Minha Primeira Vez free porn video

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This is the Portuguese version of my story previously published story called "First ttime" (the second "t" was a typing error), so if you want to read it in English, please visit that story. If you can read Portuguese, however, I really recommend to read this version. I rely deeply on mundane language and this increases the "realism". I also give a more colorful description of S?o Paulo and, if you are Brazilian, you will sure recognize some of the street names and the described landscape. So, enjoy reading. Sylvia ---Minha primeira vez por Sylvia Wechsel Tiffany era o nome de um travesti com quem eu tinha uma boa amizade. Nos conhecemos em um bar, na festa de anivers?rio de um amigo. Meus amigos, querendo pregar uma pe?a em mim, haviam me incitado (j? um pouco alcoolizado) a cantar aquela loura?a fenomenal que estava no balc?o. Eles, obviamente, sabiam que se tratava de um travesti, mas eu n?o percebia nada, pois ela era perfeita. Antes de eu entrar em uma posi??o constrangedora, Tiffany me avisou do fato. Para dar uma li??o em meus amigos combinamos fingir um namoro. Meus amigos inicialmente se divertiam com minha "ingenuidade" (eu dizia a todos que ela queria casar virgem), mas logo come?aram a ficar preocupados e tr?s meses depois, quando marcamos uma reuni?o para anunciar a todos nosso "noivado" meus amigos, em p?nico, disseram que eu n?o poderia fazer isto, que Tiffany era na verdade um travesti etc... Ca?mos na gargalhada e contamos a todos que era apenas fingimento e que est?vamos querendo gozar da cara deles. Esta brincadeira nos uniu e passei a frequentar sua casa (ela n?o frequentava a minha, no dizer dela, para eu n?o ficar "mal falado"). Cheguei uma vez at? mesmo a usar seus "servi?os." Foi a primeira vez na vida que comi um cu. Lentamente, entretanto, uma curiosidade ia me corroendo por dentro. Ser? que dar o cu era t?o bom assim, como Tiffany dizia? Entenda-se bem, n?o tinha nenhuma vontade de virar homossexual. Eu queria apenas ter uma experi?ncia ?nica para saber como era. Tentei convencer Tiffany a "fazer o servi?o" em mim, mas ela rejeitou a oferta ofendida, dizendo que ela era mulher, que se eu queria ser "enrabada" devia procurar um homem de verdade. Eu n?o queria, entretanto, envolver terceiras pessoas nesta hist?ria. Se eu fosse pego, como iria explicar que focinho de porco n?o era tomada? Al?m disto todo mundo "sabe" que n?o existe algo como um "ex-viado." Eu ficaria marcado para sempre. N?o, a curiosidade me mataria, mas eu n?o iria suicidar minha reputa??o. Isto continuou durante um tempo at? que um dia eu fiz um coment?rio mais ou menos do tipo: "Admiro a coragem que voc?s travestis tem em se vestir de mulher e anunciar para o mundo inteiro o que querem da vida!" O sorriso maroto de Tiffany, me mostrou que ela teve alguma ideia e estava se divertindo com isto. Ela disse: "Eu sei que voc? est? louca para dar este rabinho e tive uma ideia para fazer isto acontecer, est? interessada?" Cautelosamente eu respondi: "Sim, prossiga." "Eu conhe?o um caminhoneiro, um cliente, que tem uma tara muito dif?cil" disse ela. "Ele sonha em tirar o caba?o de um travesti", continuou. "S? que isto ? t?o real quanto Papai Noel e o Coelhinho da P?scoa." Achei sua compara??o muito engra?ada, a? ela completou: "Quando chegamos a esta fase da vida a maioria de n?s j? deu mais que Chuchu na cerca" ela explicou, ent?o veio a ideia. "Minha proposta para voc? ? simples: eu sei que ele vir? para S?o Paulo em breve e geralmente chega aqui em um s?bado. "Voc? vem para minha casa no s?bado de manh? e eu a produzirei transformando-a no travesti mais lindo do planeta" ela exagerou rindo e ent?o completou. "Assim voc? poder? dar seu rabinho de forma an?nima, j? que lhe juro que n?o ser? reconhecida por ningu?m depois que eu terminar sua produ??o." A perspectiva era muito tentadora. Poderia satisfazer minha curiosidade sem que ningu?m (al?m de Tiffany, ? claro) soubesse. Portanto concordei com a ideia dela. Fui para minha casa, esperando sua liga??o para avisar que o "cliente" estaria dispon?vel. N?o demorou muito, pouco mais de uma semana ap?s esta conversa, Tiffany me ligou, dizendo que seu cliente, pernoitaria em S?o Paulo no s?bado seguinte. S?bado de manh? compareci bem cedo diante da sua porta, levando apenas minha cara e a coragem (Tiffany me garantiu que teria todo o material necess?rio para minha produ??o). Ela me fez entrar, pediu para despir minhas roupas (que guardou no arm?rio) e me levou ao banheiro, onde havia preparado um banho de banheira com ess?ncias. Mandou ent?o eu me banhar e "lavar tudo", apontando para um chuveirinho em forma de "pinto." Entendi a deixa, tomei meu banho e quando terminei enfiei aquele "pinto" no cu e liguei a ?gua, tomando um enema. Foi a primeira vez na vida que enfiei alguma coisa no cu e a sensa??o, tive que admitir, foi at? que boa. Ainda tomei mais dois enemas antes do final da produ??o e durante o dia me alimentei somente ? base de sopinhas ralas. Tiffany n?o queria que eu "cagasse no pau" do caminhoneiro. Terminado o banho ela come?ou a me depilar. Quando eu perguntei por que ela usava um prestobarba e n?o a famosa "cera quente" ela disse que eu n?o era mulher suficiente para suportar a dor. Ela cuidadosamente raspou os pelos de meus bra?os, de minhas pernas, de meu peito e de minhas costas, de meu saco e de meu cu. Quando terminou eu estava lisinha e s? restava, por incr?vel que pare?a, fazer a barba, que ela disse que ir?amos fazer no final, pouco antes da maquiagem para evitar que os pelos tornassem a crescer at? de noite. Terminando a depila??o ela espalhou um creme hidratante em todo o meu corpo e ao final eu estava com uma pele macia, mais parecido com a de uma mulher. Ela me disse para n?o entrar em vesti?rios por dois meses, se n?o quisesse me explicar aos outros. Ap?s isto ela come?ou a fazer as m?os e os p?s. Ela queria que tudo fosse o mais real poss?vel, portanto pediu que eu n?o cortasse as unhas desde o dia em que decidi participar da brincadeira. Assim ela pode cortar e moldar minhas unhas de tal forma que parecessem as de uma mulher. N?o muito longas, mas femininas de qualquer forma. Ela ent?o as pintou com esmalte vermelho. Para voltar ao normal bastaria cortar as unhas e tirar o esmalte com acetona depois da brincadeira. Ent?o ela dirigiu o foco de sua aten??o aos meus cabelos. Meus cabelos s?o lisos e castanhos e os usava um pouco compridos nesta ?poca. Ap?s o banho ela havia me instru?do a usar um creme no cabelo, desses que as mulheres usam, que os deixaram brilhantes e sedosos. Ela usou a tesoura e cortou um pouco meu cabelo em alguns lugares. A? ela pegou um desses instrumentos que os cabelereiros usam para fazer cachos (uma esp?cie de pin?a aquecida com pernas redondas e compridas) e dobrou as pontas de meus cabelos para dentro. No final eu estava usando um penteado tipo "Channel" e j? come?ava a disfar?ar meu rosto masculino. Ela quis furar minhas orelhas para colocar os brincos, mas eu protestei, pensando que os furos seriam vis?veis depois de tudo terminado. Ela me convenceu dizendo que ningu?m nota estas coisas, pois n?o procura por elas, e que , afinal de contas, muitos homens usam brincos hoje em dia. Se algu?m notasse poderia dizer que um dia havia feito uma experi?ncia e depois desistira de usar (ou poderia come?ar efetivamente a usar um brinco, ficaria ? minha escolha). Cedi e ent?o e ela fez os furos usando uma esp?cie de alicate. Doeu um pouco. Quando parou de sangrar ela p?s os brincos em minhas orelhas, do tipo pendente com uma pe?a de falso cristal em forma de gota na ponta. Ap?s isto ela disse que era hora de eu come?ar a me acostumar com o salto. Trouxe uma sand?lia tipo plataforma com um salto enorme, no m?nimo de cinco cent?metros. Calcei estas sand?lias, que deixavam as pontas dos meus dedos com as unhas pintadas para fora, e tentei andar. Foi um vexame! Quase n?o conseguia parar de p?. Tiffany me fez andar de um lado ao outro da sala at? que se convenceu que eu n?o cairia mais. N?o tirei mais as sand?lias do p? at? o final da experi?ncia. O salto fazia com que eu desse passos curtos e arrebitasse a bunda para tr?s. Para me equilibrar eu tinha que andar com as m?os cruzadas, um pouco estendidas para a frente. Eu era o prot?tipo de uma bicha louca. Faltava cuidar de minha barriga saliente e do peito em forma de porta. Tiffany me vestiu, portanto, com um espartilho que tinha alguns enchimentos costurados na regi?o dos seios. Ela me explicou que usara aquele espartilho at? come?ar suas experi?ncias com horm?nios, que depois foram completadas pelos implantes de silicone. Ela me ajudou a vestir aquilo e come?ou a apertar. Foi um sufoco danado, mas o resultado foi satisfat?rio. J? possu?a uma cinturinha e seios pequenos, mas vis?veis. O resultado dava a impress?o, mesmo, que eu tinha uma bundinha saliente. Agora faltava pouco e j? come?ava a anoitecer. Ela me barbeou com muito cuidado usando uma navalha e deixou meu rosto t?o liso quanto poss?vel. Ap?s isto me deu um vestido curto, tipo "tubo", mas com mangas. O vestido era t?o curto que minha bunda ficava vis?vel a qualquer men??o de me abaixar. Ela me deu uma calcinha cor-de-rosa e ensinou a prender meu pinto para tr?s ao colocar a calcinha. Quer dizer, tentou me ensinar, pois no momento em que fui colocar a calcinha tive uma ere??o. Tive que deixar assim at? conseguir diminuir meu pinto ao ponto de poder vir?-lo para tr?s, o que s? aconteceu depois de me masturbar no banheiro. Ainda faltava a ?ltima coisa: a maquiagem. Ela passou primeiramente a base e come?ou a trabalhar em minhas p?lpebras, com sombras. Usou um l?pis para delinear as p?lpebras e dar a impress?o que minhas sobrancelhas haviam sido feitas (n?o foram feitas de verdade pois ficaria dif?cil explicar isto aos outros depois da experi?ncia). Terminando as sobrancelhas ela pintou meus l?bios com batom e passou "blush." Como um toque final ela desenhou uma pinta em minha bochecha esquerda. O resultado, no final das contas me surpreendeu. O corte "channel", o vestido, os brincos e a maquiagem eram todos feitos no estilo daquelas atrizes americanas da d?cada dos trinta, ela havia me transformado numa esp?cie de Betty Boop! Obviamente qualquer pessoa que prestasse mais aten??o em mim notaria que eu era na verdade um homem vestido de mulher, mas de relance eu talvez pudesse at? enganar algu?m. Fiquei satisfeita. Tiffany ent?o me disse: "Voc? est? deslumbrante, ningu?m a reconhecer?!" "Ainda falta quarenta minutos para o encontro com o caminhoneiro, que tal darmos um passeio de carro para lentamente ir para l?? Eu gelei. Uma coisa era me vestir de mulher na frente de um travesti, outra muito diferente era enfrentar o p?blico! Logo percebi minha estupidez, eu estava indo fazer uma coisa muito pior. Estava a ponto de ir dar o cu para um caminhoneiro! Portanto mandei meus escr?pulos ?s favas e resolvi enfrentar o mundo. Antes de sair Tiffany me deu uma pequena bolsinha feminina que continha uma camisinha, um paninho, um tubo de KY gel e o batom que eu tinha usado, a? ela me deu o serm?o de "como toda menininha sabida s? faz sexo seguro, com camisinha." Eu a olhei impaciente pensei "ser? que ela est? pensando que eu vou entrar para esta vida?" Sa?mos para a rua em dire??o ? garagem onde Tiffany estacionava seu carro, um Ford Ka com adesivo da Pen?lope Charmosa, ? claro. A todo instante eu olhava para os lados para ver se algu?m estava reparando em mim, mas ou todos estavam ocupados com suas pr?prias vidas ou a produ??o que Tiffany me fizera era bastante convincente. N?o percebi ningu?m olhando para mim, nem mesmo de esguelha. Isto me deu um pouco mais de confian?a e comecei a andar cruzando um pouco as pernas, como Tiffany me ensinara, para rebolar um pouco. A sensa??o era muito boa. Come?amos a viagem e Tiffany tomou a rota da Av. Tiradentes. Num dos in?meros sem?foros Tiffany notou que uma Pick-up S20 com rapaz?es, nitidamente indo para a balada, havia parado ao nosso lado. Ela me disse para abrir as pernas, mostrando um pouco da calcinha, o que fiz. Os urros de "gostosa" e os assobios que vieram do outro carro me fizeram corar. Logo ela chegou ? ponte das Bandeiras, fez toda a volta da pra?a Campos de Bagatelle, voltou para a ponte e se encaminhou de novo ? Marginal. Tifanny entrou na Marginal na dire??o da Rodovia Ayrton Senna e dirigiu at? a Ponte da Vila Guilherme. Fez o contorno e voltou no outro sentido. Paramos em um posto de gasolina, que servia de abrigo a caminhoneiros que iriam passar a noite em S?o Paulo. Est?vamos chegando ao nosso destino. Senti um frio em minha barriga apertada pelo espartilho. Ela estacionou e, comigo na sua cola (trope?ando naquele piso feito de paralelep?pedos por conta dos saltos), procurou o caminh?o certo. Deu um sorriso quando o reconheceu e foi para l?. Senti uma vontade enorme de fugir dali, mas a? nunca eu iria saber o que queria saber. Forcei-me ent?o a ser corajosa e fiquei. Ela bateu na porta que se abriu. Um homem calvo, meio gordo e grisalho abriu a porta com o peito nu. Tiffany disse ent?o: "Ol? Jorge, trouxe-lhe a virgem que havia prometido" virou-se ent?o a mim e disse: "Laura, este ? Jorge, Jorge esta ? a Laura, apresenta??es feitas, sumo!" E a? ela se afastou. Jorge olhou para mim desconfiado e perguntou: "Voc? realmente nunca deu o rabo para ningu?m?" "S-s-sim" eu respondi tentando afetar a voz. "Suba" ordenou ele, o que prontamente atendi. Ele me deu a m?o e me ajudou a subir na boleia do caminh?o. Era daquele tipo que tem um compartimento atr?s do banco onde o caminhoneiro dorme ? noite. Ele foi para l? e disse: "Tire seu vestido" Eu tirei, espremida naquele espa?o ex?guo, enquanto ele descia suas cal?as. Deitou-se com a barrigona para cima e ficou me olhando. Vi aquele pinto semi-endurecido enquanto imaginava o que ele queria e ent?o percebi. Desci minha boca e comecei a chupar aquele pinto. Por sorte ele ficou duro logo e pude logo colocar a camisinha. Pensei se eu era t?o boa chupando um pinto assim, mas depois conclu? que meu mal jeito chupando deve t?-lo finalmente convencido que eu era virgem mesmo. Ele disse ent?o: "Venha para c? e fique de quatro." Obedeci, me espremendo contra ele e abaixei a calcinha, enquanto ele se posicionava atr?s de mim com o pinto duro e lambuzava meu cu com o KY que eu trouxera. Ele come?ou a for?ar na minha entrada e come?ou a doer muito. A? me lembrei do que Tiffany havia me recomendado e tentei relaxar, fazendo um pouco de for?a como se fosse cagar. De repente ele entrou em mim e me penetrou at? o fundo, encostando a barriga na minha bunda. Primeiro senti uma dor forte como se ele estivesse me rasgando ao meio e prendi a respira??o para n?o gritar de dor, mas logo um prazer come?ou a tomar conta do que eu sentia e eu comecei a gemer e soltar gritinhos. N?o havia mais necessidade de afetar minha voz, os gritinhos saiam finos e estridentes por conta pr?pria. Jorge come?ou o movimento de vai-e-vem e logo a ?nica coisa que sobrava era o prazer. Ficamos assim por cerca de cinco a dez minutos (eu n?o olhei no rel?gio, ? ?bvio, isto ? apenas uma estimativa) e de repente com um grunhido ele come?ou a gozar. Ele estava usando camisinha, ? claro, mas na minha cabe?a eu fantasiei que ele estava despejando toda a sua porra dentro de mim. Este pensamento foi a gota d??gua e eu mesma comecei a gozar, com um pinto enfiado na minha bunda. Meu pinto estava t?o duro e a ejacula??o foi t?o forte que minha esporra foi parar na minha barriga, sobre o espartilho. Logo depois ele terminou e tirou seu pau de meu cu. Enquanto eu ficava l? de quatro, arfando, ele tirava a camisinha, dava um n? e jogava num saquinho destes usados para juntar lixo em carros. Eu estava toda suja, lambuzada de KY no cu, com esporra saindo da ponta do pau e na barriga. Lembrei-me ent?o do paninho na bolsinha. Peguei-o e comecei a me limpar. A? notei que algumas gotas de minha esporra haviam ca?do sobre sua cama. Fiz men??o de me abaixar para limpar, mas a? ele disse: "Quer dizer que a menininha gozou pelo cuzinho?" "Pode deixar que eu limpo." Isto me fez corar violentamente. Levantei minha calcinha, que havia baixado ? altura do tornozelo e dobrei meu pinto, agora completamente fl?cido, para traz, escondendo-o sob a calcinha. Busquei meu vestido e comecei a me vestir naquele espa?o apertado. Quando estava satisfeita comecei a me levantar e me dirigir para a porta, mas a? ele falou: "Espere! Voc? esqueceu algo!" Gelei completamente, o que mais ele poderia querer comigo? J? havia me fodido toda! Quando me virei, entretanto, vi que ele estava pegando sua carteira na cal?a. Ele a abriu, tirou tr?s notas de dez reais e me deu, dizendo: "Seu pagamento." Pela segunda vez eu corei violentamente. N?o havia apenas me vestido de mulher e dado o cu para um caminhoneiro. Eu havia feito um programa! E ainda por cima um barato! Com este pensamento meu pinto fez men??o de endurecer novamente, mas ele estava muito cansado do exerc?cio anterior e ficou s? na men??o. Sem saber o que fazer, disse apenas (com a voz afetada): "Obrigada!" e sa? da boleia. Ajeitei meu vestido e sa? cambaleando tanto pelo uso do salto naquele piso irregular quanto pela dor na bunda que eu sentia. Andei cerca de dez metros e a? Tiffany, que se escondera nas sombras, me chamou: "Psiu, e ent?o, como ? que foi?" Eu devia estar em choque ou algo parecido, pois s? fiquei parada olhando para ela sem dizer nada, ent?o ela completou: "Deve ter sido bom! Deu para ouvir seus gritinhos daqui! Pela terceira vez corei violentamente. Ela ent?o me disse: "Venha c?" e me levou para debaixo de uma l?mpada de rua. Ela pegou o batom que estava na minha bolsinha e "retocou" minha maquiagem. Ela ent?o disse: "Vamos!" "Vamos para onde?" disse eu espantada. "Vamos comemorar! Eu sugiro que a gente v? tomar um chopp num bar GLS que eu conhe?o." "L? ningu?m ir? nos incomodar." Ante o meu olhar de espanto ela completou: "Voc? n?o espera que a gente v? simplesmente dormir depois de todo este trabalho e depois de voc? dar o cu pela primeira vez, n?o ??" "Por que n?o?" pensei e concordei com a ideia. Fomos para o seu Ka, sentei-me com dificuldade no banco dos passageiros, por causa da dor na bunda e partimos em dire??o ao bar. L? ficamos at? as quatro da manh?, curtindo a minha apar?ncia e dando risadas pelo que aconteceu, depois fomos para sua casa, para dormir at? o meio dia de domingo, pelo menos. FIM

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When you’re horny… when you’re REALLY horny… you’re horny! If you’ve been there, you know what I mean. And most people over the age of 17 have been there at least once.I was at that age, one night when I was in that mood. Fortunately for me though, Sarah, my then g/f was in a similar state of sexual frustration. So when I started throwing tiny pieces of grit against her bedroom window one night, she was scared and angry, but also curries and totally turned on!Her parents were not terribly...

3 years ago
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A teacher is forcibly raped in a deserted bathroom

It was a scorching May afternoon in the nation’s capital. The air was full of excitement and joy. Robin loved this time of year. Graduation Day was always bitter sweet, saying good-bye to her students, but it made her proud that she could have an impact on their lives. This year was no different, she thought as she moved through the crowd at the end of the ceremony. “Boy, it sure is hot,” she thought, shaking hands, hugging students and parents. City College was a not very big...

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Super 8 Slut

Super 8 SlutShe winked seductively at the cute but naïve desk clerk watching her walk in the lobby of the Super 8 motel. The desk clerk gave her the once over, up and down her thick body dressed in her sizzling outfit as she walked past the desk.Her ample breasts swelled out of her blouse as her neckline plunged provocatively between the two mounds. Her thick ass was wrapped tightly in the black skirt as her meaty thighs glistened from the silky nylons she had put on for the night. She...

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Chachi And Me

Let’s start with a description. For males consider yourself the main character. Let this character have the name Aman. And females consider yourself the character who is an aunt (chachi) of Aman, named Ramya. It was April 2018 when Ramya, mother of 2 sons, one 18 years old and other only 14, lost her husband in a car accident. Soon her life had an unprecedented turn. She was only aged 45 then. It was hard for her to accept the truth. But her elder son gave her strength. Looking at him she would...

2 years ago
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Fuck on the train

This is my first post. about 7yrs back, I was traveling by train from Hyderabad to Vijay Wada, I work and job involved touring. I got into the sleeper coach and sat on my birth, it was a late night train. I noticed that a family had got in a lady, an old woman and two kids, I had observed the lady, both our eyes met for a moment then we continued our ways, and mine was a side lower berth. her husband had come to drop her so she moved to the side seat behind me, I could not see her then. Once...

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Fix You

Jane’s hand paused less than an inch away from the door to Doctor Bishop’s office. She didn’t know why. She didn’t feel ashamed about seeing a therapist, mental health was just like physical health, something to be maintained and treated. When something wasn’t feeling right, the first thing you did was see a professional. It all made perfect sense, but something was keeping her from knocking. Maybe they could discuss that as part of the session, she decided, overruling her body’s temporary...

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Christmas Spirit ReallyChapter 3

The little incident with Lynn definitely got Aaron’s mind off the will and the bank accounts for a while. Now it seemed like all he could think about was Lynn wanting to play with his dick and that very sweet body decked out in the sexy nightie. It had him in turmoil because he knew it was wrong to be thinking the thoughts he was thinking. But like he said himself, biology is biology, and it was hardly any mystery that he got turned on. He’d just have to be damned careful around his little...

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Threesome in NYE

we i was at a party at my friend's home and after midnight we drunk a lot and girls started getting wild,i went to the kitchen to look for something to eat.one of my female friends came there,(i'll call her E.),she is a very thin girl,with sexy legs..she had a short black dress,black pantyhose and high heels.i was against the wall and she came in front of me and put a hand on my trousers with a very perverted gaze, and told me ''what about celebrate new year?''she closed the door with key, went...

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Mujhe Wrestling Karni Hai Kushti Ke Baad Sex

Mera naam atul hai aur main 19 saal ka hoon. Main jab 18 ka tha tab se muth marta hoon aur mujhe ladko ki taraf jyada attraction tha. Mujhe bachpan se wrestling kushti aur wwe dekne ka bahut shauk hai aur kabhi kabhi doosre laundo ke saath bhid bhi jaata tha. mera built slim aur muscular hai aur height karib 5’11. Mere pados mein ek 18 saal ka young muscular hunky ladka rehta hai. uska naam prassanubh hai aur hum dono ek doosre ko kaafi saal se jannte hai. Kyonki woh meri hi age ka almost tha...

Gay Male
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Promises Pt 02

When I posted the first part of this story I fully expected a barrage of indignant comments about my religious viewpoint. But none appeared. Could it be that those who would normally emerge from wherever to criticise me did not read beyond the opening statement, choosing instead to write it off as blasphemy? Or could it be that they could find no answer other than the Bible is the truth and should not be questioned? CM. Chapter 5 Trial Day 3 ‘But you wouldn’t be questioning God, would you...

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The Perfect Wife

The Perfect Wife "I have a great idea for the Halloween party at the club," my wife Mandy said over breakfast one morning. Normally such a statement wouldn't have surprised me because my wife was filled with great ideas. As the creative director for an advertising firm, she had to be. I'd grown used to her brainstorms, and was constantly amazed, and even jealous, of her incredible creativity. Some days I feel like she left me in the dust, and brought all the energy to our...

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Claire No1

As she pulled into the mall parking garage, Claire's thoughts turned to the ad she had seen in the local newspaper--OPENING FRIDAY!!! BOUDOIR LINGERIE!!! Claire had been taken by the ad immediately, and she really could use some new bras and panties. Even though she and Frank had been married for eight years Claire had managed to stay in good shape, and for a thirty three year old she still could turn a man's head, and the only real change in her body was her chest size. When she graduated...

3 years ago
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Bikini Beach A Lack of Trust

Bikini Beach: A Lack of Trust By Elrod W -- Friday Afternoon -- A tight grimace was prominently displayed on Linda Smith's face as she walked through the mall. Despite the fact that she was clinging tightly to Don, her long-time paramour, she was getting annoyed by the looks other women were giving Don. Don Reynolds, for his part, knew that Linda was jealous. Insanely jealous, sometimes. And needlessly so. Don had no interest in any other woman besides Linda. He told her...

3 years ago
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An Accidental Woman 2

Introduction: Please read part one How do you get mad at the thing you are, when the thing you are is the judge. I sat for days in the apartment feeling used, manipulated. I wanted to hate what had happened to me, but it was hard. Everything inside me said it was right. The transition had almost taken place overnight, but there was still that thing within me that told me this was not who I was. The small things reminded me. I woke up and didnt put a shirt on, and was immediately reminded I was...

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Driving in Snow Ch 29

Chapters 1-7 are somewhat self contained and describe Matt being rescued from a Midwest snowstorm by a family that turn out to be his soul mates, girls with lots of past life ties. Lots of spirituality and lots of sex. This was mostly written in 2005 and was posted in 2010. Chapters 8-13 describe Matt going home to the Northeast, discussing things with his wife. Ann, Barbara and Connie starting college. Matt and Ann setting up a business. Again lots of spirituality and lots of sex. Written and...

4 years ago
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My hotwife at the nightclub

This is the story about how our relationship took a turn down the road of hotwifing. This is completely true! My wife and I have been married for 10 years. Everything about our relationship has been conventional up to this point. k**s, jobs, a monotnous sex life, you know the routine. We had talked about fantasies involving other men and women in our bed, but that was the extent of it. My wife Mandi is a total hottie! She always turns heads wherever we go. She is an attention whore, and...

1 year ago
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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 39

The wait lasted longer than I’d hoped. We ended up staying in our hides for almost forty-eight hours. The wait had gone on for so long, that I had begun to think that Lottie’s distress call hadn’t been heard. I was actually contemplating the thought of bugging out and heading home. I would have, if I hadn’t instinctively known that if someone did show up here after we’d pulled out, then the shit would undoubtedly hit the fan, once those people realized that the compound had been taken, and...

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Cruising The Drive In

It was a Friday night and all of my friends were at home with family. I was really bored and I asked my dad if I could take the van and go to the movies. He said it was ok and told me to be home by midnight. The van was a 1977 Chevy van, it was brown in color and had the moon windows cut into the side. It had the typical "Captain' s chairs" up front and in the back had what you'd expect from a '77 van. It had a couch that turned into a bed. Around 7:00pm I grab the keys and tell my parents...

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Sangeeta Aunty Sodomized

Dear All ISS readers. Here again I am with another story about my sexual encounter with another aunty, who is very hot and sexy. Height 5’5″, geography 36-30-38, complexion fair, hair long and black, juicy lips with lusty eyes. She is the Devrani (wife of husband’s younger brother) of my ex makaan malkin (lady house owner). Now a days I am on my leave from work place and staying at my native place, Jaipur. As usual I had been there at the residence of my ex makaan malkin and fucked her a couple...

3 years ago
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My Best Friends Girlfriend Ch 03 Bad Dreams

“I’m telling you, she’s a nightmare,” I say as I put down Carl’s plate of food in front of him on the dinner table.“She can’t be that bad,” he says dismissively before taking a large and sloppy slurp of pasta.“She can. She is. I’m telling you, I’m worried about Maria’s safety.”“You’re talking like she’s in an abusive relationship.”“She might be,” I say while trying to use my spoon to help with my noodles. I could never figure this part out.“With a woman?”“Women can be abusive, too.”Carl lets...

Mind Control
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Young teen discovers his love for cock

When I was very young, I found a "Playgirl" magazine. As I nervously flipped through the pages, I found myself becoming aroused by the pictures of all the naked men. I was drawn to the images of their cocks. Their manhoods looked so sensual, so manly and beautiful. When I read the sex stories inside, I found myself imagining I was the girl, getting to touch and suck cock. I began to dream about it, to lust after it.I soon got a chance to live out my fantasy. I was over at a friend's house for a...

2 years ago
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A Ladys Pleasue

A Ladys' Pleasures ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? A Ladys' Pleasures  Patricia adored mornings on her balcony. She enjoyed the sunrise as it gifted her lovely lake with shimmering light. With an eye for art and beauty she would relish the gradual change in color as the sun ascended. The earliest light provided a dark red hue that turned to a languid orange followed by a golden yellow then through a rainbow of changes that ended with an undulating silver...

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MylfLabs Cherry Kiss Concept Timestop

What is timestop? It’s the idea of playing with the laws of time usually with the purpose of taking full advantage of a sexy situation. In today’s update, Vince Karter is working on his school assignment when the power goes out and he loses his work, so he decides to go to his teacher Cherry Kiss’ house to try and convince her to give him more time. Miss Kiss is strict and rejects Vince’s request, so Vince decides to resort to plan B. Vince has a special clock that can manipulate time, so he...

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A Ladies Man Diary Heads Up Part 2

I notice how her eyes dance in their orbits, as if she could see how she affects me and enjoyed it. I also notice how her lips slowly part when they come close to the cup but her tongue slowly touches the rim before anything else. She raises her dress slightly up her thigh with her finger, invisibly to her brother, but giving me an incredibly sexy view of her muscled thighs. And she does everything without taking her eyes off mine, even for a second. A Ladies Man Diary: Head's Up Part 2 God, I...

4 years ago
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Celebrating My Third Decade

Chapter 1 I majored in Marketing in college and got a job with a medium-sized toy company, of all things. It has, I suppose, in some ways, allowed me to remain imbedded in my childhood but, if you know anything at all about the toy industry, it's strictly a grown-up business, dead serious and high stakes. So, I'd been with them a while, gotten two promotions, and had also found a girlfriend in the process. We worked in different departments which was a help realizing the somewhat oppressive...

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Pregmana Pt VI

It was definitely starting to look like spring. Trees were coming back to life from their winter slumber, the weather was starting to warm up, people were just in a happier mood. Chris reflected on this as Jess drove the car. They were on their way to see Dr. Ramirez for Chris to have his first ultrasound. "People are going to totally think we're gay Chris. It's funny though because no one ever expects hot lesbians." As she said this to Chris she noticed him blush. Chris thought that...

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Sallys New and Improved Life

AUTHOR'S NOTE: this story is a work of fiction. It is very sexual - if such things bother you, don't read it! DO NOT hard copy, repost, or retransmit! Violators will be punished. I reserve all rights to this story! This is my first story, so I know it isn't great. I give full credit to Sarah Brandt for the Stepford link - I've loved her stories for years. Thanks for the plot mechanism! Please read Stepford wives first! Any constructive feedback is needed and valued! Leave it as a...

3 years ago
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A New Taste Part 25 Break a Leg

Nick had another weekend to himself. He asked me over for ten on the Saturday morning and I found myself prepping diligently and thinking that I treat cock sucking like a job. I was let in by Nick dressed only in briefs. He was making an impressive bulge. He must have been masturbating.I had told Nick I wanted to try rings on him. He would enjoy the feeling of extra thickness. First he asked me to get naked. He chatted about how horny he had been and asked me if I had been fucked lately. I told...

4 years ago
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Chatham Square

Chapter One ‘I should have brought a newspaper or a book or something.’ Nearly unpacked, having already survived her first class at the Savannah College of Art and Design in the old Barnard School building across the square, and feeling the itch to get back to her dolls, Ginny had eschewed the thought of fixing her own breakfast of burned toast and weak coffee this morning and ventured out onto the square to William’s Café at the corner at West Taylor. The serious and mournful-looking young...

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la reacuteveacutelation

Je n'avais pas encore 18 ans et je vivais une adolescence plutôt chaotique.Entre les conneries d'un garçon de cité HLM, les petits vols (emprunts) de mobylettes et une situation scolaire catastrophique. Je n'étais franchement pas le plus épanoui des garçons de mon âge !Toujours puceau, je ramassais râteau sur râteau de la part des filles qui m'aimaient bien pour la plupart mais comme copain pas plus. Il faut dire que j'étais le roi de la déconne et des bêtises et çà m'attirais une petite aura...

2 years ago
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Bonded LivesChapter 1B

Delinsilversworth If I knew then what I know now; I would have run, I think. As her eyes started to leak water and she threw herself at me, I knew not what to do. But I felt for her, though I knew not why. I curled around her and drew her as close as I could to me. Wyrms don't often weep tears but we feel deeply about things and can get very emotional. And believe you me there was a war going on. One part wanting to protect her like I would a youngling, another part wanting to run and be...

4 years ago
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Khala Ke Choot Chatai

Hi ISS readers, I am Asad (name changed) I am from Karachi, Pakistan and this story is of me and my aunt (mom’s sister). I am 25 years old while she is 43 years old. Her name is aliya and she is a dark lady and not very beautiful but her figure is just like of kareena kapoor, shes so slim that most of the people think that she is 30 years old. Now let me come to the story. Ye qareeb 3 months pehle ke bat hai us din meri khala ka birthday tha so maine socha k unke ghr ja k wish kerdeta hun, Jab...

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What really happened at the cabin

We all plan the perfect weekend and hope that nothing goes wrong. I planned it all. We were celebrating Valentine, two weeks late, and also her birthday a week late. This was going to be our first time together, so it had to be perfect. We had been together a few times, but it was only a bit of kissing, and a bit of touching. This weekend was all about exploring each other. We were to go beyond what either one of us have ever done. She knew what she wanted to do to me. I knew what I wanted to...

2 years ago
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The annual office nudity awards

As the new year begins, it’s time to announce our annual Office Nudity Awards, along with our first ever Office Sex Awards. As you know, for many years our firm has encouraged both male and female staffers to take off their clothes either to entertain their fellow employees or simply for their own comfort. While nude workers are excused from their duties and encouraged to circulate and chat with their fellow employees, I am pleased that many people stay at their desks and happily work in...

1 year ago
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Sick Bastard

Caroline was the quintessential hippie: long black hair, petite dancer’s body, and tan lines that were more pronounced on her cute, tight, little bubble-butt than on her small, sensitive breasts, indicating that she had spent more than a little time in the sun going topless. She had a daughter by one of the men she lived with, and when he took off, she set out to raise her daughter on her own. She got a good job at a telecommunications company, and did well. Her daughter was raised in a...

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Sex with savithry chechi

Hi readers, i am shyam from kannur. I am 19 years now. I am going to tell you my first sex experience in my life. It was happened when i was 18 years. At that time i have only started to grown up. I didnt know anything about sex at that time. But i was start to masturbate. But i didt get any sex books or blue films. I was only see the hindi film songs and fashion channels. In my family there are 4 members. Mother, father and a elder brother. My first experience was with my neighbor aunt. Her...

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Path To GloryChapter 33

My first phone call was to Beth. I could tell by her voice she was tired. I guess when you're a single mother of a very active toddler and a small baby, you're always going to be tired. Mack and Ellie helped out, but they made it perfectly clear the kids were their grandkids, not their babies. I wondered how my mom had survived as long as she did. I sensed it wasn't a good time to be calling her, but I guess Beth could tell from the tone of my voice that something was bothering me. "I...

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Chubby Tinder Date

Mai bohot hi hraami ladka hun. Maine apne kisi friend ke kehne pe ek din tinder download kiya and usne mujhe btaya ki ispe hum ladkiyon se baat kar sakte hain agar wo hmari pics ko like karen to. Maine apni ek cute si pic apne account pe daal di aur 5 minute ke baad hi ek ladki ki id se mera match ho gya. Maine usko message kiya and thodi bohot baatein shuru karr di. Mai chandigarh ka rehne wala hun to wo punjabi me baat kar rahi thi and suddenly usne mujhe apna mobile number de diya. Usne...

4 years ago
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Meeting Ebima

The scream of metal, and the sound of the rain hammering the broken vehicle, jarred Christopher awake, only to nearly fall back out of consciousness as the pain from his broken body set in. It was all the boy could do to moan and hope the growing darkness would take him. The door to Honda screamed in protest, as someone outside pulled it back. Chris wondered vaguely if the fire department had found him, and were trying to rescue him. The door closest to him was being wrenched back like a...

1 year ago
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Gotham City by Catwoman

[ Update: Free Use World !! The main storyline will continue. Please enjoy using Catwoman's lesbian anal fetish mind control Gotham City. ] Prologue: Batgirl struggled with the nylon ropes binding her in place. They dug deep into her costume across her nips and down the crack of her pert ass. There was little else she could do. The thin ropes bound her thighs and ankles together in kneeling position. Her arms were firmly tied behind her back and those ropes were tied to the ones around her...

Mind Control
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The Pump part 2

Knock! Knock! Knock! I stood on the doorstep of Kelly’s house again with another bag full of baby accessories that my wife wanted me to drop off to her friend. Images raced through my mind of our last encounter and my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest as I stood there trying to look as calm as possible. The fact that she called my wife and asked if I could drop off a few more things on my lunch break hinted to me that she wanted to play again. But I did my best not to get too...

4 years ago
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Strange sex with strangers

Strange sex with strangers By:Ramya One afternoon, I was removing hairs of my legs and hands. I had wore short pink color skirt and strapless t-shirt. As I was alone, I feel more comfortable wearing such clothes. And, I had not out on panty and bra too. As cream got dissolved in my skin, I removed the hair, cleaned my hands and legs with cold water and was drying with napkin, a door bell rang. I knew my parents couldn’t be there as they had out of station and will only return at late night....

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Pregnency Tak Ka Safar Part 8211 2

Hi mera name Mr X hai aur mera email id hai.Koi bhi ladki ya women mere sathe maze karna chahti hai to mujhe email kare. Jaise meine apko kaha thi ke mere dost baap nai ban sakta to usne mujhe bhabhi ke sathe sex karne ko kaha tha to mene unse 3 din tak mujhe aur bhabhi ko hotel mein bhejne ka kaha,Sathe hi meine use kaha ki bhabhi se sathe din mein ek hi baar baat kar sakta hai aur woh bhi sham 5-6 ke bich mein aur hotel ka pura kharch aur mera kharch use dena hoga sathi mein bhabhi 3 din tak...

4 years ago
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A Visit From My Cousin

I lay in bed and stretched out contentedly, very gradually easing into consciousness. My mind was still fuzzy and thoughts flickered randomly through it. But gradually I came round, my eyes opening and taking in the familiar surroundings of my bedroom. Almost immediately, I started to worry that I should be leaping up and getting ready for school. Was I late? I peered bleary-eyed across at my clock. Why hadn't I heard the alarm? Briefly I panicked as I saw that it was nearly 8 o'clock...

1 year ago
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Prison Puppy

From my bunk I could see into the cell across from mine. It was occupied by this sweet looking blond kid with an angelic face and cute bubble butt. He was new to the county lock-up, and judging from the fear in his huge, blue eyes, it was safe to assume this was his first time behind bars. As usual in mid-July, the cells were hot as hell. The dim light from the corridor cast a soft, warm glow over the boy's resting body. The only thing he wore was a pair of boxer shorts. The rest of his slender...

4 years ago
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Meri Kahani Meri Zubani 8211 Part III

Hi dosto kaise ho? mai sheela yadav ake baar fir aap logo k liye meri nayi experiance llayi hoon. Meri pahle ki dono story ’Meri kahane meri zubaani’ or ‘Meri kahane meri zubaani 2’ aap ko pasand aayi uske liye thanks. Jaisa ki pahle hi maine baataya ki mai ake sarif ladki se chodakar pataka maal ban gai hoon. Jaise jaise mai roj chodwati sex mere andar jada badhne laga. mujhe avi v din bhar sirf chodai k baare me hi sochti hoon. Mujhe naye naye lund se chodwane ka chaska lag gaya tha. Jiske...

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Country Doctor Ch 02

Joseph Ninehouse, MD had taken over the small town medical practice from his mentor almost six months ago. Joe, it seemed, was even more popular with the female clients than Dr. Balkema had been. He had just finished up with the last patient for the day and was writing notes on their charts when Ellen Morris, his nurse/assistant/all around flunky, handed him one last medical file. ‘What’s this Ellen?’ Joe asked. ‘It’s my file doctor. If you’ve got the time I’d like you to give me my annual...

1 year ago
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PropertySex Sera Ryder Better Than Mom

Chuck shows up to see his realtor Sue, but her daughter Sera Ryder answers the door instead. Sue has food poisoning, so Sera will be replacing her, and takes Chuck on the tour of the place. Sera’s phone keeps ringing with her mother micromanaging her, and she confesses to Chuck she can’t wait to start her own agency. Sera tries to poach her mother’s client using her special sales technique: seduction! Sera opens her blouse to show Chuck her perky tits, then slips off her skirt...


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