Calcinha indian porn

4 years ago
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Um Menino Vira Menina

Part I Jessinho entrou de f?rias, e como sua m?e n?o conseguiu tirar f?rias tamb?m naquela ?poca do ano, ela lembrou-se de Ana, a sua irm?, que tinha uma filha e moravam na cidade vizinha. "Por que n?o mandar Jessinho para l?'?", pensou ela, "ele tamb?m tinha a prima que n?o v? h? anos". Um pensamento tamb?m passou na sua cabe?a, "ele tamb?m pode aprender umas coisas com ela, faz tempos que t?nhamos combinado umas coisas e agora ? um bom momento, ele est? j? com dez anos e j? come?a a olhar para as garotas da idade dele com um o...

4 years ago
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Viajante no tempo

Notes: 1 - some reviewers of the original pointed what seems to be flaws in my description of the past. I suggest these are no flaws, but intentional, the reason is that Jeremias is describing his story, so there is no reason why he should be honest, actually I believe he is lying in the whole text and that he already knew what he would do in Helena's body in the past. Helena is also lying when she says she was a lesbian, most probably she had some tendencies towards homosexualism, but...

4 years ago
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Sempre tive um tesão enorme pela minha irmã, desde os tempos de infãncia ela já dava traços da vagabundinha que seria no futuro. Em meio as brincadeirinhas quando tinhamos 10 anos, ela pegava no meu pau, me mostrava a calcinha, deixava eu brincar com a bucetinha dela, tudo na maior já me mostrava todo tesudinho querendo uma bucetinha. Ela ficava por horas me mostrando (e vestindo) as calcinhas que pegava na gaveta da nossa mãe, que por sinal é muito gostosa..e coisa que fui...

4 years ago
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Minha primeira vez

This is the Portuguese version of my story previously published story called "First ttime" (the second "t" was a typing error), so if you want to read it in English, please visit that story. If you can read Portuguese, however, I really recommend to read this version. I rely deeply on mundane language and this increases the "realism". I also give a more colorful description of S?o Paulo and, if you are Brazilian, you will sure recognize some of the street names and the d...

2 years ago
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Miss o Marte

Cap?tulo I Mesmo com todo o avan?o tecnol?gico que o futuro trouxera, o mundo ainda n?o havia se livrado de um antigo problema... O desemprego. Eduardo estava desempregado h? v?rios meses. Algu?m que por v?rios anos conheceu oi sucesso agora enfrentava cobran?as, contas atrasadas e estava preste a ser despejado de seu apartamento. Para completar a desgra?a, sua namorada o havia abandonado. - Melhor assim - pensou ele - pelo jeito ela s? estava interessada na minha conta banc?ria. Bem que me disseram que mul...

3 years ago
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Uma lenga Grega A Greek Legend

Uma lenda grega Cap?tulo 1: O anel Eu sempre fui fascinado por mitologia grega. Est?rias de deuses, semideuses, her?is, monstros me acompanharam desde a minha mais tenra inf?ncia e mantiveram minha imagina??o ocupada. Sendo "um vagabundo", como minha m?e costumava dizer eu tinha bastante tempo para dedicar a este hobby. Na verdade eu era "um vagabundo sortudo", pois um tio havia falecido e deixado DM 500.000,00 de heran?a que eu mantinha em uma conta de investimento. Eu n?o era exatamente rico, mas ta...

2 years ago
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Vanessa filha da Giselle

Olá, sou a Vanessa, ., daquela tipo bem "nojentinha", até por influência de algumas amizades. Eu admito que me achava a tal, e melhor que os outros. E também porque meu pai dava tudo o que eu queria. Não estava namorando no momento, porque meus namorados diziam que não me aguentavam, que eu era muito chata. Ainda era virgem, mas não porque faltasse atrativo para os namorados; nessa época eu já tinha um corpão. Era porque eu tinha medo mesmo; não sei bem do quê, mas era medo de alguma coisa....

2 years ago
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Eu e minha esposa em uma Boate pra CasaisOlá pessoal, estou de volta pra contar algo que aconteceu na minha vida e de minha esposa que foi muito excitante. Havia contado um conto anterior onde contei de nossa transa junto com outro casal, vou nos descrever pra quem esta lendo esse primeiro.Camila é uma linda mulher, 25 anos cabelos lisos e loiros de olhos verdes, peitinhos e bundinha médios, um belo corpo com 1,73 e 53 kg uma linda mulher. Eu 26, tenho corpo atlético cabelos lisos e pretos 1,80...

3 years ago
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Um Negocio Lucrativo Portuguese

UM NEGÓCIO BEMLUCRATIVO Geraldo AntonioLelis de Freitas UM OSimca Chambord estacionou na Pracinha do Araçatuba Clube, aquela doColégio das Irmãs, vizinha da Praça 19 de fevereiro.Carro novo, cores tradicionais de vermelho e amarelo, linha impecável,conforto até exagerado. No radio tocava Neil Sedaka, "You mean everythingto me", sucesso romântico. Olocal estava deserto. Deserto era modo de se dizer: alguns carros passavampelas ruas Duque de Caxias e Carlos Gomes. Um "biribeiro" gritou um...

3 years ago
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Oi pessoal, meu nome é Paulo tenho 18 anos e fui amaldiçoado com o corpo meio delicado, tenho 1,62m 49kg,calço 37 e meu penis mede 8cm (duro) e cabelo liso no ombro. Essa historia aconteceu no reveillon de 2000. Bom, meu pai e minha mãe precisaram viajar pro Canada pois um amigo do meu pai ficou muito doente e como são muito amigos meu pai e minha me foram pra lá, e pra nao passar o reveillon sozinho fui passar com minha tia e minhas 5 primas(minha tia é divorciada). Fiz minha mala e fui pra...

3 years ago
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A aposta

Notas: 1 - Aqui n?o tem desculpa, portugu?s ? minha lingua materna, se houverem erros, s?o meus mesmo. 2 - Existe sexo, mas minhas est?rias s?o escritas para investigar como as pessoas se comportariam em uma situa??o de troca de sexo, no presente caso trata-se de se tornar uma pessoa melhor. 3 - A est?ria se passa na Alemanha, por volta da virada do s?culo, varios detalhes s?o historicamente corretos (como o fato de que 13/08/1999 era uma sexta-feira, ou que Ulm e Freiberg jogaram naquele domingo). A escolha...

4 years ago
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Comida de Fato

Comida de Fato. Este n?o ? o meu primeiro conto; penso muito em sexo e gosto de escrever. Mas ? o primeiro onde ? tudo, tudinho verdade. Sou uma crossdresser de arm?rio e posso me considerar uma sortuda, sou pequena clara e lisa. Ao natural tenho peitinhos por causa de ginecomastia, efeito colateral de um rem?dio na adolesc?ncia. Cal?o s? 39, sempre acho sapatos e ainda sou bastante bem servida de pernas e bunda. Penso tamb?m que a maioria das pessoas desconhece a diferen?a entre penetrar em algu?m at? gozar e...

2 years ago
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Valeria CD e o amante incentivador

Valéria CD e o amante incentivador – relatoEste relato, do início da minha vida como fêmea crossdresser (cd), começa quando conheci o César num chat gay. Eu entrei com o nick Passivo procura/RJ e ele com MILITARKERFEMEA. Naquela época eu já gostava muito de usar cuequinhas bem sexies, bem cavadinhas, mas não eram calcinhas. O nosso papo evoluiu e começamos a nos comunicar numa intensa troca de e-mails diários em que César queria ser o meu amante, mas antes de mais nada me incentivou a me tornar...

2 years ago
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Minha primeira foda com o sobrinho do meu marido

Minha primeira relação sexual com o sobrinho do meu maridoEu achava que meu marido nem imaginava quais eram os meus desejos. Eu nunca tive coragem de expor isso, visto que ele não merecia ser magoado. Sempre achei que se falasse, poderia ser encarado como egoísmo da minha parte. O que eu não sabia é que eu estava sendo monitorada pelo meu marido! E a sequência dos acontecimentos, ajudará vocês a entender isso.Eu sempre acessava os sites de troca de casais, enquanto meu marido estava dormindo....

3 years ago
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Aquela noite

Era noite lá fora. Talvez fria e chuvosa, mas não lembro ao certo. Como poderia? Só me lembro do que aconteceu dentro do quarto. Ela apareceu numa lingerie lilás, salto preto e o tempo parou. Bem, eu parei. Ela estava linda, sensual, matadora. A única luz acesa no quarto apontava pra o seu corpo. Saboreei aquela visão com paciência. Primeiro apreciei seus lindos pés, perfeitamente encaixados no salto alto fino. Subi às suas pernas e me senti convidado por aquelas coxas grossas a um banquete....

3 years ago
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Vento Sobre o Mar in Portuguese

16/12/02 Sucker love is heaven sent You pucker up, our passion's spent My body's broken, yours is spent Still there´s nothing else to do Every me and every you Placebo Sala de aula. Oito horas da manhã. Aula de filosofia. O professor tinhasaído por alguns momentos, e a maioria dos alunos estava escrevendo,alguns estavam conversando e uns poucos estavam dormindo. Virgínia sentavalargada na cadeira, olhando para a janela. Um vento frio soprava lá fora,o dia estava cinzento, talvez chovesse...

4 years ago
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Minha primeira vez com um casal

Meu nome é Billy, 1,72 atualmente com 68 kg moreno bem dotado o que vou relatar aqui agora realmente aconteceu, eu trabalho em uma grande empresa no setor de RH com dezenas de outros funcionários, a maioria mulheres e a maioria bonita simpática, nos intervalos conversamos muito brincamos e nas sextas feriras sempre depois do trabalho nos reunimos para tomarmos umas bebidas e rir um pouco, mas confesso que entre tantas mulheres lindas, simpáticas tem uma que me desafia, vou chama-la de Renata,...

2 years ago
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Estagiaria pega na obra

Meu nome é Giselle e isso aconteceu antes de me casar .Trabalhava em uma obra bem grande, onde era do RH. Eu não era formada ainda, só estagiaria. Em minha obra havia 550 funcionários.Numa sexta-feira, eu precisava fazer a inspeção semanal na obra, e tinha ido trabalhar com uma calça jeans colada e uma blusa vermelha de mangas largas e compridas com um rasgo nas costas que mostrava metade delas e um decote considerável. Normalmente eu não ía vestida dessa maneira pra obra, pois vcs sabe como é,...

4 years ago
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Na Segunda parte Susana propôs a ser minha senhora. Aceitei e viemos para Belo Horizonte. Minha prima não gostou da coisa e pós a boca no trombone tive que sair de casa e passei a morar com Susana . Nesta ultima parte eu contarei a vocês como foi a minha transformação. Depois do meu adestramento no interior eu voltei para Belo Horizonte. No meu serviço as pessoas notaram que eu estava diferente. Dizia que estava tomando um remédio que alterava meu metabolismo. A maioria das pessoas acreditaram...

4 years ago
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Vingan a desejada Story writen in Brazilian Portuguese

Ela entrou no carro e j? disse "Abaixe as cal?as at? o joelho e a cueca tamb?m". Obedeci e segui o caminho para o motel dentro do carro, n? da cintura pra baixo. Achei que ela iria me tocando no caminho mas nem sinal. Ao chegar no motel, quis colocar a roupa mas ela n?o deixou. Felizmente a mo?a da recep??o n?o tinha o ?ngulo de vis?o correto, com exce??o talvez quando chegamos quando ela talvez possa ter visto pela frente do carro. Isso pode explicar porque ela parecia um pouco inquieta. Ao chegarmos na gara...

2 years ago
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The Blue Dress

She stood in the doorway, her hair as black as coal, cascading over her electric blue dress. Something about her made James’s heart skip a beat. For a moment he was in love. In that moment all the words in the world were sucked out of his brain and just her essence remained. James had driven all afternoon through the driving rain. He had been meaning to have a break in the country for ages, but work just kept piling up. Being self-employed he didn’t need to get permission to shoot off at the...

2 years ago
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Dee plays pool with the lads at the Working Men 0

We were down the local working men’s club, where we were taking part in a game of pool. Dee was useless, but enjoyed the banter from the lads around her. The games were being played for drinks, the loser’s would buy the them so as you can imagine I was paying out every time we went on the table. Dee meanwhile was having drinks bought her at almost every game. I guess it was her little mini that she was wearing and she would make a point of leaning over the table to make shots. She would bend...

4 years ago
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Baby sitting

It was the Christmas holidays and I needed money for buying presents and going out, thankfully Mr and Mrs Jones our next door neighbours had a 15 year old son who they didnt trust to be on his own so asked me a trustworthy 18 year old to babysit him, we had never actually met I dont know why we just hadnt. On the night I went over at 7 and knocked on the door. Mrs Jones opened the door oh hello Katie come in Josh is up in his room sulking he isnt happy we hired you, but he wont be any trouble,...

3 years ago
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I Was BlindfoldedChapter 7

I went to Suki as fast as I could and grabbed her by her arms and almost shouted, but before I did I quietly said, “Tell me what is going on. Did you talk to Chris?” Suki nodded, looked around and whispered, “We’re getting too much attention. Let’s continue this conversation at home.” I nervously laughed and accidentally said, “I thought you enjoyed the attention. Especially from the guys. Didn’t you have like 20 or 50 boyfriends last year alone?” She looked hurt then laughed as she said,...

4 years ago
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Best Friends Forever IV Sixty Nine

Best Friends Forever IV: Sixty-Nine Alexa and Amanda had spent the night together in bed, after a wild first night of a little fingering in the pool naked, as well as her best friend tasting and eating Alexa’s pussy also, to their first real experience of grinding their naked pussies together on a bed and having wonderful orgasms. The two fell asleep in each other’s arms, as the night drew in. Alexa was the first to awaken, to the soft sounds of birds chirping their morning tune. As she opened...

2 years ago
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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 20

Myrtle Beach We joined Mike and Jessie while they played Frisbee after we were all cleaned up. We ran after the stray ones, and occasionally, they threw them right at us but forbade us from catching them. They’d hit us directly in the tits or ass and luckily, never in the face. At one point, we noticed a father and son who started throwing a football back and forth. I think the father was a little jealous of how much fun Mike and Jessie were having, and that inspired him to get up and play....

2 years ago
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Tom s AdventuresChapter 13

Fighting Hawk had left with Big Cloud to hunt in the forest. They were often hunting together, and as they trailed their quarry it was Big Cloud that surprised Fighting Hawk. "Fighting Hawk I have spoken to mother about this. And even though she is not as sure about it as I am, I believe that it is time that I take a woman. I have given this much thought and I think that I know who that I want to ask to marry me." Fighting Hawk showed his surprise, but realized that Big Cloud was older than...

3 years ago
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Kinky Club Couple

It was a typical Saturday night, I had been single again for quite a few weeks and was really feeling the need for some physical release other than my usually sessions of self pleasure. Don't get me wrong, I love to masturbate, and often do it in places where others will see me, to add to the eroticism of it, but that's a whole different story. I had went to a club a few times with my ex and every time we went, there were hot people, mostly singles, trying to pick up on us, but she was too...

2 years ago
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Token Honeymoon episode 11

The sex shop was forty minutes away. June insisted that Dan drive while she spent the journey with her skirt raised and her fingers in her pussy."It's only fair," she said. "If I'm going to be locked up the rest of the day.""I love the way you make up the rules as you go along. I hadn't realised it was your turn first.""After yesterday, come on love. I want you in control.""So you make the decision that I'm in control?"June laughed. "Yeah, I get the joke, but I really do deserve it. I wouldn't...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Lena and Liam

Lena saw his shadow in the hallway as she turned to sit and take a pee. It was about a week ago that she had first thought that her step-son might be getting curious. At first she was shocked and a little angry. Liam was a little shit and she disliked him all the more because he was her husband's son by the woman she had replaced as the Mrs. Grubner. She was also more than a little shocked because she thought that he was not yet even old enough to be interested in sex.The day before yesterday...

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Catherine Part One

The phone was ringing and Catherine walked into the kitchen to answer it. "Hello," she said."Hi Catherine, its Jane from next door," Jane was talking a mile a minute as usual. "I just spoke to the man at the glass shop and they will be out on Monday to fix your door, sorry they couldn't do it any sooner, but they are booked today and don't work weekends, and the bill will come right to me so you don't have to worry about anything. Again I am so sorry about all of this."Yesterday afternoon...

2 years ago
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Heart and Soul

‘Close your eyes, I’m coming!’ His usual sensitive self, for sure, the considerate son of a bitch. And he did, come that is, although the announced so powerful blast proved to be a puny trickle, hardly hazardous to anything but his own inflated self esteem. But I was the good girl, am I not always? I played along and pledged my eternal love affair with his bodily fluids, rolled my eyes and screamed out the kind of out-of-control orgasm that he is convinced that any woman blessed with his...

4 years ago
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Caught In Llactapata

Foreward: A few years ago, a group of people on an adventure trip were able to find the lost city of Llactapata. It had originally been discovered by Hiram Bingham when he discovered the lost city of Maccu Pichu. They reported their findings to the government. When they came back the following year to do more clearing on the land, they discovered the nearly perfect building had been looted and destroyed by people looking for gold. The only thing that the government is interested in is the...

2 years ago
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The Captains Wife Chapter 13

Chapter 13 - The Captains Proposal I awoke the next morning desperately wishing I had not. The pain of my body was worse than the night before, for now there was no new pain to distract me from the continuous agony of my body. Every pore of my skin hurt, every opening was throbbing and split. My flesh was raw, my muscles bruised and stiff, the soles of my feet aching and sore. I was a bloody wreck. I could not believe I was still alive. My throat burned for moisture and finally, after...

3 years ago
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Mast Ushaji Ke Saath Rasleela

Hii me RAJ a little large built from south odisha again. Ye gatna kuch din pehle ki hai. Me apni car me jeypore ki taraf jaa raha tha ki raste me ek school teacher kariban 38 ki hongi unhone lift mangi aur humne usse front seat par baitha diya. Madam ekdum gori chithi thi aur figure ka kya kehna. Mene usse apna intro diya aur phir usne apna. Usha naam tha uska aur mere ghar ke najdik hi kiraye ke makaan me rehati thi. Batoan batoan me hum dono kafi ghul mil gaye.. mera interest bhi kafi bad...

4 years ago
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The Power Of The Moon ch 7

‘Matty, I am going to miss you so much!’ Grace said a tear rolling down her face as she held him close to her. ‘Don’t worry, as long as you look at the moon each and every night I am sure we will be just fine!’ Matty said trying not to let her see him cry. Grace just nodded and stepped away letting him pick up his bag. She stood there looking at him hugging herself. All Matty could do was smile and kiss her nose and then her forehead. ‘I’ll be back before you know it.’ x-x-x-x-x Grace sat on...

2 years ago
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A Journey of PassionChapter 5 Discovery

That was the beginning of several weeks of instant messaging between the two adults. Seth tried not to act like a teenager even though he felt like one again. Gabriela worked hard at not letting her excitement show through in her words every time. How much could you really learn about someone communicating through a computer? Gabriela asked herself that question several times and still didn't have an answer. She did know that she wanted to discover more about Seth, though. It didn't even...

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Piss and Spunk Playmate

Mildred was sixty two and had never shaved her pubic hair and was proud of the fact. So was her recently deceased husband, who loved her to show as much of it off in public as possible. Over the years they became outrageously kinky trying most things at least once. But the two things that really made her randy were showing off her very hairy fat cunt and squirting piss. When younger she used to wear the skimpiest bikinis and panties. Now being fatter she had her swimsuits specially made with...

3 years ago
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“Up the airy mountain, down the rushing glen, We daren't go a-hunting, for fear of little men.”-William Allingham, “The Fairies”*“I want to dance with the hill people at night,” Flora said, standing on a chair and looking out the window. Megan looked with her. The summer sun slipped behind the yew trees on the hill beside the big old house, but no one was there that Megan could see. She frowned. “What do you mean?” Flora looked up at her. “Every night the people come and dance and sing all over...

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The Cabin in the Woods

The snow was falling so thickly that I could barely see the road. I didn't like driving alone in this type of weather, but when you walk in on your boyfriend of five years in bed humping your best friend, you do something drastic. I went online and found a selection of interesting destinations. The one that really caught my eye looked idyllic. A Swiss chalet perched on a crag overlooking a pine forest and fields of sparkling snow. It looked like the ideal place to get away from here. The...

Straight Sex
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EvilAngel Jillian Janson Squirting Gaping Jillian 8217 s Anal Fun

Slender, athletic porn beauty Jillian Janson has been eagerly lusting to get Mike Adriano’s big prick balls-deep in her butthole. After a sexy tease, she crams the director’s thick dork into her mouth for a graphic blow job. Jillian gushes messy gag slobber, spits on the camera and licks it off! The gorgeous babe growls and grunts through a rude anal romp and exhibits her gaping, lube-soaked sphincter. Sweet Jillian squirts girl cum on the lens and sucks cock ass-to-mouth. Mike...

4 years ago
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My sexual past with Margret chapter 1

I now knew it was now time to finally make love to my old friend Margret, a childhood friend that I grew up with. Margret and I had many close encounters but I dared not to go too far. I really liked her and felt she liked me too, but I just didn’t want to rush things and lose her. I was still a virgin when we decided to take some time away from each other.First love generally does not last we thought so we decided to date others before we got too serious. We did however manage to get...

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Street walking With a Succubus

Cold night. Misty. Steven Shearsmith's breath fogged the air in front of him. He heard the blood pounding through his ears as he pressed close to the rough brick wall on the corner of the street and spied on the scantily-clad girl. She wore a short jacket of stripy brown fur that seemed two sizes too small for her. It didn't even reach her midriff and couldn't have provided much benefit against the chill night air. That wasn't really the point. The jacket was open at the front and the...

2 years ago
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Jennifer s College Years Ch 02

Hello there readers. Here is another installment of Jennifer’s College Years! I apologize for the time in between installments, but it took a while to get this one finalized. I hope you like it as much as I did writing it. * Jerry was a very intensive person. Anything that interested him he would take very seriously and do the best he could, which usually was spectacular. He was one of those students that others either envied or loathed. He knew himself to be one that routinely blew the...

4 years ago
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Lustful Journey With A Stranger

HELLO DEAR FRIENDS …………………………., I AM KINGS 11 , AGE 22 , FROM KOTA (PRESENTLY) . I AM A COLLEGE GRADUATE AND CURRENTLY DOING A JOB IN A BANK IN KOTA . I AM AN ISS READER from a long a time . Here many people say that these stories are fake , a creation of bad mind only . But I completely disagree guys from such person . because in my practical life I have lots of experiences of this type and even some which no one has yet written in these stories . Now in brief, I am 6’1″ tall , handsome , and...

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Family Connections

[ Warning! If the topic of interracial sex offends you...DON'T READ ANY FURTHER. Thanks. ] I was on my way to meet two white married couples who had chosen to have interracial offspring, instead of their husbands fathering them. I'd been trying to arrange such a meeting for about three months. However, at first, these two couples were unsure if I was trustworthy, and I understood that perfectly well, and so I tried my very best to gain their trust; and eventually, I did. Then, at the last...

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Charlotte The Pirate Ch 08

The following story is going to be at least a 10-parter, with each chapter in a different category. If you enjoy this story, I’m afraid you’ll have to go find each part. Hope it’s worth it. Part 1: Non-Erotic. Part 2: First Time Part 3: Loving Wives Part 4: Exhib & Voy Part 5: Lesbian Part 6: Interracial Part 7: Letters and Transcripts William was beside himself. How could that bastard do that to Charlotte? And poor Charlotte. Her last entry had been in March. It was now mid-September. That...

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Brooke Gets A Job At A Breastaurant

My boyfriend was in a good mood. He was excited because one of his friends is a manager at Titties For You. He’s looking for a new waitress. Rob said he knew the perfect person for the position. He’s wanted me to work there forever. It’s just a waitress job, but if you play your cards right, you can make lots of tips. Being a Titties girl is cool. They usually only pick the hottest girls to work there. The girls are always friendly and look amazing. They have tight bodies usually with big...

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A Strange Day

Your name is Terrence. You're 6'3", 19, well built, no flab, and you're working towards a degree in economics. And luckily, you're hung like a horse! Anyway, one evening, while heading back to your small apartment from your job at the local book store, you decide to stop at Rizzo's Pizza for a bite to eat. While you're there, you take a look at the newspaper to see what's up. While scanning the "Wanted" ads, you spot a ad that says: "WANTED: Handsome y/m for product testing. No danger involved,...

2 years ago
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The Girls of BrazilChapter 8 Leaving Europe Behind

This was a turning point. I was on the precipice about to leave Europe for good. It reminded me of having to leave Hawaii, not wanting to. For a long time, new to Germany, I dreamed of going home to America. Now, not so much. I had come to respect the European life style. And now I was about to experience, re experience the American lifestyle and on the surface it was by comparison rude, a generalization of course. We went back to Jay and Lenny’s apartment to give them the keys to Herman, my...

1 year ago
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Her day

My wife and I have been happily married for four years now. We met when we were both 19 and got married when we were nineteen. We did everything together; from playing videogames to hiking, we did it all. At the age of twenty-three she hasn’t changed a bit in physical appearance when compared to her 18 year-old counterpart. She has chin-length brown hair with matching brown eyes, extenuated by the perfect pair of glasses. She has pretty pink lips perfect for kissing. Her body hasn’t changed...

Cheating Wifes
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A Plane Gone Unexpectedly Right

Mr. West or Bruce as he had told me to call him is married to a beautiful woman named Eleanor who must be at least ten years younger than him with long blonde hair, blue eyes and a killer figure. She has the stereotypical hourglass figure and tits that look to be D cups or larger and is very obviously a trophy wife, a beautiful young woman married to a rich, powerful man. They have the one son together and that son is the one I have to babysit every day of the week when he gets out of school...

4 years ago
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Sex Studio Secrets 22 Jennifer 6

Juicy Jennifer is up in our ropes to celebrate her eighteenth birthday and her sexual initiation!She has come tremendously over dozens of times in all possible positions and still she is a virginJennifer has only one hot wish: to become a real woman in the hands of Petra and her hot granddad:She is about to loose her maidenhood to the penetration by the pretty prick of hot Professor PeterFor the final surprises I instruct pretty Petra in French so Jennifer will not know our intentionsPour le...

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BlacksOnBlondes Joanna Angel 05 07 2019

Love them or hate them, tattoos are more popular than ever. What was once something for sailors and side-show freaks, people nowadays are getting “inked” more than ever! Which brings up a new profession: Tattoo Consultants. Joanna Angel is one of the pioneers in this emerging field. Joanna meets with people and educates them on what to get, what not to get, what’s new, what’s old…and where to get them! So during a consultation, it’s not uncommon for Joanna to...

3 years ago
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Helpful HannahChapter 2

The next night, after my parents went out, I wandered into the lounge-room and asked my brother if he wanted to try again. He’d come to me a bit over a week ago with a problem - he had this weird psychological block where if there was someone else in the room, he couldn’t cum. It had been systematically ruining his relationships, and so in desperation, he’d turned to me for help - he wanted to use me as a ... a kind of therapy, I guess. A way of getting over it. My brother had asked if he...

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I wish you were here

I sit here. Staring into the computer screen, with my bright green-blue eyes, staring at the story written on the screen. Sitting here reading about two girls fucking, reading a love story, a chat, a story about masturbating, depending on my mood, I choose a story. I have a great imagination, picturing everything happening in the story, perfectly in my head. Every detail, drawn like a painting in my head. Some of these images, are images that help bring me to mind blowing orgasms. Even just...

4 years ago
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Introduction: The title was inspired by a post in the thread announcing the contest. It was a derogatory term used by The Unripe Plum in one of his serial, gratuitous attacks on another forum member. As with all fiction, the usual disclaimers apply: any resemblance to real events, persons, places or forum members is entirely coincidental. Except, of course, where its entirely intentional. The light fog added a moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around her like a wet towel,...

3 years ago
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With My Class Teacher 8211 Part 1

Hi all, I am Vicky from pune.This incident happen recently with my class teacher.I’m 5’6 ft and is a sex addict and a daily reader of ISS. Let me tell you about my class teacher,her name is Meenakshi(name changed). I am not confirmed about her status but that may be 34-28-32,judging by my touch.She is married and have 2 kids. Whenever we cross or meet each other she use to smile and laugh on my silly talks even when I am against her.In the first week of October,my class including me complained...

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Friends Hot Wife

Matt knocked on the front door with eager anticipation. He was seeing his friend for the first time after six years. The door opened, but instead of finding John’s beaming smile staring back at him, he beheld a beautiful woman’s face instead. It was Sarah, John’s wife of a year-and-a- half. ‘Hi. Are you Matt?’ she asked. ‘Yes, and you must be Sarah.’ He walked in. He couldn’t but notice Sarah’s back swaying in front of him. ‘I am sorry but John had to leave early. But breakfast is ready…...

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How to name my sweet partner

Hi ISS readers, this is Naren (definitely not my real name). I am here to share with you all the wonderful experience I had/having/will have with a Single Lady here in the US. First of all I am staying in a Community where we have lots of Desi, particularly south Indians. I am single, single in every term. No family, no relations. Had few friends in India, but not many in the US. Made few friends at office. Most of the times I am all by myself. Being a frequent visitor to US, I was aware of...

3 years ago
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Vaah Papa Kya Lund Haa Tumhraa 8211 Part IV

Hi!Mera Naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname yunghelper (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto (hot gals ) see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sach haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa.My hot and horny readers see ek appeal haa- padnee see pahlee ladke apnaa lund pakad lee aur ladkeeya apne chut mee unglee dal lee takee story padne mee zyadaa maza aayegaa aur...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Office 8217 s MD

Hi Everybody! This is Rajesh from Kolkata. About me – I am 31 yrs , 5’10” with normal body type with 10.5″ * 4″ Perfect Dick… I will come to the point without taking much of your time. Any Married / Unmarried / Widow / Unsatisfied Aunties / Bhabhijis / sex starved Females can contact me on my mail id It happened around 2 years back. When I was working with the biggest Stock broker of India where my MD was a married female of around 32 with looks and figure of 25-27 Years. About her – she was...

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It had taken some time to get over my divorce, not that it had been particularly messy or sordid, quite the contrary as we had settled everything in a business-like and polite manner. It was simply that after 15 years of marriage, I found the transition back to bachelorhood to be difficult.I had always thought myself to be fairly open and friendly and enjoyed meeting people and good conversation, but now I was conscious of the fact that I was treated with some degree of scepticism. I could...

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The Old Way

Seth Connors had a problem. He was in love. He was in love with the most beautiful woman in the whole town and she said she was in love with him. He had graduated high school almost two years ago and still had not talked her into marrying him. Seth and Patrice had been a couple since their sophomore year in high school. Seth was the quarterback on the school football team. He also run cross country and track during the seasons. Although he was a jock Seth was not the typical jock. He was smart....

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CHAPTER 3We did have that conversation with Sylvia after. We all adjourned to the larger cottage. I thought it was another excellent indication about the group that everyone, including Sylvia, picked up their clothes and carried them to the cottage without putting them back on. The conversation Sylvia wanted to have was about the function of the resort relative to the fantasies of the guests. I had argued to the senior management group that we could anticipate that creating an open environment,...

4 years ago
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Letters to ColletteChapter 3

Dear Collette, More? O.K. In our room, before breakfast on Sunday, Carla asked me how I felt about the events of the prior evening and I told her that the experience was wonderful and I hoped that she felt the same. She said that she would not have expected to feel that way, but she did. We were scheduled to stay in New Orleans Sunday night, also. Gary was leaving on Monday. Carla and I ate breakfast and fooled around while he was in his convention for a couple of hours and got together...

3 years ago
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Bad Girl AmberChapter 16 Prettiest Girl

I tell him that's enough with my legs and he goes back to his desk smiling like the cat that's got the cream. And he did get the cream, didn't he? Not only that, he got to rub it into my sexy legs. Next thing that happens is Cynthia comes back and she's got her tiny little pink bikini on. She'd look bad in this even if it fitted her but with it also being way too small she looks absolutely ridiculous. Chorus of sarcastic cheers and jeers from the guys. "Don't fancy yours much,"...

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An Unforgettable MelodyChapter 2

Ch. 02 Song Titles Buy Me a Boat (Chris Janson) The Devil Went Down to Georgia (The Charlie Daniels Band) When I Fall in Love (Chris Botti) Mike awoke on the sofa, Melody still wrapped in his arms. Stroking her deep red hair, he recalled the events of the last twenty-four hours. The art sale, that mysterious locket, the puzzle opening it, all had led to this girl lying on his chest. She had told him she was a genie, bound to be a sexual servant to whoever released her from her...

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Indiscretions Ch 16

Passion In James County IX Indiscretions By D.C. Roi Chapter sixteen After leaving Melissa, Mitch went to Kristin’s house. He hadn’t intended to wind up in bed with his employer’s wife, and he had promised Kristin he’d come over for dinner and didn’t want to disappoint her because he really liked her and she needed his support. ‘A real home-cooked dinner this time,’ Kristin had promised him, ‘Not just warmed-up leftovers.’ He was surprised, that, given what had happened with Melissa, he...

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BangBus Marica Chanelle Looking for Christmas Dicks

It was the night before Christmas. The sun was hot. There was no snow. Marica Chanelle was driving through the streets of Miami looking for some Christmas dick. Christmas Dicks come in lots of different shapes and colors. Since the dicks were just random guys picked up from the street they all had to wear a condom for fucking. But first they got seduced and then they got a nice blowjob. One came too soon, one thought of his job interview and went soft in the middle of it. But the chocolate one...

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The Mailroom Clerk A Tale of Coerced Forced Feminization Pt 1

THE MAILROOM CLERK A TAIL OF COERCED FORCED FEMINIZATION PT.1 I am 27 years old at the time this happened. My name is John Allen and I am from Cape May ,New Jersey. Shore boy all the way. I am 5'6" tall and weigh 165. I know, small for a man. But I could do things on a surfboard or jet ski. It wasn't to bad being a little small. And as with many others, I have a fetish for women's items. Everything that makes a woman a woman. I was never gay nor interested in men...

3 years ago
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Sow and ReapChapter 35 An Unhappy Anniversary

Life was better then. Mostly. Pharaoh moved into the manor after less than a month of us commuting back and forth two hours. He moved in on St. Valentine's Day and I decided to make it a romantic weekend. Over a candle-lit supper, I gave him a pair of earrings I'd seen in a painting of one of the real pharaohs. It was an ankh atop three columns. I'd had to have a goldsmith make them so they were absurdly expensive. The pendant design was so obtrusively large that I hadn't actually...

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ltttle girl slut 12

I was 40, made my money in the .com biz and now retierd. my name is Jack but from the moulment we met sissy called me her Daddy. the fucked up thing was she refused to spend a dime of my money all she wanted to do was baby me and treat me like a child. When she moved in with me she told me she was quiting her job and would be taking care of me full time, I didn't know what that ment then but I learned fast.....This little girl was a freak. The first clue was when I went to take a piss, she...

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Aunt Peg 8211 Pulling a train

I was sitting in my living room one day in late April with three of my girlfriends; Janet, Diane, and Karen. It was late in the evening, and while it might not seem all that unusual for four girls to be spending an evening of talk together, it might seem so if I were to tell you that we were all completely nude. Our little group gets together like this at one of our homes about once a month, and it might tell you a bit more about it if I were to tell you that we were all Bisexual as well. Our...

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The Wedding

This is the sixth in the series of stories written in collaboration with Alphamagus about Robert and Juliana and their love. While each of the stories stands alone, we invite you to read the preceding stories to allow you to know them and their relationship. It had been planned for months, and the day had arrived. It was the wedding day for Robert and Juliana’s friends, Andrew and Katherine. There was a collective gasp as they came into view. Robert knew that everyone apart from him was looking...

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Jenny was a 19 year old college girl that had no flaws, she was hot, sexy, and popular. She had the attitude that the school was her playground and she could do what she wanted. Jenny had long blonde hair put up into pigtails and always had a perky little smile showing off her attitude. Jenny also dressed very risqué, she was always in trouble for not wearing enough but this never stopped Jenny. Things were going to change because there was a new teacher in the building, Ms. Reid. Ms. Reid was...

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Seven Months With Marie- Part Six: “The Challenge” Fall 2004 Marie and I were approaching the five month mark. She was the kinkiest girl I had ever met by far and away. Our first sexual encounter had been a threesome with our co-worker (and my land-lady/next door neighbor) Karen. It had started as a joke, and Karen had started filming me walking around her house drunk and naked. Then things got heated and the whole thing ended up on tape. After that Marie and I were together...

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Italian Lingerie Store

My name is Gabriela. No, it's not, but I'm not telling you my real name. I'm 29 years old. I was 29 last year too. I'm a professional girlfriend. My boyfriends' wives would call me a whore. My boyfriends buy me jewelry, clothing, pay my rent, my credit card bills, sometimes even give me shares in their companies or illegal stock tips. What do they get out of it? What do you think? They get a beautiful woman to go out with, to secretly take on business trips, to make their friends jealous, but...

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Weekend retreat

When I go to work, I am in 'boy' mode. I certainly am not the most masculine person, and I am pretty certain that everyone knows my sexual preference. I often get mistaken for a woman even when in 'boy' mode. Whatever. I am who I am... deal with it :)A few years ago my former workplace had a nice mountain retreat weekend. I love these retreats, not because I become closer to those I work with, but because they are so peaceful.I arrived at the lodge on a Friday night and spent the next day...

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The Ring AOChapter 89 Zac s Worry

On Friday both Suzanne and Zac came over on the morning flight. They had booked a suite with instructions Helena and Fred were not to be told. They met them at lunch time in the restaurant. Helena was most pleased to see Suzanne. Zac was quiet. Going up to Helena room after lunch Zac asked Fred for a quiet word. They went back down stairs to the bar area. Fred asked “Whats troubling mate?” Zac showed Fred his valuation of the title deeds he sent over. Zac had commissioned a valuer to value...

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Suddenly Alone

Suddenly alone! She was his life. When the drunk driver took her, it devastated him. He was only 26, and they had only been married for 2 years. Now, here he was alone again. Cliff had been working at a speedy messenger service, and made his living on the roads. How could this happen? She was coming home late after visiting with her best girl friend. It was 11 PM and a drunk came down the wrong way on the freeway and plowed head on into her. She was killed instantly. When the...

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Sow and ReapChapter 12 Pharaoh

One week after school started, Honda-sama went back to work. By then, the trip to the bathroom wasn't so exhausting. I could spend the entire day in the living room sitting up reading – if I didn't tax myself too much trying to do things for myself without Honda-sama catching me. Just before Honda left for school, there was a knock at the door. "You sit." He ordered. "I got it." Mutou and Pharaoh entered together. "Hi Kaiba!" Mutou was as cheerful as ever. More so – the hint of...

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Sister Sister Sister Part 12

Sister, Sister, Sister - Part 12 By Missy Crystal When Susie and I got home, Mom was in the kitchen putting away groceries. "Hi girls," she greeted us. "I stopped at the market on the way home." Putting down a box of cereal, she turned to us. "Beth is going to get a burger and see a movie with her friends. That sounds like fun. We're all dressed up and we have a free night. Would you like to do that too? I think there's a new Disney movie out." A Disney movie wouldn't have been...

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Auntie Marilyn

originally submitted 8 years ago by retired user eremiti Marilyn Goodge studied herself carefully in the mirror. "Am I getting old," she mused as she stroked her face, studying her high cheekbones with the close scrutiny that only a very beautiful woman could do. She was still a knock-out and she knew it, it was just that earlier on that day she had witnessed something which had shocked her profoundly and had caused her, for the first time, to wonder if she was getting old.The voluptuous 35...

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Stacey s playtime

Stacey is a stay at home mom, that truly enjoys masturbation. She has masturbated for as long as she could remember. It started out with drying humping her teddy bear. Then she eventually discovered how much pleasure she could receive from her own hand. As Stacey got older she was exposed to the world of toys. Toys that spin, vibrate, pulsate, and thrust. Stacey has actually broken a few toys over time...some with in a week of getting them. There are times were she would masturbate 3-5 times a...

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I had never really been anything special. The only thing that ever set me apart from other girls were the size of my breasts. About a 34 D. Personally, I’d always thought it to be a curse, passed down from my great aunts. Otherwise, I had boring brown hair that reached the middle of my shoulder blades, rather large, brown eyes, and naturally pale skin. My dark hair and eyes only added to the paleness of my skin. Everyone had always told me that I was pretty, but I could never really bring...

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Press The Button Part I

Part I (?) "Dude, have you played this game?" I looked over my shoulder and to David at his desk. "What game?" "It's this 'This But That' game. Some corny web game, you pick the thing you want but it has a downside, so it's good and bad at the same time. Like..." His voice trailed off as he looked at the screen. "This is a pretty good one: you can be live forever, but only if you kill somebody and take all the years they have left." "That's pretty messed up," I said. ...

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A Great Night With Rhoda

I was staying at a cheap motel that my secretary booked for my business trip and was really pissed about it, until I took a walk around the place and met Rhoda. While taking a walk in search of cigarettes I looked into a room and here is an older women - maybe in her late 50s - sitting on the bed wearing nylons, heels, push-up bra, a garter belt, the skimpiest of black lace panties and heavy makeup. She was smoking and invited me in. At first I said "no" but it only took a few steps beyond her...

4 years ago
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Prem Paradise Season 2 Episode 1 A New Beginning

The air was chilly and the atmosphere dreamy, as it rained incessantly outside. Monsoon had arrived on time in 2017 and the residents of Prem Nivas did nothing but stay indoors and enjoy the feeling of togetherness. It had been far too long since the unfortunate events of Sowmya’s party had unfolded. The residents who remained in Prem Nivas had in time, overcome broken hearts, trusts and above all the shock of their deepest secrets being exposed and now lived in harmony among their new...

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BurningAngel Savana Styles French Anal MILF Maids

How can a grown man not know how to make a sandwich? One possible explanation is that when your busty French maid is hot as fuck like Savana Styles here, it’s hard to remember how to even breathe! Another explanation is that you’re a spoiled brat like Xander Corvus. Luckily for him, his curvy redheaded helper is very nurturing and won’t let him starve- teach a man to fish and such. Seeing him helpless and flustered, Savana caved, bending over to construct his snack. Suddenly,...

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Destination AzaharChapter 17 Social Interaction and Other Hazards

As soon as the space station AI came online it began supervising the construction effort and several small tugs appeared from the replicators. The tugs began arranging the raw material stockpiles and the intermediate structures in the vicinity of the factory replicator and shipyard facility. When the AI requested control of the lighter in the hangar bay rather than building another one, Celeste asked, "Why didn't you tell us you could operate the lighters?" The AI replied, "You seemed...

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Sex goddess part 2

The bus stop was Puduppatti. My pussy was leaking even as I got down from the bus, knowing the stranger I just gave a blowjob to was following me. I had climbed the bus just outside Madurai. The previous fight with Mangesh had left me frustrated! He hadn’t touched me even once in the last 3 months after he had visited his ancestral village Tirumayam. Thanks to a very active sexual life since college I wasn’t used to this frustrated period of no sex. Last week he suddenly left for...

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OK all, you know what furries are? anthromorphic humans, people with slighly animalistic features. its not bestiality, alright? look up yiffies or furries on the net if you want. I gotta say I did not write this story, it was written by a guy called Xsirus, you can find it at furry pleasures among other places This was it, he was going nuts. He didn't mind Daxan's sex life but this was ridiculous. Covering his head with the pillow was all he could do not to hear the fox and his mate screaming...

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Full Release Part One

A dark fantasy I remember wings. That was the first thought to cross my mind after the night I first met her. A beautiful angel come to me in the night. Looking back though, I remember everything with a clarity that is usually reserved for religious epiphany. Though, in a way, I suppose it was a religious moment. To understand it all, I will have to take you back a ways. It was 3 years ago that I was diagnosed with cancer. Brain cancer. The aggressive type. My doctors told me that I...

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Goes Without SayingChapter 7

They married the following May in the Wesleyan Chapel that Gwen’s family attended, and they took over the one hotel in the area for the weekend. Tom, David’s brother, was Best Man and Siân, Gwen’s sister, the only Bridesmaid. Among the guests was Celia of course. Gwen had invited her after they had agreed it was only right since she was Gwen’s best friend, and David’s ex-partner. Gwen thoughtfully paired her off with Alex in the invitation. As usual, Celia made a big impression on the males...

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