Comida De Fato free porn video

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Comida de Fato. Este n?o ? o meu primeiro conto; penso muito em sexo e gosto de escrever. Mas ? o primeiro onde ? tudo, tudinho verdade. Sou uma crossdresser de arm?rio e posso me considerar uma sortuda, sou pequena clara e lisa. Ao natural tenho peitinhos por causa de ginecomastia, efeito colateral de um rem?dio na adolesc?ncia. Cal?o s? 39, sempre acho sapatos e ainda sou bastante bem servida de pernas e bunda. Penso tamb?m que a maioria das pessoas desconhece a diferen?a entre penetrar em algu?m at? gozar e comer efetivamente esse algu?m. Ser? que quem me enrabou pode dizer que me comeu? Fodeu de verdade? Aquela coisa do bem ou mal comida... Houve um tempo em que eu andava muito excitada e procurava tv?s na rua....Me montava todinha por baixo.....e terminava convidando uma tv para entrar no carro. A tocava. Nunca acontecia uma ere??o completa e, pior, algumas deixavam minha m?o cheirando mal. Uma vez uma ficou mais excitada e encostei num lugar escuro para arriscar uma chupada. O cheiro foi horr?vel e fiquei com um pentelho na boca; tudo errado. Mas uma vez vi uma menina bem bonita. Magra e elegante, o rosto feminino corretamente maquiado para noite, cabelo castanho comprido, estava com um vestido curto e fez na minha dire??o uma esp?cie de passo de dan?a, com uma careta muito insinuante. Mais uma volta na quadra e ela estava em meu carro. Perfume marcante mas discreto. Vestia um tipo diferente de meia-cal?a e a abaixou depois de erguer o vestidinho. N?o usava mais nada, mal a toquei e uma ere??o forte aconteceu. Em menos de um minuto eu estava acariciando um pau bem grande e muito duro. N?o era s? grosso, era daqueles que s?o particularmente avantajados na largura tamb?m. Meu fasc?nio n?o se escondeu, cheirava a banho tomado; parei num monte de lugares escuros e mamei como uma morta de fome. O motel foi dois dias depois. Me montei com muito capricho, "trijunto" de calcinha e soutien de lycra branca com muita renda, meia-cal?a, cinta-liga com meias 7/8 e uma blusinha segunda pele de gola alta. Tudo branco. O "trijunto" ? um conjunto de soutien com duas calcinhas iguais, uma por baixo e outra por cima da meia-cal?a o que deixa as pernas lindas. A meia e as duas calcinhas permitem um bom aperto para disfar?ar os documentinhos. Perfume na nuca e punhos: Chanel N.5. Sapatilha Moleca branca. Maquiagem nada, s? um toque de batom um nada mais vermelho que o l?bio normal. Um abrigo esportivo por cima para esconder a mulher e me fui ansiosa e muito excitada viver minha aventura. Esperava por mim pontualmente, o frescor de um banho rec?m tomado invadiu o carro junto com ela, meu cora??o saltava dentro do peito. Tive que me concentrar para dirigir segurando aquele cacete; n?o sei o tamanho. Quando perguntei, numa outra vez, respondeu que "ah, uns 20" num tom de quem n?o se preocupa com isso. Grosso, sendo mais na largura, eu tinha que apert?-lo um pouco para juntar os dedos segurando em torno. Por sorte a cabe?a n?o era muito maior que o resto ou n?o teria acontecido, mas era, sim, maior. Quando entramos no quarto eu me livrei do abrigo esportivo e virei mulherzinha, ela de forma muito r?pida tirou toda a roupa. Soube depois que era bailarino profissional, estava no auge de sua forma, magro e forte com aquele pau enorme apontando para cima mas em minha dire??o. At? o cabelo parecia diferente, vi que era raspado nas frontes. Eu estava em outro mundo. Com duas grandes passadas estava atr?s de mim alojado entre minhas pernas e me dando uma encoxada, melhor, um amasso que sinto at? hoje. Ele agora era um macho, Alpha. Ficamos muito tempo assim at? que ele delicadamente me fez ajoelhar e mamei como se a vida dependesse disso. Olhava nos olhos dele, me concentrava e deixava de vez em quando entrar at? a garganta. Engasguei duas vezes mas eu me sentia desesperada para fazer aquele pau sentir o m?ximo de prazer que eu pudesse dar, parecia o meu novo grande motivo. Ele n?o me deixou engasgar de novo, me levou para a cama me deitou de bru?os. Deitou-se em cima de mim, cobriu-me com seu corpo e me segurou presa. Com a m?o esquerda segurava meus pulsos um pouco acima da minha cabe?a, tinha os p?s entre os meus e os joelhos por fora de minhas pernas. A m?o livre corria por meu corpo todo como um lagarto at? que ele colocou o pau entre minhas pernas e soltando o peso em mim me apertou com for?a juntando firme as minhas pernas; me senti completamente presa, impotente e dominada mas excitada ao absurdo, arrebitei e rebolei, sua boca aberta ao m?ximo ensaiava uma mordida felina na minha nuca. Com a m?o livre come?ou a tirar minhas calcinhas ao que eu, soltando uma das m?os para segurar, pedi que n?o. "Eu sei" ele disse e s? abaixou as calcinhas at? onde precisava prendendo logo de novo a minha m?o. Me lubrificou longa e deliciosamente, eu gemia alto j? sem qualquer vergonha. Na ?nica vez que mexeu na minha frente pegou meus documentos e os virou bem para cima, o pintinho agradeceu, duro e do?do que estava. Colocou o pau entre as minhas pernas por dentro das calcinhas e soltando o peso atacou valendo a minha nuca e orelhas com a boca e lingua. A m?o livre apertava forte os meus peitinhos. Eu me retorcia como uma enguia. Me deixou implorando para ser fodida. Senti que tinha chegado o momento, abriu um pouco minhas coxas e colocou a cabe?a for?ando de leve a minha entrada. Eu estava excitada como nunca em minha vida quando numa ?nica estocada a cabe?a entrou. A dor foi s?bita, horr?vel, vi estrelas, enrijeci como uma t?bua e gritei para tirar. Ele atendeu de pronto mas toda a minha excita??o tinha passado, eu s? queria ir embora, o cora??o descompassado. N?o conseguia nem respirar direito. Mas ele me segurou firme ali e n?o se desencostou de mim, ficou ali. Depois de um longo tempo comecei a relaxar, senti a dor passando e ele come?ou a fazer carinhos e a brincar de for?ar muito de leve e voltar com seu cacete na minha entradinha. Aquilo come?ou a ficar bom outra vez, ent?o ficou muito bom e eu comecei a colaborar tamb?m na brincadeira do for?a e solta. As respira??es j? estavam fortes quando, de repente e sem dor alguma, a cabe?a pulou pra dentro de mim. N?o doeu nada mas a invas?o era imensa. Levei um susto, ficamos um instante tensos e sem respirar mas logo a brincadeira recome?ou, s? que agora a cada movimento mais e mais fundo dentro de mim. Ficamos nisso um longo e delicioso tempo at? que eu o senti encostar-se em mim soltando o peso com for?a. Ficou assim um minuto ou dois, eu me dando conta do que estava acontecendo. Foi ent?o tirando devagar deixando s? a cabe?a e lentamente enfiou tudo de novo at? o fim. Fez mais algumas vezes isso at? que tirou pau todo de dentro de mim para depois de uns segundos enfiar, dessa vez sim, de uma s? vez at? o fundo. Nos instantes em que ficava fora eu me via alucinada para t?-lo de novo todinho dentro de mim. Vi estrelas de novo, s? que coloridas, gritei alto de prazer. Cruelmente ele repetiu a opera??o mais vezes at? eu perder o senso e querer ficar ali pra sempre. Ent?o deitou-se e cravou fundo. Ficou um tempo parecendo que se preparava e a partir da? eu perdi a no??o de tudo. Num movimento que era s? do quadril, o corpo todo me prendia e mal mexia, ele me fodeu com uma velocidade, for?a e poder que eu jamais imaginaria poss?veis. Aquela tora movia-se algumas polegadas para tr?s e para a frente dentro de mim num movimento que fazia pensar numa britadeira. Aquilo sim, era possuir algu?m. Foder. Comer...... Eu n?o lembro se gemi, gritei ou o que, lembro de ouvir falar dentro de meu ouvido "vou gozar" no tom de quem domina. Senti o gozo acontecer dentro de mim, senti os espasmos com o pau profundamente cravado como se quisesse me atravessar. Eu n?o sei bem quando gozei mas tive a impress?o de que foi no corpo todo e n?o marquei o momento mas molhei muito os len??is e ele deixou uma vistosa carga enchendo a camisinha. N?o preciso dizer que viciei. Com o tempo fomos nos conhecendo melhor e afinando ainda mais nossa performance. Apesar da apar?ncia extremamente feminina de minha primeira impress?o e de como passava por mulher era s? ativo. Nos encontramos durante alguns meses e depois a vida fez que nos perdessemos. Mas durante um bom tempo vivi essa lux?ria, a linda menina se transformava num fauno e me comia de fato, nunca mais vi as estrelas da dor e me sentia muito feliz em me saber desejada. Quando trans?vamos eu s? conseguia gozar depois de come?ar a sentir os espasmos e os outros sinais do orgasmo que eu precisava loucamente proporcionar.

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My eyelids were heavy and as I slowly opened them, the light hurt. As my head started to pound I tried to move, but the pain stopped me. “Anna, oh Anna,” I heard my mother whispering. “She’s awake,” she said louder. When I tried to turn my head toward her voice, she told me not to move. I felt pain all over my body as an image flashed of Jeremy above me angry and the feeling of cold air on my skin. ‘What was that? When was that?’ I asked myself. I cringed and immediately felt more pain in my...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Chloe Temple Cat Nip Pussy Lips

Do you think that black cats are bad luck? There is surely nothing unlucky about Chloe Temple crossing your path. Sure, there may be some minor inconveniences, like your sink faucet breaking, your toothpaste ending up all over the floor, or even you falling backwards in a chair on your ass. But when you finally get down to boning this sexy girl in the black cat outfit, fortune comes rearing its beautiful head. Our stud gets lucky in all the right ways today. He bends this blonde over on the...

3 years ago
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My Name Is EdChapter 22

Word began to get around. It was two days later when I got back from a round of sales calls about worms, that is when I got a call from a Vet. He had heard about our little project and wanted in. I got his name and information then I made the call to my friend in the Sheriff’s office. By that time the Sheriff had signed off on the project so it wasn’t necessary to hide my interest. “So Amos, I need you to run a name for me. Run it against the local and national crime data bases?” It took...

2 years ago
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Going Slower

She had a text from Phil when she woke up Monday. Teri. We need to talk. Lunch when + where. Phil If a guy sent, “I want to talk with you,” it sounded like good news; if he sent. “We need to talk,” it sounded bad. Well, with Phil, it might be good. Everything with him so far had been good. And, if that was little time, it had been lots of experience. She sent. Burton. 1 Maybe it would be good news. Phil had a way of brightening the oddest times. She had about decided that the...

3 years ago
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Children of the LightChapter 9 Brotherhood and Blood

Andy and I made our return trip to Aruh right after breakfast. Titan and his two patrol mates had been joined by another three person patrol, and we met Shaker, White Foot, and Eclipse. These were the abbreviated versions of their names that we used amongst ourselves. Their actual names were much longer and more descriptive. Eclipse was the oldest of the three in the new patrol. Copper and Slider had no problem with the Yaru. In fact, Slider went over and nuzzled Titan as if he suspected...

4 years ago
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A girls story about sex and pregnancy

Even with her breasts pulled heavily down, her cleavage aroused me. Her dress was too short, her sauntering walk in the August heat too inviting for a mother. When we were finally alone, I told her I’d never seen a pregnant lady naked. ‘I would feel so much better that way…it’s so hot…’, she responded; so we both worked to peel off the awkward clothes. Her breasts, no longer re- strained, hung full, almost touching the swollen belly. Her...

4 years ago
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Twins Part Two

Twins Part Two Chapter Seven Ted and I had just turned eleven when our FBI handlers came calling. They had some bad news and we had some life-altering decisions to make. Agent Groves and agent Martinez called and explained they would be coming by to talk to us Wednesday evening. After dinner there was a knock on our front door. "That must be the FBI," Dad said. That was obvious, as all Ted's and my friends always...

3 years ago
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The Wishes Tempus FugitVeritas

“You add an agreeable sense of the macabre to any delirium,” James mumbled in his sleep. He was interrupted in his dream by the sound of the alarm buzzing in the background, inspiring a groan. The bed was so fluffy and warm and he didn’t want to get up. For a few seconds he just lay there, enjoying the comfort, before sitting up. He was starting to get used to it all; the biggest problem that James had found was that people were simply not used to him giving anything but a snarky...

3 years ago
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Shirley Gets A Fucking From Steve

Things had been going well in the three weeks since Gaby Harrington, Mandy Batchelor and Steve Prentice had had their first threesome. They had had one more threesome but there had also been a lot of one-to-one sex with Steve fucking both of the mature women on separate occasions and the two women, again, having lesbian sex.Mandy was a barmaid in a local hotel and when she did evenings, she normally worked with Shirley Morrison. The women were of similar age with Shirley being fifty-five to...

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Exhusband Sets Up His Former Wife With A Stripper While He Watches

Rick and Kelly had been divorced for the past two years. Rick had let his job and other things get in the way of his marriage as he watched it crumbled right before his own eyes. He still thinks a lot about Kelly and they are still very good friends with one another. Kelly’s 40th birthday was coming up fast and Rick wanted to do something special for it. He thought of several different ideas, but one of them in particular kept coming back to him. He remember how great their love making...

4 years ago
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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 19 Renewing Acquaintances and Aiding Young Love

Early Friday morning, before we did anything else, Cate took me out to her garage lab again. I could tell from her demeanor what today was. The two mice would live to grow strong and healthy from my energy treatments, but Cate wanted to do the bone strength tests on the two rabbits. I again considered the parallel between their lives and mine, but that wasn't a very productive thought process. Instead, I did what I needed to, feeding energy into the two mice and draining it from the leg...

2 years ago
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Lisas weekend

I had arranged to take Lisa away for the weekend. I had booked a nice hotel in the country. Its large grounds and grand rooms made it the perfect place for our weekend of fun. Lisa was a sexy 40 year old short brown bobbed hair, large breasts with large brown areolas with very large nipples. We booked into the hotel and were shown the room; the room was large with a four post bed with white d****s. There was a large en-suite with a bath and shower. It had French windows that over looked...

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Ring Master First RingChapter 4

"Now, in answer to your question: YOU happened to it, Sir. YOU caused the surge; YOU caused the cloudy effect. Or, maybe the MRI was showing your aura and after you went through, it just continued showing shadows of your scan. Afterimages, if you will." What the fuck, over! "What the hell are you talking about? I was in a coma. How could I do anything? I didn't damage your MRI machine." "Sir, I didn't mean to imply that you damaged the machine intentionally or even consciously. I...

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Epic Cuckold Sequel The Unwanted Houseguest3

Setting: Urban Bangalore, India, modern times. Main characters: - Manu – the main character, a ~30 year man. The story is mostly told from Manu’s perspective. - Kavita – Manu’s beautiful wife who has a past history with Prem during her college days. - Amir Ali, known to his friends as Prem, the masculine manly man who has moved in with Manu and Kavita for the past 7 months due to a temporary job assignment. (Note that Amir does not allow Manu to call him Prem, as this nickname is reserved...

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granpa and granddaughter

When their father died, Mike and Michelle's Grandparents moved in with them and their mother. They were the paternal grandparents. Their mother Georgia, was devastated and the John and Martha decided to help her. John was 62 years old and Martha was 59. Mike was in his bedroom looking at the newest edition of Nude Girl magazine, and had just began to stroke his hard cock. Martha unexpectedly entered and saw him with his 8 inch cock in his hand. Mike quickly covered himself and was very...

2 years ago
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Work Out

That evening, Sue and Tom, her husband, go to their usual gym.It was 9:30 p.m. a few men and women were busy in bodybuilding and fitness.They went into the locker room to put on proper attire: she very tight little shorts, showing prominently superb firm buttocks, a bra also slinky, revealing her beautiful breasts naked under her top. He wears a t-shirt and shorts.They go into the room and began their exercises.A beautiful woman approaches Sue for help, she looks from head to toe, Her eyes...

1 year ago
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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 9 Meeting

The date for Sharon's official appointment came round very quickly as she rushed about trying to minimise the effect of her departure on her students. There had been no problem getting leave of absence from the University. The Board of Deans seemed to think that it gave the University considerable kudos to provide an Ambassador, even to a minor state like Kobekistan. She was curious when the State Department would get round to teaching her about being an ambassador, but apparently no...

2 years ago
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Billi Jos big brother

Introduction: girl learns to be submissive to her brother Bye Billi Jo lifted herself up, caressing the back of Dereks head, as they made sweet little kisses. Bye&hellip, he replied. She could hear her roommate gagging in the background. She didnt care. She had moved to the city three weeks before, ready for college and a new life away from her boondock family. dont mind her. Billi Jo said as Dereks hand moved over her plush curves. She tried to remain still, hating the thought of him...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Christy Love Blonde Asian Takes BBC Juice

Incredible Asian babe Christy Love has an excelsior degree in sex education. She has a nice and strong body with small natural tits, and a big smile and teeth you will fall in love with it. This horny woman will tease you fingering herself, masturbating for you till a black guy with a big black cock enters her room and puts his big pole in her face. She sucks and does deep blowjobs before taking it into her pussy. Christy takes this sexual opportunity right away to extract this man’s...

4 years ago
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Daddys Birthday Present

I had just got home and was sitting on the couch in my tiny mini skirt and thin button up collar shirt that hugged my curves just right, with stockings and strappy heels. Underneath the shirt, I wore a black lacy bra, but no panties. I have a nice body, nicer than some girls I know. I have DD breasts and many curves in all the right places. I have long legs and my skin is naturally tan. I am thin and tall with long fingers and small feet. I have long dark straight brown hair and rosy cheeks,...

2 years ago
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Bubbles Redux

Bubbles was my high school sweetheart and my first true love. I had not seen her for many years until we met up last Valentine ‘s Day when she was out west for her oldest daughter’s wedding. We had a good time and caught up on how our lives had gone separate ways. Now it is almost a year later. See last year’s story for more background. * I’m an adjunct professor in a local southern California college teaching various computer courses. It’s an enjoyable job when the students are willing and...

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For nicole

Sometimes the past acts as a mirror where the present with all its insecurities are displayed. In the worst and the best of times, the daily grind remains the same, food has to be bought, bills have to be paid, rooms cleaned and dusted and the body eased to make ready for the next day. Perhaps, such drudgery is the cause of all vice, that the root of sin is not in the excess, but for the escape from it. But then again, the definition of sin itself did emerge from hallowed halls skirts of...

2 years ago
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The Butt Slut Chronicles Chapter III

And finally we get to the sex. Hopefully the wait was worth it. This story more or less reads on its own if you're just interested in the butt fucking and the orgy. However, discerning readers will likely enjoy this better in context if they read the preceding two chapters first. * 'Uuuuunnnnngggggh!' Alexa let out a guttural moan as Stefan entered her. She was on all fours on a heavy seventeenth century oak table topped with deep purple velvet cushioning. A thin twenty-two carat gold necklace...


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