Comida De Fato free porn video

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Comida de Fato. Este n?o ? o meu primeiro conto; penso muito em sexo e gosto de escrever. Mas ? o primeiro onde ? tudo, tudinho verdade. Sou uma crossdresser de arm?rio e posso me considerar uma sortuda, sou pequena clara e lisa. Ao natural tenho peitinhos por causa de ginecomastia, efeito colateral de um rem?dio na adolesc?ncia. Cal?o s? 39, sempre acho sapatos e ainda sou bastante bem servida de pernas e bunda. Penso tamb?m que a maioria das pessoas desconhece a diferen?a entre penetrar em algu?m at? gozar e comer efetivamente esse algu?m. Ser? que quem me enrabou pode dizer que me comeu? Fodeu de verdade? Aquela coisa do bem ou mal comida... Houve um tempo em que eu andava muito excitada e procurava tv?s na rua....Me montava todinha por baixo.....e terminava convidando uma tv para entrar no carro. A tocava. Nunca acontecia uma ere??o completa e, pior, algumas deixavam minha m?o cheirando mal. Uma vez uma ficou mais excitada e encostei num lugar escuro para arriscar uma chupada. O cheiro foi horr?vel e fiquei com um pentelho na boca; tudo errado. Mas uma vez vi uma menina bem bonita. Magra e elegante, o rosto feminino corretamente maquiado para noite, cabelo castanho comprido, estava com um vestido curto e fez na minha dire??o uma esp?cie de passo de dan?a, com uma careta muito insinuante. Mais uma volta na quadra e ela estava em meu carro. Perfume marcante mas discreto. Vestia um tipo diferente de meia-cal?a e a abaixou depois de erguer o vestidinho. N?o usava mais nada, mal a toquei e uma ere??o forte aconteceu. Em menos de um minuto eu estava acariciando um pau bem grande e muito duro. N?o era s? grosso, era daqueles que s?o particularmente avantajados na largura tamb?m. Meu fasc?nio n?o se escondeu, cheirava a banho tomado; parei num monte de lugares escuros e mamei como uma morta de fome. O motel foi dois dias depois. Me montei com muito capricho, "trijunto" de calcinha e soutien de lycra branca com muita renda, meia-cal?a, cinta-liga com meias 7/8 e uma blusinha segunda pele de gola alta. Tudo branco. O "trijunto" ? um conjunto de soutien com duas calcinhas iguais, uma por baixo e outra por cima da meia-cal?a o que deixa as pernas lindas. A meia e as duas calcinhas permitem um bom aperto para disfar?ar os documentinhos. Perfume na nuca e punhos: Chanel N.5. Sapatilha Moleca branca. Maquiagem nada, s? um toque de batom um nada mais vermelho que o l?bio normal. Um abrigo esportivo por cima para esconder a mulher e me fui ansiosa e muito excitada viver minha aventura. Esperava por mim pontualmente, o frescor de um banho rec?m tomado invadiu o carro junto com ela, meu cora??o saltava dentro do peito. Tive que me concentrar para dirigir segurando aquele cacete; n?o sei o tamanho. Quando perguntei, numa outra vez, respondeu que "ah, uns 20" num tom de quem n?o se preocupa com isso. Grosso, sendo mais na largura, eu tinha que apert?-lo um pouco para juntar os dedos segurando em torno. Por sorte a cabe?a n?o era muito maior que o resto ou n?o teria acontecido, mas era, sim, maior. Quando entramos no quarto eu me livrei do abrigo esportivo e virei mulherzinha, ela de forma muito r?pida tirou toda a roupa. Soube depois que era bailarino profissional, estava no auge de sua forma, magro e forte com aquele pau enorme apontando para cima mas em minha dire??o. At? o cabelo parecia diferente, vi que era raspado nas frontes. Eu estava em outro mundo. Com duas grandes passadas estava atr?s de mim alojado entre minhas pernas e me dando uma encoxada, melhor, um amasso que sinto at? hoje. Ele agora era um macho, Alpha. Ficamos muito tempo assim at? que ele delicadamente me fez ajoelhar e mamei como se a vida dependesse disso. Olhava nos olhos dele, me concentrava e deixava de vez em quando entrar at? a garganta. Engasguei duas vezes mas eu me sentia desesperada para fazer aquele pau sentir o m?ximo de prazer que eu pudesse dar, parecia o meu novo grande motivo. Ele n?o me deixou engasgar de novo, me levou para a cama me deitou de bru?os. Deitou-se em cima de mim, cobriu-me com seu corpo e me segurou presa. Com a m?o esquerda segurava meus pulsos um pouco acima da minha cabe?a, tinha os p?s entre os meus e os joelhos por fora de minhas pernas. A m?o livre corria por meu corpo todo como um lagarto at? que ele colocou o pau entre minhas pernas e soltando o peso em mim me apertou com for?a juntando firme as minhas pernas; me senti completamente presa, impotente e dominada mas excitada ao absurdo, arrebitei e rebolei, sua boca aberta ao m?ximo ensaiava uma mordida felina na minha nuca. Com a m?o livre come?ou a tirar minhas calcinhas ao que eu, soltando uma das m?os para segurar, pedi que n?o. "Eu sei" ele disse e s? abaixou as calcinhas at? onde precisava prendendo logo de novo a minha m?o. Me lubrificou longa e deliciosamente, eu gemia alto j? sem qualquer vergonha. Na ?nica vez que mexeu na minha frente pegou meus documentos e os virou bem para cima, o pintinho agradeceu, duro e do?do que estava. Colocou o pau entre as minhas pernas por dentro das calcinhas e soltando o peso atacou valendo a minha nuca e orelhas com a boca e lingua. A m?o livre apertava forte os meus peitinhos. Eu me retorcia como uma enguia. Me deixou implorando para ser fodida. Senti que tinha chegado o momento, abriu um pouco minhas coxas e colocou a cabe?a for?ando de leve a minha entrada. Eu estava excitada como nunca em minha vida quando numa ?nica estocada a cabe?a entrou. A dor foi s?bita, horr?vel, vi estrelas, enrijeci como uma t?bua e gritei para tirar. Ele atendeu de pronto mas toda a minha excita??o tinha passado, eu s? queria ir embora, o cora??o descompassado. N?o conseguia nem respirar direito. Mas ele me segurou firme ali e n?o se desencostou de mim, ficou ali. Depois de um longo tempo comecei a relaxar, senti a dor passando e ele come?ou a fazer carinhos e a brincar de for?ar muito de leve e voltar com seu cacete na minha entradinha. Aquilo come?ou a ficar bom outra vez, ent?o ficou muito bom e eu comecei a colaborar tamb?m na brincadeira do for?a e solta. As respira??es j? estavam fortes quando, de repente e sem dor alguma, a cabe?a pulou pra dentro de mim. N?o doeu nada mas a invas?o era imensa. Levei um susto, ficamos um instante tensos e sem respirar mas logo a brincadeira recome?ou, s? que agora a cada movimento mais e mais fundo dentro de mim. Ficamos nisso um longo e delicioso tempo at? que eu o senti encostar-se em mim soltando o peso com for?a. Ficou assim um minuto ou dois, eu me dando conta do que estava acontecendo. Foi ent?o tirando devagar deixando s? a cabe?a e lentamente enfiou tudo de novo at? o fim. Fez mais algumas vezes isso at? que tirou pau todo de dentro de mim para depois de uns segundos enfiar, dessa vez sim, de uma s? vez at? o fundo. Nos instantes em que ficava fora eu me via alucinada para t?-lo de novo todinho dentro de mim. Vi estrelas de novo, s? que coloridas, gritei alto de prazer. Cruelmente ele repetiu a opera??o mais vezes at? eu perder o senso e querer ficar ali pra sempre. Ent?o deitou-se e cravou fundo. Ficou um tempo parecendo que se preparava e a partir da? eu perdi a no??o de tudo. Num movimento que era s? do quadril, o corpo todo me prendia e mal mexia, ele me fodeu com uma velocidade, for?a e poder que eu jamais imaginaria poss?veis. Aquela tora movia-se algumas polegadas para tr?s e para a frente dentro de mim num movimento que fazia pensar numa britadeira. Aquilo sim, era possuir algu?m. Foder. Comer...... Eu n?o lembro se gemi, gritei ou o que, lembro de ouvir falar dentro de meu ouvido "vou gozar" no tom de quem domina. Senti o gozo acontecer dentro de mim, senti os espasmos com o pau profundamente cravado como se quisesse me atravessar. Eu n?o sei bem quando gozei mas tive a impress?o de que foi no corpo todo e n?o marquei o momento mas molhei muito os len??is e ele deixou uma vistosa carga enchendo a camisinha. N?o preciso dizer que viciei. Com o tempo fomos nos conhecendo melhor e afinando ainda mais nossa performance. Apesar da apar?ncia extremamente feminina de minha primeira impress?o e de como passava por mulher era s? ativo. Nos encontramos durante alguns meses e depois a vida fez que nos perdessemos. Mas durante um bom tempo vivi essa lux?ria, a linda menina se transformava num fauno e me comia de fato, nunca mais vi as estrelas da dor e me sentia muito feliz em me saber desejada. Quando trans?vamos eu s? conseguia gozar depois de come?ar a sentir os espasmos e os outros sinais do orgasmo que eu precisava loucamente proporcionar.

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To begin with my first wife, Donna, and I got married way too young, I was 17, she was 15, but being young also means being adventuresome. I should have known that the family was disfunctional because when we first got married we lived with her sister, who shared a bedroom, but not a bed, with her uncle. Her uncle and his girlfriend were living there too. the second or third night we stayed there we had gotten in a little late, walked into the living room and found her sister on the couch,...

1 year ago
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Couple Kissing

How many times have you visited a tube site and found a category that only featured people kissing? Maybe once? Probably never? So what in the fuck are you supposed to do when you want to see this kind of kink? is the answer! When you have a desire to watch beautiful people getting their fuck on while kissing – or just kissing and nothing more – is where you want to be. Take a look, and find all of the amazing content that this unique subreddit...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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The Research Project Ch 01

Kari sat at the table by the entrance to the vacation lodge with her dad’s number one assistant, and looked at the men gathered around her. She still didn’t know how her dad had done it, cut down all those e-mails and questionnaires to these fifteen men. Marie, the lady seated next to her had told her little about the selection process, but she had mentioned that her dad had chosen a wide variety of test subjects. Well, from what she could see, that was true, there were fifteen men and talk...

2 years ago
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My best friend and I were having a sleepover because we hadn’t had one in a while. I was dressed in my normal dress as I wasn’t too confident of myself — a nightgown, sports bra, regular panties and shorts. My friend had the same on except for a normal bra as I could tell. She was skinny, but the healthy skinny, with brown straight hair and she had contacts in. She was a year younger than me so she hadn’t graduated yet but she was a senior. I remembered our talk about bras and what she had done...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Seduction in the Shower

Introduction: Daugher needed her father for so long Seduction in the Shower The first time I did it, I had waited until the shower was running, and I could hear the water begin splashing from my bedroom. My father was taking a shower. I had already stripped off my clothes and was in my robe. Quickly, but quietly, I moved down the short hall and paused briefly outside the door, having a last minute reluctance to carry out the plan I had formulated for weeks. Ever since I had come back from...

4 years ago
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Tales Of A Slave Final Part

I turned my body around on my slave, so that I was now still sitting on top but with my back to her, and looked down at her legs wide open, seeing her sweet little well shaven pussy just waiting to be pleasured.I placed my hand on her, my fingers resting on her puffed up lips, she felt really wet still as I ran my middle finger from her hole to her clit right between the ridge of her flaps. She groaned a little, awaiting more sensation."I don't think I can quite please it well enough like...

2 years ago
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Book shop

Hi this is Meenakshi .I had been studying for what seemed forever. My finals were a week away and I felt like the semester had just started. This was my last round of finals. I completed my Thesis and all that stood in the way of me graduating were those damned finals. As luck had it the biggest book on earth was the one I had my nose buried in. I felt hands roll up my upper back and onto my shoulders. It took me a moment to figure out if I were dreaming and that all the reading I had been...

3 years ago
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My Big Dick Neighbour

It was a friday evening, I was gonna be home alone for the weekend because my parent travelled for an occasion. The Electricity company took the light and the heat in the house was unbearable, so I sat at the corridor exploring my phone when I suddenly saw my neighbor,Micheal coming out of his apartment shirtless. His ABS gave me vibes and my pussy started to beat, he smiled at me and I smiled back. He had such a killer smile. He switched on his generator, that was when I realized that I had a...

5 years ago
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Fucking Neighbour Girl Nandhini

Hi ISS readers. This is Vicky from Coimbatore again. I am a huge fan of ISS for past 10 months and I like Incest sex stories more. I am 5.7″ Bit fair complex. Here I’m gonna share a true incident happened just three month back. Now here comes another real incident of my life in which I had sex with my neighbourhood lady (beauty).. Her name is Nandhini 25 who is an MCA graduate and wife of a person who needs only money. She looks very good with beautiful apple size round boobs with brown nipples...

4 years ago
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Fucked While I Was Drunk

Hi All of indian sex stories dot net, I am back with my newest story. This happened on 26th Aug 2017. For people who do not know me, I am 5ft 7 inch in height, have a strong body, a gifted long and thick cock, hypersexual and love sex where I am able to satisfy a sex starved female. I have a friend who was my ex colleague. We hadn’t met for a long time and hence we decided to meet at her place, grab a couple of drinks, chat and enjoy. I have been to her place many times, but that time she had a...

3 years ago
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Secrets of the Tea Room Ch 13

I was already in the dining room when Jackson came in … I don’t know if you should use the word ‘radiant’ about a man … but that’s just what he looked like … he was radiant! ‘Dana, I have some wonderful news! I just got off the phone with Rose … she will be here by Thanksgiving! Isn’t that wonderful! I can’t wait for you to meet her … of course, I’ve told her all about you and our little project and she’s looking forward to meeting you and adding in her two cents!’ As he stood by the...

4 years ago
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A Weekend Getaway To Crossdress In Public 8211 Part 1

Hello All, I am 32 years old married guy without any children living in California and a fan of Indian sex stories. I believe I have had the bisexual urgent since my early childhood. But I somehow developed a new fantasy to cross-dress somehow in last couple of years. Couple months ago my wife went out with her friends for lunch on a Saturday afternoon. I figured it would be a great time to try some of my wife’s clothes. I immediately went to our bedroom and searched for her clothes in her...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Zeus and Io Book 3Chapter 2 5225 HQ

Meoldy A. clicked off the monitor on her 'source' – a dying man kept alive on glucose and vitamins pumped in to his right arm, and slowly killed by a toxic cocktail of psychotropic drugs of Melody's formulation that induced him to have visions of the future. His sole task in recent months has been to find and isolate his replacement as Melody's 'source.' Lately, he's been rattling on about the Indians, and coming to Washington. Probably it's baseball again. Peter was a big baseball...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Planet

Forbidden Planet Synopsis: In the future, Explorer Marshall Dupree lands on a planet for repairs, to find a dark secret that grants him his wish at the cost of who he is. [-][+][-] My name was Marshall Wayne Dupree, but now to my horror, I am now Marcia Winona Dupree and must live with my new identity that has ended my career as an Explorer, leaving me as one of the many concubines in service to the Galactic Federation Explorers. Now instead of being the giant of a man at I was at...

2 years ago
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A Dirty Night Out

A DIRTY NIGHT OUT By Geneva A young criminal is given a chance to put his life of crime behind him by being changed into a woman by a magic spell at a special agency. She uses her new identity to bring down a past enemy. The place is England in the mid 1960's. START Maybe the driver was following the sharp twists and turns of the moorland road fairly carefully but I paid little attention to his skills. I was more preoccupied with what I had probably let myself in for, looking...

3 years ago
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Frat girls

About 6 years ago i lived in a giant apartment building. It literally had 12 apartments, mostly 1br studios cept for two of them. Then, on my floor i noticed a new girl moving in across the hall and struggling with a dresser. Being a gentleman, i offered to help and introduced myself. Her name was alyssa, she had strawberry almost red natural blonde hair, a very young petite body with tiny breasts and was around 22 years old.I told her i read tarot and commented on her mariah carey poster and...

4 years ago
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Hi I wont say my real name for obvious reasons but lets just call me Quailman. This story is about how I got caught jerking off by my girlfriend and she turned it into sex. Well, for starters Im a real pervert in the sense I love porn and am always thinking about sex with women I know or some chick I find attractive and so on. Although I have a girlfriend and love her dearly I still think about fucking other girls although I would never cheat on her. Anyway on a normal day I'd wake up watch...

4 years ago
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I had to get a summer job my parents told me I was not going to be hanging around the house playing video games and getting under foot plus it would be good work experience for me blah blah blah...the only job I could find in the area was a job at the local bakery the bad thing was I had to be there very early in the morning well the bakers name was Bobby and he seemed nice enough but as we were working I kept feeling him staring at my ass I couldn't catch him doing it but I just knew he was...

3 years ago
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Carolyn Makes Her Way

After tucking my penis and balls away, I started dressing with the basics, panties first, a sheer yellow thing, and then my bra with the silicon helpers we girls so love, and then a pair of black stay up stockings. Next, I stepped into a short green miniskirt which I loved primarily because of house it would reveal my bottom when I bent over and shot pool. After that came my blouse, a long sleeve silky cream colored number that I left the top two buttons open. Dressed now, I went to the vanity...

2 years ago
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Nothing’s hotter than a squealing JAV slut getting dicked down in HD. Well, unless I had her right there in front of me. But that just isn’t realistic for most of you sex-starved betas. So, you’ll have to settle for the next best thing. Well, I went out looking for the best of the best. I know you weebs don’t want old videos shot in 480p that you can’t even download to your massive spank bank of Asian whores. So I rolled up my sleeves and went digging for the best damn JAV site that I could...

Asian Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 09Chapter 18

[Monica's story continues] Benita jumped out and came toward one of our captors. I think she planned to either raise hell about the tires or kiss him. She got a chance to do neither. Instead the man knifed her in the belly and she fell away from him mortally injured. Soledad shouted, "No!" She ran toward the man who then shot her. She was dead almost as she fell to the ground. I stood with my hands held high and waited. I didn't move a muscle as I felt a man come beside me and pull my...

4 years ago
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Sal the Super the Nookie King of the BronxChapter 14

SAL THE SUPER THE NOOKIE KING OF THE BRONX XIV UPDATED My aunt Gina was back in Italy for some kind of family reunion. I wasn't involved because she was not really my real aunt just my mama's best friend from the old neighborhood. We had been living together for almost four years now. She invested her dead husband's money in an interest in this huge double building apartment complex with over a 100 units. We were the live-in team that managed the building and kept it shipshape for the...

2 years ago
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The Birthday Present

THE BIRTHDAY PRESENT "Why do you want to go in there?" Darren asked his wife. They had gone out early one Saturday shopping but had gone to mall which, although it wasn't far from where they lived, was one they didn't habitually use. Amber had been married to Darren Wilkes for two years and she had just discovered something about him that had shocked her but she had decided to show him how she felt about it in an unusual way. "I've often seen the outside of this place and I've...

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