CousinsChapter 3 free porn video

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After leaving Laurie's house, I went home and showered and changed clothes. The telephone rang about an hour later, and pretending I didn't know about Aunt Betty's being there, Laurie invited me over for dinner. The three of us had dinner together, and then Laurie and I volunteered to clean up the kitchen and put the dishes in the dishwasher. During dinner and even now Laurie seemed to sparkle with a new animation. There was a glow about her that hadn't shown before, and it was very becoming.

Laurie had put on pants and a blouse that complemented the blue of her eyes, and her appearance together with this aspect of her personality made her even more desirable. I ached to reach out and hold her in my arms just as she had been only a short time before down in the den. I whispered to her so that Aunt Betty couldn't possible hear, "Laurie, maybe it's that outfit you have on, but I've never seen you look prettier. God, Laurie, you're more than pretty, right now you're absolutely beautiful."

Laurie leaned toward me, lightly brushed her lips across mine, and with a little soft, almost secret, smile whispered back, "Maybe you're just now really seeing me as a girl. Anyway, you've got to quit saying things like that when other people are around." Then with an impish smile, she said, "That keeps me from collecting my penance."

"Okay, I promise to be good," I whispered, smiling back.

"And you always keep your promises," she whispered, laughing softly into my ear. Turning serious, she continued, "I really mean it, Danny. We have to be careful and act just like we always do. We can't give anyone ideas about us."

"Yeah. You're right, I know. I really do promise I'll watch myself."

The three of us watched television in the den for a couple of hours, and then I decided I had better go home and get ready for bed. I had been home for about thirty minutes when all our folks drove up. I listened to stories about Bridgeport for a while and then turned in. I slept soundly, with no disturbing dreams of Laurie.

The next evening, I went over to Laurie's to study for an English exam. We had several classes together and often studied together. We went to her bedroom to use her study desk. Although it was not unusual for us to shut the bedroom door in order to study, this time we left it open. As soon as we were seated, Laurie quietly cautioned, "Now you be sure and behave yourself."

Half-irritated, I replied, "I SAID I'd be good, didn't I?"

Laurie stroked her hand across my cheek and said, "I'm sorry, Danny. It's just that we can't be too careful."

"Well, you're not helping matters any," I replied, looking her up and down. She was dressed in cutoffs that barely covered her crotch and the bottoms of her buttocks and her tight tanktop exposed every line in her bra.

"Oh, gosh, Danny, I'm sorry. I'm not used to guys being interested in me, and I didn't think how I might affect you. I guess it's my turn to say I'll behave." I could tell from her expression that she genuinely was sorry, and I yearned to reach out and hold her and ask her forgiveness for scolding.

We finished studying around 9:00 o'clock and went down to the kitchen to have cookies and milk. After swallowing the last drop of milk, I picked up my book, told Laurie I'd see her at school the next day, and headed out the back door to go home. Laurie followed me out to the dark of the back porch and whispered, "Wait, Danny."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"I just found out all our folks are going back to Bridgeport Wednesday evening," Laurie whispered excitedly. "They won't be back to around midnight. Aunt Betty is even going this time."

"Does that mean... ?" I softly said.

Laurie nodded her head, and with a look of elation, whispered, "Yes, yes, yes. It means we can continue... it means we can continue our... er, our dancing lessons," she finally said. "That is," she said with a return of that impish smile, "you already have something planned for Wednesday evening."

I reached out, pulled Laurie up close to me, and whispered directly into her ear, "Well, I had planned to stay home and read War and Peace."

Laughing softly, Laurie hit me on the shoulder and said, "You'll pay for that."

Holding her even closer, I murmured into her ear, "Laurie, you're the only thing in my plans." She wrapped both arms around my neck and snuggled up real close. I touched her chin, turned up her mouth to mine, and kissed her deeply. She opened her mouth to me, and our tongues fought a fencing duel. Her hips pushed toward mine, and our whole bodies embraced. My cock sprung to its full rigidity, and through the scant cover her cutoffs provided, she could feel the knot it formed. She pushed hard against it, broke the kiss, and whispered, "Umm, you're just going to have to put that on hold for a while." Then she reached out the tip of her tongue, brushed it across my ear lobe, and with a laugh so soft I could only feel it through our embrace, she murmured, "Maybe you can take a cold shower."

Laurie pulled away from me, and turning serious, said, "Danny, I'm sorry. That was mean. I'll make it up to you. I'll have some... uh... some surprises for you Wednesday."

"Surprises? What kind of surprises?"

"Silly, they won't be surprises if I tell you. Now you run home and develop some patience."

As I turned away, Laurie softly said, "Oh, Danny."


"Have a nice shower."

I picked up a newspaper that was on the back porch and threw it at her.

I thought Wednesday would never arrive. First, I was fearful for the whole time that something would arise to make our parents change their minds or keep them from going. Second, I had stayed in almost a constant state of erection for those two days, and had to change shorts twice a day because I kept soaking them with pre-cum. I had been tempted several times to beat off to relieve the pressure, but each time decided to wait, to save it all for our "lesson time."

All my fears came to naught, though, and 6:00 o'clock Wednesday evening, our parents and Aunt Betty drove off. I waited for fifteen minutes to make certain none of them had forgotten something they would have to return for and then slipped out the back door and over to Laurie's house. I didn't know what to expect when I got there--whether she would be waiting for me in the nude or what. As it was, she wasn't. In fact, she was dressed more fully that usual, with a loose blouse and long, full skirt. Just as before, though, she had barely touched up with make-up, and just as before, she was stunningly beautiful.

The way she was dressed confused me, though. Last Monday, when we couldn't do anything, she had dressed like a little sexpot. This evening, when we were alone, she was dressed like a girl from the Catholic high school. What kind of signals was she sending--had she reverted to shyness with me, had she changed her mind about our "dancing lessons?"

Laurie stepped up to me, put her hands behind my neck, and said, "Oh, Danny, I've been so nervous. I've been so afraid something would happen and we'd have to call this evening off."

"I've had exactly the same sort of feelings," I said. Because of being thrown off by her signals, I was uncertain how to proceed. I desperately needed for her to give some sort of clear signal, to somehow point in a direction that would lead the way. The last thing I wanted was to do something that would turn her away from me, and I hoped she would indicate what she wanted to do.

Luckily, she came to the rescue by saying, "Let's go down to the den and put on some music."

When we got down to the den, I saw the lights had been turned down dim. My hopes soared and my heart beat a little faster. Even so, I still wasn't certain that could be considered a sure signal--the lights could have been turned that way accidentally. As soon as we got into the room, Laurie went over to the stereo and turned it on. The music to "Three Times a Lady," a song Laurie knew to be one of my favorites, came out. Laurie held out her arms to me and said, "Come dance with me, Danny."

Now I really was confused. Laurie had referred to this evening as our "dance lesson," and I thought she was just using a cute euphemism--now I wondered if "dance lesson" had been what she really meant. She moved against me, and nestling close, put her head on my shoulder. Holding her like that felt exactly right, and even if nothing else happened, I felt myself fortunate. The music was some of my favorites, I had the joy of holding Laurie's body up against mine, and if that was all I would get, then that's what I'd happily accept. Laurie put her hand to the back of my neck and lightly caressed it. I could hear her breathing into my ear and responded by caressing her back.

Suddenly, Laurie's tongue reached out and ran lightly in a little circle around my ear lobe. There must be a direct nerve between the ear and the cock because my cock immediately sprang to attention. I had been half-hard till this, but now my cock bloomed to its full dimension, pressing against the front of my jeans. Laurie felt the surge and pressed herself hard against it. With her mouth right at my ear, I could hear her breathing become harder and faster. Nothing could be a clearer signal than that.

I put my hands down to Laurie's buttocks and pulled her in even harder against my bulge. The pressure made my cock throb and put out such a stream of pre-cum that I could feel a large circle of hot wetness all around it. Very slowly, I started to ease her skirt up. I wanted to put my hands on her panties, to move my hands under them and caress her bare skin, make direct contact with the sweet little handfuls of her buttocks. I pulled the skirt almost to her waist and then put my hands down, feeling for the silken smoothness of her panties. Instead of silk, I felt the soft, hot globules of her ass and the crevice that separated them. Laurie was completely bare under her skirt. Under the chaste, full skirt, Laurie was completely uncovered. I had been looking for subtle signals, and she was hitting me between the eyes, instead. I gently kneaded the twin little ripe melons of her ass and murmured, "Oh, Laurie, Laurie."

"That's my first surprise," Laurie whispered.

"First surprise? There's others?"

"In time, Mr. Impatience. First, you have to make up penance for all the times you had to miss. A kiss for each nice thing you've said," Laurie said, turning her face up to mine and opening her mouth for a kiss.

"Oh, what a punishment," I said, my mouth hungrily seeking hers. "I'm going to have to watch the things I say."

Our mouths fought with each other, lip against lip, tongue against tongue. She opened her's wider, completely surrounding mine, and nibbled and ate on my mouth. Her tongue licked over my lips and all around my mouth. She bit down gently on my lower lip, pulling it into her mouth, and sucked and fed on it.

My hands continued to make love to her buttocks, to caress the flesh so close to her center. I moved my fingers into their dividing cleft and slowly traced downward, seeking out the feminine treasures hidden below. Further down, the crevice was wet, coated with her hot, slippery, sexual creams. I moved my fingers up and down, sliding in the hot slickness of her lower crevice. I worked two fingers down even further, to where I could feel the beginning of the hot, swamp of her woman sex. The whole area between her legs was wet, wetter even than she had been before. Cream coated the inside of her thighs, running in little rivers down her legs.

I stroked my fingers across the inside of her thighs and Laurie spread them apart, giving me greater access. Her breath panted into my mouth and her tongue made crazy gyrations in and around my mouth. I dipped a finger into the liquid pudding of her pussy and rubbed around the edge of her vaginal opening. She moaned and pressed the Vee of her sex even harder against my cock bulge. Still holding the kiss, Laurie pulled her hips away from mine and lowered her hand to the front of my jeans. She moved her fingers over and around the bulge, and cupped and gently squeezed it. It was my turn now to gasp, and I panted and moaned into her mouth. Laurie finally broke the kiss just a little. Holding her lips so that they just brushed against mine, she said, "Let's get naked."

I reached for the buttons on her blouse to undo them, and she said, "No... I want to do it. I want to undress for you. Just sit down there and let me put on the Laurie Show." Dumbfounded at my good fortune, I sat down on the sofa, my heart beating fast and my cock throbbing in anticipation of Laurie's show.

Laurie stood there in front of me and slowly ran her tongue over her lips, making them even wetter and more pouty. The music was still playing, and with half-closed eyes she started swaying to the music's slow beat. Her hands went to the front of her blouse and with agonizingly slow movements, she unbuttoned it. Moving the loosened front of her blouse, she flashed me a glimpse of one bra-covered breast and then the other. The turned her back to me, and working the blouse loose from her arms, she shrugged and it fell to the floor. She slowly turned back, her hands in front, each covering a breast. In a graceful motion, she sat down on the floor, carefully spreading the skirt so it covered almost all of her, and removed her shoes and socks. She then stood, deliberately giving me a momentary view of her thighs. Although Laurie was still mostly dressed with skirt and bra still on, the pure sensuality of her actions coupled with the anticipation of what was still to be seen had me gasping and drooling: gasping for breath and drooling a flood of excited pre-seminal secretions. I caught myself holding my breath and had to force myself to breathe normally.

Laurie next put her hands behind her back, feeling for the catch of her bra. I could see the cups fall loose from her breasts as the catch came undone. She turned her back to me once more and shrugged the straps from off her shoulders. When she turned back, she was holding the cups in place. Slowly she let the right one fall away, revealing the full breast, its nipple, and crinkled areola. The other cup fell away and her arm and bra fell to her side. Her breasts were now completely bare, nipples upright at rigid attention. She let the bra fall to the floor and then threw back her shoulders, raising her mounds to stand proudly in all their magnificence. She put her finger tips to her mouth, licked them, and then ran the saliva over her nipples and areolas, teasing them to even greater rigidity. She looked directly into my eyes, and the look told me she was enjoying showing her body to me.

Catching the beat of the music again, Laurie started once again to sway--her eyes hooded over and half-closed. She put her hands under her breasts and caressed them. Then, slowly, the hands stroked down her exposed middle to the top of her skirt. She undid the button and the skirt loosened from her waist. I held my breath in anticipation of its fall to the floor, of the awaited view of the very essence of Laurie's sex. She thwarted my desires by catching the skirt and turning away from me. She dropped the skirt so that one buttock was revealed and then down even further so the mounds of both her perfect ass globes could be seen. Then she released the skirt and it fell to the floor, forming a circle about her feet. Her whole back was now totally revealed to me--the smooth arch and the cleft that split her ass and curved under to her hot core.

She stepped out of the circle of her skirt, spreading her thighs, and I had a brief glimpse of the swollen lips and glistening valley of her vulva. With a graceful pivot, she turned back to me. An arm now covered her breasts and a hand fanned in front of her sex, like a flesh-and-blood fig leaf. Then she lowered her arms to her side, closed her eyes, bowed her head, and stood immobile, an young Venus, a perfect nymph, a fully revealed child-woman. No where in the world could there have been someone more beautiful, a girl more desirable, a woman more sensual than Laurie was at that moment.

I realized I had been holding my breath through the final minutes of her revelation, and I gasped for air, dizzy-headed. I wanted to applaud, stamp my feet, stand up and cheer, but all I could do was sit there, struck mute. Before my very eyes, little shy Laurie had been transformed. Like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, Laurie's new-found sexuality, her new sparkle, was turning her into a newer, even more beautiful and desirable woman.

Laurie walked to me, leaned over, and kissed me every so gently on the lips. When she did, her thighs spread and the lips of her sex split wide, revealing the whole secretion-coated area. Her juicy cream had continued to flow and covered the insides of her thighs almost down to the knees. I put my hand down and stroked through the slick coating, sliding up to make contact with her inflamed vulva. "Oh, I'm so wet," she said. "Wetter than even last time. Without panties, I'm running just all over the place. I need to get a cloth and dry myself."

"Don't you dare," I said. "I love the way you cream like that, and I want you keep all of it." I put my whole palm against the inside of her thigh and stroked my hand through the slick juice, caressing from her knee to flax-covered edge of her labia.

Laurie pulled back from me and said, "No, not yet, Danny. You get naked first. Put me on a show now. Put me on a Danny show." Then, dropping her hand so that her fingers stroked through her love juice, she said, "Make me even wetter, Danny."

Though I knew anything I might do would appear clumsy, even ludicrous, compared to Laurie's stunning and beautiful revelation of her body, I wanted more than anything in the world to please her, to try to give her pleasure in return for that she had just given me. So, in imitation her actions, I stood up, moved in front of her, and removed my shirt, slowly and what I hoped would be teasingly. Instead of sitting to remove my shoes, I lifted each foot and removed my shoes and socks that way. I undid the top button of my jeans, and slowly, inch by slow inch, lowered the zipper. The front of my jeans fell open, revealing my upper groin, still concealed by my Jockey shorts.

Laurie had been silent, watching my every movement. One of her hands had fallen to between her thighs, where she was tracing a small circle with her finger tips in the coating of wet cream that had flowed over her there. She seemed to be caught up in watching me and oblivious to her hand action. It may have been stimulating to her, but the sensuality of the action was even more stimulating to me. I continued to watch her hand as I slowly lowered my jeans downward to my thighs, allowing my pentup erection to fill out the front of my shorts. Laurie's finger tips moved upward and stroked the crease that formed the line between her hip and mount of Venus, tracing the line back and forth. I pushed my jeans all the way to the floor and stepped out of them. Then I thrust out my hips, forcing my still-hidden but bulging hard-out out for her view. Laurie moved her fingers even higher, right along the edge of her labia, gently and idly stroking and caressing the beginnings of her pleasure center.

I turned my back to her then and started lowering the shorts down over the cheeks of my ass. I pulled them down below my hips and leaned over from the waist to remove them from my feet. I knew that pose would reveal my balls hanging down, the bush of hair surrounding them, and the base of my cock. I held the pose for more than necessary to give her a longer view. Then I turned back to her, my cock fully extended, inflamed, and dripping with my pre-cum flow. I stood still, the only movement being my cock's little nods up and down as it throbbed in concert with each heart beat. Her fingers were actually in her pussy now, and lightly stroked over and around her clitoris. Whatever I may have thought of my show, it was obvious that Laurie liked it. She parted her legs even more, and throwing her head back and moving her hand over her whole soaking vulva, she said hoarsely, "Oh, God, Danny, I'm practically gushing."

Then, without waiting for anything else from me, she stood, put one hand behind my head, and with lips spread open and tongue already extended, she put her mouth to mine and kissed me deeply. Her other hand dropped to my turgid cock and lightly stroked up and down its shaft. Drops of lubricant that had been building up in my cock flowed over her fingers, and she spread my male juices over the swollen head and vein-covered shaft. I groaned in the pure pleasure of her touch and thrust my swollen member against the hand causing me such sweet agony.

At the same time, my hands hungrily sought her body. I dipped one hand between her legs, feeling the oily secretions that flowed and covered her there. One finger moved lightly and lovingly between the gaping, engorged labial lips, then upward to flick across her inflamed love bud, her throbbing clitoris. She ground her whole pussy against my hand, and with an almost animal sound, growled into my mouth. She took my lower lip into her mouth, put it between her teeth, and with gentle little bites nibbled and sucked on it. "Danny, Danny," she sighed, "I've been wanting this so bad. I've been wanting YOU so bad."

"Oh, God, me, too. I've been hard ever since I left here Monday, knowing about tonight. All I could think about was seeing you like this, holding you like this, kissing you like this." Our mouths came back together, and we ground our whole bodies against each other. Her breasts were crushed against my chest, and her hips thrust up against mine. Our thighs pressed together, and I could feel their wetness as they pressed against mine. My cock had pressed downward and was lodged in the hot, liquid tightness between her thighs. The lubricity and the heat of her sex made me throb and thrust against her. "Oh, Laurie, that's so good... so, so good," I murmured.

Laurie twisted her thighs together and the head of my cock slid down even further, down to where I could feel the beginning of the slope into her cavity. Oh, how I longed to thrust deeply into that pleasure place, to bury my hardness in its steamy heat. Reluctantly, I pulled back. Much more, and I might not have enough control to avoid driving my cock into her cavern and ripping apart the maidenhood that protected it. Laurie was my best friend, my cousin, my almost-sister, and now, my lover. I could not bear the thought of causing her any pain, most certainly the pain that would accompany penetration. And even if that could be avoided, the thought of her getting pregnant was nightmarish. Maybe it was because I had sensed our common plight, but from the time of my very first memories of Laurie and me, I had always felt protective of her, wanting to shield her from any pain or unhappiness. Even wanting her as badly as I did, I could not bear to think of the consequences of such action. Reluctantly, I pulled my cock out of the exquisite liquid embrace of her thighs.

Feeling the separation, Laurie said, "I think now's the time for my next surprise." She stood up, walked over to the bookcase cabinet and took out a large, coffee-table size book. She sat down, cross-legged in the floor, and patted a place beside her. "Sit here," she said, "I've got something to show you. Something I think you're going to like."

I sat down on the floor next to her, cross-legged just like she. My cock jutted out, still rock-hard, into the space between my knees. I looked over at Laurie, and the lips of her pussy were spread apart, lips gaping, the shadow of her secret opening showing just at the bottom, the swollen bud of her clitoris peeping out at the top. She saw the direction of my stare and asked, "Do I look sexy?"

"Laurie, you make all the sex goddesses pale in comparison."

She laughed a pleased laugh and said, "That one goes on the list. But if you think I look sexy, wait until you see this book. I found it by accident in the bottom of the bookcase. Mom and Dad must have got a long time ago and forgot about it. I just glanced inside it and decided I wanted to save it for us to look at together."

"What is it?" I asked excitedly, my curiosity rising to a peak.

"It's a Swedish sex manual," Laurie said softly.

"If it's Swedish, how can we read it?"

"You don't have to read it, silly," Laurie said laughing. "The pictures in it speak for themselves." Laurie opened the book to the first page and there was a collage of small photographs of people doing just about every sex act imaginable.

"Wow!" I said, letting it out slowly.

"Just wait," Laurie said, and turned a couple of pages in the book. There was a full-page, full-color photograph of a young couple about our age engaged in mutual oral love. Her head was between his thighs and she was sucking avidly on his cock. His head was between hers, and his tongue could be seen stroking up her wide-open slit. From the expressions on their faces, they were both fully enjoying the ministrations of the other. The action continued in the next several pages--she was licking his cock from top to bottom and he was licking the entire wide open space from the beginning of her ass crack to the very top of her streaming pussy. In the next picture, the boy's cock was standing up straight and the girl was running her tongue in circles on that ultra-sensitive area just under his glans. Come was jetting in big spurts from his cock, hitting her around the mouth and on the cheeks. She was smiling, either from the pleasure of seeing his enjoyment or from the mutual pleasure he was giving her. In the next picture, the girl had the cock back in her mouth, gulping down the last of the boy's spurting love juice.

She turned on in the book, and there were pictures of couples in their teens, twenties, forties, and even one gray-haired couple. Cocks were in mouths, pussies, and in some cases, buried deep in the girls' rectums. Couples were making love in every position--missionary, woman on top, doggie, and many variations of each. I could hardly believe what I was seeing. My breath was coming in gasps and my cock was throbbing so hard I thought it would explode. "God, Laurie," I said, "would you look at all that."

Laurie turned back to the couple of teenagers sixty-nining. She seemed fascinated with the pictures. "God, Danny, isn't that a turn-on?"

"Yeah, I really like that. I liked it when I did it you and when you did it to me, but I felt bad when you were doing it to me because you couldn't be feeling the same pleasure I was. Doing that way, we could both give and receive pleasure at the same time."

"Danny, I want to try it all. I want to do it all with you. And I want to start right now. I feel like there's a balloon down here between my legs that's about to burst," she said, stroking her pussy. "It's like an itch deep inside that needs to be scratched. I've got to come, and come soon, or I'll die."

"Yeah, me too," I said. "If I don't get some relief, my cock and balls are going to explode."

Laurie reached out and touched my cock, running her fingers over its head. Juice ran all over them. She put her fingers to her mouth and licked the juice, looking me right in the eyes. "Let's do it at the same time like those kids in the book did it."

"Oh, yesssss," I murmured.

Laurie stretched out on the carpet, lying on her side. I lay down beside her, my head right in front of her sex. She reached out and lifted my top leg, then pillowed her head on my thigh, just as the couple in the book had done. I lifted her thigh up high, and dove my face into the steamy swamp of her sex. I was so high from my pent-up desires that I wanted to devour her sex, to wallow in her sexuality, to soak myself in her juices, to plunge my tongue, my mouth, my whole being into Laurie's swampy pleasure center. I opened my mouth as wide as it would go and tried to suck all of Laurie's center into it. She moaned and bucked her hips toward me, moving them in little circles, trying to get more of herself into my mouth.

Laurie took the head of my cock into her mouth. Her oral heat and liquid made it jerk almost like ejaculation, and drops of pre-cum spurted out onto her swirling tongue. I moaned out my agonized ecstasy, trying to get even more of my cock into her mouth. She grabbed the base of my cock, controlling my movements, preventing me from pushing completely down her throat. Then, with a deep breath, Laurie gulped, and I could feel the entire length of my cock enter her mouth and down her throat. I had heard of deepthroating, but to experience it was almost beyond belief. She pulled my cock out, before she started to gag, and I muttered, "Oh, God, Laurie. That was so good."

I moved my mouth to her thighs, licking their creamy coating, trying to get every drop into my mouth. She did the same thing to me, scooping up the pre-cum that had dribbled there when I lay on my side. Gradually, lick by lick, our mouths moved up to the centers of our sexes. Laurie licked my balls, I drove my tongue directly into her cavern and pushed it in and out in slow, twisting movements. Laurie worked her mouth down lower, and finding my little brown spot, made love to it with her tongue. Little strokes circled around and around the opening, and then moved across it, backward and forward. My hips began to move involuntarily, pushing back and forth, in feverish imitation of the thrusts my cock longed to make, the forbidden thrusts deep into that secret cave between Laurie's thighs. I moved my mouth down and also made love to her rosebud, the crinkled nether hole of her anus. She moaned and squeezed my head between her thighs, moving her buttocks in little circles under my tongue.

Same as Cousins
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Mera naan jacktracker hia (name changed) I am 18 with dark complexion height 5.9 healthy body. In this series mai appko neha(meri padossan) ke saath saath aur logo ki chudai ki kahaani bhi sunaaunga. Mai ab neha he baare mai batata hoo lambe baal height 5.5 goori, medium chooche, moti gand aur patli kamanr dhikne mai poori dhande vali lagti hai ab mai kahaani ki aur aata hoo pehle mera neha ki aur koi bura intention nahi tha hum doono padosi the uska ek bhai bhi tha kamal joki mere barabar ka...

3 years ago
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The Lost Notebook of Doctor EChapter 16 Therersquos got to be a morning after

It was dark. She could hear the steady breathing of her brother, as she lay there, contemplating the rapid changes in how she was behaving towards him. Two weeks ago, the last thing in the world she could have imagined was spending time with Alex. Now ... well, now it was getting a bit complicated. She knew that her body felt good, and some part of her soul seemed to crave his commanding way that he had. But he was her brother. This could never ‘be’. Realizing that being found in his bed when...

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The Vacation Nightmare

The Vacation Nightmare By Margaret Jeanette Jason Barrett woke up at his usual early time. It took him a minute to realize that he was at his sister-in-law's house. His wife Sharon was sleeping next to him. He knew she wouldn't be up for at least two hours yet as she liked to sleep late when she didn't have to go to work. He wondered about the headphones on his head. He didn't remember putting headphones on. He got up and padded to the bathroom. He knew no one was up yet so he...

1 year ago
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Tasting Amber

I always felt like it was weird when people said “ we’re too close as friends to have sex “. That was the best sex. Knowing each other beforehand brought such a fun, pure element to me. You know you’re in good hands with me and I feel like I’m in good hands with you. There’s already an existing chemistry whether you realize it or not.I was in the middle of watching tv, and making sure my makeup looked good when my phone went off. A text notification from my best friend Amber. I smiled as soon...

3 years ago
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Sexy Sister In Law Poonam

Hi to all ISS readers Vikky here again with my real incident with my sister in law. I am not a good writer so sorry for mistakes first of all I will like to introduce myself. I’m 41 years old from Delhi and like married lady. I don’t believe in emotional relations except my wife belive in Fuck and Forget. This real incident happened around 3 months back. In my last story I told you how I made relations with the wife of my brother in law. Now as I promised you to tell that how I fuck her sister...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 103 I Have a Tough Morning Shopping

Saturday, April 23, 2005 (Continued) Julia needed to tell her parents that we had to leave Ava behind so we could rush out to do our very important shopping (I thought of it differently), so Julia steered us to her parents' bedroom. They weren't there, so we headed downstairs. Meanwhile, Julia was explaining, "I was just setting her up for some attitude adjustment. Ava will be good if she can be trained the way I want. Of all the girls we know so far, whether you've 'initiated' them or...

1 year ago
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Spicy Tranny HD! Is there even a need for me to formally introduce this place, or is it safe to say that we all know what kind of content has to offer? Sure, you might not know the exact details of this place, but it is fucking obvious that this place offers all kinds of porn videos featuring the lovely ladyboys. This should be enough to let you know if you want to continue reading my review or not, since if you are not into tgirls, then what the fuck are you even doing...

Shemale Porn Sites
1 year ago
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The Trip

I stepped off the plane, excited about my vacation. I was really looking forward to this trip. Not only was I taking a needed break from work, but I was visiting my aunt. Now most people's aunts or uncles are about the same ages as parents. Not my aunt Jenny. She was the last child for my grandparents and given that my grandmother was almost 50 when she had aunt Jenny, there were some possibilities of health problems. My mom was 20 years older than my aunt, and Aunt Jenny was only about 3 years...

3 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 122

~~Natasha~~ They went back to her apartment. With the hunters defeated, and the few remaining still in the Prince’s custody, there wasn’t any reason she couldn’t sleep in her apartment anymore. Maybe Samantha would get her own place too? Daniel slept in the Elysium Tower, somewhere secret, but that didn’t mean Samantha had to as well. She sat on the couch between her boyfriends, and looked between them as they obviously prepared a tale. “It was ten years ago,” Art said, smiling down at...

2 years ago
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Right from the Start Chapter Thirteen

Right from the Start - Chapter Thirteen - By: Beverly Taff Simon(Simone): The main character; Dorie Lou: The girl next Door; Jane Benson: Dorie Lou's mother; Mary & Sandra: School classmates; Toni & Paula: Their Italian lesbian friends; Mrs Webster: Their old form Teacher; Doctor Wendy: Simone's Endocrinologist; Doctor Julie: Simone's Psychiatrist. Sophia & Alicia: Mary & Sandra's mothers. Chapter Thirteen Mary and Sandra smiled, as they lay still...

3 years ago
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10 Book OneChapter 15

Colins fumed. He knew the board was composed of spineless jellyfish. Knox makes some unfounded accusations and they buckle under like whipped dogs. It wasn't just the money, it was because Knox would be the recipient of it. The company had been falling apart as Knox ripped into the carcass. Productivity had fallen. He glossed over his own preoccupations with ways to find out what Knox had discovered. The hacker had found nothing even remotely important but had received five days pay for it....

4 years ago
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Santa Baby

It all started one Saturday morning. I was home all alone. My mom and dad went away for a lover's retreat all weekend. It left me alone to indulge in my most favorite pastime. You see I don't get into sports or anything like that. I like to dress up like a girl. I don't want to be a girl or date men. I just like to look like a girl every now and then. To me it's fun and a real challenge to see how real I can look. To me I look just like a girl when I am fully dressed. I think I could fool...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 22

Catherine went right to work getting me acquainted with her late uncle's home. It was quite modern on the inside, and very old looking on the outside, which made it very charming and comfortable at the same time. There were three bedrooms on the first floor, and I was shown the middle sized one, which shared a bathroom with bedroom number three. Catherine properly took the master bedroom, because it was her house, and because the closet was full of her clothes. The supporting agents were...

2 years ago
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Deanna and Summer Find Each Other

Deanna and Summer had both attended high school together, and their friendship had its "roller-coaster" aspect. They were a true contrast, these girls. Deanna had long, wavy brown hair and blue eyes. She had an elegance to her that Summer didn't quite possess. Summer was a classic blonde, who shared her eye color with Deanna, but little else in appearance. She had a bit of a tan, unlike her best friend. She was not quite as intellectual as her friend, either, though not the typical blonde...

2 years ago
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A Sacred Prayer

The crow soared far above the prairie, looking down over vast herds of buffalo in the endless fields. The dust trailed them for miles and the rumble could be heard even in the clouds. Mo’ki felt the wind on her wings as she circled in the Ghost Dance. Moving around the dancers in her feather robe she silently left her body and became Crow Woman. She was not alone soaring through the skies, Grant Left-Hand, her husband flew closely beside her. They flew above the Ghost Dancers in a desperate...

3 years ago
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Borrowing the rabbit 2

As we walked down the hall we could hear soft whispers coming from the living room, the light from the single lamp bathed the room in a soft glow, my eyes widened as I saw Gregg sitting at the table one hand rapidly pumping his cock while the other held his phone pointing towards the floor.As I slowly looked to where the camera was pointing I must have let out a gasp; there on the floor sat Simon his legs splayed out before him and a massive 10 incher Jutting up and Sarah wrapping her lips...

3 years ago
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Ruchika Praised My Skills

Hi friends I m Rajat here again with my another true exp , it is real even the names also.I m 20 years old with a slim weight of 65 in 5 ‘7 . This is my 2nd post 1st was She was of 17 and now this is .This is with my gf shruti , she was friend of ruchika ,the same gal that I have mentioned in my previous post .Due to some reasons I have lost my password of email account so please do post me the responses about both the posts on my new email that is Now let me tell u how that happened Ruchika...

4 years ago
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SouthboundChapter 15 Action and Reaction

"Good morning, Mr. Andrews, it's Oren Kavanagh. I thought you should know that I had a call from a Mr. Brant Morrisey in Los Angeles, representing Messers Ventriss. He has assured me that they will forthwith cease to spread misinformation as he called it, about Flex-Tek. Will that be to your satisfaction?" "Only if he puts it in writing," I said. "I want a copy of it to circulate to anyone who they have been in contact with." "Goes without saying, Mr. Andrews. I'll make sure the...

2 years ago
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Sex Trafficking Part 7 Carla and Sams Story Begins2

At age 18 her 112 pounds were distributed well over a 5 feet 5 inch body. Women hated her for her hourglass figure but the men loved to watch her cute bouncing bottom if they were behind her or pretty bouncing breasts if they were in front. She looked good whether walking down the street in a dress or taking a stroll in a bathing suit at the nearby shore. Shoulder length brown hair, almond shaped green eyes, and a pretty oblong face got her noticed whenever she went someplace where there were...

1 year ago
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Uncle Bobs Charter BoatChapter 13

"I thought you had joined all us nudists," said Amy as she held her plate out for the omelet Mandy had cooked for her. Feeling her uncle's semen still oozing out of her pussy, Mandy smiled. "Oh I will later, but I figured that here in the galley it was more appropriate to be dressed." "I suppose you're right," said Amy, smiling. "I have to admit that if a waiter served me naked on shore I'd be a bit put off." "There you go," said Mandy brightly. Neither of them mentioned...

3 years ago
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Bush Fires

" ... just picking up a little milk, little eggs," I said into my phone. "Do you like cranberry juice?" "Cranberry juice?" Stacy laughed lightly and I smiled, walking down the familiar aisle and swinging my basket. "Yeah, I like it." "Good," I said. "When you come down this weekend..." Ka-chunk! The sound of a twelve gauge being racked is distinctive and after hearing it once, you'll recognize it anywhere. I was already dropping to the floor by the time the guy started yelling...

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Bla Book 6a Jurassic Bed BreakfastChapter 4

Tony woke up, uncertain of where he was. Opening his eyes, he gazed at the unfamiliar ceiling for a moment before he realized that he wasn’t alone. A warm, sticky body was pressed up against his and one leg was hooked over his hips and pressing against his slowly awakening manhood. He took a deep breath and stretched slightly, trying to get his circulation going without waking whoever was sharing his bed. At his slight movement, Cherrill raised her head and smiled at him. “Feeling better?”...

3 years ago
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Coming Home from Dr Roberts

You might want to read The Good Dr. Roberts first. We had just got home after a session with Dr. Roberts, a sex therapist with a hands-on philosophy. I had come like never before but Tony was light-headed with lust and frustration as I led him upstairs to our bedroom. We undressed ourselves and each other at the same time, hands everywhere. I piled the pillows and a couple of cushions against the headboard and had Tony half lie, half sit on the bed with his knees bent and I fondled his balls...

2 years ago
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Strange Encounter

My name is Tony Marsh I am a fit healthy 26 year old red blooded male sitting in a café at Euston railway station London on a dark November evening, in a wet raincoat feeling sorry for myself. It had been a pig of a week. My girlfriend Monica of three years had left me without a good reason for another man and I also had major staffing problems at the office. I was using the excuse that I was waiting for the evening rush to die down, in reality I was not looking forward to going back to an...

3 years ago
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Cents and NickelChapter 21

It's my wedding day. I put on my tux and left Ben with plenty of food. It was a beautiful, clear, warm day. Sweet Adeline's top was down with the windows up and the heater on for the trip. I came to the road at the end of my drive. Two state trooper cars were waiting for me. One pulled ahead and the other followed behind me with their lights on but no sirens. As I came into Notasulga, there was a mixture of police cars and Sheriff's cars waiting. They joined us with their lights only some...

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James Made Me his Cock Sucker PT2

After sucking James's cock for the first time, I knew that I would do it whenever he asked me to. I wanted to pleasure him and be a part to whatever dirty little things he could think up. So that's how it went; James was very horny all the time, and when he wanted a slutty, wet blowjob, I was there. I continued to fuck the shit out of my girlfriend, just as he continued to fuck his sexy wife, but it seemed like almost every day I was at his house, or in his truck, with his cock thick and...

1 year ago
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CHAPTER 8What had started as a desire for exercise through a run with the dogs to burn off a buildup of energy and tension, turned into something very different. And that couldn’t have been demonstrated any better than the scene in the village on my return.There was a mob of people with me from the last village I was in and seeing the people gathered in the village where Sylvia was waiting for me was a sight. There were far too many people in the commons area and the area in front of the...

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The Einstein Extraction

My name is Bruce McCoy. This is my story. Seventeen years ago when the Darjee announced the coming of the Sa'arm to selected humans, my parents had not even met. They both grew up in California and met in college. They were in the last days of their wedding plans when Average Joe's XV was running. They married several days before the President's announcement. My dad and mom took the CAP test and scored 8.6 and 8.5 respectively. They initially wanted to wait until they graduated before...

1 year ago
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A Whole New Life Part II

By Missi Jackson 1. The Weekend Continues As I heard Miss Emily's car pull out of the garage and the door close, I looked around the kitchen. 'Well,' I thought, 'at least this room is clean.' I decided to start with the master bedroom before I attended to the laundry. Entering the bedroom. I saw the alarm clock read noon. I had three hours to get all the chores done! I stripped the linens off the bed, and for good measure added Miss Emily's pajamas to the pile. For some reason, I...

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Joys poker gang bang

I'm married to one of the most sexually exciting in the world. We promised each other when we married that we would never let our sex life become as dull and boring as so many of our friends claimed that theirs had. For my part I bought her sexy lingerie, high heeled 'come fuck me' pumps, dildos and pressed her to have sex with me in places where the chance of being discovered was good. We oftened talked about her being fucked and gangbanged and this always got the both of us very hot. Joy, on...

Group Sex
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The Red DoorChapter 4

Four hours later I crawled out of the kennel and Sue helped me stand. I ached in places I didn’t know existed, was covered in sweat and cum, his and mine, add a goodly amount of slaver, or drool if you prefer. Plus I was so full of dog cum I felt bloated and doubted I’d stop leaking for a week. The scratches were almost inconsequential compared to everything else. In the past I’ve been used by multiple dogs one after the other, that was intense but King put them to shame. Not that he fucked...

2 years ago
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The Ex Returns

Several months ago my wife got an instant message from a long lost boyfriend, Mike. This was not a problem, we were very happy together and even though she admitted this guy was really good in bed, there were too many character flaws for her to go back to him. Besides, he was happily married too. I let them continue chatting, I even talked a bit to him and he seemed really cool. Eventually the topic turned sexual and got pretty graphic. Pretty soon they were having cyber-sex and swapping...

3 years ago
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Day TripChapter 20

CAST: Amos Jones (mechanic, B)—Mary (B), Luanne (B), Molly (W), 4 children Bill Zafir (chemist, W)—Alice (surgeon, W), Sarah (ballista, W), 4 children Bob Martin (W)--recently rescued teenager Ezra Pond (navigator, W)—Margaret (W), Sue (W), Beautiful Flower (I), 3 children Jimmy Winslow (hunter, narrator, W)—Angie (farmer, W), Jean (hunter, W), Martha (EMT, W), 4 children John Williams (generalist, W)—Adel (women's coordinator, W), Janice (ballista, W), Lynne (glass blowing, W), 4...

3 years ago
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The CatalystChapter 43 The Show Part 4

Prep, Plan, Execute July 4-5, 1985 [The waitress chuckled, “Good for you Sarah. This is the first time I’ve ever seen you in here with a guy. I didn’t know you had it in ya!” Sarah smirked, “Oh, it’s not in me yet, but, something tells me it’s gonna be!”] If my plan had been to simply seduce Sarah, well, things couldn’t be going any better. The only problem was, I didn’t want to seduce her and then make her feel like every other guy had, by using her body, then leaving her. My feelings...

2 years ago
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A return to Js nanother true story

Here I am back at “J’s” the Guy that took my anal virginity.I have used his bathroom and ensured I am squeaky clean were it matters.Today he already has a friend staying with him so I know I will be busy. ”S” is his name and I know they have been friends and fuck partners for many years so they know what they want and how to get it.It starts the second I enter the bedroom I am encouraged to get on my knees and I am presented with two cocks to suck on. I opt for “J’s” as it is almost 10” long...

1 year ago
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My Classmate My Friend My Sister My Lover My Whore 8211 Part 1

Hello folks, am in dilemma about to choose the category of my story, yes it matters a lot. After long I choose to post in incest by considering certain assumptions. I hope now you are thinking about how I made love to five people… any guesses??? Yes, your guess is wrong. I didn’t made love to five but I’ve altered one as five. I don’t want to give any surety that it’s a true story or false, all you need is to ejaculate or squirt yourself by reading this. But off course it’s a true story which...

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I Got Double Ds

I Got Double D's by Ed Gay This is a story of trading places. A husband and wife actually trade identities. Through the power of the occult a body transfer occurs. She becomes he, male with all of the masculine equipment therein. And he occupies her female form, complete with all of it's curvy protrudences. This is turnabout at it's best, or worst, depending on how you look at it. For the husband, it is a nightmare. A strong, aggressive, male is suddenly thrust into a weak,...

4 years ago
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The Old Shenandoah

Bob invited us to go out to the Shenandoah Valley to camp out on a private property that he had access to. Gorgeous country, huge farm with deserted buildings behind locked gates, about half a block off the river. There was also a natural spring where we'd be camping in total privacy. Sounded great, and the next Saturday morning, before sunrise, we were off in a two car convoy, headed for the Shenandoah. Bob and I rode in one car for the first part of the trip. When I mentioned that Mary was an...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Taking Big Cock

Hi this is Ishaan.I am from the city “Ahmedabad “. I am fair, 5”8 tall, good built and the best look on this planet alive. I used to swim to stay fit and now from the last 8 months, I have started gym to build up muscles and got what I wanted. I am 21 years old and noticed that along with girls; big women are also fantasizing to get me on bed. The above things are absolutely true and if you guys don’t believe on any of the word, you can contact me at my mail add: Till now I have given blowjob...

2 years ago
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The Backyard Sleepover 2

Since eddie and i had fun during our first sleepover , we decided to do it again sometime in the future. We still hung out together, we would ride our bikes to the field it had a tree line and some bushes enough to make cover so we can hide , it became a spot where we could pee together and we still got hard looking at each other dicks . So One day we started to masterbate together . Since I was the one who taught him how to masterbate this became our thing , i told him this is our secret. When...

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greyhound suprize

I had been on the bus for about four hours already with another four or so to go. I was on an overnight Grey Hound heading to San Diego out of Seattle. Everyone on the bus seemed to be asleep accept for just a few of us. What could you say? It was three something in the morning. I was one of the lucky one and had a seat all to myself. There was one other person riding that way and it just so happened that I had had my eye on her since Sacramento. Not a cover model but still good to look at....

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Thats What Friends Are For

That's What Friends Are For by Bashful Have you ever had your life saved by a friend? I have, twice, by the same friend. That same friend had to kill me to save my life the second time. I know it's confusing, it will become clear as you read the entire story. Please do so with an open mind. If you are reading these memoirs, then I am most likely dead. I have decided to write this down in long hand and then put the book in my safety deposit box. I will leave instructions in...

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Love Thy Neighbor

It was 1970. I had just turned 17 when we moved to a new town. We had spent the weekend moving furniture and unpacking boxes. Mom and dad had gone to work, leaving me home to finish up, when the doorbell rang. I opened the door see who was there. Before me was an absolute babe! She looked to be around thirty five. Tall, jet black, shoulder length hair, tight blouse, tight slacks, amazing looking rack, killer ass, carrying a plate full of cookies. “Hi! My name is Karen Burleson. I’m your next...

First Time
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College Friends With Benefits 8211 Part 2

This is Rahul, and I am back with the second part. If you haven’t read the previous part, then I would suggest you read those first. Well, for my new readers, I am a 21-year-old guy from Odisha. I am around 5 ft 10 in with a 6.5-inch dick of decent thickness. I have brown tanned skin. This story is about Muskan and me. Muskan is wheatish color with a figure of 32-24-30. She is short but has nice straight hair. I moved down and pulled her panty and leggings down in one go. She had shaved her...

2 years ago
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Shocked By My Wife Part 3

As I descended the stairs to the lounge I was on a weird kind on high. I had just watched and came to the scene of my petite wife being fingered to orgasm by an Adonis of a black man, now at my wife's request I was leaving them alone to fuck! I wandered into the kitchen to imbibe another glass of wine and thought about the situation.It had been my fantasy to watch Karen getting well and truly taken by a big cock while I watched,and here I was cut out of my own kink so to speak. In the relative...

Wife Lovers
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Halloween Party with Anna

After our little trip up north I could see Anna was getting deeper and deeper into the whole swinging idea. She preferred to meet people for sex rather than go to a club or hotel and pick someone up. I agreed with her and we quickly became frequent visitors of swinging websites. We got chatting to few other couples from various parts of the country and were planning some arrangements to meet up. During this time we were also receiving e-mails from Susan and John about future events at their...

1 year ago
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Pakistani Sex Adventure In Auckland

Hey, friends, I am back with another story. Thanks for good feedback for my previous story . I narrated this story to an admirer from Karachi who liked it. So I thought I would share it on this platform. I will await your feedback at A few years ago this couple moved in next to my house. They introduced themselves as Zeenat and Amjad. They are from Multan but have been living in Saudi Arabia for ten years now and recently moved to Auckland. Amjad is around 58 while Zeenat is 54. I must say she...

2 years ago
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Dont Sleep in the SubwayChapter 31

(On the trail from Portland to Seattle – A Tale of Two Cities) There were two strong visual impressions that struck me on this leg of my journey back in time. The first was of the heavy imprint of the railroads on the development of the northwest corner of the lower forty-eight. Back on the east coast on the sweltering summer streets of New York City, I had visualized the Great Pacific Northwest as being a vast wilderness with precious few people and dangers that matched the risks...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary Mans Life Ch 15

————— Edited by tangentjoker. Great job, thank you ————— Early Tuesday, Todd woke up with a strange feeling on his face like a dog was slobbering over it with its broad wet tongue. Drowsy, he forced his eyes open into a slit and realized it wasn’t a dog’s tongue, it was Samantha’s leaky pussy slithering over his face from his chin to his forehead. It was evidently why he had to wake up because his nose was buried in her split and she used it to stimulate her pussy and clit. Samantha’s labia...

3 years ago
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Ek Raat Ke Liye Randi Bani

Hi friends, sabse pehle to thanks aap sabko meri pehli story aayi or response me mujhe kafi emails bhi aaye, or un emails me se ek lucky person ko mere sath enjoy karne ka chance bhi mila , uski story mai baad mai likhungi. Abhi ye chudai story continue karti hu. Ye baat kuch din pehle ki hai jab mai soch rahi thi ek randi kais eek anjan admi ke sath jise wo janto bhi nahi sex kar leti hai, usse kaisa feel hoota hooga.. Or meri bhi iccha hui ki mai bhi dekhu usse kaisa feel hoota hooga.. Uske...

2 years ago
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Manipulative bitch

This morning during breakfast, Daddy informed me that he would be disappearing on another business trip Monday morning.  Daddy said we would spend the day together.  He suggested maybe if I have his undivided attention before he goes out of town this time I will not cause as much mischief as I have the past couple of times his business had taken him out of town.  The day seemed to be so perfect having Daddy all to myself.  We went on a long walk after breakfast, daddy took me shopping and then...

4 years ago
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Fun with Bud part 2

None of my other friends were as big of a drunk as Ted was, so none of them gave me the chance that Ted did. Ted, if you read my previous story, was a friend that would pass out hanging on my toilet after a night of watching a game on TV and drinking with the guys. He always stayed the night hanging on the toilet, out cold. It was strange how he seemed to maintain a balance without falling in or off. Bud took advantage of him one night when he passed out with his pants down, which led to more...

2 years ago
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The Orgy of the Pink Flesh

Starvation and disaster had long devastated the world. No catastrophe had ever been so thorough, or so final. Slow and stealthy, like a stalking lion, it had crept up on the human race, hidden in the long grass of denial, tensing muscles of complacency, before finally pouncing to tear its prey apart with the teeth of climate change. There were floods, and sudden droughts, and then drastic food shortages, with resulting war. Famine and plague spread their long shadows over the land, ushering in...

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