Minha Primeira Vez free porn video

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This is the Portuguese version of my story previously published story called "First ttime" (the second "t" was a typing error), so if you want to read it in English, please visit that story. If you can read Portuguese, however, I really recommend to read this version. I rely deeply on mundane language and this increases the "realism". I also give a more colorful description of S?o Paulo and, if you are Brazilian, you will sure recognize some of the street names and the described landscape. So, enjoy reading. Sylvia ---Minha primeira vez por Sylvia Wechsel Tiffany era o nome de um travesti com quem eu tinha uma boa amizade. Nos conhecemos em um bar, na festa de anivers?rio de um amigo. Meus amigos, querendo pregar uma pe?a em mim, haviam me incitado (j? um pouco alcoolizado) a cantar aquela loura?a fenomenal que estava no balc?o. Eles, obviamente, sabiam que se tratava de um travesti, mas eu n?o percebia nada, pois ela era perfeita. Antes de eu entrar em uma posi??o constrangedora, Tiffany me avisou do fato. Para dar uma li??o em meus amigos combinamos fingir um namoro. Meus amigos inicialmente se divertiam com minha "ingenuidade" (eu dizia a todos que ela queria casar virgem), mas logo come?aram a ficar preocupados e tr?s meses depois, quando marcamos uma reuni?o para anunciar a todos nosso "noivado" meus amigos, em p?nico, disseram que eu n?o poderia fazer isto, que Tiffany era na verdade um travesti etc... Ca?mos na gargalhada e contamos a todos que era apenas fingimento e que est?vamos querendo gozar da cara deles. Esta brincadeira nos uniu e passei a frequentar sua casa (ela n?o frequentava a minha, no dizer dela, para eu n?o ficar "mal falado"). Cheguei uma vez at? mesmo a usar seus "servi?os." Foi a primeira vez na vida que comi um cu. Lentamente, entretanto, uma curiosidade ia me corroendo por dentro. Ser? que dar o cu era t?o bom assim, como Tiffany dizia? Entenda-se bem, n?o tinha nenhuma vontade de virar homossexual. Eu queria apenas ter uma experi?ncia ?nica para saber como era. Tentei convencer Tiffany a "fazer o servi?o" em mim, mas ela rejeitou a oferta ofendida, dizendo que ela era mulher, que se eu queria ser "enrabada" devia procurar um homem de verdade. Eu n?o queria, entretanto, envolver terceiras pessoas nesta hist?ria. Se eu fosse pego, como iria explicar que focinho de porco n?o era tomada? Al?m disto todo mundo "sabe" que n?o existe algo como um "ex-viado." Eu ficaria marcado para sempre. N?o, a curiosidade me mataria, mas eu n?o iria suicidar minha reputa??o. Isto continuou durante um tempo at? que um dia eu fiz um coment?rio mais ou menos do tipo: "Admiro a coragem que voc?s travestis tem em se vestir de mulher e anunciar para o mundo inteiro o que querem da vida!" O sorriso maroto de Tiffany, me mostrou que ela teve alguma ideia e estava se divertindo com isto. Ela disse: "Eu sei que voc? est? louca para dar este rabinho e tive uma ideia para fazer isto acontecer, est? interessada?" Cautelosamente eu respondi: "Sim, prossiga." "Eu conhe?o um caminhoneiro, um cliente, que tem uma tara muito dif?cil" disse ela. "Ele sonha em tirar o caba?o de um travesti", continuou. "S? que isto ? t?o real quanto Papai Noel e o Coelhinho da P?scoa." Achei sua compara??o muito engra?ada, a? ela completou: "Quando chegamos a esta fase da vida a maioria de n?s j? deu mais que Chuchu na cerca" ela explicou, ent?o veio a ideia. "Minha proposta para voc? ? simples: eu sei que ele vir? para S?o Paulo em breve e geralmente chega aqui em um s?bado. "Voc? vem para minha casa no s?bado de manh? e eu a produzirei transformando-a no travesti mais lindo do planeta" ela exagerou rindo e ent?o completou. "Assim voc? poder? dar seu rabinho de forma an?nima, j? que lhe juro que n?o ser? reconhecida por ningu?m depois que eu terminar sua produ??o." A perspectiva era muito tentadora. Poderia satisfazer minha curiosidade sem que ningu?m (al?m de Tiffany, ? claro) soubesse. Portanto concordei com a ideia dela. Fui para minha casa, esperando sua liga??o para avisar que o "cliente" estaria dispon?vel. N?o demorou muito, pouco mais de uma semana ap?s esta conversa, Tiffany me ligou, dizendo que seu cliente, pernoitaria em S?o Paulo no s?bado seguinte. S?bado de manh? compareci bem cedo diante da sua porta, levando apenas minha cara e a coragem (Tiffany me garantiu que teria todo o material necess?rio para minha produ??o). Ela me fez entrar, pediu para despir minhas roupas (que guardou no arm?rio) e me levou ao banheiro, onde havia preparado um banho de banheira com ess?ncias. Mandou ent?o eu me banhar e "lavar tudo", apontando para um chuveirinho em forma de "pinto." Entendi a deixa, tomei meu banho e quando terminei enfiei aquele "pinto" no cu e liguei a ?gua, tomando um enema. Foi a primeira vez na vida que enfiei alguma coisa no cu e a sensa??o, tive que admitir, foi at? que boa. Ainda tomei mais dois enemas antes do final da produ??o e durante o dia me alimentei somente ? base de sopinhas ralas. Tiffany n?o queria que eu "cagasse no pau" do caminhoneiro. Terminado o banho ela come?ou a me depilar. Quando eu perguntei por que ela usava um prestobarba e n?o a famosa "cera quente" ela disse que eu n?o era mulher suficiente para suportar a dor. Ela cuidadosamente raspou os pelos de meus bra?os, de minhas pernas, de meu peito e de minhas costas, de meu saco e de meu cu. Quando terminou eu estava lisinha e s? restava, por incr?vel que pare?a, fazer a barba, que ela disse que ir?amos fazer no final, pouco antes da maquiagem para evitar que os pelos tornassem a crescer at? de noite. Terminando a depila??o ela espalhou um creme hidratante em todo o meu corpo e ao final eu estava com uma pele macia, mais parecido com a de uma mulher. Ela me disse para n?o entrar em vesti?rios por dois meses, se n?o quisesse me explicar aos outros. Ap?s isto ela come?ou a fazer as m?os e os p?s. Ela queria que tudo fosse o mais real poss?vel, portanto pediu que eu n?o cortasse as unhas desde o dia em que decidi participar da brincadeira. Assim ela pode cortar e moldar minhas unhas de tal forma que parecessem as de uma mulher. N?o muito longas, mas femininas de qualquer forma. Ela ent?o as pintou com esmalte vermelho. Para voltar ao normal bastaria cortar as unhas e tirar o esmalte com acetona depois da brincadeira. Ent?o ela dirigiu o foco de sua aten??o aos meus cabelos. Meus cabelos s?o lisos e castanhos e os usava um pouco compridos nesta ?poca. Ap?s o banho ela havia me instru?do a usar um creme no cabelo, desses que as mulheres usam, que os deixaram brilhantes e sedosos. Ela usou a tesoura e cortou um pouco meu cabelo em alguns lugares. A? ela pegou um desses instrumentos que os cabelereiros usam para fazer cachos (uma esp?cie de pin?a aquecida com pernas redondas e compridas) e dobrou as pontas de meus cabelos para dentro. No final eu estava usando um penteado tipo "Channel" e j? come?ava a disfar?ar meu rosto masculino. Ela quis furar minhas orelhas para colocar os brincos, mas eu protestei, pensando que os furos seriam vis?veis depois de tudo terminado. Ela me convenceu dizendo que ningu?m nota estas coisas, pois n?o procura por elas, e que , afinal de contas, muitos homens usam brincos hoje em dia. Se algu?m notasse poderia dizer que um dia havia feito uma experi?ncia e depois desistira de usar (ou poderia come?ar efetivamente a usar um brinco, ficaria ? minha escolha). Cedi e ent?o e ela fez os furos usando uma esp?cie de alicate. Doeu um pouco. Quando parou de sangrar ela p?s os brincos em minhas orelhas, do tipo pendente com uma pe?a de falso cristal em forma de gota na ponta. Ap?s isto ela disse que era hora de eu come?ar a me acostumar com o salto. Trouxe uma sand?lia tipo plataforma com um salto enorme, no m?nimo de cinco cent?metros. Calcei estas sand?lias, que deixavam as pontas dos meus dedos com as unhas pintadas para fora, e tentei andar. Foi um vexame! Quase n?o conseguia parar de p?. Tiffany me fez andar de um lado ao outro da sala at? que se convenceu que eu n?o cairia mais. N?o tirei mais as sand?lias do p? at? o final da experi?ncia. O salto fazia com que eu desse passos curtos e arrebitasse a bunda para tr?s. Para me equilibrar eu tinha que andar com as m?os cruzadas, um pouco estendidas para a frente. Eu era o prot?tipo de uma bicha louca. Faltava cuidar de minha barriga saliente e do peito em forma de porta. Tiffany me vestiu, portanto, com um espartilho que tinha alguns enchimentos costurados na regi?o dos seios. Ela me explicou que usara aquele espartilho at? come?ar suas experi?ncias com horm?nios, que depois foram completadas pelos implantes de silicone. Ela me ajudou a vestir aquilo e come?ou a apertar. Foi um sufoco danado, mas o resultado foi satisfat?rio. J? possu?a uma cinturinha e seios pequenos, mas vis?veis. O resultado dava a impress?o, mesmo, que eu tinha uma bundinha saliente. Agora faltava pouco e j? come?ava a anoitecer. Ela me barbeou com muito cuidado usando uma navalha e deixou meu rosto t?o liso quanto poss?vel. Ap?s isto me deu um vestido curto, tipo "tubo", mas com mangas. O vestido era t?o curto que minha bunda ficava vis?vel a qualquer men??o de me abaixar. Ela me deu uma calcinha cor-de-rosa e ensinou a prender meu pinto para tr?s ao colocar a calcinha. Quer dizer, tentou me ensinar, pois no momento em que fui colocar a calcinha tive uma ere??o. Tive que deixar assim at? conseguir diminuir meu pinto ao ponto de poder vir?-lo para tr?s, o que s? aconteceu depois de me masturbar no banheiro. Ainda faltava a ?ltima coisa: a maquiagem. Ela passou primeiramente a base e come?ou a trabalhar em minhas p?lpebras, com sombras. Usou um l?pis para delinear as p?lpebras e dar a impress?o que minhas sobrancelhas haviam sido feitas (n?o foram feitas de verdade pois ficaria dif?cil explicar isto aos outros depois da experi?ncia). Terminando as sobrancelhas ela pintou meus l?bios com batom e passou "blush." Como um toque final ela desenhou uma pinta em minha bochecha esquerda. O resultado, no final das contas me surpreendeu. O corte "channel", o vestido, os brincos e a maquiagem eram todos feitos no estilo daquelas atrizes americanas da d?cada dos trinta, ela havia me transformado numa esp?cie de Betty Boop! Obviamente qualquer pessoa que prestasse mais aten??o em mim notaria que eu era na verdade um homem vestido de mulher, mas de relance eu talvez pudesse at? enganar algu?m. Fiquei satisfeita. Tiffany ent?o me disse: "Voc? est? deslumbrante, ningu?m a reconhecer?!" "Ainda falta quarenta minutos para o encontro com o caminhoneiro, que tal darmos um passeio de carro para lentamente ir para l?? Eu gelei. Uma coisa era me vestir de mulher na frente de um travesti, outra muito diferente era enfrentar o p?blico! Logo percebi minha estupidez, eu estava indo fazer uma coisa muito pior. Estava a ponto de ir dar o cu para um caminhoneiro! Portanto mandei meus escr?pulos ?s favas e resolvi enfrentar o mundo. Antes de sair Tiffany me deu uma pequena bolsinha feminina que continha uma camisinha, um paninho, um tubo de KY gel e o batom que eu tinha usado, a? ela me deu o serm?o de "como toda menininha sabida s? faz sexo seguro, com camisinha." Eu a olhei impaciente pensei "ser? que ela est? pensando que eu vou entrar para esta vida?" Sa?mos para a rua em dire??o ? garagem onde Tiffany estacionava seu carro, um Ford Ka com adesivo da Pen?lope Charmosa, ? claro. A todo instante eu olhava para os lados para ver se algu?m estava reparando em mim, mas ou todos estavam ocupados com suas pr?prias vidas ou a produ??o que Tiffany me fizera era bastante convincente. N?o percebi ningu?m olhando para mim, nem mesmo de esguelha. Isto me deu um pouco mais de confian?a e comecei a andar cruzando um pouco as pernas, como Tiffany me ensinara, para rebolar um pouco. A sensa??o era muito boa. Come?amos a viagem e Tiffany tomou a rota da Av. Tiradentes. Num dos in?meros sem?foros Tiffany notou que uma Pick-up S20 com rapaz?es, nitidamente indo para a balada, havia parado ao nosso lado. Ela me disse para abrir as pernas, mostrando um pouco da calcinha, o que fiz. Os urros de "gostosa" e os assobios que vieram do outro carro me fizeram corar. Logo ela chegou ? ponte das Bandeiras, fez toda a volta da pra?a Campos de Bagatelle, voltou para a ponte e se encaminhou de novo ? Marginal. Tifanny entrou na Marginal na dire??o da Rodovia Ayrton Senna e dirigiu at? a Ponte da Vila Guilherme. Fez o contorno e voltou no outro sentido. Paramos em um posto de gasolina, que servia de abrigo a caminhoneiros que iriam passar a noite em S?o Paulo. Est?vamos chegando ao nosso destino. Senti um frio em minha barriga apertada pelo espartilho. Ela estacionou e, comigo na sua cola (trope?ando naquele piso feito de paralelep?pedos por conta dos saltos), procurou o caminh?o certo. Deu um sorriso quando o reconheceu e foi para l?. Senti uma vontade enorme de fugir dali, mas a? nunca eu iria saber o que queria saber. Forcei-me ent?o a ser corajosa e fiquei. Ela bateu na porta que se abriu. Um homem calvo, meio gordo e grisalho abriu a porta com o peito nu. Tiffany disse ent?o: "Ol? Jorge, trouxe-lhe a virgem que havia prometido" virou-se ent?o a mim e disse: "Laura, este ? Jorge, Jorge esta ? a Laura, apresenta??es feitas, sumo!" E a? ela se afastou. Jorge olhou para mim desconfiado e perguntou: "Voc? realmente nunca deu o rabo para ningu?m?" "S-s-sim" eu respondi tentando afetar a voz. "Suba" ordenou ele, o que prontamente atendi. Ele me deu a m?o e me ajudou a subir na boleia do caminh?o. Era daquele tipo que tem um compartimento atr?s do banco onde o caminhoneiro dorme ? noite. Ele foi para l? e disse: "Tire seu vestido" Eu tirei, espremida naquele espa?o ex?guo, enquanto ele descia suas cal?as. Deitou-se com a barrigona para cima e ficou me olhando. Vi aquele pinto semi-endurecido enquanto imaginava o que ele queria e ent?o percebi. Desci minha boca e comecei a chupar aquele pinto. Por sorte ele ficou duro logo e pude logo colocar a camisinha. Pensei se eu era t?o boa chupando um pinto assim, mas depois conclu? que meu mal jeito chupando deve t?-lo finalmente convencido que eu era virgem mesmo. Ele disse ent?o: "Venha para c? e fique de quatro." Obedeci, me espremendo contra ele e abaixei a calcinha, enquanto ele se posicionava atr?s de mim com o pinto duro e lambuzava meu cu com o KY que eu trouxera. Ele come?ou a for?ar na minha entrada e come?ou a doer muito. A? me lembrei do que Tiffany havia me recomendado e tentei relaxar, fazendo um pouco de for?a como se fosse cagar. De repente ele entrou em mim e me penetrou at? o fundo, encostando a barriga na minha bunda. Primeiro senti uma dor forte como se ele estivesse me rasgando ao meio e prendi a respira??o para n?o gritar de dor, mas logo um prazer come?ou a tomar conta do que eu sentia e eu comecei a gemer e soltar gritinhos. N?o havia mais necessidade de afetar minha voz, os gritinhos saiam finos e estridentes por conta pr?pria. Jorge come?ou o movimento de vai-e-vem e logo a ?nica coisa que sobrava era o prazer. Ficamos assim por cerca de cinco a dez minutos (eu n?o olhei no rel?gio, ? ?bvio, isto ? apenas uma estimativa) e de repente com um grunhido ele come?ou a gozar. Ele estava usando camisinha, ? claro, mas na minha cabe?a eu fantasiei que ele estava despejando toda a sua porra dentro de mim. Este pensamento foi a gota d??gua e eu mesma comecei a gozar, com um pinto enfiado na minha bunda. Meu pinto estava t?o duro e a ejacula??o foi t?o forte que minha esporra foi parar na minha barriga, sobre o espartilho. Logo depois ele terminou e tirou seu pau de meu cu. Enquanto eu ficava l? de quatro, arfando, ele tirava a camisinha, dava um n? e jogava num saquinho destes usados para juntar lixo em carros. Eu estava toda suja, lambuzada de KY no cu, com esporra saindo da ponta do pau e na barriga. Lembrei-me ent?o do paninho na bolsinha. Peguei-o e comecei a me limpar. A? notei que algumas gotas de minha esporra haviam ca?do sobre sua cama. Fiz men??o de me abaixar para limpar, mas a? ele disse: "Quer dizer que a menininha gozou pelo cuzinho?" "Pode deixar que eu limpo." Isto me fez corar violentamente. Levantei minha calcinha, que havia baixado ? altura do tornozelo e dobrei meu pinto, agora completamente fl?cido, para traz, escondendo-o sob a calcinha. Busquei meu vestido e comecei a me vestir naquele espa?o apertado. Quando estava satisfeita comecei a me levantar e me dirigir para a porta, mas a? ele falou: "Espere! Voc? esqueceu algo!" Gelei completamente, o que mais ele poderia querer comigo? J? havia me fodido toda! Quando me virei, entretanto, vi que ele estava pegando sua carteira na cal?a. Ele a abriu, tirou tr?s notas de dez reais e me deu, dizendo: "Seu pagamento." Pela segunda vez eu corei violentamente. N?o havia apenas me vestido de mulher e dado o cu para um caminhoneiro. Eu havia feito um programa! E ainda por cima um barato! Com este pensamento meu pinto fez men??o de endurecer novamente, mas ele estava muito cansado do exerc?cio anterior e ficou s? na men??o. Sem saber o que fazer, disse apenas (com a voz afetada): "Obrigada!" e sa? da boleia. Ajeitei meu vestido e sa? cambaleando tanto pelo uso do salto naquele piso irregular quanto pela dor na bunda que eu sentia. Andei cerca de dez metros e a? Tiffany, que se escondera nas sombras, me chamou: "Psiu, e ent?o, como ? que foi?" Eu devia estar em choque ou algo parecido, pois s? fiquei parada olhando para ela sem dizer nada, ent?o ela completou: "Deve ter sido bom! Deu para ouvir seus gritinhos daqui! Pela terceira vez corei violentamente. Ela ent?o me disse: "Venha c?" e me levou para debaixo de uma l?mpada de rua. Ela pegou o batom que estava na minha bolsinha e "retocou" minha maquiagem. Ela ent?o disse: "Vamos!" "Vamos para onde?" disse eu espantada. "Vamos comemorar! Eu sugiro que a gente v? tomar um chopp num bar GLS que eu conhe?o." "L? ningu?m ir? nos incomodar." Ante o meu olhar de espanto ela completou: "Voc? n?o espera que a gente v? simplesmente dormir depois de todo este trabalho e depois de voc? dar o cu pela primeira vez, n?o ??" "Por que n?o?" pensei e concordei com a ideia. Fomos para o seu Ka, sentei-me com dificuldade no banco dos passageiros, por causa da dor na bunda e partimos em dire??o ao bar. L? ficamos at? as quatro da manh?, curtindo a minha apar?ncia e dando risadas pelo que aconteceu, depois fomos para sua casa, para dormir at? o meio dia de domingo, pelo menos. FIM

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Maine ISS me bahut sari khaniyan phadhi hai aur ab jakar mai apni khud ki kahani batane jaa raha hun. Mai 21 saal ka hun aur apni mummy aur papa ke sath rehta hun papa job karte hai aur wo kam ke liye jadatar bahar hi rehte hai mai meri maa saath me rehte aur ye kahani tab ki hai jab papa kam se lucknow gaye hue the aur mai aur meri maa ghar par akele the. Ab mai aap logo ko apni maa ke bare me batata hun mujhe hamesa se lagta tha ki meri maa ek number ki randi hai uska badan gora hai height 5...

4 years ago
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A drive in the country

Just finished our supper meal, I am feeling pleased with myself because I have prepared one of your favorite meals for you, I know how much you love steak, so I cooked you the biggest TO-bone steak I could find in the market. To go along with your steak I made baked potatoes with all the trimmings, a huge salad, and cherry cheesecake for dessert. During dinner you gave me that look that I have learned to know means you want me. I feel my panties getting damp with excitement, but alas my mother...

3 years ago
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My subjugation and my husbands friends assho

The pinkness under my long fingernails turned paler, as the pressure exerted on my finger tips, whose action in digging into the soft flesh and tearing apart to open his anus to my full view.His hole was a different shade of deep pink to brown, slightly crinkled and folded, with little whispish light blond hair encircling this orifice long considered, the sewage next to the playground.My face was just inches from it, and as he lay on his back with his legs pulled back and up, he knew he was...

3 years ago
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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 23 Burn in Hell

“I hope you are feeling rested after our little holiday on Porquenta,” said Jason. “Ergol, this is a lovely comfortable study. I do like your palace.” “Thank you for inviting us to Porquenta, we had an enjoyable time. Porquenta and I had a series of conversations,” said Ergol. “He has played a very active role helping you as has Mars. The two of them are very different. Each has their own personality,” said Ergol pensively. “Nuswa completed a very big upgrade of equipment yesterday. “I am...

2 years ago
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PalimpsestChapter 7 Employment Benefits

Wearing the utilitarian robe, Marta found the farthest spot from the activities of the bedroom and the spying walls, beyond which Harry's adjoining suite hid. She made herself small in the corner and called Joe on her cell. "Hey," said Joe, sounding quiet yet excited to see her name across his cell phone. "Hey," said Marta. "You okay?" "I miss you." "I miss you too. Can I see you?" "Not now," answered Marta sipping her champagne. "Oh." "Later I promise. I have...

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I met Trina the first day of class as a freshman at Eastern Michigan University. We bumped into each other in the hallway and she dropped a couple of books. I looked her over as I helped her pick up her books and saw that she was a great looking girl. I followed her into the classroom and when she picked a seat I took the one beside her. We introduced ourselves as we waited for the instructor to show up and I found out that she was eighteen, from Romulus, and hadn't yet declared a major. She...

2 years ago
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Does This Dildo Make Me Look Gay

I woke up Sunday morning with an erection. What else is new, right? I ran my hand down across my chest and belly, over my hard cock and balls, and got the same little thrill I got the first time I touched myself in a sexual way, when I was about 10 years old. Life is good! Forty-two years old and I can still get turned on just by touching myself.I looked over at Cindy to see if she was awake yet. She was lying on her side, with her back to me, so I couldn't really tell for sure. I moved in...

4 years ago
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Gorgons Solitude

The iron doors of the temple opened, accompanied by the sun and a lone male blonde dressed in a cardigan. My first instinct was to remain hidden in between the sculptures and statues of the gods and goddesses. I watched as he adjusted a VR headset over his eyes, and turned around, perhaps admiring the statues. I wondered why he had come to this temple which hadn't housed a religious worship in years.Something about him drove me out of my hiding place, and I moved stealthily towards him, my eyes...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Chance Encounter

My name is Paige and I’m a twenty four year-old single white female. I live in the suburbs and love it. I work in the city and hate it. Though I love my job, I spend most of my day driving alone from place to place hawking my business. It gets lonely and after doing this same job, on the same routes for two years lately I’ve been trying new things to entertain myself while I make my tiring commutes. The other day I tried something new after a late-night commercial stuck in my head. I recalled...

Quickie Sex
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Family Living

The First Time When my mother was thirteen she was raped. Her father had seen her coming from the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around her body. Even at that young age I learned she had matured physically and looked more like a women of twenty. She had gone to her room and before she could close the door her father pushed his way inside. He had been drinking and had been since his wife had died. I was told he stood there looking at her for several minutes before quickly reaching out and...

2 years ago
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4 Times Satsu Didnt Have Smoochies

4 Times Satsu Didn't Have Smoochies With the Scoobies (And 2 Times That She Did)3. AndrewSatsu made her way through the narrow passages of the submarine, heading for her bunk--or trying to. Things were so cramped that anytime she met someone in one of the corridors, she had to plant her back up flat against the wall just to give them space to get by. Before it had been commandeered by vampires, and then retrieved by her and her team of slayers, sailors in the South Korean navy had lived in here...

4 years ago
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AdaptationsChapter 2

Maria told me how to dress for her family. Blue jeans and a button shirt untucked would fit in. Fortunately my present male closet has all those things. I don't want to buy clothes. I'm still holding out hope that I will be Carly again someday. Maria is in blue jeans and a t-shirt. Her butt fills out her jeans nicely. Our DrugMart uniforms are shapeless so it's hard to tell how much of a figure any of us girls have. The only chance to see each other's true shape is if someone comes to...

2 years ago
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Wonderful Journey With Bhabhi 8211 Part 9

Ah I am lucky bitch to have your dick in my hole thanks to Rohini,after listing to this I was baffled and surprised I was about to cum in her pussy so I doubted I was fucking Swapna so when I was about to remove my cock from her pussy somebody pushed me from behind and I cummed in her pussy. Quickly I opened the cloth which tied to my eyes and yes it was swapna I was fucking and rohini pushed me from back. I was happy that her assets are bigger than my bhabhi’s and her pussy walls are so...

1 year ago
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Hot for Teacher Part 1

It was one of the last Fridays of the summer trimester before the end of the year and, incidentally, my graduation. Squat for career prospects, and barely having had any time for myself had left me exhausted and exasperated. Not to mention that our lecturer had been droning on for the past couple of hours. Half the room was already asl**p, and for all I knew we were all slightly dead inside. I wouldn’t consider myself as anybody particularly special, or talented. I decided to go to uni at the...

1 year ago
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One night at the drivein

On Saturday night Bobby and I decided to go to one of the last drive-in theatres still in business. We have to drive 30 miles to get there and will stay until the last movie is over. Lately, the topic of our conversations has become more open and honest. We both have admitted that we have never told anybody else about a lot of the stuff we talk about. For some reason we have found an unexplainable comfort and trust in each other that we can share stories about the strange techniques that we use...

4 years ago
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Mom As Escort Part 8211 2

Hello friends,main vicky singh phir se haazir hoon apni story “Mom as escort – 2” ko lekar,ummeed karta hoon aap logon ko meri part – 1 story pasand aayi hogi,jinhone nahin padha hai woh dubara usey padh sakte hain.Aaiye ab part – 2 ki story par aate hain,jaise maine pehle bataya tha ki mummy thodi der rest karne ke baad,phir fresh hokar breakfast karne ke baad subah 09:30 baje office chali gayi thi,phir shaam ko 5:30 baje woh ghar aayi aur bahut tired thi ho bhi kyun naa last night as escort...

3 years ago
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BB Tryst Episode 2 So Naughty

I'm usually happy to see my wife Cheryl – I love her and all – but on this occasion, I was relieved that the person coming down the stairs turned out to be neither my spouse nor my companion's, but rather an older gentleman in flannel pants and a jacket and slippers.“Oh, good evening,” he greeted me, slightly startled.“Hello... looks like I'm not the only one who can't sleep?” I really hoped he wasn't indefinitely interrupting what I really hoped was beginning to happen between me and my new...

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A Present for Momma Chapter Two Reedit

CHAPTER TWO: RE-EDIT People at the home health office began to notice the same kind of changes going on with Momma that I first noticed when she told me about Johnny. Even though she was always fun to be around, they knew the torment that my father had put her through. They knew the divorce was imminent, (all of them hoping she would rape and pillage the miserable prick, but the only thing she wanted was the house, that's it, Daddy could stick the rest in his ass) but this new serene...

3 years ago
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Ramya Gets Trapped

Hello everyone, I am Shravan 24 year old guy from Bangalore. The following story is completely a fiction. I hope you will like it and please do send your feedbacks to Ramya, a married woman with a son, as usual had bath in the evening after applying oil. While having her bath she was thinking about her recent encounter couple of nights back when one of her dad’s friend who had stayed at her place entered her room while she was sleeping and he touched her and when she woke up that guy stripped...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 528

More toilet humor from Dorsetmike It’s no good standing on the seat The crabs in here can jump six feet Followed underneath in different hand writing It’s no use going in next door the crabs in there jump six feet four You don’t come here to sit and wonder but piss and shit and fart like thunder Anon57 offers another toilet humor item: Just another, along the same vein... He who writes on shithouse walls, rolls their shit in little balls, he who reads these words of whit, eats...

2 years ago
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Three in a Storm Pt1

It was early morning and the first hint of daylight filtered through the bedroom window. Bursts of wind caused Helen's log cabin to creak and crack indicating that the winter storm continued. She was snowbound, the two-mile road out to the mine site blocked by drifting snow. Blizzard conditions would most likely play out through the day before a cold front would move in to bring plunging temperatures and sunny skies. It was the way of the north in late January, from mild and snowy to whiteout...

2 years ago
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Pass the Pussy Please

It was Thanksgiving weekend and I was on break until Monday. I didn’t go home this break I stayed in town with a friend who couldn’t afford to go all the way back to California. It was a great week; we cooked, drank and partied at her house because I couldn't stay in my campus dorm. Saturday her roommate Kelsey came back from Columbus and she cooked dinner for her boy friend Steve. Steve was a jerk but I put up with him for Kelsey’s sake. While she cooked dinner, I helped out here and there,...

1 year ago
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Five Horny Girls and a Hot tub

Introduction: A woman meets up with her friends and is surprised by the welcoming they give her I could hear Ashleys house before I saw it. Loud music and pulsing lights radiated from the house before I turned the corner into her street. I couldnt believe that there were only five of us there. It was our girls night, a regular event for me and my friends, held the first Monday of each month at each others houses. Ashley had recently moved house so I had to travel a long way to get there. I...

2 years ago
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A Hot Night With My Girlfriend Who Is My Wife Now

Let me tell you first that this is a true incident which I came across when I was in 11th STD. First let me introduce myself. I am Rajveer. Height 6 ft 2 in. I am fair complexioned with thick muscles and smart looks. This description is of the time when in was 11th, my height may be different now but the looks are still the same. Coming back to the story…As you already know it dates back when I was in 11th. I was new to the school. As usual I was shy, not knowing anyone, not speaking with...

4 years ago
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Ek Raat Bade Gand Bali Aunty Ke Sath

My Name is Sameer main Odisha kaa rehnewala huun. Mera age 24 ar mera height 5’ 5 ar rang Sabla hen to main issmain bahat sari stories padahun muche ye sab bahat pasand hen to abb main apna pehla story likh raha huun agar kahi paar kuch gadbadi hua to much maap kardena khun ki ye mera pehla story hen to apko boring nehi karte huyen main sidhe hi story pe ata hun. Ye baat abb kuchi mahine ki pehele ki baat hen Main ek new ghar main kirayedar ban kar reh rahe the ar hamari land lord jo nije...

4 years ago
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Early Sexual Experience part 2

Hey everyone this is my second time writing mystory so please excuse some errors. This story is really about me when I was (11+1) years old. Please enjoy :) A few days later at school Matt told me to meet him at the church storage room. After we went in there he locked the door and said he had a surprise. He had taken a Hustler magazine that he took from his dad. We sat in there looking at the pictures, within seconds we were both hard. He told me to show him my cock and I did. I was nervous...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 14 Christmas Confessions

December 24, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “It just seems wrong to not have Jessica here,” Kara said. “I know,” I sighed. “But the sooner she went into the facility, the sooner she’ll get out. And then she starts the long process of getting reinstated at UofC.” “Do you think she’ll work when she gets out?” “Maybe. It all depends on her. If we assume she’s there for six to eight weeks, which Al said was pretty typical, she won’t get out of there until February. The next year for her Residency...

2 years ago
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Degradation of the Human ConditionChapter 10

To say that Zayne is disappointed with Page’s performance is an understatement. The man is pissed. “I thought you would have learned your lesson,” he says angrily, as he drags Page down the hall by her wrists. Page doesn’t put up a fight, and even if she wanted to, she knows she’d lose that fight, and being dragged would be the least of her concerns. So she lets the man do what he wants, and in this case—manhandle her. But when they skip Zayne’s room, she begins to have some concern. The...

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Taboo Orgy Part 11

Taboo Orgy Part 11.This is part two of a two part story.“Ok then Ann, if you want to fuck your brains out then who am I to say no,” Rick said with a smile.When he opened the door he saw two men rubbing the front of their pants, two men smiling while having a smoke and two men trying to look through the shaded window. And all of them are big muscled and black.When Darren told Rick about their orgy and that he wanted to see Ann get gangbanged by a group of workers, Rick was shocked and thought...

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The Replacement Chapter Six

I stood there and stared at the cards, held in my manicured hands. I could not help myself, and the words are out of my mouth before I realized what I was saying. "And just what the hell am I supposed to do with these?" Her mouth drops open and my new mother slapped my face once, hard. "Amber, I'm shocked. No swearing in this house even if it is your sixteenth birthday and you've spent all night awake and excited." I could tell that she wants to shock me heavily but she could not do...

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A Brand New ManChapter 9

By now, we were all quiet enough that we could actually hear Aunt Molly scream her ecstasy from Uncle Curtis pounding her silly. I was about the sixth stroke back into Deanna since pulling out of my first run within Erin when that occurred. We must have been preoccupied not to notice Aunt Molly hollering as she got reamed and good by her long-time, live-in boyfriend. I could only guess that Uncle Curtis already gave her some overkill, not that I objected any more than either of them...

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Hangout Pe Mili Mujhe Meri Jaan Chetna Part 8211 1

Mera naam Ayush Patel hai mai Jaipur,Rajasthan kaa rehne waala hu. After reading soo many stories on iss today I have decided to share my sexual experiences with you all. In sub stories koo mai parts mai publish karunga and this is my first story soo ur valuable feedback will be much appreciated.   After completing my college, I was waiting for the joining letter from the company in which I was placed. So, during that time I used to spend lots of time on social networking sites. Aise hi ek din...

4 years ago
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99 Things that make my Pussy Wet

1. The blues. Something about that hot, steady rhythm just makes me want to take my clothes off… 2. Goth girls. Streaked purple and black hair, tattoos, a sexy little tramp stamp on the lower back, navel rings, tongue studs… nipple rings… ripped fishnets and high heels, dark clothes and dark moods. Makes me want to peel it all off and find the soft spots underneath, the sweetness at the center… mmmm.3. Feeling a hard cock pressing against me from behind, that insistent, early morning hardon,...

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Computer Repair Part 3

During our chat I learned that Pippa never knew her dad and I got the impression that Alice didn’t even know who it was either so poor old Pippa had never had a father figure and what was good was that there was chemistry between us and she was starting to see me as that father figure she had never had, it was all nice to hear and she couldn’t thank me enough for what I had done for her with the PC, we learnt a lot about each other in the half hour or so we were there until Alice walked in with...

2 years ago
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During my last summer of school it slowly dawned on me that my Mom was actually a member of the sex I was particularly interested in, a real and deceptively sexy woman that I wanted to know in more ways than as just her 18 year old son.Not being sports-minded, I didn't have many friends so I hung out with my Mom a lot. I guess you could say I was a bit of a momma's boy. And so I spent many days at the beach taking in the sun with my Mom. She didn't particularly like the beach, I think she just...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 247

Thanks to kilocyclejoe ‎ for this one. Reginald and Cedric were good friends who belonged to the same Men’s Club. One evening, Reginald came in and was greeted by Cedric. “Reggie, old boy! Where on earth have you been? I haven’t seen you in over a fortnight.” “Well,” said Reggie, “I’ve been to Inja, actually.” “Inja! I suppose you had some exciting adventures while you were there?” “Yes, I remember one exceedingly vividly,” Reggie replied. “I was crawling, on my hands and knees, through...

2 years ago
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I was rushed to hospital with an acute pain in my lower stomach which turned out to be my appendix rupturing and had to have it removed.I had the surgery early in the morning and slept until laye afternoon. The operation was done by keyhole so was not a large wound and only needed three staples.That night about 9pm this gorgeous nurse came in to check on me and said she had just come on duty and if the was anything I needed just press the call button.She looked at my chart and asked was there...

3 years ago
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BBW Cuckold Husband

The very first time I saw my wife get fucked was not planned and is still not clear to me if I enjoyed it. It happened because I owed money to some really nasty guys, money my wife didn't know I had borrowed until the boys came calling looking for it. It was Jane who answered the front door and I heard her scream out as the three men pushed their way in past her and stormed into the sitting room. She followed them in shouting abuse until one of them a black guy about 30 and 6ft tall back handed...

1 year ago
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Fucking my chubby babysitter

One evening the family went out for the night and I was left at home with my babysitter Lauren. I had often fantasized about her, I found her very alluring. She was quite chubby and through her clothes seemed to have amazing set of boobs and a chubby arse on her, she had just got back from work when she had to come right to our house so that she could watch over me that night. She began to have a shower and I had been in my room playing with myself to a playboy magazine, when I decided since...

4 years ago
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Making My Uncle Suck

One day I was feeling horny and wanted my pussy suck.That I got so hot and horny which made me think about who can I get to suck my pussy.Then my mind ran on my uncle my mother only brother,who was younger than her.When I was a c***d he used to have sex with me,which used to leave me in pain as a c***d,but I got older I used to go to him for myself now.You see he made me knew what sex was so it was only right that I go to him went I want it,which I did a lot,I would go to his room and take off...

2 years ago
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Short hotel story

i would meet up with u in a hotel bar where we would kiss and flirtover a few drinks then we would go back to the room,where once insidewe would kiss deep and slow with lots of tounge,as we hold each othertight and my hands running all over your body...then i would slowlytake of your blouse while kissing you all over,then take of your braand gently kiss and suck your nipples,then run my tounge down yourbody and take of your skirt,and panties leaving you only in stockingsthen lay on the...

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Perversion Chapter Four JoAnne wants more

(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)I sat and drank my coffee while watching Jo-Anne move about the kitchen as we waited for the gasman to finish his checks. It felt like it took hours but was probably only about 30 mins. Smiling at him she let him out then came back and sat to finish her coffee. I thought the interruption had...

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Punch Drunk Love

I have been with Michael for nearly five years and we like to go out partying with friends having a BBQ every Saturday. Michael drinks of choice are Corona’s and Jager bombs! He and our friend Chad could polish off half a gallon of Jager in one night….just the two of them. They have been my favorite nights because both of us loose our inhibitions. We hold nothing back. I’ll be honest I’m generally quiet during sex so is Michael. I don’t drink a lot neither does he but he holds his own when he...

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Natashas The Naked Waitress

Natasha wakes up bright and early for her new job orientation. Shes 18 years old. She immediately hops out of bed and gets ready. She rushes out to the kitchen to make herself something quick to eat. She runs out the door and realizes she has no underwear just tight black leggings and a tight white tank top exposing her ass and her nipples. She arrives at her job and walks inside to meet the manager. She enters his office. "Hello Natasha it's a pleasure to meet you." He says to her "Thank you....

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I'm a girl from Holland and become a member of hamster a little time ago. I'm a married woman but I discovered that I like to make love with other women. No I met a wonderfull girl at Hamster. Her name is Evaplayer and we have a good time when we are together. I really like it when she says to me that my body is hot and she wants to play with me. It's so nice to talk to her. I understand this is not a hot story, just one to tell you all how much I like her

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young beautiful girl with an old man

Once i went on vocation to a hill station and booked a room, in the morning i went outside and came to my room, while opening the door, there stood an old man but looking handsome... i smiled at him and he smiled at me.in the next day morning, while i was moving out, he too came out, he asked have u came alone to see these beautiful places, i said yes. then he continued, i too came alone, shall i join with u... i just saw him twice and said yes.so on the whole day, we both were together, i wore...

4 years ago
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A spontaneous Threesome

You both attacked at once, sandwiching me between your two bodies. Her lips met mine and our tongues danced. I felt your breath on my neck as you nibbled at my skin. A hand found it's way into my panties, I couldn't tell you whose it was. I felt fingers slip between my outer lips to play with my clit, at the same time she bent down and took my bare nipple in her mouth. It was already pointing out but it became harder with her attention. I turned to kiss you over my shoulder, I could feel...

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