Minha Primeira Vez free porn video

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This is the Portuguese version of my story previously published story called "First ttime" (the second "t" was a typing error), so if you want to read it in English, please visit that story. If you can read Portuguese, however, I really recommend to read this version. I rely deeply on mundane language and this increases the "realism". I also give a more colorful description of S?o Paulo and, if you are Brazilian, you will sure recognize some of the street names and the described landscape. So, enjoy reading. Sylvia ---Minha primeira vez por Sylvia Wechsel Tiffany era o nome de um travesti com quem eu tinha uma boa amizade. Nos conhecemos em um bar, na festa de anivers?rio de um amigo. Meus amigos, querendo pregar uma pe?a em mim, haviam me incitado (j? um pouco alcoolizado) a cantar aquela loura?a fenomenal que estava no balc?o. Eles, obviamente, sabiam que se tratava de um travesti, mas eu n?o percebia nada, pois ela era perfeita. Antes de eu entrar em uma posi??o constrangedora, Tiffany me avisou do fato. Para dar uma li??o em meus amigos combinamos fingir um namoro. Meus amigos inicialmente se divertiam com minha "ingenuidade" (eu dizia a todos que ela queria casar virgem), mas logo come?aram a ficar preocupados e tr?s meses depois, quando marcamos uma reuni?o para anunciar a todos nosso "noivado" meus amigos, em p?nico, disseram que eu n?o poderia fazer isto, que Tiffany era na verdade um travesti etc... Ca?mos na gargalhada e contamos a todos que era apenas fingimento e que est?vamos querendo gozar da cara deles. Esta brincadeira nos uniu e passei a frequentar sua casa (ela n?o frequentava a minha, no dizer dela, para eu n?o ficar "mal falado"). Cheguei uma vez at? mesmo a usar seus "servi?os." Foi a primeira vez na vida que comi um cu. Lentamente, entretanto, uma curiosidade ia me corroendo por dentro. Ser? que dar o cu era t?o bom assim, como Tiffany dizia? Entenda-se bem, n?o tinha nenhuma vontade de virar homossexual. Eu queria apenas ter uma experi?ncia ?nica para saber como era. Tentei convencer Tiffany a "fazer o servi?o" em mim, mas ela rejeitou a oferta ofendida, dizendo que ela era mulher, que se eu queria ser "enrabada" devia procurar um homem de verdade. Eu n?o queria, entretanto, envolver terceiras pessoas nesta hist?ria. Se eu fosse pego, como iria explicar que focinho de porco n?o era tomada? Al?m disto todo mundo "sabe" que n?o existe algo como um "ex-viado." Eu ficaria marcado para sempre. N?o, a curiosidade me mataria, mas eu n?o iria suicidar minha reputa??o. Isto continuou durante um tempo at? que um dia eu fiz um coment?rio mais ou menos do tipo: "Admiro a coragem que voc?s travestis tem em se vestir de mulher e anunciar para o mundo inteiro o que querem da vida!" O sorriso maroto de Tiffany, me mostrou que ela teve alguma ideia e estava se divertindo com isto. Ela disse: "Eu sei que voc? est? louca para dar este rabinho e tive uma ideia para fazer isto acontecer, est? interessada?" Cautelosamente eu respondi: "Sim, prossiga." "Eu conhe?o um caminhoneiro, um cliente, que tem uma tara muito dif?cil" disse ela. "Ele sonha em tirar o caba?o de um travesti", continuou. "S? que isto ? t?o real quanto Papai Noel e o Coelhinho da P?scoa." Achei sua compara??o muito engra?ada, a? ela completou: "Quando chegamos a esta fase da vida a maioria de n?s j? deu mais que Chuchu na cerca" ela explicou, ent?o veio a ideia. "Minha proposta para voc? ? simples: eu sei que ele vir? para S?o Paulo em breve e geralmente chega aqui em um s?bado. "Voc? vem para minha casa no s?bado de manh? e eu a produzirei transformando-a no travesti mais lindo do planeta" ela exagerou rindo e ent?o completou. "Assim voc? poder? dar seu rabinho de forma an?nima, j? que lhe juro que n?o ser? reconhecida por ningu?m depois que eu terminar sua produ??o." A perspectiva era muito tentadora. Poderia satisfazer minha curiosidade sem que ningu?m (al?m de Tiffany, ? claro) soubesse. Portanto concordei com a ideia dela. Fui para minha casa, esperando sua liga??o para avisar que o "cliente" estaria dispon?vel. N?o demorou muito, pouco mais de uma semana ap?s esta conversa, Tiffany me ligou, dizendo que seu cliente, pernoitaria em S?o Paulo no s?bado seguinte. S?bado de manh? compareci bem cedo diante da sua porta, levando apenas minha cara e a coragem (Tiffany me garantiu que teria todo o material necess?rio para minha produ??o). Ela me fez entrar, pediu para despir minhas roupas (que guardou no arm?rio) e me levou ao banheiro, onde havia preparado um banho de banheira com ess?ncias. Mandou ent?o eu me banhar e "lavar tudo", apontando para um chuveirinho em forma de "pinto." Entendi a deixa, tomei meu banho e quando terminei enfiei aquele "pinto" no cu e liguei a ?gua, tomando um enema. Foi a primeira vez na vida que enfiei alguma coisa no cu e a sensa??o, tive que admitir, foi at? que boa. Ainda tomei mais dois enemas antes do final da produ??o e durante o dia me alimentei somente ? base de sopinhas ralas. Tiffany n?o queria que eu "cagasse no pau" do caminhoneiro. Terminado o banho ela come?ou a me depilar. Quando eu perguntei por que ela usava um prestobarba e n?o a famosa "cera quente" ela disse que eu n?o era mulher suficiente para suportar a dor. Ela cuidadosamente raspou os pelos de meus bra?os, de minhas pernas, de meu peito e de minhas costas, de meu saco e de meu cu. Quando terminou eu estava lisinha e s? restava, por incr?vel que pare?a, fazer a barba, que ela disse que ir?amos fazer no final, pouco antes da maquiagem para evitar que os pelos tornassem a crescer at? de noite. Terminando a depila??o ela espalhou um creme hidratante em todo o meu corpo e ao final eu estava com uma pele macia, mais parecido com a de uma mulher. Ela me disse para n?o entrar em vesti?rios por dois meses, se n?o quisesse me explicar aos outros. Ap?s isto ela come?ou a fazer as m?os e os p?s. Ela queria que tudo fosse o mais real poss?vel, portanto pediu que eu n?o cortasse as unhas desde o dia em que decidi participar da brincadeira. Assim ela pode cortar e moldar minhas unhas de tal forma que parecessem as de uma mulher. N?o muito longas, mas femininas de qualquer forma. Ela ent?o as pintou com esmalte vermelho. Para voltar ao normal bastaria cortar as unhas e tirar o esmalte com acetona depois da brincadeira. Ent?o ela dirigiu o foco de sua aten??o aos meus cabelos. Meus cabelos s?o lisos e castanhos e os usava um pouco compridos nesta ?poca. Ap?s o banho ela havia me instru?do a usar um creme no cabelo, desses que as mulheres usam, que os deixaram brilhantes e sedosos. Ela usou a tesoura e cortou um pouco meu cabelo em alguns lugares. A? ela pegou um desses instrumentos que os cabelereiros usam para fazer cachos (uma esp?cie de pin?a aquecida com pernas redondas e compridas) e dobrou as pontas de meus cabelos para dentro. No final eu estava usando um penteado tipo "Channel" e j? come?ava a disfar?ar meu rosto masculino. Ela quis furar minhas orelhas para colocar os brincos, mas eu protestei, pensando que os furos seriam vis?veis depois de tudo terminado. Ela me convenceu dizendo que ningu?m nota estas coisas, pois n?o procura por elas, e que , afinal de contas, muitos homens usam brincos hoje em dia. Se algu?m notasse poderia dizer que um dia havia feito uma experi?ncia e depois desistira de usar (ou poderia come?ar efetivamente a usar um brinco, ficaria ? minha escolha). Cedi e ent?o e ela fez os furos usando uma esp?cie de alicate. Doeu um pouco. Quando parou de sangrar ela p?s os brincos em minhas orelhas, do tipo pendente com uma pe?a de falso cristal em forma de gota na ponta. Ap?s isto ela disse que era hora de eu come?ar a me acostumar com o salto. Trouxe uma sand?lia tipo plataforma com um salto enorme, no m?nimo de cinco cent?metros. Calcei estas sand?lias, que deixavam as pontas dos meus dedos com as unhas pintadas para fora, e tentei andar. Foi um vexame! Quase n?o conseguia parar de p?. Tiffany me fez andar de um lado ao outro da sala at? que se convenceu que eu n?o cairia mais. N?o tirei mais as sand?lias do p? at? o final da experi?ncia. O salto fazia com que eu desse passos curtos e arrebitasse a bunda para tr?s. Para me equilibrar eu tinha que andar com as m?os cruzadas, um pouco estendidas para a frente. Eu era o prot?tipo de uma bicha louca. Faltava cuidar de minha barriga saliente e do peito em forma de porta. Tiffany me vestiu, portanto, com um espartilho que tinha alguns enchimentos costurados na regi?o dos seios. Ela me explicou que usara aquele espartilho at? come?ar suas experi?ncias com horm?nios, que depois foram completadas pelos implantes de silicone. Ela me ajudou a vestir aquilo e come?ou a apertar. Foi um sufoco danado, mas o resultado foi satisfat?rio. J? possu?a uma cinturinha e seios pequenos, mas vis?veis. O resultado dava a impress?o, mesmo, que eu tinha uma bundinha saliente. Agora faltava pouco e j? come?ava a anoitecer. Ela me barbeou com muito cuidado usando uma navalha e deixou meu rosto t?o liso quanto poss?vel. Ap?s isto me deu um vestido curto, tipo "tubo", mas com mangas. O vestido era t?o curto que minha bunda ficava vis?vel a qualquer men??o de me abaixar. Ela me deu uma calcinha cor-de-rosa e ensinou a prender meu pinto para tr?s ao colocar a calcinha. Quer dizer, tentou me ensinar, pois no momento em que fui colocar a calcinha tive uma ere??o. Tive que deixar assim at? conseguir diminuir meu pinto ao ponto de poder vir?-lo para tr?s, o que s? aconteceu depois de me masturbar no banheiro. Ainda faltava a ?ltima coisa: a maquiagem. Ela passou primeiramente a base e come?ou a trabalhar em minhas p?lpebras, com sombras. Usou um l?pis para delinear as p?lpebras e dar a impress?o que minhas sobrancelhas haviam sido feitas (n?o foram feitas de verdade pois ficaria dif?cil explicar isto aos outros depois da experi?ncia). Terminando as sobrancelhas ela pintou meus l?bios com batom e passou "blush." Como um toque final ela desenhou uma pinta em minha bochecha esquerda. O resultado, no final das contas me surpreendeu. O corte "channel", o vestido, os brincos e a maquiagem eram todos feitos no estilo daquelas atrizes americanas da d?cada dos trinta, ela havia me transformado numa esp?cie de Betty Boop! Obviamente qualquer pessoa que prestasse mais aten??o em mim notaria que eu era na verdade um homem vestido de mulher, mas de relance eu talvez pudesse at? enganar algu?m. Fiquei satisfeita. Tiffany ent?o me disse: "Voc? est? deslumbrante, ningu?m a reconhecer?!" "Ainda falta quarenta minutos para o encontro com o caminhoneiro, que tal darmos um passeio de carro para lentamente ir para l?? Eu gelei. Uma coisa era me vestir de mulher na frente de um travesti, outra muito diferente era enfrentar o p?blico! Logo percebi minha estupidez, eu estava indo fazer uma coisa muito pior. Estava a ponto de ir dar o cu para um caminhoneiro! Portanto mandei meus escr?pulos ?s favas e resolvi enfrentar o mundo. Antes de sair Tiffany me deu uma pequena bolsinha feminina que continha uma camisinha, um paninho, um tubo de KY gel e o batom que eu tinha usado, a? ela me deu o serm?o de "como toda menininha sabida s? faz sexo seguro, com camisinha." Eu a olhei impaciente pensei "ser? que ela est? pensando que eu vou entrar para esta vida?" Sa?mos para a rua em dire??o ? garagem onde Tiffany estacionava seu carro, um Ford Ka com adesivo da Pen?lope Charmosa, ? claro. A todo instante eu olhava para os lados para ver se algu?m estava reparando em mim, mas ou todos estavam ocupados com suas pr?prias vidas ou a produ??o que Tiffany me fizera era bastante convincente. N?o percebi ningu?m olhando para mim, nem mesmo de esguelha. Isto me deu um pouco mais de confian?a e comecei a andar cruzando um pouco as pernas, como Tiffany me ensinara, para rebolar um pouco. A sensa??o era muito boa. Come?amos a viagem e Tiffany tomou a rota da Av. Tiradentes. Num dos in?meros sem?foros Tiffany notou que uma Pick-up S20 com rapaz?es, nitidamente indo para a balada, havia parado ao nosso lado. Ela me disse para abrir as pernas, mostrando um pouco da calcinha, o que fiz. Os urros de "gostosa" e os assobios que vieram do outro carro me fizeram corar. Logo ela chegou ? ponte das Bandeiras, fez toda a volta da pra?a Campos de Bagatelle, voltou para a ponte e se encaminhou de novo ? Marginal. Tifanny entrou na Marginal na dire??o da Rodovia Ayrton Senna e dirigiu at? a Ponte da Vila Guilherme. Fez o contorno e voltou no outro sentido. Paramos em um posto de gasolina, que servia de abrigo a caminhoneiros que iriam passar a noite em S?o Paulo. Est?vamos chegando ao nosso destino. Senti um frio em minha barriga apertada pelo espartilho. Ela estacionou e, comigo na sua cola (trope?ando naquele piso feito de paralelep?pedos por conta dos saltos), procurou o caminh?o certo. Deu um sorriso quando o reconheceu e foi para l?. Senti uma vontade enorme de fugir dali, mas a? nunca eu iria saber o que queria saber. Forcei-me ent?o a ser corajosa e fiquei. Ela bateu na porta que se abriu. Um homem calvo, meio gordo e grisalho abriu a porta com o peito nu. Tiffany disse ent?o: "Ol? Jorge, trouxe-lhe a virgem que havia prometido" virou-se ent?o a mim e disse: "Laura, este ? Jorge, Jorge esta ? a Laura, apresenta??es feitas, sumo!" E a? ela se afastou. Jorge olhou para mim desconfiado e perguntou: "Voc? realmente nunca deu o rabo para ningu?m?" "S-s-sim" eu respondi tentando afetar a voz. "Suba" ordenou ele, o que prontamente atendi. Ele me deu a m?o e me ajudou a subir na boleia do caminh?o. Era daquele tipo que tem um compartimento atr?s do banco onde o caminhoneiro dorme ? noite. Ele foi para l? e disse: "Tire seu vestido" Eu tirei, espremida naquele espa?o ex?guo, enquanto ele descia suas cal?as. Deitou-se com a barrigona para cima e ficou me olhando. Vi aquele pinto semi-endurecido enquanto imaginava o que ele queria e ent?o percebi. Desci minha boca e comecei a chupar aquele pinto. Por sorte ele ficou duro logo e pude logo colocar a camisinha. Pensei se eu era t?o boa chupando um pinto assim, mas depois conclu? que meu mal jeito chupando deve t?-lo finalmente convencido que eu era virgem mesmo. Ele disse ent?o: "Venha para c? e fique de quatro." Obedeci, me espremendo contra ele e abaixei a calcinha, enquanto ele se posicionava atr?s de mim com o pinto duro e lambuzava meu cu com o KY que eu trouxera. Ele come?ou a for?ar na minha entrada e come?ou a doer muito. A? me lembrei do que Tiffany havia me recomendado e tentei relaxar, fazendo um pouco de for?a como se fosse cagar. De repente ele entrou em mim e me penetrou at? o fundo, encostando a barriga na minha bunda. Primeiro senti uma dor forte como se ele estivesse me rasgando ao meio e prendi a respira??o para n?o gritar de dor, mas logo um prazer come?ou a tomar conta do que eu sentia e eu comecei a gemer e soltar gritinhos. N?o havia mais necessidade de afetar minha voz, os gritinhos saiam finos e estridentes por conta pr?pria. Jorge come?ou o movimento de vai-e-vem e logo a ?nica coisa que sobrava era o prazer. Ficamos assim por cerca de cinco a dez minutos (eu n?o olhei no rel?gio, ? ?bvio, isto ? apenas uma estimativa) e de repente com um grunhido ele come?ou a gozar. Ele estava usando camisinha, ? claro, mas na minha cabe?a eu fantasiei que ele estava despejando toda a sua porra dentro de mim. Este pensamento foi a gota d??gua e eu mesma comecei a gozar, com um pinto enfiado na minha bunda. Meu pinto estava t?o duro e a ejacula??o foi t?o forte que minha esporra foi parar na minha barriga, sobre o espartilho. Logo depois ele terminou e tirou seu pau de meu cu. Enquanto eu ficava l? de quatro, arfando, ele tirava a camisinha, dava um n? e jogava num saquinho destes usados para juntar lixo em carros. Eu estava toda suja, lambuzada de KY no cu, com esporra saindo da ponta do pau e na barriga. Lembrei-me ent?o do paninho na bolsinha. Peguei-o e comecei a me limpar. A? notei que algumas gotas de minha esporra haviam ca?do sobre sua cama. Fiz men??o de me abaixar para limpar, mas a? ele disse: "Quer dizer que a menininha gozou pelo cuzinho?" "Pode deixar que eu limpo." Isto me fez corar violentamente. Levantei minha calcinha, que havia baixado ? altura do tornozelo e dobrei meu pinto, agora completamente fl?cido, para traz, escondendo-o sob a calcinha. Busquei meu vestido e comecei a me vestir naquele espa?o apertado. Quando estava satisfeita comecei a me levantar e me dirigir para a porta, mas a? ele falou: "Espere! Voc? esqueceu algo!" Gelei completamente, o que mais ele poderia querer comigo? J? havia me fodido toda! Quando me virei, entretanto, vi que ele estava pegando sua carteira na cal?a. Ele a abriu, tirou tr?s notas de dez reais e me deu, dizendo: "Seu pagamento." Pela segunda vez eu corei violentamente. N?o havia apenas me vestido de mulher e dado o cu para um caminhoneiro. Eu havia feito um programa! E ainda por cima um barato! Com este pensamento meu pinto fez men??o de endurecer novamente, mas ele estava muito cansado do exerc?cio anterior e ficou s? na men??o. Sem saber o que fazer, disse apenas (com a voz afetada): "Obrigada!" e sa? da boleia. Ajeitei meu vestido e sa? cambaleando tanto pelo uso do salto naquele piso irregular quanto pela dor na bunda que eu sentia. Andei cerca de dez metros e a? Tiffany, que se escondera nas sombras, me chamou: "Psiu, e ent?o, como ? que foi?" Eu devia estar em choque ou algo parecido, pois s? fiquei parada olhando para ela sem dizer nada, ent?o ela completou: "Deve ter sido bom! Deu para ouvir seus gritinhos daqui! Pela terceira vez corei violentamente. Ela ent?o me disse: "Venha c?" e me levou para debaixo de uma l?mpada de rua. Ela pegou o batom que estava na minha bolsinha e "retocou" minha maquiagem. Ela ent?o disse: "Vamos!" "Vamos para onde?" disse eu espantada. "Vamos comemorar! Eu sugiro que a gente v? tomar um chopp num bar GLS que eu conhe?o." "L? ningu?m ir? nos incomodar." Ante o meu olhar de espanto ela completou: "Voc? n?o espera que a gente v? simplesmente dormir depois de todo este trabalho e depois de voc? dar o cu pela primeira vez, n?o ??" "Por que n?o?" pensei e concordei com a ideia. Fomos para o seu Ka, sentei-me com dificuldade no banco dos passageiros, por causa da dor na bunda e partimos em dire??o ao bar. L? ficamos at? as quatro da manh?, curtindo a minha apar?ncia e dando risadas pelo que aconteceu, depois fomos para sua casa, para dormir at? o meio dia de domingo, pelo menos. FIM

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It was my wife's 35th Birthday. One of the gifts was a beautiful new watch. The other was a special evening I had planned for us. This evening would be one she'd remember for years to come. A little background information on my wife and I. My wife's name is Lisa. She is a beautiful 35 year-old. Hits the gym every day. She is in fantastic shape and has awesome curves in all the right places. My name is Eric, I'm 38 and keep myself in shape. We work very hard and always make sure to spend quality...

3 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 134 Fat Bottomed Girls

Christine woke up with a start from another Wonder Woman-themed dream, and sat up in her bed. She yelled, "Damn you, William Marston! Damn you to hell!" William Moulton Marston was the original creator of the Wonder Woman character, and she was cursing him for ever creating the sexy superheroine. She flopped back down on her pillow, causing her bare breasts to bounce around wildly until she pulled the covers back over herself. She closed her eyes in an attempt to remember her dream before...

2 years ago
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The Cable Slave Chapter 4

It took me most of the next two days to recover, and cable man left me alone, so I hung around the house naked and looked at my wounds. The whipping was not too bad and the red patches were all going down by the end of the day. I guess they knew what they were doing. I had read of women being marked for weeks but maybe that leather cat was designed to sting and not mark. The next day I got my instructions about the underwear party. The guests would come part way through the morning. Some...

2 years ago
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The Vendor The Arrow

1. It was a Friday evening in Trotter, Illinois. Timothy Green walked slowly down the main street of the suburb where he lived. He had been walking for hours to try to clear his head, just focusing on his footfalls on the sidewalk. As the spring sun began to set he was still reflecting on his life. He was one of the geeky kids at school so he only associated with his small, all male, group of friends. None of the girls at school even knew he existed. Between his slight frame...

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Taking the Class Part 2Chapter 7 Monday Morning 1040AM ndash To Make A Bad Day Worse Spend It Wishing For The Impossible

“She’s really coming?” “That’s what she said,” replied Will. His sister had accosted him at his locker between classes. I haven’t seen Prez around yet today, but that’s pretty normal. Marissa did a little dance, radiating excitement and happiness, then gave him a hug. “You really are the best brother!” “So you’re saying you didn’t believe it before?!” Will asked, sounding scandalized. He ruffled her pinned-up hair. “Wiilll! Not at school!” she complained. “Now I’ve gotta find a mirror and...

2 years ago
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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 11

Waking up Thursday morning, I got my run in and then realized that I needed to make a call letting the dojo know I wouldn’t be in this evening for class. I was in the shower when I heard a knock on the bathroom door. “Barnim, get your stuff together. We’ll be leaving in about an hour. I put your money on the bed.” “OK mom.” I got my stuff together, putting the money in my duffel bag. Heading downstairs, I called the dojo, leaving a message that I had a family event to attend and I would...

4 years ago
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My Wife Gives Me A Wet Surprise

My wife and I had been out to a neighbor’s pool party. There was lots of BBQ and even more liquid refreshment there. We were feeling no pain as it got later and we decided to head home. Luckily, we only live a street over from the neighbors. There is a small stand of woods between the houses; and from years of visiting each other we had a nice clear path to follow to get home. We said our goodbyes and headed for the trail that would take us home.My wife wisely had chosen to wear a pair of...

3 years ago
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From an Outie to an InnieChapter 18

Spring Break was soon approaching, but before that, we had midterm tests. I was looking forward to the week-long break from school. I could do without the tests, but not because I thought I would have an issue with any of them. My grasp of the subjects I was taking was better than it would be simply by attending classes, paying attention to the lessons, taking excellent notes, taking part in class discussions, and doing my homework. My friends, (actual ones, not pretend ones), were also doing...

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TgMasters S2K Story

Hi all. This is the very first time I have ever written a story on any sort of TG fiction site. I hope my debut will be successful enough to encourage me to write more. Thanks to all my favorite authors who inspired me to write this little addition to the S2K universe. TgMaster's S2K Story By TgMaster "Hi there, mister. Sorry I'm late; traffic was terrible on the way over here. You must be the reporter for the Fictionmania newsletter; here to report on the recent S2K bug...

1 year ago
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Petite Hannah Hays Coach Gives My Little Pussy A Workout

Hannah Hays has one strict coach that is always staying on her about her weight. Have to stay small and petite to make the PimpXXX cheer squad! Fortunately for Hannah; she gained a few ounces, and Coach Strong has one hot workout planned for her. He blows his whistle and she blows his cock trying to take every inch into her little mouth! Coach gets his large dick deep in her small tight pussy making her sweat with every thrust. Hannah will surely be back to her normal weight after this hot...

2 years ago
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Honey Im Home 2

"Damn, I'm going tear that white ass up tonight for sure," Glen said rubbing his huge cock through his jeans as he looked down at his watch. He shook it off, and got back to work typing up a new business plan and getting some monthly reports completed, all while thinking of sliding into that tight ass. As he worked away at his computer there was knock on the office door. "Yeah, come in," he said continuing to focus on the task at hand, wanting to get as much work completed before the real...

2 years ago
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A lost day

I made it through the door, a sense of relief overcame me, was glad to be away from all the shit I was getting. “Paul, is that you?” I heard moms voice. “Yes mom, its, me who else can it be”, I said sarcastically. “Young man don’t carry that tone with me”, she said as I walked into the kitchen. “I’m sorry mom, it’s just the whole year, has been a hassle, and I’m glad it’s over”, I told her. Mom smiled at me saying, “it’s okay honey, I know what you been going through, maybe this summer things...

4 years ago
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Older boy fucks his CD sex toy

I had been with Brett several times now after our first time together. ("Older boy turns me into his CD sex toy" story) sucking his cock and making him cum was all I could think about. I loved pleasuring him, I loved the way it made me feel being with him. I also admit, I loved the attention of an older, popular, handsome boy.Brett liked me to dress up in feminine, girly panties and bra. From the moment I first slipped on a soft, silky thong, I loved the way it felt and how it made me feel. So...

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Demons Depravity and Desire

I had always excelled at magical theory. Enough that it had become rather boring to me. Against my teacher's recommendations, I had declined to enroll in New Amsterdam University's Medical Magics program years ago. While I'm sure others would have enjoyed the prestige and wealth that being a medical mage would have brought them, my taste for magic had always been a bit darker. I loved reading historical accounts of the history of magic, of the early formulation of demonic summoning, the roots...

2 years ago
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Analized Christy Love Asian Anal Fuck Toy

Every now and then a woman comes along who was meant to be on ANALIZED.COM. Christy Love is one of those women. This Asian fuck doll is a good submissive whore who loves being fucked up the ass. Christy Love has extremely tight holes. It is deceiving. At first glance it is hard to imagine her asshole and pussy filled up by huge cocks. Her smiling face and jovial attitude also makes it hard to imagine her tied up and face fucked. However, this girl is a total whore who loves to be used in every...

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1 Stormy MondayChapter 26

When Bobby and Sammy approached Collette's car after leaving their parent's barbeque, Sammy grabbed his hand to stop him. "Hey... are you all right?" "Yeah, I'm fine," he replied. "Why?" he said, trying his best to look carefree. They slowly started walking again, Sammy still gripping his hand. "You look... well, like you did when you sprained your ankle a couple years ago... during a karate lesson. Remember that?" "Yeah," he said, mystified. "How did I look then?" She...

4 years ago
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Caught in the act

Last Saturday my wife Donna and I were lying by the pool, having a few drinks. She was looking so sexy lying there, in her skimpiest bikini she owned. It was white and didn’t do a real good job of concealing her. We had the pool to ourselves on this day, and we were going to take advantage of it. After three or more margaritas she got to feeling really frisky. I looked over, and she had taken off her bikini top. She was so fucking hot, and my cock started to stir in my shorts. I looked over to...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Hot Office Colleague

Hi friends this is Aditya my id is if any female wanna have fun in and around Kolkata can contact me. This story is back dated in year 2009 I was working with a manufacturing company and there was a colleague name Rachna she was just very awesome. She has superb features 34D-30-34. As we worked in different department so it took time to know each other. After 3 months of joining office we talked to each other and get to know each other. She had a dark complexion but her smile was just wow. I...

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The Weaver And The WindChapter 14 Wolf in the Wood

By my calculation, the ninety day deadline I had given the Beletaran Wizard's Guild would arrive on the day after Thanksgiving, only two weeks away. I was beginning to regret having pulled that deadline out of thin air. If we were going to spend the Christmas holidays on Arbor, we were going to need to at least spend our Thanksgiving with the family, and there are a lot of people associated with the word 'family' when talking about the McKesson clan. We were still trying to find the right...

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TeensLoveBlackCocks Miranda Miller Dear Diary She Loves Black Dick

Today, sweetheart Miranda Miller is writing in her diary about how much she missed her boyfriend after he went away to college. She knew he had a roommate, but he never told her that he was a real big black guy. The next day when her boyfriend had to go to study lab, she immediately started spying on his roommate. She was obsessed! She could not take her eyes off of him until finally, she made her move. They went to the bedroom and he whipped out his giant anaconda cock for Miranda to suck....

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Tom and Morgan Growing Together pt 4

Revised and re-edited 2019 All rights reserved by the tcs1963. As always edited by my friend takemedown. This story is a work of fiction and contains deions of explicit sexual acts, Incest, Bdsm, Ddlg, and Lesbianism. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18, Please leave now. If it is illegal to read such material where you live or if you find the topic distasteful then please leave now. If you enjoy my story or if it evokes a sexual feeling or urge of any...

4 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 91

“N-no, sir,” Emma said nervously. “No one has.” “Have you ever had anything in here before?” he asked as he continued to slowly stroke the handle in and out. Emma paused a beat before answering. “Yes, sir. My neighbor, Aaron, put, uh, his finger in there.” Emma couldn’t see it, but Mike’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Really? Why?” he asked. “Um, he was eating me out at the time,” Emma said. “And that girl Jess you mentioned? She’s his...” he left the sentence for her to finish. “His...

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Down on the Farm

It was Saturday after noon on a warm day in May Day. I had been home for a week and was setting on the porch enjoying the smell of fresh cut hay from the field next door when Paula stuck her head out the door. ‘Want a beer Sam?’ ‘Sure that would be nice.’ She came back out handing me to cold can of Long Star. ‘Here ya go.’ I’m going to wash my car.’ ‘Thanks! That is one of the things I missed most. Ant nothing like a Long Star beer!’ I said as I let my eyes run down her T-shirt covered...

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Changes in Paradise Part 10 Readjustments Reprisals and Revelations

Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. You really ought to read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 9", if you haven't already. Those narrative threads must be held in memory or many parts of what follows...

2 years ago
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Ashley IIChapter 6

Ashley, Esther, and the twins were waiting in the SUV just out of range of the alarm system detectors on the entry road when we arrived there. Since there wasn’t room to pass them on the road, they preceded us to the house after I had turned off the alarm system. We all parked in front, before Ed and I got out to open up the house and check it out before the women got out of the vehicle. Everything checked out fine. “How long had you been waiting?” I asked Ashley who had come into my arms as...

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No More Secrets

'The bastard! I can’t believe he told everyone ‘what I’m like in bed’. I feel so revealed and hurt. I felt so special when I knew I had a secret, a dirty secret, but then he just goes and tells everyone about it. Our relationship was on the edge to begin with, only because I’m 18 and he’s 29, we were really nervous about what people would say about us. But now this, I don’t know what to do. It’s like my whole world of privacy has been taken from me. I'd never...' “Molly, are you deaf or...

Love Stories
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Love or Lust

With some apprehension I slowly began to pack an overnight bag; for out of the blue I had received a phone call from Peter asking me to attend his graduation. I was truly flummoxed, for it must have been 6 months or more since we last made contact and I truly thought he had forgotten all about me.All through my journey I kept wondering whether I should really be doing this; OK we had a great time when we first met but to renew and continue our relationship was a different matter, anyhow lust...

Gay Male
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Out and about 01

When you feel horny there are many things you can do about it, but for me it has always been about dressing up in a sexy bra and panty set and settling down to a nice wank, especially when I have the house to myself like I did last night. The only problem is that it is even nicer to have someone else do the work, either with their hands or their mouths!My home city has had many gay beats over the years, they tend to move around as you would understand but when you find an active one there is...

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My Saturday night

I went out with my girlfriends on saturday. I love to wear sexy outfits when i go out, so we decided to go as anime girls. I put on my short skirt with black stockings and i small with top that i could button all the way up, with my red bra showing. We got to the club and sat down and had a drink. I am the most aggresive of my firends If i tell them to lick my pussy in front of everyone they would do it. I noticed several woman looking at us, but one was starting at me so longingly. She came up...

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My first time

I have been thinking about writing this up for a couple of months now and have decided to share it.I had never booked or hired an escort before but had always wondered what it would be like to hire a person for sex. Also I thought it would be the only way at my age that I could get to have sex with a lady who I would normally consider to be “Out of my league” Well, just before last Christmas I decided to go for it.I signed up to an escort site and looked for escorts local to me. I was quite...

3 years ago
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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMThe Community Center Tour

Eddie escorted us around the inside of the Community Center first. There were technically three restaurants attached to the main building. The first was called DeSade’s pantry. It was a simple walk-up service counter that sold ready-made meals, groceries, and the like. The only difference was a few women were shopping in the nude, and the cashier was bottomless. Simon asked how do the women pay for the items in the shop if they are naked. “The women bend over and spread their butt cheeks...

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Corporate RapistChapter 2

I woke in the morning with my morning hardon pressing against Tara’s firm ass cheeks. I laid there without moving, thinking that she was still asleep. My free hand was resting on her flat tummy just below her firm breasts. I wiggled about a little to get more comfortable, rubbing my cock against her ass. “Good morning Ben” I heard in a muffled voice. I replied with “Good morning Tara”. She grabbed my hand and placed it on her naked breast, using her hand to direct mine. Soon I was cupping...

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A Surprise Visit Part 4

Her heart was in her throat as she approached room 343. Back in her room, she battled with herself for almost the entire hour as she debated whether or not to go. If she was going to go, should she get changed and arrive angry and defiant? Or show up in her dress and pounce on him the moment she got in the door? After all, she had worn it for him whether she wanted to admit it or not.  She tottered in the heels a bit as she made her way down the hall. The drinks she had helped her decide to...

2 years ago
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An afternoon playing

When my husband I were dating, he lived about two hours away. We only saw each other on the weekends. One weekend my roommate and her boyfriend were going to visit her parents. Her boyfriend was picking her up from work and they were leaving straight from work.I was only working half a day and then driving to see my boyfriend. At work that morning my boyfriend called and told me something came up and heneeded to come help his parents that Saturday afternoon. Instead of me driving up to see him,...

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First Touch

First TouchBy Nicole LarsonWe pulled up to the deBoers' house half an hour before eight. We were supposed to be there at seven, but my mom had this thing about being "fashionably late." Dad parked on the street, and we all got out of the car, and headed up the block to the deBoer's well maintained front yard. Mom carried a crudites platter she'd spent all afternoon arranging, and Dad lugged a case of Schlitz. It was cool this late September Saturday evening. The nip in the air that foretold of...

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Wilmington Womans Club Ch 04

Chapter 4 Conrad’s Business Meeting Conrad Gentner double-parked his 1982 burgundy Cadillac in front of the Spanish Grocery, and waited with taillights flashing amid slow traffic that would build in volume within the next ten minutes when the factory down the block let its workers go for the day. He reminded himself to be tactful when Harrigan showed up. Tact was not necessarily Gentner’s long suit and he knew it. He was known to be more flamboyant than anything else, although anyone who...

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Online Friend Becomes My Love

Hello friends and this Is My 1st Venture in ISS although I m a regular reader of it. I never thought that and lead into writing my own story. I’m Deep in Late 20s from Calcutta. I’m married and having an average married life as my wife is kind of orthodox and from a conservative family. I’m a social media user since year 2007 and have few lot of friends mostly girls and women. Now without wasting any further precious time of yours, let me share how it all happened.I met Jhuma name Change in...

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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 61

Finally lunch was served; fresh fish filets and we would have lion stew tonight courtesy of Olnafot. After lunch I played with Angel, Grenna, and Bertron and read them a new story about Goldie Locks and the Three Bears. They thought it was very funny about the bears. They fell asleep before I got to where the bears come home. I asked Fred if he had any more news about the Trwennkleihjof’s arrival. With nothing else to do I went into the practice cave, shot a few rounds with some of the men,...

3 years ago
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How It Started With The MIL Chapter two

How It Started With The MIL Chapter twoThree days after driving Joy, my Mother In-law home from the Rehab Center the wife informed me she wanted to drive over to visit for a day or two. The huge winter storm that had been predicted fizzled out after one day. I was a bit apprehensive for fear of my Mother In-law saying or doing something that would get me or both of us in serious trouble. I didn’t have much luck avoiding the visit and Saturday morning we set out for an overnight visit.On the...

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He said he was Snipped Pregnant

I had only intended to stop at the bar for a drink on the way home that Friday. Well, you know what Huxley said about good intentions; Hell isn't merely paved with good intentions, it is walled and roofed with them as well.I'd merely settled myself at the bar and ordered my neat scotch when Jorg sauntered up. I didn't know that was his name then, but it wasn't long until I did.'A lady drinking scotch; you've gotta be a lawyer, CEO or something like that!' He winked at me.'Not quite that flash....

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Getting Lucky With Aunt

Hello guys, This is Akash and I am here presenting a real life story. About me first. I am 25, 5.11, 72kg with nice built. Tall and wide shoulder that women love being in my arms. The lovely woman in the story is my cousin aunt who is also our neighbour. Her name is Arti (name changed). She is 47 years old with heavy assets. Her figure is 36-34-40. Although I had a girlfriend but I have always been attracted to older women with busty figures and it has always been my dream to satisfy an older...

2 years ago
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The Woman From Driving School

Hi Indian sex stories readers I’m Sean . From Kochi , Kerala . I have been a reader of Indian sex stories for years . Its really a great platform to know how horny our guys are and how wanting our females are . For any further conversation with me or any more insights on any aspect either in the incidents or about me you can contact me on This is my first and foremost donation to the world of Indian sex stories readers. This incident happen a year back and it took me a while to pen down my...

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Debbies Defloration Part 1

A beam of light falling through a gap in the curtains disturbed my restless, fitful sleep. It hurt! Oh God, it hurt! My head felt as if an elephant was using it as a trampoline; my eyes seemed to be glued shut; my mouth had been used to store old sawdust and as for my tummy… Was it morning? If I could open my eyes, I might find out but they remained stubbornly closed. I raised my fists to my face and rubbed my eyelids. The grit holding them closed fell away but not without a few malicious...

4 years ago
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In the mood for black cock

When I got home that early evening, I found my sweet wife getting ready to go out. I asked her where we were going and Anita smiled.She said she wanted to go out to a dance club, since she was in the mood for meeting somebody to fuck. She wanted a black guy.I asked about her Black Master, but she said that Jerome was busy with his wife tonight. But Ana insisted, she wanted someone new.We would join her girlfriend Helena and her black lover at the local nightclub. Helena would introduce us a new...

4 years ago
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Across the PondChapter 2

"Do you know if there's an Internet café in town, Ellie?" I asked her the following morning. "Hmm—not that I know of, Jim, but I do believe there's a place in Indian Trail; that's only a few minutes drive away. Why, what did you have in mind?" "Well, it's probably a better way to find out what's going on in the state and maybe further afield." "That makes sense. If I point you in the right direction, do you think you can find it on your own?" I smiled. "I hope so! I think...

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Teaching Kurt and Dani

Sometimes, people have no idea what they are doing.That was a truth that Monica knew well, though she had no idea it was about to hit so close to home as she drove her Lexus up the driveway to her spacious residence. The divorce from her husband five years ago, after a rocky f******n years of marriage, had left her with a nice settlement and a beautiful daughter. She had gone from having no skills in the workforce to a near-six-figure income during those five years. At the same time, her...

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Dominion Background and Authors Guide

General The story takes place in the distant future, around 2720. Mankind has spread out to the stars. Over a hundred worlds have been colonized with multiple polities governing various groups of colonies. The story takes place on a planet called Dominion. History of Earth and the beginning of the human Diaspora. 2092: The secret of maintaining a stable fusion reaction is finally discovered. A new revolution in energy begins leading to finally realizing the dream of cheap, clean and nearly...

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