Jealous mom
- 3 years ago
- 22
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It took Paula Edwards a long time to wake up the next morning. She kept drifting in and out of consciousness not knowing whether she preferred the terror of her nightmares or the shameful realities of her daily life.
Finally, with a groan, she pushed back the covers and stared up at the ceiling with red-rimmed eyes. The sick pain of a hangover shot through her head as she started to sit up, and she fell back heavily on the pillow. It was a full five minutes more before she was able to swing her feet over the edge of the bed and pull herself slowly to her feet. She felt something scaly as her hand brushed automatically across her face. Looking in the mirror, she saw with a shudder that Hank Jones' dried semen still clung in places to her chin and breasts.
She started to move quickly toward the bathroom to wash it off, but nearly tripped over an empty whiskey bottle. She caught hold of the door frame to steady herself and glanced around at the dirty room and unkempt bed. She saw her face in the mirror, haggard but still beautiful and then she burst into tears.
"Oh God, oh God, what's happened to me?" she moaned as she fell forward on her knees and buried her face against the soiled sheets. Her lovely naked body shook with sobs as the full realization of her continuing degradation was finally brought home to her.
After a while she straightened, and then sat on the edge of the bed, her hands in her lap, her face calmer now. She wondered how she had been able to play this game with herself so long. It was time to admit that Mark was gone. He was dead, dead and would never come back.
But she wasn't dead, she reflected, determination coming over her face. It was time to stop this twilight existence half way between life and death, just drunk enough to shut out the world, just frustrated enough to sleep with the likes of Hank Jones. She shuddered as she thought of the man's crudeness. Well, she didn't need him any more, she thought. She had other things, other people, her daughter for instance.
Yes, Patty, her daughter. She had neglected her for too long. She knew the pain her disgusting life must be causing the fatherless young girl, and she vowed it would be different from this minute on.
The first thing I can do is to clean this place up, she thought to herself and began to put new sheets on the bed. Within the next twenty minutes the room was in reasonable order. She looked at her dirty tired face in the mirror again and decided she was the next project. She showered, washed her hair and put on clean clothes. She was beginning to feel her old self again, and for the first time in a long while she was looking forward to the day ahead. She had to go into the city today to see a lawyer about some of Mark's insurance policies, a thing that she had been dreading. It seemed manageable now, and when she got back in the evening she would cook a nice dinner for Patty and herself. Perhaps they would go to a show together afterwards.
It was fairly early and the house was still quiet. She supposed that Patty was still asleep. She often stayed out late these warm summer nights, but Paula supposed it was all right with the dog to protect her. Mark had brought Champ home when he was a puppy a@ a gift for their daughter. He had said it was good for a kid in the country to have a dog. He'd always wanted one himself. Patty and-the dog had become inseparable; Paula loved him too, but it was nothing like the close bond between the faithful animal and her daughter.
She picked up her coat and purse and started towards the front door, then she hesitated a moment. She turned and moved silently toward the door of Patty's room. It was slightly ajar, and she pushed it open wider and looked in. Patty lay on her side in her bed curled up around Champ's great body, her bright golden hair contrasting sharply with the rough texture of his dark coat. The dog looked up as Paula's head peeked around the door, then he laid his head on his paws and gently wagged his tail as he saw who it was. Paula smiled and quietly closed the door. She went out the front door, not bothering to lock it because she knew that Champ was adequate burglar insurance.
The front door latch gave a sharp click as it closed and Patty stirred in her sleep. A few seconds later her big blue eyes fluttered open and stared unseeingly at the ceiling for a moment. Then she automatically flinched and held up her hands as Champ began happily licking her face. She giggled for a moment and then gave the dog a big hug.
"Good morning, Champ," she said gaily. "You haven't told anybody our secret yet, have you?" And she laughed again.
She started to bound out of bed but gave a little cry of surprise as she realized she was raw and sore up between her thighs. Well, why not, she thought to herself, my hymen was broken last night.
"You'll have to be more careful next time Champ, at least till I get more used to it. And there will be a next time, won't there?" she said as much to herself as to him.
She gingerly stood up and then shamelessly raised her short flimsy nightgown. She looked down at her pubic area and saw that her golden-haired pelvis was still matted with Champ's semen. She began probing at the softly curling mound and hesitantly inserted her forefinger just inside her tight raw vaginal opening.
"Ouch," she said and winced a little. Yes, it was a little sore all right, but there didn't seem to be any real damage. Despite the slight pain, the passage of her fingertip between the soft pink folds of her cuntal slit sent a thrill racing through her blood. Reluctantly she withdrew her hand and had just decided to go in the bathroom and take a shower to wash the dried animal cum from her body when she got an idea. Why not let Champ lick her clean? After all it was his cum, and his big soft tongue wouldn't hurt her like her own finger had. She sat back on the edge of the bed and pulled her nightgown up a little higher. She let her beautiful milky-white young thighs fall lewdly open so that her nearly virginal young pussy opened up like the petals of a rare tropical flower. Champ came to attention as he saw once again the well-remembered pleasure-trove from the night before.
"Want a little breakfast, Champ?" the quickly aroused girl said in a catching voice as the dog looked up expectantly. The big dog whined once and moved slowly toward her extending his head inquisitively. Patty's breath sucked in sharply as the cold canine nose slid wetly up between her thighs and came to rest against her already dampening blonde curls. Her knees fell open even wider, and she gave a little groan as she awaited the first searing attack of the dog's hot wet tongue.
But it never came. There was a thunderous knock at the front door, and Champ quickly jerked his head around.
"Oh no, no, Champ," the desire-ridden girl implored, "come on back. It can't be anybody important." But the pounding went on, and the big dog trotted from the room, the hair bristling on the back of his neck and an ominous growl coming from his throat.
"Oh damn," Patty said petulantly to herself and, pulling her nightgown down so that it once again covered tier thighs, she stalked angrily into the living room determined to get rid of whoever it was as quickly as possible. Champ was standing right in front of the door barking loudly, his head tossing angrily.
"Quiet Champ," she said, letting some of her anger spill over onto the dog. She got a tight hold on the dog's collar with one hand and held him back as she opened the door a crack to see out. Champ's barking and growling grew even louder, and he made several lunges toward the partly opened door Patty peered out to see what it was that was so upsetting the dog.
It was Hank Jones!
"Oh," Patty said pulling tile top of her nightgown tighter around her throat. "It's you."
"Yeah, it's me," lie said, looking nervously down at the snarling dog. "How's about letting me in?"
"My mom's not here," Patty said expecting the matter to end there.
"Yeah, yeah, I know," Hank answered, "She asked me if I could fix the bathroom sink, an' I thought I'd surprise her with it when she came back." He held up a leather bag that clinked heavily like there were tools inside.
"Well... I don't know," Patty said hesitantly, even though her hand was already reaching for the hook on the screen door. Champ became even more excited and, in his struggles to lunge forward toward the cringing Hank, Patty was pulled off-balance and the neck of her nightgown opened even further permitting one of her ripely budding young breasts to leap free. She blushed, feeling Hank's hot stare on her accidentally exposed loveliness. It made her angry and perversely she directed her anger at the faithful dog.
"Would you shut up?" she yelled and Champ momentarily quieted. "Just a minute," she said to Hank and closed the front door in his face. She then dragged the protesting animal toward the small utility porch at the back of the house.
"Now get in there," she commanded, "and let's not have any more trouble from you." She moved Champ inside, quickly shut the door after him, and looked through the small glass window in the upper part of the door, feeling guilty as she saw the betrayed expression in his eyes. She walked quickly back to the front door and opened it, half hoping Hank would have gone away in the meantime, but he hadn't.
"Okay," she said grudgingly, for she really disliked the man, "come on in, but stay away from the back porch." She stepped wide out of the big man's path as he strode boldly in, grinning now that the dog was out of the way. He looked like he was going to say something to her, but she turned her back on him and went toward her bedroom, once again holding her nightgown tightly around her. She turned inside her own doorway and saw that he was still staring after her.
"I thought you were going to fix the sink," she said pointedly. A flush started to mount his face, and it looked like he was going to reply angrily, but his jaw muscles clamped tight and, spinning on his heel, he strode wordlessly off towards her mother's bedroom and the bathroom beyond.
The suspicious young girl stood by her door for a few minutes until she heard the clink of tools coming from the other side of the house. Satisfied, she partly closed her door and went toward her closet. She instinctively felt it would be much more sensible to have on less revealing clothes than this practically sheer piece of gauze she was wearing. She stripped the nightgown from her with one easy movement and tossed it carelessly on the bed, her enchantingly curved young body reacting with delight to the soft feel of the morning air on its nakedly pearly surface. As she rummaged through the closet searching for a light summer dress, she could not help staring at herself in the full-length mirror, admiring the ripe sensual curves of her body.
She was much fuller, much more rounded, like a full-grown woman but with the firm unsagging flesh of youth. Her skin was supple and shone like porcelain, completely without blemish. She became so enraptured with her own reflection in the mirror that she didn't notice a shadow move across the gap of the partially opened door.
Hank Jones moved slowly and quietly as he peered in and stared at the nakedly beautiful figure of the young girl who was his prey. His heart was pounding and he could feel the bulge in his trousers becoming bigger and bigger until in a matter of seconds it had reached full erectness. He let his hand go down to feel the stiff pulsing rod as it jerked against the material. Slow down, he gloated silently to himself... wait a few minutes and you'll have everything you want; Christ, the hot little bitch will be begging you for it. 'Me thought of his eagerly throbbing cock buried inside her tight teenage pussy made it almost impossible to control himself, but ' he tried to concentrate on just watching her naked movements.
He gazed at her beautifully rounded ass-cheeks as she bent over to open a drawer. She had full firm buttocks which were very slender at the start under a slim waist and then billowed out and rounded into smooth perfect thighs. Her rear view looked deep and enticing for there was a warm looking dark cleavage between her fleshy buttocks which opened slightly as she bent forward and revealed the darker point of her tiny anus. He watched the muscles of her thighs tensing as she moved; they seemed to flow in a sensually continuous motion.
She straightened and turned a little. What a lust-inciting profile! Her breasts were proud, high and full--white mounds of firmly ripe flesh above a belly flat as a board. He could now make out the pouting pink lips of the soft flesh over her vagina. His penis jerked in a lewd eagerness as he watched with lust- filled eyes. God, she was the most fuckable female he'd seen in years--better even than that drunken mother of hers. The delicately strong features reminded him of the first young girl he fucked years ago, and now he would have her again... only this one was fourteen or fifteen, not a screaming twelve year old. And he was fairly certain that he would be the first man to plant a cock in this one.
He unzipped the fly of his pants and pulled out his stiff throbbing penis and began to stroke it. He could hardly make up his mind. Should he rush in and take her right there, on the floor? Or wait a little and savor the anticipation? He hesitated, his breath coming rapidly. He began to reflect on the scene he had witnessed last night between her and the German shepherd.
A goddamned dog! And she thought she was too good for him, Hank Jones!
Well, he would have her no matter what she thought. He could just picture the look on her face as he came toward her--the fear, the horror and the utter uselessness of her struggle against him and his big hard cock. He would hold her down unmercifully, let his hands wander all over that voluptuous body, knead her proud young breasts until she screamed out in joy and pain. And finally, finally, with her begging him to fuck her, he would push his long thick shaft up into the furthest depths of her belly and screw her until she couldn't walk for a week.
You snotty little bitch, he thought to himself. Well, you won't think you're such hot stuff when I'm through with you. You won't be too good for old Hank Jones. You won't be too proud for anybody, and then we'll see whether or not you want to go back to fucking that dog. 'Me big man couldn't wait any longer. He pressed his penis back into his trousers and, noiselessly opening the door all the way, he slipped inside the young girl's bedroom.
Patty had just taken her dress from a hanger and was going to slip it over her head. She decided she wouldn't bother with any underwear because as soon as Hank was gone, she was going to strip naked again, and she and Champ would start where they had left off. Suddenly without fully realizing why, she froze. She had a feeling someone was watching her. She was afraid to do it, but she turned slowly. Then she saw Hank standing there. She wanted to scream, but it stuck in her throat, and only a hoarse gasp came out.
"Hi, Patty," Hank laughed with an unmistakable gleam in his small beady eyes, "fancy meeting you here."
The frightened teenager used her dress in a futile effort to cover her nakedness, but Hank stepped quickly forward and tore it from her hands leaving her ripe young body completely exposed again. He leered at her, his eyes devouring every part of her nakedly trembling flesh. Her eyes were wide with fright and it was a moment before she could think clearly.
"Get out of here! Out of here now! If you don't get out of here, I'll call for help!"
"Now, now Patty. Is that the way to talk to your old buddy Hank? Your mother would be ashamed of you." He reached out and flicked one big rough finger insolently against a tiny pink nipple causing it to automatically quiver into hardness. She jumped back, rage and fear mingling on her face.
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While the young couple lay so happily in each other's arms, Champ had crept off to the side in misery and confusion. He had felt the same emotions of excitement and alarm when Patty and Danny had started to make love as he had last night, but this time lie knew better than to interfere. He was afraid of the harsh words that this might bring from his mistress. It was hard for the big dog to control himself as Patty's nakedly lovely body emerged from her clothes. It was now to him just as...
It was the evening of the same day, about nine o'clock and Patty and her mother were sitting in the living room. Paula was pretending to read a book while she covertly watched Patty playing lovingly with Champ. Little prickles of sensation rippled over Paula's flesh as she remembered the way Champ had sunk his huge cock to the hilt in her daughter's eager vagina. She wondered if they were going to have to get rid of the dog. You just couldn't have a dog around that made love to human...
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I've been going to the gym regularly for years to help keep fit and get some cardio. It's sometimes boring and frankly at times I just don't feel like going there again. That feeling came over me one day last week and I almost didn't go. Boy and I glad I did!!There's a girl that works out there regularly that I've chatted up a couple times. I know her name is Cindy and I also know she is drop dead fucking gorgeous and literally oozes sexuality. Every swinging dick in the place can't take their...
Its always seemed to me that having a sense of humor was a blessing. I enjoy life more because I find so many things amusing. An apropos joke can help at a party or family gathering. Women seem to appreciate men with a sense of humor. But every now and then, I find my sense of humor spins out of control. One of the more disastrous occasions, when my humor got the best of me, was when I had my back and chest waxed as a gift for my wife for Mother's Day. First a bit about me. I'm no spring...
The Siren In Greek mythology, the Sirens were three dangerous bird-women, portrayed as seductresses who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island. [Author's Note: This story is dedicated to the gorgeous Celestine in memory of the most wonderful afternoon of pleasure in 2009 [email protected] N.B. My other Yahoo email addresses have been deleted] 1. Business Games Working for large company usually means...
I watched her out of the corner of my eye. My hand in my pocket with the feel of her damp, cum soaked panties scrunched in my palm. I watched as she opened the envelope. She read my words. I thought about what those words meant. I was going to fuck her. I was going to make her body feel things she didn’t know possible and all whilst I looked her firmly in the eyes. There would be no need for a blindfold this time. The time for that game was over. I could finally release the weeks of pent up...
Straight SexAN IMPOSITION NO MORE PART 5 (END) Sleazy Blonde, 2021 It's been a fascinating process over these past several weeks. He wanted me to fist him to orgasm and so I did. He wanted a chastity belt on 24/7 and so I put it on. Laser hair removal? His choice! Panties and corsets now everyday? His idea! Nightly spanking because he's been a bad boy? His idea but I never forgot to slap my lap to beckon him! Moreover, the benefits of this relationship! OMG!!! I don't cook nor clean anymore....
Cynthia was asleep and dreaming. In her dream she found herself lying in bed with her boyfriend. She was spooned against his back with her breasts mashed against his back. She dreamed that he was licking her pussy and asshole. Her brain was in a fog and it eventually figured out the impossibility of her boyfriend licking her with her lying with him as she was. That's when she woke up and found that it wasn't a dream. She was in fact laying in the middle of a King size bed spooned against...
My thoughts after the pickup proved true. Ashley and Lenore rarely let me leave their sight during the days leading up to the New Year. Jason and Jessica had the same issue. A simple plan to go for a run in the park quickly became an organized march as their companions demanded to go with them. Becky was the worst. She clung to Morgan. Beatrice had called their employer and tried to explain the issues, but was not sure she was successful. She succeeded in getting Becky a week off without...
“Well shit. Just when I thought my day couldn’t get any worse, it did. The best thing I can say about my life right now is that I’m not quite stupid enough to actually say, ‘Well at least it isn’t raining.’” I couldn’t help but laugh at the grim situation I found myself in. Most people are optimistic when sitting in the park, but the storm clouds growing above seemed a perfect metaphor for my mood. My name is Mike, I’m a 32 IT Lead at a local business. Roughly six foot tall, I’m pretty average...
Mind ControlHi everyone. Once again I am back with my another sensual experience of love making with Pooja. If any Girl or Lady get wet then don’t forget to remember me at If you are reading my first story let me tell you that Pooja is goddess on earth as she is perfect in her every body part and right flesh at right place. Figure is 32 28 32 and milky white in color. She seems as if someone will touch she can get dirty. I have noticed wherever I touch her that part gets red. It was rainy season and the...
(I would just like to promise that this story is 100% true. I get my inspiration to write from real life events. Although it may seem fake, I insist I wouldnt have written a 7300 character story if it wasnt real. )It was a computer class and I sat in the corner of the room. I had nobody to my left.... and her to my right. Her name was Courtney. She was hands down the most attractive girl I had ever seen in my life, even till today. She was much taller than me, with long brown hair, big brown...
Prudence and Jacqui had been friends for just under a year, having met at a local charity event. Their friendship soon developed through their mutual interest in golf, usually a mid-week round of 9 holes at the local club.Returning to the clubhouse one afternoon they passed the captain of the club’s Ladies Section. The two nodded courteously at the buxom woman but made no attempt to get involved in conversation. “Miserable old dyke,” whispered Prudence when the captain was out of earshot.”“How...
LesbianHi to all. My name is Wife K and I live near Worcester. My husband and I love roleplay and we really love the cheating fantasy. We both cum VERY quickly when we talk about me having other guys! I've never been able to help myself when it comes to men, but then I finally met Steve and he has never minded my appetite for men.When we had only been going out for less than 6 months I had started seeing two other guys (one of which used to come over to mine regularly) I had been sleeping with them...
I'd known Jason since we were in third grade. I knew he'd had a crush on me for a long time, but I thought of him as more of a brother through school. We were very good friends. I dated a lot through high school and into college. Jason had the occasional girlfriend, but really don't date much and when he did it didn't last long. When I broke up with my boyfriend in college, Jason and I hung out a lot. I got real comfortable around him and would even change my clothes in front of him without...
Autor: Elana Adra Thema: Forced Fem, Pony, Operation, Romantik, Bondage Rating: X Dist.: Diese Geschichte darf von jedem der es will, auf welchem Medium auch immer gelesen und vervielfaeltigt werden, solange der Inhalt inklusive dieser Erklaerung unveraendert bleibt. Diese Geschichte darf niemals als solche verkauft werden, oder andersartig kommerziell vermarktet werden ausgenommen von der Autorin selbst. Erwachsenenchecks die im Internet gebraeuchlich sind und...
It didn’t take long for Daniel to figure out that keeping Seven was going to cause a lot of undesirable friction in his compound. His other Privately Owned Sex Toys were extremely jealous of his young, voluptuous, redheaded toy. He noticed that during the BDSM performance at the club, several men chose to wait their turn to use it instead of the other POSTs. Its young, tight, fuckable little body was a big draw. So was the red hair which helped Seven look sassy and vulnerable at the same...
Fantasy & Sci-FiChapter 1 Here's how it all began. My dad started me playing baseball when I could barely hold a ball in my hands. So, like most anything you start young enough and like enough, I got to be good. I did well in middle school, then in high school, well, let's just say that I got a full scholarship to our state university. So, it turned out that my little sister, Gretchen, was also playing on a softball team in her school, the same middle school that I had gone to when I was her age. Not...
It’s hard to find an apartment to rent in London. Especially if you’re a student.I was lucky to have friends who had set me up with a place that was within my budget.It was a small one-bedroom apartment, and it had barely enough space to store everything I needed for my studies.I’m a graphics design student, who was currently balancing a master's degree as well as side modules as a photographer and also currently working as an all-round gopher at a Design firm.Then there’s the weekend freelance...
IncestMy brothers 18 year old daughter (Sara) was helping us out on the farm one night. I was always close with my niece. As she got older she just kept getting hotter and hotter. When she was 14 she was still jumping up on my lap like she always did as a little girl. We always tickled each other and I would chase her around and take her down and pin her to the ground. She always tried to get free from me. All the time we both were grabbing at each other just to get a feel... I know I always did......
IncestWe'd like to share a little story of what we did last weekend in a hotel room. But before we do, we would like to point out that we are both consenting adults, that do like a little rough sex and dirty talking and we know how to turn each other on. We have a password so that if either of us feels uncomfortable with what is going on we can say and everything stops. Read on:First we got a cracking deal of £10 per person per night at a B&B so the male is well happy already! Then we drank...
I have always been good at making up stories. When I was really young, adults would write it off as having an over-active imagination.Maybe someone should have told my college English professor. Maggie was a single thirty-year-old whom, as far as I oculd tell, was always at work. Not bad seeing as how I too was always around campus. I had been researching my thesis paper so long that it was already dark when the janitor woke me up. "Studying late again Melissa?" He said as he gave me a hand up...
Lesbian??????????? Every passer-by could tell that the woman was nervous enough to jump out of her skin.? The tension in her body, the rigidness of her posture, the way her eyes darted to each tall form that came into her line of sight, the flush on her face, the wringing of her hands--all spoke of nerves stretched taut.? Every woman knew that she was waiting for the man who would change her life;? every man wished that, somewhere, a woman? was waiting for him with that same...
Fünf Jahre und elf Monate hat der wegen Raubes, Drogenhandels und Zuhälterei verurteilte Slim bereits von seiner insgesamt zehnjährigen Strafe im Staatsgefängnis abgesessen. In dieser Zeit hat es der inzwischen Dreißigjährige durch seine rücksichtslose Art zum unbestrittenen Anführer der stärksten schwarzen Gang im Knast gebracht. In weniger als einem Monat soll Slim nun wegen seiner angeblich guten Führung vorzeitig aus der Haft entlassen werden. In Wahrheit hat er jedoch seine vorzeitige...