A Well-Lived Life - Book 8 - StephieChapter 25: Turning Twenty free porn video

April 22, 1983, Chicago, Illinois
“So, what’s the plan for tonight?” I asked the girls.
“Take a shower and put on some nice clothes. We’re going to meet Dave and Julia,” Elyse said.
“At the Sig Ep house.”
I went to the shower and just as I was getting out, Elyse opened the door. She smiled, blew me a kiss, and said I had a phone call. I brazenly walked past her without bothering to pick up a towel, and picked up the extension in my room. I turned to face Elyse who was standing in the door.
“Hello?” I said.
“Happy Birthday, Steve!” Jennifer exclaimed.
“Jen! Thanks! I appreciate your call!” I answered happily.
“Did you get my card?”
“I did, and it’s right on top of the pile, along with about a dozen others. I’ll open them later, I’m being rushed.”
“I won’t keep you; I just wanted to make sure I got hold of you. Have fun tonight”
“Thanks, Jen!”
I replaced the receiver in the cradle and went back to the bathroom to finish drying off, then went to my room and put on all black while Stephie and Elyse both changed out of their jeans. We drove down to IIT and parked, then walked over to the Sig Ep fraternity house.
“Hi Steve,” Dave said. “Come with me.”
The girls and I followed him to the basement. When he got to the bottom of the steps, he flipped on the lights and a huge chorus of “Surprise” rang out from the thirty or so people in the basement. All of our usual Saturday and Sunday friends were there, but there were some surprising visitors.
“Hi Steve!” Bethany said, coming up to me with Pam in tow.
“Hi Sweetheart! Hi Pam!” I said, giving each of them a hug and getting a kiss in return.
Even more surprising were the next two people to greet me.
“Larry? Joyce?” I exclaimed in surprise. “What the heck are you doing here?”
“Kathy called me,” Larry said. “She told me about the party. I knew I had to invite Joyce!”
I hugged Joyce and she kissed me on the cheek.
“I hope it’s OK,” she whispered.
“Of course!” I replied.
“Grandfather heard about your house. He asked me to give you this. He said that it was to make sure the house and furnishings were ‘appropriate for a successful young man’,” she said, handing me an envelope with a check which I folded and put in my pocket.
Larry and I hugged. We hadn’t seen each other in some time and it was really good to see him.
“Where are you guys staying?” I asked,
“A hotel,” Larry replied. “We’re sharing a room. We’ll be at the open house tomorrow, too!”
“Kathy really went all out!” I said.
“Well, she was the messenger,” Larry replied. “Your girlfriend arranged all of this.”
The final surprise was that Pete and Melanie were there as well. Pete and I hugged and Melanie gave me the hottest, sexiest French kiss possible. Pete rolled his eyes and Stephie just laughed.
“I heard about you, Melanie Spencer!” Stephie declared.
“What can I say?” she smirked smugly smacking her lips.
“Nothing!” Pete and I said simultaneously.
“Where are you staying?” I asked.
“Same hotel as Larry and Joyce,” Melanie answered. “And we’re staying for the open house, too.”
I wished I had known about the party, because Larry and Joyce could have taken my little sister home with them and she could have stayed. But there was no way they could have known she was coming, and they certainly wouldn’t have wanted to spoil the surprise. In a couple of years, it wouldn’t matter because Stephanie would be living here and nothing my mom could do at that point was going to separate us.
As I looked around the room at my gathered friends, I knew that I absolutely owed Peaches something special for this. And I owed Dave for letting us use the basement at his fraternity. I walked over to him.
“Dave, I really appreciate this. How’d you talk the brothers into allowing this?”
“I’m House Manager this year,” he replied with a grin. “It was easy!”
“I see you invited some of the CS majors and some of your little sisters, too.”
“I figured if we were going to have a party, we’d have a party. Some of the brothers may come down from time to time to grab some food or a free drink, but mostly they’ll leave us alone.”
I spent the next twenty minutes or so walking around and greeting my friends. At 7:00pm Connie’s pizza delivered what looked like enough pizza to feed an army, but I realized with the number of people here and the brothers who might come down, it wasn’t all that much, really.
Everyone feasted on pizza and after most of it had disappeared, Stephie and Elyse slipped out and came back carrying a sheet cake. They set it on a table in the center of the room and lit twenty candles. Elyse led everyone in singing Happy Birthday and then I blew out the candles.
“Did you make a good wish, Yankee?” Stephie said, slipping her arm around me.
“I got the best gift I could have when you decided to have this party, Peaches. You’re amazing!”
“Thanks!” she said, giving me a quick kiss.
Stephie and Elyse served the cake - devil’s food with chocolate fudge frosting - and after everyone had their piece, Stephie brought out a few gifts that she set on the table, along with the dozen or so cards that had arrived in the mail over the last week.
“These gifts come from all of us, and are for the new house,” Stephie said. “Cindi helped me decide what to get.”
“When did you have time to shop?” I asked.
“Thursday mornings when you were at class! And Dave kept the stuff in his room here, so you couldn’t accidentally find them.”
“You’re wonderful, Peaches!” I said and gave her a quick kiss.
I unwrapped the packages to find a food processor, a mixer, a blender, and a very nice set of profesional kitchen knives. I opened the cards, some of which were silly in nature, though the cards from Karin, Jennifer, Tina, Sofia, and Suzanne were romantically themed. Stephie just rolled her eyes when I translated the Swedish.
“Those Swedish girls just don’t know what they’re up against!” she grinned.
“A southern she-devil?” I asked.
“With a shotgun!” she grinned.
I thanked everyone and then Dave and Pete moved the table out of the way and the stereo was turned on. Stephie asked me to dance with her and for the next three hours I danced with nearly every girl in the room. They all angled for slow dances, except Katy, who made sure a relatively fast song was playing when she asked me to dance.
One of the little sisters who was there was Deirdre, and she asked me to dance when a slow song came on. I couldn’t really turn her down, so I took her in my arms and we danced close, with Deirdre grinding against me as much as she could.
“Want to have a REALLY happy birthday?” she whispered in my ear.
“I think my friends have something planned for after the party,” I said.
“Then come upstairs with me now and I’ll make this a day to remember!”
“Deirdre, it would be rude for me to leave my own birthday party.”
She slipped her hand between us and ran it along the erection that I’d developed from her grinding, “You can put this anywhere you want!”
“Not tonight, Deirdre. Sorry.”
“Well, you have a rain check, anytime you want!”
When the song ended she gave me a quick peck on the lips, winked and walked away.
“She looked pretty aggressive,” Stephie said.
“Yes, she was,” I said quietly, “but Dave made the strong suggestion to avoid her and I’ll take his advice.”
“She’s smoking hot and looks like quite a handful,” Stephie replied. “You’re turning her down?”
I didn’t feel right about telling her the reason Dave had warned me off, so I’d just chalk it up to being selective.
“I am. It does happen, Peaches. I’m pretty picky, believe it or not. And besides, I have you!”
She smiled and gave me a quick kiss, and Joyce came up and asked me to dance. She asked me how Kara was doing and I told her what I felt I could, and discouraged her from trying to talk to Kara. I asked her to let Kara make the first move if and when she was ready. Joyce wasn’t happy with that, but I made it clear that I’d be extremely upset if she caused Kara to sink deeper into her emotional problems. The dance was close, but not as close as it might have been before the incident with Kara. For me, at least, the tension was palpable.
About 11:00pm I was dancing a slow song with Stephie.
“Are you up for some fun later, Yankee?”
“Always,” I smirked.
“I was talkin’ to your friend Melanie and she told me I better check with you instead of assuming, ‘cause you might get persnickety about what I had planned.”
“What was your plan, Peaches?”
“It’s your birthday and I figured to give you a dream birthday. Bethany, Pam, Jackie, Elyse, and I want to take turns. I didn’t ask Joyce ‘cause I knew you two had an issue because of Kara. But Melanie warned me that you might get upset if I just assumed you’d do it.”
“And Melanie was right,” I said gently. “I don’t like people setting things like that up without talking to me first.”
“I’m sorry,” Stephie said, frowning. “I just assumed because you’d been with them, and none of them have steady boyfriends, that it would be OK.”
“There’s nothing wrong with any of those girls, Peaches, it’s just there’s some bad history when girls have set up things like this without talking to me in the past.”
“So what do you want to do?” she asked.
I chuckled, “Screw all of you! But I do need to have a word with Pam, first. Otherwise, it’s fine. One condition, though.”
“Which is?”
“You go last and I sleep with you and nobody but you,” I said. “You’re my main girl and you deserve that.”
Stephie beamed. When the song finished I walked over to Pam and pulled her out on the dance floor.
“Stephie told me the plans,” I said.
“I’m not serious with anyone, Steve, I promise. I know your rule and I wouldn’t violate it, no matter how much I might want to. It’ll be fun!”
“Of that I have no doubt!” I grinned.
We finished the dance and I went back to Stephie and told her it was OK. About midnight, the party broke up and Jackie rode home with Elyse, Stephie, and me, and Bethany and Pam rode in Bethany’s car. Kurt and Kathy went home, and wouldn’t come back until 2:00pm, rather than their usual 10:00am. That worked out well, because that meant that Bethany and Pam could use the sofa bed and Jackie could sleep in Elyse’s room, either in the bed or on the air mattress.
When we got home, I grabbed Bethany and took her down the hall with me and into my room. I shut the door and then pulled her into my arms.
“I get to be first?” she grinned.
“You’re my Sweetheart! You’re first. Stephie is last, because she’s going to sleep with me.”
“The only thing that stinks is I only get one!” she giggled. “So make it a good one, Steve!”
“I promise! My tongue doesn’t need to get hard, you know!”
She had her clothes off nearly instantly and was on the bed, spreading her legs giving me easy access to her cleanly shaved pussy. I stripped off my clothes and got between her legs and slowly dragged my tongue up and down her dripping labia, tasting her musky juices. I kissed, licked and sucked her to two huge orgasms before slowly sliding my dick into her.
“Slow or hard, Sweetheart,” I asked.
“Like the first time. A good hard fuck, Steve. That’s what I need! A good hard fuck!”
I did as she asked, and Bethany thrust her hips up hard to meet each powerful stroke. She clung tightly to me with her arms around my back and her legs around my hips. The speed and force of our coupling was such that I only managed to give her two more orgasms before I slammed into her and filled her pussy with jet after jet of cum.
“Happy birthday, Steve!” she gasped when she felt the last spurt of cum.
“Thanks, Sweetheart!” I said.
We relaxed together for a few minutes, kissing softly and then she pushed me onto my back and licked and sucked my dick to clean her juices and my cum from it.
“Can’t leave the toys dirty for the next kid who wants to play with them!” she smirked.
I laughed and kissed her softly. She got out of bed, dressed and opened the door.
“I’ll send in the next victim!” she grinned.
I wondered who would be next. I had told Stephie that I wanted her to be last, but otherwise left the order up to her, though I had grabbed Bethany on my own volition. Jackie came in next, took off her clothes and climbed into bed with me. I reached into my drawer and pulled out a rubber because I knew she wasn’t on the Pill. She took it from me, slid down and started sucking me. When she had me hard, she rolled the rubber onto my erect dick, then straddled me and impaled herself.
“Just let me do this,” Jackie said. “The other girls will try to wear you out! I’d rather have as much as I can for as long as I can!”
She began slowly grinding against me and moving in various ways. She worked herself towards her first orgasm and as she got close, she leaned down and offered me her nipple. I greedily took it into my mouth swirling my tongue around it. Jackie groaned and I felt her pussy spasm. She sat up and began working herself towards a second orgasm and offered me her other breast as she closed in on her second orgasm. I sucked and licked on her breast until she groaned and came again.
“Jackie, can I make a special request?” I said.
“Sure!” she grinned, continuing to grind against me.
“When you’re ready, take off the rubber and 69 with me so I can cum in your mouth.”
“That’s an outstanding idea!”
Two orgasms later, Jackie lifted off of me, removed the rubber and turned so we could 69. She planted her pussy on my mouth and quickly engulfed my dick. She slowly sucked and licked me, waiting for me to bring her off. When I did, she quickly made me cum, swallowing each spurt. She cleaned all the cum off my dick, turned around and laid next to me.
“Happy birthday, Steve!” she said, kissing me.
“Want one more? I need some time to recover before the next girl comes in,” I said.
“God yes!” she hissed.
I got between her legs and pressed my tongue deep into her pussy and swirled and licked and kissed for a bit, then moved my mouth to her clit, lashing it with my tongue. Jackie bucked her hips hard, groaned, and her body shuddered in a last orgasm. I moved up and kissed her softly. She got up, dressed and said she’d send in the next girl.
Pam came into the room, shut and locked the door and stripped. She got into bed with a huge smile on her face.
“It’s been almost two years! Got the energy to fuck me as hard as you did then?”
I pulled her to me and we kissed, then I slid down and used my tongue to bring her off, then gave her the hardest, most energetic fuck I could. Just after Pam’s third orgasm, it was my turn to cum hard and I collapsed on top of her, our sweaty bodies entwined with each other.
“That was fun,” she whispered. “The rules say I need to clean up after myself, so roll over.”
I did and she quickly licked our combined juices from my softening dick. She licked her lips when she finished, gave me a quick kiss and then got dressed.
“Happy birthday, Steve,” she said with a grin as she left the room.
Pam had barely closed the door when it opened and Elyse came into the room, wearing only her bath robe. I groaned audibly when she dropped her bag of tricks on the floor next to my bed.
“I didn’t want to waste time taking off my clothes,” she smirked untying the robe and letting it fall off her shoulders. “In special honor of your birthday, Jennifer told me to go all out!”
“You talked to Jennifer?” I said, surprised.
“Earlier today, when she called. She asked if we had plans for your birthday and I told her that we did!”
I shook my head, “So what’s the drill?”
Elyse giggled, “You drill me, then I drill you!”

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