal ka tha .ghar me meri mom dad mera bhai aur mai thi mera naam rashmi aur mere bhai ka naam rakesh hai mera study room aur mere bhai ka room first floor per hai usake side me kuchh duri per mom aur dad ka room hai mujhe sexy kahaniya padane ka shauk high school se hi tha internet per bhi mai desi papa sexvex aur antarvasna ki kahaniya...

1 year ago
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A Horny Housewife Goes To An Adult Theater

Being a housewife sometimes can be very boring. You take care of the kids and your home. You have dinner waiting for your husband and you please him in the bedroom. I liked doing all of those things. My sex life wasn’t the greatest thing. My husband and I had sex every day, except, he’s only interested in himself. We have a very vanilla sex life. I've always wanted to experiment with sex, however, my husband doesn’t know how to please a woman. I have faked all my orgasms over the years. I was...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Penny With The Neighbours

That night my Master used me many times and my ass was sore from the constant use as well as the frequent spankings. The bloody bell on my collar was forever ringing and I swear that the neighbours next door could hear us. Although I had never met them I knew that they were a young black couple, husband and wife and of the professional type. I wished my Master wouldn't be so loud when taking me. He seemed get a perverted pleasure by letting everyone know I was been taken. Finally...

2 years ago
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Watching Terry

Chapter 1 I'm a pretty relaxed guy, I don't get upset about most things, I can usually go with the flow but I did realize that I did have an obsession that started about five years after we were married. It started when I was looking through some boxes in the attic, trying to find my high school yearbook. I had a reunion coming up in a few months and wanted to refresh myself on the names and faces from my youth. Then, I pulled out a box of slides, the old 35 millimeter kind. Holding them up to...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Family Sex Slave Pt 1

Jen and William were a happily married couple. They met in high school when Jen was a 16 year old sophmore, a cheerleader, but was never really popular due to her shyness. William was a forward for the school soccer team and was one of the popular guys in school. Jen had alwais had a crush on William cus she thought he was the most beautifull man she has ever seen. He stood at 5' 11" with short black hair, pale skin, deep blue eyes, and a muscular build. She thought he was way out of her...

2 years ago
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Buddies wife

The first time I wrote this it was to short and would post. Hopefully this time it works This is a true story : I host a poker league where a group of us play poker in my garage. I have couples and singles In this poker league. My buddies wife always insisted on sitting next to me, I never thought anything of it. she didn't make It obvious she just always happened to sit to my left or right. This all started innocently, well at least I thought it was innocent. It started with a foot touch then...

4 years ago
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Flight Lessons

After my divorce following nearly twenty years of marriage, I settled into a condo in Central New Jersey. The combination of not having a wife and the freedom of condo living gave me newfound opportunity. The time saved by not having to maintain a house combined with the free time afforded me by being single was something I really made use of. It gave me the chance to do things I had always wanted to do but never had the time. Travel and time for my hobbies such as my guitar playing were no...

2 years ago
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Lisas Friend Abby Part 3

Both the girls had a good buzz as we made out way up the stairs, I let them lead if only because I get to see up their night shirts which is always a nice sight.We entered the bedroom and they both giggled when I told them I slept naked but I told them they could keep their panties on if they wished, “Thank you daddy” Lisa said as another big flash came through the window, the girls quickly got their shirts off and jumped under the thin sheet and asked if I would jump in the middle so they...

4 years ago
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Call Me Beth Version AChapter 4

It was easier for us to hide our “Just Married” smiles and stupid grins from the outside world because the girls were home schooled. Mandy and I tried hard not to make Beth feel badly with our honeymoon expressions and constant need to touch each other. Wendy complained bitterly and I told her, “It sucks, but you have to wait until you are fourteen.” I was working from home, but very little work got done. Mandy and I tried to see how far we could push my body and how many times she was able...

3 years ago
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The Theory of Toon Physics

The Theory of Toon Physics By: Lyrissa "And that, ladies and gentlemen, concludes today's lecture. I know that maybe about half of you were even listening and of those maybe fifty percent understood what I said, but the exam is next week nevertheless," Professor Brown said to the class at large. There was a subdued groaning and mumbling among the students as they started gathering up their phones, pads, sketchbooks and whatever else they had scattered around their seat during the...

1 year ago
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Samantha Gets Collared

As I entered the luxury hotel suite, I could not believe we were here. I had waited so long for this moment. Jack and June had been so good to me ever since I moved in with them six long years ago. The past is now a distant memory.Tonight was my present, and my dream was about to come true.Jack was a new teacher at my school. He was the first person to see how broken I was. He would talk to me and hear what I wasn’t saying. He alerted the authorities to investigate my home situation, and they...

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My Wife on the Porch Part Seven

Robert spent the rest of the week at our house, moving his clothes and personal stuff over each day, and of course sleeping with and fucking my wife every night. He was still keeping his apartment but moving in with us, this still gave him and my wife a sanctuary to go to when they needed it. From my domain in the guest room I could hear the moans and groans of ecstasy coming from what used to be my bedroom each night, it was insanely erotic. Each morning I would take their morning coffee to...

2 years ago
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Juicy drove him bababas

Met a man one Monday afternoon. I was in the market food shopping he helped me put groceries in my car. He was cute, confident and generous. I gave him my # he calls everyday. Went out on a couple of dates with him. He spoiled me said he wanted me but did not give up. He kept spoiling me 4 a month so I decided 2 let him feel my juices. He had a 10 inch cock long and thick. He entered me. My juice gushed out. He fainted woke up and asked me what happened. I told him "Juicy drove you bananas".

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Cheated On Me pt 4

A story of Sara’s latest betrayal….Sara and I had discussed and talked through her recent run in with Nick and Josh. She explained the situation and she begged me not to take it further into the land of accusations and indictments and so forth.For about 2 weeks after our talk things were great. Sara was cheery and happy and loving me all the time. She stayed with me quite often and I loved having her around.Usually I had class or work early in the morning, so I would get up and get ready and...

2 years ago
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I Cant Be A Bride

I Can't Be A Bride by Throne The closer I got to my wedding date, the more nervous I became. It seemed almost impossible that I was marrying Talia, a gorgeous blond with the figure of a swimsuit model and the face of an angel. I got so stressed on the day we went to city hall for our license that she gave me a pill to calm me down. It certainly helped my jitters and the whole afternoon passed in a pleasant blur. Her gay brother Mark drove us and was there for every step of the...

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8220Virgin8221 Times With 8220Karishma82218230

Hey guys! This is Karishma again. I am writing for you after a break. I continued writing because I am getting excessive mails to continue my writing in ISS. Ok! Coming to the point, today’ s story is based on my first sexperience i.e., this story is based on how I lost my virginity. I know you all will be excited to know how I would have lost my viginity and at which age and more and more questions will be popping right now in your minds. Don’ t worry, I will clear all your doubts by the end...

3 years ago
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Lesbian introductions episode 2

“Ok, your turn, you filthy thing.” Giulietta smiled... “Hell yes.” The wind and rain pounded against the old house’s windows. Inside, lust was brewing. In the guest room, two females were embraced in deviant, forsaken love. Their silhouettes showed one lying on top the bed, her chest raising and falling repeatedly after the huge orgasm she’d just received. The other was looking into her eyes excitedly. The two had just broken from a deeply sexual kiss, Adalina’s tongue snaked about...

4 years ago
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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 28

An incessant ringing of the doorbell had been non stop and persistent enough to wake and tell the sleepy naked Caroline Dixon the caller was going nowhere until someone had answered and as there was no way she was about to rush around getting dressed, an annoyed Caroline Dixon eventually decided the naked and disheveled handcuffed figure of her Aunt Vicky, who’s head had remained between her legs while both of them had slept, would just have to answer the annoying doorbell, a minor annoyance...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Dolly Leigh A Step Daddys Love

With sexual tension building, Dolly and her stepfather Ryan can no longer refrain from their growing attraction. After telling Dolly’s mother he’s taking his stepdaughter to lunch, Ryan sneaks over to seduce his very willing stepdaughter. But, unbeknownst to Dolly and Ryan, Dolly’s roommate Charlotte has returned home and overheard their conversation – opening the door and watching them both fuck one another silly. Charlotte, having enjoyed her own sexual relationship...

2 years ago
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sister and I are Close Then Mom 7

After the three of us woke up one hour later, mom went to get dressed with pantys, bra, and a skirt and T shirt, but I asked her to just wear the T shirt and skirt since it was just the week end and that she could wear the pantys and bra during the week when she had to work, which she did as I asked her to do. Clarre and I went to my room and she put on the dress she had on while watched tv the night before with no bra or pantys on underneath the dress. I put on my usual pants and a shirt...

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A Week In The Mountains Ch 28

Passion in James County XIV: A Week In The Mountains Frankie woke up before Kay did the next morning. He rolled onto his side and, for quite a while, lay next to her, watching her sleep. ‘What happened last night was unreal!’ he thought, recalling the unique and wonderful love making experience he and she shared. As he lay there, he remembered what had happened to his parents and, even though it still seemed unreal, it brought tears to his eyes and caused a lump to form in his throat. Afraid...

3 years ago
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A forced date with Carol

A bit about myself. I am in my mid twenties, a bit over six foot and almost two hundred pounds. I have been targeting one or two people a year since I was nineteen or so, and have never been caught. I know it is wrong, but I can’t stop myself, so I limit it to once or twice a year, and pick targets that attract me in some way I can’t describe, other than maybe a vulnerability or aloofness that I find challenging. I enjoy regular sex, and have tried hiring prostitutes to play the part, but...

1 year ago
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I Saw Daddy Fucking

Hi my name is Tanya I am 22 years old now with a perfect shaped body of 34 28 36 and this story is about my dad and me, my family consists of me my little brother and dad my mom died when I was 10 and brother was 6 yrs old. My dad works in a govt. firm in Delhi. His name is Rudra Pratap Singh and he is H.O.D of the Dept. Now let me tell you the story and mind it it’s a real story not any fiction, but yes the names are changed when I was younger and I came home early dad use to drink even in...

4 years ago
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Kitty and the Schoolmarm

Kitty hurried down the boardwalk carrying a tray draped with a gingham cloth. It was almost high noon, and she wanted to be sure her pa got his dinner on time. The young woman cautiously swung wide in front of the double doors of the Golden Nugget saloon. Pa had really cleaned up the town of Wilson's Gulch, but one never knew if a rowdy farm hand or cowboy would cause some offence in that den of sin, and be thrown bodily out into the street. Balancing the tray with one hand, Kitty entered the...

1 year ago
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Amys Sexting Part I

Sent: 08 Aug 2018Love the photograph of you gazing out over the Las Vegas Strip Amy.  Very sexy!Sent: 08 Aug 2018Thank you!  Yes, that was definitely a memorable evening Sent: 08 Aug 2018Had I known you were in my hometown I could have certainly added to your memories.Sent: 08 Aug 2018I'm intrigued.  Tell me more...  What exactly might I have missed out on?Sent: 08 Aug 2018A fantastic night for sure.  I can gather from the view out of your window that you were at the Aria. Easy landmark for a...

3 years ago
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A Wife8217s Submissive Journey

Susan and her family moved to the city and instantly fell in love with the friendly neighborhood. She was liked by anyone who met her and in particular the men found her overly attractive and sexy. Sue married young and virtually had no sexual experiences other than those with her childhood sweetheart, Ben, who she married. They didn’t have any children and anyone who met Ben and Susan considered her a trophy wife, as she was extremely beautiful and sexy. She dressed in a very...

2 years ago
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Chris and Nenas Big Day Chapter 2

Chapter 2. Jools came up to them and said, "The others are all on their respective coaches. Mandy is the third courier that is with us. Bill never said anything about her joining us" "Ok Jools tell the George & Arthur we will stop at the caf? by the Humber Bridge for a breakfast break and then go on via Bridlington to Scarborough we have about a total distance of 79 miles to cover." The convoy of three coaches set off. No sooner than they set off Den got a message would he s...

4 years ago
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Abigail and MoiraChapter 5

Moira opened the door and walked over to a table clicking her fingers and calling for her sister. Abigail scowled as she came over. "What d'ya want?" "Ah ya cannae talk tae customers like t'at?" Moira shouted, and Abigail glanced over towards Pauline. "Ah'll have a pot of tea and a slice of cake. Abigail picked up her pad and walked over to the till, ringing through the cost and printing out the receipt. Pauline snapped at her for talking to Moira like she did and Abigail poured hot...

2 years ago
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my first time

I met John on a gay dating website that I had started visiting. I'm bisexual married to a woman but had been with guys before and started having that "urge again." After getting online a few times I noticed John's profile. He was good looking and about 5 years younger than me. I messaged him and he messaged back and we talked like this off and on for a week or two. Then luckily for me, my wife had to travel out of town for business. The first night she was gone I jumped online eager to see if...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 55

MONDAY NIGHT — SEPTEMBER 16 After the conversation with Caitlin, Joyce and most of the wives were in Caitlin and Joyce's suite, talking. Diana had gone to Evie's apartment. The little blond was seated at the end of her kitchen table with Diana sitting near her. As they talked, Diana took Evie's hands in hers. "But ... but, what in the world happened. Dave and I leave this morning and when we come back, Jeff has two new women in the house checking them out as wives. I mean ... Well, we...

3 years ago
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Swim Coach chapter 67

So the next few weeks went by quickly. I swam very well at the next three meets, winning most of my races and consistently swimming at times that were the best in the state. It was all a bit strange – I’d never been the focus of attention in anything I’d done but now, at least as far as the swim team went, I was the queen bee. Youngsters on the team would ask me for advice and help. The coaches were all giving me much more attention, trying to give me any advantage that they could. Sally...

1 year ago
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Rachels Rapture Ch 01

Rachel sat on the cold uncarpeted church floor for quite some time. Eli’s head was still cradled in her lap, his blood soaking into her dress. Later on, she would have no idea how long she had sat there crying, her brain had temporarily shut down when Eli’s had stopped permanently…and then there was the prayer that she had shared with the dying Brother Eli, she couldn’t explain that either. She understood that women were not worthy of leading prayer inside of a church, they were to remain...

1 year ago
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Chapter Three: Christmas Surprise ‘Reina? Reina, wake up. C’mon, you’ve slept long enough. It’s time to wake up now.’ Her eyes seemed to be burning. Add to that the fact that her eyelids felt like they’d been weighed down by lead, well, that could only equal one feeling: Pure shittiness. ‘Hm…?’ Reina muttered, eyes fluttering open, ‘Brad?’ Rio’s face came into focus, ‘Um, not quite. Guess again.’ ‘Oh my…’ Reina breathed, her eyes widening to the size of dinner platters as she moved to sit...

1 year ago
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The customer is always full of surprises

It was a Saturday, early afternoon, and I was relaxing at home. I just came back from vacation the day before. I did not plan on taking any customers until Monday. So I only took a limited number of urgent personal calls. If a customer called, they would be forwarded to a voice-mail with Daniel's number, my friend and my backup in cases like that. Most of my clients were regulars, seeing as how user error was the cause for about 80% of computer and even network problems, and he was a reliable...

3 years ago
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Wife ko diya birthday gift

Hi me Anish from kol. Priya was looking for a gift to get her husband, Raj, for his birthday. Raj would be turning 30, and she wanted to get him something special. Raj had mentioned all he really wanted was Priya. She decided if she was to be Raj’s present, she should be properly gift wrapped? Priya called a friend of Raj’s named Ajay. Ajay and Raj had been friends since they were kids. Ajay owned an Adult Book and Accessory store just on the outskirts of town. Priya inquired about closing...

2 years ago
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Claudias Condition the HealingChapter 5

“We’ll have to take them to the Diplomat Club soon!” Claudia smiled. “Good idea!” Dan agreed. “What’s the Diplomat Club?” Julia inquired. “We’re members of an exclusive club where couples can go and fuck in public. Dan and I had out wedding reception there and I was fucked by five different guys!” She boasted. “On your wedding night, you were fucked by five guys?” Julia couldn’t believe it. “And Dan fucked three beautiful women that night too.” “Wow, you two sure have a wild sex life,”...

2 years ago
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One Night Stand

Pamela tells the story of her passionate encounter with a stranger: It was a chance meeting; we met through a mutual friend, and spent a few minutes chatting about nothing significant. It was a party, a small gathering of friends; Jim and I exchanged pleasant greetings and moved on to mix with the other party guests. But as the evening went on, we seemed drawn to each other and kept finding excuses to find a secluded corner and talk for a while. I was in my mid-30's, an attractive brunette....


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