Jealous mom
- 3 years ago
- 22
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It was the evening of the same day, about nine o'clock and Patty and her mother were sitting in the living room. Paula was pretending to read a book while she covertly watched Patty playing lovingly with Champ. Little prickles of sensation rippled over Paula's flesh as she remembered the way Champ had sunk his huge cock to the hilt in her daughter's eager vagina. She wondered if they were going to have to get rid of the dog. You just couldn't have a dog around that made love to human women. Or could you?
Paula had trouble keeping her eyes off the furry sheath hanging down from Champ's lean belly that housed his immense weapon. She wondered how it would feel...
Damn! She couldn't let herself think this way. She had her daughter to think of. Something had to be done and done fast before Patty got into trouble. She was only fifteen years old and could hardly be expected to know what she was doing. Paula thought of herself at fifteen. Yes, she had already begun sleeping with boys then. She could hardly remember when she hadn't slept with boys. But she also remembered the heartaches and eventually the ridicule when the word had begun to go around that she was an easy conquest. She wanted to spare Patty that.
It wasn't so bad with the Peters boy, but Paula wondered if Patty had been sleeping with others. That performance she had witnessed this afternoon made the young girl look like a pro. Mmmmmm, the Peters boy, Paula mused, remembering his nakedly strong young body and the size of his penis--amazing for such a young boy. God, it would feel good in her, Paula thought to herself, and as young as he was he could cum time after time... damn, damn, damn, how could she blame her daughter when she herself was thinking this way. Something had to be done and done now!
"Patty," she said more sharply than she intended.
"Yes, Mom?" Patty answered looking up with a trace of a blush. She, too, had been thinking about this afternoon, remembering every delicious sensation, every passionate moment. She sensed that she had reached some kind of point of no return in her life. Things would never be the same, and in a way she had her beloved Champ to thank. He was the first who had shown her what sensual pleasure could really be like. And, of course, Danny. Her heart warmed with passionate young love as she thought of him and his strong male body. She supposed in a way she even owed something to that sadistic brute, Hank Jones. But she shuddered as she thought of his coarseness and hoped she never saw the man again. That was when her mother called her name, and the young girl wondered if she had been reading her mind. There was such a strange edge to her voice.
"Patty, I..." Paula didn't know how to continue. The blonde teenager immediately became a little apprehensive, wondering if her mother could possibly know what she had been doing. Maybe Hank had told her. Paula tried again.
"Patty, I know I may not have been the best mother for the last few months, but I'm worried about you. I think maybe you haven't... been as careful lately as you might have."
The young girl's heart sank. Oh God! Mother did know. "I-I... what do you mean?"
Paula hated what she was doing but didn't know any other way. "I think you know what I mean," she said, not daring to name it herself yet. "This afternoon..."
Paula broke off in surprise as Champ suddenly got to his feet, his hackles rising, his ears laid back and a low ominous growl coming from deep in his throat.
The big dog had been nervous for the last few minutes, as if some sixth sense were warning him of trouble. His sharp nose began to detect a well-remembered odor. And then there was a movement at the window.
It was Hank!
Champ went crazy. He lunged to the window, but it was already empty. Then he ran to the front door, snarling, and crashing his heavy body against the wood as if he were going to batter it down. Paula called out in alarm.
"Patty, what's wrong with Champ?" She got up from her chair and went over to the door and tried to pull the enraged dog away from it, but it was useless. Champ began to bark now, his loud cry reverberating throughout the house.
"There must be something out there," Paula said. "Maybe we'd better go out and see."
"No, no," Patty cried, leaping to her feet. "Please don't open the door, Mother." She knew that only Hank could make Champ behave this way, and she was afraid he would carry out his threat to shoot the animal if he got the chance.
"Don't be silly," Paula said, not understanding. "Champ will protect us if someone's out there." Without waiting for an answer she opened the door and started to go outside, but Champ shot past her, almost knocking her down, savage hate filling his animal heart.
Nearly a half-hour before, Hank Jones had slowly approached the Edwards' place. He stood at the foot of the drive, screened from view by the shade of some trees as he stared at the cheerful lights in the windows of the house, hate and lust battling for dominance in his twisted heart.
The lighted windows told him at least one of the women who were to be his victims tonight were home. He wondered which it was; the sensuously mature mother or the hot little teen-age daughter. Or both! That would be the jackpot, Hank thought to himself. He wondered if he would be so lucky.
But first he had to do something about that damn dog. He moved cautiously up the driveway, stopping at the door of the tool-shed. Yes, this might do, he thought. The old half-rotten door was made of horizontal planks nailed over a frame of two-by- fours. He pried experimentally at the bottom boards. They were loose! He tugged a little harder and the boards came off with a slight squeak of rusty nails. Now there was a low opening at the bottom of the narrow door about eighteen inches high, just what he needed for his plan.
Hank went back out into the soft warm night air. It was time for the dangerous part. He walked up to the house, still moving silently because he didn't want to be noticed until he was ready. He knew the dog would sense his presence soon enough. He was at the wall of the house now and slid carefully along it until he was standing next to the living room window. He peered in cautiously. They were both there, both the women!
Hank gloated silently to himself. This was going to be a night he would long remember, he thought to himself. And those two proud bitches in there would remember it too, he would make sure of that. He had a few scores to settle. He had received a phone call from Paula earlier in the day saying she didn't want to see him anymore. She had hung up on him when he started calling her names. Well, she wouldn't hang up on him this time.
There! The dog had seen him! He watched Champ get to his feet, his fangs bared and his fur bristling. This had better work or he was going to be in real trouble.
He began to run for the tool shed, knowing that Paula would probably open the door to investigate, and Champ would be after him in a flash. Sure enough, he heard the front door open behind him. Paula called hesitantly, "Who's there," and the dog raced around her like a bullet, fierce barks and growls coming from his throat. Damn, he had really played this one close, maybe too close!
He could sense the dog gaining on him in the dark and, putting on a final burst of speed, he dodged into the tool shed, slamming the shortened door behind him. He could hear the heavy body of the dog slam against the door and knew it would be only an instant before the German shepherd found the opening at the bottom. Hank reached down and picked up the heavy club he had left leaning against the tool shed wall just as he heard the enraged animal beginning to struggle through the narrow opening. He switched on a small flashlight he was holing in his left hand and saw that Champ had his head and shoulders through the door already. Hank swung down hard with the club, once, twice, his lips twisting in glee as the trapped animal gave a high-pitched yelp of pain from the hard wood smashed brutally against his skull.
Hank had the club poised high to strike again but saw that his victim was not moving. He would have liked to batter the fucking dog until his arm was too tired for another blow, but he knew he had to move fast before the women became alarmed enough to Subject: (fwd) JealProt 7/8 "The Jealous Protector" call the Police. He jerked open the door, hearing the rough planking scrape mercilessly over the dog's back and ran back outside, heading for the house.
"Champ, Champ, what's the matter?" Paula called nervously out into the dark. Patty stood framed against the light behind her in the doorway, her hand at her throat. Then she made a move as if to go outside to see what had happened to her beloved Champ. Paula grabbed her arm.
"No," she said. "Get inside fast and let's call the police."
But they were too late. A huge form came bounding out of the dark just as the two women went inside. Paula tried desperately to close the door, but Hank's bulk was too much for her, and she went reeling across the room as the door crashed back against the wall. Patty had the phone in her hand and was desperately dialing until Hank snatched the instrument from her hand and ripped it from the wall with one powerful movement.
They stood there for a moment in a silent tableau, all three breathing hard. Then a slow leering grin spread over Hank's ugly face.
"Thanks for inviting me in," he said sarcastically. "I was wondering what I was goin' to do with myself tonight."
"What's happened to Champ?" Patty asked, dreading the answer.
Hank was about to say that her lousy mutt wouldn't be bothering anybody anymore, but then he changed his mind. The threat had worked before, so...
"You want to see that son-of-a-bitch again, you cooperate just like you did before," he snarled. Oh God, Patty thought, was it going to happen again?
"Wh-What do you mean?" she heard her mother say in confusion.
"Well it's this way, Paula baby," Hank said with a sneer. "While you were off running around the big city this morning, little Patty and me, we had a good time here at the old homestead. And I'll tell ya, you ain't got nothin' she ain't got."
Patty saw with a sinking feeling the sick look on her mother's face.
"He made me," she cried. "He said he would kill Champ if I didn't." She almost wished she had kept silent as she saw a terrible expression of rage and hatred come over her mother's face.
"You dirty beast," Paula swore as she came at Hank, clawing at his face. Hank easily sidestepped and his heavy palm crashed against Paula's face, knocking her across the room where she fell against the couch.
"Now let's get this straight. There ain't goin' to be no playin' around tonight. I feel you two broads owe me something for the shitty way you treat me, and I'm willin' to take it out in trade. And don't think," he snarled as Paula's mouth started to open again, "that you can threaten me with the law. I got in some big trouble today, and I'm on my way out of town. It'll go a lot easier on you if you don't give me no lip. I got nothin' to lose, and I don't think either one of you would like to see the other busted up."
His words were met by a numb silence of hopeless fear. Both mother and daughter knew they were the trapped victims of this horrible man, his to do with as he wanted. Hank sensed his victory gloatingly.
"Wh-What are you going to do?" Patty asked in a fear-filled voice breaking the strained silence.
"I'm gonna fuck ya, fuck ya both," Hank said triumphantly.
"Oh no," Paula broke in. "Let Patty go! I'll do anything you want."
"Will you suck my cock? Will you let me fuck ya in the ass?" Hank sneered.
"Oh, yes, anything, anything, only let my daughter go," the desperate mother pleaded.
"No dice," Hank said with a cruel laugh, enjoying his sadistic torturing of the two women. "Okay, enough chitchat. Both of you take off your clothes while I watch." Both Paula and Patty hesitated, very aware of each other's presence, hesitant to be shamed in front of one another. Hank stepped quickly forward and cruelly twisted Patty's arm behind her until she cried out with the pain. Paula started forward to help her, but the menacing look in Hank's blood-shot eyes made her stop.
"Well, what'll it be, a broken arm or your clothes?" He let go of Patty's arm and sank back into an easy chair with a chortle of delight as both the women immediately started to remove their clothes. His eyes fastened on Patty as she slowly reached up behind her to unfasten the zipper of her dress. Her fingers moved numbly as she slipped the dress down over her shoulders and stepped out of it, tossing it on the couch behind her. She was standing before him now clad in only her brassiere and little white bikini panties. Her mother behind her was already fumbling with the clasp of her own brassiere. Hank's heavy shaft began to jerk inside his pants as more and more succulent flesh became exposed in front of him. God, they were stripping for him, and in a few moments he would be using those beautifully naked bodies for any pleasures he wanted. The fact that he would be violating both mother and daughter in front of each other added a strange air of lewd excitement to the brutal act.
"Come on now, snap it up," he taunted. "I want to see those cunts. Let's get those tits out, and those asses!" Both of the women blushed under the humiliating barrage of his words.
Hank saw mother and daughter removing their brassiere at the same moment. He couldn't believe the voluptuous sight that unfolded before his eyes. Both sets of breasts came unleashed at once in an upthrust magnificence that momentarily left him spellbound. He'd never noticed it before, but it was amazing how the bodies of his two victims resembled each other despite the difference in their ages. Paula's body was a little more lush, a little more mature, but Patty's made up for it with her firm young suppleness. They both had large breasts but firm, soft globes of lush satiny flesh peaked at the tips with berry-like nipples. Damn, they were perfect!
Finally the last of their garments lay at their feet, and they waited, trembling, beautiful, narrow-waisted, and wide- hipped, with delicately tapering thighs framing the soft pussy hair sparsely covering their vibrant loins. Hank stared at the beautiful pair until he could stand it no longer.
"Come over here, you," he ordered, pointing to the teenaged Patty. His voice was hoarse and he could hardly get the words out. "You come over on the side and watch," he said to Paula. Patty began to cautiously approach him while Paula seemed rooted to the spot.
"Too slow, you sluts!" Hank roared surging to his feet. "When I say move I mean move now!" He unbuckled his heavy belt and stripped it from his waist, holding it in his hand like a long whip.
"I think we need a little obedience training," he sneered. "Down on your knees and crawl both of you!" The belt snaked out and wrapped around the soft flesh of Patty's naked hip. She let out a little yelp and got down on all fours as quickly as she could. Paula followed suit despite the rising tide of rage inside her, not wanting her daughter to get hurt. They both began to move in that humiliating position across the carpet, afraid of the tong belt held in Hank's powerful hand.
"Faster, faster, you bitches. I want to see those tits shake. You're gonna have to learn a little respect," he snarled and suddenly flicked the belt to catch Paula with just the tip on her left buttock. She groaned piteously from the stinging pain and jumped to follow his commands more quickly as she began to sob under the utter degradation they were being subjected to. Even worse, was the humiliation of knowing she was unable to help her own daughter against this human animal who was torturing them both. They were moving like automatons now, following the harsh commands as quickly as they could to escape the stinging lash. Their nakedly rounded buttocks began to glow with the welts, and with each further move the pain grew.
"Okay, now you're acting smart," Hank said with an evil grin after he'd driven the women around the room several times on their knees. Once again he walked over and sat down in the chair.
"Okay, c'mon baby," he said, indicating Patty. "You're gonna give big daddy some of those sweet little lips." The confused young girt hesitated for just a second and the cruel belt whistled through the air again, landing on her back with a harsh whacking sound. She cried out and leaped toward him on her hands and knees. He straightened his legs and spread them apart so she could crawl between them, then slid down in the chair until just his heavy buttocks were resting on the edge. As the terrified young teenager crawled between his knees, he tangled one hand in her long blonde hair and pulled her head down, at the same time grinding his groin up against her face so she could feel the hardness of his already erect penis through the material of his pants. Patty closed her eyes in bitter submission, knowing that it was useless to struggle.
"Pull it out for me, chick," he hissed from between tightly clenched teeth, twisting her hair until Patty thought he would tear it out by the roots. She reached forward hurriedly to do his bidding, anxious to escape further pain. Knowing he was just waiting for the slightest excuse to punish her, she moved desperately to please him, fumbling with the zipper on his pants to release the giant throbbing cock underneath.
"Hurry it up, you little slut, hurry it up," Hank shouted cruelly from above her when she had difficulty in unzipping his fly. "I'm gonna cum in my pants before you even get there."
The frightened teenager fumbled for another moment and finally the huge fleshy instrument burst free. Hank grabbed her hand and wrapped it around her thick pulsating hardness, skinning it back so that the giant, red-fleshed head popped out from the thick foreskin a scant few inches from her staring eyes. Then his hands were at her lips prying her mouth open and the hot spongy flesh of his cock tip rubbed lightly against her teeth. She could see down the full awesome length of the rigid member. It was huge!
The nakedly crouched girl hesitated a moment, sickened by the thought of her body being used again as a receptacle of lust by this cruel man and of the lewd shaft he was going to ram down her unwilling throat. It had been different with Danny. There been an atmosphere of love and tenderness between them, and she had been eager to have him cum in her waiting mouth... but not this vile beast!
Suddenly, the trembling young girl knew she couldn't force herself to take this vile thing between her lips. Again the belt lashed through the air and stung across her buttocks, causing her to open her mouth in pained protest. As her lips parted in sudden shock, the thick pole of pulsating flesh rammed forward into the sanctity of her mouth. She could feel the giant head sliding wetly up the full length of her tongue, the droplets of excited pre-ejaculate seeping from the tiny glans slot at the tip filling her cheeks with the pungent taste of his sperm. Her tormentor's hips began a slow undulation on the chair, his thick cock sliding in and out of her ovalled mouth with a wet sucking sound as he guided her head with his meaty fingers entangled in her hair.
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A few weeks later, it was Weight Training Test Day. Mr. Richards made a bunch of groups, and I was in a group with Josiah, Matt, and Murry. Fantastic. Just Great. I wasn't even going to get to even flash a wink at them without Mr. Richards noticing. I stood by the mats, stretching my arms in legs in my Peach Pink TNA Camisole and my black TNA shorty shorts, giving the flare of my round smooth curved ass and Shyla across the room, glances over at me, but by the look on her face, I can tell she...
Another sleepless night had Rachel up and writing at 3 a.m. Thoughts of Phillip had kept her thoroughly distracted all day. She couldn’t concentrate on her deadline. She missed an interview scheduled for the first thing after her lunch break which she spent searching the Internet for Phillip and Gypsy on every search engine she could imagine. Of course she came up with nothing. Well, 12,3 17 hits of nothing, to be exact. A cold and lonely apartment greeted her later that day as she unlocked...
Friday didn't vary much from the previous routine, except in that I had shoes again. Connor went naked again, and once again distracted everybody from focusing on me. In gym class the girls avoided me, but I didn't overhear them saying anything about me. I guess by this point I was old news. I went home with Connor, and we had a great weekend hanging out at his house. I almost forgot about everything. It all came rushing back on Monday. With neither Connor nor me naked, the teachers...
Sunday, August 4th, 1996, Sanford Maine “Hi, Tiger! Hi, Angel!” CC shouted as she burst into my room through our shared bathroom door, startling us awake. “Butterfly?” I asked blearily with my eyes still half-closed. “Hey, CC! You’re back!” Amber exclaimed as I felt her bolt upright, jostling me. “Aww! I was hoping that David would be stuck comatose so that we could torture him awake while we listen to the crazy things he says!” CC giggled happily. “How’d you get in? Isn’t the door...
EPILOGUE Harry lay face down, listening to the silence. He was perfectly alone. Nobody was watching. Nobody else was there. He was not perfectly sure that he was there himself. A long time later, or maybe no time at all, it came to him that he must exist. He was more than a disembodied thought because he was lying, definitely lying, on some surface. Therefore, he had a sense of touch, and the thing against which he lay existed too. Almost as soon as he had reached this...
Strangely, Dolly started to lose weight because her obsession with the sexual sessions caused her to miss a lot of her “feedings” and she started to consider the thought of food was not as demanding as before. In fact, she would rather have a strange cock in her mouth than a hot dog or a hamburger like she did before. Soon, she was in need of a new wardrobe because her old clothes hung on her body like a tent making her look like a clown in training. The first thing to go was her familiar...
I slept pretty well. I woke finding three of my fingers stuffed in my overheated cunt, as I had dreamed all night of getting fucked in every position that could be done during lunch. And if not being fucked, sucking on cock after cock, and swallowing all of the boys cum that was put in my cunt or straight down my throat. Which by now I was beginning to like doing. I don't understand why I or any other girl wants to keep their virginity. It is way more fun fucking. I could do without the...
I've just had a real bit of luck.I recently watched on Xhamster a couple of vids about "touching",I thought that looks fun and have been waiting for a.likely situation to arise.Well this week it has come up a couple of times, if you know what I mean.It just so happened that on that morning I had received a watch I had ordered from the Express which had a built in camera as one of its features.I was going into town shopping and with a Bank holiday coming up,the mall was throbbing as if it was...
Tome waited as I dressed. When I was ready he left, I followed a couple minutes later. My dick wasn't as sensitive this time. After my shower I climbed into bed. When I heard my father go down the hall, I took everything off and replayed the last two days in my head. My hands didn't feel as good as Tom's but I came after several minutes of stroking and rubbing myself. Wiping myself off, I nodded off for the night.I could barely wait for my father to leave. Five minutes after he pulled out of...
The orc encampment was a shambles – like any structure associated with the greenskin races. Most of the so-called tents were just pieces of material held up by sticks. Narfath’s tent was different. Though consisting of multi-colored and badly cut material the whole structure did at least resemble a tent. It into this place Brienne was carried. Narfath ordered some goblins to clear away evidence of quite a boozy feast and to light some candles. Brienne was tossed groundwards. She landed on...
Surprise Party. ‘It’s a Halloween party, aren’t you coming?’ Robin’s mother Audrey asked. ‘Violet’s coming.’ Violet was his sister, a year and a half younger than his nineteen years. ‘No thanks mom. I’m going out with the boys tonight,’ he replied. The last thing he wanted was to go out to a party with his mother, father and sister. It was inhibiting when he was as randy as hell. He wanted to find a girl he could fuck that night which was why he was going out with the boys. Though incest is...
Incest"No Master, I'm far from done." You smile at me approvingly and press your semi hard cock to my ass cheek. I sit up and turn around. Sitting up on the edge of the couch. My ass hanging off the edge. Pushing my knees up I pull you forward and down so I can kiss you. I feel you pressed against my folds and can't help but whine with want, the exhaustion from the moments before all but forgotten in the passion of the moment. I let my left leg rest around your thigh, but hiked my right up...
The vista spread before him wasn't landscape! by Oediplex (writing as TrojanSnake) αυστηρή γραμματικοί δεν υποχρεούνται να εφαρμόζουν * {be sure to look for the 'bonus boner' at the end!} It was just a most beautiful day, on a late May morning, I really wanted to get out of the house. Marty suggested a picnic, we hadn't had one in several years, and it was the perfect thing to do. Marty got behind the wheel, and I thought he was going to the town park, which has a lovely...
I hope you like it. I’ve worked on this project for a long time. Feedback is appreciated. Chapter 1. Jimmy Roberts stood in a line fifteen people deep to punch his timecard in a steamy hellhole known to the locals, and everyone else for that matter, as Katz Industries. He hated his job, but was grateful for it. Here lately there had been a hell of a lot of people that had been laid off, including one of his roommates Billy, and the rumor was that a new batch of poor shmucks were going to be...
The dance floor was probably very crowded, but I wouldn't have known. As far as I was concerned it was just her and me. We moved together perfectly, our eyes fixed very firmly on each other, every song the D.J. played seemed to mean something to us, every line of every song was for us, she clung to me with every step, she moaned softly in her throat when she felt my hands on her bottom."It's fat Danny," she whispered and then held me tighter when I told her it was perfect.We stopped halfway up...
Incest"Good morning mistress" i reply. As i say this she slides her big toe into my mouth and i begin to suck it like i have been trained. "I'm glad you got paid this week, you can take me to the mall later today so i can get some more clothes and lingerie" she stated with a sexy smirk on her face. "but we can do that later, for now i want you to make me some pancakes. i went to the kitchen and cooked her some pancakes and when i show her the food she looks disgusted. ...
Danny sat down at his computer. He just got home after a twenty seven hour flight from Vietnam. Sighing, he clicked open his email in order to send messages to his family and friends that he made it home okay, but there was one person that he wanted to talk to, one person who’s voice he wanted to hear. There was something about Dawn that made him weak in the knees. Her long, lithe body combined with her sun-kissed[,] blond hair just made his heart beat a little faster. The first time she...
My name is Piotor Vlekensky. I was born in Svedenska, Romania in 1743 on a farm near the Yvteno Mountains. My parents were both vampires which mean I also am a vampire. My parents taught me how to survive and nourish the hunger for blood which dominated my waking moments. Our family is of vampire blood for as long ago as anyone can remember. We have developed a way of life that keeps us alive for long periods of time. We are susceptible to a disease in our blood which causes a fatal...
Cat had never set out to cheat on her husband. Her wedding day had been one of the greatest experiences of her life and when she said her vows she meant them completely. She never intended to be anything less than a loving and faithful wife and she truly loved Graham more than anyone else in the world. She’d welcomed the feel of the white gold ring as he slid it onto her finger and committed herself to him forever, but now the sight of that same metal band seemed to mock her. It represented all...
"Wir müssen", sagte Frau Dornschröder und erhob sich vom Lehrerpult, "wir müssen den neuen Vorschriften Rechnung tragen. Deshalb habe ich Sie als Eltern der Schüler heute hergebeten und sie sind auch alle meiner Einladung gefolgt. Dafür herzlichen Dank". Ein leises, zustimmendes Murren ging durch den Raum. "Ihre Kinder, soweit sie in meiner Klasse sind, haben Sie auch mit gebracht. Damit können wir also anfangen".Sie trat jetzt vor den Pult und nahm einen Stapel Zettel in die Hand. "Ist eines...
I take the deepest breath I’ve ever asked of my lungs, listening to the rushing water below. One hundred and thirty feet below. My legs dangle in midair as I sit on the ledge, the enormous park behind me oblivious to my presence. A warm breeze ripples through my long brown hair.Holding that breath, I look down.I stare at the distant, fast-paced river below without really seeing it, aware of the sun on my skin and the birds in the trees, drowning in the white noise of laughing families.An...
FetishIt was a warm day in August when Victoria left her office and began walking home. She was on holiday at last! Life at the office had been stressful in the past few weeks, and Victoria had been feeling rather burnt out from it all; but now, suddenly she felt freedom! It was a feeling akin to the last day of school before summer holidays, a feeling of pure liberty! Sure, it was only two weeks, but she was planning to make it the most memorable two weeks of her 23 years on planet Earth. And she...
LesbianIt's not every day you walk in the door to find an elf in your living room – especially a female elf.Slightly under five feet, she was taller than I expected. She had long blonde hair braided down her back, so that it was easy to see her slightly raised ear lobes that were not as tall as I expected. Her brilliant blue eyes were slightly larger than I expected. Her lips were painted a bright, festive red color, and she wore a little makeup to enhance her beauty. Her skin gave a light golden glow...
My name is Stefan and my fetish is fucking dirty older women, I don’t care on looks or age just that they have full figures and are no good whores. A bit about me, I am 26 yrs. Old, 6 ft tall average build with olive skin and a decent 9” cock that’s pretty thick. I got in to this fetish through a dating app on my phone, I was chatting to a lady who was in her early forties size 16/18 unhappily married with huge tits. We spent weeks chatting and speaking on phone and each conversation got...
By : Ranikomal Greeting to all ISS readers, this is my first story which is based on my real life, I’m 28 year old married north Indian, girl with right curve on right place in my body, my statics – 34B-28-36, and very fair complexion, my husband always tell my that he enjoy when other people look at me and admire my beauty, lets come back to our adventure which happen last year when me and my hubby sanjay decided to take a break from our very busy schedule of job for 10 days and landed to...
Chapter 1 What the fuck had I gotten myself into? Here I was kneeling naked on this bar absolutely full of black men's cum and dripping with pee. Someone had plugged my ass with a Bud bottle and was reaming my pussy with an empty Jack Daniels. Well it was my own stupid fault. But hell it was worth it. Cum, I didn't think anyone could cum as much as I had. Shit I was still cumming. It all started when Billy came home pissed as a fart, as usual. He'd climbed into bed, breathed stale beer and...
Juggling Daddies 3So I'm at work and in ugly boys clothes. That never seems to stop Daddy R's erections though. He sneers at me all the time.I can feel his eyes on my ass every time I walk away from him. I did suck his cock, but he seems to think it's appropriate for meto get down on my knees and serve him whenever he wishes. I'm up for it, sure, but he still expects all my work to be donedespite all the time it takes for him to ride my ass in the backroom. I always wear something kinky under...
They were standing in a large arena; one of two on the farm of which her father was half-owner. It was called Green Groves and some of the best thoroughbreds in the world came from it. Casey and her dad had come down from the city for the day, and he, knowing that he would probably be in meetings most of the day, had entrusted the nineteen-year old girl to Gus, the farm-foreman. He'd known Gus for almost twenty years, and knew the man would take good care of the girl; show her everything worth...
It was almost 8 am before I finally opened my eyes to greet the new day. Erika was resting on my shoulder, her face warming the nape of my neck, and her right hand covering my limp cock. As soon as I fully came to and realized her hand’s position, sexual instinct took over, and my member began its rise to the occasion. Within a minute it was throbbing against the weight of her hand, which also began to stir to life. Looking down, our eyes met and wide smiles spread across both our...